. 7W irrVlTi I " " ' ' 1 i' nmn "laj mi r iiji-ii'-'i"'i'n"'- i ii"Ti ii H TTr Jn i i -- izrzmz Tin: iit:iri. aivi:rtisi:h. 'p A .' IT A II il l r I - uta it 1 - .i l n llr in f t n nt . : 1'ubliahi-i-l f'.tcrr Tharulnf Mornial'. 1 1 in 1 7 -- tpor p'i..n pri-'- f r iii p t;.-- rs .r .r -! t"f.,r- - -ri ro.i-- .- Kir.- 1..-,- . s i ;.. :1 .11 K '(' nl.i:.. T rv :I1 ! $7 5')f-- r which indu-h- the Am- - ri. in and K:'t.- -n !.!-- . 1 4 f. ii.t l if ivi.un ".'.!;'. A!i or A:.o r Him , Ttr. : ly t : ' ... 14 " 3 .'( U.i t I '.r. s (.jt . r T, 1 1.. r:i T!l TS I.: ... ri 4 i :. ii :h to - l.' i r i ' u1: i. - . i ll C. 1 i. it. .ns fi ,11 j,,-- :. of t'.- - 14- - r...- - w..l '. i t ,:. w I r- - t t.i'.!- -. 'i .) '.:.) i 4 OMMHKI . I. PRIMING HFMrK l ?3 a S e 3 -- r '.. ss-- , .. V. r.l 4 CI t - J-- - t:- - O - .: .'.ir. . ! t i ! i:. t :4" u.:i . . . . . j i .i i. hook l"l. UN i miim-imntim- ; . D , - F Ncy ullu T : " Ki-.-- !.;.' a IV l.nt'. in hU;i: " 1 .... . .. i : J." "In. 1:11. 1.- .- K.Xi'H .V.K. i.iv:s ,i-..- ii - .iiiij; luiui. ;.-- . . ': rt -- ti ' ..ri.'i;r Kir!i uN.'ijui hi in! rtioii i.iu - ..k i.ahim,. MM. IIKU, I I.Ut I'l N K . V ahtki.it Aiilnimh wi'! .'. u.A in- - i . :s :!! at tf - n 1 i.-- i r Al CTP 1:11.1.- -. HAND 11 1.!.- - K.ir t!i- - ..f liu.".; - . Oil PtVIIIIM.-- . :!l.l.- - , I . r .'in ' u.-- : f i '!i:tii:!. p. r .,u in. r J l I r 1:1 -- IM- sM. I'.P-- S C U.- I- pr.nt.d s. K- r . .1 c !um:i, r .i:-in.- 4 ,MI " l"r-.- V th- - h Vh t .! Tih.- - urt. Iwr li. U' i- lun.ii. iht i.irti r :".v roiiiiiitTria! Advertiser. ii i!i.ini:i)U Ki:hi.v Hi' !). I. K I'K.Ji ANMM. IIKNKl M. VIJ1X.K1 . i IIONOLKLT, liAWAIIAX ISLANDS, MA V -- J. iSiii. V ol.. V. o. II. lltll.K .'.. Thr llrutrnlr M . -- f'.'I.'.M.I ' tf.'..:;.--i 4.,::.., .,;!., , ft ... Mti-.r- . f tl,- - .til .,,, .nf. i !! eVr 1.- ,- I.. r.l m.n.i ji!i. I 1 :f,i7 ri; il!! ; ; r t" !ir, w,. ii .r I. .r j. , .: n.:!-- ., in - i ; - ir'.'i rn . "' '' ' -- 1 .r.f i i r ly W .11 n t.:i.- - ..:li .' kit, U't i x Ui- -i that ki.. i.i.-i.-l A'l a l;l t i T. win k- - H. ... ...1M- - f..r:. ..fli.!. i T r.r r. l ,.t ui T--- k.iri t. ... u- -. , ti TK- - t ni.uit f 1 tr 1 iik I 'ft-- . ..$: .t..- rM t...uirli l.-- n Tf - irt fr si: it I .v - tr.iy -- v r, M- - i:ill U-- I. in.'. ii. f. ,t I ri !.t - .;.-r- '.I r- .. 'U tf.' -- ..i.l I., j v fr . r : V :.. -- j ,r.-.- :r- -. irvm car- -. V.c i.i t r Li .;..t td.-f- . iiK '.. fc.,r. V.ililKT V. A ni:.n shcuM ur-- 'i in t!ie same line of oii'iuct lit." j.r' in sickness. ' roMil.tr ii! rc i a l.nili .iti ; n ii.fl-.r.- Hn. I "noil r!-iu'- tn notiiinp. ir.i'. native m-- refuse tj Hicve anj-thirij- tJn-- c.ifuiot f'llljr cnij.r-liTiiI- . If y-i- K'iul.1 aMoi'l angry with your strvuiit!?, wnt :n ui'ich !ti pi--il.I- i; Ux,n yourself. Fa.:i;i'j tie!'.- - t.j a.rc.inpii-ii- . I.ut ilot--s not accini-f-lir-- U ar.ytL'uiij; it goes t:i.-;v- r, but never as It - 'klihrfiil. tl:. fiiiilo pl,y with which we rt- - ' cuii.;ile .ur4-l- v ti (he w fortune t cir iieigiiborsi. j ':,?.iy Wf;tticr in. f at Irnfh into U'anty, an l j the l.riiht tifii!eH of(!ie are !. rn .f iti ! i I'f .1 j .iirnev. we Ln-.- .f :i liorre's strength; j iiy tlie length of ! tys a man s heart. " Where are u ( ! n ?" -l one f.y f f another, who h:t i ti ij.j -I ari l 1 ill.-- i Iown on an icy pavement. Jij;ng t. y-- t up," i the n j'fy. A inati th it hoar I ri.-li- i no I enjoys them not, is l.i tj'S than the asu who carr.tAi gn!J anI eats : hi.-tI-- !. iht-r- e are two c,'a-- .- i.f in livi Ju ils of whotn it may lie truiy ta;. t:it (heir wor.l i as C'J n their hofi-- I thu-- e wh'-- e .r l i.s revtr hrokeu. au j tiuse whose ixiti'l is "! I"r nothli.g. Ttpimikaimiii-ai- . I.'kkhm. Tyfx'srapl.ical errors onie in .".l jM.ineiime. The oilier ! ay we were rej-lin- j a ! rit;ii of an thu-ii-t- ie iltrm n -- t ra-li- nn at a .IiUcil itiierinjr. when (he ty'x-- 4 went on tinK- - The air w :u rent with the -- "'Wi of three (iiouan I people STTtir-ri.- Tri e. "Tlio.-- e "hri.tians who are the mwt ftrt-nii'ii- in thinpt of lirtle impirtaiice," Fays r.i.-h'.-p ("ri.-wo- "are like the Tharihees cf o!l, inuft like'y t f nl iu the tightii-- matters t f the Liw." The more our I lies practii-- c w tlkinp, the mTe jrrveful (hey kt:oine in tlieir movement. Tloe lilies aci'iire (he heat carriage whoiioii't rile in A.M'ii .M irT Ii'vi kii in France. The re-- ni nrn of a IL unn thrater an l a (rmpie tlnlic ite'l to Ap.!Ii hateju-- t near l'ierret'.'inlf", near I'ornpiirne. un-le- r the dttritiK of (he The raiiit (o (he ( t'Vril of It.. man art. The has reli f are -- ai l to I xecutel. The TowM-- The .Vew York ll.rall r.ot lon since, contained (he following a.lver(i.ie- - II. 'ir- - to the of rJ Tjwn.y nr? now ca!'ej fur through the l!tip!ih papT. This is one of the lir t exrr t in Knel.in l, an l is now in wsw ion of (he Joernnietj(." The race f tn inkin l w .uM peri-- h, I I (hey ceae to M rneh oth-r- . I'mru (he (ifne the irofher Lin ls the ehiM's hen.1, till the monien( (hat pme kin.l wif the .Imth .lamp from the hrow cf the iyirt). we cannot exi- -t without mutual he! p. .MI then f..re, that n-- l ai 1. lrve n rilit to nk it cf their fellow mortals. No rrnc who has the power of grintirij" it ran it without guilt. Oi l I'eacon Sharp never loM a lie, lut he to relate this : lie was ?fanl:ri! one day lei'le fr" pon-- l we bate his w-- l f..r it nn l saw a I trtTepir-tt-- r inake make -- in nttenipt upon an enormous l.ii tall fr z. The ruke sete-- one of the frog's hin.l ley, nn-- the frny. to leon par with his snake-shi- p, r iuht him hy the t lil. an.l hoth cotnmence-- swal---win- jr 'ir.e ntn.thrr, ami eontinue-- l this carnivoro'l jperation un(il nothir.j was left of either of them. How to Pp.f.Ji rvi: IIki.th. Mflliine will never remedy L vl It is utterly futile to think of living in pluKony, intemrsr-ine- e, an. I every esoe-- s, an 1 keepinjr (he l.o-l- in health Ly me.l'u:ine. ln.lul-pni- e of (he appetite, in liseriminate ilosirjr an J ilrain;, h ive mine-- the health an-- l letroyel (he lives of more persi.r.s (han famine or pestilence. If yoi will (.ike a.Ivi.-e- , you will he.-om- e regular in your hah't. ei( at;.l .Iririk. only while-im- c (hinps, sleep nn inattra, an l retire an-- l very repularly. M ke a frve nr of water to purify the skin. ;tn l when sick t ike of (he be- -t physician you know, an l fuKow nature. HrpT Womkv Hear (he Tanca.ster Exprr. A happy w.Kirin ! is ro' .he (he very spark'.e an-- sun-h'n- e of life? A woman who is happy she c n't hc!p it whoa s:.iilt even the ! lest sprin-i.!- e of mi.f rtune canriot il inipen. Men make a ter-ril.- Ie miit ike when th-- ni irry for l eauty. f..r t iletit, fr sfv'e; the sweefe-- t wiie are thoe who pos-e- s (he nupii seer-- ( of beinz cotitente l un lr any cir-enr- nst iru'es. U:c!i or p.or, high or h-- it makes no ditTernce; (lie hrilu Utte Contain of joy tuhhles tip j'l-- t as niu-i-:al- iy in their hearts. Io they live in a Iojj eaf.in .' t'ne f.r-- l: ht that lears up on its huml-l- heartli "..m.i.-- s J.riht. r than (he pii leil chan leliers in an AlaJlin palace. Was ever (he stream of life so ark an 1 iinpror-itio'i- that the sunhine of a hippy f" falling s (iirpi-- (i-J- woiil-- not awaken an anerin !eam ? Why these jiyous tempere-- l p-- . pl.; I.m'l know half the g xl they do." W'iiit Mui.i :.. A man never knows wh t he is cipahi-- ? of until f has tr!eI h:s powers. There seems (o Iw no Umr. I ( human c ipicity. In-:s:- ht, energy anl wul pru 1 i.e atonihii.i s. ILw often mo l- -t ( ih nt. driven by circumstances to un-Wta- ke s..iiie f. r:ni Work, has felt its own untrii-i- l an 1 hit'i- - rro unc. -i. us powers rising np (i grrtfp'e anl to ma-N- T, arid afterward sto-- l amazt- -l at ir- - own unexr-ect- I success. Tho-- e cirir'j'u-i- t ncs. th.se cnem't an l fr.en-U- (hit r r .voke us ta any noble undertaking, are our greifet ictrrs. Oppr.;tii n an l perse-cu- ti in d mure fra nian (hn any seemingly g.-- ! fort me. The sneers of critics devel. pe the latent Sre of the roun ' rfet- - The anathemas of the angry ehurch intlime the zeal of (he reformer. Tyranny, threa(s. f fcrture. r a:se up heris-- s an l martyrs, who might otherwise baves!-- i away Iothful and thi.u -- htiess lives. tiet-- 'Ireaming wh it spleiidi 1 acts anl Words Iayburie-li- t!ieir 1,-cni- s. Anl who knows but the wrongs ft society are permitted, be-- vase fi tfie fine g j! I which is beaten out of the crude ore of humanity. Her is the (ruth worth considering. .Are yua in poverty? Have you sa:fered wrong? lo circum- stances opt -- tf yi.ii ? Are you be-- et by enemies ? Now i. your t:nif ! Never lie there an-- l rnIanchoiy '. Spend no more (irne in idle whining, t'p, like r. "li..n ' M ke no complaint, but if difficulty fitt.s you, roar in il. titnce. You are at school, this is your nec-sar- p.verty and pain are year masters but u-- e the powers God has given y'fi, ari l yo'i shall I ma-t- er at last. Fear of fvl-fr- e is the ni't frightful cause of failure. Stand firm and you will not fail. Wh-i- t s failure at first is d!s.:irlin. Accept the ; trut the grand re-sal- t,' up and up again; striki- - and strike again; and S'xi shall always gain, whatever tb e fortune of to-la-y's or battle. London Illaslraled Ne! VIIIIX(. TO TAkK THIS flt'.K.NONS n wpA r, will fin.1 th.s the lime to f.mmeru-e- . The numhr cun fupplil from Jan 1. ls.-l- The pn.r ill t y.ir, in .lfs:nt. II. M. Will TN FY. C; IAI.IIXf;S VLl'K. Silver --?oap. Dr. A lolphu- - Rheumatic Remedy, I'uliuornr W aters. For Sale ! r.. IIOFFMANX. Vi riMiMi'iM'iAL JlOl.Hj) . i. i:vi:i:i:tt, A.ucnori:iri, ii . ..1. ... ii. : j. r. roMii itN, 5 :f K ....;:: .. :r t, 11 ..... i. iiiimcv ko;jios ; 1 r..-t- r T- -. I l..ir.: .:, U !. irf, 11 ,; 11.-i- f . K .LI. 1 II. t. I.. Von holt v ii i:r K, Gri-r:fc- l .ii.iii. n - r- !..in:. 11 .n !ai j. ".i. j, -. I i.r.x. j. ( AKTWKKiirr, C..mrrii"i..ii .t:.-- rrtl .: A.--j.- II : lulu, I'.M.. II. I. i".'.-.- r i;i)i)i'iti:v miotics. h'.: a! jn VV m-- w anl l.lr.:, A.r a:.l ri- -r It.- - rit :!. ll..ii .;u!u. 4 i ;i:oicci: ;. now i;. I.jinic r Varl o:i ('..rut S a i: k, N.-- K lv.'.-t- f ii. H rKn:i.i) .v o. '..Tiiiii-.--i(.i- i A. ots, a:i 1 1., . o, i(.u, s. i. lo.Vtl K. O. II A f i.rt.-- an-- l l-r in llar.l ar.-- . I'ry ii..-- I. Paint-"- , tiN. ami .M ri l::i:i . eorii- -r of Fort an-- l Ki'i.' str--'- .s lnj-t- f J ; Koitr; K ( i.ikk. Dealer iu I'rv nnl F tii.-- t;.a-- V -tr . t. ti ai-v- tn- - in I ii s ii.t:i. ii .i. .i.ii i, s. i. li-i- r jtiii.N tiiomas vATi:itnorsi:, Iiriort. r, Uetail in n. r:il M- -r liaieli-ie- . Honolulu, an I I ..i ' .... i i.t. M.iui. 44-l- t' ii-co- i; an .v c am I'll r.r.. i., jlK.K'.'II N T TAlI."i:.-- . i.'i Ka.:!n:iiia:ri Mo . t. ..i....-;- t Ua !. d- -. anl tivia. -i ' Ii.tn l, ati.l t iii nle up in tu- - Ic t yle. 'JIT-l- y , - AV. N. I. 1I, Imjrt-- r an.1 ! r in Hakkwaki:. t'nimv, Mkcimxi.-.-- ' ij.,,,;,..,,. (or,,-,- . t... ai..t A..M Fort street. Ilotio- - kai. K tatiimiaiiii sir : II " jvnion. cui:i:n co., Cofiinit-sio- n Kiie-I- -- .f Il iii-- l i... Uue- n str-.-- t. II ii.rfulu. A). r.l I, 1 .... luft-i- f - - av. ri -- .en C.t..ii-- t Maker nn.1 Krem !. I' II O I S'.r-- -!. ..pi--- if t!.e tiov-riirn-- tit II-- u . 11 tl n. i.in Ni. w. ii. Pivi.sk. II. II.1I(N1 V SON. Imrrt-- r an.! deal-- ri in li.tr.lnre. pan oils an-- li- -. ii . L. 1... -. B. u. -t iMi r. INCOl.S .V STANLEY, ACCHNTANT.- - AND CN FY ANCFIU- -, lioNol.itr. A. V. Aven-.-- . s ndjii-t.-.- l. I'rot.-st- f-- n I '. tfal with n-- .tt I : Cimu-rei- al Hooks iil an I oU.s.-d- , an 1 'a-- t in llr .k- - m.l le up ttl l t'oll-otlo- iis ta.thl li att-t- ld I to. I U J. II. AVOOU. Man. if irtur- r. Inii. rt. r ati.l r in l'- - t m l Sh-- -s ,f every I rnptioii. Mi Finding- -. I'utnp, S -, .'. ll:irn.--- , i l F a. "t r- -. I .ill. U. Ho.-- , an-- Uoel: Skin-.- , Trunks, aii-- -., -i- .itrr...- (i..,. s. Ft.!-- , an I MasL. I'-- I e k i',. ISra-h- -. II Fr-.-- rh.- t..r-- , c rii-r '( and M'-- hifit .. Honolulu. II. I. It. F. S.MMV, IMl'tJltrKil AND IKLF;t IN i KN lilt A I. I IJlCIt AN I'l.-I- '.' Honolulu. Onliii, II. I. -if V. ..lA. T. m.-.-H- 4, Jit. MOSSMAN V SON, IPtk.rs. tr.,rsar. in i'ry (rI,Niiu.imi tre.-t- . Il-- n- i ..i ll l. Uh-i- . S. I. -' 'f j ItlTSON A II Iff, ,ir...-..- rt., Mr. II- arv .n, ll, ,. .i.- - Wine an I Spirit M-r- . v,-,t-- . H .. nil i. II. I . loir K.-- K m of A. J. art- - wrnrht an I at the f -- s K.. .huinaiiu -- r., t. 3'J tf : - - . J. AVO 1ST 1 1 . i IVah in M. r. handi-.- -. 11 . II twa .. Sh-.- supjilied . st or, t. n.. B.'.is ..f rul, ti, iinli-l- . 1 AH L. X. ( K. AM .S. S. casti.i: .v cook i:, Imp.rt-- r and K- - f til r in M-- r-i !, ti, I --- . at the . ! I I. . r..- -r ..I th- - Ki-i- - and Seti--- l tr- - '. tr I)? Ii.r. St..ne Church. Al-- o at th store in K.n- - -- tr ot th- - s.-t- ii' Chal- - I. itii. .i i i .v ." ff im i t:s Di.s-t- f i i t i .v aii:i:, A for I'.- - -.- 1 :tr 11. tntat e at- - ..f t I' And lw. ai I'uto .:..; Iiii-,.r- rs si.. Whl.-il- t un I l t.. rrt iii Chin t i.-- -l i h it on 1. ind, f r il.-- . at men! s on Km.' trft. H .telihi. xn-- at ,h una. V uii i huirar. -- ynip. Tea. C..::. -- . and a lnr--- e ami .ri- -l as- - rtniel I of it. - ral lii.T.'h.ind: Honolulu. Au.-i-- t 1A 5a-l- v a. r. i:vi: iss:tt. COMMISSION M K lie II ANT, J anion's ue-- r M-- H iri tre.-t- , lb uolulu. II. 1. KFFKKFNCK.s. j lssri. S te-..- s - Tirr. -- K. B.t.n. p. IPnoiiin l' i., Kv.ru ,"i Hti.i., Honolulu. July 1. Is.'.T. i u. x. ri.iTxr.rs. Coritiuu- - his old husni .s iii the fireproof l.u.Mins. Kaahuma nu st rs-t- . Chr-m- rn. ters rat- -1 ' ..'eriati.es f thr sun an l stirs ch a t accurat ly adjust.-- to (he of lloii..la: i P.iriicnhir att. nli .u -- iv. ii to tine watch pi .ii.- -. and .,ii....r..:it -!- :,-- siH-n- d and adiute.l. Chart- - and nautical instrument.- - eoii-tat- it ly , on hand and for sale. 44- - f j SHIIiVIl I - K. H AS. Hkl-- I K, '' c. itisr.Avr.is v co.. and ShiptaiiL- - M- rehatiM. H.'Iiohnu, Oahil. II. 1. Ki 1 lO J ivik--s llriti -- i l I., Fs p. f . H -- ton. CiliRla:s H a.w i n, Fs p, Mt-- K.-. M. Ki , ( Fr.tnciscn. Chas. i r liH ., F- - i , Mr.s-K- Wm. Pr-r- tf .V C ... - H .ti.'kotnr. Nlt"K.S. '.LK, III Kill I.L A. Co.. M tnill. 1'S-t- f ii. av. si:vi:is Ax i:, Ship Chan IP r an I Honolulu, ?. I HFKFhS T- - Captiiti It. F. Sv w. -- D. C. W tr.KMts Ac Co.. - W II 1! ASS ,V II It F, N-- .r I.- t, I n. I M l; n .t l. kk:i l. S iti Fr.tticis.-- S i T .v A i.l . n, N- - lf..r-- II KNT P. tin K, -- II. P. sf.,,. W. lit KltVNCi: w.!l o n iiiu" t' S' :p Chan Pert- - and foratn s., -- tu-.- !i s at th- - o; 1 Jt.ti I. Ff ri r pte- -i ..f ; hip Ch.m !!- - ry .'i I M r.- -. .:. ! u:r- 1 M..pl , top! on f..eid at. I fT ..tl- - at l" t-s. - J UST. D. f. WAI'KS IN. l. C. W ATKIIAI X .V CO.. O Wn.nOV vt:m HA. TS. r.r-- ; .! -. ; . i. ti 1 t th- - ;:.- - -- ts ..f :' . W h tl::.- -- FI- - et. hy the of f'.lti.ls. purchase an -- ..' . ! Fvh hi- -. '.1. t.-- n- r il an-i- - pr ur.tij.-- Fre;-:.- t i KFFFRKNi Fs. ' Me-sr- s. e II wi iv.i.Jk.. . C .. Nw Redf- - rd W . 'i. F Pop. Fsi.. d .. NI...-..,- .-;K ,v C i.. ?.t-- i Francisco. M- Hi ,t Mkkhii.1 . do loi-- tf .Aii:i.cin:iss v ( (.. ! Imporfer ami ('oiiiiiiiion flercliaiilo, FTOSE ST"KF. ROIIlMtM' SI., H'KMH MFRi lIANT. Consulates i.f Rjs-t.- t. .. an-- Lu's-ck- AiiFNl"- - ..K Till! j H MPt K ill"' I v N Ftk't Its: I it- - l f IV. NI": Fl ' .: Mill-- . S.-- i Fr,-- . ( .l..t T It M t l.t.T- -s, ; j I i", -- l.e of M Ik, Nl Oi'UlluK Hts.iiI.lS I'K Ot" t. r ti...-.iii. i.' r- ; ::i.'y .... !. !' ! a.' r i rs from the oth- - r il t:i.l4 ,i:.d ..I.r t.1. j r. t. ; :'.. V C-- . M.i.n-r.s- . . i i - T t v Keti... ' 2 P" i f ) II . n l i!u AVII.COV. KICII V ISPS A CO.. Ship ! lo ll- - r- -. D- - .: r- - ,t. r .! Nl r.- - t i l. . an Cuon .! .,. M. r. t .i -. II :.. i. U I K.-r- -I in i fu'l -- ni ' ' - .1- - npt. ti m-- r. hand- i- r pi.r-- 1 l y :. .. - !.ij in ! Money advanced at th- - R. f s Mors. Swu r i A I lkn, N. w H- -1 for 1. - liii.i, . Alli s S'S, Wm Will. v. Wti. liir-r-oa- . -- Mssrs. Tioin s Kxowi 4 c.-.- Hon H-.- I OP. Fs p Fk.l.rHI. k I'll.kl F- - ,. '. ITiti 1 te .M IlKNkV A. I'tHil F. Fs... .'--..a- . loTLLK. Sl-- .V Co., :!i I ... Cms. W. :,....-k-- n tlie re! els. j M'-ss- Sr.-s- i al C. , l W ii i.i m - .V II it N.S. 75-t- f C. A. w ii i im- - A. C- . ii. m:vi:i:s. 111. J. .MUTT S'llTIl. I r: 1! !Ti-l- ii. s ;. ald. .!. i.. PHYSiCIAN AND SURCEO.N, I..:- - N V tk l I'-- ;. I" r .ft! ':!i.- .it It. .1 i.: I'ru . K : : l:..l. !.- -. i: Nu : i l y. t'. it : K. ii i... r-.- ,. jj.'-n ciias. r. i;i li.i.oi . .ii. i , L:i--- Mirj-- .'i I i..--- - : N I' ir l'!.v ci Am- - :.- - :i .in l l: .r i." r. . r rii- - r K i i: uci.iiiil .tn !. r- h ii: :i l rt-i- -1- :it .r. ... r- - i!- -i i. il i.. i' :.n.t :r.-.- . .tl - ii. K:ui.--- . Kf i... !.. :i:. l It t! .fi MtSc- - Ir.iiri f.- ni 11 a. m. t i '2 P. M ; at lii.jiiirc :.i i.l -- t: AV1I.I.I V.M III'.M 111 IJ K VS. Notary !u-i:- . :.. at ti- - 'urt up stair. J. AV. AI STIN. atT"1im:v ami ci "i: at law. :ri-- itl . oV.Ttll- - r -- t Attorn-- v at I. iw. in tic- H..s. i;:--.- f i uori MA.w, .ii. i)., rhy.-ici:i- !i 'tn.l S ir.-oii- . Mal- "s rn- - r liu- en uii.l Kn.i liille.aiul -- tr - t. tf J. . VALKER, SIINMMNH A.N! ('Oil ."'I I SSI ON ACDNT, ( I S T II ii N S H 1. o C K . ) ('writer - it ml Ii aiiliuiuiiKu l rci-l- . H'lNOLL'I.U, It. I. - C1IAS. H. e. K A. ALIMIll II' HISIIOI A- - CO., :ts; r. r:1-- of M ik- - s i;i.. a i I .raw I'.i!!- - ..; i. ',:.:.- - oti r' N-- York. i !irA!'''. I'.os-OT- lb r- -. M......, Monk K ' San F ratio! -- co. Wi'.l rt-- . ! s.t ss Iiumii-s- s paper, and att-t- el to - n.-- , e.c. ll.-- tl j S. N. ILMIIUSON, Vai:oi::i. Hal.n. I'. ai r in ol-- m ai V. n lian lis Pro "' u, h as Corn, . Italian:.-- , i:att.-r- , li'-- s, .ve. a:;-t- r j - AV. A. AI.OKICII, Iti.ixirt.-- r and l'eal. r in tleii.-n- l C ri mis-io- n lit f .r ti S .- '- of S.i-:i- !oii"es and l'..!f. mli-- I.l .n I A.---n- t forth- - l.iiu K atil MiT-A- Lf Pi.an-l.iti.iv- -. nnieiils of all kinds of Island IV. .duo. sdioit-.- l. Order, lor lercliandie promptly attended to. lUi-l- t io.i I iv . ,, I(ll.l.r. t ., t Ship Chandlers and 1'i.iiiii.i-i- nii M. roliants and D-- ah rs .in ; li- - neral nahaina. Ma-.u- . Wl.al.rs liu.i-ht- .l witti at the shor-.e-i- . notice, in !. Is . orlo'ls. tf I a Bj v. . & ti s: IZ It l S. 2. , ( it.'oi'trc W . rI ;i KAWAIIIAC HAWAII, Will l. l'i- - i r.tl M rehandis- and s ss at th .(v- - por'. wh r- - tle y are pr-j-- ir lo Mmi-d- i th- - ju-t;- y 'e lirit .1 K.ia i.hii- - P.:;it.--- , and such otle-- r. ;is .tr- - r- - , nr- - n l.y wj, d -- hips at th- - sti-- --t tie :t'i 1 on the in r .i eiaole .liooiu DUDLEY C. BATES, COM .A I SS I O N M K li C II A X T , .Mere limit Sirt-ef- . Honolulu. w H IYK THIN DAY KT A III.IM1KH MY - if u. the C..t..,i,.,..t, iu and tru-- t 1 ,l.atl -..;.. (., c.v.- entire sat.-Ucti- t any irtie ho may e:,tru-- t t'e ir ,s ..- - car- -. tr-.- th-o- th. r an 1 onlers for the pur- - ch t- -ot i,.. rol,..,. l..e, re.,H-oti,ill- - .!io,t. d. Mi.-.- t I iv..rs tt, .nl.fuily r. - iv-- d Honolulu. . r I. ls'K). J4-- tt rri i s:. sii:.xci:r, SHIP CHANDLER! ll-.t- l.. a t ..-.- ., I ll r.'l... .aalS ... l"ro-- . e tlui-r- . Xc. ii ml Coimiii ioit Me re lui li I . 1 Byron's Say, Ililo, S. I., Will kp cn-taiit- ly on hail I an ext. n:r-a--ort- n.. i.t of i rv .1 . r.pti-.- f tr,-- .s r .pitr.sl hy -- tups and others, Th- - hi.-l.-t price tlv. n f..r e. .,n. y a lvaiic. d for p.. lis of Kvhan-- e at rea-oiiah- l- rates. li : ., K iry .t. 1',I. k'4.; ly INSTANCE; cakds ri.oiii:xs sr a im: mi oust. A- - i.t the lln-me- and Dr -- d n P. ar I of t'liderwriters. All cl.i-io- aain-- t i.l l t.viiant 1:1 or als-u- t this Kin.e.loin, it .11 h.tve to U- - c. rtiti-- d loin. tf .U.KXT roil THK Now VorK of l'nilrrwrilcr. Th- - uieh rs:-- :i. d takt s to hip Mast-r- s, A.O.. that h- - lot dlli.V II p h .ilited as Alt'-tl- for the N- work Hoard of 1 .kif AI.F.V. J. CARTWUKillT. 1 1 m it r is (. 1 1 - it k i: .ii i: o J. - J j. J.s , NSI J A CE COM V AN 1 , ifiMlK r .mikksk;xi-:-i A --'"lit. of th- - c C'.III- - 1 p itiv. ar- - pr. i ar.-- to msuro ri-- k s aitaitist fire iu ami a' ll"!l",UlU. I'.-- at the MKI.CHr.KS A: Co. Ho'ioiuhi, Oct. ll.lsaT. f m I I) K U J STORK! TIIK IMKRK.K1. I! A r r i iv! tKt! 1; T" t .irriA (s fn-f- t!i- - it. - .ir i.i Kiir-'j"'- , a ati I i r rTii.' u ( tSt M lM'iiM- - mid I !'! A ri i rj rlf- - n "W ;! r?i Ih- in i t s.tir. I'.- n. ;:. i :u. fr.'i.i th- - i'- st sour.--.- , p.r- -t art..-.'- w hi if s I le-- s pri'- - tl :ei Ir ;..re. PIiv -- i iaiis and "tl,. rs will hav t!i-- :r r rs s !pr hp too 1 '. ' -- ' i. t TV pr e.... IT !;. :. u i up !v an fr in t'o t ir.at-rtti- N part .y fr l'i. i . r"s .a i. i:-- . i thiid extract-- , a i;t- - at im-- tr- - ::t s. MFDD INI. i i h. TS r ti'.l- d at t! r aociT.lii1- - a- - V ;t- coutit.-,- - nt: 'It.- -t i, tin. l.ipr.-- e a tow of tt. ar s eent...ned iu th-- u a-- -, r'.n.en:. vi? : mi. ,r .:. ap t- -- r. Ki i i. rh i i and dy s- 'i ,:- s- , 1. :,rs.-uie- alch-.i- , p rv o r ii.il, : t I. a v run.. ! r tx. I. !.:,i i.. t,t. 1: il- - it:i-- rs. NI.IO.; I.'- . i p r.l.Ve, t ' - ii . r- iir i f t .rtar. Nn u.i-- .. r. ch- rry t in. ..I P. r.'..iii--- an-- l iinni, C. -: r .t-- P .f J r -- . p.!is. .l. K C..I oil. ,i!.iT.i..rd rem-n- t. .in.I nd l ..w ns-n- d ss ,rsii. t . . .. .. ....i" .... .. ... I ... i I.tll .i. , s i :., -- .. o - o. pari:.. i. ' St rt s- -- la . M Fxtr a t ..f valerian. -- . s lit- -. I'.m.-r- p ! r.- - r.i-,- v sails, 'I .... : p.- -t r. t n- t mirrors, F' iv r t - -- xtr tot- -. T h-M' ss, tw. . . r- -. I y. ii ! ...i.t. t ain aral 'I ' or..'. , xtr ft. tril-s.- s. ' hit ii tirv's ira.-n-'-i'- . th-- - ri:.;:-- . to.o,h 1. rs. H or .1 1 .w it .in: iii-- nt. V t- i. Ii.d. i.t l....rk.uK- - in. hit- - an ! . :., w wax. A'lo Direet from Pari-- . ii.ritivs cr.i.i:itisATi:i i:tk acts C. uipnsin.- - Jl di T t.: km Is. V- - -- t JFAN NIAP.IF FMtlNA C iI.'.iiNL. - '. C W 1 . r , ,'4- - I es. vi ' il- -' p ': tt'- - o . i .! . r :. ,! ; i . . tr- - - t. r :i t .t!:-- t k- -. T ii s p- .'1 I s. ..,.r i r , ' I.' . I't I ru- - s . pat '.t. tl ie. p.':- r- II i j i r."'i "-- i. h . r ii- -. -, rt. d CliNTAK'S KIT I'OIMIX. N w f 11. I?. ir s ur. ii. utiy.rv n a uh.vi iiY Tulu mlt in-- . ( ' n I ii-- !i Ki-ni- i ill I llo -- .. i irl'i-liber- ctli. in---- . 2 V Il'OlMVSN. M. I1. IvfAAA! A TALE OF HAWAII : IIP JRVF UK-- !' W ORKS d.nt.. OXK - (Nri in-- t mill s.-- i ui-r- i in I he .n nrl i it Ii l.lnu.l.: I ii.-n- ' :'- - tli-lo- rv iind Frndi-liui- ls ul llie Itlnnili-r- , 1 'e- w. rk - f'.ie .v i.i it, i - I., itt.l t K Ml II N1 1" II A IV. A U w eo n - roc- .i d anJ f. r s.;- -. I'rieeSl .". F"R S ll.F FY II. M. W II ITN FY. p. iti n ;rnlit i I.eW suh-cr- rs r j t, '(tilt s. J.i 1: i.i. a Ti l.V.T ! loot va i;::ni v;;. :i r. : : i i:.i- - 11' to i.i:t. a tt.h; k. -- iri AiT.li H m r- - . . : .... i . K. ..r- :. !: t.::!-.-.'- -.-. . i; j':.,. U . :u. r.i:.i! v. 11. :l . :..::i :. 1. -: . . .v.-- . ;.. r:!i.'-.- .: r . I; - 1 .i r ; : ' ; '..i:.t. r- m.... r :: . .; , Till . KKh'l N. ii Y :. 1.'. 1. At t:.- - I.i-i- .: Ii i:- -. . in:: s.v i.v. ok br.Asi:. A CO! NTltV It KSIOKNCK. l'oNK ..:.! : : .:"!. i :i .it 1. a t..r .i I'.-t- r: !;:v- -r J-i.- A, : :y i W. I.. i.UCKN. TO J.KT ! ....... Tlir l.lll'iiV MHliCIl IVTM'IIKKT. -- - .. . ... . i i ; - i 1 .1.1 i:;.; I : x j !. Al l !v . t i '. IIi:iA'K. TO I.I'.T ! VV . 1 1 A I A T!IK haw v 1 1 a x Ii Kl. I I Il.l'IN'.. tl I i v T. I. M rr.tt. i'u.- - il UlV' .1 ili.lll-- ' I..: ' i: i.l n- nal-1.-. Aj.pi,- - i II. I'. I: Ki rii. tl A . rit f r I.. II. Antlion "'.foii sa i.i: r kxcii an: r: !L ' It KS. N i II K. !A A . In A I A i. Ivu - il a 1; t. a ti irli--i- ili.i rn.r - To nu;-- , r e- i.n . i ii ...... ..... ...... ...... I:.., !! c.--- i ! .1 a t: k "f "' or I. -. a il i.i of -- . an ! ti.- - own. r's wil l o;'.!.- - run-- . i ,, il,.- i.. ..hi, lam. I i..- a!.-,t- In ,1 r .1 a' t.,--- rty will I.. . ry low. or e ii i.- - -' I - I. ir II .Tio'.lllll. '1 : in: .1 . Ap;...v or a I.. ',,urt 11 II. e ..lull!. j (joi st. I'. vt i J it. i.o.M.-- . it. I - t I'll it ! on ni.Ii lnatoli-.,- -.!. a...! o ii:.'-- .! hi- - - an I ilt. Al-n- : I.. J.'li.N on. .. it. C.-r- .liter. i.i:.' i. iil !"-- ' ! Ih- in ..n ativ p . o ;!,.. ..r lit iy "t til- - "f.l-- r I- itei-- . I.t a 1. as .'ii. 1 r t T r"si v. b j. T A A T.ItV NKAT. COOS. AN?. COM- - f .I; !"i:TAI.I.i: I'V. liul K, r ntly huilt. . -- X, u:tli s v. u K . .:n. a e.,.,,1 supply of Water. I lath II .us- -. an! ail tl. r. s,ary A l.S-- a 'iAltPKN. with Fruit Tr. - s now I'eaiil.;-- . 'l ie ii'uvi' vim had on ay term., l y appiyiiii.-- I i lt) K- lit !US FSS. thk ci:i.i.i:uati:d titcomis cornii: rr, vntation, A 1 11ANAL1-.1- Ai, Is oih r- -i for sal... The Land of the Plantation e .n.prNes up. war Is of H . Arri s, and has upon it .lO.OOO VvlU'V p r,.,... Tto-lau- is w a iapt i !o the ealti . nt i n. of su ar cane. 1 L- - -- t.ata is un ii. uinl-re- d. and t ill 1. - s..U I y Fee Simi-l- Till- -. For lull oarti. ulars and term- - f s . i'e.iiir.- - i f lu.'-- tf '. r. s.Ni.tv. Tiii: ii. or or ;!io'"xo ox thi: '. :;; .i ..i ! -- tr a lioiiiin- - the i r tnis.s . f lr. .....L, Ii 1. Ititr,-- . -- . upon whi- h . two :..ry ltilild.liL'. iiKJI l". ct, c.l: h..u-- e. ftc well adpt- -I r r t ie r. 'lelic- - o It... .iistinel i .luiii s. a It. .nr.llll House or Hot" I. lie- - atN.i-- is i.l c..n.lil..u, :it,.i w,u no soi l Ch ap and o.l terms ; or I t ill a low- - tienre. Apply to it. ::. wAKi.MA.N. Honolulu, March 11. J.M-t'.i- HSLCX HAWAII. 4 f" v ."?, i,f 11 ' ' "' r w " '' "' . i i ""t """.,- - -" acre, sit.iate.1 m the town .. Il.l. 1 he !,.. .,. - in ondit...... and u,tal.I- - -r a store or "ij'te aw.dl.ne. Hit.... II iw m. M.irtli fi. I 01. - .1 -- in . .. Waikiihsilulii Water Lots! rgniK imh:ksk;m:o iiavixu i:ki:n appointe.l a. tit f- r th- - sal- - and L i.- of the ' AViiikiilctliilil Lots! to call th- - att.-nt.'-- of M- roh ants, ship Owners, S.vulat-ir- ' I ..)... i.. .1.1. I.....I.. ,,... Iri.-- r ..1 l.tn.1 I. i,.-- l, is now- - of- - I ... i.... ... ...!...... ..t.. .....I .... l.lu..l -- ...1 r.. .,. v.-- I....I 1 Tans ...av - and ::!. particular- - h an.e 1 l.y application ! to the u.,1. rsi.-- .1 at k-l- -rt C. .lanion's l:..ildir.-.- s. N. D. Karly application sle.uid in. mad.- ch-.- i IV . I.. I . I. r. r. N , As-e- for the Sale of aikahalulu L-- ts. H.-i- .lulu. Oct. Jl. lsas. 1 tf Views of four.! filii ! A l.i. ikums visiTi of:-iir.sn- tk mi ths- - I -- finds, should not Inl to send as.tof(.. . I5tir- - A'ieH of 11 mm! i: lu to th' ir fri n.l- a I the lo'lies than prints p.) Tu ho hinl F. HI KtiKSS. Fort strcrt. M)V IS T32E S 1..1E SOON TO LEAVE Aiubrotypc nlITy! rMir. 1' Xl KllSltJ X r.H calltlie ATTKNTioN-o- f a ,,f ),;., 'ri-- ii - and Pul-h-- to his P..h ms, over the Pa. C. un i. rc:al A lv -r- iis.-r." I'rinliiii. oihoe. iii.-- the po-- r o.i;.-.-- ; where is takmi; l'i. lures which. -r eLnrance of stvle and s..-.i- i s ion.-- , eaiin-- -oi U..1. IVturs taken on ilass Pap. r IMt-- nt I, aih- - r, India Hu'-i-e- Kr am. ..m,. , - , ... ; i - trie r.r-- i of Miv. d'iritr-- ' io I I Kll i;KS sh"u! l ii.ulvc an t arly call. ll'-t- f W. F. IloWI.AND. Arii-- t. WWJ. H. WRIGHT, OF ICO I )A. KAl'A I, v'ft'-OlT.- I KF.NI'Kl'TFl I.I.V lXrolt.M THE Turbine or any other l.iudwl" Water V.'ln-rl- . ! warrant th- in. at r. i'.le rat-- s. 'r - r. f r any kind of v . , t l.-- t l- -l . t i i v i i .w. .... nt- I an.', att-nd- -d K. n. S. - '. ln". FRESH GROCERIES xs i.r.. i;a' RKCKXT A It It I VAI.s.TIi F. eho.ee a .rtn. t oi or-- . r.es. at t: -- t r- - "i ti.e : - :. t ,z. . Pr- rv- s. ;l;TI" r s tv. ry, Ir- h s. u: i v' " '.v i r. Kr- - i .( line. .. i c Fr.-- h p- ,. i ,r- oiii-- l'i k p. i Fr--- Whole do .'... - - rry j mi. Ihiii. nt-- rai y inn. ol ,v. s. Mrav. -i rt jam. Ic, ir., ic. t . n .e lie at.-- . Cr tin tartar, C. t . s iv rv, ix i'l f. nr. r.t. ti-. Fr- - sh oiirran-s- . in tins, '1 .n- - w. - r era. T.-.- i r ioK'-i-s- Tit s .pj ,r c i k r- I',: s oysp-- crackers, T.n. i 'l'.i:s wine i aok. rs, Fr h rs. -- h ar- K r- ii'-- i Fi -h pi- - fruiis, K- -h pickles. l.i'L-ii-:- . - i i . KiiL-h-- niu-tar-- 1. 1 r- t" h tr Mn Vatns-- s. .. 1 Iir- - :: c rti. t ' : j -- a. ' 'rished ; I -,r. S..i.p. ic N. It Fr h I- -! .'i-- I r and r- uti I f- t ': i : '.v I! M. !N THK IM RI Ol' Tit rs. Tl F- - ' fi- - N.n: a'l t i ri ! : -.- - v- - t t: -- . th it M.'. C. li W I.I.I VS. II 'I .s . . . II- r- . . - ni it : r t I' It ,,rd 1IKNRY Ki.l:!N- - 1IIK I M)KIM(iNKi) OFFKRSKOR sile s at l HAWAIIAN DKI F- -l i in r .'V s It uaiiai.t- !. "I D K"N A CoKFFF 7 .I NNY P. In l s P. .un. CAI.IP'liVH P. ' I" A T"l - ! a superior 'piahtv, NFW I I. ANf I,: ,: I or wh. , J JI.C .I.K NOTICE ! IMIV !' XPKRSIGXKO i:ki( A ROI T 1 th- - wotii I i p. r- - : s t it i: v ,1- ma-id- him l" ir-- - nt th. f rp i.vit and .... j,. ;. .p I. a ,;1 1 -. . .il r- - th- - 'j'.h Apr.!. -,: i J.M tt F. Itl K'iF-- s. I ;iriM'!sU'r. E;!M;i;'r :iui i u:rraixvv: 111 t w i : ; .ir.i ill II W.Tk- - i:i.ii :.. r. Iio;s Vhiv Cv.liiiK nhv;x on ha!i!. I'l KMTt Kr. IiKi'AIUKP. !...- - .1 t. r- .1 I.- IlKMtV Al.I.liN. K r; -- : . ti K.iini.y "iroiv 1 loiiohxli! Soa Works! W. J. RAWLINS.. rjlllK lMtOIMilKf'Ofi HlViC 1 A DK I. .. .v.. ...... I t cs leave ; . itnli.-itlie- Iiis t"itto:i.Ts :i tli" I'llMic ii. that l.e is to - tin in w i:!i vki.i.ow soai: e i: ii. i.' not s- -.i r t(.' ' ; rti I. LP iril-- r In ii tin- ..iti- -r u:-i- I inetualiy iitten lcl to. n'. i;. mii- - .i;i. K v. am i ' 2 5 i 5 ' 3 1 551 2 - J j $ (;r.oK(;i: c. .iiu'.ks owinc i . sc-ar-- t!.f ..fa t'mrttr-i- ! I'irmt.tr i ' f j ,;.! re(.'.-tii- . : ria Ins :r.. :i.N an. I t . ' puLiicl-eiierali-y it he - j to all kin.is .. rk m ti.-- plii!i:! r's line, iii a neat w- rl.tnaiuike at pra-e- v. I.i. ii ,1- - ly liti-.i,- j An nt i Tip- -. .S!.--- t .cm, :ra.-- Cock-'- . j Waii l.asins. lr.-- Sii.I.s fin.l Ir..., V.iitli Tubs. c on I: m.l. Tli.e.- - person-- iv!i i inten 1 l.:ivi:i- - water ii.tr iiic-- I int- their lion- - . ..;;!,! .I., I . have ii, pip- s I. .i.l at an early date, in old. r I.- 1m- - r- a. i.v vv!,.-:- tiie n-- iv pip. s arc laid. li-ii- rsiIIK l'. "!r.i:SIC M'.i IS VK Kl It K 1 TO fa lumi-- h I IP 'N and 111. s- - I' AS l 1 Nt and ail kinds of Maehimry ami Smiih's Work at tlie SKorte.--t Notice and "siRiii1 !:NN;:Xi:s ni boilehs M A I'K T. OUDF.lt. J CONSTANTLY ON HAND A supply of Anvil-- , Cart !om-s- . K r- -e P.aok- -. Chain Stopl-ers- s:i.--h Wei-hl- s, Stove Plates and l.iniii- -, I'uiuli lltlls, c, vc, .;c. JJ-t'- mi THOMAS HIUHKS. LOCX AUD c ; u sT sm i rr i t. THK 1'X!KI1SI(;XKI lltU.'S I.KAV1-- to Mai... that he has taken Hie shop formerly occupied j l.y i. Siders. and is ready p eecute all orders in his hie- it'.u.eatii. ss and dispatch. P. S. I'iirtieiil irattciiti-'i- pai 1 to rep orito: sewing Miiohlnes JAMF.S A. II'iPPFIl Kiiahuuiauu sireet. M AMTAt TlilKIt AND 1)1' Al.liU IX ' ' ' 11. UhVVi li-O- li L (PJKT Wart'. K AA lit" M AM' STilKLT, !! N 1.1 II. I. j Slimmer Taker-- . Tin and Copper Pumps, l'.athinir TuLs, Foot and Paths, T:n an I .:iu- Koohne, and a as-- -. irtni nt of T.n Ware, .ve. S.iiji Work rirrnli'i! vv.tls and Cos-l- y li-p:ile- h. a a na e: t us 11 a s , 3VT asoii. v.nTnn,n c.vbi. thk attkxtiox or V the pal. lie to his sli--- k ol materials, eon-isti!- ,- of llau I'li tn and Ainorieitii Lime. Lricks, Cement, i'iro Clay, Fire llrii'ks, Plaster if Paris, Culiioniia Sanil, (icrinun Tiles, Try Pots. Composition ami (.ravel TCoolinsr. THY WoltKS at lowest rates. COM POSITION and till A V F I, KooKI N.a put on l.uildili-- s and warranted ti-- ht W l ,KlNU 'l '" !" "l XUr.Tl'T -'- .."L. Oooperin JAMES A. IH'RDH'K ix kkmovim; msm sixr.ss to his w Cm iplilt AtiK oil the F:splaliade, . - A r -- rt St l.l.-.-- s IHIS o.i, tuiin t ,., E"bjJ iuc his sincere thanks to his friends and th- - put'lic in e.-i- ral. I r trie sup-- aim puirou :i'e which th hav- - pleased to "rant hi.,,, he will merit a ..oiiiiiiuanoe of tie ir favors. lie has ..n hand for sale upwards i fI OI bll-- u of ( nl. f all sorts and sizes. l.j-i- y - i.t: .vis & .oijt., I Coopers and (Jaimcrs. Corner of Hetliel si ml Kinp Streets, A S ST.. TWO DooRS p.Kl.oW I'll Jt'DD'S M.I'ii STORK, It K XO" lli KI'A It r.l TO KX i .t ......... .11 . r ... lit,.- - i.r..r f.r'.v' MTnl ni ' 1Tf. . ii. -x"- 17-iku, f,,r t:iS. Vnteori:.-- -. they e.,r.r.,ei,;ly Iy upoiToV-.- n!.l rs Tt a tmua, f tn-- ir favors, and trust that to ph-a-- and extreme low rn.-- of ri.ar-.-- s. will lire to them a f.,ir share ot ss in tie ir line. S. It. N. , nd hand ousks mi l sleeps always on hand, which th-- v Kill sell at tie- lowe- -t market rates. l'JT v. e:. u'ee.i.ia.ti.s Caliinel Maker and Turner. rglll K DI.D STA X l. IIOTKI. STIIKKT. NKAR H tie- cm-- r i Furnittir- - of all kinds mad- - and r pair-d. .... i ..-.,- !.. Xlllil-- IT'lt VITl'lt r ic . ... n, ..,1 .1 n.n.1 lian"-- : C .'.ar, Diack Walnut and Cherry n,,ar.!s: w...-- l and V. n. - rin- -. A l.tr-'- e of i.ip and iar-- e si.-- d t.lass. A vari-t- v O:hoe an Children s hairs. I Coinns on h in I an l in n. to ..r.P r. las-- y l'.I.ACKSV.ITH SHOP. ON TIIK NKW KSI'I.AN ADK. ,s. I !'! KI'A It KOTO I'" won K . "J '"f all kind- - m t:rt rate Myl-- at prices to .JV ), I t . stilt T f t -- Hi p. CAR! CAP.IUAOK. and nil oth-- r in thi-l;n- -. will d :e- wi'ii a d di- - pa !, n- tt I,.- -- xo. I , I sh ., j.,.-- . and all "th.-- in the Farri-- r' le I ti :i- nt. promptly at:- . 1 A. F. SILVAY, WAILUKU, EAST MAUI, KGS LK.WK TO INFORM HIS lll.ll and th I'ul.lio iti n- ,1. that he is pr- - par.; to furnish lie m w ith as it 1 an anirl" '. F I.OI'H A Nl AI II A L j as is in th- - market, and at the loiv-- -t market prices the I,'...:,.!-- . . .Ail ironi any i in'- - win a.,.-ii'i..- . ' to with d:s-- : at.-h- WAII.l Kl MUX. KA.s-- Ml'AI. Eire i'mof and iVafer I'ronf Roonii'-r-. rSMIK. H1T. CHKA 1'1-- AM) MOSTDIR-- : 5 a! .- f , it an t had fr any I tnidin.-s- , is the jnjZixrKs? iiooe'xinTg:; M i:..ifa.-..ir.- -! l y the XKW KXGLAXO IHMIFIX'G A XT) MA XT' j FACT! RIX; COMI'AW. TVs p... e. - . . i p, a; part . f th- - I't.i'.-- .l St.it. s a- (i in i. a. I h -a r- ;::: oi n s.-- .nd It :4 II ,W it! - !!loSt of the pUt.;..'! lei.!".-- - Uti.- - I ,(!! Piai o;V... n .n sii-a- r ta" it;. A s,n;.:; . f CoM!'"Si I I.'N and l'K I.T f- r i'atrut R...i:t sr. sh. r'.iv i x; fr. ni I - It Iit'ULKY C. ISTI S. Ac-- nt f r llwii an Is!and F- r th- - N. li R.- - ti- im ! Maioita.-turit:-C- a(;B isi;i ss(;g ALL Tilt: MAt.A7.IXF AM) I'APF.Ilsj .'l oati -- furnish I fr- m .1 ami .rv .l.it-- s. :f ap;-h- t f-- r ..n. ' iihiii;. to the pp.haMe civ.l war iu the Vl.ited and ivarlik- - tat- of Kurorte. Kv-r- y man s'.,..n; 1 - i-.!i. d w i'h a paper or in N ii" than H iri.-- r' or I.1;-.-- '. i.j iki a rear. II. M. WJ1ITNKY. A I'K RC II A IIOSK. of the follovvin Csl'TT 1 ! f.t.d 11 i'o'h. F r s ,'. I v :i: n, c riiFW fi: o. as th. y will oonxv tar i n- -r t ot Scenery. II hini fr the past ton years, and that :i.:.n!ion to iuim-(',:-- '.. on- -, . to., of this place any works or ever pub n.s and promptne ss in the execution of all orders iiitrn.ted to of the of , ill' .' A to. pi. per. t r Ff ! Sni. ml TYKF. I : Kiti ".:o ie tin- - tl, of A ...,oo- - FollT 1 r the r.uu K. FiuKruonK wA;u:iii)rsK, IMON AV II A lir. A I ('TO K 1 A , A . I., UKKKR 1!Y I'KKMl.-Sli'- N. TO MR. 15. lA-i:-.- "'.. '.'.ii.kei, ?.m Kruiu-ico- , 1' i', l loliii .V !V, '. A. .V rn.. Sin Kraiu-isoo- . I'l. A l".'., Y.. t -- (1U.AFi.KR .V Srl'FNH-'KST- , Xolict' to 3I;iirrs tV )ii(rsor Whale Ships. r a m. 'kiai, w w a m a .. to aini'untt' t.t ot wh.iU-liis- . and tlitf public i:i ut'u ral, )i'Z tin y li.ivr suo 'tttletl in lr;iiiir frotutt.o V i ; at I!i;ti. tlio r ii! ay a'i.1 liraviuis down j it tiiist-s- , i:ii'Hi.l;i : t s, vU. !o.. alio are Dow rl:intl to rxtvutc repairs wit!, liiiut.L aiul al ratt-- than it any old. r i:i lUc V.kdUv. VW V in ll l.'.'-ly- " . HonIionj: riidt'rwrilcr's Notice. rB1l!K l'M)KKSI(.'KI. HAVING HV'.KX iii'point 1 Survt or for t!, - N.-i- York It , ai d f I n.ler writer." takes tliis metti.Nl of inf. .riuini.' ship-maste- that he is always ready at the shortest j attend to any Purines required of him in that eapaeitv. S. C. IVOnl'UCFK. Corner of ""'ii's Head and l'ot tinker Street. IIiiliL-kiuiL- N,i etnlier, Is.'i'.t. l'JT-l- y JIO.NCOMI. K.V ZEALAND. WILLIAM BUTLER, G i:.N ERA L MMIUT I ANT & t'LS TDM IK )USE AG EXT .Montionui, S W AS MAIIH AllltA VdKJII-XT- TO KKF.I' a B on hand a lare and well sc!,clcd sto.-- of .SALT Tito VISIONS, j;pj:ai, ckhcehif-- s cloth inc, sum' chandlery, and everything reipiircl fnr a diitot. XT' Fresh supplies, potatoes, and tuewood, nil famished at the slioitest .MoiiL'oniii lies iii the south-ea- st part of l.attrist.in or Douhlh-s- Day. and is in latitude oa de- -. ti mm. S., and lnu-:itu- .lo 17H . 3s miii. E lS'.t-t- f C0r.1!V12SSE0ri AND purchasing AGENCY. 207 Una lie Street, New York. g S A vim; ksta HI.ISIl Kl HIMSKM' AS S3 a tieneral Commission and Purcliasinir Ajtent, would informs the .NNrchant ami I'uhlic fteiierally of the Hawaiian Islands, that he is prepared to receive order for ant ok .Mkhchamiisk, to which he will irive personal and strict attention iu v att- - ii linsr to at a very low com mission. Having made arran-emen- ts with Deal-r- s in New York, hi- - is prepared to send orders, however small, coiisislinj- - of Hardware, Dry and Fancy t.oods. Hooks. Y;u-dc- , Musical Instru- ments, Agricultural Implements, Machinery, Carriages, Harness, Furniture. c. at n hoi. sale . rices. l.oods received III Honolulu l.y . II. Diinun.l, who will alse .p,..-,V- and forward ..nh-rs- . Uotnittanr-- ' should a'conipanv nil ortlt'rs. Vcronn t)ri,.r Will .i.;iSo stat- - t!u nutehy wliich th.-- wi.- - h tln-i- gooti sliii-jM-- ; also if ihcy wish an insurance ctFHiul. HFFFUS TO A. I. F.vkkktt, Honolulu, i. I'. Jrtin, M. D., Honolulu, F. L. Hanks & Co., H. M. Wiiitskt, K. O. 11 1 i.l., " I D. 1'iTMAN. Ililo, Hawaii. Office, --!o7 lUKtne Street, New York. 'JlS-l- y .11 p. .10.1. A 1 - : . IB A TH HWS, COM .MISSION M E JtCH AX T, (J ((uitu'- - 1'ln.cr. Sydney. J J- - Ileference to W. L. Giikkx, Honolulu. S. I. 101 Cm WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINE! XKW I.AII'llOA'K.MKXTS X EAA IM I'llO V K.M K XTS 1 XKW IMI'KOVKMF.XTSt XO I. HAT II Kit I'AIH XO I.KATH KR I'AO: XO I.KATH Kit. I' ll): GLASS CLOTH TRKSSKR: GLASS CLOTH PRKSSKIi: GLASS CLOTH I'RKSSKRI XKW stvlk hk.ii.mkr: XKAA' STVLK IIKMMKR: X KAA' STVLK II KM M Kit I The ('ri-ntrn- t I m irt rinrul Invenleil! 21 A K I NO AN KNTIRH X K W STA L K M A CHI X K ! Forming justly LOCK STITCH, acknowledged j hy all to he the I Only Sliteli Fully Salifnelory for Fnmily 1'urpoM-- s I XKAA' STVLK MA ITI IX EI Prices Itrdueefl Twruir per Cent! I'riees i.i! uciil Twenty per Cent ! I;I Y THE WHEELER &. WILSOIV ! i the ( 'hen pe. . m t- -1 ln rn Die. ii it.I Knsier I nilerntooil limn nny other ; .Mat hint- - ! SEND FOR A CIRClLAK II. C. II A V I) KX , Ayt nt, Corner Sat raui-nt- -i nn.l .M. streets, A t::i SAN FRANCISCO CHAS. WOICOTT lllio W. I HANK LAPP. I :a AkP r. Mill. VIWS. X. BKOOKS A; CO., SHIPriXtJ AN!) 1oHHiiissioi! 5Ici clianls, 153 Saiisome Street, San I'r.. nei-e- o. Cal. IITII I I. It ATTKNTKIV CIVKVTO S the Purchase. Shipiui-ii- ai i . t M- ivhatidis.- ; to and Transhipment of iJ.nsIs ; tin i iian. r.t.tt and s .lo of oels ; the SuppSyiui: of U hale-hip- s , nud ihe Nev'-...ttto- of Fchan-'e- . r.clian-- e on Honolulu in Sinus lo auil. AHVAXCF.S MADE OX CONSIGNMENTS. UFFFH TO It. V. Sv,.w, Honolulu. I J.s. lit nv w:a i., 1!.- -: ii. 1'. 1!k-- n; .V Co., j IIknkv A. IT'iiiti:, ' J S. Waiki i:. (Tits. IthKv. i:, II. lliniiiii,. I'.,., " TiiAiii:. 1 ..n.niM F n P, 1!i:nj. I'ii man. Ilil-- . ! Srirox K Co. Now York. il-I-- lf Mtor At.Li'N, New llodferd. P. C. M lit Kll. J. r. Ui ;k- pi . it r a, Et v tis:bl:ii.i.. (.ouifiiissioii llerIsnnls Aicvrio.E-:2:x:- s AtiFNTS OF TH K Itenlnr I) !kiii Ic Ii IA ne of 11 ouol u I u I'it-Ke- l. 1 7" All freii'ht arrit-.ti- in transitu for th- - Sandwich I.nii.ls, will te and lorwarded hy the l.e-u.- ni Dispatch Lino' Khi ok commission. Particular a'tention paid to f irwardinc and transhipment ot j merchandise, sale of whalemen' hill- -, and other evohtip-- c, in- - j sura. of merchandise and sp.-ei- e under op- u hiIioios. itppv , illiT w ha'.eships, chart. rini: ships, etc. j 15 ii ii. I lo Ciiliroruin .Irrrl. Itl.n.ll TO : Captain H. F. Snow, n Messrs. C. I'.iu h i h A- - Co., J. A. P. KvKKKTr, li.-g- ., J It. Ditjian, Es.j. 11. lO 120 tf FRENCH, WILSOInT Co., MAKK THK I! EST ! LOT BSE ! Fiiriiisliiii-- ; Cs'oods, all LiekIm, Ki'tailin-- ; for Ciihh, at AVIioIcsale Prices. ffMIK I.AKfJKST AM) Itr.ST STOCK OK Clothing, FwrisNIiiii:' (.'oods, Trunks, Hairs, TO UK loiiml in any ISetnil House in California. d'ootls Siiifalilc lor Travolieij t'lii'Iioses in any ("lima ft. FRKXCIT. W ll.SON At CO., Next d.Hir to the What Ch.-e- Hons... And No. 3'Jd Mont-roiner- Strt-e- t, near California, in Tucker's: lhuldinir, San Francisco. ManufRCturuiK Estahlislunent, No. loj l.ihfiiy tre-t- . New York I'. S. Measures taken for UxI from our hous.- - iu New A' oik, and delivered to any part of this State without extra char-- e. flOKDACK OK KV Kit A' MZK MAMI'AC Tl'ltKH to order. Constantlv on hand, a laree as nortmentof M.4.ll.A AVI) HUM I' KOI'f:. fall si..- - i. lials Kope, Tow Line, Oakum, Vc, for sale Iiy Tl lilts A: Co., 250-- ly i:w, Kiont Stre. t, San Franc- i- o. CHARLES F. ROBBINS, Importer and Dealer in Type, Presses, Printing Material, I.NlCss, "A1SI ,I'o., Nos. 411 to 417 CLAA STUEET, FRANK llAkEU'S.) 251- - ly SAX FKAXCISCO. S 0HIF1ITTS MORGAN. C. S. HATHA WAT. E. r. SToNM t.I0R(MN, STONE L CO., Commission anil Forwarding Merc'iatits, San Francisr-i- , Cal. References, T. S. H.lthHWav Ksip Messrs. T. A A. It. Nye, Swift & t'erry, New Itotford, Messin. liriiintll Miniuni it Co., New Y'ork, John M. Fort-- Ksp, It -- .Ion, rs. Per- kins & Smith, New Ix.ndon, Daniel C. WaU-rmai- i Fs,p Hon olulu. tf sa.tii,. c wooiiiiurr, SI 1 1 IT 11 A XT I.F. R . STO It E K K Kl' K It AX l U KUAI. AUH.VT. "lools iM.ueht and sold on com- mission. Ship and Family Ston-- s ,m up at the shortest notice Corner of yi t.ts's llmD and 1'uttim.eu stkikt, llaniiliniiu. XT Refers to Thomas SeicscKR, A. J. Caktwri'.iit, J. C gPALOiN'o. Honolulu, Saiidwichlslands. 104-l- y HOTEL MTERiyATIOML! JACKSON STREET, A few doom nboir Monlgomrrr Street, SAN FKAXCISCO. FOSTER, PATTEII &. CO,. PliOPEIETOKS, (Sf CC K S SO RS TO J. J. HAL KV,) HAVIXf; PI'RCIIASKII 1 IIK I XT KR F.ST in this n Hot. I, the Sulcril-- Is-- to nay tn th- - old patrons of the house and t h- - puhiic -- en erally, that th-- y have mad- - manv and and and the hnu-- e lhmui.'h"itt in the m'ist thorou-.'l- manner, and hav- - added an I'rivate Hall for the tititraiio- - of l.adi-- s and are '-d that in the future the house shall m.ss-- ss all th- - of a A FIRST CLASS HoTFI. IN K FRY I' A RTiril.A R. Our Mr. Fatten ha heen lt klos of the houv for the past two years, and Mr. Foster has corne-ctc- l wit h the Ocean of tl i:.ttt f.r the past eiirht years as Pur", r, and cheer .illy iift-- rs his to f.iuiih. - and other in pr'n urin steamer passak-e- , in advance of th'-i- arrival lo re. I f No Apt AV E IN Coaches of the Hotel always in r. adtties-i- . J44-;;m- Ui FoSTFR. PATTFN i Co. QU1NCY HALL ! THE LA KG EST "CLOTHING EMPORIUM IN CALIFOIf ATA ! DAVIS $c BOWERS AA K COXSTAXTLA" KMI'LOVKI). IX El N' W Y rk. i two to three hundnsl hiuids, inar.ufac- - tur.n-- - Clolhiuu xpr-ss-ly for (luiarT Hull, which enables them to oiler the Largest and Best Selected Stock ever import-- d to this market. The extremely lA)VT PRICKS at which th.-- have always sold their lias gained fur them an reputati-.- throughout California and Una.-on- . QUT?sCV IIVlT, 117, l-l- f, nnd irl WAtSI IlTsTOTOIV STREKT, (Iktween .Montgomery and Sansome,) San Francisco. DAVIS & BOWERS, ::. I'ROI'RlFTo'lS 2 i "(j i .i.i r

ullu - University of Hawaiʻi...threa(s. f fcrture. ra:se up heris--s an l martyrs, who might otherwise baves!--i away Iothful and thi.u--htiess lives. tiet--'Ireaming wh it spleiidi

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Page 1: ullu - University of Hawaiʻi...threa(s. f fcrture. ra:se up heris--s an l martyrs, who might otherwise baves!--i away Iothful and thi.u--htiess lives. tiet--'Ireaming wh it spleiidi


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, I . r .'in ' u.--: f i '!i:tii:!. p. r .,u in. r J lI r 1:1 -- IM- sM. I'.P-- S C U.- I- pr.nt.d s.

K- r . .1 c !um:i, r .i:-in.- 4 ,MI" l"r-.- V th- - h Vh t .! Tih.-- urt. Iwr li. U' i- lun.ii. iht i.irti r :".v

roiiiiiitTria! Advertiser. ii i!i.ini:i)U Ki:hi.v Hi' !). I. K I'K.Ji ANMM.IIKNKl M. VIJ1X.K1 . i IIONOLKLT, liAWAIIAX ISLANDS, MA V --J. iSiii. V ol.. V. o. II. lltll.K .'..

Thr llrutrnlr M .-- f'.'I.'.M.I ' tf.'..:;.--i 4.,::.., .,;!., , f t... Mti-.r- . f tl,- - .til .,,, .nf.

i !! eVr 1.- ,- I.. r.l m.n.i ji!i.I 1 :f,i7 ri; il!! ; ; r t" !ir,

w,. ii .r I. .r j. , .: n.:!-- .,

in - i ; - ir'.'i rn .

"' '' ' -- 1 .r.f i i r lyW .11 n t.:i.- - ..:li .' kit,U't i x Ui- -i that ki.. i.i.-i.-l

A'l a l;l t iT. win k- - H. ... ...1M- - f..r:. ..fli.!. i

T r.r r. l ,.t uiT--- k.iri t. ... u- -. , tiTK- - t ni.uit f 1 tr 1 iik

I 'ft-- . ..$: .t..- rM t...uirli l.-- n

Tf - irt fr si: it I .v - tr.iy -- v r,M- - i:ill U-- I. in.'. ii. f. ,t I ri !.t - .;.-r-

'.I r- .. 'U tf.' -- ..i.l I., j v f r . r :

V :.. -- j ,r.-.- :r- -. irvm car- -.

V.c i.i t r Li .;..t td.-f- . iiK '.. fc.,r.

V.ililKT V.

A ni:.n shcuM ur-- 'i in t!ie same line ofoii'iuct lit." j.r' in sickness.

' roMil.tr ii! rc i a l.nili .iti ; n ii.fl-.r.-

Hn. I "noil r!-iu'- tn notiiinp.ir.i'. native m-- refuse tj Hicve anj-thirij- tJn--

c.ifuiot f'llljr cnij.r-liTiiI-.

If y-i- K'iul.1 aMoi'l angry with your strvuiit!?,wnt :n ui'ich !ti pi--il.I- i; Ux,n yourself.

Fa.:i;i'j tie!'.- - t.j a.rc.inpii-ii- . I.ut ilot--s not accini-f-lir-- U

ar.ytL'uiij; it goes t:i.-;v-r, but never as

It - 'klihrfiil. tl:. fiiiilo pl,y with which we rt-- '

cuii.;ile .ur4-l-v ti (he w fortune t cir iieigiiborsi. j

':,?.iy Wf;tticr in. f at Irnfh into U'anty, an l j

the l.riiht tifii!eH of(!ie are !. rn .f iti ! i

I'f .1 j .iirnev. we Ln-.- .f :i liorre's strength; j

iiy tlie length of ! tys a man s heart." Where are u ( ! n ?" -l one f.y f f another,

who h:t i ti ij.j -I ari l 1 ill.-- i Iown on an icy pavement.Jij;ng t. y-- t up," i the n j'fy.

A inati th it hoar I ri.-li- i no I enjoys them not, isl.i tj'S than the asu who carr.tAi gn!J anI eats: hi.-tI--!.

iht-r- e are two c,'a-- .- i.f in livi Ju ils of whotn itmay lie truiy ta;. t:it (heir wor.l i as C'J n theirhofi-- I thu-- e wh'-- e .r l i.s revtr hrokeu. au j tiusewhose ixiti'l is "! I"r nothli.g.

Ttpimikaimiii-ai- . I.'kkhm. Tyfx'srapl.ical errorsonie in .".l jM.ineiime. The oilier ! ay we were

rej-lin- j a ! rit;ii of an thu-ii-t- ie iltrm n -- t ra-li- nn

at a .IiUcil itiierinjr. when (he ty'x-- 4 went ontinK- - The air w :u rent with the -- "'Wi of three(iiouan I people

STTtir-ri.- Tri e. "Tlio.--e "hri.tians who are themwt ftrt-nii'ii- in thinpt of lirtle impirtaiice," Faysr.i.-h'.-p ("ri.-wo- "are like the Tharihees cf o!l,inuft like'y t f nl iu the tightii-- matters t f theLiw."

The more our I lies practii-- c w tlkinp, the mTejrrveful (hey kt:oine in tlieir movement. Tloelilies aci'iire (he heat carriage whoiioii't rile in

A.M'ii .M irT Ii'vi kii in France. The re-- ni

nrn of a IL unn thrater an l a (rmpie tlnlic ite'l toAp.!Ii hateju-- t near l'ierret'.'inlf",near I'ornpiirne. un-le- r the dttritiK of (heThe raiiit (o (he ( t'Vril of It.. man art.The has reli f are -- ai l to I xecutel.

The TowM-- The .Vew York ll.rallr.ot lon since, contained (he following a.lver(i.ie--

II. 'ir- - to the of rJ Tjwn.y nr? now ca!'ejfur through the l!tip!ih papT. This is one of thelir t exrr t in Knel.in l, an l is now in

wsw ion of (he Joernnietj(."The race f tn inkin l w .uM peri-- h, I I (hey ceae

to M rneh oth-r- . I'mru (he (ifne the irofher Lin lsthe ehiM's hen.1, till the monien( (hat pme kin.l

wif the .Imth .lamp from the hrow cf theiyirt). we cannot exi- -t without mutual he! p. .MI

then f..re, that n-- l ai 1. lrve n rilit to nk it cftheir fellow mortals. No rrnc who has the power ofgrintirij" it ran it without guilt.

Oi l I'eacon Sharp never loM a lie, lut he torelate this : lie was ?fanl:ri! one day lei'le fr"pon-- l we bate his w-- l f..r it nn l saw a I trtTepir-tt--r

inake make --in nttenipt upon an enormous l.iitall fr z. The ruke sete-- one of the frog's hin.lley, nn-- the frny. to leon par with his snake-shi- p,

r iuht him hy the t lil. an.l hoth cotnmence-- swal---win- jr

'ir.e ntn.thrr, ami eontinue-- l this carnivoro'ljperation un(il nothir.j was left of either of them.

How to Pp.f.Ji rvi: IIki.th. Mflliine will neverremedy L vl It is utterly futile to think ofliving in pluKony, intemrsr-ine- e, an. I every esoe-- s,

an 1 keepinjr (he l.o-l- in health Ly me.l'u:ine. ln.lul-pni- e

of (he appetite, in liseriminate ilosirjr an Jilrain;, h ive mine-- the health an-- l letroyel (helives of more persi.r.s (han famine or pestilence. Ifyoi will (.ike a.Ivi.-e-, you will he.-om- e regular in yourhah't. ei( at;.l .Iririk. only while-im- c (hinps, sleepnn inattra, an l retire an-- l very repularly.M ke a frve nr of water to purify the skin. ;tn l whensick t ike of (he be- -t physician you know, an lfuKow nature.

HrpT Womkv Hear (he Tanca.ster Exprr.A happy w.Kirin ! is ro' .he (he very spark'.e an--

sun-h'n- e of life? A woman who is happyshe c n't hc!p it whoa s:.iilt even the ! lest sprin-i.!- e

of mi.f rtune canriot il inipen. Men make a ter-ril.- Ie

miit ike when th-- ni irry for l eauty. f..r t iletit,f r sfv'e; the sweefe-- t wiie are thoe who pos-e- s

(he nupii seer-- ( of beinz cotitente l un lr any cir-enr- nst

iru'es. U:c!i or p.or, high or h-- it makes noditTernce; (lie hrilu Utte Contain of joy tuhhles tip

j'l-- t as niu-i-:al- iy in their hearts. Io they live in aIojj eaf.in .' t'ne f.r-- l: ht that lears up on its huml-l-

heartli "..m.i.-- s J.riht. r than (he pii leil chan leliersin an AlaJlin palace. Was ever (he stream of lifeso ark an 1 iinpror-itio'i- that the sunhine of ahippy f" falling s (iirpi-- (i-J- woiil-- notawaken an anerin !eam ? Why these jiyoustempere-- l p-- . pl.; I.m'l know half the g xl they do."

W'iiit Mui.i :.. A man never knows wh the is cipahi-- ? of until f has tr!eI h:s powers. Thereseems (o Iw no Umr. I ( human c ipicity. In-:s:- ht,

energy anl wul pru 1 i.e atonihii.i s. ILwoften mo l- -t ( ih nt. driven by circumstances to un-Wta- ke

s..iiie f. r:ni Work, has felt itsown untrii-i- l an 1 hit'i- - rro unc. -i. us powers risingnp (i grrtfp'e anl to ma-N- T, arid afterward sto-- l

amazt- -l at ir- - own unexr-ect- I success.Tho-- e cirir'j'u-i- t ncs. th.se cnem't an l

fr.en-U- (hit r r .voke us ta any noble undertaking,are our greifet ictrrs. Oppr.;tii n an l perse-cu- ti

in d mure f r a nian (hn any seemingly g.--!

fort me. The sneers of critics devel. pe the latent Sreof the roun ' rfet- - The anathemas of the angryehurch intlime the zeal of (he reformer. Tyranny,threa(s. f fcrture. r a:se up heris-- s an l martyrs,who might otherwise baves!-- i away Iothful andthi.u -- htiess lives. tiet-- 'Ireaming wh it spleiidi 1 actsanl Words Iayburie-li- t!ieir 1,-cni- s. Anl whoknows but the wrongs ft society are permitted, be--

vase fi tfie fine g j! I which is beaten out of the crudeore of humanity.

Her is the (ruth worth considering. .Are yua inpoverty? Have you sa:fered wrong? lo circum-stances opt -- tf yi.ii ? Are you be-- et by enemies ?

Now i. your t:nif ! Never lie there an-- l

rnIanchoiy '. Spend no more (irne in idle whining,t'p, like r. "li..n ' M ke no complaint, but if difficultyfitt.s you, roar in il. titnce. You are at school, thisis your nec-sar- p.verty and pain areyear masters but u-- e the powers God has giveny'fi, ari l yo'i shall I ma-t-er at last. Fear of fvl-fr- e

is the ni't frightful cause of failure. Stand firmand you will not fail. Wh-i- t s failure at first isd!s.:irlin. Accept the ; trut the grand re-sal- t,'

up and up again; striki- - and strike again; andS'xi shall always gain, whatever tb e fortune of to-la-y's

or battle.

London Illaslraled Ne!VIIIIX(. TO TAkK THISflt'.K.NONS n wpA r, will fin.1 th.s the lime to

f.mmeru-e- . The numhr cun fupplil from Jan 1. ls.-l-

The pn.r ill t y.ir, in .lfs:nt. II. M. Will TN FY.

C; IAI.IIXf;S VLl'K.Silver --?oap.

Dr. A lolphu- - Rheumatic Remedy,I'uliuornr W aters.

For Sale !r.. IIOFFMANX.




. i. i:vi:i:i:tt,A.ucnori:iri,ii . ..1. ... ii. :

j. r. roMii itN,5 :f K ....;:: .. :r t, 11 ..... i.

iiiimcv ko;jios; 1 r..-t-r T- -. I l..ir.: .:, U !. irf, 11 ,;

11.-i- f

. K .LI. 1 II. t. I..Von holt v ii i:r K,

Gri-r:fc- l .ii.iii. n - r- !..in:. 11 .n !ai j. ".i. j, -. I

i.r.x. j. ( AKTWKKiirr,C..mrrii"i..ii .t:.-- rrtl .: A.--j.- II : lulu,

I'.M.. II. I. i".'.-.- r

i;i)i)i'iti:v miotics.h'.: a! jn VV m-- w anl l.lr.:, A.r a:.l ri- -r

It.- - rit :!. ll..ii .;u!u. 4 i

;i:oicci: ;. now i;.I.jinic r Varl o:i ('..rut S a i: k, N.-- K

lv.'.-t- f

ii. H rKn:i.i) .v o.'..Tiiiii-.--i(.i- i A. ots, a:i 1 1., . o,

i(.u, s. i. lo.Vtl

K. O. II A

f i.rt.-- an-- l l-r in llar.l ar.-- . I'ry ii..-- I. Paint-"- , tiN. ami.M ri l::i:i . eorii- -r of Fort an-- l Ki'i.' str--'- .s lnj-t- f J

; Koitr; K ( i.ikk.Dealer iu I'rv nnl F tii.-- t;.a-- V -tr . t. ti ai-v-

tn-- in I ii s ii.t:i. ii .i. .i.ii i, s. i. li-i- r

jtiii.N tiiomas vATi:itnorsi:,Iiriort. r, Uetail in n. r:il M- -r liaieli-ie- .

Honolulu, an I I ..i ' .... i i.t. M.iui. 44-l- t'

ii-co- i; an .v c am I'll r.r.. i.,jlK.K'.'II N T TAlI."i:.-- . i.'i Ka.:!n:iiia:ri Mo . t. ..i....-;- t

Ua !. d- -. anl tivia. -i'

Ii.tn l, ati.l t iii nle up in tu- - Ic t yle. 'JIT-l- y ,-AV. N. I. 1I,

Imjrt-- r an.1 ! r in Hakkwaki:. t'nimv, Mkcimxi.-.-- ' ij.,,,;,..,,. (or,,-,- . t...ai..t A..M Fort street. Ilotio- -kai. K tatiimiaiiii sir : II


jvnion. cui:i:n co.,Cofiinit-sio- n Kiie-I- -- .f Il iii-- l i... Uue- n str-.-- t.

II ii.rfulu. A). r.l I, 1 .... luft-i- f- -

av. ri --.enC.t..ii--t Maker nn.1 Krem !. I' II O I S'.r-- -!. ..pi--- if t!.e

tiov-riirn-- tit II-- u . 11 tl

n. i.in Ni. w. ii. Pivi.sk.II. II.1I(N1 V SON.

Imrrt-- r an.! deal-- ri in li.tr.lnre. pan oils an--

li- -. ii

. L. 1... -. B. u. -t iMi r.INCOl.S .V STANLEY,

ACCHNTANT.- - AND CN FY ANCFIU- -, lioNol.itr.A. V. Aven-.-- . s ndjii-t.-.- l. I'rot.-st- f-- n I '. tfal

with n-- .tt I : Cimu-rei- al Hooksiil an I oU.s.-d- , an 1 'a-- t in llr .k- -

m.l le up ttl l t'oll-otlo- iis ta.thl li att-t- ld I to.I U

J. II. AVOOU.Man. if irtur- r. Inii. rt. r ati.l r in l'-- t m l Sh-- -s ,f every

I rnptioii. Mi Finding- -. I'utnp, S -, .'. ll:irn.--- ,

i l F a. "t r- -. I .ill. U. Ho.-- , an-- Uoel: Skin-.- ,

Trunks, aii-- -., -i- .itrr...- (i..,. s. Ft.!-- , an I MasL. I'--I e ki',. ISra-h- -. II Fr-.-- rh.- t..r-- , c rii-r'( and M'-- hifit .. Honolulu. II. I.

It. F. S.MMV,IMl'tJltrKil AND IKLF;t IN i KN lilt A I. I IJlCIt AN I'l.-I- '.'

Honolulu. Onliii, II. I. -if

V. ..lA. T. m.-.-H- 4, Jit.MOSSMAN V SON,

IPtk.rs. tr.,rsar. in i'ry (rI,Niiu.imi tre.-t-. Il-- n- i

..i ll l. Uh-i- . S. I. -' 'f j

ItlTSON A II Iff,,ir...-..- rt., Mr. II- arv .n, ll, ,. .i.- - Wine an I Spirit

M-r- . v,-,t-- . H .. nil i. II. I . loir K.-- K m of A. J. art- -wrnrht an I at the f -- s K.. .huinaiiu -- r., t. 3'J tf :

- - .

J. AVO 1ST 1 1 . i

IVah in M. r. handi-.- -. 11 . II twa .. Sh-.- supjilied. st or, t. n..

B.'.is ..f rul, ti, iinli-l-. 1

AH L. X. ( K. AM .S. S.

casti.i: .v cook i:,Imp.rt-- r and K- - f til r in M-- r-i

!, ti, I --- . at the . ! I I. . r..- -r ..I th- - Ki-i- - and Seti--- l

tr- - '. tr I)? Ii.r. St..ne Church. Al-- o at th storein K.n- - -- tr ot th- - s.-t- ii' Chal- - I.

itii. .i i i .v ." ff im i t:s Di.s-t- fi

i t i .v aii:i:,A for I'.- - -.- 1 :tr 11. tntat e at- - ..f t I' And lw.

ai I'uto .:..; Iiii-,.r- rs si.. Whl.-il- t un I l t..rrt iii Chin t i.-- -l i h it on 1. ind, f r il.-- . atmen! s on Km.' trft. H .telihi. xn-- at ,h una. V uii i

huirar. -- ynip. Tea. C..::. -- . and a lnr--- e ami.ri- -l as- - rtniel I of it. - ral lii.T.'h.ind:

Honolulu. Au.-i-- t 1A 5a-l- v

a. r. i:vi: iss:tt.COMMISSION M K lie II ANT,

J anion's ue-- r M-- H iri tre.-t- , lb uolulu. II. 1.


lssri. S te-..- s - Tirr. --


p. IPnoiiin l' i.,Kv.ru ,"i Hti.i.,

Honolulu. July 1. Is.'.T. i

u. x. ri.iTxr.rs.Coritiuu- - his old husni .s iii the fireproof l.u.Mins. Kaahuma

nu st rs-t- .

Chr-m- rn. ters rat- -1 ' ..'eriati.es f thr sun an l stirsch a t accurat ly adjust.-- to (he

of lloii..la: i P.iriicnhir att. nli .u -- iv. ii to tinewatch pi .ii.- -. and .,ii....r..:it -!- :,-- siH-n- d

and adiute.l. Chart- - and nautical instrument.-- eoii-tat- it ly ,

on hand and for sale. 44- - f j

SHIIiVIl I - K. H AS. Hkl-- I K, ''c. itisr.Avr.is v co..and ShiptaiiL- - M- rehatiM. H.'Iiohnu, Oahil. II. 1.

Ki 1 lOJ ivik--s llriti -- i l I., Fs p. f . H -- ton.CiliRla:s H a.w i n, Fs p,Mt-- K.-. M. Ki , ( Fr.tnciscn.Chas. i r liH ., F- - i ,Mr.s-K- Wm. Pr-r- tf .V C ... - H .ti.'kotnr.Nlt"K.S. '.LK, III Kill I.L A. Co.. M tnill.

1'S-t- f

ii. av. si:vi:is Ax i:,Ship Chan IP r an I Honolulu, ?. I


Captiiti It. F. Sv w. --

D. C. W tr.KMts Ac Co.. -W II 1! ASS ,V II It F, N-- .r I.- t, I n. I

M l; n .t l. kk:i l. S iti Fr.tticis.--

S i T .v A i.l . n, N- - lf..r--

II KNT P. tin K, --

II.P. sf.,,.

W. lit KltVNCi: w.!l o n iiiu" t' S' :p Chan Pert- - andforatn s., -- tu-.- !i s at th- - o; 1 Jt.ti I. Ff ri r pte- -i ..f ;

hip Ch.m !!- - ry .'i I M r.- -. .:. ! u:r- 1 M..pl,

top! on f..eid at. I f T ..tl- - at l" t-s.-


l. C. W ATKIIAI X .V CO..O Wn.nOV vt:m HA. TS.

r.r-- ; .! -. ; . i. ti 1 t th- - ;:.- - -- ts ..f :' . W h tl::.- -- FI- - et. hythe of f'.lti.ls. purchase an -- ..' . ! Fvh hi- -. '.1.

t.-- n- r il an-i- - pr ur.tij.-- Fre;-:.- t i

KFFFRKNi Fs. 'Me-sr- s. e II wi iv.i.Jk.. . C .. Nw Redf-- rd

W . 'i. F Pop. Fsi.. d ..NI...-..,- .-;K ,v C i.. ?.t-- i Francisco.M- Hi ,t Mkkhii.1 . do loi-- tf

.Aii:i.cin:iss v ( (.. !

Imporfer ami ('oiiiiiiiionflercliaiilo,


Consulates i.f Rjs-t.- t. .. an-- Lu's-ck-

AiiFNl"- - ..K Till! j

H MPt K ill"' I v N Ftk't Its: I it- - l f

IV. NI": Fl ' .: Mill-- . S.-- i Fr,-- .

( .l..t T It M t l.t.T- - s , ; j I i",-- l.e of M Ik, Nl Oi'UlluK Hts.iiI.lS I'K Ot" t.

r ti...-.iii. i.' r- ; ::i.'y .... !. !' ! a.' r i rs from theoth- - r il t:i.l4 ,i:.d ..I.r t.1. j r. t. ; :'..

V C--. M.i.n-r.s- . . i i - T t v Keti...' 2 P" i f ) II . n l i!u

AVII.COV. KICII V ISPS ACO..Ship ! lo ll- - r- -. D- - .: r- - ,t. r .! Nl r.- - t i l. . an Cuon

.! .,. M. r. t .i -. II :.. i. U I

K.-r- -I in i fu'l -- ni ' ' - .1- - npt. ti

m--r. hand- i- r pi.r--1 l y :. .. - !.ij in !

Money advanced at th- -R. f s

Mors. Swu r i A I lkn, N. w H- -1 for 1.

- liii.i, . Alli s S'S,Wm Will. v.Wti. liir-r-oa-

. --

Mssrs. Tioin s Kxowi 4 c.-.-

Hon H-.- I OP. Fs pFk.l.rHI. k I'll.kl F- - ,.

'. ITiti 1 te .M

IlKNkV A. I'tHil F. Fs... .'--..a- .

loTLLK. Sl-- .V Co., :!i I ...Cms. W. :,....-k-- n tlie re! els. j

M'-ss- Sr.-s- i al C. ,l

W ii i.i m - .V II it N.S.

75-t- f C. A. w ii i im- - A. C- .

ii. m:vi:i:s.111. J. .MUTT S'llTIl.

I r: 1! !Ti-l-

ii. s ;. ald. .!. i..PHYSiCIAN AND SURCEO.N,

I..:- - N V tk l I'-- ;. I" r .ft!

':!i.- .it It. .1 i.: I'ru . K : : l:..l. !.- -. i:Nu : i l y. t'. it : K. ii i... r-.- ,. jj.'-n

ciias. r. i;i li.i.oi . .ii. i ,L:i--- Mirj-- .'i I i..---

- : N I' ir l'!.v ciAm- - :.- - :i .in l l: .r i." r.

. r rii- - r K i i: uci.iiiil .tn !. r- h ii: :i l rt-i- -1-

:it .r. ... r- - i!- -i i. ili.. i' :.n.t :r.-.- . .tl - ii. K:ui.--- . Kf i... !.. :i:. l

It t! .fiMtSc- - Ir.iiri f.- ni 11 a. m. t i '2 P. M ; at lii.jiiirc :.i

i.l -- t:

AV1I.I.I V.M III'.M 111 IJ K VS.Notary !u-i:- . :.. at ti- - 'urt up stair.

J. AV. AI STIN.atT"1im:v ami ci "i: at law.

:ri-- itl . oV.Ttll- - r -- t

Attorn-- v at I. iw. in tic- H..s. i;:--.- f i

uori MA.w, .ii. i).,rhy.-ici:i- !i 'tn.l S ir.-oii- . Mal- "s rn- - r liu- en uii.l Kn.i

liille.aiul -- tr - t. tf


( I S T II ii N S H 1. o C K . )

('writer - it ml Ii aiiliuiuiiKu l rci-l- .

H'lNOLL'I.U, It. I.-

C1IAS. H. e. K A. ALIMIll II'

HISIIOI A-- CO.,:ts; r. r:1-- of M ik- - s i;i.. a i

I .raw I'.i!!- - ..; i. ',:.:.- - otir' N-- York.

i !irA!'''. I'.os-OT-

lb r- -. M......, Monk K ' San F ratio! -- co.Wi'.l rt-- . ! s.t ss Iiumii-s- s paper, and

att-t- el to - n.-- , e.c. ll.-- tl

j S. N. ILMIIUSON,Vai:oi::i. Hal.n. I'. ai r in ol-- m ai V. n lian lis Pro

"' u, h as Corn, . Italian:.-- , i:att.-r- , li'-- s, .ve.a:;-t- r

j -

AV. A. AI.OKICII,Iti.ixirt.-- r and l'eal. r in tleii.-n- l C ri mis-io- n

lit f .r ti S .-'- of S.i-:i- !oii"es and l'..!f. mli--

I.l .n I A.---n-t forth- - l.iiu K atil MiT-A- Lf Pi.an-l.iti.iv- -.

nnieiils of all kinds of Island IV. .duo.sdioit-.- l. Order, lor lercliandie promptly attended to.


io.i I iv . ,,I(ll.l.r. t .,t Ship Chandlers and 1'i.iiiii.i-i- nii M. roliants and D-- ah rs .in; li- - neral nahaina. Ma-.u- . Wl.al.rs liu.i-ht- .l

witti at the shor-.e-i- . notice, in !. Is .

orlo'ls. tfI

a Bj v. . & ti s: IZ It l S. 2. ,

( it.'oi'trc W . rI ;iKAWAIIIAC HAWAII,

Will l. l'i- - i r.tl M rehandis- and s ss

at th .(v- - por'. wh r- - tle y are pr-j-- ir lo Mmi-d- i th- -ju-t;- y 'e lirit .1 K.ia i.hii- - P.:;it.--- , and such otle-- r.

;is .tr- - r- - , nr- - n l.y wj, d -- hips at th- - sti-- --t tie

:t'i 1 on the in r .i eiaole .liooiu


.Mere limit Sirt-ef- . Honolulu.w H IYK THIN DAY KT A III.IM1KH MY -

if u. the C..t..,i,.,..t, iu and tru-- t 1

,l.atl -..;.. (., c.v.- entire sat.-Ucti- t any irtie ho maye:,tru-- t t'e ir ,s ..- - car--.

tr-.- th-o- th. r an 1 onlers for the pur- -ch t- -ot i,.. rol,..,. l..e, re.,H-oti,ill- - .!io,t. d.

Mi.-.- t I iv..rs tt, .nl.fuily r. - iv-- dHonolulu. . r I. ls'K). J4-- tt

rri i s:. sii:.xci:r,SHIP CHANDLER!ll-.t- l.. a t ..-.- ., I ll r.'l... .aalS ... l"ro--. e

tlui-r- . Xc. ii ml Coimiii ioit M e re lui li I . 1

Byron's Say, Ililo, S. I.,Will kp cn-taiit- ly on hail I an ext. n:r-a--ort- n.. i.t of i rv

.1 . r.pti-.- f tr,-- .s r .pitr.sl hy -- tups and others, Th- -hi.-l.-t price tlv. n f..r e.

.,n. y a lvaiic. d for p.. lis of Kvhan-- e at rea-oiiah-l- rates.li : ., K iry .t. 1',I. k'4.; ly

INSTANCE; cakdsri.oiii:xs sr a im: mi oust.

A- - i.t the lln-me- and Dr --d n P. ar I of t'liderwriters. Allcl.i-io- aain-- t i.l l t.viiant 1:1

or als-u- t this Kin.e.loin, it .11 h.tve to U- - c. rtiti-- d loin.tf

.U.KXT roil THKNow VorK of l'nilrrwrilcr.

Th- - uieh rs:-- :i. d takt s to hip Mast-r- s,

A.O.. that h- - lot dlli.V II p h .ilited as Alt'-tl- for theN- work Hoard of

1 .kif AI.F.V. J. CARTWUKillT.

1 1 m it r is (. 1 1 - it k i: .ii i: o


J j. J.s , NSI J A CE COM V A N 1,

ifiMlK r .mikksk;xi-:-i A --'"lit. of th- - c C'.III- -1 p itiv. ar- - pr. i ar.-- to msuro ri-- k s aitaitist fire iu ami

a' ll"!l",UlU.I'.-- at the

MKI.CHr.KS A: Co.Ho'ioiuhi, Oct. ll.lsaT. f



r r i iv! tKt! 1; T" t .irriA (s fn-f- t!i- -it. - .ir i.i Kiir-'j"'- , a ati I i r rTii.' u (tSt M lM'iiM- - mid I !'! A ri i

rj rlf- - n "W ;! r?i Ih- in i t s.tir. I'.- n. ;:. i :u.fr.'i.i th- - i'- st sour.--.- , p.r- -t art..-.'- w hi ifs I le-- s pri'- - tl :ei Ir ;..re.

PIiv -- i iaiis and "tl,. rs will hav t!i-- :r r rs s!pr hp too 1 '. ' -- ' i. t TV pr e....

IT !;. :. u i up !v an fr in t'o t ir.at-rtti- N

part .y fr l'i. i . r"s .a i. i:-- . i thiid extract-- , a i;t- - at im--

tr- - ::t s.MFDD INI. i i h. TS r ti'.l- d at t! r aociT.lii1- -

a- - V ;t- coutit.-,-- nt:'It.- -t i, tin. l.ipr.-- e a tow of tt. ar s eent...ned iu th-- u

a-- -, r'.n.en:. vi? :

mi. ,r .:. a p t- -- r. Ki i i. rh i i and dy s- 'i,:- s- , 1. :,rs.-uie- alch-.i- , p rv o r ii.il,

: t I. a v run.. ! r tx. I. !.:,i i.. t,t.1: il- - it:i-- rs. NI.IO.; I.'- . i p r.l.Ve,t ' - ii . r- iir i f t .rtar. N n u.i-- ..

r. ch- rry t in. ..I P. r.'..iii--- an-- l iinni,C. -: r .t-- P .f J r -- . p.!is. .l.


C..I oil. ,i!.iT.i..rd rem-n- t. .in.I nd l ..w ns-n- d s s ,rsii.t . . .. .. ....i".... .. ...I ... i

I.tll .i. , s i :., -- .. o - o. pari:.. i. 'St rt s- -- la . M

Fxtr a t ..f valerian. -- . s lit- -.

I'.m.-r- p ! r.- - r.i-,- v sails, 'I .... : p.- -t r. t n- t mirrors,F' iv r t - -- xtr tot- -. T h-M' ss, tw. . . r- -. Iy. ii ! ...i.t. t ain aral 'I ' or..'. , xtr ft. tril-s.- s.

' hit ii tirv's ira.-n-'-i'- . th-- - ri:.;:-- . to.o,h 1. rs.H or .1 1 .w it .in: iii-- nt. V t- i.Ii.d. i.t l....rk.uK-- in. hit- - an ! . :., w wax.

A'lo Direet from Pari-- .ii.ritivs cr.i.i:itisATi:i i:tk acts

C. uipnsin.- - Jl di T t.: km Is.

V-- -- t JFAN NIAP.IF FMtlNA C iI.'.iiNL.- '. C W 1 . r , ,'4- - I es. vi ' il- -' p': tt'- - o . i .! . r :. ,! ; i

. . tr-- - t. r :i t .t!:-- t k- -.

T ii s p- .'1 I s. ..,.r i r ,

' I.' . I't I ru- - s . pat '.t. tl ie. p.':- r-

II i j i r."'i "-- i. h . r ii- -. -, rt. d


11. I?.ir s ur. ii. utiy.rv na uh.vi iiY

Tulu mlt in-- . ( ' n I ii-- !i Ki-ni- i illI llo -- .. i irl'i-liber- ctli. in---- .

2 V Il'OlMVSN. M. I1.


IIP JRVF UK-- !' W ORKS d.nt..OXK - (Nri in-- t mill s.-- i ui-r- i in I he .n nrl i it Iil.lnu.l.: I ii.-n- ' :'- - tli-lo- rv iind Frndi-liui- ls

ul llie Itlnnili-r- , 1 'e- w. rk - f'.ie .v i.iit, i - I., itt.l t K Ml II N1 1" II A IV. A U w eo n - roc- .i danJ f. r s.;- -. I'rieeSl .".


p. iti n ;rnlit i I.eW suh-cr- rs r j t,'(tilt s. J.i 1:i.i.


Ti l.V.T !

loot v a i;::ni v;;. :i r.

: : i i:.i- -

11'to i.i:t.

a tt.h; k. -- iri AiT.li H m r- -. . : .... i . K. ..r- :. !: t.::!-.-.'- -.-.

. i; j':.,. U . :u. r.i:.i! v. 11. :l . :..::i:. 1. -: . . .v.-- . ;.. r:!i.'-.- .: r . I;

- 1 .i r ; : ' ; '..i:.t. r- m.... r :: .

.; ,

Till . KKh'l N.ii Y :. 1.'. 1. At t:.- - I.i-i- .: Ii i:- -. .

in:: s.v i.v. ok br.Asi:.A CO! NTltV It KSIOKNCK. l'oNK..:.! : : .:"!. i :i .it 1. a t..r .i I'.-t- r: !;:v- -r

J-i.- A, : :y i W. I.. i.UCKN.

TO J.KT !....... Tlir l.lll'iiV MHliCIl IVTM'IIKKT.-- - .. . ... .i i ; - i 1

.1.1 i:;.; I : x j !. Al l !v .

t i '. IIi:iA'K.

TO I.I'.T !

VV . 1 1 A I A T!IK haw v 1 1 a xIi Kl. I I Il.l'IN'.. tl I i v T. I. M rr.tt.i'u.- - il UlV' .1 ili.lll-- ' I..: ' i: i.l n- nal-1.-.

Aj.pi,- -i II. I'. I: Ki rii.

tl A . rit f r I.. II. Antlion

"'.foii sa i.i: r kxcii an: r: !L' It KS. N i II K. ! A A . In A I A i . Ivu -

il a 1; t. a ti irli--i- ili.irn.r - To nu;-- , r e- i.n . i ii ...... ..... ...... ......

I:.., !! c.--- i ! .1 a t: k "f "' or I. -. ail i.i of -- . an ! ti.- - own. r's wil l o;'.!.- - run-- .

i ,, il,.- i.. ..hi, lam. I i..- a!.-,t- In ,1 r .1 a' t.,--- rty willI.. . ry low. or e ii i.- - -' I - I. ir II .Tio'.lllll.

'1 : in: .1 . Ap;...v or aI..

',,urt 11 II. e ..lull!.

j (joi st. I'. vt i J it. i.o.M.--. it.I - t I'll it ! on ni.Ii lnatoli-.,-

-.!. a...! o ii:.'-- .! hi- - - an I ilt. Al-n- : I.. J.'li.Non. .. it. C.-r- .liter. i.i:.' i. iil !"-- ' ! Ih- in ..n ativ

p . o ;!,.. ..r lit iy "t til-- "f.l-- r I- itei-- . I.t a 1. as .'ii.1

r t T r"si v.b j. T

A A T.ItV NKAT. COOS. AN?. COM- -f .I; !"i:TAI.I.i: I'V. liul K, r ntly huilt.. -- X, u:tli s v. u K . .:n. a e.,.,,1 supply of Water. I lath II .us- -.

an! ail tl. r. s,ary A l.S-- a 'iAltPKN.with Fruit Tr. - s now I'eaiil.;-- . 'l ie ii'uvi' vim had on ayterm., l y appiyiiii.--I i lt) K- lit !US FSS.

thk ci:i.i.i:uati:dtitcomis cornii: rr, vntation,

A 1 11ANAL1-.1- Ai,Is oih r- -i for sal... The Land of the Plantation e .n.prNes up.war Is of H . Arri s, and has upon it .lO.OOO VvlU'Vp r,.,... Tto-lau- is w a iapt i !o the ealti .nt i n. of su ar

cane. 1 L- - -- t.ata is un ii. uinl-re- d. and t ill 1. - s..U I y FeeSimi-l- Till- -. For lull oarti. ulars and term- - f s . i'e.iiir.- - i f

lu.'-- tf '. r. s.Ni.tv.

Tiii: ii.or or ;!io'"xo ox thi:'. :;; .i ..i ! -- tr a lioiiiin- - the i r tnis.s . f lr......L, Ii 1. Ititr,--. -- . upon whi- h . two :..ryltilild.liL'. iiKJI l". ct, c.l: h..u-- e. ftc well adpt- -I r r t ie r.'lelic-- o It... .iistinel i .luiii s. a It. .nr.llll House or Hot" I.

lie- - atN.i-- is i.l c..n.lil..u, :it,.i w,u no soi l

Ch ap and o.l terms ; or I t ill a low- - tienre. Apply toit. ::. wAKi.MA.N.

Honolulu, March 11. J.M-t'.i-


f" v ."?, i,f 11

' ' "' r w " '' "' .i i ""t """.,- -

-" acre, sit.iate.1 m the town .. Il.l. 1 he !,.. .,. - inondit...... and u,tal.I- - -r a store or "ij'te aw.dl.ne.

Hit.... II iw m. M.irtli fi. I 01. - .1 -- in. ..

Waikiihsilulii Water Lots!rgniK imh:ksk;m:o iiavixu i:ki:n

appointe.l a. tit f- r th- - sal- - and L i.- of the'

AViiikiilctliilil Lots!to call th- - att.-nt.'-- of M- roh ants, ship Owners, S.vulat-ir- '

I ..)... i.. .1.1. I.....I.. ,,... Iri.-- r ..1 l.tn.1 I. i,.-- l, is now- - of- -I ... i.... ... ...!...... ..t.. .....I .... l.lu..l -- ...1 r.. .,. v.-- I....I

1Tans ...av - and ::!. particular- - h an.e 1 l.y application !

to the u.,1. rsi.-- .1 at k-l- -rt C. .lanion's l:..ildir.-.- s.

N. D. Karly application sle.uid in. mad.- ch-.- i

IV . I.. I . I. r. r. N ,As-e- for the Sale of aikahalulu L-- ts.

H.-i- .lulu. Oct. Jl. lsas. 1 tf

Views of four.! filii !

A l.i. ikums visiTi of:-iir.sn-

tk mi ths-- I -- finds, should not Inl to send as.tof(.. .I5tir- - A'ieH of 1 1 mm! i: lu to th' ir fri n.l-

a I the lo'liesthan prints

p.) Tu ho hinl F. HI KtiKSS.Fort strcrt.


Aiubrotypc nlITy!rMir. 1' X l KllSltJ X r.H calltlie ATTKNTioN-o- f

a ,,f ),;., 'ri-- ii - and Pul-h-- to his P..h ms, over thePa. C. un i. rc:al A lv -r- iis.-r." I'rinliiii. oihoe. iii.-- the

po-- r o.i;.-.-- ; where is takmi; l'i. lures which. -r eLnrance ofstvle and s..-.i- i s ion.-- , eaiin-- -oi U..1.

IVturs taken on ilass Pap. r IMt-- nt I, aih- - r, IndiaHu'-i-e- Kr am. ..m,. , - ,

...; i -

trie r.r-- i of Miv. d'iritr-- ' io I I Kll i;KSsh"u! l ii.ulvc an t arly call.ll'-t- f W. F. IloWI.AND. Arii-- t.


ICO I )A. KAl'A I,v'ft'-OlT.-

I KF.NI'Kl'TFl I.I.V lXrolt.M THE

Turbine or any other l.iudwl" Water V.'ln-rl- .

! warrant th- in. at r. i'.le rat-- s. 'r - r. f r any kind ofv . , t l.-- t l- -l

. t i i v i i .w..... nt- I an.', att-nd- -d

K. n. S. - '. ln".


eho.ee a .rtn. t oi or-- . r.es. at t: -- t r- - "i ti.e: - :. t ,z. .

Pr- rv- s. ;l;TI" r s tv. ry,Ir- h s. u: i v ' " '.v i r.Kr- - i .( line. .. i c

Fr.-- h p- ,. i ,r- oiii-- l'i k p. iFr--- Whole do .'...

- - rry j mi. Ihiii. nt--

rai y inn. ol ,v. s.Mrav. -i rt jam. Ic, ir., ic. t .

n .e lie at.-- . Cr tin tartar,C.

t . s iv rv, ix i'l f. nr.r.t. ti-. Fr-- sh oiirran-s- . in tins,

'1 .n- - w. - r era. T.-.- i r ioK'-i-s-

Tit s .pj ,r c i k r- I',: s oysp-- crackers,T.n. i 'l'.i:s wine i aok. rs,

Fr h rs. -- har- K r- ii'-- i

Fi -h pi- - fruiis, K- -h pickles.l.i'L-ii-:- . - i i . KiiL-h-- niu-tar-- 1.

1 r- t" h tr Mn Vatns-- s.

.. 1 Iir- - :: c rti.t ' : j -- a.

' 'rished ; I -,r. S..i.p. icN. It Fr h I- -! .'i-- I r and r- uti I f- t ':

i : '.v I! M. !N

THK IM RI Ol' Tit rs.Tl F- - ' fi- - N.n: a'l t i ri! : -.- - v- - t t: -- . th it M.'. C. liW I.I.I VS. II 'I .s. . . II- r- . . - ni it

: r t I' It ,,rd1IKNRY Ki.l:!N- -

1IIK I M)KIM(iNKi) OFFKRSKOR siles at l

HAWAIIAN DKI F- -l i in r .'V s It uaiiai.t- !.

"I D K"N A CoKFFF 7.I N N Y P. In l s P. .un.

CAI.IP'liVH P. ' I" A T"l - ! a superior 'piahtv,NFW I I. ANf I,: ,: I or wh.

, J JI.C .I.K

NOTICE !IMIV !' XPKRSIGXKO i:ki( A ROI T1 th-- wotii I i p. r- - : s t it i:

v ,1- ma-id- him l" ir-- - nt th. f r p i.vit and.... j,. ;. .p I. a ,;1 1 -. . .il r- - th- - 'j'.h

Apr.!. -,: i J.M tt F. Itl K'iF-- s.

I ;iriM'!sU'r. E;!M;i;'r :iui i u:rraixvv:111t w i : ; .ir.i

ill II W.Tk- -

i:i.ii :.. r.

Iio;s Vhiv Cv.liiiK nhv;x on ha!i!.I'l KMTt Kr. IiKi'AIUKP.

!...-- .1 t. r- .1 I.-

IlKMtV Al.I.liN. K r; -- : .

ti K.iini.y "iroiv 1

loiiohxli! Soa Works!W. J. RAWLINS..

rjlllK lMtOIMilKf'Ofi HlViC 1 A DKI. .. .v.. ...... I

t cs leave ; . itnli.-itlie- Iiis t"itto:i.Ts :i tli" I'llMic ii.that l.e is to - tin in w i:!i

vki.i.ow soai:e i: ii. i.' not s- -.i r t(.' ' ; rti I.

LP iril-- r In ii tin- ..iti- -r u:-i- I inetualiy iitten lcl to.n'. i;. mii- - .i;i. K v. am i '

2 5 i 5 ' 3 1 551 2 - J


$ (;r.oK(;i: c. .iiu'.ks owinc i. sc-ar-- t!.f ..fa t'mrttr-i- ! I'irmt.tr i


f j ,;.! re(.'.-tii- . : ria Ins :r.. :i.N an. I t . '

puLiicl-eiierali-y it he - j to all kin.is .. rkm ti.-- plii!i:! r's line, iii a neat w- rl.tnaiuike at pra-e-

v. I.i. ii ,1- - ly liti-.i,- j

An nt i

Tip- -.

.S!.--- t .cm,:ra.-- Cock-'- .


Waii l.asins.lr.-- Sii.I.s fin.l

Ir..., V.iitli Tubs.c on I: m.l.

Tli.e.- - person-- iv!i i inten 1 l.:ivi:i- - water ii.tr iiic-- I int- theirlion- - . ..;;!,! .I., I . have ii, pip- s I. .i.l at an early date, inold. r I.- 1m- - r- a. i.v vv!,.-:- tiie n-- iv pip. s arc laid. li-ii-

rsiIIK l'. "!r.i:SIC M'.i IS VK K l It K 1 TOfa lumi-- h I IP 'N and 111. s- - I' AS l 1 Nt and ail kinds of

Maehimry ami Smiih's Work at tlie SKorte.--t Notice and

"siRiii1 !:NN;:Xi:s ni boilehsM A I'K T. OUDF.lt.

J CONSTANTLY ON HAND A supply of Anvil-- , Cart!om-s- . K r- -e P.aok- -. Chain Stopl-ers- s:i.--h Wei-hl- s, Stove Plates

and l.iniii- -, I'uiuli lltlls, c, vc, .;c.JJ-t'- mi THOMAS HIUHKS.

LOCX AUDc ; u sT sm i rr i t.THK 1'X!KI1SI(;XKI lltU.'S I.KAV1--

to Mai... that he has taken Hie shop formerly occupied j

l.y i. Siders. and is ready p eecute all orders inhis hie- it'.u.eatii. ss and dispatch.

P. S. I'iirtieiil irattciiti-'i- pai 1 to rep orito: sewing MiiohlnesJAMF.S A. II'iPPFIl

Kiiahuuiauu sireet.

M AMTAt TlilKIt AND 1)1' Al.liU IX' ''

11. UhVVi li-O- li L (PJKT Wart'.K A A lit" M AM' STilKLT, !! N 1.1 II. I. j

Slimmer Taker-- . Tin and Copper Pumps, l'.athinir TuLs, Footand Paths, T:n an I .:iu- Koohne, and a

as-- -. irtni nt of T.n Ware, .ve.

S.iiji Work rirrnli'i! vv.tls andCos-l- y li-p:ile- h.

a a n a e: t us 11 a s ,3VT asoii.v.nTnn,n c.vbi. thk attkxtiox or

V the pal. lie to his sli--- k ol materials, eon-isti!- ,- ofllau I'li tn and Ainorieitii Lime.


i'iro Clay,Fire llrii'ks,

Plaster if Paris,Culiioniia Sanil,

(icrinun Tiles,Try Pots.

Composition ami (.ravel TCoolinsr.THY WoltKS at lowest rates. COM POSITION and

till A V F I, KooKI N.a put on l.uildili-- s and warranted ti-- ht

W l ,KlNU'l '"!" "l XUr.Tl'T -'- .."L.OooperinJAMES A. IH'RDH'K

ix kkmovim; msm sixr.ssto his w Cm iplilt AtiK oil the F:splaliade,

. - A r -- rt St l.l.-.-- s IHIS o.i, tuiin t ,.,E"bjJ iuc his sincere thanks to his friends and th- -

put'lic in e.-i- ral. I r trie sup-- aim puirou:i'e which th hav- - pleased to "rant

hi.,,, he will merit a ..oiiiiiiuanoe of tie ir favors.lie has ..n hand for sale upwards i f I OI bll-- u of ( nl.

f all sorts and sizes. l.j-i-y- i.t: .vis & .oijt.,I Coopers and (Jaimcrs.

Corner of Hetliel si ml Kinp Streets,A S

ST.. TWO DooRS p.Kl.oW I'll Jt'DD'S M.I'ii STORK,

It K XO" lli KI'A It r.l TO KXi .t ......... .11 . r ... lit,.- - i.r..r f.r'.v' MTnl ni' 1Tf. . ii.

-x"-17-iku, f,,r t:iS. Vnteori:.-- -. they e.,r.r.,ei,;ly Iy upoiToV-.-

n!.l rs Tt a tmua, f tn-- ir favors, and trust thatto ph-a-- and extreme low rn.-- of ri.ar-.-- s. will

lire to them a f.,ir share ot ss in tie ir line.S. It. N. , nd hand ousks mi l sleeps always on

hand, which th-- v Kill sell at tie- lowe- -t market rates. l'JT

v. e:. u'ee.i.ia.ti.sCaliinel Maker and Turner.

rglll K DI.D STA X l. IIOTKI. STIIKKT. NKARH tie- cm-- r i

Furnittir- - of all kinds mad- - and r pair-d..... i ..-.,- !.. Xlllil-- IT'lt VITl'lt r ic . ...

n, ..,1 .1 n.n.1 lian"--: C .'.ar, Diack Walnut and Cherryn,,ar.!s: w...-- l and V. n. - rin- -.

A l.tr-'- e of i.ip and iar-- e si.-- d t.lass.A vari-t- v O:hoe an Children s hairs.

I Coinns on h in I an l in n. to ..r.P r. las-- y


,s. I !'! KI'A It KOTO I'" won K . "J'"f all kind- - m t:rt rate Myl-- at prices to .JV ), I t.stilt

T f t -- Hi p. CAR! CAP.IUAOK. and niloth-- r in thi-l;n- -. will d :e- wi'ii a d di- -pa !, n- t t I,.- -- xo.

I , I sh ., j.,.--. and all "th.-- in the Farri-- r' leI ti :i- nt. promptly at:- . 1


KGS LK.WK TO INFORM HIS lll.lland th I'ul.lio iti n- ,1. that he is pr- - par.;

to furnish lie m w ith as it 1 an anirl" '.

F I.OI'H A N l AI II A L j

as is in th- - market, and at the loiv-- -t market prices theI,'...:,.!-- .

. .Ail ironi any i in'- - win a.,.-ii'i..- .

'to with d:s--: at.-h-

WAII.l Kl MUX. KA.s-- Ml'AI.

Eire i'mof and iVafer I'ronf Roonii'-r-.

rSMIK. H1T. CHKA 1'1-- AM) MOSTDIR-- :5 a! .- f , it an t had f r any I tnidin.-s-, is the

jnjZixrKs? iiooe'xinTg:;M i:..ifa.-..ir.- -! l y the


FACT! RIX; COMI'AW.TVs p... e. - . . i p, a; part . f th- - I't.i'.-- .l St.it. s

a- (i in i. a. I h - a r- ;::: oi n s.-- .ndIt :4 II ,W it! - !!loSt of the pUt.;..'! lei.!".-- - Uti.- - I ,(!!

Piai o;V... n.n sii-a- r ta" it;.

A s,n;.:; . f CoM!'"Si I I.'N and l'K I.T f- r i'atrut R...i:t sr.

sh. r'.iv i x; fr. ni I - ItIit'ULKY C. ISTI S. Ac-- nt f r llwii an Is!and

F- r th- - N. li R.- - ti- im ! Maioita.-turit:-C-

a(;B isi;i ss(;gALL Tilt: MAt.A7.IXF AM) I'APF.Ilsj.'l oati -- furnish I fr- m .1 ami .rv .l.it-- s. :f ap;-h- t f-- r ..n. '

iihiii;. to the pp.haMe civ.l war iu the Vl.ited andivarlik- - tat- of Kurorte. Kv-r- y man s'.,..n; 1 - i-.!i. d w i'ha paper or in N ii" than H iri.-- r' or I.1;-.-- '.i.j iki a rear. II. M. WJ1ITNKY.

A I'K RC II A IIOSK. of the follovvinCsl'TT1 ! f.t.d 11 i'o'h.

F r s ,'. I v :i: n, c riiFW fi: o.

as th. y will oonxv tar i n- -r t ot Scenery. II hini fr the past ton years, and that :i.:.n!ion to iuim-(',:-- '..

on- -, . to., of this place any works or ever pub n.s and promptne ss in the execution of all orders iiitrn.ted toof



ill' .'















tin- -




...,oo- -





r.uu K. FiuKruonK wA;u:iii)rsK,IMON AV II A lir. A I ('TO K 1 A , A . I.,

UKKKR 1!Y I'KKMl.-Sli'- N. TO

MR. 15. lA-i:-.- "'.. '.'.ii.kei, ?.m Kruiu-ico- ,

1' i', l loliii .V !V,'. A. .V rn.. Sin Kraiu-isoo- .

I'l. A l".'.,Y.. t -- (1U.AFi.KR .V Srl'FNH-'KST- ,

Xolict' to 3I;iirrs tV )ii(rsor WhaleShips.

r a m. 'kiai, w w a m a

.. to aini'untt' t.t ot wh.iU-liis- . and tlitf publici:i ut'u ral, )i'Z tin y li.ivr suo 'tttletl in lr;iiiir frotutt.o

V i ; at I!i;ti. tlio r ii! ay a'i.1 liraviuis downj it tiiist-s- , i:ii'Hi.l;i : t s, vU. !o.. alio are Dow rl:intlto rxtvutc repairs wit!, liiiut.L aiul al ratt-- than it anyold. r i:i lUc V.kdUv. VW V in ll

l.'.'-ly- " .

HonIionj: riidt'rwrilcr's Notice.

rB1l!K l'M)KKSI(.'KI. HAVING HV'.KXiii'point 1 Survt or for t!, - N.-i- York It , ai d f I n.ler

writer." takes tliis metti.Nl of inf. .riuini.' ship-maste- that he isalways ready at the shortest j attend to any Purinesrequired of him in that eapaeitv.

S. C. IVOnl'UCFK.Corner of ""'ii's Head and l'ot tinker Street.

IIiiliL-kiuiL- N,i etnlier, Is.'i'.t. l'JT-l- y



.Montionui,S W AS MAIIH AllltA VdKJII-XT- TO KKF.I'a B on hand a lare and well sc!,clcd sto.-- of.SALT Tito VISIONS,


ckhcehif--scloth inc,

sum' chandlery,and everything reipiircl fnr a diitot.

XT' Fresh supplies, potatoes, and tuewood, nil famished atthe slioitest

.MoiiL'oniii lies iii the south-ea- st part of l.attrist.in or Douhlh-s-

Day. and is in latitude oa de- -. ti mm. S., and lnu-:itu- .lo 17H .

3s miii. E lS'.t-t- f

C0r.1!V12SSE0ri AND purchasingAGENCY.

207 Una lie Street, New York.

g S A vim; ksta HI.ISIl Kl HIMSKM' ASS3 a tieneral Commission and Purcliasinir Ajtent, would

informs the .NNrchant ami I'uhlic fteiierally of theHawaiian Islands, that he is prepared to receive order for ant

ok .Mkhchamiisk, to which he will irive personaland strict attention iu v att- - ii linsr to at a very low commission. Having made arran-emen- ts with Deal-r-s in New York,hi- - is prepared to send orders, however small, coiisislinj- - ofHardware, Dry and Fancy t.oods. Hooks. Y;u-dc- , Musical Instru-ments, Agricultural Implements, Machinery, Carriages, Harness,Furniture. c. at n hoi. sale . rices.

l.oods received III Honolulu l.y . II. Diinun.l, who will alse.p,..-,V- and forward ..nh-rs- .

Uotnittanr-- ' should a'conipanv nil ortlt'rs. Vcronnt)ri,.r Will .i.;iSo stat- - t!u nutehy wliich th.-- wi.-- h tln-i- gootisliii-jM-- ; also if ihcy wish an insurance ctFHiul.

HFFFUS TOA. I. F.vkkktt, Honolulu, i. I'. Jrtin, M. D., Honolulu,F. L. Hanks & Co., H. M. Wiiitskt,K. O. 11 1 i.l., " I D. 1'iTMAN. Ililo, Hawaii.

Office, --!o7 lUKtne Street, New York. 'JlS-l- y

.11 p. .10.1. A 1 - : . IB A TH HWS,C O M .MISSION M E JtCH A X T ,

(J ((uitu'- - 1'ln.cr. Sydney.J J- - Ileference to W. L. Giikkx, Honolulu. S. I. 101 Cm








XO I.KATH Kit. I' ll):




XKW stvlk hk.ii.mkr:XKAA' STVLK IIKMMKR:


The ('ri-ntrn- t I m irt rinrul Invenleil!



Forming justly LOCK STITCH, acknowledged j

hy all to he the I

Only Sliteli Fully Salifnelory for Fnmily1'urpoM-- s I


Prices Itrdueefl Twruir per Cent!I'riees i.i! uciil Twenty per Cent !



i the ( 'hen pe. . m t- -1 ln rn Die. ii it.I KnsierI nilerntooil limn nny other ;

.Mat hint- - !


II. C. II A V I ) K X , Ayt nt,Corner Sat raui-nt- -i nn.l .M. streets,


CHAS. WOICOTT lllio W. I HANK LAPP. I :a AkP r. Mill.



1oHHiiissioi! 5Ici clianls,153 Saiisome Street, San I'r.. nei-e- o. Cal.

IITII I I. It ATTKNTKIV CIVKVTOS the Purchase. Shipiui-ii- ai i . t M- ivhatidis.- ; toand Transhipment of iJ.nsIs ; tin i iian. r.t.tt and s .lo

of oels ; the SuppSyiui: of U hale-hip- s , nud ihe Nev'-...ttto-

of Fchan-'e- .r.clian-- e on Honolulu in Sinus lo auil.


UFFFH TOIt. V. Sv,.w, Honolulu. I J.s. lit nv w:a i., 1!.- -: ii.1'. 1!k-- n; .V Co., j IIknkv A. IT'iiiti:, 'J S. Waiki i:. (Tits. IthKv. i:,II. lliniiiii,. I'.,., " TiiAiii:. 1 ..n.niM F n P,1!i:nj. I'ii man. Ilil-- . !

Srirox K Co. Now York.il-I--

lf Mtor At.Li'N, New llodferd.

P. C. M lit Kll. J. r. U i ;k- pi .

it r a, Et v tis:bl:ii.i..(.ouifiiissioii llerIsnnls

Aicvrio.E-:2:x:- s


Itenlnr I) !kiii Ic Ii I A ne of 1 1 ouol u I u I'it-Ke- l.

1 7" All freii'ht arrit-.ti- in transitu for th- - Sandwich I.nii.ls,will te and lorwarded hy the l.e-u.- ni Dispatch Lino'Khi ok commission.

Particular a'tention paid to f irwardinc and transhipment otj merchandise, sale of whalemen' hill- -, and other evohtip-- c, in- -

j sura. of merchandise and sp.-ei- e under op- u hiIioios. itppv, illiT w ha'.eships, chart. rini: ships, etc.j 15 ii ii. I lo Ciiliroruin .Irrrl.

Itl.n.ll TO :

Captain H. F. Snow, nMessrs. C. I'.iu h i h A- - Co., J.

A. P. KvKKKTr, li.-g-., JIt. Ditjian, Es.j. 11. lO

120 tf



Fiiriiisliiii-- ; Cs'oods, all LiekIm,Ki'tailin-- ; for Ciihh, at AVIioIcsale Prices.


FwrisNIiiii:' (.'oods,Trunks,



loiiml in any ISetnil House in California.

d'ootls Siiifalilc lor Travolieijt'lii'Iioses in any ("lima ft.

FRKXCIT. W ll.SON At CO.,Next d.Hir to the What Ch.-e- Hons...

And No. 3'Jd Mont-roiner- Strt-e- t, near California, in Tucker's:lhuldinir, San Francisco.

ManufRCturuiK Estahlislunent, No. loj l.ihfiiy tre-t- . New YorkI'. S. Measures taken for UxI from our hous.- - iu New A' oik,

and delivered to any part of this State without extra char-- e.

flOKDACK OK KV Kit A' MZK MAMI'ACTl'ltKH to order. Constantlv on hand, a laree as

nortmentof M.4.ll.A AVI) HUM I' KOI'f:. fall si..- - i. lialsKope, Tow Line, Oakum, Vc, for sale Iiy Tl lilts A: Co.,

250-- ly i:w, Kiont Stre. t, San Franc- i- o.

CHARLES F. ROBBINS,Importer and Dealer in

Type, Presses, Printing Material,I.NlCss, "A1SI ,I'o.,

Nos. 411 to 417 CLAA STUEET,FRANK llAkEU'S.)


t.I0R(MN, STONE L CO.,Commission anil Forwarding Merc'iatits, San Francisr-i- , Cal.

References, T. S. H.lthHWav Ksip Messrs. T. A A. It. Nye,Swift & t'erry, New Itotford, Messin. liriiintll Miniuni it

Co., New Y'ork, John M. Fort-- Ksp, It --.Ion, rs. Per-kins & Smith, New Ix.ndon, Daniel C. WaU-rmai- i Fs,p Honolulu. tf

sa.tii,. c wooiiiiurr,SI 1 1 IT 1 1 A XT I.F. R . STO It E K K Kl' K It A X l

U KUAI. AUH.VT. "lools iM.ueht and sold on com-mission. Ship and Family Ston-- s ,m up at the shortest noticeCorner of yi t.ts's llmD and 1'uttim.eu stkikt, llaniiliniiu.

XT Refers to Thomas SeicscKR, A. J. Caktwri'.iit, J. CgPALOiN'o. Honolulu, Saiidwichlslands. 104-l- y


A few doom nboir Monlgomrrr Street,SAN FKAXCISCO.



HAVIXf; PI'RCIIASKII 1 IIK I XT KR F.STin this n Hot. I, the Sulcril--

Is-- to nay tn th- - old patrons of the house and t h- - puhiic -- enerally, that th-- y have mad- - manv andand and the hnu-- e lhmui.'h"itt in them'ist thorou-.'l- manner, and hav- - added an I'rivateHall for the tititraiio- - of l.adi-- s and are '-d that in thefuture the house shall m.ss-- ss all th- - of a

A FIRST CLASS HoTFI. IN K FRY I' A RTiril.A R.Our Mr. Fatten ha heen lt klos of the houv for the past

two years, and Mr. Foster has corne-ctc- l wit h the Oceanof tl i:.ttt f.r the past eiirht years as Pur", r, and

cheer .illy iift-- rs his to f.iuiih. - and other in pr'n urinsteamer passak-e-

, in advance of th'-i- arrival lo re.I f No Apt AV E IN Coaches of the Hotel always

in r. adtties-i- .

J44-;;m- Ui FoSTFR. PATTFN i Co.





DAVIS $c BOWERSAA K COXSTAXTLA" KMI'LOVKI). IXEl N' W Y rk. i two to three hundnsl hiuids, inar.ufac- -

tur.n-- - Clolhiuu xpr-ss- ly for (luiarT Hull, whichenables them to oiler the

Largest and Best Selected Stockever import-- d to this market. The extremely lA)VT PRICKS atwhich th.-- have always sold their lias gained fur theman reputati-.- throughout California and Una.-on-.

QUT?sCV IIVlT,117, l-l- f, nnd irl

WAtSI IlTsTOTOIV STREKT,(Iktween .Montgomery and Sansome,)

San Francisco.DAVIS & BOWERS,

::. I'ROI'RlFTo'lS2 i

"(j i .i.i r

Page 2: ullu - University of Hawaiʻi...threa(s. f fcrture. ra:se up heris--s an l martyrs, who might otherwise baves!--i away Iothful and thi.u--htiess lives. tiet--'Ireaming wh it spleiidi

i I i

01 nunII II 1 I I II i1

u ii ii r n k

- r

fH.r 4 save

Vb'ry ; (. ,rmi : .Mrni--r- sr

Marct. 'I'leone ."i.umon Iuri- -1 "Iteiod-e-r K nor -w

1 Vesper Mar.'antalia J phiue alit

Mil too II X- -i mwrd A,I'lliti Ohr--r Crocker C- - hran2 Turner ;:I .n,i.T 'Alice M ir.--

'Monmouth rn,-l- y M

J Kohert Kdwarli U.W u,,fow Turtle

.i F. Wr Tinker1 .eere-ca- l Scotc liun'ift ;!?' 'frit'M 'Catherine J l I S-- m ZW Thoma iU k i" u vtri N- -li Calif .rnia31 Fanny i.Ml.ri

Apr.l 2 Oeneril Pike4 Julian W;rH-ifi-r M.4 Pt.ll:r lit


Crl..-- !

4 tntaro4 Ir-l- I'tcheri r:..n.u f5 f'IUo Fuih-- r

M.lo F..r.iham7 Adeline reue-- r

7 'Fjer-tr- a krn7 Lr,aftT ltue'Jit F .lur Star M -- 1

4 litirtjt (French) illeiJ.t. If.wir--I Hhk.--

. 'Khaahetn (lUm. hk) Whitneylu Florida Williamli W alt- -r Set Baiterii .'(- - .i u

1.1 H.ici rU- - HowLn.t14 -- lrw fllaw. acr,.) M.tenit 't'twt O'.d-- n. hrnf Wdhelm15 'H.umnj (Haw. b.) Kellyli Tamerlane Win-lo-

it s.if ehli Martha Cornell2' C. W. M rfifaji Sui.thSi 'Or-ea- o Clark

Champion Worth.1M F.4'-- . Sm.tr.27 ll-n- ry -y

! Corinthian UinAlLa&.v: J Upturn .!.

" " 'J7 Viie-yar- d .Aat---

CiUif.-rn- CH--itay


rn. CoatCale-em- C o- -t

rrii. t'.lit

.rit v

ir.t-- y

h:yc li-- a

f 'if'Triia C'Hfcatl!urj.!- -r Haylturii!-- r FyHllrrirt. ha v

TijRIr fca


Kall-n- a H.tyTurr V.xjCitltf"rr.i Crr-t'-

al f. rm '' atM.irirarira ItayMaivanta H.iyMr,-nri-t Bny

ZmU'nl'alif'TTn;i I'ttrallf"frjia Cf--

I ' at i f- Ili O.Lt

I5.rh'tl'fn-- H iy'alifTrit'it i.f I Lilr.in 'irI- -

VfvrU mark.! I' ) rii'.T-- . llir- l.art'.r.


7 Till;RSI) AY, MAY 2.

Sir oar lat mr hTr t. rrwt llv arrival vf lut onerf grchnlmitn, titc l.arl 'Irirttr, Ju Iay fr-.- I'talailclpMa.vitb a carp of ruai consttrr.'-.- l l tlt I mini Stat.- - NavalA irrnC Tbr owU will l--f nCwv,! o ih aiiJ ht-l.-l

(or tb wir of Un ttrnnrr t,f Utr rniv i Slate Nary, it huhmj touch hrre rrjuirii(f taf'Iir. arxler-tar- it i ti eloCrDthn "f tVil nwmiarnt lo makr Honolulu a f r theSortb Pacific, f r whi-- h it rr-a- t ailvanta'-- . We h"-- -

trfm mmay mouth to tn m lii i.f China rteanirn runn;r.tooM this ocrar, arvl- -r thr Kitrnap uf th I nitrJ Stat--

Tbe ur al ministration will no daM favor the entrr--prtv. bat the -- .litical troul.lr may ilelay it c.:.iplihin-ni- -

At all eveaU a coal dep. will he a u-- p towards attaining the

Tke miwioaary pocket Morning Star retarned oa Friday,from a trip to the Maniaem. A rej-.- rt t rr cruiM will ler

fbund in another part of the paper, she Kill tail ayain in alivutten dat ir the Caroline l.lanl.

The balenhip Or ran, Clark, fmoi the California coa.it. arriv-ed oo the Kih, with a T" -- I catch of oil. li banelj. Reii h-- i

her, teTeraJ whaler from windward port hare tou.-he.- l here inpaaaiow. The prinj teanoo may now lie considered a c.i4e..There bare amred tince February, il hWi. hailing 1.2l5bbla. rp. and 19 CIO hbl. wh. oil taken during the winter cruie,glviog to each reel an arapr of 2i h b. irm and Zfi hhis.whale oiL Thi how a very enml report tr the between wa-oo'-

work, in which thipa renerally d twd eipect to earn

The hip Spttdtttll, cosnman.l'tl hy Cai-t- . J. M. Green, willail Hr San Franciaco. She has a full caro, crnaitinfr

of 2,000 bbia. of nil. 5) bhla. of mntaiee, 104 balea of polo. Sou

goanin, aa m kec of uirr.The Kbooner HxLt, ha teen chartereil by J. C.

PpaJdiDg. m., lur a trailing voyatre to the Ane r an.1 nei-h- -

"fine porta, ai--1 will be dipatcbr.i in a day or two. We

that Mr. J. R. Pratt will take potnaire in her.DwurCir trade rauair.a without any chance land proilore

of all kinds ht hard to dopnae of. Fresh ami aaleable Ko.nl

received hy recent arriral, firvl a ready market, and quickale.

ccaa Coaniderahte a!e hare been made for export, hut onprivate terma, auppor.t to be a ileciine Iron last prertnu quotatiooa. Beat qualiUe could not be placed at orer Ce or 6c.

Moliwi. The Sptrdtrtll take aVut 2W) barrel.Coma IV ; ktrxe atock no ban.1.(csiiu le i a lot eo furwar l by the Sp'tdwtll.Pbotwio.. Am. beef, 17 ; do. prk. $10 SC ili iO ; Haw.

beef, fll Ot tli. no deman.1.Ou. PuLir. le tic 4oc Coait, 30c SC ZUcLcaaiia fZO r 51.

Hidu a.a Sat Hale, c&9c; Ruat kins, Zje Si 3ar.Kxcaa..a Sau Franciaco, 1 er cent, premiuoi ; Eastern,

per cent-- , and acarre.

! I'bawrw at ll.a.lala. la May.

iy. b- - m. f !y. h. m.L at Quarter.. I ! u M. I irt ituarter..l7 i 111 M.

ew Muon.... tr v lei A. I tull Vl x 'ZZ 1 4 A.LaM Vfuaxtcr,. . . .tal. llh. Uo. A.

I.A XK-V- f II.ITKS rrc-ei- ml taia tlOlre.

eaa Francieo ....... April 9 . la,n.i.n. paper!. .. ..Jan. 30!lw twB.fpaper.. .. Mar. II ) teWrraplac Mar. i

" Mar. 'j j 11'f.rkoiiic. ........... Frb. '1Tahiti,... rydnej. N. s. W Jan. 1

Maipa Mail.Fob 9 Fa.. l-- r 5pee.lwe, thi .lay 111 !.



April Am wh thip Orean. Clark, ti day fmm San l'ieK-o- ,

liMt ah thi ram.2rt A in wh hip Farno. Smith, from Ililo, 4-- brl wh

Ihw lru.i lay off and oa.3ft Am wh ih:p Champion. VV.th. fm Hit", Hi brl sp.

awntha out lay ..IT an.1 o.JK- -ia Mie. park- -t m; Star. CteMt, 1.1 day from j

Marriaea. with 1 too old cer, cwomiiuu, '

anl a k n4 firew 1. '

2i Srh Kamehaioeha I V Chirk, fnaa Latiaina. with 93brl lrt--h a III) brl we--t povatoe. fence p.i.

2ft ch Kiviere.fr.au H.l.s'th lvlkemao.! lioha uar. 11 b.i arrowroot, lot of aw root, a j

h v. 1 eaii.-- . and 1C d-- rk .aenirer. i

27 Am lark Tre.jewall. 1:1 .ta.t fmm l'hiL.lelpl ia.with ton coal for the I . S. Na'al sc.rekeekerat tru port.

27 Am w a .hip ry KneeUn.1. Keltey, from I bio, SaObrl thi ea..i,

27 A-- K:nma e, Wilbur, from Kaliului, withhea! cattle.

2" Steam- -r Kilau-- a. Bemll, from windward I'ort. withi lead cattle. Jl l,eep. li pif. I h'.re, 13 Imi- -

pu u, 1 ba( liinira. ?l bale w.-.- l. Ill hi.e. 4tallow. 3 brell he,-f- , I cae copper, a plf- -- "li. lebruit. I for,-- , .hilrh. 14e.k he.l. 1 bell. 4-koa bpl. lot '( fnrni.nre. 4 pkii Mwrcie, an.1 a

of ..anre fre,,-h-t. i

2S A n Mike.ke. shepher.l.fm Kahntni. w.th Hl hidrt.30 e.iat kin. 9 bait wool, li brl tallow, li ack


com mewl. 3 Nil hay. 1 ban funeu.. It ack Hour,an.1 3 native pajei,er

29 A-- Nettie Merrill, tiala-k- . fm Ililoan.1 Laopahoeh.. ,

with 1)7 kev .irar, 3 barn-- moUes, lou bac J

polo. Ii biK fun-iTi- 4l hide. h.)f, U--. I'a- -

ener F I. Hank. 3 Chinese, and ;W native on ;

,itr- -

2? Sch Kaluna. Ibury. frrm Puna an.1 Laapahoeh, j

with 2S6 bar polu. 30 bid- -. 1 pulu pre. I'a- - .

ten eer J f Kun:. and a aatire on deck.29 Am wh l,ip Cnnthiaiu Lewi, from Coat of Chite,

20O wh. lioo b.e. wrwn Uy off and on. '

59 Sch I1J F illow. CanrUjre. fm Hanalei. with l'J conlwood. 3 hT-- . ii bail coff-- e. 4 boxe peaches. 12h.de. i ts i annua, 6 pifcs. 10uO orange 14 deck j

paaoeneer.S rVa Soiwahio.-- . Kuheana. from Xawiliwili. with 253

kesr and i;l mat icar. 9 ban w.J. 7 .

tie. 14 do. tuiiftu, eoril wood, 12 pip i cabin i

and 3) deck 1

May 1 Scb Vf kai. J.m. tntn M..,kai. with 8 bac funeu.200 bill awa. 30 has arrowpa. 2 hore. 3 pin. , A

1 Sch rrvahel, itatawa;, from Knluw, with 4 cords '

w.l. i eaak m"l.ie, f sutrar. etc1 S--h Warwick. J .ho lt.ili. frn M lekai, with a k'a.! I

of water mcl .n.


April IV-A-m wt bark CaitwriiM-- . J. tor Arctic. W

2ft Am wh ship Fahtus. Smith, for Arctic, Jor Am wh ship fKunpinti. W for Arctic.Jrl h Kam a. M In- -. b Lanaina and Kahulai.27 Kritieh bnict. Vl.ircella. Parker. - Victoria, V. I.27 Am wh rnv Vilo. FoeilhaiD. f--r b"tk.27 Am h ship C. W. Morzan. Hamilton, for Vhotk.27 Ara wh bark Martha, Cornell, for tVhouk.29 Am h ship llecry Eneeiand. Kelley. for Arctic.2 Am wn ship Corinthian, lwuv. for Arctic.ja rih Henry, Rinere. for Lahaina. liana and nibv.

9 Bch ttametianieha I Beckley, d Lahaina andKalepoiepn.

30 Haw wh bark Klixaheth, (late Cytthia) Whitney, forOclmtok.

30 Haw ach Kalan.a. Kelly, for Och.nk. (She goes asa (rnder to the tUiiarjetb

30 OVlenrmra wh bruf C'tnet, W ft helm, for IVbotak.31) Am wh bwrfc Nile, Fih, I Kndiack an.1 Arrtic.31 Warner Kllaaea. HerriU. for windwar.1 Port.SO eh Nettie Merrill. Hulick. ft r Kohala and Ililo.30 eh Mmkrtke. ?iwTherl, tw Kahaloi.3S--h Kalnaa. Henry. I" Lahaina. Lanpahorhoe an.1

Karrpaknea.Mar 1 Am wh bark Philip 1st. K. Ilempetrad.

1 Am bark Oriental. Johnson, for Mr K can's I Ian. I.S-- a Odd FelUiw. aorlaire. for Kolna.

Mniwahiae, K ihe-ao- , Naw.liwlli and Kotos.


hoi.t eV-s- -

-- ,. - i H I I:

II.HkfcK B I Ml.(I T.

l ir. fi

I T"i Ar- -t c H-'- -l

'H ! .n-ti- Apr. I Ii" 4 "I.1 ' .... 'ni

0"ji t. M Jr t, , l ;!-. ii i

. . . - 1 .

. - . . ''i Ar .i- V, r I l i "ir. n Ar-Ti- l' .iHi . (.:- - '.J 4 l

4 An i.e 7 IT lolT- f.:.r M ir- -i l.:. :

. '.Ami lh f,'.:k Apr.i 1 Vl 1I4IT'.i ... 1 A r' t iO l... Kii-.'s- M .r. h iij n. i... lu Artt.c Atr.l ')4' An lie

i f.. i; 1 ') 17' 'J. ArVlH- - ri'l ....4 K k I'l;'ri Art-i.- r

. . . . '"' . r. 1.1" M .y4 ti' AT,1 ..I 1 !.'.!

1 J An tic .... '!' Ar-t:- r l'..)lm ihh. tk JiHJ !'r--l

17 !.--

; ! Af'-ti- A).r,l I"!4- - N.M. a: Ar-t.- c 'ji ;

ci'n Ir. M lJl 'I N Apr. I

.: .... :; i irt- - !

::u i:' In - t. :i7"' - fi'i:.-- k Apr.l

:: ' IX Il'.t-- k 1 . '.'.) V'll. 1V An.-r- ; r; 2'j 1 )

4 : . Ir, p- - rt..... . Apr:!.... !.' . Ir, ....:.: t A,rl . . . . -i

4' .... 71 . In i rt. 7.'.'IJ'I K'-- l. A: Ar- -t Ajr.I 11 :,44 1

1 '!.' K-- l. K Ar.jlic -- i: i (:-- k il 1 4

. ... "--' s fi k 1 --

Ii I:, p.rt. " i.iut 115 .... An-tH- - Apr. I 11.141 . . . . " Ari-ti-

. ... Ar. uc - J

." Arfli.- - '" !j"HI . . . rrt ie 17 O'- -t

n-v- j

Tt.oV ut inark.-'l- . -- m.ply l .u. ..it-- :

mnrrrial n nil Murine firm.WhI-l.!- M'tarkuttti, .f Nantucket. UO'J toiK. - n..vr

employe.! in the lun,l r n lh c..:i-- t.

Tie-- nt.ii!' hi;, ef,Jn,. f -- 4 toi.. hi s --, upurcaa-e- d by Unf Tappai. Ar Marl. ui . of N-- w V'.rk.atupriee led tni.-pir- e I w w : ir,..., t!,.- l.a;. r jjrt, aiiJ l.erinpi'.ye.x in me l.uir.t-- .

The hif pirur on the jrr'-a- t l.ike o rapi fiy Thereare nw -- ;.,m. T valu. d at j ,io.i.t"K, ai.J l,ln-- j -- ailai rvalue. at jl.i:oi.o..

The X Vrk lutniif rr ial Ad rtitr puM;);.-- , a ii- -t ,.fth' an U tli.it v er l.t (,irn.ir 1m. The h- -t

l. ship--. 71. i.ark Wj, In-- . 17. li..r,er l.-- i. -- I , ,.jJ tut.il .'i7li aole ,,f tfll tfiC ve.-i-- U lot 'i."J.';7.iHlO.

TTi.- - nuiiritlty f iiira. ;t-- - cal vt,tfr"iM in theye.-i-r -- ,!. was t..i:; e cTir lis.', 61:1.717valued at '

' .iimkt Tli pr-- u in- - c"iif; !ri.v i f ...i,- 'ii"i.i- - rai...u 19 .ii'.wn in in.- - ::wt tf,.,t the tr..rf.-rr.-

mnt loan, whieh til anar.ll on -- ntupl..v at an aver i.--e of'Jfi. f in crat J- - rnaiid n VV.-.l-i mre. t. I.a e,, ..m i,r."a.lvat J-- i and S li, and i held by the principal holder at '.'4 and :i.

Coat. Oil. A tical man of who ha n..I.:.rrly evamineil the penn-ylran- ia oi! re'in. -- av that the rep .rtof lanre r- - tiirt. are inC.itol y th' 'land ; that in-t- lof wel! yieldirii; twenty-tir- e t.. thirty Lr.rr.-l- i jr d..v. five ;.ei-- i a nearer amount ; that the "w.-l- l fail .,n aiier le-i-

w..rk-.l- ; that where on.- - .uiTml-- i two fail; .ip. he li. v. thaim..re have l nt thaneu prlucol in the oil region.

Pi oia IliiiMv. An improvement l.a nia.l- - in u irreflnine in .New Vork. hy l.. -- ay th.- - H i.rld. nip ina.lefnitn Mu. ovailo niU-- e. i pr..ii..un.-.- l hy nurar refiner- - whohave te.te.1 it. a if not e.,ual. t.. hou-- e - nipwhich i i4d for family ue. The of r. tin nvi inv..i-.--an ?:e-n- e of it one , nt .. r uailori. an 1 the value in.-r- .

..-- ..l

ahouf -- ven cent rail ... Thep. r pr.-- -. -- s i.entirelv m.-- amc-a- l.n acid lean iiaeil. That p:.;- - r d s not state what tt.L-pr;-


Fih-- t WHiLtK. The -- hip trie, of Fairl avn. which arrivedat New Re.!f..rd. in February, the lir.t whaler of the sea-.- n,

2.obbl. whale oil. and the l lul't- - r of a whale.-- iiitii wa taken .,x .i.v iei..re it arrival, on the ..u:herne.Ik--e of liulf MreaJii. 1 li- - f.rtt U Ion- - t., th- - . stale of the lateNathan Chun-h- . and will i.rol.i.bu- - ...a i. ,,...i t. , t .. .. ..aain. It wa the int. nt ..n of Capt. Jerfe.-a--i to have cro.-i- dmuiciMiii.(i run. but he wa cimi-ll.-- d to directhome, in cone.paeIMr ,.f a .lefeclire maiiiiua.-t- .

A WaiLivi; Is. IPI.VT. The hark .Vaj.jr hu irr. of N. :..Capt. lireene. while rrui-ii.- e KioJ.ir.eir... low. n-- t threein p.iruit of a Urg- - -- rrn whal..-- . hut i.i.-h-t - t in. and thew.-r- -t -- iirl t . f. The bark crui-- .l ,,--, in the vicini-ty, with. .ut ucrv. and ii.--.in- i: the -it had .t. put intoRio Janeiro. Ivreml-e- r 14. Ir the n.t kept togetheraiel rea. I.. .1 on ihe 10th. all hanl alire, but erv huu-er- y,

Larmir bc.n fire day with-- Jt food.


XT Bark Tri.rr, all. report SaiM from I'bihol.-lpl.i-

Iiec. J'. and from the Ca- -- of the on th.- - J7th at 3I'. FZxjierience very heavy rale in Ihe North Atlantic ;wa Zl day to the HjU.it.ir, and cro-- e n , r,0 W.raed Ca( Horn lan:i lt ; had much heavy wrath, r fn mUt. JO ii. in the Atlautic to3o S. in the pacific, which wecroe! on the giHh, in lonir. S.;i 30 W.. d day out ; thenceUt 8 X. had I -- ht.rery haminir air no K. tra il .From S N. to rt. h.ol nte X K. trad- -, and have n. ttaken in -- ky.-iiU f .r the last 30 day. Cro.-,- the e.,uat r inthe I'arific April 11. iu In. p. n w. : ma le J.4wa:i m-r-

of the Jr;th, and came to anchor at Honolulu at 3 I". M. on the.7th. Feb. 1, Ut. 33 S . lone. 47 W., wh ..hn- - l arkWave, of X. IS., tiourij .Northward ; g.'.th, Ut. Ion', fi; 3W"., fpoke Itnti-- h hark Fratikhy, from lj.ri--- l f.r .

Iie.l F.b. lit, a feainan named I'ark. r liaraln, if Wi.caet.M ante.

I f Miionary M;rn,mf M,ir, fle. tt. rep..rt.-f- t

Mr.t.v.c on the 13t, Apr.l ; had R...I N Y.. w,n !s all tb- - w ,y .Fruro th time of ea.:,.- - Honoiutu fll h'-- return, w:, 7,7 ,.,j ,aber,t. Left there the f. lt..wijiS ve-- l -- hi,, china. II c.l.t- -

ay, 1; month out. . lio brl -- rro ; the Mermaid. Je;.-,.-, ,.f

West port, out. 4o l,r! .enn ; the J.inu.-- . pti,,:!,, o. k2f) brl wh oil on the Co, &ihI t- -J brl rp.nu on le r way tthe Mar.uea.

iron ai.. X. Z The i,. which urrivnl rr.i. tl... . ......Sea Idand K, the lc ..r . repr.rt hiving ,. ti1 If h e.i-r. the Ca.t. '.n-- : . . f V I'. . 1" rn.-o- l,tr. m Hoi.oiul'i. with . t r;. i, ,.. ; i,, ti. n..r ,: . ., ..

montn, will, 4 e bn. .rm ; aiel. ..n the ,u, i,-- t ..tr t' --French R.-k- . th-r-- ,,.. ,.f t - ,...,;).. ,.llt T. i, .i,,,.

Xe l:- - r l. Capt. ii. N VI ,.-- l.r i..!,t up . :Ithe Xortti Head early on er.',t, (..r. II,. s!,e i, I ,.t'r-- m the llyf I.Ure!.. wh-- re .l,.-liil- l t . r . ur-- the ha:. -

h- - .,u re,. Th-- Nai-.l- - n i. fn,,-- . wi,..i-.r:- ,e n ofIhe New ie,lf.-.- i la'.n; f! t . a'u: i . nt. ami ), .now on riir. ih it .;. i,r;, jjrni oil a 1lur aiTi.'.- - cat. f.f'mii.ri i hi., ..v

VISKI,S I.V IMIKT-M- AV .Am bark Yank.e. '..mn,.-l-.r- e l"a:y.Am wh hip s.jere.!w. '.i. i,r,-.-n- , up : r San g.Am bark Tn-t- -. SeH.Am lia. Pr.r VI irron j Star, ii- -

Haw. bark It. Vv . W.l. ii.. r.-- n. will L a--i .,;! f,r Hp men.Am wh h.p I.UM-a-t-- Ku-s-l- l.

Am wh hip J..hn l..wi ,i,., i,;. ,,.Am wh -- top iie-a- n. Clark. bi11 iw wh bark llamionr. -lit wh ch Maria. Molt-n- o.

Am lwif A fat- -, ; ll'

Vrwrlw Kiperlrrf Ir.n. I'orri.u I'orl. !


Am clipper h.p Hawk. Itower. would S n Frau-ci-.-- o

alait Apr.l gj, and touch at H.,u..lu!u, en routeKaker I- -I .o.l.

ftm lrL l'....l.. .:... V. , .V ." " ' nearly iue irom l u.-- ' ls.kiii.i. wr.n mni'-- r., , ,, ,, ..." ' h " "' 'M ' '" ' ""k "''' l'f"l't"J' ' -'- -

mmmmmmmmmmm mmm

IMI'DKTS.- -Fm Pint ni:i run r-- r Tr;. t., April 27 t.m c. al.

-- uar mill an.l a; para'.j.. 1 brl vinegar, 1 -a in.!-.- -.


For V.rKF' 11 AM. - r Oriental. May 1 4hM- - '

t"at kin. 2 ca c.hii.i:. 1 boa. i.oli lb hh.3 briv r!..ur. .. dail. lo Kii om:. 1 J ba.- - hay. s brl .t.,t.-- -. a b.l pork. 1

hread, 3 bri moia , m pumpkin. 1 box reman..,


r.'Bri..s. inFrom M Ryt i r- -r M rniiie 5:.-ir- . April i6 Rev Jam.-Bicknell. rr I. II liuhck. Mr I'. l.vku and daughter.

F.r? Fna. i.-- ..-- r Speolwell, May 2 Capt S: tt, 'i- -

T Stott, CAW tlliam. ,

ca-t- w isf. ofFp-- WiM'W ar. P. r.Ti r Kitvi-a- . April C Vfr f". i-!

w-1- an-- 1, rhil-!r-n- . I'apl P'.i-le- and wit . I apt Smith. Wrr I.l.reen. !r R W W.d. Mr Miller. Mr V Inf. U I liiln.an. KMerrill. W K llrown. Jam L.'tix.i.la. an.1 70.b ck fiWnpisi Port per KtUu-- a. Apr.l .In Mr John IIIlp.wn. Mi Martha swinbai. Mix Halite Ne,l.ilr, Mi- - NanceSumner. Me a. li- - E Nolan. P II Treadwae and wife, II M

hitr ey. M ! r J T Waterhoo- -. J M K ram. Capt P Ciiuni ir. i hW King. W F J'.rlan 14 cabin, and about 100 k paser.-Ste- r.


POUT OP I.All A. 11A.AKRI V.l.

April 2Z Am wh h.p IV1 Return. San Car'o. J0-1

wh, lloo -a- s-.n ; 17 sp, joi wh, 2400 lnc.voy age ; W wh. n lard.27 Am wh.hip Vineyard. Cawe;f, fp.rn SHn Csrli.,

4K wb, 0 l.ne. e.Hi ; 14i) wh. l .L--al -nc.

voyage ; 14o0 wb, 4i h.e. i n bp. A


April 22 Am wh hark Martin. I'orrwII. for Ochotk. ,

- Am wh ship Cha. W. Murran, Smth. for Ocbotjk.2 am wh ship i..od Ketarn. Fi-- tor Arctic. ' far

iit:n. ! by

Pa TT In Marshall. M rhnran. on the .h M.tnh. Cha S ,

wife of H'.o. Aooer frail, la'e C..nul to II m..iili '

THE PACIFICCommercial Advertiser.

im usik y. ma y 2.In t!i- I.i- -t l'-.'ii- f nan ;ij i- - .tr an KxliiMt if

!!' r'-r-- i t :iti'i "f til-- ' lKitiiutlKcin-.i'i'-- r tli'.-- "f '.ri'- - vcar ui,l

n'tf-f.'- :'rJ.v, fpjiu A ril It. 1 ".0. which. in- -, i t

I ii Kiurnlfir :it' hf'i;n I. if"" titurts ft rhr ..ii 11 T rtn- -

U'll rr;iii Mr 1 O, t; .l;ir, J4,T.- - M.'.'I April lt. 1'hj. was T'.l.T .'J

'A' A'..'l!l " ,l ilM. A,,i. f.flTl 1J


l.-- 'ii, l;ur-:i'iv- f Imp"-:- " 7lT.:-rf- .il iui;.T. . .

T:ix-- i ''7.,.'J4- '.;:. i. . I'rc-r'.'.- 11

li:. .V IV! j".711 1. ..J-. V 'i i'i

M .n '.ur-


'i- ; ! t ' , - ''V r .1

I" p;rt.-.-r,- t I r.vri.t:.'-:.- t I'r

1'. p't :.i':.'i . ...'-- :.rit..i:.c- v-4 :W ir .J-- ; i

fu ' J :c ". i.; in v.4J 4. 7 4

r.ir-.i- u I':;' :.'.- I ri.pr' I:.' l.t -- . ; 7;.- -

M ...- - - i:r-- . . . '. l.'- -t !. I. I; i.i i A; r.I .1.. . 7.'J 4- -

$ yHv ..rj- r f t; M r ( r ;r r.r.

li. V . M. I .1 U Put.. Aci-- tn.

'I'h'' it.it' Ill' lit ir J ul'lir-ln-i- l Without IP.'ti- - orcofniii.-nt- . aii l tin- - j uMie are thiT' foro h it inhirkii'--.- - r -- - tin the iIotaiN, or tho ri a-.- n

whv tho '2i iav ar- - a.i h-- 1 to tho on.- - year,whi'-- tho in-n- t jToja-rl- ha"1 ii ina-li- - t'i i:i! r:if . Tho ini-- ot llaiu-oii- s 'it-l- anions tho rcei-ij't-- : i- - mj j .j r oov riiioiii y luTroWxl. aii'l tho -- aino it in unionst-- ' ii'lititri s to iin hiilo tin- - itnioiint of loi-row- vl

iiioioy r- - jai'l. So far a- - can ! .ith-IT'-- 'I

l'r in a Mlnj lo lai.oo at th-- ' t! o

j uhiio i:i.am-'- . Jo imt iinlii-at- any unh-alth-iii- -

-- -. alhi-i- t the I uhlio I riming how.-- a ih-a.- l

lo of ahout .4.til,(l. whi.-- sum aloiio is morethan rv to. work.






" on J.j.inl," pre.-iim-e, is lo etoiie masonry, walls fromfor tho wants of tho feet thickness, and whoh- -

hut i I ill sTVi- - tiifi .oho.Uor tho level tho ground, renders it iimro dura-hil- l-

or maturing, as hank ' hh' than if had beenke. rvo to inoet on it. orvoirs iiorally an-- , wholly Tho

tin. d.-- s not appear whether supply water is now obtained from severaltho ! ht has lx-e- increased or springs, ono of r same as that

during tiio year. . to i forim-rl- list J supply tho city, hut tho rin- -

inado this our one is that kown Kajeiia near31. 1XM. whieh Las.-.- l on tin." Kapeiia tails, troiu reservoir

of tin- - Mini-- t. r Finance that year, the llt'00 conn, tin the'puhlio liahi!itii st'iod as follows;

Y.x !.. .; f r l il -- . ir . 1 J p. r c-i.- t i:.t. r t . f lo(i.07 "

I'.-l.- t l:aa inr i:.l. t -- .7"J 1oi, account of W at-- Works. . . . U.i.t-i- o i"J

T H.l.MJVrhajs a comparison of tho receipts of the

j a- -t year, with those the preceding:and a oomj aris. .n with tho Jlstnnutt ' lb .

for li0 as made l.y the Minister ufwill not le nnintorestii'fr l ore For this

purpose, we will take the table as j uhlislndabove as covering one year, and take our halfthe amounts friveii hy the .Minister lti(l. hisrej-- dt and estimates having I.-o- f..r two vears:

i'ri !';. .'(Ci,d t'ttirnntr Ihtirit... fr lsoo. fr b'Vi. ynr'vj.

; ln.'i.'.' Is ; I.I'.'.lni. j..17!l I'. liilit.-ree..- . I'.l.'J.el ll.'l.i'i 4.'.i.0

Taxes f.7.".'4 ft4.::oli.iVermiK-ii- t Press H.4:;i ..'. 'T'i 4.H..Uline-- , J.I.J'j -- ".71 2 ;;7.'lK. IJ.0'4 ll.-.e.-

Ilov-- f i'ai..;s K'-e- . :p'., 4.1,1.14 iii.--

The principal fact which the aluve figuresilisclo.-H- ; IS tin- - great error in estimating thoincome derivable from on foreign importsnnd'T the now tari3', and the correctness of theposition taken Ly this journal at tho same timethat those estimates wore made, that there wouldi i r. nr. i' t . . r .1ik.-- ii .arge ..uin.fr ou in iron, missource, mainly to ten p-- r cut.The following was our language in our ue ofApril 20,

One of the principal arguments advanced by theMinistry in favor of the high tari!T that it wasnece-sar- y to ly the deficiency in our revenue,

by the reduetiou the duty on liquor.That deficiency, as we have just and as thereport of the Minister f will unquestionablycorroborate, is than made goi-- l by the pettytax liw,atid any further increa-- e in our dut'es onforeign merchandise is not only unnecessary, but

ing importations, driving away our shipping, andctipp'iing trade generally, and thu may thevery end which is to gained an increase

0v!w',,Uat is to Le the 'result of tin's f:m,cialscheine. which the Ministers have set on foot withsuch of trumpets? Those, who haveat it mo-- t thoroughly, think it will have powerful ami ;

some i.f which may I stated :

.T.. d...-r- ae the am.-oi.- t of everyin. r. har.ii-o- .

j.l A a c .(U.T.ce . f th- - f..p i.'..uiL'. toth'- - i.iin.'- - r of merchant v.-- - - c .min- -' tr--.

o.!. i!nr- - away the whaling tl-- to where th-- y canol.t.il.1 l!,e:r DUI'pll". with !

4:h. Tc r at - a p-- n. ral -- tacnation in trail-unio- n; f.r'iiTii-- .r : t" ere at- - poverty anion.- - native by

.oiiie-t:- c ip-!'- i. au-- -l by a f.illinc in th- --- t .ippi.'ur : and cp it. h.ir 1 t:i.i V from end of the

,n - '.!.. ..tl. r.If this theory is correct, and all goes j

to siipf-.- rt it, i ur tantl s:heme very much re- -i

s.-n- , ie, the plan which the oi l w, lw opted with i

her hen, that lav the golden egg every ly, and ifwe are le t mistaken, will pr.-luc- e a somi wh it similarre-ni- t. Sueh, atleist, is the firm conviction of by :

r the larger portion ..ir merchants, and of nine- - j

tenth.-- of the f.T ig:i community the kuiglotn. j

'Ihe e in the amount of imported good- - nowpaying five percent, i i' Ac i io. i';,y '., and wefeel an re in predictiiii; that the sum total of such

e d imported durit.K l v,jl (the first voar .f the j

..... ratio,, of .1... new toil!.! U .f.iurc.l at l.a.t i"

m.i.ti.tirth, uii l that the total revenue from customs '

Jsoil will not exceed that f I o ', while its i. pi ra-

te wiil have resulted in reducing or driving awayt our merchant and whaling marine, an 1

injuring domestic and foreign Commerce.sucn te-u- !t it wid not be simply temporary, i

butnth.-- r causes have un. jue-ti-.na- helped to

produce Jocrea-- o of as above exhibited,but the princijsil cau-- e has b.-.-- the lew tariff. '

This may not appear perfectly clear to ourstate-me- n. tier reasons icAy it operat. s thus, j

but it is n ine the l.-- s a fact that it is so.

'Tariffs," in the language i,f a contemporary,speaking of the changes made the recentAmerican tariff. are dangerous s to

with, even in times of profound peace andharmony. They are ijuestions on which parties for

long time divide. To at th-- ui does notargue very well for either the wisdom or states-manship of those uj-'- tl whom duty hasdevolved of guiding the -- hip of state thebreakers by which she is at present surrounded.'"

The fr-- e trade pdiev fast gaining groundevery ijuarter of the over the exploded

notions of protective theorists. Light duties orS

nrie at all are to Work to the advantageevery country, far tnoi--e than high duties.


Fng'.aiid is .very year r.. hieing th- - mm.Vr f '

imported articles subj. ct to duty, and we believethat the tariff w applies to le-- s thantwenty different articles. So with France :

r policy, under h- -r pr. sent Ii!-ra- and en-

lightened Sovereign, ev.-r- year tending to free"

trade. main cause of is the fact thatfr.-.- ' trade and unrestricted c .nine re g hand inhand, and to. government cm afford tiovv-a- -

lavs t place an embargo or drawback of any 1

kind on its coiniiierce, which is the grandleT or mainspring that enables its people toprovide for the supj-or- t of the government.

Fprosperous and induitri .u- - be th-- y

French. Fnglish. American or Hawaiian.backed up by a thriving and vigorous com-

merce, far more r.adily find the means midmore cl rfully supj-.r- t governmentdirect tax ati-n- , than when trad- -, e..;i.-luer-

and indus-tr- arc crippled by heavy or .11

-nnnital inbargoo. Wo .j not to b..

ini.lvrtH..i a ii'Jv'M'atiiii tin "ttif - t:ti i ?

.",.';... uch ha- - ii'T i:rt what a- - aKv:iv" 't:t' ( ar- - .

anJ ia'- - l- -t ii . th- Htm---- t lr ti iii in i uri T- -.

in i'iii!urr-'- . w ith l"Mr siv XT

'.'dii. it cix j . r ct nt. at tii'- - uut.-i'it.- '. ailt" .v laC'-'- l "ii tl- - Kti t'tiii-- .

tu th- - hiiaiii-ia- l thv uInI jl :,KT1 aj f to ii.ac ltt-- nd.-.- i in

the la--- t lijoiiths t'.r j ul 'iic imi r"'-lu- t lii.- .

. I ii r i hpritii arni ulnur t' l"''"'. tin- -

'lr'.l-;ii- i f th'- harh'-- r tiiul t i.r--i u ot tl.vwt-r- the jriiiciial uT I i- - wurk i:i

r-- ; ?iut th'- - arrival of tii- - watin 1 iu' t lat. thi-- havi- - 1k.--i- i

ai.il tli'- - lnw wi vk? JTiwith It ;i i; j t.- - no-- I

ti.-i- - thi- - j r.'jrr.T-- ? ot tiii raiiv valuahh- - im-- !

f r"V' iii..i,t," ji-'-tV-- win n

iini-hv- d. it ii,ut r. ll'.xt ri'-'ii- t on th-- ' v, rn- -

' ni' at th" tiiii'- - it will prove aI :i i.i our oi tv. I h- - oi l wat-.-- wurk!" w- rc

in 1 ". an l t uixjut . 1 ".("'H.l J'ij ' 11 r ii wi re i- ur ,:i diaiiu ti r,ai,'l liiaiiv i t the oil" an.l two iiu'hl"ai J i "1 t r-- ' lai-- .i iwii. Th- - mi of wai. rwa.-- thi.- - o. ili- - .jii'-nt- l v ry an theiiiiinh'T of all W'-'l to n-- e was

to ahout two lnuiure.1. Tho ihii,aii'l,li"Wovi.r, for an in Te:i.-- o of has heen sour.-n- t that tho .veri.tm nt iin.h rt ok to ooii-stru- et

ln-- works, ro llanni-- l

such a scale as is thought will amj ly suj j lythe-- city an.l sliipl in- - I T many years. ,t as the ir. braces, would undoubtedly support the en-l'.-

as tin' pipes may last. The. pipes i tire of tho vessel amilships, without hoiking

Tho vo t tho luiti five toinrreiit ell ill tho being below

iii'-nt-, :is a r- - tu t of

..'dilations a lnue-- t it as res-niua- ys

p a r.-.-- . ileinaiids o. a' liVe frouiid.From tal.le, it of

uhlio do- - tln-u- i tho.T'-a.-'-- a to jstateim-n- t paper, uf j cij.al as spring,May was tho report ami distant the

of tor ahout feet. To ot so, frovern- -


of year,also


t;rImpirst- -


1J.-7- ". O.ej44.mhi



owing the tariff.



created i.fshown,

Financemine m.

defeatsought be

a flourish

immediate results,


C"-- t.


the the

to one


b a-


fornh c


a r.-y- . tiue









P.ritish ti



The this.


vvi-- h

m t.



tweiwth- -






Mnall. l


whieh n


pdern- -

rdinirin in


of oast iron, an 1 wore ordered from .Votl.iml.where th.V W'T oast spressly r th:s jr..v.

i tTliluent, ami were all thoroughly tested '.o -l..-.- i shi.. i Their eo.-- t. iiieludin ' the'" It " '

lrei-li- t. lias Ik el. about .1 J HO.

A r.-o- i ivin l hy I'hl foot, has Leoncoii-truot- ed a f. vv hun.ir.d vards nh..e tho site--

of tho old olio, and marly opj.sito tho ro.- -i

doiioe of Tins, llrown, I.s.i., oapalile if lioldin -

ahoilt 20.M0 frail. .lis. This is 1 nil t of Solid

no-li- t has heen at coiisideraMo expense, iirst inpurchasir.o; a light of way from the nativesowning; tho land along tiio river l ank, and thenin gradiiio; a track to lay down tho j ipo. A

; portion of tho route has he.-- very diHieult to coii-- :rtruct. rcijuiriiig coiisiderahlo skill in cng;ineor-iie- e

tiriil a "rout ih-n- l i.fhi'.-i- lilastino- - throui'hH,

Solid rook. I his l.eaw ,oh is not Vet comt leted,b it probably will be .lurinfr the present monthWhen liiiNlio.1. having a level grade of six oreight feet wide, it will furnish a pleasant walkor promenade to the falls. Kapena spring push-

es out from a crevice of the solid precipicewhieh composes the sides of the gorge In-lo-

the falls, and furnishes as pure and delicious asupiiv of water as was ever obtained for anycitv. A large' cistern is constructed near thespring with a wator-frat- e to all ay the surpluswater to i scape, arid from this a five inch pipeconveys, the water to the reservoir, located '2VW

feet d iwn the valley.From the reservoir, the water flows through

a tvvelve-ino- h main down Niiu.mu avenue, a dis-- ;tan.-- nf over o,i00 feet, to the water-sid- e. Thebottom of the reservoir has an elevation of ninety-o- ne feet above the whan wnere the waterdiseliarfr'-- into the sea, which elevation is

su.'lieient t . carrv it to the top of the highest; l.uilJit.-- s in Honolulu, or to throw fountain- -

j'-t- forty or fifty feet high. From this mainpipe, live-inc- h branch pips' run through all

, the cross streets, and the.-- o again arc ccm- -:

n cted by four-inc- h pipes, through the streetsrunning parallel with Nuuanu. all the princi-

pal crossings having gates by which the watercan readily be shut off from any street or sectionof the city, when in case of lire it is needed inanother part, or when it is iieec.-sar-y to shut itoil' for repairs. Throughout the town there will

; ,v. fortv-fou- r of these gates. Nuntcrous hy- -

,lra,,ts arc l'vid.-d- . which having coi.p- -

lings fitted to each, can at any time be attached '

to the hose of the Fngine1

Companies, and thusaid greatiy in extinguishing tires. ire iiiave

tilncS alluded to the great force of thei

water of the hyJrants, it on one oeea-ic- ii havingthrown a stream through fifty-fe- et of h. .so overthe M.ikce building, which is three stum s orabout fifty f'ct in height. f these hydrantsthere are distributed through thecitv. Ti.centiro of wat.-- i laid l.. vvn inthe city, iii.-li- . .'.ing that from Kapena spring, willnot le- - le.--s than seven and a half miles. Thepipe, uru ldM as far as the prison M tho North,.... j

and to about the r. -- i .. i ot .Mr. Castle in theopj.sito direction, and are carried, we believe.tiir.-li-'l- i all the street.--. wherever there are"dwe llings.

This public Work will be one of great v.ilu;- -

t,( ,). .;,., litl i.rosporitv of 1 Ion. lulu . and,

-- '..,."".I..-- spent a pears to have JU'Jl- -w

oiotisly and economically cXj enueii.11I.---- 1ii winco-- t, wh'ti completed, not fur from .do.otio


including the pipes; but even with this large

outlay, it must prove a ro ;;.'.. investment tothe government, producing a steady and reliable

of not less than 12. : or .l.",ihi perannum. It is cstimat.il that the springs c .inn-d-

ing with the reservoir, will supply ab utj

.Vji.U'OO gallons every twenty-fou- r hour, andthat tiio for the city will averag" 7S.M

'gallons p.-- day. which will a!l w a large sur-- ;

j.!u for emergencies, sueh as fires, or extra sitp-- i

plies f .r ship. ing in tin; fall. In case of f.re,

'including th- - supjly in the reservoir and main .

pip-- s, tlier-- will be al-.- ut ."iMt.eun gallons avail-

able at a moment's notice to be u-- e.l f .r this pur-

pose. This large supply of water, with the iis

hydrants located in every street, will

prove a great protection to property. The onlywant still fit. is a larg- - .juantity of bos.-- , suili-- :

cient for any emergency.Th- - wat'T pip--.- - w.-r- ..rd-re- d fr .m

through Win. AVebster. F.p. who has tak n much

interest in the construction f the new works.have roved sat isfac-- 1far as we know, they

fry. and we hazard little in saying that theywi'd b- - found cpial to any laM in any

city. The work supt rint. tiding the planningand laying down the pij.es. and ot constructingthe duct from Kapena to the reservoir, has n

p. Tlorme-.- l by 11. A. S. Wood, lis p, Sin i ii.tea-.iv- n:

of Fubiic Works.

Not nv P.iHiNo. Since Mr. Hugho has gft hisiron fo-ir- . iry and blast in operation, he - turtiirgut some specimen, that ' make the natives stare."

He has already cast several heavy pieces i f iron, cue

of which weighs atiout ib., and is intended f rthe oil press orlered f r Cift. Fng'iyh. of

inning's isl ml. Mr. H. is r,ow f. r aim. stanv size ea-t- ii g-- 1 from a rowlock to a ten ton wheel.We see our ne:ghU.rs at the coast are boasting iftheir ability. W e are not far rn however :

I O ..K i'.-t:..--. V wheel w- - h.; c -- v. 11 1 !...i..i uc-

o F Fro.

t'cot':I - v -

oti:s or in i: a i:i:k.VvfKirw 15vkk Ti'.iK-ii- .. l'ii's tii.o vos-.-- I ;"'--

i ur b o'inim:ii;fy y -- urj rise. rr;in-f a- - -- iioli-l- , hoiviir Ulon with ooa! l..r tho I'n-ro- l :a'osNaval aaj uiach:!.cry f.r tho -- uirplaatatieii nt llrewor "Jl. in Sturl iy t in r'-ilays fru'ii I'hi !i She was .r;i:; 1 ." f1 t

of wator wiu-- ?ho ii!-.-- .' I ti.e l'..ir. an i has i n' v

that dt-pt- i She wis o!i.i:u j''.a's tv water." - uoh aoi.irol tv tho 1 i in whit

is com-c- t in n.;val ;irc!iit'.-0firo- an.l her re-- . r 1

ho state ! as f .'.. : The Trtc:,' was l u.lt at NewYork in 1:.7. 5y Win. H. Wti l.. ihe ox tohr .o 1

lor, who?o with t!, -- e t' (li--. r.--f S:e r- -.

tho huhder if tin' . I 1 . anl 1' ii.aM McKay,th e ccnruc:..r the fV;--,- is tvrH - iv-new 11 or aiiucii-;,.- :- are 14-- ' loot 3.)

leot I oa:u, ai: 1 feet iri v;e; th I her truueis i.f live iv-.- white ai.J 1 ou't, plai.ke.1 withwliito. ik, o j pi-r- I, oi pper oJ an i I :i:t-l- ".

it-- ol

in a up.-ri.-. r la i:.:.er. Her c was

sjrrinteii h-- pors t.ai:v l-- t'n t. 1!. T. Sewa! herpresent c niin-it- i icr. who has heen in o intuand neeshe was 1 luuohe 1. Her ! is that ..f a nioliumclipper, h ivin t.arp cei:cio lines, a:, 1 a hci tl itti.,T, whh'u experience has prove 1 t.. t!io ho.--tUii-K- l ft.r oi u.tiiaii.g r. i.J sai'.ii, an.l lev 1 carryingCapacity in t!io Mine vi.-se-l, a desi jeratut-.- i i fgroat value t owners as we!l as to shii pen? i f i..eds.She is als diigimal'.y -- tr ippol with 4 A inch iron,fere an 1 aft within tho lu l l hoinz ho'.tei at thecri.?s;iiij-- i through an.l tiirnUjih. Ilor kivi.--i cs an l

riders are nearly four feet in height ahevo tho tleertinihers. to K.ttom i f ki-o- l ahcut 0 feet ofSeii 1 oak. scarfoJ and Ln.il toil tegother, which, with

or netoliug tier m ttie .ea-- -. ne was ospociaoy in- -

as vet has made 1 ut one vevage. to tho Hast, takinga caro of black popper from Sumatra- to Marseilles,an l maiiing t no pas-ag- e m l'Hj Uays . L.oing ciny .'o.1.,.. ... -- II ......I.. tU.. ...sjoto from......VJ1.S IU HUM ,1111. IIC 111 SO 11, .I'O.New Orleans to Kjstot, in V2 days arriv ing beforevessels which sailed 10, l "i an 1 U days boh re her.T1,e 7Vi. is nw ned by Messrs. Wm. A. Sale .v Co.ot New lurk, an l she has been chartered I y tiercons: 'noes Messrs. 1. C. Waterman V Co., to Messrs.

.('.A. Williams .V Co.. to proceed to McKe m's Island,i to load guano for the United States. The fine appearance ot the ri. an i tne condition sue is i...

j as she lays at the Ksplaiiade, reflecis great crclitJ tipon her first otlicer, Mr. (,'unniiigiiaui.

j Fiiiior.s a s ii I'kintkiis Aitkkci ati i. The latej news from Washington indicates that the now adui'ii-- Iistration duly acknowledges the intluenee of the press,in the appointment of so largo a number of editors torospcusibie fillets. At least one-foui- th of the ap-

pointments would seem to Le from this class, lie-sid- es

the Commissioner to these islands, and the Coii- -

j eul to Honolulu, both editors. Mr. Raymond, of theN. Y. 77 is appointed Consul to Havre, worth

j eight to ten thousand; Mr. Thayer of the N". Y. I'm!,! U Cnusul General to Kgypt, worth so,&H); Mr. Fryof the Ti itnine, Secretary of Legation to France; .1.

j L- - liittenger, of Si. Louis, to bo Postmaster at M.

Joseph worth ,uul many others less pronii- -

uent. t amerou, Secretary ot War, and .vir.

H imiin, Yice-Pieside- nt of the United States, have'both been journeyineu printers, from which humble

. . .

position they nave risen step uy step o siauu cu mchighest eminence.

I.v Lfi ic Once Moke. The whaleship OreunCommanded by Capt. W". W. Clark, arrived mi Friday last, fiiteen days from San liego, off which portshe has bceu so fortunate as to obtain lo0 barrels ofoil, which is the largest catch taken by any vesselthis season. The John lluirlaml brought in a. largercar.ro, but part of it was saved from the wreck of thebark Dtluwure. The Ocean is owned iu New Haven,and is the only vessel hailing from that port, and isou her third season out, having taken li ') bbls. sperm,and 11300 bbls. of whale not a bad voyage consider-ing she only took 'JO bbls. during her cruise in theOelmtsk last summer. Capt. Clark assures us thatit is very pleasant whaling iu an American port,where he can learn the news from Washington byevery steamer arriving once a week.

New Macuiskrt. The Vankcc brings the machinery for a new bread bakery, to be erected by the j

Messrs. Love. The machinery will be driven bv a i

neat two-hor- se engine. There is no reason whyHonolulu should not make all the hard bread requir- -ed for its trade, as good aud as cheap as the Lest im- - j

a 1 i

PorlLJ- -

, Speaking of engines--, we notice that the Triplebrings a new steam engine of ten or twelve-hors- e

power, from Philadelphia, for the Brewer SugarPlantation on East Maui, which will supersede the j

mule power, on which the mill has heretofore de--..,1

pended. Slowly but surely, we are establishing.

around us the evidences of internal prosperity, andto every one of them we would say God-spee-


lt...t- - iini ii Tiic i i n-- v P.rcv P.ll-- TMPKnvp vieirdiiivii-- ir.n-- " .ii. The truth if the aliove f.imil.

iar line, which every admirer of lr. Watts' poetry, ;


has read a thousand times, is rendered evident bythe actions of the little "cusses" at Kona, Hawaii,where one swarm has increased, in seven month?, to

Uc.ty.t!,rec swarms. At this rate ot increase, no,bor can be better repaid than the raising of hoes.

'Honey is now selling at three rials per pound, andwhen it can be a .lorded at twenty-fiv- e cents, it wi'd

enter into extended use in the manufacture of sol iwater, and like thing-- , which its ptesent tin. leghprice will not allow.


Worth Knowing. One of the most troublesome w.

complaints at sea is the following, which from want toknowledge w.

!;, pa.--ii- ".

Victims mail uajis anj oinii u.ii' jo mo. i

following simple remedy, obtainable on every ship,may often save a life if resorted to in time :

To Cir.i: li.iioiM. I'arcti lri'.f a pin: of r:c until itt.p.wn th'-- .il it a- - is ! Kit -- w!y and it

ill si p th- - in. -- t al.iriuine ran- - diarrh.i a.

Fink Fmimsh Hair P.itt -- nts, pKitri-trtt- Y .vc

Our indefatiaable friend IIolTmaiinn, i f the drugstoreon the corner, has just rt-e- ive a tine aSDrtment of

lirushes. Perfumery, Soaps, .c, and a new articiecalled Citrate of Magiie-i- a, which sli iull be in every

family. For particulars see advertisement ?, givehim a call.

"Sn iik '." A monstrous shark, which measure Iaiid

13 feet in length, and 4$ in circumference, was cvp-- 1

Mired by some of the boat-bo- ys this inornr-ig- .

the reef.laroim i. HonsK at Auction. We woull call the

attention in rse fanciers t the sale of "

it t. St. tt s

carriage horse, to take place this day, at 1"A. M., opposite salesroom Mr. Lvcrett.

Li.-T- i Br. A will be delivered before the.V

Honolulu I'a-haw- Association on Saturday evening tl..

nest, May 4, by I'r. L. II. Gulick. We anticipate agoodly atten lance on the


fe.'"T-V-f-- i.'jf -

thi: sT5aA.in:i:

A 8 9 5w Ae M

Iv Al' A I !

On Tin nsi)v m:t. may oth.At linlf-i- it I I. M. prrcily.


ON MONDAY. MAV S'lh, for IIII.O.O N T I ' K s I Y . JINK I Hi. lor K O N V. sON T II I' ll"l A Y . J l" N K lor KAt Al.

.1 'N. '.ill I.N v . .. .

II - ' .- b II. S. N. Co.

i;viM: N I. Tho mei.ihi rs i f this fine machine

iniy wo: I pn u I f its appi.-arar.co-. and

o.- - ihili'v f Joins yo.'inaiiiy in caso a are

sheu'.i reak out agrn. which ovotit may tho c lstaver; Wo h i 1 tho pioa-ur- o if tin- -

a few davs acu, and the arti-ti- c de joratien roilocts j

iricit e:.- - h up. n Mr. 11. OiHiland. at wln so sin p thft ai executed. The mythelegical paintiPit- - show

.i .....r... . i....1.a Crv i pproc-.att.'t-

i i't i no v irtiu. o

(,;,;:. Tno members, coin p. s.- -l entire .y or

H iw.i':-ii- i residents, have eh. sou for their motto the

U M words. .,V mj," and from what we

know . f some who compose tho company, they wi'.l act

un to its behests, for- T: v :i k: i.-'-.t s ' tro:i.

l.- -t i:i :t- :irr.-T- itiii'.- -

l . :r.- - . r. s.i-i-

A I The Haiku Sugar I'l inta- -

ion en Fast Maui, has reecntlv bought a tract of

ImdkiH Wiias Hin.akuat.i k... adjoining their pro- -

portv It is about two miles long and four miles in

Lro:ohh, and e. nt uns some oGOO acres, for which a

fraction over one dollar per acre was pai l. This

land is said to Le e.juai!v well adapted to sugar caneand wiil enable theas that now under cultivation,

Cei::j to cultivate cane higher up the mountain.:'

s0 as t grind all tho voar round. The capacity of

the mill r.nl works erected will be about l.OOtonshalf th's amount is turned cut,of sug ir a voar, L ut if

it wid prove the most productive enterprise of the

kind on these islands. From all tho information we

cau gather the prospects i f tho company thus far aretj u'riiij:.

rt KiM'Liso. The " Yankees beat the 1 hitch"on inventions, and no mistake. We have before us a

j substance made from a mixture of saw dust and rosin,which purports to be " 0. l?n I'atrxt FikkKiM.Lin." It is in little square cakes like soap, one i

if which will when lighted burn for about fifteen j

' minutes and kindle any coal or wood fire mstanter.It is ka- - fire. Thi sample was "

imported,j .here, and Messrs. 1. T. Waterman .V I o. have a

. ...sman iiinui; o. o ,o. ..rboxes, and is very cleanly in appearance, u js ji.si i

tho thing for families and whaloships.

1U;i;i l.R Koxa I'aokit. The favorite schooner ;

K'kuuluohi, has receutly changed hands, Mr. JohnH. Cole having purchased tho interest of Capt. Stott. j

She will be kept on the same route on which she hasfor several vears been running, and under the com- -

maii'I of Marchant, who has always managed j

her with credit to himself, and we doubt not profit to

her owners. For the increasing traffic with thej fruitful district of Kona, she is just tho boat, and we

doubt not will continue to be as she has alwavs been

an absolute necessity to the Kona people.

lt:ATii's l'oi.Mis. The last mail brought advicesf)f the death of several former residents of Honolulu,yTi Pratt, wife of Judge Fratt, late . Consul,die 1 March Sih, iu Michigan. James 1. Blair, Ksq.,for many years a lawyer here, died in February, in

- uitin, Texas, where his family resided. He hadKmg been in feeble health. Capt. M. M. Webster, who j

f,,rlI,erlv kept the Commercial Livery Stables here, is

reported as having died recently on the coast. 'j

For the Fast. The fine ship Sped roll, Capt.Jas. M. Green, sails to-d- ay for S.au Francisco,the American mails. She has been put in the best

conditiou.and being a well built clipper vessel and fastsailer, is admirably adapted for the Pacific trade onany route on which she may be placed. If not soldin S in Francisco, she will run as a regular packetGn this route perhap:

Passesokks pkr Yankee The I will leavefor San Francisco about the 8th instant. Amongher passengers will be the following : A. P. Everett,wir' S children ; Capt. 15. F Snow, wife and son,(''apt. Stephen Bailey and wife; tl. A. Poor, wife andtwo children ; Lady Franklin and niece (Miss Cra--croft:) Messrs. W. F. Ladd, G. I). Gilman, ThomasCummins, Utai, and J. Miller.

Intehsational,. Travelers from the islands willalways find the International Hotel in San Francisco, j

not excelled in location and in its arrangements forcomfort and convenience Ly any public house in thatcity- - 'So we nre y those who have had fre- -

auenl opportunity to learn

Tf Files of the Commercial for the past threeweeks, in wrappers ready lor mailing, can be had at

counter.Z2T J. W. Sullivan, iu San Francisco, is agent for i

, Commercial, whore conies of the naner can al- - i

WHyS te obtained. i

I' It K. Ir. I.. II. : illicit w ill ilrlicr i

before the iloxoi.fi.F Dashaway association j

.w it.' i i l vi'v-- n ii' ...I i i ..i' 'V!' ' 'Vestry Koom. 1 lie public arc invited to attend. lVrOnl'T.

I'KO I TIOMIOOh AM) I.AII- -Jt-- - JjpX l.F.K Co. No. 1 Attention A Uvular Meet-i- !

V-:- i in" of Protection Hook an.l Ladder Co. No. 1.

will be held at their hall on Mi i fi. Y Y. KN1NC., May 6. ato'cl k precisely. nt business.

C. W. VINCKNT, FoP-man- .

Fiiin. ItiNPT. s.cr. tary. 2.".S-- lt



TIIK I'ND'r'KSIfiNKI) IIAVIXC pur-- ; Hchas.sl the iiilir.-s- t of (.'apt. W. Mvtt, i:, the sch. ;

31323 I: XjiXT O XX I .ni.-.-- ha 1 ii recently led an in at or.l-- r,

II contiui..- - P. r.m tin- same. I - I i this an l t !,. abov- - place.--,.in.' at l.n l.ii imt. I would al- - take thi opp..rtuni:y '

th.it. the pui-l.- ..rth.- - liberal patroiiaut- -

ii board, or to J. !1. 1 ol.K.Ai-ell-

CHILDREN'S TOY BOOKSev v a mors sizks. iW R.c-iv.- -.l a.l f..r sale l.y ,:.li) 11. M. Wll IT. KV.

KKIlWUOll V V. ' K I'US TS. .11 - IJ O O d by tic t ai k IVii4 e. it:. f..rOKoiuii; i;. now'i:.

200,000 KKivooiisinr;i.i:s.J'l-- t l.y the hark

.In.; lihoii(,. i,. How K.


V1KS C,K V i:i) 111 MhllT.MMT-- !Bltl l --: .e.-- :;-- Ie-,- ve w.th Ili'.oU .I

rv '.! . bfo-.t- - the a:l' r - 11...-:.--. or: VI ao.i II:. v U r.. 2.".Vtf

'JII H C MlH.tSK.NKI) I1KIM; AIKII'T TOav tin- K s U'toin. ha-..- V.- -r II II i (- -i 1

'.. t.. :.:: :. 1 and c r.ii t1.-- ir l -- . 'i :.l ha.- -

m fjl! f attorn'-v- . I.."- .- 2: I'. A. Jt II. F. Poolt.

HAVE at TIIOUI7.F.II Mlt. 1. It ART- -l.r 1 I . hv p er. r ..f a'torti.-v- . t tr.itiact all In. me. 01. mv

ti!:t. r.c tt.y a1-- -. ri.- .y or ! r- - or an yrice iroiv .1 i:ie at p..

I'. M WK.-T- o.

PAINTER & CO.,1'rurrir.i Vrintrri, and I.a!.T in

TVIT.s. IICi:sissi:s. Cain.i' IT.1MINC 51 UEIil AL. INK. PAI'EIL CAI:Is. ir.


do. 1 O t'liiy St.. nl.oiK Siiii.ome. i,u

.evri?. S N F'K CS O.f A : M I kt 1: M k.1. S TT fitt" ! ut with

iai c l (roti. S.mioii !1 r 11 k.i f.iv f:i

K....-- 1 T"l! ..r e ' .th P.r-.- '

fMiatitsN ol !::-'- . .

- w b I' an.', the

Choicest Toilet ?, Baby Towder. Prosl.SO

Tr.tC. .! '.: i and cral.-- f .1" c .. : ., ver-i-- ofCitrnto r T 2V3." jx t 11 o i fx IF t :i!- bv

K.l lb F FM ANN, M. I'

l' 1. IMNI.'s ;l.l K.s.: , cr s o .

1" A 1; !ia.' UFuhu.



of anl proper remelies carries n:F more b -- t ..w.-.- l upon h. r. and u'.l r. . .licit th- -

i... ,t . .. ti, an.-- f . F'T frclrlit or to the Captau.pet




of jo'clock,



















cf Hi.- Ph.- - in. A,l v

11-- i- - it nut I ;ii'.c-i. il iioh nll luticrr Pal.

Honoi i ir, April L'.'tli, jsoMr.. I'm loit t ft i.iiig I attelnle.l ti,e h!urt

in the nature if a Kipi.tt, givin ly tiio llcv. ,

liulick anl lhikni:!, at th'- - church if the Ih v MCoTwin, i n Fort Siri t, apetto" of the s, n iis and social, (,f tbeM ir.piesan Islanders, siiid a succii ct ucceurit if f,tlate trip i.f the Missionary I rig ,va.aniei-.- the statiei.s of I ho Mai.pie-a- n (.in up.

In justice tu the Uev. Mr. Ilickiiell. I rnutthat his fre.-- h an 1 quaint ONpres-i- i ns iv.nvrve.1 n;0r"information to mo i f tho pro-e- nt stale uf the UnJ LfFayaway and Omoo, than tin-- previou-'- y ItiUr-ei- l

accounts 1 had lead, and the short but lucid dscriij turn oi mo meanness oi a viaruuesan ou!, (in th- -

word.-o-f the Kev. Kelator too mean for the rspi,it'f Jus t'hrist to dwell thore:i,- -s from all v..

eounts, lur Ih lecni.r was .u ything I ut awould tend to .FmI u-- o the m!i, 1, of m.xtf

j i'f our good inottu-r- s and sisters in New Fi.glanJ c'f

the ideas entertained i f tho Uobleuess cf the lV!ytje....... i, u,v are, irom the g:..w.ng

ana t iscui inng pages of my JniiiJ Hern .in.... VI.mi

.,,;:w.No woiulor tho Kev. gentleman "wants a w rfti.--" tosolace him in his solf-iiupo- -e 1 banishment; a(:j 4,.remarks if tho Kev. Mr. Gulick, on that sutjJj-.v- ; Isincerely trust, mot with a compassionate r;-t;s-e

from the hearts of some of the maidens i !' the c.' in fancy free."

The Tigor aud sincerity of the Kev. Mr. Oulick. iuhis few and curt remarks, I cannot ton highly praiseThis gentleman, is a good specimen of the church mil-itant, and in the Jays when tho soldier i f (,'brist wentinto the .tin i f battle with helmit aud cat of mailbattle axe, and shield, I have no doubt he wouljhave been found in Ihe van,

leaiiiiw Imr.l M ana ap..t..:ieiu prove Ins iloclrme i.rl!:nli."

in truth a second Lishop of Loauvais, a ireutral 'iUvvoifo, of whom it is related that wheu soime of theBritish Commanders told (Jo i gius Tertius, i f pigtailmemory, that he was mad," the goi-J- , craiv t,!,j" l'efonsor Fidoi," ,!ri I uf. completely by devout !yhoping "that ho might bite some of them, then !'

13(11 WJ '"u!d not the Kev. vuntleman stick to .istext, remember tho old adage of " .M i,or ultraf rc'i..jw," and not travel out of his record to :n- -

the captain officers and crew ot the bt'''rinaii, of West port. Mass., whom lie s ivs8ptke in tho .Ut.,Ji, N,r anJ W,U( j, n,anJfemales n board and but few iuti .' He did n..t snhe went on board, nor did he state that he know anyvl "-- - 1 ,u"ra:"".s ' ll ""'Z "i toard. Th.suppression of truth, this expounder of the Gospelshould know, is as b ..l us a direct lie in the c e ofttic law id men, although iie may put a ditrereiitci.fi.struetion on it, in the law of God ! Was n the lastlesson severe enough, tried as he was openly for lilir!f.r aspersions of a like nature, and did he "not aptdolgize for them through the columns of the PublicPress ? He appears determined however to sacrificehimself on tho horns of this muntnim titi , and he ru ivearn his crown of rnartvrdotii. an.l it w f.. I l,..ho will, 'twoull be a pity that such efforts h lie ismaking should turn out fruitless. Let him embodywhat he told tho women and men i.f his coiigrenafioiifrom the pulpit, in his printed Report to the Nicu-t-

which lie sans ami works for, and he may find u'w'.ll Ir no jirotectnm. The school-bo- y

of tuo-.is.u- e tandem ahutere nostra patiniti tCatalina," must he familiar to him let him pomlerover their significance. As Oti Salt.

To Le t !A STOKKTO LKT IN M I AM' Street.

!J,jo That Stand recent !y ixvupi.-- l.y lir.i.ll.y ir Co., mivJu Nuuanu Street. Kinn Street, a a li. tail Store; Is

fitted with j.M fixtures, and has a spaciou yar.l m the fur,ami is in every re--- ct well a.Iaptcd tr. the retail s.

For particulars, apply licit iloor, tu Mlt. Fisllklw. o,.j.


lu k ri.oTiis;M 3 Itlack ttocskin. easMniere, fancy colorb;

Fancy vestinc:, white marseill.-i- i n.

La.li.-- ' cloth, rnrn, pray, drah, anil liaik,lilac- tlanni l,I ti. I ion cloth, silk s. rue, satin d'chitie, S.lisia,Hud ii. K.m.i.Lancn ihrvaa, white uit.1 l.U.-k- .


black frock coats,ltl.u k pants,

itluc Hnnm-- coat.Alpaca coats,

Suuuii. r cloth con to.Pavic A- - .lout s' (.li.rt,

2 "iS-- tf McCi H.ti A N 4 C A M I'liF.LL.


TirsT KKCF.IVKIlKt OR1KVTAI., VAS- -JhKi: mill MAKCKbbl.

Yorkshire I lams,l orkshire l'aeon,

Oregon smoked Jiacon,Oregon smoked Hams,

lioston sugar cured Hums,Smoked Salmon,

Fresh Cal. Salmon, 5, 3 A, 1 lh tins( 'alifornia Cheese,

Fresh I 'alifornia Hii-e- ,

Fresh Iri'-- Apjdes.For sale by :2-- tf S. SA VI TMiK. .

WATKIt CRACKKHS,. Uutter Crackers.

Waf. r llr.-iid- ,

iing.-- Snaps,Jenny Find Cake.-- ,d limbics.

For sale by S. SAVIIiGi:.I?. O V ST Kits.Is; 1,'runs Fresh Oyst.-rs- ,

Sardiiv, in 4 an,l tins,Fresli Lobsters, iu 1 and 2 lh. tins,Fr.-.-- Clams,Fre.-- h 1 '..miies.Fresh (,bi in ces.Fresh Tears,Fr-s- h Apples,

For sal.-b- y S. SAVlLGF..

fTlllKSII CKIMM tlKTARTAK,Fre.--h Curb. ..da.

Fre.--!i Sah-ratu-- ,

Fr -- !; Spie.- -.

Fresh 'al. Mu.-tan- J.

Fre-- h (iroiind 1'err.er.For sale by S. SAVIIK.F.

JIXTHA FA Ml I.V KI. OCIl..No. 1 ( fiiim ilieo.Ni j ertiri'- - Fi .or.Eusi .Maui Mill Fl air.

For sal- - by S AVIlxiF.1!t.-s- n fiilolMI COKKKK

Fr-sh iiutt.-r- .

Frsiil.-l.- s. s.wiiKii:.

Ibis, f&wvi !KX It. v. WOOD." FKl)t

rras.-r'- l:.-- rKM) hhU. i'-n- c Hcd N.ilmon

10 bbU. Xvrx Sun. Salmon.For s ,"- 1..

J Nf. . Oflf'KN i. CO.



Smoked IJoof.(.VlellU (h( f-- o.

Water Cracker-- .Hamlin v: IJaki r's Oyster?.Yeast I'uWij. Ts.;San Francisco Pilot liread.

Match-,-.--- .

Oj. J ars li:i!eiry .lair,.SirawU.-rr- ilo.

I 'nit ilea. do. do.l-- 'J pt. ..'o. ,lo. lo.

Damson .ManiKilfJe r;ts. pts. and ft pt.--.M reaches " lb. Tins,

do. (tninces l? lb. "do. lVnr? t. h.do. 0anioiis2 lb.

GOdO lbs. China Ilice. No. 1. k Joil sack1. Family Potatoes.

l'x. Superfine Cala. Fh.uir.2M0 Sacks I Cain. ()at-- .

Now Cum :i:iJ Cop .M. al.2"7 t?.n A. I). CAKTWKUJHT.

Page 3: ullu - University of Hawaiʻi...threa(s. f fcrture. ra:se up heris--s an l martyrs, who might otherwise baves!--i away Iothful and thi.u--htiess lives. tiet--'Ireaming wh it spleiidi


r.tr.in. .








THE PACiriCfnmmm-m- l Advertiser,

Foreign Miiiuttarv.f!lM thou-an- d rs. ii. err-- the ar New

Aiily. an 1 a seri.vj-- ) acei.lent r:r-.- v ts.

jv tt tlK. I he irff h, the Stri.li of ,i:i,ril- -rth of i7' fathom n four iiu.es as - ill

yit at It"? ?uri.M.-v- .

, Art Se.ej-,.- .

.f lO-njrt-. ti lrv:r ;m, 1,: trior.!-- , the miu--


' i' i.Lit ar.r.'i . el: --Tr i .

. .i fXitt. 1

'f--r in thi- - ri.r'.l:y.ru h twti.tT-f.- r.s j..-- r


f.,t-'- . - iv t!j.-r-- r. J:t. r nrf t t' h:e th'ri- i ' in-- y rw.ve t'U.!i a ti 11:1- -

ii, h i

fl fr-- n New V.,rk frSin I r;iiici".n. 1"

w t- - the M---- t

t the f ! iceI.

.Vf'J." (irlnr. rh" rvf rv.r j.r:- -ii: N- - w

y rs ! jr:nz tie ifhtH-- n , Sfr. n,f---I r" n. t.v. !..:! ;r:'iti t., t thr

.ti'i fi'iii :t.l that cm il.SuliciIf.A V'W rh;iti.b 1. 11 r.-nt'.-

y il- -v . je l hhn -- ::jO-ef'-- fZ Wn-h:iizt- -n M rr-.-.n Nut t hi frn.esir fT1'" li.n.!-- :f. .f M fch.ter. N. II. He israr;-'- l it tiill (r nthT .h..rt,) .r u

rs' "n 1 wfrv'us tride o-- r tw i iloz-- j.vun is !

s- - ln.t i. of t. new J. ; r f f rintiny. ii.n'..l3 Al.-t- i. tiJ entirely tr ui m i.ze trw,jite 1'ir. S.t- - 1 f th .'p-cim- ' lis itr v.-r-

t. Tii iu chenpn- - is mere thun tt.eU'f

TV: new i aie- -, n-l I. !f .Ii roes htre .prer-l- . T hej.r'f-- ir enrirclir.jj L'terty" are ornitre i

Wi;r Ji L n.Tt- i -: re i,z .rner:ci anre irir. :n '

n r ste-i.I- . On t5ie rever-- e. the j.iece : T.c;r.:;' i

w.i j'-i- f of c irn an l other hir-- .j

L' jr r. the r irl txcltenient in N. w J-r- -

jeT. ft yer- - .r..-e-. i" will Nr r.'trier!.Ver''.J a ry

Ur J ' r.e w is nr.-- at l'lter.n. Kmpre- - Kue-r.:- '

sn. t!i pisHsnr cf it, it is M iu-- l. atticv-t- t f'?i"- - j

Oneril J. A. M.-l.- ' iz i'.I ws Ieete I L. S. Ppn-i'i.- r

ly t.ie Ci'.,.'rr'. i !. i irure. in J'.ii.t ('i,iitfi,:i.,n.i.jf .f I"4 v.tes, lie recei-- l .jT. A 'iiliite .i- - tirejin ." 'i Fr inei-- o in In.tnr of the ?ui:c ful c in J: LiteH" election L-- piven it n iti.vwa he will f.:t hfuliy repriiett the .euiicss of the I

jetf.Ie .f ';i:if..rri,v.

Mr. !ir-- . U. S. Cct.ut to Jir in u.jnr!'y known a !

Eln I'li Ii' nrriic I her" -- . tne .1 iy ne". nn i j

cuii netr rx irijr firne-- l t'it f.f hi hotel un l v.n !

ii f.mi 1 in c ti-- e. jtirn-- e .f hi tr:inr?enihi r.( eto J. Hortice Kent. 1. -1 r'n tu !

a-i- nif irlini il i.y the inrrrf.:ion f n. frien 1.

3o u.r.-t- - I. '1 in tii t: Mr. IT.ee irrer nil j

Iltt'e t k'ler ar-.- oinewh.it t itter th in hi i.n.t. type, j

in 1 th it !.e h v I in hi tiruiCT a le.-iii- - l air of iren- - !

ain re-te- :t ihiiiry. tiuch couM ot Le J

Vliorj Mr. Sr ire. n i ut t.y prenc'i r rt !'- -t:cn ernn-n- tr.e rt 'if"ic h urr.T.-- nfr heV;. t. the f. uh.it wk, I henr tii t s..ae cne l.eie t

!.t a wttch. at: I nn ther I r a p rivet-- ! . k. Ai! I '

cm iy ii the tnifrer I think it --ere them rii.twhy ili I they not leave them nx hotne; Hut I h.e j

or 1 .r t. mors tu iy . n tlie Mii j.ct, which it jth'.-t'- rtt if iny frieu.Ia, the J icf";kt t, :ire !'.'.! inthe c.mpei, 1 have to reje-- t tn-i- t tiiey xt::l noturtetnpt to rioii Jiny rn. re p.. :ket till I h ive n,y col-

lection, iw I w:mt .V.I the money I c-- p-r- .'

NrMitR r-- r V,"..Birt is the Rival 1htion ikii. !

The piihli-- h rs of U eh:er I'ictionary, in ''r-K-- r torfctermine the c! iitr. put forth by the puhli.-her-s ofWurcey-er- , have ha I the wf.rJ in the t cahuhirie of j

.0 two :n.I the em in e:i;h mea-ur- e I, with '

the foI,rw:u result : The pr per of W.-l-

iter cont nn '.',T.') w. r l, the appetKlice- - Il.:7'i;a total of 140,.V. That of Worcester l'.'o,- -

8o5. the app. ii('iii-e- lls.l ; fotal lC"J,f, making j

more in ehter th:in in Vorceter. The mini- -W .f em) in W'el-stt-- i 1 1.7 IT.C.'.'J. in V,,rc-te- r

13.273.C3-J- : leavinj; a b aHnce vt 1,47,? eu s cf ;

printe-- matter in lavor of Ave5ter. I

Puxr i:.FKt. Matteii. The KueII Pony Fx- -pres arrire l at Fort Kearny, nt C P. M. March l!i-- r,

with S.n Franci-o- i J ite .lirect to March n!yeleven .lay. Th: time was over twenty h uraheal r.f the winter 5cheI-i!e- , anl is vety f rir f--

th rrj-itt- h .f M ireh. The Pony nnht riake Letter !

time than tui. were the-- owner Theirptrr.na i s'ea-Ii'- irerenirj, however, ami on- -dor the present nrrar."ment, the xjne are very j

lijht, that tiie Pony Ksprt-- i a paying c jiictrn. I

T'u? !r service will not comuience until the j'dtily Over'an-- l Mail Commence) a!. The time is

limite-- hr the ccntrirt to ten d its in the late r rinar 1 summer in nth, from St. J.. ph t. San Fran- - j

cicu, .an 1 the p -- tage to e to j?r ounce.

The INV.t Tapiff IIili. t.akw effect cn ti-- l.--ti f-

April. It provide that all j:i.i!, wart ai.-- n.t-r-- !

hir. l'e actua'.iy "n oard and I t!t: I to theUnite--I Stale, wirhin fifteen day nfter the pa-'n- ee

f.f th: act, r.'i I ail cd. wares and nierchar, lie ind-- r it in wirehou? or puLIic store n the tir-- t day i

'. Arril, lr'"l. h ill mt-j-v- t. pay ich du'iea. provide-- hr law ief..r an at the time of thepa--- of thi a.'t ; and ail in ware!:..ii-- e atth-- f rime thi :t takes etf.r, on which the dutiesan? i.e 1 l.y ir prov:-- h r.s, may Le w.:hirawri en j

f iy;:et;t ( the l it'.vi here u proi-J- J. j

Xf:r'i:ntM. Thi new and excellent,

puhli-iie.- 1 by the Me-- r. Ifari er f New!T. rk, it is i;d L11 met Kith tie LeVond what j

l have tntic p.ate-- even i.a c '1 tirne." !

Bef-r- the ii ay of puhiic at ion, the pulliyiier hadtr ier t till f T r.i re thsn five thou.-an- d c pie. In j

tie dtV. tiie I e, kel:er and ptl'cii.; I.lrarit f NewV. rk an i It- -. k'yn ubiTir?d f.ir two thoii-an- d !

Tiie New York Mercantile I.iriry He-re- '

k fw huii ire 1 anl fitry c. p'e f. r circu'ation j

fn. nir : ioemi.-r- ; the Library ofIirc-,kly- t k f.i'.fy copies.

I.illt Mim i: in IU ii ivt t t of Sin.; Sim;Wi'.in n Mull ;i:i i in luck ftiain. w i;j r.. thet xerri. 1. f hi . 1. Jirr.es T. lira Iy. ;i::.u! i- -j

t' lt yihe hl-era- supt 'y of nn t.er from hi wife, j

Ceiie ker;erof a riot. rious i f pn :i- -

tar on. he h 1 -- ucc.de.1 in p.;t;ng the h-oi n i ftii : I'. art f yer an l Terriiit.er, ret-rel- . and a j

lf tr-ii- l 'riei-e- l by the Ju . f thef. il' t. The 11.1 t:en w 1 cran'el ri the lx'h, at. i

L.'.H" w:fe at on e pr. i--.- l- - 1 ! in Sir:. in c .'a-- p

my wirh Sher:, wit'i ti.e pa- -p r aid a 15r.e . i ft t . f f -- ,: tial.. an I

r 1 uih, her r.ew I r 1 an I m b t he cry! ruin- - 1 f.' trit- - fitt in fii t !: r ir ; int:i

inie -- eat '. is wiV. an i, I ir. I then the lpu'ySS-r.- 'J. II- - v i tik. n t" t!i- - T - mi . an i ri thel.'th w 1 t I. i't' I n on b i i. h .:'-

furnVvn t'-.- Mii.i- -: m i -

leeri in S , S.':; - t... f ir ?:... ntii- - a:. 1 a t. kf. an ! '

tow tbii h? - -- :t aa:t.. wiii ii ive ' V' ,

t r'a-- . ,r v t- e r r . - ra hi mil c- n :ti .' : I he a -

e -- I t'-i'- i i in t'.e r: .uft r't'e of the !t- -

:.' it-- it whi.-- - te- , ,..l f'y tef r- - e W i

nt to tiie S' if Pr. ri. It m:; re - -n 1

t '; ir I; ' iy . i te of an lU.t Wl i:ier.rt . k,.i an T :u- - w i er. h IV r.r.,; t birn' ut f J ' ri .I rr.-s-'- V 3 zirr.l I iti. h.-a-- hr- -

.s-- " y'sTit,: I.v- - II It i w rixe I f tct th a: a

f i.venrii rt f the S-i- m : : - he! ! e iriyin t ! .tr.rner. etf;.T in I t,rje---- e Ketif'ii:y. AnUitin.afnm :'.! be 1 - r:'. I Iy t! m r.. the North.an I if th .t ull:r a'ar-- i le rVe'e-- tiiiy wi'i j 1:1

.e f ..tr n t: ! -r i.-- f. r in -i- e-! c -e t he ii er-t.i-.- ii' r- -e r -1 t then. w. 1, .1 1 be : Ir ..U 1

t .e ' I I r: i rr i t ite- -. r ar, 1 m i;- - r v n flieS,;the rn f. n r 1 v. T ut- - r. thi- - n't t- -

t'jrt:, a N r.a! fonvet.t;. rt ili l ave t. i e h- -! 1.

Sev.-ra- - Stare have a rea Iv oti.e out in fiv jT

ff - ;.;h a n.. and the pr.!-ib:- ras nr- - th itit will be jrer. rally a I p ted. A Nat: nal "oriv-'-n-

t: n n ttie x:-f.- f; s'afe t :.e i an a: s- later..-e-,.r- It is the ir.lv wav in which tt.e pe.-t.I-

w;-- h it-- : a ciiar.ee to mike thenis'.v. ll::h-e.-- f.

their voice La been in-w- ed ly the c'ir:e r ofp. I'tici irs ar.T place l.ur.ters. When they spe ik, i:will be f r the j erpc'.u-.'i- t 11 of the Americoii namean I rie.

SrP.!N .lr Tjmf in S. I Tit ,p...i.in . Fr ra thec- rre-- t or.'L n-'- e of th- - Siva:.n'a

: . we t ike ti e fol.owin si nlricar.t ir i:t i hs :

Th- - rriticir ii t ric of uversat'.. n n. w.: '..e -- f ri:. v . f ftie tltue. th a .en. liave

:rs ra'.ii.iiia'ir. ii.t iu -: ii :

work on the St tte II. Use. Tiis evil., r s.. ;e timeir nreheti'h-!- . t ! i' - rt-- r l.iv eveninr? ai! theretail,:;-- ; .r hand in tt.e en.p'oy f the Stare havins

d tr.-I- . The l- - nds authorized by the .- - Z- --l itur t.r tti- - pnrt-.s- e . f c nt;nu:n ti:e c-

ri of tt.i lir?. cannot be .! I, arid so che w. rkIS Use: Je I.

Put f:.e f Ilou-- e is not tiie nly interest th ithas sutlere 1 front the time. The foun-irie- machineihop. --i.t I prir.rinz ofLce are workinz a srna'.ler ,

numi-r- r ff ti in 1 than usual, and tiie railroad arecaftir. d .in cxper.. Tae Ureenviil.; road ha ,

i tel the . il in- - . of all its e.uf I..y-- , an I the har- -I. rre roa I h i ritiri-ie-- I the n:2'tt expr-- s train. '

an 1 put it five pv--er- er Con luctors in ref "pay, runnin? one trip a w.-e- each, be- -l Ies r" l icmir

a.'.; tn- - -- aiar.e, fr'jrn the Presilent I hav- - riot I

yet hear I on- - v.I 'le .f cmpl nt.t fr rit tii. e whoseay ii is been red ic 1, all seen.;!.:; -i- r'.-fil tnat ;t !

was inevita! -, though, tenip..rary, an i j

tr. wiliiriij t rn ike greater s icriti t .iOu!' i

Phut mi; ( "i: i p N l'.i,j. F.- -t m k aeof tie iv-u'- .!- ( I th- - or - s, .r,-- , at f u :, , ... a- -e

"'"1 1 1 t r - iz- - of ii,. I... J i . t .r:!'. I:"' th r.ii'i'l n:. 1 imti.eri-- e if: i; inthe va.i I ret e-- r it- - t iri.iiji 'U t ,e N i" i. I ati e . f New ..: K. r r ::.- - a , a t: ai- -K . f r A-- . tia. . v i ,: - l',,"'! : -

1H" it..-- . -- 11.i4.fi; t

st..-- -- t TI- - i .

!- -' i t:n! r I t r. i,t. t!. r iv

f rtv t a-- at: I do' t r a! ti'l-n- . !i t I: i

ar at' ' -- er. t h- ..-- o.r-- . Ti.-.- ;. ; it,-- .

! -f- .f.d ; tj - t at ;' v

I. A X ! ... r.t '1 - r --

:New V. ! k. - i' :. u i,-- . ,r t:t In- - : l: ::'.: Ii m if-- !!;:

; - i e: . n h Mi. ,. i;i 1 tier:i i icy. I.

1 h- -2

: t ii p. rt. ;t:i-v-

in jny W IV C"!l.lT. Iu:-:r.J t:ie -- i::..n ;:,.' it I.h t : iK-- ? t t ir : the ;aT-- - whi.-- 1. iw- -

1 Jr. :n f e A !:; in I 1... u. in -e ;

! n' i e- -; 1: . :i a rti:.i ; ert. h - r r Te- 1

'. il in i: Vtri a ri.. v.- - f I liiv. :. the t I l.r

the L n:te J - !- -. tue 1' 1'iiie't 1 . 1 1

1 a 'i.-.r- - f fie i -- r

Ivr K IN Nl'.V V'.i.K Iis; !.-- :n l.ar- - e c- r.t ; 1:

I'.. t: . ;' , w ;.;..: ar: 1 !.. re .

eveu.l:. z i,z t.e riy a 1:1 ii n i 1 i: 1 1

lira .r-- Li.-i- :. ti e I li C II: rt: ti f the c- - e i!ti::-tiee-- t i r .r. -- it ..f -- r .

hi- - h.-t-- altogether er .t,.'i. I: ,; ea I . :. l'.i.' i:t.uii'rv t. i. r- te, K ir. p hi- - t.-- p a

to set. 1 it t ; u- -. i ec iu-- e ur 1: rt- - ! vt:r. .

our eip.rts jr.ere . i ; ai. I ii'-- t!i it trie f. rriil t ir-.t- y

i:t a'r ut . . .! per .ti. 1.. tht J.r..l at .i - ti. itli.e ui.j-.f- i- yel . iie.y .secreaSe ar. t hence eijj-i- eir---- t f ir:r:.-- r ariivai. f ;e ti. :a l.ll- -r. in: t... iti.e nrriLtJici.'.' w:tij t... utiiern , n- -f s are t::-- i le.

The haiiic here t;-- . w ii. I 1 ? m ( f kj e'e.tn- - st tf which ii i Keen t I. wiri in the pi-- ;ti.rte ti.! t.'ii-- . ' : tiii- - t:n u!it. al out r ''.,0 .'C .;ne fr..m l II it I;tt.e has f.,,jn J i;3 wayS'.U'h. -- V. tr Yur j 1 .

Airj!: At Pin- - The 1 re-- tpaper .ay- - ti.e excitemet.: wL'.eh lateir pie-Ti;i.- -1

there wa rui.ri-i'.'.i- f liiiil.t - w. re returning,an 1 a .n wa lre 1 U- iiin.in.-nf- . (ivn.'nzz - in c. :n:n iti 1 of trie tr.--p- -, ai. 1 tr e lijht

in the harin r Fchl-h-u-- e hal -n re-l.- f. Theii- c .ntii.ue.1 t.i n' mt rut hit:rie

ui:i- - r lirti'i". lire-ti. r., and tiit'ere l them-- .th it they c- uid take it whenever . cj -i- ii i iiiel ;..ran utfaei.. The p :pt r r n- - 1 t iy :

I ': tii'-t- i a:e .: w..ik l.'ji.t :il. 1 day, puriir z tiieha'ferie- - in j ti.'ict order: l.i!- - .le ie.i. uet i:i t :eti ny v ir 1, an 1 c- in:;, unie i'i..:i u '.tii the n 11.!.

le - to 1 e cut i.1 jfi.iii-r.a'e- ly t". ! i:i::'.ie-- h

iv-- - ah.. a iy i: .e i Tf f M .I.:.e. N.-- rival.- - ai. i

other f I i;e-- . I he I . S- - -- tenner It' I . w ii chha r.e-r- . ' r. :n time t.. I irr.i-iie- .l with c ai a'. 1

it.'irr fr-'t- the 1. nv alw iv undrr ati 2 1 f tru.-- e ha- - i e. l!..'..f..-- ! V the Col;iliiai: der ftiie ciil'.- - ier t!e ir.-op- i hat iL.a pi'vilt-- VAuld havetj be i.

Mi:. I.IVoI.N .'! .. I II K l.K'A M VKKK- -. ' 'IS ti.e'2: i Feb, ' n.'ri n i 1 i'- - n- t:i n t u mi::- -

u'e- - r -t t:.r o'e! u i.ii-- t; a; r wereaw iV ti.e time in : : ite u XU- - :tl i - ; tiati- 11 1 He- -

d.-- of ti.e t tiiec ir- - '. ! v 1 nen. ai. I w ho - ! 1 ent.-- but Mr. - u 1

rn-- t!ie i're-- i t ei-c- ".. liit.-t- !ar'el tr. ni ti.eirlae ci'-w- l in ti.e iiiii rii-- - tec ;:.i.e.i

him. and a hvviy pre'.a.ied in tiie ciia.nlMr. Lilieoiti in the main etifr.i-.e- a vv it.

and a i.'itr.j-luc- e I j --eveia! ib-- ai.IicanScn-if- - r. II- - w-t- tiit-:- i '.i t,. one of tiie :'ion tiie east side of tiie cii nut er. where a i.ef.er v

coti. 1 I o'-- t iined, ntt wi:hstandit. the rii.-- n tm-ui- i 1

h:r:i.. so n a Mr. li uj:'. a -- aw hini, he hastily w like 1

aero- - ti.e chaml er ai. i un i te. 1 h'm crdi-iiiy- Atthis j incture the ciowd in I tie j: t.'.elie s-- .

that the tarj-tudf- i Untilor Ier wa- - restored.

The lilies ru-he- l. a'nif-- t fi ant ica'.Iy, for the frontseats of the 1; iiierie-- , and an --e so a to e,-- t a rihtof the President eiect. Mr. Seward left him 1 mo-

ment, an I. crossing tfie ch irnber, a-- ke I M is. r, , ofVirginia, if he fle-:r- e l an ii:r iu.'ti.-ti- . The la'tersmiled a'rl dtciiiie 1. ut took : is:..-:- to g! nice iathe direct'., n ot tiie Pie-id.-- M t'ect.

Mr. Littci i'l wa then escorted to the I'.-n- craticside of ti;e chamber, and Me-sr- s. L it nam, Uriht,Rice. (Ireeti, Johnson, l itcii, and Kcniit ly v.ere sev-

erally inTodtlced. Mr. (ireeu seemed very anxii u

to t well acjuaiii'l witlt him, f.r he evidently trot:I a j ke at which ail "laughed. II.- - w is intr. duee 1

to Mr Sickies. who tii tiiLt-- to le resent, and tiienj. as-- e 1 out at the private entrance of tin; Seo-ite- . S )

adroitly was it ii.aiia.'t-- l there, tiiat the people fiih-- l

to crow I the pi ivate halls ct t!ie Capitol, tht. ughwhich he passed.

Tin: Ni w Ai'MiMsiP. .TioN- in Wokki-v- i "rm i:.The new National Administration is in working rder,and aitiioiih at the out-- et it meet- - servicethere seem be n - o ie-- ti ti t hat it wdi v.-- id tiiepower of tiie r..ve;iia:ei,t Ti.e r :! ha beenv irioilsly a p"l hi.- - t.een a lv by --

trat-h. The me- - ie ; no d in .a In-iti- written! cu'iietir, and hence t lie intei pret iti' 11 vary, a.--- c

r !'!, to tiie j r. c.iviti. - 1 1 the cominent-itor- Ti.eState receive it half an 1 half. Senator

J. ill.- -' 11. of Tei.l.e-s-- e, it is - ti l. en is-- .- it without.ial.''e:-iti..n- . Thi i tar t r a I'. S.Sen ito: , but . ! hi. i J.a i.itely le me 1 to every

merit rebuking s.s-- . -- I.11. an i l it very muchas !,': r himself th at is, a trca-i- !.

recie the kindly, an 1 the L .u:viile --

n il say it i .oo'e mil 1. The m.. ieiate journals ofT nr;-.--e- e at: i N'.-rl- fan lina d the sime. "irj:- -ni 1 is divi , it will In n l v refeteiiceto the foii- -vei.ti n e.-- b ;st in the c ar--e of w i.icli Mr. l'ir-- d

Ii- -. a str ;i I n ri man. ar, a meaihcr d fomtre-- s

in 1 ".''.. exiiie e-- ati-- f u-- n witn the mes.-iL'- e. InMi- -' uri the St. Lai It- - .' i'i-- - r i saTistl.-- l withtae iii- -- t?e. anl sav. that it tiie Pre-ldti- it iviil st:.--

to it all wil! be well. Ju ie Ittrclu, a pr..mii.entmefiiher of M; uri State i .n v en t ion. ma - a str. 11

Sf.-e- C n tiie , tn. ei. l : s.:. iae iiri i.'iiru, un--

f .. ti e r:ht f t lie - te r ii 1 V er n:o( t t to ci! ct tt.e revenues an i ei Th,-1"- i tw 11 V '.at. 1

ar, 1 l..i 1 ir- - Ii ive i; t - 1 mu .ii t 'a it we c t'

b- I i of. but th' ir s: en e - em I" pive a er.t. I.e

f tl.inet is as fr ly l sc -e i . ir. I a ii.b-tent'- le-- (i

ce.vtd, as ti.e h. lujuril Tue ni t :

re Iy fi. t m l I'.liir i' e inter i abt. rii- -r . f the St I, a:- - '1 f i'- - man, in I son f F.P.. Ui i r, e l.'...r of ti e '. in lien. J k- -. n's time.II.- - It ''or. J 1:1, e ii.--. w.l. ere-- i :is astei'i.!- - tt t;, nt in Sm Fr itic-':- c :ti 1 -- ol , an 1 latera I :. li.e 11. r.vicli I- -. 1I1 -. wi.ere i I te-- r... . aIi.-r- nf er ar: i', he t.e 1. .M t.tj....iel v I Wel.t to

A a. - In- th r s r , I a!t h1 e 1 :i, a : 1 1 n it:C - 1:1 S in F: 1:1-i- m

C , u w .11 1 il tl. -- - I er h I.. - I t. 1:1

ti.e r n which ! h iv i'e I l v lit--t f.ri 1 il.t i r.. iti .n l. :i t e 1'!

of tati. v r : .b y t u- -- : ... 1 f .1 n : iti. 1 Il.t ir.--- r . f ;! r t. - .

1" ,,. -P. it- - -- . f I.' t -. - l i'v 1 -i Atr

.:. at.-- I ..-- t t. tlf i i- 11 c r k- - , at !.

t- - ii .s ii I t h iv- - b 1 i tn i.'i:. iffr t 1 Sr. I. y.- - a! - 1 '. - -:' ? f.

i fie-.- . It, 1 .r t 11: -- r th.i at-- T s rt r:a t' .

- it1 it f s k- - - p 11 p a I' J ir 1

f r t: :t rI:

it It- - I; ttr.e :

the t - : . ' i".i r i ; : l.er v . . t ..

Ami!:- - in fitiNi ti.e ii :. -- e 1

:t. i - wly; b if 'i - ft f-r- ..

r ate v. ry it. 1 ti:. to. a:, i ti t e - .v t . " nt i.

st 1 iy t r- i.' r- - I :.e 1 1 I . :. :. - !. W :.

I ; ti:ivi:ir..:i:.l f:.- - .t.-i- fr. I. ill-- j. . ..1-

.. rt f at. it ot.e-t- :. r 1 ; ti.e e.11; i


iiey ir- - i -

t.'iy - '. r s- I i:- - r- - th t". I'.e : . i 'If ti.eirI:. .1 f n.at.a'il.? the w tr i..i.-- t a I - 1 1 : i - t .

Ii i" j-- at.- - at. 1 An.et.ci:.- - Ti e c f;. 5 e . ill

t.eirly a.i art- - ol the elftpire. purs-i- ir r l:i, tryyr:ir.:s .is if there wet e :. ' w ir.

A i'l I .fv f r.r:t-!- i tr el. r- - at I al. !, ir,h ri . r t:.iz 1 at f r i". el it. 1

t II. n i ,- -f 11 i - . f 1! 1 m:. It W..Ib. f '.- - fir- -t eipe i I" t: e kin 1 ev. r un : ; ikt-t-

t ;- Fur. p it.- - ti.i th it c it.t ry. T'i.ty w I f- '. w

up tri- - I ri:-f-'.- -i cr s- - v.-- r t I. .- -- 1 in Ihi-- -. r; c- r t t:. ir tr isf v. it- - I. a". r..r f

vra I t- -e f th II'Ili li iV t Mo-i- tis ;.'.... ..r-- . ati 1 thefl 1 -t tt. ir c sr-- e t a ar - f ; fi.tt l

,r wh re t.'- -y h' J t arr:Ve a: ut t.ic en 1

t f tti.s ve ir.Th- - Rri-i-- n 1 !.:!. a .:t.u--- : v n.u a

d -- - f -- t..- 1 with the c it.d 1 f ,. e

I if.' er of the II ii.'k-.ii: Pr.- th- - f. i;, w it:,:la-- : 2 l 1 Z" :

i:..- - ;: . 0:1.1:1' !.:'y ? ; ; 1. t r 1

I iriy the S.i.ar.-ir- ie p-- t r . 1.. .ive z' .v .'..z, ti.e :t:t. ,t.- - f ti . Fn S-- i if. -

I. le - f.r sT-.I.'- i th t'i t:.. ' l- -

r. tni ,.- -e .i..f I,- -. lis ar.- ill 1 a sc t.e c

. J i.e K 11 in 1' i.e.. ; 1:1 ..! Wo! -- I. .. le- -

II. Z 11. ill.--- : 1. to . ! 111 a : t- -T ! the I p.l.- - 1'--

be.- -, ti.e i ii.. - . f .i.e i r,;--t- o a theVan -- tse h iv - an ai.r u(. r i rt 11 i.y ti.elate et. iai. y . i the i:;-'ir- e; s t: it. l .-i

le.r. tt.e u.t. wi. I ii iv : ti

Chll. . tfieir at. '::,- -. f the I' f s

ra. 'v intet.--- -, ' it Z to ti.e C HI Ii. itt :e rreneb mtti.d to den, it.-- tr- : r. : t.r thet ' r ati- - ri f ttie P. ra m arh. 1, ttiere - I, ,

d ul ah-- :.t, and th it a c ev 1 r.t U i'e -,t

Very pro.' ii.e. 1 b - v. I m atr. .-- .:.e 1

it itee coul 1 it-- 1.! : life I t.i it f !, Pre- h w ul 1 r..tret ;ri such plar. 1 ti,y fn iy w in ti.e J , r e!- -.


i f ..- IV ('. - r '

lliiuh NliMrr on liir nl.liiith.

M.: K:.:i. u I r.i c :i '.

i- -t ' :;. . . : u

1 '.--' rt :.t II.'.. . i:; t- - - :.: : f;..-- , !: :, ! . Mv.

i! '", i iff. ; n! .! : :i ifj r i .1 .:' i. .ft1.-:-- :' :. : iw - f x

K.-. ! mi. Li i. r.r. ; ' :.t-r i:.t t::ec 1 -- .. :. w :. :!..- - Ii i.t - .

t I i x 1 . 1 : ft-- . r '. : v i

vt . . I. :. i r l:i 011: 0 Iu:;.:..-- t ..o .n.-- - i -

t; 1 :: :.i a w .tor vv 1.. I.. 1 ivy ttf rt r its. rv. Ily t. L":i, --

. t.-- w style :.i, 1 taste it - h J e 1

wl in : . I, a'tt. ::j:i If- - 2lf I., iv n.t satisfyt i.e Mi :.f 1 s a: i ,:,-?. t t i.e I '

. . - : .

V .ur-- .

I; i'el .:i,l:i a - fe- - ,st vf t.it t .mini;. ofth- - :v i-

-. M iri.-he-t--r it. I II f.iw .y.lc-L.l- l l..-i- the r irir ? tr,,.;. i.iijtie

III,- -, f: ni u.. .!:,!: r..i !..- - ,r :;n i i iy . a:. 1 duru.irtie vv:;...e attei t.-- n, an i is fie vv. t. !.: waef in in, I a ;i.teie I Jaii to ti.e ty a. : a

t: 1 11 a - i.s :i z Z. 'i h 1:1 ire - . t

:, :: ::, tiie fti-oif- rttiiU--::.i':.- f- ot tiieCi un'ry. ra it I n..j:.- - -- ' h. v t i.ey !. k.--

liier..- .1. i i..,t era f vi..;- ymet.t a'viit theWeir - I at. 1 s f: ha Ifi.-- l str. u: : theyw re, oli the e .t: , I ith'-- a:: tin is phy.. z--

a.y. 1. ::'!':; Lii ia:--- ei si it. i .:. j t :- i- d a y . 1 .f -t-

-. t !:e.r I:, t. -, at. i Wele t.. w I et U rn; t. sil aa ii. -- a' 1.0 Inte l to ta- - r- un I f : ti, tr. :a w nioh it

fitve prove 1 a sw-- e t interval if re. t. Ac i.itre ni. ri t d'sti. i from i.earine a v u

i -- c ii r-- e w- ull have l- - rr.e, t . aceiti.u-ty- .a ta- r- - air.

1 a re is n-- t mucfi ;'.'i il drmifietitie titin-u-

th- - er I tii inks t. tie- - J.tetvletice wh.oh tt.ella'.l-iit- i: iti 'Ive hi- - ale ;.ti-- r ar l.t sj ii it- -. t. t

a tithe of what I w ..u.d have wi:nes-e- i, . t: a -- aniiar0, ca-l' n, in trv An c ui.try. A t w th. ie Were,h. evideutly mu illoJ; nti l I saw one p.

A p 'it.; mm 0 t.s-- i ierah'.y in . r. l.a I .jtt le

I with hi- - s, it. I, tnreatet.itiz to tar.--

him -- eh" it.t Hi- - vv iter, it! he hal b- - ite i ia tiie di-

re ti ri t I'the r:er. Tht-i- was a sht.tk .. f u'f,nyfr. m fie Voanj w .riian. ati'l a cry 1 1 sf. t hitn,sfoj) bin."" to vv'i'oh a tall. I alky 1 t.ii-ar- i. ir--

, oftin-tru- J din Pull type, ha 1 c.- - lly respou le 1. bythrus'inj ! nil h - as he iat.-l- , and tr.pj itarhim at full let.irth it the pavement ; an l f r a few

lairrie ail s hu'.t uh at. 1 cntu-.- . ti. With, how-

ever, tii' exception, Ihe i t the numerousiia 1 a s rt f finim ti decency a": " lit it,

which one n.iht iu vain e uai-ii,- j the Sundaytrave'."s on i S.;..:ci. rallvv iy.

Sun 1 .y reat'y -s enn-c-- e 1 with thef urtii C' l.iaand iient in the humble Ilnli-- h mindth in ;n that of Sc rial, I. an 1 so a h - ut iblep.. iti. n f th-- le i! ! a 1. d'h.-r- s a .- list

dlth-- I ell. to .etcell ll.a-s- e ..f men s.mi-i-

icii- r itit t i" re'.i h.ti. un-- ma e- -, of lut-- bi. nl..,.e tr.-i- it ; rit.d "i.e Sii-bafh--

b. I. r z t i tiie lifer cate ry. Witn the h imh.eFti.'li-ht.ia- ii traiin-- l up t" i.- rtu'.ar habit ofc! urcli-olnr- r. Sibi.tthi pud i x i r 1 y. and cleaa-shirt- -d

ty, an 1 a d iy t",r kliai on tiie gras orpo-sli- .'

i'.e sun. mid, if tie-r- 1 e a ri nr or canal hudI -- . f.-- ttvii.s how the -- a as bite, 1 1 if in the

ih. I f a ra'.lw-iy- , r t .k'.n a shui't tiit c '1 tit "e it , f iia u- - f r Cak- s ir. l tt'e ;

but t" ti.e le S.?i t I te a- - ll:izl !i in lo- -1. if h v lew- -, tii- - d iy is, in in-- . t c a tin;.- - , !' she-- r

'. n - an I n. 1 u.-r- is ciuch truthin the shrew 1 of Sir iit.-i- Sc,,f that tiieSctc'i oti'-- m- -f imorrh-.- 1 into Hn;!i;-hii.en- , makeVerr tu's.-iiievo- V.vz s'uii.en ind- el.

A'li'.n- the existing varieties ol the ;i'"n,i philan-thropist, benevolent men bent on betferiuz the con-

ditio! of the tna-se- s, there is a variety who wouldftin sen I out our I eoj.'.e lo the c. un: i y onSil.hafh-"- . t" hecotre happy "and inm cent In smellint:primrose, and srrir.cinz I i;sie . n zru- - st ill:- -. Anexee'leiit scheme th'-ir- . it thiy but knew it. f...riiik-i- nt

a je,,;.e into iirnorar.ee rind brutality, for tillitia;a country with eli"'t-i- workhouses, and the work-hou- -e

wlt'u ut.iiapt y paupers." l is f.; Ty rather that the institution cf the S ibbath in

t ec v. .inie shoiil I not be l etter imder-sto"- d

by the utilitat ian. The pr. bieni w' - it tur-nis- ht

. is not particularly di!!icult, if out M'l butbe made to understand, n a first step in the process.that it is reailv worth s. Ivia Tiie mere animal.that has t. pa-- s six I ivs of the veek in har I labor.b'-r.- ' tit preatlv be a seventh day of mere animai restntid ft:j ,!!. ei.t ; the repose accordinir to ir nature,prove (.f siiitiai ue to it, just Lccau-- e it is reposeace-i- iitiZ to it nature.

Put ir. in i not a m-- re an'mah wlr ...a best forthe ox and the s. i not b.ost for him; in orderto him info a poor iiiiintcllectu.il shave, overwhom tyranny in its caprice, may trample roiish- - j

shod, it i but iMivs-ar- y to tie him down, :in:ma!-!:k- e,

lurii z h:s six workintr J ty. t- hard, i

lab. r, and to convert the seventh info a day of frivo- - .

lou. unthiiikinz relaxation. History speaks withmuch emphasis the point. The old ilespoticSmarts were tolerable adept in the art cf kinp-craf- t , l

and knew we. I what they v.eie doinz when tiieybtekel with their authority foe le.ok f.f Sports. Themerrv, unthii'.kinz serf.-- , w ho ear'y in the it izn offbarle the First, dance I on Sabbaths round theMivro'e, were utt-T- ir-- the ready fools ot despot-ism, and foiipht that F.nplatid iniiit be enslaved.The Ironsides, who, in the cause of civil and relizieusfret b..:e 'iiem dow n, were S ibbat-irian-

In no however, is Mic ct" the Sibinthmore strikinply illustrated than in that of the Scotch

oonle duritiz the seventeenth ari l the portionof tt.e eighteenth centuiie. lteii'am ami tiie Sab--batli were ti.eir sole instruction, an I thi in timelittle f ivorabic to tiie ci'.tiv ati. ti of the mind, r?o j

d itkt iitd by Nersecntiofi and sa.inc I with blood,that, in at least the f. iier of these centuries, we'derive cur know l ize of the character an I amount f.f j

the fn pnlar intelliz'-nc- mainly Ir, m the dearh-tesr- i. j

monies f.f our humble martyr, here and there cor- -r .i' rated by the incidental evidence of writers, sucha Ibirnet.

In the-- e no? le ad ire from prism arid ?affoIl, j

the comio-it- i. ti ...f rr.en draft-- .l by almostat ran i. !:i fr .m . ut the item ral mas, we le w :

vij..rou-l- y Pn ?.yi-- ri an ba 1 allied to.thiiik, :ii:d h'-v- wed to cive tie It tliin aii.- : esl.-n-

1 II the .jiliet'. r t ;taf w r.icii to 1 ti.e lb-- oluti- II,the S ott:-h pet-i- i. try exl-'- e 1 :i- - at.v.ine tie- - most

rovllenr anl int. ll'-c- t n il m llur ,nl a moral,tin i pe. pie press- - I i'J- - beyad the;

b' in - of ir and into tV.cel.a: r w tin e, utifiy, r- -f nii-- t a:.-- imp. - in all th-- n if :!.- - of t be w rl I .

'1 sr. r- - i... r t .!.- - : . f f - ,.t. ;

f : i v -- . t - i I, .i - i f i. v ; i- - a i i v- : a :. . v. t v , . r . v y n , - . v :t r: i

''- - I

:. ( ':,

'. r - 'i - !

' i, i r : 't . !. .:..!.-- - .. i

II n :.; i.i , A: tiiMit. Fat: t: St. : Your c rr n lent , I

np: i ir a j; . 1 ol ah i: fl;..- - in.; r'.s. u. j

i: . :.t at i !".: ,n p. -- i i r ; n ;i n at ive at II.'.... f r!rii Z't-- tie Pr. tr st it.t cirirch Uli t. . .r iy in ti.etn- rt.:t z f r ti.- - c mf rt . f t.:e whi- - "j i.'.at'r-n-

Pet fi -- p it w i a zr .e ' ti- - t.s--- , w ! !,;.--. f s i h an

o xempl iry j ini-nnte- ' 'f low ma. ii , r r j :n- -

shall he le ti.o'ipiit w- wl." i.e- - a yearri:.-- . the :! :rr.. u; n the ': !l it she ctth..licchurch in this pi. of, ciii.t.z out .all the er.ziii and

::.' rrur t::.g ev. ry Kdy's lu-ias- s, f r a runup;Nuu n.'i str.-et- oi iy to leara t u tt all the iacl.i t is J

in v - in - tnui-.-i- i- rtf;"ti f an ev-t- :f wtii.-l- i ic' l illyt ,k pi in th-- - N'etv Te-- t t::.i :.: times, ut was!I..- - tti r ' n tir- -, or a fi for suijvet it ovta-taci- i.

rti..a, 1 y t it zin Z i f alal ia L lis -

This is a li.v.S j'i-t:.- .ii which admits of ft . rV-r-

ar.-w.- -r.'

. ti r- -. 1.

rtvi: nsohtm i: n r o r ; k i ' i. "i ii- -

I ! r 1 - 1 -

I.I. ...

. . . ' i -- . o. a. -v

I - ...-- I.I t ! 1.

ia - , i. . i.i r -

H"I.I IIU'l K.

S 1112 ESfccivcri.nvi t : ni v v i:u !1. I 1 It M

. ? .. ! .

; t r -- .. ' v bKi.w lit; .v .


II HHI1 s ; Us.S. Vv - - . ., . - r ! : I.i .

i 1 ! - I ; .

II I. , : K

S:. . -. i

V. V I. M I

in 1 1 TV-- V T mini min iMii "i i n in y

a- -.

( rui-- r il lite "Morning Sliir."

Mk. Ili-tt- t: : t' :; t" t '- a- A ,

t i ti.e M iron.-- i I- -l ia i. bec :i e !:;-:- ai ' tfi ti fr .. k. I hirily thi: k 1: r.ece- - iry f. zet otl a

tiZ r- -t - W... l.-f- !J. .'..ihi Feb 1st'.!.

!:: '.. a- - . .1 c a- - - i f -- . t :':f-- . c nrr, n urp iaz- - ':-- -. 1 th- - iv-- r March 17. in I. r.g.Its." V,'.; -- Ij'ofed Nu-lhlv- ti T'.e J"th. at; 1 anchor-ed it V i ..ha. . Ke.. ;UT li 11 iy. Island of T.huafa,aa the I !n ti: - wi:,z d iv, lst a we were

ua ! r w iy, R.-v- . .1. Il'ci :ne'l arrived in hisL at, tr ea 1 . a a: ; tr, i I. iv, h i laz iie tr ! that a ves-

sel w is ia-r- at t':--l: T. Afar ? 1 r h;t:ithat ail t he m...', ri tr-e- l.a i es- - tp1' i the tiati . e Vtl.s.Ul. I tint lioiie ,. f thetu hai lain ia a i.y Zl it dangeri t U'iiiZ bak-- 1, we t tk a I. t:z 1 rei'.th. ar.-- tiu-uzh- t

li-- w lueile-- s the anxiety laaaia-'e- l iy the pe jle of1 ! aa l tiie w tste 1 l trT.. rts . f editors In

spurritiz the directors the .V..".: S!.t r to hersp-e- dy d';.. ifcii. I.- - iv in V.i': ihu. e t uche 1 atthe several sfati. n on th" a, rth -- ii.- , f lliva a. an i

re i he 1 '::.vi Is'; it: i of Fiiuhiva, April o,havitiz on K-tr- t e t:.i-- -: ti i r to arten I theirGen. r..l Mevtinp. Here we rett.aii.e 1 until the l'i'h.at evetstnz. wh n we t -- k'ctve-f our t"iiionaryfr'.'ti is st iti t.e I at ' ta i st irtcl -- n oar returntrip. The lay mi l.-- I a p art of oar passer.zersat their h. tnes, . n III v v a: ah---, t- uched at Hanauta-- n

i P iy f r fre'zht. The 1 iy followir.;, we lay otT

a:.d on ht Valt ihu, anl 1 ta 1 II truku and wife,

the new mis.-:- -. i. trie.-- from II-- lula, withI., kiiwi and fi raily. At L', P. M.. p istnzers on

L. ar-l- S'.uare-- away fr Nuuhiva. N' xr m. rninz.otfTieotiae 1'iy, It. f.ullck. "uev. J. Ikcknell andmyself, went on shore; f ur. 1 the French in full pos-

ses! n. Siw the Lieutenant-Governo- r, one merchantanl a t'nelr ti iz was t'yinz at half mast,which I tie uzht very appr priate. At 12, M., -1

to the bri z and f.'.ie 1 away for Honolulu.

l'uriaz ur visit to the Marquesas, saw and hear 1

fn iti the fllevvli g -- hij s at H inui.ipa P ty : 15 irkfhiivt, Ilithawty. N. P., il-- ' sperm: at VaitahuPiy, b irk Mermai 1. .Ict.ks, Westport. 4 !tt

Taeohae Pay, sliip .l.mu-- . Smith. N. P. , GO sperm,since having Marzafita Pay. Ah-- ut the last ofNov., lit. PJ mile N., I. nz. 1 -' W., Pacific, Smith,N. P . 7o' .sperm ; Jan. 11", 1S01, l it. S., hmp.1M W.; Alfred Gib!, Nichols, N. P.. 7oU sperm;Feb. 1"). lit. "y S., hi.- - 10tj W., Louisiana,Kelly, l'" sperm.

ur cruise ha been a plea-t- ut an 1 prosperous one.From the i.ti-- si .n irie we receive 1 inucn kindnessand :ittenti 'ti. ur ::zers a! contributed aI nze share t i m .k- - the v. yaz- - pleasar.t. In rep-ir- j

to the ti,is-i..- n. I s- -e no new-- disc uragetnent. Thereis evidently an improve 1 state i f thinzs since latvear. The men are more wi'.liuz to listen to theirteacher; hero hoy attend s hool, and the numberof tellers and vwlters lias increased. Ti.e nure I

l ee- mo ac. j'.ialnte.l with tti-- Hawaiianthe more I esteem them as melt an 1 Christians, andthe mo-e- l am convinced if their laciency as mis-s- i,

iia: ies. Yoins.t:i.Iv, C. W. (Inirr.

ni.M-- : i.ifiiir wooi.KV shawls:Mnt.iM-- -r t :.s ch i ...:.. lev.- -j.j

tan. v. i Ki.rtibii.

WAHTED !A f:KH MIOKM AKKI1. WM.K limtf X. rn' h ' v ;i;;.1vm:. m lo i; nl

Malkii .f. K.-- t M.i i . J. T. iO Lit....K.o:i.i. Aj-ri- ls'-l- Z ..-- :

Notice1.Vf.lN'i A HO I'T TO I.K.I VH TII IS ivINti-I- lJ

hi h .,1-t - ri.i, I h:iv- - U. A. AMnch.:,,-- i,,r in,-- ,

.i- - .1 .! lie- Kloiir Mill l" ... MelJ .sliuit i. I'l.-n- 'ii, t.. ii.-- i ii- - A.-- ni 1. - my lieii-.-ra- l Imsiuess,wit:, l Ov puiv.-- ol :i:t,.rne--

r. ii. i.i:vki:s.Ii.,:..)!uiu. Apr;! 11. -',1.

S J S "T4 "T" RECEIVEDSM Al.li il'. I I l"V IF VKKV Si I'H--A3hical and Sautem? Wiui'S.


I lVI.I IIAM)YAmi f.r sale '


II AU A i I Mili' lUilillV!


11 1 i.l U.l A V .tb'.f

JAVINC ItllCKI. " A LAIUJHAXIilTLLII 5 st.'.-- '1 o.ateri.il. iJ". 1st.,,, , ,( ,., s,.,j.iy liis liners

iti-,- tii- - pui.hc, with the " .Hid ltrownSO A I",

SOI-- AM OIL SOA I'.In I tr?" or -- mail fiia:it:t;e to su.t.I. s. crease always w.i!,:-.!- . 07-t- ia

HOOP SKIRTS ! HOOP SKIRTS fl1ST liUl'HIVr:!) lit VAXKKIl.'ii -- mallJ invoi-- e t!; 'slii.,i,al--


T. r - i',..- cli-a- p. ::t CbAitK's ,.u Hotel -i- r-rt.

Pilot and Navy Eread!r,V HAM A.M KOIl SAI.K 1!V TIIH.i I'li-i-

A I.si i

Sod a AVati-- r and liiUter Criif kerv.XT Kl'-u- ! up on n all-t-rii- ,s.

A !.-.- llrv r. li.iki- - l. A. MI I.I.Kit.t',,r. K :, ir.i a- - i;u-e- s:s.





15LANKHTS. all traders ami colors,

IM.INTS .: DKLAINHS, in irr.-- it variety.






m:v t i i !.n



( I KN( ' I' KJewell's and ( onion's Oil Cloths.

r - i J r :: :: tr i -. :,t aih- - :'. 1 tr

K II INK It K UK.11-- ..;,-- 1 1J ..v st- -

--..a ii Friniri-i-- n.

Children's Toy Books, Stationery j


'I'!.-- - r ,. ..- - ' r th i. r -- I.

.i:.. U .., : r - - r; . ; .1. .; r 1.

I' . ;r- - I.- - A ir i -. , ; I t

H- a 1, .: . : I!- - !...: ! s: . .; tv !

" ; . r li .... , . . r- -i. i

M- r . . . :.. .;. . ;. .,:.

I tilf-- t rnel I

A f A' ' f

. .1 x v t i i.. : ; r.HOAiit:' At.mi aI V. V s--t .

TI..- v. r ; : :. - . 1:1a: .! t ; ,r- 1.

A a- r

i . 1. i m - :- f !.

lflV.N" 1 v J :. 'IIA NGK,A:.--

IMSOM I- -- !S V MIT'II-- .I a f- rt...

I laviil's ": 1 1 1 1 i 11 In!:!Ml Ml- Ml', ft AMI l.l. IV A ;OOIi.s,

I.. t.r, t'v,i .1:1 1 Note rip. r. 1:1 crea1 an l 11.

r". ii. nl of . eVi- e si .! v.-- rt -' loi

.u-.w.-i- u - m --i.i l. 3 t


tih: 1 viiut$itiHiIIAVK N H.M AND Foil



ill IS t b II il zJloh I

AMfNij.-- l W1110I1 Al.K

Dry onI.Fancv Priatsot a zreat v .ir'o ty style and c dors,

M a.riili'z Pr::,ts. j

TWo-hla- - Pi in!- -.

I:id;g. Plue fottvlis,

Dy-- .I Cvtt.-iis- ,


Minute Pattern Turkey red .ma Yellow Prints,

White- - ztvund Muslins, small j



Priili.uits small and iiuai'iunt jiittinis. ;

'Pluck and Whit.- - tn-- - eh. ok Muslins,

Plain Turkey Kcd Cloth,

Cotton 1 Lueikereliiei's.

Cotton Shietinz,

Whit.- - Cotton Drills.

Victoria Ltwns,

Drab Moleskin,

A great variety vt' Cotton Tr..vserings,

riaiii Claek Silk!Fancy fiitureJ Silk, s,

I'ure Silk ll:iii,'.!.en liii !"s

ScWlliit Silk,

Kiul.r,,ui-r..-i- l silk f:cur.-,- .

Hack ,

lilack :na! celonil tieured Lustres,

riaia l.u-tre- s,

SuiKTtiae Llack an.l bine Cloth.

I'lack Cassiuiere,

riain blue Fiamn-1-

ll'.ack Satinet t,Ci.uini"ii I'lack an.l t '.iu- - ft.

lKuck uiul fancy iii and iniM-- TrottS'-riiii- '

AVI. ite r.liinkets. all si.:,-s- ,

lllue lllaiiki t- -. all kir.es,

Scai U t liliinkets, all sias,Ci.iiuiH.ii Hlaiikets, for t.ors-- - cloth,

llru-s-e- ls velvet Cirpelini;,

Railway Kuir.

elvet Hues,

Woelleu I'laids,

t.is izs i 1 1 1:1 : r 1 rvo : :lluckal.aek Towels and Towelinc,

Linen ll.uiilki-rciii"fs- ,

I'laiit white and fancy I.ii.en I'riils,

ltrowu IK'Kan.b

4 lotliissuh, Shirts, Shoos, A:c.

lilack Cloth Pants, best Pilot Jackets, comiuon Jo., i

IViue serge Shirt of all qualities,

Woollen Undershirts, worsted Stockings,

White Shirts, ussorted; Hegatta Shirts.

Assorted qualities of Felt Hats,

Ladies Hiding Hats. Oxford tie Shoes,

Children's Pootd and Shoes, Crimean Boots,

Sup. cotton half hose, eiubr. cotton Overshirts.

Brown Soa, Tickles, I'ie Fruits, fauces. Mustard, Salmi Oil,

Scotch Oatmeal, faucy biscuits, Olives, Capers, Jam?,

Catidiei. candied IVel, Blunter 1'iiste. table Salt, Currie 1'owder,

33 Ij --A d Id 1 353 --A. I

Currant, Blue, Starch, Marking Ink, Powder.

Sinntiries.l;, st Knetish Sa.h'.lc, comnn.11 do., IVII011 ItUj;,

Boiled I.iiisetsI Oil, cotton l uilirelliis, Silk Uintinlla.-- ,

Hughes 6c Jones' Perfumery- -

Musk, Essence of Sandal Wood, Windsor Soap, j

Sarsaoarillu, nests Talis, Fencing; Wire, Hoop Iron,

Anchors and Chains,Bar Iron, assorted; Bailer Mute, Inm Safes, Crow Bars,

Tin Hate, 10" and IX, l.rijrlit Iron Wire, Sheet Lead, I

Sets Sugar Pans,t

NoM- A: HiKirf's asss'TU-- Yuriii?ht.-- ,

KUKKI.L's WATCKKS, p-- ar.a ti I v.-r- .

lV.ttl.-- Ale and 1'ortor, various brands,

1 irtttiirht Ah- - in hlids., j

Mart.-ll'- s Pr.indy, in nr. casks, j

Henii'-ssv'- s llrandv, in or. casks,

t:trd"s Pnttidy, in jr. casks,

Citiiiiuii Prundy, in nr. casks,

Case ( '1 e!i:ie,i 'aes iiner Urandy,

Ct-- - S.- - 'tch Vllisky,

I's Kjval Highland Whisky,

Case ld T'otn lin,

Cits.- C.lenlivet AVl.isky .

The . elehrated PAI.K OP.AN;K PITTKRS,

Cases Dull' Ceir-loi- Sherry,

Cases ii..-r- Pale Sherry.

Cases Sandi-nian'- Port,

Ca-se.- s Chaiii.:i:i.-- , Fof'sti'-- r Fils,

Cases Claret, Chat'-.-iu- Margaux,

Cits.- ( 'l aret, St. .Iiilivii,

I'iis-- s Absyiith.

I:ulli'iiuaro.Whitf liranit.; Dintier sets.

Whit.- - iranite Tea sets, ;

IH-he- s. Plat-- s, .Iu- -, Mu- -.

M'-t.i- l '"'.,-r's- dll-- S.

Preakiast 'uj and Saiic rs,

IS'.vv !, Ch:.i!.t-rs- , j

Kvvers and Pasin.s, C"Vt Iishr,Nannies,

X. II. This HartheDware. is no'.v oj-on-. and i

r.th-r.-- in lots to suit families, ut unr.rct.-edetiti'd- -

ly low rates:, to close shit nio-nts-.

Janion, Green & Co.

Honolulu. Aj.ril 1, W.I tl



vrr vrcTiox:'MS IS 5511 :

Thursda,. tl:,v ,;. ;l, l0 ,i',locL. A.M.,I- l- ;;. li - , r..:l

Ciilifornia Carrine Horse.Lujvr.- -t sad 1 i e-- V M. sroST. Tt.e r.- i i.:t.a

avi .-; . :u i . ..y it r F.iO"iv

IHU.I I. All lUSIVVT 11 mm:fob: sa- - rn v. iscoi


I'i'MMOlH.r.K rvIV. Ma-u- r,

V::l -- a l for the iilevo pert.

On or a!oul Wednesday. May 8.For or , .apply I

-'-T-V. 1'. I . W ATI.KM AN ii CO., A.-en-ts

ItlKil b Alt IIII.O l'ACKllT!THE StlK'ONEit

WiUKave HONOLl'l.l" for llfl.O retruUrly every week j

O'.ibin l':is.ii:e lo or from H.l.t,A. K. CI.AKK.


rc ivvriiirr.2S-OXL-


Will l,e ,les:,,ia !:e,i ipa ira-ri- from Commercial Wharf,Boston, oi the ta mt! s , ; Miirrli. May or June.Si'iurmbrr nnU Drcriiilirr.tor farther particulars see special advertisement in dailypapers ol :!ie ;ils.vt- - ni,,u;tis.

i sr lroi.;ht or passa,-,- - :. irv"ts on Honolulu, applv lo11 EN li Y A. PIF.KCE.

al)d-il!- l Island I'iicket Ott'u-e- ,

t7 Commercial Wharf, Boston.Ati LN I S.

C. Bri:wkk .v; Co. - HonoluluSutton .V Co. . New York.O'oohi .v Show, - New Bedford

54 tt

WE:i.B.S ! AE:,, A: ( o.-- s

Fo V E I? ?' i vrVL--, .- .-


For the speedy and sale conv y:.uce of Merchandise. Coin, let- -:m,i pare, is, to ail parts of the i

UMTF.P STATUS. CANAl'A AM) KL'KOPI..Thf Asrt'iit at ilt'iiv'Iiilu II I'lll. tf fhaiiiin suiii-- t to sui t

I'liWt '.I" Kiir.'o it t'o., S.m Krunciscti r N.'w York. Ai.o '

Wills, Kar: A I'd.' tiankcu 1. . iif itii' tit rnvtlojH-- ,

whirii ias. mc uvt-- 1 i'aliftniia anl ocat roate, and ovrr j

tlit Ail.m::c routt fr.ii Sin Kraiic;vi t. N. w :

r'.inini'.'ns and coltct:oiis promptlv attnlf-- l to. j

Oct. 1. Wm-tf-. A. J- - t A K T W KlViiir, Ajrrnt.


kte OETEXTAL."A great variety of New le-il- s, among which are the following:

HARDWARE, &G.Keels lead pipe. , i. 1. li, IJ. 13. 2 in i

It, ,11s sheet lead, har 1 Inme d slates, cast steel,iron, sheet zinc, T liinirc, cast butts.

Ass'd locks, horse nails, nail rod. sh.e shapes,Ass'ld cut and wrought nails and spikes,Ciist -- t's-1 shovels and spad.-s- , crow Lars,t;rii;d stones an l cranks, force pumps,Liftin- -' pumps, 6 size- -, toy Mocks, slim- punches.Evict machines, shoe thread, shoe j.e-- s. diaper pins,Copper and iron rivets, patent sprinij tisli hooks,1XL razors, po.-l.e- t cutl-r- y. tooth lirusliei. hair brushes,W. W. brushes, piiiut and sash brushes, painler's dusters,Hiind screws, ass'td six, s. tiuM spurs,India rabh.-- balls, sewimr awls, rules, bevels .and uarts,Tiic-- s, p'arl and button', spring jiunclies,Stioe pincers, brass and hair sieves.Baker's :in I picve, eleiivers. butuher knives.Biitclier's Siiivs, hiind, panel, wood, (.it. and cmss cut saws.Table knives and carvers, plated forks and spoons,liuardcd lanterns, Ely's .V Walker's percus-iu- ti taps,Black bow'd. scissors and shears,Mincing knives and trays, Urittania lamps.Solar lamps, liaugim; lamps, lamp gloln-s- ,

Chimnevs and wicks, sea fishhooks, Ciil and fish lines,Kut.lier belting, til, 4, it an.l f nw h, shingling hatchets.Boy's axes, hand s. adze eye hammers, cut brads.Barrel and city K.lts, French cups, sauce puns and kettles,Tea kettles, bake pans, boy's spades.Iron iimt zinc shoe nails, horse rasps, ass'd files.Volcanic pistol cartridges, sho- - hammers.Hasps and stapl- s, chest handles, hoot stretchers.Wooden spoons and ladles, rolling pins,Amrur and chisel h;unll-- s, bench screws, clocks, broouiB,Brush brooms, door springs, farrier s hammers,)r:iwr knobs, cotton and worsted girths, setts shoe lasts'

llridles, plated an I Britannia easiors, 5 anil ti hole,IMat-- d and Brit. urns, buggy lamps, ladies saddles,House paper, planes and plane irons,i'l uv and sash plane, tea and coll e pots.Spectacles and eye glasses, si wing machine needles,liu-- t brush'-.- , feath'-r- and r pillows, fluid.

bronchial tniclies. twine, lamp wick,Stieep she;irs, lem sniips. pilt cornice,lianils mid ciirtaia pins, -- prinz , hand and titble bells,Mouse and rat trap, cooper's compasses--Patent ship auirur and angur bitts,Tin'dand etiiiuiele.1 s iu--i- pans, fun.ac.-s- .

Brass rings for Spanish saddles, mane combs,Wardrobe "hook, hats, caps, powder flasks,

Wool card. Coffee mills,Scrub brushes. Iron pots,

Signal haU irds. SleighWash boards. Flesh brushes,

Tin pails and p ins,Tin strainers. Table brushes,

CarjM.'t,Leather and eiiapi'-l.-.- bags, com poppers, egg beater,Toasters, looking glasses, box-- s ass',1 elass.Urates, tunnels. mark. . baskets, slag'-- .

Our ai d ri ling whips, raw hides, molding. U ad,Ititbl.it, and match planes, lead pencil-- , cl.aik line reels,Chisels, com.'--- . C. S. auciirs. turn s,-- ivs, rakes.Hay nk.-s- . s. yth-- s. bu-- ii scythe, pilch forks,Manure fon.s. 1. ivoo l an l brass fuue. is.Urain slmv-ls- safely fu.-- , powder and shot, eacle plows.No. - her.- - pl,. . Bay State cooking stoves, a sizes,Paint.-- p uis and tubs. 11. boxes, 1 fountnin,ll bows ;.nd yoke, hi.nd carts.Corn mi!!, limo- saueez-r- -, iron pots,

Stirrups atid stirrup leathers,S.Tew wr'Tieli- s.

Gauge.Cirafliiii.' chi Is.

Lamp pii-ks-,

lied cators.lii,.-- r buttons-- ,

Screw rings.Mallets,

S!,eav-- and rail, f"r s:.nd las-r- I.isk.l.orax. stH.r.c . c;iiki:ik' irons, '.amp hooks,

Ja.-i,e- t lamps. Assorted s:,vi,Iron sipiares. Bras, .roil and copper wire,

lie. Butchers' Steels,Pain k.l! r. 1'reserving kettles,

Castile soap. Tape measure,i '!..i; i.i..--'- Iiust p;tin,

l It. . r. !ial!--r- . i::i; and trie hains,a with J'J vi.-w-

sh.ivii.a: i!-- a. id box--- , Ve., .Vc , A.1;.

OHV GOODS, SC.Whit" tlaan-- I. li:i-- n table whif and brown ,

c!:- --. I' - k ar: 1 Swi- - mii'l.M. Up- - and bobbins,p.ip.-- :''. ail t. 'url .l;iiiiak.Or! iiod wti.te a t.laek elastic r.blll.c t! h I skirt.--, cor !,

,. a:.-- I II . Whin- bril'.iat.t,.in a:.-- cr- eri bar, l'e-- j i r -- .

r.l." Krei. !i c .r- - t

t. n and - s ::;';-- . ;: ,s. Ei-i.- . - an ii;:-- - s' hosiery,M n'. iii, t.t: Ir.-.- 's ry. B:,i. '. dr- s Mii.,

"ii rv:-- . l.in.-- iiiipk.r,-- .

'.' ! ouratiiis, Curaiin muslins,,'o lae.-- , At. bleach.-- ! cottons

br.-w- eott'-n- dr. llin.:,l K.ver Illinois mi.xtures.

Blue(".tton-- ,


C..tt..;.ii-- .

and whit.-- r.. :i tt.r.-ad-

Liii'-- thr- ad. brown .

Criiiuiit.e. cotton, Ac, .

3I:ils.brown ! .

nn-s'-- s'

Lolc-- ' h'.a.-- i I, it.Hoys' ! at-- , li.'-t.- ' palm hat,Boy' palm ! :if h ir. d.

IS3iii :ml Oil..B'.ibsl and raw hn-- -- :!. t.j.-i.'itie- , whit.- - varnish,

Ami v. rrr.ihi n, v

Venetian wl - . ;i.i. varnish.Zinc whi'e. pri:--i.--- ii blue, varr.i-h- . r varnish

Chr an-- - , t.r-- - r-- 1' i a. i.t. r -- 1 1. ol. Jajian varnish.

ESool :m! SIio s.A.'st. Men's, Women's- and I'hildret.'s Poota .v .hoes.

rtli?cr?!lsiiiii.K...O-.,- : yhata and i .tt-.- i'l. t I..rnii..-..- Cothe p"ts,I'lavoriii- - 'T in-- , in-l- i hair.,I'hi..ide! hta ik t.in:i.-- l s - i:!i. r.Wl.itmjt. - ititi-- - lentil, r. . tc. .VVt.l.l


FOR SVI.K UV TIIK un.Iei-iiKue.- 1VI il,-- iu T i. co. 1"- -, lii II.

.lo Mary 4- Jane Toanec.., . lb. eai h.do Mb. i: lb,,do !' .1" do

Ild:,-I!- d . do Jl It., each,do M'.Kio". do do

We th- ! at tie- eh. ap- 1 ui:irr-- t rates.A CO

II i. ;,i.l l'J, ls'-- -- "111.

i:v joiin i . loiiiiruN.Sale oi' (.eiieral Mercliainlisr !

TO OloisKO V !l ltlDVT, I.V :i. at 1 oNlocL. J HI.

At S .1. s K.- - lll. ill U- s.1,1.ITV ti.s.'s.

o'l .I'.n-.c-

L.s is at.,1 S!i s,Hard --1 ;ire.

Cr.-ker- y W ire.I'nriiituro. "

u:ii'4li:iir S:il' !

Vlltl'l E OK AN OKIIKK I'llOM TIIE1 i Silpot:-,.- I'olirl. ill Is- lit I'al'lli- - All,-!:- . II. "IlMl I lil' . he 4th of May. lol. Hi 10 "VI- - k A. M .. tl eI'reiin--- .. ai i tl, t: l ot ,J l.i,.! ,,n Kukui Mreet, Hon.. In u. mi- -

j.'llli: J t!o- I r, .II.-.-- , f V. 1. Hip's. I - j . t lie,-- tii. ;itl.- -

form, i ty upa i tHe tile II Sanrl T!h tt'oa.iia- . ; Hie r.!iiis-s- nod U .il atl.'nl H pt,

i.e. !or a s:i,:til launiv. T .l.-- K,s- Snnpl . alhl leru.- -

.n .1 linn , s... "J. M. AlsI lN.

tiioirdiiiri Vliiry Sir. ut.F. ih'l.l'.l KN, Au.-l- i !' t.

Hoiielula, Ap: il, 1, ISol. e..s li

COO!iI.(s STOVllS!. run n ik uv tiik rxDKRsn;xni

4 TID' PVI Villi ITl'l)HAY STATK Sl'DVIlS !"

for wood er fin- - si.-s- , with romp!.-!.-- A vrvst.'i,' I.'f Kii.;;.. Carefully ship)--.- ! to ettii-- r ."l

ir and set up in II f ret ol rhnrsr.Jii-it- m E. o. MALL.

d lini lN of tliv S. B.

IST KF.l'l'.IVKI) FKtM W" A s I U TOtw a few copies o( the fine

Chart of the Sandwich Islands,prepan-- t'V order of Hie t". S. Iloverniiii-itt- . to a.as'itipniiv theKes-r- l of Wilk'" Explorini; FK-llti-'ll- . Tl .se Cl.ari areconsul, red tt.e iiio-- t correct surveys ever made ,.f ..ur i.r.up,and a few epic- - have Is-e- expressly printed i.ti m.ippaper, for ie in Honolulu. Eveiy resi.i.-i.- and ri.i.

in the Censtiin; Trade, should (.-- .. - a copy.For mile Lv

:;,:.l!,i n. m. w iiitm.v." .i i;4rv ltrxii vkiIW AI DESIRABLE UMl


CASTLE & COOKE,Groceries Dry Goods.

Biles A- - Is xes table sill'., 4 Blt-- A; br.) tine midllbls cunsl ham. medium.Tons lard .cheese and crackers. Heavy 4 ticking, 1'. K.

tea. ch.iol;tte and rice, i tin.l'iekles. vinegar, sardines, Superior checks, white blue and

Aa--., JSC, A:c., .Vc. red tliiniii-l- ,

n Cotton luiltuig. sattinets,artlWare JXC.

Ass',1 brass and iron gimlet French and Amen.--.,- , prints,sort.wi tiinghaius, I, lay linens

Kim knob . but.-lie- kiiiv.-s- . Velvet ribls'iis, cotloimd.-s- ,

HawWs' brace and bitts, auirers. c, Aic, AiC.

Hand saws, ass'd hammers.Axes, hatchets, axe- - hatchets. Crockery, TinChest, lsx and pad locks.Ourden shears, zinc oilers. and Wooden WareFlat, round an. I taper tiles.Hunt's iiih'.es, gurdi 11 trowels.Fish hook, window springs.Jack, sni.votfiing 4 joiiiterplai.es iSr,..lVfast ifinm.r m, i T.etSui-iTi- or l knive, I'hites- rs, needles, Coff.sss. teas, sugars, crevmers,Spectru-les- , plat.xl forks. Ewers & basins, vhW lantern.Kubher combs, hair pais, .V.C., Tumblers, Rob' ts. Ian ps.Silver tl.iinbl.-s- , gold ins, .UM-kin- glass- -, sailor's pots.Knives and fork, wool cards, .poking pans, tin pails, ba-iu- s,

SuiH-rio- paint, varnish and :pie ,,utrs ; cu, il:pM rs.w w bru-h- c. Furnaces, iron ts and kettles.

Sup. carnage and riding whip Tinned und enaiuelid sauce

Boots and Shoes.; ,,ans-ic- " it-- -

Ladies' gaiters, buskins andsiipjrs. iPamts, Oils and

Menl:lc.?.,,,s'0x,1,nl Glass. &c.Sundries. noilnl, raw, and N. f. oil.

Hand carts, wheel han-ows- , iWhiti- - lead, zinc, pi:iiit.Light and dark cane seat .Furniture H,iBh, chrome und

chairs, &c, Aic, IfC. 1'aris green.TO TIIK LADIES OF 1IOXOI.I' I.I'.

A superior lot of

lYuiey CJoods,Consisting of Ribbons, Flowers, Hells, Triinminirs. riumcs.

Velvets, Knches, Marseilles, (ii.unll' is. Mitts, Buttons,Elastics, Braids, lland'k'fs, Bm. Burcge.

4c, kc, &c, &c.ALSO

x:xrri iorv avitii:-5- .From 10 to 35 f,-- t in length, and various other Household

furniture.Also. lit. JAVXK'S CELIlltK ATE1) MKI-ICIXK- S.

For sale by'jr.ti-3- CASTLE i OoKE.






Lead Pipe, A, ':, 1, 1, 1 A and 1: inch,

Britannia Tea and ColTee pots,

Britannia Covered Pichers, 'i, i and f jts.,

Britannia Oil Lamps,

Jacket Lamps,

(I rinds-tones- ,

Assorted sizes Shot,

Three ply Belting, 4,5 and 0 inch,

Three ply 1 in, Hose with Couplings',

iron Spades and Shovels,

Steel Spades and Shovels,

Parker's CotTee Mills,

Lamp Black,

Iron Bake Pans, sizes,


Ely fc Walker's Caps,

Cheap Spurs,

Nails, 1, G, S, 10, 12, 20, '30, 40, 50, fiftj.,

Blister Steel, 3x4,

Boxes Tin, IC. IX, IXX, IXXX,

Russia Iron,

English Sheet Iron,

Beams white and blue ruled Cap Pajni-r- ,

Beams white and blue Letter Paper.

Beams Note Paper,

Bleached Cottons,

Bleached .loans,

.v assorted Cambric,

Barth tt's ; Bl.-ach--- Cotton's,

Marseilles Vest intr.

Fancy Pantaloon

White Linen Thread,

Cotton and Silk Shoe Laces

Kid and Bronze Bu-kin- s,

Kid and Bronze Slippers,

Boys' Calf Broyans.

ViT The ubo-ve-, with a large and desirable etock

already on hand, ottered for sale ou liKtral terms.if

Page 4: ullu - University of Hawaiʻi...threa(s. f fcrture. ra:se up heris--s an l martyrs, who might otherwise baves!--i away Iothful and thi.u--htiess lives. tiet--'Ireaming wh it spleiidi

THE PACiriOCuniuierriul Advertiser.

ffm r. M U' fc I I

lornrj la re mil to Old Cuck.

Fwur Jravrs &v tLL AJ joii etitcrel tlie I're-i- Ji f-

ilial cbtir. tie Lief M str ife i.f the bar i.icst atilfreest pn.fle in tlie rtrtii. The ceti.ti'ieMt from whichjit nuerel o.ti''ierr. altbuug'n .ljstir:gui-h- l yuoeiaiplvl an im it ion attJ acrtuii.rij, w followe-- l

hf npres-ut.- co the tart cf frienl aD'i f tf c.tu-- p

ete C'lfiS'Ifnce in jour interitr. Th-- e

who ha-- C'prxtl jour taction re rrofu- - inthrir Ji?po-itio-n t g'-x- your a-- ruin:: 'ra-

tion the fairest trial. The pritiuipUit which fTeai!-'- l

in your triumph haJ ht-- o aiiticipnri-- l ir your jtbnifor your Dotmniti.'D. itei.,r-e- J in your lettrr ng

it. affiruil in your limigural vJ.Jre-- i. anlre-- filrnwl in your Ivttrr to CTerr.r W.x.'fcer, underilre of Ju!y 12th, lfZ7, an 1 were o plain, soeilint, ani oeonTincir.g!jr right, thnt the Americnnpp! were rrmlj to bail in you the augu-- t io--.-


ar.'l repreTift.e of the.-- great men who Ui'l thefoun-latio- of the got eriwuMtt. In the choice of yourCabinet yra were enpri-si--l t Le singularly sueoes-fi- I.

Frcm the mf-- I nfnieum in at the Lea-- of yourconstitutional 'Jier i"n to j- jr Attorney- - ier.e-r- l,

there was no t ine that hvl not at rner anotherticie len assiateil with hg'i &nJ honorable posi-

tion. Tbe (p?ntlenien. !e!e;tl from Loth ittii.nsof the eonfeleracy, each a type of hit own people,were known coHially to sanction an I heartily to co-

operate with you in the policy to which ycu hn.l Ut--n

cotntnitte'l in the previous campaign. liveryof the Feeler il GoTtrnioent wad in your lian Is.

Born s of Congress were controlltl l.y a mof your supporters. The Supreme f'ourt of the

Unite! States was known to tympnthiz: with you.Our commerce with all the world wad in the nn.- -t

C.jari-hin- g conil&on; internal trvle in its warnf. Uramifications was prosperous beyonI all example;section-i- l strife bal terruinate-- i in a national victory,thus gi'injj new guarantees for the preservation of aUnion which at thit time seeuieJ h-- i J together tyLon-- alike sacrrl ao-- in. .insoluble.

This) inspiring prospect mu-- t bve elevn-- l youalote all unworthy anj unholy ambition.Wb-- n you mounteJ tbf Presidential chair you werenot, according to yoijr own acount, ruite iixty-RT- e

jers of age. Too oM to anlertke the 'Jtrucii nof your country, you were your.jr enough to m ike itmore potent at home anJ more he nor J al;n:vl. Vourenemies l,r more than forty years bite impute! toyou many questionable qualities of hea l ao J heart,but your friends relicl npon your aIrriiriitratioii torepl this imputation. The firt accn-- J y.i of e'fi-h-- e,

ingratituje, anJ arbtocru-- y ; the -- econ-J c! lim-- fi

fr yo the highest attributes of private character.The lint hail rfjuently preilicte! th.it, if ever cloth-e- ij

with the attnoat imperial power of tl.e 1'resiJency,you wouM Jevote youre!f to the overthrow of theparty to which oe.ir your fortieth jfar tiu attachedyour politic! trtune; the second enteiid-- l thrtyour moderation nd ensifrii.:y you wou! 1 if t r nlyimmortilixe yourself, but w cowIid.ite the IVmo.crwry as at the dune of your A liiioi-r- r iti. n t tr iveit without a respectable a!Terry. II.,w you fuISII-e- !

the pri.pliecies of tbeon, ard hw youthe hopes of the other, the inip-irti.i- l hiiturin will

record fn his iraperl hul-l- e f b!-t- .

It would he superfluous to recapitulate the thricetold file of the downf-ii- l of yourwlf. your rty, andjrnr country, liven th.e who envi.l y.jr friends,while thone frienls were rejoicing owr your ele;:ion.nm shocked at the manner in which you perecuteland houndel the men who, during mnny year ofminority, h vl enrrie.! your their shoulders,nntil fia.il'.y they placed you in the I'restdfuti vl chair.So u:h efect'ici his ever been presented in anycountry. You struck the mot fital bluws at tiioewho hvl rendered you the mort Ievotel service.Thete was a rancor and a cruelty in your treatmentof the--e men that no imagination could Lave antici-pate.!, and Do logician defend. Kvtn thone w!k

to inaiut-ti- n their usual kind relations tojour person were repelled with inughty and freezingtnditfVrence. or sutjt-cte- l to your will by teicthe slaves of Soar erriefs, and the echoes of yourtreacheries, la proportion aycu conducted this un-provoked warfire ufn these citizens, you took intoyour confidence men who had never treated you saveas an object of hatred and of scorn.

I'wetenty takes little note of the treatment extend-ed by a public man to life long supporters. It is notso toierant. however, when such turpitude is accom-panied and succeeded by persistent attempts to dis-

tract and demoraiixe a happy and united people.Had you but eerved the Republic; ha-- 1 you maintain-ed your plighted f litb to year principles; bad youdisplayed a wise, con prihensive and practical states-man&bi- p;

had ya insisted upon economy and integ.rity in your administration the judgment of theAmerican people would have rewarded you, and yourrecreancy to your friends would have been forgottenin the tern impartiality and justice of your policy.The ruler of a civilized and Christian people may, ina moment of rash impulse, inflict incalculable injuryupon bis country. But you have no impulses. Thatwhkh at first seemed to be the madness of the mo-ment soon aiwutued the shape of settled malignity.When you consented to trample upon a holy and anundying truth, it is now evident that you had madeup your mind to persevere to the end. So entreatiescould move yon v change your course. Even tho-- e

whom you had wounded without provocation, re-peatedly and humbly exhorted yon to pause in yourcareer In vain. You seemed to have become theincarnation of absolutism. The bloody fields of Kan-sas, the perishing industry of Pennsylvania, the ar-guments of the good, the thunder tones cf the ballot-bo- x,

produced no more impression upon you thanupon the walls of the building in which you sat. coldand heartless as those walls themselves.

Not content with doing wrong yourself, you insistedthat all others over whoee interests you exerci."e.l theslightest control should likewise do wrong. Hesita-tion or refusal on their part to yield to your com-

mands was punished with instant exclusion fromplace, or remorseless social ostracism. No ont: wastoo high to be reached by the shafts of your anger;no one too low to be ground under the heel of yourproscription. You raked the offictnl kennels for vic-

tims. Wherever an honest man objected to your con-

duct who held position under you in a foreign land,or in your own ?tafe, or near the Presidential man-sion, he was recalled or removed without an oppor-tunity of defense. And in proportion as you perse-cuted the good yon compensated the bad. Thus yourown example became a grand premium to all whowere ready to accept place at the lo-- s of character.

When the money of the people was used to debanchthe people; when the Thief consented todegrade himself for the purpose of gratifying his re-venge the reckless men around your person accept-ed your own conduct as n to thera. Dentalike upon plundering the treasury and breaking uptoe Union, they organized a system of peculation andfraud unequalled in any civilized government, and.with your aid. enlisted in the work of destroying theItemocratic putty. You pretend at t'ais day that youwere ignorant of their practice in the first, but youcannot deny that you stimulated and encouraged themin the second. The disruption of the lemocraticparty at Charleston and llaltimore was plotted in theWhite House, and when il was accomplished, althoughadmonished that it must surely lead to the dissolu-tion of the Union itself, you refused to throw yourselfinto the breach, and to accept the regular nominationof the party. Once more you employed the patron-age of your Administration in order to gratify yourworst passions. You never t rgave Stephen A. Ivug-Ia- s

because he indignantly refused to endorse yourdefection in 15oT; and when you contrasted the popu-lar verdict which gratefully approved his course withthe popular expression which condeinnel your own,you resolved that be should be defc ite 1, even at thehazir 1 of the annihilation if the Union. You sawthe Ueniocntic party staggering under the doubleburden of being bell respon-ibl- e for the enormity ofyour Administration and of living identified with thecaue of disunion. Again you were admonished thatperseverance in these proceedings must lead to themost direfui consequences, and again you refused tolisten to the voice of reason. Indeed, through yourcrgans and your friends, you circulated the doctrinethat it was far better thnt the general rpponents ofthe lymocracy should triumph than the regular can-didate of the party should be elected; and when thisportion of your programme was fulfilled, when bymeans of your patronage, and with the ai 1 of yourmercenaries, you assisted to elect Mr. Lincoln to thePresidency, yon pvve currency and credit to that fa-

tal theory which has hurried our free institutions tothe very precipice of disunion. Preparations f.Tarmel resistance to the laws as a consequence of Mr.Lincoln's election were made under your own eyes.pirticirxttcd in t y Tour own I abmet .Ministers, advo- - i

cated by your own newspaper exponent, and so firapproved by those woo held position under you, inthe diiTerent States North and South, as at last to as-sume the air of a virtuous revt lutii.n. In that hour,when, for a moment, you seemed to comprehend themagnitude of your Crimea, did you step forward toexecute your high trust, anticipating the machina-tions of the Southern conspirators, by crushing seces-sion in the but!, and by making an example of everyman who held a commis-no- at your hands who caredto approve their proceedings? Alas! no. In yourlast annual message to lVngrei, whilst arguingagainst the right of a Sute to withdraw from theUnion, yon offered immunity to the enemies of theUnion by declaring that you bad no authority to pun-ish them. Your Cabinet exploded in the midst ofyour own complications and your country's distre.es,and then was disclosed a picture of crime, moral andpolitical, such as no nation has ever been called uponto witness. Compelled to summon to your side othercounselors, animated by different sentiments, and re-

solved, so far as they could, to rescue the Union, youembarrassed their action by your timidity, vacillation

and At this moment, while yo-- i are pre-paring to a?t in the inauguration f your s'j'Ve r,it is J ul tful whether yvti hue h.rn i tr.efngu.ent f a g vrniu- - tit to aIUiiri:?Trr. Y- - ur t r.e-ni- rs

n.ight t .il ie t;..ri.i--it- 5 ufx.n tiiefulS ln.i,l i f tn-i- r preli.:t.,,i,s, if t(,. y w. f t .t c til-

ed opou t i Uii'iirb uifr t:i- - l".-- ai. 1 i :.:.! '. t!.eLli.oll it-e-

It io iy al I, t.'it-- e are h r-- ii .r - t a 1 !.---

an oil uiui. Vour cooi.tryt:ierj h ie t..-- -n i Id th 4t

as you ajpi acli tl.e cl. se of y-u- r teiuiv--IiiaJilf'- -t .ii.t rtr-- t at t 'i- - -t ; in 1 ' .Io a i- rttime it has g.-- i out t.'i it tt.tr w :g!.t f Jti'an 1 r:r - iias opprr-se- i your -( ill-- ; I. 'it.Mr. IIu :) inirj, the rry i.i- -t sot of y- ur A l:o.n.- -

trari. ii U -- !i. wn trrit -- ;'::! ir: the. r live t: ew..t.t'-.- l firi f y.r-i- m illi.i'v ari l rt :.. M n.yof y. ur reo-ii- y ::.t:i.' ii's i. ie r!nti.t ! tlie coun-try, liven now. t:,e t.atne of t l.e cf tl - rSvf iit-L'- s

in ail tti'r-- e ro.-e-i.ti-- wi.l h hive cn'r'.t ;iu 1 :ru-- h ti.e c !i t'.e ,r' f ruin, is -r. lltijtefor- - toe (.n.te--l S::.. I ral.:;!. jud'o-ia-l

f'.-it- i. n. and oTh-r- s i.o have v.en illy t r :..:r:-r.- t

in the re--r- :pt: n- - and f r:fs ( t!.e f ur y irgot.e by, have lra hont red ::h T:.e ' ?t i.tl:i-g'i:.-h- ed

taarks of y..-i-r c ii-- i It will, therefi re,

be seen, tint you return to jrivate life, just fi y..'iare approaching the nee, without feeling

i a -- ir.g emotion of remorse f .r the wrong y. u haveiiiS.'-te- u n : f atinit and surTt-rm- I do

' not envy y-.- your rt l'.e. t l..t.s in the winter of your'

yt-ar--; but like that Frenchman, when called upon

; to v. te whether he weuld doom the tyrant of hiscoun'rv to the death he so richly tnerltel, I

j this epi-tl- e in his own words : comma' rr.lo Vtr . ut'i thr rte iy, und tit Ofjrt.-- t : , tut I Virr r..j

pity J'r lh orrr'sur cf v. y rou ntr y." J. W. F.

Tbe lteullir of I.ilteriii.Perhaps the general ignorance, ay the lioston

Journal, in the African Kepublio of I.Ibe-

ria, accounts f-- r t'ne indifference felt for its welfareand liut that should li' t be sutfcrfl toblind us to tbe advantages h:ch we rnigiit derivefrom a closer commercial connection with a littleState which r :ni.-e- s more than everything elseto become the means of orering up tl.e gre it r ;rcesof Africa, t'wing un loiibtedly to hoine prejudices,i.iir ffoverntnent never has encourag'-- trade withLiberia, lif t even taken pa:n to f..rin a commercialtreaty with it. Liberian vessels, f which there arenow a iiur:iler engiged in trad'-- , neatly w.ta Hue-lan- d

an 1 France, are oblige 1 to py tonnage .lues inour r.orts. S much -f wti-.- has t.ccn thusoccasioned, that we understand the question of .g

differential dutirs on Arnfiican ve- - els f.rtnsone d the Lils-ria- p. Iirics. We understandthat this subject will be duly attrnded to and r:zhte-- l

under Lincoln's administration, and that tra le withLiberia and H ayti will be put on an a Ivantagevus

Still, it becomes o- -r public firifel merchants t)k into this ni itrert-- LiirLin c n iner.-e-

, inof governmental acti. n. I.:!eria is going

ahead ifi tr..le, is tich in commercial capacltie. at. 1

somelo'ly tnn-- t reap the lvt.efit of it It reqj.res nogreat ch to see that others are awake to thesefact wl. ether we are r ro.f. A reliable statementputs the averv'e atin'i-i- l export of Western OntralAfrica (mainly LiU-ria- ) to ti.e Il.ir. ;.ein Starts attl.".' tr . jreat Uritain i the principal cu er.

Her trade with Liberia f r tlie la- -t twelveye-ir- s has 1 greater thanoiirt witli nil Africa, andit i rapidly iticrea-it.- g There is no s..ii 1 i i.nwhy thl should I e -- i. There are rn iny ai t.ci-.- s tiiatwe can s'lf t ly t'.an any llur. : ean n it;, n, whilewew it.t nearly everything that l.'--' er: i pr.-lu.te- s.

Her dve-wl- s an l orn merit il her ivi.ry,pa!rn-o- d, at:d are welcome! iuevery market. iSut the extent to whieh the proluc-tio- n

ol the-- ? Coil! I In increased by n judicious out-

lay of cajitI. i .almost in.:a!cu!a;!e :t jnetit.The colony of LiU-ria- it will 1 rcinem'oeri-l- , ex-

tends bairk tiom the coa-- f on!y from tifry to eightymiles. Hut while tbe country inerea- - in richnes--

toward the interior, the va-tn- es of which is but par-tially explored, there are iio r.m l ly. iid f.tty orfifty miles troin the coast. Camwood is broughtdown on the shoulders f the native. Hut immensequantities of ) altu nut are to y f r w mtof means of transport, and the mahogany, l;gniiiiivit?and rosewood tree, which are said to be as plenty ashemlock and spruce in Maine, stan i untouched.And this where tlie rates of wages are h.w, and theclimate exceedingly adapte-- f..r 1 il.r the year round.We have assured by an intelligent and reliableLiberian, that the present entire trade of the Stitiiwith the Kuropean countries is not so great :is itcould be male with the United States alone in eigh-teen months, if our merchants would only take in. Idof the matter a it deserves. He est invites, for in-

stance, that nearly two-thir- ds of theoil nu I ivory thatcould be obtained within a hundred miles of thecoast, is not now brought down, for the reasons wehave stated.

Hut we should not forget that Liberia deserves curattention on other grounds th.au the money whichcan be made from her commerce. She is demonstra-ting the power of the colored man to carry on a ifor-- er

nme tit and buil l up a prof-jx-rou- Shenutn-ber- ssome .0,000 inhabitants, of wh-u- 10,0-- are

free blacks frooi the United State. Hut these menare the trailers and factors of t2,tHK.0v of natives inthe interior. They have virtually Mopped the slavetrade on a large part of the western coast of Africa,and they have djne much toward elevating the con-

dition of the interior tribes. Their commercial andsocial progress justifies the assertion of" Hon. IMwardEverett, in his colonization speech, that they will com-

pare favorably with the foiiuders of any other State.As a singular indication of what they have done,

we may mention that while the ltritish export tradewith different parts of the world h;is only increasedin the last twenty years 50 per cent., the exporttrade of Western Africa has more than doubled. Hutlike all new colonists, they sutler for want of capital.If that could be supplied, every element of prosperitywould 1 quickened, the means of communicationwould l improved, new resources would 1; devel-oped, skilled lalur introduce I, mid immigration in-

creased. We have confidence that this subject willyet commend itseif to our far-sight- men of business,as well as to genuine philanthropists, and that theRepublic of Lilieria will soon receive a new impulsein the career which has thus fir been so honoraMe toher.

SALT! SALT! SALT.maxi:fa,tu:ei at the

V V V Is O A S A I. T W O 21 S !

qillKI XUKHMfiNUn IS KK.UIV TO Fi llA ro-- h 0 llati-ii.-- ar.. lt.k.T-.- . ;n irir-.-..- i .piioito . a

Terr dupei-if- r an vie, l.tjl' A I. Ti TllK lih.-- T I M I" HIT KIS A LT. aiel iU ru r to Drf'T 'omprlilion J K r : r::napply t IiAMt.L M"M'...iMKKV.

Hv-- tf Puu;. a S!: VA erk.

TO CAPTA 3 N Sof whaixsiiiis.v oti:k Vi:si:ls

ui".i.it' '.nT t Kil." . a: , p--r r.r I ; r r- -ti It . f ;.: I r.--- r t : Ste-ep- . nt r t.e.l, i- - :.t- - ;it ?. I ."U a ). .

AI. Fru.is arl . le of varieu kin.i can in-- j ntttie kvlkove iiaiur.l M.rt.

J- - i.ii n han I kt tl.e in ouai.Ti:..- -. t.. suitpurer.-- - rs. (A-l- fi u K 'U'i K e II A V. M A .

NOTICETo Cnplaiiis ol Wlmlcliipr.

TIIK CM)KKSI(.K!. I TH C Wr--- i w. i'i.vii i, Mt rlUii; II.I.'H ll,M. Hi. I . pr-1-- ..r .1 O. f S!.--

rnirur.r.v 11 nu.r,i.-is- .i o. m.i i i t i r l.r.BAN A As. etc . etc., in ..r In or e .ti.

iil-'ir- n JIIN A. HliiiilNs.

Frh 3IIoka. Butli-r- !



Kejfnlarly rrerivrd nml rontanllf lr uile by-J- t-o a-- i. ?TE AKI, tiro r. II .: I -- tree:.

Bailrr ! WwXU rTIIK l'M)HKMr;ni) II UK H--

nn li. r. 1 pu inr:ll. tJuit. I.av:i iief- -- .lo in r. .k

r i v ot 1 r tii- - nt-uia- r - li ? K'ir.--llKK ALI A lit TTKrifr- tn K. Kni:: .t i.ry. arkie et- -t barter 'n t!ie e are n. w prepare ! t tur:i:'i

th- - art i Jll-tf- ) T. Mi'SsMAN k ?


rilllH IMKIW(;Hl) Or'f'KKS Ills SKI!.2 ir l t.. Mer.-!.'i-n- . 1" i; io r. ar .1 . :t.. r ar tf, H..WI:an.l-- . as Ajr-- ut ', r tier tnii.e-ti-. u . f tui-- m in r'.e

I'm:e.I state.He wr'.l i ve par! nx'-i- a".tf:ir ..n t t!.e p'ir !..i- - m. l -- t.

. MKKi'll AM'PSK . t M 1 ! N KUV, ar..t. tp m ,i i.epTet:o- - th as a cierrharit ti. t plant, r at t!.e -i m !. h- -t.i riv t. iri.e !.. rriav t.f,rrut h-- tj.nrur-l-' r. tltv preseoi. vestr-.;.,ti-.-- h. x.. I . s. A.

'. J. K. l:. MAKsHAl.L.

noz. 3 iioot KI IMII.S- -50 l'-- J d.. lr .ni.V'J n t f.i.i.o.l Tu'--

'.' tl.tx. ' ini-- !'a-- kt

t Tainr- -i I'ut ktH.mit-s-- H i.l. ir .irr-.-

N:li fl.inil-- -i e'l.airs.IlaSy Junipt !,

Ir u.sl. r vf. J tiKV n:


JI ST KKCKIVKD IIV ;K::f;K. CI.IKK.).rt a w.-- ,. .r.i A. rrnt-t- .t .1 1'KIi'K .v '.'IiELACK.'I.X I'KKFt MKHIKS. w!: ah ! ave -- rn fu-.- -l al a:a low figure, an-- wiii -r I it a i'i ice r. .1- - fv m-- r

titi..n. Keputatiati f I'rice S i'.". - rfum, . ,ir .. i.--, i! in..ri

for their rtty .ver all t tht-r- . the nt:b. e.. r theik itnee.h- - f..r luni t miv ..nrt l in ,i.,jU. n ,,f tl .r-23-


HOOP SKIRTS! HOOP SKIRTS !!O' TIIK l.TK-- T AM l!KTVIHW ... t tie- . .1 f I I ' H. :..! f r - .e I y


EX "COMET."l I Xlll.S ;.!. ! AM TW'IN'K

I,1. . . 1'- ' i i .n ':- -,

Tr.r-a- , 1.V

Xai.ltr Cu-.l- t

si, -- - F.i-- i r.,--

F ... . V. N. I.Abl

ooffegtIonery.Confectionery ! Confectionery ! !

r.lVKD KVf.KV TKII I'KR r'KlNJH( K- - TAl-VIKi- :r,::i M . Kr..:.. . !

i K i;ii ii- - t"ninlif iul C'oiilVelion..j a: k . VV.r.ua at. 1 s..ft :.. ;;- -! A'n;. :. -.

1 J I'AnAN.O'II.i

Nu i it J J..r fr-u- c r:.- - r . f K.n. t.


TIIK BKvr AM CIIH.t l'lr (IKIRVT ff'I.K IN H.'V.'Ll 1.1 . A rKW

(''.".rniic MrtTscIiaiim Pipes !

wirn ciiKi'.iiV rn:.-- am- - amuki: M'Tih-I'Ikci:- -

I. AM't:Us')N'j HE TI T T"UACCm. a:-.- ., ar.-- t..-.i-r : u:--- s. r c!.-.- .p ' y

J. I "A IT AN A I'll.2 N je.-ir- ,.n-- ' .!: fp-- eorr.er t.f Kiric street.

Tj i:rr i iKci viDHIO.M LlVLllP'MiL.

A I IIOK K iOKTI K"T OF KNCI.IMIa:. 1 n'tili II i .iNJ. K 1 I.'NKKi . a T.ia.i i a put up in

f.r-- v p ij- - r- -.'

- n: e ie It.,;.- - Part;, s.A'.s. a I t .f rp.i:ii-- a I.I ." 'U H ' K. a pure artiete fr

ari-- l . !:- -. I'--r aV l y.1. I ATTXNAi H.

j"s,.t-,.-.- i r.. ..ne . ..r i - rii- - r . f Kn u -- trwt.

Foi: su.:; by the i .M)i:rsk;m:u :

H tvtM cic;ak.M i:. r.- - .r- -. N-- . 1. N . -- . .N .. o.

Lir cwi-- p. Suju-rio- r Natural Leaf ('lieu insami SiiKikiisu Tolmrt'o.

Ai.. A eh .ice i..l vf faii'--

J. I A TTANACH.",i:i Nu:ia:iii t.. ene .l...r TV .in e. rti. r . ( K.i.ir st.

" JuriSccciv :l t x TRITONFIl')M LIVKKrooL.

A KINK ASMiRTM KXT OK I' LA I N AMI1 K i: tivaeli liiy I'.p- - s. . .r -- .:!.-

J . AITAN At. II.J ;s..".:a N i.i.iri'i s!., .me iI.t fr uu .f Kit' lj


Ti vi' Tt1" r w i:.t ri:i

a n :i


1 !. ;l !. if .tK.-- the !i.r

i Kv'..; v' t'.'.i- 'i ;m !n-- t . A :.iii-l- ,

fi K t tli'itii nu; trt---

h- - v :'! i it r 11. v

i r' Tin, Sheet Iron

Tji-- " Wf" i U'JfUi ktll II Plttt.l.-i'i ail it 'ri:..t. , an.l in r variety tli.m ran - f uielei- -. !iere in tie.-- city. Ilivii. t at the l.u-:r- i. r t r m :UiV

; ye.tr- -. t t -- .J. i tiiat he ran l'.v.- - ti-f.nli .ii t. all wietui.iy fak.sr iuil witii it ca.l. He w..l keep c..n?Lal.tly t.n l.an-- a

l -- 1 a- - .rriie t "fCOOK STOVKS, liotli for wood timl coal.

Tin nml J:inn:turl ira rr. c. nitii.ir in part !" eai.et- . .. -- . i .ij, 1 ... Wli:! tr'tv-- . -- 'ij.ir Imj..-.- . -- pitt.-.n-.

liar-- c.u.s. Hii.t' ni-- , t.tli.p.. fan.i.. -- i.e.,-.

Lrilmiiiia Ten nml Collet- - l'tt. !i'. Shrt-- I

ItCiiJ. Tin X t opM-r- . Hip lin I II it Iv ii it iytl h ital K it u I s !i Slteft J run, Lt-itt- i Kiut.Cltiltlrt-u'- a Kill Its. Tilt Tot. 'I ail k::i.li : a:., I allkill is Ji -- .l. Us l. liiy Kt j,t i; rej.i;ir.., t.f V. l.jeji I,eiviil e; rvlrriiii'lr low l"ir nppr-.v- l . rttlit.Tin M'are ,,f ei-- ry il .. rip;., n tn i.it. t!i ! -- t mat. r.ai, an.l.I..I. V...-- k l i i liie .st ii,.u,n, r.

I'art c il.u- a;;et:ti..;i pai l u Tin uml Zinc Koolin.an. I nil hin l . f ly a l w .r tii.ne, l..r!i ;..r vesvl an.l Ikui-.-- s.

Am-.i.i- r Die -i; ..f t'..ii rt .i.s, 1- ,- w..ul.l rail particulart tl.e Crjolitl I'lilitot an. I (rniiite Slnlr,

a. I.eiiiir t.f trie miur m u-- e, lirtt-.-l up in a uperi.rmanner, an.l warrai.te.l P jrive sat.-l.t- et n. j.-- r a rlieajterart;, le. lie ke-- p. tlie Occttii I'mtilutii Stove, uiui tie willa l l Pi hi as tl.e Ir.eie may

Ail tli"s" in vr.i::t - f auytliiiii: in t!ii line Ki.ul.l ilo well tncal!ami fxaiiune li i ilieineiv.-s- . purr! asinir else-where, as !e- ti.rt.-- not inteiiii to be l:KAi," either in ri.a'K t.rw.i:si iNsirip.

3 p. r'iit pur.'liasinj t..ve at tlii estal.liui. wt. ean av ean ex; f f.iur or live .1 .11. u. a .Mr. f. will set tie m up iul..ii..l-.i:- i.tiATls. J'is) (tKti. (.'. liKKf5.



SflM'LY OK KRKSH A X I SF.I.KCTEI)A l.r.jt.-..'ii.-s- , itniHirte.l tlireetly i tlie ."...-ls- t ly eachpacket, a well a ail article winch tin laark.-- t a'l ir Is, t.olii inthe lir :erj-- ati'l Feed line.

Just Received per "Comet.Calif'TUta Smiled l;.-e-

tl-- t tlu Ham,ln do liaCt.n,ill llo !h..Uli.T:l,tl tlu alIll.ll,!o tla llrrinif.! extra sup. Kain.iy FL nr, 5, 25, lb. sucks,

il.t II 'in iiy, in In li. i-r.

J.i Kye in in It, sacks.Wheat M'-al- . in J.'i an.l V.'; ll. sacks,t'..rn Vt..-il-. in .j an.l 12V lit. sacks,K.-- l Kiver Salm.m. in half Mil.,Kitt Macker l. T.iTiirue an.lI test f.syr.ip. in 0 mi.! s s.il. kcsI ruslie.1 su;:ir. in half M.,ii.ttl T-- as t..r family Us,fl.'ap Tea f..r slips' Us- -.

Fr.-'l- i ai .l cn un-- l Cnf!r arran'l purt',Calii.-rni- ari I'ic-- t se,

.1 . M Ik r.ieuit, )tl-- i M me I ra.-ke-

.la i iv .t.r ..r Phi. ic Crackers, per h. f.rilL-a-r t'ra' kers. J retail.

.l i I. in fake.il. I'.l t llrvml. J

Lihsic, 3Ia!u s ami KoJoa Sl (i IKS !

(!' r half I.M. or K. Ia:!.)S ir lin-- in rpi irt- - r an l Iia'.f ! Ae,

..l,.".s. 1

.srip. I

: r in. pr, fI iniii. ;t'.ii.f .raia M:irar-1-

it lilifiril:l..n,Hani1-.- ! It hay. -i nr. ! Mil .n I' .ta;.. ,;i 1'.. tin rry an ! r.a-p'-r- Jam.

An.l a ?re..t v iruly t.f pr. s, rv-- s. .vo.. c, in tin an l g!.is.Al- -t lri ct.nr.i:.: c. i;.t i t i uppli- - t.f

Molokai and Dowsett's Butter.2.'..V2m A. I. CAlirW KliiHT.

Choice I'.injilv IU ailing!mnoM't wjsiiixj; to outain ax KX- -

r-- llt r.t family new-..ij.- .. r. mil I e w.-i- with eithtrl.f th-- f. :

f Y I.Ij r S i Oil a year.Il.t..ri V ..- - n ' 4

unil- - r I J '.: i r1:- e taint l.a luet.t . f til- - if np!.. .1 f .r - - ii. J lr.) II. M. - ill I N FY.

PIONEER MILLS,im Krniiri.ro.

MKI.CIIi: Its .V I'o.. si iilal Honolulu,A KK ItFlil I.AHI.Y KKI KIVIM; HV v ry

I tfk t. :r-.- 'i - ij.; i: - Klonr tr .rn rhe a'-v-

vi .. ,., ! r ;(.- - -- am- f r -- a. at the w. ni irk-- r it. .

I'i - i. ! r ?! :r ..trr-.-a- irly r- - ni:c- -i ! 1 I" tl.e l..,kT.1 t! .r t the tr-- - i'i . r ii. ' - the family

11 ;r ! r ' vi . iv - i ackti..l. .'..-e.- w e the fav ritei.l th.- I. ..i-- e k - ih r on ;!.e -! m l. r

Slate ! siale ! !

MWn llrT DTK II AM SI.ATKS.lH. ..ie fhe:,.. l.yM KM 'II F.ltS A CO.

FISE ! FSrtE! !

fc I.IKIJK K!KI-:-I'iiiV- MONKV AM)m i;tK

1 l:iaila f:re-- i f - t Mot-- r ".h- - : A ! than c1'!.

.i ' F Mt.l.l'HKIi? X OL


J -- ie. I'-,- :, a: J.'.-J.- s MKl.illKI'.S , I .


l.i- -: San' Tn.lia l'a A'--- .

mi:m hm:s A. I'm.

CHEAP FURNITURE!IDMMOX SKT II A I Its.. . :' nr.nifi-- . 1 r i!. b v

j...j..s ir. i.i ui.ur o' itt

-- E OFF Kit A SMAI.I. LOT OK COUD- -Ctiii. tat-r-- anrtetl. frnrn 1 t 2- - ir . he.. .sai. 11 M.tiuia, fr- tu - fi.. ! M it. la. -- ; an.l 2j

At verv I av .. I - - r - !. r r.jlf, HI l.i'HI i:- - r.i


rj'IIK V I TII lK A I. OK TIIK. MHV:r .i.i J .... .i. - ,.. 1. - , a i "v- r , ..

JP- : ,r- - ;. v ij- i -. ; f. i..Ti,: . t - ...,'. - .:.

J iiji-,.- . r t:r t . r :. - l-- !.r. i. j, .i.l ;

- ; .: - t:.- - Ju.l

I'i'ilK'iiI. Fire S;iiJ. .f.IV.-- ; r.

-- 1-

Si:z22SUOIt 11


1 Fnrn'v n--- !' Pi i'.: I't-rt--- ( !..1 II:iI:-r...i- u 1 " " 0l -

Jr. in :h- - r...!.:t!V: ry ' M- -- li.i::-t- : A .i:.-- t ... !.

t.r i. .v. , 1 r- ; I r f : i.e.etvt;.:ice pr.'.v... :i : i..- .. .:i:...v. ' '.

r. in; km hi; .v '' .


V2x " 1 2 I lCX'lW 1

0"I!OKTI.V T A SI II V K Fi:M 1;HSHVU: ... 1... ...

1. .... Y.i.e-:i-- .

M ....K N

r. 1 a ! ir.--e var!.- -. v f -.. r. : i v.r. r v

21T-- 1

t T UBI.S. TCKK'S I1.AM SALTA 9W :l-,.- t !ii,s.j.:!,;:--- . r r -- iV I y

. liilKM I U .V Oi'.

POWDER.ni(;i!i.v t:i.7.Ki) I'owDKll.K f tu ! ii r.

K-- ale I'V C. ItKKWKi: - c..TA cL LO DEONS.

TWO I.Hn'.-- M APH UV S. 1 ,V II.ONLY i:.:'.!: ivi - n.:riii:i. ::' i ry ri- Ji aa.i I., avy mt.me an a li'iiraMv a.:.ipt- I ii. K r .il- - l y

J4T- -) i'- l:iU:M Kit .v f. '.

OARS, SCULLS.A L !(. K Assll'it I'M KXT OK O Us, A LSO

A. .t Sru;:. r -- a'..-i v C. ia;r.MKK .m i i.,

HllAVO S ITT I XI. I KsivS f r iti.r::,.-- r .

iL a!. met !' :.f- - .U:i.f-r:.:.,- l I i. r lie l v

JT-- t'. Kit .V ('.Solar i;. :.:. Wicks. Lv.

riVF.S Stl LA It Cill.MXKl s..J i s S :.if v F. rs.iU-- . y

t v.unvKi; Co.

fl F.S I5I.rr: COTTON TIIKKAI)J t Wn:i.-ii'- j ;u..l M ii'j ii. -- i. ry.

K. r -- ale l.y.i'.'-Ii- n W. A. I.Ti!llCII.


in cnnYnKs T(i suit.!: .I.K !:V

is-i-t- ' i;. n ( i;: i j.:. .s ..

Ci uim.s. s; i::!j!f!: si,mo-i:- kceiv .1 ex il. A. . -- i J. ., ..,;, .. ar.tl t.T

saie i.v " ;ii. i 11. li.Vi'KI i.l.l .v I'...


FOIl THE STATE OP CALIFOIir. IA,At Honolulu. O.lier ol I). C. all r inn it --V, Co.--ATCMLL ATTHMi TO TAKIM: OK I KI'OI- -

V V TI'iNS. A. kiit.it a.l ..'.!..t.f Wririnj . - ue, in itns Mate.

lloti'.iu.u. I. c. Is. .ii. ;'T-0-


.:i ti iii.l. s ippii"s everyw.-.-- p- - r s al.i- r. A il n let 'i i r a ! :i - i fall ..li

J.'j-a'.i- 'i m ii.rn i;h ii.m;i .v


IT It romMii'icl! rntlrrl y Trout (i.m, ani' i .:.;.''. ii : :..ri .Ve i. 'i.:". ii.nu a

r.:i-- . a I y a.l 'A. : !... u. - ti.-.- r- -

! I f . I tSIM.t two vfaran!.-- 1 1 1 er ea ip M.i t- ;'. a ti.ii uuu.juuu:i ;ic te.i :u .:..'.sliow.

i ii.i must Le a la! a & : t "Tiit. ir.f ni i T thoIn a. ..! ui-- ... iu m l laI.: I e:i; - in'.v. j i

ili. i ins your, frlisoef tiiel.IVKIt I- - ?7: j k.tJi-.V- 'J till, anJ itviailcure Liver C'fiin- - xti .Itiis, Hi I loin A-ttack, ,: ronlcUlariiicKa,tiummtr Coin-lt- a, tlnlnti. Dysente-ry, Uropny, Soar fj..ltl iomat-h- . IliibiSnnlCo-i- t I vcmfkM, C'liol- -, ., ( liolt ra, t lolera.'ioriiuji. C holera l.'iifnntum, Klatu-lenc- e,

Jiuiiiilct.i., jmml Veak.nes- -,

ami ma. be u.ed enc cessfuily as n Ordina-ry Family ?IeII- - elne. It ilionre SICKII i: A L AC JI K, ti. ..isani cxa tt.st::y.) Intwenty nilniitm, If P.two or tlti-e- e Tea--

(Mioiifuli are tak.- -. P en t cmmciictiiiicut of

All whowe It are ss,v,nJf tht;'-- " tesiumonylni-i'av.- .r. i


Price One Uollnr jfr ISottle.



Pur Vrcftnhlt KxtrncH, anil put up In(il.ASS CASES, Air Tight, and will JkeepIn nnv rllmnte.

Th Fftmllr Cn- -tl but atuvp raUiartioua-'-l in hi? prafii' m"r i thiin twenty

matia in'm whofcjwelnnc iisdh 11 T mid ih LfratH in whirti

m r i tr:tir ue, lA liiduce--i toeth"n witiun iho rearh f ail FH

1 h I'r tiAwn well kii"' - tl:at l!T're:it CaiharJcs artOn tiJ"'rtr;it f ihe

The FAMILY 'lit HTFC IT 1.1with due retVreTi'-- t lif.n 4tA I. i fvt,

brn cinntiiiiid' 1 from a Ov.f'fy ije pin . Vpj-e-

tA't.e Kx.rttw, whirh act , everv !An ( f tl,alimtTiiary cann!. anl are 1 t;oI a.nd ho ft-- in ai! cha- -e wbp a ,,iib.iruc

mrntM T th' toiunrl., Mri- -

n-- . Ih1ii4 lit tin Itark nml l.olm,otvt iM-- , fain and Soiftiin ovrrli v holt Hod jr. 7 fP i io a iic rn'jrs of Ke

xer n of t f Ite, n i rt t pl lie c ii- -

nn Hon oft oll vri fh- - hml', KfAflfMnrt, IInlH-Hr- rl llil In t ti- hfml,ail Inllnm mntory It Ht4e-- . U nrum iaf hlldnn AdiiltM.1 J KImii innrKiii, a xmt.fnrl lit-- r t f xb KloMt . J h:; ! n h-- civa.- - whenfeh u 1 . t.n n'rneruis! le tr.enrj.jn la lias aJverULie.nieot. lltltie, 1 to

KICK TII M EE DI MES.Trie I.lver InrU'nrulor ntitl Kumlly Cn-tlin- rtlr

11 1 In r ! I'r'ua;iM c. neril!y, uulftoia whoicaa.e hy the Triv-l- m U de lr.;a tun as.

S. T. W. SANFOKO. M. I).,Mn:iur.iiriirr FropniHor,

Uroadvra y , New oru.SolJ hy th Dmrrf.s (Terywh.r, an l by

PA II K Vv IIITE, Acnti.5hr th rariP.c Coast, 132 WafihiDf-to- n Street, SanFrancisco- -

As ip. N i " ar, , Vt" T r.y an, j to 'A it

SOOTHING SYRUP,roit rnrLii:i:.v tkktiii.nv.,

i - '! ' . t ' ' l ' 7 '' - r -- "r

:t :.f .a .' Ai .1. 1 :.' ! --j


R.LiEFNo' HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS.v., P it v ! i ' ...;! ev.r Wn y.sn. ur S CAN

c . v.- v ft it-- v- - l v r TRTTH : wl .t n..- - Vta..':..'.t ?:''... r HAS IT t A I IN A

S:.il.E" lvrV k. ' Ull-E-- A ffl.E. wVa t - - a, t.. jil.j - ir, li.!'-- '' i'i 1aM-- : I n - t ar.J it .

m i. - r.- .--- '. - j - . J -

' ' " ir ! --a-..in t n... ;' r

W. ..in-..- . r ' V"M VT tt'S ! K N. W. :. r : i r.i-.- -

ciwr aM' i l.kfMK rir.-- t i - ir-- i'ieriMMEMel W HAT Wli iiuUi; I'rt'I.Aiiii. la - :a- -

;. : f t -- 1 1'" " - :.! - --

nJl, sitlM rtv.t-- v n ". Tit ,:r .t .a....f"-- - : Q ' el - . '.:. KX- -

Ti. in V r :i t I ;

rERIkN-.'- : I.r i' N i i. s N. ti k;. kZ.i leDbl. 1 W NEVI r. FA-- I !N.i l ::i

THOUSANDS CF CASES.lit - ftr'v r1 t . I. ' 1 r., b- -t triv:.- - s V.'- :- rrii- - h

i t"- t. - 'i ar .r---r i .. :y.. It : n-- - suir' v'liHrriN'J IN THE Bt .WEI.S.

ami win; - ri'i ' t. :f c t -: i''T

i.l. ,- -- i.-- VV. tv. ,v .tM'M Mfl r.t- -

,,rrvlMllivll,..i. NTTTSV N P PIAll- -

P.H V IV fUtl.T'l.KN. w I "aw . 'r -- n --. fr-- ni I'T

W, te- -. l..r...f.e.... i.::.ir.N. .T in VX'R PRC--rv. -- :..f. ... ,.T M ;

jvi.nr, the rKF.; "K tiikks. r.v.t ., ..... . f . ' t at w . . trlT.E v.

AKSt.I.l r V l Ku ' 1 if IT: ' ni..l'.-:r.- .t T

fi-.- ti--- 'T.T .ii N- - AV--, f... . rv

w- -.- - - : ! v - 'ot. I:

p....,r-r- ; if re, 13 Cedar Street, N- - Y


r K 1 HV r ..

132 Va.?':.inetoa Street. San Frauci-r- . Cal



ox ii vm and roi: svi.i: u rimr nmtsicv i:i :

M.UIii.lVNi II li M V si.K's,m'l'Hliltlllr-- j eri - eiiiiiueie l cverel sc!tev.M ilifi:my hatn.its,

do .filter f.ii '.t's, i,,mv an 1 t.rat silr,Jo hair : K rtlo hsir-- e it .t--y eliaii s,

Pnteut sryie l'.Kl'Sl IIAI .

.ik oiitio seat arm cli.iirs,I 'tliee cli airs.

m u.l'Kiril.I'p in.- -, s f. rii.ei'y - uj . .i n . ... ii i i.

'Ul KX's C I.K liOOTs.. I l.a !.e- - K. a:. I Pate-.- I, ..I!.. rA re l.- - .a:.' s:,.l l I... t". S!.. - .

I - AZ n M A l.l'i'.H II

I'iro Slrick !HUH 1IKU Iv, r r s...e I.

M A. Al.l'KW II.

I V KS AM) KOli KS.KX r.-.-- ixi.ives.Kl.Ue.

K. r .! I vM . A. Al.lM.H'll.


- -'- .ia . .. A I.PKI0M

11. CAKI'KTI XI. I O It S A I.K. It VM . A l.l'Uli ll

EX AIM.lairt-- .KI.K1 SU CKI'AXS. J. :;. 4. ...... 7 a

Tea m ii.X are I.amj',

.an Flint.f!..-- '1'l.rea.l.

I'.ni-h- e.

.b vv' llarjw.'I'lTau-.- Spur, A i'.,

F.T sale bvv. A. AIMU01I.

IS' SIT'KltlOlt XVIIITKSKXV I'aiu;. F..r -- ale bv'J X. Al.l'Kiril.

OSTHX IMI.OT liltKAD. IX ISA K It KI.S,F,.r ae- - bv

-- rn W . A. A1.I'KH"1I.


CI ASKS Ml KK.T 7.I.NK,' I. hi: 11.. an. I'tiiiil..

S .'ur l. itini. ill. be an.l St. a. '..',Hitie '.in:i;-.wi- l. r.

l'eroujsii.ii I'ap.1 ,.r -- ale bv

-- :.:., W. A. AI.IiKK'lI.

ASKS M I It It O IIS. 2 I x I I . x IJ. I t 1 O.C IJ x :, in x s. x .,.Ca-- k (tiiarileil lint. n., Iti-- s t j.jie.l.

Fur sal.- bv2:;s.:'.m V. A. AI.HKICH.


U ll.tr.Mraiiietl . iy, x 14. x 12,".'i t;, n i.n.l M - . !.!:. tj:r;tis,

J..; aiih.-.- l U 'lJir .

F.-- sale LvM . A. AI.PK1CII.

KA XCY IMtlXTS.CASKS s I '.itiary Prints.Ca-.-- s Palm-lea- f llai

I'.is'-r- I'.al li. tt's ! ble.uhe.I C ttt llS,F- r - lie bv

' tV. A. ALI'KICH.

TIN DI.K.S XOIiWAY' SIIAI'KS, J x i. j x ,k Jf ll.'XtS l'. tie InU.

C.!h:;'Vetern Kim L.-ks- .

Urea l ll.i'.-h- . t.t hare. al Irmis,

ils--2:- F..rah by W . A. AI.M1II1I.

ISI1VS I A ST K 1!LACKIC. small, ine.liuiaaini lar-- e size ln.e?, 1. r -- ale v

I'.ai V. A. AI.HU1CH.

I.KS BltOWN COTTOX,Uale tr. .

itales fniiatiKl I'l.-it- .

li.ale l ick, extra.I'..r I.V

SS-3- A. AU'UH II.


A"lioK4s;ilt' ;uil Ii"t?t:iil-- l. -1. I!-- I. S-- I. It- -I X 1 - -- 1 l.N- -i.. :ieii'-- i Sliirtinir ;

White rlaimt I. vuriuus qualities ;

I'urk I'aliett ;

l,it--- t t ' lii.im. t Kil.Nn. I v Kvj.re :

li.Kit' llt'H'I'r I 'iitu-rii- - with triiniMiii ,

With a penenil ris..rriiieiit ..f

ilriHVnes. Cruckery,liry GiukI, Ul.i.-war-

ll.ir.iware. Tin-war- e.

Constantly on han.I

Best Molokai Butter.A Is..:

Ir. Jaync's ('elebrated .Med icine.

Pioneer TailN !

BKKSII CAMFOKXIA KI.OIR,i Fresh I alil'uriiia .litFur sal - l.y

253-t- f MLI.t'llKKS & CO.

THIS I A V A l'I'OIXTK.I) Th. C.IIIAVK I. mi . a my atterney, who wiil att.-i- i l M myailairs tlui'ii.i.' niv tck:ies. S. lIOFFMF.YF.lt.

1I..iii1j:u. March V2. il.

A I.I I'AHTIF.S H AVINfl ( l.AI.MSniMin.ljA. IIFFM Kit. ill (.I. a.-- .- pr. sent the same t. the; an.l th-.s- i:n. .1 ta sai l S. ll 'tVn.t y. r. will j.l.-as-

-- etlle soon, I.v iiavine e.:t-- r to Mr. A. I'ni.a. at Ijih iina. . r toTH. C. I1KLCK.

ll.m. lulu. March la. i.'il-lr- .i



GSOFGS G. HOWEVV11'1' e (XTiM k to si rri.v insT V Cii-te- .. .,, iviih N".irthw-e- t I.uitil" r at th- - sive i.n K

as th.1 I.Mi'i Ki i i;. Ii. nt hau.1 e.. i r Is f

Nnrthvet ilii'h V. 'ar.i-.- .

;;ni it..i'V. .! V, ir.U,A..rt.-'- l SealiTiiliL.'. 'J an ii il.eh l':a:i'K.

ineh I: ar -. ;.!aM.- - i I

t' iiL'ii.ii at el grwuil U an:

Fence !' .,Vine I.nn.lier.li.n.r. i:. l w ali, IViii.i!- -.

rieket. 4 ainl jl.ath.N ail- -. I' tint-- , (i;!. A' .

1. S. All ..r.l-- ri rii.e.l bv him. if r.nt satif.iet.irr. fill be"

ina.h- -tf




Jl.,V f' ."i.imiii . t lr i. h.ar is,jJllKCa: 1 iaei, j :.i;.e. '.. ar -,

1 ."i.IMIII feet T. a:..i i.I II.IHMI f.-- . t .; it. a, bat: ;.- -.

1 II.IHMI f... t J.J in. ii eal.t'.il.r',1 II.OIIII 6 fe.-- i,ia--l-

X HAM'.Sdll.OIMI f- t a-- - rr- ar-.tlin,

I ."(. mid r .i uot-- i i

if.-!-, - af -. r. ! .1 lii-i

i tv .,i!i ani'l i .:'X. Ik 'j.;. ? ai.. m.iVI !.:. tf


SKI. I. NOI4TII XV F.ST HOARDS5AVII.K f rIr; m ill t.r larut i'i .nr:t!- -. ur r

NEW LITIVXBER T JTT ,opj.i,:;i th. t f C. U. f t. V..x.. K-'- . :r.-t- .

Z.r t'ltirt- - oil Fori Im I. r21'-r.- !!) f. II. I.F.WFl:?.

gg M SHAVKI) XVIIITK KASTKRNsuiri ie-, warraute.; t.. r...ve.r liw .Ure to

tv. M.A n- -- l.f f tV r'.vt-.r't- -- '!': - -- .at 1.l'lae ci ij i. - fe.-- iil- a:.-- 7 ir.v.-'-

. w. ie xrra t : k


A rria" i t ..f j.ar.e.I- - 1 :;.: i. ar ir. h. a r.. w ai.ii v ryie-- .r tSie ai'!!.'!--- .

XV i t li ii it iio r I iii-i- i I of t h ile nml ol'tl .n i ti I -.-rf F r -- a',.- i r. 11. I.KMFii-- .

DOIIKS. WINDOW ssil, iil.INDS.,H I.ATK AKKIVAI.- S-A a,: -- :r.e trr.-!-

.H.i vV .a.! ?arh. ai:I... .a.r I. a'l .

1 - ' t' - 1 . t an i !1. e. . oF-.- r nale .it r..' t ri..ri- -t j r.. . v

l.'i-t- f ( . I.KWKRS.

Doors. Windoiv Sash. Iliinds.'Iktf DOORS. AssORTKD SIZK.s, WITHi::.; ar. ! r.. --: j.ar.ei.

...i.. ; air U it. - .i rr. .1 - . j.U.vi i air -. rr- .. i a :. :: -- a . els. ,ige.:. .! ex.r-ril- v thi market, ai- -i :' r i n hv

1 ; tKuI.iti; .i. il'iUK.

Lumber! Luiiihcr !

rMIK I'NDKItsi(.XF.I) XV O I I.D IIF.KKI5V1 C'.v- - I.. : i..- - i I ... .r-l r - i! .-ry .l- - vii: ; u..V. i''.'

i; lal.tity. r r !.y - .- r t'.a.i ai-- t.tl.t r1..- war.-- . ;.. v. ;:. ai J.t...."r i i.. '' II ! 1 U I

xs- - x. sr-jo-w,

iinMii.i i.r. o v nr. ii. i..i'i i ;:s I nil i on s I.K. AT ill K. Uw

-1 VI Vl.K I . I -. th. w iia' a'. i .ti. i t i t un r

II . nl. i

l I .. .

Mil. te.l i a.!.

ii.ii. -- ' ):.. hi..-- it ninbi-:-'-

1'. . a. I a. i ".. .

!;. i .' .I., k.-r-

ii A FN S M'CK,l:r. '.am. i.i i 'as: -.

l.i. j . i ; .

l Ut tl' it ts.late Watt r 1". .trl.-s- ,

--h - t'nvkt ry AVare,

Crntow Ci-ocls-o- ry "XXT'x-ts-,

bal Mate ll litem. Itia,Conking Slot-- ..

I. ream-i.n.- 1 t',lit "l.l'Xii

TK ..I'ne.l Avi.te. Cliina lii.v, Canthtta Uiee.


Kxint I'rime I'orK.Li ' A F VK. Cr.lSHKP SUlAli. NAVY lU.EAP. HAMS

lireua.l IVj'tvr.1. an.l Mustar.l.

Water I'mokers?,.Hleir.'isihtan

Uiti-'- er Si.av.Jumbles.

Lemon Cake.Jars Ciuiu.

hats oi- - Tin: i niti:i) stvtk.s.I'.vktl Knives. Jack Knive. bat.-- Shot. b..e NeeiUe, SilverM

llitts. Measuri'ii: lajn'S.Si'LMi LAMP C H1MXKAS, l... LAMP AMCKS, Xo--. 1 2.

K'.ls ll..ue Pal-er- .

l'a.i!..eks.Pii-- Axes.

Carpet Tacks,A MTtetl File.


Iron llriUlrail. Ono 1'iiliiit Titbit-- .

L.ir-- l.i. .a.se. 0i'ier l'uui).s. le.at C'emi'iisses, liner Mats.FAIKHAXK S PLATFORM SCALKS.


Ki.-ii.- SaltsI'.l.u-- Pamt.

Green Paint.Mai.lr.

Lewis cN: lirnthcr's pure White LenJ,l'licifiii Co. Kxtr:k White Lea J.Keg's Lewis : brother's Phil, pure Zinc Paint,Cms Lewis X Brother's Phil, pure Zinc Paint.

Top Sail.Fure Sail.

Main Sail.Stu.l.linir Sad.


BUUSSHLS CAlirKTIXG.Otlrlulh t"nr liiie;.

One sup. Patent Force l'iini Hairimore I'ane-se- ChairsMen' IbK ts, liaiters.lir.arai, Assorte.i Shelf llartlware.

Ships" ScrajiersIiraml's AVhiiltug Onus,


line I'.r..vn"s AVIialinir (iun ami Irons, .me stt iron strapCuttitii.' libfks. with chain pemlants, Mitu'inir Maehint , LoatAncle li, Irmi ll'iH i..cks, superu r New-- lle.if..r.l VV halt imats.

Oil. CASKS AND SIIOOKS.II. N.p lr.-n- .

I '.. .p.-r'- Kiv. t.iak I'I ink, lj, and 1 J inch.

Lnrje :iorliii'l XI niiilrt mill Ilt-iii- C'orIn.Seizin,' Stuf".

Cutting Fall.Whale Line.

Try P..!.Ciini!..i;i..n Slieathine Nails,

C.)Uip.iiti..ii Copiieriiiir Nails,Ketr Cut Nails.

MAKZF.TTrS PollTKK. SALTS lil'KTOX ALK,ipiar: an.l pints, .jnart an. I pints.

FKTI.I' Y'S ALK. pints. - j PALFS CI ULKll HAIR,In.lian Venerable Hitters, Kssriice AV .innwi.I,Cherry C.ir.lial, Stuuirhtmi's Hitters,Il-.- t Prop, Peppermint.

Palm-!-- 1 at Hat.like Straw Hats.

I'.rim-'- i Straw Hats,I'rah Straw Hat.

Chil.lreu's Hats.A SMALL INVull E r.F

Sl PK.IlIOIt STKKI KXCRAVIXGS,CC-- tf .vie.. Ac, .Vc.


V Salt tr.nn the pearl Kiver Salt Works, coarse anilfin- -. lantiti. s ta uit. at th" latiest market rate. Also. Ka- -waihae IV tat.-.- s, in nuantiti. t.. suit, ainl deliv. r.I at shortestm tiie. WILCOX, KICIIAKI'S r CO..

"JlT-oi- u iueen street.


LATE ARRIVALS.Knlih lmnw IU-f- oti rrurKrrifSup. I'uml ii i. ton h;im U afer breal,

smok-- liati;s, at r crackT,Mf. vrk. ISuiter cr.ii-kt-r-

in l",b tins, ! ut tTak-rs- ,

Kits N.. 1 Maekeivl, ;.rii:T snap,Kit.- tt';ii;tifS ail"i StUlIl'i', J- niiy I.iml Cakt'-t- ,

Ki irlih small tins, loaf sui,rar.KiiL-lir-i-i Jairy chtesx, 'rusln-i- i suirarfr,-l- i c.hI hsh, Li.'ar,N. 1 Car m.i rico, ltina rlo,Frt-s- dneci P.'arl .airo. pl.t peas,As.soru-t- i intats un.i souj?, SooUh uatnit-al- ,

Frt!h Mkliuoii, Arrowr-o- , ve! inaoilli,Kr.-sl- i ny.-t.-r-s, M n'caroiii,Ki itt-rs- , Astrteil spi's

t sh cianis. l.tTtiSS il!;tl creaiii, Frr-nr- cap rs.Asort- -l Ki.'li-il- i fniits, Kr-T- it li rnu-tar-

ATiiv-iira- Ii u.t, French olivtsAfort-i- Knir'.i-'- jam-- , Frnih prunes,

AiiHTican jams, .AVhile wii:' viiK-car- ,

Ki;i:h.'li j- lii'-s- , Ci.iT viin i:;tr,Aui'-nrat- i ("(loftilntr.

A'-rui- l Knrii.--t pit Lit s. furry pnclcr,Aort-i- Kiihsh sauc.-- , "ayt'iii.- - p'pp r,

Wast pnW,T,Aairnran jr n TaMf salt in lnxes,t'r sii i'rn, T.t lt? .Al in jar.--Frt'-i- n;n'!i s in synip, TaM salt in lat'SFr-'sl- i (iiiinrci in Sal' ratusFr-!- i j.- ar's in syrup, '

Frti ini:iOr pi' meat, f Tartt-r-

Fn -- f; pr' frtntT, Ii."l'ins'ir?' yFrHii apples. K"l iiisi.n'-i:r'- i .is,Frt-r-t- pea-- Frt-- o.rn star:li,Fr-'-- sanliiK-- . i tins Fr--- Ilanil s

Fr- sh tins. Hiirm ttV r!av.ri!iFr-!- t iM.rham lila.-- k I pp r,Fr-- li rala.l oil, Imlitro )'iu

To-st. r saii:t Itath lrii:ksTru- - iti'-r- i syrup. l..lar oil.

tiJron. Orange, and Lrnion IVfl,HAISIN'S in half nn 1 whcle bust's,

Fin' Oolong Tra, 1'nr i'.unily us.',ioo'I 5titn lla'-- Tea., i.r thips us.

FLOUfi. &c.I7ni:sn mill i i.orji,

Fr.-s- K;i.st Mnui Fl.ur,Fre-- li iriiii:iiu Fluiir,Frej-l- i ( ''irn .


I .. SAVIlMiK,' O.UI FelL.ws Imii. K..it sn-.-t- .

Njii i' ! Nnic.'s ! Siiiccs !A I.I. KINDS M'K K-S-

1'ar fa!e t vt J.n S. SAMUGK.

XX- -A I. I TS. FIl.t KI'.TS, JOKDA X ALM- -T i 'M.S. r- -r .i- i-

--' S. S A 1 1, i K.

COTItOX. I.F.MOX AM OiiANCK I'KLUKr sai- - I v-'-- s SAWIH.B.

i ':.' I r.i1 t'jis I r.t

i vns I

t'UI'I'.K. ooi.o.vu. 10 '. Hi II,. IJOXF.S.5 t l'.a.-h-..i:- . ir, 1.', .. i Ih -C 'li:::. l. T- a in ha

a!.' It-- . sax h.;k.

' V I'KICA. iu Tl XS- -3 I', arl ill t.i.s. ;.! I v

s. SAX IldJK.A I.I. KINDS OF I'RF.SKKVKO FIU ITS-- a r.i tu... f-.- r a!e r


VEW MALAGA ItAIslXS, half mid'in irter Uil day train Mai.ua.

F'.r a!f !..- -

S. SAVIliirE.tr f'i l FelV.w' il aii, I', rt t.

Hice ! Rice ! Ukv !


1 1 1 X A KICK. .j lb. Il(;s- v V X '. 1 .la in It lee, I .,n ;. (,-- .a'.i- hv

. - s x ii-.- i:.

( lici so !'

nf"-- ! ("liccs," ! j

C A I.I Ft Mi I UKM ;iKKsK-Jl ii n..., s.- - i ;.

C!...-- e, ia -- ::i.i.i ti:.F'.r sal I.r

S. SAVir0K.

Fruit! Fruil ! Fruit Vs IT'F.i: Itlli M AItAO A II VISIN In t- -.

i.a;t a- i .t : irt. r.t arrai.:.., in small jar.

F r i!e l.vs.

WK 1 1 A V K MOVF.O OIK OFF1CK TO,v ''' f'r:.- - I' i '.ii:,-- -. hi. -- Hirs, . that; M- - I1. C. AX atermari .V C..

IX;JLS & STAN'LKY,'2..'.,:i--'J- . Arc ur;t,an'. I nr:ve an.-er-

. Jtc.


, r a x r i.v ox h axij1 : r a t y X..s HmI.T i HKI'CK.


vur.xx i n . i . i

"Ni'fr!j:.imi.h.v I I... 1.7.


Ship .IasUfcrs k AhoiiIntltO UIK I.AKCiF. VXD I IIIIM i: r, L1 r.v.-ive- I v the LATti AKK1X AU-- :r...a t! . 1, . .tut(is ot

Beef, Flour, prk,Pilot, Na v ami Medium Breail,

Cordage, Duck, ShooksWIIALKF.OATS,

Paints, Oils, 'rurjentine.Tar, Pitch.

YEU.OW Ml.TAI. SUKATllIAtBoat Boards. Oars, Pine Heading

imu:si:uvj:s,N'egetables, .Meats, Fruits,

And a grt'itt variety of other ii'i'-ari- ei


IIOU SAI.K C IHIF.WFW A. I ,oUi.eit lavm al '...' teru.s the t". . artu-l.'- .j j,,:.

arrivals :

Ca-- M ustar.l. Ca li.s en I', I 11, 1; Li,alt rata. il.i .1.) Z

" " Krejli 1 'I'Ni.-r- .

rim., iit... .la Clam," I'ei ).er Sauce, ' ilo S U.," Ketehup. U ..al I .. .1," XX'alnut .1.. Mutton.

" Ii..il.a l:.sf," lireen Corn. " .la Muiu.ii,

- As..r:Nl 1 ru.l., lii'lll-- l t ill. Well,Salail I'ream, .1.1 Turkei,

" riekles. Fresll Ak Sariliii'-- , tl.. I'. . ..

" Asst. X .'Uj. ai. 1 lifiillic.'M lb. Tins Preserve..

Al0- -Titis Frfsih Com Meal.

Tin Family KU ur.LUi.s. X

Ci. l'!,.tiii.aj;iie CiJrr,Half bb!s. Crushtvl Ptic xr,

Hf. bbls. (.irauulate.l Sugar,Cases Loaf Sugar,

Kits Tongues nii.1 SounJsQr. bbls. Clear IVrk,

Kits Miu-keni-

An.l an extensive anrtiiient tint sieei!iiti al ie. Zi'-n



II AIR SOFAS rt.vensl Maek walnut,HAlli Lul NiiKS niflal.i.iii.


LA11F" KAfY t 1 : V I lir-- ,

cakx ku xi k.sk ciiaik5.ti:tk-a-ti:ti- : sofas,

CAKXLD AUM U'lCKINU CHATliS.Illiiil I'i'M' liH.--l LAI'S.

A 1.M i

40 tl..z. rniiim.iii chair, MO do. w.l . !:.-- e

10 l.ar-r.t.i- n 10 " ea- - armCane maide r chairs ak riK'kiin: chair.Children's ' " '.'ane-.-ie- st

Imitation Oak t'liarnbir Sel.,Ilaby ason.

IJabx Cub.Ilaby JiiniiuT;,

Tapt'slry Oitfnian,Manila .Mats,

CoirVi'lvrl .Matt

Jut ret'eiveJ J.er lilltllln. and for Mile hy226-1- .1 - IlULXXLll ii CO.

13x "Oltl ITSVT 7KF.CF:iVF.I iV OFFF.rt FOR . AI.EOAVK Williiitttm' Double Thrniil

SKAA'IaXG 31AC1 1 1 TV ICSThese machine are nimiil. in cjnstrui ti.iii. lifht ami eWant,and n.t likely to pet ..at .f t.rder. C. ItllKXX Lll & CO

2T-- . A pent.

I'ahils. Oil. Clue.r.i.i. itiue, ii f. A.i.i. v. ii. i:, ,i.

Klil. iJimp r.laek, Hf. hi, I. Kren.-- .11 r,llh!?. lire rr.i.f 1'aint, II. 1.1.1. Urarht A arnidi.

Bids. Chalk. Hi. .UW. lii - k X arn.-Ji- ,

Tins Hailed Oil." Ct.iieh A aniih,44 Copal X aniii-h- ,

" Celestial Blue,Ke.'S AX hite

Brums Ki:. AX hiteKi--a K.tl

li. ps Black I'aint,Ki ars Mineral KoI,

I'aint lini-h- e.

A arnish llnn.be.For sale at lowest iniiKirtinjr rates Lv

C. Bi; l'XV KU k CO..247-- 4 Market Wharf.

Dry ioMl.1AIKS. TIFK1XG, CASKS I.AWXS.JL " Blue Unlit. Bant..

' Awning Siriie, Hi L'atta" Biirliii, " Knaue led Cloth," Burlap Hair, " At. I'aiit.

" Seamles Baits, " Hickory Miirts," Baefiiij;, " Ti:i.

Fancy tennis.Uttoiiian Ia-..- r 1 at.

Bru-e- l Baes, XV..Ieti llutrs,Knamelol Hai. Tae-:r- Unra.

Coir Mat.. Hassock,Imlia KuhlK-- Cat.

For a!e l.y Ci47-- U C. BKLXX I.U (

A;riciilliiral Inipl('nj nf.FLOWS, II A V I'TTKIIS.IKOV Y. k . sv-- -. I'iai.ter.Ox li avs, Caoe Culler.

lirain Cradles, liar-i'-i-

I'l.inters Hie-- , XX he. I'.arr .',Cultivators' tiriiiililfite,

liard.-- Bake. I' .r iie l.y247- - C. BlttXXLIl a: CO

1- -2 I.V. C'I'TTINC; FALLS II AT LI .9 Busia Itt.it It.. pe- -. Marl. i.- -.

ltussia Ki'iriiiu, Hon.- - line,Bahli," llnjie, Spunyarn.

XX hal- - Lin.-- . .s. izinr,And a hire of

3rA M LA icii:.From 1$ inch t.. 6 inch'.-- asort d. sah- - hv217-- ( I . I'.KLVX LP. & CO.

Suar and Syrup Svrs.AM H ;AL. F..MPTV KF.f.S.

For sale l.y C. BUKXX KK Jt CO..

Iron. Spike S(!.H oiler and Sheet Iron, B -. Norw ay - ha- - s,Bars t. six , I k lr nBdl3. a-- si.-.- ' , (

r h Iron, i:.i.-t- .r ft'ee!,"For sal' ,y

J17-.- , c. BiiK.xx i r. ''o.

pursiPS.T AUf.F. KM. INK t:i.L I'l'MI'- S-KJ Yard rone I'lllap.

I. ..,p..r K.t.-!,- t I'm .

mi, ill K'T'-- rum;. .

r- r sal. I.v247-- q l . Bi'.KXVLK A C".

SCALES.--t I'XIK NO. 7 FA I K HA MVS I'I, AT FO Ii Mi CA I.K?, on ....! !a'. '.v r.-- . iv. U

Kt C. LKKXX Ki; A; C".


jIL to anile p. r Ori"ii.i.',f.O CASKS iTAIUKKLANl) CO V L.

2t7-- q C. I'BF.XX Y.V. I-- C.

BOATS.II.lllliK SI' K F 150 AT It. In. " ft.

Sl:i''th-l.ttoi- n XV ha'- - I'e.ati,Ltips'reaic AVhaie I;, at- -,

t.'etlitr l';i... PeCtt,XI hit-- !, aii IL, at,

i laic Coaster !' .at- -, hi ' t.l'" ft r.eFor sal.-h- c. !:I;KKU Co.

Hides,Goat Skin


Old Copper.(Md Coiiipositiou.

Oiii Vellou .Metal.BI"UTIASKI AT THF. IIIi:ilLT "XI IHM. ket rate. l.y C. BltKXX l i. .v I

U7 tf Vi..: k- t XV i. '.rf.


lsiinilvBut up in 5 and S gallon k- - js. Also, a f.-- hi.;.. ..f the sat; -- ;

For sale hy fi.7-.j- j C. BIXKXX l li .V C...

run: i fiui: ! ! riui: ! ! :

fOIl S I LK-- C, AKI'L.V KN'tlNKS' that will thr-'-

over a two-s- t .rv i ou.'.ii-T--


C. liHK'.XLR .t CO.

Duck. Twine. &

FOLTS COTTON lltCli. Kt.S IIF.F.S V ARaven Buck i.i- Ships I'.-n'- -. i ..It a ttrn.e

F.T Mi- l- ) y '. Bi: K XX Kit .V Co.

CKSMlTH's HF.LLOWS' l i T . I I'll KN I I'. ' " i





