Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS 1 Reading-L.I: To read for understanding (LIT 1-17a). We will be reading extracts from plays over the last few weeks of term, checking our understanding of what is happening and using our previous learning from the weekly comprehensions we have completed in class. Read the extract from the play titled ‘An unexpected meeting’ Answer the questions in your language jotter or on paper. Writing-L.I To write a story.(LIT 1-20a) Over the last few weeks, we have revisited planning out a story by looking at developing a character, setting the scene and plotting it out. In these, the last 3 weeks of term, you are going to write your own story – starting this week by writing your first paragraph – The Introduction. Watch this short clip before you get started Context for writing Remember to include the following: - 1. Set the scene 2. The main character or characters. 3. Introduce the problem. Lots of adjectives needed to really build up the picture for your reader. V.C.O.P LI: To up-level the sentences using ambitious language and including more detail. This week focus on your connectives – use these to extend your sentences. 1. It was a cloudy day. 2. The balloon went up into the sky. 3. They crew were scared. 4. The crew were excited. 5. Lots of people were cheering them on. Spelling-L.I: To construct words used with -o-e - (LIT 1-21a) □ Look at the new spelling list □ Check the meaning of any words you don’t know □ Select 10 words of your choice □ Read your spelling list to an adult □ Look, say, cover, write, check □ Write 5 sentences using these words □ Challenge – up-level your sentences using VCOP Talking and Listening-L.I: To communicate clearly when engaging with others, using selected resources as required (LIT 1-10a). This week we would like you to continue working on your 5-minute talk all about yourself. We would like you (or with the help from an adult) to film yourself presenting this talk focusing on your pace, use of gesture, expression, eye contact and body language. After you have filmed yourself, play it back and comment on how well you think you did. What could you have done differently/ improve on?

UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

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Page 1: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Reading-L.I: To read for understanding (LIT 1-17a). We will be reading extracts from plays over the last few weeks of term, checking our understanding of what is happening and using our previous learning from the weekly comprehensions we have completed in class. Read the extract from the play titled ‘An unexpected meeting’ Answer the questions in your language jotter or on paper.

Writing-L.I To write a story.(LIT 1-20a) Over the last few weeks, we have revisited planning out a story by looking at developing a character, setting the scene and plotting it out. In these, the last 3 weeks of term, you are going to write your own story – starting this week by writing your first paragraph – The Introduction. Watch this short clip before you get started Context for writing Remember to include the following: -

1. Set the scene 2. The main character or characters. 3. Introduce the problem.

Lots of adjectives needed to really build up the picture for your reader.


LI: To up-level the sentences using ambitious language and including more detail. This week focus on your connectives – use these to extend your sentences.

1. It was a cloudy day. 2. The balloon went up into the sky. 3. They crew were scared. 4. The crew were excited. 5. Lots of people were cheering them on.

Spelling-L.I: To construct words used with -o-e - (LIT 1-21a) □ Look at the new spelling list □ Check the meaning of any words you don’t know □ Select 10 words of your choice □ Read your spelling list to an adult □ Look, say, cover, write, check □ Write 5 sentences using these words □ Challenge – up-level your sentences using VCOP

Talking and Listening-L.I: To communicate clearly when engaging with others, using selected resources as required (LIT 1-10a). This week we would like you to continue working on your 5-minute talk all about yourself. We would like you (or with the help from an adult) to film yourself presenting this talk focusing on your pace, use of gesture, expression, eye contact and body language. After you have filmed yourself, play it back and comment on how well you think you did. What could you have done differently/ improve on?

Page 2: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Modern Languages-L.I: To participate in short role plays. To listen and respond to others by answering and asking simple questions. This week we would like you to continue the focus on food and use this to communicate in short interactions/role play situations. Have a look at the food vocabulary and play the games here: French Games - Food- Restaurant Create your own flashcards to help you. Set up your own restaurant or café and role play interactions between a waiter/waitress and customer. Use these phrases to help you:

Qu’est-ce que tu veux? - What would you like? Je voudrais... – I would like...

s'il vous plaît - please voilà! - there it is/there you are! c’est combien? - How much is it?

c’est … euros – It is …. euros. merci – thank you

You could even create your own menu cards with prices and pictures on like this one:

Numeracy and Maths-L.I: To compare, describe and show number relationships, using vocabulary and symbols for equals, not equal to, less than and greater than (MTH 1-15a). When a picture or symbol is used to replace a number in a number statement, I can find its value using my knowledge of number facts and explain my thinking to others (MTH 1-15b). This week we are working on our understanding and use of the terms ‘equal to’, ‘not equal to’, ‘less than’, ‘greater than’, and the related symbols (= , ≠ , < , > ) when comparing sets of quantities. Watch and dance along to this GoNoodle song to revise the symbols: Greater Than, Less Than Complete the worksheets linked below. You can print out and use the visual aids to help! We will also be solving simple algebraic problems where a picture or symbol is used to represent a number, for example, Δ x6 = 30 or 120 ÷ Δ = 40 Can you make up some of your own equations?

Page 3: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Have fun exploring this solvemoji and follow the link if you want to do more:


• Complete the Beat That

• Complete a CLIC sheet.

Health and Wellbeing-L.I: To recognise progress and achievement by discussing my thoughts and feelings and giving and accepting feedback (HWB 1-24a). I can identify and discuss how to be a good winner and cope appropriately with losing. I can show an enthusiasm to participate and enjoy being challenged.

This week would have been our Sports Day (weather permitting – might have been too hot 😉). As well as taking part in activities, we have some creative tasks attached below for you to participate in too. We would like you to plan your own home sports day event.

Here are some examples of what we normally do at school:

• Under/Over

• Obstacle course

• 100m Sprint

• Wellie boot toss

• Sack race (you could use an old pillow case – ask your parents' permission first.

• Egg and spoon race

• Hockey skills (dribbling in and out of cones)

You can use these ideas or make up your own. We want everyone to get involved – so that includes mums, dads and siblings! We would love you to take pictures of your sports day event and post them up on Teams or email them to us! Use the record sheet below to keep score! Create your own mascot and design a medal are some extra tasks for you to complete.

*** Alternatively Mrs Kerr has made up a Sports Day grid – you can try this for something slightly different *****

Social Studies-L.I: To showcase my knowledge of the Vikings. Complete the quiz (attached below) all about our Viking topic. Don’t worry if you can’t answer all the questions, just have a go! We will go over the answers at next week’s Teams meeting. Finish off by writing out the most interesting facts you have learnt about the Vikings ( a bit like when we complete our KWL grids) and if you have any other questions, why not find out by conducting some further research! KWL stands for: what we know, what we want to know and what we have learnt.

Page 4: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Expressive Art (Drama/Music/Art)-L.I. To recognise different tempo and style. S.C. I can identify largo and presto. Music P4 Sports’ Day - Wake Up, get your Body Moving All athletes need to warm up before training or competing in an event. This song is about getting your body moving, a warm-up, before you begin! 1. Listen to the song wake up 2. Listen again, this time, following the words. Notice, that every time the word “Up” is sung, (in the chorus) it sounds short. The musical term for this is ‘staccato.’ In the verse: ‘Get your feet’ and ‘Raise a shout,’ are to be sung more forcefully. The musical term for this is to ‘accent’ the words. The musical sign for an accent looks like a letter V on its side. ( ˃ ). 3. Now, see if you can join in with the chorus. Don’t forget to ‘repeat’ I The musical sign for a repeat is: II: :II (any music written between these two signs, is to be repeated, played / sung again. 4. Try to now sing the verse and see if you can accent the words ‘get your feet’ and ‘raise a shout.’ 5. Once you can manage to sing the chorus and the verse, try to add actions to the song. Eg. ‘It’s another new day,’ perhaps imitate the sun rising by starting with both hands together and then bring them up and open out making a ‘semicircle.’ 6. Now try performing the song with your actions. Remember that some of the words are to be accented, and that the word ‘up’ is to be sung ‘staccato’ (short). There are always going to be some who can run faster than others. We all have our own special talents. Some of us do things very slowly, others, do them quickly. We are going to learn two musical words for fast and slow. When music is played very slowly, we use the word ‘Largo.’ When it is played very quickly, we use the word ‘Presto.’ In music, when we refer to the speed of a piece of music, the correct word to use is ‘Tempo.’ Watch this short video demonstrating fast and slow, presto and largo: The Music Show - Presto is fast, largo is slow Art Create your own ‘houses by the sea’ landscape in the style of the artist Paul Klee using squares, rectangles and triangles (see attached help-sheet). Remember if you don’t have paints at home, it would be fine to use coloured pencils or felt tip pens.

RME/Science/Technology- L.I: To learn about a current scientific achievement. History was made last week when two NASA astronauts successfully boarded the International Space Station. It is the first-time astronauts have been sent into space by a private company, SpaceX. SpaceX is owned by the owner of Tesla, Elon Musk. One day he would like to send tourists into space. Could this soon be a reality? To find out about this space mission follow the link here: space mission If you would like to explore space and space travel more follow the link below. Have a look at any of the activities and clips that interest you. You could try the Balloon Rocket or the Travelling to Space sheet in Activity 5: https://www.dundeesciencecentre.org.uk/space-week Extra Challenge Can anyone find out what happened to the seeds that Tim Peake took on his mission to space? Did the seeds survive space travel? The STEM challenge this week – Invent a Game/Sport.

Page 5: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


This week we are all getting sporty! Can you invent a game for everyone in your house to try out? Use anything you can find around you house. A rolled-up pair of socks can be used for many things! You can throw them, use them as a marker, put them over your hands for an extra challenge in a game (try playing snap with socks over your hands). Use your imagination, I look forward to seeing some fun games.

A Message from my Teacher Hi all, as we approach the end of term we hope you are finding time to do some work especially reading, writing and maths. Have a great time at your ‘sports day’! Give it your all! Think the forecast is for rain late afternoon so you

might want to get out early – although we all know that the forecast is not always right 😉

We miss you all! Take care. Stay happy and Stay Safe. Mrs McKie and Mrs Young xx

Contact us – [email protected] or [email protected]

Send photos of your work and successes to [email protected] to be loaded onto our

school website and post work onto your class Team/Nursery, P1 Learning Journal

Page 6: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Page 7: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS



coke broke abode

joke broken envelope

poke choke episode

woke smoke provoke

hole spoke bulldoze

dome spoken horoscope

home woken implode

cope stone impose

hope throne compose

pope close microphone

rope those suppose

hose chose dispose

nose chosen diagnose

rose froze

vote frozen

Page 8: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Page 9: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Page 10: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Page 11: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS



Page 12: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS



Page 13: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS



Page 14: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS



Page 15: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS



Page 16: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Page 17: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Page 18: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Page 19: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Event Winner 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place 5Th Place

Page 20: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Page 21: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Page 22: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Page 23: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Page 24: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Page 25: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Page 26: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Vikings End of topic Quiz

1. What was the name of their Kingdom in Britain?

2. Is it true or false, that Viking helmets had horns?

3. What was the capital of their kingdom called?

4. What was a knarr?

5. How did the Vikings navigate their boats to other countries?

6. Name 2 reasons why the Vikings came to England.

7. What material were their shoes made from?

8. What was the dye made from, that they used to colour their clothes?

9. Name the 3 creatures used as a prow to a long ship.

10.Why was the prow removed from the boat on their journey?

11.What was a ‘leg biter’?

12. Why was their bread called ‘flat bread’?

13. How many meals a day did they eat? When?

14. Apart from eating, what else were seals used for?

15. How was cod preserved for eating?

16. Name 2 things ‘Sea chests’ were used for?

17. What were forks used for during meal times?

18. What was used to sweeten foods?

19. What was ‘mead’?

20. Name 3 jobs Vikings were excellent at.

Page 27: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Page 28: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Houses by the Sea by Paul Klee


Page 29: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Mrs Kerr’s Sports Day Grid

Blindfold Balance

Partner Plank



Not quite an egg &

spoon race

Graceful roll onto

your back

Bunny Hops

Sit Down, Stand Up


How far Can you Jump?

Page 30: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Page 31: UKTWINKLHELPS · Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 08.06.20. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS