Ukraine: Russia planning 'full blown' military intervention THURSDAY  20 MARCH 2014 There are "indications" that Russia may be !annin a mi!itary inter#ention in the south and east o$ U%raine& 'ie#(s ambassador to the United )ations *arns+ "There are indicatio ns that Russia is on its way to unleash a full blown military intervention in Ukraine's east and south," Yurii Klymenko said. His statement was widely suorted by other U! ambassadors, but challened by a Russian dilomat, who read a reared statement #ustifyin Russia's actions so far. $eanwhile, %U leaders are meetin in &russels to discuss etendin travel bans and assets free(es aainst Russian olitical fiur es.

Ukraine Russia Planning 'Full Blown' Military Intervention

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Page 3: Ukraine Russia Planning 'Full Blown' Military Intervention

8/12/2019 Ukraine Russia Planning 'Full Blown' Military Intervention

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Page 4: Ukraine Russia Planning 'Full Blown' Military Intervention

8/12/2019 Ukraine Russia Planning 'Full Blown' Military Intervention

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