Ultimate Green Zone Donna Roth BA BEd MH

Ultimate Green Zone - Nature's Sunshine Products · 2019-10-16 · •10 million Canadians have H. pylori infection •More than 20 million Canadians suffer from digestive disorders

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Ultimate Green ZoneDonna Roth BA BEd MH

Our Health Today is in Big Trouble

• 10 million Canadians have H. pylori infection

• More than 20 million Canadians suffer from digestive disorders every year.

• More than 330,000 Canadians are believed to be affected by celiac disease

• Colon cancer kills 1 out of every 10 cancer victims

• 70,000 heart attacks each year in Canada.

• Almost 2 million people 12 years and over are diagnosed with diabetes.

• 20% of Canadians will experience a mental illness in their lifetime.

• Almost 5 million people have arthritis in Canada.

• It is estimated that there are 1.3 million Canadians with stomach ulcers.

Ultimate Green Zone

Ultimate GreenZone is a superfood powder that can be used as a quick meal replacement to maximize optimal nutritional potential. It contains quality controlled concentrated greens, seeds, vegetables, fruits and herbs with high dense nutrients that are easily absorbed for pH balancing. Green Zone has a proper balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates for stabilizing blood sugar and promoting heart health and weight loss.

Ultimate Green Zone Beneficial Properties

• Prebiotic properties• Hormone balancing properties• Detoxification properties• Urinary and bone building properties• Fibre properties• Essential fatty acid properties• Bioflavonoid and Vitamin properties• Immune enhancing properties• Enzyme properties• Infection fighting properties

Ultimate Green Zone is loaded with Prebiotic Properties

A prebiotic is a food ingredient that cannot be digested. Prebiotics help smooth things out in the digestive tract and keep you feeling regular. They feed the probiotics in the intestinal tract. Prebiotics are the perfect source of fuel for the probiotics in the gut.

The probiotic bacteria produces short-chain fatty acids to bring balance and regulation to electrolyte levels while increasing the strength of the intestinal lining.

The prebiotic effect is associated the body’s ability to absorb minerals and vitamins thereby greatly reducing cancer-causing toxins.

With prebiotic consumption, our bones can benefit from that extra dose of calcium, iron, and magnesium.

Prebiotics can help prevent osteoporosis, increase bone density and keep your skeletal system stay strong.

Prebiotic Fibre FoodsAsparagusFlax SeedsArtichoke leafChicory Root

• lower risk for cardiovascular disease

• healthier cholesterol levels

• better gut health

• improved digestion

• lower stress response

• better hormonal balance

• higher immune function

• lower risk for obesity and weight gain

• lower inflammation

Harmone Balancing Properties

Candida=Hormonal HavocCandida is another name for yeast infection where there are more harmful bacteria than beneficial bacteria. It is fed by sugar, alcohol, starches, antibiotics, and various drugs.

It is Candida that produces xenoestrogens that create havoc to the estrogen production of your body and all kinds of hormonal problems arise PMS, menopause, irritability, prostate problems and weight gain.

Furthermore these xenoestrogens produced by Candida affects the function of the thyroid, resulting in hypothyroid difficulties thereby slowing down metabolism and decreasing body temperature.

Flax Seed Hulls = Hormonal Balance

Flax Seed Hulls contain an antioxidant active known as lignans.

Lignans have hormone balancing properties. Lignans are phyto-estrogens or plant estrogens that have the ability to bind the toxic xenoestrogens that Candida produces. They are then able to balance estrogen levels to help support breast health. Lignans may also block the conversion of testosterone into DHT. This helps support prostate health.

The high amount of fibre in flaxseed lignans also helps support colon health. Lignans have indicated a variety of other benefits, such as heart health, cholesterol reduction, and encourages healthy hair.

Cruciferous Vegetables =Hormonal Balance

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and kale as found in Ultimate Green Zone are loaded with actives known as Indole 3 Carbinols.

Indole-3-Carbinol has been shown to act as a catalyst to decrease the body’s load of toxic estrogens and reduce symptoms of estrogen dominance. Indole-3-carbinol acts as a phytoestrogen which means it binds to bad estrogens to eliminate it from the body thereby blocking the ability of cancer cells to replicate. Studies show that indole-3-carbinol suppress the cell division of certain breast cancer cells by inducing programmed cell death (apoptosis).

Notice the Thermography image at the bottom. The left image indicates a xenoestrogen dominance and right image shows the changes where the breast tissue is more settled after 6 months of use of Indole Carbinols.

Detoxification Properties

Heavy Metal Poisoning shows up in many different ways:

• Chronic fatigue

• Autoimmune diseases, including Lyme’s disease

• Skin irritation

• Neurological disorders

• Brain-fog, trouble concentrating, difficulty learning and poor memory

• Depression, manic depression and/or anxiety

• Dementia

• Insomnia

• Digestive issues, such as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)

• Chronic aches and pains, such as those associated with fibromyalgia

• Tremors

• Impaired motor control, hearing, speech, vision and gait

• Anemia

• Higher risk for heart attacks

Heavy metals that can lead to

toxicity include:









Ultimate Green Zone contains Plants that Detoxify Heavy Metals

Chlorophyll helps oxygenate the blood and has

powerful deodorizing and antioxidant properties.

Urinary/ Bone Building Properties

Spinach supplies a high amount of essential bone-building vitamin K needed to keep the skeletal structure healthy and can help ward off osteoporosis and bone fractures. Vitamin K also has the roles of helping with blood clotting and turning off inflammation in the body.

Parsley provides high levels of vitamin K, an essential nutrient for maintaining bone density. It works together with the other bone-building nutrients in parsley — calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D and magnesium.

Spinach and parsley have an abundance of glutamine. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the human blood. It is very useful for the repair of injury such as in cancer, trauma, burns and in the anabolic process of building organs and tissues.

Horsetail is high in the mineral silica and boosts hair, skin , nail and bone regeneration and reverses bone changes resulting from osteoporosis and arthritis. It is an excellent herb for urinary health as it relieves water retention.

Fibre Properties

Amaranth seed is a great source of protein, fibre, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. It helps keep your digestive system regulated, build your strength, and reduce the risk of fracture or broken bones.

The protein contained in amaranth is of an unusually high quality and is critical for building muscle mass, supporting neurological function, and balances hormones. Amaranth increases the frequency of bowel movements. Its fibre binds toxic laden cholesterol in the digestive system and causes it to be excreted by the body.

Millet seeds are high in B vitamins, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium, and fats. Millet contains high levels of dietary fibre.

Quinoa is high in fibre, protein, magnesium, B vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin E and various beneficial antioxidants.

Essential Fatty Acid Properties• Chia seeds are full of important nutrients. They are an excellent

source of omega-3 fatty acids, rich in antioxidants, and they are loaded with fibre, iron, and calcium. Omega-3 fatty acids help build the "good" cholesterol that protects against heart attack and stroke. Omega 3 keeps the cells pliable so oxygen can easily move into the cells and toxins can move out of the cells. Omega 3 is essential for transmission of nerve impulses and normal functioning of the brain.

• Lecithin is a fatlike substance called a phospholipid. The liver produces it daily if there is enough lecithin. Lecithin is needed by every cell in the body and is a key building block of cell membranes. It keeps the cells pliable. Lecithin largely comprises the protective sheaths surrounding the brain. It is composed mostly of B vitamins, phosphoric acid, choline, linoleic acid and inositol. Although it is a fatty substance, it is also a fat emulsifier.

Bioflavanoids & Vit C Properties

• You can find bioflavonoids in the pulp and white core that runs through the centre of citrus fruits such as lemons and cherries.

• Lemon bioflavonoids are rich in Vitamin C and bioflavonoids which are important antioxidants that help keep your eyes and immune system healthy.

• Acerola cherries are a natural source of vitamin C and bioflavonoids. Acerola is antioxidant-rich. Vitamin C builds collagen, protects mucous membranes, keeps the immune system strong and helps the body fight infections and viruses.

• Beet root juice powder is a great source of fibre, folate (vitamin B9), manganese, potassium, iron, and vitamin C. Beet root juice improves blood flow, lowers blood pressure, and increases exercise performance.

Immune Enhancing Properties

Carrots contain vitamin A, antioxidants, and other vitamins, minerals and fibre excellent for the immune system and for eye health. Evidence suggests that eating antioxidant-rich carrots, can help reduce the risks of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Licorice root is used to soothe gastrointestinal problems. In cases of food poisoning, stomach ulcers, and heartburn, licorice root extract can speed the repair of stomach lining and restore balance. It has anti-inflammatory, immune-enhancing and sugar balancing properties. It is a great root to strengthen the adrenal glands.

Enzyme Properties

Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which can break down the tough protein chains. The health benefits of consuming papaya include a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, aiding in digestion, improving blood glucose control in people with diabetes, lowering blood pressure, and improving wound healing.

Pineapple contains enzymes beneficial for digestion. It is loaded with antioxidants. It boosts immunity and suppresses inflammation.

Alfalfa is a rich storehouse of nutrients, having a deep tap root which can grow down into the soil as far as 60 feet. Alfalfa’s high nutritive value includes vitamins A, B1, B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6, B9 (folic acid), B12, C, D, E, and K, as well as biotin, amino acids, chlorophyll, digestive enzymes, and protein. Alfalfa also contains the major minerals calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc, as well as numerous trace minerals.

Infection Fighters

Pau D'Arco is widely used by herbalists for fungal, yeast, Candida, parasitic and viral infections such as colds, flu, and herpes; bacterial infections. It lowers blood sugar; inhibits the growth of mutated cells. It is great for all kinds of skin conditions. In the Americas, Pau D'Arco has a folk reputation as an anticancer, antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal agent.

Lemongrass has antimicrobial properties which help with oral infections and cavities. The citral in lemongrass has potent anticancer abilities.

Your Body Rebuilds Itself When You Use Ultimate Green Zone

Little do we think about the amazing masterpiece we all live in known as the body.

Every organ and gland in your body has stem cell carpenters whose job it is to build healthy cells for you. In order for the stem cell carpenters to do their work of healthy cell repair you need to provide them with all the essential nutrient building materials. These nutrients are amino acids, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, proteins, fats, fibre, & prebiotics. How marvelous it is to know that Natures Sunshine scientists have designed an incredible quality controlled whole food powder that reassures us that it contains all the much-needed nutrients for healthy cell repair. This super food powder is Ultimate Green Zone.

Today’s grocery store bought foods simply do not have adequate nutrients for cell repair and it is imperative that we resort to the super food, Ultimate Green Zone. Imagine what your body will look like 365 days from now. In 365 days you can build an entire new you.

Ultimate Green Zone is the ultimate nutritious food powder to immunize your entire body with a strong defense system to withstand any fiery darts of disease that may come your way.

Ultimate Green Zone

The whole foods in Ultimate Green Zone: create a strong defense system support the body’s immune functions strengthen connective tissues enhance detoxification of heavy metals move out toxic waste debris increase energy and overall well-being great supplement for a healthy pregnancy excellent for athletic training great for recovery from chronic illness low glycemic index solves blood sugar problems resolves weight issues builds healthy blood and heart

Prebiotic properties:Hormone balancing propertiesDetoxification propertiesUrinary and bone building propertiesFibre propertiesEssential fatty acid propertiesBioflavonoid and Vitamin propertiesImmune enhancing propertiesEnzyme propertiesInfection fighting properties

Ultimate Green Zone in ColoursRed Nervous System


Pau D’Arco

Flax Seed

Carrot powder

Acerola cherry

Beet root juice

Yellow Lymphatic System


Papaya Fruit

Soy Lecithin

White Cardiovascular System


Millet Seed

Lemon Bioflavonoids

Amaranth seed

Chicory Root

Blue Cerebral Spinal Fluids


Chia seeds

Green Electrical System




Artichoke leaf




Success Story Describing the Power of Ultimate Green Zone:

“One very distressed and skeptical lady arrived in my office. Within the last 10 years she had visited numerous doctors of all kinds and no one was able to help her. She was dealing with a serious condition where the bone marrow refused to produce healthy red blood cells. Therefore she was totally out of energy, her voice was weak and feeble and most of her life was spent on the couch. She was given a no-hope diagnosis. Within a short time I was able to discover the poison that was causing the inflammation in her body. My suggestion was that she address the poison and take 2 smoothies a day which included Ultimate Green Zone 2 tablespoons, Natures Harvest Protein, Chi Mineral Tonic 2 ounces, Rejuvenaid, Solstic Energy, water and ice. Within 10 days she called me back not with a voice of feebleness but with a voice of excitement: “ My voice is back, my energy is back, I have my life back. I can hardly believe it! This is such a miracle!”

Ultimate Green Zone Fast Food Smoothie

• 1 scoop Ultimate Green Zone

• ½ banana or ½ apple or frozen berries

• 1 stick of Solstic Energy

• Water and ice

• Mmmmm delicious!

And of course you can add:


Natures Harvest or any other Natures Sunshine Protein

Chi Mineral Toni




Available via web, phone or fax.