ufi>lS PATCH. .,rm DISPATCH TOMPANY. ' « ,,,v|.iT( il f .!< inet-ti lo <*iil»«er1- ? ¦"v''"Vx, ms i**r v,ecV. twyata-* to th* « *rK SI W BB ihrn. mtnith.; IBO. for ^,.fMII.V OlsrATCH «t lajwrM*- ? tV ki V- r ".:* " «¦ ur"""*"*' ^f r-r* *J_ ^_ ..^....t,.--*** ^¦¦w.*¦.¦¦¦**¦.¦.^.*-.*^.. ,,*- ii.roi.K tiik rrm.ic. 15 lin. omi V v "I caUBBBBtBB | r:ii**. .t kb or IdM! tuVIM.AIM". HTS* | 111 VU Ml IB, tiMunm . IheHtW, ti,.- pata ls ta tbs * ..'., to rn.... tba len .. ,,'¦ .).,,l.!et- , io uw ice tt uss miemkm hw rhsnM- ¦'.,:..I with kW .-.,-n, ,*,.,* r,l are ta las tibs Bani 1 .Mtll a:lull.lie,,. ., , ¦t-i.llV. nf in-mwy. .eeompBBlea win, o cetkitm I mdryeoBBh in** -wtleal c'.ii.i.iii'.- iltty.hc Bsaalli stanlelhli , ,i kt on.!.:.:*.- ufa kiatbtsHBrtuari UMl ,,.-r.t"*wo..l.l!v eaa ware, ly tanUBOB Bp li nerer-, I atti .lille wlirrr a li W Bf ¦ at tin- body altar baaa «lmitrs- and nra. PB. Cl P With QOtttll go betta iff r laking te sn wi i >m:1i \;i: l ai M.. pur- hf wauk, or mn moxs. *i fi :-.. -ir*- tiri-r M!BX***C<**atl 4. \ -.;il . li tbs lld. with Hie Ll! 1 li I'll I -. i ii i ii nu s t.ear IBS , rj.l' tl ! FUUUBO linos, "ti I l tine lui. C. Md.am - I aBBMJ Hr--., >.: betti! full of iinlJait'.ii- :'. r. alli bal Hiv l'.'-.lei.w 1 y Ul III', v. EXTRACT lit' Ml AT. | I! BIG < OMPASY'S EXTRACT OF iND ' Ml M'l'-'l' MEAT* k i ob boura, M \i>::- -. I 0NPANY*9 I vni.M T "I HEAT "l- v.. d i. ttl di- iboaM I \ 1 ' I ' ' xi'i.ih, I ie ID l.li.e ink KTMI . I ;¦.-*. tenfoK MPANY*. XTRAt OF HEAT. Tl (.nc. re, mad t i.t in I I nlti d -:..;. (wtaoleuik Haft Laue, I.'.n .'nt, mil IS-Slj SO\|». THE OVAL * AKi: Wattan**** Soap, All ;- bs i ton i. ,.., toal-u-felal ll Rm -mata* ' "l.'i.VIK A ( (..- ni two, ihe oral ea ¦ .-i end won iwafei '¦'¦.. di- nil Hi. lr OAF ;.. can fal bo ' nt as in IV.rm iii tue'. . - W.v-K. 1--I "IM'\rilOM . J** DESTAPUONE. .TUTU INVENTION wii Ki ***** - Hil, ITU TO HKAlt r«WOHTHl vu.-,mm og THE il I iii, ANI>'Hil. in vi ANO DUMB ***** AM. i.i:ai:s lu BPI vk. ".Uliii. at tbe ¦Ul LIVCB-PAO OfW! g, IBU Main miiii.t (iij. »t»lr-|. rtBTIMONIALB. ' l-*«<-" lrreit.e.lti«.i of the t'kristin i *,,,,., 'Sltiutl'inl J o*u.Bi u." < \i*. iJmeiiN ai.*i teal «ii.' .- ul .> ¦¦,.. itatt it m '"t". I!.- lieut w,|| lill.I III it .¦''¦it-i. th. m(.|.-i,illij.H-,uiiii ¦'¦''¦ arr ear-map*. ii etiei .'..iiumil.on tim " j f»cutle, .re unluioalwa. .dylM. ali j,., ,,,,.,.,, ,. .,,,., > u>e a irniiiH't or not, met doubt rr, lo mouyu .*wteS».fr A<fir^Sil*l*t,,ttv!,'lc fu" i'*u'u<:u'**r« **e i,,V.. {. *¦'"¦'"'<. Hole AiteM. i' 4-4 j*J:>410--* Hala street, Itielnuouti, V«. KifuA!!*1' Jh" mtH* NEATLY Kl *Bj*Bgnmw U*Mm UlBfATCh BltlNTlBti DATLY DISPATCH. Vol, LUI. RICHMOND, VA.. SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY P, 1*80. NO. ... Tiichmciul Dispatch, SATTJBDAt.i.vM'AHY ... 1880. f-riif CTBCITLA-tOR P TH H L -BOI I i it AR I . '.i-i N LATfOX Of ALI | DAIL1 r. Uti or THI i at tl.* Vn-t oftoc st Richmond, Va* os 'i '.- >i lifer. J WEATBXR REPORT. IXMCATHIRS POR TO*DaT..FOP tin' Mnl- ilit- Stairs, rlsiBf barometer, warmer si otb- weal wiiitis. veering in tho Bortbero por- tim) t'» northerly, i-tring followed by stn- ti. n nv barometer- sad .fear cr portly cloudy weather. FOP I ho S.iiith Atlantic BtsUs, variable wimis. shifting ;<| southerly, rt»rogfollowed i»v falling barometer, sod sllgbtly irsi mer,' t lt at or partly el.Ij weather. TB! WRATBER TESTBRDAT vv ,- clr.ir. mi]J. anti pleaaaat. 1 ii lao-arsa Tbbteiu>at: 0 a. M., 18; ;i A. M., Ml n "i.. .'..'J; 8 P. '.¦' . 68, 8 P. M., 68: iiiid'M 'it. .Vi. M taper itore. -".'-i. (pint, "ii 'pi ii Boilfilon.] Tho Ki-t-l-scri I rnnsLitlou or tho lilllie. This -i;ip, r hes | Iver*, from time t<> time, narratives ol the progress and Balure nt tin- vvi..k ol tbe revfal 'ii of tbe sn-i-aiii'ii Authorised Version of tbe Bible ss lt w;is belnR conducted l.v tbe appoir-ved c >mmlt- iris la tbls country sod la England. Tho wink upon tin Ni -v Testament i* nour com* I'ltttil. :iih1 rn.i- wini bore n >t followed lbs mstter eloselv may be Interested tv> It-ai n s.'iiii I'i'wi more ol tbe detail! of tbe chaos;?-tbal will be made In botb ol tho dlvlrionsot th" Bible. Onli a lew of the most promt . can be Riven within tbe limits of a newspaper article. One of the changes made v. as in the matter of tbe bead* iti_- tf Ibe chapter j snd the pages. In the paragraph*, Italics, and tho punctuation. Anotber improvement Included the removal of obsolete word*. Tbus v;ii* is Bubstl-j tllti'tl lor fat-; haul fir hale; capitals for chapiters; astonishedfor astonied; betray for bewray i magnificent for tti'tgnifical; delicacies lor delicates; cloak tor cloke; ilnce lor sith} lose lor leese; hos,- for j j market-men lor chapmen; umpire tor daysman; s-eke's lor ouches; drum-1 min- for tapering; ploughing for earing; hamstring for hough ,- plunder lor ravin ,. iiul coat t>f in ul lor habergon. These are bul a lew of many such words thal will be il. lind ilir advantages of tbe ebange in making the meaning clear is obvious. The obsolete phrases that nqotrc change al*t> are noi lew In number. In the present version, lor example, tbe daughter ol Hc* rodlas P«k«. "Give me by and by in a bi i> v" lin- head "f John ibe B nitis?; in.-min-', ol course, "Give me forthwith tbe bead f Jobn tbe Baptist in a dish." Most i' isons know what is mi ant, bul thc meaning should be clear to tbe very igno¬ rant also, Sf. l^ii I is made to -tr. In Ibe Authorized Version: .. Alexunder the Coppersmith tl il me much evil. The Lord reward bim ac¬ cording tn hi* vvnik-.'" This somewhat un- cbristian sentiment Bbould be made lo read, ..The Lord vvili reward bim according to his wink-." Tbe version In ase raake-i Moses iby the Egyptian who was smiling a ll.hu v., where tbclrvolceli aol beard; whit h should be made lo speak "f a .. na* lion scattered and peeled," "whoso laml tiif riven have spelled " j whereas be did s:i}' Ibe " nation tall and *bav«n,*' " vrboje land tin* riven divide.1" Borne of tbe mistakes of tram*,lat-on are almost com¬ ical. Where the lam prophet is re* port) tl as speaking of '-all I bal make slucien ;ml p .inls for li-li,' bc nally ^:ii< 1 "all that work for biro are sad al heart." Joseph's *. coal ol ni iny colors" was merely .. a long Minn* with sleeves: " ihe word ¦¦ inuits » |q ihf thirty-sixth ebapti i "f Gem il*, twentf- lourtfa verse, si,mum be rendered "warm springs: " certainlyi* very odd misinterpre¬ tation ol meaning. In the thirteenth chap¬ ter ol l-'iiah tbe word "owls" are os* tiicbes; tbe "dragons" are Jackals; lb "sstyrs" ire goat*, and tho "wild ol tbe isl uni*" are wolves. The .* be id ba rids and tablets and earrings" ol be third chapter ol I-- ii*tii are sasheM snd per- fun)' -liw.v sand amulets. In the tbl "d cba|»- ter "f Ezekiel "pillows t.i ;ill armholes" should be '-cushions lor thc knuckle*," "Thick clay" In IJubbakuk should bc pledges, or goods In pawn; "the groves" so often relerred to in tbe Old Testament were not groves, but pillars; "flagons ol wine" in thetblrd chapter ol Hosea ought t-. be "cakes "f rressed grap*a"', and "galleries" in the seventh chapter ol Can- - nilli be .* curls" ol I", ka ol hair. Mistakes in the conan action "f sentence sre many snd grievous. Thu*, -I>7ivi<l is made lossj "There I* no speech nor lan¬ guage wheres* the Egyptians plew the man." I -ai ti rather be rendered: "There is nu speech noi language; tbeirvoloe Ls noi beaid." In Ezekiel "ye my flock are mt-ii " should be "ye men are my fl ck." In Job lt is said of tbe hippopotamus: "He tbal made bim can make iii- swoi tl approach unto bim." Tbe re.il meaning being "bil M.-iktr gives him bis sword," that is, a tusk. Multitudes of persons have won¬ dered vv liv ihf (i""ii Samaritan was -< mean as to give only two pence to toe Inn* keeper and why the householder sgreed with tbe laborers fur univ a peony a day, Tbe coin tbal u:is used was the Greek de¬ narius, wortb about seventeen eenie, 'l >; translate u Into an Eoglisb pen nv certain I j w:i- injudicious. St. Paul ilitl not snj .-.*'.' 1 ii-ii* as not beating tbe air," bul I box as not beating tbe afr." st. I.uki hi made to say of Jesus m tbe cross: "Ant when Jesus had cried with a loud voice bi ¦aid, Father," Bc What be wrote was .. And Jt bus, callina w 1th a loud voice, said Father," Ac. lo the fifth chapter of Act* ..whom yt- slew and banged "ii a tree,' sboold be .. w hom y e banged on a tree ant slew." Tin- beading ol tbe i -c ind cha| U ..j Daniel bas ibe lim, "Xebuchadnezza lorgetting his -jr un." The Ibeorj that bi Uni forget it is not warranted by ii oorrec translation ol tbe text. Besides these am similar examples <'f error, tho tt\t ol tb< Authorized \ ei sion maki ¦ mlstaki * in gi og rapby, in proper names,In Hebrew gram mar, and in Greek grammar, [rj insertini itali. * impropt i ly, In dil Idlng the chapteri ami in many other matters. Thr-o things have long been known t scholars. Our t xeuss for quoting sn man example-) here is tbal (bey are not knowi t" thc ma*- ol the people; sod it serin-' ti be Important t!ul these should have give tu t Iicili stunt* indication nf th" tn n s'ltv 0 a revised traoslalloo so that the prejudlc against s change may nora easily be ovet come. Much service la this dtrectto would ho done by ¦' wide rlrcub ti .ti of ii huh* honk upon ibe subject ii si i,| itv tbe Stinihy-School Union.-a Loo Iron wbleh we havi- taken these lllustn lions. The Authorised Version i- not . all sacred. lt is Itsell a revision of otbe tiaiislali'.lis, BBd the tune sti'in* IO h:iv enna* winn supetlof lnodtin seboUrsblt witn tbe vast information which it bas ba pia.til at Us command by ibediseoverh und lavest (gat lons »>f the past two hun'dre vi ars, should ttlt'it another revision. tybt wc waiit lo know, after all, is what lin IS crod WlHe-n really sahl.not what Kin James's tian-hi'oi*. guessed tin-v said. . man ifeat error la tho Authorised Version eatttled to bo more reaped than an error t any ottit-r book, and it intensely OOBBPfVt tlve people Will once fairly gel t bat Idea tnt their beads they mav be willing to welcon: thc corni nj* revision. Governors Bishop und Blackburn pardo bo many bott potpie that they wi.I kooii ' known as tbe wicked pard'oers. LOCAL MATTERS. t .mi-* uv nu: lar-orJabuabt Dovblb. ISmbt Daily Dupatob, pul up for mail. Inp. tuny In- bad Bl oin eountlna*>room. Alt) for Ii:ki.ami-Tiik Pt BUG DBNON- BTBATI0B NiM IrrsnvY Ni.iiii. -Tho I Bee* ultra Committee of Un* irish Relief Society in*i(i an adjourned meeting ia-t Blgbl il Bishop Keane's residence, aod^hearly oom* pleted the arrangenteata for* tbe public meeting to be bald n.-xt Tuesday nlghl ii Mozart Dall in the Interest ol tbe soferit g poor ol Ireland. The oratora selected for the oci'.'sion. Mtul WbO nave t xj>t«..I I',, ir wtlllngm -- lo address ttio people, are ll*>n. IA. M. Kelley, lii-rht Ber. Biabop Keane, Kev. Dr, .1. «.. Armatroog, .innes n. Doo¬ ley, Ks. j., t apt; in .P.liii 8. U'i-c, and Wi1- liam I.. Royall, Esq. Theaddre*ie*, while thej will be brief and confined Mrictlj lo tbe ot j for wiiieii tbe meelina is be I:- ld, Will no doubt DO such a- lo fully ciili-t tbe sympathy ol iiio people In tins nollie chanty aad result ba the most luhotaotlal benella. Ab address to tbe people r-f Virginia bsa been prepared by the committee for publi¬ cation, lt will be found elsewhere in these celumna. In addition lo lin* distlngtilahed pcr-on- ages heretofore mentioned as baring b en invited to ha preaenl and oceopj prlrlleged seats at the meeting, Inrltatloos bare heen extended to Hon. James A. Walker, Lieu* tenant-Governor and Presldenl <»f iii- gen- ate; Judge 1?. \v. Lace, Speaker of the House ol Delegates; Ber, Dr. M.D, Hoge, Kev. Dr. .!. L. M. Curry, Ber. A. Weddi ll, Very Ber. F. .ian.ens. Kev. Tbomaa .J. Kelly, and Ber. Hinno llegele, <>. 8. I'.. The committee would be grateful il Ibe paster- of the various churches ol all de- nomlnstions In the city would make an¬ nouncements (rom their pulpits on Bunday culling attention !<. tbe mer-tlnar, and tbey are kindly requested to accept tins a- bo Invitation to do io. Dr. John Mahony, a menber of the c ina* mitt ct-, reported that be bad rec-ned from Mis. Lottie Bf. It ullin, of Banorer, a con¬ tribution of three fine turkeys, accompa¬ nied by a lette! requesting bim to dispose ol them and devote the proceed-* to the pro- p sed fund. The Doctor ins already done so. 'jtiii realised ¦ nice little sum as "tbe w Idow's mite." McCCLLOCOBATTHK TUBATBK..lfr. John McCullough, the eminent tragedian, will appear at ih-Theatre Wednesday night as Virglnltis in sheridan Knowles'* greal play of that naiiic. Ol :i unlit performance a well-known critic says thai '-Tn tbe scene where Virginia shows him thc (tainting In which be recognize* tbe fae." of Icillius, be was tiie vi ry embodiment ol latberI*/ lore and tenderness In the camp scene, where orerthe bodyof Dentatus be mourns bin own and his countrv's I"--, his manly grief appealed to all hearts. In tbe forum icene, bis denunciation ol Appius was terrible in Its strength nnd Intensity, When, ia the saiiie act. be discovers tbatdeatbor dis- honot only arc left for the daughter in whom bis very soul and being were absorbed, hi- airony was bo real aa to I"' almo-t pain* fill to vvitnts , and t li t.. 11 ._-11 it all and until be had Blabbed ber and rushed from tbe -I IgO, t be au(lience sat I.I cat III. -- Ct if Spell- bound. Tin n. iin:iliv. when tbe noble Bo* 111:111. the persoD.flcation ol strength and manliness, breaks suddenly and becomes a laugbina madman, tbe -enc was pitiful: iitul at thc very butt, when tbe raeanteye brightens as reason for a moment resumes it* -way before being < xtinguisbedforever, and wiih tbe utterance of the single word .Virginia,' tbe great soul psssea trom its earthly prison, thc silence of death reigned ii.,..orl-i...iit tn- boase. Then followed such a tumult of wild appian e as is teldom \vi:- nessed." Pbbbokal.-Bbibf [toms.*.Bev. M. i>. Bweeney, of Austin, Texas, ls on a visit to his old friend- in Un- City. Garner's Msln-etreel 'buses now nm only from tho corner cf Nineteenth streel to Mortoo's garden every half hour. Former* Iv thi y ran from Twentv-flfth and M streets to Main, and from thence to Morton's gardeo. Main and Broad streets yesterday were thronged with peopleshopplna or enjoying thc pretty day. The fair-ex predomlnati i. This, j "ii know. i- leap year. Tbe Common Connell vvill meei Monday afternoon al 8 o'clock. The January term of thc nuntin*** court commences on Monday at ll o'clock. Feed < 'ontbact Awarded..The Commit tee on tbe Fire Deparimenl mel yesterday alu ruo..n and awarded thee mtrncl foi feed for tbe horses of tbe Fire Department foi Iheenioing three months as follows: ft Lange Brotbera: B»y at f23 per ton; sheol oats at |1.2-5 per c.vt.: brown stuff 11 r lon : nblp-stuff si $20 per ton. ToW. H. Briggs ii Brotber: Shelled osh at 58c per bushel; corn al 6Sc. pt r bushel: and -'raw al 58c. per cwt.--ail to be ol thi bc-t quality. .. Webb or Pbateb.".The Young Men'' < hii-tiin Association will observe the weeli appointed hythe Evangelical Alliance by i general meeting to be held everyeveninj from ."> to i; o'clock. The first meeline will be bold al A*soein lion li'il on Mond iv evening, and will bi conducted bv Kev. Dr. J. K. Edwards. CoMl'l.lMKNT TO A kl IMS'I BB.. 1 >ll NcVV Year'- nlghl tbe members and oongregattoi of thc Second Baptist church called on the! pastor, Bev. Henry McDonald, D. D., al iii residence, and, after spending a pleasant eve ning, wishing bim a happy New-Year, etc. left fl -:oodly n na,lui" of substantial token-o their appreciation ol bim and bia amiabl lady. _ Installation or Officeb*..P. i>. .;. C 8. T. leach install.".I thc following officer of lillie- Lodge, NC IT. Knights of Pytbiai *.n Fridar Dight: W. I>. Courtney, P. <'. S. 8. P. Pdtti son, C. C.; J. L. Apnersor V. t'.: ll. W. Shelton, Prelate; W. ll. < n il / i. M. of Ex. (tenth term): T. L.« our! inv. M. ol F.; B. 8. Denny, K. <*f B. an 8.; B. E. Cox, M. at A.; L. W. Allen, 1 (;.; W. D."Sutherland, O. G.; L. L. Foi ter, C. Blankenship, Jr., G. W. Smoot, I ll. Poore, Attendants. B. T. Beach, rcpn tentative to Grand Lodge; T. L. Courtuej alternate._ OOLOBBD Sons ok TBHTEBAXCE.-On ICI Elected..Charity Division. No. i. Son-, Temperance, has elected tbe follow in.' "tl ni-: Gloater Anderson, W. I'.; Bile Johnson, xv. A.; Kate Brown, H. 8.: . B. Smith, F. s.; Caroline Hatcher, Trw surer; E. U. Whiting, chaplain; F. Barri Conductor; <¦. P. tonkins, A.C.; If. Hui ter. I. s.; s. Burke, 0. 8.; J. P. Willis, I XV. P.; .launs ii. Peters, L. I>. Friendship Division- No. 8,Sons ol Ten peranoe, haa elected the foBowlog officers J. H. Wilson, NV. p, : .*-. .1 mes. W. A. Thomas Scott, lt. s.: T. lt. Jobaeno. A. 1 -.: lt. T. Klly-on, F. s.: Fields Moon Treasurer; William L. Jseksoo, Chaplain A. Morris, Conductor: lt. Smith, A. C.j l Smith. I.S.; Georae ll. Perry, U. 8.; >\ li. Taylor. P. W. P.; B. T. Ellyaon, I.. I Asbury DivMbn, No. :t!»: Beolamtn Franklin, IF, l*. 8, A, Whittle, lt. B.; I A. Williams, Treasure]; Mooee Taylor, L. I A Haw Lomb ob (icon Tbmtlabs.* (lean View Lodge*, No. IS, L <>. (i. (colored), was duly organix.-tl I,isl Blfft with John Day worthy chief templar; E.. Hamilton, reCOrdlBg Scribe. This lodi starts with a chartered membership of rig teen. At thy annual election of Hie In Jope ti ent Daughters ul Messiah, Mary I*, (inti WS/4 floated president and Charles C. Flei lng Meretarjr. W. H. L. Combi deliver the annual address at the annual ri'dulan Odd-Fellows' Hall lust weuk. TIIE OLD AND NEW. Tin: OLD capitol oma ai.*- CrO OUT ami Bl W hm Bl OKI IN.M*'AV llMBHff Di lill: ortnci of -rax auditor or pvblicao ('ni'x Tf-aTHI ul WU HBADBt ¥ DKPABT- -D-KT PBBPBB TO AWAIT THK At llnv Of 'lill.' ni adm r___B»' evins COM* M III I.) AU of the nevvly-eh-i-leil «':ipi?ol officers except Mr. Brodrenbonragb entered noon be rueebarge of ibetrdotie*i yertetday. Mr. Broeken borough will probably take charge lol bis position (Register of toe Land Offlce' On Tin--tl iv. Mr. Mm-ey was t he tu; ly Offlelal who annouoeed hi* derk-. The following I "4 his li*t. with tbe names ol toe retiring clerks ami amount of pay (lass tax) received per annum l.v i ach : *»v. M. Newman. RockfDgbcm, viet a. ty, Munford, elerfe of accounts, |-,50-JM. \i. ,\. Sot i, giovanna, via a. a. Lorentx, flr-t clerk l*o, i. I1.I09.2S. w. B. Mnlth retained a- Brit elerk No. 2, 11,80923 Flunk Millford, Itiehmond, vier John (». Mosby, second derk Mo. 1, 11.064.88. ty. H. Milker, Albemarle, viet E. M. Nor¬ ri ll. seoond ch rh S >. 'J. 11,964 A. H. Miller, Shenandoah* vii- v. Bin- ford, third clerk No. l. 1998 it;. J. A. Seddon, Stafford, trie* Min mt. h. 15r<''(lin, third clerk No. *j. £983.76, ty, ty. Maisey, Albemarle, vice Jobs c. Btanard, third clerk Nu. 8, 9998.51. Georgie ty, Doceberrv, Richmond, clo T. i'.. Bicger, fourth cltik|N"... i. |s_0.50. MUs Julia Rein*', Richmond, vice .Mr*. M. B. Crouch, fi'iirth clerk No. _. 983060. Mt. I - i:it* Newman was rekupointed mes* sl IlL'l 1*. Mr. Smith was retained In his old posi¬ tion. Mr, Bioford was advanced two grades. ai ;.ito::'s CLERK-L It will be seen that tbe two ladies In the Auditor's offlce were noi spared. Thal was I tbe worm moveol all. Mr. w. S. Newman, who take*- tbe desk i-f Colonel George Wy I be Munford, ha* for Bev-**"-., years been in.j.h.veil in tbe Treasurer'* offlce, a tl is from Rockingham. Colonel Bigger, one t>f the der-osed clerks,wai a soldiers the war ol 1813a :intl was for many ye»i - po-stm mt) r lol Richmond, and though eight y«_ve dtd faithful wink, ll- i* tbe lither of John Bell Bis-ger and William J. Bigger, late of the dei teal force of tbe House of Delegates, Colonel .M'inf rd h:<s long been In the public service, lie was clerk ol the Gonventiooof l .*_!)¦'.';<): wa*, at tn* time Bi iretary "f the Commonwealth, and codified the laws In I860 and l-T.i. Mr. .h.nu (;. Mosby had i"<-n at Ibe Capitol lor about ibirty years, and posaessed extraordl* narj capacity a* a clerk. Bo, t<n>, Me*srs. Lorentz, Sorv ll, and Btanard. Mr. W. W. Vi ins) y, who tak) - tbe plat e ol Mr. Btanard, ia a son of the Auditor. M< *sis. Smith and I'n" rd, clerks, and Ike Newman, roi uer, who have been retained, \>iil prove i-f valuable service to Ibe new Auditor. In¬ deed, it would l.e ilmosl Impossible to nd along without tin m m- others their equals inexperience and proficiency. Mr. Noel, (int- of the new elerk*, was r-.r :.. lons time employed in tbe offlee "f tbe elctk ol tbe cum i "f Fluvanna county. Mit. MA SSI-: V's PLATFORM. Mr. M..-*' *t iie.i to fl representative of tbe i i'< sa iii il it wa- his desire lo *!> con* duet the office i-f Auditor ol Public Ac¬ counts :i-1'» latisfy hi* friend* snd -ive no just cuni- of complaint to hi- rnemies. All of hi- appointments sre temporary. Ile has taken a number ol men npnn thc re¬ commendation ol others, and if be lind. tbal thi v di not come up lo representation*. be * n < be will n<>t bi *u tte to mpl ij otbei * in their place--. tbs iTitii-itiT tu -"i.i nox. On the night when tbe nominations were mada by Ibe Rekdjusier.but iiefore any narnia were presented to the eaucu.a re* solution was adopted "thal every gentle¬ man nominated and elected to any Capitol offlce accepte I his nomination and election upon the condition thal the patronage t»f bis offlce sbon I be appinioned among the congressional district*, tu far an practica ile, in accordance with tbedeterminatl »n "f tbe committee t-> which tbe matter i* r tern d." UAR-OKT. II ls undi r*tood thal Mr. Massev, while Boxiou-i if n"i determined to run his own "ilic', will, :i- far aa possible, endeavor to keep in harmony with his party. Tbal may b one reason lor hi- de-uriou that tbe a pp liniments made yesterday shall be con* Biden d as merely temporary. 'l be othei head* nf tl ipartmont conelnded lhat it would be better to await the re- bling ol tbe member*) ol tbe General As-i -n.hiv, and tin- actiou ol the Rt ii IJuster committee, c immooly called Committee on Spoils, before committlni* themselves one way or anotber. Thal committee made an api>ortionmeni ol tbe Cjpltol and otbtr office.**, and to them wa* committed Ihe task "f distributing the minor places as equitably as possible among tbe several congressional di-riiet*. The) had not completed their work when ibe General A**embly to »fc it- rt v.. While tbe committee ischarged with the work ol preparing a plan nf apportionment ii I* expected that tbej will report to tbe caucus, Mr. Massey bas peal influence with thein. and if any man In the party, except the Hos-, is allowed to have his own way, ii" i- tbe on*, PERSONAL ami POLITII AL. Mr. ("'.ullin M. Reynolds, who his suc- cecded Hon. lt. M. T. Hunter sa Treasun r, nald yesterday that there would be no changes in bis office fur tbe present. Mr. Dvson, the new Bceond Auditor, said the same: Bnd added that if be could consult hi*, own w!«bea there woulJ be lew cbangt - thereat all. Colonel Broekenhorougbi who will -iif'tcl Colonel Randolph ll irrison as Ite.i't -r ..f the Land Offlce, called upon ihe latter and * il th I he would not enti r uri rn bfci dutb» lor a lew days yet. Colonel Brockcnborough, bav* mg ab-iolutel*- i;i. patronage to dHpense, lo be a corni aratively bappj man. Thi ! b -' and much bedevillt d by applicant*. Mr. Fauntleroy took po.«ses* f Secret iry of th monta- eal'b and ii id a mg ml m et able in- teivicw with t McDonald. He ap¬ points on lei k. Tin re are dozt ns "f sp* piii'.ni!-. but non with the qtt ;i.ii iatiou* ol tbe Incumb nt. Mr. iii shard F. Wa kei -Jed Mr. Frayser as Supcrlntendenl of Publu ri nt lng. Il-- hu to app tint i porter al t}8Q per m >nth dui in-r t ol ibe Ge u .1 A*"iembly. The fortunate follow will probablj l" a eolored man. lin: i.i reiDE Ol PICS-J. Mr. Williams will enter upon blsdutiei as Superintendent <'f ibe I'enitentiary to d;iy. Tbe seven ..ssistani keepers then (Messrs. *'i "s*. Gates, Mcauley,Ac.f] eann -; M removed Irom tii"ir present poaitioni witboul the approval ol Governor Hotliday and then only for " misbehavior, Incapacity or neglect cl duty." Governor Holllda' win noi return to the cit] t'.ntll next week The Superintendent, however, has lui sweep at the v'-inrti. Hr can ti,etc remo*. and appoint al Will, it sOc-m*. Bul it i- un derstood thal Mr. W-lfa-mswlll noteoU upon tbal disagreeable duty immediatt Ij Ile. Hid, vv til probably prefer to await th action "f tin* eompjittes lather than tak the chane,- of h*iv'iii_ hts BppolntmeotS D< confirmed. Mr. Winfield sc .tt will nd enter upo his duties ta Btorekeeper of tbe Penltei Harv until thc ijih. aoon-nvK. Messi-sj. McDonald, Frayser, Taylo limiter, Rogers, Harrison* Swan, and T ii'iferr..).those to ga Md tboee goae wh ther liends of th partin. :it ur subordinate have our good wishes. May they BOOM b tonie sett led in b.tleraiul happiei pot-itlot) and have cause to rejoice rat her limn lumei that alter lon.' and i.mbini Hervice th- were turned out of the narlee of ike Coin* lil in weall h. Coxvkntios OP BOOB Tr.Mi'i.i'i.,- All the ol tins order will meal la eoovea- llOfl Monday Bt Comb-'* Mall. Sryenttenrh Itn et, Bl IO A. M . Action B i'l be '-it-en to eoaw under the legal Ugh! Worthy Gnni Lodge. _ BTBABrBBBBJBfl tv BLOOM..Strawberries atc in Moobi la gardeas around tbe citr. The SnfFerliiif tn I I a ntl Irish BBUBB SOCIITT, ) Bu iiMOM.. \ .,., January .;. 188 I. \ To the People <>/ Virginia .- Ti." greal want an,i suffering in man) nirts of Ireland, win.-ii bare been declared Ly pulpit, piena, and private letters, make forcible appeal to inc better Instincts ,,r .1,1" naMii". . An almo-l (o'al de-tritction nf cn p- in i burge BgrienHnral district has beea fol¬ lowed i-y grievous want, wblcb tic poor people cen.- iled until st-irva'inn was the mc alternative of appeal i-. public rlbarity. lu tin- ciiy a- elsewhere, in many pim-s, t noell Ij ii i- .".'ii formed, coosUtlng "f .'fiitli men "f sll creed- and perth -, for the Mirpose of securing aid from thc kind, tearted for these nnbappj people; and on ru....Hy oremin?, .lian,ty r.'li, a public neel log -.viii be held m Moim il di to i angiblu expression t-. tbe sympatby <>f our titizena with tin- great di- ri --. An . xecuttre committee in bet n formed ivhich tv ill take eba rite of ail n,or,ev col¬ lected, and ir-er by tbe purchased pro- .1-1- ns or otberwbe make most efficient use >f if for ti..- r tilt f .f tin- starring. Tbe society expresses and entertains no opin¬ ions on aux religion*., imlitical, <>r lodontrl .1 luestion wblcb maybe Ihougbl involved, mit sets and appeals alnne in Ibe Interests >f .-ur common bumanitr. And as in an* itber day. when like appeal was rn ide from ho same land. Yiri'itiu Blood amid ibe lore* most in the lisi ol Amii uni States contri¬ buting to miligate lb" horror- of li isa f inl¬ ine, so now, we doubt not, a like generous response rn iy e expect! d. We trust tbal organized efforts like our dwi) may be made in other pans of l be «'om* moBwealtb; but wbtre this is uot tbe caee, are shall be happy to accept and irive Mie best direction to tbe off rina* *.f tbe table, and o:irm'-tiy solicit them. Remittances may be made din tly to Thomas Potts, K-tj. treaauier, i-oat-office box No. 1. or lo an*/ ol be ommittee. A. M. Kbii.kt, Presidi nt. Tltomae Potts, m cretary. Jobn Purcell. Thomas Pott-1, Frederick B. Scott, John ll. Claib true, .1 din M. Ili.:- gins, Dr. Jobn Mahony, Alexander liter* hoi/., i", executive commit h .-. ¦ v\t ui:vn;it AMD Vlt'lJIITT. Chesterfield In 1879.-.We w Te unable to obi,nu a full -t:i!i-:ie d report from Chester- geld In tillie to publish in ye-t a tlaj 's i-s'.io. lint do -o to-day. Ti..- inf..ii,.. ion which ire now rive m ill p. 11, it - lulen *i ti;" eli i- rens ol Manchester bh much as tboseof ('iii.-!crticid. Tbe only chunge m de In tbi aovernmeni during thc year wa- tbi lion ol a connty j. ctl:.¦: County Court: Jaiue-t M. Gregory (new Judge) pice U'illiaml.i lopton; M. A. Coff. bill, cl.ik : 1'.. A. Hancock, attorney for the Commonwealth; <'. ll. Flournoy, sheriff, During tbe past year 12 cases ol felony have been dis,;..-id of, s of wblcb were convicted; <i misdemeanors, I bf which wi re com Icted, an J 2 misdemeanor cases are now on the docket. Amount of tim s Imposed, vJ". colleen d, -rb". There are at present only two inmates In jail, one of whom ls confined ai a lunatic. M:ii ridges: Tic foilotelng mnrrlai*c*lt* censes wire issued during the year: Janu¬ ary, ii white: 2 colored.total, -. Febru* ary, I white; 8 colored.total, 7. March,! while: 9colored.total, 13. April,6wblte; 8colored.tomi, !». May, .': white; 2 col¬ ored.total, o. .lune, j nrhite; ."» colored. tot d, 7. Julr, 2 white; 7 colored.-totti,9. August, 2 white; T colored.total, 9. Sep* tenlber, l nrhite; .; colored.total, 7. ne¬ tt.ber, .'{ white; 'j colored.total, **. No¬ vember, 12 white; 5 colored.total, 17. Do* comber, "16 while; 8 colored- total, 24. To¬ tal for the vi -ar. 123. Board ol Supervu 'i-: Clover-Illll di- trtcr, D. M. Goode (cbiirman); Dale. B. J. Diiv I; 51 ito ic i, I!. L. Joni -: Midlothian, William ld. Spears; JJ in J ¦-. h Walker; Bcrmudi, Jj mes B. Jones. Thc Unsocial condition "f Chesterfield i- very _*.I. The c.! i u ry ls out of debt, and bat be* tween $1,500 and $3,000 In ber treasury. Taxi -on the .rin \ due "f propertj i- 15 ceiiis. Thli Includes county and district -<. 'loni ta\.s, pom- fun,I. roatl tux, and c iiiiitv expt n 'iiiii'.', a lilch i- 5 ci ul lb m 1878. Poorhouse, William R. Gill superintend¬ ent: lina it'- at present.16 colored and 6 wi.i'. .beal, -J.vi/., i; whit ind 0 colon d w omen and 10 colon tl men, Total amount of costs.Including provisions, clothing, medic ti attendance, fm I. and superintend* en:'--il ny during the vear. wa- ; viJ 6 .'». Number p uiper- died, 7. The amount <.! real estate sold in tbe eui,nv i- e-'iiti ited to be $275,000. During the year more than thin j n irtht rn families li ive iettli d In the neighborhood of tlie< 'ourtbouse. Thi y are active and indus* trinii- people, md appear to be d dog well. City Council..A regular meet!n sr of tbe ruy Council was held lasl night. Present: J, k. Perdue, president; and Messrs. Bal* lowe, (leotry, <.it»!>-. Kahn, Nunnally, Owens, Pattcsoo, Royall, Sbotwell, and Walker. Mr. Gentry, from tbe Committee on Pub¬ lic Lands, presented a report ri immending tbe i. a-ii.T«.f ¦ piece ..f propi itv in rear ol tbe Marshall mills; il-oa reporl in reference to toe leai-lng of a piece ol land owned by the cit! ol Manchester; al»o allow ina M.-\I,i!i..n to erect a temporal*) libed on tbe Danville railroad between Hull and D< c itur -tn* i-. The reporl wai a lopti J, Duval A Bobertson .; .-. a wi o li n building -ll street. Rev. B. F. Woo Ito ! was cted r ol the Scho IB rd Bev. G. i Vam', >Vi .1 from the city. Mr. Royall offere i a res ilution in ri fer- ene.' to unsafe awninga on Ililli winch was adopt, d. - ¦, ral communications fn in tbe Mayoi and sevei il pei 111 ma wi re ap; i opi ately re- -I. A nombi r ol billi were ordered t" bi id; and al 8:45 tbe Council adjourm d. .Y. rr. fear Si un a.. \ irge numb* of our -o.icty beaux and bellea wen! oa i,.i nif it to II »lh >(i i.i--. '!"¦ resident e M j ,; .I.i-. ph Walker, to attend the ! .. feat's rolri ol tbe I 'il- *Boses. The kfusii..¦{/'"..Tin- stteodance «t lb tait night wai quite small. Mi A od- r K. Si ha ip favored th -. pn «. n with a rltber *.!>». which was loudly af pleaded._ / .Saltation oj Officers..Dale t-ndgi Knights of Honor, iostalled lb dr offlci i Li-t night, after which iber had th r e ..iud iuppi r .it Fireman's Hall, and bad mosl pleasant time. Brief /feme..Mr. James M. Gr who vs vt I- ¦. ntlj electt d Judge of tu. I tt< terheld County Court, h,.- qu dined. \ teleph me bas been placed In tb r i m.*-:-". Joba Dladen *V: Brother, al th che-tciiiel.l eoort-bouse, thus ,- more In thi- elli with thal place. This li som wblcb tia- been lonj needed, and will prof vcrv il-- lui. Judge William I. Cloptor will oenrer Sunday-aetfbel ad Iress before th Foti Street Sunday Khool next Bunda* ..fie noon at :t o'clock in Masoni." Ball. V pirtyof fnx-huni'i** "1 Ibis eMy su ceetled in kfllllR tMtSB f')\«"» W*4B*tM DttWM« .bi-, ---ty and e^mmtmtf lb Mb FtoWtT******* ********* *****> ,_A.'' "'"""»¦ l-t a Bibanilmianitlii-r aresel trir"t,:"\:!.!ivri'r'h'"''»...'-¦'a..'..,...,.. .Hurl , ^ ,' :'n" f"" *"" "r '¦-¦.¦ ->". SM ow 1, n ° I*** __*' "-¦ "". Ix.MIc M| '¦"".¦¦¦¦¦J .¦.tn."*»t4U '.- omer NMrratfaa wv .wm rtaflrn, an it *¦**..tdprwKtWlTitJ! B"IrM- "*¦> ..«¦¦¦! '»H *Mi.*in.-H!»t-i t'..-cr«.r»r*/¥ ¦SBUBinillT. (0lU:>r BuoxnaBBL r !_!_£_ "r i",P",,0,, "r '*." "¦'".~*.'.' »¦ '"¦* IT vi ,"r M,,s,»--« .'¦¦'¦. M THnU- cliurcl, !JJ_i v J''"' ,)r- *«*w-*«s-»i«_ i-t-r she- I'VI. I.I-KIVH. 'llst.lltH-l >.,-,.. |..,,,;1 . iBtCBiiiMi.-ll-r-niii iii'..,, bop BtrraM. '."¦v..,|.-T.., ,.,,,:,.r M.1:i;.|M,,.,.a,:|1 '"Kt Powder, t.i ...ir i-i.i- man wc ..'."'.iri.e-,,!.!..-. K.ArKls--,,N*s I: ... Wli.lc Kim¬ mi Violet Pow*** r. ii rr.r tv nt nra* I ll kSBRS NorvvrrHHTANDiNti nu Oaaat adv ubi a IN WOOL-BBS, COS TOSS. AND C0S1 OP I. vent. nt* sImII. lu nii.l -it't.-r .I AN'CV HY 1. 1680. roi ' SIXTY li VV I OSt.V." ALLOW A DISCOUNT OK tkn pan riv r. Ht'.M rm. MARBRT fiti. c.s. -- Raeeauci Coodh A. BABB ti (.«,., "h.-Trio.' .. Ca-I. Ct-tM-TI ,-in.l Tailor-. I'll') M.iln -..... t i'miiim:. oppoBlM post-oflL-e, I n.i i: is. nv. I). Blair a io. not only bare tb Liquor) of .ill -leda. Inti their itock li ron. Ainu ii'l-.t iii--.-i,i-.:,,i,| K|| (-|,,.i.. ,.iH>.,., |,( are unMirp-n-ird in ihe city. They hare lu-*, r.-- I'.lvnl .-i But; lot ot Virginia llama three year* old. Vou'ii Bi >l their prk' .- rery 'ow. and the qualltj ..f ihelr goods alwa- the beat. 1108 .*¦ I,., t urt I. '-" HORK I'll! 1 M VllsM:_'|'|..,v ,. ,. |.. no. no excuse for »u_i rina the pin-is of rh. um ill m. I he crotch La Ines* ls becoming "asl played "old itams.-1 and acnteand Inn-ntiuatory i the worst -.rt are i tslly and ojutekly cnn i -Ince ihe lntio.1nct.on ol' Hr. Hbrnuo**!- UfrSY'fl li i which any .lui -.tit an mpply. IIOLID vv Iii i-vu r.viKN r. i. .v v Broth rr*, will keep th-ir Holl l.ii nun: o|M'ii nml Hie rmi ol'Hil* weeli, lu v ¦bow a hvrftt issi rtment niltab e for Nrw.Yk vn'-t Prrsrr ra also, a in',- ii- nt m. ii t ot' 7<i vet. i: and PA**) I Dav Goods. They offer areal Indocemt ats to par chaser* of < loarb, Sjiawbs, Blarrbts, Car. ri i-.iiu. i ii.nn ni .:... .....i ac***. A 1 B -ORAN r URRA lit If your trbtu are dceaye-J or*fcl\*etl**t' Ifyooi t.i'M*.' arr ipon-ry, iii.-v-.iin*,', uk-1-i'.'it...i. 'i i..--:in-* H.un Ula tc,ili. ii-i- Mi..vuI'. A BARI R'S CARBOLIC IfOI i ll-W v-il, which i'.mi'.m- tba tied odor cRRS-d bi Ila c.and raptol) lieab sad cteRBaea thc "Roath. Impai-tla*- a ni i.n mrs in vt;nam B IO rUBBBKATH. Hoi i bj di iirii.--i i- .it .".ni-, a I, Kile, Hi. nun i. Win ri: '1 k:: ni : Mi vnK.t Him n's - 1IMMM7 I n: -. ti i-f: )t ¦ WU.!, PRBSRRVR ill: i;i : il, l: : m-ivi: im I'l KM' r vi: nu, an-1 KBBP IB Tl BTU SI lt HM Ll V I i.i \ "I 8 lld bj di ii/-'..-' al 50e, ¦ box. ¦-. \ ..: UORSV by ii i. nu* ynir prtntlag dOBS a'.ilit D 'AT) ¦> I, u.ty.1 ?.ork, los tit i .'...raiiu-i-n. -¦'¦.'. -, in-', ri aa i all of the nevi Orders left at tbs bit om will rai tin pn .',;.!. aStta- ______________________ Il i I Ion .* VII s THIN l>\ Y. TB" Ot all taltt ¦¦' .'.-¦.' Saatt mile hettuett i I Jo ii ¦¦¦¦;¦ ¦¦<¦¦¦ it of Jun.* I tent ',. r ia tt tn ' . put-* byt ? .*¦ ht itt ofJv ;<¦ .Han ¦ the year tItt t*&:ti have to ot paid by titi ta -. .¦ -i about flftn ii yi ai a** In t:iel a md, _-.'l ip- ':v.l J.THOMPsON BROWN, l!| P. m. rnmc hons) on w.-;i l.'ijfti tn-11 i-t w". ii Munford and til;- wer, BK IIMONO BAZAAR, 10 A. M.. ii * r.R WAlfTtl. Wami::), to RENT orr \ pirst- c|.\'s HRVKN and A ll Al.I' «" i v\ I I'l v \' i. l-esl make. In -- --i i rder. and u rt iona ms. Apply nt *-*17 Marshall itreet, rornei Mnth._Ji:t-li* W\MK1>. A NURSE (WHITE OB COI.OttKIa) ti. ::i\- char-re of two chlnliri ;iut| Jo | Apply t .. a i _ y octweeu 10 an< - k i" I i RDBI.NSO-V, 1 ?_117) -.'litti Tin*.I -¦¦.'.. WAN 1 ED, A GIRL ABOUT 16 TE AR.* IT or il.-., ttl ,\ssl,|' IS MIXM, nil .1 ll'H'-KUt.KK. Mut come w-li m-nnimin-lfi I Main >tit-et._ u i(-_i» A YOUNO ENOLHHMAN OF EDU f\ CATION and t and roo.! n -1 tr.....! BuRland, .1. -h. ni rmplo) ii .i 'M ii which lie caa ..ira l, * litlnu li ind. and try auvthlua or traTcl.on a vt-rf -.luall salary, i i-t v , .ii.-," .*._tl 7|..'.» \\r W i lu. BO MIDI I,- AT No. IT \.i: Pl SIX! ii * I Bl El .*".'. n Main ii I* i-i-. WANUI.. A M AN BXPERI KaTTTi lu tt.' nu;. --'. nieul ..* re of i . M ... I WllXaN -I KKr.l'r'B 'mt u -. vi v v lt \l. Blchmdnd ps.t-oSlcc, wi :. :. rt ih l-S-lw*_^_____ WANTED, TWO -URSON-, win. ar T T ih.r nahh ic-|U ih ted with 'MM kv pi I7',M, I.HM, t I T -'e-KIMi H.ll V '.. R , :-. .i. 'ii ,, in oue si in- htnrt i fa .-.if,ti i. n- « nplj i.ni... they can liuol- tti full.- i i-t'.-r-ii'i'. Bo -i'll ii.r'i , Mull will bl i ¦.I.hv . I ¦. i" ti 1 V _ _N.-w VorK .-ily. WANTED. BT A PRACTICAL FAR¬ ER, i ', m iii i tnM. i" ba wojMci " -7! Vi: s. | V illili/ tia PHI I'l -"Ul- . I PU V I Vf Ml 7 |:i l-l* I \\ AN 1' \l.l. lui Ml. W BO t'A I lo sec th* tar-re :.rcHK!8T_3**-.-* (XXH> Ung ..I t HI.NA. I.I, V*s. i mLI Kl", |. Vi la..\ t-BPa, 1IV-W SB*. WOOl l\-WA»;l., 'I.Vl'.VN').'.1; t.'.t'W*. ,'tr.. il tl. II. WM.I.Vt 1 '-. Int. Nth 1 *:;.-1. I HM. SI it AV KO. )\rt FOIMU. *}Qt\ REWARD..l'LH»A\ I IIKtTv V4-J AtUJVK f -r t Hf r. eo*-«ry, .r m f ii 'JS% UBoRtO li" i».*..v. r»."l it lt «i . vlv.i .. ii old. vith thet ' ' i dtto toll a ti"n tnt rana a 'le. mitti "' the %d vi, pm! ttBot I* Lynch's HR4lion,( auipbe I t-uuul Ir9 wit* M. la. I'ISII'.I' B II.WIR. BlDOEW A T K lt V A Ml 1. V V I.O I. R. J. B. Kit Kl KV A »»)N-_ fcllf PSOGtBS" FAMILY H.ot'R. FA.ry Uir«l warrant"! to pk**-, lor Mle l.y OAVKM'OUT A MOBKlf. A«*tuta. po le-'.iu Dwi avrtct THK JHB PATOft. TERMS OF ADVi;RTiSIjj(j, _,__ CASII-.IIfTAIlIAlll.-i- IBAOVA4M ¦ (7R« tavare, **j-*** i h**ru--*n._, Ol I *|H"t*re,tWf. i,ij«rtlor*r........'.'...*,'"* »J :u *.|ti»r*>. three lnr,ertla*»B." " O' >. v;a-».ilx IR-.-T1IOI1J..,. ...'" one .,'inar*-, twelve i|,wr*loH*. On -K-tikre, one moot!).,.***' " "''larc, two laonllj.....'" H "'i*"*ni*ir».t)ircp»T;(."*Ui*i....'.'.£* fl _ VKUHHSAi.. -THK Kl>LL»)WIN« W ITKUSlif ff tVAKlli!' '"K W****** & ¦»*. "K. Wmm lifnmetu. Va.. Dccet-ifcer 3. 1H7». vi«StJ !''..""¦¦'. *."'*>"-. tl... iv.r.s ne g. I». TAT! VI h.t. IntiractHli tl .. m v..t vi, MI'tM* !/...*.> e....r, v.,.()11 ,t ,.;, ,.k. (.,,.,, pi.,,,,.,,,.,,.,, ; .1/ Ininti, fli.-.rlll- ll. .:** ,,r in,uni,,,, Ir.lrnr Inn M,"k-iM;n" M,",,'"",,f, i ».'».** «»*J3^ He ls th. iron* hi* v*r . rt tue *¦),... ., ,,,_,,J* ¦¦i-i vo-.-,.....« n,. ... ,.,,.,.!./,;,; ¦ri- ¦.-. rf.rwarl, trom ike t'emt otory prtacrptfi to 1.1»- i.-v-r .tn,I in*,-*- .-. mr,'"x Otpa rt men ta of 'lin -. i. pi e. Dead ywgt, reiriK :m-*> bavin*/ no -u- derlor ,"i< m -ci.-,-*..-"ul le-KU-r of toco mcett He t/ roi ..iTor.n*. of e.,..<.*..-il ..int Mnjltlf. -,ii.| lu, .Miow* li* rintMr'i t.niei.',-nil it.it*. ... \.,-,.,,. 'tay ".eli-ol *r ->r)"i*:-.itl.,ri.,ir-. .- r ,. n,, .,.,- rt" i-loin i, trill', will tx- ill... >,. ...¦-.. ,.*:,. .ri V*i--< I- in lu-J-ri***. VI rrr>:n wi r I l*.iv . <¦. rn and h. ard *.f I'l.-it- ..r 1 A! TM. .I"IIN K. MlWARDO. r «r -Park-l'latc Md ladlat efcar h. Ili-liiit'in*!. Va. W' iii* i»ti*V**"l*med. barine r«~-»lv* .1 lo-irne- 1I..11 Icv-t |-r. teeter K. I». TA I I M **vo.-i| mt te, ano iiiivinir witatorfl m- m.**!**. or tr-Mai-tlaa Ib- - le.-ii n. nnil th*? tiieer-aa «.. his utan, uki" p* *iVro "tbtrir t.ttlie B-reaou u tc um'Ulai ..t Itev. Hr. En **i»i.l. a- to Prefe. ,. 1 .x I I 'i i ; . illti,-*- .. lier: I Uke creal ptaacaaa in <ii.|..t ¦ th. ¦Maa?, and. ..for tiela* taurht hr ai lea»l fP'i»->-ir rf ihe he-n teacher* .ti tl*-Tinted -..st a. arnon* tn* tn in-, a. II. runt I., t I veitt^, .1 i,,i, heii-o- to sa* lli.il ai ni i'-tnii.i.ir Mr. K..0 T.v 1 U -I lurpaa e* i!i*"in all. ja 3 at_ii. v. mk tnt I.-i. na bo. __ lt hatti ¦ MOM to ear m mc hat aa* M TEM, au ru*, nt Tor ih*.- Patapara ll.-iklntr Powder, bas irroiu,ly iiil-r* nrven-.'d ie* lo .>t.r'rad** as nutt.mk QOOM tile in.i.It,-t ..." I'ieln-eili.l a-1 llli'ill- unfl ua,- WllOlfKMUC artlete ..r r*>i**d eulie.I Til. sherline Bobina Powder, ipi wi n tn rlaee oarvelvea rairiy '-"f'.re <>tir petrona anil itu while tv st itinc Ital ve l..'!ieve. aa i- ri i-ii'inio .1. ti ,».s| Hi.I Vt; l; vKINti POWDER t*i Le a -Iii* :'v-.ure t nain of Tartar Powder, lean Taetiire I !iy :i i.t-rl' etlv rt-li lld*, rl-an In Baltimore, and la m-COBo tanoint In tte narke*. Vu .Iv. u on ev* tv pnekajre. Af. n lon ur tn e. Ilea I antin ritie- I- called IO ll. lu .i.'.M tun *».*. hive re- (Jlltrileil mir Male < ll. rm-f tn aaalyai hi.ltl Ihe >:* -r in.'"' an.I ' I "a i ip -.,"' Powdcia. Ti.enault >. '«¦ tu i.i '..-liov. T:.e |,ii!*»v .-iii tu Im nhtrh 1* UM-ui'.-t nlmlt-onie. lillK-HAM ft ItlltlW.V. ! ."Boa I reny or 1 STAT! IH8ATBB IBO t'tlBMIBT. 600 i- A-r lu \»»; -i uki- r. Ru iiMoMi, va.. Ute .! irrnr, 1879. J r, Qrttkam ,t- /;,-- mi li n-'. m. a..Ar yo tr r* *,r|.--' I hive ina '*> | iiuill- t-ti'M-eli. tni'ai t>\riinle.a'ii.ii of tko M.-etiur liiit- .'<.« Powter, manufactured bv Un ateritnn Hana* l.ieluili./ ('..in:>.in\. -iii.| .1* illa Palftoaea II kin* l*.*n.|*r. ill I'.'i'.'f* ,tr. .| i.y ***** rs. Raith, ll.nway .tc I lin t t trill eni',iit..it"iis to lie : <rt ti-, KterltDf.C'ooklnit Boua noJ I'leam ol' Tar¬ tar; ur thc I'afao-.-.i.Ooklnf 8 ''in anal .Mum. I have fnriHT esaaiitwd 'h" stt-iitiiL' Raktaa Powder for lajurtoui laapurttlea, mit lad ll tree t'r.'in them. I'ii"-1. I.ok an.I other :ui-'r:*i'ti.i iht« Mbftaa ¦n mtv _.-ii.d r.ilv I th. ..[.leii.ti thal I, .. n,i» |mw- den tn 'ie «iiii ei.ii.il >.f tartar av iiperlor la point Of «h..l .. m. te - ta itt .¦¦ I.Vi'le m lill alum. rue 'ani|.;.-- n eil in tills e citiiitinti,ni i tn l"ir- * lu'*..! hy me from place* In min ruvv.h n- they ¦I-,-.:.. nel altlioui your fcaowieafe. \ .-i » c.- |.* .'it'nllv. WILLIAM ll. T'.Yr.o!!. M l».. Wale t in tni-t. We miiv endor-a th ni.,oe tatemenl -aaec bf v;.-. ra. (.i.-li.oii A Urown. md imtiiin Uta BaklD ' Powdl i 11- .'f1 * ;»iin', ami thai lt trill be kepi up lo Ita pit -ent il iud ird. 'lit'' anora* ee.leiitt.1 «ii.'.-. ¦> ii baa met "i ill imikin, -mihi edlng all nilli r- al. ll hat i.e. n la tm* ,'¦.I, -lamil, tl aa Un beat liakli.irpawtirr kaowB* Dotwlttutaudlnn I tie bast- »lautkr*of ti i, | .*n lli:o uirtli =. --li i: IM. MAXUFAl Tl IIIXO OM PA XT. »¦ Ba . SWillii.. r M.l. s^it.». uirriuN- von . ". IV vi"" wwi TO * i r.- '.tor. TO AW lWl'Ki! OH MAOAZI ll. ' BLIBUCD IN I ll! kVTOSLD vi' ..i- i'l. l .i: vi; ¦, SD TOUR "i:l>Ki.- TO i. r, .!<.!vsi .*.., New-- and Matfe*!>raler, ¦ta BB I Via 'i -ire, I. I <Ht lt I'M. 170II R1NT, THAT KXCRLLENTftt X ai..I w.-,li...-at.-i TU Will liVVH.LIM, Iii So. OOO wi -i Prauklin .ir.-et. rec mir occupied t.v lr. L.T. Baird. The dwelling eontiltu Hfhl i- i,ni« it-i'e- kitchen, all in tm .1 <>rli r. Kent. low. Vi! < lll'WMN.I I l.'i.K, li l-U _Vo. 5 m.illi tenth Vicef. BY VT1TUK OP A I tECRBE 1 IF Tl IK < inuit t our! of IL i ii.1 alli.ob MOSDAT Hit* l-jiit ..I .illino \ (that being court day), real ..m. ai l2.aVlnck.tha KARM ai i-.*--* i.t necupletJ hy Tbomaa J.< arter, of 300 BES. near Meadow siafi-.H. In the lower part of IBnrteo ihe rani to i,. |,il.| .i.i... tu,'.. ll.I and .-. leeurlly t.. Ihj Hiv. ii. WM ll VM U \|.SII. H. -.. di .*'¦>¦:. 1 .vi.t:t.7.v l ¦._i,,-.i "i ¦'-"( -. -. ll «'. COR KENT, NU K DKTA(,'HEDfg| 1 BRICKDWEI.I.IXU So."'". K.nii -'\'iiU:_ -met. '.fi "> n « l.-> and Lelgb irerta, e BtalolBf -.-v. n rooina; aaa, aral. r. .<¦<.. Several or He-. IlKSUIABI.I .1 .\r-'--l'"'.V Tl N'KMKSTS.on ; i i- :.nt- .I*.- doro, rait-re, bath, .v*-. DI -ll! Mi. BRU K I" !''i * ' v... IOOwi t hoi ii,..,- md Adara -". vvei n ... ii :: n Ul it ls Rf -Hil \> N< mklln at reef, ,,!-,,, e..i iii r I'' > ii': --ixlii; iht rooma,kltcb* .i e.. ftc Ml i- Ul \t Hi II BRU K DWI I.I.IM. V>. .o; i.-, i. i,.*t wt en ' uti \'ii and I ar, i.t v *ori ntb Ix too a -. rm*, ".r.i.-r, kin lien. I I.ARGK vi'ik K BRU K fifSIDI SI E Sn. SOS vi .i-ii iii -tr.-, i. i,-i v.. en I i.-li';: and Mutta! im r.i, .it<-h> .. -' il ' i' -' comnle *-. Ol--IK VI'.I.K.o r*H '»\\ KSII ill.Vl.iM AND i:i -mum i. i,, v. M. I.yoia. L-*j.. ,, wi i I lr i,l' es I"- li .Irrct itel ¦¦ to -in an Moy Urti la; len .¦¦¦!¦- * id all SK E HRH K I EM Ml y v- .. -tlH M.n.'ia'l ktrcel, i*-t«.iii rwenty-thlrd nd rwenty-fourOk ritrteta : seven rooum and "¦;. '¦". I have -i mj 1. 4 ..¦. boo ea, which I wi 11 pul In iborouKh repair, If a 1 already bo; nil ol wll ell I ..I?' 1- Bl \-i' I" * d' n .'¦ '''"»»to rent wi |.i. <. aire rae a ill I un utlofted I eau uti ibem. Ui 1 -:*i lt«»BI BJ B IV SK. DEVhltAL ItUUiia IN Ll>Lb'-3g| ii lii'li.DlNi*' .atti..- ,,,ti,ii ', r. ul* Main IB ar. il, -:.*'. l-'lt Bl ST. wi i.-.-..:..|.i.-.i r..r a li erl rot-ran. Afp-at* .urns t. i.diiiny. j.l-it_ Heal IaU't \-'. at. l.*i lt RENT, BRI v ~.>\VKI.I.IN«iflj-| I1 So. lil north Kevcaih .treel. 1 .-. *-.*-. t-¦Lil, \! ir 1, iii an I < 'av '1 '.> a ...- . " mi rentren »»« Anolv st Xl l». "'I: or at N , MOO Main r*-.-i. .vt-Hu_ll. «slll.lt. i/tii: rent, rwo Ti? v.c.): >TOUEs*fi f* is Pl vltl. BLI ' Bi l -..1.". uti -' CcC.M Si i- -*r . I'iij.m.v. lie III ni- I" -'O' :ti.V A, p|. 10 I vn. -.: . i: I i.n Kr:. .ia 20-ilw_. / lF F 11- E > I .>t KKK I l Wog* ' " 1. vio.l w: l I.- ....ll;' bim! WI Ll.-ILi. v rs 111 \ 11 1:." - ****, . Vo. I Ha ila 1 * r drntl'ta. Appll *'- Oltpnteh 1 mee. au " in kin:>s t ii\%< 1 s. X \ RARE <-ilAN» E. A v\'.- o- authorli .! O tn ¦ *. * vi 'X. h\;i i-. !>.\VII I. of a KIH.-il 11 vu and l:i -1 vi BANU, 1 in ona -1 ibo - . ortl luaof t.'« *" The bouse li well turill i**! t- nmod*** Ii,,.. .,!" ire.ii'... "tte tt «*. n ce, "-i'l. ..< .' "*¦ ¦' .!,,,1 ...ii; , lor a u\ man or l .-¦ i;>. A h..,.- ii * nc "-. tlitw sis*, .v t.n-: Lia. * '.ti* A*< ntf. ., \ .-,. S.. ,". MTtta I .mil tree!. latrtiunKK. |*i I. LnUl'ONT, Di Nl ^l" Ita .v I <>., I u .'> it-*.****-... i<iy- 011 Mi:.manurer- ..1 'b. .- »'-l I vi ; 1 uri BIMI, t\ot r. Iflri.B, met IMAM«»y|» (.KAIN fl/VV »t:It¬ 'll*, iii" 1 laiuu ir Toto 1.1 tn ute. ( .r HdfB- M--.UJ'." I, 1 11 'll. tnt ir .! 1 »'.. ic PotBtarr, lorant*) . ¦. ".* wblMBea, l uto il >.*..¦-> «.*.». rtoui'ii. >'.-.(. aoL ¦«' » lha *'" . . nrTfp ru.-, nhl 1 .."*-. Mi'.in '. ."»'» .. .' »»* hr*. MKS RV M. wm: IMAM, kasai. .-en- r ....I I fte* Btl All 1 uv ntn-rlS .:...».**. ":i 'V .'.N *. . rB-»FBMMHMj|l-« tulls A. A U.r. VOeXT, . '?I vriMl.s! V-* Asim vt-NS 1.10R8ATLAW, kl vii llvS-li Ul II.IHNO. lill ".U'.*" ITBBJ BK BMOOM.TA. pMrlOBtB aHaaam,iWuaB*J N»**K?y*L!!* t ,. ,-v nt UlcUmoxot. aud ih« eitiriaof ll" " ' and t lie derfleld. J* 'T^!*iJ!L. U IX IUVU* I Jta.-liuN".-". nf VIK8 * LV«»N-. \T'...!tSt V -* : 1 AW SI NTH -IHl.t I' Sr*« MAIN, tn HMONU V v. PoBT till ll K Hov 1B3- I 0MMBI 1 vi vsVi Tv-I" lt AM I I AW 8Pk.l IALTIKH. - PRtiMl'r ATTENTION Tn t Ol.l.Kt TIONB. ldc Mt-fl'J_-. I IL-HK ADS. f».w to .M^'^..» mi U14 OlbTATUR WHAtTlHU-M-DLUl B

ufi>lS DISPATCH PATCH. TOMPANY. DATLY …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024738/1880-01-03/ed...ll. Rm -mata* ' "l.'i.VIK A ((..-ni two, ihe oral ea .-i endwon iwafei ' ' ..di-nil

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' « ,,,v|.iT( il f .!< inet-ti lo <*iil»«er1-? ¦"v''"Vx, ms i**r v,ecV. twyata-* to th*

« *rK SI W BB ihrn. mtnith.; IBO. for

^,.fMII.V OlsrATCH «t lajwrM*-

? tV ki V- r ".:* " «¦ ur"""*"*'^f r-r* *J_ ^_ ..^....t,.--*** ^¦¦w.*¦.¦¦¦**¦.¦.^.*-.*^..

,,*- ii.roi.K tiik rrm.ic.

15lin. omi

V v "I


| r:ii**.

.t kb or


| 111 VU Ml IB,

tiMunm. IheHtW,

ti,.- pata ls ta tbs* ..'., to rn.... tba len

.. ,,'¦ .).,,l.!et-

, io uwice tt ussmiemkm hw rhsnM-

¦'.,:..I with kW.-.,-n, ,*,.,* r,l are

ta las tibs Bani 1.Mtll a:lull.lie,,.., , ¦t-i.llV.

nf in-mwy. .eeompBBlea win, o


ImdryeoBBhin** -wtleal c'.ii.i.iii'.-

iltty.hc Bsaalli stanlelhli, ,i kt on.!.:.:*.- ufa

kiatbtsHBrtuariUMl ,,.-r.t"*wo..l.l!v

eaa ware, ly tanUBOB Bpli nerer-,I atti .lille

wlirrr a li W Bf¦ at tin- body altar

baaa «lmitrs-

and nra.

PB. Cl PWith QOtttll

go betta

iff r lakingte snwi i >m:1i

\;i: l aiM..


hf wauk, or mn moxs.

*i fi :-.. -ir*- tiri-r M!BX***C<**atl 4.

\ -.;il . li tbs lld. with Hie

Ll! 1 li I'll I -.

i ii i ii nu s t.ear IBS

, rj.l' tl ! FUUUBO linos, "ti

Il tine lui. C. Md.am -

I aBBMJ Hr--., >.:

betti! full of iinlJait'.ii-

:'. r. alli balHiv l'.'-.lei.w 1 y

Ul III', v. EXTRACT lit' Ml AT.

| I! BIG < OMPASY'S EXTRACT OFiND ' Ml M'l'-'l' MEAT*k i ob boura, M \i>::-


I 0NPANY*9 I vni.M T "I HEAT "l-

v.. d i. ttl di- iboaMI


1 ' I '' xi'i.ih,

I ie ID l.li.e ink KTMI

. I ;¦.-*. tenfoK

MPANY*. XTRAt OF HEAT. Tl(.nc. re, mad t i.t in

I I nlti d -:..;. (wtaoleuikHaft Laue, I.'.n .'nt,

mil IS-Slj



Wattan**** Soap, All;- bs i ton i. ,.., toal-u-felal

ll .¦ Rm -mata*

' "l.'i.VIK A ( (..-

ni two, ihe oral ea

¦ .-i end woniwafei'¦'¦.. di- nil Hi. lr


;.. can fal bo' nt as in IV.rm iii

tue'. .

- W.v-K. 1--I

"IM'\rilOM .


.TUTU INVENTION wii Ki***** - Hil, ITU TO HKAlt

r«WOHTHl vu.-,mm og THE il I iii,ANI>'Hil. in vi ANO DUMB***** AM. i.i:ai:s lu BPI vk.

".Uliii. at tbe¦Ul LIVCB-PAO OfW! g,IBU Main miiii.t (iij. »t»lr-|.

rtBTIMONIALB.' l-*«<-" lrreit.e.lti«.i of the t'kristin

i *,,,,., 'Sltiutl'inl Jo*u.Bi u." < \i*. iJmeiiN ai.*i teal

y» «ii.' .- ul .> ¦¦,.. itatt it i» m'"t". I!.- lieut w,|| lill.I III it

.¦''¦it-i. th. >¦ m(.|.-i,illij.H-,uiiii¦'¦''¦ arrear-map*.

ii etiei .'..iiumil.on tim" j f»cutle, .re unluioalwa..dylM. ali j,., ,,,,.,.,, ,. .,,,.,

> u>e a irniiiH't or not, met doubtrr, lo mouyu

.*wteS».fr A<fir^Sil*l*t,,ttv!,'lc fu" i'*u'u<:u'**r« **e

i,,V.. {. *¦'"¦'"'<. Hole AiteM.i' 4-4 j*J:>410--* Hala street, Itielnuouti, V«.

KifuA!!*1' Jh" mtH* NEATLY Kl*Bj*Bgnmw U*Mm UlBfATCh BltlNTlBti


Tiichmciul Dispatch,SATTJBDAt.i.vM'AHY ... 1880.

f-riif CTBCITLA-tOR P THH L -BOI I i it AR I . '.i-i NLATfOX Of ALI | DAIL1r. Uti or THI

i at tl.* Vn-t oftoc st Richmond, Va* os'i '.->i lifer. J


ilit- Stairs, rlsiBf barometer, warmer si otb-weal wiiitis. veering in tho Bortbero por-tim) t'» northerly, i-tring followed by stn-ti. n nv barometer- sad .fear cr portlycloudy weather.FOP I ho S.iiith Atlantic BtsUs, variable

wimis. shifting ;<| southerly, rt»rogfollowedi»v falling barometer, sod sllgbtly irsi mer,'t lt at or partly el.Ij weather.

TB! WRATBER TESTBRDAT vv ,- clr.ir. mi]J.anti pleaaaat.

1 ii lao-arsa Tbbteiu>at: 0 a. M., 18;;i A. M., Ml n "i.. .'..'J; 8 P. '.¦' . 68, 8 P.M., 68: iiiid'M 'it. .Vi.

M taper itore. -".'-i.

(pint, "ii 'pi ii Boilfilon.]Tho Ki-t-l-scri I rnnsLitlou or tho lilllie.This -i;ip, r hes | Iver*, from time t<> time,

narratives ol the progress and Balure nttin- vvi..k ol tbe revfal 'ii of tbe sn-i-aiii'iiAuthorised Version of tbe Bible ss lt w;is

belnR conducted l.v tbe appoir-ved c >mmlt-iris la tbls country sod la England. Thowink upon tin Ni -v Testament i* nour com*I'ltttil. :iih1 rn.i- wini bore n >t followedlbs mstter eloselv may be Interested tv>It-ai n s.'iiii I'i'wi more ol tbe detail! of tbechaos;?-tbal will be made In botb ol thodlvlrionsot th" Bible. Onli a lew of themost promt . can be Riven within tbelimits of a newspaper article. One of thechanges made v. as in the matter of tbe bead*iti_- tf Ibe chapterj snd the pages. In theparagraph*, Italics, and tho punctuation.Anotber improvement Included the removalof obsolete word*. Tbus v;ii* is Bubstl-jtllti'tl lor fat-; haul fir hale; capitals forchapiters; astonishedfor astonied; betrayfor bewray i magnificent for tti'tgnifical;delicacies lor delicates; cloak tor cloke;ilnce lor sith} lose lor leese; hos,- for j

j market-men lor chapmen; umpiretor daysman; s-eke's lor ouches; drum-1min- for tapering; ploughing for earing;hamstring for hough ,- plunder lor ravin ,.iiul coat t>f inul lor habergon. These arebul a lew of many such words thal will be

il. lind ilir advantages of tbe ebangein making the meaning clear is obvious.The obsolete phrases that nqotrc changeal*t> are noi lew In number. In the presentversion, lor example, tbe daughter ol Hc*rodlas P«k«. "Give me by and by in a

bi i> v" lin- head "f John ibe B nitis?;in.-min-', ol course, "Give me forthwithtbe bead f Jobn tbe Baptist in a dish."Most i' isons know what is mi ant, bul thcmeaning should be clear to tbe very igno¬rant also,

Sf. l^ii I is made to -tr. In Ibe AuthorizedVersion: .. Alexunder the Coppersmith tl ilme much evil. The Lord reward bim ac¬

cording tn hi* vvnik-.'" This somewhat un-cbristian sentiment Bbould be made lo read,..The Lord vvili reward bim according tohis wink-." Tbe version In ase raake-iMoses iby the Egyptian who was smilinga ll.hu v., where tbclrvolceli aol beard;whit h should be made lo speak "f a .. na*lion scattered and peeled," "whoso lamltiif riven have spelled " j whereas be dids:i}' Ibe " nation tall and *bav«n,*' " vrbojeland tin* riven divide.1" Borne of tbemistakes of tram*,lat-on are almost com¬ical. Where the lam prophet is re*

port) tl as speaking of '-all I bal make slucien;ml p .inls for li-li,' bc nally ^:ii< 1 "all thatwork for biro are sad al heart." Joseph's*. coal ol ni iny colors" was merely .. a longMinn* with sleeves: " ihe word ¦¦ inuits » |qihf thirty-sixth ebapti i "f Gem il*, twentf-lourtfa verse, si,mum be rendered "warmsprings: " certainlyi* very odd misinterpre¬tation ol meaning. In the thirteenth chap¬ter ol l-'iiah tbe word "owls" are os*

tiicbes; tbe "dragons" are Jackals;lb "sstyrs" ire goat*, and tho "wild

ol tbe isl uni*" are wolves. The.* be idba rids and tablets and earrings" ol bethird chapter ol I-- ii*tii are sasheM snd per-fun)' -liw.v sand amulets. In the tbl "d cba|»-ter "f Ezekiel "pillows t.i ;ill armholes"should be '-cushions lor thc knuckle*,""Thick clay" In IJubbakuk should bcpledges, or goods In pawn; "the groves"so often relerred to in tbe Old Testamentwere not groves, but pillars; "flagons olwine" in thetblrd chapter ol Hosea oughtt-. be "cakes "f rressed grap*a"', and"galleries" in the seventh chapter ol Can-

- nilli be .* curls" ol I", ka ol hair.Mistakes in the conan action "f sentence

sre many snd grievous. Thu*, -I>7ivi<l ismade lossj "There I* no speech nor lan¬guage wheres* the Egyptians plew theman." I -ai ti rather be rendered: "Thereis nu speech noi language; tbeirvoloe Lsnoi beaid." In Ezekiel "ye my flock aremt-ii

" should be "ye men are my fl ck."In Job lt is said of tbe hippopotamus: "Hetbal made bim can make iii- swoi tl approachunto bim." Tbe re.il meaning being "bilM.-iktr gives him bis sword," that is, a

tusk. Multitudes of persons have won¬dered vv liv ihf (i""ii Samaritan was -<

mean as to give only two pence to toe Inn*keeper and why the householder sgreedwith tbe laborers fur univ a peony a day,Tbe coin tbal u:is used was the Greek de¬narius, wortb about seventeen eenie, 'l >;

translate u Into an Eoglisb pennv certain Ijw:i- injudicious. St. Paul ilitl not snj.-.*'.' 1 ii-ii* as not beating tbe air," bul

I box as not beating tbe afr." st. I.ukihi made to say of Jesus m tbe cross: "Antwhen Jesus had cried with a loud voice bi¦aid, Father," Bc What be wrote was.. And Jt bus, callina w 1th a loud voice, saidFather," Ac. lo the fifth chapter of Act*..whom yt- slew and banged "ii a tree,'sboold be .. w hom y e banged on a tree antslew." Tin- beading ol tbe i -c ind cha| U..j Daniel bas ibe lim, "Xebuchadnezzalorgetting his -jr un." The Ibeorj that biUni forget it is not warranted by ii oorrectranslation ol tbe text. Besides these amsimilar examples <'f error, tho tt\t ol tb<Authorized \ ei sion maki ¦ mlstaki * in gi ograpby, in proper names,In Hebrew grammar, and in Greek grammar, [rj insertiniitali. * impropt i ly, In dil Idlng the chapteriami in many other matters.Thr-o things have long been known t

scholars. Our t xeuss for quoting sn manexample-) here is tbal (bey are not knowit" thc ma*- ol the people; sod it serin-' ti

be Important t!ul these should have givetu t Iicili stunt* indication nf th" tnn s'ltv 0a revised traoslalloo so that the prejudlcagainst s change may nora easily be ovetcome. Much service la this dtrecttowould ho done by ¦' wide rlrcubti .ti of ii huh* honk upon ibe subject iisi i,| itv tbe Stinihy-School Union.-a Loo

Iron wbleh we havi- taken these lllustnlions. The Authorised Version i- not .

all sacred. lt is Itsell a revision of otbetiaiislali'.lis, BBd the tune sti'in* IO h:ivenna* winn supetlof lnodtin seboUrsbltwitn tbe vast information which it bas bapia.til at Us command by ibediseoverhund lavest(gatlons »>f the past two hun'drevi ars, should ttlt'it another revision. tybtwc waiit lo know, after all, is what lin IScrod WlHe-n really sahl.not what KinJames's tian-hi'oi*. guessed tin-v said. .

man ifeat error la tho Authorised Versioneatttled to bo more reaped than an error tany ottit-r book, and it intensely OOBBPfVttlve people Will once fairly gel t bat Idea tnttheir beads they mav be willing to welcon:thc corni nj* revision.

Governors Bishop und Blackburn pardobo many bott potpie that they wi.I kooii '

known as tbe wicked pard'oers.

LOCAL MATTERS.t .mi-* uv nu: lar-orJabuabt Dovblb.

ISmbt Daily Dupatob, pul up for mail.Inp. tuny In- bad Bl oin eountlna*>room.

Alt) for Ii:ki.ami-Tiik Pt BUG DBNON-BTBATI0B NiM IrrsnvY Ni.iiii. -Tho I Bee*ultra Committee of Un* irish Relief Societyin*i(i an adjourned meeting ia-t Blgbl ilBishop Keane's residence, aod^hearly oom*pleted the arrangenteata for* tbe publicmeeting to be bald n.-xt Tuesday nlghl iiMozart Dall in the Interest ol tbe soferit gpoor ol Ireland. The oratora selected forthe oci'.'sion. Mtul WbO nave t xj>t«..I I',, ir

wtlllngm -- lo address ttio people, are ll*>n.IA. M. Kelley, lii-rht Ber. Biabop Keane,Kev. Dr, .1. «.. Armatroog, .innes n. Doo¬ley, Ks. j., t apt; in .P.liii 8. U'i-c, and Wi1-liam I.. Royall, Esq. Theaddre*ie*, whilethej will be brief and confined Mrictlj lotbe ot j e» for wiiieii tbe meelina is beI:- ld, Will no doubt DO such a- lo fully ciili-ttbe sympathy ol iiio people In tins nolliechanty aad result ba the most luhotaotlalbenella.Ab address to tbe people r-f Virginia bsa

been prepared by the committee for publi¬cation, lt will be found elsewhere in thesecelumna.

In addition lo lin* distlngtilahed pcr-on-ages heretofore mentioned as baring b eninvited to ha preaenl and oceopj prlrllegedseats at the meeting, Inrltatloos bare heenextended to Hon. James A. Walker, Lieu*tenant-Governor and Presldenl <»f iii- gen-ate; Judge 1?. \v. Lace, Speaker of theHouse ol Delegates; Ber, Dr. M.D, Hoge,Kev. Dr. .!. L. M. Curry, Ber. A. Weddi ll,Very Ber. F. .ian.ens. Kev. Tbomaa .J.Kelly, and Ber. Hinno llegele, <>. 8. I'..The committee would be grateful il Ibe

paster- of the various churches ol all de-nomlnstions In the city would make an¬nouncements (rom their pulpits on Bundayculling attention !<. tbe mer-tlnar, and tbeyare kindly requested to accept tins a- boInvitation to do io.

Dr. John Mahony, a menber of the c ina*mitt ct-, reported that be bad rec-ned fromMis. Lottie Bf. It ullin, of Banorer, a con¬tribution of three fine turkeys, accompa¬nied by a lette! requesting bim to disposeol them and devote the proceed-* to the pro-p sed fund. The Doctor ins already doneso. 'jtiii realised ¦ nice little sum as "tbew Idow's mite."

McCCLLOCOBATTHK TUBATBK..lfr. JohnMcCullough, the eminent tragedian, willappear at ih-Theatre Wednesday night as

Virglnltis in sheridan Knowles'* greal playof that naiiic. Ol :i unlit performance a

well-known critic says thai '-Tn tbe scenewhere Virginia shows him thc (tainting Inwhich be recognize* tbe fae." of Icillius, bewas tiie vi ry embodiment ol latberI*/ loreand tenderness In the camp scene, whereorerthe bodyof Dentatus be mourns binown and his countrv's I"--, his manly griefappealed to all hearts. In tbe forum icene,bis denunciation ol Appius was terrible inIts strength nnd Intensity, When, ia thesaiiie act. be discovers tbatdeatbor dis-honot only arc left for the daughter in whombis very soul and being were absorbed,hi- airony was bo real aa to I"' almo-t pain*fill to vvitnts , and t li t.. 11 ._-11 it all and untilbe had Blabbed ber and rushed from tbe-I IgO, t be au(lience sat I.I cat III. -- Ct if Spell-bound. Tin n. iin:iliv. when tbe noble Bo*111:111. the persoD.flcation ol strength andmanliness, breaks suddenly and becomes a

laugbina madman, tbe -enc was pitiful:iitul at thc very butt, when tbe raeanteyebrightens as reason for a moment resumesit* -way before being < xtinguisbedforever,and wiih tbe utterance of the single word.Virginia,' tbe great soul psssea trom its

earthly prison, thc silence of death reignedii.,..orl-i...iit tn- boase. Then followed sucha tumult of wild appian e as is teldom \vi:-nessed."

Pbbbokal.-Bbibf [toms.*.Bev. M. i>.Bweeney, of Austin, Texas, ls on a visit tohis old friend- in Un- City.Garner's Msln-etreel 'buses now nm only

from tho corner cf Nineteenth streel toMortoo's garden every half hour. Former*Iv thi y ran from Twentv-flfth and M streetsto Main, and from thence to Morton'sgardeo.Main and Broad streets yesterday were

thronged with peopleshopplna or enjoyingthc pretty day. The fair-ex predomlnati i.

This, j "ii know. i- leap year.Tbe Common Connell vvill meei Monday

afternoon al 8 o'clock.The January term of thc nuntin*** court

commences on Monday at ll o'clock.

Feed < 'ontbact Awarded..The Committee on tbe Fire Deparimenl mel yesterdayalu ruo..n and awarded thee mtrncl foi feedfor tbe horses of tbe Fire Department foiIheenioing three months as follows: ftLange Brotbera: B»y at f23 per ton; sheoloats at |1.2-5 per c.vt.: brown stuff11 r lon : nblp-stuff si $20 per ton.ToW. H. Briggs ii Brotber: Shelled osh

at 58c per bushel; corn al 6Sc. pt r bushel:and -'raw al 58c. per cwt.--ail to be ol thibc-t quality.

.. Webb or Pbateb.".The Young Men''< hii-tiin Association will observe the weeliappointed hythe Evangelical Alliance by i

general meeting to be held everyeveninjfrom ."> to i; o'clock.The first meeline will be bold al A*soein

lion li'il on Mond iv evening, and will biconducted bv Kev. Dr. J. K. Edwards.

CoMl'l.lMKNT TO A kl IMS'I BB.. 1 >ll NcVVYear'- nlghl tbe membersand oongregattoiof thc Second Baptist church called on the!pastor, Bev. Henry McDonald, D. D., al iiiresidence, and, afterspendinga pleasant eve

ning, wishing bim a happy New-Year, etc.left fl -:oodly n na,lui" of substantial token-otheir appreciation ol bim and bia amiabllady. _

Installation or Officeb*..P. i>. .;. C8. T. leach install.".I thc following officerof lillie- Lodge, NC IT. Knights of Pytbiai*.n Fridar Dight: W. I>. Courtney, P. <'.S. 8. P. Pdtti son, C. C.; J. L. ApnersorV. t'.: ll. W. Shelton, Prelate; W. ll. < n

il / i. M. of Ex. (tenth term): T. L.« our!inv. M. ol F.; B. 8. Denny, K. <*f B. an

8.; B. E. Cox, M. at A.; L. W. Allen, 1

(;.; W. D."Sutherland, O. G.; L. L. Foiter, C. Blankenship, Jr., G. W. Smoot, I

ll. Poore, Attendants. B. T. Beach, rcpntentative to Grand Lodge; T. L. Courtuejalternate._OOLOBBD Sons ok TBHTEBAXCE.-On ICI

Elected..Charity Division. No. i. Son-,

Temperance, has elected tbe follow in.' "tlni-: Gloater Anderson, W. I'.; BileJohnson, xv. A.; Kate Brown, H. 8.: .

B. Smith, F. s.; Caroline Hatcher, Trwsurer; E. U. Whiting, chaplain; F. BarriConductor; <¦. P. tonkins, A.C.; If. Huiter. I. s.; s. Burke, 0. 8.; J. P. Willis, IXV. P.; .launs ii. Peters, L. I>.Friendship Division- No. 8,Sons ol Ten

peranoe, haa elected the foBowlog officersJ. H. Wilson, NV. p, : .*-. .1 mes. W. A.Thomas Scott, lt. s.: T. lt. Jobaeno. A. 1-.: lt. T. Klly-on, F. s.: Fields MoonTreasurer; William L. Jseksoo, ChaplainA. Morris, Conductor: lt. Smith, A. C.j lSmith. I.S.; Georae ll. Perry, U. 8.; >\li. Taylor. P. W. P.; B. T. Ellyaon, I.. IAsbury DivMbn, No. :t!»: Beolamtn

Franklin, IF, l*. 8, A, Whittle, lt. B.; IA. Williams, Treasure]; Mooee Taylor, L. I

A Haw Lomb ob (icon Tbmtlabs.*(lean View Lodge*, No. IS, L <>. (i.

(colored), was duly organix.-tl I,isl Blfftwith John Day worthy chief templar; E..Hamilton, reCOrdlBg Scribe. This lodistarts with a chartered membership of rigteen.

At thy annual election of Hie In Jope ti

ent Daughters ul Messiah, Mary I*, (intiWS/4 floated president and Charles C. Flei

lng Meretarjr. W. H. L. Combi deliverthe annual address at the annual ri'dulanOdd-Fellows' Hall lust weuk.

TIIE OLD AND NEW.Tin: OLD capitol oma ai.*- CrO OUT amiBl W hm Bl OKI IN.M*'AV llMBHff Di lill:

ortnci of -rax auditor or pvblicao('ni'x Tf-aTHI ulWU HBADBt ¥ DKPABT--D-KT PBBPBB TO AWAIT THK At llnv

Of 'lill.' ni adm r___B»' evins COM*M III I.)

AU of the nevvly-eh-i-leil «':ipi?ol officersexcept Mr. Brodrenbonragb entered noonbe rueebarge of ibetrdotie*i yertetday. Mr.Broekenborough will probably take charge

lol bis position (Registerof toe Land Offlce'On Tin--tl iv. Mr. Mm-ey was t he tu; ly Offlelalwho annouoeed hi* derk-. The followingI "4 his li*t. with tbe names ol toe retiringclerks ami amount of pay (lass tax) receivedper annum l.v i ach :

*»v. M. Newman. RockfDgbcm, viet a. ty,Munford, elerfe of accounts, |-,50-JM.

\i. ,\. Sot i, giovanna, via a. a. Lorentx,flr-t clerk l*o, i. I1.I09.2S.w. B. Mnlth retained a- Brit elerk No. 2,

11,80923Flunk Millford, Itiehmond, vier John (».

Mosby, second derk Mo. 1, 11.064.88.ty. H. Milker, Albemarle, viet E. M. Nor¬

ri ll. seoond ch rh S >. 'J. 11,964A. H. Miller, Shenandoah* vii- v. Bin-

ford, third clerk No. l. 1998 it;.J. A. Seddon, Stafford, trie* Min mt. h.

15r<''(lin, third clerk No. *j. £983.76,ty, ty. Maisey, Albemarle, vice Jobs c.

Btanard, third clerk Nu. 8, 9998.51.Georgie ty, Doceberrv, Richmond, clo

T. i'.. Bicger, fourth cltik|N"... i. |s_0.50.MUs Julia Rein*', Richmond, vice .Mr*. M.

B. Crouch, fi'iirth clerk No. _. 983060.Mt. I - i:it* Newman was rekupointed mes*

sl IlL'l 1*.Mr. Smith was retained In his old posi¬

tion.Mr, Bioford was advanced two grades.

ai ;.ito::'s CLERK-LIt will be seen that tbe two ladies In the

Auditor's offlce were noi spared. Thal wasI tbe worm moveol all. Mr. w. S. Newman,who take*- tbe desk i-f Colonel GeorgeWy Ibe Munford, ha* for Bev-**"-., years beenin.j.h.veil in tbe Treasurer'* offlce, a tl isfrom Rockingham. Colonel Bigger, one t>fthe der-osed clerks,wai a soldiers the warol 1813a :intl was for many ye»i - po-stm mt) r

lol Richmond, and though eighty«_ve dtdfaithful wink, ll- i* tbe lither of JohnBell Bis-ger and William J. Bigger, late ofthe dei teal force of tbe House of Delegates,Colonel .M'inf rd h:<s long been In thepublic service, lie was clerk ol theGonventiooof l .*_!)¦'.';<): wa*, at tn* timeBi iretary "f the Commonwealth, andcodified the laws In I860 and l-T.i. Mr..h.nu (;. Mosby had i"<-n at Ibe Capitol lorabout ibirty years, and posaessed extraordl*narj capacity a* a clerk. Bo, t<n>, Me*srs.Lorentz, Sorv ll, and Btanard. Mr. W. W.Vi ins) y, who tak) - tbe plat e ol Mr. Btanard,ia a son of the Auditor. M< *sis. Smith andI'n" rd, clerks, and Ike Newman, roiuer, who have been retained, \>iil prove i-fvaluable service to Ibe new Auditor. In¬deed, it would l.e ilmosl Impossible to ndalong without tin m m- others their equalsinexperience and proficiency. Mr. Noel,(int- of the new elerk*, was r-.r :.. lons timeemployed in tbe offlee "f tbe elctk ol tbecum i "f Fluvanna county.

Mit. MA SSI-: V's PLATFORM.Mr. M..-*' \¦ *t iie.i to fl representative of

tbe i i'< sa iii il it wa- his desire lo *!> con*duet the office i-f Auditor ol Public Ac¬counts :i-1'» latisfy hi* friend* snd -ive nojust cuni- of complaint to hi- rnemies. Allof hi- appointments sre temporary. Ilehas taken a number ol men npnn thc re¬commendation ol others, and if be lind.tbal thi v di not come up lo representation*.be * n < be will n<>t bi *u tte to mpl ij otbei *

in their place--.tbs iTitii-itiT tu -"i.i nox.

On the night when tbe nominations weremada by Ibe Rekdjusier.but iiefore anynarnia were presented to the eaucu.a re*

solution was adopted "thal every gentle¬man nominated and elected to any Capitolofflce accepte I his nomination and electionupon the condition thal the patronage t»fbis offlce sbon I be appinioned among thecongressional district*, tu far an practica ile,in accordance with tbedeterminatl »n "f tbecommittee t-> which tbe matter i* r tern d."

UAR-OKT.II ls undi r*tood thal Mr. Massev, while

Boxiou-i if n"i determined to run his own"ilic', will, :i- far aa possible, endeavor tokeep in harmony with his party. Tbalmay b one reason lor hi- de-uriou that tbeapp liniments made yesterday shall be con*Biden d as merely temporary.

'l be othei head* nf tl ipartmont conelndedlhat it would be better to await the re-

bling ol tbe member*) ol tbe GeneralAs-i -n.hiv, and tin- actiou ol the Rt ii IJustercommittee, c immooly called Committee on

Spoils, before committlni* themselves one

way or anotber. Thal committee made an

api>ortionmeni ol tbe Cjpltol and otbtroffice.**, and to them wa* committed Ihetask "f distributing the minor places as

equitably as possible among tbe severalcongressional di-riiet*. The) had notcompleted their work when ibe GeneralA**embly to »fc it- rt v..While tbe committee ischarged with the

work ol preparing a plan nf apportionmentii I* expected that tbej will report to tbecaucus, Mr. Massey bas peal influencewith thein. and if any man In the party,except the Hos-, is allowed to have his ownway, ii" i- tbe on*,


Mr. ("'.ullin M. Reynolds, who his suc-

cecded Hon. lt. M. T. Hunter sa Treasun r,nald yesterday that there would be no

changes in bis office fur tbe present. Mr.Dvson, the new Bceond Auditor, said thesame: Bnd added that if be could consulthi*, own w!«bea there woulJ be lew cbangt -

thereat all. Colonel Broekenhorougbi who

will -iif'tcl Colonel Randolph ll irrison asIte.i't -r ..f the Land Offlce, called uponihe latter and * il th I he wouldnot enti r uri rn bfci dutb» lor a lewdays yet. Colonel Brockcnborough, bav*mg ab-iolutel*- i;i. patronage to dHpense,

lo be a corni aratively bappj man.

Thi ! b -' and much bedevillt dby applicant*. Mr. Fauntleroy took po.«ses*

f Secret iry of thmonta- eal'b and ii id a mg ml m et able in-teivicw with t McDonald. He ap¬points on lei k. Tin re are dozt ns "f sp*piii'.ni!-. but non with the qtt ;i.ii iatiou* oltbe Incumb nt. Mr. iii shard F. Wa kei

-Jed Mr. Frayser as Supcrlntendenlof Publu rintlng. Il-- hu to app tint i

porter al t}8Q per m >nth dui in-r tol ibe Ge u .1 A*"iembly. The fortunatefollow will probablj l" a eolored man.

lin: i.i reiDE Ol PICS-J.

Mr. Williams will enter upon blsdutieias Superintendent <'f ibe I'enitentiary to

d;iy. Tbe seven ..ssistani keepers then(Messrs. *'i "s*. Gates, Mcauley,Ac.f] eann -;

M removed Irom tii"ir present poaitioniwitboul the approval ol Governor Hotlidayand then only for " misbehavior, Incapacityor neglect cl duty." Governor Holllda'win noi return to the cit] t'.ntll next weekThe Superintendent, however, has luisweep at the v'-inrti. Hr can ti,etc remo*.and appoint al Will, it sOc-m*. Bul it i- un

derstood thal Mr. W-lfa-mswlll noteoUupon tbal disagreeable duty immediatt IjIle. Hid, vv til probably prefer to await thaction "f tin* eompjittes lather than takthe chane,- of h*iv'iii_ hts BppolntmeotS D<confirmed.

Mr. Winfield sc .tt will nd enter upohis duties ta Btorekeeper of tbe PenlteiHarv until thc ijih.

aoon-nvK.Messi-sj. McDonald, Frayser, Taylo

limiter, Rogers, Harrison* Swan, and Tii'iferr..).those to ga Md tboee goae whther liends of th partin. :it ur subordinatehave our good wishes. May they BOOM btonie sett led in b.tleraiul happiei pot-itlot)and have cause to rejoice rat her limn lumeithat alter lon.' and i.mbini Hervice th-

were turned out of the narlee of ike Coin*lil in weall h.

Coxvkntios OP BOOB Tr.Mi'i.i'i.,- All theol tins order will meal la eoovea-

llOfl Monday Bt Comb-'* Mall. SryenttenrhItn et, Bl IO A. M . Action B i'l be '-it-en toeoaw under the legal Ugh! Worthy GnniLodge.


BTBABrBBBBJBfl tv BLOOM..Strawberriesatc in Moobi la gardeas around tbe citr.

The SnfFerliiif tn I r« I a ntlIrish BBUBB SOCIITT, )

Bu iiMOM.. \ .,., January .;. 188 I. \To the People <>/ Virginia .-

Ti." greal want an,i suffering in man)nirts of Ireland, win.-ii bare been declaredLy pulpit, piena, and private letters, makeforcible appeal to inc better Instincts ,,r.1,1" naMii". .

An almo-l (o'al de-tritction nf cn p- ini burge BgrienHnral district has beea fol¬lowed i-y grievous want, wblcb tic poorpeople cen.- iled until st-irva'inn was themc alternative of appeal i-. public rlbarity.lu tin- ciiy a- elsewhere, in many pim-s,

t noell Ij ii i- .".'ii formed, coosUtlng "f.'fiitli men "f sll creed- and perth -, for theMirpose of securing aid from thc kind,tearted for these nnbappj people; and on

ru....Hy oremin?, .lian,ty r.'li, a publicneel log -.viii be held m Moim il di to iangiblu expression t-. tbe sympatby <>f ourtitizena with tin- great di- ri --.

An . xecuttre committee in bet n formedivhich tv ill take eba rite of ail n,or,ev col¬lected, and ir-er by tbe purchased pro-.1-1- ns or otberwbe make most efficient use>f if for ti..- r tilt f .f tin- starring. Tbesociety expresses and entertains no opin¬ions on aux religion*., imlitical, <>r lodontrl .1luestion wblcb maybe Ihougbl involved,mit sets and appeals alnne in Ibe Interests>f .-ur common bumanitr. And as in an*itber day. when like appeal was rn ide fromho same land. Yiri'itiu Blood amid ibe lore*most in the lisi ol Amii uni States contri¬buting to miligate lb" horror- of li isa f inl¬ine, so now, we doubt not, a like generousresponse rn iy e expect! d.We trust tbal organized efforts like our

dwi) may be made in other pans of l be «'om*moBwealtb; but wbtre this is uot tbe caee,are shall be happy to accept and irive Miebest direction to tbe off rina* *.f tbetable, and o:irm'-tiy solicit them.Remittances may be made din tly to

Thomas Potts, K-tj. treaauier, i-oat-officebox No. 1. or lo an*/ ol be ommittee.

A. M. Kbii.kt, Presidi nt.Tltomae Potts, m cretary.Jobn Purcell. Thomas Pott-1, Frederick

B. Scott, John ll. Claib true, .1 din M. Ili.:-gins, Dr. Jobn Mahony, Alexander liter*hoi/., i", executive commith .-.

¦ v\t ui:vn;it AMD Vlt'lJIITT.

Chesterfield In 1879.-.We w Te unable toobi,nu a full -t:i!i-:ie d report from Chester-geld In tillie to publish in ye-t a tlaj 's i-s'.io.lint do -o to-day. Ti..- inf..ii,.. ion whichire now rive m ill p. 11, it - lulen *i ti;" eli i-rens ol Manchester bh much as tboseof('iii.-!crticid. Tbe only chunge m de In tbiaovernmeni during thc year wa- tbilion ol a connty j. ctl:.¦:County Court: Jaiue-t M. Gregory (new

Judge) pice U'illiaml.i lopton; M. A. Coff.bill, cl.ik : 1'.. A. Hancock, attorney forthe Commonwealth; <'. ll. Flournoy,sheriff, During tbe past year 12 cases olfelony have been dis,;..-id of, s of wblcbwere convicted; <i misdemeanors, I bfwhich wi re com Icted, an J 2 misdemeanorcases are now on the docket. Amount oftim s Imposed, vJ". colleen d, -rb".There are at present only two inmates In

jail, one of whom ls confined ai a lunatic.M:ii ridges: Tic foilotelng mnrrlai*c*lt*

censes wire issued during the year: Janu¬ary, ii white: 2 colored.total, -. Febru*ary, I white; 8 colored.total, 7. March,!while: 9colored.total, 13. April,6wblte;8colored.tomi, !». May, .': white; 2 col¬ored.total, o. .lune, j nrhite; ."» colored.tot d, 7. Julr, 2 white; 7 colored.-totti,9.August, 2 white; T colored.total, 9. Sep*tenlber, l nrhite; .; colored.total, 7. ne¬

tt.ber, .'{ white; 'j colored.total, **. No¬vember, 12 white; 5 colored.total, 17. Do*comber,"16 while; 8 colored- total, 24. To¬tal for the vi -ar. 123.

Board ol Supervu 'i-: Clover-Illll di-trtcr, D. M. Goode (cbiirman); Dale. B. J.Diiv I; 51 ito ic i, I!. L. Joni -: Midlothian,William ld. Spears; JJ in J ¦-. hWalker; Bcrmudi, Jjmes B. Jones. ThcUnsocial condition "f Chesterfield i- very_*.I. The c.! i u ry ls out of debt, and bat be*tween $1,500 and $3,000 In ber treasury.Taxi -on the .rin \ due "f propertj i- 15ceiiis. Thli Includes county and district-<. 'loni ta\.s, pom- fun,I. roatl tux, andc iiiiitv expt n 'iiiii'.', a lilch i- 5 ci ullb m 1878.

Poorhouse, William R. Gill superintend¬ent: lina it'- at present.16 colored and 6wi.i'. .beal, -J.vi/., i; whit ind 0 colon dw omen and 10 colon tl men, Total amountof costs.Including provisions, clothing,medic ti attendance, fm I. and superintend*en:'--il ny during the vear. wa- ; viJ 6 .'».Number p uiper- died, 7.The amount <.! real estate sold in tbe

eui,nv i- e-'iiti ited to be $275,000.During the year more than thinj n irtht rn

families li ive iettli d In the neighborhood oftlie< 'ourtbouse. Thi y are active and indus*trinii- people, md appear to be d dog well.

City Council..A regular meet!n sr of tberuy Council was held lasl night. Present:J, k. Perdue, president; and Messrs. Bal*lowe, (leotry, <.it»!>-. Kahn, Nunnally,Owens, Pattcsoo, Royall, Sbotwell, andWalker.

Mr. Gentry, from tbe Committee on Pub¬lic Lands, presented a report ri <¦ immendingtbe i. a-ii.T«.f ¦ piece ..f propi itv in rear oltbe Marshall mills; il-oa reporl in referenceto toe leai-lng of a piece ol land owned bythe cit! ol Manchester; al»o allow inaM.-\I,i!i..n to erect a temporal*) libed on tbeDanville railroad between Hull and D< c itur-tn* i-. The reporl wai a lopti J,Duval A Bobertson

.; .-. a wi o li n building -ll

street.Rev. B. F. Woo Ito ! was cted

r ol the Scho IB rd Bev. G.i Vam', >Vi .1 from the city.Mr. Royall offere i a res ilution in ri fer-

ene.' to unsafe awninga on Ililliwinch was adopt, d.

- ¦, ral communications fn in tbe Mayoiand sevei il pei 111 ma wi re ap; i opi ately re-

-I.A nombi r ol billi were ordered t" biid; and al 8:45 tbe Council adjourm d.

.Y. rr. fear Si un a.. \ irge numb*of our -o.icty beaux and bellea wen! oa

i,.i nif it to II »lh >(i i.i--. '!"¦ resident e

M j ,; .I.i-. ph Walker, to attend the ! ..

feat's rolri ol tbe I 'il- *Boses.

The kfusii..¦{/'"..Tin- stteodance «t lbtait night wai quite small. Mi

A od- r K. Si ha ip favored th -. pn «. n

with a rltber *.!>». which was loudly afpleaded._

/ .Saltation oj Officers..Dale t-ndgiKnights of Honor, iostalled lb dr offlci i

Li-t night, after which iber had th r e

..iud iuppi r .it Fireman's Hall, and badmosl pleasant time.

Brief /feme..Mr. James M. Grwho vs vt I- ¦. ntlj electt d Judge of tu. I tt<

terheld County Court, h,.- qu dined.\ teleph me bas been placed In tb r

i m.*-:-". Joba Dladen *V: Brother, al th

che-tciiiel.l eoort-bouse, thus ,- more Inthi- elli with thal place. This li somwblcb tia- been lonj needed, and will profvcrv il-- lui.Judge William I. Cloptor will oenrer

Sunday-aetfbel ad Iress before th FotiStreet Sunday Khool next Bunda* ..fie

noon at :t o'clock in Masoni." Ball.V pirtyof fnx-huni'i** "1 Ibis eMy su

ceetled in kfllllR tMtSB f')\«"» W*4B*tMDttWM« .bi-, ---ty and e^mmtmtf

lb Mb FtoWtT******* ********* *****>

,_A.'' "'"""»¦ l-t a Bibanilmianitlii-r aresel

trir"t,:"\:!.!ivri'r'h'"''»...'-¦'a..'..,...,...Hurl , ^ ,' :'n" f"" *"" "r '¦-¦.¦ ->". SM

ow 1, n° I*** __*' "-¦ "". Ix.MIc M|

'¦"".¦¦¦¦¦J .¦.tn."*»t4U '.- omer NMrratfaa wv.wm rtaflrn, an it *¦**..tdprwKtWlTitJ!B"IrM- "*¦> ..«¦¦¦! '»H *Mi.*in.-H!»t-i t'..-cr«.r»r*/¥

¦SBUBinillT. (0lU:>r BuoxnaBBL

r !_!_£_ "r i",P",,0,, "r '*." "¦'".~*.'.' »¦ '"¦*

IT vi ,"r M,,s,»--« .'¦¦'¦. M THnU- cliurcl,

!JJ_i v J''"' ,)r- *«*w-*«s-»i«_ i-t-r she-

I'VI. I.I-KIVH. 'llst.lltH-l >.,-,.. |..,,,;1 .

iBtCBiiiMi.-ll-r-niii iii'..,, bop BtrraM.'."¦v..,|.-T.., ,.,,,:,.r M.1:i;.|M,,.,.a,:|1

'"Kt Powder, t.i ...ir i-i.i- man wc..'."'.iri.e-,,!.!..-. K.ArKls--,,N*s I: ... Wli.lc Kim¬mi Violet Pow*** r.

ii rr.rtvnt

nra*I ll kSBRS



Oaaat adv ubi a




C0S1 OP I. vent.

nt* sImII. lu nii.l -it't.-r

.I AN'CVHY 1. 1680.

roi' SIXTY li VV I OSt.V."



tkn pan riv r.


rm. MARBRT fiti. c.s. --



A. BABB ti (.«,.,

"h.-Trio.' .. Ca-I.



I'll') M.iln -.....

t i'miiim:. oppoBlM post-oflL-e, I n.i i: is.

nv. I). Blair a io. not only bare tbLiquor) of .ill -leda. Inti their itockli ron. Ainu ii'l-.t iii--.-i,i-.:,,i,| K|| (-|,,.i.. ,.iH>.,., |,(are unMirp-n-ird in ihe city. They hare lu-*, r.--

I'.lvnl .-i But; lot ot Virginia llama three year* old.Vou'ii Bi >l their prk' .- rery 'ow. and the qualltj ..f

ihelr goods alwa- the beat. 1108 .*¦ I,., t urt I.

'-" HORK I'll! 1 M VllsM:_'|'|..,v ,. ,. |.. no. no

excuse for »u_i rina the pin-is of rh. um ill m. I hecrotch La Ines* ls becoming "asl played"old itams.-1 and acnteand Inn-ntiuatory i

the worst -.rt are i tslly and ojutekly cnn i -Ince ihelntio.1nct.on ol' Hr. Hbrnuo**!- UfrSY'fl li i

which any .lui -.tit an mpply.

IIOLID vv Iii i-vu r.viKN r.

i. .v v Brothrr*, will keep th-ir Holll.ii nun: o|M'ii nml Hie rmi ol'Hil* weeli, lu v

¦bow a hvrftt issi rtment niltab e forNrw.Yk vn'-t Prrsrr ra

also, a in',- ii- nt m. ii t ot' 7<i vet. i: and PA**) I

Dav Goods. They offer areal Indocemt ats to parchaser* of < loarb, Sjiawbs, Blarrbts, Car.ri i-.iiu. i ii.nn ni .:... .....i ac***.

A 1 B -ORAN r URRA lit

If your trbtu are dceaye-J or*fcl\*etl**t' Ifyooit.i'M*.' arr ipon-ry, iii.-v-.iin*,', uk-1-i'.'it...i. 'i i..--:in-*

H.un Ula tc,ili. ii-i-Mi..vuI'. A BARI R'S

CARBOLIC IfOI i ll-W v-il,

which i'.mi'.m- tba tied odor cRRS-d bi Ila c.andraptol) lieab sad cteRBaea thc "Roath. Impai-tla*- a

ni i.n mrs in vt;nam B IO rUBBBKATH.Hoi i bj di iirii.--i i- .it .".ni-, a I, Kile,

Hi. nun i. Win ri: '1 k:: ni :

Mi vnK.t Him n's- 1IMMM7 I n: -. ti i-f: )t ¦

WU.!, PRBSRRVR ill: i;i : il, l: : m-ivi:

im I'l KM' r vi: nu,an-1

KBBP IB Tl BTU SI lt HM Ll V I i.i \ "I

8 lld bj di ii/-'..-' al 50e, ¦ box.

¦-. \ ..: UORSV by ii i. nu* ynir prtntlag dOBS a'.ilitD 'AT) ¦> I, u.ty.1 ?.ork, los

tit i .'...raiiu-i-n.

-¦'¦.'. -, in-', ri aa

i all of the neviOrders left at tbs bit

om will rai tin pn .',;.!. aStta-


Il i I Ion .* VII s THIN l>\ Y.

TB" Ot all taltt ¦¦' .'.-¦.' Saatt mile hettuetti I Jo ii ¦¦¦¦;¦ ¦¦<¦¦¦ it of Jun.* I

tent ',. r ia tt tn ' . put-* byt?.*¦ ht itt ofJv ;<¦ .Han

¦ the year tItt t*&:ti have to ot paid by titi ta-. .¦ -i about flftn ii yi ai a**

In t:iel a md, _-.'l ip-':v.l

J.THOMPsON BROWN, l!| P. m. rnmc hons)on w.-;i l.'ijfti tn-11 i-t w". ii Munford and til;-

wer,BK IIMONO BAZAAR, 10 A. M.. ii * r.R


Wami::), to RENT orr \ pirst-c|.\'s HRVKN and A ll Al.I' «" i v\ I

I'l v \' i. l-esl make. In -- --i i rder. and u rt ionams. Apply nt *-*17 Marshall itreet, rornei

Mnth._Ji:t-li*W\MK1>. A NURSE (WHITE OB

COI.OttKIa) ti. ::i\- char-re of two chlnliri;iut| Jo | Apply t .. a i_ y octweeu 10 an<

- k i" I i RDBI.NSO-V,1 ?_117) -.'litti Tin*.I -¦¦.'..

WAN 1 ED, A GIRL ABOUT 16TEAR.*IT or il.-., ttl ,\ssl,|' IS MIXM, nil .1

ll'H'-KUt.KK. Mut come w-li m-nnimin-lfiI Main >tit-et._ u i(-_i»


n -1 tr.....! BuRland, .1. -h. ni '¦ rmplo)ii .i 'M ii which lie caa ..ira l, * litlnu

li ind. and try auvthluaor traTcl.on a vt-rf -.luall salary, i i-t v .» ,

.ii.-,".*._tl 7|..'.»

\\r W i lu. BO MIDI I,- AT No.IT \.i: Pl SIX! ii * I Bl El .*".'. n Main ii

I* i-i-.

WANUI.. A M AN BXPERI KaTTTilu tt.' nu;. --'. nieul ..* re of i .

M ... I WllXaN -I

KKr.l'r'B 'mt u -. viv v lt \l. Blchmdnd ps.t-oSlcc, wi :. :. rt ih

l-S-lw*_^_____WANTED, TWO -URSON-, win. arT T ih.r nahh ic-|U ih ted with 'MM kv pi

I7',M, I.HM, t I T -'e-KIMi H.ll V '.. R ,

:-. .i. 'ii ,, in oue si in- htnrt i fa.-.if,ti i. n- « nplj i.ni... they can liuol-tti full.- i i-t'.-r-ii'i'. Bo -i'll ii.r'i ,

Mull will bl i

¦.I.hv . I ¦. i"ti 1 V _ _N.-w VorK .-ily.

WANTED. BTA PRACTICAL FAR¬ER, i ', m iii i tnM. i" ba wojMci i» "

-7! Vi: s. | V illili/ tia PHI I'l -"Ul- . IPU V

I Vf Ml 7 |:i l-l*

I \\ AN 1' \l.l. lui Ml. W BO t'AI lo sec th* tar-re :.rcHK!8T_3**-.-* (XXH>

Ung ..I t HI.NA. I.I, V*s. i mLIKl", |. Vi la..\ t-BPa, 1IV-W SB*. WOOl

l\-WA»;l., 'I.Vl'.VN').'.1; t.'.t'W*. ,'tr.. il

tl. II. WM.I.Vt 1 '-.Int. Nth 1 *:;.-1.

I HM. SI itAV KO. )\rt FOIMU.

*}Qt\ REWARD..l'LH»A\ I IIKtTvV4-J AtUJVK f -r t Hf r. eo*-«ry, .r m f ii 'JS%

UBoRtO li" i».*..v. r»."l it lt «i . vlv.i

.. ii old. vith thet ' ' i dttotoll a ti"n tnt rana a 'le. mitti "' the %dvi, pm! ttBot I* Lynch's HR4lion,( auipbe I t-uuul

Ir9 wit*M. la. I'ISII'.I'


BlDOEWATK lt VAMl 1. V V I.O I. R.

J. B. Kit Kl KV A »»)N-_fcllf PSOGtBS" FAMILY H.ot'R.

FA.ry Uir«l warrant"! to pk**-, lor Mle l.y

OAVKM'OUT A MOBKlf. A«*tuta.po le-'.iu

Dwi avrtct


_,__ CASII-.IIfTAIlIAlll.-i- IBAOVA4M ¦(7R« tavare, **j-*** ih**ru--*n._,Ol I *|H"t*re,tWf. i,ij«rtlor*r........'.'...*,'"*»J :u *.|ti»r*>. three lnr,ertla*»B." "

O' >. v;a-».ilx IR-.-T1IOI1J..,. ...'"one .,'inar*-, twelve i|,wr*loH*.On -K-tikre, one moot!).,.***'" "''larc, two laonllj.....'" H"'i*"*ni*ir».t)ircp»T;(."*Ui*i....'.'.£*fl


-THK Kl>LL»)WIN« W ITKUSlif fftVAKlli!' '"K W****** & ¦»*. "K. Wmm

lifnmetu. Va.. Dccet-ifcer 3. 1H7».vi«StJ !''..""¦¦'. .¦ *."'*>"-. tl... iv.r.s ne g. I».TAT! VI h.t. IntiractHli tl .. m v..t vi, MI'tM*!/...*.> e....r, v.,.()11 ,t ,.;, ,.k. (.,,.,, pi.,,,,.,,,.,,.,, ;.1/ Ininti, fli.-.rlll- ll. .:** ,,r in,uni,,,, Ir.lrnr Inn

M,"k-iM;n" M,",,'"",,f, i ».'».**«»*J3^He ls th. iron* hi* v*r . rt tue *¦),... ., ,,,_,,J*¦¦i-i vo-.-,.....« n,. ... ,.,,.,.!./,;,;¦ri- ¦.-. rf.rwarl, trom ike t'emt otory prtacrptfi to1.1»- i.-v-r .tn,I in*,-*- .-. mr,'"x Otpa rtmen ta of 'lin-. i. pi e. Dead ywgt, reiriK :m-*> a» bavin*/ no -u-derlor ,"i< m -ci.-,-*..-"ul le-KU-r of toco mcett Het/ roi ..iTor.n*. of e.,..<.*..-il ..int Mnjltlf. -,ii.| lu,.Miow* li* rintMr'i t.niei.',-nil it.it*. ... \.,-,.,,.'tay ".eli-ol *r ->r)"i*:-.itl.,ri.,ir-. .- r ,. n,, .,.,-rt" i-loin i, trill', will tx- ill... >,. ...¦-.. ,.*:,. .ri V*i--<I- in lu-J-ri***. VI rrr>:n wi r I l*.iv . <¦. rn and h. ard *.fI'l.-it- ..r 1 A! TM. .I"IIN K. MlWARDO.

r «r -Park-l'latc Md ladlat efcar h.Ili-liiit'in*!. Va.

W' iii* i»ti*V**"l*med. barine r«~-»lv* .1 lo-irne-1I..11 Icv-t |-r. teeter K. I». TA I I M **vo.-i| mt te,ano iiiivinir witatorfl m- m.**!**. or tr-Mai-tlaa Ib-- le.-ii n. nnil th*? tiieer-aa «.. his utan, uki" p* *iVro"tbtrir t.ttlie B-reaou u tc um'Ulai ..t Itev.Hr. En **i»i.l. a- to Prefe. ,. 1 .x I I 'i i ; . illti,-*-

.. lier:I Uke creal ptaacaaa in <ii.|..t ¦ th. ¦Maa?, and.

..for tiela* taurht hr ai lea»l fP'i»->-ir rf ihe he-nteacher* .ti tl*-Tinted -..st a. arnon* tn* tn in-, a.II. runt I., t I veitt^, .1 i,,i, heii-o- to sa* lli.il aini i'-tnii.i.ir Mr. K..0 T.v 1 U -I lurpaa e* i!i*"in all.

ja 3 at_ii. v. mk tnt I.-i.

na bo.__

lt hatti ¦ MOM to ear m mc hat aa*MTEM,au ru*, nt Tor ih*.- Patapara ll.-iklntr Powder, basirroiu,ly iiil-r* nrven-.'d ie* lo .>t.r'rad** as nutt.mkQOOM tile in.i.It,-t ..." I'ieln-eili.l a-1 llli'ill- unfl ua,-WllOlfKMUC artlete ..r r*>i**d eulie.I Til. sherlineBobina Powder, ipi wi n tn rlaee oarvelvea rairiy'-"f'.re <>tir petrona anil itu while tv st itinc Ital vel..'!ieve. aa i- ri i-ii'inio .1. ti ,».s| Hi.I Vt; l; vKINtiPOWDER t*i Le a -Iii* :'v-.ure t nain of TartarPowder, lean Taetiire I !iy :i i.t-rl' etlv rt-li lld*, rl-anIn Baltimore, and la m-COBo tanoint In tte narke*.Vu .Iv. u on ev* tv pnekajre. Af. n lon ur tn e. Ilea Iantin ritie- I- called IO ll. lu .i.'.M tun *».*. hive re-(Jlltrileil mir Male < ll. rm-f tn aaalyai hi.ltl Ihe

>:* -r in.'"' an.I ' I "a i ip -.,"' Powdcia. Ti.enault>. '«¦ tu i.i '..-liov. T:.e |,ii!*»v .-iii tu Im nhtrh 1*UM-ui'.-t nlmlt-onie. lillK-HAM ft ItlltlW.V.

! ."Boa I reny or 1STAT! IH8ATBB IBO t'tlBMIBT.

600 i- A-r lu \»»; -i uki- r.Ru iiMoMi, va.. Ute .! irrnr, 1879. J

r, Qrttkam ,t- /;,-- mili n-'. m. a..Ar yo tr r* *,r|.--' I hive ina '*> | iiuill-

t-ti'M-eli. tni'ai t>\riinle.a'ii.ii of tko M.-etiur liiit-.'<.« Powter, manufactured bv Un ateritnn Hana*l.ieluili./ ('..in:>.in\. -iii.| .1* illa Palftoaea II kin*l*.*n.|*r. ill I'.'i'.'f* ,tr. .| i.y ***** rs. Raith, ll.nway.tc I lin t t trill eni',iit..it"iis to lie :<rt ti-, KterltDf.C'ooklnit Boua noJ I'leam ol' Tar¬

tar;ur thc I'afao-.-.i.Ooklnf 8 ''in anal .Mum.

I have fnriHT esaaiitwd 'h" stt-iitiiL' RaktaaPowder for lajurtoui laapurttlea, mit lad ll treet'r.'in them.

I'ii"-1. I.ok an.I other :ui-'r:*i'ti.i iht« Mbftaa¦n mtv _.-ii.d r.ilv I th. ..[.leii.ti thal I, .. n,i» |mw-den tn 'ie «iiii ei.ii.il >.f tartar av iiperlor lapoint Of «h..l .. m. te - ta itt .¦¦ I.Vi'le m lill alum.rue 'ani|.;.-- n eil in tills e citiiitinti,ni i tn l"ir-

* lu'*..! hy me from place* In min ruvv.h n- they¦I-,-.:.. nel altlioui your fcaowieafe.

\ .-i » c.- |.* .'it'nllv.WILLIAM ll. T'.Yr.o!!. M l»..

Wale t in tni-t.

We miiv endor-a th ni.,oe tatemenl -aaec bfv;.-. ra. (.i.-li.oii A Urown. md imtiiin Uta

BaklD ' Powdl i |» 11- .'f1 * ;»iin', ami thai lttrill be kepi up lo Ita pit -ent il iud ird. 'lit'' anora*ee.leiitt.1 «ii.'.-. ¦> ii baa met "i ill imikin,-mihi edlng all nilli r- al. ll hat i.e. n la tm*,'¦.I, -lamil, tl aa Un beat liakli.irpawtirr kaowB*Dotwlttutaudlnn I tie bast- »lautkr*of ti i, | .*n lli:ouirtli =.--li i: IM. MAXUFAl Tl IIIXO OMPAXT.

»¦ Ba .SWillii.. r M.l.

s^it.». uirriuN- von . ".

IV vi"" wwi TO * i r.- '.tor. TO AW

lWl'Ki! OH MAOAZI ll.

' BLIBUCD IN I ll! kVTOSLDvi' ..i- i'l. l .i: vi; ¦,

SD TOUR "i:l>Ki.- TO

i. r, .!<.!vsi .*..,

New-- and Matfe*!>raler,¦ta BB 0» I Via 'i -ire, I.

I <Ht lt I'M.

170II R1NT, THAT KXCRLLENTfttX ai..I w.-,li...-at.-i TU Will liVVH.LIM, IiiSo. OOO wi -i Prauklin .ir.-et. rec mir occupied t.vlr. L.T. Baird. The dwelling eontiltu Hfhli- i,ni« it-i'e- kitchen, all in tm .1 <>rli r. Kent.low. Vi! < lll'WMN.I I l.'i.K,

li l-U _Vo. 5 m.illi tenth Vicef.

BY VT1TUK OP A I tECRBE 1 IF Tl IK< inuit t our! of IL i ii.1 alli.ob MOSDAT

Hit* l-jiit ..I .illino \ (that being court day), real..m. ai l2.aVlnck.tha KARM ai i-.*--* i.t necupletJhy Tbomaa J.< arter, of 300 \« BES. near Meadowsiafi-.H. In the lower part of IBnrteo ihe rani toi,. |,il.| .i.i... tu,'.. ll.I and .-. leeurlly t.. IhjHiv. ii. WM ll VM U \|.SII. H. -..

di .*'¦>¦:. 1 .vi.t:t.7.v l ¦._i,,-.i "i ¦'-"( -. -. ll «'.

COR KENT, NU K DKTA(,'HEDfg|1 BRICKDWEI.I.IXU So."'". K.nii -'\'iiU:_-met. '.fi "> n « l.-> and Lelgb irerta, e BtalolBf-.-v. n rooina; aaa, aral. r. .<¦<..Several or He-. IlKSUIABI.I .1 .\r-'--l'"'.V

Tl N'KMKSTS.on ; i i-

:.nt- .I*.- doro,rait-re, bath, .v*-.DI -ll! Mi. BRU K I" !''i * ' v... IOOwi t

hoi ii,..,- md Adara -". vvei y»n ... ii :: n

Ul it ls Rf -Hil \> N< mklln at reef,,,!-,,, e..i iii r I'' > ii': --ixlii; iht rooma,kltcb*.i e.. ftcMl i- Ul \t Hi II BRU K DWI I.I.IM. V>.

.o; i.-, i. i,.*t wt en ' uti \'ii andI ar, i.t v *ori ntb Ix too a -. rm*, ".r.i.-r,kin lien. II.ARGK vi'ik K BRU K fifSIDI SI E Sn. SOS

vi .i-ii iii -tr.-, i. i,-i v.. en I i.-li';: and Mutta! im

r.i, .it<-h> .. -' il ' i' -' comnle *-.

Ol--IK VI'.I.K.o r*H '»\\ KSII ill.Vl.iM ANDi:i -mum i. i,, v. M. I.yoia. L-*j..

,, wi i I lr i,l' es I"- li .Irrct itel ¦¦ to -in an MoyUrti la; len .¦¦¦!¦- * id allSK E HRH K I EM Ml y v- .. -tlH M.n.'ia'l

ktrcel, i*-t«.iii rwenty-thlrd nd rwenty-fourOkritrteta : seven rooum and "¦;. '¦".

I have -i mj 1. 4 ..¦. boo ea, which Iwi 11 pul In iborouKh repair, If a 1 already bo; nil olwll ell I ..I?' 1- Bl \-i' I" * d' n .'¦ '''"»»torent wi |.i. <. aire rae a ill I un utlofted I eauuti ibem. Ui 1 -:*i lt«»BI BJ B IV SK.

DEVhltAL ItUUiia IN Ll>Lb'-3g|ii lii'li.DlNi*' .atti..- ,,,ti,ii ', r. ul* Main IBar. il, -:.*'. l-'lt Bl ST. wi i.-.-..:..|.i.-.i r..ra li erl -¦ rot-ran. Afp-at*.urns t. i.diiiny.j.l-it_ Heal IaU't \-'. at.

l.*i lt RENT, BRI v ~.>\VKI.I.IN«iflj-|I1 So. lil north Kevcaih .treel. 1 .-. *-.*-. t-¦Lil,\! ir 1, iii an I < 'av '1 '.> a ...- . " mi rentren »»«Anolv st Xl l». "'I: or at N , MOO Main r*-.-i.

.vt-Hu_ll. «slll.lt.

i/tii: rent, rwo Ti? v.c.): >TOUEs*fif* is Pl vltl. BLI ' Bi l -..1.". uti -' CcC.MSi i- -*r . I'iij.m.v. lie III ni- I" -'O' :ti.V

A, p|. 10 I vn. -.: . i: I i.n Kr:..ia 20-ilw_.

/ lF F 11- E > I .>t KKK I l Wog*' "1. vio.l w: l I.- ....ll;' i» bim! WI Ll.-ILi.

v rs 111 \ 11 i» 1:." - ****,. Vo. I Ha ila 1 *

r drntl'ta. Appll *'- Oltpnteh 1 mee.au


in kin:>s t ii\%< 1 s.

X\ RARE <-ilAN» E.Av\'.- o- authorli .! O tn .¦ ¦ *.

* vi 'X.

h\;i i-. !>.\VII I. of a KIH.-il11 vu and l:i -1 vi BANU, 1 in ona -1 ibo- . ortl luaof t.'« *"

The bouse li well turill i**! t- nmod***Ii,,.. .,!" ire.ii'... "tte tt «*.

n ce, "-i'l. ..< .¦ .' "*¦ ¦'

.!,,,1 ...ii; , lor a u\ man orl .-¦ i;>. A

h..,.- ii * nc "-.

tlitw sis*, .v t.n-:Lia. * '.ti* A*< ntf.

., \ .-,. S.. ,". MTtta I .mil tree!.


|*i I. LnUl'ONT, Di Nl ^l" Ita .v I <>.,Iu .'> it-*.****-... i<iy- 011Mi:.manurer- ..1 'b. .- »'-l

I vi ; 1 uri BIMI, t\ot r. Iflri.B, metIMAM«»y|» (.KAIN fl/VV »t:It¬

'll*, iii" 1 laiuu ir Toto 1.1 tn ute.( .r HdfB- M--.UJ'." I, 1 11 'll. tnt ir .! 1 »'..

ic PotBtarr, lorant*) . ¦. '¦ ".* wblMBea,l uto il >.*..¦-> «.*.». rtoui'ii. >'.-.(. aoL ¦«' » lha *'"

. . nrTfp ru.-, nhl 1 .."*-. Mi'.in '. ."»'».. .' »»* hr*.

MKSRV M. wm: IMAM, kasai..-en- r ....I I fte* Btl All 1 uv ntn-rlS

.:...».**. ":i 'V .'.N *..

rB-»FBMMHMj|l-«tulls A. A U.r. VOeXT, .

'?I vriMl.s! V-* Asim vt-NS 1.10R8ATLAW,kl vii llvS-li Ul II.IHNO.

lill ".U'.*" ITBBJ BK BMOOM.TA.

pMrlOBtB aHaaam,iWuaB*J N»**K?y*L!!*t ,. ,-v nt UlcUmoxot. aud ih« eitiriaof ll" " '

and t lie derfleld. J* 'T^!*iJ!L.U IX IUVU* I Jta.-liuN".-".

nf VIK8 * LV«»N-.\T'...!tSt V -* : 1 AW

SI NTH -IHl.t I' Sr*« MAIN,tn HMONU V v.

PoBT till ll K Hov 1B3-

I 0MMBI 1 vi vsVi Tv-I" lt AM I I AW8Pk.l IALTIKH. -

PRtiMl'r ATTENTION Tn t Ol.l.Kt TIONB.ldc Mt-fl'J_-.

I IL-HKADS. f».w to .M^'^..» miU14 OlbTATUR WHAtTlHU-M-DLUlB