Challenges and Regulatory Considerations in the Acoustic Measurement of High- Frequency (>20 MHz) Ultrasound he submillimeter resolution enabled by high-frequency (>20 MHz) ultrasound allows for a range of imaging appli- cations that cannot be accomplished using lower-frequency systems. Numerous preclinical studies have demonstrated poten- tial new applications for high-frequency ultrasound, including neonatal peripherally inserted central catheter line placement, pedi- atric anesthesiology, shallow nerve blocks, melanoma detection/ quantification, intima-media thickness measurements, and early detection of skin graft rejection, among many others. 1–4 A practical concern in bringing diagnostic ultrasound systems to market is satisfying the requirements and recommendations of the various national and international regulatory bodies. Diagnos- tic ultrasound systems are regulated in the United States by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and worldwide by other reg- ulatory agencies that generally align with the regulatory guidance established by the FDA. The FDA guidance document 5 describes an approach that may be used for reporting and labeling the Samuel M. Nagle, MSEE, Guru Sundar, MS, Mark E. Schafer, PhD, Gerald R. Harris, PhD, Shahram Vaezy, PhD, James M. Gessert, BS, BSEE, Samuel M. Howard, PhD, Mary K. Moore, MSE, Richard M. Eaton, JD Received June 13, 2012, from SonoSite, Inc, Bothell, Washington USA (S.M.N., M.K.M.); Visual- Sonics, Inc, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (G.S.); Sonic Tech, Inc, Ambler, Pennsylvania USA (M.E.S.); US Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, Maryland USA (G.R.H., S.V.); Acertara Acoustic Laboratories, Longmont, Colorado USA (J.M.G.); Onda Corporation, Sunnyvale, California USA (S.M.H.); and Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance, Arlington, Virginia USA (R.M.E.). Revision requested July 24, 2012. Revised manuscript accepted for publication March 25, 2013. This article is an initiative of the Ultrasound Imaging Section of the Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance (Samuel M. Nagle, MSEE, chair). The authors formed the committee that was responsible for drafting the paper. Address correspondence to Samuel M. Nagle, MSEE, SonoSite, Inc, 21919 30th Dr SE, Bothell, WA 98021-3904 USA. E-mail: [email protected] Abbreviations AIUM, American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine; AWF, acoustic working frequency; f c , center frequency; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; IEC, International Electro- technical Commission; I SPTA.3 , derated spatial-peak temporal-average intensity; MI, mechanical index; NEMA, National Electrical Manufacturers Association; PII, pulse intensity integral; pr, peak rarefactional pressure; RFB, radiation force balance; SNR, signal to noise ratio; TI, thermal index T ©2013 by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine | J Ultrasound Med 2013; 32:1897–1911 | 0278-4297 | www.aium.org REVIEW ARTICLE This article examines the challenges associated with making acoustic output measure- ments at high ultrasound frequencies (>20 MHz) in the context of regulatory consid- erations contained in the US Food and Drug Administration industry guidance document for diagnostic ultrasound devices. Error sources in the acoustic measure- ment, including hydrophone calibration and spatial averaging, nonlinear distortion, and mechanical alignment, are evaluated, and the limitations of currently available acoustic measurement instruments are discussed. An uncertainty analysis of acoustic intensity and power measurements is presented, and an example uncertainty calculation is done on a hypothetical 30-MHz high-frequency ultrasound system. This analysis concludes that the estimated measurement uncertainty of the acoustic intensity is +73%/–86%, and the uncertainty in the mechanical index is +37%/–43%. These values exceed the respective levels in the Food and Drug Administration guidance document of 30% and 15%, respectively, which are more representative of the measurement uncertainty asso- ciated with characterizing lower-frequency ultrasound systems. Recommendations made for minimizing the measurement uncertainty include implementing a mechani- cal positioning system that has sufficient repeatability and precision, reconstructing the time-pressure waveform via deconvolution using the hydrophone frequency response, and correcting for hydrophone spatial averaging. Key Words—acoustic measurement uncertainty; Food and Drug Administration track 3 clearance; high-frequency ultrasound; hydrophone measurement errors; premarket notification doi:10.7863/ultra.32.11.1897

Ultrasound Measurement Uncertainty ... - medical imaging

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Page 1: Ultrasound Measurement Uncertainty ... - medical imaging

Challenges and Regulatory Considerationsin the Acoustic Measurement of High- Frequency (>20 MHz) Ultrasound

he submillimeter resolution enabled by high-frequency(>20 MHz) ultrasound allows for a range of imaging appli-cations that cannot be accomplished using lower-frequency

systems. Numerous preclinical studies have demonstrated poten-tial new applications for high-frequency ultrasound, includingneonatal peripherally inserted central catheter line placement, pedi-atric anesthesiology, shallow nerve blocks, melanoma detection/quantification, intima-media thickness measurements, and earlydetection of skin graft rejection, among many others.1–4

A practical concern in bringing diagnostic ultrasound systemsto market is satisfying the requirements and recommendations ofthe various national and international regulatory bodies. Diagnos-tic ultrasound systems are regulated in the United States by the USFood and Drug Administration (FDA) and worldwide by other reg-ulatory agencies that generally align with the regulatory guidanceestablished by the FDA. The FDA guidance document5 describesan approach that may be used for reporting and labeling the

Samuel M. Nagle, MSEE, Guru Sundar, MS, Mark E. Schafer, PhD, Gerald R. Harris, PhD, Shahram Vaezy, PhD,James M. Gessert, BS, BSEE, Samuel M. Howard, PhD, Mary K. Moore, MSE, Richard M. Eaton, JD

Received June 13, 2012, from SonoSite, Inc, Bothell,Washington USA (S.M.N., M.K.M.); Visual-Sonics, Inc, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (G.S.);Sonic Tech, Inc, Ambler, Pennsylvania USA(M.E.S.); US Food and Drug Administration,Silver Spring, Maryland USA (G.R.H., S.V.);Acertara Acoustic Laboratories, Longmont, Colorado USA (J.M.G.); Onda Corporation, Sunnyvale, California USA (S.M.H.); and MedicalImaging & Technology Alliance, Arlington, Virginia USA (R.M.E.). Revision requested July 24,2012. Revised manuscript accepted for publicationMarch 25, 2013.

This article is an initiative of the UltrasoundImaging Section of the Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance (Samuel M. Nagle, MSEE,chair). The authors formed the committee that wasresponsible for drafting the paper.

Address correspondence to Samuel M. Nagle,MSEE, SonoSite, Inc, 21919 30th Dr SE, Bothell,WA 98021-3904 USA.

E-mail: [email protected]

AbbreviationsAIUM, American Institute of Ultrasound inMedicine; AWF, acoustic working frequency;fc , center frequency; FDA, Food and DrugAdministration; IEC, International Electro -technical Commission; ISPTA.3 , derated spatial-peak temporal-average intensity;MI, mechanical index; NEMA, NationalElectrical Manufacturers Association; PII,pulse intensity integral; pr, peak rarefactionalpressure; RFB, radiation force balance; SNR,signal to noise ratio; TI, thermal index


©2013 by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine | J Ultrasound Med 2013; 32:1897–1911 | 0278-4297 | www.aium.org


This article examines the challenges associated with making acoustic output measure-ments at high ultrasound frequencies (>20 MHz) in the context of regulatory consid-erations contained in the US Food and Drug Administration industry guidancedocument for diagnostic ultrasound devices. Error sources in the acoustic measure-ment, including hydrophone calibration and spatial averaging, nonlinear distortion, andmechanical alignment, are evaluated, and the limitations of currently available acousticmeasurement instruments are discussed. An uncertainty analysis of acoustic intensityand power measurements is presented, and an example uncertainty calculation is doneon a hypothetical 30-MHz high-frequency ultrasound system. This analysis concludesthat the estimated measurement uncertainty of the acoustic intensity is +73%/–86%,and the uncertainty in the mechanical index is +37%/–43%. These values exceed therespective levels in the Food and Drug Administration guidance document of 30% and15%, respectively, which are more representative of the measurement uncertainty asso-ciated with characterizing lower-frequency ultrasound systems. Recommendationsmade for minimizing the measurement uncertainty include implementing a mechani-cal positioning system that has sufficient repeatability and precision, reconstructing thetime-pressure waveform via deconvolution using the hydrophone frequency response,and correcting for hydrophone spatial averaging.

Key Words—acoustic measurement uncertainty; Food and Drug Administration track3 clearance; high-frequency ultrasound; hydrophone measurement errors; premarketnotification


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Nagle et al—Challenges in the Acoustic Measurement of High-Frequency Ultrasound

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acoustic output of a diagnostic ultrasound device. This approach, termed track 3 in the document, recom-mends that manufacturers conform to InternationalElectro technical Commission (IEC) standard 60601-2-37,6hereafter referred to as the output display standard.(Note: The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine[AIUM] has withdrawn its version of the output displaystandard, Standard for Real-time Display of Thermal andMechanical Acoustic Output Indices on DiagnosticUltrasound Equipment, Revision 2, 2004.) Under the out-put display standard, the ultrasound equipment providesan on-screen, real-time display of 2 indices: mechanicalindex (MI) and thermal index (TI). These indices providean indication of the potential for bioeffects induced byultrasound exposure.7 To provide a real-time estimate ofthe bioeffects indices and maintain the system’s acousticoutput under the recommended track 3 guidance levels(eg, derated spatial-peak temporal-average intensity[ISPTA.3] <720 mW/cm2), a large set of acoustic outputintensity and power data must be collected. Acoustic datafor every unique discrete transmit pattern that is used mustbe compiled into a database of values. As the operatorchanges the ultrasound system’s settings, estimates of theindices are made, and the transmit drive is adjusted toensure compliance with the acoustic output control levels.In estimating the bioeffects indices, measurement uncer-tainty must be taken into account, as the mean acousticoutput may have to be reduced to maintain operation ator below the control levels in a statistically valid manner.

The sources of error that occur during the measure-ment of ultrasonic acoustic fields have been described.8–10

Included are sources of random error (eg, mechanical posi-tioning and temporal instability of the source and receiver,temperature variations between repeated measurements,noise on the receiver signal, and digitizer resolution) andsystematic error (eg, receiver calibration, amplifier and dig-itizer accuracy, nonlinear distortion, and spatial averaging).Although it is generally known that measurement uncer-tainty increases with frequency, a detailed analysis of thecontributions to this uncertainty at high frequencies, alongwith an estimate of the uncertainty values, is lacking. Thepurpose of this article is to examine relevant ultrasoundmeasurement techniques and their applicability and limi-tations at high frequencies, taken here as frequencies higherthan 20 MHz. Uncertainty estimates associated with thevarious contributions to measurement error are tabulated,and an overall uncertainty estimate is calculated for theposited system. The values used in the analysis are basedon engineering judgment and are not based on a rigorousscientific analysis but are considered to be a conservative

illustration of what might be realized in a high-frequencyultrasound system.

The discussion that follows presents a general overviewof an uncertainty analysis with specific attention given tothe MI and ISPTA.3 as the regulatory control parameters ofinterest. The principal sources of error at high frequenciesfor water-based hydrophone measurements are described,since hydrophones are the primary instruments used tomeasure ultrasonic pressure. The uncertainty in determin-ing the acoustic center frequency (fc) is then estimated, fol-lowed by a discussion on the derating factor and calculationof the net uncertainty in the control parameters. Figure 1illustrates the sources of hydrophone measurement errorthat are included in the analysis.

Following the uncertainty analysis for hydrophonemeas urements, the sources of error and uncertainty inmeasuring acoustic power are presented, beginning with abrief discussion regarding the limitations of using a radia-tion force balance (RFB) for measuring high-frequencyultrasound signals. Then the alternative acoustic planarscan method is described, and an uncertainty value isderived for the measured acoustic power. Finally, possiblebioeffects at high frequencies are discussed briefly, andestimates of the overall measurement uncertainties for theMI and ISPTA.3 are incorporated into an example calcula-tion for setting regulatory control levels per the FDA guid-ance document.5

An Uncertainty Analysis Overview for aHigh-Frequency Ultrasound System

The most widely recognized standards that are used todirect the measurements of diagnostic ultrasound acousticfields are AIUM/National Electrical ManufacturersAssociation (NEMA) UD2-200411 and a number of stan-dards published by the IEC.12–14 These standards specifythe methods needed to measure the acoustic parametersthat are used to derive regulatory control parameters. Thestandards provide a description of the general setup for anacoustic measurement system. This setup serves as ourframework for our uncertainty analysis of high-frequencyultrasound systems, with the understanding that the netuncertainty associated with a particular manufacturer’sacoustic measurement system is of course dependent onthe specific design of that system, and each individualanalysis needs to be tailored accordingly.

An excellent discourse on the subject of determininguncertainty in ultrasound measurements was provided byZiskin.9,10 The general method is to quantify an estimateduncertainty magnitude for the relevant acoustic field

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parameters that are needed to derive the control parame-ters and then combine these by summation in quadrature(root sum of squares) to yield a single value representingthe net uncertainty. Three key quantities are used in cal-culating displayed and controlled acoustic output param-eters in an ultrasound system: pulse intensity integral (PII),peak rarefactional pressure (pr), and acoustic power. Inaddition, the fc is needed to calculate both the MI, given itsinverse dependence on the square root of fc , and the der-ating factor used in determining the derated PII and thederated pr for the MI.

The derated pr and the spatial peak of the derated PIIare the primary acoustic parameters used to derive the reg-ulatory control parameters MI and ISPTA.3. Since acousticintensity is proportional to the square of the pressure, thefractional uncertainty of the intensity is double that of theuncertainty associated with acoustic pressure.

It should be noted that the analysis method that followsis not unique to high-frequency ultrasound and could beapplied to any ultrasound system regardless of operating fre-quency; however, the uncertainty values that we introduceto illustrate the uncertainty calculation are selected to berepresentative of those that may be expected in the analysisof a hypothetical high-frequency ultrasound system andtransducer. For the purposes of our example analysis, we areassuming a system with a nominal fc of 30 MHz.

Sources of Error in Hydrophone Measurements

Hydrophone Calibration and Frequency ResponseTo convert the voltage-time waveform signal received fromthe hydrophone into a pressure-time waveform fromwhich the acoustic parameters are derived, a calibrationfactor (in units of volts per pascal) is needed. Determiningthe absolute calibration of a hydrophone can be accom-plished by several methods, including reciprocity and sub-stitution into a pressure field of known characteristics.15,16

Calibrations are normally done at either national metrol-ogy laboratories or other facilities with verified traceabil-ity to these laboratories.

Typically, in lower-frequency ultrasound systems, theconversion from voltage to pressure occurs using theacoustic working frequency (AWF) method as describedin Annex D of IEC 62127-112; AWF is the IEC term for fc.Using this method, the voltage-time waveforms are scaledby a single calibration factor based on the fc of the peakpulse waveform, which is defined as the arithmetic meanof the lower and upper –3-dB frequency points of thetransmitted acoustic pressure spectrum. However, as the

frequency increases, hydrophone sensitivity tends to devi-ate from its lower-frequency values. For piezoelectrichydrophones, the variation in sensitivity is typically due tothe thickness-resonance frequency of the sensitive ele-ment,17,18 so a high-frequency design goal is to increasehydrophone bandwidth by using thinner piezoelectricmaterials. This goal poses a construction and reliabilityproblem for needle, ellipsoidal (also known as capsule),and spot-poled membrane hydrophones: the 3 commer-cially available styles of piezoelectric hydrophones.

Fiber-optic probe hydrophones do not have a thickness-resonance frequency as such, and they have been reported tooperate at frequencies up to 100 MHz.19–23 However, thefrequency response can be quite variable without carefuldesign, such as by tapering the fiber tip.19,21 Also, the devel-opment of high-Q microresonators described by Armani etal24 presents another potential means for broadband ultra-sonic sensing, with bandwidths of 75 MHz being reportedin a polymer-based device.25 However, before any newhydrophone technology can be recommended, it should bevetted in a practical measurement environment.

When the variation in the frequency response exceedsspecified limits, an alternative method is recommended forobtaining the pressure waveform.12 In this method, thehydrophone voltage and frequency response are decon-volved to reconstruct a pressure-time waveform. Thismethod is fully described in IEC 62127-1,12 and Hurrell26

gave example errors of 6% for the pr , 21% for the deratedPII, and 28% for the peak positive pressure in a comparisonof the AWF method versus deconvolution for a 5-MHzdiagnostic pulse. IEC 62127-1 states that if the nonlinearpropagation parameter, σm (see discussion in the next sec-tion), is less than 0.5, then the AWF method is sufficient.If σm exceeds 0.5, and if the hydrophone sensitivity versusfrequency varies more than ±3 dB from one-half to 8 timesthe AWF (or 40 MHz, whichever is less), then deconvo-lution is recommended. Most manufacturers of lower- frequency ultrasound systems do not use deconvolutionbecause of its higher degree of complexity for a limitedimprovement in the measurement accuracy. In addition,piezoelectric polymer hydrophones generally have afrequency response that meets the IEC specification for fcvalues between 1 and 10 MHz, with a sensitivity variationtypically less than ±1.5 dB. In these cases, the AWF methodyields very similar measurement results as those obtainedusing deconvolution. At higher frequencies, the hydro -phone response is generally not within the IEC specifica-tion, exceeding a variation of ±3 dB, and manufacturersshould use the deconvolution technique to take full advan-tage of the hydrophone bandwidth.

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For successful implementation of deconvolution, itis necessary to have a frequency resolution on thehydrophone calibration curve that is small enough tocapture substantial rapid variations in the hydrophonefrequency response. However, the frequency intervalbetween data points on the hydrophone calibration curveusually increases at frequencies greater than 20 MHz. Inaddition, a rigorous deconvolution algorithm requires bothamplitude and phase calibration information. Calibrationof the hydrophone’s phase response versus frequencyis much more difficult to measure than the amplituderesponse, although progress is being made in this area.27,28

However, phase calibration is typically not available fromhydrophone manufacturers. Thus, certain assumptionsregarding phase linearity and the Kramer-Kroenig, or min-imum phase, relationship must be used instead.29

The uncertainties of hydrophone calibration are moresubstantial at frequencies greater than 20 MHz. Umchidet al20 reported overall uncertainty to be about ±12% (±1dB) up to 40 MHz, ±20% (±1.5 dB) from 40 to 60 MHz,and ±25% (±2 dB) from 60 to 100 MHz. The NationalPhysical Laboratory in the United Kingdom offers cali-bration of membrane and needle hydrophones up to 60MHz using optical interferometry, and the estimatedpressure calibration error at 60 MHz is in excess of 20%.30

Although some work has been done with regard toabsolute calibrations at greater than 60 MHz,20,31 it is notclear that the methods have been standardized to the pointof clear acceptance within the community.

The major contributor to the uncertainty in the meas-urement of acoustic pressure is that introduced by errorin the hydrophone calibration. Hydrophone calibrationerror is considered a systematic type of error, ie, an errorthat remains constant over repeated measurements, andalthough random error does occur, it contributes a negli-gible amount compared to the systematic component ofthe calibration uncertainty. In our analysis, we will assumean uncertainty of ±30% in the hydrophone pressure sensi-tivity, which yields a ±60% uncertainty in the measurementof acoustic intensity.

Nonlinear DistortionIEC 62127-112 states that the degree of the distortion pres-ent at any point in an acoustic field is affected by theincrease in a number of factors. These are: the distancefrom the transducer, the acoustic frequency, the peakacoustic pressure at the face of the ultrasound transducer,the nonlinearity parameter for the propagating medium(water), and the degree of focusing. High-frequencyultrasound signals often exhibit notable nonlinearity, as

can be quantified by the nonlinearity propagation param-eter, σm, developed by Bacon32 and also specified in bothAIUM/NEMA UD2-200411 and IEC 62127-1.12

As the nonlinear pressure wave becomes more dis-torted, temporal waveform steepening occurs with aconcomitant generation of higher-frequency harmonics.33

As a consequence of the increased energy content at higherfrequencies, it is necessary to use a hydrophone with abandwidth that encompasses these harmonics. Limitedhydrophone (or preamplifier) bandwidth when measur-ing nonlinear high-frequency ultrasound signals can resultin a substantial measurement error for pressure and inten-sity quantities, eg, in excess of 30% for the PII.34

The higher-frequency harmonics that occur due tononlinear distortion will have a narrower beam width (pro-portional to the product of the wavelength and f-number atthe focus), resulting in large spatial-averaging effects (seenext section) that can lead to underestimates of the trueacoustic pressures and derived intensities. Efforts havebeen made to develop corrections to the spatial averagingto account for waveform nonlinearity35; however, thesecorrection factors are only applicable for values of σm thatare less than or equal to 1.5, and many high-frequencyultrasound waveforms exceed this value. As an illustrationof the nonlinearity that will typically occur in a high- frequency transducer, in Figure 2 we have plotted the non-linearity propagation parameter as a function of the meanpeak pressure, ie, the arithmetic mean of the peak rarefac-tional and peak compressional acoustic pressures, at 5 dif-

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Figure 1. Sources of measurement error discussed in this article that are

used in deriving net measurement uncertainty for the regulatory control

parameters MI and ISPTA.3.

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ferent measurement depths ranging from 0.5 to 2.5 cm.The parameters used for creating this plot are based onmeasurements taken from a 30-MHz linear array trans-ducer. The figure demonstrates that the nonlinearityparameter can exceed the threshold for the region of highnonlinear distortion, ie, σm ≥ 1.5, for some practical com-binations of peak pressure and measurement depth (eg, >4MPa and 1.5 cm).

As discussed in the preceding section, IEC 62127-112

states that “for waveforms that are distorted by nonlinearpropagation effects, ie, those with a nonlinear propagationparameter, σm greater than 0.5, either: a hydrophone withadequate bandwidth shall be chosen; corrections shall beapplied (deconvolution per Annex D of IEC 62127-112);or an additional uncertainty in the measurement shall betaken into account.” For the highly nonlinear characteris-tics encountered in the measurement of high-frequencyultrasound signals, it is necessary to consider all three ofthese recommendations because there is no simple way ofselecting a hydrophone-amplifier combination that willguarantee a low (eg, <10%) uncertainty for high-frequencymeasurements. The standard guidelines for selecting thebandwidth of hydrophone-amplifier combinations, whichwere developed for applications at less than 20 MHz, aregenerally not applicable at greater than 20 MHz. For exam-ple, AIUM/NEMA UD2-200411 and IEC 62127-112 rec-ommend a ±3-dB upper bandwidth limit of 8fc. However,commercially available calibrations, which are required todetermine the bandwidth of hydrophones, are limited to 60

MHz. Furthermore, the recommended bandwidth of 8fcmay not be relevant because higher-order harmonics arelikely to be quenched by the extreme attenuation of tissuesor even of water at high frequencies (water attenuationincreases with the square of the frequency36 and for exam-ple would be 35 dB/mm at 400 MHz—the eighthharmonic of a 50-MHz transducer). Therefore, establishinghydrophone bandwidth recommendations for high- frequency measurements remains an active area for research.

Another factor that can contribute measurement errorwhen measuring nonlinear waveforms results from thehydrophone preamplifier response. It is difficult to avoidusing preamplifiers with polyvinylidene difluoride hydro -phones because preamplifiers can drive arbitrary lengthsof a properly terminated, low-impedance (eg, 50 Ω) sig-nal cable, thus avoiding impedance-matching losses andtransmission line reflection effects. As discussed more fullyby Lewin et al,37 the design factors for hydrophone pre-amplifiers include gain-bandwidth product, slew rate,impedance matching, and line-driving capabilities, andthere are often trade-offs between these characteristics.Integrated circuit buffer amplifiers are available with gain-bandwidth products of 1 GHz, but consideration must begiven to other factors also, depending on the specific appli-cation of the hydrophone. For example, hydrophones aretypically calibrated using low pressure amplitudes (<1MPa) over a sufficiently wide frequency range to cover thenecessary bandwidth. Nonlinear waveforms, on the otherhand, often involve higher pressure amplitudes (>1 MPa)and thus higher voltage signals from the sensor material(again, typically polyvinylidene difluoride) to the pream-plifier. The polyvinylidene difluoride material itself is gen-erally quite linear over a wide pressure range (>60 MPa).38

However, whereas the preamplifiers are specificallydesigned for wideband operation, they may not have thecombination of the slew rate and gain-bandwidth productnecessary to follow high-amplitude signals at high fre-quencies. Thus, because the calibration was done in thelinear pressure range, and the measurement is needed atrelatively high pressure, there may be waveform errorsintroduced due to saturation or slew rate limiting. In addi-tion, for the case of low-level, high-frequency signals (eg,from intravascular ultrasound transducers), some pream-plifier gain is necessary to establish reasonable signal levels(because oscilloscope input sensitivities are typically nobetter than 1 mV/division). However, that signal gain canbecome a liability if the same hydrophone is used to meas-ure higher-amplitude signals with higher harmonics, wherethe previously mentioned saturation and slew rate effectscan occur.

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Figure 2. Nonlinear propagation parameter versus mean peak pressure

for 5 different measurement depths. The plot is based on values meas-

ured on a 30-MHz linear array transducer. The dashed horizontal line at

the value of σm = 1.5 represents the transition threshold for the region of

very high nonlinear distortion.

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One approach that possibly could be of use in dealingwith the uncertainty associated with nonlinear distortion isto make measurements under linear conditions at a lowamplitude and then use computational modeling to extra -polate these results to higher output levels. Although sucha combined measurement/modeling protocol might beapplicable for individual measurements, at present it wouldnot be practical for use in a manufacturing environment,in which it is not uncommon to have to make acousticmeasurements on a few hundred unique discrete transmitpatterns using an automated data collection system. How-ever, this approach merits research both to assess its accu-racy and to develop practical means of implementation.

The amount of uncertainty introduced by nonlineardistortion is dependent on the degree of nonlinearity. Forthe very high degree of nonlinearity encountered in high-frequency ultrasound signals where σm is typically greaterthan 1.5, there is no good general guidance in the litera-ture for assessing the contribution to the measurementuncertainty; each measurement circumstance should beevaluated individually. For the purpose of illustratingan uncertainty analysis of our example high-frequencyultrasound system, we apply a conservative estimate to theassessed uncertainty due to nonlinear propagation as ±20%for pressure-related values and ±40% for intensities.

Spatial AveragingThe finite aperture size of the hydrophone and the fact thatthe acoustic wave impinging on the hydrophone is not aperfect plane wave limit the accuracy with which thehydrophone can make measurements of an infinitesimalpoint in an acoustic pressure field. The hydrophone meas-ures the average acoustic pressure over the area of theactive element. The error introduced by these factors istermed spatial averaging error and can become a major con-tributor to the uncertainty in the measurement of high- frequency ultrasound signals. Ideally, the effective radiusof the active element of a hydrophone should be compa-rable with, or smaller than, one-quarter of the acousticwavelength, as specified in paragraph of IEC 62127-1,12 to minimize measurement uncertainties. For high- frequency ultrasound signals whose fc ranges from 20 to50 MHz, this value would correspond to an aperture sizerange of 0.0185 to 0.0074 mm. Such small aperturesreduce the signal strength and increase the design com-plexity of the hydrophone. Furthermore, there are practi-cal limits to the effective spot sizes of piezoelectrichydrophones. The “standard reference” spot-poled mem-brane hydrophone is subject to fringing field effects so thatthe spot size cannot be made arbitrarily small. These size

considerations also affect other sensor types such asoptically based hydrophones. The fiber of a fiber-optichydrophone involves cost and design constraints that limitthe smallest size that can be achieved on a commerciallysustainable basis.

When it is not practical to adhere to the quarter-wave-length guidance, corrections for spatial averaging can bemade using the procedure outlined by Preston et al8 (alsospecified in Annex E of IEC 62127-112). Furthermore, ifthe ISPTA.3 is considered to be relevant for thermal bio-effects, then it seems possible that a minimum diameterexists below which corrections for spatial averaging neednot be done. That is, heating over a thermally relevantdiameter should be considered; thus, correcting ISPTA.3measurements to “infinitesimally” small spot sizes may notbe necessary.

For our purpose of illustrating an uncertainty analy-sis, we will assume an uncertainty in the measurement ofacoustic pressure due to spatial averaging of +0%/–20%and a resulting uncertainty in acoustic intensity of+0%/–40%. These values account for the uncertainty of thecorrection factor, but note that according to IEC 62127-1,12 if the ratio of the –6-dB beam width to the effectivehydrophone diameter is less than 1.5, then it is importantthat a smaller hydrophone be used.

Sources of Error in Mechanical Alignment

Measurement of the maximum pulse intensity and pres-sure requires that the acoustic axes of the source andreceiver be aligned, which presents considerable difficultyas the wavelength decreases and the beam widths of boththe source and receiver become narrower. To accomplishthis alignment, a micropositioning system is needed tomove the hydrophone to any point in the acoustic field ofa transducer at which measurements are required. A sys-tem capable of translation along 3 orthogonal axes withreproducibility of at least ±0.15/fc mm is recommended.11

For high-frequency ultrasound systems that range from 20to 50 MHz, this requirement represents positioning withan accuracy requirement of 0.0075 to 0.003 mm, respec-tively. Therefore, mechanical repeatability and resolutionof approximately 1 μm is desirable.

Size also drives directivity, and the combination of adirective (often focused) source and the intrinsic directiv-ity of the hydrophone at high frequencies requires a veryprecise mechanical alignment capability. Given that someof the sources, such as intravascular probes, are not easilygrasped and manipulated without damage, the issue ofmechanical alignment and stability becomes very difficult.

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To make reproducible measurements, it is imperative thatthe angular positioning of the transducer and hydrophonebe well controlled. For example, at 50 MHz, the pressureresponse of a circular hydrophone having an active ele-ment diameter of 0.1 mm will decrease by 1 dB if itsangular position is changed by 5° from normal, based onstandard formulas for hydrophone directivity.11 Therefore,the repeatability and resolution of the positioning stageshould be well below this value; 1000 arc-seconds (≈0.3°)should suffice for this example. It is harder to make generalrecommendations for the angular positioning capabilityfor the fixture holding the source transducer because thesewill be dependent on the degree of focusing of a particularsource. Also, it is often possible to compensate for thesource’s angular misalignment relative to translationalscanning axes by providing an axial scan via the positioningcontrol software to correctly identify peak parameters, atthe expense of measurement time.

Under the assumption that the uncertainty introducedby errors in the alignment is random, then repeated trialalignments can be used to estimate a 95% confidence levelfor the amount of measurement uncertainty resulting frommisalignment to the transducer beam axis. For the purposesof the uncertainty analysis of our hypothetical high- frequency ultrasound system, it is assumed that the uncer-tainty in the pressure measurement resulting from alignmenterrors is +0%/–10%, and the uncertainty in intensity wouldbe +0%/–20%. Note that any misalignment can only yield apressure measurement that is less than that which would bemeasured under perfect alignment conditions.

Sources of Error in a Hydrophone WaveformRecording System

Waveform Digitization UncertaintyThe device used to sample the analog voltage signalreceived from the hydrophone and convert the measure-ment to a numeric value representing the acoustic pressureis another source of both random and systematic uncer-tainty in determining the acoustic pressure and intensity.The digitizing device is subject to systematic errors in thelinear scaling of the analog input, or gain, and direct cur-rent offset. A source of random error results from bothinstrumentation noise and quantization effects.

Gain and Offset ErrorGenerally, manufacturers of digitizing devices provide aspecification for the systematic error due to gain and offset.Frequently, these values will be a function of the voltagerange that is used when a waveform is sampled. A typical

value for uncertainty in the voltage gain is ±2%, and for off-set, it is ±1%; we will use these two values in the remainderof our analysis.

Noise Two sources of random noise contribute less than 2% tothe uncertainty when measuring acoustic pressure. In onecase, the noise results from some external influence suchas instrumentation or thermal noise. The second type ofnoise considered is the noise that is inherent in the con-version of the analog waveform to a set of digital values;this type of noise is commonly termed quantization noise.

During an acoustic test, the signal to noise ratio(SNR) can be improved by averaging the waveform timerecords. Since the SNR is the ratio of the signal power tothe noise power, there is a net increase in the resultingSNR that is proportional to the square root of N. As anexample, if we assume an SNR of 20 dB and also assumethat the captured pressure waveform is averaged over 50records, then the measurement uncertainty introduced byuncorrelated noise is approximately 0.3%, a nearly negligi-ble value. For the purpose of our uncertainty analysis, wewill attribute a ±0.5% uncertainty to the measurement ofacoustic pressure and a ±1% uncertainty to the intensitymeasurement as a result of thermal noise.

The quantization of a sampled analog signal also intro-duces a small amount of random error in the measurementof the acoustic waveform. The amount of quantizationnoise is characterized by the signal to quantization noiseratio. If the signal amplitude is much larger than the leastsignificant bit of the analog to digital converter used in sam-pling the waveform, then the quantization noise has anapproximately uniform distribution, and the signal toquantization noise ratio (SQNR) is given by the followingexpression:

(1) SQNR = 20 log10 (2Q) ≈ 6.02 · Q dB,

where Q is the number of quantization bits.If we assume that the waveform digitizing device has

an 8-bit resolution and that the signal is auto scaled so thatthe signal spans across at least one-quarter of the full scale,then we are effectively using 6 of the 8 bits in quantifyingthe waveform. Substituting 6 bits into Equation 1, wederive a signal to quantization noise ratio of 36.12 dB. Thefractional error introduced by the quantization noise isdetermined as follows:

10 = 0.0156.–36.12


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Accordingly, for our analysis, we attribute an uncertainty of±1.56% to quantization noise in the measurement ofacoustic pressure and a ±3.12% uncertainty in determiningacoustic intensity.

Uncertainty in the fcThe ultrasound waveform fc is required for calculatingboth the MI and the water measurement derating factorthat is discussed in the next section. Because the fc is foundfrom the –3-dB points on the transmitted acoustic pres-sure spectrum, its measurement is influenced by bothfrequency accuracy and anything that causes a perturba-tion in the spectrum of the spectral –3-dB points. There-fore, accuracy is limited by clock accuracy of the digitizingdevice or frequency analyzer and random and quantizationnoise.

The clock accuracy of most digitizing devices isextremely high and contributes a negligible error, on theorder of 0.01% or less, in the estimation of the fc. More sub-stantial contributors to error in determining the fc resultfrom the hydrophone frequency response and perturba-tions to the pressure spectrum due to noise. The shorterpulse lengths that are used in B-mode imaging have abroader spectral content than do the longer Dopplerpulses, and the slope of the spectrum at the lower andupper –3-dB frequencies used to calculate the fc will beshallower, which makes the calculation of the fc for theshort pulses more sensitive to the influence of noise.

To evaluate the effect of noise on the fc , a simulationwas done using the time record data collected from twodifferent linear array transducers that operate with nat-ural fc values near 20 and 40 MHz, respectively. Short-pulse-length, B-mode transmit patterns from thesetransducers were corrupted with the addition of simu-lated Gaussian white noise of varying SNRs. In makingacoustic measurements, a 20-dB SNR in the capturedsignal is considered to be near the limit at which reliablemeasurements can be made. By adding simulated noiseto the transmitted waveforms to achieve a 20-dB SNR,we can assess the effect that random noise will have indetermining the acoustic fc . Figure 3 illustrates both thepressure-time waveform and the single-sided amplitudespectrum of the acoustic pressure waveform from the 40-MHz transducer with the noise added.

It was found that the fc for this waveform was 36.2MHz, and that even if the SNR was reduced to a level of20 dB, the estimate of the fc remained stable when therecords were ensemble averaged to reduce the variance ofthe spectral estimate. Figure 3B illustrates the improve-ment in the estimate of the frequency spectrum that can

be achieved by averaging the records; a spectrum of a sin-gle record is superimposed with the smoothed spectrumthat results after averaging 50 records. By averaging therecords, the noise power of the uncorrelated white noise isreduced relative to the signal, allowing the effective SNR tobe increased and resulting in a reliable estimation of thefc that is relatively insensitive to noise. Similar results werealso observed with the simulation done using the 20-MHztransducer. Based on the results of this simulation, a con-servative estimate for the uncertainty in determining thefc is ±3%.

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Figure 3. A, B-mode pulse time record from a 40-MHz transducer

with Gaussian white noise added to achieve a simulated 20-dB SNR.

B, Spectral magnitude of the pulse time record illustrated in A. The vari-

ance of the spectral estimate is reduced by ensemble averaging the

spectrum of each captured time record.



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Sources of Error Due to Derating

Applicability of the Water Derating FactorCurrently, manufacturers report acoustic output parame-ters by adjusting measurements made in water by a factor of0.3 dB cm–1 MHz–1. This reduction in the measured value,or derating as it is commonly termed, is done to account forthe attenuation that occurs in tissue as a function of depthand frequency. Equations 2 and 3 define how the deratedvalues of the PII (PII.3) and the pr (pr.3) are calculated:

(2) PII.3 (z) = 10–0.03 · fc · z ¥ PII (z);

(3) pr.3 (z) = 10–0.015 · fc · z ¥ pr(z),

where fc is the frequency in MHz, and z is the depth in cen-timeters.

The use of 0.3 dB cm–1 MHz–1 for the “derating fac-tor”11 was established primarily as a conservative estimatebased on low-frequency attenuation data, ie, in the range of1 to 15 MHz. Ultrasonic attenuation is known to increasenonlinearly as a function of frequency.39 Attenuation co -efficients at high frequencies are generally considerablyhigher than the “standard” derating factor; for example,Raju and Srinivasan40 reported coefficients ranging from0.8 to 3.9 dB cm–1 MHz–1 for human forearm dermis inthe range of 14 to 50 MHz. Mamou et al41 reported atten-uation coefficient measurements at 25.6 MHz of 0.5 and0.97 dB cm–1 MHz–1, respectively, for the fatty and non-fatty portions of cancerous human lymph nodes. Notableexceptions are the iris and cornea, cited by Foster et al1 ashaving attenuations slightly above that of water; however,because these tissues are typically on the order of 1 mm orless in thickness, the use of the standard derating factor toaccount for their attenuation should not lead to a substan-tial underprediction in acoustic parameters.

It is therefore reasonable to continue to use the stan-dard derating factor even for high-frequency signals. Froma regulatory perspective, this approach should be at leastas safe as current practice at low frequencies. It is alsoimportant to note that currently established standards6,11

mandate the use of this specific derating factor without esti-mation of its uncertainty, in spite of the known differencesin attenuation between different types of tissue. This arti-cle will follow this framework, concentrating on the issuesarising from making measurements in water.

Uncertainty in the Derating To get the uncertainty associated with the derating factor(eg, the exponential factors in Equations 2 and 3), we need

to evaluate the accuracy of fc and z. For our purposes, wewill assume that the uncertainty in measurement of thedistance z is negligible compared to that of fc and will beignored for this calculation.

Evaluation of Uncertainty in the Derating FactorTo evaluate the derating factor using the previously esti-mated uncertainty in the fc of ±3%, we need to determinehow the error propagates into Equations 2 and 3 and deriveerror values over a range of frequencies and depths that fallwithin the expected operating range of high-frequencyultrasound systems. The method used to determine theuncertainty is best illustrated with an example. Let usassume that the nominal fc (fc_nom) and depth are given asfollows:

fc_nom = 30 MHzz = 1.5 cm.

A ±3% error in fc corresponds to lower and upper frequencyvalues of fc_lower = 29.1 MHz and fc_upper = 30.9 MHz.Substituting these frequency values into the first term ofEquation 3, we get the following derating factors:

10–0.03 · 29.1 · 1.5 = 0.0490


10–0.03 · 30.9 · 1.5 = 0.0407.

The nominal derating factor assumes no error in fc, and thederating factor is calculated as follows:

10–0.03 · 30.0 · 1.5 = 0.0447.

By taking the ratios of the lower and upper bound valueswith the nominal derating factor of 0.0447 we can derive afractional error for the given nominal fc and depth:

0.04900.0447 = 1.0977


0.04070.0447 = 0.9110.

These ratios correspond to percent errors in the PII derat-ing factor of +9.77%/–8.90%.

Assuming a 3% error in fc, Figure 4 illustrates how thepercent errors in the derating factor for both the PII and pr

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increase linearly with depth. Plots are done for nominalcenter frequencies of 20, 30, 40, and 50 MHz. Note thatwe have only shown the positive error in these plots, and itis noted that the magnitude of the negative error for a givenfc will always be less than the magnitude of the positiveerror, as was previously shown in our example calculation.

For our example hypothetical high-frequency trans-ducer, we assumed a nominal fc of 30 MHz and a meas-urement depth of 1.5 cm, which gives us an uncertainty inthe PII of +9.77%/–8.90% and an uncertainty in the pr of+4.77%/–4.56%. These are the derating uncertainty val-ues that we will use in the next section to derive the netuncertainty in the ISPTA.3 and MI.

Net Uncertainty in the ISPTA.3 and MI

The conventional method used for determining a cumu-lative measurement uncertainty when several contributorsto that uncertainty have been quantified is to assume thateach source of error is independent of all other errorsources. Under this assumption, the quadratic sum of allthe measurement uncertainties yields a net uncertaintygiven by Equation 4:


where Ui represents the various contributors to the meas-urement uncertainty.

Table 1 summarizes the contributions from eachsource of uncertainty that have been discussed in the pre-vious sections, and net uncertainty values for the ISPTA.3and the MI are calculated in accordance with Equation 4.For the ISPTA.3, uncertainty values associated with inten-sity are used in the derivation of its net uncertainty. TheMI is proportional to the pr divided by the square root offc. Accordingly, for MI, we use uncertainty values that per-tain to the measurement of acoustic pressure with an addi-tional contribution for the fc uncertainty that is set to halfof the previous estimate of 3%, ie, 1.5%. In a later section,the net uncertainty values in Table 1 will be used to derivereduced control levels in accordance with the FDA ultra-sound guidance document.5

Acoustic Power Measurements of High-Frequency Ultrasound

Acoustic power is the total power radiated by an ultra-sound transducer, and it is measured using either of twomethods that are allowed by the standards11,12,14: by meas-

uring the acoustic radiation force with an RFB or by mak-ing in-water acoustic measurements of acoustic pressureover a planar region from which total power is derived. Thestandard practice for most ultrasound manufacturers is touse an RFB to measure acoustic power. This process is thepreferred measurement method because the total poweris found by using a more direct calculation. The acousticpower is measured by directing the ultrasound signal at atarget and then measuring the change in the amount offorce exerted on the balance both with and without ultra-sonic radiation. The measured force is converted to a totalpower value in accordance with Annex B of IEC 61161.14

iiUU 2

net ,

Figure 4. Error introduced into the water derating factor in the calcula-

tion of the derated acoustic intensity and the derated acoustic pressure

that results from a 3% measurement error in the acoustic pulse fc.

Plots for center frequencies of 20, 30, 40, and 50 MHz are illustrated.

A, Positive percent error of the PII that results from the uncertainty in fc.

B, Positive percent error of the pr that results from the uncertainty in fc.



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The use of an RFB to measure high-frequency ultra-sound is problematic because minimal work has been doneto validate whether today’s RFB systems can acceptablymeasure acoustic power at high frequencies. IEC 6116114

is the recognized standard that guides manufacturers onmaking RFB-based acoustic power measurements and isapplicable for the measurements of ultrasonic power atpower levels of up to 1 W in the frequency range from 0.5to 25 MHz. We know of only one literature citation regard-ing radiation force measurements at higher frequencies,in which a study conducted at the National Institute ofStandards and Technology reported measurements up to29 MHz.42 This lack of published reports is perhaps dueto the fact that historically most ultrasound systems oper-ating at greater than 20 MHz have been small apertureand/or mechanically scanned and hence delivered totalacoustic power of less than 1 mW, near the noise floor ofmost RFB systems. Efforts have been made to develop anRFB station that is capable of measuring ultrasoundacoustic power of less than 1 mW and at frequenciesgreater than 25 MHz, but as of yet, such stations are notcommercially available.43 Recently, the appearance ofarray-based systems operating at up to 50 MHz44 has raisedthe prospect of higher output powers and therefore betterSNRs for RFB measurements, but no validation studieshave appeared in the literature.

Beyond the signal to noise issues, the measurementaccuracy of an RFB system can also be appreciably affectedby the target response to high-frequency ultrasound sig-nals. Both absorbing and reflecting targets have been used,but absorbing targets have less angle dependence, are pre-ferred for RFB-based acoustic power measurements, andhave become the industry standard. Because the targetreflection coefficient would be expected to increase at

higher frequencies, standing waves may also be generatedbetween the transducer and the target. Standing waves canintroduce additional uncertainty into the measurementand have the effect of biasing the acoustic power measure-ment to a value greater than the actual power. Other factorsthat can contribute to RFB measurement uncertainty canoccur due to the focusing angle of the ultrasound beam notbeing perpendicular to the target and temperature fluctu-ations in both the ambient environment and the targetmaterial as it absorbs the acoustic energy (causing it to heatand change density), resulting in a systematic measure-ment error.

At frequencies greater than 25 MHz, RFB measure-ments fall outside the domain of applicability specified inthe IEC standard, and the measurement uncertaintiesin RFB systems become very substantial, as previouslydescribed. In these cases, the acoustic planar scanningmethod has at least the advantage that historically it hasbeen used and measurement uncertainties can be assessed,although they may be extremely high (eg, as high as 70%–90%), as in the case outlined in the next section. Hopefully,research in the future may systematically validate the RFBmeasurements and assess the uncertainties that may beachieved at high frequencies; in that case, a fair comparisonmay be performed between the two methods of powermeasurement. Lacking that comparison, the more judi-cious approach is to rely on planar scanning.

Uncertainty in Power Measurement Using AcousticPlanar ScanningAcoustic planar scanning power measurement is accom-plished by measuring the acoustic pressures over a grid ofpoints in an x-y plane that is orthogonal to the transmitbeam and whose boundaries largely encompass the total

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Table 1. Contributions From Each Source of Measurement Uncertainty

MI Uncertainty, % ISPTA.3 Uncertainty, %

Source of Measurement Uncertainty + – + –

Mechanical alignment 0 10 0 20

Hydrophone calibration 30 30 60 60

Spatial averaging 0 20 0 40

Nonlinear distortion 20 20 40 40

Digitizer gain 2 2 4 4

Digitizer offset 1 1 2 2

Thermal noise 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0

Digitizer quantization noise 1.56 1.56 3.12 3.12

Derating 4.77 4.56 9.77 8.9

fc 1.5 1.5 NA NA

Net uncertainty (per Equation 4) 36.5 42.8 73.0 85.5

The net measurement uncertainty for the regulatory control parameters MI and ISPTA.3 is determined by taking the quadratic sum of the uncertainty

values in accordance with Equation 4. NA indicates not applicable.

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radiated acoustic energy. The total acoustic power isdetermined by deriving the acoustic intensity andthen integrating the acoustic intensities over the plane.This technique can be used as a means to calibrate ahydrophone by using a source transducer of knownrepeatable output power or as a cross-check with powermeasurements made using an RFB; the method is fullydescribed in IEC 62127-2.15

At low frequencies, an uncertainty of approximately±20% has been reported for planar scanning.45 Further, theimportance of recording root mean square rather than peakhydrophone voltages during the scan has been describedwhen nonlinear propagation effects are prominent.46

The measurement uncertainties of this method at highfrequencies are identical to those for in-water measure-ments of acoustic intensity that are described earlier in thisarticle, with an additional factor to account for uncertaintyin the resolution and range of the scan. If we assume thatthe uncertainty associated with the range and resolution is±5% and quadratically sum this value with the previouslyestimated contributions to the uncertainty in acoustic inten-sity taken from the columns for ISPTA.3 in Table 1, we get anet uncertainty of +72.5%/–85.2%. (Note that we excludethe derating factor uncertainty contribution in the calcula-tion of the acoustic power uncertainty.)

Although there is no explicit FDA track 3 regulatorycontrol level for acoustic power, it is the most importantparameter used in the determination of the TI valuesrequired per the output display standard.6 An appropriatelevel of uncertainty that reflects the inherent measurementlimitations should be applied to the resulting power meas-urement and then used to derive and declare the displayaccuracy for the TI as specified in the FDA guidance doc-ument and the output display standard.5,6

Safety and Regulatory Considerations

Mitigation of Bioeffects at Higher FrequenciesFrom an overall patient safety perspective, higher- frequency systems generally present a lower risk to thepatient because of the small focal volumes and limitedpower capabilities (the power density of the source trans-ducer can become a limit through self-heating). However,as ultrasonic attenuation is predominantly due to tissueabsorption,47 the large ultrasonic attenuation at high fre-quencies warrants special attention to potential thermaleffects, especially in tissue regions near the transducer. Inaddition, the possibility of highly localized nonthermaleffects (eg, shear stress, microstreaming, radiation pressure,and standing waves), although not expected at diagnostic-

level ultrasonic intensities, cannot be discounted. Althoughthese concerns need to be generally considered, mitigat-ing effects of perfusion could play an important role in min-imizing the bioeffects. Intravascular probes, for instance,are generally placed in very well-perfused body locations,namely, within flowing blood, which acts as a heat sink.Therefore, whereas the difficulties in measuring thesedevices rise with higher frequencies and small focal sizes,their relative risk to the patient falls. An exception may bethe eye, where perfusion is minimal and so the possibilityof thermal effects becomes relatively more important.However, the current FDA guidance document containsrecommended maximum exposure levels for ophthalmicapplications,5 which provide a risk mitigation for potentialthermal effects.

Calculation of Reduced Control Levels for High- Frequency Ultrasound Section 1.6 of the current FDA diagnostic ultrasound guid-ance document contains recommended maximum expo-sure levels.5 In cases in which the acoustic measurementuncertainty exceeds 30% for the acoustic intensity or 15%for the MI, the guidance document suggests a proportionalreduction in these levels, and it provides an example cal-culation. Figure 5 illustrates how the suggested controllevels for ISPTA.3 and MI are reduced as the net measure-ment uncertainty exceeds 30% and 15%, respectively. Inour example case, Table 1 summarizes the net uncertaintyof the ISPTA.3 as +73.0%/–85.5%, and the uncertainty ofthe MI as +36.5%/–42.8%. If we follow the suggestion inthe FDA ultrasound guidance document using theseuncertainty values, we get the following results for the rec-ommended reduced levels to which our example high- frequency ultrasound system would be controlled:

For ISPTA.3 , we have 720 ¥ = 505 mW/cm2;

For MI, we get 1.9 ¥ = 1.53.

Accordingly, our example track 3 high-frequency ultra-sound system should maintain the acoustic output belowthe reduced control levels of 505 mW/cm2 for the ISPTA.3,and 1.53 for the MI to demonstrate conformance with therecommendations in the guidance document. In practice,manufacturers should control the acoustic output suffi-ciently below these derived levels to account for any sys-tem or transducer output variability.

(1.30 )1.855


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Manufacturers should identify the appropriate riskmanagement activities within their product developmentlife cycle for high-frequency ultrasound systems. With arisk-based approach to analysis, evaluation, and control ofrisks, manufacturers may identify and mitigate any poten-tial risks associated with high-frequency systems, includingbut not limited to system level and clinical performance(safety and effectiveness) considerations (eg, regulation ofacoustic output, assessment of image quality, and the effectof the control levels). As with all continuing risk evaluationprocesses, manufacturers have the responsibility for mon-itoring postmarket data as a means for risk assessment.

Conclusions and Recommendations

Throughout this article, we have stressed that high- frequency ultrasound signals suffer from a relatively highdegree of acoustic output measurement uncertaintycompared to lower-frequency ultrasound. The primarycause of the higher measurement uncertainty is the limita-tions of current measurement technology and methods.Although the methods can be improved by the suggestionsin this article, advancements in the measurement technol-ogy are also needed. Regardless of these limitations, rec-ommendations in the current FDA guidance document5

can be used to accommodate the increased measurementuncertainty in these high-frequency systems, as describedin the preceding section.

To maximize the allowable acoustic output, measure-ment uncertainty can be minimized by using the followingprocedures:

The mechanical positioning system must be capableof properly sampling the acoustic field created by high- frequency ultrasound. Manufacturers should assess theaccuracy, repeatability, and precision of their acousticmeasurement system using repeated trial acoustic meas-urements to determine the uncertainty that is due to thepositioning system. A mechanical positioning systemshould have 1-μm repeatability and resolution for linearmotion stages to have sufficient accuracy for the measure-ment of ultrasonic signals with frequencies up to 50 MHz.It should also have an angular alignment capability for thehydrophone appropriate for the directivity of the hydro -phone aperture and an ability to compensate for angularmisalignment of the source, either through mechanicalangular adjustments or through the scanning algorithmused.

Reconstruction of the time-pressure waveform shouldbe derived from the hydrophone voltage waveform usingthe deconvolution method. Corrections for spatial aver-aging should be performed according to Annex E of IECstandard 62127-1.12 Also, acoustic power measurementshould be made using the acoustic planar scanningmethod, and the declared TI display uncertainty mustreflect the uncertainty inherent in this measurement.

This article has addressed the challenges that manu-facturers of high-frequency ultrasound products face asthey develop systems and transducers for the clinical mar-ket. The measurement uncertainty issues are considerable,but the clinical applications of high-frequency ultrasoundare numerous and will continue to grow as sonographersand physicians become more familiar with the technology.

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Figure 5. Track 3 recommended control levels for the ISPTA.3 and MI as

the net measurement uncertainty exceeds 30% and 15%, respectively.

The recommended method for reducing the control levels is specified

in the FDA guidance document.5 A, Recommended ISPTA.3 control level

as a function of measurement uncertainty. B, Recommended MI con-

trol level as a function of measurement uncertainty.



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It is our hope that the increasing importance of high- frequency ultrasound will also motivate the desire toadvance the measurement technology that is currently inplace to maximize allowed acoustic output and take fulladvantage of the potential that it offers.


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