I UDY. hU'T. 1J, U8. rf tie '. V tk Cou W a"fl fives f - W ln'ire 'i v gliipi-s- off tbe fuuirei l'r Vl v.'l K- to et of Ills lw he we ea-- wioce He- 1 tli- - , ot tin- roulitrv then ai.- llil l"io-,..r- - i vj tli whole. IT' tec I. in . il. ..,.!,- - Jin. He tor K I: i r eiHt for at hs- - I; ... tl... area of oi'it'i.-- In - i. In. r ar It - Iriii'inl. that. If 4 4 I" or w wfi deride re'-- . ill. t toranou ! tli arpro- - I r.--i ,. ll i I. .4 I lie lei- i Itiei eraon-al'- Auiilta. Tbi ii is entirely cfliliV, ttA ottlT lr- - t ac i' mfrr i w Mr- - Ilu hnn' InowB antt lent u. il it ron .;tee,t Willi tS rra. tii of ' psi i'. avli.-'- ml has ever be to r t' a ; ern'ui lit neatly on Whig lri' ipl a advent fi appear will mul, wine Ul v il evea of tbi iu wrtial wve into Bs'ioael A diMMor, teks the truck under tbe prick of tn p. ."" f ur-- , er2 k.e j, it. ntil the day af calaiB-it- jr b Tli il Luc fooo irpT. H I.'Wsduow Vbb tl l).iu:nnny out imai power lo It'll he nwiwity of d iing tt.thi' ith th oxisfing Whig li ll t tU i..plij f lN tari(t'tf 1Mb, wbkU fiuinir coi.fu r..l (be detail v nt (D'oiiiw h nK' f.U of tt Br it nij i Ui.tf . In i Ui deil t b rin" wen jOokJ over ti', rot, h.vr, ilb ut Kaic ? a in d uo to lit rii i, ! vf jr,poKi U'J 'll.l l' 'I' " n h, 'TTing ro ltitt Tipi'.at ioeriUi.lt ru1t of a fntn I'.f tt'h't "!'uy. Tin cri4 came. Cjniwerxia rjit iMd rer (be Uod. Too great regard fjr Iojf.! acptaraiiLra Lad betrayed rra'i:i--- . Tli rty liad over-- h oi:eiH'y. And e ar told, Ot l'rei.ler.t. l'i nt'ivf it. firl utrt. mUmp nk tie f Ttiuie if tSe "mu'ry. ha jiiTiJenl'y rrwJved to retMnuicad an in tent and quk-- retreat at Inaat t lb ti- atia oti tb rwd back t. tbe Whig tariff f imi. 1 kit , and, bt i batter, ua, Let lb reouUMiie'dAtioa Ik made and prompt- ly to curil out by a!! met;. 'I U re is urtaiuly ex- treme ned of it. lite l.iatory v( tlx la tiff" in tl.if particular i tb LKt trr of nearly evpry jnip.rtTit ijae tii of y tbat bat ariaea ia our country flhc U"t quarter fa reciu-r- . It atooU aeiDi that th; lmra. y were bjuiid to rccocniz tbe (Vary --ft V1 - pulicy la aoane way ur acotbrr. Il on I lw d. If they rcfus to tiA it out m a r v i (bey are cmprllrd to aJoiloitT 4 a reft'dy. At mra a tlx y dupen ai.h they e if I'd. 1 upn U uip?n?e i Tfcit ' axt the f.rt ti-- , bewever, nr t"ii tli tirM country, in which i. Baa ki; pM-- lli.t place haa lxn held by oat I'Tty d pi?r ly aroibtr. It to I furr, ta eniioently, crb:ip pim:neoily, the cae ia tbia rouuery foe a bC)t arriea t4 yearn, and U rela-tx- to a wida aiictyi public vetioiii; ban it liaa fret(wn')T ia anodora Knglisb po!i:i' and txUli iVrt in a cons( icuoiu shape at tl.it in Jim r,'.. Tie IVr'.-- OJTronieiit, re predent- in t. at. it id f, a Biiunrity of rrUatnrjt, bold; (Jh ily oa c.Kidition tf c.rry iPJ ut the ineav n? of th 0,j(sition : ai.d It cimfunna ta tea as ri:'ucr b2''."wltag tcnua it boat llinchiup, hariuj; . a.l i t' r In lit bi'l, et d eetcral other i!!..rurt iK&'U-v- i;h an'rJy a liuie oCinfr.rack l'UK-"-- e a- - ia t'j Lai it of indul'mp t l ei i li Ufi-- (nfomiii); aimP.ar feata af lu r'ijn ob lb' ui'..ur.i f tlnir Whig adver-- S , let til- - pruud but eua!!ow deroteea of Pei.fura-- tekc lvart. If their jjrty ia pl.ij it.g a xry iiJici;bi irt il the affair il f Ha eat: , t ho rxci llci.t on the other eide the AMm tic, rwo-.-g tte aoamlest ard t.rtii l.ivrs.f .i il frctJ im oa tbeg'.obe, rTav yMts mliei I lmoTat ic oiipar ir 11k au jr. a bi:urU demwecing tbe memlra r' I'ja Auieri. n piy,f iil'nK tlirm Thug, thieve, H a luuJtiM, and evvry .:rr tbiu that could I ' of, caboli ucJ iu our column t'tit we b id p d m't lime would come a hen ':e ImiHr.cy if 'l tba MaU-- t Would r- m to '-- v r rty and ax'tid t a atteotpt to C iUr ut mi uiu.h a tt y ws tlun a'ternptirjj to e" iter tbi "I I tVK . M':y rr nf rc HouU ill tljii ht f tiio'naii a: irteinU-- aiinjjy at of a jja. but w ! pvrftc!! cerinus a.ud abat we tVi ir p. its ptrfoct wciiCca- - ti . In S.atc, lure tl.ee U a ccuflict beim-ar- fj IVia.o rats Hid tbi K pu'iliiiui, do the Drtix-rrat- irr,;zm uU'ir one aj iin t tlte AoiaraLaiic. Iacer;.- - Sut,tlit 1 Oiwrt asfunia Unt the Aner-a- are far ti jtjte pa'.rii tu unite aiih t' KrjniMn. IB1, an !, ct t!e o'bir hand, the are tiiidTrt tliat ti Aniridias have a jrrett deil too B nci ps'rii'tii to bc'p tlia Iemo- - "ai. la New York, HHrui, Icuiaua. Ohio, and otWr Suite. lb orantii both the otipoaiog partic an wwinjj lb A'nericms and ti ,tl. rin; tbcm af to bricbt xtatbn uf pubbc virtue. la predicting all t'jia two yearn g, we evinced extraordinary We lut prelic'od what .fy' a aa of orJioary a," ily nivt, Bpcn a little of rrljcUjo, liva uidar.d invMUble. Hut (be Auen am did it f--l tbni-clre- ci4 ilara by l.a?3'ai. ale, an J tlivv will not vow foel a very extravagantly ex'ltcd by Ioairtatk praiae. It remark! neulur tSat inr birtli..ta 1' I . allm- -l li.e an iitmu t in t uUTiiti.4 . b4l II fe vi.l pr -l enrliuiii- fal i'tff into itie lrmnrntttr fw we were thea - Ii.i intT," V.rtji- - Tiaive.tiim.." or orol 4nr .nju? duet iu.' v. a.H cvea vli"U w. o;.h-'- 4 Jcii i.'mh. Vcutrjl JTuraH ian. 1 be Firra Mat: contritmied Uieir full share to f he rlaff.ose of tbe botn-- r of the country ia tbe war vt tba lievolutior. ia the lust war with dreat Britain, ad in tbe noe rt i.t war a lib Mexico. Yet, if a en ia fnaa tb ttito corn" to Ktucky end eoleru,.,m (he e sen ie of bia utt'pit imialde pulit'-c- ril.U, lu i sneered at lie a portion of tba Ie M'jrracy oa ar wot of bii hirth-tlar- e and treated ar a prcsumptucu iutenneddter ia tbe affjr of a see lon where be has no buinn to I or at any rate to writ or ak. At tbe same time, if oae word i Itmattwd agHiust the bo'd and prejioterous auoip- - ILnisof tbe Insli icnn ia o" any otUer fcTeignere, the arathfttl iaiitca of the liemocnwy i kiudled at otKa ui Uir the umet tvm-ndj- cries about the utrori'y of a 'ar of race!" Ihe patriti"ni of oor Smtkem Dmocracr il of n k a cbanae'er that (br would vouchrafe ioconi- - rably prtat-f- rights and privil--o- a to tbe people fureiiru than to the ritizine of anv otber rt of thea-o- iaad tban that ia bich they them sxh et live. Indeed, bile tbey wtjuld,if they could, utrncbi" a large portion uf tbeir own country rkb mi arc Mat of tuor birtb-Uc- they meaolr fin a upou tbe fureigaert and flatter tbeia as tbe bent put- - liMi the a)tiltiio f tbe United States. Tlf e1ilr l"rt-il-l Joornal tliink that we ooctit lr a u:tb mod la r.'Cra t.i llir tjifliah H) I m wr mrr a. 4 lu i iir'liinr u. Ilaavrliat ti.. vn,rf.atr n tat Iff.ife as I aft. .!ir- Well it traj. aa4 we hae a nM t.. iu. tit fi. W H..wl in rtMv t tn A aluiirtou I a.u auit Mot'il- lfMn-"-r. tta lit - OuaniiOion ra uh- niit-- aiis w.hih: In inruilii by the rule af lair people uuaer U. Mil. ('J srnrcffiaaa. Tixs ediuir of tb: StiUsiu:a boasts uf having abo ed thai tbe Iem;t n CorM ituti.m was iV Biitted bv I n r.n.'b.U bill to the People of Kanaaav ltut tt us s. li J he siid. ilers ii a part of bis laujruxff: 'Hoi llit rrj)ri ;hc lingliKh report W. f m init rrjwti U 1 -- tifitmi "f fmmlimuufnm (f j 't vv'i srnt ItmfuVf rWiprffJ. This was an t tint Lhe Eaglvh bill involved rm ard fair aulmjiv.i- if ths Ioourppoa Coasti tatnm, sud therefore was nut a vindicatiia of pu- - larsnve'-jtint- Kur- -I a 'mifn ia which there uen frank". or firuest j- - sor than Bo an' tl--- at a'!, an if H w as tot a viadicatiou of p 'pular c. it wax a vhj.lioitMBi of nothing lb '. deec ed t l 14 !ici .d. Henrej, wr rrp.-s- t tb.t. lb of the S'alepraan wfc is p.a a a'ou n rinT f tin lg'ieh bill. ugbt te be a bile rtviait, it be Lao as huw, in ' i iT iu I'efa'vat 4 Ija t.tte, ia (heir re fit S.1U ('n- - mho, ci? i ited a i,brir.g instance f tV dup'tiity wLVhi- - pirtyon the ;v!ry ,!. n. 1 ba proewlinirs show tjsat after bs Hk'lu'.i'itis ba I !; n adfji d accepting tbe dot tnj th;.t Kr j wjt rof come iin the I ka ex. oa the t rat tX tbe r.rl'dj b 'l, lb.it is, ovulation cwiei up 1 the rt0 of Congr-iaia- l firM?Ptticn, ?)'. Tu''", a hi received l s o( lb j .4s rjiat f.a; (iovi mor, msde H'f'.h to the ('"nr. in wl be ! the ex. o;r))"fi:e f"P"1 n tbee declaring tl the renatry ws ! admit Kuna, irr 4ieof ..". a berrver sb made a(j.ln imr, tj H t s tLrriiory r '"a cnuionity having fie d of a 'at. even in j.n 'pect," bad tbe ri.7'1' t ft : i'r orn Cf tiinti., or to a'ftdish ota'.lnh H jvcrv. Tl.ne are tbe views decred liy Mr. Diuclia l'i bit. W iiioi.s tanas, wlicn cbave! in rrotrateJ br Mr. IjoeoS, sn l thus we fee II Itttnora-.- Is iirrparioaT tjiroiiuo lhe ef JX'-- with ret.lu iens to jrull tbe wbk h tli n ut a. :ie and int,.awtal of lite thirty entirely ra- - f,9 lhe I ''.vrnn va,irrj of .V. Ixnis atout r:;-e- l t'tc.Ur-- , ; rffn.ul Lremgbt ! Francis I H air, jr., sa;"t Wr. Harrctl. in the tngresaional e'actioa. A lit litajoun deba'tion of a ''srorking ntc h.mia gm In Cv4 m'jetrrHes, wuli the fewest vHeT:," an-- l as ths favorite party ra'-- f t'i inanagi-r- 've e4ry and rote of. t'.." M'. IVa'r ctt lin'y ba a fnnt caee, avt we it ir.a aHie inerr.iin e pit.et will la l.i 1 - f .r.. tV u. t fo (f in- --' er th r - aoy rt .af union betwn tat Ant:n an ad the con crativ Leputdicans, tbe Atneti. aos are ebar,-- by tba Democracy with adopiirg all tbe ip'ei cf the KepubUans, wtie tbe K publican?, air charge wit asdcing all of their ca iiies. Jljw do those chsrgw look aide I J" til- 't If Hjpu'iVjn'. f.r the sake o! a c asert all .r U'liot. tfrwi'm KpublKaa i piss, eaa't t't 'nieri' an; gr i"to V.t uni i Reps! !.ctn p'inr ij.1. t.f te Ix Jum ( ier atiticuce j its detertnina-- ti tc ai!ffrl the Democratic Gjvera-- r of Mai'a.'bucH though it is sn OH Whig pa- per Wau-- r it tliirks biid a "ua'.iial man." and yet be need to S'nd Cliuries Sumner to tbe United S.t4 ?.rs'e. Whet 1 a "nertjtfcU mm?-- ' CiTcr t i?' ior of tie Democrat, eviden'Jy with .f lias fir some time past been pivii.f I i" c!iii-- a'iti- n to tl.s opera. It isn't v ry t: :b rai e to t' at be aceceads decade illy wtt. r in t;.i- - hjw '.;:i.; tf nii .e than he ever Hi 't hit oid line. Eissixs TuexTr wit China. Tbe New Yoik Times ii not Bink-j- in Its suspicion that Kufi (aks tba line's abara vt ba Chine a (Under, scd it poirU out, a of parallel importatca with our pa'chaae of Lvu'aiaqa froia France, the transaction by ah-c- tba frontier of Cliios, instead of ctrvirg soma bar ilrd of aailes to tbe Borthaa'd, irrlud ng tbe entire ccun-- of the Ainoor, aud the lurger tot-t- ii of its witer-.-be- ii now curved as decidedly southward, cadinf; at reiiina, embracing pear two thou-an- d miles of tba Amour ard its naviga- tion, to tbe Ctir. The transaotioa i probably as importjint, a lig "i'b ir conceivable, const 'jnence, as the purvhax f Lnu'niana frrm Trance has beta tbe I'nited State. Tba Taris Tresse furrjUhet ao ne In tork note of this territory, sprouts to its twnsfrr. It states that Sileru was cir. ijuared in 1 by Jenuk, Helium rf tbs I n an atterrpt was ni ide to eai'-ri- the Airr rma ia ths new arrjuini'.ico. 1 be Emperor AVxis, li.l.i, sent a liret cxpiditins to exnlnrs the river. long reach frrm tba nuu'h as thus rp ited to traftk-- , and prerntly the KiKaians were taliDg every advantage of tba The Coinefc, jsal-o- of Ibtir t access, in'erfered, (jnnrrelVd w ith tbe stttler?, and eventually drove tbem aod their away. At last, in 1G89, tbe di put.d right " adjusted by a treaty, ia tbe negotiate of which the Chinese displayed tbeir bmuI ill faith. The Ucaty gave up tba a hole river to the Tartars, leaving only a sneafre riht of navigation, wiikh al.boui.u of itself a'.mont wortblesn, has not been it bo, t indirect value. Oa the strerKth U this the Ilutiaas hart eniplnyrd tbe last half century ia psoplin, divcbv'nft. and ptvvesnirg themselves of tba preat and fertile valley; bava plwd hip ing on the river; broubt fl ets of lrd-t- r to its mouth; have biilt forts and citiet; and are talking of railroad, te!erphs. and in.ii hine shops. Tbs treaty of June I, converts this tenure, br suflVrance, into tenure ia fee simp!; and hereafter the map c lrit maat eontinua the hue of the Kus-ai- cnipr viry nearly to the rates of Telia. Ci?"I'.rr sine the era of tbe ancient fabler and doubtless from a much earlier age, it has made a (Treat difference in obtainiag sa impartial judgment liad cat wboe ox has been pored. The d Whig kbnas, by way of illustrating (his fact, that tbe Iemocratic politicians and presses in the inter of Mr. have made the curious that it is the very height of injustice and absurdity to bold any Sou'hcrn man responsible f the expression of abolition in the part, e.peciaily ben ru:h an bas len candidly ackooaWdprd slid reiented of. Hut these gravel- ed and friends of IWrber saw nothing ar.mg, nothing unji4, co'.bing uncharitable or ia (oiily seven yesri S4.0) heaping denuncia- tion and abu.e Bpo Ocorge W. Sumners for a anmewbat similar though far leas giierons offense. Tbe'a very men. who are now so vehemently rail- ing at tbe injustice and absurdity of holding Letch- er rvuporaible for his odious abolition doctrines in 1M7, were the most conspicuous and vindictive as- sailants of Summers on account of tbe tatter's de- claration of emancipation sentiments as far back as 131. Cowir or lr5 This remarkable comet (says tbe Albany Argasl is row visible to the raked eye, predicted by Dr. Gould some weeks ago. It U now only t.oe butdrtd ard forty millions of miles diwint and is very rsjiidly approaching tbe earth, and already shone through a common op- era of glsa a well defined tail. We are toM that as tbe first week of October the comet will 1 cf the moat striking l u,-- ns, possibly tbe Urst of tbe oentnry, and at that time will l sea near is Arcturus, perbsps even surpassing that brilliant star S lendor. It is now for about an boar af- ter sunset and an hur before sunrise in a line with tbe (wo stars called tbe Pointers, and forming nearly aright ang'e between these aod Arcturus. It is is now best seen at four o'c'ock in tbe morning. lr. Gould also suggested ia tbs lajt number f his Journal that from the similarity of the eleintnU is was possible That this comet was identical with tbe first comet of and also that of 17til. ThU fact aaems now, from the recent observation, almost cer- tain, il affording a reasonable prt'ump'ioo that it is a preiodie comet, whose jjeriod is alnHit thirtyme rears. Tur. Sew YeKK Con vtxnoss. 1 be negotiations the Republican and American cocventioos, with vi-- to Union, resulted in failure, and separate tickets have bceu nominaUd. It appears that after onfereccr, ard s understanding that the four tricea abou'd be equally divided, tbe Kepublicans proceeded to nominate a full ticket of tbeir own. As a matter of course the American cijnvention also made separrte rominatinns, asfullows: For Govern- or, lyorerio Burrows, former! a Whig member of ngress and late Comptroller of tbe State of New rk; for Lieut, fiovernor, N. S. lien'os, tbe Pres ent Aaditor of Onals, a gentlemen so universally acceptable that tbe Democratic Senate has refused remove Litn during tbe term of Gov. King; for oal Coeoo.isj'ooer, James IL lboinpou, and for Prison lnrctor, William A. Kusell. CTbere is a UtTre fish found all along tbe coaxt Lurope cll. d tbe Iphius Piacator, so large and unwieldy that H is forced te have recourse to strata gem to secure its food. Thi fish is fJtxiihed with a net of rilame'ts over its trody, which, when kept ia motion, resemble little sronns wriggling in tbe vs. The lophius, when it ceedi a meal, settles acd conceals ittlf ia tbe weeds and mud at tbe bot- tom of tbe sea, thus biding every part of its body xcept tbe worm-lil- lilaments that fringe its sar- - face. l'y agitating these, shoals of little ti.sh soon gather an Kind aud nibble at tbe bait. When a Din er are Ibus collected, tbe lophius opens its huge tws, and, with a sudden gulp, sucks in the little fish. Tbe trap is set again aud again, until sly old lophius gets his fill and swarms of little lih are trteu to. Si ati m Islami. Tbe mine of tLis locality will alwavs I Infamous in the o' inion of the civilized world. Speaking of tre recent brutalities attend ing the incendiarism of tbe Quarantine, tbe Auburn American nfera to tbe contrast tbey afford to all leevious epidemics of pestilence disease. Tbe Howard Association of New Orleans, tbe forty phyri'.-jsn- who died at Norfolk, were of a different For the first time ia tbe history of our country has an igsoble panic led its ri'izens to for get thst they were human, and that tbey them- selves might some day be stti ken down by infec tious disease and need from others a place of shelter rd of care, such as they denied to those unfortu nate inmates of Qjsrantice. Ths CarriTRKU Slavfs. It is stated that the Government has corc'uded a treaty with tbe Ainer ican Colonization Society, by wbieh (be Society agrees to lake charge of and instruct, for a year af- - ter tlieir arrival in Ijberia, tbe Africans taken from a board the brig Putnam. S near iKI,CKH) a tbe turn tbe Government is to pay. OiTOn the preceding page will be fjund an inte resting account of ths descent of 11 ourg gentle man into the snailslrom of the Mammoth Cave. rhe editor has not aten proper to give tbe name of lhe gentleman, but we, the Local, deem it our doty to give iU It was Mr. Was. Coutland Prentice, tbe el )et son of tbe editor. Cf Every mail from Illinois brings sccounts of tbe decapitation of Iouglas Demorrats in that State bv tbe Pre ident acd CabineL Acd yet Douglas does a at rike back at the administration, and none of bii pretended friends, such as tbe Louisville Itemc tbe Washington States, 4Vc, dare to sii'ae for him. It is a pitiful exhibition of STl lTENVILLE KAII.KUAD ACCIDKXT. September II. Tbe enrea train cning West evening. on the Stentiennlle and Indiana road, met with a tenon accident thirteen milci sett of Ibis place. In crossing a bri'ltr the express car ar.d rear f tbe jnnit-- jumped lhe truck, ai.d, knocking some main Umtiera out. csucd tbe bti ipe suddenly to give '. Tbe bsirpag: car and front pasw nger car eot down witb Um brdt-- . aooie teu ur twelve feet, bile the rear end of tbe hind car remained on the atiulmenU Tbe fin-- t car was almwit completely troWea up, and tbe seals nearly all Iir 4.ru from their intra in the rear car. l he follow iag persons were inj'ired: J. Moon'T, evdoctor, liead severely cut; IWyaa IbMirb, f Ixiuisville, Ky., both legs UTofcrn: V. J. Cornell, mater,"wri.t spraiu--d ard bsdly ; Kv." Mr. Watson, of ankle sprained; James Jaco'o., of Maysvil'.e, Ky., sliphtly bio'wel; Atrirew Anderson of" Harri- son ononty, rlightlr bruisel; SLrs. C. v ainwright, of New Jersey, alip htly iniuieet; D. C. Gill, D ivioti; Mrs. Mtreditri, of Xnia. Uhin; Miri Lvor tif N.J.: Dr. Allen, t.4 Ark.; Kev. S. J. Humjbrev and ladv, of Newaik. Ohio: W. H. Mtrora. of Mil on, lad ; John I'. Draper, of Utnville, llliBSie; Dipt. vs. j. llarr, of filthburg; Jo. f eming, of Zinesvilie, falallv; Oliver Orms- - by, of Yevay, Ind. A great cum tier of otheri who mould not gn e tlx ir Barnes were injured more ur less. NewOriaxs, Sept. II. Messrs. Co., jewellers of Philndolpbia, hsviair tetdsreel to tbe Howard Asseviatioa of this city, a dunaUou f lire hundred dollars for the relief of tbe siiflojiLg sack at a time when tbe funds were low, wh'ih is not the cane at present, tbe following reply nas oueti urwarueu in reaionc: "Sr. Oku as, S pt. 10, 7 fUulrtf ic O. Your generous offer of live h Bdred dollars tor our surfenn., SH k is grat. full' acknowledged. MvotH'l ae l in need of it which we are not at present, we shall avail ourselves of yrwrrjermis.-H'Titndra- Wewill write you further by m til. Sifned E. F. Schmidt, President ef How ard Aasoclstiop. PllTSBlltCi, Sept. 11 ti tonne woman named Miss Henry was murder ed a'. 11 o'clo k, by lbouiaa Smitbsoo. She refused to apeak with bim when intoxicated. Ha drew a pistol and shot her. Ha is not yet arrested. Tkisitt Bat, Sept. 10. M. DeSautv. the electrician of tbe Atlantic tele. eranh staUun'ai this plsce. declioes to make any a'atement relative to tbe Atlantic cable for publi ration beyond th. po rive assurance to the agent of tbe associated prei that there are only temporary lillirulties of an electrical nature, and bo reatoo whatever for any rumor that the ciHe had pvrtrd ARU1VAL OF THE ASIA. Hai ii ax, X. S.. Sept. . The Cunard tteamsbip Asia arrived this morning, with Liverpool dates to Saturday, tba lfttb nil. It was rumored that the I rec:h Govercmect bad demanded explanattuns from f.nUni relativ e to the biimltardment t Jeidib. A report wss in cirrcla-t'on- , but confidered d iub'ful, that Xafiet had ac- - tufi'ed the cMnMions of vwern I'owers. It was slated that by the trea'y of peace with Cbint a mil- lion of franca is the amount of the Chinese indemnity lu l..oc',and and I ranoe. Jnmiirm, Awy. We hare later advices from India and China; the forinr are important. The China hews is rot sn lata as the former advices via l.nvsia, but tbe allies were on the ee of electing atreair. Tbe Americn and Ku-i- n treaties were roncliiled. It H sai4 tbat lhe Ams:icns wie to Lave tbe privil-g- i of an annual embassy to IVkii. A from Madr d says that a military f x. peib j.in is preparing for llavac.a. l urthrr rm'a are rrpururd in Cabdla during which a B umber of C'lifiatiatis were killed. SKPT. 1 1, 158. Notice. It Is oar erpccial deire that all letters perUin;rg to tbe bnsiness of tbe Journal should be addrenard, not to the senior editor as aany ow are, but to tbe firm. Sr.trr. Fair Tiiottinu Uav. a are rtitiested to stats that the track at the Southwestern Fair (i'outiU is now in complete order, and that tbe gvtes are opened fir the entrance of persons intend- ing to compete for tbe premiums oa the trotting day, for tbe purpose of practicing tbeir horses. , of Tiik AriAtcTic TF.t.roRArii. It is stated that Mr. Wbiu hou e, the F.njrlish elee'rician, who bas hid that d .psrtment of the Ocean Telegraph il charge, has given plac-- to Profesfor Tbompsop, of r.Jir.l'ii-i- -, a l i (uc.evsor, and that, if tbe 1st- -t It r gciil'.cimn s oubl f lil to secure the objec's d le will five p!aee to Mr. Hughes, cf tie I'ai'ed S'ater, th inventor of an inft:uraent frorp hi h iinpvun: rsnltsto ocean telegraphing msy yet be realized. The New York Herald thinks that the opening of tbe line will not be delayed beyond tbe of Octolier. At the last accounts, Trofes-o- r so Hashes, who bss two instruments with him in Lond.cv, was pn piling to leave with one of them f a- - Trinity Hay. Ii. was arranged that the Cable Cvuiwny should send a tpecial steamer from Llver-o- to Trinity lluy 03 or almut the 10th of this month, to onvey the Trofesror or his assistant, with all necesvary instruments ar.d other fixtures for woking the cable, lis will anive there about tbe -- O'.b r iith of tbe month, and will of course re'juire a few days for preparation and the adjust- ment ef the machinery. This will occupy him un- til the 28th of September, or perhsps to tbe 1st of O tj!tr, but certainly uoi longer. If therefore he succeed in his calculation, we may count upn be- ing placed in tbe full enjoj ment of the fruits of hi J la! ir by tbe latter date. Kansas. Gov. Denver, of Kansas, haa publish- ed a letter, by way of reply to various petitions pre- sented to him, by resident of tbst Territory, re- questing hiua to convene an extra session of the Le- gislature. The Governor declines to call this extra sessioo, show ing that at the present time there are no members of tbe I.gu1ature whose official terms have not expired. He also expresses the opinion that tbe next election should le held under tbe List s piriionmeut, according to tbe act of Februsry SO, to ."i7. He concludes by saying that be had consult- ed the President and tbe Attorney General of tie I'rl ed States on this point, and lioth agreed tLat the next election should he held under tbii apportion- ment. CjTTbe Hon. Kbert J. Walker, when he was in tbe United State Senate, wss the leader of the Itemorracy of that body. From the Senate he went into 's Cabinet as Secretary of the Treas- ury, and, ia that capacity, made bimelf the idol of to the Ieiiiocracy everywhere. When the Buchanan Administration appointed Lira Governor of Kansar, the w hole D.mocratic party hailed his selection as tbe best thxt coold possibly have been made frrm tbe entire Union, and be waa greeted with ten thou- sand enthusiastic expressions of Democratic grati- tude for tbe devotion manifested by him to tbe in- terests of the Demeicratk party in condescending to accept an cflice that might cot be deemed fully worthy of bis transcend int ability. And now tbe Washington Union, the month piece tbe Administration, denounces Kobert J. Walker "i traitor ami t urtndUr." Well, If traitors and swindlers are thai honored and trusted and lauded and idolized by tbe Democracy of tbe ration, what Democratic honor or trust or laudation or idoU ntrv worth? ClTTlie Claiksville Jeffcrsonian bsrns that, while tbe amount of land planted is perhaps "ccjutl to the usual amount, a considerable portion of ths tobacco quite amxll, and is rai lly ripening without in- creasing iu size, which must greatly reduce tbe weight of the crop. The proportion of good tobacco said to I uncommonly small. Many of tbe plir-te- are new cutting." From information we have us received, tbe amount of land planted with tobacco much larger than last year. It C3The Claiksrille Jeffersonian announces tbe suspension of tbs Rink of America at that place, but says Ike stoppage will be only temporary. Mr. Davie, the ow ner, is a man of great wealth, snd the assets of the liank, when realized, will suffice to liquidate every liability. Tbe present circulation of tbe lank is ettimated at fiW.m). Amjthf.k IVmtk astkk Arkf.ktkii. A p ml master of Lagrange county, Indiana, was arrested a few daj s since by Deputy U. S. Marshal Clnrlea W. Serley, on a charge of robbing the maiL His name is Limerick Parke. Read the advertisement beaded "Kich Dig gings. Lines are rapidly advancing 11 ralu. in that interesting portion of Kentucky. We learn that many have doubled their fortunes by selling in the northern urtion of tbe State and making in- - restitiaiits in southern Kentucky. The farm ad- vertised is accesrilde to maiket at all sea-o- of tbe rear. We to my to tlie Wasliinrtna Tninn. In all ktnd--- that itii rimrs. t excitins a rfep Indirnatiou all ovrr th V"t and lonilieit. W e hava the bwt a for wvinr so. auil nnMt iiainfiil of the fact. It niav ttonk tnat It W damafons IMuiilaa alnne: thai b a r. aud the eikonnr it i male aaans of that tan. the art a fur taw A4HavemUiiB ana M- i- triiiiwrane party. Wetliink s natoe lKiurl Iia4 acted wr ouwis-l- in more tlian one instance on the K.aDaa and ei- - dowe iliiua Im' errnd lu liir receitHin iiss-e- at I that ia uu aliy the t mon alioiild lurnirh siumiiB'tNiu ta lhe enetnr, aad atfurd umre aid and l.iri to Hie l;iuelieana. than llnit;taf.a wtmlp course kaeiiuu. Ihc I uioa &uay tlniik it a uoi doiua o. tr (hit U ta dutoi aw. eueu a lliiua a- - krrowd- - iio-- ' thf nioiirut-- too lr," to a very ri;uitieant expiviiKive 'iirat, aud that I abat the I'umu baa been tin tnr H.ine iiiiic. Ve tboiiclil we ouH have bren mei-- the neeee-- mi wliat are now have, hut th exiurse of the l umn atftrdnd ui.noaberuaiive. tnir party, wltli w Uicii as i toii- - tihrd Uk aud of the country, eomiuam our nrst tvmnty and e ehivrluiiy rive uirii. to it. Cincinnati i.'atn'rrr. Nob , Mr. Ivlitor, you seem to say ibis witb great reluctance aud even pain and to say it only because v oa consider it a solemn duty to do so. liut pray wby do yen atop short in your solemn dutv ? If to your view it is so important that the Washington Union, generally considered the organ cf the ad. miuiftration, should las rebuked few its warfare upon Mr. Dauglaa, wby is it not important that tbe ad- n i nisi rat ion itself, of which tbe Union is tbe re puted organ, ahould be rebuked for Us warfare upon Douglat? Is cot tbe counts of tbe administration, in the opinio of tbe Democratic party, of as much consequence as tbe course of a Washington City newspaper? While tba Washington Union ia assailing Mr Douglas merely with words, tbe administration as. sails him by deeds it punL-he- s w ith relentless pro- scription every that d ires stand by him in l ii mortal peril. And we all know that tbe Washington Union, which tbe Cincinnati editor re- bukes, ii incited to its bitter warfare a poo Douglas by the administration, which the Cincinnati editor dares not rebuke. I any editor or man fool enough to suppose that tbe Washington Union weald dare to keep np its bitter and persistent assaults upon the Iliinios S;na'or if it were not encouraged and anstainrd and infuriated by the administration's ap probation and the administration's example? Trof. Babey, the Hor.sk Tamf.k. Ths Barer who bas astonished Kuroe by subjugating vicious horses, haa a brother in this country, equally skill- ful, who bas baen in attendance at the St. Louis fa;r. On Friday morning he gare an exhibition of his powers, with entire success. We take an ac count from tba Democrat: The speetabors were shown a vicious mare indeed a wild, black vixen, by her proprietor, who de ecriled her nnamiable character in Wins the far- thest conceivable from fl ittery, and offered 25 to any man in tbe crowd, who would sit upon bcr back for five minutes! A pentleman asked if a saddle might be used. Answer "Yes, but you mu-- put it on, lor cm 1. Moon a negro unver V"limteerel, was accepted, ana started to iirocii-- a stolille. Meantime a voueff I rich m in named Michael Hums applied for the lucrsfive privilege. It was grwted him, and lie want succeeded in hrnilins the mare, lie then mounted, ana did it handsomely, and stuck tenaciously for fen .h-- fftccmffotvl only! He nabap- - puv dure to tua iiridie as ne was helplessly turown, and thus fell at. the enraged creature's front feet. wbich were instantly upon bins. He was twice struck in tbe skull, was severely wounded, and nsr-- ruwly ew aped death. A deep and Horrible gash was 11.11. il.-- l upou the let I upper portion of the scalp, and Ins now was broken, v err properly th' s rrfu-t- d to risk a timilar or worse tmcedv, and, though tin crgrj arrived with his saddie, the w ild 1io.1l was at one, led from the mc, amid loud cries fur Professor I la rev to mount her. Tbe Pro-- luswr annuuncwii tbal be would re exhibit tbe mare turned, but would nut at ones attempt to ride ber for tbe wealth of the State! He lamented the rashness wbi b had caused so sad an accident. During tbe dinner interim we strolled ta tbe lent the tiuree lame.r, wbcro were tbe black shr"w and her oarer. Mr. Bernard S. Ilradlcv. 'MoIl Long" ba bought six months ago of a farmer of tu'hlard, III. Mie bad killed a person who at tempted to ride her at Highland, and was now still unbroken, though seven vears old. Mr. 11. and all bis and other professional horsemen, bad Taiuiy struggled to manage ner. During tbe afternoon's exhibition in the ring, the ricieus mare and Prof. Rarey entered the arena. completely subdued. The Professor (at upon he without saddle, and even stood npon ber back while he addressed the spectators. Her proprietor al rode ber. Rarer was loudly cheered and com pi mented 03 all ti lea for his unquestionably genuine success. Tbe reporter, who was a witness to tbe Laming process in tbe instance of this hitherto in tractable animal, says that, witb many others, be perfectly satisfied that tha Horse Taming Barer have tbe correct and efficient system. It is a lieau tiful one, for it is based upon faith in the thorough ly noble nature of even an apparently malicious and maliosnt animal. 1 itms. A rin rular, and, unhappily, a fatal accident or. curred in Charlotte county, Virginia, on Saturday v.eik. Two gentlemen, earned Sjncer and Bell riding rapidly toward the same point, came in rol liaLn. They did not see eai b otber until tbe mo EHsUt of tbe tbock, owing to intervening bushes. Boti were thrown beavitr, and Spencer died frc bis injuries ia SI tour;; tbe other was but little ic jured. L'strct.vg vroulh. Tiers fcai bees no rsia cf any coasequecte ia Westrsorelztd couaty, lrginU, f tear! three months. A" estate wbica two thousand barrels of cera ire usually produce J, owing tu tbe effects cf the drvtitb, will nut realii its owr. er this season that quantity. Tha corn throogbout the country, except that on very mcist land, is similarly damaged. .1 nfthrr Arc. 4 oa 1 Chtrir nf M nl ?Aiery. Wil- liam (..irliw, K q., Mail Acent for the t of Indiana, arrived in the city on Saturday last, hain tjtwrt la korlb in custody, charged with lie, r5'!ing up-- tb. uiiU on tbe route oetween Na-h- l' an l fVdnmbua, in IliiiS at. Dirkworlh va ido l ii Jtil, and a ex s initiation e.f bii caae will take place before Mr. Commi.esioncT la lwUanin'Mt tirmUnH. Fkom Chi ".A Lieutenant Ilab'ram, in a letter from on board tbe Powhitan, ia lj river, pub lished in the Philadelphia Led er, gives some Inter t esting items of intelligence : Tin IZutnlm and American itirj-lt- n Vo aonner ad ihi Allies estahltt-be- trem.-elve-s at 1 than our able representative, .Mr. Wm. It. Kesd, left is large cal m on board tbe , l uiu-- on bnardof the Knrsian steamer-of-w- America, burnt- - 1 the American rbc at her fore, nl trir side the u sian eae.le, and was steamed up toward - Sin. Then was seen a strance siuht an unnatural one almort despotism and freedom wslkin hnnd hand. On the quarter-de- e kot the lu.'ian steamer- - war America walked C iU t Poutamne and Mr. W. H. Ileed, in earnest conversation ; Iwlow in the mear, Bussian and Amerk- ;n ofli:fcri drirking cham- pagne and fratemizinir, and at the fore- mast head w aved tbe H igs of Itu si ai d the United States, side bv fide. This it no n tiling; this feeline" lietween Russia and the I lited S lis. w fiM liecame apparent during ih Crimean war, nd his since demonstrated itM-'- in a lbe.11s.n1d n li ferent wavs and in a thouand ditf p'aces. Hu- mor says indeed that the BuvUns hurt urJtrt to fra- ternize' a with u, and it certainly looks I ke it. Well, Mr. Heed aod Count Poutaitine s'eamed up the rm r let 00 their ("our ) archer ott that city, and at lat account 1 were in aftir way to re- open tbe "promisintnegotiathins" which had lieen snrtdenly arrested on the -- ''itii uit. ne r.ngi sn and French having bad an interview with the two artar Princes. Mr. Ileed was to nave bis at o A. M. this morning and Count Poutaitine at the same hour morrow. It seems that tney cnoo-- ear:y nours avoid the eltents of the inid-di- v Chinese atmos phere of a ,4 lornndn Cant. ramui r. nuponi, o' tne onn- - aevnta, had come on Ixwrd in l.i gig, tliccrr of l.icb numlrel nx jon.es, itisp, anu louro He had been on board some hours aod wai about to step into his I10.it to return, when the Cemmodor remttked: "You had better wait uutil that rain squall parses over" The captain, thcrefi re, return- ed to the cabin, while the ollicer of the deck ordered the gig s crew to come ont of rer host and drop her astero. I nfortunitely tbey did not uo thi ; tney only passed everything out of her that would have oeeu lnjurea oy getting wer, ana men, iner. ucing a had chop sea on, remained iu her to keep ber c cf the ship s sides, tbe poor fellows were eo prouu ot tbeir boat. Several of us were smoking in the whee'- - house at tbe time, and were called out by tr-- sur geon to see a "remarreble cloud llwrs n tha ahape of a fan, the point lieing about twenty decrees alove the her zon, and the broid part verging to- wards the zenith. The point was of a deep leaden u, the body of purple, and the edges of a lurid 1. the different minor clouds ot 11 wis composed were surging and swaying from side 1 side like a balloon secured to toe ground and thron out br a troB2 wind. It wss one of tho-- bich impress the beholder with the conviction tbat something sudden, and perh-p- i dangerous is shortly result, and which rivet his gaz in curious or .n expectation. Trcfently it came ! A moaning puff of wind, then rain, linally a heavy The ahin heeled slurhth- - and nentilo hirau to retreat un der the hurricane deck from the rain. Sud lenly a cry reached us tbat parsed on and penetrated to the mutest corner ef tbe fhn "The eie has swam red ! Awar there to the boat.-- Save the crew ! " This waa the only order heard. Just as it was given the heavy eqj ill sprmg into a tenndo, ti e intensity of which blew blocks cf wped and mn uout the decks like so many learner, vv e tried get into tbe weather boats, thinking tbat before we could lower them tbe ship would have swurg and msde them the lee ones, but tbe sttrm blew u back under the bulwarks as if we bad lieen so many children. The ahin , ioj.te.dof siui:i ig red v, as ws expected, only kce'.ed over the inoie urdi r tbe ircreased pressure, tbo bare m ists I as tney would co over tte s ee. vve ttiereiorere stored to tbe lee boats, but before we could ret thetu ready for lowering, the tornado chopped ar :undeih'ht points and blew witb increased fury. Heavy cap- stones also co a took the place of rain, and a den e bank of mitt and line sand swu't ovtr u, and chan ged day to tbe shades of dut-k- Many of us bad lost bur hats, and were to be seen through the mist, gloom, striving in vain to i rotect our ev'ts and tem ples from tba masies ot falling let. It was a it scene, r.ven discipline seemed rtitrtrered in tbe blinding confusion, and tie ttrorget voices were awept by tbe ear before their meaninecould be gath ered. Officers were to be seen pulling men in d f-- terent directions, snouted orders into their ear1, and showing them by signs a hit was to bs done. In the mean time tba ti's crew had been swept away from tbeir shattersd boat (this we learned subse- quently from one of tbe survivors) by an irresistible add', and were clinging on tbe ship's rudder. Had we known this at the time we might nave lowered ropes to them, but it was so thick that we could not see, acd their cries for help were swept away by the hurricane. At tbe end of a minute or two we were ready for lowering the boats, but wetc prevented by another sudden e hopping of ths storm, which. Using now upon the quarter, urired tbe abi') arout.d her anchor with a velocity which j uked tbe. rudder from me grasp or mo tut tnose who clung to ir, snd iti them to be engnlphei by the whirlpool ihua formed. was only the strotuien who ciuld retain tneir bold, and tbey but li len to the eties of tbeir friends and see them sink. 1 bis w as the hi t f poor Jones and Hisr; two others, who were swept fpun ths rudder at the same time, and who were excel lent swimmer, struck cut bravely aganst tbe eddy, ad hnallv cleared it I he rupiiosHioo is tbat uotn ones asd Hisp had b3en disabled in some way. A second move was cow mad - to get the 111 the water, but tbe- Commod ra ordered us to de- - ist. And indeed it was a wis oni.r, for the tormi'o was then at its very height, the set was oue massif foam, and we thould have been blown over its boil- ing surface like to many feathen. Thus we should ave been driven away from tr.e men e w; ri going to sare. It was letter to quietly awaits lull. Af er while this cime. Tbe Con niodore waved bis hand down went the Nuts. "Unli:k! off, boyi! Out oars! Now pull for bte at-- l death! ix men are in tbe wate. Tbe atmosphere bail now partially cleared sud tbe tornvlo was abating, but it. still a furioui gale and tbe rain almost blinded us. lis umst Ito.t the boats could do at first was to bead towards thi pot pointed out br tbo e who wa chad from the ship's deck. Tbat spot was a little beyond tbe eddy wlnch had buried poor Jones and Bisp, and by btei up in tbe bo it one could see tr.o I l ick obj sets struggling for life. N tbe I sin's to make headway. I roueh rkippiau tbe Seiwitti damerous freedom, and having more than uns oar hlowu its owner's grasp tiy the dying torna lo, they are ill nearinir the aurvivora manv of tbem are there?" We do not know. We pick op two and ask them, "How many are over'ioaril? Where are Ue other-?- They do not know. One of them even too exbau-te- to answer. I lie other shakes his head mournfully and sinks bis brow upon bis hand. Ob, where" are thev? only two out eix. We mutt save the others, but where are we to pub? Ws brought the boat "head to sea," aod irazed around in p.i.iful uncertainty. Tbere were three boat, two of onrs and one from tia Minnesota. n e strove in rain to catch sight of some uplibc l .rui to hear the accents of souis guiding voire. There was nothing but wind and rain, end the encbing set tbat broke over us, and the debris if be swamped boat that floated around us. that help ed us in tbe search. APPOINTMENT OF T II K PUHAI'IIKI!! OF T II K K r.N It eKV ANSI Al, lost-U- '.Ml. iF TII K MKTIIOIHHT KPIsl oPAI. I Hl l!t;ll, tfUl'TH, HISIIOJ- - KAVANAl lill I IUIIUMi. The Onferenee ocenpis that fuekuf the Commonwealili riirmif on me mm lirrr irK mr llioill il 01 ll to Ijttle Kandy river iSTM tlieuce aoutlieaa'- - wardly to th State line. Viitrict Wlllism V. IMndy, P. E. rlon MatKin, Miiiuud I. Kuckui-r- : Frankfort. Jofph Kaud: Versailles and ste.li-- NnlanH; Nnh- - lacvire, .Joint U. liamou: Jesauliune aud iHidlorit. II. aud reur H Kaianauk.'h: Wiiirhrster and ion, Lewis G. Kick; Wnnn, .1. b. (rraK; Paris aud ih Middletown. Thomas K. Vsniu. ter: Moutit ster-- itiae. Clark Polly; Otf .rd. llrinkley M. M.srii k; Loerlmn;. uhn r. (rnnsted; Missmn, vv 111. r. Hnrroatburg Uittrtrt. John Ii. Uruo. r. K. isution. sraish h. lleerioe: losnvill.-- . li o. VV. .Uarritt: HerryTille and White rhsp l. Henry C. North- - rutt: t.imiit, Wilton I'ili s. J. bamlnky Jinrsnte. a- d ftantord. l.oia. v . liili-r-: Kirlnnoii idenee. Jeuediah Foster: Madiaou IJirriiit. T. J. iod- - hy; Crah irrliard, Jolin S. v oxe: M. J. U . A:n- - rose; 8alvnm, Win. li. Johns; Maxviile. Ans-l- Minor; arreuo hiin;. to lie rupplied bjr (j. J. iJaiiey; Laucaitii irenit. Milton Mann. iAhuei(e DtnlHcl Win. Mel. Alibi-lt- . p. K. Khel. byville station. John II. l.iuu; slielliy irein', inuel 1. Parker; Mtniieonviilp, John I. i;. Ttinin;"on: 'I , Geo. tiould; ItloomriHld, Janior Minoi; John F. Van Pelt: Wst Port, .b strothm; ew to ne aiipi.li. t ii. iiii.ru, W. Cr nihonph: LockiHirt. to be Carrolitou, Juo. W. (Jiiuiiinriiain. Cnnngtim Inntrict T noma P. C. piie'lman. P. r. ormatou Station. Kobert llfinrr: at.mia and I.udlow Mission. Georire V. Ma'ey: NcaiHiit. Wm. F. T. stiruill: Alexandria. Ilavid Walk: Fallnoiitli. Wi liani i. K ivan- - Milliirshuri,'. Ihtui'l Mevenson; it iolie- - i;lale Institute, (iiirpe H. Savaire; Aeeiil nr tvlucationai Fund. 11. touthu nd Kuddrll's Mills, Wm. it. V.'iout. Cir.i-lr- . Jamm Irookinrs Warsaw. W. V. cliaiuherlii ; oweinon a Melel'roek Thomas iluitin; Ciitl . I.m Uanley; liurlincton. bplirann M. Goie: l;.ek M:e- - ion lo he s by John James. MavtcilU Dinlrirt. Samuel I.. Kohert on. I. K Mi ville Million, John S. llai les--; Waslii ncton snd (ii-- i own. K eanah Johnson: h.lnnon ani Sardici, .lotio lardy; Minerva. John I. &cott; Oraneelniri.', llirsni Wnlker: Lewis, FranKlin T. John-- I b iniiufliur. II well .1. Perr": Plains, Win. and tiis W. Siiitta: stiariisbiiri!, to be oy i.'ainsiiii im Ur; Owint.'ville, Senaea X. Hall; Ml. Olivet, John ilinsno; Tiltoti, Win. C. Atmnre. Went Libert w IlianVf. Klias Itotm-r- P. I'.. Pile linos panitall: prrston-buri- Jolnia Tavlor: Jarkson Miooo. William L. Furni.-e- ; "isl l.lhjifv Mis.ion, Jncob Walk: Irvine. II Ls-k- Le:cln-- an I ry M to he supplied: HUrlilsnd Uon'vay; l;oo llli- and Mismn, to lie siiii.ln-d- U'Trh"'irri"e Vitrirt. m. It. I.audnitn. P F.. lur- - iinrviMeei: Manrheater, Wm. K. Lmieion; London M ion, - he stipidied; Vellow Creek l'i s.. lie; MU I'leavaut Misri'-u- , Oolomno l'.. : Willian sire Mission, to be Mt Vernon Mission. beiiiippli"d: Watts Creek MjVou, to suppli. d. V) rurtwunr lite Irenernl t 0.1. rrienre.- - t.o itizo luston editor ol the Home citric sn-- Smi.ti'y V . Ueorrm w. Hnish, trausferr d to le I oif enee. John It. Fades, traufe.Te I to Tio- - Confen n Oliver W. Landretli. traustorred lo Gi'urtr'a Cont'ereute From the New Orleans Hcayune.l Fii'I'.ti:ex Days Ltt.k kkom ihk IIioGhandk Impoktant from Mk.vu o TampUn tnktn by th? liberal I mle ut liravu fnwnqr. I be steamship Gen. Hark, Csptnin S.'niih, faom llrazos Sanliiijo arrived yesterday. lhe news troat fficxicu u tnieresiiiig nnu import nt. It appsars. that lamp-c- n now in cf tbe lali.rali. Tbe Hrownsville liar, of the 1st it it , his tii-- ; fjl lowinc intellicr D'e from laraatilipas. .News bas lieen received in iUatamoras to tbe et feet that the citizens and merchants cf Tatnpico were erowinir exceeding tired tf being caie 1 u; snd wern making overtures to tbe rrs. to d ' liver r tnm the city. A letter dated "Matamoro, SeptenilHT 1st.. 1 o'clock," with which we have been tavorvtl, nicata. the annexe-- importnnt news: An ex pre si has just, arrived from brmi ing intelligence that Tampioo was luken on tint L'j nit., bv Cspistran, wiih 4iM) frontier riM ststed liy a revolution insni- -. not lasted .u hours. No particulars vet." Capitran, it is hardly neeeaf arv to mention, bs- - lones to the Lilwral party. The Han. of the 1st int.. publishes the annexed interesting intelligence from San l.'ji looks well for tbe succesi cf Ltber.ilr: Sasi Li is Piitosi, Aug. 10, 1S5S. "I arrived at this place with tbe Liberal amir on the lo b i.i5t nothing having previoiislv taken place that is wojyb mentioning. At toe towns 01 . narcas, v ii'auo, liediond. and in Inn cttv. Gov. idaum has bee received with triumphal arches, merry pealing o bells, firing r rockets, all ut whicn was dot to demonstrate tbe tbat bii arrival at thote ces had caused." "Frcm my po'i i'n I can take a cleur view things, and I have a thorough coutidc cn th.it tbe i, sue will be favorable to tbe Itlieral cause. "A financial transaction was alsiut lo t ike between Gov. v idaurri and the GovenuT of Z icat. ess. by whkh it wss tbouct tbe would placed is possession of ample means to in ure .iic cess. The Hag also bas the following paragraph: "rt'e learn that the B;v. liishi p It irracus a some twenty odd clergymen, banisbe l bv Col. Z zua fiom Sin Lnis l'otosi, have arrivtd in Matu moros. It is said they contemplate soj iirumg this city until order is aam restored in Mexico." Tbs news from tba American eid. of the Ii Grande is interesting. Tne IiAtt.KJAD iMiiitoii,! . Our reidcr a awara tbat a difficulty bas existed f. r touie tims betsfetn tba four great Lantern riilral?, ta?ludipg tba New York and Trie. New York Central, Ptni pyl- - ania Csntra', aud Baltimcre and Obio. Brpre sentatives of the roads bate lib ly held a meeting in Philadelphia, and a dispiteh to tbe Ctniiunat Coinuierctal states that tbey have compromised tbeir difficulties. It would iMem that the Erie Co. has induced the Directors and Ex-c- ii ive of the other great to iImmi lines to mtke solemn railway laws aud to provid suitable vindications for the sums. 1 he agreemsnt is to ta'..e effect on the 21st inst. Freight" ra'es oa lirst cUs between New lorkaad St. Lints will h tl T'l pro lift l'..s; to l.niv i'b-- - 51 l i; to Ci nati.fl ;lO. I'asienger fares "till be "'ijhtl, vanced. I'roui the Ohio Statestuan of Suu.lay.J THE FUIGU I'TUL BAILHOAD ACCIDLXT. A frghtful accident occu'red on tbe night exprert ain due at tbla place at one o'clock vss'er.tny ra irrii-g- , the Xo. ti bridge on the Pittdturg, Cei-- 1 imbus, and Cincinnati rail ;o id, on Friday evening ft. Tho bridge which caused the arcidert ia a bridge," covered, and one hundred and twenty feet lonn, spanuing a creek, which, at the time of the ctvurrene, had but little water in its led. The express train reached tbe place at eiirht o'clock on Friday night, and, while passing tbroogb. the lend. r attached to the locomotive new off tbe track, and, for a short distance, jolted over tbe ties with such force as to bresk down the bridge. 1 he locomotive passed through, but the tim'ssrs of the briiiL,t separating, precipitated the two baggage fn cars and two ptsaentjer cirs to tbe bed of tbe creek, and the eulire structut ftll ia nisn the train, crush- ing in the tops and sides of the cars. The two cirs wen stove in, and the first passenger car as crushed to tiecef; the rear end of the hind car remained up on the abutment, some lifteen or twenty fvet high. I be passengers in tbe latter or were all thrown to the lower snd in a neap, the seats and large stove falling on top. Of tboee in tbi car, scarcely a passenger escaped without injury, though est fiey were none very dmgerously hurt. '1 he most dangerous aod serious injuries were re- ceived by the persons in the first ptssenger car, which was a complete ruin. Conductor Joseph Mooney, who was seated with an engineer by the name of Johnson Fleming, Tvceived a blow oa tha forehead from a piece of timlier which took off the scalp, but did nut fracture the iku'l. Mr. Fleming waa picked up inrensible and haa not since spoken, though when the passengers left the seen yesterday of ft et noon be was still breathing. His recovery is doubtful. Mr. Koacb, of Louisvil e. Ky., hd both legs Iroken, and Mrs. Meredith, of Xsnia, Mr. llinnphre- - and wife, of Newatk, and a number of others, whose names we were unable to lesrn, were bidly hurt. Klias J Orrel, baggage master, of this city, received severe injuries. A n unifier of the wounded passed through this city on the three o'clock afternoon train, from whom we.' learned the above particulars. It seems almost miraculous tbat no persons were killed or hurt, for the cars were full. Those we eonveratd with yes- terday the all expressed tbeir satiifactiou at having wi It their lives. The exaggerated account of tne accident tclegrapied lo tbe Cincinnati papers morning produced the u'inost excitement amr.ng I lie people expecting friends on the uufortu-r.n- e 1)4 train, and several persons came here from Cincinnsii almo-- t distracted. Oae fom that ci'y krew tbat hu two little girls were tbe train, and be awaited their arrival here in an pre agony of suspense. His feelings n;ot seeing l i children step from tbe cars safe and u iinjured one for with a cru tied and shattered bird cage, containing three ctnaries, in her hand can only be Imagined by those placed under similar circumstances. The w'ountled and frightened passengers while hers were treated with the tenderest care. After tbe shock of tbe filling train had passed 33e way those among the pisvngers who were unhurt uied themselves in rescuing tbe others from the bbish of the ruined cars, acd conveying the help less to a reigblxiring farm house. Conspicuous ia mong tlmse who exerted themselves in this woik, as Miss Ellen C. IKrtlett, of Nottingham, New Hampshire. All tbe psstengerg we spoke toex- - ressed their unqualified admiration of tbe noble for ii l.irt of this young lady. She bad been stanned nd bruised by tbe shock, but immediately recov-re- d her wotked among the luins ;n a coolness, judgment, and energy wmco no body ebe could command. All night long she toiled mong tbe groaning sufurers, regardless of her own Hiifo-t- , alleviating to the utmost extent the misery rourd ber It gives us pleasure to chronicle tbe era e 1 minted praise she received for tbe noble part she bore en that gloomy night from those who wit- - seed it. I he number or persons wounded was betw-e- n twcntv-fiv- and thirty, instead of that num- ber killed, as the had it. AP.BIYAL OF THE VANDEBUILT. X'kw i'okk, Sept. 13. Tbe steam'hip Yanderlilt from Havre and South- - r.ipton, with dates to tbs 1st., arrived lite but l g t. t n "en iclorta uiul 1 rises Allien have returned I'.rg'and from tbeir visit to 1'ruvsia. Ncarlv a millijn and a half cf gold is on tbe way from Australia. A Ivices from India stats that General Grant had left Lucknow lo relieve Muunsengh aod tj rapture Fix abad. fee The diplomatic agents of the Allies ars lo be al lowed 10 reside temporarily in t earn. A uiiibCfe envoy s w viau 1 ana. Ucerv vl, Auaitft 31. Sales of cotton for the (utst tlire days have been l'J,000 bales, includ-n- isitl to speculators and z.iwu to exporter. Ibe arket dosed but steady, wi:h a tlecline fur fciior iimlitie-s- , and quotations are badly main tained. The Manchester advices continue favorable, and ba inartet for cotton closed with an advancing ten- - dcucv. lireadstotf t Hour is firm at tM advance. and closing quiet. Wheat is also firm, and ld(.v.M hulier, clusing quiet; red Western os b.t; weva tWstern tie .'S.lc m tid; Southern Ci IKlnTs 41. Corn dull. Provirions Beef steady snd du'l; potk und bacon steady; lard quiet nt fit's MotHi: aval stores liosin tlod steady at 4s i'U,;t M common. Spirits of turpentine Heady at itti Gd Sugar quiet. Conee hrm. io.i'ioa Mimry MarkC, A 7. dl. Consols tlossd at 'jtiiWiJi tur money and account. I be money market u unchangtd. Sectmd Ihrpitck. New Y'iirk, Sept. 13. 1 he Vacdcrbilt bringj 355 passengers. Twelve vessels have been wrecked on the Ene- - coarf. With one exeeiition the crews were all ved. Mr. Morphy, tbe Atnericin chess player, played it gsnies lilmittoi'led at toe same tuns bemre liiroiioiih im chc a contest winning all but on. llu'ljlph, Juug, c. Co., of Paris, in tbe silk trade, ' e hittif. ja liabilities are very large. is Tbe Turkish Miuiet-- y bas resignvd. A new one form' d. Great bo, es are entcrtaiasd that a treaty of coui- - erc3 a ill tttected witb Utina. Ti-- Jesuits it is said wQl obtain exclusive au thority to establish a branch of tbeir order in China. Prussia has addressed a note lo v wnna on the titrian ocenpation of Uifctodt. lhe Raja l'uotua relsls tied, after plundering Touk, ac t were pursued by Gen. B oberts. Tbe yalier rebels are mensctn g tieebore and bogbore. ARKIVAL OF THE STAR OF THE WEST. Xkw York, Sept, 13. Steamship Slar of the West from Aipinwall with 'j.il'.irnia dates to the A);h nit., arrived at mid- - .ht. S'e has nearly oue million seven hundred tbousaiil dollar t in treasure. General news rather unimportant. Financial mat ters rlorted easy beyond anything previously ten in toe rmorvnt tartoruia. Collections are i.Ji'y satisfactory and money had gone begging at to l?i per cunt, on nierchand se from tbe Isth mus. CoL Canty had made an attempt to seize Ponta renas in the name of Costa Kict. H. was op ed by tbe British Cou.-ai-l at (irevtown, acd the If iti-- naval ollicers who propose annexing it to he Mosquito pos essions, this if carried out will lead to lurthrr complication between England and the United States. Col. Canty bad left PuatA Arenas for Aspinwall. Nkw York, Sept 13. Tbe steamer Daniel Webster has arrived from Havana witb dales to the 8th aud $100,000 in pecie. I hi uutcn snip corncua uoon llooit, irons halar-- , brought 378 coolies to Havana, but lost 210 urine the voyage, Etagiirs were held firmly at 11 rials for Dutch standard Xo. 12 and other cumbers. On that basii attracts bad been made amounting to bS.OOO boxes f coming croa at per box of 16 ardss net. Mt.laifej very quiet at a rials for claves. r.xcbange rat ber active; lulls on London 14 ". fe l.iV; bills on Eastern cities very dull and scarcely any engagements t rrporteil. Tbe health of Havana ia much improved. Tbe steamer Civ de from Vera Cruz bad arrived ith dates to the 8:b. Dattos. Sentember 13. The wairon and plow efablibmct. formerly owned by Henry Kimea, occupied by Koblreser and l UilenUsrger, was aenroyea by lire on Sunday morning, loss j.uisj, paruy insured. Baltimore, Sept. 13. The anriveraiy of the battle cf North Point. which occttrn d yesterday, wss celebrated a uouuat. mi piioripai ieainre 01 me av was tts removal of the remains or ells and JlcC-nn- s, wbo lost their lives daring the battle at North to tbe spot selected in tbe city, where mooni'i...iit u to be ereciea. A large embracing the military and civic au'.r.orities, escort- - 1 tne remains. Salutes were bred, the stores were o id along tbe route, and s were displayed ap- - propiiaiety urapc'i wi'.n crape. Sashuskt, Ohio, September 13. The city is full of strangers, and tbe arraneero cts for the fair are complete. Tbe Cosmopolitan Art Association pictures are all en tbe groucd. on exhi bition gratis to the public. Tbe number cf entries ireatty made is z ,tJu, ana me lair will be tbe finest vcr held in Ohi 1. Tb. finest exhibition of horses er made in Ohio is expected. Ample arrange. meats nave ueen maue ior me gueri . Pini.Atr.i.PHiA, Spml:r 13. This afterncon ths representatives cf tbe principal railroads and of the pre's of this city eni ived a plea- sant ride on the Pennsylvania Central I tail road in the new c mch and seat cars invented by Mr. Wood-rut- r, of Illinois. These cars, which have lieen used on many of tbe W estern railroads for the Dat rear. ui uouni less soon 00 lairouuceo. on tne roads in his part of tb; country. Washington, September 13. Ju'li-- Ilowlin. Minister to Paragaay. arrived In hecitvthis mornir.p, and a short time thereafter he had an interview a lib General Cass at the State part .int. LEXtstiTos, Sept. 13. Jack Gam'-l- won the nice this afternoon. New Oblkans, Sept. 13. Tbe death fn m yellow fever on Saturday were 70; daring the week, 40. NFKvtirsNF.ss or Weakns-s- ok Axt Kisd. 1 v of our r.ader are troubled w ith Nervousness Weakness of anv kind, they rhould prnenre UvEKHAVfS HOLLAND UITTEKS NVe have tried it and can recotumerd it c nlidr.tly ti a nittncitie riving anuo 1 iniani.t eons renei. sll j&leHl:Wcwl Dalit Enlerprltt. 1I1EQULEX S SECOND DISPATCH. Lo.xi.o- -, August 17, 1858. lly.uOui linn: Piince Alliert is snflering wiih a severe sttack of tbe Kind's Evil; lbs I'rince of Wales is also cnnGucd to his bed with tbe Kojal Itch; our own i:rron ia alracted wiih numerous In dia Sores. Mr. Dallas me that Porter' Life Liniment is a certain cure for the alove discifes. You will please purchase me a fe. i;rtss, snd send by first stesmer, ami oblige your friend, VICTOKIA REtilXA 1. S. Hurry up the Liniment. D'lsraeli hat ken t';a hoj dw V. K. Cirl'r'.-f- . Wotd's II iir is said to be the only sure rute tur baldnee and grav 'air. It removes l srnrt, danuriiti, and ecrotuii-ii- rriiftions from tl csln Slid in a few days cray hair to its erigini ol.. sod beauty. I his frepaial-n- r.mtatns uo natter. Lot the hair hy inviu.. rating and ree. loriny t.ertert lieallh to the rail. Pin tiniwrlinr new ilf I to tlie roots and by tlirni can ine healthy fluid to now lu'o earn sei aiau- nair cuiiiniiue tmea. MARRIED, In I ranklin munty. on Ih th br the Rev. Ben iu :s. .ir. .t Awr.s 1. urasisss, 01 rvoo.llura county, J. i.uiiti 11, of Frauklin fn the 2d at tlie reid.lcnee of Mr. T. W. Ttwk Kev. I K. sir. ,'acob Hpai'LEV. of tula .ty. u .Nli. Tl art, of Shelby, At the ee. by the same. '.Vtll t' f ALLlt Tctau, aU of Keciurky. tin the evening of tl:s intint, al brirt ehur !v. James t ik. I). I . .Mr. b. W. tea in and Mi ? IE 1 . llABSINCTO.N. ail of Una city, IvaBfBaaeaaBranAfBBfl DIED. At lhe residence of her uncle. Mr. Kellorv. Msy Frs Ty ir, in tlie llith year of her age, dangiiierof Oapt. W - I yier, 01 pi. 1,0111s. On the 9th of g"iti.tnher, 1S5S. of roncentire chill, W liam II00T0N, in Uu 4'. h year of hi sire. ot" in Versailles. Kv al the rest lence his fattier, nn the itu mrtant, j. paica .Mi I.ratu, in tb Jjd year ul Ins age. lie wa a kind, nhf dient son, and much beanved by all who knew i nn, and died m piaie a im his U wl. He tier, f.'.HOui-i- yonili, you liuit die I A.laiu loinity, Illinois, on nndar, Vi"t ;d Lou, W., infant sou ol .Mary E. and A. f. I'ettree, a' The GRtEffMUEKti MEDnnNrs For many years these have borne the ptltn t hronghout our country. Tbey are confidently and and almost universally used erervwbere hy tbe "hib aod low, rich and poor." Who tbsa will h'sitate to ue tbem? A full surp'r i.v alwavs bent br RAYMOND & TYLKR, Xo. 74 Fourth St., opposite National Hotel, aft eoihxw COMMERCIAL. He WEEKLY REVIEW OF THE MARKET. Lodisvills. Bept 14. Itr.wAsas With the present mling rates for Southern irht and tha epidemic at New Orleans, there la Bo dis- position evinced to make ahinaienta of produce in that di- rection. The epidemic also keeps many Southerners at tbs North, and they do not enter the market at present Flour "U and wheat have declined. Corn aod oats continue to d former rate. Tha ameery market haa been very dull, and also provisions. Tobacco has declined a fraction. Tbe weather baa been very farorabl for the crowing erons. The river remains very low and none bat tbe amall. 7, boats can ran. Tbe money market continues as dull as ever and rates le remain a previously. Our quotations embrace only the wholesale prices aoleaa otherwise specified. Bauoiko Aim Balb Rors. The tranaartiuoa hare been very light, amounting te only about 150 picss bagging aad coils rope, and mostly on plantatioa nters. A good of article of bagging haa commanded 14 to 14 V for scaall lots bandloom. Hint's powerloora bas been sailing at le. Rope haa ranged from H to Je for hand and 77e tor machine. a The Sew Orleans Bulletin, of but Wednesday, saya: We notied in our las! review a fair retail demand for bactt- g at lS(i.nic, since which a lot of 730 pieces has beeu sold at I4MC In rot wa notice farther sales of coil machine on Saturday at 7Ve. At retail dealer for Machine rope aad 7(74c for C otto it. We bare nothing to report in this department. Cottow Yabns, Shsittisos. c Cotton yarns we quote S4X, 9(:-W- , and IwlOe in lota to lb trade and to country. Canaellton and Pittsburg abeatjngs se. Oannelltnn batting 12H cents. Cotnaoi, Ac Manilla eordaga we uota at UXc. Hemp twins we quote at luX(tl!.'ie. CBr.raf- - Sales f Wealeru Reserve ia lota from store at at eenta for prime. Caw nLts abb 8iar. Star eandlea bave remained firm and wertill qnote at lsywe,aerdlngto weight. Hard wed tallow eandles we quota at UVje, evoap ws con- tinue to quote at 1 StKajl 75 for eommoa and 1 SO to $1 fancy per box. Coal. The retaU price is 14e for Pitteborg and Me for Pomeroy and Beach Bottom. Floi a Axtr Gbai The flotir market has bad a very tS dull appearance throughout the week, and the sale, that have taken place were only In small lota. Prices ar fully lower than at tbe date nf our last review, though In the absence of any heavy transaction! w can only gtre the quotation for lots by ths wbich have ranged from 4 75 to t'- - The millers are shipping East. Wheat also lower, and ws qnote red and white B to 8 aad SO to Me, according to quality. Receipts fair. Ia torn quite a large business haa been dene, at former price. Dealers have been paying for round lota 4V and selling at c at ear and shelled. Oats are still searoe, and old com- mands to readily MgWe and from store they sell at jaWe, Barley we quote at Uc and rye at Vie. Ia bran, shorts, and shipstutTs a mere retail business has been doing from tbe mills. Fsatukss, Pmsroiu, Bsbbwax, ak Raob. All these articles continue to come in slowly, and are ararr. t'eath. th we quote at toe. Oluaeng w quote at Hie. Beeswax !4c, and rags Ic cash. I, Fiaa There Is only a retail trade in fish, and quotations take a wide range. FeciTB. Raisine we quote il 5 for M. R. and $.,(S.l 2S for layer, Flfs HXe. Dates 9e. Sicily lemons t all. Xo oranges In market, No drlod fruit coming in. Glass. --Cunningham's llttsburgel-.- branda unchanged. Theageucy here b selling viz: 8x10 3 50, V xll S 75, 10x14 ft, luxl $4 40, 10x17 and 12x14 4 74, 10xis and 12x .", IJXJ8 ti 35, ltiiSO and UxJU N and 12x22 t 23. Country brands aell 25e lower. dot rsirs A very light buaineas bas been doue, the sales of etigsr amounting to only 100 hhda. The extreme rane of quotations baa been to PHc, but the bulk of tbe tales baa b en at s'.taPc. Ia refined and crosbed nf auiall sales at lo 1. la molaMrs a few aalea, the lar- gest lot beii.g SO bbla, at 3 to 40c About 350 bags Rio eof. have been taken at 11 w to 11 V- - A few tiercaa rice I at 4c. llrwr Ws bare heard of no purchases from the conn- - try. At tt. Louis p:lces ire lower, the last as lea w bars seen quoted there being at fKiJW per too, according to ility. We continue to quote from tbe country CUM per too. Hat Continues ararce, and prices if anything are high- - From boats and the levee prime would probably com. nd il- -' to 12 40 per ton. It is selling in small lot from re at $14 per ton. lime 1 Valers ar paying Se for green and sell at th sain, adding J3c V hide for eotuoiiafion. Dry salted w Uat lie. aud flint at 13ia14c. bom gioueeoal and charcoal w quota at (g 4e, In lot the trade. )rax 30e V D. Oakum 7)c Pig iron quote at 2! ;7 for hot and for cold bbvd V too. ban. and LiNir.rs. isuiall talea continue te be made 3(.10 and i(, toe, and colored jeans at 45c. Lrainrs We quote in rough :ii33Jc,oakaole and hem lock at25:aV:7c. Harness w quota at SStaVrae, tklrtlug 18 .", black bridle $s(atle, and fair bridle too? 43c Leap ax a Shot. Bar lead w now quote at site by ton aod S'ie In smaller quantities from tbe LonieviUe Lead Works. Iig 6ii'. a.c The city manufactory b selling pure wmte lead at fa to S3 1x4, snpanor at ia 10 vx, and Clinton at tl 0(1 74, acoording to quantity. Shot so. S'aiLa Ws quote lod's from th wharf from first hand $3 for round lota; from store we quote B3 3. Horseshoe nails, imported, 33c, and d tc. Oils. Unseed oil w quote at H3Jc, at which tb null selling. oil la dull at KigNte raovisioNB abd Lab i. In the early part of th week tliere were sale or 4M bills mess pork st W. Sine then some !U bbla bave been aold to fill ordera at the ana, Tb market closes very dull, and the above quotation nmet be considered DominaL In bacon, tba principal transaction ve been 71) tierce bams oa private torma, 4,001 piece eauvasaed at New Albany at $9 83 packed, 600 pieces coun try porkhotua at and oa order about W caaka clear fl lea at i.s'e, 24 cia eboulders at 4(o.e, and few casks hams at lOIOXc. In lard, aalea oa orders of keg st li ve, and yesterday 60 bbls and tieicee at lli aad IS Here.-- - at WXe. oiat-if- i am Oxioa Shippers are purchasing crop pitatm at ojc per bushel and $1 7a per DDL unions quote at a I 73 per bbL Salt. The Kauawba agency bat advanced the prices to :7c by wholesale and 3Uc by retail. Suoa. Flaxseed baa advanced to it 40. wbich tb nilU paying. Small sale from store of doVer at ". of timo thy at il to, and clean blue and orchard grass at 1 TAB-- We qnote at 3c for So. 1 tn lot. Tobacco. The business continue restricted by the very light on sals. The weather baa continued favorabl for the i laut, and prices bave given way another fraction. We quote merchantable lugs t medium lewf goo.ltofine leaf tiill, aad choice ll(il4. The aalea of e week have been 230 bhda, via: 3 hhds scrap at tl and t3 5(', S at $4 lU(at 75, H at t3 ofA m, 41 at a, ,3 at :.7 Hi, 4S at s(is 96. 1 at i($J K, and 4 at 10, $10 13, tU 23, and 13 83. Sales exclusive of tb above, of 33 bade i at (4 23 and 4 73, 14 at 99, gat - lt)(s 9ft, at t7 (0 (7 95, 3 at S l'o(S , 3 at 1(1(10 84, and 1 at tU 33. Tta Platb -- L'ucbanged. We quote IC, 10x14, til SO; IX. 10x14, t!3 23; IC, 14i, leaded, til 30; IX, i4x30, fel3 block tin, 35oAS.se lb; chareoa ron Sc; boiler do 3e; braxing copper 3oi40e. Galvanized Iron, all number from 3i np, !4(il. Ruaeian Iron, from 26 np, lt.a4ai. Tallow W continue to quote city rendered at (.vtia). Dealers are paying butchers for rough, te. Wuissr. l aw bs declined, and close at JOS'c. AVool. A good demand. We quote grease lsoi JOc. pull ed 24(e)ic, and 37otUc, according to quality. FaxiuuTS Continu very firm. We quota to New Or. leans pound freights ior for tbrough and St for way par hundred, tobacco V bhd, pork per bbl tl lo for through and tl 23 for way, wblaky tl " for through and 1 30 for way, corn 5Uc per sack, and mule $S per head. Tu Mem. phis isuud freights 40c Tna Mokxv Mabket. The anl change worthy of not in the money market Is a decline in Eastern exchange. The banks are checking at X premium. New Orleans at nominal. The banks and brokers eontinue to complain of dull time. Tbey take all the good paper tbat offering at for mer rates. Since onr last, the Bank of America at Ctarkaville has ben compelled to suspend a,cie paymeota, but it is be- lieved tbat Its aotebolders will DO loss. Ia nneur- - nt money tbe only change ve ootie la aa Improvement tbe paper of the sound free banks of Trnaeasse, which t taken at the same rate aa the notes of tb old banks, dl Illinois money remains at fi to 1 per cent, discount. The brokers taks Indiana aud Ohio State bank paper from their customers at par, and charge outside parties X dis count; Indiana free banks range from if, to discount. Missouri par. The New YO'k Journal of Commerce of Friday evening ays: The market is slill slightly in favor of the lender, h with little pressure 01 acceptahie securities. Many of tne hanks are endeavoring to reduce tlietr katoe. but some are so loaueu wiiu long pier mat tn process is a very slow one. Ther- - but. little activity in fnreimi evchanre. Bankers are looking for prime commercial bills for remittance, and well known bring very nearly the same ratea as tbe bills of leading drawers. The return ol some protested commercial bills within th last few dava waa unexpected but has aot seemed to create much excitemeut. The stock market opened with a little Irregularity, bni with more in some particulars. tunex our usual competitive table of the imports of foreiga dry foods at New York for the week. As cmlsr-e- d with the totals for the corresponding periods of tbe pre- ceding two vears, there is no important change. Th total of thrown ujsin the market, a men includes the en- tries tor and the withdrawal fmru warebnusa. is tn excess of the total entered at Ibe port, anil a Itke has heen the cms every week twnli onlv two ra eemion-- i. sine January 1st. The of furevu dry goods iu boud'd warehouse must therefor he reduced to a lew el l. by una time. ns porta nf yvreian Dry OW at .Vets 1'ort. iwlliewei-k- . tNVt. IHS7. 15S. er--d at the port .513 tiiii).l Thrown on market I,s;3.a6 1,11. Hi 3,141,47 MnreJan tst. IH.V7. 1115a. Filtered at the 73 WW ."! t7s.3i.on tO,:K i3 Throw u on market 7J.37ii.Aci 73,iiai,o73 The N. . Picayune uf Thursday says of the money maiket.' matttit has net show u any change. Th only activity p'tci'itible was iu cotton, the demand for which continue bnrk. This, however, fiirntsuee more ex eli.ne then U wanted at the deeiinina rater. Money matters rniun witnout laateiiai cnange, out there are indications ol more demand. In view ol llie Boa online of the btirlueee aeanu. Pate-- bavins: fnnr an. five snontha lo run can no loneer be passed at lhe low rat-- current wiu weeks ago. indeed, titer a not niuca doina under a ir ceut, whieb emhrarea early spring paper, and in me matunttea a Utile later. evclianre market is heavy, and the tendency to further depression is apparent, t f sterling there is .011 lie ra Ively little nmnnj. ann ma r ires tor tair 10 prime ills are maintained at lie-- l''. ne do not hear ne aeien nf hills of lading drafts. Francs have beeu si in t af s.eJif.-"'V.- . sixty day bilia nn New York mle im 'ttitt'i per cent, discount, eight, h a per cent, die-- uut, but forced sales have Been made rniuw. Shelby llnvat Cattle XarketW. W. Summer. LoviaviLLB, September 14. Tba price of rattl bave ranged from tl to t3 V ewt groea. with a good many in th pen. Eheep have ranged from tl 26 to tl V bead, and coming in rather freely. Th price of hogs have ranged from 4 30 to 4 Tf tn gross. The receipts of stock for the week past were roi'o 315 cattle, aheep 3H7, and 113 bogs. Aci pti: Cattlb BR Pool, Itreekinndge, m: v co. jenrtwun. J Ulley, pis Vanght aV Peadertan, He, Wm Rodman. WasliinfVm, Ind, 21; J Rodman, 3 ; II Moore, clt C Hlvena, Bartholomew. I nd. 40; T Wood, C tliums. Waahluglon, 30; T Ewing, Marion, 33. Sheet Wm II Heady, ; L Kuslar, Harrtena Ind1 1M; J V Willutt, Meade, 4rt; T Welbng, Melson 3tk C Simms. Waabiugton, S; T Rj ans JerJereon, 14; J Stringer, city. 112; T t'wing, 97. Hoes- - J Shelton, Madtou, 110; A Keeta, Jacksen, Ind, J Melifky, 4; T Cash. Ilardiu, 143. Bourboa Uout Cattl Market ll. F. Vuurman. The market is unchanged, and the ttock of good cattle limit.-.!- , but with a fair suiply of eommoa. Choke and eitta 3(i,';- -. fair to good ti&-- , and common and rough lV'tSSe grosa weight. Ilojs atU at 4'4? fcr but commea ar dull at tVc - em weicht. Sheep are In fair demand at $1 !583 30 V bead. Lao-b- tl 25(43 9 bead, according to quality. Tbe rwctdpta of stock for tk week tast were aa folic 163 cattle, W sheep, and 71 hegs. Recti lite: C'ATri.y H'lham, O Andereon, IS; fheiby, W miih. WF Thnmi-son- , r; Ballow & i n, 1:1; B W Allen, IS; Henry, J Merrhant A Co, L.. VVaslilngtoo, llruner Co: RL Thomi-in- , 35; Nelson. L Dragoo, 30; Jeffer. son, R Wabrs, P; Msryipan, 3. fturrr Oldham. Ilarrickman A ... Xr, Washington, ner A Co, c; J. rl.T'on, R Wavrs, 43. II. his Oldham, Mitchell, Sclav n, S Constantine, L Saw Osleasb, 5rt. M. p. M. f ott-- market t. e irr. bt qnotation. nr.!1raedlwLw t. day e' 3.ts. rsvlea. Klo ir ta b.yanl at a . eUe rorae. very dud. Whfcy . tisciasjan. Heps. 13. P. M. Flour very dnltsate of oo bbis in I at a 71... 4 o r ehoiea and extra brand., rl Bonotal; fair. WM-k- r alesdy sale, of tarn Mil. at in'.e. pr dull with aalea of PJ bbl-- . roe-- p pork at jiti, IJ11 hhds hulk meal at SSiATV, tne lulling park and l'st haeoa si Sii er ahoulders and rfdisi. Wheal -, k,,i t iWCT Cora steady. Oala dull at Io. Moari market anetianged. Nt Yobs. Kepi. 13, p. h. Cotton market easier wl s of 2..Hsj InsIh; ths tamer's news caused a slight decline. Hour heavy aais of la.il bbla. Wheat haa declined-rwle- laisaj bush at 20 fur BiinM red and white, aad l Jo.l ai far eommoa tu fair. Corn-sa- le, of 7S.iJ0 bush at twitje for mixed sod : for while. Whkkyfirm. ilacoa quiet at Sl.S.c. Linseed quiet at 7ie. Lard oil aalea of 4 IM gallon., at fKai aSe Tallow la firm at iVa Ivhe. Sngar duU at 7V ,e for Mnscovado. Stocks lower at ths recond board 1 UinoU Central R. R, Milwaukee utbera M',, New York Central 7j. Reading ', Cak-n- and Chicacn . Mkhigaa Central sTM. Eria 1, d and To- - lo 34 a. lacrosse land (rants .'4. m UALTIXoai, .September 13, M Floor Inaetiv at ii Jo. Wheat dull and lower: amies of red al a I r.1 au and while at 2.l 37. srw dull at 7w'sufor white and 90eale for yellow. Whisky-Al- e) Ohio at 'air:. PnrMiM dull and heavy. New Yoaa. Septemlter II, M. Flour heavy; l,"on sold at l voii ji for state. Wheat quiet; (.0011 sold; quotations are nominal al deoltn of l&2c t orn beavy; jii.iwi buehela auld; mixed (Tlc: prime yellow 4e. Mess pork heavy at ,17 Ji'a) 17 ; prim lioil M. Slocks dull and lower. Chicago and Rock Islaad 7I S; Illinois Central Roods 9nti; Micbigaa Smtaera 24 New York Central ; PeaaayWania Coal Company 74M; Reading 49; Missouri a MS: Oaleoa and Cbl-a- Kl; Mlehigaa Central is; Erie Cleyeland and Toledo 34S; Clerelaad, Colomboa, and Cincinnati SI; Lac rosea Land Grants U; Tennrawa Cs S. Nw OBLEAa. Kept. I, P. M. Cotton mle of 3,1)09 bales at atitTer r rices hut tbs quotations are unchanged. Fan r advanced 23c, uperfio fi 2V Exchange on Loudon lue, and oa New York at sight discount. Xaw HBLlASa, Sept. , P. M. Cotton aalea of 3.3O0 balea at atlnVr pricra but qnoratkona; there ars store but era tha a sellers. Furar la steady at forw quirt at 73c. Coder b firm al aa ad vance of .V, with sales at 11 e. Saw Oblxabb, dept. lo, p. M. Cotton advanced Jc. witb sales of !,() bales al 1SJ) tor Orleans middling, aalea of tha week of S.Tfal balea, receipts last week 14.sJ balea against 3.330 out year, stock at this port 4f.0uv balea agaiDat It.trai bales last year. Floarqtiiet at i for snperfln. White eora use and yallow sue. Coffee firm aalea of tha week g.nno baga, at IbL port 3n.so baga against hgs lost year. Exebange on London lox. Nbw Oxlbaiss Cirrii Misarr. spl a. Beef fattl-Tr- ie market for Western beya waa lively S'aiHe r1 It- net, and but teat left on aal. Teraa ralile met a fair demand at !;ta J y head, scoardlng uuaiity. logs We qnote at e ) 9i wef. heep The last sale was al . ?3 head. Milch ttood supidy at ia head. Veal Caltle We quote at ftntaviv V bead. Tb following from tha New York Shipping List rhow export of breadatnna from tin Carted State to Gnat Britain and Ireland, from September 1, 1M7, to Septeaihar US Flonr, Meal, Wheal. font, bbla. bn-- hash Hneh. 1SS7-- l,.HKi.isJ i7 g.iiosa. 1..173.44 1SM-- tsB.lTV ei 7JS,t 4.7:4,13a To On Continent. Flour, AVbeat, Cm, Rye. hbls. bush. hnh. ...Wtl-lis- l ...NI.I11U JitiJoJ Tb New Ymk Time of Friday sayK W bave a nnlet and rather dull money atwrket. Stork brokers ar having money left with tbem. returnable oa demand, a; iw4 $1 cent. The employment of capital tn thia way, owiug to th tameneee of tbe stock ia even less than it waa earlier iu th season, sine- - th amonot dividend storks and bonda held amo-- g tb broker la taring gradually decreased bvonfmd purchaser. In hort mercauti c bilia there ia a fair buiwueea done throogb bank. ratea ranging from I to IV reut. for names. and S to 7 cent, oa fair signature. Theduoounl brokers quote lung dale prim bilia at &Hva7 V cent. slaw Yoaa Cattlb Maaaaw.Sept. L Theeiirrent nrieeefor th weak at all th markats are a follows: stir cATrLt. First oaaUty fi mm K Ordinary f 7 in 7 74 aiBOB ...... 7A Sa Inferior ( Ouia) 30 ixi w a a n caxvaa. ... ll(2f tr VEAL CALVia. Extra quality, v tb Ordinary let tH Common 4 fat 4' Inferior I ui C 1 err abb lambs. Prime quality, V head 4 3uoa 4 7X ordinary 4 tu a) 4 33 Commoa a 11. 3V Inferio- r- 1 30a) 3 73 awisa, rtest eorn-fe- 4V) lirdmary -. a) 4 Iniermr (at The avrrBe quality of the off rings oa sal ta high prices a they did last sreek. Laat week the best ualitv sold at about SHc and aouas few brought that 10. hut by far In greater portion, evea of tlie very beet. brouelit only about sc lb. Tlie market wsa more inae- - ve than we nave een it yet. ami butrners are stw anout ming forward. vb at tbe low vrevaUmg otoees. fhe inactivity waa mutual at all the yards, and prices vary but little. At Bergen lill oa Monday, ate. ul 3vu head so id, but at low pnees. cows ana caive are ratner uun, ana seti at tne above tattoos. eels ax onlv moderately active, with aalea chiefly at low prices th be--t hnng only Sc. Sheep and lamb are still very plenty, and araverr cheap: lite a number have been sent back to Albany, during th aJv, week, tli market ber being been at 74. in are plenty and rather dull, with sale at tha above sattoca. The total rwrelot nf stock at all tb Tarda for tba week weraaa loiiuwa: A e Sheep Sioia Case Lailvaa. Lemka. lela Tola! ! S4 4 1A3 last week. 4,i3 3.7 7 Hl CmciKKATT Cattlb Maaarr. Sept. The demand for boas baa been fain and the market rules steady at ;.e.4 40 lor Ul and . aot'a .a lor sloes tie lor th latter kiuu coutiuuee acuvw. eturny from Kentuckv. Href cattle remain without ehanr. Th demand Is asod- - srate, but bardly equal lo supply. PERS0N3 ADVANCED IN LIFE, Aod feeling ibe hand of Tim weighing heavtW apoa them, with all Its attendant ilia, will fibd lath use of lloofltnd German B Iters an Uixir thst w II instill life into their vein, restore lu a measure the energy and ardor of more yoatbful days bwild np their shrunken forma, aad give health and energy to their remaiuiug year. Ak for Boofamt Germmn Bitter, prepared by Tr C. M. Jackson, SIS Arch treat, Philadelphia. They are sold by druggists and In every town and villaga ia tb raited 8 tat, Canada, TV est Indies, Bad gouth America at 73 cauls per bottle. 81'TCLIFF 4k lll tJHES Ageuta, Wholesale and Retail, srp7 LontsvllMi, Ky FaxuATCtB Loss or thi LIaib, which Is so comoioa a ye, may be entirely prevented by tb u of iTatr- netCm Coemaint. It has beea ared la tboaasnds of casee where the bair waa coming out in haadsfuL and baa aever failed to arrest tta decay aad to prow-i- t a healthy and vk- - ron growth. It bat the am time unrivalled aa a drwaa-- ing for tbe hair. A single application will render at soft and glnaay for several day. See alvertisrm eot. ALL THOSE WHO ARS AFFLICTED WITH ANT Chronic diecaae considered Incurable, will receive a let- teb giving inform tioa wbich will Insure a speedy and cur by sending their name a and on stamp (to prepay postage) to Dr. F. B. Fikite. the celebrated Chron. hysiciaa aod author of Mcdlrl Commoa Sense,' Saratoga ?pringa, N. Y. Physicians' Testimony HrGIIKS TONIC will rrtf C'lifHn.l Fwr. THaT miutaiioa in th tTraaUinynt In tlirr its-- male. m ehildreo mad iU lmi to rerinBt ronfitutniw lairrl bjr attitru of ue n4 othr iirtnii uMirinttwir kmd Um fuilowiuie frvm two of our KtrDtitrky pbyirliMK hi rr i our Dot- - ol inuirr rwnfii mt tpw aayn nc. n rTly. ttftte tliat roar ff Tontc bt pro"-- ! neit worinr or pxiroBn, iiiuy pimi mi i niMtHr-- artMind m mmem wwu-- v n to tlvr 1 uir. both on rrouut ofitotuUMil of iUefflcaoy. rieuewi mt its rwipe. Xouri truly. Tr. W. W. Jnhn-it- Mwati m to my lW he karttljr eofTitbr( ih- - ooTf rrvparetl by Sutclirffe I llmriiwi, Lontovtii, R., aad fur!1 nr an sueruiianrs. Grand IFcilx AT TUB MASONIC TEMPLE. IK MASONIC FRATERNITY OF LOrlSVILLI will give their Perond llrwnd Annual Fair at their pie. nommrBcing an th Twratj-aevral- k day af Wewaewaber. The t roeevils of the Fair are to he applied to the pro me lton of vsaoona chsritahie enterprieee In which the Frater-b- r i enrag"d. The punlic is respeettuily invited to attetid and ita nwiroaaaw ewrnesrly solicited. ITie hUboea market irlce will be pale for an mm ilurtng th eon'lnuanceol the r air by tlie t. mm tt.e al trie I'ail Cnntrthutiens of articles suitable lo. Mis or exninrtna IU be thankfully rec ve. aepia daawtf CARUIAOES 1 NOW IS THE TIMT3 TO BUY CHEAP. t E are new " th public a ol If , such ae Coach-- , liitttt. top. and open ere. at ptice.i with te ll.mt liL'Ktt. II ltj.Hr A Will f.l F.K, " ' a, .VtaiaM., oppoait visit Mo aprl dienaaA: II.VKR fI'tiNS-O- ur ae..riiueni of a.fver Table Tea. and Dessert and I ...ra X is .... ver laea-- and is warraut--- of the bo.1 silver and workmanship, and ieotf-r- at tlie lowest prices. Tbo s widtii-- to pureha.-- will and to tlieir Bdvanta... to ca I and etaiuine onr etetr Sep 11 d&wdib rtuient of Oold Studs aud Veal BDd s!cv lturtooa oa baud aud lor sal by FLETCI1ER 4 BENNETT. Kepll d&wAb 4b3 Main it. LB-- t PRICE'S GLYCERINE a hand and for 100 by tepttl daw J. S. MUKRIS SON. Maint. J. S. MORRIS ftONS, i Mala J. o. tm 8NS. 4l Maiass. ril OALI ON LIVE '01 L la quaiter a on hand )Ul anl f.'l sale by eeplltdA-- RKI SOV. 4K1 Man .1 rflll " CAMI'tioK oa ho4 and f sale bv O mm Hi'UAi trenned) n kaud aud Sr sal ,crrvr by aeptoactw 4. .aontiis m si s jsaiw v. ' Ann LBS FLOCK SCLPIUB aaad and for U,tttttl sale by pl0dw j. xi "itiits as st'.a-- , ei warn ss. - nnil LB3 CALABRIA LICOFJCK ea kaad aad ,f,JJl tor sale by sepltlddtw J. P. MULbis ot sun?, r i naiB OIL 30 bbls f"T sale br LINSEED L1NULNBEROER A C WHiTiro- - teyl'dd-- LEMON dAw STRI KINO l"sj grs Masoa larg ana aneui " BLkl fur sal by arpUdd-- LINUENBtRGEB CO. Sou truss olar Lamp ''VJ'LT'TJ LAM Ll.MiKNBKKI.FB A tit S.M.TPr.TI AR1 t dosen sitnr.l in can tor an br ML'pT UiMJk.Ni.tUvitli V A LI ABLE i:C.ILSTiTC AT XTa.tll0 SalO. I Tv ILL. f rRIDAT. :nh. t"6. at ! k P. M . oeTer fur eai m tlie vrenuisw at vuhl-- . for JL y nalaneM m three animal tav- - fr SI id - tnkian.l I: II ha divided la .tiuii! L.I. uaiit mil, hia--r M and wiitabl for BwlldouliMi r...in(rv aod aaeilew- - ma purposs. TWr sie two eiitratiee to the laoo, -- ne from he s,rentb aire! plank road, tha otber rom f .f-- teenlh streat. And en Moaslay. the ath nf at JVf o'ehe-- P. w.. ob the pmniL .a. tha liaieU una runlrv t rereai-- liiilt .nd ore .i,i,d hv A. .Smiih. havlna j.v . arr... tnatl ..w the shelbiorl'le bronru ttirr,ia- - fn I. i mile. fvm tlwe..nn-ko-e- . Thi- - k on of the hae.in.e- - and a-- iniprowd i lar la ...f.r,. count. . Tie Woim at a '. Are a Cobv aienr.. r., grounds ate h.mlrowv-- laid out h I rer waika. awl eowtaia aw ol aiirwOuwrv f eemt me. two. tl.ree and M.or . with ravalH.anDiiallv.,BdH(. ...1 .(wtwo hr--t note- -, a in leiaiued ,u ibe propr-a- to secure the a hole pwrenaaw aooi s, . f itsiarnaof land adji.iiinig thw alaise, in luu lo sun am. rhsseni. P AW. ow Wed ne lay. h. at 3 ..'eLw-- p I w . on thw prettilere. oa a ere.llt ol one. two, threw, aod four eo,nal annual p w.'h paval.ie aunn sl y aod soimI ersiinal sreur tv ow the av aient, anal a lies u arure tne whole wowv, a lot jf ground known aa kow aod Wharf, having a from of ieo ow r ni.n Hreet, rinnina : Ket ta :Ka .n. noiia r.j 1.1 n to mt. .vo, at tlie ne tini, ow tha premises, on tbe following Ka.aare m owe. tw. aod with Inters and IWa maiued asabos. a i.f Uround oa tUasoiKk u.la of Fuluiw stret, oei-- Ja. W and lianeock, mouioa hw k l.ei fw b. aa alley. al the sue tune, and Ihw am as abeww. "J prennaea. iu bv i,3 teat of l.ruuad a thw waat awlw of wreet, wlrh two Framo liwailinas Uiereoa. V aompieta pial of iim abova ran he n at my ofhoa, and the property ahown lo any sn aeewtng t it h day f lo. als diejs.mwg J(THr .n"et TROTTINQ MlSra-- . O ties II AIlIT10 to tb llheiBI praimnnM he th AeMialiow in toapabixhrd Uet. a TK'lTIMi KIMi, frewf- -r bora, mara. or artdiog. ai l eoiw oil ow the secoad ilav uf tha fair. I neta nee. ow mil a aweep. stake foe two urntftme. th Bore ta r.e iwm a pitrber wortb . and secoad be4 a avlver pitrney worth fT I ne ring win as sy th ruor tbe Louamil lsociatv.n fin. Tlwlair will bs in tharlnitr of Halvlsw. Mearwr Kr., , Sew, ud. andoww- - u luree aay. sei t I3d.4wi ooNmlle Journal eopv fa Isaflv and VAkly aa-- l swd A-- l lirwy. setwry i. F. at Mvlew. Hi Hmr. rwdsowrs' Trawarripf. KENTUCKY STATE FAIR wasa Hwalwrky mint A arirwltwraj fSajrirty. I orvviLiaept. moar la. lean, HE third annual Fair of Ut Kant ieky Slat AirrirtiU tnral Morkty will emmene al 41m rrnunda of tlw. Agrle.iitnral and M"lianical Awa'b'B, near that city, Tuesday, th iio iuet., aa t eowtiaiwi shU.liN,B will ba Biade In the follow! os order, viai . I rhee. and llorr id .Ur. ll..r. od Vlllle.1.1 sir 1, mem Hoeea d Poultry- - ita a.. eadd.a llotwes: ath day. Draft Honasa. awaewatakaw awai B Am Th books of ntrr are aow otam, aad the Seeretarr ir aa lounn at Bia oiue lover maucbard ae othiua re, diagonally oppoait th lialr Huwei. on M mdava and Swturdars. front II o'clock in the to 4 iw he afterwB. till th eowitnenceineBt of tbe l air. Appllea-tlon-a eaa he wiade Hy letter woinerwaw. leie raa I ha obtained be the Seeretarv ar ai --n - ,J tb Aaricuitural Wareaonara, tsewd dtop, ar Livery ia Lou bod la. An rree stork mww b entered at the taasat he half.aa riaht o'doek of the day nuon which n ia a be shown. Aa-- iltnral machioary. aud other article intewded for nniM h entered before th eommeneement of tli ir. and. tf sent from ahrowd. should be .ineimed 'o av Vf. M I LTi )N. Comme-o-.- B Mtehant. Mam street. Isuk. viile. W. D. ijALLAOilr-R- . Bectaia y. Tlie l of Trotting Slocb provided for hv th IH. rectory of Ut Southwestern Agricultural and VlechaiiH-a- it". n will take olaee oa Jtonda. 17' u in dav Before th ooiumeticeiuent f th Mate Fits. Fn-- Irie ars bow ta order, and raa b mad at the omc aad tasied in tb pracediug fleer Uac meat. II d;Al .TIAJITIOTII CLOTllll. DLPUT Northeast eoraer Fourth and 34 arke street. 1 W wenld reTes r In Ite aMeortnej to owr tarr f 4 and eteaaatsl-- k of FALL and WIN I KK I LOI J A 1M prepared aad manutartiired w'ta doe reewrl - ,.1 X o tb wauis an l tastes of ur aiiiueruus aad lbs aubiic aenerally. A: owr MfcKCllANT TAI LORINfl KiX'U v eonerantlr be aonn-- a trw aad ban leome supply of tha. CaseluHarwa. and Vtina tw great vartetr. i irdora tud suiu eui4etl wnUia Iwealy-lou- r Avars il de-- aired. having endeavored to etabl-- a bnafaeaa. tbwwail proiit of whtcb be.ng lucre..! be a iare- -r amount of sale, we Via. I cob bone to acll at low aad n:ii,.riw prwe. eps dh wins J. U i . POTATO DI0CER3. T. ar tannfaeturln Urc mm Vr of P"ato aod arr ftor rviiarl to ftll atl ordom tor thm mMu'ir. Prcs A1UL A Libeml IWowl u rlsiaam. Adi Awlm PiTKl.H BktuTULi. HANCOCK k EASUJI, ENERAL COLLECTING AGENCY. of ttS Pat due eollertlon mad thrors-- t prompt aad rsil-i- e In anv part f the l' oiled . SB- - Tvie beet reference fivea apoa appiiewnoa. In BU4z; s ia R. GRAVES1 FAMILY MtDICINES, piMBRACINO bU celebrated Ame PIP, -r tb rnr of cnin inverniu eut ana duiuo rever, bion case tbey never fail Arasa ORAVF.-s-- AKTI-BI- I lot a. AUTI - PIKIFYINO. ANUCArilAKTIC l'i LL? that bar be for the cure of ivspepi and all disease arising fro a tortnd liver and a bw ae 1 wer a wiild cathartic ar purgative masikliie at ffequired. Nv aaeaeairy toe as. llw fiRAVes-- AMERICAN L'tlUMTfrr the emld-- a ffectnal sure of I ram a foLc and I bolera Morboa. larrb-w- . Ueadaeiie, Toothache, and ia las ail twine ot ! every kind: also I Wolic and Hot in horse aee iddeloy re- - irved with thi Liniment, aad ' er all pra.a-- , tu'a, aad Bruise. ORAVETS OOLKEN VI KollFl'tiE r werms, aqnal the beat, being a sur cxpeiirrol wwrwa trout the bums a ystem. Slew OR ITRs'B PAIN EXTKAUTOR will are mus-d- 'a rii-- f from tsaln ia ease of tum or !cai..and tor Tetter. 11 at a sure cure ior ana oia aorea. ORAVE'S COLERA INFANTUM AND BOWEL M PLAINT PILL). The anove Medicines have been avtenetvelv made use of ihrooglioot lb North and and are wow In the hands of laeutv.Hve heudrwd stnrtnwed areio. and ewa wh ieeald and retwil al I u 4. itarbiru's. J. K . IL . R.ilnneoB . and .11 tlie erneti al dm a ihisein-- at Oeleniae's. hortl-e- and all h.- prine.psl orsMi.ln New A.oauy aa-- t lBdiana.aiHl hrou:houl the sHslv rrv lo beoww vijteed ha thev will perioral aa reremjueudtsi. aug i-- dJro.vweows A Substitute for Potash, lONCEMUATED LIE. ,"OR MARTMi SOAP tS ITIIOl T LIME. AND AT A very irt.i.na of money, tita-s-. wr trontile. Fvery family raa make ail be eap titer fi oia ordinary itche areaee and the Concentrated loa N"thingelsew 1. ive it trial. n pound hoi will waa aitse nud ol aee'ient pure nani ana several gaoonavi ett siau or ene barrel ol the lat er. Printer and all a ho a strong Lvwlll gnl th inceutr.,icd Lr tr ta-- the en aoeet sa-- l rtWtive art:cle they can use. Try It. MaBiitactured br 'be Pennsylvania swit wanuJaevnnng nnyaiiy . pittatmrg. Iw.. whoa!-- . and ota-- th trade lb following article guarautied of In very I. t mia.ltv. CaVl nTIC SODA, fcr soap- - Pa wpER; markers: M.t. vi Mi v, Llinia; un a M.VNtjA N f E. RKHNtO (IA PAL !HI.; Ml. i. Iy IC Ai IU ri. NlTalv. Atlin : Warranted pur rSnd TVBl.r. I'1T, ad tiALT, the aly pertertiy par bad made in the I tuted Wwies. For stl by all Dr utgwaa aud lirucrrs ta toe eona-ry- . 1J REV. GEO. UECKET l'S INSTITUTE FOR TOUNO LADIES, JEFFKK.-iO.-t COl NTT. XT. ..Prinrtt-wl- . . Mnsie. . prfe-w-- r .f Laatfua comfort and privilece which Bttast aeesaartlr beei-la- - w.1 from la a sen. his. rneinwrnai reguiaiMnaraiaio-.ine- d th rrlnctvlw of deleaale peren-- uthortv. and our long ipenencw assnrea aa that tin ynncivl-- s clearly anderslood and faithfully aupiied. arcwras ail ta mt el gou-- oraer alia ee-- n iu wsiua iw ese. dlltleW. Th Bert ss salsa wt;i oe nw ny September. For iurtiie-- r parucilars,aidrsw July- - dAwls-J- KUNTUCg- -' MIXiTTART INSTITUTE - IIRFCTEDbr a Board 4 jKxjjei mj ',K at BBd.r tb Mi'K'iAN. arwlltale of Vet pdut. and mm prwrtlrwl K imt neer, aide Merkaw-cs- . Pvwrticwl Fnaineerlni and Mining also, in Euglie.a l.iterw- - tnr. Htsorcl Rewdltnr , a keeping aaa anwn s rma. aad tn gonera I aanea . Thatweo-y-thir- widI anu eeaesoa eeeiiaow ne Monday in tthi Chargea gli'J fr pa rabie tn advane. . 111 ih. at Frwaklla own'y. Ay V' ar th !,,Un,''pHli)rT) ry. July di- e- wlm 01 Uw Boarq. KenUfkj School of .Tlfdicin, L0CISV1LLE, RT. t eetnre ta i tnstttwtloa wm oewiwiiii a ew w THS! Monday la November, aud eontiun ionrtaK.ati-w- , mrtiig lct,oher nrelimtnary lectuxea wui w a uil and College. f ven TT. Peat. W Pndley, M. 1'.. Kwerltwa f Ihnsty, Henry VI. Bullitt. M. D., Prwlww- - ol aaad Pra s JoIib ilardia, k D., ProfMvr of Obstetric aai Cttulewl Medicine. i . . r " - e - C. w. vvnent, w. i., S H. MarsiialL 3d. V., iTofvawr f alaaerta llediea aod Ootdml'h, M. IV. Profst-ao- r f th Prtocrpia f anraerv and 4 lltik-a-l Jnrii-v- . o'v' . . M.D..'lrbftaatof pbyatok and PatB- - elocieal Anatomy. Iwvt. nmmlna, w. ir., 1 For a addres S. B. JIA'HALL, M D.. of Faculty. as lMaa Cancers Cured. .www lewJelw hie servts-e- a for b I eient "f anverona e. w he - ' Wci r ia h rrrua. roflllw. nl tnmnis i - - - . erv mild nd p'et'ee?v (. Ukew internaliv or loeally apolte.1. Th eease-Jl- ae veee.etee. usoss led nicenss in 'ne " ' ' - a a e para. I -L 1.1 .... , ihe iollfteitiu sewttemen; ad. it. I Vli l.et)erui-- . r.e.. ' -- 1 i- -, le. Inllaril. Il I . K I t reoerwasreirf . va : r.'.or-- - ,. kTroiuml. v.?- --; '?VJt M. . K. W. Howell. Wnrfreeshor". Ten.: I" M. w. .r--o royal. earlee. M. D . Kltde M I M. Il hicaro. HI ; Peterson T ner. A news, IHiJ K. La on. I Kev. J. H. Itravea, N ill, T,BB.; I el. Job! Met.- -, Isaitoa. Oa ; M. L. Ki rry, i . wurpny. v. v.i " eev., . , . ky. . -- .. isunrewswor - PBIV1TE JlK.PIf L l)IrEASiR.. WW. G Tr m Vvr- - I " cf anofiiwrr pah'1 trat h Ha an for- - K'J I liym VUt rf .4MM fW4 roe S 'V n 's I ai hod) . ,a I eeie-- lloereta rtmm el a aes.w.i tta, ha .vf ,, v.otswliaiis w ,.f svnipl.'e-i- . lb- - le ewiir Iv new. havtwa Barer Be adopted by h.v, eonowcted that dweae. wmiuai wea JTtJ: a.d l.t--l hould The hlTJ-- w fails of T. Tlir. I ''tf,-- i ,;''4!T, g, avo-- eoBcep'loa. c.. to M health " eonenyie-w- . Pr- adtr4 apeaa' . r wowrciy ta ::mr.V. Wli bo, tW,u1 Pswdsis addreea, th y aaaa-r- wiiB lwerw , a!o orders lor yllls r powders iTotawiltatiows ws. Be fre-- .M V S P M at Mi ofee, wortbewet is rner f Tbird aad Markataarw-- . prv T..n;rneoa Ttxrd wr- -t sr iaetoisble. lion t fbrrtUBaiwawd awas " lw.8ATe,M.D., aalS 4iaAwew Loaiavili, Kg A 1 T'. .... od Kev Matehew I is spilt Ms'tcbew; - rri 9:0 sw-trr- l Ksre Stcljr. I WIM pwv V a "vr war-- ! ''he asterr f t -- rm ''' ' tr oh O - Kv...,dA.r .' t e e.'o- - - -- rri.. V r,- - aai '. '" r h.., . a ii rot bav. t oar. I t tn ' -- r y, .w I nh.'rt hand- - ni K kaa :: (. .'r nark w.ri .In... t.jir -- n loe fss- e- e"t .''! M il.... mn,a, and teol I ana nan hr a. H w d ''a w..; .i.. I V .rtn-- i.r th w a vef y rens- A T au1 riaS ena ucnrr I wi- f If.vvlA- - .da o4 . I ULLCril .MM' UAL nITUE, Or ciN'cJX.Mri, ouio. The anlr Feleetir 4'wllaiar l f4' abirBbawa -- peeiwls barirr fr-- ws Km- - tait. CAurr-r.- d taa WKu VvniVr Vm-waa- , ; imiu'-- v hWn.niuwfa V a , w4; graft mk ir. WUiter Sesalou of 1855-9-. r v t'LTY -- II. n fiwol'on. M P.Pf ' f.' .1. I.J m. VJ ! Pr w.r ..f U. ri, T V'l- - irw. snd fka-n- .; W n rd powll. w. D . - I r- : t. vv I. rt sl- y. D . ' MMev a'i Jnrts 10 :ei- - : . 9. New't.B, M. . rr-t- .t .. .irer. nl iinnl r J. i " i Maeste. W. I. .f T':oe and frsci-e- 1 ami psi y. f: X. M. D. prt.. .1 iir-- 1 Avatoiu-- : Vi. M. D.. .i. ..r ..I nr. au.l Ie-- a. VA.n-- B and I Vidrew: A. il. nJ-- , M. I neCt- a ProliMMor of and W Joi t. w. 1.. Is-- x -- i Anatoujk. I I IMC III I KtK- - J Csia aiaa, W. , C ev..w, VJ ., z. M l. Toe feur.u.a tutor eiw w'll eomnt w w h of Vinveaioar, lea, and t asit Isusri. ka ia fie oil rdltw. eom--r of o.l a... I PImo, a. t loem- - BWII. li atnitoi irliwinr-- . Wmim vlil Sl a.siw I a the ar-- t of eu.ber. and Inw dtsattiM rsimi wilt a m TH K SfKIMi r.4stM w'll eosaiawwra ..e- U aft- -r he clie f the Frl-.- rlie ..!! r-- Mr. as n V, . T'o.e.B. y li; t iui a., gjc U.a-1- - - -- . p S II. ke. j. itieleni ua ritr will call t l oi f - t. Wretary. No I iimii r-- i ' c lis. l ia setting . snarl, and b al isiri nf'.riue'Kiw Letiers '4 Hetuirv i. a- h o iw r - rr.a IL j. A. N - .a - a- o ret. September l.lasa. ECIXCTJC MeTJIwAI J0VT1AI; lovwrriD bt K. - NF TON. at. . ifraaor of trrerT and Pre t Mvtlwal ljet1oi ol iBctea i Thi Medical J.nir, al is B"bi Hi .lv In wati. I !,.. at ! ir.snri, ii i . is: s :n r iwrwe. a...,sie.,it,,tln - Atlantic CaWe Pieces, SENT BY MAIL. piSTiiiB riUM i ixt H lovi,. 1 .. 4 wee. : -i a li! C'vru W. I ieid S Cerifli'' of its t n s ine e sent to lit foliege. A.,i. s.i r -- etteoi, r I eente Kill ..f penteaw ewoy. Uiv yar eesme. ana Maw. st.a wt $200 REWARD. 5? J RITN AW T from the llwwj tn la- - I terrrd rwwov. K wW the .1 -- "jsl iota ai.. a sear tw.a as s.t 4 Tol I shont s iars it pa- - .1 sN.o' r. te lursjee h; rrr' Itieck: niS a,. V: r ii " eonjwderablv. and at a S'lda-r- . Iia4 ow eaen r s ham mia-'- wt. ar.- - i toaik . ''. " ! ronah boeis. II- - aaa.' have a .o. ..f a of 'e F . i I irenit t oart. rtvlng i'i won was rweered v he Court nf .1. I woU aire for tit cf aid if w thiaesMiutv; aisi if caulu hi an ?"s- - In ml 9 I cansht out of and ' - i j tweorenuBoe-- i 'lial I art . AM'Llt ' LAsrasira. p. 11 elw llavotevtlle Jowettad eopv ia weekly rhnrge line otbee. j - I COAL. HANKS FOll SALK. to eri the of i farw a HAI'l'IX IWIH El. I i . Bav K. in , nor-- a tor f aa Kniocav rreer. wear he s r creek. Tom a tn Beea t lei Hawa ' a Ktr', and to those who 4 are W ia lb eoel bq ia, wo o ml eould bw elcted 'hai would pi ova iorw rttau I bare ale another COAL BANS aw eteek.wllHB IvM iwdiai-o-- 1. ..- - ia a "4 111. Aisu. the ine. naif ot a nro-r- SALT IA t LL, lis iaa rlclUKy.-- the anove Hmks. Feoia taw ta af tins nwatn I kall be, Car few dava. at .laraeow, Oe eewnty swaa of Brawtetii. 4 taa 0w een wr.n rvl. u tenoa. etc r .bat shs- - wj aav dresa will be kjcnmoad. kaj coucv. J'laar ne slaws 1 C. ItH vyy.-v- . (Lautavill o..v o, weeViv so aaieatBt of )a aad -- harg this ..di.t. ter. j. ae- NOHTHEKM tltt tP KV, Lei4a. sept . . MFETrNi4 f the f - Ken . ; aiUvtr Haukin lloare IB th.' - N I. Sll AY, Nov. I7:h. u. Lake lUto nir.itie.-- s ton !. --e ' the awA Leei. ainr of . ai rovd :.,'o imu' . I, ertiilrd "An act o I'eoti 'he charer f '" Hna ..f Li--vill- Bank of . aod ort Lai-.- ' of th fo k e.Weca, ia p. aoB aff wy proxy, at uraen:ly and reiietlsrd. ie or ter of tlw lizard ul sl3tri:aor A. F H tWXIVS. Caabter. Lontevi'le lonmal Insert weekly nnril Krlt Nor aad forward BreowuLJ . tyoa. wo I he St. S2C0 RITWARD. 0 ( RA-- 4 AWAY from tne . nenr f J TaMorsviii, eotimv, hlv.. ow jA n'eh lit i. hkly neero man iseel i a. : lf I aK weawllv eaiiee) BC K. shows Wen etc; is about a feet ,uch; btack coenoie-iio- Uavwrr whlta teeth; carnva Bin.wil erablv weigl Ita or pounds; aeaaa . aud ka a aiuiu conB'enwnoe. wi.l rive jna If tBkew ant f tb ?tte. er t twk-- w tne .siate. or aai it ttiri. in peneer sabli aaad lise that 1 cao ft ELiA 3 coorn.. l.h. -- ' 5 r 2.000 ACRE3 OT ATD FOH SALE la Ewllwrd ('assy. Kewtweky TtTE off r .r tai met- of ta jd, TJit-in- a lUi.ard conotv. in me ev.-- .d h'Bu.kv. L Thia 'and f tw trae- - of !.' a. On Iving Bilioin-- 'he town f ..Inn. on, and tS-: tl two wuV s of ihe s Invi r ti etner Wart ta tew Billea diseawl to Tbe above laa.l- - are attaivd with all te H of that ol he and air eniiai.B fci:iiny e aay iand iw met irt of v. Tbe acne tovuda aie opew tor prtva hi tw! He of Meptenibrr If not id nriva-el- be.ar- - ti.a "a. they will be ctf. red for ..n to 1 a of Beat, n inu.sl of Loiiimbns. TK lands will - anvn o .av yvr ea wWlile Ww toena. bv tel. Frwnci T lever, of vi..mi.e. wbowi'l aieo iv anv ln'or-n- ion In re 1011 u i't ntav bw for 'he pnreha of 'ioon w b lir. -- l 10 he eitMrnlee. as Malitaa Coin- - llone. V rgiot), aaol tbe IMhtlsv.it Sep- - Iber. Toe land wnl ba dividi d ino Te nf ee. 'f d. :li wJ J' HNaCAfc;IN-- . ft PUBLIC SALE. TH! anbserber wtl e a r B.1". a M A" j in ineesiiitr. K tl . eB me mad eadin tr. r t wa . . . ' ; CaJtle Va.ll?. W, lli.l Bud tAC BV- - - from u iwiot, ..oa t - I u rvo.e aa t I ras. on he - of ee ber I -- er a d. .'utinDg v.rs a com .rso'e a ""wdp'-TwiKS- t' a'-- j wa! a - 1 - aU of h ew.-- Hot--r .to. . aw a3l .a. iron of eorw in to Arid Toe karm has aa "r "n :, Vd ' oei.l'b". llwsL'.. M' t Lai- b. : j i b.'Ts &e., are roiiveuient. Anv person w.n,n le. th Far V r s viled W mine and eiaanwe i' IkAM.' J Hahka. M,.. lc Dis;in5t- - Ouldait Sr al. - v farm, b it baa aa 1"' lor ihr-- - lr L.H oe. ! .'"li lav, be lei Jv of i I swat, tt wo " a t ie. a b b red to tb urs-a rwiotr. t. r ww, -. owner tnav dirveL m l' f. of I - a. pete is put a low, aa i em as w.e - e .waura a e- aav ow who want, a good farta. I' is svrv p.' idee-- l combming nsswy a lran'aa-- s tf ce jw I t ainrket. hrm i. comfor-- . in.1 all t1- ""- ie put the msrket A eersooe wvtone t-r f jr ngtioB will addreea be at b. Thai aiuab'e proueit, ta sma'e.1 ow dnN Crvea.ad wrll cooBtv. i miiea pr.oc- t e. Sro jd vill. the oint. anl st 4 kit!- . si ia in en.fist - so-- drv botrow, eiiuwi fo anv leu.! in kentBcfc W . arable II eisiei, produtio CO. B. wiewt. ' aae aeouiMla with (toe timber and tne.iaa - iisrv water, aa-- l - twined toe aoHi besi-- tn- - LiMai-a- n lea me witb rno esse a ffn Vs.- aea ed w eewavev ot bo wet a hiwk . rw. twe . be fei: al.- -a wai- -r wt .i'i ' f gritkling ad lhe sewwu a re "iw'l a'ae etl te tk btcNeet oa W -- deeds tbe dr-- a davof I lece.abrr ee .t. aa Bv n .ne ya .v, M'llvi l. on 'on ere- it. ad he iter u. aad H,.iaieb..ld and k 'c. w r irni.ire ..n e lr as 'ollow pork . stv. k J 4 ' 4 ''br . vwwtw, ewrt. esen, noe wwevy aod aarwss. a Poland ewt. eorw. A- .; a., he.1. owyew.ie, ram. . enatra. tahb. !.: taa, Kins - ' l fl". aoe-- l rler. and raoiow.1 eir-- v a. a vv- stieia--r wareaate.i a she-- awd aeao ever ,et dav. W oat a chance uite ior auy one w uo laussje t buy lup iAwU i.L..'o lnt merwn'teai. Sep trwowa HARPENDINO. mm-- ; THF.4E MACHINK-- ar wtmn"",w.MW lew aewr rw ft me bi rk- -t No rernia e.1 'ni T . dowilh.ei'at.lVKP. t via t H iLl a.lviim, lvi-- r eiy r Ai-.- t . Iw wwic "Iw Thev a.k a wew anl lor sttew. threads are mt faeeeel f. ,1 riia. . evew if everv tlurd wie-- i o cw. It me e. (..I .1 .,nl,l. e l.a.i saw he ' mmvt - t. www 4lk or ciMtoa Irnm oniinarr pM n I fact-?- br a aver caaaa-ow- tooi Owtewi-a- - Brewd-- New Torkt Feetk Tee. louievuie: tl.rtnr s Kioek. Uainglom -a- y--! He. Pwrta, IlovkiB.vUle.an.1 DaBvtil. ;ut.H wwtf SUGAR CANE MILLS ON THE MO-S- APPKOVED PUTEUV. (THREE 1HO-- ROLLERS IN IKOM FEAM.J Warranted am Folio a b : nor Vertical Mill freme 4 to 3d ONF. air Two - r M il prveeea oloubi 44 v a,, awls iiiice per bone - - nl M.U wiih writrwl sit -- plv Two ftrtm una lever p.. and w.ked by ;", Ironnd It. tw the ami moeee a Vertte-- a M a. lrl-- t A aellone see eolie P Two Bors Vertieei MiJ t'i-- geani- - ) arid Tirae. per hour ... ........ . Four Mul i iia gara-- f j Vide So to ft raia per boor Four hotwr M H i bwek .!-- ) stfVet tu attach to or otor ueaeuiu yowve las SUOAR BOII.L'RS. iiallow 14 5JSI . o Fl.rva ft t.liN a , sddcod WJ 44 Ma-- stv. L - 1. AH K r4V.4 i I lilU.tSIH FALL TRADE I. F. STONE, 4o. Msia aL. ow noar abew 'b G4t a lift " ais wrr- - awi Th slur ,y tor bt k.a. , d for ,reaB as. ,n- - t. l'-- t ft -- at, I wilt 4 aoeaewi a,altn l..l,- - A.e I R.e'kae ta a Bsw' es . - .m uv beat I am paiat.' '',, rtmtm - r- n. tr-- a ,11 aod o' " " r o ran dealt auk a. roiRl awe Mi.'. and B' arwn- -- i ok ",. Ve-- Vail Hist WVH Fans ir v of pwf m I Ptow--; .v. r I s4 I orw I ottiog Uoiea, 4Ve.. Ac; foe e.. Wldkeliu )' LOUISVILLE COHMEKCLVL COLLEGE, Ct4 Fwtt-ej-t B'.il-i- earner Tku-- a? J :rn .. X A"er M i.v - V: :'a. .r- - o V!-a- of !'." i b .J at M and 'eo - 1 . eo c. M. 3aa Th Tsei'-- Snuoal N irt ' I la p'S cb vioodar, lb aiu Jay oi x.iooer Ja J. '. Y:. P oe.,. friil.lt AN'fi rall.VF.H WAV. Mi - V. i.e . ft ot anl .over v .. :,. .. .. CvrV feerel W Uli Bisrke. fr-- li e ne t 4 'I ad ..- - o and .l iv pr , nd re b.- ir do va k at ver- - r'iw pr ce. a ri auge stock ' ie- -t I'le .'I snO v, Fl.i ft 1! r d t IO' er.11 d.ttwb WS Vla.n "... aei. i ..or.,. I j ' "a bsr.-- l ant ipWd.V' "ti. St MvltF.i3 4 SON .4, al Mai

UDY. Ksre Stcljr. XTa.tll0 SalO. - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7f7m03zp4d/data/0360.pdfVtk Cou W a"fl fives f - W ln'ire 'iv gliipi-s- off tbe fuuirei l'r Vl v.'l K-to

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Page 1: UDY. Ksre Stcljr. XTa.tll0 SalO. - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7f7m03zp4d/data/0360.pdfVtk Cou W a"fl fives f - W ln'ire 'iv gliipi-s- off tbe fuuirei l'r Vl v.'l K-to


UDY. hU'T. 1J, U8.

rf tie '. V tk Cou W a"fl fivesf - W ln'ire 'i v gliipi-s- off tbe fuuirei

l'r Vl v.'l K- to et of Ills lwhe we ea--

wioce He-

1 tli- - , ot tin- roulitrv thenai.- llil l"io-,..r- -

i vj tli whole. IT' tec I. in .il. ..,.!,- - Jin. He

tor K I: i r eiHt for aths- - I; ... tl... area of oi'it'i.-- In- i. In. r ar It - Iriii'inl. that. If

4 4 I" or w wfi deride re'-- .

ill. t toranou ! tli arpro- -I r.--i ,. ll i I..4 I lie lei- i Itiei eraon-al'-


Tbi ii is entirely cfliliV, ttA ottlT lr- - tac i' mfrr i w Mr- - Ilu hnn' InowB antt

lent u. il it ron .;tee,t Willi

tS rra. tii of ' psi i'. avli.-'- ml has ever be

to r t' a ; ern'ui lit neatly on Whig

lri' ipl a advent fi appear

will mul, wine Ul v il evea of tbi iu

wrtial wve into Bs'ioael A

diMMor, teks the truck under tbe prick of tn

p. ."" f ur-- , er2 k.e j, it. ntil the day af calaiB-it- jr

b Tli il Luc fooo irpT. H


Vbb tl l).iu:nnny out imai power lo It'llhe nwiwity of d iing tt.thi' ith th oxisfing

Whig li ll t tU i..plij f lN tari(t'tf 1Mb,

wbkU fiuinir coi.fu r..l (be detail

v nt (D'oiiiw h nK' f.U of tt Br it

nij i Ui.tf . In i Ui deil t b rin" wenjOokJ over ti', rot, h.vr, ilb ut Kaic ? a

in d uo to lit rii i, ! vf jr,poKi U'J

'll.l l' 'I' " n h, 'TTing roltitt Tipi'.at ioeriUi.lt ru1t of a

fntn I'.f tt'h't "!'uy. Tin cri4 came.Cjniwerxia rjit iMd rer (be Uod. Too greatregard fjr Iojf.! acptaraiiLra Lad betrayed

rra'i:i--- . Tli rty liad over--

h oi:eiH'y. And e ar told, Otl'rei.ler.t. l'i nt'ivf it. firl utrt. mUmp nk tief Ttiuie if tSe "mu'ry. ha jiiTiJenl'y rrwJved to

retMnuicad an in tent and quk-- retreat at Inaat tlb ti- atia oti tb rwd back t. tbe Whig tarifff imi. 1 kit , and, bt i batter,

ua, Let lb reouUMiie'dAtioa Ik made and prompt-

lytocuril out by a!! met;. 'I U re is urtaiuly ex-

treme ned of it.lite l.iatory v( tlx la tiff" in tl.if particular i tb

LKt trr of nearly evpry jnip.rtTit ijae tii ofy tbat bat ariaea ia our country

flhc U"t quarter f a reciu-r- . It atooU aeiDi

that th; lmra. y were bjuiid to rccocniz tbe(Vary --f t V1 - pulicy la aoane way ur acotbrr.

Il on I lw d. If they rcfus to tiA it outm a r v i (bey are cmprllrd to aJoiloitT

4 a reft'dy. At mra a tlx y dupen ai.h theye if I'd. 1 upn U uip?n?e i Tfcit ' axt the f.rt

ti-- , bewever, nr t"ii tli tirM country, in whichi. Baa ki; pM-- lli.t place haa lxn held by oat

I'Tty d pi?r ly aroibtr. It to I furr,

ta eniioently, crb:ip pim:neoily, the cae iatbia rouuery foe a bC)t arriea t4 yearn, and U rela-tx-

to a wida aiictyi public vetioiii;ban it liaa fret(wn')T ia anodora Knglisb

po!i:i' and txUli iVrt in a cons( icuoiu shape attl.it in Jim r,'.. Tie IVr'.-- OJTronieiit, re predent-

in t. at. it id f, a Biiunrity of rrUatnrjt, bold;(Jh ily oa c.Kidition tf c.rry iPJ ut the ineav

n? of th 0,j(sition : ai.d It cimfunna ta tea as

ri:'ucr b2''."wltag tcnua it boat llinchiup, hariuj;. a.l i t' r In lit bi'l, et d eetcral other

i!!..rurt iK&'U-v- i;h an'rJy a liuie oCinfr.rackl'UK-"-- e a- - ia t'j Lai it of indul'mp

t l ei i li Ufi-- (nfomiii); aimP.ar feata aflu r'ijn ob lb' ui'..ur.i f tlnir Whig adver--

S , let til- - pruud but eua!!ow deroteea ofPei.fura-- tekc lvart. If their

jjrty ia pl.ij it.g a xry iiJici;bi irt il the affair ilf Ha eat: , t ho rxci llci.t on the

other eide the AMm tic, rwo-.-g tte aoamlest ardt.rtii l.ivrs.f .i il frctJ im oa tbeg'.obe,

rTav yMts mliei I lmoTat ic oiiparir 11k a u jr. a bi:urU demwecing tbe memlrar' I'ja Auieri. n piy,f iil'nK tlirm Thug, thieve,

Ha luuJtiM, and evvry .:rr tbiu that could

I ' of, caboli ucJ iu our column

t'tit we b id p d m't lime would come a hen

':e ImiHr.cy if 'l tba MaU-- t Would

r- m to '-- v r rty and ax'tid t a atteotpt toC iUr ut mi uiu.h a tt y ws tlun a'ternptirjj toe" iter tbi "I I tVK . M':y rr nf rc HouU

ill tljii ht f tiio'naii a: irteinU-- aiinjjy at ofa jja. but w ! pvrftc!! cerinus a.ud abat we

tVi ir p. its ptrfoct wciiCca- -

ti . In S.atc, lure tl.ee U a ccuflict beim-ar-

fj IVia.o rats Hid tbi K pu'iliiiui, do the Drtix-rrat-

irr,;zm uU'ir one aj iin t tlte AoiaraLaiic.

Iacer;.- - Sut,tlit 1 Oiwrt asfunia Untthe Aner-a- are far ti jtjte pa'.rii tu unite aiih

t' KrjniMn. IB1, an !, ct t!e o'bir hand, theare tiiidTrt tliat ti Aniridias have a

jrrett deil too B nci ps'rii'tii to bc'p tlia Iemo--

"ai. la New York, HHrui, Icuiaua. Ohio, andotWr Suite. lb orantii both the otipoaiog partican wwinjj lb A'nericms and ti ,tl. rin; tbcm af tobricbt xtatbn uf pubbc virtue.

la predicting all t'jia two yearn g, we evincedextraordinary We lut prelic'od what

.fy' a aa of orJioary a," ily nivt, Bpcn a littleofrrljcUjo, liva uidar.d invMUble. Hut (be

Auen am did it f--l tbni-clre- ci4 ilara byl.a?3'ai. ale, an J tlivv will not vow foel a

very extravagantly ex'ltcd by Ioairtatkpraiae.

It remark! neulur tSat inr birtli..ta1' I . allm- -l li.e an iitmu t in t uUTiiti.4 . b4l II fevi.l pr -l enrliuiii- fal i'tff into itie lrmnrntttrfw we were thea - Ii.i intT," V.rtji- -

Tiaive.tiim.." or orol 4nr .nju? duet iu.'v. a.H cvea vli"U w. o;.h-'- 4 Jcii i.'mh.

Vcutrjl JTuraH ian.1 be Firra Mat: contritmied Uieir full share to

f he rlaff.ose of tbe botn-- r of the country ia tbe warvt tba lievolutior. ia the lust war with dreat Britain,

ad in tbe noe rt i.t war a lib Mexico. Yet, if aen ia fnaa tb ttito corn" to Ktucky endeoleru,.,m (he e sen ie of bia utt'pit imialde pulit'-c-

ril.U, lu i sneered at lie a portion of tba IeM'jrracy oa ar wot of bii hirth-tlar- e and treated ara prcsumptucu iutenneddter ia tbe affjr of a see

lon where be has no buinn to I or at any rate towrit or ak. At tbe same time, if oae word i

Itmattwd agHiust the bo'd and prejioterous auoip- -

ILnisof tbe Insli icnn ia o" any otUer fcTeignere,

the arathfttl iaiitca of the liemocnwy i kiudledat otKa ui Uir the umet tvm-ndj- cries about

the utrori'y of a 'ar of race!"Ihe patriti"ni of oor Smtkem Dmocracr il of

n k a cbanae'er that (br would vouchrafe ioconi- -

rably prtat-f- rights and privil--o- a to tbe peoplefureiiru than to the ritizine of anv otberrt of thea-o- iaad tban that ia bich they them

sxh et live. Indeed, bile tbey wtjuld,if they could,utrncbi" a large portion uf tbeir own country rkbmi arc Mat of tuor birtb-Uc- they meaolr fin a

upou tbe fureigaert and flatter tbeia as tbe bent put- -liMi the a)tiltiio f tbe United States.

Tlf e1ilr l"rt-il-l Joornal tliink that we ooctitlr a u:tb mod la r.'Cra t.i llir tjifliah H) I m

wr mrr a. 4 lu i iir'liinr u . Ilaavrliatti.. vn,rf.atr n tat Iff.ife

as I aft. .!ir- Well it traj. aa4 we hae a nMt.. iu. tit fi. W H..wl in rtMv t tn A aluiirtouI a.u auit Mot'il- lfMn-"-r. tta lit - OuaniiOion ra uh-niit-- aiis w.hih: In inruilii by the rule af lair peopleuuaer U. Mil. ('J srnrcffiaaa.

Tixs ediuir of tb: StiUsiu:a boasts uf havingabo ed thai tbe Iem;t n CorM ituti.m was iVBiitted bv I n r.n.'b.U bill to the People of Kanaaav

ltut tt us s. li J he siid. ilers ii a part of bislaujruxff: 'Hoi llit rrj)ri ;hc lingliKh reportW. f m init rrjwti U 1 --tifitmi "f fmmlimuufnm (f

j 't vv'i srnt ItmfuVf rWiprffJ. This was ant tint Lhe Eaglvh bill involved rm

ard fair aulmjiv.i- if ths Ioourppoa Coastitatnm, sud therefore was nut a vindicatiia of pu- -larsnve'-jtint- Kur- -I a 'mifn ia which there

uen frank". or firuest j- - sor than Bo an'

tl--- at a'!, an if H w as tot a viadicatiou ofp 'pular c. it wax a vhj.lioitMBi of nothinglb '. deec ed t l 14 !ici .d.

Henrej, wr rrp.-s-t tb.t. lb of the S'alepraanwfc is p.a a a'ou n rinT f tin lg'ieh bill.

ugbt te be a bile rtviait, it be Lao as huw, in

' i iT iu I'efa'vat 4 Ija t.tte, ia (heir re

fit S.1U ('n- - mho, ci? i ited a i,brir.g instancef tV dup'tiity wLVhi- - pirtyon the;v!ry ,!. n. 1 ba proewlinirs show tjsat afterbs Hk'lu'.i'itis ba I !; n adfji d accepting tbe dot

tnj th;.t Kr j wjt rof come iin the I ka ex.

oa the t rat tX tbe r.rl'dj b 'l, lb.it is,ovulation cwiei up 1 the rt0 of Congr-iaia- l

firM?Ptticn, ?)'. Tu''", a hi receivedl s o( lb j .4s rjiat f.a; (iovi mor, msde

H'f'.h to the ('"nr. in wl be ! the ex.o;r))"fi:e f"P"1 n tbee declaring

tl the renatry ws ! admit Kuna, irr

4ieof ..". a berrver sb made a(j.lnimr, tj H t s tLrriiory r '"a cnuionity havingfie d of a 'at. even in j.n 'pect," bad tberi.7'1' t ft : i'r orn Cf tiinti., or to a'ftdishota'.lnh H jvcrv. Tl.ne are tbe views decred liyMr. Diuclia l'i bit. W iiioi.s tanas, wlicn cbave!

in rrotrateJ br Mr. IjoeoS, sn l thus we fee IIItttnora-.- Is iirrparioaT tjiroiiuo lhe efJX'-- with ret.lu iens to jrull tbe wbk h tlin ut a. :ie and int,.awtal of lite thirty entirely ra--

f,9 lhe I ''.vrnn va,irrj of .V. Ixnis atoutr:;-e- l t'tc.Ur-- , ; rffn.ul Lremgbt ! Francis IH air, jr., sa;"t Wr. Harrctl. in the tngresaionale'actioa. A lit litajoun deba'tion of a ''srorking

ntc h.mia gm In Cv4 m'jetrrHes,wuli the fewest vHeT:," an-- l as ths favorite partyra'-- f t'i inanagi-r- 've e4ry and rote of.t'.." M'. IVa'r ctt lin'y ba a fnnt caee,avt we it ir.a aHie inerr.iin e pit.et will lal.i 1 - f .r.. tV u. t fo

(f in- --' er th r - aoy rt .af union betwntat Ant:n an ad the con crativ Leputdicans,tbe Atneti. aos are ebar,-- by tba Democracy withadopiirg all tbe ip'ei cf the KepubUans,wtie tbe K publican?, air charge wit asdcingall of their ca iiies. Jljw do those chsrgwlook aide I J" til- 't If Hjpu'iVjn'. f.r the sake o!a c asert all .r U'liot. tfrwi'm KpublKaa i

piss, eaa't t't 'nieri' an; gr i"to V.t uni iReps! !.ctn p'inr ij.1.

t.f te Ix Jum ( ier atiticuce j its detertnina-- ti

tc ai!ffrl the Democratic Gjvera-- rof Mai'a.'bucH though it is sn OH Whig pa-

per Wau-- r it tliirks biid a "ua'.iial man." andyet be need to S'nd Cliuries Sumner to tbe UnitedS.t4 ?.rs'e. Whet 1 a "nertjtfcU mm?-- '

CiTcr t i?' ior of tie Democrat, eviden'Jywith .f lias fir some time past been

pivii.f I i" c!iii-- a'iti- n to tl.s opera. It isn'tv ry t: :b rai e to t' at be aceceads decade illywtt. r in t;.i- - hjw '.;:i.; tf nii .e than he ever Hi't hit oid line.

Eissixs TuexTr wit China. Tbe New Yoik

Times ii not Bink-j- in Its suspicion that Kufi(aks tba line's abara vt ba Chine a (Under,

scd it poirU out, a of parallel importatca with ourpa'chaae of Lvu'aiaqa froia France, the transactionby ah-c- tba frontier of Cliios, instead of ctrvirgsoma bar ilrd of aailes to tbe Borthaa'd, irrlud ngtbe entire ccun-- of the Ainoor, aud the lurger tot-t- ii

of its witer-.-be- ii now curved as decidedlysouthward, cadinf; at reiiina, embracing pear

two thou-an- d miles of tba Amour ard its naviga-

tion, to tbe Ctir. The transaotioa i probably asimportjint, a lig "i'b ir conceivable, const 'jnence,as the purvhax f Lnu'niana frrm Trance has beta

tbe I'nited State. Tba Taris Tresse furrjUhetao ne In tork note of this territory, sprouts to itstwnsfrr. It states that Sileru was cir.ijuared in 1 by Jenuk, Helium rf tbs I n

an atterrpt was ni ide to eai'-ri- the Airrrma ia ths new arrjuini'.ico. 1 be Emperor AVxis,

li.l.i, sent a liret cxpiditins to exnlnrs the river.long reach frrm tba nuu'h as thus rp ited to

traftk-- , and prerntly the KiKaians were taliDg everyadvantage of tba The Coinefc, jsal-o-

of Ibtir t access, in'erfered, (jnnrrelVd w ith tbestttler?, and eventually drove tbem aod their

away. At last, in 1G89, tbe di put.d right

" adjusted by a treaty, ia tbe negotiate ofwhich the Chinese displayed tbeir bmuI ill faith.The Ucaty gave up tba a hole river to the Tartars,leaving only a sneafre riht of navigation, wiikhal.boui.u of itself a'.mont wortblesn, has not been

it bo, t indirect value. Oa the strerKth U thisthe Ilutiaas hart eniplnyrd tbe last half

century ia psoplin, divcbv'nft. and ptvvesnirgthemselves of tba preat and fertile valley; bavaplwd hip ing on the river; broubt fl ets of lrd-t- r

to its mouth; have biilt forts and citiet; and aretalking of railroad, te!erphs. and in.ii hine shops.

Tbs treaty of June I, converts this tenure, brsuflVrance, into tenure ia fee simp!; and hereafterthe map c lrit maat eontinua the hue of the Kus-ai-

cnipr viry nearly to the rates of Telia.

Ci?"I'.rr sine the era of tbe ancient fabler anddoubtless from a much earlier age, it has made a(Treat difference in obtainiag sa impartial judgment

liad cat wboe ox has been pored. The d

Whig kbnas, by way of illustrating (his fact,that tbe Iemocratic politicians and presses in theinter of Mr. have made the curious

that it is the very height of injustice andabsurdity to bold any Sou'hcrn man responsible fthe expression of abolition in the part,e.peciaily ben ru:h an bas len candidlyackooaWdprd slid reiented of. Hut these gravel-

ed and friends of IWrber saw nothingar.mg, nothing unji4, co'.bing uncharitable or

ia (oiily seven yesri S4.0) heaping denuncia-

tion and abu.e Bpo Ocorge W. Sumners for aanmewbat similar though far leas giierons offense.

Tbe'a very men. who are now so vehemently rail-

ing at tbe injustice and absurdity of holding Letch-

er rvuporaible for his odious abolition doctrines in

1M7, were the most conspicuous and vindictive as-

sailants of Summers on account of tbe tatter's de-

claration of emancipation sentiments as far back as131.

Cowir or lr5 This remarkable comet (saystbe Albany Argasl is row visible to the raked eye,

predicted by Dr. Gould some weeks ago. It U

now only t.oe butdrtd ard forty millions of milesdiwint and is very rsjiidly approaching tbe earth,and already shone through a common op-



glsa a well defined tail. We are toM that as

tbe first week of October the comet will 1 cfthe moat striking l u,-- ns, possibly tbe Urst oftbe oentnry, and at that time will l sea near is

Arcturus, perbsps even surpassing that brilliant starS lendor. It is now for about an boar af-

ter sunset and an hur before sunrise in a line withtbe (wo stars called tbe Pointers, and forming nearlyaright ang'e between these aod Arcturus. It is isnow best seen at four o'c'ock in tbe morning.

lr. Gould also suggested ia tbs lajt number fhis Journal that from the similarity of the eleintnU is

was possible That this comet was identical with tbefirst comet of and also that of 17til. ThU factaaems now, from the recent observation, almost cer-


affording a reasonable prt'ump'ioo that it is apreiodie comet, whose jjeriod is alnHit thirtymerears.

Tur. Sew YeKK Con vtxnoss. 1 be negotiationsthe Republican and American cocventioos, with

vi-- to Union, resulted in failure, and separatetickets have bceu nominaUd. It appears that afteronfereccr, ard s understanding that the fourtricea abou'd be equally divided, tbe Kepublicans

proceeded to nominate a full ticket of tbeir own.As a matter of course the American cijnvention alsomade separrte rominatinns, asfullows: For Govern-

or, lyorerio Burrows, former! a Whig member ofngress and late Comptroller of tbe State of Newrk; for Lieut, fiovernor, N. S. lien'os, tbe Pres

ent Aaditor of Onals, a gentlemen so universallyacceptable that tbe Democratic Senate has refused

remove Litn during tbe term of Gov. King; foroal Coeoo.isj'ooer, James IL lboinpou, and for

Prison lnrctor, William A. Kusell.

CTbere is a UtTre fish found all along tbe coaxt

Lurope cll. d tbe Iphius Piacator, so large andunwieldy that H is forced te have recourse to stratagem to secure its food. Thi fish is fJtxiihed with anet of rilame'ts over its trody, which, when kept iamotion, resemble little sronns wriggling in tbe vs.

The lophius, when it ceedi a meal, settlesacd conceals ittlf ia tbe weeds and mud at tbe bot-

tom of tbe sea, thus biding every part of its body

xcept tbe worm-lil- lilaments that fringe its sar--

face. l'y agitating these, shoals of little ti.sh soon

gather an Kind aud nibble at tbe bait. When a Diner are Ibus collected, tbe lophius opens its hugetws, and, with a sudden gulp, sucks in the little fish.

Tbe trap is set again aud again, until sly old lophiusgets his fill and swarms of little lih are trteu to.

Si ati m Islami. Tbe mine of tLis locality willalwavs I Infamous in the o' inion of the civilizedworld. Speaking of tre recent brutalities attending the incendiarism of tbe Quarantine, tbe AuburnAmerican nfera to tbe contrast tbey afford to allleevious epidemics of pestilence disease. TbeHoward Association of New Orleans, tbe fortyphyri'.-jsn- who died at Norfolk, were of a different

For the first time ia tbe history of ourcountry has an igsoble panic led its ri'izens to for

get thst they were human, and that tbey them-

selves might some day be stti ken down by infec

tious disease and need from others a place of shelterrd of care, such as they denied to those unfortu

nate inmates of Qjsrantice.

Ths CarriTRKU Slavfs. It is stated that theGovernment has corc'uded a treaty with tbe Ainerican Colonization Society, by wbieh (be Societyagrees to lake charge of and instruct, for a year af--ter tlieir arrival in Ijberia, tbe Africans taken from

a board the brig Putnam. S near iKI,CKH)

a tbe turn tbe Government is to pay.

OiTOn the preceding page will be fjund an interesting account of ths descent of 11 ourg gentleman into the snailslrom of the Mammoth Cave.rhe editor has not aten proper to give tbe name of

lhe gentleman, but we, the Local, deem it our dotyto give iU It was Mr. Was. Coutland Prentice,tbe el )et son of tbe editor.

CfEvery mail from Illinois brings sccounts of tbedecapitation of Iouglas Demorrats in that State bvtbe Pre ident acd CabineL Acd yet Douglas doesa at rike back at the administration, and none ofbii pretended friends, such as tbe Louisville Itemc

tbe Washington States, 4Vc, dare to sii'ae for

him. It is a pitiful exhibition of


September II.Tbe enrea train cning West evening.

on the Stentiennlle and Indiana road, met with atenon accident thirteen milci sett of Ibis place.In crossing a bri'ltr the express car ar.d rear f tbejnnit-- jumped lhe truck, ai.d, knocking some mainUmtiera out. csucd tbe bti ipe suddenly to give

'. Tbe bsirpag: car and front pasw nger careot down witb Um brdt--. aooie teu ur twelve feet,bile the rear end of tbe hind car remained on the

atiulmenU Tbe fin-- t car was almwit completelytroWea up, and tbe seals nearly all Iir 4.ru from their

intra in the rear car. l he follow iag personswere inj'ired: J. Moon'T, evdoctor, liead severelycut; IWyaa IbMirb, f Ixiuisville, Ky., both legsUTofcrn: V. J. Cornell, mater,"wri.t spraiu--d

ard bsdly ; Kv." Mr. Watson, ofankle sprained; James Jaco'o., of Maysvil'.e,

Ky., sliphtly bio'wel; Atrirew Anderson of" Harri-son ononty, rlightlr bruisel; SLrs. C. v ainwright,of New Jersey, alip htly iniuieet; D. C. Gill, D ivioti;Mrs. Mtreditri, of Xnia. Uhin; Miri Lvor tif

N.J.: Dr. Allen, t.4 Ark.;Kev. S. J. Humjbrev and ladv, of Newaik. Ohio:W. H. Mtrora. of Mil on, lad ; John I'. Draper, ofUtnville, llliBSie; Dipt. vs. j. llarr, of filthburg;Jo. f eming, of Zinesvilie, falallv; Oliver Orms- -by, of Yevay, Ind. A great cum tier of otheri whomould not gn e tlx ir Barnes were injured more urless.

NewOriaxs, Sept. II.Messrs. Co., jewellers of Philndolpbia,

hsviair tetdsreel to tbe Howard Asseviatioa of thiscity, a dunaUou f lire hundred dollars for the reliefof tbe siiflojiLg sack at a time when tbe funds werelow, wh'ih is not the cane at present, tbe followingreply nas oueti urwarueu in reaionc:

"Sr. Oku as, S pt. 10,

7 fUulrtf ic O. Your generous offer oflive h Bdred dollars tor our surfenn., SH k is grat.full' acknowledged. MvotH'l ae l in need of itwhich we are not at present, we shall avail ourselvesof yrwrrjermis.-H'Titndra- Wewill write you furtherby m til. Sifned E. F. Schmidt, President ef Howard Aasoclstiop.

PllTSBlltCi, Sept. 11

ti tonne woman named Miss Henry was murdered a'. 11 o'clo k, by lbouiaa Smitbsoo. Sherefused to apeak with bim when intoxicated. Hadrew a pistol and shot her. Ha is not yet arrested.

Tkisitt Bat, Sept. 10.

M. DeSautv. the electrician of tbe Atlantic tele.eranh staUun'ai this plsce. declioes to make anya'atement relative to tbe Atlantic cable for publiration beyond th. po rive assurance to the agent oftbe associated prei that there are only temporarylillirulties of an electrical nature, and bo reatoowhatever for any rumor that the ciHe had pvrtrd

ARU1VAL OF THE ASIA.Hai ii ax, X. S.. Sept. .

The Cunard tteamsbip Asia arrived this morning,with Liverpool dates to Saturday, tba lfttb nil.

It was rumored that the I rec:h Govercmect baddemanded explanattuns from f.nUni relativ e to thebiimltardment t Jeidib. A report wss in cirrcla-t'on- ,

but confidered d iub'ful, that Xafiet had ac- -tufi'ed the cMnMions of vwern I'owers. It wasslated that by the trea'y of peace with Cbint a mil-

lion of franca is the amount of the Chinese indemnitylu l..oc',and and I ranoe.

Jnmiirm, Awy. We hare later advices fromIndia and China; the forinr are important. TheChina hews is rot sn lata as the former advices vial.nvsia, but tbe allies were on the ee of electingatreair. Tbe Americn and Ku-i- n treaties wereroncliiled. It H sai4 tbat lhe Ams:icns wie toLave tbe privil-g- i of an annual embassy to IVkii.

A from Madr d says that a military f x.peib j.in is preparing for llavac.a.

l urthrr rm'a are rrpururd in Cabdla during whicha B umber of C'lifiatiatis were killed.

SKPT. 1 1, 158.

Notice. It Is oar erpccial deire that all lettersperUin;rg to tbe bnsiness of tbe Journalshould be addrenard, not to the senior editor as aany

ow are, but to tbe firm.

Sr.trr. Fair Tiiottinu Uav. a are rtitiestedto stats that the track at the Southwestern Fair(i'outiU is now in complete order, and that tbegvtes are opened fir the entrance of persons intend-

ing to compete for tbe premiums oa the trottingday, for tbe purpose of practicing tbeir horses. , of

Tiik AriAtcTic TF.t.roRArii. It is stated that Mr.

Wbiu hou e, the F.njrlish elee'rician, who bashid that d .psrtment of the Ocean Telegraph

il charge, has given plac-- to Profesfor Tbompsop,of r.Jir.l'ii-i- -, a l i (uc.evsor, and that, if tbe 1st- -t It

r gciil'.cimn s oubl f lil to secure the objec'sd le will five p!aee to Mr. Hughes, cf tieI'ai'ed S'ater, th inventor of an inft:uraent frorp

hi h iinpvun: rsnltsto ocean telegraphing msyyet be realized. The New York Herald thinks thatthe opening of tbe line will not be delayed beyondtbe of Octolier. At the last accounts, Trofes-o- r

soHashes, who bss two instruments with him in

Lond.cv, was pn piling to leave with one of themf a-- Trinity Hay. Ii. was arranged that the CableCvuiwny should send a tpecial steamer from Llver-o-

to Trinity lluy 03 or almut the 10th of thismonth, to onvey the Trofesror or his assistant,with all necesvary instruments ar.d other fixturesfor woking the cable, lis will anive there abouttbe -- O'.b r iith of tbe month, and will of coursere'juire a few days for preparation and the adjust-

ment ef the machinery. This will occupy him un-

til the 28th of September, or perhsps to tbe 1st ofO tj!tr, but certainly uoi longer. If therefore hesucceed in his calculation, we may count upn be-

ing placed in tbe full enjoj ment of the fruits of hi Jla! ir by tbe latter date.

Kansas. Gov. Denver, of Kansas, haa publish-

ed a letter, by way of reply to various petitions pre-

sented to him, by resident of tbst Territory, re-

questing hiua to convene an extra session of the Le-

gislature. The Governor declines to call this extrasessioo, show ing that at the present time there areno members of tbe I.gu1ature whose official termshave not expired. He also expresses the opinion

that tbe next election should le held under tbe List

s piriionmeut, according to tbe act of Februsry SO, to."i7. He concludes by saying that be had consult-

ed the President and tbe Attorney General of tieI'rl ed States on this point, and lioth agreed tLat thenext election should he held under tbii apportion-


CjTTbe Hon. Kbert J. Walker, when he was intbe United State Senate, wss the leader of theItemorracy of that body. From the Senate he wentinto 's Cabinet as Secretary of the Treas-

ury, and, ia that capacity, made bimelf the idol of to

the Ieiiiocracy everywhere. When the BuchananAdministration appointed Lira Governor of Kansar,the w hole D.mocratic party hailed his selection astbe best thxt coold possibly have been made frrmtbe entire Union, and be waa greeted with ten thou-

sand enthusiastic expressions of Democratic grati-

tude for tbe devotion manifested by him to tbe in-

terests of the Demeicratk party in condescending toaccept an cflice that might cot be deemed fullyworthy of bis transcend int ability.

And now tbe Washington Union, the month piece

tbe Administration, denounces Kobert J. Walker"i traitor ami t urtndUr." Well, If traitors and

swindlers are thai honored and trusted and laudedand idolized by tbe Democracy of tbe ration, what

Democratic honor or trust or laudation or idoU

ntrv worth?

ClTTlie Claiksville Jeffcrsonian bsrns that, whiletbe amount of land planted is perhaps "ccjutl to theusual amount, a considerable portion of ths tobacco

quite amxll, and is rai lly ripening without in-

creasing iu size, which must greatly reduce tbeweight of the crop. The proportion of good tobacco

said to I uncommonly small. Many of tbe plir-te-

are new cutting." From information we have usreceived, tbe amount of land planted with tobacco

much larger than last year.ItC3The Claiksrille Jeffersonian announces tbe

suspension of tbs Rink of America at that place,

but says Ike stoppage will be only temporary. Mr.Davie, the ow ner, is a man of great wealth, snd theassets of the liank, when realized, will suffice toliquidate every liability. Tbe present circulation oftbe lank is ettimated at fiW.m).

Amjthf.k IVmtk astkk Arkf.ktkii. A p ml masterof Lagrange county, Indiana, was arrested a few

daj s since by Deputy U. S. Marshal Clnrlea W.Serley, on a charge of robbing the maiL His nameis Limerick Parke.

Read the advertisement beaded "Kich Diggings. Lines are rapidly advancing 11 ralu. inthat interesting portion of Kentucky. We learnthat many have doubled their fortunes by selling in

the northern urtion of tbe State and making in- -

restitiaiits in southern Kentucky. The farm ad-

vertised is accesrilde to maiket at all sea-o- of tberear.

We to my to tlie Wasliinrtna Tninn. In all ktnd---

that itii rimrs. t excitins a rfep Indirnatiou all ovrrth V"t and lonilieit. W e hava the bwt a forwvinr so. auil nnMt iiainfiil of the fact. It niavttonk tnat It W damafons IMuiilaa alnne: thai b a

r. aud the eikonnr it i male aaans of that tan. the arta fur taw A4HavemUiiB ana M- i- triiiiwrane party.

Wetliink s natoe lKiurl Iia4 acted wr ouwis-l- inmore tlian one instance on the K.aDaa and ei- -

dowe iliiua Im' errnd lu liir receitHin iiss-e- at Ithat ia uu aliy the t mon alioiild lurnirh

siumiiB'tNiu ta lhe enetnr, aad atfurd umre aid andl.iri to Hie l;iuelieana. than llnit;taf.a wtmlp course

kaeiiuu. Ihc I uioa &uay tlniik it a uoi doiua o.tr (hit U ta dutoi aw. eueu a lliiua a- - krrowd- -

iio-- ' thf nioiirut-- too lr," to a very ri;uitieantexpiviiKive 'iirat, aud that I abat the I'umu baa been

tin tnr H.ine iiiiic.Ve tboiiclil we ouH have bren mei-- the neeee--

mi wliat are now have, hut th exiurse of the l umnatftrdnd ui.noaberuaiive. tnir party, wltli w Uicii as i toii- -tihrd Uk aud of the country, eomiuamour nrst tvmnty and e ehivrluiiy rive uirii. to it.

Cincinnati i.'atn'rrr.Nob , Mr. Ivlitor, you seem to say ibis witb great

reluctance aud even pain and to say it only becausev oa consider it a solemn duty to do so. liut praywby do yen atop short in your solemn dutv ? If toyour view it is so important that the WashingtonUnion, generally considered the organ cf the ad.

miuiftration, should las rebuked few its warfare upon

Mr. Dauglaa, wby is it not important that tbe ad-

n i nisi rat ion itself, of which tbe Union is tbe reputed organ, ahould be rebuked for Us warfare upon

Douglat? Is cot tbe counts of tbe administration,in the opinio of tbe Democratic party, of as muchconsequence as tbe course of a Washington Citynewspaper?

While tba Washington Union ia assailing Mr

Douglas merely with words, tbe administration as.

sails him by deeds it punL-he- s w ith relentless pro-

scription every that d ires stand by himin l ii mortal peril. And we all know that tbeWashington Union, which tbe Cincinnati editor re-

bukes, ii incited to its bitter warfare a poo Douglasby the administration, which the Cincinnati editordares not rebuke. I any editor or man fool enoughto suppose that tbe Washington Union weald dareto keep np its bitter and persistent assaults upon

the Iliinios S;na'or if it were not encouraged andanstainrd and infuriated by the administration's approbation and the administration's example?

Trof. Babey, the Hor.sk Tamf.k. Ths Barerwho bas astonished Kuroe by subjugating vicioushorses, haa a brother in this country, equally skill-

ful, who bas baen in attendance at the St. Louisfa;r. On Friday morning he gare an exhibition ofhis powers, with entire success. We take an ac

count from tba Democrat:The speetabors were shown a vicious mare indeed

a wild, black vixen, by her proprietor, who deecriled her nnamiable character in Wins the far-

thest conceivable from fl ittery, and offered 25 toany man in tbe crowd, who would sit upon bcr backfor five minutes! A pentleman asked if a saddlemight be used. Answer "Yes, but you mu-- putit on, lor cm 1. Moon a negro unver V"limteerel,was accepted, ana started to iirocii-- a stolille.Meantime a voueff I rich m in named Michael Humsapplied for the lucrsfive privilege. It was grwtedhim, and lie want succeeded in hrnilins the mare,lie then mounted, ana did it handsomely, and stucktenaciously for fen .h-- fftccmffotvl only! He nabap- -puv dure to tua iiridie as ne was helplessly turown,and thus fell at. the enraged creature's front feet.wbich were instantly upon bins. He was twicestruck in tbe skull, was severely wounded, and nsr--ruwly ew aped death. A deep and Horrible gashwas 11.11. il.-- l upou the let I upper portion of thescalp, and Ins now was broken, v err properly th'

s rrfu-t- d to risk a timilar or worse tmcedv,and, though tin crgrj arrived with his saddie, thew ild 1io.1l was at one, led from the mc, amid loudcries fur Professor I la rev to mount her. Tbe Pro--luswr annuuncwii tbal be would re exhibit tbe mareturned, but would nut at ones attempt to ride ber fortbe wealth of the State! He lamented the rashnesswbi b had caused so sad an accident.

During tbe dinner interim we strolled ta tbe lentthe tiuree lame.r, wbcro were tbe black shr"w

and her oarer. Mr. Bernard S. Ilradlcv. 'MoIlLong" ba bought six months ago of a farmer oftu'hlard, III. Mie bad killed a person who at

tempted to ride her at Highland, and was now stillunbroken, though seven vears old. Mr. 11. and allbis and other professional horsemen, badTaiuiy struggled to manage ner.

During tbe afternoon's exhibition in the ring, thericieus mare and Prof. Rarey entered the arena.completely subdued. The Professor (at upon he

without saddle, and even stood npon ber back whilehe addressed the spectators. Her proprietor alrode ber. Rarer was loudly cheered and com pi

mented 03 all ti lea for his unquestionably genuinesuccess. Tbe reporter, who was a witness to tbeLaming process in tbe instance of this hitherto in

tractable animal, says that, witb many others, be

perfectly satisfied that tha Horse Taming Barerhave tbe correct and efficient system. It is a lieau

tiful one, for it is based upon faith in the thoroughly noble nature of even an apparently malicious andmaliosnt animal.

1 itms.A rin rular, and, unhappily, a fatal accident or.

curred in Charlotte county, Virginia, on Saturdayv.eik. Two gentlemen, earned Sjncer and Bell

riding rapidly toward the same point, came in rolliaLn. They did not see eai b otber until tbe mo

EHsUt of tbe tbock, owing to intervening bushes.

Boti were thrown beavitr, and Spencer died frc

bis injuries ia SI tour;; tbe other was but little icjured.

L'strct.vg vroulh. Tiers fcai bees no rsia cf anycoasequecte ia Westrsorelztd couaty, lrginU, ftear! three months. A" estate wbica two

thousand barrels of cera ire usually produceJ, owing

tu tbe effects cf the drvtitb, will nut realii its owr.

er this season that quantity. Tha corn

throogbout the country, except that on very mcist

land, is similarly damaged..1 nfthrr Arc. 4 oa 1 Chtrir nf M nl ?Aiery. Wil-

liam (..irliw, K q., Mail Acent for the t

of Indiana, arrived in the city on Saturday last,hain tjtwrt la korlb in custody, charged withlie, r5'!ing up-- tb. uiiU on tbe route oetweenNa-h- l' an l fVdnmbua, in IliiiS at. Dirkworlhva ido l ii Jtil, and a ex s initiation e.fbii caae will take place before Mr. Commi.esioncT

la lwUanin'Mt tirmUnH.

Fkom Chi ".A Lieutenant Ilab'ram, in a letterfrom on board tbe Powhitan, ia lj river, published in the Philadelphia Led er, gives some Inter

testing items of intelligence :

Tin IZutnlm and American itirj-lt- n Vo aonnerad ihi Allies estahltt-be- trem.-elve-s at 1

than our able representative, .Mr. Wm. It. Kesd, leftis large cal m on board tbe , l uiu-- on

bnardof the Knrsian steamer-of-w- America, burnt- -

1 the American rbc at her fore, nl trir side theu sian eae.le, and was steamed up toward -

Sin. Then was seen a strance siuht an unnaturalone almort despotism and freedom wslkin hnnd

hand. On the quarter-de- e kot the lu.'ian steamer- -war America walked C iU t Poutamne and Mr.

W. H. Ileed, in earnest conversation ; Iwlow in themear, Bussian and Amerk- ;n ofli:fcri drirking cham-pagne and fratemizinir, and at the fore-

mast head w aved tbe H igs of Itu si ai d the UnitedStates, side bv fide. This it no n tiling; this

feeline" lietween Russia and the I lited S lis. w

fiM liecame apparent during ih Crimean war,nd his since demonstrated itM-'- in a lbe.11s.n1d n li

ferent wavs and in a thouand ditf p'aces. Hu-

mor says indeed that the BuvUns hurt urJtrt to fra-


with u, and it certainly looks I ke it. Well,Mr. Heed aod Count Poutaitine s'eamed up the rm r

let 00 their ("our ) archer ott thatcity, and at lat account 1 were in aftir way to re-

open tbe "promisintnegotiathins" which had lieensnrtdenly arrested on the --''itii uit. ne r.ngi sn

and French having bad an interview with the twoartar Princes. Mr. Ileed was to nave bis at o A. M.

this morning and Count Poutaitine at the same hourmorrow. It seems that tney cnoo-- ear:y noursavoid the eltents of the inid-di- v Chinese atmos

phere of a,4 lornndn Cant. ramui r. nuponi, o' tne onn- -

aevnta, had come on Ixwrd in l.i gig, tliccrr ofl.icb numlrel nx jon.es, itisp, anu louro

He had been on board some hours aod wai about tostep into his I10.it to return, when the Cemmodorremttked: "You had better wait uutil that rainsquall parses over" The captain, thcrefi re, return-ed to the cabin, while the ollicer of the deck orderedthe gig s crew to come ont of rer host and drop herastero. I nfortunitely tbey did not uo thi ; tneyonly passed everything out of her that would haveoeeu lnjurea oy getting wer, ana men, iner. ucing ahad chop sea on, remained iu her to keep ber c cfthe ship s sides, tbe poor fellows were eo prouu ottbeir boat. Several of us were smoking in the whee'- -house at tbe time, and were called out by tr-- surgeon to see a "remarreble cloud llwrs n thaahape of a fan, the point lieing about twenty decreesalove the her zon, and the broid part verging to-

wards the zenith. The point was of a deep leadenu, the body of purple, and the edges of a lurid1. the different minor clouds ot 11 wis

composed were surging and swaying from side 1

side like a balloon secured to toe ground and thronout br a troB2 wind. It wss one of tho--

bich impress the beholder with the conviction tbatsomething sudden, and perh-p- i dangerous is shortly

result, and which rivet his gaz in curious or .nexpectation. Trcfently it came ! A moaning

puff of wind, then rain, linally a heavy Theahin heeled slurhth- - and nentilo hirau to retreat under the hurricane deck from the rain. Sud lenly acry reached us tbat parsed on and penetrated to the

mutest corner ef tbe fhn"The eie has swam red ! Awar there to the boat.--

Save the crew ! "This waa the only order heard. Just as it was

given the heavy eqj ill sprmg into a tenndo, ti eintensity of which blew blocks cf wped and mn

uout the decks like so many learner, vv e triedget into tbe weather boats, thinking tbat before

we could lower them tbe ship would have swurgand msde them the lee ones, but tbe sttrm blew u

back under the bulwarks as if we bad lieen so manychildren. The ahin , ioj.te.dof siui:i ig red

v, as ws expected, only kce'.ed over the inoie urdi rtbe ircreased pressure, tbo bare m ists I as

tney would co over tte s ee. vve ttiereiorerestored to tbe lee boats, but before we could ret thetuready for lowering, the tornado chopped ar :undeih'htpoints and blew witb increased fury. Heavy cap-stones also co a took the place of rain, and a den ebank of mitt and line sand swu't ovtr u, and changed day to tbe shades of dut-k- Many of us bad lostbur hats, and were to be seen through the mist,gloom, striving in vain to i rotect our ev'ts and temples from tba masies ot falling let. It was a it

scene, r.ven discipline seemed rtitrtrered in tbeblinding confusion, and tie ttrorget voices wereawept by tbe ear before their meaninecould be gathered. Officers were to be seen pulling men in d f--

terent directions, snouted orders into their ear1, andshowing them by signs a hit was to bs done. Inthe mean time tba ti's crew had been swept awayfrom tbeir shattersd boat (this we learned subse-quently from one of tbe survivors) by an irresistibleadd', and were clinging on tbe ship's rudder. Hadwe known this at the time we might nave loweredropes to them, but it was so thick that we could notsee, acd their cries for help were swept away by thehurricane. At tbe end of a minute or two we wereready for lowering the boats, but wetc prevented byanother sudden e hopping of ths storm, which. Using

now upon the quarter, urired tbe abi') arout.d heranchor with a velocity which j uked tbe. rudder fromme grasp or mo tut tnose who clung to ir, snd itithem to be engnlphei by the whirlpool ihua formed.

was only the strotuien who ciuld retain tneirbold, and tbey but li len to the eties of tbeirfriends and see them sink. 1 bis w as the hi t f poorJones and Hisr; two others, who were swept fpunths rudder at the same time, and who were excellent swimmer, struck cut bravely aganst tbe eddy,ad hnallv cleared it I he rupiiosHioo is tbat uotnones asd Hisp had b3en disabled in some way.A second move was cow mad - to get the 111

the water, but tbe- Commod ra ordered us to de- - ist.And indeed it was a wis oni.r, for the tormi'o wasthen at its very height, the set was oue massiffoam, and we thould have been blown over its boil-

ing surface like to many feathen. Thus we shouldave been driven away from tr.e men e w; ri going

to sare. It was letter to quietly awaits lull. Af erwhile this cime. Tbe Con niodore waved bis

hand down went the Nuts. "Unli:k!off, boyi! Out oars! Now pull for bte at-- l death!

ix men are in tbe wate.Tbe atmosphere bail now partially cleared sud

tbe tornvlo was abating, but it. still a furiouigale and tbe rain almost blinded us. lis umst Ito.tthe boats could do at first was to bead towards thipot pointed out br tbo e who wa chad from the

ship's deck. Tbat spot was a little beyond tbe eddywlnch had buried poor Jones and Bisp, and by btei

up in tbe bo it one could see tr.o I l ick obj setsstruggling for life. N tbe I sin's to makeheadway. I roueh rkippiau tbe Seiwitti damerousfreedom, and having more than uns oar hlowuits owner's grasp tiy the dying torna lo, they are

ill nearinir the aurvivora manv of tbemare there?" We do not know. We pick op twoand ask them, "How many are over'ioaril? Whereare Ue other-?- They do not know. One of them

even too exbau-te- to answer. I lie other shakeshis head mournfully and sinks bis brow upon bishand. Ob, where" are thev? only two out eix.We mutt save the others, but where are we to pub?Ws brought the boat "head to sea," aod irazedaround in p.i.iful uncertainty. Tbere were threeboat, two of onrs and one from tia Minnesota.n e strove in rain to catch sight of some uplibc l.rui to hear the accents of souis guiding voire.

There was nothing but wind and rain, end theencbing set tbat broke over us, and the debris if

be swamped boat that floated around us. that helped us in tbe search.


MKTIIOIHHT KPIsl oPAI. I Hl l!t;ll, tfUl'TH,HISIIOJ- - KAVANAl lill I IUIIUMi.The Onferenee ocenpis that fuekuf the Commonwealili

riirmif on me mm lirrr irK mr llioill il 01 llto Ijttle Kandy river iSTM tlieuce aoutlieaa'- -

wardly to th State line.Viitrict Wlllism V. IMndy, P. E.

rlon MatKin, Miiiuud I. Kuckui-r- : Frankfort. JofphKaud: Versailles and ste.li-- NnlanH; Nnh- -lacvire, .Joint U. liamou: Jesauliune aud iHidlorit. II.

aud reur H Kaianauk.'h: Wiiirhrster andion, Lewis G. Kick; Wnnn, .1. b. (rraK; Paris aud

ih Middletown. Thomas K. Vsniu. ter: Moutit ster--itiae. Clark Polly; Otf .rd. llrinkley M. M.srii k; Loerlmn;.uhn r. (rnnsted; Missmn, vv 111. r.Hnrroatburg Uittrtrt. John Ii. Uruo. r. K.

isution. sraish h. lleerioe: losnvill.-- . li o. VV.

.Uarritt: HerryTille and White rhsp l. Henry C. North- -rutt: t.imiit, Wilton I'ili s. J. bamlnky

Jinrsnte. a- d ftantord. l.oia. v . liili-r-: Kirlnnoiiidenee. Jeuediah Foster: Madiaou IJirriiit. T. J. iod- -

hy; Crah irrliard, Jolin S. v oxe: M. J. U . A:n- -

rose; 8alvnm, Win. li. Johns; Maxviile. Ans-l- Minor;arreuo hiin;. to lie rupplied bjr (j. J. iJaiiey; Laucaitiiirenit. Milton Mann.iAhuei(e DtnlHcl Win. Mel. Alibi-lt- . p. K. Khel.

byville station. John II. l.iuu; slielliy irein', inuel 1.Parker; Mtniieonviilp, John I. i;. Ttinin;"on: 'I ,

Geo. tiould; ItloomriHld, Janior Minoi;John F. Van Pelt: Wst Port, .b strothm;

ew to ne aiipi.li. t ii. iiii.ru,W. Cr nihonph: LockiHirt. to be Carrolitou, Juo.W. (Jiiuiiinriiain.

Cnnngtim Inntrict T noma P. C. piie'lman. P. r.ormatou Station. Kobert llfinrr: at.mia and I.udlow

Mission. Georire V. Ma'ey: NcaiHiit. Wm. F. T. stiruill:Alexandria. Ilavid Walk: Fallnoiitli. Wi liani i. K ivan- -

Milliirshuri,'. Ihtui'l Mevenson; it iolie- -i;lale Institute, (iiirpe H. Savaire; Aeeiil nr

tvlucationai Fund. 11. touthund Kuddrll's Mills, Wm. it. V.'iout. Cir.i-lr- . JammIrookinrs Warsaw. W. V. cliaiuherlii ; oweinon a

Melel'roek Thomas iluitin; Ciitl . I.mUanley; liurlincton. bplirann M. Goie: l;.ek M:e- -

ion lo he s by John James.MavtcilU Dinlrirt. Samuel I.. Kohert on. I. K Mi

ville Million, John S. llai les--; Waslii ncton snd (ii-- i

own. K eanah Johnson: h.lnnon ani Sardici, .lotiolardy; Minerva. John I. &cott; Oraneelniri.', llirsni

Wnlker: Lewis, FranKlin T. John-- I b iniiufliur. IIwell .1. Perr": Plains, Win. and tiisW. Siiitta: stiariisbiiri!, to be oy i.'ainsiiii imUr; Owint.'ville, Senaea X. Hall; Ml. Olivet, John

ilinsno; Tiltoti, Win. C. Atmnre.Went Libert w IlianVf. Klias Itotm-r- P. I'.. Pilelinos panitall: prrston-buri- Jolnia Tavlor: Jarkson

Miooo. William L. Furni.-e- ; "isl l.lhjifv Mis.ion, JncobWalk: Irvine. II Ls-k- Le:cln-- an I ry M

to he supplied: HUrlilsnd Uon'vay; l;oollli- and Mismn, to lie siiii.ln-d-

U'Trh"'irri"e Vitrirt. m. It. I.audnitn. P F.. lur- -

iinrviMeei: Manrheater, Wm. K. Lmieion; London M

ion, - he stipidied; Vellow Creek l'i s..

lie; MU I'leavaut Misri'-u- , Oolomno l'.. : Williansire Mission, to be Mt Vernon Mission.

beiiiippli"d: Watts Creek MjVou, to suppli. d.V) rurtwunr lite Irenernl t 0.1. rrienre.- - t.o itizo

luston editor ol the Home citric sn-- Smi.ti'y V. Ueorrm w. Hnish, trausferr d to le I oif

enee. John It. Fades, traufe.Te I to Tio- - Confen nOliver W. Landretli. traustorred lo Gi'urtr'a Cont'ereute

From the New Orleans Hcayune.l

Fii'I'.ti:ex Days Ltt.k kkom ihk IIioGhandkImpoktant from Mk.vu o TampUn tnktn by th?liberal I mle ut liravu fnwnqr. I be steamshipGen. Hark, Csptnin S.'niih, faom llrazos Sanliiijoarrived yesterday.

lhe news troat fficxicu u tnieresiiiig nnu importnt. It appsars. that lamp-c- n now in

cf tbe lali.rali.Tbe Hrownsville liar, of the 1st it it , his tii-- ; fjl

lowinc intellicr D'e from laraatilipas..News bas lieen received in iUatamoras to tbe et

feet that the citizens and merchants cf Tatnpicowere erowinir exceeding tired tf being caie 1 u;snd wern making overtures to tbe rrs. to d '

liver r tnm the city.A letter dated "Matamoro, SeptenilHT 1st.. 1

o'clock," with which we have been tavorvtl,nicata. the annexe-- importnnt news:

An ex pre si has just, arrived from brmiing intelligence that Tampioo was luken on tint L'j

nit., bv Cspistran, wiih 4iM) frontier riM

ststed liy a revolution insni- -. not lasted .uhours. No particulars vet."

Capitran, it is hardly neeeaf arv to mention, bs--lones to the Lilwral party.

The Han. of the 1st int.. publishes the annexedinteresting intelligence from San l.'jilooks well for tbe succesi cf Ltber.ilr:

Sasi Li is Piitosi, Aug. 10, 1S5S. "I arrived atthis place with tbe Liberal amir on the lo b i.i5tnothing having previoiislv taken place that is wojyb

mentioning. At toe towns 01 . narcas, v ii'auo,liediond. and in Inn cttv. Gov. idaum has beereceived with triumphal arches, merry pealing obells, firing r rockets, all ut whicn was dotto demonstrate tbe tbat bii arrival at thoteces had caused."

"Frcm my po'i i'n I can take a cleur viewthings, and I have a thorough coutidc cn th.it tbe i,

sue will be favorable to tbe Itlieral cause."A financial transaction was alsiut lo t ike

between Gov. v idaurri and the GovenuT of Z icat.ess. by whkh it wss tbouct tbe wouldplaced is possession of ample means to in ure .iiccess.

The Hag also bas the following paragraph:"rt'e learn that the B;v. liishi p It irracus a

some twenty odd clergymen, banisbe l bv Col. Z

zua fiom Sin Lnis l'otosi, have arrivtd in Matumoros. It is said they contemplate soj iirumgthis city until order is aam restored in Mexico."

Tbs news from tba American eid. of the Ii

Grande is interesting.

Tne IiAtt.KJAD iMiiitoii,! . Our reidcr a

awara tbat a difficulty bas existed f. r touie timsbetsfetn tba four great Lantern riilral?, ta?ludipgtba New York and Trie. New York Central, Ptnipyl- - ania Csntra', aud Baltimcre and Obio. Brpresentatives of the roads bate lib ly held a meetingin Philadelphia, and a dispiteh to tbe CtniiunatCoinuierctal states that tbey have compromisedtbeir difficulties.

It would iMem that the Erie Co. has induced theDirectors and Ex-c- ii ive of the other great to iImmi

lines to mtke solemn railway laws aud to providsuitable vindications for the sums. 1 he agreemsntis to ta'..e effect on the 21st inst. Freight" ra'es oalirst cUs between New lorkaad St. Lints will h

tl T'l pro lift l'..s; to l.niv i'b-- - 51 l i; to Cinati.fl ;lO. I'asienger fares "till be "'ijhtl,vanced.

I'roui the Ohio Statestuan of Suu.lay.J

THE FUIGU I'TUL BAILHOAD ACCIDLXT.A frghtful accident occu'red on tbe night exprertain due at tbla place at one o'clock vss'er.tny

ra irrii-g- , the Xo. ti bridge on the Pittdturg, Cei-- 1

imbus, and Cincinnati rail ;o id, on Friday eveningft. Tho bridge which caused the arcidert ia a

bridge," covered, and one hundred andtwenty feet lonn, spanuing a creek, which, at thetime of the ctvurrene, had but little water in itsled. The express train reached tbe place at eiirhto'clock on Friday night, and, while passing tbroogb.the lend. r attached to the locomotive new off tbetrack, and, for a short distance, jolted over tbe tieswith such force as to bresk down the bridge.

1 he locomotive passed through, but the tim'ssrs ofthe briiiL,t separating, precipitated the two baggage fncars and two ptsaentjer cirs to tbe bed of tbe creek,and the eulire structut ftll ia nisn the train, crush-ing in the tops and sides of the cars. The two

cirs wen stove in, and the first passenger caras crushed to tiecef; the rear end of the hind car

remained up on the abutment, some lifteen or twentyfvet high. I be passengers in tbe latter or wereall thrown to the lower snd in a neap, the seats and

large stove falling on top. Of tboee in tbi car,scarcely a passenger escaped without injury, though estfiey were none very dmgerously hurt.

'1 he most dangerous aod serious injuries were re-

ceived by the persons in the first ptssenger car,which was a complete ruin. Conductor JosephMooney, who was seated with an engineer by thename of Johnson Fleming, Tvceived a blow oa thaforehead from a piece of timlier which took off thescalp, but did nut fracture the iku'l. Mr. Flemingwaa picked up inrensible and haa not since spoken,though when the passengers left the seen yesterday of

ft et noon be was still breathing. His recovery isdoubtful. Mr. Koacb, of Louisvil e. Ky.,hd both legs Iroken, and Mrs. Meredith, of Xsnia,Mr. llinnphre-- and wife, of Newatk, and a numberof others, whose names we were unable to lesrn,were bidly hurt. Klias J Orrel, baggage master,of this city, received severe injuries.

A n unifier of the wounded passed through thiscity on the three o'clock afternoon train, from whomwe.' learned the above particulars. It seems almostmiraculous tbat no persons were killed or hurt, forthe cars were full. Those we eonveratd with yes-terday

theall expressed tbeir satiifactiou at havingwi It their lives. The exaggerated account

of tne accident tclegrapied lo tbe Cincinnati papersmorning produced the u'inost excitement

amr.ng I lie people expecting friends on the uufortu-r.n- e1)4

train, and several persons came here fromCincinnsii almo-- t distracted. Oae fomthat ci'y krew tbat hu two little girls weretbe train, and be awaited their arrival here in an pre

agony of suspense. His feelings n;ot seeing l i

children step from tbe cars safe and u iinjured one for

with a cru tied and shattered bird cage, containingthree ctnaries, in her hand can only be Imaginedby those placed under similar circumstances. Thew'ountled and frightened passengers while hers weretreated with the tenderest care.

After tbe shock of tbe filling train had passed 33eway those among the pisvngers who were unhurtuied themselves in rescuing tbe others from thebbish of the ruined cars, acd conveying the help

less to a reigblxiring farm house. Conspicuous iamong tlmse who exerted themselves in this woik,as Miss Ellen C. IKrtlett, of Nottingham, New

Hampshire. All tbe psstengerg we spoke toex- -ressed their unqualified admiration of tbe noble

forii l.irt of this young lady. She bad been stanned

nd bruised by tbe shock, but immediately recov-re- d

her wotked among the luins;n a coolness, judgment, and energy wmco no

body ebe could command. All night long she toiledmong tbe groaning sufurers, regardless of her ownHiifo-t- , alleviating to the utmost extent the miseryrourd ber It gives us pleasure to chronicle tbe erae 1 minted praise she received for tbe noble part

she bore en that gloomy night from those who wit- -

seed it. I he number or persons wounded wasbetw-e- n twcntv-fiv- and thirty, instead of that num-ber killed, as the had it.

AP.BIYAL OF THE VANDEBUILT.X'kw i'okk, Sept. 13.

Tbe steam'hip Yanderlilt from Havre and South- -r.ipton, with dates to tbs 1st., arrived lite but l

g t.t n "en iclorta uiul 1 rises Allien have returnedI'.rg'and from tbeir visit to 1'ruvsia.Ncarlv a millijn and a half cf gold is on tbe way

from Australia.A Ivices from India stats that General Grant had

left Lucknow lo relieve Muunsengh aod tj raptureFix abad. feeThe diplomatic agents of the Allies ars lo be allowed 10 reside temporarily in t earn.

A uiiibCfe envoy s w viau 1 ana.Ucerv vl, Auaitft 31. Sales of cotton for the

(utst tlire days have been l'J,000 bales, includ-n-

isitl to speculators and z.iwu to exporter. Ibearket dosed but steady, wi:h a tlecline furfciior iimlitie-s- , and quotations are badly main

tained.The Manchester advices continue favorable, and

ba inartet for cotton closed with an advancing ten- -dcucv. lireadstotf t Hour is firm at tM advance.and closing quiet. Wheat is also firm, and ld(.v.Mhulier, clusing quiet; red Western os b.t; wevatWstern tie .'S.lc m tid; Southern Ci IKlnTs 41.

Corn dull. Provirions Beef steady snd du'l;potk und bacon steady; lard quiet nt fit's MotHi:

aval stores liosin tlod steady at 4s i'U,;t Mcommon. Spirits of turpentine Heady at itti Gd

Sugar quiet. Conee hrm.io.i'ioa Mimry MarkC, A 7. dl. Consols tlossd

at 'jtiiWiJi tur money and account. I be moneymarket u unchangtd.

Sectmd Ihrpitck.New Y'iirk, Sept. 13.

1 he Vacdcrbilt bringj 355 passengers.Twelve vessels have been wrecked on the Ene- -

coarf. With one exeeiition the crews were allved.Mr. Morphy, tbe Atnericin chess player, played

it gsnies lilmittoi'led at toe same tuns bemreliiroiioiih im chc a contest winning all but on.

llu'ljlph, Juug, c. Co., of Paris, in tbe silk trade,' e hittif. ja liabilities are very large. isTbe Turkish Miuiet-- y bas resignvd. A new oneform' d.Great bo, es are entcrtaiasd that a treaty of coui- -

erc3 a ill tttected witb Utina.Ti-- Jesuits it is said wQl obtain exclusive au

thority to establish a branch of tbeir order inChina.

Prussia has addressed a note lo v wnna on thetitrian ocenpation of Uifctodt.lhe Raja l'uotua relsls tied, after plundering

Touk, ac t were pursued by Gen. B oberts. Tbeyalier rebels are mensctn g tieebore and bogbore.ARKIVAL OF THE STAR OF THE WEST.

Xkw York, Sept, 13.Steamship Slar of the West from Aipinwall with

'j.il'.irnia dates to the A);h nit., arrived at mid- -.ht. S'e has nearly oue million seven hundred

tbousaiil dollar t in treasure.General news rather unimportant. Financial mat

ters rlorted easy beyond anything previouslyten in toe rmorvnt tartoruia. Collections are

i.Ji'y satisfactory and money had gone begging atto l?i per cunt, on nierchand se from tbe Isth

mus.CoL Canty had made an attempt to seize Pontarenas in the name of Costa Kict. H. was op

ed by tbe British Cou.-ai-l at (irevtown, acd theIf iti-- naval ollicers who propose annexing it tohe Mosquito pos essions, this if carried out will

lead to lurthrr complication between England andthe United States.

Col. Canty bad left PuatA Arenas for Aspinwall.Nkw York, Sept 13.

Tbe steamer Daniel Webster has arrived fromHavana witb dales to the 8th aud $100,000 inpecie.

I hi uutcn snip corncua uoon llooit, irons halar-- ,brought 378 coolies to Havana, but lost 210

urine the voyage,Etagiirs were held firmly at 1 1 rials for Dutch

standard Xo. 12 and other cumbers. On that basiiattracts bad been made amounting to bS.OOO boxes

f coming croa at per box of 16 ardss net.Mt.laifej very quiet at a rials for claves.

r.xcbange rat ber active; lulls on London 1 4 " . fel.iV; bills on Eastern cities

very dull and scarcely any engagementst rrporteil.Tbe health of Havana ia much improved.Tbe steamer Civ de from Vera Cruz bad arrivedith dates to the 8:b.

Dattos. Sentember 13.The wairon and plow efablibmct. formerly

owned by Henry Kimea, occupied by Koblreser andl UilenUsrger, was aenroyea by lire on Sundaymorning, loss j.uisj, paruy insured.

Baltimore, Sept. 13.The anriveraiy of the battle cf North Point.

which occttrn d yesterday, wss celebrateda uouuat. mi piioripai ieainre 01 me

av was tts removal of the remains or ells andJlcC-nn- s, wbo lost their lives daring the battle atNorth to tbe spot selected in tbe city, where

mooni'i...iit u to be ereciea. A largeembracing the military and civic au'.r.orities, escort- -

1 tne remains. Salutes were bred, the stores wereo id along tbe route, and s were displayed ap- -

propiiaiety urapc'i wi'.n crape.Sashuskt, Ohio, September 13.

The city is full of strangers, and tbe arraneero ctsfor the fair are complete. Tbe Cosmopolitan ArtAssociation pictures are all en tbe groucd. on exhibition gratis to the public. Tbe number cf entries

ireatty made is z ,tJu, ana me lair will be tbe finestvcr held in Ohi 1. Tb. finest exhibition of horseser made in Ohio is expected. Ample arrange.

meats nave ueen maue ior me gueri .

Pini.Atr.i.PHiA, Spml:r 13.

This afterncon ths representatives cf tbe principalrailroads and of the pre's of this city eni ived a plea-sant ride on the Pennsylvania Central I tail road inthe new c mch and seat cars invented by Mr. Wood-rut- r,

of Illinois. These cars, which have lieen usedon many of tbe W estern railroads for the Dat rear.

ui uouni less soon 00 lairouuceo. on tne roads inhis part of tb; country.

Washington, September 13.Ju'li-- Ilowlin. Minister to Paragaay. arrived In

hecitvthis mornir.p, and a short time thereafterhe had an interview a lib General Cass at the State

part .int.LEXtstiTos, Sept. 13.

Jack Gam'-l- won the nice this afternoon.New Oblkans, Sept. 13.

Tbe death fn m yellow fever on Saturday were70; daring the week, 40.

NFKvtirsNF.ss or Weakns-s- ok Axt Kisd. 1

v of our r.ader are troubled w ith NervousnessWeakness of anv kind, they rhould prnenre

UvEKHAVfS HOLLAND UITTEKSNVe have tried it and can recotumerd it c nlidr.tlyti a nittncitie riving anuo 1 iniani.t eons renei.

sll j&leHl:Wcwl Dalit Enlerprltt.

1I1EQULEX S SECOND DISPATCH.Lo.xi.o- -, August 17, 1858.

lly.uOui linn: Piince Alliert is snfleringwiih a severe sttack of tbe Kind's Evil; lbs I'rinceof Wales is also cnnGucd to his bed with tbe KojalItch; our own i:rron ia alracted wiih numerous India Sores. Mr. Dallas me that Porter'

Life Liniment is a certain cure for thealove discifes. You will please purchase me a fe.

i;rtss, snd send by first stesmer, ami oblige yourfriend, VICTOKIA REtilXA

1. S. Hurry up the Liniment. D'lsraeli hatken t';a hoj

dw V. K.

Cirl'r'.-f- . Wotd's II iir is said to bethe only sure rute tur baldnee and grav 'air. It removes

l srnrt, danuriiti, and ecrotuii-ii- rriiftions from tlcsln Slid in a few days cray hair to its eriginiol.. sod beauty. I his frepaial-n- r.mtatns uonatter. Lot the hair hy inviu.. rating and ree.

loriny t.ertert lieallh to the rail. Pin tiniwrlinr new ilfI to tlie roots and by tlirni can ine healthy fluid

to now lu'o earn sei aiau- nair cuiiiniiue tmea.

MARRIED,In I ranklin munty. on Ih th br the Rev. Ben

iu :s. .ir. .t Awr.s 1. urasisss, 01 rvoo.llura county,J. i.uiiti 11, of Frauklin

fn the 2d at tlie reid.lcnee of Mr. T. W. TtwkKev. I K. sir. ,'acob Hpai'LEV. of tula

.ty. u .Nli. Tl art, of Shelby,

At the ee. by the same.'.Vtll t' f ALLlt Tctau, aU ofKeciurky.

tin the evening of tl:s intint, al brirt ehur!v. James t ik. I). I . .Mr. b. W. tea in and Mi? IE 1 . llABSINCTO.N. ail of Una city,


At lhe residence of her uncle. Mr. Kellorv. Msy FrsTy ir, in tlie llith year of her age, dangiiierof Oapt. W- I yier, 01 pi. 1,0111s.

On the 9th of g"iti.tnher, 1S5S. of roncentire chill, Wliam II00T0N, in Uu 4'. h year of hi sire.

ot" in Versailles. Kv al the rest lencehis fattier, nn the itu mrtant, j. paica .Mi I.ratu, in tbJjd year ul Ins age.

lie wa a kind, nhf dient son, and much beanved by allwho knew i nn, and died m piaie a im his U wl. Hetier, f.'.HOui-i- yonili, you liuit die

I A.laiu loinity, Illinois, on nndar, Vi"t ;dLou, W., infant sou ol .Mary E. and A. f. I'ettree, a'

The GRtEffMUEKti MEDnnNrs For many yearsthese have borne the ptltn t hronghout ourcountry. Tbey are confidently and andalmost universally used erervwbere hy tbe "hibaod low, rich and poor." Who tbsa will h'sitateto ue tbem? A full surp'r i.v alwavs bent br

RAYMOND & TYLKR,Xo. 74 Fourth St., opposite National Hotel,

aft eoihxw



Itr.wAsas With the present mling rates for Southern

irht and tha epidemic at New Orleans, there la Bo dis-

position evinced to make ahinaienta of produce in that di-

rection. The epidemic also keeps many Southerners at tbsNorth, and they do not enter the market at present Flour

"Uand wheat have declined. Corn aod oats continue to d

former rate. Tha ameery market haa been very

dull, and also provisions. Tobacco has declined a fraction.Tbe weather baa been very farorabl for the crowing

erons. The river remains very low and none bat tbe amall. 7,boats can ran.

Tbe money market continues as dull as ever and ratesle

remain a previously.Our quotations embrace only the wholesale prices aoleaa

otherwise specified.Bauoiko Aim Balb Rors. The tranaartiuoa hare been

very light, amounting te only about 150 picss bagging aad

coils rope, and mostly on plantatioa nters. A good of

article of bagging haa commanded 14 to 14 V for scaall lotsbandloom. Hint's powerloora bas been sailing at le.

Rope haa ranged from H to Je for hand and 77e tor

machine. aThe Sew Orleans Bulletin, of but Wednesday, saya:

We notied in our las! review a fair retail demand forbactt- g at lS(i.nic, since which a lot of 730 pieces

has beeu sold at I4MC In rot wa notice farthersales of coil machine on Saturday at 7Ve. At retaildealer for Machine rope aad 7(74c for

C otto it. We bare nothing to report in this department.

Cottow Yabns, Shsittisos. c Cotton yarns we quote

S4X, 9(:-W- , and IwlOe in lota to lb trade and tocountry. Canaellton and Pittsburg abeatjngs se.

Oannelltnn batting 12H cents.

Cotnaoi, Ac Manilla eordaga we uota at UXc.Hemp twins we quote at luX(tl!.'ie.

CBr.raf-- Sales f Wealeru Reserve ia lota from store at ateenta for prime.

Caw nLts abb 8iar. Star eandlea bave remained firm

and wertill qnote at lsywe,aerdlngto weight. Hardwed tallow eandles we quota at UVje, evoap ws con-

tinue to quote at 1 StKajl 75 for eommoa and 1 SO to $1fancy per box.

Coal. The retaU price is 14e for Pitteborg and Me for

Pomeroy and Beach Bottom.

Floi a Axtr Gbai The flotir market has bad a verytS

dull appearance throughout the week, and the sale, thathave taken place were only In small lota. Prices ar fully

lower than at tbe date nf our last review, though In the

absence of any heavy transaction! w can only gtre the

quotation for lots by ths wbich have ranged

from 4 75 to t'- - The millers are shipping East. Wheat

also lower, and ws qnote red and white B to 8 aad SO to

Me, according to quality. Receipts fair. Ia torn quite a

large business haa been dene, at former price. Dealers

have been paying for round lota 4V and selling at c atear and shelled. Oats are still searoe, and old com-


readily MgWe and from store they sell at jaWe,Barley we quote at Uc and rye at Vie. Ia bran, shorts,

and shipstutTs a mere retail business has been doing from

tbe mills.Fsatukss, Pmsroiu, Bsbbwax, ak Raob. All these

articles continue to come in slowly, and are ararr. t'eath. thwe quote at toe. Oluaeng w quote at Hie. Beeswax

!4c, and rags Ic cash. I,Fiaa There Is only a retail trade in fish, and quotations

take a wide range.FeciTB. Raisine we quote il 5 for M. R. and $.,(S.l 2S

for layer, Flfs HXe. Dates 9e. Sicily lemons t all.

Xo oranges In market, No drlod fruit coming in.

Glass. --Cunningham's llttsburgel-.- branda unchanged.

Theageucy here b selling viz: 8x10 3 50, V xll S 75,

10x14 ft, luxl $4 40, 10x17 and 12x14 4 74, 10xis and 12x

.", IJXJ8 ti 35, ltiiSO and UxJU N and 12x22 t 23.

Country brands aell 25e lower.

dot rsirs A very light buaineas bas been doue, thesales of etigsr amounting to only 100 hhda. The extreme

rane of quotations baa been to PHc, but the bulk oftbe tales baa b en at s'.taPc. Ia refined and crosbed nf

auiall sales at lo 1. la molaMrs a few aalea, the lar-

gest lot beii.g SO bbla, at 3 to 40c About 350 bags Rio eof.have been taken at 11 w to 11 V- - A few tiercaa rice

I at 4c.

llrwr Ws bare heard of no purchases from the conn- -try. At tt. Louis p:lces ire lower, the last as lea w barsseen quoted there being at fKiJW per too, according to

ility. We continue to quote from tbe country CUM

per too.

Hat Continues ararce, and prices if anything are high- -From boats and the levee prime would probably com.

nd il- -' to 12 40 per ton. It is selling in small lot fromre at $14 per ton.

lime 1 Valers ar paying Se for green and sell at thsain, adding J3c V hide for eotuoiiafion. Dry salted w

Uat lie. aud flint at 13ia14c.bom gioueeoal and charcoal w quota at (g 4e, In lotthe trade. )rax 30e V D. Oakum 7)c Pig ironquote at 2! ;7 for hot and for cold bbvd V too.

ban. and LiNir.rs. isuiall talea continue te be made3(.10 and i(, toe, and colored jeans at 45c.

Lrainrs We quote in rough :ii33Jc,oakaole and hemlock at25:aV:7c. Harness w quota at SStaVrae, tklrtlug 18

.", black bridle $s(atle, and fair bridle too? 43cLeap ax a Shot. Bar lead w now quote at site by

ton aod S'ie In smaller quantities from tbe LonieviUeLead Works. Iig 6ii'. a.c The city manufactory b sellingpure wmte lead at fa to S3 1x4, snpanor at ia 10 vx,and Clinton at tl 0(1 74, acoording to quantity. Shot


S'aiLa Ws quote lod's from th wharf from first hand

$3 for round lota; from store we quote B3 3. Horseshoe

nails, imported, 33c, and d tc.Oils. Unseed oil w quote at H3Jc, at which tb nullselling. oil la dull at KigNteraovisioNB abd Lab i. In the early part of th week

tliere were sale or 4M bills mess pork st W. Sine thensome !U bbla bave been aold to fill ordera at the ana, Tbmarket closes very dull, and the above quotation nmet beconsidered DominaL In bacon, tba principal transaction

ve been 71) tierce bams oa private torma, 4,001 pieceeauvasaed at New Albany at $9 83 packed, 600 pieces country porkhotua at and oa order about W caaka

clear fl lea at i.s'e, 24 cia eboulders at 4(o.e, andfew casks hams at lOIOXc. In lard, aalea oa orders ofkeg st li ve, and yesterday 60 bbls and tieicee at lli aadIS Here.--- at WXe.

oiat-if- i am Oxioa Shippers are purchasing crop

pitatm at ojc per bushel and $1 7a per DDL unionsquote at a I 73 per bbL

Salt. The Kauawba agency bat advanced the prices to

:7c by wholesale and 3Uc by retail.Suoa. Flaxseed baa advanced to it 40. wbich tb nilUpaying. Small sale from store of doVer at ". of timo

thy at il to, and clean blue and orchard grass at 1

TAB-- We qnote at 3c for So. 1 tn lot.Tobacco. The business continue restricted by the very

light on sals. The weather baa continued favorablfor the i laut, and prices bave given way another fraction.We quote merchantable lugs t medium lewf

goo.ltofine leaf tiill, aad choice ll(il4. The aalea ofe week have been 230 bhda, via: 3 hhds scrap at tl

and t3 5(', S at $4 lU(at 75, H at t3 ofA m, 41 at a,

,3 at :.7 Hi, 4S at s(is 96. 1 at i($J K, and 4 at10, $10 13, tU 23, and 13 83.

Sales exclusive of tb above, of 33 bade i at(4 23 and 4 73, 14 at 99, gat - lt)(s 9ft, at t7 (0

(7 95, 3 at S l'o(S , 3 at 1(1(10 84, and 1 at tU 33.

Tta Platb -- L'ucbanged. We quote IC, 10x14, til SO;

IX. 10x14, t!3 23; IC, 14i, leaded, til 30; IX, i4x30, fel3

block tin, 35oAS.se lb; chareoa ron Sc; boiler do

3e; braxing copper 3oi40e. Galvanized Iron, all numberfrom 3i np, !4(il. Ruaeian Iron, from 26 np, lt.a4ai.

Tallow W continue to quote city rendered at (.vtia).Dealers are paying butchers for rough, te.

Wuissr. l aw bs declined, and close at JOS'c.

AVool. A good demand. We quote grease lsoi JOc. pulled 24(e)ic, and 37otUc, according to quality.

FaxiuuTS Continu very firm. We quota to New Or.leans pound freights ior for tbrough and St for way parhundred, tobacco V bhd, pork per bbl tl lo for throughand tl 23 for way, wblaky tl " for through and 1 30 forway, corn 5Uc per sack, and mule $S per head. Tu Mem.

phis isuud freights 40c

Tna Mokxv Mabket. The anl change worthy of notin the money market Is a decline in Eastern exchange.The banks are checking at X premium. New Orleans at

nominal.The banks and brokers eontinue to complain of dull

time. Tbey take all the good paper tbat offering at former rates.

Since onr last, the Bank of America at Ctarkaville hasben compelled to suspend a,cie paymeota, but it is be-

lieved tbat Its aotebolders will DO loss. Ia nneur- -

nt money tbe only change ve ootie la aa Improvementtbe paper of the sound free banks of Trnaeasse, which t

taken at the same rate aa the notes of tb old banks, dlIllinois money remains at fi to 1 per cent, discount. Thebrokers taks Indiana aud Ohio State bank paper fromtheir customers at par, and charge outside parties X discount; Indiana free banks range from if, to discount.Missouri par.

The New YO'k Journal of Commerce of Friday eveningays:

The market is slill slightly in favor of the lender,h with little pressure 01 acceptahie securities. Many

of tne hanks are endeavoring to reduce tlietr katoe. butsome are so loaueu wiiu long pier mat tn process is avery slow one.

Ther-- but. little activity in fnreimi evchanre. Bankersare looking for prime commercial bills for remittance, andwell known bring very nearly the same ratea astbe bills of leading drawers. The return ol some protestedcommercial bills within th last few dava waa unexpectedbut has aot seemed to create much excitemeut.

The stock market opened with a little Irregularity, bniwith more in some particulars.

tunex our usual competitive table of the imports offoreiga dry foods at New York for the week. As cmlsr-e- d

with the totals for the corresponding periods of tbe pre-ceding two vears, there is no important change. Th totalof thrown ujsin the market, a men includes the en-tries tor and the withdrawal fmruwarebnusa. is tn excess of the total entered at Ibe port, anil

a Itke has heen the cms every week twnli onlv two raeemion-- i. sine January 1st. The of furevu drygoods iu boud'd warehouse must therefor he reduced to alew el l. by una time.

ns porta nf yvreian Dry OW at .Vets 1'ort.iwlliewei-k- . tNVt. IHS7. 15S.

er--d at the port .513 tiiii).lThrown on market I,s;3.a6 1,11. Hi 3,141,47

MnreJan tst. IH.V7. 1115a.

Filtered at the 73 WW ."! t7s.3i.on tO,:K i3Throw u on market 7J.37ii.Aci 73,iiai,o73

The N. . Picayune uf Thursday says of the moneymaiket.'

matttit has net show u any change. Thonly activity p'tci'itible was iu cotton, the demand forwhich continue bnrk. This, however, fiirntsuee more exeli.ne then U wanted at the deeiinina rater.

Money matters rniun witnout laateiiai cnange, outthere are indications ol more demand. In view ol llie Boaonline of the btirlueee aeanu. Pate-- bavins: fnnr an.five snontha lo run can no loneer be passed at lhe low rat--

current wiu weeks ago. indeed, titer a not niuca doinaunder a ir ceut, whieb emhrarea early spring paper, and

in me matunttea a Utile later.evclianre market is heavy, and the tendency to

further depression is apparent, t f sterling there is.011 lie ra Ively little nmnnj. ann ma r ires tor tair 10 primeills are maintained at lie-- l''. ne do not hearne aeien nf hills of lading drafts. Francs have beeu si

in t af s.eJif.-"'V.- . sixty day bilia nn New York mleim 'ttitt'i per cent, discount, eight, h a per cent, die--

uut, but forced sales have Been made rniuw.

Shelby llnvat Cattle XarketW. W. Summer.LoviaviLLB, September 14.

Tba price of rattl bave ranged from tl to t3 V ewtgroea. with a good many in th pen.

Eheep have ranged from tl 26 to tl V bead, and coming

in rather freely.Th price of hogs have ranged from 4 30 to 4 Tf tn

gross.The receipts of stock for the week past were roi'o

315 cattle, aheep 3H7, and 113 bogs.

Aci pti:Cattlb B R Pool, Itreekinndge, m: v co. jenrtwun.

J Ulley, pis Vanght aV Peadertan, He, Wm Rodman.WasliinfVm, Ind, 21; J Rodman, 3 ; II Moore, clt

C Hlvena, Bartholomew. I nd. 40; T Wood,C tliums. Waahluglon, 30; T Ewing, Marion, 33.

Sheet Wm II Heady, ; L Kuslar, Harrtena

Ind1 1M; J V Willutt, Meade, 4rt; T Welbng, Melson

3tk C Simms. Waabiugton, S; T Rj ans JerJereon, 14;

J Stringer, city. 112; T t'wing, 97.

Hoes- - J Shelton, Madtou, 110; A Keeta, Jacksen, Ind,J Melifky, 4; T Cash. Ilardiu, 143.

Bourboa Uout Cattl Market ll. F. Vuurman.

The market is unchanged, and the ttock of good cattlelimit.-.!- , but with a fair suiply of eommoa. Choke and

eitta 3(i,';- -. fair to good ti&-- , and common and rough

lV'tSSe grosa weight.Ilojs atU at 4'4? fcr but commea ar

dull at tVc - em weicht.Sheep are In fair demand at $1 !583 30 V bead. Lao-b-

tl 25(43 9 bead, according to quality.Tbe rwctdpta of stock for tk week tast were aa folic

163 cattle, W sheep, and 71 hegs.Recti lite:

C'ATri.y H'lham, O Andereon, IS; fheiby, W miih.W F Thnmi-son- , r; Ballow & i n, 1:1; B W Allen, IS;

Henry, J Merrhant A Co, L.. VVaslilngtoo, llrunerCo: R L Thomi-in- , 35; Nelson. L Dragoo, 30; Jeffer.son, R Wabrs, P; Msryipan, 3.

fturrr Oldham. Ilarrickman A ... Xr, Washington,ner A Co, c; J. rl.T'on, R Wavrs, 43.

II. his Oldham, Mitchell, Sclav n, S Constantine, L

Saw Osleasb, 5rt. M. p. M.f ott-- market t. e irr. bt qnotation. nr.!1raedlwLwt. day e' 3.ts. rsvlea. Klo ir ta b.yanl at a . eUe

rorae. very dud. Whfcy .

tisciasjan. Heps. 13. P. M.Flour very dnltsate of oo bbis in I at a 71... 4 o

r ehoiea and extra brand., rl Bonotal; fair.WM-k- r alesdy sale, of tarn Mil. at in'.e. pr dullwith aalea of PJ bbl-- . roe-- p pork at jiti, IJ11 hhds hulk mealat SSiATV, tne lulling park and l'st haeoa si Sii

er ahoulders and rfdisi. Wheal - , k,,i t iWCTCora steady. Oala dull at Io. Moari market anetianged.

Nt Yobs. Kepi. 13, p. h.Cotton market easier wl s of 2..Hsj InsIh; ths tamer's

news caused a slight decline. Hour heavy aais of la.ilbbla. Wheat haa declined-rwle- laisaj bush at 20 furBiinM red and white, aad l Jo.l ai far eommoa tu fair.Corn-sa- le, of 7S.iJ0 bush at twitje for mixed sod : forwhile. Whkkyfirm. ilacoa quiet at Sl.S.c. Linseed

quiet at 7ie. Lard oil aalea of 4 IM gallon., at fKai aSeTallow la firm at iVa Ivhe. Sngar duU at 7V ,e forMnscovado.

Stocks lower at ths recond board 1 UinoU Central R. R,

Milwaukee utbera M',,New York Central 7j. Reading ', Cak-n- and Chicacn

. Mkhigaa Central sTM. Eria 1, d and To--lo 34 a. lacrosse land (rants .'4. m

UALTIXoai, .September 13, M

Floor Inaetiv at ii Jo. Wheat dull and lower: amies ofred al a I r.1 au and while at 2.l 37. srw dull at7w'sufor white and 90eale for yellow. Whisky-Al- e)

Ohio at 'air:. PnrMiM dull and heavy.

New Yoaa. Septemlter II, M.

Flour heavy; l,"on sold at l voii ji for state.Wheat quiet; (.0011 sold; quotations are nominal al

deoltn of l&2c t orn beavy; jii.iwi buehela auld; mixed(Tlc: prime yellow 4e. Mess pork heavy at ,17 Ji'a)17 ; prim lioil M.Slocks dull and lower. Chicago and Rock Islaad 7I S;

Illinois Central Roods 9nti; Micbigaa Smtaera 24 New

York Central ; PeaaayWania Coal Company 74M;

Reading 49; Missouri a MS: Oaleoa and Cbl-a- Kl;Mlehigaa Central is; Erie Cleyeland and Toledo 34S;Clerelaad, Colomboa, and Cincinnati SI; Lac rosea LandGrants U; Tennrawa Cs S.

Nw OBLEAa. Kept. I, P. M.Cotton mle of 3,1)09 bales at atitTer r rices hut tbs

quotations are unchanged. Fan r advanced 23c, uperfio

fi 2V Exchange on Loudon lue, and oa New York atsight discount.

Xaw HBLlASa, Sept. , P. M.Cotton aalea of 3.3O0 balea at atlnVr pricra but

qnoratkona; there ars store but era tha a sellers. Furar la

steady at forw quirt at 73c. Coder b firm al aa advance of .V, with sales at 11 e.

Saw Oblxabb, dept. lo, p. M.

Cotton advanced Jc. witb sales of !,() bales al1SJ) tor Orleans middling, aalea of tha week of S.Tfal

balea, receipts last week 14.sJ balea against 3.330 out year,stock at this port 4f.0uv balea agaiDat It.trai bales last year.Floarqtiiet at i for snperfln. White eora use and yallowsue. Coffee firm aalea of tha week g.nno baga, at IbL

port 3n.so baga against hgs lost year. Exebange onLondon lox.

Nbw Oxlbaiss Cirrii Misarr. spl a.

Beef fattl-Tr- ie market for Western beya waa livelyS'aiHe r1 It- net, and but teat left on aal. Teraa ralile

met a fair demand at !;ta J y head, scoardlnguuaiity.logs We qnote at e ) 9i wef.heep The last sale was al . ?3 head.

Milch ttood supidy at ia head.Veal Caltle We quote at ftntaviv V bead.

Tb following from tha New York Shipping List rhowexport of breadatnna from tin Carted State to Gnat

Britain and Ireland, from September 1, 1M7, to SepteaiharUS

Flonr, Meal, Wheal. font,bbla. bn-- hash Hneh.

1SS7-- l,.HKi.isJ i7 g.iiosa. 1..173.441SM-- tsB.lTV ei 7JS,t 4.7:4,13a

To On Continent.Flour, AVbeat, Cm, Rye.

hbls. bush. hnh....Wtl-lis- l...NI.I11U JitiJoJ

Tb New Ymk Time of Friday sayKW bave a nnlet and rather dull money atwrket. Stork

brokers ar having money left with tbem. returnable oademand, a; iw4 $1 cent. The employment of capital tnthia way, owiug to th tameneee of tbe stock iaeven less than it waa earlier iu th season, sine- - th amonot

dividend storks and bonda held amo-- g tb broker lataring gradually decreased bvonfmd purchaser. In hortmercauti c bilia there ia a fair buiwueea done throogb bank.

ratea ranging from I to IV reut. for names.and S to 7 cent, oa fair signature. Theduoounl brokersquote lung dale prim bilia at &Hva7 V cent.

slaw Yoaa Cattlb Maaaaw.Sept. LTheeiirrent nrieeefor th weak at all th markats are a

follows:stir cATrLt.

First oaaUty fi mm KOrdinary f 7 in 7 74

aiBOB ...... 7A SaInferior ( Ouia) 30

ixi w a a n caxvaa.

... ll(2f tr

VEAL CALVia.Extra quality, v tbOrdinary let tHCommon 4 fat 4'Inferior I ui C

1 err abb lambs.Prime quality, V head 4 3uoa 4 7X

ordinary 4 tu a) 4 33Commoa a 11. 3 VInferio- r- 1 30a) 3 73

awisa,rtest eorn-fe- 4V)lirdmary -. a) 4

Iniermr (at

The avrrBe quality of the off rings oa sal ta

high prices a they did last sreek. Laat week the bestualitv sold at about SHc and aouas few brought that 10.

hut by far In greater portion, evea of tlie very beet.brouelit only about sc lb. Tlie market wsa more inae- -

ve than we nave een it yet. ami butrners are stw anoutming forward. vb at tbe low vrevaUmg otoees.

fhe inactivity waa mutual at all the yards, and prices varybut little. At Bergen lill oa Monday, ate. ul 3vu head so id,but at low pnees.

cows ana caive are ratner uun, ana seti at tne abovetattoos.eels ax onlv moderately active, with aalea chiefly at

low prices th be--t hnng only Sc.Sheep and lamb are still very plenty, and araverr cheap:lite a number have been sent back to Albany, during thaJv, week, tli market ber being

been at 74.in are plenty and rather dull, with sale at tha above

sattoca.The total rwrelot nf stock at all tb Tarda for tba week

weraaa loiiuwa:A e Sheep

Sioia Case Lailvaa. Lemka. lelaTola! ! S4 4 1A3last week. 4,i3 3.7 7 Hl

CmciKKATT Cattlb Maaarr. Sept.The demand for boas baa been fain and the market rules

steady at ;.e.4 40 lor Ul and . aot'a .a lor sloestie lor th latter kiuu coutiuuee acuvw. eturny

from Kentuckv.Href cattle remain without ehanr. Th demand Is asod- -

srate, but bardly equal lo supply.

PERS0N3 ADVANCED IN LIFE,Aod feeling ibe hand of Tim weighing heavtW apoathem, with all Its attendant ilia, will fibd lath use oflloofltnd German B Iters an Uixir thst w II instilllife into their vein, restore lu a measure the energy andardor of more yoatbful days bwild np their shrunkenforma, aad give health and energy to their remaiuiugyear.

Ak for Boofamt Germmn Bitter, prepared by TrC. M. Jackson, SIS Arch treat, Philadelphia. They aresold by druggists and In every town andvillaga ia tb raited 8 tat, Canada, TV est Indies, Badgouth America at 73 cauls per bottle.

81'TCLIFF 4k lll tJHESAgeuta, Wholesale and Retail,

srp7 LontsvllMi, Ky

FaxuATCtB Loss or thi LIaib, which Is so comoioaa ye, may be entirely prevented by tb u of iTatr-

netCm Coemaint. It has beea ared la tboaasnds of caseewhere the bair waa coming out in haadsfuL and baa aeverfailed to arrest tta decay aad to prow-i- t a healthy and vk- -ron growth. It bat the am time unrivalled aa a drwaa--

ing for tbe hair. A single application will render at softand glnaay for several day. See alvertisrm eot.


Chronic diecaae considered Incurable, will receive a let-teb giving inform tioa wbich will Insure a speedy and

cur by sending their name a and on stamp (toprepay postage) to Dr. F. B. Fikite. the celebrated Chron.

hysiciaa aod author of Mcdlrl Commoa Sense,'Saratoga ?pringa, N. Y.

Physicians' TestimonyHrGIIKS TONIC will rrtf C'lifHn.l Fwr.THaT miutaiioa in th tTraaUinynt In tlirr its--

male. m ehildreo mad iU lmi to rerinBt ronfitutniwlairrl bjr attitru of ue n4 othr iirtnii

uMirinttwir kmd Um fuilowiuie frvm two ofour KtrDtitrky pbyirliMK

hirr i our Dot- - ol inuirr rwnfii mt tpw aayn nc.n rTly. ttftte tliat roar ff Tontc bt pro"-- !

neit worinr or pxiroBn, iiiuy pimi mi i

niMtHr-- artMind m mmem wwu-- v n to tlvr 1 uir.both on rrouut ofitotuUMil of iUefflcaoy. rieuewimt its rwipe. Xouri truly.

Tr. W. W. Jnhn-it- Mwati m to my lW he karttljreofTitbr( ih- - ooTf

rrvparetl by Sutclirffe I llmriiwi, Lontovtii, R., aadfur!1 nr an sueruiianrs.

Grand IFcilxAT TUB

MASONIC TEMPLE.IK MASONIC FRATERNITY OF LOrlSVILLIwill give their Perond llrwnd Annual Fair at theirpie. nommrBcing an th

Twratj-aevral- k day af Wewaewaber.The t roeevils of the Fair are to he applied to the pro me

lton of vsaoona chsritahie enterprieee In which the Frater-b-r i enrag"d. The punlic is respeettuily invited to attetid

and ita nwiroaaaw ewrnesrly solicited.ITie hUboea market irlce will be pale for an mm ilurtng

th eon'lnuanceol the r air by tlie t. mm tt.e al trie I'ailCnntrthutiens of articles suitable lo. Mis or exninrtnaIU be thankfully rec ve. aepia daawtf


NOW IS THE TIMT3 TO BUY CHEAP.t E are new " th public a ol

If , such ae Coach-- , liitttt.top. and open ere. at ptice.i

with te ll.mt liL'Ktt. II ltj.Hr A Will f.l F.K," ' a, .VtaiaM., oppoait visit Mo

aprl dienaaA:

II.VKR fI'tiNS-O- ur ae..riiueni of a.fverTable Tea. and Dessert and I ...raX is .... ver laea-- and is warraut--- ofthe bo.1 silver and workmanship, and ieotf-r-

at tlie lowest prices. Tbo s widtii-- to pureha.-- will andto tlieir Bdvanta... to ca I and etaiuine onr etetr

Sep 11 d&wdib

rtuient of Oold Studs aud Veal BDd s!cv lturtooaoa baud aud lor sal by

FLETCI1ER 4 BENNETT.Kepll d&wAb 4b3 Main it.

LB-- t PRICE'S GLYCERINE a hand and for100 bytepttl daw J. S. MUKRIS SON. Maint.

J. S. MORRIS ftONS, i Mala

J. o. tm 8NS. 4l Maiass.

ril OALI ON LIVE '01 L la quaiter a on hand)Ul anl f.'l sale byeeplltdA-- RKI SOV. 4K1 Man

.1 rflll " CAMI'tioK oa ho4 and fsale bv

O mm Hi'UAi trenned) n kaud aud Sr sal,crrvr byaeptoactw 4. .aontiis m si s jsaiw v.

' Ann LBS FLOCK SCLPIUB aaad and forU,tttttl sale by

pl0dw j. xi "itiits as st'.a--, ei warn ss.

- nnil LB3 CALABRIA LICOFJCK ea kaad aad,f,JJl tor sale bysepltlddtw J. P. MULbis ot sun?, r i naiB


WHiTiro- -teyl'dd--


KINO l"sj grs Masoa larg ana aneui "BLkl fur sal byarpUdd-- LINUENBtRGEB CO.

Sou truss olar Lamp ''VJ'LT'TJLAM Ll.MiKNBKKI.FB A tit


AR1 t dosen sitnr.l in can tor an brML'pT UiMJk.Ni.tUvitli


I Tv ILL. f rRIDAT. :nh.t"6. at ! k P. M . oeTer fur eai mtlie vrenuisw at vuhl-- . for JL y

nalaneM m three animal tav- -frSI id -

tnkian.l I:II ha divided la .tiuii! L.I. uaiit mil, hia--r M

and wiitabl for BwlldouliMi r...in(rv aod aaeilew- -ma purposs. TWr sie two eiitratiee to the laoo, --nefrom he s,rentb aire! plank road, tha otber rom f .f--teenlh streat.

And en Moaslay. the ath nf at JVf o'ehe-- P.w.. ob the pmniL .a. tha liaieU una runlrv t rereai--liiilt .nd ore .i,i,d hv A. .Smiih. havlna j.v . arr...tnatl ..w the shelbiorl'le bronru ttirr,ia- - fn I. i mile.fvm tlwe..nn-ko-e- . Thi- - k on of the hae.in.e- - anda-- iniprowd i lar la ...f.r,. count. . Tie Woim at a'. Are a Cobv aienr.. r., groundsate h.mlrowv-- laid out h Irer waika. awl eowtaia awol aiirwOuwrv

f eemt me. two. tl.ree and M.or . withravalH.anDiiallv.,BdH(. ...1 .(wtwohr- -t note- -, a in leiaiued ,u ibe propr-a- to secure thea hole pwrenaaw aooi s, . fitsiarnaof land adji.iiinig thw alaise, in luu lo sun am.rhsseni. P

AW. ow Wed ne lay. h. at 3 ..'eLw-- p Iw . on thw prettilere. oa a ere.llt ol one. two, threw, aodfour eo,nal annual p w.'h paval.ie aunnsl y aod soimI ersiinal sreur tv ow the av aient, anala lies u arure tne whole wowv, a lotjf ground known aa kow aod Wharf, having a from of

ieo ow r ni.n Hreet, rinnina : Ket ta :Ka.n. noiia r.j 1.1 n to mt..vo, at tlie ne tini, ow tha premises, on tbe following

Ka.aare m owe. tw. aodwith Inters and IWa maiued asabos. a i.f

Uround oa tUasoiKk u.la of Fuluiw stret, oei-- Ja. Wand lianeock, mouioa hw k l.ei fw b. aa alley.

al the sue tune, and Ihw am as abeww."J prennaea. iu bv i,3 teat of l.ruuad a thw waat awlwof wreet, wlrh two Framo liwailinas Uiereoa.

V aompieta pial of iim abova ran he n at myofhoa, and the property ahown lo any sn aeewtng tit h day f lo.

als diejs.mwg J(THr .n"et



II AIlIT10 to tb llheiBI praimnnM he thAeMialiow in toapabixhrd Uet. a TK'lTIMiKIMi, frewf- -r bora, mara. or artdiog. ai l eoiw oil ow

the secoad ilav uf tha fair. I neta nee. ow mil a aweep.stake foe two urntftme. th Bore ta r.e iwm apitrber wortb . and secoad be4 a avlver pitrney worth fT

I ne ring win as sy th ruor tbe Louamillsociatv.n fin.Tlwlair will bs in tharlnitr of Halvlsw. Mearwr

Kr., , Sew, ud. andoww- -u luree aay. sei t I3d.4wiooNmlle Journal eopv fa Isaflv and VAkly aa-- l swd

A-- l lirwy. setwry i. F. at Mvlew. Hi Hmr.rwdsowrs' Trawarripf.

KENTUCKY STATE FAIRwasa Hwalwrky mint A arirwltwraj fSajrirty.

I orvviLiaept. moar la. lean,H E third annual Fair of Ut Kant ieky Slat AirrirtiUtnral Morkty will emmene al 41m rrnunda of tlw.

Agrle.iitnral and M"lianical Awa'b'B,near that city, Tuesday, th iio iuet., aa t eowtiaiwi

shU.liN,B will ba Biade In the follow! os order, viai. I rhee. and llorr id .Ur. ll..r.od Vlllle.1.1 sir 1, mem Hoeea d Poultry- - ita a..

eadd.a llotwes: ath day. Draft Honasa. awaewatakaw awai B

AmTh books of ntrr are aow otam, aad the Seeretarrir aa lounn at Bia oiue lover maucbard a e othiuare, diagonally oppoait th lialr Huwei. on M mdava

and Swturdars. front II o'clock in the to 4 iw heafterwB. till th eowitnenceineBt of tbe l air. Appllea-tlon-a

eaa he wiade Hy letter woinerwaw. leie raaI ha obtained be the Seeretarv ar ai --n - ,J

tb Aaricuitural Wareaonara, tsewd dtop, ar Liveryia Lou bod la.

An rree stork mww b entered at the taasat he half.aariaht o'doek of the day nuon which n ia a be shown. Aa--

iltnral machioary. aud other article intewded fornniM h entered before th eommeneement of tli

ir. and. tf sent from ahrowd. should be .ineimed 'o av Vf.M I LTi )N. Comme-o-.- B Mtehant. Mam street. Isuk.

viile. W. D. ijALLAOilr-R- . Bectaia y.Tlie l of Trotting Slocb provided for hv th IH.

rectory of Ut Southwestern Agricultural and VlechaiiH-a-

it". n will take olaee oa Jtonda. 17' uin dav Before th ooiumeticeiuent f th Mate Fits. Fn--Irie ars bow ta order, and raa b mad at the omc aad

tasied in tb pracediug fleer Uac meat.II d;Al

.TIAJITIOTII CLOTllll. DLPUTNortheast eoraer Fourth and 34 arke street.

1 W wenld reTes r In Ite aMeortnej to owr tarrf4 and eteaaatsl-- k of FALL and WIN I K K I LOI J

A 1M prepared aad manutartiired w'ta doe reewrl- ,.1 X o tb wauis an l tastes of ur aiiiueruus aadlbs aubiic aenerally. A: owr

MfcKCllANT TAI LORINfl KiX'Uv eonerantlr be aonn-- a trw aad ban leome supply oftha. CaseluHarwa. and Vtina tw great vartetr. i irdoratud suiu eui4etl wnUia Iwealy-lou- r Avars il de--

aired.having endeavored to etabl-- a bnafaeaa. tbwwail

proiit of whtcb be.ng lucre..! be a iare- -r amount ofsale, we Via. I cob bone to acll at low aad n:ii,.riw prwe.

eps dh wins J. U i .

POTATO DI0CER3.T. ar tannfaeturln Urc mm Vr of P"ato

aod arr ftor rviiarl to ftll atl ordom tor thmmMu'ir. Prcs A1UL A Libeml IWowl u rlsiaam.Adi Awlm PiTKl.H BktuTULi.


ttS Pat due eollertlon mad thrors-- t prompt aad rsil-i- eIn anv part f the l' oiled .

SB- - Tvie beet reference fivea apoa appiiewnoa. InBU4z; s


R. GRAVES1 FAMILY MtDICINES,piMBRACINO bU celebrated A me PIP, -r tb rnr of

cnin inverniu eut ana duiuo rever,bion case tbey never fail

ArasaORAVF.-s-- AKTI-BI- I lot a. AUTI -

PIKIFYINO. ANUCArilAKTIC l'i LL? that bar befor the cure of ivspepi and all disease

arising fro a tortnd liver and a bw ae 1 wer a wiildcathartic ar purgative masikliie at ffequired. Nv aaeaeairy

toe as.llw

fiRAVes-- AMERICAN L'tlUMTfrr the emld-- affectnal sure of I ram a foLc and I bolera Morboa.

larrb-w- . Ueadaeiie, Toothache, and ia las ail twine ot !

every kind: also I Wolic and Hot in horse aee iddeloy re- -irved with thi Liniment, aad ' er all pra.a-- , tu'a,

aad Bruise.

ORAVETS OOLKEN VI KollFl'tiE r werms, aqnalthe beat, being a sur cxpeiirrol wwrwa trout the bums a


OR ITRs'B PAIN EXTKAUTOR will are mus-d- 'a

rii-- f from tsaln ia ease of tum or !cai..and torTetter. 11 at a sure cure ior ana oia aorea.


The anove Medicines have been avtenetvelv made use ofihrooglioot lb North and and are wow In thehands of laeutv.Hve heudrwd stnrtnwed areio. and ewa

wh ieeald and retwil al I u 4. itarbiru's. J. K. IL . R.ilnneoB . and .11 tlie erneti al dm a

ihisein-- at Oeleniae's. hortl-e- and all h.- prine.pslorsMi.ln New A.oauy aa-- t lBdiana.aiHl

hrou:houl the sHslv rrv lo beowwvijteed ha thev will perioral aa reremjueudtsi.

aug i-- dJro.vweows

A Substitute for Potash,lONCEMUATED LIE.

,"OR MARTMi SOAP tS ITIIOl T LIME. AND AT Avery irt.i.na of money, tita-s-. wr trontile. Fvery

family raa make ail be eap titer fi oia ordinaryitche areaee and the Concentrated loa N"thingelsew

1. ive it trial. n pound hoi will waa aitsenud ol aee'ient pure nani ana several gaoonaviett siau or ene barrel ol the lat er.

Printer and all a ho a strong Lvwlll gnl thinceutr.,icd Lr tr ta-- the en aoeet sa-- l rtWtive

art:cle they can use. Try It.MaBiitactured br 'be Pennsylvania swit wanuJaevnnngnnyaiiy . pittatmrg. Iw.. whoa!-- . and ota--

th trade lb following article guarautied of In veryI. t mia.ltv.

CaVl nTIC SODA, fcr soap- - Pa wpER;markers: M.t. vi Mi v, Llinia;un a M.VNtjA N f E.

RKHNtO (IAPAL !HI.; Ml. i. Iy IC Ai IU

ri. NlTalv. Atlin:

Warranted pur rSnd TVBl.r. I'1T,ad tiALT, the aly pertertiy par

bad made in the I tuted Wwies.For stl by all Dr utgwaa aud lirucrrs ta toe eona-ry- .



JEFFKK.-iO.-t COl NTT. XT...Prinrtt-wl-.. Mnsie.. prfe-w-- r .f Laatfua

comfort and privilece which Bttast aeesaartlr beei-la- -

w.1 from la a sen. his. rneinwrnai reguiaiMnaraiaio-.ine- d

th rrlnctvlw of deleaale peren-- uthortv.and our long ipenencw assnrea aa that tin ynncivl-- s

clearly anderslood and faithfully aupiied. arcwras ail tamt el gou-- oraer alia ee-- n iu wsiua iw ese.

dlltleW.Th Bert ss salsa wt;i oe nw ny

September. For iurtiie-- r parucilars,aidrsw

July- - dAwls-J-


jKxjjei mj ',K at BBd.r tb

Mi'K'iAN.arwlltale of Vet pdut. andmm prwrtlrwl K imt neer, aide

Merkaw-cs- . Pvwrticwl

Fnaineerlni and Miningalso, in Euglie.a l.iterw- -

tnr. Htsorcl Rewdltnr , a keeping aaa anwn s

rma. aad tn gonera I aanea .Thatweo-y-thir- widI anu eeaesoa eeeiiaow ne

Monday in tthi Chargea gli'J frpa rabie tn advane. .111 ih. at

Frwaklla own'y. Ay V' ar th !,,Un,''pHli)rT) ry.July di-e- wlm 01 Uw Boarq.

KenUfkj School of .Tlfdicin,L0CISV1LLE, RT.

t eetnre ta i tnstttwtloa wm oewiwiiii a ew wTHS! Monday la November, aud eontiun ionrtaK.ati-w- ,

mrtiig lct,oher nrelimtnary lectuxea wui w

a uil and College.f ven TT.

Peat. W Pndley, M. 1'.. Kwerltwa f Ihnsty,Henry VI. Bullitt. M. D., Prwlww- - ol aaad Pra s

JoIib ilardia, k D., ProfMvr of Obstetric aai Cttulewl

Medicine. i. .r " - e -C. w. vvnent, w. i.,S H. MarsiialL 3d. V., iTofvawr f alaaerta llediea aod

Ootdml'h, M. IV. Profst-ao- r f th Prtocrpia

f anraerv and 4 lltik-a-l Jnrii-v- .

o'v' . . M.D..'lrbftaatof pbyatok and PatB- -

elocieal Anatomy.Iwvt. nmmlna, w. ir., 1

For a addresS. B. JIA'HALL, M D..

of Faculty.as lMaa

Cancers Cured..www lewJelw hie servts-e- a for b

I eient "f anverona e. w he - ' Wci r ia h

rrrua. roflllw. nl tnmnis i - - - .

erv mild nd p'et'ee?v (. Ukew internaliv orloeally apolte.1. Th eease-Jl- ae veee.etee. usoss

led nicenss in 'ne " ' ' -a a e para. I- L 1.1 .... , ihe iollfteitiu sewttemen;

ad. it. I Vli l.et)erui-- . r.e.. ' --

1 i- -, le. Inllaril. Il I . K I

t reoerwasreirf . va : r.'.or-- - , .kTroiuml. v.?---; '?VJt M.


K. W. Howell.Wnrfreeshor". Ten.: I" M. w. .r--o royal.

earlee. M. D . Kltde M I M. Ilhicaro. HI ; Peterson T ner. A news, IHiJ K. La on.

I Kev. J. H. Itravea, N

ill, T,BB.; I el. Job! Met.- -, Isaitoa. Oa ; M. L. Ki rry,i . wurpny. v. v.i " eev., . , .

ky. . -- ..isunrewswor -

PBIV1TE JlK.PIf L l)IrEASiR..WW. G T r m Vvr- -I " cf anofiiwrr pah'1trat h Ha an for--


liym VUt rf .4MM fW4roe S 'V n ' s I ai

hod) . ,aI eeie-- lloeretartmm el a aes.w.i tta,ha .vf ,, v.otswliaiis w,.f svnipl.'e-i- . lb- -

le ewiir Iv new. havtwa Barer Be adopted by

h.v, eonowcted thatdweae. wmiuai wea JTtJ:a.d l.t--l hould The hlTJ-- w

fails ofT. Tlir. I ''tf,-- i

,;''4!T, g, avo-- eoBcep'loa. c.. to Mhealth " eonenyie-w- . Pr-

adtr4 apeaa' . r wowrciy


::mr.V. Wli bo, tW,u1 Pswdsis

addreea,th y

aaaa-r- wiiB

lwerw, a!o orders lor yllls r powders

iTotawiltatiows ws. Be fre-- . M V S P M at Miofee, wortbewet is rner f Tbird aad Markataarw-- . prvT..n;rneoa Ttxrd wr- -t

sr iaetoisble. lion t fbrrtUBaiwawd awas

" lw.8ATe,M.D.,aalS 4iaAwew Loaiavili, Kg

A 1 T'. .... od Kev MatehewI is spilt Ms'tcbew; - rri

9:0 sw-trr- l Ksre Stcljr.I WIM pwv V a "vr war-- ! ''he asterr f t -- rm

''' 'tr oh O -Kv...,dA.r .' t e e.'o- -

- --rri.. V r,-- aai '. '" rh.., . a ii rot bav. t oar. I t tn ' --r y, .w I

nh.'rt hand- - ni K kaa :: (. .'r nark w.ri.In... t.jir -- n loe fss-e- e"t .''! M

il.... mn,a, and teol I ana nan hr a. H w d ''aw..; .i.. I V .rtn-- i.r th w a vef y

rens- A T au1 riaS ena ucnrr I wi-f If.vvlA- - .da

o 4 . I

ULLCril .MM' UAL nITUE,Or ciN'cJX.Mri, ouio.

The anlr Feleetir 4'wllaiar l f4'abirBbawa -- peeiwls barirr fr-- ws Km-- tait.

CAurr-r.- d taa WKu VvniVr Vm-waa- ,

; imiu'-- v hWn.niuwfa V a, w4; graft mk ir.

WUiter Sesalou of 1855-9-.

r v t'LTY -- II. n fiwol'on. M P.Pf ' f.'.1. I.J m. VJ ! Pr

w.r ..f U. ri, T V'l- - irw. snd fka-n- .;

W n rd powll. w. D . - I r -: t. vv I. rt sl- y. D . '

MMev a'i Jnrts 10 :ei- - : . 9. New't.B, M.. rr-t- .t .. .irer. nl iinnl r J. i " i

Maeste. W. I. .f T':oe and frsci-e- 1

ami psi y. f: X. M. D. prt.. .1iir-- 1 Avatoiu-- : Vi.

M. D.. .i. ..r ..I nr. au.l Ie-- a.VA.n-- B and I Vidrew: A. il. nJ-- , M. I neCt- aProliMMor of and W Joit. w. 1.. Is-- x -- i Anatoujk.

I I IMC III I KtK- - J Csia aiaa, W. , Cev..w, VJ ., z. M l.Toe feur.u.a tutor eiw w'll eomnt w w h

of Vinveaioar, lea, and t asit Isusri. ka ia fieoil rdltw. eom--r of o.l a... I PImo, a. t loem- -

BWII. li atnitoi irliwinr-- . Wmim vlil Sl a.siw I

a the ar-- t of eu.ber. and Inw dtsattiM rsimi wilt am

TH K SfKIMi r.4stM w'll eosaiawwra ..e- Uaft- -r he clie f the

Frl-.- rlie ..!! r-- Mr. as n V,. T'o.e.B. y li; t iui a., gjc U.a-1- - - -- . p

S II. ke. j.itieleni ua ritr will call t l oi f -

t. Wretary. No I iimii r-- i ' c lis.l ia setting . snarl, and b al isirinf'.riue'Kiw Letiers '4 Hetuirv i. a- h o iw r -

rr.a IL j. A. N - .a - a- oret.September l.lasa.


K. - NF TON. at. .ifraaor of trrerT and Pre t

Mvtlwal ljet1oi ol iBctea iThi Medical J.nir, al is B"bi Hi .lv In

wati. I !,.. at ! ir.snri, ii i . is: s :n riwrwe. a...,sie.,it,,tln -

Atlantic CaWe Pieces,SENT BY MAIL. piSTiiiB riUM i ixt H lovi,.

1 .. 4 wee. : -i a li!C'vru W. I ieid S Cerifli'' of its t n sine e sent to lit foliege. A.,i. s.i r

--etteoi, r I eente Kill ..f penteaw ewoy.Uiv yar eesme. ana Maw.

st.a wt

$200 REWARD.5? J RITN AW T from the llwwj tn la- -

I terrrd rwwov. K wW the .1 --

"jsl iota ai.. a sear tw.a as s.t 4 Tol Ishont s iars it pa- - .1 sN.o'

r. te lursjee h; rrr' Itieck: niS a,. V: r ii "eonjwderablv. and at a S'lda-r- . Iia4 ow eaen r sham mia-'- wt. ar.- - i toaik . ''. " !

ronah boeis. II- - aaa.' have a .o. ..f a of 'e F .

i I irenit t oart. rtvlng i'iwon was rweered v he Court nf .1.

I woU aire for tit cf aid if w

thiaesMiutv; aisi if caulu hi an ?"s-- Inml 9 I cansht out of and ' - i j

tweorenuBoe-- i 'lial I art . AM'Llt 'LAsrasira. p. 11 elwllavotevtlle Jowettad eopv ia weekly

rhnrge line otbee. j - I

COAL. HANKS FOll SALK.to eri the of i farw a HAI'l'IXIWIH El. I i . Bav K. in ,

nor-- a tor f aa Kniocav rreer. wear he s rcreek. Tom a tn Beea t lei Hawa ' a Ktr',and to those who 4 are W ia lb eoel bq ia, wo

o ml eould bw elcted 'hai would pi ova iorw rttauI bare ale another COAL BANS aw

eteek.wllHB IvM iwdiai-o-- 1. ..- - ia a "4 111.Aisu. the ine. naif ot a nro-r- SALT IA t LL, lis iaa

rlclUKy.-- the anove Hmks.Feoia taw ta af tins nwatn I kall be, Car few dava.

at .laraeow, Oe eewnty swaa of Brawtetii. 4 taa 0ween wr.n rvl. u tenoa. etc r .bat shs-- wj aavdresa will be kjcnmoad. kaj coucv. J'laar ne

slaws 1 C. ItH vyy.-v- .

(Lautavill o..v o, weeViv so aaieatBt of)a aad -- harg this ..di.t. ter. j. ae-

NOHTHEKM tltt tP KV,Lei4a. sept . .

MFETrNi4 f the f - Ken . ;

aiUvtr Haukin lloare IB th.' -N I. Sll AY, Nov. I7:h. u. Lake lUto nir.itie.--s ton !. --e 'the awA Leei. ainr of . ai rovd :.,'o imu' .I, ertiilrd "An act o I'eoti 'he charer f '" Hna ..fLi--vill- Bank of . aod ort Lai-.- '

of th fo k e.Weca, ia p. aoB aff wyproxy, at uraen:ly and reiietlsrd.

ie or ter of tlw lizard ulsl3tri:aor A. F H tWXIVS. Caabter.

Lontevi'le lonmal Insert weekly nnril Krlt Noraad forward BreowuLJ . tyoa. wo I he St.

S2C0 RITWARD.0 ( RA-- 4 AWAY from tne . nenrf J TaMorsviii, eotimv, hlv.. owjA n'eh lit i. hkly neero man iseeli a. : l f I a K weawllv eaiiee) BC K. shows Wenetc; is about a feet ,uch; btack coenoie-iio- Uavwrr

whlta teeth; carnva Bin.wil erablv weigl

Ita or pounds; aeaaa . aud ka a aiuiuconB'enwnoe.

wi.l rive jna If tBkew ant f tb ?tte. er t twk-- w

tne .siate. or aai it ttiri. in peneer sabli aaadlise that 1 cao ft ELiA 3 coorn..

l.h. -- ' 5 r

2.000 ACRE3 OT ATD FOH SALEla Ewllwrd ('assy. Kewtweky

TtTE off r .r tai met- of ta jd,TJit-in- a lUi.ard conotv. in me ev.-- .d h'Bu.kv.

L Thia 'and f tw trae- - of !.' a.On Iving Bilioin-- 'he town f ..Inn. on, and tS-:

tl two wuV s of ihe s Invi r ti etner Wart tatew Billea diseawl to

Tbe above laa.l- - are attaivd with all te H

of that ol he and air eniiai.B fci:iiny e aayiand iw met irt of v.

Tbe acne tovuda aie opew tor prtva hi tw! He

of Meptenibrr If not id nriva-el- be.ar- - ti.a"a. they will be ctf. red for ..n to 1 a of

Beat, n inu.sl of Loiiimbns.TK lands will - anvn o .av yvr ea wWlile Ww

toena. bv tel. Frwnci T lever, of vi..mi.e. wbowi'laieo iv anv ln'or-n- ion In re 1011 u i't ntav bw

for 'he pnreha of 'ioon w b lir. -- l10 he eitMrnlee. as Malitaa Coin- - llone. V rgiot), aaoltbe IMhtlsv.it Sep- - Iber.

Toe land wnl ba dividi d ino Te nf ee. 'f d.:li wJ J' HNaCAfc;IN-- . ft

PUBLIC SALE.TH! anbserber wtl e a r B.1". a M A" j

in ineesiiitr. K tl

. eB me mad eadin tr. r t wa . . . ' ;

CaJtle Va.ll?. W, lli.l Bud tAC BV- - -from u iwiot, ..oa t - I u rvo.e aa t I

ras. on he - of ee ber I -- er a d..'utinDg v.rs a com .rso'e a

""wdp'-TwiKS- t'a'-- j wa! a - 1 -

aU of h ew.-- Hot--r .to. . aw a3l .a.iron of eorw in to Arid

Toe karm has aa "r "n :, V d 'oei.l'b". llwsL'.. M' t Lai- b. : j i b.'Ts

&e., are roiiveuient.Anv person w.n,n le. th Far V r s

viled W mine and eiaanwe i' IkAM.' J Hahka.M,..

lc Dis;in5t-- OuldaitSr al. - v

farm, b it baa aa1"' lor ihr-- - lr L.H oe. !

.'"li lav, be lei Jv of i I swat, tt wo " at ie. a b b red to tb urs-a rwiotr. t. r ww, -.

owner tnav dirveL m l' f. of I - a.pete is put a low, aa i em as w.e - e .waura a e-

aav ow who want, a good farta. I' is svrv p.' idee-- l

combming nsswy a lran'aa-- s tf ce jw I

t ainrket. hrm i. comfor-- . in.1 all t1- ""-

ie put the msrket A eersooe wvtone t-r f

jr ngtioB will addreea be at b.Thai aiuab'e proueit, ta sma'e.1 ow dnN Crvea.ad

wrll cooBtv. i miiea pr.oc- t e. Sro jdvill. the oint. anl st 4 kit!- .

si ia in en.fist - so--

drv botrow, eiiuwi fo anv leu.! in kentBcfc W .arable II eisiei, produtio CO. B. wiewt. '

aae aeouiMla with (toe timber and tne.iaa -

iisrv water, aa-- l - twined toe aoHi besi-- tn- -LiMai-a- n lea me witb rno esse a ffn Vs.- aea edw eewavev ot bo wet a hiwk . rw. twe . be

fei: al.- -a wai- -r wt .i'i ' fgritkling ad lhe sewwu a re

"iw'l a'ae etl te tk btcNeet oa W --deeds tbedr-- a davof I lece.abrr ee .t. aa Bv n .ne ya .v,M'llvi l. on 'on ere- it. ad he iter u.aad H,.iaieb..ld and k 'c. w r irni.ire ..n e lras 'ollow pork . stv. k J 4 ' 4 ''br .

vwwtw, ewrt. esen, noe wwevy aod aarwss. a

Poland ewt. eorw. A- .; a., he.1. owyew.ie, ram. .

enatra. tahb. !.: taa, Kins - ' l fl".aoe-- l rler. and raoiow.1 eir--v a. a vv-

stieia--r wareaate.i a she-- awd aeao ever ,etdav. W oat a chance uite ior auy one w uo laussje

t buy lup iAwU i.L..'olnt merwn'teai.

Sep trwowa HARPENDINO.


THF.4E MACHINK-- ar wtmn"",w.MW lew aewr rw

ft me bi rk- -t No rernia e.1 'ni T .

dowilh.ei'at.lVKP. t via t H iLl a.lviim,lvi-- r eiy r Ai-.- t .

Iw wwic "IwThev a.k a wew anl lor sttew.threads are mt faeeeel f. ,1 riia.

.evew if everv tlurd wie-- i o cw. It me e.(..I .1 .,nl,l. e l.a.i saw he ' mmvt - t.www 4lk or ciMtoa Irnm oniinarr pM n I fact-?-

br a aver caaaa-ow- tooiOwtewi-a- - Brewd-- New Torkt Feetk Tee.

louievuie: tl.rtnr s Kioek. Uainglom -a- y--! He. Pwrta,IlovkiB.vUle.an.1 DaBvtil. ;ut.H wwtf


(THREE 1HO-- ROLLERS IN IKOM FEAM.JWarranted am Folio a b :

nor Vertical Mill freme 4 to 3dONF. airTwo - r M il prveeea oloubi 44 v

a,, awls iiiice per bone - -

nl M.U wiih writrwl sit --

plvTwo ftrtm una

lever p.. and w.ked by ;",

Ironnd It. tw the ami moeee a Vertte-- a M a.lrl-- t A aellone see eolie P

Two Bors Vertieei MiJ t'i-- geani- - ) aridTirae. per hour ... ........ .

Four Mul i iia gara-- f j Vide So toft raia per boor

Four hotwr M H i bwek .!-- ) stfVet tuattach to or otor ueaeuiu yowve las


145JSI . o

Fl.rva ft t.liN a ,sddcod WJ 44 Ma-- stv. L - 1.


I. F. STONE,4o. Msia aL. ow noar abew 'b G4t a

lift " ais wrr- - awiTh slur

,y tor bt k.a., d for ,reaB as.,n- - t. l'-- t ft -- at,I wilt 4 aoeaewi a,altn

l..l,- - A.e I R.e'kae ta a Bsw'

es . - .m uv beatI ampaiat.' '',,rtmtm

-r- n. tr-- a

,11 aod o' " "

r oran dealt auk a.

roiRl awe Mi.'. and B' arwn- --

i ok ",. Ve-- Vail

HistWVH Fans ir v of pwf mI Ptow--;.v. r I s4I orwI ottiog Uoiea, 4Ve.. Ac; foe e..

Wldkeliu )'

LOUISVILLECOHMEKCLVL COLLEGE,Ct4 Fwtt-ej-t B'.il-i- earner Tku-- a? J :rn ..

X A"er M i.v - V: :'a. .r- - oV!-a- of !'." i b .J

at M and 'eo - 1 . eo c. M.3aa Th Tsei'-- Snuoal N irt ' I la p'S

cb vioodar, lb aiu Jay oi x.iooerJa J. '. Y:. P oe.,.

friil.lt AN'fi rall.VF.H WAV. Mi - V. i.e .

ft ot anl .over v .. :,. .. ..

CvrV feerel W Uli Bisrke. fr-- li e ne t 4'I ad ..- - o

and .l iv pr , nd re b.- irdo va k at ver- - r'iw pr ce. a ri

auge stock ' ie- -t I'le .'I snO v,

Fl.i ft 1! r d t IO'er.11 d.ttwb WS Vla.n "... aei. i ..or.,.

I j ' "a bsr.-- l ant

ipWd.V' "ti. St MvltF.i3 4 SON .4, al Mai