Ref: ISDl20-21 11 12 July 1 1, 2020 The Deputy General Manager, The Deputy General Manager, Corporate Relationships Dept. Listing Dept. BSE Ltd. National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Exchange Plaza, Plot No. CII, G Block Dalal Street, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai-400 001. Mumbai-400 051. Scrip Code-532 477 Scrip SymbolISeries-UNIONBANK-EQ Dear Madam /Sir, Subject: Notice of 1 ath ~nnual General Meetins and Annual Report 201 9-20 In compliance with. Regulation 34 of the SEBl (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we submit herewith the Annual Report 2019-20 containing Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Bank through Video Conferencing (VC) I Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM). The schedule of AGM is set out below: The Annual Report of the Bank for the year 2019-20 has also been made available on the Bank's website www. unionbankofindia.co.in. Thanking you. Yours faithfully, (Mangesh Mandrekar) Company Secretary Encl.: As above m* * $%IT, mmM~m, =$%Z dk m, 239, mm, m*, @- 400021. Union Bank of India, investor Services Division, Uhion Bank Bhavan, 239, Vidhan Bhavan Marg, Narirnan Poiht, Mumbai - 400021. 4: + 91 22 2289 663612289 6643, (M [email protected], website: www.unionbankofindia.co.in @unionbankofindia ~ @ ~ n l o n ~ a n k ~ w t g a UnionBanklnsta IHBuTubr UnionBankolndiaUtuba l[m Qunlonbankolindin

UBI Annual Report 2019-20 Cover€¦ · The schedule of AGM is set out below: ... Highlights of 2019-20 ..... 19 Key Financial Indicators ... ýú ª¸¿è¸ ¨¸ß¸Ä 2005 總

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  • Ref: ISDl20-21 11 12 July 1 1, 2020

    The Deputy General Manager, The Deputy General Manager, Corporate Relationships Dept. Listing Dept. BSE Ltd. National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Exchange Plaza, Plot No. C I I , G Block Dalal Street, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai-400 001. Mumbai-400 051. Scrip Code-532 477 Scrip SymbolISeries-UNIONBANK-EQ

    Dear Madam /Sir,

    Subject: Notice of 1 ath ~ n n u a l General Meetins and Annual Report 201 9-20 In compliance with. Regulation 34 of the SEBl (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we submit herewith the Annual Report 2019-20 containing Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Bank through Video Conferencing (VC) I Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM).

    The schedule of AGM i s set out below:

    The Annual Report of the Bank for the year 2019-20 has also been made available on the Bank's website www. unionbankofindia.co.in.

    Thanking you.

    Yours faithfully,

    (Mangesh Mandrekar) Company Secretary

    Encl.: As above

    m* * $%IT, m m M ~ m , =$%Z dk m, 239, mm, m*, @- 400021. Union Bank of India, investor Services Division, Uhion Bank Bhavan, 239, Vidhan Bhavan Marg, Narirnan Poiht, Mumbai - 400021.

    4: + 91 22 2289 663612289 6643, (M [email protected], website: www.unionbankofindia.co.in @unionbankofindia ~ @ ~ n l o n ~ a n k ~ w t g a UnionBanklnsta IHBuTubr UnionBankolndiaUtuba l[m Qunlonbankolindin

  • 3¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020

    ¹¨¸ß¸¡¸ ç¸Þê¸ú CONTENTS

    ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ Ÿ¸¿è¥¸ ...................................................................05

    Ÿ¸ª¸œÏñ¸¿š¸ˆÅ¸½¿ ˆÅú ç¸Þê¸ú ..........................................................16

    „œ¸ Ÿ¸ª¸œÏñ¸¿š¸ˆÅ¸½¿ ˆÅú ç¸Þê¸ú .....................................................17

    2019-20 ˆÅú Ÿ¸º‰¡¸ ñ¸¸÷¸½¿ ......................................................18

    Ÿ¸ª÷¨¸œ¸Þµ¸Ä ¹¨¸î¸ú¡¸ ç¸Þ금Š.......................................................20

    ç¸Þ긛¸¸ ...............................................................................25

    ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ¸½¿ ˆÅú ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä ............................................................32

    œÏñ¸¿š¸ˆÅú¡¸ œ¸¹£ê¸ê¸¸Ä ‡¨¸¿ ¹¨¸©¥¸½ß¸µ¸ ...........................................42

    ˆÅ¸Áœ¸¸½Ä£½’ Š¸¨¸›¸½ôç¸ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä ........................................................56

    稸÷¸¿°¸ ¥¸½‰¸¸ œ¸£ú®¸ˆÅ¸½¿ ˆÅú ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä (ç’ÿè ‚¥¸¸½›¸) ......................90

    ç’ÿè ‚¥¸¸½›¸ ÷¸º¥¸›¸-œ¸°¸ ........................................................97

    ç’ÿè ‚¥¸¸½›¸ ¥¸¸ð¸ ‡¨¸¿ ª¸¹›¸ ¥¸½‰¸¸ ..........................................98

    ç’ÿè ‚¥¸¸½›¸ ‚›¸ºç¸Þ¹ê¸¡¸¸¿ 1 總 18 ..........................................99

    ç’ÿè ‚¥¸¸½›¸ ›¸ˆÅ™ú œÏ¨¸¸ª ¹¨¸¨¸£µ¸ .......................................139

    稸÷¸¿°¸ ¥¸½‰¸¸ œ¸£ú®¸ˆÅ¸½¿ ˆÅú ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä (縟¸½¹ˆÅ÷¸) .........................141

    縟¸½¹ˆÅ÷¸ ÷¸º¥¸›¸-œ¸°¸ ............................................................148

    縟¸½¹ˆÅ÷¸ ¥¸¸ð¸ ‡¨¸¿ ª¸¹›¸ ¥¸½‰¸¸ .............................................149

    縟¸½¹ˆÅ÷¸ ‚›¸ºç¸Þ¹ê¸¡¸¸¿ 1 總 18 ..............................................150

    縟¸½¹ˆÅ÷¸ ›¸ˆÅ™ú œÏ¨¸¸ª ¹¨¸¨¸£µ¸ .............................................173

    ù¸¸½¹‰¸Ÿ¸ œÏñ¸¿š¸›¸ .................................................................175

    ˆÅ¸£¸½ñ¸¸£ú „™¸¹¡¸÷¨¸ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä .............................................176

    ¥¸¸ð¸¸¿©¸ ‚¹š¸™½©¸ ûŸŸ¸Ä ........................................................375

    ª¹£÷¸ œ¸ª¥¸ - ©¸½¡¸£š¸¸£ˆÅ¸½¿ 總 ‚œ¸ú¥¸ ....................................377

    Board of Directors ................................................... 05

    List of General Managers ........................................ 16

    List of Deputy General Managers ........................... 17

    Highlights of 2019-20 .............................................. 19

    Key Financial Indicators .......................................... 22

    Notice .................................................................... 197

    Directors' Report ................................................... 204

    Management Discussion and Analysis ................. 215

    Corporate Governance Report .............................. 231

    Independent Auditors' Report (Standalone) ......... 265

    Standalone Balance Sheet .................................... 272

    Standalone Profit & Loss Account ........................ 273

    Standalone Schedules 1 to 18 .............................. 274

    Standalone Cash Flow Statement ........................ 314

    Independent Auditors' Report (Consolidated) ...... 316

    Consolidated Balance Sheet ................................. 323

    Consolidated Profit & Loss Account ...................... 324

    Consolidated Schedules 1 to 18 ........................... 325

    Consolidated Cash Flow Statement ...................... 349

    Risk Management ................................................. 351

    Business Responsibility Report ............................. 352

    Dividend Mandate Form ........................................ 376

    Green Initiative - Appeal to Shareholders ............. 377

  • 4 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020

    œÏš¸¸›¸ ˆÅ¸¡¸¸Ä¥¸¡¸¡¸Þ¹›¸¡¸›¸ ñ¸ÿˆÅ 𸨸›¸,239, ¹¨¸š¸¸›¸ 𸨸›¸ Ÿ¸¸Š¸Ä,›¸£úŸ¸›¸ œ¸¸Áƒ¿’, Ÿ¸º¿ñ¸ƒÄ - 400 021.

    ˆ½¿ÅÍú¡¸ ˆÅ¸¡¸¸Ä¥¸¡¸¡¸Þ¹›¸¡¸›¸ ñ¸ÿˆÅ 𸨸›¸,239, ¹¨¸š¸¸›¸ 𸨸›¸ Ÿ¸¸Š¸Ä,›¸£úŸ¸›¸ œ¸¸Áƒ¿’, Ÿ¸º¿ñ¸ƒÄ - 400 021.

    ¹›¸¨¸½©¸ˆÅ 總¨¸¸¡¸½¿ œÏ𸸊¸¡¸Þ¹›¸¡¸›¸ ñ¸ÿˆÅ 𸨸›¸,239, ¹¨¸š¸¸›¸ 𸨸›¸ Ÿ¸¸Š¸Ä,›¸£úŸ¸›¸ œ¸¸Áƒ¿’, Ÿ¸º¿ñ¸ƒÄ - 400 021.

    £¹ù¸ç’︣ ‡¨¸¿ ©¸½¡¸£ ’︛ç¸ûÅ£ ‡ù¸½¿’踒¸Ÿ¸¾¹’Æç¸ ¹ñ¸ù¸›¸½ç¸ 縸½¥¡¸Þ©¸›¸ ¹¥¸.¡¸Þ¹›¸’: ¡¸Þ¹›¸¡¸›¸ ñ¸ÿˆÅ ‚¸ÁûÅ ƒ¿¹è¡¸¸,œ¥¸¸Á’ ÇÅ. ñ¸ú-5, œ¸¸’Ä ñ¸ú,ÇŸÁç¸ ¥¸½›¸, ‡Ÿ¸.‚¸ƒÄ.èú.ç¸ú., Ÿ¸£¸½¥¸,‚¿š¸½£ú (œ¸Þ¨¸Ä), Ÿ¸º¿ñ¸ƒÄ - 400 093.

    ¹èñ¸½›ê¸£ ’ïç’ú‚¸ƒÄèúñ¸ú‚¸ƒÄ ’ïç’ú¹©¸œ¸ 縹¨¸Äç¸½ç¸ ¹¥¸¹Ÿ¸’½è‡¹©¸¡¸›¸ ¹ñ¸¹¥è¿Š¸, ŠÏ¸„¿è É¥¸¸½£,17, ‚¸£. ˆÅŸ¸¸›¸ú Ÿ¸¸Š¸Ä, ñ¸½¥¸¸èÄ ‡ç’½’,Ÿ¸º¿ñ¸ƒÄ - 400 001.

    總ǽŒ½¹£¡¸¥¸ ‚¸Á¹è’ç¸Äð¸¿è¸£ú ‡¿è ‡ç¸¸½¹ç¸‡’Ã縈¿Åœ¸›¸ú 總ǽŒ£ú

    Head OfficeUnion Bank Bhavan,239, Vidhan Bhavan Marg,Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021.

    Central OfficeUnion Bank Bhavan,239, Vidhan Bhavan Marg,Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021.

    Investor Services DivisionUnion Bank Bhavan,239, Vidhan Bhavan Marg,Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021.

    Registrar & Share Transfer AgentDatamatics Business Solutions Ltd.Plot No. B-5, Part B,Cross Lane, MIDC, Marol,Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 093.

    Debenture TrusteeIDBI Trusteeship Services LimitedAsian Building, Ground Floor,17, R. Kamani Marg, Ballard Estate,Mumbai - 400 001

    Secretarial AuditorsBhandari & AssociatesCompany Secretaries

    ¥¸½‰¸¸ œ¸£ú®¸ˆÅ/AUDITORS

    ç¸ú ‡›¸ ˆ½Å ‡¿è ‡ç¸¸½¹ç¸‡’Ãç¸ ‡¥¸‡¥¸œ¸ú縛¸™ú ¥¸½‰¸¸ˆÅ¸£

    C N K & Associates LLPChartered Accountants

    ˆÅú÷¸Ä›¸½ ‡¿è œ¸¿¹è÷¸ ‡¥¸‡¥¸œ¸ú縛¸™ú ¥¸½‰¸¸ˆÅ¸£

    Kirtane & Pandit LLPChartered Accountants

    ‚¸£ ‡ç¸ œ¸’½¥¸ ‡¿è ˆ¿Å.縛¸™ú ¥¸½‰¸¸ˆÅ¸£

    R S Patel & Co.Chartered Accountants

    ‡Ÿ¸ ù¸ú ñ¸ú ‡¿è ˆ¿Å. ‡¥¸‡¥¸œ¸ú縛¸™ú ¥¸½‰¸¸ˆÅ¸£

    M G B & Co. LLPChartered Accountants

    ñ¸ú ‡Ÿ¸ ê¸÷¸£˜¸ ‡¿è ˆ¿Å. ‡¥¸‡¥¸œ¸ú縛¸™ú ¥¸½‰¸¸ˆÅ¸£

    B M Chatrath & CO. LLPChartered Accountants

  • 5¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020

    ýú ̂ ½Å¨¸¥¸ ª¸¿è¸ ̂ Ÿ½ ¹¨¸î¸ Ÿ¸¿°¸¸¥¸¡¸ ׸£¸ ¹™›¸¸¿ˆÅ 06.07.2017 ̂ Ÿ½ ù¸¸£ú ‚¹š¸ç¸Þ긛¸¸ ̂ ½Å ÷¸ª÷¸ ñ¸ÿˆÅ ̂ ½Å ‚š¡¸®¸ ‡¨¸¿ ‚¿©¸ˆÅ¸¹¥¸ˆÅ Š¸¾£-縣ˆÅ¸£ú ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ¹›¸¡¸ºÆ÷¸ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ Š¸¡¸¸ ª¾.

    ýú ª¸¿è¸ ¨¸ß¸Ä 2005 總 2012 ÷¸ˆÅ ûŸƒù¸£ ¹¥¸¹Ÿ¸’½è, ƒ¿¹è¡¸¸ ˆ½Å œÏñ¸¿š¸ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ˜¸½, ƒç¸ç¸½ œ¸Þ¨¸Ä ‚¸œ¸›¸½ ûŸƒù¸£ ¹¥¸¹Ÿ¸’½è ˆ½Å ˆÅ¸¡¸Äœ¸¸¥¸ˆÅ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ-¹¨¸î¸ ÷¸˜¸¸ ¨¸ß¸Ä 2009 總 2012 ÷¸ˆÅ ¨¸¸ƒÄ˜¸ ¹¥¸¹Ÿ¸’½è ˆ½Å œÏñ¸¿š¸ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ‚œ¸›¸ú 總¨¸¸‡¿ œÏ™¸›¸ ˆÅú ªÿ.

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    ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ Ÿ¸¿è¥¸BOARD OF DIRECTORS

    ýú ˆ½Å¨¸¥¸ ª¸¿è¸ Š¸¾£-ˆÅ¸¡¸ÄˆÅ¸£ú ‚š¡¸®¸ ‡¨¸¿ ‚¿©¸ˆÅ¸¹¥¸ˆÅ Š¸¾£

    縣ˆÅ¸£ú ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ

    Shri Kewal Handa Non Executive Chairman &

    Part-Time Non-Official Director

    Shri Kewal Handa has been appointed as Chairman & Part-Time Non-Official Director of the Bank vide Ministry of Finance notification dated 06.07.2017.

    Shri Handa was the Managing Director of Pfizer Limited, India from 2005 to 2012. Prior to this, he has served as Executive Director - Finance, Pfizer Limited and as Managing Director of Wyeth Ltd from 2009 to 2012.

    Under his leadership, Pfizer India became one of the top ten pharmaceutical companies in India, due to new initiatives and innovative strategies implemented during his term. He constantly challenged the rules of the game – whether it was making Pfizer India the first MNC to enter into the branded generics space in India or explore a unique partnership with the Government to increase access.

  • 6 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020

    ýú £¸ù¸¹ˆÅ£µ¸ £¾ ù¸ú. 01 ù¸º¥¸¸ƒÄ, 2017 總 ¡¸Þ¹›¸¡¸›¸ ñ¸ÿˆÅ ‚¸ÁûÅ ƒ¿¹è¡¸¸ ˆ½Å œÏñ¸¿š¸ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ‡¨¸¿ ç¸úƒÄ‚¸½ ªÿ. ƒ›¸ˆ½Å ˆÅ¸¡¸ÄˆÅ¸¥¸ ˆÅ¸ ¹¨¸ç÷¸¸£ 31.05.2022 ÷¸ˆÅ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ Š¸¡¸¸ ª¾.

    19.05.1962 ˆÅ¸½ ù¸›Ÿ¸½¿, ýú £¸ù¸¹ˆÅ£µ¸ £¾ ù¸ú. ˆÅ¸½ ñ¸ÿëˆÅŠ¸ ®¸½°¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ÷¸ú›¸ ™©¸ˆÅ 總 ‚¹š¸ˆÅ ˆÅ¸ ‚›¸ºð¸¨¸ œÏ¸œ÷¸ ª¾ ‡¨¸¿ ‚¸œ¸ ‚¸¾Ô¸¸½¹Š¸ˆÅ ¹¨¸î¸ ©¸¸‰¸¸, ®¸½°¸ ‡¨¸¿ ‚¿ê¸¥¸ ˆÅ¸¡¸¸Ä¥¸¡¸¸½¿ ˆ½Å œÏŸ¸º‰¸ £ª½ ªÿ. ‚¸œ¸›¸½ ‚œ¸›¸½ ˆÅ¹£¡¸£ ˆÅú ©¸º²‚¸÷¸ 1986 Ÿ¸½¿ 總¿’兩 ñ¸ÿˆÅ ‚¸ÁûÅ ƒ¿¹è¡¸¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ˆÅ¼¹ß¸ ¹¨¸î¸ ‚¹š¸ˆÅ¸£ú ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ˆÅú ‚¸¾£ ™½©¸ ˆ½Å ¹¨¸¹ð¸››¸ 𸸊¸¸½¿ Ÿ¸½¿ ‚›¸½ˆÅ ©¸¸‰¸¸‚¸½¿ ˆ½Å œÏŸ¸º‰¸ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ 17 ¨¸ß¸¸½ô 總 ‚¹š¸ˆÅ ̂ Ÿ¡¸Ä ̂ Å£›¸½ ̂ Ÿ œÏ긺£ ‚›¸ºð¸¨¸ œÏ¸œ÷¸ ª¾. Ÿ¸ª¸œÏñ¸¿š¸ˆÅ ̂ ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ œ¸™¸½››¸¹÷¸ œ¸£ „›ª½¿ Ÿ¸¸›¸¨¸ 縿縸š¸›¸ ¹¨¸ˆÅ¸ç¸ ¹¨¸ð¸¸Š¸ ˆÅ¸ ˆÅ¸¡¸Ä𸸣 縸ÿœ¸¸ Š¸¡¸¸. ‚¸½¹£‡¿’¥¸ ñ¸ÿˆÅ ‚¸ÁûÅ ˆÅ¸ÁŸ¸ç¸Ä ˆ½Å ˆÅ¸¡¸Äœ¸¸¥¸ˆÅ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ˆ½Å œ¸™ œ¸£ œ¸™¸½››¸÷¸ ª¸½›¸½ 總 œ¸Þ¨¸Ä ‚¸œ¸ 總¿’兩 ñ¸ÿˆÅ ‚¸ÁûÅ ƒ¿¹è¡¸¸ ˆ½Å Ÿ¸º¿ñ¸ƒÄ ‚¿ê¸¥¸ ˆ½Å ®¸½°¸ Ÿ¸ª¸œÏñ¸¿š¸ˆÅ ˜¸½.

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    Shri Rajkiran Rai G. Managing Director &

    Chief Executive Officer

    Building a diverse organization is one of his key focuses. As part of this, he has driven the various teams to hire and retain women colleagues in management and most importantly in sales positions – an initiative unheard of in the Indian pharmaceutical industry. He has managed this by sensitization and developing policies that are women friendly. These initiatives are now case studies and were showcased at a ministerial roundtable held in Turkey.

    Shri Handa has diverse experience in Finance, Commercial, Strategy, Business Development, Merger & Acquisition, Banking, Corporate Affairs and he has also experience in sectors like Engineering, Consumer and Project Finance in companies like Schrader Scovill, Hindustan Liver Limited (HLL), Vidyut Blades & State Industrial Investment Corporation of Maharashtra (SICOM).

    He has worked in the Domestic & Global Generic Businesses and has wide experience in markets like US, South East Asia, Africa, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Currently, he also mentors, start ups and works in Social Sector.

    He is qualified Management Accountant and Company Secretary and has a Masters Degree in Commerce. He has completed the Pfizer Leadership Development Program from Harvard University and the Senior Management Development Program from IIM, Ahmadabad. He has also done a Certificate course on Marketing Strategy from Columbia Business School, New York.

    He was awarded the ‘India CFO 2004 – Excellence in Finance in an MNC’ by International Market – Assessment Group, the Bharat Shiromani Award in 2007 and the Pharma Leaders - Pharma Professional of the year 2010.

  • 7¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020

    - ›¸¸ñ¸¸èÄ ˆÅú ¹¨¸î¸ú¡¸ 縟¸¸¨¸½©¸›¸ ¹›¸¹š¸ ˆ½Å œ¸£¸Ÿ¸©¸Ä ñ¸¸½èÄ ˆ½Å 縙硸.- ŠÏ¸Ÿ¸úµ¸ ¹¨¸ˆÅ¸ç¸ ñ¸ÿˆÅ£ 縿瘸¸›¸ (ñ¸èÄ) ˆ½Å ©¸¸ç¸ú ¹›¸ˆÅ¸¡¸ ˆ½Å 縙硸.- 𸸣÷¸ú¡¸ ¹£ù¸¨¸Ä ñ¸ÿˆÅ ˆÅú ù¸Ÿ¸¸ˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ¹©¸®¸¸ ‚¸¾£ ù¸¸Š¸²ˆÅ÷¸¸ ¹›¸¹š¸ (èúƒÄ‡‡œ¸€) ˆ½Å 縙硸.- 𸸣÷¸ú¡¸ ñ¸ÿëˆÅŠ¸ ‡¨¸¿ ¹¨¸î¸ 縿瘸¸›¸ (‚¸ƒÄ‚¸ƒÄñ¸ú‡ûÅ) ˆ½Å „œ¸¸š¡¸®¸.

    - 𸸣÷¸ú¡¸ ñ¸ÿëˆÅŠ¸ ‡¨¸¿ ¹¨¸î¸ 縿瘸¸›¸ (‚¸ƒÄ‚¸ƒÄñ¸ú‡ûÅ) ˆ½Å ç¸úƒÄ‚¸½ ˆ½Å 긡¸›¸ ª½÷¸º ç¸ê¸Ä ˆÅŸ¸½’ú ˆ½Å ‚š¡¸®¸.

    ‚¸œ¸›¸½ ˆÅ¼¹ß¸ ¹¨¸±¸¸›¸ Ÿ¸½¿ 相¸÷¸ˆÅ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ ª¾ ‚¸¾£ 𸸣÷¸ú¡¸ ñ¸ÿˆÅç¸Ä 縿瘸¸›¸ ˆ½Å 縹’ÄûŸƒè ‡ç¸¸½¹ç¸‡’ ªÿ. ñ¸ÿëˆÅŠ¸ ‡¨¸¿ ¹¨¸î¸ ˆ½Å ®¸½°¸ Ÿ¸½¿ „›¸ˆ½Å ñ¸ªºŸ¸Þ¥¡¸ ¡¸¸½Š¸™¸›¸ ̂ ½Å ¹¥¸‡ 𸸣÷¸ú¡¸ ñ¸ÿëˆÅŠ¸ ‡¨¸¿ ¹¨¸î¸ 縿瘸¸›¸ (‚¸ƒÄ‚¸ƒÄñ¸ú‡ûÅ) ׸£¸ „›ª½¿ Ÿ¸¸›¸™ „œ¸¸¹š¸ 總 縟Ÿ¸¸¹›¸÷¸ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ Š¸¡¸¸ ª¾. ‚¸œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ç¸ú‰¸›¸½ ˆÅú ¹ù¸±¸¸ç¸¸ ª¾ ‡¨¸¿ ™½©¸ ˆ½Å œÏ¹÷¸þ߶÷¸ 縿瘸¸‚¸½¿ Ÿ¸½¿ ¹¨¸¹ð¸››¸ ˆÅ¸¡¸Äœ¸¸¥¸ˆÅ 縿¨¸š¸Ä›¸ ˆÅ¸¡¸ÄÇÅŸ¸¸½¿ 總 ¥¸¸ð¸¸þ›¨¸÷¸ ªº‡ ªÿ.

    Shri Rajkiran Rai G. is Managing Director & CEO of Union Bank of India since July 1st, 2017. His tenure has been extended till 31.05.2022.

    Born on 19.05.1962, Shri Rai has more than three decades of rich banking experience which includes heading Industrial Finance Branch, Regions and Zonal Offices. Starting his career in 1986 as an Agricultural Finance Officer in Central Bank of India, Shri Rai rose through ranks while heading various branches at different parts of the country for more than 17 years. On his elevation as General Manager, he was given the responsibility of heading Human resource Development Department. He was the Field General Manager of Mumbai Zone of Central Bank of India, when he was elevated to the post of Executive Director of Oriental Bank of Commerce. He is the Chairman of Union Bank of India (U.K.) Limited, Union Asset Management Company and Star Union Dai-Ichi Life Insurance Company Limited and Director on the Board of EXIM Bank and Oriental Insurance Company Limited. Earlier, he also served on the Board of Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Co. Ltd.Apart from the above, Shri Rai, is presently holding the following positions:

    - Head of the Committee to advise the Banks Board Bureau (BBB) on evolving suitable training & development programs for management personal in public sector banks.

    - Deputy Chairman, Indian Banks’ Association (IBA)- Member, Managing Committee of IBA. - Chairman, Standing Committee on HR & IR of IBA. - Chairman, Wage Negotiation Committee of IBA. - Member, Core Group under Negotiating Committee for discussions on Charter of Demands

    with Workmen Unions.- Chairman, Governing Board of Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS).- Chairman, Committee to study and recommend a uniform system for the banks for

    classification of various disciplinary cases as vigilance and non vigilance.- Member, Advisory Board for Financial Inclusion Fund of NABARD.- Member, Governing Council of Bankers Institute of Rural Development (BIRD). - Member, Depositor Education and Awareness Fund (DEAF) of Reserve Bank of India.- Vice-President, Indian Institute of Banking & Finance (IIBF).- Chairman of Search Committee for Selection of CEO of Indian Institute of Banking & Finance

    (IIBF).Shri Rai is an agricultural science graduate and also a certified member of Indian Institute of Bankers. He has also been conferred Honorary Fellowship by Indian Institute of Banking & Finance (IIBF) in recognition of his invaluable contribution in the field of banking and finance. A vivid learner, he has benefitted of several executive development programmes at prestigious institutions of the country.

  • 8 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020

    ýú Š¸¸½œ¸¸¥¸ ë縪 Š¸ºç¸¸ƒôˆÅ¸¡¸Äœ¸¸¥¸ˆÅ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ

    Shri Gopal Singh GusainExecutive Director

    Shri Gopal Singh Gusain assumed the charge as Executive Director of Union Bank of India on 20.09.2018.

    Shri Gopal Singh Gusain, aged 58 years, is a Science graduate from Garhwal University and is an Associate Member of Institute of Cost & Management Accountants of India and Indian Institute of Bankers. He also holds diploma in Treasury, Investment and Risk Management.

    As a career banker with the Punjab National Bank (PNB), Shri Gusain has exposure of 24 years of working in field as well as administrative offices. He has worked in credit and risk management function extensively. He has held various positions such as Chief Executive of Hong Kong Operations, Group Chief Risk Officer, Group Compliance Officer and General Manager Recovery, General Manager Corporate Credit.

    He was core member of team which developed risk models & systems of PNB and also developed concept of large corporate credit structure. He was involved in developing Centralized Loan Processing System and was over looking EASE implementation in PNB for credit related actions.

    He has active interest in trekking.

    ýú Š¸¸½œ¸¸¥¸ ë縪 Š¸ºç¸¸ƒô ›¸½ ¹™›¸¸¿ˆÅ 20.09.2018 ˆÅ¸½ ¡¸Þ¹›¸¡¸›¸ ñ¸ÿˆÅ ‚¸ÁûÅ ƒ¿¹è¡¸¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ˆÅ¸¡¸Äœ¸¸¥¸ˆÅ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ˆ½Å œ¸™ œ¸£ ˆÅ¸¡¸Ä𸸣 ŠÏªµ¸ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ ª¾.

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    ‚¸œ¸ œ¸ú‡›¸ñ¸ú ˆÅú „ç¸ ’úŸ¸ ˆ½Å ˆÅ¸½£ 縙硸 ˜¸½, ¹ù¸ç¸›¸½ ¹£çˆÅ Ÿ¸¸Áè½¥ç¸ ‡¨¸¿ ¹ç¸ç’Ÿç¸ ¹¨¸ˆÅ¹ç¸÷¸ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ ÷¸˜¸¸ ¥¸¸ù¸Ä ˆÅ¸œ¸¸½Ä£½’ Ç½Å¹è’ ç’ïÆ긣 ¹¨¸ê¸¸£š¸¸£¸ (縿ˆÅ¥œ¸›¸¸) ¹¨¸ˆÅ¹ç¸÷¸ ˆÅú. ‚¸œ¸ ˆ½¿ÅÍú¡¸ˆÅ¼÷¸ †µ¸ œÏ¸½ç¸½ë縊¸ œÏµ¸¸¥¸ú ˆ½Å ¹¨¸ˆÅ¸ç¸ 總 ù¸ºèõ½ £ª½ ÷¸˜¸¸ œ¸ú‡›¸ñ¸ú Ÿ¸½¿ †µ¸ 縿ñ¸¿š¸ú ˆÅ¸£Ä¨¸¸ƒ¡¸¸½¿ ˆ½Å ¹¥¸‡ ƒÄ‡‡ç¸ƒÄ (ƒÄù¸) ˆÅ¸¡¸¸Ä›¨¸¡¸›¸ ˆÅ¸ ð¸ú œ¸¡¸Ä¨¸½®¸µ¸ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸.

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    ýú ¹™›¸½©¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ Š¸Š¸Ä,ˆÅ¸¡¸Äœ¸¸¥¸ˆÅ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ

    Shri Dinesh Kumar GargExecutive Director

    ýú ¹™›¸½©¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ Š¸Š¸Ä ›¸½ ¹™›¸¸¿ˆÅ 02.11.2018 ˆÅ¸½ ¡¸Þ¹›¸¡¸›¸ ñ¸ÿˆÅ ‚¸ÁûÅ ƒ¿¹è¡¸¸ ˆ½Å ˆÅ¸¡¸Äœ¸¸¥¸ˆÅ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ˆÅ¸¡¸Ä𸸣 ŠÏªµ¸ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸.

    58 ¨¸ß¸úÄ¡¸, ýú Š¸Š¸Ä, ƒ¿™¸¾£ ¹¨¸æ¸¹¨¸Ô¸¸¥¸¡¸ 總 ¨¸¸¹µ¸ù¡¸ Ÿ¸½¿ (œÏ˜¸Ÿ¸ ý½µ¸ú 總) 相¸÷¸ˆÅ¸½î¸£ ªÿ ‚¸¾£ ‚¸œ¸›¸½ ñ¸ú. ˆÅ¸ÁŸ¸ ‚¸Á›¸ç¸Ä Ÿ¸½¿ ¹¨¸æ¸¹¨¸Ô¸¸¥¸¡¸ ˆÅú Ÿ¸½¹£’ ç¸Þê¸ú Ÿ¸½¿ 5 ¨¸¸¿ 瘸¸›¸ œÏ¸œ÷¸ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ ª¾. ‚¸œ¸ ƒ¿¹è¡¸›¸ ƒ¿ç’ú’á¸Þ’ ‚¸ÁûÅ ñ¸ÿˆÅç¸Ä (ç¸ú‡‚¸ƒÄ‚¸ƒÄñ¸ú) ˆ½Å 縹’ÄûŸƒè ‡ç¸¸½¹ç¸‡’ ªÿ.

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  • 9¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020

    Ÿ¸ª¸œÏñ¸¿š¸ˆÅ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿, ‚¸œ¸›¸½ ¨¸ß¸Ä 2015-2017 ˆ½Å ™¸¾£¸›¸ ›¸ƒÄ ¹™¥¥¸ú Ÿ¸½¿ þ瘸÷¸ („ 𸸣÷¸ ˆ½Å 7 £¸ù¡¸¸½¿ ˆÅ¸½ ˆÅ¨¸£ ˆÅ£›¸½ ¨¸¸¥¸½) ç¸ñ¸ç¸½ ñ¸èõ½ ‡¨¸¿ Ÿ¸ª÷¨¸œ¸Þµ¸Ä £¸ß’ïú¡¸ ñ¸ÿˆÅ 縟¸Þª (®¸½°¸ Ÿ¸ª¸œÏñ¸¿š¸ˆÅ) „-1 ˆ½Å Ÿ¸ª¸œÏñ¸¿š¸ˆÅ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ˆÅ¸¡¸Ä ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ ª¾. „-1 ˆ½Å Ÿ¸ª¸œÏñ¸¿š¸ˆÅ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ˆÅ¸¡¸ÄˆÅ¸¥¸ ˆ½Å ™¸¾£¸›¸, ‚¸œ¸ ˆÅ¸¾©¸¥¸ ¹¨¸ˆÅ¸ç¸ (𸸣÷¸ 縣ˆÅ¸£) ˆÅú Ç½Å¹è’ û¿Åè ¡¸¸½ù¸›¸¸ ˆÅú œÏñ¸¿š¸›¸ 縹Ÿ¸¹÷¸ ˆ½Å 縙硸 ð¸ú ˜¸½.

    ýú Š¸Š¸Ä ÷¸ú›¸ ¨¸ß¸Ä 總 ‚¹š¸ˆÅ 縟¸¡¸ ÷¸ˆÅ ¹¨¸™½©¸ ˆ½Å ù¸¸œ¸¸›¸ ˆ½¿ÅÍ (’¸½¹ˆÅ¡¸¸½ ‡¨¸¿ ‚¸½ç¸¸ˆÅ¸) Ÿ¸½¿ œ¸™ç˜¸ ˜¸½. ‚¸œ¸›¸½ ñ¸ÿˆÅ ‚¸ÁûÅ ƒ¿¹è¡¸¸ ˆÅú ë縊¸¸œ¸º£ ©¸¸‰¸¸ ˆÅ¸ ¹›¸£ú®¸µ¸ ‚¸¾£ ¥¸½‰¸¸œ¸£ú®¸¸ ˆÅ¸ 縿길¥¸›¸ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ ª¾.

    Shri Dinesh Kumar Garg assumed the charge as Executive Director of Union Bank of India on 02.11.2018.

    Shri Garg, aged 58 years, is a post graduate in Commerce (First Class) from Indore University and held 5th Rank in Merit List of the University in B. Com. Honours. He is also a Certified Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers (CAIIB).

    Prior to his elevation, he was General Manager at Bank of India (BOI), heading Business Process Re-engineering and Systems & Management Department of the Bank where he was spearheading improvement in various processes, structural changes and developed various new products and customer offerings.

    Shri Garg in his Banking Career of over three decades has worked extensively both in the field and administrative offices. Apart from heading various branches of all sizes in various geographic areas of the country, he also worked as Zonal Manager of Muzaffarpur Zone, Bihar and Mumbai South Zone (largest zone of BOI).

    As General Manager, he headed one of the largest and important National Banking Group (Field General Manager) North-1, headquartered at New Delhi (spread over 7 states of North India) during 2015-2017. During his tenure as General Manager, North-1, he was also designated as a member of Management Committee on Credit Fund Scheme for Skill Development (Govt. of India).

    Shri Garg also had a stint Abroad at Japan Centre (Tokyo and Osaka) for more than three years. He had also conducted Inspection & Audit of Singapore Branch of Bank of India.

    ýú Ÿ¸¸›¸ç¸ £¿ù¸›¸ ¹ñ¸ç¨¸¸¥¸ˆÅ¸¡¸Äœ¸¸¥¸ˆÅ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ

    Shri Manas Ranjan BiswalExecutive Director

    Shri Manas Ranjan Biswal assumed the charge as Executive Director of Union Bank of India on 01.03.2019.

    Shri Biswal, aged 58 years is a Graduate in science and a Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers (CAIIB). He joined Punjab National Bank (PNB) in 1985 as a Management Trainee and prior to his elevation as Executive Director of Union Bank of India, He was General Manager at the Corporate Office of the PNB heading the Resolution and NCLT Division.

    ýú Ÿ¸¸›¸ç¸ £¿ù¸›¸ ¹ñ¸ç¨¸¸¥¸ ›¸½ 01.03.2019 ˆÅ¸½ ¡¸Þ¹›¸¡¸›¸ ñ¸ÿˆÅ ‚¸ÁûÅ ƒ¿¹è¡¸¸ ˆ½Å ˆÅ¸¡¸Äœ¸¸¥¸ˆÅ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ˆÅ¸¡¸ÄŠÏªµ¸ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ ª¾.

    58 ̈ ¸ß¸úÄ¡¸ ýú ¹ñ¸ç¨¸¸¥¸ ¹¨¸±¸¸›¸ 相¸÷¸ˆÅ ªÿ ÷¸˜¸¸ 𸸣÷¸ú¡¸ ñ¸ÿëˆÅŠ¸ ‚¸¾£ ¹¨¸î¸ 縿瘸¸›¸ ̂ ½Å 縹’ÄûŸƒè ‡ç¸¸½¹ç¸‡’ (ç¸ú‡‚¸ƒÄ‚¸ƒÄñ¸ú) ªÿ. ‚¸œ¸›¸½ 1985 Ÿ¸½¿ œ¸¿ù¸¸ñ¸ ›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ñ¸ÿˆÅ Ÿ¸½¿ Ÿ¸¾›¸½ù¸Ÿ¸½¿’ ’ï½›¸ú ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ˆÅ¸¡¸ÄŠÏªµ¸ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ ˜¸¸ ÷¸˜¸¸ ¡¸Þ¹›¸¡¸›¸ ñ¸ÿˆÅ ‚¸ÁûÅ ƒ¿¹è¡¸¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ˆÅ¸¡¸Äœ¸¸¥¸ˆÅ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ œ¸™¸½››¸¹÷¸ 總 œ¸Þ¨¸Ä ‚¸œ¸ œ¸ú‡›¸ñ¸ú ˆ½Å ˆÅ¸Áœ¸¸½Ä£½’ ˆÅ¸¡¸¸Ä¥¸¡¸ Ÿ¸½¿ £½ç¸¸½¥¡¸Þ©¸›¸ ‡µè ‡›¸ç¸ú‡¥¸’ú œÏ𸸊¸ ˆ½Å œÏŸ¸º‰¸ ˜¸½.

    ýú ¹ñ¸ç¨¸¸¥¸ ‡ˆÅ ‚›¸ºð¸¨¸ú ñ¸ÿˆÅ£ ªÿ, ‚¸œ¸ˆÅ¸½ ¹¨¸¹ð¸››¸ ©¸¸‰¸¸‚¸½¿, ®¸½°¸ú¡¸ ˆÅ¸¡¸¸Ä¥¸¡¸¸½¿, ‚¿ê¸¥¸ ˆÅ¸¡¸¸Ä¥¸¡¸¸½¿ ‡¨¸¿ ˆÅ¸Áœ¸¸½Ä£½’ ç÷¸£ œ¸£ œÏ©¸¸ç¸¹›¸ˆÅ œÏŸ¸º‰¸ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ˆÅ¸¡¸Ä ˆÅ£›¸½ ˆÅ¸ 33 ¨¸ß¸Ä ˆÅ¸ ‚›¸ºð¸¨¸ œÏ¸œ÷¸ ª¾. ‚¸œ¸›¸½ œ¸ú‡›¸ñ¸ú, ™ºñ¸ƒÄ ©¸¸‰¸¸ ‡¨¸¿ ¹Ÿ¸è¥¸ ƒÄç’ ‚¸Áœ¸£½©¸›¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ç¸úƒÄ‚¸½ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ 3 ¨¸ß¸Ä 總 ‚¹š¸ˆÅ 縟¸¡¸ ÷¸ˆÅ ÷¸˜¸¸ œ¸ú‡›¸ñ¸ú œ¸Þ¨¸¸ô긥¸ ˆ½Å ‚¿ê¸¥¸ œÏŸ¸º‰¸ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ˆÅ¸¡¸Ä ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ ª¾. ‚¸œ¸ ˆÅ¸Áœ¸¸½Ä£½’ ç÷¸£ œ¸£ œ¸ú‡›¸ñ¸ú ˆ½Å †µ¸ ‚›¸ºý¨¸µ¸ ‡¨¸¿ 縟¸ú®¸¸ œÏ𸸊¸, ¨¸ç¸Þ¥¸ú œÏ𸸊¸, £½ç¸¸½¥¡¸Þ©¸›¸ ‡µè ‡›¸ç¸ú‡¥¸’ú œÏ𸸊¸ ˆ½Å œÏŸ¸º‰¸ £ª 긺ˆ½Å ªÿ.

  • 10 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020

    Shri Biswal is a seasoned banker with over 33 years of rich experience in various administrative and functional capacities at Branches, Regional Offices, Zonal Offices and Corporate Office Level. He has also worked for more than 3 years as CEO of PNB’s Dubai Branch and Middle East operations and as Zonal Head of PNB’s Eastern Zone. At Corporate level, he has headed the Credit Monitoring and Review Division, Recovery Division, Resolution and NCLT Division of PNB.

    ýú ¹ñ¸²œ¸¸®¸ ¹Ÿ¸ý¸ˆÅ¸¡¸Äœ¸¸¥¸ˆÅ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ

    Shri Birupaksha MishraExecutive Director

    (w.e.f. 1st April, 2020) Shri Birupaksha Mishra assumed the charge as Executive Director of Union Bank of India on 01.04.2020. Before joining Union Bank of India, he was Executive Director of erstwhile Corporation Bank w.e.f. 26.12.2018.

    Shri Mishra, aged 59 years, is a Post Graduate and a Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers (CAIIB). He started his banking career as a Probationary Officer in the year 1984 and rose to a level of General Manager at Central Bank of India. He has a rich experience of more than 36 years in various administrative and functional capacities at Branches, Regional Offices and also at the Corporate Office. He has worked in various facets of Banking and has handled different portfolios including Credit, Credit Monitoring and IT etc.

    Currently as Executive Director of Union Bank of India, he heads Finance, Recovery, Audit & Compliance Verticals.

    ýú ¹ñ¸²œ¸¸®¸ ¹Ÿ¸ý¸ ›¸½ 01.04.2020 ˆÅ¸½ ¡¸Þ¹›¸¡¸›¸ ñ¸ÿˆÅ ‚¸ÁûÅ ƒ¿¹è¡¸¸ ˆ½Å ˆÅ¸¡¸Äœ¸¸¥¸ˆÅ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ˆÅ¸¡¸Ä𸸣 ŠÏªµ¸ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ ª¾. ¡¸Þ¹›¸¡¸›¸ ñ¸ÿˆÅ ‚¸ÁûÅ ƒ¿¹è¡¸¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ˆÅ¸¡¸ÄŠÏªµ¸ 總 œ¸ª¥¸½, ¹™›¸¸¿ˆÅ 26 ¹™ç¸Ÿñ¸£, 2018 總 ‚¸œ¸ œ¸Þ¨¸Ä ˆÅ¸Áœ¸¸½Ä£½©¸›¸ ñ¸ÿˆÅ Ÿ¸½¿ ˆÅ¸¡¸Äœ¸¸¥¸ˆÅ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ˜¸½.

    59 ̈ ¸ß¸úÄ¡¸ ýú ¹Ÿ¸ý¸ 相¸÷¸ˆÅ¸½î¸£ ‡¨¸¿ ƒ¿¹è¡¸›¸ ƒ¿ç’ú’á¸Þ’ ‚¸ÁûÅ ñ¸ÿˆÅç¸Ä ̂ ½Å 縹’ÄûŸƒè ‡ç¸¸½¹ç¸‡’ (ç¸ú‡‚¸ƒÄ‚¸ƒÄñ¸ú) ªÿ. „›ª¸½¿›¸½ ‚œ¸›¸½ ñ¸ÿëˆÅŠ¸ ̂ ¾Å¹£¡¸£ ̂ Åú ©¸º²‚¸÷¸ 1984 Ÿ¸½¿ 總¿’兩 ñ¸ÿˆÅ ‚¸ÁûÅ ƒ¿¹è¡¸¸ Ÿ¸½¿ œ¸¹£¨¸ú®¸¸š¸ú›¸ ‚¹š¸ˆÅ¸£ú ̂ ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ̂ Åú ‡¨¸¿ Ÿ¸ª¸œÏñ¸¿š¸ˆÅ ˆ½Å ç÷¸£ ÷¸ˆÅ œ¸ªº¿ê¸½. ‚¸œ¸ˆÅ¸ ¹¨¸¹ð¸››¸ œÏ©¸¸ç¸¹›¸ˆÅ ¨¸ ˆÅ¸¡¸Ä¹›¸ßœ¸¸™›¸ ®¸Ÿ¸÷¸¸‚¸½¿ Ÿ¸½¿ ©¸¸‰¸¸‚¸½¿, ®¸½°¸ú¡¸ ˆÅ¸¡¸¸Ä¥¸¡¸¸½¿ ‡¨¸¿ ˆÅ¸Áœ¸¸½Ä£½’ ˆÅ¸¡¸¸Ä¥¸¡¸ ç÷¸£ œ¸£ 36 ¨¸ß¸¸½ô 總 ‚¹š¸ˆÅ ˆÅ¸ „÷ˆÅ¼ß’ ‚›¸ºð¸¨¸ ª¾. ‚¸œ¸›¸½ ñ¸ÿëˆÅŠ¸ ˆ½Å ˆÅƒÄ ®¸½°¸¸½¿ Ÿ¸½¿ ˆÅ¸¡¸Ä ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ ª¾ ‡¨¸¿ †µ¸, †µ¸ ‚›¸ºý¨¸µ¸, ç¸Þ긛¸¸ œÏ¸¾Ô¸¸½¹Š¸ˆÅú 縿¹¨¸ð¸¸Š¸ ‚¸¹™ ˆÅ¸ ›¸½÷¸¼÷¨¸ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ ª¾.

    ¨¸÷¸ÄŸ¸¸›¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ‚¸œ¸ ¡¸Þ¹›¸¡¸›¸ ñ¸ÿˆÅ ‚¸ÁûÅ ƒ¿¹è¡¸¸ ˆ½Å ˆÅ¸¡¸Äœ¸¸¥¸ˆÅ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ªÿ ‡¨¸¿ ¹¨¸î¸, ¨¸ç¸Þ¥¸ú, ¥¸½‰¸¸œ¸£ú®¸¸ ‡¨¸¿ ‚›¸ºœ¸¸¥¸›¸ ¨¸¹’Ĉť¸ ˆ½Å œÏŸ¸º‰¸ ªÿ.

    è¸Á. Ÿ¸™›¸½©¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ ¹Ÿ¸ý¸ 縣ˆÅ¸£ ׸£¸ ›¸¸¹Ÿ¸÷¸ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ

    Dr. Madnesh Kumar Mishra Government Nominee Director

    è¸Á. Ÿ¸™›¸½©¸ ¹Ÿ¸ý¸ 1990 ñ¸¾ê¸ ˆ½Å 𸸣÷¸ú¡¸ £¸ù¸ç¨¸ 總¨¸¸ (‚¸ƒÄ‚¸£‡ç¸) ˆ½Å ‚¹š¸ˆÅ¸£ú ªÿ. ¨¸÷¸ÄŸ¸¸›¸ Ÿ¸½¿, ‚¸œ¸ ¹¨¸î¸ Ÿ¸¿°¸¸¥¸¡¸ ˆ½Å ¹¨¸î¸ú¡¸ 總¨¸¸ ¹¨¸ð¸¸Š¸, 𸸣÷¸ 縣ˆÅ¸£ Ÿ¸½¿ 縿¡¸ºÆ÷¸ 縹긨¸ ªÿ.

    ‚¸œ¸ˆÅ¸½ ¹™›¸¸¿ˆÅ 22.07.2016 總 ñ¸ÿˆÅ ˆ½Å ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ Ÿ¸µè¥¸ Ÿ¸½¿ 縣ˆÅ¸£ ׸£¸ ›¸¸¹Ÿ¸÷¸ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ¹›¸¡¸ºÆ÷¸ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ Š¸¡¸¸ ª¾. ‚¸œ¸›¸½ ‡Æ縇¥¸‚¸£‚¸ƒÄ, ù¸Ÿ¸©¸½™œ¸º£ 總 縿Š¸¶›¸¸÷Ÿ¸ˆÅ ¨¡¸¨¸ª¸£ Ÿ¸½¿ œ¸ú‡ê¸èú ‚¸¾£ „÷œ¸¸™›¸ ƒ¿ù¸ú¹›¸¡¸ë£Š¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ñ¸ú. ’½ˆÅ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ ª¾. ‚¸œ¸›¸½ ‚¸¡¸ˆÅ£ ¹¨¸ð¸¸Š¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ¹¨¸¹ð¸››¸ œ¸™¸½¿ œ¸£ ‚¸¾£ ˆ½¿ÅÍú¡¸ ç’¸ëûÅŠ¸ ¡¸¸½ù¸›¸¸ ˆ½Å ‚¿÷¸Š¸Ä÷¸ ¡¸º¨¸¸ Ÿ¸¸Ÿ¸¥¸½ ‡¨¸¿ ‰¸½¥¸ Ÿ¸¿°¸¸¥¸¡¸ Ÿ¸½¿ 𸸣÷¸ú¡¸ ‰¸½¥¸ œÏ¸¹š¸ˆÅ£µ¸ ˆ½Å ˆÅ¸¡¸ÄˆÅ¸£ú ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ˆÅ¸¡¸Ä ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ ª¾. ‚¸œ¸ 𸸣÷¸ ˆ½Å £¸ß’ïú¡¸ 踽œ¸ ’½ëç’Š¸ ¥¸¾ñ¸ ˆ½Å œ¸ª¥¸½ Ÿ¸º‰¡¸ ˆÅ¸¡¸ÄˆÅ¸£ú ‚¹š¸ˆÅ¸£ú ‚¸¾£ Ÿ¸¸½¿’ïú¡¸¥¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ¹¨¸æ¸-踽뜸Š¸ ¹¨¸£¸½š¸ú ‡ù¸½¿ç¸ú Ÿ¸½¿ 𸸣÷¸ ˆÅ¸ œÏ¹÷¸¹›¸¹š¸÷¨¸ ˆÅ£›¸½ ¨¸¸¥¸½ 縿瘸¸œ¸ˆÅ 縙硸 ˜¸½. ¨¸÷¸ÄŸ¸¸›¸ Ÿ¸½¿, ‚¸œ¸ ¡¸Þ›¸¸ƒ’½è ƒ¿¹è¡¸¸ ƒ¿©¡¸¸½£½¿ç¸ ˆ¿Å. ¹¥¸. ˆ½Å ñ¸¸½èÄ ˆ½Å ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ, 𸸣÷¸ú¡¸ œ¸½¿©¸›¸ ¹›¸¹š¸ ¹›¸¡¸¸Ÿ¸ˆÅ ‡¨¸¿ ¹¨¸ˆÅ¸ç¸ œÏ¸¹š¸ˆÅ£µ¸ ˆ½Å ñ¸¸½èÄ Ÿ¸½¿ 縙硸 ‡¨¸¿ œÏñ¸¿š¸›¸ ¹¨¸ˆÅ¸ç¸ 縿瘸¸›¸, Š¸ºèõŠ¸¸¿¨¸ ˆ½Å Š¸¨¸›¸Ä£ ñ¸¸½èÄ Ÿ¸½¿ ð¸ú 縙硸 ªÿ.

    è¸Á. ¹Ÿ¸ý¸ ‚¸ƒÄ‡ç¸‚¸½ 9001 ‚¸¾£ ‚¸ƒÄ‡ç¸‚¸½ 17025 Š¸ºµ¸¨¸î¸¸ œÏñ¸¿š¸›¸ œÏµ¸¸¥¸ú ˆ½Å œÏŸ¸¸¹µ¸÷¸ œÏŸ¸º‰¸ ¥¸½‰¸¸ œ¸£ú®¸ˆÅ ˜¸½. ‚¸œ¸›¸½ ¡¸¸½Š¸, 縟¸÷¨¸ ‚¸¾£ 縿Š¸¶›¸¸÷Ÿ¸ˆÅ £ê¸›¸¸÷Ÿ¸ˆÅ÷¸¸ 總 縿ñ¸¿¹š¸÷¸ ¹¨¸ß¸¡¸¸½¿ œ¸£ ›¸¸¾ 縿Š¸¸½þ߶¡¸¸½¿ Ÿ¸½¿ ¥¸½‰¸ ð¸ú œÏç÷¸º÷¸ ¹ˆÅ‡ ªÿ. ‚¸œ¸›¸½ ‚œ¸›¸ú œ¸ú‡ê¸èú ˜¸ú¹ç¸ç¸ ˆ½Å ™¸¾£¸›¸ ¨¡¸¹Æ÷¸ Ÿ¸½¿ 縟¸÷¨¸ ˆÅ¸½ Ÿ¸¸œ¸›¸½ ˆ½Å ¹¥¸‡ 縸ƒˆÅ¸½Ÿ¸½¹’ïˆÅ 爽ť¸ ¹¨¸ˆÅ¹ç¸÷¸ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ ª¾.

    Dr. Madnesh Mishra is an officer of Indian Revenue Service (IRS) belonging to 1990 batch. At present, he is a Joint Secretary, Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, Government of India.

  • 11¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020

    He has been appointed as Government Nominee Director on the Board of the Bank w.e.f. 22.07.2016. He has done Ph.D. in Organisational Behaviour from XLRI, Jameshdpur and B.Tech in Production Engineering. He has worked in various capacities in Income Tax Department and on deputation in Ministry of Youth affairs and Sports as Executive Director of Sports Authority of India under Central Staffing Scheme. He was the first Chief Executive Officer of National Dope Testing Lab of Sports Authority of India and founding member of World Anti-Doping Agency representing India at Montreal. At present, he is also a Director on the Board of United India Insurance Co. Ltd., member in the board of Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority, Indiaand member in the Board of Governors of Management Development institute, Gurgaon.

    Dr. Mishra was certified lead auditor of ISO 9001 and ISO 17025 Quality Management System. He has presented 9 papers in Seminars on topics related to Yoga, Samatva and Organisational Creativity. He has developed psychometric scale to measure Samatva in a Person as his Ph.D. thesis.

    ýú ‚²µ¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ ¹ç¸¿ª 𸸣÷¸ú¡¸ ¹£ù¸¨¸Ä ñ¸ÿˆÅ ׸£¸ ›¸¸¹Ÿ¸÷¸ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ

    Shri Arun Kumar Singh RBI Nominee Director

    ¨¸÷¸ÄŸ¸¸›¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ýú ‚²µ¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ ë縪 ‚œÏ¾¥¸ 2019 總, 𸸣÷¸ú¡¸ ¹£ù¸¨¸Ä ñ¸ÿˆÅ, ù¸¡¸œ¸º£ Ÿ¸½¿ ®¸½°¸ú¡¸ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ˆ½Å œ¸™ œ¸£ ªÿ ÷¸˜¸¸ £¸ù¸ç˜¸¸›¸ £¸ù¡¸ Ÿ¸½¿ Ÿ¸ºÍ¸ œÏñ¸¿š¸›¸, ¹¨¸î¸ú¡¸ 縟¸¸¨¸½©¸›¸, ¹¨¸î¸ú¡¸ 縸®¸£÷¸¸, ñ¸ÿëˆÅŠ¸ / Š¸¾£ ñ¸ÿëˆÅŠ¸ ¹¨¸ˆÅ¸ç¸, 縣ˆÅ¸£ú ñ¸ÿëˆÅŠ¸ ‚¸¹™ ˆ½Å ®¸½°¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ˆ½¿ÅÍú¡¸ ñ¸ÿëˆÅŠ¸ ™¸¹¡¸÷¨¸¸½¿ ˆÅ¸ ¹›¸¨¸Äª›¸ ˆÅ£ £ª½ ªÿ.

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    Shri Arun Kumar Singh is currently Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India at Jaipur since April 2019 and is fulfilling his Central Banking responsibilities in the area of currency management, financial inclusion, financial literacy, banking / non-banking development, Government banking, etc. in the state of Rajasthan.

    He had worked in commercial bank before he joined Reserve Bank of India 30 years back and has had a wide & rich experience of working in RBI in various capacities in the areas of Government Banking, Financial Inclusion, Non-Banking and Banking Supervision, Banking Regulation, Monetary Policy, Information Technology, etc. He was actively engaged in regulation and supervision of non-banking financial companies for long period and also served as Principal Inspecting Officer for a number of such companies in the northern region. He has acted as Principal Inspecting Officer / Senior Supervisory Manager for various commercial banks and was associated with Asset Quality Review of banks as well as Risk-based Supervision (RBS) related processes and development. He was involved in framing regulatory policies for banks as well and assisted in regulatory and development issues

  • 12 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020

    under monetary policy formulation process. Besides, he also served as a nominee director on one Regional Rural Bank. During the last one year of his stint in Central Office at Mumbai, he was at the forefront of technology development in Reserve Bank of India, particularly in the area of currency management & Government banking on e-Kuber platform, Enterprise Access Management System, Electronic Document Management System, Board Meeting Solution, other Internal Apps, etc.

    Shri Singh has done his Graduation in Economics and MBA in Finance and HR. He is also a Certified Associate of the India Institute of Banking (CAIIB).

    Shri Rajiv Kumar Singh is a fellow member of the ICAI. He is on the Board of Union bank of India and is the Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Board. He is a qualified Certified Information system auditor (USA), a qualified valuer from the ICAI and a registered valuer with IBBI.

    Shri Singh is a recognized expert on business valuation, banking, corporate finance and strategy, M&A and restructuring, forex risk management and internal controls. Over the past twenty five years he has carried out large number of complex valuation analyses in India and abroad. He also has experience, serving as either an expert witness or consultant in array of valuation related to litigation including economic damages. Shri Singh has been retained and testified as an expert witness in India and abroad including The London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), and ITAT in leading valuation cases relating to economic damages, transfer pricing and transactional disputes.

    Shri Singh has presented, instructed and written on topics related to valuation, banking and corporate finance. He has been a speaker in more than 700 seminars and training

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    Shri Rajiv Kumar Singh Chartered Accountant Director

    ýú £¸ù¸ú¨¸ ̂ ºÅŸ¸¸£ ë縪 ‚¸ƒÄç¸ú‡‚¸ƒÄ ̂ ½Å œ¸½€¥¸¸½ 縙硸 ªÿ. ‚¸œ¸ ¡¸Þ¹›¸¡¸›¸ ñ¸ÿˆÅ ̂ ½Å ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ Ÿ¸µè¥¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ªÿ ‡¨¸¿ ñ¸¸½èÄ ̂ Åú ¥¸½‰¸¸œ¸£ú®¸¸ 縹Ÿ¸¹÷¸ ˆ½Å ‚š¡¸®¸ ªÿ. ‚¸œ¸ ç¸Þ긛¸¸ œÏµ¸¸¥¸ú ˆ½Å œÏŸ¸¸¹µ¸÷¸ ¥¸½‰¸¸œ¸£ú®¸ˆÅ (¡¸Þ‡ç¸‡) ‚¸ƒÄç¸ú‡‚¸ƒÄ ˆ½Å ‚¹ªÄ÷¸ Ÿ¸Þ¥¡¸¸¿ˆÅˆÅ ÷¸˜¸¸ ‚¸ƒÄñ¸úñ¸ú‚¸ƒÄ ˆ½Å œ¸¿ù¸úˆÅ¼÷¸ Ÿ¸Þ¥¡¸¸¿ˆÅˆÅ ªÿ.

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    Dr. Madhura Swaminathan has been appointed as Part-Time Non-Official Director of the Bank w.e.f. 27.12.2017. She has a doctorate in Economics from the University of Oxford and works on issues pertaining to food security, agriculture and rural development.

    Dr. Madhura Swaminathan is the Chairperson of M S Swaminathan Research Foundation and Professor & Head of Economic Analysis Unit of Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore.

    A development economist, she has authored eight books including one on food policy in India. She has served on Government of India’s High Level Committee on Long Term Grain Policy, the UN Committee on Development Policy and on the Board of International Potato Centre in Lima, Peru.

    è¸Á. Ÿ¸™º£¸ 稸¸Ÿ¸ú›¸¸˜¸›¸ ˆÅ¸½ 27.12.2017 總 ñ¸ÿˆÅ ˆ½Å ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ Ÿ¸¿è¥¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ‚¿©¸ˆÅ¸¹¥¸ˆÅ Š¸¾£ 縣ˆÅ¸£ú ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ¹›¸¡¸ºÆ÷¸ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ Š¸¡¸¸ ª¾. ‚¸œ¸›¸½ ‚¸ÁÆç¸ûŸ½èÄ ¡¸Þ¹›¸¨¸¹ç¸Ä’ú 總 ‚˜¸Ä©¸¸ç°¸ Ÿ¸½¿ è¸ÁÆ’£½’ ˆÅú œ¸™¨¸ú œÏ¸œ÷¸ ˆÅú ª¾ ÷¸˜¸¸ ‰¸¸Ô¸ 縺£®¸¸, ˆÅ¼¹ß¸ ‡¨¸¿ ŠÏ¸Ÿ¸úµ¸ ¹¨¸ˆÅ¸ç¸ 總 縿ñ¸¿¹š¸÷¸ Ÿ¸ºÓ¸½¿ œ¸£ ˆÅ¸¡¸Ä ˆÅ£ £ªú ªÿ.

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    Dr. Madhura Swaminathan Part-Time Non-Official Director

    è¸Á. ˆ½Å. £Ÿ¸½©¸ ‚¿©¸ˆÅ¸¹¥¸ˆÅ Š¸¾£ 縣ˆÅ¸£ú ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ

    31.03.2020 ÷¸ˆÅDr. K. Ramesha

    Part-Time Non-Official Director(till 31.03.2020)

    è¸Á. ˆ½Å. £Ÿ¸½©¸, ‚˜¸Ä©¸¸ç°¸ Ÿ¸½¿ œÏ˜¸Ÿ¸ ý½µ¸ú Ÿ¸½¿ Ÿ¸¸ç’£ ‡¨¸¿ è¸ÁÆ’£½’, ›¸½ 80 ˆ½Å ™©¸ˆÅ Ÿ¸½¿ ¹èœ¸¸’ÄŸ¸½¿’ ‚¸ÁûÅ ƒˆÅ¸½›¸¸Á¹Ÿ¸Æç¸, Ÿ¸¾ç¸Þ£ ¹¨¸æ¸¹¨¸Ô¸¸¥¸¡¸ Ÿ¸½¿ œÏ¨¸Æ÷¸¸ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ‚œ¸›¸ú ˆÅ¹£¡¸£ ˆÅú ©¸º²‚¸÷¸ ˆÅú ÷¸˜¸¸ ñ¸¸™ Ÿ¸½¿ ˆ½Å£¥¸ ˆÅ¼¹ß¸ ¹¨¸æ¸¹¨¸Ô¸¸¥¸¡¸ Ÿ¸½¿ 縪¸¡¸ˆÅ œÏ¸½û½Å縣 ˆÅ¸ œ¸™ð¸¸£ ŠÏªµ¸ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸.

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    programs on valuation, banking and finance related topics at different professional and industry platforms including IIM Bangalore, ICAI, ICSI, IICA, ICAN, VGSOM (IIT KGP), IIT Roorkee, IIT Delhi, ASSOCHAM, PHD Chambers and other similar forums. Since 2008, he has trained more than 7000 Chartered Accountants/Company Secretaries/MBAs in India and Nepal. He cherished his role as the first Joint Technical Director and Visiting Professor of Valuation and Masters in Business Finance courses of the ICAI. He is an adjunct faculty and course director of the valuation course of Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA). He has been inducted as a member of Special Invitees of the Valuation Standards Board of the ICAI and is also a member of the Task Force on Banking & Finance sector constituted by the ICSI.

    Shri Singh contributed significantly in developing the first Business Valuation Standards in India issued by the ICAI in 2010, and designing and delivering the first valuation course of the ICAI and the ICSI. He was a member of the Accounting Standards Board of the ICAI constituted for development of IndAS-113 (Fair Value Measurement). He has also contributed significantly in designing and delivering the first Forex and Treasury Management course and Master of Business Finance course of the ICAI.

  • 14 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020

    ›¸¾©¸›¸¥¸ ƒ¿ç’ú’á¸Þ’ ‚¸ÁûÅ ñ¸ÿˆÅ Ÿ¸¾›¸½ù¸Ÿ¸½¿’ Ÿ¸½¿ ™¸½ ™©¸ˆÅ 總 ‚¹š¸ˆÅ œÏ¸½û½Å縣 ‡¨¸¿ èú›¸ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ˆÅ¸¡¸Ä ˆÅ£›¸½ ˆ½Å œ¸ä¸¸÷¸ è¸Á. £Ÿ¸½©¸ ›¸½ 𸸣÷¸ú¡¸ ¹£ù¸¨¸Ä ñ¸ÿˆÅ ׸£¸ œÏ¸¡¸¸½¹ù¸÷¸ 縿瘸¸, ƒ¿¹è¡¸›¸ ƒ¿ç’ú’á¸Þ’ ‚¸ÁûÅ ñ¸ÿˆÅ Ÿ¸¾›¸½ù¸Ÿ¸½¿’, Š¸º¨¸¸ª¸’ú Ÿ¸½¿ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ˆÅ¸¡¸Ä ŠÏªµ¸ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸.

    Dr. K Ramesha with first-class Masters and Doctorate in Economics started his career as Lecturer with Department of Economics, University of Mysore in the early eighties and subsequently worked for Kerala Agricultural University as Assistant Professor.

    After a brief stint with National Centre for Rural Banking as a member of faculty, Dr. Ramesha joined National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM), Pune in 1996. As a Professor in the Finance Area Group, He actively participated in post graduate teaching, corporate training and research / consulting activities. Apart from guiding Ph.D. students of University of Pune, in the area of banking and finance, he has published around 50 research papers in professional journals and reputed magazines mainly in the areas of general banking, SME finance, micro credit / SHGs, co-operative banking and retail finance.

    At NIBM, He also served as Dean – Education and Dean – Research. At NIBM, several top / senior level training programmes, workshops, seminars and consulting assignments were successfully organized / completed under his stewardship.

    After serving NIBM as Professor & Dean for more than two decades, he has taken charge as the Director, Indian Institute of Bank Management, Guwahati, another RBI sponsored institute.

    Dr. Uttam Kumar Sarkar has been re-elected as a Shareholder Director of Union Bank of India w.e.f. 28.06.2018 for a period of three years. He is Ph.D. & M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering. He has more than 28 years of teaching experience. Presently, he is Professor of Management Information System Group at Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Calcutta.

    Dr. Sarkar was a Director on the Board of the Union Bank of India from June, 2015 to June, 2018 and a Member of the Board of Directors of IIM Calcutta Innovation Park from April, 2015 to April, 2018. He was a Visiting Professor at University of Florida, USA and Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi. His research publications appeared in major international journals and he carried consulting assignments for the Government of India in areas including education, food processing, agriculture and automation.

    è¸Á „¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ 縣ˆÅ¸£ ˆÅ¸½ ¹™›¸¸¿ˆÅ 28.06.2018 總 ÷¸ú›¸ ¨¸ß¸Ä ˆÅú ‚¨¸¹š¸ ˆ½Å ¹¥¸‡ ¡¸Þ¹›¸¡¸›¸ ñ¸ÿˆÅ ‚¸Áœ¸€ ƒ¿¹è¡¸¸ ˆ½Å ©¸½¡¸£š¸¸£ˆÅ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ œ¸º›¸: 긡¸¹›¸÷¸ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ Š¸¡¸¸ ª¾. ‚¸œ¸›¸½ ˆ¿Åœ¡¸Þ’£ ¹¨¸±¸¸›¸ ‡¨¸¿ ƒ¿ù¸ú¹›¸¡¸ë£Š¸ Ÿ¸½¿ œ¸ú‡ê¸.èú. ‚¸¾£ ‡Ÿ¸.’½ˆÅ ˆÅú „œ¸¸¹š¸ œÏ¸œ÷¸ ˆÅú ª¾. ‚¸œ¸ˆÅ¸½ ¹©¸®¸µ¸ ®¸½°¸ Ÿ¸½¿ 28 ¨¸ß¸¸½ô 總 ‚¹š¸ˆÅ ˆÅ¸ ‚›¸ºð¸¨¸ œÏ¸œ÷¸ ª¾. ¨¸÷¸ÄŸ¸¸›¸ Ÿ¸½¿, ‚¸œ¸ 𸸣÷¸ú¡¸ œÏñ¸¿š¸›¸ 縿瘸¸›¸ (‚¸ƒÄ‚¸ƒÄ‡Ÿ¸), ˆÅ¥¸ˆÅ Ÿ¸½¿ œÏñ¸¿š¸›¸ ç¸Þ긛¸¸ œÏµ¸¸¥¸ú 縟¸Þª ˆ½Å œÏ¸½û½Å縣 ªÿ.

    è¸Á. 縣ˆÅ¸£ ù¸Þ›¸, 2015 總 ù¸Þ›¸, 2018 ÷¸ˆÅ ¡¸Þ¹›¸¡¸›¸ ñ¸ÿˆÅ ‚¸ÁûÅ ƒ¿¹è¡¸¸ ˆ½Å ñ¸¸½èÄ ˆ½Å ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ‚¸¾£ ‚œÏ¾¥¸, 2015 總 ‚œÏ¾¥¸, 2018 ÷¸ˆÅ ‚¸ƒÄ‚¸ƒÄ‡Ÿ¸ ˆÅ¥¸ˆÅ ƒ›¸¸½¨¸½©¸›¸ œ¸¸ˆÄÅ ˆ½Å ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ Ÿ¸¿è¥¸ ˆ½Å 縙硸 ˜¸½. ‚¸œ¸ É¥¸¸Á¹£è¸ ¹¨¸æ¸¹¨¸Ô¸¸¥¸¡¸, ¡¸Þ‡ç¸‡ Ÿ¸½¿ ‚¹÷¸¹˜¸ œÏ¸½û½Å縣 ‚¸¾£ 𸸣÷¸ú¡¸ ÷¸ˆÅ›¸úˆÅú 縿瘸¸›¸ (‚¸ƒÄ‚¸ƒÄ’ú), ¹™¥¥¸ú Ÿ¸½¿ 縪¸¡¸ˆÅ œÏ¸½û½Å縣 ˜¸½. ‚¸œ¸ˆ½Å ‚›¸ºç¸¿š¸¸›¸ œÏˆÅ¸©¸›¸, œÏŸ¸º‰¸ ‚¿÷¸£¸Äß’ïú¡¸ ù¸›¸Ä¥¸ Ÿ¸½¿ œÏˆÅ¸¹©¸÷¸ ªº‡ ªÿ ‚¸¾£ ‚¸œ¸ ¹©¸®¸¸, ‰¸¸Ô¸ œÏ縿çˆÅ£µ¸, ˆÅ¼¹ß¸ ‡¨¸¿ 稸길¥¸›¸ ˆ½Å ®¸½°¸¸½¿ Ÿ¸½¿ 𸸣÷¸ 縣ˆÅ¸£ ˆ½Å ¹¥¸‡ œ¸£¸Ÿ¸©¸úÄ ˆÅ¸¡¸¸½ô 總 ù¸ºèõ½ ˜¸½.è¸Á „¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ 縣ˆÅ¸£

    ©¸½¡¸£š¸¸£ˆÅ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅDr. Uttam Kumar Sarkar

    Shareholder Director

  • 15¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020

    Shri K. Kadiresan has been elected as Shareholder Director of the Bank w.e.f. 28.06.2018 for a period of three years. He is a Master of Marketing Management and Master of Arts. He is the Zonal Manager of Southern Zone of Life Insurance Corporation of India, comprising of the States of Tamil Nadu and Kerala as well as the Union Territories viz. Pondicherry and Mahe. Prior to this, he was the Executive Director (Pension & Group Schemes) of Life Insurance Corporation of India.

    Shri Kadiresan has over 3 decades of experience in the Life Insurance Industry, in pivotal departments such as Marketing, Corporate Communication, Finance & Accounts, Human Resources & also Investment Operations. He has served as the first CEO of the LIC’s wholly owned overseas subsidiary LIC Singapore Pvt. Ltd.

    ýú ˆ½Å. ˆÅ¹™£½ç¸›¸ ˆÅ¸½ ¹™›¸¸¿ˆÅ 28.06.2018 總 ÷¸ú›¸ ¨¸ß¸Ä ˆÅú ‚¨¸¹š¸ ˆ½Å ¹¥¸‡ ñ¸ÿˆÅ ˆ½Å ©¸½¡¸£ š¸¸£ˆÅ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ 긡¸¹›¸÷¸ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ Š¸¡¸¸ ª¾. „›ª¸½¿›¸½ ¹¨¸œ¸µ¸›¸ œÏñ¸¿š¸›¸ Ÿ¸½¿ 相¸÷¸ˆÅ¸½î¸£ ‡¨¸¿ ˆÅ¥¸¸ Ÿ¸½¿ 相¸÷¸ˆÅ¸½î¸£ ˆÅú „œ¸¸¹š¸ œÏ¸œ÷¸ ˆÅú ª¾. ‚¸œ¸ 𸸣÷¸ú¡¸ ù¸ú¨¸›¸ ñ¸úŸ¸¸ ˆ½Å ™¹®¸µ¸ ‚¿ê¸¥¸ ˆ½Å ‚¿ê¸¥¸ œÏŸ¸º‰¸ ªÿ, ¹ù¸ç¸Ÿ¸½¿ ÷¸¹Ÿ¸¥¸›¸¸èº ‚¸¾£ ˆ½Å£¥¸ £¸ù¡¸ ˆ½Å 縸˜¸-縸˜¸ ˆ½¿ÅÍ ©¸¸¹ç¸÷¸ œÏ™½©¸ œ¸ºèºê¸½£ú ‡¨¸¿ Ÿ¸¸ª½ ð¸ú ©¸¸¹Ÿ¸¥¸ ª¾. ƒç¸ç¸½ œ¸Þ¨¸Ä ‚¸œ¸ 𸸣÷¸ú¡¸ ù¸ú¨¸›¸ ñ¸úŸ¸¸ ¹›¸Š¸Ÿ¸ (œ¸½¿©¸›¸ ‡¨¸¿ 縟¸Þª ¡¸¸½ù¸›¸¸) ˆ½Å ˆÅ¸¡¸Äœ¸¸¥¸ˆÅ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ˜¸½.

    ýú ˆÅ¹™£½ç¸›¸ ˆÅ¸½ ù¸ú¨¸›¸ ñ¸úŸ¸¸ „Ô¸¸½Š¸ ˆ½Å Ÿ¸ª÷¨¸œ¸Þµ¸Ä ¹¨¸ð¸¸Š¸¸½¿ ù¸¾ç¸½ ¹¨¸œ¸µ¸›¸, ˆÅ¸Áœ¸¸½Ä£½’ 縿œÏ½ß¸µ¸, ¹¨¸î¸ ¨¸ ¥¸½‰¸¸, Ÿ¸¸›¸¨¸ 縿縸š¸›¸ ‡¨¸¿ ¹›¸¨¸½©¸ œ¸¹£ê¸¸¥¸›¸ Ÿ¸½¿ 3 ™©¸ˆÅ¸½¿ 總 ‚¹š¸ˆÅ ˆÅ¸ ‚›¸ºð¸¨¸ œÏ¸œ÷¸ ª¾. ƒç¸ç¸½ œ¸Þ¨¸Ä ‚¸œ¸ 𸸣÷¸ú¡¸ ù¸ú¨¸›¸ ñ¸úŸ¸¸ ¹›¸Š¸Ÿ¸ ˆÅú œ¸Þµ¸Ä÷¸: 稸¸¹Ÿ¸÷¨¸ ¨¸¸¥¸ú ‚¸½¨¸£ç¸úù¸ 縪¸¡¸ˆÅ ˆ¿Åœ¸›¸ú ‡¥¸‚¸ƒÄç¸ú ë縊¸¸œ¸º£ œÏ¸. ¹¥¸. ˆ½Å œÏ˜¸Ÿ¸ ç¸úƒÄ‚¸½ £ª½ ªÿ.

    ýú ˆ½Å ˆÅ¹™£½ç¸›¸©¸½¡¸£š¸¸£ˆÅ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ

    Shri K. KadiresanShareholder Director

    è¸Á. ù¸¡¸™½¨¸ ‡Ÿ¸©¸½¡¸£š¸¸£ˆÅ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ

    Dr. Jayadev M.Shareholder Director

    è¸Á ù¸¡¸™½¨¸ ‡Ÿ¸. ˆÅ¸½ ¹™›¸¸¿ˆÅ 28.06.2018 總 ÷¸ú›¸ ¨¸ß¸Ä ˆÅú ‚¨¸¹š¸ ˆ½Å ¹¥¸‡ ñ¸ÿˆÅ ˆ½Å ©¸½¡¸£š¸¸£ˆÅ ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ¹›¸¡¸ºÆ÷¸ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ Š¸¡¸¸ ª¾. ‚¸œ¸›¸½ ˆÅ¸ÁŸ¸ç¸Ä Ÿ¸½¿ 相¸÷¸ˆÅ¸½î¸£ ‚¸¾£ ¹ñ¸ù¸›¸½ç¸ Ÿ¸¾›¸½ù¸Ÿ¸½¿’ Ÿ¸½¿ œ¸ú‡ê¸èú ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ ª¾. ¨¸÷¸ÄŸ¸¸›¸ Ÿ¸½¿, ‚¸œ¸ ‚¸ƒÄ‚¸ƒÄ‡Ÿ¸ ñ¸½¿Š¸¥¸¸½£ Ÿ¸½¿ ¹¨¸î¸ ‡¨¸¿ ¥¸½‰¸¸¿ˆÅ›¸ ˆ½Å œÏ¸½û½Å縣 ªÿ.

    è¸Á. ù¸¡¸™½¨¸ ˆÅ¸½ ›¸ ˆ½Å¨¸¥¸ 𸸣÷¸ ˆ½Å œÏŸ¸º‰¸ 縿瘸¸‚¸½¿ Ÿ¸½¿ ñ¸þ¥ˆÅ ¹¨¸¹ð¸››¸ ¹¨¸™½©¸ú ¹¨¸æ¸¹¨¸Ô¸¸¥¸¡¸¸½¿ Ÿ¸½¿ ð¸ú ‚¹÷¸¹˜¸ œÏ¸½û½Å縣 ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ‚š¡¸¸œ¸›¸ ˆÅ¸ œ¸¡¸¸Äœ÷¸ ‚›¸ºð¸¨¸ ª¾. ‚¸œ¸›¸½ ¹¨¸¹ð¸››¸ œ¸ºç÷¸ˆÅ¸½¿ ‡¨¸¿ £¸ß’ïú¡¸ ¨¸ ‚¿÷¸£¸Äß’ïú¡¸ œ¸¹°¸ˆÅ¸‚¸½¿ Ÿ¸½¿ ©¸¸½š¸ 縿ñ¸¿š¸ú ¥¸½‰¸¸½¿ ˆÅ¸ œÏˆÅ¸©¸›¸ ¹ˆÅ¡¸¸ ª¾ ÷¸˜¸¸ ‚¸œ¸›¸½ ¹©¸®¸¸ ˆ½Å ®¸½°¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ¹¨¸¹ð¸››¸ œ¸º£çˆÅ¸£ ‡¨¸¿ œÏ©¸¿ç¸¸ ‚¹ù¸Ä÷¸ ˆÅú ª¾. ‚¸œ¸ ñ¸½¿Š¸¥¸¸½£ ç’¸ÁˆÅ ‡Æç¸ê¸½¿ù¸ ¹¥¸¹Ÿ¸’½è ˆÅú 縪¸¡¸ˆÅ ˆ¿Åœ¸›¸ú ñ¸úù¸ú‡ç¸ƒÄ ûŸƒ›¸½¿¹©¸¡¸¥ç¸ ¹¥¸¹Ÿ¸’½è, ˆ½Å ¹›¸™½©¸ˆÅ Ÿ¸µè¥¸ ˆ½Å ‡ˆÅ 縙硸 ‡¨¸¿ ç’¸’Ä-‚œ¸ ¨¸½¿ê¸ç¸Ä ˆ½Å ñ¸¸½èÄ Ÿ¸½¿ ˜¸½.

    Dr. Jayadev M. has been elected as Shareholder Director of the Bank w.e.f. 28.06.2018 for a period of three years. He is Post Graduate in Commerce and Ph.D. in Business Management. Presently, he is Professor of Finance & Accounting at IIM, Bangalore.

    Dr. Jayadev has rich experience of teaching not only in premier institutions in India but also as a Visiting Professor in various universities abroad. He has published various books and research articles in national and international journals and has won various awards and accolades in the field of education. He was a member of Board of Directors of BgSE Financials Limited, subsidiary of Bangalore Stock Exchange Limited and on the Board of start-up ventures.

  • 16 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020

    ýú ‡Ÿ¸. ¨¸ú. ‡ç¸. ‡›¸. Ÿ¸Þ¹÷¸Ä Shri M. V. S. N. Murthy

    Ÿ¸ª¸ œÏñ¸¿š¸ˆÅ / GENERAL MANAGER

    Ÿ¸º‰¡¸ ç¸÷¸ˆÄÅ÷¸¸ ‚¹š¸ˆÅ¸£ú / CHIEF VIGILANCE OFFICER

    1 ýúŸ¸÷¸ú Ÿ¸¸½¹›¸ˆÅ¸ ˆÅ¸¹¥¸¡¸¸ Smt. Monika Kalia2 ýú ‡ç¸. ˆ½Å. Ÿ¸ª¸œ¸¸°¸¸ Shri S.K. Mohapatra 3 ýú ñÏù¸½æ¸£ ©¸Ÿ¸¸Ä Shri Brajeshwar Sharma4 ýú ¥¸¸¥¸ ë縪 Shri Lal Singh5 è¸Á. ˆ½Å. ‡¥¸. £¸ù¸Þ Dr. K.L. Raju 6 ýú ‚¸ƒÄ. ‡. ‰¸¸›¸ Shri I. A. Khan7 ýú ‡Ÿ¸. ¨¸½¿ˆÅ’½©¸ Shri M. Venkatesh8 ýú ‡ç¸. ‡ç¸. 긛ͩ¸½‰¸£ Shri S. S. Chandrashekhar 9 ýú ñ¸ú. ýú¹›¸¨¸¸ç¸ £¸¨¸ Shri B.Sreenivasa Rao10 ýú ¡¸¸½Š¸½›Í ë縪 Shri Yogendra Singh11 ýú ¹›¸÷¸½©¸ £¿ù¸›¸ Shri Nitesh Ranjan12 ýú œ¸ú. ç¸÷¡¸›¸¸£¸¡¸µ¸ Shri P. Satyanarayana 13 ýú ‚÷¸º¥¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ Shri Atul Kumar 14 ýú ù¸Š¸Ÿ¸¸½ª›¸ ë縪 Shri Jagmohan Singh15 ýú œÏ¨¸úµ¸ ©¸Ÿ¸¸Ä Shri Pravin Sharma16 ýú ‚¸©¸ú߸ œ¸¸¿è½ Shri Asheesh Pandey17 ýú ¨¸ú. ˆ½Å. ’½¿ð¸Þµ¸½Ä Shri V.K. Tembhurne 18 ýú ˆÅ¥¡¸¸µ¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ Shri Kalyan Kumar19 ýú ñ¸ú. ‡ç¸. ¨¸½¿ˆÅ’½©¸ Shri B.S. Venkatesha20 ýú ¨¸¸ç¸º™½¨¸›¸ ñ¸úù¸Þ Shri Vasudevan Biju21 ýú ‚¹ð¸ù¸ú÷¸ ñ¸ç¸¸ˆÅ Shri Abhijit Basak22 ýú èú. ñ¸ú. ˆÅ¸¿ñ¸¥¸½ Shri D.B. Kamble23 ýú ’ú. ¨¸ú. ¨¸½µ¸ºŠ¸¸½œ¸¸¥¸ Shri T.V. Venugopal24 縺ýú Ÿ¸ú›¸¸ ‚¸£ ‰¸››¸¸ Sushri Meena R Khanna25 ýú ‡. ›¸¸£¸¡¸µ¸›¸ Shri A. Narayanan26 ýú ©¸¾¥¸½©¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ ë縪 Shri Shailesh Kumar Singh27 ýú ‚¹›¸¥¸ ˆºÅ£ú¥¸ Shri Anil Kuril 28 ýú ‡›¸. ‚¸£. 縸Ÿ¸¥¸ Shri N.R. Samal 29 ýú œ¸ú. ˆ½Å. 縸½›¸ú Shri P.K. Soni30 ýú ç¸ú. ‡Ÿ¸. ¹Ÿ¸›¸¸½ê¸¸ Shri C.M. Minocha

    ¡¸˜¸¸ / As on 31.03.2020

  • 17¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020

    „œ¸ Ÿ¸ª¸ œÏñ¸¿š¸ˆÅ / Dy. GENERAL MANAGER1. ýú ‡ç¸. ‡ê¸. ˆ¿Å˜¸¸¹£¡¸¸ Shri S. H. Kantharia2. ýú ‡. ˆÅ¼ßµ¸¸ç¨¸¸Ÿ¸ú Shri A. Krishnaswamy3. ýú ¨¸ú. ˆ½Å. ýú¨¸¸ç÷¸¨¸ Shri V. K. Srivastava4. ýú 𸸽¥¸¸ œÏ縸™ Shri Bhola Prasad5. ýú ‚¸£. ˆ½Å. ù¸Š¸¥¸¸›¸ Shri R..K. Jaglan6. ýú ¨¸ú. ˆ½Å. ë縪¥¸ Shri V. K. Singhal7. ýú ‚¸©¸º÷¸¸½ß¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ Shri Ashutosh Kumar8. ýú ‡ç¸. ˆ½Å. œ¸¸¹µ¸ŠÏ¸ªú Shri S. K. Panigrahi9. ýú ç¸ú. ‡Ÿ¸. Š¸ºœ÷¸¸ Shri C. M. Gupta10. ýúŸ¸÷¸ú ‡ç¸. ˆ½Å. ›¸¸£ˆÅ£ Smt. S. K. Narkar11. ýú œ¸ú. ˆ½Å. ™¸ç¸ Shri P. K. Das12. ýú ‡ç¸. ‡ç¸. 縣¸½¡¸¸ Shri S. S. Saroya13. ýú ‡. ˆ½Å. ¹ç¸£¸½ªú Shri A.K. Sirohi14. ýú ‡. ¨¸ú. Ÿ¸£¸¶½ Shri A.V. Marathe15. ýú ¹™¥¸úœ¸ 縳¹œÏ¡¸¸ Shri Dilip Sarupria16. ýú ‡. ‡. ù¸¾›¸ Shri A. A. Jain17. ýú ˆ½Å. ‡ç¸. ¡¸¸™¨¸ Shri K. S. Yadav18. ýú ‚¹‰¸¥¸½©¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ Shri Akhilesh Kumar19. ýú £¸ˆ½Å©¸ 길½œ¸èõ¸ Shri Rakesh Chopra20. ýú èú. ¹ê¸£¿ù¸ú¨¸ú Shri D. Chiranjeevi21. ýú ¹ù¸÷¸½›Í ë縪 ÷¸¸½Ÿ¸£ Shri Jitendra Singh Tomar22. ýú ’ú. 縣¸¨¸›¸¾ Shri T. Saravanai23. ýú ‡›¸. ‚¸£. ù¸¾›¸ Shri N.R. Jain24. ýú £¸ù¸ú¨¸ ¹Ÿ¸ý¸ Shri Rajiv Mishra25. ýú 縨¸½Ä©¸ £¿ù¸›¸ Shri Sarvesh Ranjan26. ýú 縺¹Ÿ¸÷¸ ýú¨¸¸ç÷¸¨¸ Shri Sumit Srivastava27. ýú ù¸ú. ç¸ú. ù¸¸½©¸ú Shri G. C. Joshi28. ýú ¹¨¸ˆÅ¸ç¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ Shri Vikash Kumar29. ýú ‚Ÿ¸£½›Í ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ Shri Amarendra Kumar30. ýú ˆ½Å. ù¸½. ýú¹›¸¨¸¸ç¸ £¸¨¸ Shri K. J. Srinivasa Rao31. ýú œ¸ú. ˆ½Å. ýú¨¸¸ç÷¸¨¸ Shri P. K. Srivastava32. ýú £¿ù¸›¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ Shri Ranjan Kumar33. ýú ‚¸½. œ¸ú. ˆÅ¸£¨¸¸ Shri O. P. Karwa34. ýú ù¸ú. ˆ½Å. 縺š¸¸ˆÅ£ Shri G. K. Sudhakar35. ýú ‚²µ¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ Shri Arun Kumar36. ýú ‡ç¸. œ¸ú. ˆÅ£ Shri S. P. Kar37. ýú ‚¸£ ¹¨¸æ¸½æ¸£›¸ Shri R. Viswesvaran38. ýú Š¸º£÷¸½ù¸ ë縪 Shri Gurtej Singh39. ýú ‡ç¸. ˆ½Å. ë縪 Shri S. K. Singh40. ýú Ÿ¸ª¸ñ¸ú£ ¨¸Ÿ¸¸Ä Shri Mahabir Verma41. è¸. ‚¸£. ˆÅ¸½ç¸¸£¸ù¸Þ Dr. R. Kosaraju42. ýú ¹ù¸÷¸½›Í Ÿ¸¹µ¸£¸Ÿ¸ Shri Jithender Maniram43. ýú ¹¨¸œ¸›¸ ë縪 Shri Vipan Singh44. ýú š¸ú£½›Í ù¸¾›¸ Shri Dhirendra Jain45. ýú £¸ù¸ú¨¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ 常 Shri Rajiv Kumar Jha46. ýú ‚ù¸¡¸ ýú¨¸¸ç÷¸¨¸ Shri Ajay Shrivastava

    47. ýú ‡›¸. 긽ù¸ú¡¸›¸ Shri N. Chezhian48. ýú ‚¸½. œ¸ú. ñ¸¥¸¸½™ú Shri O. P. Balodi49. ýú Š¸¸½ˆºÅ¥¸¸›¸¿™ ™¸ç¸ Shri Gokulananda Das50. ýú ‚©¸¸½ˆÅ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ ™¸ç¸ Shri Ashok Kumar Dash51. ýú £¸ù¸½©¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ Shri Rajesh Kumar52. ýú ‚¸¥¸¸½ˆÅ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ Shri Alok Kumar53. ýú ‚¸£. ‡¥¸. Ÿ¸úµ¸¸ Shri R. L. Meena54. ýú ‡. ˆ½Å. œ¸£úè¸ Shri A. K. Parida55. ýú ù¸ú. ñ¸ú. ¹°¸œ¸¸¶ú Shri G. B. Tripathy56. ýú Ÿ¸›¸¸½ù¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ Shri Manoj Kumar57. ýú ‡. ˆ½Å. ‡ç¸. 길¾ª¸›¸ Shri A. K. S. Chauhan58. ýú ›¸¨¸›¸ú÷¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ Shri Navneet Kumar59. ýú ˆ½Å. ‡ç¸. ‚›¸¿÷¸ Shri K. S. Anantha60. ýú ˆÅñ¸ú£ ð¸Ø¸ê¸¸¡¸Ä Shri Kabir Bhattacharya61. ýú ‡Ÿ¸. ˆ½Å. ›¸¿™¸ Shri M. K. Nanda62. ýú 縿ù¸¡¸ ›¸¸£¸¡¸µ¸ Shri Sanjay Narayan63. ýú ƒÄ. œ¸º¥¥¸¸ £¸¨¸ Shri E. Pulla Rao 64. ýúŸ¸÷¸ú ©¸¸¹¥¸›¸ú Ÿ¸½›¸›¸ Smt. Shalini Menon65. ýú ‡. ˆ½Å. 길¾š¸£ú Shri A.K. Choudhary 66. ýú ù¸ú. ñ¸ú. ¹Ÿ¸ý¸ Shri G. B. Mishra 67. ýú ù¸ú. Ÿ¸º³Š¸›¸ Shri G. Murugan68. ýú ‡ç¸. ˆ½Å. 𸸊¸Ä¨¸ Shri S. K. Bhargava69. ýú ‡ç¸. ©¸¹Æ÷¸¨¸½¥¸ Shri S. Sakthivel70. ýú ¨¸ú. ˆ½Å. ©¸ºÆ¥¸¸ Shri V. K. Shukla71. ýú ñ¸¾ù¸ ›¸¸˜¸ ë縪 Shri Baij Nath Singh72. ýú Š¸º›¸¸ ›¸›™ Š¸¸Ÿ¸ú Shri Guna Nand Gami73. ýú £Ÿ¸½©¸ ¨¸½Š¸½ Shri Ramesh Vege74. ýú ‡ç¸. ˆ½Å. ™¸ç¸ Shri S. K. Dash75. ýú ñ¸²µ¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ Shri Barun Kumar76. ýú ç¸ú. ¨¸ú. ‡›¸. ð¸¸çˆÅ£ £¸¨¸ Shri C. V. N. Bhaskara Rao77. ýúŸ¸÷¸ú 縸¾Ÿ¡¸¸ ýúš¸£ Smt. Sowmya Sridhar78. ýú œ¸ú. ù¸ú. ¥¸¸½‰¸¿è½ Shri P. G. Lokhande 79. ýú Ÿ¸›¸¸½ù¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ Shri Manoj Kumar80. ýú ‚ù¸¡¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ Shri Ajay Kumar 81. ýú Ÿ¸ºˆ½Å©¸ 𸸣÷¸ú ©¸Ÿ¸¸Ä Shri Mukesh Bharti Sharma 82. ýú ¹¨¸ˆÅ¸ç¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ ¹ç¸›ª¸ Shri Vikas Kumar Sinha 83. ýú ª¹£ ‚¸½Ÿ¸ ¨¸÷ç¸ Shri Hari Om Vats 84. ýú ’ú. ›¸‘ù¸º¿èœœ¸¸ Shri T Nanjundappa 85. ýú 縿÷¸¸½ß¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ ©¸ºÆ¥¸¸ Shri Santosh Kumar Shukla 86. ýú ‡ê¸. ˆ½Å. ™¸ç¸ Shri H. K. Das 87. ýú ‡Ÿ¸. ˆ½Å.ýú¨¸¸ç÷¸¨¸ Shri M. K. Srivastava88. ýú ù¸ú. ‡¥¸. ˆº¿Å™¥¸¨¸¸¥¸ Shri G. L. Kundalwal 89. ýú á߸úˆ½Å©¸ ¹Ÿ¸ý¸ Shri Hrishikesh Mishra 90. ýú ‡Ÿ¸. ‚¸£. Ÿ¸ª¸¥¸½ Shri M. R. Mahale

    ¡¸˜¸¸ / As on 31.03.2020

  • 18 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020 ¨¸¸¹ß¸ÄˆÅ ¹£œ¸¸½’Ä 2019-2020

    ¹¨¸î¸ ¨¸ß¸Ä 2019-20 ˆÅú Ÿ¸º‰¡¸ ñ¸¸÷¸½¿

    ñ¸ÿˆÅ ˆÅ¸ ¨¸¾¹æ¸ˆÅ ˆÅ¸£¸½ñ¸¸£ 31 Ÿ¸¸ê¸Ä, 2019 ˆ½Å `741307 ˆÅ£¸½èõ ˆÅú ÷¸º¥¸›¸¸ Ÿ¸½¿ 7.6% ¨¸¼¹Ö ˆ½Å 縸˜¸ 31 Ÿ¸¸ê¸Ä, 2020 ˆÅ¸½ `797589 ˆÅ£¸½èõ £ª¸.

    ˆºÅ¥¸ ù¸Ÿ¸¸£¸¹©¸¡¸¸Â 31 Ÿ¸¸ê¸Ä, 2019 ˆ½Å `415915 ˆÅ£¸½èõ ˆÅú ÷¸º¥¸›¸¸ Ÿ¸½¿ 31 Ÿ¸¸ê¸Ä, 2020 ˆÅ¸½ 8.4% ˆÅú ™£ 總 ñ¸éõˆÅ£ `450668 ˆÅ£¸½èõ ª¸½ Š¸¡¸¸.

    ¨¸¾¹æ¸ˆÅ 縈ť¸ ‚¹ŠÏŸ¸ 31 Ÿ¸¸ê¸Ä, 2019 ˆ½Å `325392 ˆÅ£¸½èõ ˆÅú ÷¸º¥¸›¸¸ Ÿ¸½¿ 31 Ÿ¸¸ê¸Ä, 2020 ˆÅ¸½ 6.6% ˆÅú ™£ 總 ñ¸éõˆÅ£ `346921 ˆÅ£¸½èõ ª¸½ Š¸¡¸¸.

    ˆÅ¸ç¸¸ ù¸Ÿ¸¸£¸¹©¸¡¸¸Â 31 Ÿ¸¸ê¸Ä, 2019 ˆ½Å `150141 ˆÅ£¸½èõ ˆÅú ÷¸º¥¸›¸¸ Ÿ¸½¿ 6.8% ˆÅú ™£ 總 ñ¸éõˆÅ£ 31 Ÿ¸¸ê¸Ä, 2020 ˆÅ¸½ `160373 ˆÅ£¸½èõ ª¸½ Š¸¡¸ì. ˆÅ¸ç¸¸ ‚¸š¸¸£ 31 ¹™ç¸¿ñ¸£, 2019 ˆ½Å 34.40% ˆÅú ÷¸º¥¸›¸¸ Ÿ¸½¿ 31 Ÿ¸¸ê¸Ä, 2020 ˆÅ¸½ 119 ñ¸úœ¸ú‡ç¸ ñ¸éõˆÅ£ 35.59% ª¸½ Š¸¡¸¸.

    ©¸ºÖ ñ¡¸¸ù¸ ‚¸¡¸ ¹¨¸î¸ú¡¸ ̈ ¸ß¸Ä 2019 ̂ ½Å ̀ 10215 ̂ Å£¸½èõ ̂ Åú ÷¸º¥¸›¸¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ¹¨¸î¸ú¡¸ ̈ ¸ß¸Ä 2020 ̂ Ÿ½ 12.0% ̂ Åú ™£ 總 ñ¸éõˆÅ£ `11437 ˆÅ£¸½èõ ª¸½ Š¸¡¸ú.

    ¨¸¾¹æ¸ˆÅ ©¸ºÖ ñ¡¸¸ù¸ Ÿ¸¸¹ù¸Ä›¸ (‡›¸‚¸ƒÄ‡Ÿ¸) ¹¨¸î¸ú¡¸ ¨¸ß¸Ä 2019 ˆ½Å 2.23% ˆÅú ÷¸º¥¸›¸¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ¹¨¸î¸ú¡¸ ¨¸ß¸Ä 2020 Ÿ¸½¿ 縺š¸¸£ ˆ½Å 縸˜¸ 2.29% ª¸½ Š¸¡¸¸. ‹¸£½¥¸Þ ©¸ºÖ ñ¡¸¸ù¸ Ÿ¸¸¹ù¸Ä›¸ (‡›¸‚¸ƒÄ‡Ÿ¸) ¹¨¸î¸ú¡¸ ¨¸ß¸Ä 2019 ˆ½Å 2.28% ˆÅú ÷¸º¥¸›¸¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ¹¨¸î¸ú¡¸ ¨¸ß¸Ä 2020 Ÿ¸½¿ 縺š¸¸£ ˆ½Å 縸˜¸ 2.36% ª¸½ Š¸¡¸¸.

    Š¸¾£ ñ¡¸¸ù¸ ‚¸¡¸ ¹¨¸î¸ú¡¸ ¨¸ß¸Ä 2019 ˆ½Å `4474 ˆÅ£¸½èõ ˆÅú ÷¸º¥¸›¸¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ¹¨