Fundamental Concepts and Issues in Software Requirements and Design M.S.Jaffe

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Fundamental Concepts and Issues in Software Requirements and Design


Fundamental Concepts and Issues in Software Requirements and Design


1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................4

1.1 So what are requirements, really?..................................................................................................51.2 Design and its requirements related discontents............................................................................7

1.2.1 Requirements are part of a design’s specification.................................................................8

1.2.2 Algorithmically intensive requirements.................................................................................8

1.2.3 Accidental design in a requirements specification...............................................................11

2 The essential information elements of output requirements................................................................13

2.1.1 The essential elements of an output requirement in theory: Value and time......................14

2.1.2 The essential elements of an output requirement in practice...............................................15

2.2 Some implication of the focus on observable output behavior....................................................232.2.1 “Processing” and “computing” are not requirements..........................................................23

2.2.2 Are “thou shalt never …” requirements really requirements?.............................................24

2.3 Constraints and Attributes............................................................................................................25

3 How do we come up with requirements?.............................................................................................27

3.1 Source of requirements................................................................................................................27

3.1.1 Allocation.............................................................................................................................27

3.1.2 Elicitation.............................................................................................................................28

3.1.3 Interface analysis.................................................................................................................28

3.1.4 Human-Machine Interface (HMI) design............................................................................28

3.1.5 Prototyping (including modeling and simulation)...............................................................29

3.1.6 Engineering judgment..........................................................................................................30

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Fundamental Concepts and Issues in Software Requirements and Design

3.1.7 Engineering analysis, particularly completeness analysis...................................................30

3.2 Stepwise refinement and functional decomposition....................................................................31

3.2.1 The stepwise refinement of requirements............................................................................32

3.2.2 Levels of requirements detail and the process versus product distinction...........................33

3.2.3 Abstraction, stepwise refinement, and “levels” of software requirements..........................35

3.2.4 Stepwise refinement of the Human-Machine Interface.......................................................41

4 Are there different types of output requirements?...............................................................................41

4.1 Are functional and performance requirements distinct types of requirements?..........................42

4.1.1 The term “functional” is overloaded....................................................................................42

4.1.2 There may be performance requirements that are not timing related..................................42

4.1.3 Theoretic limitations............................................................................................................44

4.2 Other types of output requirements..............................................................................................46

4.2.1 Robustness requirements.....................................................................................................46

4.2.2 Derived requirements...........................................................................................................47

4.3 Types of requirements versus pieces of requirements.................................................................485 Issues with requirements documentation.............................................................................................49

5.1 Textual requirements standards...................................................................................................495.2 Model based requirements documentation..................................................................................49

5.3 Prototyped requirements..............................................................................................................496 Explicit versus implicit design methodologies....................................................................................49

7 References............................................................................................................................................52

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Fundamental Concepts and Issues in Software Requirements and Design

1 IntroductionAlthough the theory of the first two stages of software engineering sounds simple enough, first

you figure out and document the requirements for something and then you come up with a design

to meet those requirements, in practice there have always been problems telling where the re-

quirements left off and the design began. It’s not that no one knows the difference; it’s that ev-

eryone seems to know (or, more accurately, believe) something different. The parable of the

blind men and the elephant seems quite apt here.1 The problem is not new. As early as 1982,

Swartout and Balzer wrote an influential paper titled, On the inevitable intertwining of specifica-

tion and implementation [1], where “specification” and “implementation” were what we would

now call requirements engineering and design. Despite the confusion, systems occasionally get

built successfully anyway; but our field’s success rate was and remains appallingly low2 and part

of the reason for our poor performance is the lack of conceptual clarity about what we are really

trying to achieve during the beginning stages of a software engineering project. As a wise old

baseball manager once said, if you don't know where you're going, you might not get there.3 For

software engineering that translates to, if we don’t know what we are trying to achieve with our

requirements and design efforts, we are unlikely to wind up pleased with our results, which is the

state of many (possibly most) software development projects to this day.

This confusion is by no means an academic issue, developed by cloistered software engineering

dons to give us something to write erudite but useless papers about. As a consultant, I’ve

worked with a lot of aerospace companies and government agencies and I am often called to

teach a mini-course along the lines of Things your college professors didn’t teach you about soft-

ware engineering [2]. I almost always get started by reminding my audience, all of whom are in-

dustrially experienced engineers, of one of the humorous but also serious ramifications of the

confusion about the front end of the software engineering process. I start by asking them how 1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_men_and_an_elephant2 http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/feb06/marasco/3 http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Yogi_Berra

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Fundamental Concepts and Issues in Software Requirements and Design

their company determines that the software requirements are really done and it’s time to move on

and get serious about design. Nobody ever wants to answer that question, of course, since they

don’t really know, so there’s always an awkward silence, which I let drag on for a few seconds.

Then I tell them that they should forget their old textbooks from their old college classes and ad-

mit, without embarrassment, what I know that they and all other real world engineers know to be

the only real answer: The requirements are done when the time and money budgeted for coming

up with the requirements have run out. I always get embarrassed laughs at that point, but nobody

has ever disagreed ever.

So what’s my point here, in a first introduction to software requirements and design for under-

graduates? The point is that despite decades’ worth of industrial experience and dozens, if not

hundreds, of textbooks, there continues to be a fair bit of confusion between what, on the surface,

would seem to be two rather easily distinguishable concepts: requirements and design. You may

not believe that that could really be a real world problem, but it really is (remember our

abysmally low success rate). The purpose of these lecture notes then is to boldly go where no

textbook ever seems to actually go and take a good hard look into the conceptual murkiness and

try to shed a little light on the causes of the confusion. We’ll start by taking a look at the concep-

tual basis for the word “requirement” when used in the context of software engineering what

does it really entail? Which aspects of requirements pertain to all software projects (and why)

and which are “optional”. (Optional requirements? And therefore the others are required re-

quirements? Perhaps you’re starting to glimpse why coming up with usable jargon may be part

of the problem here?) Then we’ll do the same for “design” what is it really? Answering that

will actually turn out to be quite a bit simpler than understanding requirements. Then, having,

with luck, established at least a partially rigorous foundation for some key concepts, we will then

examine some of the reasons that it’s so hard to separate the concepts and vocabulary of require-

ments from those for design and our investigations will lead us to the exploration of a concept

crucial to both the theory and the practice of software engineering the concept of stepwise re-

finement, which we will then use as a lever to move aside many (not all) of the misconceptions

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have hindered our ability to understand the start of the software engineering process. Finally,

having eliminated a bunch of conceptual irrelevancies, we’ll focus on the relevant: the essential

elements of the information that constitute the software requirements and the process by which

engineers develop such information.

1.1 So what are requirements, really? And why are they so confusing?

On my first professional job as a systems engineer back in 1974, my first assignment was writing

software requirements for the Command and Decision segment of the U.S. Navy’s Aegis system.

When I asked what that meant, I was told, “just write down what the software is supposed to do

without telling the programmer how to do it.” Today, over thirty-five years later, you’ll still of-

ten hear software requirements described as the “what” but not the “how” for software4 and that

isn’t, in fact, a bad introduction to the philosophy of software requirements engineering. We’ll

need to do better here eventually, but the “what, not the how” is a good starting point.

So what is the essence of what software is supposed to do what is the “what”, in other words?

Answer: The purpose of software is to produce outputs. Software has no other reason to exist

other than to produce its outputs. We don’t need it to hold a week’s worth of food supplies, or

generate lift for our airplane. We need it to produce its outputs; that’s it. Its outputs may control

the physical things that hold our food or generate lift; but the software itself does not do these

things. So outputs will be our starting point: Software requirements start from descriptions of

the outputs we want. As David Parnas5, one of the founders of modern software engineering put


“The requirements document treats outputs as more important than inputs. If the value of the outputs

is correct, nobody will mind if the inputs are not even read. Thus, the key step is identifying all of

the outputs.” [3]

4 See, for quick example, slide #4 of http://incose.org/Chicagoland/docs/Writing%20Effective%20Requirements.pdf5 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Parnas

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Fundamental Concepts and Issues in Software Requirements and Design

More precisely, the essential core of software requirements documentation should be to lay out

the acceptable characteristics of our software’s outputs as observable at the software’s blackbox

boundary. There are three key concepts here:

(1) Acceptable – the whole point of the software requirements is to specify what is (and

therefore, by implication, what is not) acceptable behavior for our software. Failing to

produce a required output at all or producing it under the wrong circumstances or too late

or with the wrong value are all clearly unacceptable and it is to is the requirements docu-

ment that we must look to see what the acceptable circumstances, timing, and values are

supposed to be.

(2) Observable – what good are output characteristics that are not observable? If we can’t

observe them, how can we ever know whether or not they are acceptable? (How could

we test an unobservable requirement, in other words?)

(3) Blackbox – from the requirements standpoint, the software is in theory an impenetrable

blackbox. It’s called a blackbox because we can’t see any of its internal structure − that’s

the result of design, which we can’t have done yet, since we don’t know the require-

ments. For our requirements, all we can describe are the characteristics of the outputs as

they appear at the blackbox boundary. And particularly when specifying timing require-

ments, it is important to have clearly specified the blackbox boundary, i.e., the place

where the observation will take place. For example, does a response time limit of ¼ sec-

ond apply just to our application software or does it have to include the operating system

processing as well? Where we decide to establish our blackbox boundary will make a

difference to the details we specify in our requirements as well as how we test them.

1.2 Design and its requirements related discontents

The theory of design at its most fundamental is actually quite simple. Doing a good job at it may

not be trivial, but the conceptual essence is. To design a thing is to:

1. Decompose it into a set of smaller, simpler things

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2. Show how those smaller things fit together

3. Describe what each thing does

The process is recursive in that we then have to break each of our smaller things down into a set

of even smaller things, which in turn get broken down into smaller things, and so on, stopping

only when we reach the point that our little things (like source language statements in C) can be

handled by a computer program like a compiler.6 That’s the theory; in practice, there are com-

plications. We’ll obviously spend a fair bit of time on the subject of design itself later; all I want

to introduce here are some of the most significant complications in the relationship between de-

sign and requirements.

1.2.1 Requirements are part of a design’s specification

The first reason that there’s usually some degree of confusion between requirements and design

is that it is completely impossible to meaningfully describe a design without specifying require-

ments for its parts (components, modules). Consider the following diagram:

Is that diagram a design? Well, it’s intended to show the interconnections among some compo-

nents (the Ci), which is certainly part of what a design must describe. But by itself, that picture

really doesn’t tell us much not nothing, just not much. In order to fully understand and specify

how this design actually works, we need to specify what each component is supposed to do. And

what do we call a specification of what something is supposed to do? Why, its requirements of

course. So a useful specification of a design for something must include the requirements for its

parts. How we avoid tremendous redundancy (and possible inconsistency) in describing our pro-

6 The same generic model of design applies to hardware, of course, but the stopping criteria changes. I suppose for hardware, we stop when our little things can either be purchased off the shelf or manufactured without further docu-mentation.

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Fundamental Concepts and Issues in Software Requirements and Design

gressively more detailed designs (systems decomposed into subsystems decomposed into tasks

or processes decomposed into C functions, for example) is well beyond our scope here and in

my opinion there’s still no completely satisfactory answer in general anyway.

1.2.2 Algorithmically intensive requirements

Some requirements can be worded very simply and all necessary information can be in one sen-


When the operator pushes the lever down, the software shall output the left-turn signal within


But for some requirements, the value characteristics are complex mathematical functions of

many different prior inputs. Consider a radar tracking system which will display aircraft sym-

bols on an operator’s display. The composition of the ultimate output will be fairly simple, let’s

say just a symbol and an (x, y) coordinate pair where the symbol is to be displayed, where the x

and the y are in units of pixels from the upper left corner of the display. Let’s look at how the

software will ultimately have to calculate that display-based x and y coordinates in pixels:

Radar reports received in range and bearing [ coordinates from the radar have to be

converted into Cartesian coordinates [x, y] relative to the radar

If the radar is on a moving platform (a ship or airplane) the position of that platform must

be obtained or estimated and converted to a geographically fixed Cartesian position

Then the plot report’s local [x, y] must be added to the platform’s geographic [x, y] to ob-

tain plot coordinates in geographic [x, y]

Then the set of existing tracks (previously known aircraft) must be searched to determine

which ones are in the vicinity of the new radar plot.

Then the old position of each the aircraft must be extrapolated (based on last known state

vector [ x , y , x , y , x , y ]) to the time of the radar plot

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Then the best matching track for the plot must be selected based on, let’s say for example,

a least squares fit.

Then the track’s state vector must be updated using some sort of filter (- or Kalman)

Then the track’s geographic coordinates must be converted to display coordinates (pixels)

based on the operator’s current window settings

Then the updated display coordinates must be output to the display controller

You really want to try to write a single equation for all that, directly tying the value of the new

display [x, y] coordinates in pixels to the original [ coordinate inputs and the history of dis-

play positions for all the tracks recently output? Is it possible to do so? Certainly, in theory. In

practice? Not a chance.

So in practice, we have little alternative but to describe the reference value7 by describing a se-

ries of steps in a possible computation. If we’re well educated in the theory of requirements en-

gineering, we know that we don’t really mean to be dictating the design, we really mean just to

be defining a reference value (i.e., the output should look like this: …), but when the description

stretches over 40 or 50 pages we sometimes will need to refer forward or backward. We could

(and really should, in my opinion), of course, merely say something like, this state vector defini-

tion is used in defining the correlation likelihood as described on page 78, but in too many spec-

ifications, it seems to have wound up an almost universal practice to just say, the update func-

tion shall pass the state vector to the correlation function. A good software requirements speci-

fication, making such an adjustment to the pure, “black box behavior only” theory of require-

ments, should somewhere at least include a disclaimer reminding the reader that such functions

(e.g., correlation function) are to be thought of as descriptive conveniences only and are not in-

tended to dictate design. IEEE Std 830-1998 [6] actually includes a pretty good example in its

section 5.2.2b, Product functions:

7 Remember, the algorithm is not the requirement. The requirement is that our software make an output that is within some specified accuracy of an algorithmically specified reference value.

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Textual or graphical methods can be used to show the different functions and their relationships.

Such a diagram is not intended to show a design of a product, but simply shows the logical relation-

ships among variables.

But even there I think there’s some conceptual fuzziness that should be clarified (I’m being po-

lite here). First of all, I don’t like the use of the word “variables” there: Variables are design en-

tities, not output characteristics.8 More importantly, I think the IEEE Std 830-1998 statement is

missing an important point: Since form follows function, if we need to modularize our descrip-

tions of some very complex requirements, our choice of textual modularizations may not be in-

tended to dictate a design but it is surely suggestive of some aspects of one. This early, perhaps

even somewhat unintentional, modularization may change later in the design process for any one

of several reasons, but it is still, in fact, an early, somewhat abstract, design description it’s ab-

stract since we don’t know the nature of the entities involved; i.e., the “functions” in a require-

ments document are generic (abstract) design entities (something like “subsystems”). These

“functions” are certainly not intended to be considered functions in the C language sense of the

term. They’re generic, meaning something like, “there may eventually be some sort of actual ar-

chitectural entity here (e.g., a process, a class, a procedure, a subprogram, or even a real func-

tion), but we don’t know what it will actually be yet and we reserve the right to change our mind

anyway.” But by using such concepts and language, we have nonetheless intertwined real design

information, preliminary and abstract as it may be, in with our specification of our requirements.

I.e., the stepwise refinement of our design often starts with our choice of organization for our re-

quirements document. That “intertwining” is not necessarily bad per se, but it usually is some-

what accidental: We weren’t really thinking about design at all, just how the hell to organize the

requirements document. And an accidental design is not likely to be a terribly good one.

8 Unless the authors meant to restrict variables to mean variables visible in the blackbox inputs or outputs; in which, frankly, I think the word “data” or “field” would have avoided any ambiguity, as in, “simply shows the logical rela-tionships among blackbox input and output data.” At this point, I don’t know what the authors actually intended; and that’s unfortunate for a standards document.

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1.2.3 Accidental design in a requirements specification

Many requirements specification written according to IEEE Std 830-1998 or its predecessors

(both civilian and military) wind up having requirements worded like, “the tracking function

shall then pass the computed target position to the display function”. From a purist’s theoretical

point of view which is where we’re starting, we shouldn’t make practical compromises without

first knowing the underlying theory there are at least two problems with that wording:

1. As we discussed earlier, the word “function” is ambiguous. In many programming lan-

guages, a function is a design entity. But in a requirements document to be written long

before design takes place, “function” is (or should be) intended to be synonymous with

“purpose”, as in, “the function of the software is to control the reactor”. All major re-

quirements specification standards over the last forty years or so have allowed the use of

“functions” (meaning purposes) as the main way to organize the requirements document;

most of the older standards flat out required it. But as our example requirement, above,

was worded, “the tracking function shall then pass the computed position to the display

function”, the word “function” sounds like it is being used architecturally: Active design

entities can pass things to one another, purposes can’t. The language is thus confusing,

making the tracking function sound like an architectural entity when it’s not at all clear

that it is really intended to be one.

2. That passing of data from one internal entity to another is, by definition, not externally

observable and hence not directly testable without extra, often considerably extra, work.

When we test your first C program and see “Hello world” show up on the screen, how do

we know your main function passed data to the printf function? Couldn’t your code

be doing something completely different (like using putc to output one character at a

time)? Simply looking at the output (which is the only testing we want to discuss here,

since the output is our only “real” requirement), won’t tell us if we’ve satisfied a require-

ment to pass data to a printf function. Similarly, no simple/direct test will show us

that a requirement like “the tracking function shall then pass the computed position to the

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Fundamental Concepts and Issues in Software Requirements and Design

display function” is being met. I’ve seen test organizations reviewing requirements spec-

ifications classify such alleged requirements as “implicit”, meaning “not directly testable

by themselves”, meaning that eventually there’d better be some sort of output specified

somewhere else that allowing us to observe if the intended data manipulation actually oc-

curred properly; which is really just a polite way of saying that the requirements docu-

ment was poorly written, without a true understanding of the desired nature of require-


Later standards, e.g., MIL-STD 498 [10] partly, or probably even largely, in response to the

problem with the ambiguous use of the word “function”, replaced it with “capability” 9 as the or-

ganizational basis to be used in a software requirements specification. But the problem is in fact

much deeper than a simple wording problem and has been recognized, although not really re-

solved, for quite some time. I think that over the intervening decades we have learned a bit more

about the causes of the problem and since it has large consequences for the way we think about

and then actually do software engineering, I want to explore both the causes and the solutions

here. I think there are two root causes to the apparently inevitable intertwining of design infor-

mation in with the requirements:

1. Algorithmically intensive requirements

2. The absolute necessity of requirements to the description of design (but not vice versa)

2 The essential information elements of output requirementsThe “what” versus “how” distinction that we mentioned earlier is a good philosophical starting

point; but it still isn’t all that helpful to a young engineer trying to figure out what information

actually needs to be documented and how to come up with that information. To do better, we

need good answers to some fundamental questions, including:

(a) What is a requirement? (I.e., can we do better than simply “what, not how”?) 9 See, for example, http://www.letu.edu/people/jaytevis/Software-Engineering/MIL-STD-498/SRS-DID.pdf, para-graph 3.2

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(b) Are there different kinds of requirements?

(c) What is the overall set of information that must be documented?

Once we have a better feel for the techno-philosophy and have developed a well-founded set of

concepts and vocabulary, we can look at some of the pragmatics for actually coming up with and

documenting requirements. But without first establishing a good foundation, all we’d get is an-

other Tower of Babel, which is what we mostly find in textbooks and on the web today.

Before going any further, it would be prudent to start by rigorously defining just the notion of an

output itself. To me, it’s one of those “everybody knows that, so why bother” concepts whose

unexamined nature can lead to confusion downstream. Better to pin it down precisely here, even

at the risk of being a bit pedantic, a common failing of us academics. For this discussion here,

then, an output for a given a piece of software will be defined as a collection of bits whose values

are controlled by the software and whose time of appearance at the software’s black-box bound-

ary can only be controlled by the software collectively – i.e., the software makes the collected set

of bit values available to some receiving entity (hardware circuitry, or perhaps another piece of

software), but the timing of the appearance of any proper subset is not under control of the soft-

ware, only the timing of the initial availability of the entire set is. For example, if the software

prepares an output message of 256 bits in length and provides it to a hardware serial port, the

software has no further control over when the individual bits or any subsets thereof come out in

relationship to one another; that timing will be the province of the hardware. The software out-

put is complete when all 256 bits have been calculated and assembled into some required se-

quence but the further transfer of those bits outside of the software’s blackbox boundary is not

under the control of the software making the required output.

2.1.1 The essential elements of an output requirement in theory: Value and time

So what is observable in a software output? Only bit patterns (values) and the time they become

available for observation at the blackbox boundary. Time is as important as value. Parnas again:

“All systems can be described as real-time systems – even if the real time requirements are

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weak.” [3] Having the value that provides the result of some calculation show up 8 million years

after the program first starts running simply won’t do; no one would set out to spend his or her

time writing software that might take that long to produce its outputs. So what is an acceptable

time limit, even if it’s best measured in months, not milliseconds? See the software require-

ments. The theory really is this simple; software requirements are statements about the accept-

able values for the outputs and the acceptable times for them to appear. That’s it.

There’s an important, all too often hidden, assumption about software and time here that really

shouldn’t be hidden: What everyone calls software timing requirements (and all practicing engi-

neers and software requirements standards consider timing part of the software requirements) ac-

tually specify the desired behavior of a special purpose machine constructed by the execution of

the software by some actual, more general purpose, hardware.10 In the most formal sense, the

software itself only specifies a mathematical function11 for which time is not an observable char-

acteristic. Time only becomes an observable when the software is actually executed on some

physical device. So in reality, software requirements specifications that include timing are not

actually specifying merely the software’s requirements but the requirements for a computational

system consisting of some general purpose, programmable device and the software that controls

its behavior; which is probably one reason the boundary between system engineering and soft-

ware engineering is not as clear as some documentation standards and textbooks seem to imply.

There are other reasons for the fuzzy boundary as well; we’ll look at some of them later.

2.1.2 The essential elements of an output requirement in practice

Although the theory of observability of software behavior is as simple as timing and value, in practice

there are several key concepts that will shed further light on the nature of software requirements and the

process(es) by which they are developed and documented.

10 See Leveson, Safeware [9] Figure 2.1 for a good illustration of this point; although the observation is not original with her.11 Technically, what is known as a recursively enumerable function.

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Fundamental Concepts and Issues in Software Requirements and Design Values and fields

As a matter of practicality, we usually divide the bits of a complete output up into separate fields

to make it convenient to specify their acceptable values more or less independently of one an-

other. The entire output, for example, may be a display of aircraft data for air traffic control but

since the displayed value for the aircraft’s position will be a function of radar inputs, for exam-

ple, whereas its call sign (e.g., American Airlines 91) is probably a manual input of ASCII codes,

we want to specify the acceptable values for those two items separately.

Another reason for breaking up value requirements by fields is that some requirements for fields

will require exact values, while others fields will only need to be approximate. Output bits that

will display an aircraft call sign, for example, must be exact, while the display of the aircraft’s

position may have some tolerance (accuracy) associated with it. E.g., an output field represent-

ing some analogue physical quantity such as position, can never be observed exactly and so the

software requirement must include a tolerance e.g., ± ¼ mile. As we will discuss later, soft-

ware requirements are almost always developed via a process of stepwise refinement, and much

of the identification of fields usually has to be done earlier in the requirements development

process rather than later; while leaving many of the details (such as classification as exact or ap-

proximate) to be deferred to later stages but they’re still requirements, since they tell us which

output values will be acceptable and which would not be. Timing requirements specify intervals

Unlike values, which can sometimes be required to be exact, the time of an output must always

be specified approximately – i.e., somewhere within a (specified) interval of time. So, for exam-

ple, a requirement to make some output at noon is incomplete; it needs a statement of timing ac-

curacy noon ± a picosecond is a harder requirement to meet than noon ± a minute. Often, we

don’t think of ourselves as specifying two separate points in time, merely a single number like a

limit on a response time. But the response time limit marks the endpoint of an interval whose

start is some externally observable event like the arrival of some input e.g., an operator pushed

some button and our software must respond within ¼ second; and that starting point must be

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specified as part of the software requirements; we don’t want an output showing up before the

operator pushed the button that asked for it, that would be unacceptable and the software require-

ments must make that clear. Although a great many outputs may be simple stimulus- response

requirements having an obvious earliest acceptable time, there are other real world timing re-

quirements, like periodics, that will require some thinking about. One way or another, the end

result is that a timing requirement must eventually specify two times for each output: The earliest

time it’s acceptable and the latest. Events, triggers, states, modes, and preconditions

The practical specification of timing requirements is based on the concept of an observable

event; e.g., an input such as an operator’s pressing of some button. Triggers, states, modes, and

preconditions are all sets of one or more such events. Events

From the requirements engineering standpoint, an event is an instant in time when something

happens that is visible from outside the software’s blackbox boundary. An event can be quite

simple (an operator pushes some key or button) or arbitrarily complex, e.g., a radar input arrives

within 10 seconds after some other event and the distance of the radar report from the closest air-

craft is less than the average of … et cetera. During the requirements engineering process,

events can (and therefore usually should) be defined via stepwise refinement. Eventually, how-

ever, it must be possible to express the characteristics of the event as mathematical functions of

only the time and value in the event, possibly (often) in relationship to the times and values of

prior inputs and outputs, since those times and values are all that is observable at the software’s

blackbox boundary.12 Whether or not a given project needs to ultimately document an event to

that level of detail (which specific characteristics of which specific inputs) is a “stopping point of

stepwise refinement” question, which, as will be discussed later, can vary from project to project.

Safety critical software, for example, presumably needs its written requirements specified in

greater detail than do most video games. 12 Program startup is actually also a blackbox event that’s observable by our software; but although in safety-critical systems that can be important, it’s beyond our scope here for at least the time being..

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Fundamental Concepts and Issues in Software Requirements and Design States, modes, and preconditions

States, modes, and preconditions are combinations of events that collectively enable later outputs

but may or may not by themselves require an immediate output response. For example:

Once three inputs of type A have been received, output their average value within 2 sec-

onds after receiving the last input (and do not output another value until three new inputs

are received)

The precondition for that output is that there were three prior inputs (of type A).

All three terms (state, mode, and precondition) are equivalent; precondition is probably the most

technically accurate, but the least often explicitly used in requirements standards. In practice,

when the same set of preconditions shows up repeatedly in the requirements for multiple, distinct

outputs, most requirements development methodologies and standards tend to call it a mode or a

state. For example, there may be a lot of very different outputs that we want our weapon control

software to be able to generate only if the captain of the ship has previously authorized weapons

release, so all those outputs would depend on the prior receipt of the captain’s authorization. The

Captain’s turning a key to arm the weapon systems, for example, might be a precondition for

later outputs. Colloquially, the system is then said to have a state or mode13 called, let us say,

weaponsFree, and the fireTheMissile or the fireTheCannon outputs would only be required in re-

sponse to an event signaled later by some other operator’s subsequent input e.g., the Weapons

Officer pushing a shootNow button. The Captain’s arming the weapon systems doesn’t cause

guns or missiles to be fired; but it’s a precondition for later outputs required by later input events.

The Weapons Officer push of the button would then not require the system to fire missiles if the

system were not in the weaponsFree mode. It might be required to produce some other output,

though, like perhaps a message to the Weapons Officer saying something like, “You dumb shit!

Why are you pushing the firing button when weapons release has not been authorized?” Note

that there would therefore be two different outputs required under different circumstances (pre-

13 Weinberg has a nice, if much too long winded (boy, is this the pot calling the kettle black ;-) discussion of states in An Introduction to General Systems Thinking [11].

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conditions) by the same input event. So a given output may have both unique preconditions

(can’t fire the guns if they’re out of ammunition) and some that are in common with other out-

puts (weaponsFree). Many software requirements standards allow/encourage treating them

(unique and shared preconditions) somewhat differently; but there is in fact no theoretical or

practical difference between states, modes, and preconditions. All three terms are used in the lit-

erature and they are all the same thing, a set of one or more externally visible events whose times

and values meet some specified conditions. Triggers

A trigger (the vocabulary is not standard) is an event that actually requires a response from our

software. The trigger is the last or most recent event after all the other preconditions have been

met after which the software must produce some specified output within some specified time in-

terval or it (the software) will have failed to meet its specification. In our earlier, average value

output, example, above, the trigger was the arrival of the last (third) input of type A. In theory,

the trigger can be regarded as just another precondition for the output, but it probably deserves

its own name (i.e., trigger) since it is the last necessary precondition and therefore serves as a

lower bound on the timing of the required output e.g., continuing the average value example,

above, the earliest time we want the average value output is the time of the last of the three in-

puts event plus 2 seconds, the 2 seconds obviously being what is commonly called the response

time. Note that although the time of the trigger must be a lower bound for the time of the re-

quired output, it need not be the greatest lower bound. For example, we might wish to specify

that the earliest time that is acceptable for some output might be the time of the trigger event plus

a 1 second delay. Positive and negative events

Events (including triggers) may be either positive or negative (again, this vocabulary is not stan-

dard). A positive event is the occurrence of a change in something externally observable e.g.,

for interrupt-driven systems, the presence of a new input is a positive event. A negative event is

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Fundamental Concepts and Issues in Software Requirements and Design

the passage of some specified amount of time without the occurrence of some positive event or

set of events. For example,

If a period of 2 seconds elapses without either the receipt of a message from the radar or

an input from the radar operator, output a radarOffline message .

Describing a negative condition that way is a quite common, but it is actually a bit abstract and

hence ambiguous. Stepwise refinement is crucial to understanding modern software engineering

and we’ll examine its role in more detail later; but this radar offline example provides us an op-

portunity for a good introduction. If our radar goes silent for anything longer than exactly 2 sec-

onds, there will be an infinite number of 2 second intervals of silence, the first one starting 2 sec-

onds after the last message, another starting, for example, 2001 milliseconds after the last mes-

sage, then another starting 2002 ms, another at 2003, and so on, ad infinitum. And there’s noth-

ing magic about milliseconds there, either; I could have said 20000001 microseconds, or

2000000001 nanoseconds, and so on. There is nothing inconsistent with our requirement as orig-

inally worded if our software generates a new radarOffline message for each of such an infinite

number of intervals of 2 seconds of radar silence; but that’s probably not what we want (a limit-

less number of outputs, each signifying that the radar is offline). So the original requirement is

ambiguous; it’s fine as a slightly (not terribly) abstract requirement, but eventually the actual

start and end points of the silence interval may need to be specified more precisely, as in

If there has not been another radar input within the 2 seconds immediately following the

receipt of a radar input, output a [single] radar offline message ….

Ultimately it is the starting point and the endpoint of an interval that may need to be precisely

specified, not just the duration. Why only “may need to be”? That’s a stepwise refinement issue

again. For many systems, this last level of detail may not be necessary; but some safety critical

systems require proof-of-correctness which could dictate that the more precise level of detail be

documented. The more common concern is simply effective communications: Will the de-

signer/programmer reading the requirements know what behavior the requirements specification

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is really calling for? That’s a simple and casual statement of a really important point. It may

seem obvious, but it’s worth emphasizing: The purpose of documenting the software require-

ments is to communicate them to someone. Many practical decisions about levels of detail and

documentation style depend on who the intended recipients are as well as the nature of the prod-

uct being specified. Required preconditions: Input capacity or load

Most preconditions are obviously very much dependent on the specifics of the application envi-

ronment the preconditions for a weapon release output are not going to have much in common

with the preconditions for dispensing cash from an ATM, for example. But there is a standard

type of precondition that should almost always be included in the requirements specification for

outputs from many real-time systems and that is a capacity precondition. A hardware platform

that provides interrupt-driven I/O, which is more efficient than polling for many real-time appli-

cations, can only handle a finite number of interrupts over any finite time interval before the pro-

cessor will no longer have capacity left to do anything else, including process another interrupt.

(I’m oversimplifying here, but only very slightly.) Even very trivial interrupt handling con-

sumes both CPU time and memory. The amounts can be very small, so the system’s capacity for

that interrupt might be quite large; but there’s always some finite limit on how many interrupts

the hardware can process in a given period of time. That limit then needs to be a precondition

for “normal” or “not overloaded” mode outputs e.g.,

If the count of such inputs arriving within the last second is ≤ specifiedCapacity when trigger

event whatever occurs, the software shall output the normalMode output as follows But if the

count of prior inputs in the last second is > specifiedCapacity when the trigger event occurs, the

software shall instead output someOther message with the following characteristics .

We may believe that the environment for our computational system is not likely to generate an

excessive rate of interrupts (e.g., how fast can a single human operator push the buttons, after

all), but that’s exactly the sort of assumption that leads to accidents. In her classic book Safe-

ware, Leveson [9] described a UAV accident where a mechanical failure, survivable in and of it-

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self, led to an excessive number of interrupts being generated to the flight control computer. Not

having had a requirement to detect and respond somehow (disable the interrupt, perhaps) to this

overload, the flight control software crashed in the software sense of the word which was not

survivable, and the entire vehicle then crashed shortly thereafter in the physical sense of the

word (i.e., a big boom followed by a fire).

Note that this concept of capacity need not be as simple as a straight count of input interrupts; it

could include categorization of the input. E.g.,

“Normal mode” is defined as fewer than 50 inputs in the last second of which no more than

10 have an x or y coordinate greater than 5 and no more than 5 of which have an x coordi-

nate greater than 20 … .

There is a related concept, often called “load”, which can be defined as the sum of the counts of

multiple inputs over some specified time interval. E.g.,

As a precondition, the definition of normal load is when the sum of the number of air traffic

controller inputs plus the number of radar inputs plus the number of flight plan messages in-

put in the last 5 seconds is ≤ 1000.

If some inputs are more “important” to the load definition than others (e.g., we think they will

take more computational resources to handle), the load, L, can be a weighted total, i.e., L =

∑wi·C(Ii), where C(Ii) is the count of inputs of type Ii over some time interval and wi is the weight

for that type of input. The count of interrupts, the weights (if any), the time frame, and the sys-

tem’s required response to “overload” will all obviously be application dependent; but “capacity”

or “load” preconditions of some sort should be specified for all normal outputs for robust sys-

tems running on an interrupt-driven platform.14

14 And for robustness, of course, such systems should have requirements for dealing with overload, but that’s beyond our scope here.

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2.2 Some implication of the focus on observable output behaviorOur focus on output behavior has some interesting implications and in fact helps resolve some real world

disputations that blur the distinction between requirements and design.

2.2.1 “Processing” and “computing” are not requirements

As Parnas noted, “if the value of the outputs is correct, nobody will mind if the inputs are not

even read.” A requirement written as, the software shall have the capacity to process up to 45

radar reports per second is sloppy it’s common, but it’s sloppy and unnecessary. It’s sloppy

because one can’t actually observe software processing inputs; one can only observe whether or

not proper outputs are being produced. It’s unnecessary since the description of the acceptable

behavior of required outputs eventually has to include a description of when they are required

which, as was discussed earlier, includes the concept of enabling preconditions, so that the “ca-

pacity” requirement, above, should be considered as a precondition, as discussed above, rather

than a separate requirement in and of itself. In the real world, particularly when considering step-

wise-refinement, which we’ll discuss shortly, talking about “input capacity” requirements may

not be the worst of sins. But for the moment, as we’re just starting to develop a good conceptual

foundation, let’s be purists: Parnas is correct; the processing of inputs is not in and of itself a re-


Similarly, a poorly written attempt at a requirement such as, the software shall compute the co-

sine function using the following Taylor series approximation algorithm does not actually de-

scribe observable behavior from outside the blackbox boundary we can’t see how the software

actually computes the cosine. Perhaps, for example, instead of actually computing a Taylor se-

ries in real-time, our software will merely look up the cosine in a table of pre-computed values

which might be a good design for a very time critical system, lookup of a pre-computed value

usually being much faster than dynamic computation. If we’re serious that a requirement must

specify observable behavior, and we should be, we must conclude that computation via some

specified algorithm (e.g., a Taylor series) cannot in and of itself be a requirement. We’ll exam-

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ine this subject in more detail later; but the conclusion will still stand: An algorithm cannot be a


2.2.2 Are “thou shalt never …” requirements really requirements?

Particularly in requirements for safety critical software, we often see statements like, “the software shall

never … [do something bad, like command the nuclear reactor to go to more than 110% power].” Is such

a statement a requirement? It would certainly be observable if our software did produce an output that we

didn’t want; but how could we observe or test the “never” part of such a requirement? I think the point

here is this: Not only must our requirements describe the characteristics of the outputs we want,

the flip side is also true and all too often not stated explicitly: Our software must not produce any

outputs that are not required. If our software does something else in addition to what we re-

quired it to do, either that’s unacceptable or our requirements documentation is incomplete and

the acceptable but undocumented behavior needs to be added to it: It is not enough that software

do what we want; it better not do anything else. How happy would you be with your email pro-

gram if every time it sent out an email because you asked it to, it also decided on its own to send

a copy to the KGB, the New York Times, or your mother? In terms of requirements, everything

not compulsory is forbidden.15 Getting back to our nuclear reactor problem, if we write our re-

quirements properly (completely) so that all possible input values lead to required output power

levels less than 110%, then correct software that satisfies those requirements will not be capable

of violating its “negative” (or “never”) requirements, since there will not be any set of inputs that

could result in such an output. So we may be able to verify analytically that our software meets

such a requirement even though no finite set of tests can demonstrate it. So is such a “thou shalt

not …” statement a legitimate requirement even though it’s not testable? Perhaps, although I

personally usually refer to such statements (“thou shalt never …”) as constraints (see below), but

there’s no standard vocabulary in the field (literature or practice) that I’m aware of.

15 That’s a reversal of the line “Everything not forbidden is compulsory”. I always though t that line was from Or-well’s 1984, but it’s not; it’s from T.H. White’s The Once and Future King.

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2.3 Constraints and Attributes

There are two other words that are used quite often as part of these sorts of “theory of require-

ments engineering” discussions: constraint and attribute. But beyond the ordinary dictionary

meaning, there’s no standard software engineering definition for either of them. Ask any two

software engineers what’s the difference between a requirement and a constraint and the result-

ing argument, and usually there will be an argument, often starts to sound positively surreal. In

the Middle Ages, before we had software, theologians used to argue how many angels could sit

on the head of a pin; now we have software vocabulary as a basis for our pointless disputations.

Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.16 IEEE Std 830-1998 [6] uses both terms (constraint

and attribute) and so apparently considers them to be two separate concepts but lists them as a

category (or type) of requirement. But few engineers would use the word “constraint” to de-

scribe output characteristics, regardless of the fact that a pointless and abstruse argument about

semantics can be made to justify such usage17. And many/most engineers would probably be

reasonably happy lumping all the other stuff (maintainability, extensibility, etc.) under the cate-

gory of “other constraints” or “other attributes” and noting that the set of such possible types of

things is (1) unbounded, (2) not rigorously definable, and (3) never of the degree of universal ap-

plicability to all possible software development projects that output requirements are. Most re-

quirements standards take a “kitchen sink” approach to these things and list as many as the au-

thors thought important (and no two standards have exactly the same kitchen sink) and then

make some sort of disclaimer that not all of them necessarily pertain to any given software

project. For example, the old DOD-STD-2167A’s paragraph 1.5, Tailoring of this standard,


16 The more things change, the more they stay the same17 IEEE Std 830-1998 actually makes the case very concisely on page 9, paragraph 4.7: “Note that every requirement in the SRS limits design alternatives.” To limit is to constrain, so at least according to IEEE Std 830-1998 software requirements are constraints. I don’t know if that’s what the authors intended to say; but it certainly seems to be what they actually wound up saying. The real point, once again, is that since vocabulary is not consistent from doc-ument to document, it’s probably best for an engineer to have a really thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts and then try to adapt to whatever vocabulary any given organization or document tries to use.

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“This standard contains a set of requirements designed to be tailored … . The tailoring process in-

tended for this standard is the deletion of non-applicable requirements.” [7]

A Department of Defense customer might easily agree that portability need not be a requirement

for some piece of software (like, for hypothetical example, the avionics software for the F-16)

for which custom hardware is already required, so portability is not likely to be of much impor-

tance. But I doubt that anyone would ever agree to ignore output characteristics. (“We don’t ac-

tually care what the software does so long as it’s portable and maintainable.” Right.)

So what’s the point here?

1. Everyone agrees that output characteristics are the essential core of a requirements speci-

fication. They may not say it as explicitly as Parnas and his disciples (including me) do,

but when properly interpreted (i.e., my way), the standards and procedures actually in

use today make it clear enough.

2. Some of the other information that is correctly considered essential to requirements but

that may not seem to be output related really is output related when looked at rigorously.

The input capacity example we looked at earlier is a prime example of this.

3. All the other stuff, sometimes referred to as the –ilities (e.g., extensibility, portability,

maintainability, etc.), may sometimes be important (it varies from project to project) but

it’s not as central as outputs are to understanding software requirements and the require-

ments engineering process. And we can’t seem to agree on a complete set of categories

for all this stuff anyway, nor whether any given category is really a requirement, a con-

straint, an attribute, or something else entirely.

Bottom line: There’s general (if sometimes tacit) consensus that outputs and their observable

characteristics are the essence of software requirements and that it might be better to use “con-

straint” or “other attributes” to describe anything else that should appear in the requirements doc-

ument to guide subsequent analysis and design activities. But don’t become a religious zealot

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here. If your company wants to insist that reliability is a requirement, don’t argue the point until

you’re senior enough to have some credibility.

3 How do we come up with requirements?We’ll answer this question in two parts:

(1) Where do we start? What are the standard sources of information that will allow us to begin the

requirements engineering process?

(2) What do we need to do with that initial requirements data?

3.1 Source of requirementsThere are actually quite a few different sources of requirements information, not all of them necessarily

applicable on any one project, but all quite relevant at some time or other to one project or other.

3.1.1 Allocation18

Many large projects, particularly government ones, start with some form of “high level”19 requirements

statement or concept of operations followed by a high level design document often called a system speci-

fication. The number and nomenclature for such predecessor documents has varied over the years and

from customer to customer but the one thing they always have in common is that they are a source of sys-

tem requirements (more about this term later) some of which will be allocated to software in total or in

part. E.g., if the system is going to be an air traffic control system, the system specification might include

a statement like, for example, “the system must provide situation displays for up to 200 air traffic con-

trollers per air traffic control center.” Part of that requirement will be allocated to hardware (“the display

subsystem must provide 200 controller workstations, each featuring a high resolution monitor of size

TBS20”) and part will be allocated to software the software must provide each controller with a geo-

graphical display of aircraft position, map data, and weather, along with alphanumeric display of aircraft

18 Distribution according to a plan, according to http://www.thefreedictionary.com/allocation19 We’ll be discussing the concept of “level” of requirements in the section on stepwise refinement, below.20 TBS: To be specified [later]; a common placeholder for information not yet determined. TBD (to be determined) is also used for this purpose.

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data such as call sign, destination, etc. Such “system requirements allocated to software” [13] are obvi-

ously one source of initial information for software requirements.

3.1.2 Elicitation

Requirements elicitation is a fancy name for interviewing the customers or end users of the software to

elicit their needs. There have been attempts made to provide a fairly formal framework for such inter-

views21 , but I’m not aware that any particular technique has achieved much wide spread success. You

can (and should) dress it up a bit (some structure to such interviews is better than nothing at all) but ulti-

mately it still comes down to asking your customers/users, “what do you want the software to do?” The

results of course will often be fragmentary and fairly abstract (Dilbert has a lot to say on this point22), but

nonetheless provide a crucial starting point for downstream stepwise refinement, to be discussed in detail,

below (in section 3.2).

3.1.3 Interface analysis

What we often call the “context” of a software system consists of all the external systems it interfaces

with. A radar data processing system, for example, will obviously interface with one or more radars. Of-

ten, many such external systems are already in existence at the beginning of a new software project. In

such cases, a blackbox description of their input/output characteristics, often called an interface specifica-

tion, is therefore available right from the beginning (of a new software development project); their inputs

will come from some of our our software’s outputs and their outputs will be some of our software’s in-

puts. Analysis of such interface documentation is a prime source of software requirements information.

3.1.4 Human-Machine Interface (HMI) design

From one viewpoint, the HMI is just another interface, whose documentation, as discussed above, is a

good source of requirements for the software that will drive it i.e., provide displays and computer gener-

ated controls for it (e.g., pull down menus). But the design of the human-machine interface is a special-

ized discipline in and of itself and produces specialized documents. These documents may go by differ-

ent names in different environments. The U.S. Department of Defense, for example, usually calls them

something like a concept of operations document and a set of operational sequence diagrams. Usually, 21 See, for example, http://www.engr.sjsu.edu/~fayad/current.courses/cmpe202-fall2010/docs/Lecture-5/Tech-Req-Elicitation-Paper.pdf22 See http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/2002-02-20/ , http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/2006-02-26/, and http://dilbert.-com/strips/comic/2006-01-29/, for example.

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they are produced by human factors engineers for review by customers/users, and often such work is done

before the software engineering job gets started. Such documentation would then be a rich source of re-

quirements information for a downstream software development project. Often, however, the software

engineering team itself is responsible for developing the HMI. Conceptual HMI Semantic Syntactic Lexical

3.1.5 Prototyping (including modeling and simulation)

Although I’m sure purists might sneer, from the requirements engineering standpoint, I’m mostly going to

lump prototypes, models, and simulations together as a single technique. Prototypes, particularly HMI

prototypes, are a rich source of software requirements. If you’re not sure what the HMI should look like

(i.e., what the requirements are), whip up some sample screens. They don’t even have to be interactive;

there are many drawing packages available to draw up static but realistic images of what symbols for air-

craft might look like when displayed or what menus might look like, what colors, what fonts, etc. It is

much easier for customers and potential users to review such things in pictorial form. In practical terms,

there is often no alternative; using narrative text to describe the details of visual phenomena is a fool’s er-

rand. Such HMI models and prototypes are a major adjunct to requirements elicitation for the HMI. In-

teractive models (of the HMI) are even better than static pictures; but even static pictures seem to me to

qualify as a form of HMI model. When the human factors types and the customers agree that they like

the look-and-feel in the pictures, they can turn them over to the software team and say, “make the soft-

ware displays and controls look like these pictures.” In other words, “here are some software require-


Prototyping, modeling, and simulation can all be used for algorithms as well as HMI. Now it’s true, as

we discussed earlier, that an algorithm per se is never a requirement, but, as we will discuss later, it’s also

true that sometimes we have no alternative except to run elaborate simulations or models and conclude

that a given algorithm, say, for predicting where a maneuvering target will be 30 seconds into the future,

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is the best we can come up with. We still should be careful to word our requirement properly, the algo-

rithm as a definition, as in, to continue our example, the software shall display a predicted position that is

±1/4 mile of the position defined by the following algorithm that we just spent two years and $106 model-

ing the effectiveness of … . So the algorithm is still not a requirement, it’s a definition used in stating the

real requirement, and the details of the definition were developed by modeling and simulation.

3.1.6 Engineering judgment

Particularly in the case of initial information received by allocation from a predecessor document or via

elicitation from customers, it is often the job of the software engineer to take the initial information that is

not yet sufficiently detailed and, via stepwise refinement (section 3.2), add more details based on engi-

neering judgment. In other words, you study all the information from whatever starting points are avail-

able to you and then you fill in the blanks by guessing. (Aren’t “engineering judgment” and “informed

synthesis” so much more impressive than “guessing”?) As a management issue, it is obviously important

to have such synthesized requirements detail reviewed and approved by the customer, if at all possible,

or by other experienced engineers, or both. But that’s a management issue more than software engineer-

ing one. With or without such review and approval (preferably with, obviously), engineering judgment

by the software engineering team itself often accounts for a significant subset of the usually rather large

volume of documented requirements details.

3.1.7 Engineering analysis, particularly completeness analysis

Much requirements information comes from analysis of already existing requirements information. E.g.,

if we see a requirement to turn on the green light if the user has entered a valid authorization code, one

would expect there should probably be another requirement somewhere stating what’s required as a re-

sponse to an invalid user input. For another example, if we see a requirement to generate a valveOpen

command, wouldn’t we also expect to see some other requirement somewhere to generate a valveClose

command? Derivation of additional (sometimes known as “derived”) software requirements via such

completeness and robustness analysis of an earlier set of software requirements is a complex subject that I

may or may not provide an overview of later. (If I don’t and you’re interested, find a copy of my Ph.D

dissertation somewhere.23 ;-)

23 Completeness, robustness, and safety in real-time software requirements specifications, see http://books.google.-com/books/about/Completeness_Robustness_and_Safety_in_Re.html?id=m7RmpwAACAAJ

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3.2 Stepwise refinement and functional decomposition

Once some initial set of requirements has been identified, (presumably from one or more of the

sources of initial requirements discussed above), requirements engineering for all but the sim-

plest projects usually proceeds via what is called “stepwise refinement”, proceeding from the

more abstract to the more detailed in a series of gradual steps. Even at the very beginning of a

software development project, when we start to merely describe the purpose for which the soft-

ware is to be developed, we are recognizably starting a stepwise refinement of output informa-

tion. To state, for example, that the purpose of some software for use in the control room of a

nuclear power plant is to control the operators’ coffee pot as well as the nuclear reactor itself is

to say that the software must generate outputs to do those things. We may not yet know exactly

how many separate outputs we’ll need, much less the detailed behavioral characteristics for each

one, but identifying their existence and purpose(s) is a valid and essential first step. It’s a great

deal more abstract than we’ll ultimately need, of course, but it’s a start. There have been a vari-

ety of techniques developed to organize requirements engineering (we’ll study at least two of

them later), but an underlying principle for almost all of them was and is stepwise refinement

and the concept is central to understanding and doing requirements engineering.

It is not only the software requirements, by the way, that are developed via stepwise refinement,

designs and tests are as well. (In fact, the concept of stepwise refinement seems central to the

engineering of large complex systems of any sort, not just software; but that philosophic a dis-

cussion is beyond our scope here.) Later, we’ll look at how the concept of stepwise refinement

pertains to software design as well, and how that fact contributes to the confusion between re-

quirements and design. But for now I want to use the concept of stepwise refinement to try to

clear up several common misconceptions about the nature of software requirements.

3.2.1 The stepwise refinement of requirements

In requirements engineering, once you have some level of description of the intended goals, pur-

poses, functions, or capabilities of your software (all of these terms have been used more or less

interchangeably at various times in various standards and textbooks), a next obvious step is to

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start to identify individual outputs, but it can often be helpful to take smaller steps by breaking

down our overall purposes into a set of smaller purposes or merely sub-groupings or aggregates

of functionally related outputs. Perhaps, to continue our reactor control example, we still can’t

yet identify our specific outputs, but we can note that we will need both pressure control outputs

and temperature control outputs. The process can continue through as many steps as seem use-

ful. E.g., perhaps reactor pressure control will require our software to generate some outputs for

the control of pump speed and other outputs for opening or closing various valves. How many

such steps of refinement are needed? There’s no simple answer to that question, since it varies

from project to project and can even vary from one area to another within the same project. E.g.,

coffee pots probably being simpler than nuclear reactors, identifying the set of outputs necessary

to control the coffee pot may take fewer steps than doing it for the reactor itself. Later we’ll see

that there are some consequences to this variation in levels of refinement and detail.

Is the stepwise refinement of requirements done when the individual outputs have been identi-

fied? Certainly not; we have quite a bit more work to do other than merely the identification of

an output; we have to described each output’s required behavior and this description too very of-

ten benefits from stepwise refinement. E.g., consider the following steps in specifying the ac-

ceptable values for some output:

(a) Software shall provide air traffic controllers with displays to aid them in their mainte-

nance of their situational awareness

(b) Software shall display aircraft position data

(c) Software shall display aircraft position data graphically, overlaid on a map

(d) Software shall display the aircraft position data graphically with an accuracy of ± 1 mile

[± 1 mile of actual aircraft position] relative to the map

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(e) The software shall output an estimated x/y position for each aircraft that is within ± 1/10

mile of the value defined by the following equations:

… [3 pages of Kalman filtering equations]

Two questions come to mind here:

1. Are all those statements, above, legitimate software requirements? And if not, what are

those that are not?

2. Is there any standard number of levels of refinement? Which is more or less the same

question as, is there any standard nomenclature for different levels of requirements detail?

E.g., what’s the difference between a system requirement and a software requirement?

3.2.2 Levels of requirements detail and the process versus product distinction

So is a statement like,

Software shall provide air traffic controllers with displays to aid them in their mainte-

nance of their situational awareness

a software requirement? I think it is; it states that some outputs are going to have to exist, which,

since existence is an observable characteristic, makes it a statement about output characteristics,

which makes it a valid requirement. The only possible reason I can see for saying that’s it’s not

a software requirement would be to say that it’s so abstract or “high level” that it is better viewed

as a system-level requirement, which, as we’ll discuss shortly, seems a somewhat pointless dis-


At the other extreme, at least one very influential software engineering theorist considers the

lowest level of detail to be design, not requirements:

“For example, the output data item … should change value, when the aircraft crosses 70 latitude;

how the program detects this event is left to the implementation.” [4]

I think the confusion in either case is at least partly due to a failure to bear in mind the product

versus process distinction, the difference between an engineering product (e.g., a requirements

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specification or an implementation) and the process of producing it, a distinction that it’s impor-

tant to keep in mind when trying to understand the jargon of requirements engineering. The

identification of some outputs or classes of related outputs (e.g., air traffic control displays) may

be done very early in the engineering process by people called systems engineers, as opposed to

requirements engineers or software engineers, and documented in something called a system

specification, and the final fleshing out and documentation of some of the behavioral details may

not occur years later until the implementation phase when some coder adds some notes some-

where. But when in the overall software process the requirements information is developed

seems to me is not as important nor as easy to unambiguously categorize as to what artifact the

information pertains. Attempts to assign process-dependent categories such as “architectural re-

quirement” 24, or “implementation” to software behavioral characteristics usually run aground be-

cause, as we saw earlier in this course, there’s no universal model or vocabulary for the phases of

the software development process. Some models may include architectural design and detailed

design as separate phases; other models don’t, for example. A project team that does not con-

sider “architecture” a distinct design phase25 will probably have a different view of the necessity

for, and the type of information to be included in, architectural requirements than a team that de-

voutly believes architecture is a different type of design than detailed design, for example.

End result here? Trying to impose fuzzy categories like “system level” or “design” requirements

on what are really just stepwise refinements of software output behavior is usually more trouble

than it’s worth. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of books and web pages providing ad hoc tax-

onomies of “types” of software requirements, and no two of them have come up with the same

taxonomy.26 Much, not all, but much, of the confusion is a result of a trying to develop or com-

24 See http://blogs.msdn.com/b/nickmalik/archive/2009/06/26/should-some-requirements-be-called-out-as-architec-tural-requirements.aspx, for example. 25 Big projects are probably more likely to consider architectural design as a separate stage than are small ones. But so what? Does that mean small projects don’t do real software engineering? Hardly. And there are a lot more small software engineering projects than big ones.26 For example, compare the Wikipedia article at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Requirements_analysis, the section on “Types of Requirements” with http://www.accompa.com/requirements-management-blog/2012/04/types-of-soft-ware-requirements/ .

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pare taxonomies which are based on a mix of when the information is first developed, what sort

of people develop it, and the name of the document that records it. Such ad hoc taxonomies may

be useful guides sometimes (rarely, in my opinion) but they certainly shouldn’t be thought of as

providing any fundamental insights into the basic concepts of software requirements.

3.2.3 Abstraction, stepwise refinement, and “levels” of software requirements Imperfect correlation between refinement steps and abstraction levels

Stepwise refinement is a process; level of detail refers to the abstraction in the documentation

product. The concepts are obviously related (a requirements specification probably gets pretty

detailed after a dozen steps of refinement), but the two concepts don’t correlate as perfectly as

we might like. Different levels of detail may be required for different areas of a project and it

may take a different number of steps to get to what might seem to be the same level of detail.

There are both practical and theoretical reasons for the imperfect matchup. Practical reasons for the variation Variation in starting point

Any given software development effort often starts with differing pieces of its initial require-

ments at quite varying levels of abstraction. Perhaps the customer or user has thought through

some areas much more thoroughly than others; perhaps there are even from the beginning de-

tailed interface specification for existing systems with which the new software must interface

(i.e., make outputs to) whereas there will obviously be no such details on systems that don’t exist

yet but are still in the “conceptual” stage of their own development cycle. Perhaps a detailed but

incomplete simulation or prototype is available for some parts of our system but not others. The

point here is that the starting points for different projects or even different parts of a single

project can vary widely in the level of requirements detail available at the very start and unless

some consumer community (e.g., trainers, people who will train the system’s end users) needs a

more abstract view, there’s usually no obvious advantage to going backwards and trying to docu-

ment all the missing abstract requirements if the more detailed ones are already documented.

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Fundamental Concepts and Issues in Software Requirements and Design Variation in stopping point

Just as there is no standard starting level of requirements abstraction, there is no standard stop-

ping level either. Different types of projects or even different parts of the same project may need

to provide different levels of detail. In theory, at the lowest level of detail, we could provide a

mathematical function describing the relationship between each individual bit of an output and

the bit values of prior inputs. I know of no engineering project that has ever done this. Perhaps

the shortest step up in abstraction is the concept of a “field”, a bunch of related bits. Most

projects probably eventually specify output requirements in terms of required fields – e.g.,

… the software shall output aircraft kinematic data in Cartesian (x, y) coordinates and (

x , y) velocity components.

They may or may not call the details requirements, but whether they think of them as require-

ments or design (or even interface specification) they usually do, eventually, produce a written

specification of acceptable field values for each field; e.g.,

… the output of flight level, FL, shall be in units of 100 feet above mean sea level from 0

to 100,000', so 0 ≤ FL ≤ 1000, accurate ±100'

But consider the development of an app for an iPad. Can the outputs from the app be regarded as

being composed of fields? Surely. Is there usually a written specification of the acceptable char-

acteristics for each field (e.g., color, font, location on the screen, etc)? Probably not very often.

Almost certainly, the requirements for iPad apps are originally expressed at a fairly high level of

abstraction e.g., let’s have an app to display a clock and the weather forecast at our location

and then the project proceeds into a prototyping phase to develop a “look-and-feel” that the vari-

ous stakeholders, whoever they are, ultimately agree is acceptable. So does the software have

detailed behavioral characteristics? Surely, no way to avoid it. But no one wrote down the re-

quirements for them. The desired appearance and behavior were probably developed by proto-

typing and the requirement, probably not even stated explicitly was, “make the real thing look

and feel like the prototype”.

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Now consider our old friend the nuclear reactor controller. OK to just have a high-level state-

ment of capabilities (e.g., control the rod positions) and then start experimenting with prototype

code on a real reactor to see if it blows up or not? No? So a reactor control project probably

needs to provide more detail in its requirements than does an iPad app. The point to remember

here is that there is no standard level of abstraction for either the starting or stopping points of

the requirements engineering process and this variation can even occur in different areas within

the same project, much less between projects. The omission of unnecessary intermediate levels

When doing stepwise refinement, we shouldn’t force the documentation of levels that we don’t

need. Looking again at the air traffic control display example earlier, it’s not clear that we really

did much interesting intellectual work going from

(a) Software shall provide air traffic controllers with displays to aid them in their mainte-

nance of their situational awareness


(b) Software shall display aircraft position data

Maybe we never needed to explicitly state level (a) in writing since we knew (b) as soon as we

started thinking about these requirements at all. Fine; stepwise refinement is a tool, not a reli-

gious ritual; it should be used when it’s useful and not when it’s not and some judgment is al-

ways required. But in general, more levels of stepwise refinement to the final stopping point

provide more and earlier opportunities for review and smaller conceptual leaps from each level

to the next, thus reducing the likelihood of misunderstanding. Waiting until the requirements

document is thousands of pages long before asking customers and other engineers to review it is

likely to be pretty inefficient. How many intermediate products should be prepared for review

by whom and how to impose some degree of uniformity in level of detail within each one is a

very non-trivial project management issue that’s our field has never successfully answered with

any degree of rigor whatsoever.

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Fundamental Concepts and Issues in Software Requirements and Design Theoretical (but real) variation in possible levels of abstraction

The practical concerns discussed above, were intended to make it clear why different projects or

different parts of a project might need a different number of refinement steps to achieve different

levels of detail at the end. But they don’t shed any light on the perennial quest to develop a stan-

dard set of well defined levels of abstraction – e.g., system level requirements versus sub-system

level requirements versus high level software requirements versus low level software require-

ments versus design requirements, ad freaking nauseum. I understand the attraction of such a hi-

erarchy, but I think the quest is quixotic and the reasons are relevant to our discussion here with

regard to the fundamental concepts of software requirements. Value and time needn’t share the same number of levels of abstraction

As we discussed earlier, for each output there are obviously several distinct types of information

that must ultimately be documented, including both value and timing information. They both ob-

viously permit various levels of abstraction and there’s no obvious correlation between the levels

of abstraction for time and levels of abstraction for value. The earlier example of levels of ab-

straction in the requirements for the display of aircraft symbology for air traffic controllers illus-

trated different levels of abstraction in the description of required values. The timing informa-

tion similarly can be described at different levels of abstraction, e.g.,

1) The software shall keep the displayed symbols’ positions up-to-date

2) The software shall refresh the displayed symbols’ positions periodically

3) ... every 0.5 seconds

4) ... every 0.5 seconds ± 0.1 seconds

5) ... every 0.5 seconds ± 0.1 seconds phase locked to an external clock (as opposed, for

example, to relative to its previous periodic output)

There’s no obvious relationship between the number of useful levels of abstraction for such tim-

ing information and the number of useful levels for value information, which has certainly com-

plicated any attempts to develop standard names for different levels of requirements in general.

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Fundamental Concepts and Issues in Software Requirements and Design Intrinsically missing levels of abstraction in some requirements

There’s also a problem of intrinsically inapplicable levels of abstraction in certain requirements.

Consider a requirement of the form, “the software shall display an output position that is accurate

to within ± ½ mile of the actual position of the actual aircraft.” That seems a useful “intermedi-

ate” level of abstraction for some value requirement intermediate because eventually a lower

level of abstraction will need to be specified, e.g., “the software shall output a position for the

aircraft that is within ±¼ miles of the reference value defined by the following algorithm: … .”

Now consider an apparently quite similar requirement to display a recommended course for an

interceptor to steer to intercept a target, “the software shall display a recommended course to

steer that is within ±3 of ...?” Of what? There’s no physically observable phenomenon to use as

a reference for the course to steer requirement that matches in abstraction the reference in the po-

sition requirement. It thus seems to me that we are left with little alternative but to conclude that

some requirements or pieces of requirements can intrinsically have more possible levels of ab-

straction than others; which again makes it difficult to come up with any standard number of lev-

els and nomenclature for them.

In summary, then, there is no standard vocabulary for describing or categorizing different levels

of detail other than the obvious but not terribly informative “higher or less detailed” and “lower

or more detailed”. And, for the reasons discussed above, it seems unlikely that any such stan-

dard with a sound philosophic foundation can be developed, not that that has stopped people

from trying. The only practical advice I can give a young engineer here is that when someone

else refers to something like “high level” or “low level” software requirements, try, without be-

ing obnoxious about it, to get them to provide examples. Don’t bother asking for definitions, just

examples. And if you are given definitions, take them with a large grain of salt.27

27 RTCA DO-178C/EUROCAE ED-12C, Software considerations in airborne systems and equipment certification [13] discusses high level and low level requirements explicitly. The definitions provided remain contentious and at-tempts to clarify them have not been successful. Many practitioners (not all) regard them as close to useless, which is distressing, to say the least, in such an important safety standard.

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Fundamental Concepts and Issues in Software Requirements and Design Some consequences: System requirements versus software requirements again

The phrase “software-intensive systems” is in pretty widespread use (there’s an IEEE standard,

for example [5] ) and its definition seems obvious from the phrase itself: Many systems, e.g., an

autopilot, have both hardware and software components but many or all of the most important re-

quirements for such a system are related to its software outputs – i.e., the autopilot only exists to

generate outputs that will drive actuators for control surfaces even though there will certainly

be important requirements or constraints on the autopilot hardware as well, so the whole engi-

neering job is certainly more than just a software engineering job. The point being that there will

almost certainly be (there certainly should be) some sort of system requirements document, but

many of the requirements written there will sound exactly like what most of us would call very

high level software requirements (oops, shit; even I use that damned “level” terminology some-

times). Contrast an autopilot with a dam, for example. The dam may eventually include soft-

ware control systems for valves and generators, but no one would consider the most important

characteristics of the dam to be related to software outputs the way an autopilot’s important char-

acteristics are related to software. So, returning to our autopilot example of a software-intensive

system, if there is a document called a system requirements document that contains requirements

about software outputs, are those system requirements or software requirements? It’s not clear to

me that that’s a distinction worth making, to be honest; but it is clear that some engineers answer

that question one way and others, the other – there’s no agreement on that vocabulary, in other

words. Again, the process/product distinction may be helpful here: My view: Some software re-

quirements (product) may be developed early in the overall systems engineering process and ini-

tially documented in something called, for example, a systems requirements document or a sys-

tems specification, but at some point downstream in the engineering process such information

will be treated as software requirements and will eventually probably be identified as such. To

me, the when and where and level of detail don’t matter; they’re software requirements because

they specify something about outputs that the software will eventually have to produce.

In practical terms, if you wind up working on a software intensive system that uses some specifi-

cation standard that calls for both a system specification and a software requirements specifica-

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tion (almost all military projects do); don’t lose too much sleep worrying about such things. If

you are told to write some system requirements, ask if there’s an example somewhere from some

other project which could give you a feel for the rough level of detail expected. As I mentioned

before, if in some areas you somehow already know more details than seem appropriate for a

“system-level” document, put in the details anyway; it’s almost never worth the trouble to try to

work backwards, going up abstraction levels. The point of stepwise refinement is to help you get

down to the details. Once you’ve got the details closer to the “real” requirements, the intermedi-

ate abstractions used to get there are not likely to be of much use to anyone. There are occa-

sional exceptions to this observation, but for now, they’re irrelevant.

3.2.4 Stepwise refinement of the Human-Machine Interface

When, as noted earlier, development of the HMI and its software requirements is to be done by the soft-

ware engineering team

4 Are there different types of output requirements?Earlier, I deliberately chose to exclude from our discussions a great many (but not standardized)

possible “types” of requirements (e.g., maintainability) that don’t relate to output characteristics

and are generally understood to not be as “required” as output characteristics are. We’re then

left with another interesting question, are there useful distinctions among different types of re-

quirements relating to output characteristics? The answer is that it depends what you mean by

“types”, and there are some particularly important concepts to be addressed in this regard.

4.1 Are functional and performance requirements distinct types of requirements?

Maybe, but... . An obvious interpretation is that functional requirements describe what the soft-

ware is supposed to do and performance requirements describe how well it must do those things;

but for software, the concept of performance is not as well defined as we might like and there are

issues to be aware of. Many software engineers, particularly those working on real-time, sys-

tems, often use “performance requirements” to refer to timing behavior and use “functional re-

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quirements” to refer to value characteristics, as in, the output value must look like some specified

mathematical function of the input value; but it’s not that simple.

4.1.1 The term “functional” is overloaded.

In the first place, in order for the software’s behavior to be considered acceptable, it must surely

meet its specified timing requirements. If it doesn’t, it is, to say it colloquially, not working

properly. Another way to say “not working properly” is “non-functional”, as in, without a motor

in it, my car is non-functional. So software is functional only when it’s meeting all its output re-

quirements, including its timing requirements, which are nonetheless not functional require-

ments? In other words, the set of requirements that the software must satisfy to be considered

functional is bigger than the set of its functional requirements? The problem here is our over-

loading of the word “function”, which sometimes is used a synonym for “purpose” (e.g., the

function of the software in this computer is to control the nuclear reactor) and sometimes refers

to a mathematical relationship, e.g., y=f(x). The former usage includes timing requirements, the

latter doesn’t. Both uses appear often in the literature.

4.1.2 There may be performance requirements that are not timing related.

Required accuracy, for example (e.g., the ± 0.1 miles in a requirement to output an aircraft posi-

tion ± 0.1 miles) is sometimes considered a performance requirement but sometimes not. The

IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology [8], in its definition for “perfor-

mance requirement” includes accuracy as an example of a performance requirement. But then

the IEEE Std 830-1998 lists accuracy as a functional requirement. Published opinions about

functional versus performance requirements continue to be inconsistent in this area (accuracy as

a functional or a performance requirement) and others as well.

For another example, consider Google. I just recently read somewhere that Google is once again

seeking to “improve the performance of its search engine”. That particular use of the word per-

formance does not refer to timing at all but to a qualitative assessment of the utility of the order

in which search results are displayed. Google’s users want to see the most relevant results first

and Google certainly wants to oblige them. My guess is that most engineers who use the phrase

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“functional requirement” (I try to avoid it myself) would agree that displaying a list is a func-

tional requirement and so asking, or trying to specify, how “good” Google’s list of search results

must be seems to be talking about the performance of a functional requirement. And that use of

“performance” has nothing to do with timing (and it seems to me it’s a bit too much of a stretch

to call it accuracy).

Perhaps it would be better to say that there are two types of performance, timing performance

and value performance. It would certainly make a nice, clean requirements engineering rule to

say that every output value has to have a timing performance requirement (e.g., within ¼ second

of the trigger event) and also a value performance requirement like accuracy, or something more

complicated, as in the Google example. I actually like that idea (distinguishing between value

performance and timing performance) but you need to be aware of two points: First, that jargon

is pretty much my own, I’ve not seen it in print anywhere (never looked for it, to be honest); and

second, not all outputs seem to have value performance requirements. If, to change back to a

simpler example, the value of some output must be the count of students currently enrolled in

SE300, it does not seem to make sense to ask how good that count must be (the value perfor-

mance, in other words). Similarly, I can’t see a relevant performance metric for the output of a

string value – e.g., the last name of some person. From a purists point of view I suppose we

could just say that those are degenerate cases with a value accuracy of ±0; but to me that seems

pretty pointless.

The end result as I see it is as follows:

1) Some output values need value performance requirements, some don’t.

2) Classifying a given output field (or even the entire output, as in the Google example) as

requiring a value performance requirement is part of the stepwise refinement of that

output. We may be able to decide that a field needs an accuracy (or other performance

requirement, a la the Google list) long before we know exactly what the details of that

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value performance requirement need to be. That’s part of what stepwise refinement is

all about.

3) Numeric accuracy should be considered a value-performance requirement

4) Some value-performance requirements, like the “goodness” of the Google list, can be

much more complicated than simple numeric accuracy

4.1.3 Theoretic limitations

Although in practice we can usually state the requirements for output values without reference to

output times and vice versa, there’s no reason in theory that they are necessarily so easily separa-

ble. We could, for example, require that the value of an output represent the time in seconds

from program startup to the appearance of the output. That’s it; the only requirement on that out-

put. It is observable, testable, and a complete characterization of acceptable behavior (for that

one output). The software may not ever produce that output (or it may produce gazillions of in-

stances), but if it ever does, we know how to determine whether or not a given occurrence is

compliant with the requirement. So which part is the functional part and what’s the timing per-

formance part? Would this be a useful real world output? I doubt it, but so what? My point is

that there doesn’t seem to be any theoretic basis for asserting that functional and performance re-

quirements can be cleanly separated.

So there doesn’t seem to be any standard way to define performance and functional requirements

unambiguously and in practice there has been confusion and inconsistency in the published liter-

ature in this area for decades. As a practical matter, whenever you encounter the term “func-

tional”, one of your first concerns should be to resolve the “purpose” versus “mathematical func-

tion” ambiguity. It’s not that there’s really a right choice or a wrong one, it’s just that you need

to know which meaning is intended in the context the term appears.

Eventually, when actually doing the requirements engineering, you’ll need to determine which

output fields need value-performance requirements and, perhaps more importantly, how to ex-

press them in observable terms. Numeric accuracy as a value-performance requirement is easy

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to express; a verifiable performance requirement for Google’s search item ordering is harder. In

reality, for something like Google’s list, we may never come up with a meaningful performance

requirement for some of our value requirements; we may just have to skip that level of stepwise-

refinement. Instead we may do quite a bit of modeling, simulation, or other analysis and eventu-

ally come up with an algorithm that seems “good enough”, having never explicitly defined what

we mean by that in other words what the “true” value-performance requirement is. Use of a

“good enough” algorithm in a requirements document is thus actually a pretty common practice,

but we shouldn’t be lazy about it: If we can, in fact, define “good enough” in observable terms

we really should do so and leave the actual algorithm until later, in the design documentation.

But if we can’t, we can’t; which is why so many requirements documents are so loaded with al-

gorithms that the boundary between requirements and design seems to have been thoroughly

blurred. But it need not be quite as blurry as it sometimes appears: The real requirement, re-

member, is still just to produce something that merely looks like it was computed by the speci-

fied algorithm, not to actually compute using the specified algorithm. Careful choice of wording

can make that clearer. Not, compute the sin of using the following Taylor series algorithm, but,

the output must be within ±0.001% of the reference value defined by the following algorithm: …

4.2 Other types of output requirements

Even after eliminating what are sometimes called the “ilities” (e.g., maintainability, extensibility,

etc.) and many other possible requirement types because they are not related to outputs, there are

still quite a few other “types” of output-related requirements floating around various textbooks,

articles, and web sites. Most have no standard usage or intellectual rigor to recommend them

and tend to be one author’s view of something that, although it may be interesting sometimes, is

not broadly applicable to software in general. E.g., what applicability do business rules28 have to

avionics software? But there are a couple of terms that are in general enough usage that we

28 One very well known textbook [10] seems to state that all software requirements are business rules or at least are derived from business rules (derived by what I would presume is stepwise refinement); various online documents say similar things (see http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-20035, for example). The point here is not that there’s no rela-tionship between business rules and software requirements for business related software; the point is that it doesn’t make sense to regard business rules as a type of requirement as universally applicable as output characteristics.

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should discuss them here: robustness requirements and derived requirements. In my opinion,

neither one of them is actually a distinct type of output requirement but instead each refers to dis-

tinctions in the process i.e., when or how in the requirements engineering process these “types”

of requirements are developed.

4.2.1 Robustness requirements

Robustness requirements refer to output requirements in response to off nominal or invalid in-

puts; and usually we don’t get around to worrying about such things until we’ve first figured out

what our outputs should look like in response to valid inputs. The concept and terminology seem

intuitively useful, but there’s nothing intrinsic to any output requirement itself that identifies it a

robustness requirement. Here, for example, are two possible related requirements:

1. If the input value is < 100, the software shall turn on the blue light within ¼ second.

2. If the input value is ≥100, the software shall turn on the orange light within ¼ second.

Which one is the robustness requirement? Or perhaps neither of them is perhaps there’s no

“invalid” data, just one of two different outputs desired depending on some input value. And

that of course is the key: As we’ll discuss later, a complete requirements specification should

include requirements to deal with all physically possible input values. Which one(s) represent

“nominal” behavior and which, if any the “robustness” is not intrinsic to the requirement. We

may not get around to thinking about robustness until long after specifying the nominal require-

ments, but once we do so, the robustness requirements are just requirements like any others.

Since robustness is not an intrinsic characteristic of a requirement, I think it better to regard it as

a process distinction rather than a type distinction usually we try to develop and document the

requirements for nominal input data first; later we think about robustness to come up with some

other requirements, i.e., outputs to be made when input data is off-nominal.

4.2.2 Derived requirements

Derived requirements are similarly process based. Once we realize, for example, that we’ll be

making outputs to some external system and we look up its interface and communication rules in

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Fundamental Concepts and Issues in Software Requirements and Design

its documentation, we discover that before it will accept the outputs we want to make to it, we

first have to do some initial handshaking to establish our identity or agree on the protocol we’ll

use. So we have some new output requirements to initialize the interface. These new require-

ments would generally be considered to be derived requirements, but once again, there’s no stan-

dard meaning for the phrase (derived requriemts). The phrase is also sometimes/often used to re-

fer to relationships from the stepwise refinement process itself as when a more detailed require-

ment is said to be derived from an earlier, more abstract predecessor. So as far as I can tell, iden-

tification of a requirement as a robustness or derived requirement doesn’t tell us anything about

the information we need to specify or how to specify it. Instead, it refers to the relationship be-

tween some requirement and some other requirement(s) that we specified earlier. Although

they’re possibly/probably useful as intuitive concepts for helping understand the sequencing of

some aspects of the requirements engineering process itself, their too casual usage as designating

distinct “types” of requirements is an unfortunate habit that should be avoided. The Wikipedia

entry on “Requirements Analysis”29 contains a large collection of “types” of requirements that

are overlapping, far from universally agreed to, incomplete (in that there are lots of other types in

the literature), and of dubious real world utility in any event (so I suppose the incompleteness re-

ally doesn’t matter much either; who cares if other equally pointless types have been omitted ;-)

Perhaps what such articles should say instead is that, as part of the process of developing require-

ments, one should consider such factors as robustness, business rules, et cetera.

4.3 Types of requirements versus pieces of requirements

Another source of difficulty in standardizing “types” of requirements is that there is no standard

definition for the phrase “a requirement” all by itself – note the singular article there. If we want

to say that some requirement is of type T, we presumably need to have some idea as to what in-

formation needs to be included in the requirement by virtue the fact that it is of type T, otherwise

what’s the point of identifying types of requirements at all? For example, is a number like ¼

second used in describing a required response time limit:

29 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Requirements_analysis

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A requirement in and of itself (so in this case a requirement could be a single number), or

One of two necessary pieces of information for a single timing requirement – e.g., the earliest pos-

sible time the output is allowed to (start to) appear is the time of some button being pushed and the

latest acceptable time is the time of that button push + ¼ second, so that in this case, a requirement

is a pair numbers, or

Just one of many pieces of the total set of information needed to specify a single output require-

ment – i.e., the sum total of all the information necessary to characterize the acceptable behavior for

a single output.

The point here, in our discussion of types of requirements, is that what many people would con-

sider a genuine “type” of requirement (e.g., a stimulus-response requirement versus a periodic)

can, and often is, equally well viewed by other practitioners as merely a description of the op-

tions for some piece or pieces of a complete output requirement rather than a type of requirement

in and of itself. There’s no standard usage here and thus little likelihood of any standard set of

types of requirements. Personally, I usually try to refer to such pieces without using the word

“requirement” e.g., response time limit of some output rather than response time requirement.

But most working engineers are not usually so scrupulous, although in this particular case, it

seems a minor peccadillo. The important point is that rather than argue about the existence of

different types of requirements, focus on making sure you know and have specified all informa-

tion necessary to describe the acceptable behavior of some output: value, timing, trigger, and

other preconditions.

5 Issues with requirements documentation

5.1 Textual requirements standardsInternal interfaces, intentional and accidental.

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5.2 Model based requirements documentation

5.3 Prototyped requirements

6 Explicit versus implicit design methodologiesOne result of the more or less inevitable intertwining of requirements and design is that several

decades back, some theorists started to distinguish between what were called explicit and im-

plicit requirements and design methodologies.30 Explicit methodologies try to keep the require-

ments engineering processes (activities) and their work products strictly separate from design

i.e., the requirements process is to produce a blackbox requirements specification, the design

process is to produce a design specification which is simple and nicely intuitive from a theo-

retic point of view but generally not workable in practice for the various reasons we’ve discussed

here. Implicit methodologies started to be developed when some theorists realized that, since the

distinction (between requirements and design information) was difficult if not impossible to

maintain, we should think about the best way to go about doing them together just because

they’re going to be intertwined doesn’t mean there aren’t better and worse ways to intertwine

them. “Accidental” design, as we discussed earlier, is rarely likely to be very good. Yes, it’s

preliminary and subject to change; but preliminary work often (always?) biases later work peo-

ple are reluctant to go backwards; there’s pressure to just accept what’s been done and move on.

Most “standard” software engineering methodologies in use today are now deliberately (as op-

posed to accidently) implicit ones and they fall into two major categories: transformationally in-

tensive and transactionally intensive:

Transformationally-intensive systems. Transformationally (or algorithmically) intensive

systems are those where the difficult part of the software requirements is in the specifica-

tion of the mathematical transformations that describe the required relationship of the in-

put data to the output data. A system like the radar data processing one discussed earlier 30 The concept is not at all original with me it was used by a professor of mine in graduate school, Dr. Peter Free-man at UC Irvine but I am currently unable to find an attribution for it. (And my old professor, Dr. Peter Freeman, has not answered the email I sent him.)

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is transformationally-intensive. The design of a transformationally-intensive system is

driven by considerations of coupling and cohesion (subjects we’ll discuss in some detail

later) among processing (transformational) entities.

Transactionally-intensive system. Transactionally-intensive systems are those where the

data transformations relating inputs to outputs are not mathematically complicated, but

there are a great many seemingly distinct outputs (transactions), most of them a function

of several, often a great many, different and apparently unrelated inputs with complex in-

ter-relationships among them. A system like Blackboard, which can display a list of

classes a student is enrolled in, a list of announcement from all a student’s classes, a ros-

ter of students for a given class, a list of assignments for a given class, the details of a sin-

gle assignment, a spreadsheet of grades for all the assignments, et cetera, is transaction-

ally-intensive. For transactionally-intensive systems, descriptions of what’s required tend

to be procedurally oriented rather than mathematically oriented e.g., search the data-

base, find the student, find the classes the student is enrolled in, find the announcements

from those classes, put them in a list, and display them. The design of transactionally-in-

tensive systems tends to be data driven, in that the design reflects the relationships among

the data items.

In reality, few systems are purely transactional or transformational; the definitions are not suffi-

cient precise as to be unambiguously disjoint. Many systems are a mix of both aspects, so the

two terms really describe the endpoints of a continuum. But the distribution of systems along the

continuum is far from uniform. Most systems fall fairly obviously towards one end or the other

lots of diverse data types with few complicated transformations or lots of complex transforma-

tions on a conceptually simple set of data items. The reason the distinction matters at all is that

the two most successful methods for getting started on requirements engineering are oriented to

the two different endpoints data flow analysis for transformationally-intensive systems and ob-

ject-oriented analysis for transactionally-intensive ones, both of which we’ll discuss in some de-

tail later. Both data flow and object-oriented analyses, being implicit methodologies, produce a

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preliminary, abstract model of the system as a means of managing the requirements development

and organizing the requirements documentation. The models (data flow or class diagrams) in-

clude data flows or data classes that are not necessarily directly observable in the software’s out-

puts, which is why these techniques are not “explicit”, or pure blackbox. But these abstract enti-

ties turn out to be a good basis for subsequent design. So although at the beginning, the intent of

both techniques is to focus on requirements, the documentation results mix observable character-

istics (requirements) with abstract design information, which, as previously noted, is one of the

reasons the distinction in practice between requirements and design is rather blurred.

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7 References[1] Swartout and Balzer, "On the inevitable intertwining of specification and implementation," Commu-

nications of the ACM, vol. 25, no. 7, p. 438–440, July 1982.

[2] F. Bauer, "Software Engineering is that part of Computer Science which is too difficult for the Com-

puter Scientist," [Online]. Available: http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Friedrich_Bauer.

[3] Parnas and Clements, "A rational design process: How and why to fake it," IEEE Transactions on

Software Engineering, vol. 12, no. 2, Feb 1986.

[4] K. Heninger, "Specifying software requirements for complex systems: new techniques and their ap-

plications," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. SE6, p. 213, Jan 1980.

[5] IEEE 1471: IEEE Recommended Practice for Architectural Description of Software-Intensive Sys-

tems., 2000.

[6] IEEE Std 830-1998, Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications.

[7] DOD-STD-2167A, Military Standard, Defense System Software Development.

[8] IEEE Std 610.12 Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology, 1990.

[9] N. Leveson, Safeware.

[10] Sommerville, Software Engineering.

[11] G. Weinberg, An Introduction to General Systems Thinking.

[12] MIL-STD-498 Software Development and Documentation.

[13] RTCA, DO-178C Software considerations in airborne systems and equipment certification, 2012.

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