ugprospectus2011 Lancaster

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  • 8/4/2019 ugprospectus2011 Lancaster


    Undergraduate Prospectus 2011

    Went to Lancaster. Loved it.

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  • 8/4/2019 ugprospectus2011 Lancaster



    Why choose Lancaster University Management School?

    06 Welcome to Lancaster University Management School

    08 Teaching and learning

    10 Employability and careers provision at LUMS12 Placement year

    14 Study abroad

    16 Information for international students

    18 Degree structure

    Which LUMS course is right for me?

    22 Accounting & Finance24 Accounting, Auditing & Finance

    The Ernst & Young Degree

    26 Business Studies

    28 Economics

    30 European Management (BBA)

    32 Management (BBA)

    34 Management & Entrepreneurship

    36 Management & IT38 Management & Organisations

    40 Management Science & Operations Management

    42 Marketing & Advertising

    44 Project Management

    Whats it like being a student at LUMS?

    48 City life & surrounding area

    50 Campus life52 Eight colleges one university

    54 Student support

    56 Student union

    58 Fees, scholarships & bursaries

    60 Entry requirements

    61 Campus plan

    Lancasters excellent

    academic facilities,

    teaching staff, student

    societies and sports

    facilities - coupled with

    a beautiful campus and

    collegiate system -

    provides a vibrant

    student life.

    Hassan Mahbub, BBA

    Management, 2010

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  • 8/4/2019 ugprospectus2011 Lancaster


    Why chooseLancasterUniversity



  • 8/4/2019 ugprospectus2011 Lancaster


    Welcome toLancaster University

    Management School (LUMS)Key Facts

    Rated very

    highly in theNational StudentSatisfaction

    Survey every year

    One of the bestin Europe forresearch and staff


    Rated excellentfor quality of


    Consistently in

    The Times Top 10

    The programme, the extra curricular activities andthe support the LUMS staff offered me throughout

    my studies, have all shaped me for the future.

    Not only have the courses provided me with therelevant knowledge to enter the business world,

    they have challenged me and allowed me to develop

    the skills required to be successful.Sophie Kelly, BSc Business Studies, 2009


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    Andreas BlumBBA Management NorthAmerica/Australasia

    Besides the unique degree structure

    of the BBA, I chose LUMS mainly for

    its reputation as a leading European

    Management School and for its diverse

    student body and faculty, which Ideemed a good preparation for a

    future career in an international

    business environment.

    I am now in my final year and I have

    gained enormously from studying at

    LUMS. The year of studying abroad,

    the placement year in industry and the

    excellent environment at LUMS equip

    you with the tools and skills you need

    for a successful future career in



    Why study at LUMS?

    Because we offer a variety of world-

    class degrees in a stimulating

    and friendly environment.

    The government has consistently rated

    us one of the very best in the UK for ourstaff expertise across the whole field of

    Business and Management. This ensures

    that all our degrees are highly relevant

    and up-to-date, covering a wide choice

    of challenging modules, which examine

    theory and practice from national and

    global perspectives.

    More importantly, our students also regard

    us highly. The National Student Survey,which surveys final year students, has rated

    us very highly every year of its existance.

    What do our students like about studying

    at LUMS? According to the survey results,

    our courses:

    are intellectually stimulating and taught

    with great enthusiasm

    help them to tackle unfamiliar problems

    encourage the development of

    presentation skills

    massively improve teamwork and

    communication skills (essential to any


    are extremely well run, with highly

    effective communication, and staff who

    are easy to contact

    Employers like us too. Although there are

    more UK graduates than ever, employers

    still often struggle to find the sorts of

    graduate they need but they like LUMS

    graduates for their sharp, critical minds

    coupled with essential personal skills that

    single them out as leaders for the future.

    In this prospectus you will find out aboutthe wide variety of degrees on offer at

    LUMS. These include generalist degrees

    which cover the whole spectrum of

    management and business topics as well

    as more specialist degrees which focus

    mainly on particular subject areas. They

    include a degree delivered in conjunction

    with Ernst & Young, one of the worlds

    leading employers, the BBA in European

    Management, which is in fact two degrees,

    one from Lancaster and one from another

    top international university. No other

    leading management school can match

    what we have on offer.

    You will read about our innovative and varied

    teaching methods; great facilities;

    stimulating international mix of both staff

    and students; opportunities to take salaried

    work placements and the opportunity

    to spend time studying at a top-quality

    university abroad. Throughout this

    prospectus we will also be sharing with

    you the views of our current and recent

    students. They are the ones who know

    what its really like to study as a LUMS


    Coming to Lancaster

    has been the best thing

    to happen to me its

    a fantastic preparationfor your business career.

    Sophie Mazur, BBA

    European Management,


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    Teaching and learning


    The teaching isabsolutely first class

    and I have learntmany varied skillsin my time here.

    Stuart Rae,

    BBA Management


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    Our overall teaching and learningphilosophy is simple.

    We treat you as adults.

    We dont tell you what to think. If all you

    can do is repeat what weve told you in

    lectures, then weve failed.

    This requires a varied style of learning.

    As well as lectures, you will also discuss

    issues in smaller groups with each other and

    your tutors, this helps really understand the

    issues introduced in lectures. Depending on

    your precise degree, you may also be

    involved in classes, computer workshops, etc.

    Much of your work you will have to organise

    for yourself outside timetabled hours. This

    will involve research in the library and on

    the internet, so that you can discover a

    range of opinions and insights on the topics

    you are studying, and, most important of

    all, come to your own critically considered

    views. You will have to produce items of

    coursework throughout your time with us,

    and you will be expected to keep to

    deadlines time management is a veryimportant skill you will learn! And you will

    have to take exams at the end of it all; your

    performance in these will serve to sum up

    everything you have learned.

    But you wont just be working on your

    own the whole time. We believe that team

    work is absolutely essential. It is not only

    vital for your future employment; it is also

    a key life skill.

    If you cant work productively with other

    people you will be denying yourself all

    sorts of opportunities in the future.

    So, in addition to your individual work, you

    will frequently be working in teams on all

    manner of projects, undertaking research,

    writing reports, giving presentations,

    taking part in role play, etc. Sometimes you

    will be allowed to choose your fellow team

    members, but at other times you may be

    put into teams with people you have never

    met before often a challenge, but one

    that will stand you in very good stead for

    future employment.

    Expert Teachers

    Our teaching staff have world-class

    expertise in a very wide variety of fields of

    management and business. So you can be

    sure that everything you are taught isextremely well-researched and up to date.

    This is of course crucial in the world of

    management and business, which can

    change very quickly.

    At LUMS we believe that all of our students

    should reap the benefit of our expertise,

    right from the first year. So, for example,

    you may find yourself being taught

    first-year economics by a professor who isinternationally renowned for his work in the

    economics of labour and education; and

    then in your operations management

    first-year class you may be taught by a

    world-class expert in the management of

    risk and organisational reliability. These

    established staff will be joined by young

    and enthusiastic academics near the start

    of their careers the stars of the future.

    Just as important as all this, you will find

    that the LUMS staff are willing to help you

    achieve your maximum potential. Lecturers

    and tutors are easy to contact and many

    have an open-door policy. We are also

    fortunate to have a superb team of

    administrative staff who ensure that

    everything runs as smoothly as possible.

    Everything and everybody is geared up for

    you to succeed, to fulfil your potential and

    achieve more than you ever thoughtpossible before you started at LUMS.


    All this requires top-class facilities. Our

    lecture theatres and small seminar rooms

    are very well equipped with the latest in

    audio-visual equipment, and even the

    seating has been recently renovated. There

    are numerous computer labs with all the

    software you need, and if you have your

    own laptop you will find plenty of wireless

    internet areas within LUMS and on other

    parts of campus.

    You will have your own email account, and

    every single module in LUMS has its own

    intranet area to aid clear and speedy

    communication between staff and students.

    To facilitate our growing use of team work,

    there are new break-out areas, where

    you can get together with your team

    members and go through your reports,

    presentations, etc., in comfortable and

    bright surroundings. These are very popular

    with students and also form an important

    part of the life of LUMS. Beyond LUMS,

    there is an excellent university library withaccess to almost all the books, journals

    and databases you could ever need and,

    if you cant find what you want, the library

    staff are always very helpful in trying to get

    hold of it for you.

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    The workshops pertaining

    to work permits and

    international students

    really aided me during my

    application process. Theadvice given in thesesessions really helped me

    to understand the UKsystem better.Aliya Jabbar,

    BSc Accounting and

    Finance, 2008

    Employabilityand careers provision

    at LUMS


    The Get that Job workshop made memore aware of the application process and

    assessment day and helped to prepare mefor the recruitment process.Joanna Rogers,

    BA Advertising and Marketing, 2007

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    If you choose LUMS you are doing so at an

    exciting time. A recent 2.7m investment

    has resulted in one of the most innovative

    careers services in the UK, which hosts

    the biggest independent careers fair in the

    country. In addition our dedicated Careers

    Resources Room in the Management

    School will help you discover the vast array

    of options open to you, provide drop-inclinics to help you at every stage of the

    recruitment process and offer one to one

    careers advice when you need it.

    At LUMS academic and careers professional

    staff work as a team to ensure that when

    you graduate you will be equipped with

    academic excellence and the best possible

    set of skills to enjoy success in your future

    life, study and career.


    LUMS is at the forefront of

    research into graduate

    employability so we understand

    the potential challenges you will

    face entering a highly

    competitive graduate labour

    market. Our close contact with

    graduate employers also helps usto understand the knowledge,

    skills and personal attributes

    they seek in potential employees.

    At LUMS you will have a unique opportunity

    to develop your employability. Through your

    course you will gain specialised subject

    knowledge, learn how to work in teams,deliver professional presentations, develop

    your managerial and leadership qualities,

    solve real business problems and become

    much more globally aware.

    You will have the opportunity to widen

    your experience by selecting from a vast

    array of activities which include business

    games run by major graduate employers,

    personal and career developmentcourses, work experience, volunteering

    and membership of student clubs and

    societies. So whatever your career

    aspirations working for a large blue chip

    organisation, a small or medium sized

    enterprise, a not-for-profit organisation

    or even setting up your own business

    we will help you to realise them.

    If it all seems a bit daunting or you have no

    idea yet of what you will do at the end of

    your study, dont worry our flexible

    degrees and dedicated careers support are

    designed to let you explore your interests

    and learn more about the different options

    open to you.

    A business and management degree from

    LUMS is highly regarded by regional,

    national and international employers and will

    open the door to a vast range of careers.

    The majority of our graduates enter careers

    directly related to business and management

    in a wide range of organisations including

    Accenture, Arcadia, Astra Zeneca, Barclays,

    BMW, Civil Service, Co-Op, Deloitte, Ernst

    & Young, Home Office, IBM, Johnson and

    Johnson, KPMG, Marks & Spencer, NHS,

    PricewaterhouseCoopers and Tesco.

    Others go on to postgraduate education,

    academic research and teaching or start

    their own businesses.

    The 1-1 nature of the support available was invaluable.Throughout the job application process, having someone

    to provide advice and assistance enabled me to

    successfully secure an excellent graduate job.Rebecca Oliver, BA Management and Entrepreneurship, 2008

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    Placement year


    The year in industry is great

    the school gives you a lot ofsupport in getting your placement.

    Laurie Borlace, BBA Management

    North America/Australasia 2008

    I couldnt imagine

    leaving university and

    starting a job without

    having the experience

    I gained on my

    placement year

    Melanie McKay, BBA

    Management 2008

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    Stuart RaeBBA Management 2009

    Placement employer: Johnson & Johnson

    My placement search was one of the

    hardest things Ive ever done

    however, Lancaster has fantastic links

    with many top employers like Johnson

    and Johnson where I accepted aplacement. I was given real

    responsibilities and treated as an

    employee. I worked in Customer

    Development and was given direct

    contact with some of the UKs largest

    pharmaceutical wholesalers. I was the

    first ever placement student to receive

    an award at the end of year

    conference. It was awarded by the UK

    Managing Director to recognise my

    efforts during the first six months.


    Every year over 100 LUMS

    undergraduates take a period of

    paid managerial employment as

    part of their degree usually for

    the third year of a four-year

    degree. For some of our degrees

    the placement is an integral

    component of the degree, butyou may also be able to take an

    optional placement year in most

    of our other degrees.

    Why should you take a placement year?

    Well, its not for everyone. We know that

    many students prefer to finish their studies

    in three years. But if youre not in a greathurry you could find it really beneficial. The

    experience will give your employment

    prospects a massive boost you will not

    find it hard to secure graduate job interviews.

    And it helps you decide on your career

    direction and the kind of organisation in

    which you want to work. Our students tell

    us that its very enjoyable as well!

    There are always plenty of really goodplacements available, in all sectors of

    employment banking and finance, retail,

    service, manufacturing, government, etc.

    and covering all sorts of roles, including

    Marketing, Sales, Human Resources,

    Finance, Events Management, Logistics,

    Consultancy and many more. We ensure

    that you find a placement that really suits

    you, and where you will flourish and

    develop professionally at a fast rate.

    Many students tell us that they have done

    things on their placement that they never

    dreamt they would be capable of.

    Recent placements include:

    Knowledge Management for Amadeus

    in Nice

    Human Resources for Warner Brothers

    in London

    Sports Marketing for Reebok in Bolton

    Financial Analyst for Aston Martin in


    Events Management for Fujitsu in


    Whatever your role and whoever your

    employer, you will be doing a real,

    responsible job. Youll be paid a good salary

    and will be expected to earn it! But youll

    also remain a LUMS student and thus still

    eligible for a student loan and other

    benefits. You will also have a LUMS

    supervisor who will visit you on placement

    to ensure that everything is going well and

    that you are gaining as much as possible

    from the experience.

    Your placement experience will be really

    useful when you come back for your final

    year. You will be able to see the

    connections between theory and practice

    and your final year studies will benefit a

    great deal. Nearly all students get much

    higher marks in their final year and a large

    proportion every year end up with a

    first-class degree.

    Mark AllinBSc MarketingManagement, 2008

    Placement employer: Reebok UK

    My placement year at Reebok has

    proved to be beneficial in a number of

    ways: It helped to improve mysubsequent university work on my

    Marketing Management degree.

    It was also invaluable when applying

    for graduate jobs as it provided a

    broad, relevant and influential set of

    examples that allow you to demonstrate

    key qualities and techniques during the

    application process. The experience

    was fantastic and continues to provide

    benefits it led directly to my job

    at Reebok UK in Horwich after Igraduated from Lancaster.

    You have the opportunity to put into practicethe theory you have learned at university,and then return to university with a wealth

    ofpractical experience which often helps toconceptualise the theories taught in lectures.Ben Dickinson, BSc Accounting, Auditing and

    Finance, 2009

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    Study Abroad


    The help and support

    network to guide

    students through the

    exchange process is

    very well established

    at Lancaster makingthe planning and

    preparation processvery easy and hassle-

    free. Karl Duffill,BBA Management, 2010

    Studying abroad not only opens your eyes

    to different people and cultures but also to alternative

    teaching methods which I believe have enriched

    my university experience as a whole. Andreas Blum,

    BBA Management North America/Australasia, 2009

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    Smita PatelBBA Management-NorthAmerica/Australasia, 2008

    Study Abroad Destination:

    University of New South Wales, Sydney

    I have had many amazing experiences

    and Ive managed to travel to Fiji,

    Australia and New Zealand. I have

    become a much more independent

    person, able to change and adapt to

    new situations. It has been an amazing

    experience and Id advise anyone who

    has the opportunity to study abroad to

    grab it with both hands it is a life

    changing experience!

    The Experience

    We encourage students to gain experience

    of study outside the UK and many of our

    degree programmes include a year spent

    studying at top US, Canadian, European,

    Australasian or Asian universities.

    Lancaster has an exceptionally well

    developed and exciting range of

    opportunities for Study Abroad.

    The flexibility of our degrees means that, in

    most cases, even if you are not admitted toa scheme with a compulsory year abroad,

    you could still choose to compete for a

    place on the Study Abroad scheme during

    your first year, subject to good first-year

    academic performance.

    Ask any student on our Study Abroad

    programme and he or she will tell you that

    it is the experience of a lifetime. As well as

    the opportunity to study at a leadinguniversity you will also have the chance to

    experience life in another culture and meet

    new people from all over the world. Students

    who Study Abroad not only have a fantastic

    time but also learn about themselves,

    becoming more independent, gaining

    confidence and achieving the ability to adapt

    to the environment around them. There is

    some evidence, too, that students who haveexperienced contrasting education systems

    and cultures are more attractive to employers.

    However, this is not a years holiday, and

    you do need to be strongly motivated,

    flexible and ready for a challenge. Its not

    just the culture, the people, the environment,

    the weather and the food that will be

    different study styles and expectations

    also vary greatly across the world and youwill be expected to adapt quickly and take

    your work seriously. The year abroad

    normally replaces your second year at

    Lancaster, and so you will need to choose

    your studies carefully. Your Study Abroad

    Adviser will help you decide on a relevant

    study programme for your year abroad that

    fits in well with your studies at Lancaster,

    and will be a constant contact on hand to

    help and advise at any point during the year.

    Your host university will also provide an

    International Student Adviser to help you

    out with any practical difficulties.

    In addition to the formal degree schemes

    offering a years Study Abroad in North

    America and Australasia, LUMS also has

    an extensive network of partners in Europe

    and Asia. We can offer a term or a year, or

    2 years (see BBA European Management)

    depending on your degree scheme, in top

    Business Schools and you may not have

    to speak the local language to take

    advantage of them. This opportunity

    again is competitive and will only be given

    to those performing well at their studies

    at Lancaster.

    Exchange Partners

    LUMS has exchange agreements with

    prestigious universities all over the worldand in recent years students have studied at

    Boston College, the University of California,

    the University of British Columbia (Canada),

    Hong Kong City University, La Trobe

    University (Australia) and very many more.

    Further details of all our partner institutions

    can be found on the LUMS website at

    Fees and expenses

    The cost of a year abroad varies by location.

    As a general guide, around 6,000 covers

    living expenses (including accommodation

    and meals). You pay half fees to Lancaster

    University for your year abroad and do not

    pay any tuition fees to your host university.

    If UK students spend a full year in an

    EU partner institution on the Erasmusprogramme their tuition fees are waived.

    However please note that this is under

    review. International and EU students

    currently pay half fees to Lancaster when

    they spend a full year in an EU country.

    Irene LamBSc Marketing Management(Study Abroad), 2008

    Study Abroad Destination: Hong Kong

    Ive always been passionate about

    travelling around the world and chose

    Lancaster University as it gave methe opportunity to spend two of my

    four years abroad, both studying

    and working.

    After the first year I studied in Hong

    Kong as an exchange student which

    gave me the chance to explore my own

    cultural roots. The friends I have made

    are irreplaceable and its an experience

    that will last a lifetime.


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    Informationfor international



    LUMS is a friendly and diverse

    community with students from

    all over the world. We have long

    experience of teaching internationalstudents and welcome the

    contribution they make to the

    academic and social life of LUMS.

    There are over currently 700 non-UK

    undergraduates at LUMS: 250 from Europe

    and 500 from outside the EU. You will

    therefore be joining a highly cosmopolitancommunity.

    Applications and admissions

    Are you qualified for admission? Do check

    our entry requirements on the LUMS



    We welcome students from a wide

    range of countries directly on to year one

    of our programmes and also accept good

    performance on selected Foundation Year

    programmes as meeting our entry

    requirements. The programmes we

    consider include those validated and

    recognised by Lancaster University,

    such as the Study Group Programme

    taught on our campus.

    Need advice before you apply?

    In many countries you can meet a LUMSstaff member at an Education Fair before

    you apply see

    events/ugfairs for the full schedule. We

    also have agents who can give personal

    advice on your application to LUMS in

    countries such as China, Cyprus, Greece,

    India, Japan, Nigeria, Norway and Taiwan

    a full list is on


    The experience

    of living with

    so manypeople from so

    many different


    is very enriching

    it helps you

    to build your

    social skills and

    develops your


    Zarina Khaliq, BA

    Economics, 2007

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    Vidisha KhaitanBSc Business Studies, 2006

    Country of origin: India

    Employer:City Capital

    The three years I have spent at

    Lancaster University have been a most

    challenging and exciting experience.

    I would recommend the LancasterUniversity Business Studies degree.

    In addition to gaining a strong

    theoretical background, certain courses

    such as Entrepreneurship, for

    instance give you a great insight into

    how you would approach things if you

    were an entrepreneur or manager in

    a real business. However, it has not

    been always just work there is

    ample opportunity to get involved

    in student societies.


    We also recommend that you contact a

    former LUMS student for firsthand

    information about our degrees and life onthe Lancaster campus. A full list of alumni

    advisers is on


    Need extra language preparationbefore starting your studies?

    We usually ask non-native speakers for an

    English Language qualification (such as

    IELTS 6.5). For those who do not quite

    meet this standard, we offer 4-week and

    8-week pre-degree courses in English for

    Academic Purposes. An extra fee is required

    for this course, but during your degree we

    also provide excellent study skills support

    for international students for no extra fee.

    For programmes which include a placement,

    or a year abroad, we may ask for IELTS 7.0to ensure that you have the necessary skill

    level to be effective in a work situation.

    Accommodation and lifeat Lancaster

    We guarantee non-EU students a single

    room on campus for the full period of

    study. EU students are guaranteed a room

    in year one, but may have to live offcampus in year two. We offer a safe,

    supportive and attractive environment. In

    the Universitys Student Support Office

    there is a specialist International Student

    Adviser who helps any students who might

    have visa and financial problems and

    organises a range of events off campus

    trips and visits especially for international


    There is also a very wide range of

    University societies for different nationality

    groups, such as Hellenic, CSSA (Chinese),

    Malaysian and Asian, through which

    different activities are organised.

    An international curriculum

    Our programmes have been developed

    with the needs of international students

    in mind, including for example our BBA

    in European Management. There is a

    special compulsory first year course in

    British Society and Business Environment

    for non-EU students to help them adjust

    and adapt to studying business and

    management in the UK.

    Fees and scholarships forinternational students

    We charge reasonable tuition fees, and we

    would expect to offer special scholarships

    on an annual basis to students who select

    Lancaster as their first choice and whose

    performance slightly exceeds our entry


    Useful web sites:

    UCAS special pages


    English for Academic Purposes

    Pre-arrival Information



    In-sessional study skills programme


    University Support services -

    Lancaster University Colleges

    Students Union support

    Student societies

    Andy Bohong ChenBA Accountingand Finance, 2006

    Country of origin:China

    I enjoyed the time I had at Lancaster

    University. Here, you study, you do

    sports and you can join in many socialevents where you can make lots of

    good friends.

    On the academic side, lectures and

    tutorials were very well arranged.

    Tutors were approachable and always

    willing to provide help.

    I believe that it was a very wise

    decision to choose LUMS one of the

    best management schools in this

    country. I will definitely come back tovisit Lancaster University.

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    undergraduatedegree structure


    The flexibility

    at Lancaster

    means you

    can switch

    to a different

    degree scheme

    if you find

    your interests


    Yun Yue, BA

    Accounting &

    Finance, 2008

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    LUMS offers a large number of

    degrees, many of which may be

    new to you. You may feel a little

    worried about committing

    yourself to a particular degree in

    these circumstances. However,

    help is at hand!

    Lancasters flexible degree structure means

    that you are able to switch the focus of

    your degree as both your interests evolve

    and career opportunities develop. On

    successful completion of Part I (the first

    year), you make your final selection of the

    degree scheme you wish to study in Part II

    (subsequent years). At this point you are

    able to choose from a wide range of degrees,regardless of the specific scheme you were

    admitted to study in Part I. This flexibility is

    a valuable asset, for several reasons.

    Increased options: Why commit

    yourself to a single degree when you

    can keep your options open? When you

    select a Lancaster degree on your

    UCAS form, you automatically gain

    access to a broad range of degrees.

    Deferred decision-making: Deciding

    which degree to take is one of the most

    important decisions youll ever make.

    Your preferred subject choice may

    sound great in principle but the reality

    could be different. What if you dont like

    it? What if youre not good at it? The last

    thing you want is to be stuck on the

    wrong degree. By delaying the final

    decision on your preferred degree to

    the end of your first year, we ensure

    that youll know enough about the

    subject to make the right choice.

    Greater flexibility:Fashions and tastes

    change rapidly. What excites you today

    might bore you tomorrow. What looks

    like a great career choice now might

    seem less attractive in a years time.

    Once you have made your choice at the

    end of the first year, you will begin to study

    your chosen subject in more depth,

    including a selection of advanced options.

    However, it will normally be possible to

    take one or more additional options in

    other subjects. The total number of options

    available is very large, since LUMS is so

    strong in many different areas ofmanagement and business. It will also

    usually be possible to take options from

    other parts of the university.

    This flexibility is not absolute for example,

    some degrees have extra entry criteria,

    and some have to be taken from the start

    of the first year. But there will definitely be

    a choice of paths to follow for every

    student who completes the first year withsatisfactory marks.


    I really liked the freedom to select the subjects

    I was interested in and appreciated the highly

    organised course management, from lecturersto course co-ordinators. The responsiveness of staff,

    including lecturers, was incredible. Matiss Ansviesulis,

    BSc Business Studies, 2009

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    Which LUMScourse is

    right for me?

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    BA/BSc Accounting & Finance

    BSc Accounting, Auditing& Finance (The Ernst& Young Degree)

    BSc Accounting& Management Studies

    BSc Finance& Management Studies

    BSc Finance

    BA Accounting & Economics

    BA Accounting, Finance& Computer Science

    BSc Accounting, Finance& Mathematics

    BSc Finance & Economics

    BSc Financial Mathematics

    The course was

    really flexible andsupported and

    facilitated my individualdevelopmentLucy Musgrove

    Accounting and Finance


    We offer a range of degrees in Accounting

    and/or Finance, all of which provide a

    challenging and rewarding educational

    experience second to none. Within our

    standard three-year degree, there are

    opportunities for you to focus solely on

    Accounting and Finance or combine your

    degree with other subjects such as

    economics, maths, computing, etc. You

    could study part of your degree in another

    country such as the US or Canada.

    Alternatively, if you wish to gain work

    experience as part of a four-year degree,

    you could take a year-long fully paid work

    placement (LUMS will assist you in finding

    a suitable work placement), or you could

    choose to apply for a special degree in

    partnership with the international

    accounting firm Ernst and Young, which

    combines studying at LUMS with eighteen

    months of paid work placement andprofessional training that enables you to

    fast-track your training as a chartered


    LUMS is widely regarded as one of the

    premier centres in Europe to study

    Accounting and Finance-related subjects.

    If you study here, you will be in good

    company. In addition to our large UK

    student intake, the Departments

    reputation for excellence attracts students

    from all over the world. You will also benefit

    from Lancasters internationally renowned

    faculty, our generous library resources and

    excellent IT provision, and our focused

    career support to help you fulfil yourpotential as a Lancaster Accounting and

    Finance graduate. There is a world of

    exciting career opportunities open to you

    when you graduate with a LUMS

    Accounting or Finance degree. But dont

    just take our word for it. See what our

    graduates say.

    The Accounting and Finance profession offers some of the moststimulating (and highly paid) career opportunities in business.

    Our aim at LUMS is to ensure that you are fully equipped to

    succeed in this exciting area.

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    YuQin YangBSc Accountingand Finance, 2006

    Lancaster has one of the best

    management schools in the UK

    which is one of the main reasons I

    came here. I particularly valued the

    integrated nature of the university

    campus, which made it easy to find a

    balance between work and social life.

    David PurcellBA Accountingand Finance, 2008

    Employer: Ernst & Young

    Its a very flexible degree and very

    attractive, especially for employment

    as you have the opportunity to develop

    a number of different skills. The broad

    range of teaching in the first year

    allowed me to acquire a wide range of

    knowledge and the option to switch

    degrees if I wanted.


    The staff are all really approachable. I was surprisedby how relaxed and informal they are. Theyve always got

    time for your questions. Ben Dickinson

    Looking back, I really enjoyed my time at Lancaster

    University it provided me with a greatfoundation to progress my career further.

    Having now started work for KPMG, within their

    audit function, I can say that the knowledgeand experience I acquired during my degree

    will be invaluable. Jan Corbridge

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    The staff here are very

    friendly and helpful; they

    make time to talk to you

    if you need any help or

    have any problems.

    Vijay Mistry


    BSc Accounting, Auditing& Finance (The Ernst & Young



    BSc Accounting, Auditing and Finance (The Ernst & Young Degree)

    LUMS prides itself on strong employer

    relations that underpin a number of our

    academic programmes including the BSc

    Accounting, Auditing and Finance

    (The Ernst & Young degree) launched in

    2005. Through our partnership with Ernst

    & Young and the Institute of Chartered

    Accountants of Scotland (ICAS), this degree

    offers you the opportunity to fast track your

    chartered accountancy qualification

    by completing vital work experience

    and professional exams and gaining an

    academic education all at the same time.

    The degree is designed to challenge

    and stretch you, giving you the opportunity

    to start your career as a professional

    accountant within a supportive and

    stimulating environment.

    During the four-year sandwich course,

    you spend up to 18 months on salaried

    placements at an Ernst & Young office and

    receive a first-year bursary to help with

    university and living costs.

    After completing the work experience and

    over half of their professional exams, you

    are fast-tracked to qualifying as a chartered

    accountant. Ernst & Young, LUMS and

    ICAS are committed to ensure your

    development and success, helping you to

    achieve your potential. The combined

    strength of the three partners bringstogether outstanding teaching and a

    breadth of experience.

    Ernst & YoungA global leader in assurance, tax, corporate finance and

    advisory services.

    Lancaster University Management School (LUMS)

    A world ranked international management school, consistently

    ranked amongst the top four in the UK.

    The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS)

    The first professional body of accountants in the world andprovider of the internationally recognised CA qualification.

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    By taking the Ernst & Young

    Degree, you wont just receive

    one of the best business

    degrees in the UK. Youll

    receive the whole learning

    experience. The degree has

    been designed to prepare you

    for your work placements,

    ensuring that you are able tocontribute in full. Similarly, the

    knowledge you gain on work

    placement will enable you to

    bring real-life examples to the

    classroom and your

    coursework.Barry Flynn,

    Partner, Ernst & Young

    Vijay MistryBSc (Hons) Accounting,Auditing and Finance, 2009

    The Accounting, Auditing and

    Finance degree (The Ernst & Young

    degree) is one of the best ways to

    accelerate your career. The 18 month

    placement is beneficial, because we

    will have that experience under our

    belt after we graduate. Not manydegrees offer that!


    The Management School is great! Its one of the best inthe country thats one of the reasons why I came here!

    Vijay Mistry


    To be called a professional is to be

    recognised as someone who has gained

    significant knowledge and expertise in

    their field. Chartered Accountants are

    amongst the most highly regarded

    professionals in the world of business

    and finance. By combining university

    studies and graduate-level work

    placements the Ernst & Young Degree will

    develop technical know-how and the

    broader skills required in the globally

    competitive sphere in which we operate.

    The degree modules will give you a

    thorough understanding of financial and

    management accounting, auditing,

    corporate finance, economics, business

    law and accounting information systems.


    Integral to the Ernst & Young Degree are

    three work placements with Ernst & Young.

    From the start Ernst & Young will give you

    graduate level responsibilities in a fast-

    paced, commercial environment. Within

    teams of bright, diverse people you willwork on real clients that include some of

    the biggest brand names in business.

    You will help to deliver strong independentassurance that provides a timely and

    constructive challenge to management,

    a robust and clear perspective to audit

    committees, and critical information for

    investors and other stakeholders. Each

    placement will begin with a focused

    induction programme that will prepare

    students for the experience ahead. You are

    assigned a counselling manager and buddy

    to ensure you get the personal support and

    coaching you need to get the most out of

    your placements.

    Professional studies

    The Ernst & Young Degree offers a

    fast-track route to qualification as a

    Chartered Accountant. Because you sit

    two ICAS exams during your second

    placement and as the degree gives you

    exemptions from all the ICAS Test of

    Competence exams you could qualify

    earlier than a normal graduate. The ICAS

    qualification is internationally renowned;

    the high standards set by the institute

    help to ensure that Chartered Accountants

    provide strong independent assuranceservices. The three partners in the degree

    have worked hard to ensure that you will

    receive the support and guidance

    necessary to be successful, and have

    devised a programme that will reward

    your efforts.

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    BSc Business Studies

    BSc Business Studies (StudyAbroad)

    Studying Business Studies at Lancaster

    will expose you to teaching from

    international experts in a wide variety of

    fields and in whatever specialist areas you

    choose. You will be able to choose and

    refine your chosen directions based onyour increasing experience of what the

    various subject areas are actually like.

    Opportunities will open up for you in an

    extensive and unfolding range of specialist

    possibilities, based on your awareness of

    your skills, interests and developing sense

    of yourself.

    We will engage you in a challenging,

    supportive and friendly environment, andencourage you to reflect on core

    management issues such as strategy,

    leadership, ethics, sustainability,

    globalisation, and the impact of business

    on society. In addition to the big picture

    overview, you can specialise mainly in one,

    or more equally in two or three disciplines.

    In your first year (Part I) you will take three

    courses. A core course will introduce you

    to business and management, relate it to

    real-world issues, and develop your skills in

    analysing, researching, interacting,

    team-working, and presenting. Two furthercourses will introduce you to two

    management areas of your choice from a

    wide range of options, one of which will

    continue through your degree.

    During your second and third years (Part II)

    you could decide to follow the generalist

    form of the degree covering the core

    aspects of a wide range of management

    disciplines, or you could specialise muchfurther in one or two disciplines. Whichever

    you decide on, all Business Studies students

    will complete baseline competences in all

    the key management disciplines.

    The programme integrates your thinking

    about your career into its design each year

    exploring different, developing aspects.

    Our graduates are employed by many

    nationally and internationally known firms.

    The three-year Business Studies degree prepares you for a careerin business and management. It gives you the big picture overview

    of how businesses and managers operate in an international

    environment and a coherent framework to help you to understand

    why. This wide-ranging programme furnishes you with a working

    knowledge of a broad range of management disciplines, and with

    specialist knowledge in your chosen areas. It develops your

    personal skills including group working, research analysis, report

    writing, and presentation skills.

    BSc Business Studies


    One of the things that makes

    the Business Studies course so

    popular is the opportunity to

    experience all aspects and areas

    of business, from marketing to

    finance, and then being able to

    specialise in the ones that interest

    you most.Phil Boylan

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    Jemma CostelloBSc Business Studies, 2008

    Employer:HBOS (Halifax Bank of Scotland)

    I thoroughly enjoyed the BSc Business

    Studies, particularly the flexibility that

    is offered in module choice. Core

    management courses are worth a special

    mention, as the lecturers of these

    particular modules should be commended

    for their style and approach to teaching.

    After graduation I joined HBOS as a

    Service Delivery Support Manager.

    Jon OsgerbyBSc Business Studies, 2009

    Employer:Graduate Trainee with Gist Ltd

    Choosing the BSc Business Studies

    degree was the best decision I have ever

    made. It is an excellent degree with an

    unparalleled range of courses. I have

    gained a huge range of tools for my

    new role in Operations Management

    with Gist Ltd, a logistics organisation

    partnering organisations such as Marks

    and Spencer and British Airways.

    You can also apply for the study year abroad

    version of the degree in which you spend

    your second year at one of our highly regarded

    partner institutions, for example, in Australia,

    Canada, Hong Kong, Europe, or the USA.

    Every year a small number of well qualified

    and suitably motivated Business Studies

    students also join in the LUMS Placement

    Scheme (see page 12).

    For international students coming to LUMS

    we have designed a special additional

    introductory course, Business and British

    Society which helps you to achieve your

    academic potential much earlier by

    sensitively guiding you within a discipline-

    relevant context.


    First Year Structure Second and Third Year Structure

    Introduction toBusiness andManagement

    Statistics andComputing

    Strategy, Managementin the 21st century,Leadership and Statistics

    Introductory Accountingand Finance, Economicsand Marketing, if nottaken in first year

    You might decide tochoose your specialisms:

    1. Equally acrossthree departments(the generalist)

    2. Equally acrosstwo departments(the joint specialist)

    3. Mainly inone department(the specialist)

    For example, inAccounting & Finance,Economics, Marketing,Entrepreneurship,Management Science,Organisation, Work &Technology


    and Finance,Economics,Marketing,ManagementScience orOrganisation,Work andTechnology

    FromAccountingand Finance,

    Economics,Marketing,ManagementScience orOrganisation,Work andTechnology or aEuropeanLanguage




    Subject 3

    Subject 2




    The business studies programme is a very demanding as well as

    an exciting course that provides coverage of all business andmanagement disciplinesKritika Agarwal

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    Single majors

    BSc Economics

    BSc Economics (Study Abroad)

    BA Business Economics

    BA Business Economics(Study Abroad)

    Combined majors

    BSc Finance & Economics

    BA Accounting & Economics

    BA Economics & Geography

    BA Economics & Mathematics

    BA Economics & Politics

    BA Economics & InternationalRelations

    BA Philosophy, Politics &Economics

    I chose Lancaster University

    because of its world-widerecognition, highly-rated

    Management School andthe flexibility in terms of the

    undergraduate degree course

    structure. Vaiva Katinaite


    Economics is frequently studied alone in a

    specialised single major degree scheme,

    but it also lends itself to combination with

    other disciplines. At Lancaster, you can

    combine it with three levels of commitmentto additional subjects. Even as a specialist,

    you can choose to benefit from our flexible

    first-year course structure by combining

    Economics with another subject from a

    wide range of Lancaster departments.

    One third of your time would be devoted

    to this additional subject in the first year,

    and you can continue your interest in it as

    a minor course of study throughout Part II.

    Alternatively, the flexible Business Economics

    degree scheme takes advantage of the

    natural links between our subject and other

    management disciplines by allowing you to

    focus on those areas of Economics thatcombine with a deeper study of, for instance,

    Finance, Marketing or Management Science.

    In its international variant, Business

    Economics combines a similar commitment

    to Economics with Politics/International

    Relations or with a Modern Language.

    Finally, should you wish to divide your time

    at Lancaster equally between two subjects,

    you can study combined major schemes

    within the Management School (for instance,

    Finance and Economics) or beyond

    (Economics and Geography, Economics

    with International Relations, and Economics

    with Mathematics being examples).

    Prices for some products vary little from one year to the next,although commodities like copper can hit new highs and lows from

    month to month and stock markets can be volatile during a single

    business day. You may be interested in learning why particular markets

    behave so differently, or in the implications of their combined

    behaviour for the world economy. In either case, Economics is

    your subject and Lancaster the ideal location for developing your

    knowledge of it. You will learn from staff who have established

    reputations across the different dimensions of our subject, and whoshare the traditional Lancaster commitment to excellence in teaching.



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    Paul HinzBA Economics, 2008


    The degree was challenging, interesting,

    and required me to adapt and acquire

    new skills to tackle the problems the

    modules posed. After graduation I

    joined PricewaterhouseCoopers in

    Birmingham on their Assurance/

    Forensics Graduate Scheme, which

    involves studying for the ACA

    accounting qualification.


    The degree was challenging, interesting, and requiredme to adapt and acquire new skills to tackle the problems

    the modules posed. Paul Hinz


    Vaiva KatinaiteBA Economics, 2008

    Currently: MPhil in Economics at the

    University of Cambridge

    The Lancaster University Management

    School provided me not only with

    academic knowledge but also with

    skills required in the job market. I

    would recommend Economics study at

    Lancaster to anyone looking for a

    high-quality and flexible programme

    led by world-class experts.

    The programmes for single major Economics

    and for Business Economics are summarised

    in the accompanying figures. In joint major

    programmes you will combine study of thetwo component subjects in the first year

    with another of your choice (which may

    include Applications of Economics). In the

    second and third years, half of your time

    is spent in each of the subjects of the

    joint programme.

    As well as the flexibility offered by the

    Lancaster Economics programme, you may

    choose to study abroad for your second

    year at one of our partner institutions (inAmerica, Australia or elsewhere). Alternatively,

    both Economics and Business Economics

    are also offered as four-year schemes with

    your third year spent acquiring practical

    knowledge on a work placement. In summary,

    you will have the opportunity at Lancaster

    increasingly to create a course of study

    that reflects your interests and chosen

    career orientation.

    Second and Third Year StructureFirst Year Structure

    Introductory micromacro economicanalysis.

    Core economicanalysis,applications andquantitativetechniques (plusoptional course)

    Selection ofspecialist subjects

    in economicsincluding industrialorganisation andstrategy, humanresourceeconomics ,economic growthand development,international trade,internationalbusiness andadvancedquantitativesubjects (plus

    optional courses)

    Integrateseconomic analysiswith quantitativemethods andeconomic dataanalysis.

    This may be asubject you wouldlike to study as asupplement toEconomics in

    Years Two andThree


    Second Year

    Third Year

    Applicationsof Economics

    Anothersubject drawnfrom theManagementSchool or


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    You will spend two years at Lancaster and

    two years at one of our top-class partner

    universities in Europe, covering the whole

    range of management subjects, including anawareness of business and commerce in the

    European Union. Additionally, you will gain

    practical work experience through industrial

    placements both in the UK and abroad and

    develop fluency in two languages.

    Throughout your degree you will be part of

    a community of students from Europe and

    beyond who exchange ideas and

    information and organise social activities

    through the student society LUSIBPS,

    which is a student society specifically for

    European Management students and

    organises everything from careers events to

    socials and also events with student

    societies at the partner institutions.

    At the end of this degree you will be

    everything an employer could possibly want.The combination of studying international

    management theory and practice at two

    top-rated universities, your international

    experience of working and studying in a

    multicultural environment and your fluency

    in at least two languages makes you highly

    desirable for all types of business-related

    employment. Your CV will demonstrate

    intelligence, practical skills, adaptability and

    the sort of wide-ranging experience thatvery few students will be able to match

    two full degrees. It is therefore no surprise

    that our graduates get excellent jobs.

    We currently have four partners:

    Reims Management School, France(

    ICADE Business school, Madrid, Spain(

    European School of Business,Reutlingen,Germany(

    Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore,Piacenza, Italy (

    All of these are among the very best in

    their countries and are especially highly

    rated by employers. We are all part of an

    elite International Partnership of Business

    Schools ( which

    meets frequently to ensure that the

    education offered to you is of the highest

    possible quality. No other leading UK

    University offers anything like this.

    This degree is unique! On this degree you will be a student at notone university but two, ending up with two high-prestige degrees

    (but dont worry you will only be paying fees to one university).


    BBA EuropeanManagement (French)

    BBA EuropeanManagement (German)

    BBA EuropeanManagement (Italian)

    BBA EuropeanManagement (Spanish)

    BBA European Management


    Ive been working on a

    group project developinga business plan for a real

    company. Where elsecan you get that kind of

    experience when stilla student?Sophie Mazur

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    Chrystel Chanteloube

    BBA European Management(French), 2008

    Placement: Hotel (Monte-Carlo),

    Fairmont (Mexico)

    The BBA European Management

    gave me an international practice-

    oriented management education plus

    valuable life skills. I am now at Frances

    top management school, HEC in Paris,

    taking a Masters degree in Sustainable

    Development Management.

    Robert CormackBBA European Management(German), 2006

    Placement: Reebok & Adidas

    Graduate Employer: Nike EMEA

    I was looking for a business course

    that would fulfil my ambition of

    spending time abroad and also provide

    the necessary skills enabling me to hit

    the ground running when starting my

    career. The BBA European Management

    programme gave me this.


    I loved the Euro BBA program. I think that

    the mixture between a university like Lancaster,

    with its modern infrastructure and methods

    of teaching, and the more traditional Spanish

    method, has taught many valuable lessons.

    Vanessa Campion

    Third and Fourth Year Structure

    (at the Partner Institution)

    First Year Structure

    Second Year Structure

    Introduction toManagement, Statisticsand Computing,Financial Accounting,Operations Management

    Strategy, InternationalBusiness, Ethics,Information Management,Operations Management,Human ResourceManagement andDissertation

    Management andConsulting, FurtherStatistics, Finance,Management Accounting.Also Marketing orEconomics (if not takenin Year 1)

    Marketing orEconomics

    Options from the partnerinstitution

    Options at LUMS can be taken in areas

    such as Accounting & Finance, EconomicsEntrepreneurship, Law, Management

    Science, Marketing and Organisational


    Compulsory 6 month paid workplacement





    OptionsFrench, German, Spanishor Italian


    Continuation of Year 1language


    One option and if bilingual,two further options


    Theres an incredible spirit of excellence on the BBA inEuropean Management everyone has such high standards.

    Floriane Blot

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    10.5pt quote10.5quote bold


    If you take theopportunities on offer

    there is little in yourway between you and

    your dream career.Barbara Polak

    Firstly, you will have the opportunity to

    study a wide range of management subjects,

    including economics, marketing, accounting,

    operations, organisational behaviour,entrepreneurship, ethics and strategy, as

    well as management itself and consulting.

    All graduates of the BBA comment on this

    great variety and choice which gives a

    complete overview of what is needed to

    work in business.

    Secondly, you will spend your third year on

    an industrial placement where you can

    develop practical skills through taking on

    real responsibility, whilst also being paid!

    Students are located in organisations

    throughout the UK and a small number even

    go to Europe for the year.

    There is also the opportunity for you to

    take part in the Study Abroad Programme

    during the second year, or the first half of

    your final year we currently have final

    year exchanges with top European

    Business Schools such as Erasmus

    (Rotterdam) and Mannheim where all

    teaching is in English, and we are actively

    seeking further top-quality partners.

    A key focus of the BBA is developing

    practical managerial skills in particular

    team working, leadership abilities,

    problem solving and effectivecommunication. In the second year you

    will undertake a 10-week team project for a

    local business, where you are consultants

    looking at a real issue and feeding back

    recommendations to the organisation. In

    the final year you take part in a strategic

    management simulation exercise where

    your team is in charge of an airline

    company. This is in competition with otherteams of BBA students and provides

    experience of running a business.

    A final point about the BBA is the strong

    community spirit that exists amongst

    students on the degree. Through the core

    management courses that take place each

    year at Lancaster, BBA students quickly get

    to know each other, completing group

    projects, undertaking presentations andenjoying team building events. As a 2005

    graduate put it: the BBA is like an extended

    family because everyone, not just the staff,

    is there to help.

    There are a number of things that differentiate the four-year BBA(Bachelor of Business Administration) in Management from

    other degrees.


    BBA ManagementBBA Management

    (Study Abroad)


    BBA Management

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    Barbara Polak

    BBA Management, 2007


    Now: Postgraduate Study at LSE/Royal Bank

    of Scotland

    Lancaster has been a fantastic experience.

    As part of my BBA degree I completed

    a one-year work placement with IBM in

    London which has really contributed to

    my development. It has been a wonderful

    experience to use what you have learned

    at university in the business world.

    Karl DuffillBBA Management NorthAmerica/Australasia, 2010

    Country of origin:UK

    Study Abroad Destination:

    University of Alberta, Canada

    Placement: Hewlett-Packard

    I chose the BBA degree programme

    due to its broad academic offering and

    adaptability to todays business world.

    Its flexibility allows you to tailor the

    course to your own interests/strengths.


    Its a fantastic opportunity to both study abroad and havea placement year, which is a hard combination to

    find elsewhere. Christopher Paul

    The year out industrialplacement is a fantastic

    opportunityand quite possibly

    the most valuable part of theentire course. The amount of

    self confidence gained and ability

    to handle responsibilityis invaluable. Jason Yau

    Third Year StructureFirst Year Structure

    Second Year Structure

    Fourth Year Structure

    Introduction toManagement, Statisticsand Computing forManagement

    Dissertation, StrategicManagement, AirlineSimulation, Ethics

    The following areas mustbe covered at some pointduring the degree:Financial and Managerial

    Accounting, Economics,Marketing and OperationsManagement

    Options including anycompulsory areas notcovered in Year 1

    Options can be taken in areas such as

    Accounting and Finance, Economics,

    Entrepreneurship, Management Science,

    Marketing and Organisational Behaviour.

    It is also possible to take up to 2 units

    outside of the Management School in

    subjects such as Law or Languages,

    Compulsory 12 month paid workplacement






    Options including anycompulsory areas notcovered in Year 1



    Management and

    Consulting, FurtherStatistics, HumanResource Managementand Placement andDissertation Preparation

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    One of the best things

    about this year is theconfidence Ive gained

    through networking withpeople and learning to

    interact with them.

    Carl Haagensen

    The degrees place entrepreneurship in a

    broad social and historical context, exploring

    the nature of the relationship between the

    entrepreneur and the society from which

    he or she emerges. Central themes of the

    programmes include entrepreneurialbehaviours, processes and skills and how

    these relate to new venture creation,

    innovation, social entrepreneurship, family

    business and the management of small and

    medium-sized enterprises. You will develop

    valuable analytical and practical skills across

    a range of management disciplines as well

    as an appreciation of the links between

    managerial and entrepreneurial activity.

    The integration of theory and practice are

    key aims of these programmes. The

    practitioner perspective is embedded in

    our teaching. We actively encourage you to

    engage with the business community, visit

    practitioners and learn from their experiences.

    The integration of theory and practice

    is a key aim of the degree.The four year

    Management and Entrepreneurship degree

    requires you to spend a year on industrial

    placement. During this year the emphasis

    is on the practical application, evaluation

    and enhanced appreciation of theories and

    concepts learnt on courses. This provides

    the opportunity for you to gain uniqueinsights that will enrich final year studies,

    enhance your abilities and provide you with

    skills and competences that are valued by

    potential employers, as well as providing

    experience for future business ventures.

    In addition to its academic activities, the

    Institute for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise

    Development (IEED) works closely and

    directly with the business community. Inmany ways this is crucial to supporting

    what we offer. Through its outreach team

    the IEED is able to offer activities and

    programmes to help owners/managers

    deal with a range of issues whilst helping

    to support the growth and development of

    businesses. These external activities can

    also provide invaluable opportunities for

    student research projects.

    Entrepreneurship is increasingly recognised as an important areaof study and practice. Organisations of all sizes, and in all sectors,

    are seeking people who can respond in ways that could be

    characterised as entrepreneurial. The four year Management

    and Entrepreneurship and the three year Entrepreneurship

    (with Management)* degree schemes are designed to provide

    you with a broad appreciation of management theory and practice

    from a number of different perspectives, combined with

    specialised knowledge of entrepreneurship.


    BA Management& Entrepreneurship

    Management and Entrepreneurship

    34* 3 year degree scheme available on request.

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    Becky OliverBA Management andEntrepreneurship, 2008

    The modules are brilliant they really

    push you. Its learning not just through

    books it mirrors the learning you get

    in an organisation, through working in

    groups, and doing a variety of tasks.

    When youre on placement, what

    youve learnt really comes to life. You

    can understand the merit of what

    youre learning because you can see it

    has practical use. When Im doing my

    coursework there are so many differentcompanies I can now refer to. Ill be

    able to differentiate why things might

    work in one situation but not so well in

    another. And its built up my personal

    network, which is a great advantage

    for the future.

    I came to the open day, and made the

    decision right away that Lancaster was

    the place for me. It offered me

    something practical, and I liked theEntrepreneurship degree as its a new

    course thats really going to grab

    peoples attention. Its a brilliant course,

    and if I had to make the decision again,

    I certainly wouldnt change it. I came

    with the view that I would make these

    years at Lancaster the best years of my

    life and they have been.


    Im able to grasp new business strategies and concepts moreeasily through my new-found experience. The placement provides

    a much better basis for understanding the theory.Carl Haagensen

    The BA in

    Management and


    course stood out as

    it contained

    all the basics of

    a solid business

    degree from a top


    school and included

    opportunities to

    work with real


    Graham Everitt

    Second and Final Year Structure

    Core courses include Entrepreneurship, Small Business and the SMESector, Management and Consulting, Franchising, EntrepreneurialBehaviour and Learning, New Venture Planning, Innovation andFamily Business

    You can choose your electives from a wide range of courses from withinthe Management School. For example, Management, Accounting &Finance, Economics, Marketing, Management Science, Organisation,Work & Technology



    Approx 60%

    Approx 40%

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    BSc Management& Information Technology


    The BSc Management and Information

    Technology (MIT) looks at the development,

    management, organisation and use of

    information technology within and between

    organisations. It offers an unrivalled platform

    to launch your career in business

    whether youre looking for a high-flying and

    rewarding career in management or

    consultancy, or as an IT professional. The

    aim is to provide you with a head start by

    making you employable from day one.

    The degree is designed to give you the

    ability to apply IT to business situations,

    evaluate technical knowledge and confidently

    take on project and team management

    in IT-related business scenarios. It will

    teach you to work independently, to work

    in a team and to get a team to work for

    you. And when to do which. It will also

    teach you the skills to interpret andcommunicate complicated technical ideas

    to those with less technical knowledge.

    Endorsed by Industry

    The MIT degree benefits from having been

    designed in partnership with business

    professionals the premier tier IT employers

    shown below ensuring course content

    that is relevant to todays, and tomorrows,

    business world. The degree is run in

    conjunction with E-skills uk(the government

    IT and telecoms skills council) and is

    supported by many major employers such

    as British Airways, British Telecom, Deloitte,

    Ford, Fujitsu, HP, IBM, Logica, Morgan

    Stanley, Norwich Union, and Unilever.

    This unique degree offers high calibre,

    highly motivated students an un-rivalled

    platform to launch their business careers in

    the IT departments of any large company,

    irrespective of industry. Unilever, like all

    companies nowadays, depends upon its IT

    organisation to consistently give it a

    competitive edge and the qualities inherent

    in the BSc Management and Information

    Technology will give graduates the perfect

    opportunity to contribute and progressrapidly in this highly visible and challenging

    environmentHelen J Toogood, VP IT

    Academy, Unilever Global IT

    Such employers are also part of a twice

    monthly Guru Lecture series, where they

    talk about a specific area of expertise, or

    a contemporary management or

    technological issue.

    BSc Management and Information Technology

    Give yourself a head start

    The BSc Management and Information Technology (MIT) degree

    combines up to date business-relevant content with the academic

    rigour of a challenging degree at a first class university.

    What makes this degree so

    exciting from an employersviewpoint is that it delivers

    practical business skills from

    day one.Tracey Upton, UK HR

    Manager, Business Consulting

    Services, IBM Global Services

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    The combination of corporate and academic input in thedevelopment and delivery of the degree has created a unique,

    highly relevant and exciting experience. Andy Puttock

    The Management and IT Advantage

    Lancasters degree scheme differs from all

    the other degree schemes endorsed by

    e-skills ukrun at other universities due

    to its strong management orientation.

    The programme considers information

    technology management as being as much

    a management and organisational change

    issue as it is a technical issue.

    The first year courses cover: Management

    and Organisation, Introductory Computer

    Science, Disciplinary Perspectives of

    Information Systems and Financial

    Management. The following years of study

    require you to complete a number of core

    subjects, while also allowing you to specialise

    in either Management or Technology subjects.

    The core subjects provide you with

    a substantive grasp of the concepts,

    debates and issues in areas such as

    change management, managing people,

    management information systems

    organisation studies, project management,

    systems development, software engineering

    and human computer interaction.

    Further, LUMS has one of the largest

    and most highly rated faculty that teach

    and research in the area of information

    systems and management.

    In addition to the strong academic content,the MIT degree programme also recognises

    that relevant process skills such as problem

    structuring, project management and group

    working are vital.

    Working in Industry

    There are two versions of the MIT degree

    scheme. Both schemes involve working

    within industry to varying degrees.

    A standard three-year degree includes a

    12-week company project to be completed

    as part of the third year.

    A four-year degree includes a one-year

    industry placement. This allows you to see

    the relevance of what you have studied in

    a practical context and also enriches your

    final year studies. Such experience greatly

    enhances first employment prospects and

    helps you decide the type of career to pursue

    and the type of organisation in which you

    wish to work. It is likely that you will spend

    your year with one of the employers

    endorsing the programme.


    We expect our students to be highly desirable

    in the job market due to our emphasis on

    employability throughout the degree

    programme and our close contact with

    some of the top employers in the UK. We

    believe that you are likely to work for one of

    the employers endorsing the programme,

    or another high calibre organisation. You

    should be recruited into a variety of careers

    such as:

    Business ConsultantsSoftware EngineersIT ConsultantsIT ManagersBusiness AnalystsProject ManagersBusiness Managers in non-IT areas

    The Market Leader

    We believe that this very distinctive

    focus of the MIT degree, coupled with

    the close link to industry, as well as

    LUMS reputation as a centre of academic

    and teaching excellence provides theessential ingredients for a very rewarding


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    What will it mean to join the

    Department of Organisation

    Work and Technology as an

    undergraduate student?

    Three years (or four if you opt to take an

    industrial placement in your third year) of

    stimulating and challenging study alongsidea group of internationally renowned teachers,

    writers and researchers who will share with

    you ways to understand the often strange

    and contradictory world of management

    within contemporary organisations.

    Will undertaking a degree in the

    Department of OrganisationWork and Technology show me

    how to be a manager?

    A degree in this department will seek to

    do something just as valuable it will

    equip you with a multi-disciplinary

    conceptual toolkit designed to help make

    sense of contemporary organisation.

    Rather than attempting to show you how

    to be a Human Resource Manager we

    challenge you to consider other questions,

    e.g. what are the theories and practices

    that make up Human Resource


    Is this just another name for

    a business studies degree?

    LUMS provides an excellent BSc

    in Business Studies but our focus is

    somewhat different. As a multi-disciplinary

    department (you will be expected to

    engage with work from across the social

    sciences and the humanities) we work

    within an integrative framework which

    recognises the interdependence of people,

    tasks, technology, organisations, cultures

    and society. The range of interests and

    topics are much wider than businesses

    or corporations.

    These degrees are run by the Department of Organisation Workand Technology. They aim to provide an understanding of the way

    organisations are structured and the ways they function,

    investigating how their decisions and actions determine much

    of the quality of life in contemporary societies. Our degrees utilise

    a variety of relevant approaches such as psychology, philosophy,

    history and sociology.


    Single major degrees

    BA Management& Organisation

    BA Management& Organisation (HRM)

    BA Management& Organisation (Study Abroad)

    Combined major degrees

    BA Organisation Studies& Psychology

    BA Organisation Studies& Sociology

    Management and Organisation


    The staff in the department

    are very supportive andalways encouraged me to

    challenge myself whilstproviding support andassistance whenever

    required.Dan Conboy

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    Asta Ramonaite

    BA Management andOrganisation, 2007

    My degree course gave me invaluable

    knowledge about societal laws that

    underlie fundamental changes not only

    in our workplace environments, but

    also in the way we perceive events in

    the contemporary world. I recommend

    this course to anyone who seeks to be

    challenged and wishes to learn much

    more than just managerial tricks.

    The international mix of students makes learning herereally stimulating. You can immerse yourself in other cultures.

    Simon Burnett

    What kinds of careers and jobs

    do graduates go on to do?

    Many and varied graduates go into a

    wide array of jobs and careers, from

    mainstream Human Resource Management

    and Graduate Management positions in

    both public and private corporations to

    management consultants, media and

    marketing managers. Others become

    more entrepreneurial and free-spirited,

    setting up businesses on their own, both

    home and abroad. Another aspect of

    career development which we take very

    seriously is the development of the next

    generation of academics and researchers.

    To this end the department has a very

    strong and diverse group of PhD students,

    many of whom began as undergraduates

    within the department.

    Can I undertake work experience?

    Yes, but it is not compulsory. We offer a

    four-year degree option where you spend

    the third year on an industrial placement

    in a major organisation (recruitment is

    competitive) before returning to complete

    your studies in the fourth year.


    Sarah GreavesBA in Management andOrganisation, 2003

    Sarah won the prestigious Whitbread

    Young Achievers award for 2005.

    After leaving Lancaster, Sarah set up

    ARC (Art Reaching Communities), a

    voluntary organisation which runs art

    projects for children in deprived

    countries. ARC is dedicated to bringing

    art and creativity to children in

    developing countries.

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    Management Science and

    Management Mathematics

    The Management Science degree

    programmes provide you with the logical,

    mathematical, project management,

    systems thinking, information systems and

    technology skills that are much in demand

    and are suitable for people with an

    analytical frame of mind who like tackling

    challenging problems.

    Our graduates move on to careersspanning general management, technical

    positions, project management and

    information systems management. These

    include positions with consultancy firms

    such as Accenture, management science

    groups within British Airways or in

    specialised management roles: credit

    analysts for HSBC, forecasters for British

    Telecom or information systems architects

    for IBM.

    Management Science is concerned with

    the use of models to support decision

    making. The models involved are often

    mathematical, statistical or computer-based.The department is actively involved with many

    business and government organisations

    ensuring that the courses are up-to-date and

    relevant to the needs of employers. The

    Management Science and Management

    Mathematics degree programmes are

    ideal for students who expect to achieve

    reasonable grades in maths, statistics or

    a hard science and who wish to developinto problem solvers with good

    communication skills.

    The activities of the Department of Management Science centre on

    problem solving: developing and using models to solve real

    problems that arise in business, industry and government. The range

    of problems and issues to which management science has contributed

    insights and solutions is vast. Problems include scheduling for airlines,

    both planes and crew, deciding the appropriate place to site new

    facilities such as a warehouse or factory, managing the flow of water

    from reservoirs, identifying possible future development paths for

    parts of the telecommunications industry and establishing theinformation needs and appropriate systems to supply them within

    the health service.


    Single majors

    BSc Operations Management

    BSc Operations Management(Study Abroad)

    BSc Management Science

    BSc Management Science

    (Study Abroad)

    Combined majors

    BSc Business Computing& Information Systems

    BSc Business Management& Information Systems

    BSc ManagementMathematics

    Management Science and Operations Management


    LUMS has a really

    friendly environment andan excellent reputation

    for developingtomorrows leaders.

    Amy Benstead

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