UAW 4121 Contract Update Webinar information session for departmental personnel September 2012

UAW 4121 Contract Update Webinar information session for departmental personnel September 2012

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Page 1: UAW 4121 Contract Update Webinar information session for departmental personnel September 2012

UAW 4121 Contract UpdateWebinar information session for departmental personnel September 2012

Page 2: UAW 4121 Contract Update Webinar information session for departmental personnel September 2012

Agenda Introduction of panelists Overview of negotiations and contract Review of key points

• One-time payment• Childcare• Insurance• Wages

Implications/Planning for Departments & Colleges Questions

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Panelists Peter Denis

Assistant Vice President, UW Labor Relations

Helene ObradovichDirector, Fellowships & Awards, Graduate School

Linda NelsonDirector of Finance & Administration, College of Arts & Sciences

Marilyn GrayFellowships & Awards, Graduate School (will be handling written questions)

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Overview of contract Negotiations were successful and produced a three-

year contract.

Contract was effective May 4, 2012 and is scheduled to end on April 30, 2015.

Items with changes:o One-time paymento Childcareo Wages

All other parts of the contract have no significant changes.

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One-Time PaymentArticle 32, Section C

ASE with a salaried appointment in the 2012-13 academic year will receive one $50 pay supplement.o Whether a student has a one-quarter appointment or a three-quarter

appointment, they receive only $50 (i.e., it is not a per quarter payment)

Supplement will be paid during the first quarter of their appointment.

It will be processed and paid centrally; departments will not need to do anything to initiate payment beyond entering the appointment in OPUS. 10/12 correction: the payment will be made centrally, but will be charged to the distribution budget

Supplement will be paid on the fourth pay period in the quarter. In 2012-13 the dates will be:o November 26, 2012 (autumn quarter)o February 25, 2013 (winter quarter)o May 24, 2013 (spring quarter)

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ChildcareArticle 5

Eligibility for the UW Childcare Assistance Program and the Sick Child Care Services remains unchanged.

Current process for providing ASE childcare assistance will continue.

Assistance amounts will increase over the life of the contract from $600 per quarter to $700 per quarter.

University will increase its monetary commitment over the life of the contract from $35,000 to $40,000.

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WagesArticle 32

ASE wages will now be benchmarked with the median wage of the UW’s Global Challenge States (GCS) peer group.

A consultant will be hired to assemble data about gross base wages from the peer group and determine the median.

o Job class codes 0817, 0847, and 0857 will be used in the comparison.

o The goal is to have this determination finished as quickly as possible so departments, schools, and colleges will have the July 1, 2013 new base salary rates for planning purposes.

o The calculation of the gap between UW wages & GCS median will be reviewed and adjusted annually.

Beginning on July 1, 2013 wages will increase over three years as stipulated in the contract.

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Wage IncreasesJuly 1, 2013

A. Base rates: will increase by at least 1/3 of the gap between the current UW salary and the GCS median rate OR by 4%, whichever is greater.

Example #1: Assume there is a 15% gap between the UW and the GCS median rate

Example #2: Assume there is a 9% gap between the UW and the GCS median rate

Current UW rate:

1/3 of the gap Increase

$1,525 5% 1/3 of the gap is greater than 4%, so a 5% raise would take effect

Current UW rate: 1/3 of the gap Increase

$1,525 3% 1/3 of the gap is less than 4%, so a 4% raise would take effect

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July 1, 2013, cont’d.

B. Variable rates: will increase by 2% OR the percentage required to meet the July 1, 2013 base rate OR the departmental increase, whichever is greatest.

Example: Assume there is a 4% increase in the base wage bringing it to $1,586.

C. Hourly rates: will increase by 2%.

If the current variable rate is: Amount of Increase

More than $1,586 2%. The current variable rate is higher than the new base rate, so the increase is 2%.

Less than $1,586 Varies. The current variable rate is lower than the new base, so it needs to increase by whatever percentage will bring it to $1,586.


Varies. Departments can choose to fund an increase above the highest mandated raise. So in the first instance they could choose to fund higher than 2%; in the second instance they could choose to fund a percentage that would bring the rate to higher than $1,586.

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Wages, cont’d.

July 1, 2014Because the gap between UW wages & GCS median will be reviewed and adjusted annually, it will be impossible to know ahead of time what the amount of the gap will be.

A. Base rates: will increase by at least 1/2 of the remaining adjusted gap between the current UW salary and the GCS median rate OR by 4%, whichever is greater.

B. Variable rates: will increase by 2% OR the percentage required to meet the July 1, 2014 base rate, OR the departmental increase, whichever is greatest.

C. Hourly rates: will increase by 2%.

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Wages, cont’d.July 1, 2015*Because the gap between UW wages & GCS median will be reviewed and adjusted annually, it will be impossible to know ahead of time what the amount of the gap will be.

A. Base rate: will increase by the percentage equaling the adjusted gap between the current UW salary and the GCS median rate OR by 4%, whichever is greater.

B. Variable rates: will increase by 2% OR the percentage required to meet the July 1, 2015 base rate, OR the departmental increase whichever is greater.

C. Hourly rates: will increase by 2%.

* The contract is scheduled to end in April 2015; this provision will continue after the expiration of the contract.

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Comparison to faculty salaries In the third year of the contract, the review of UW ASE

salaries to GCS median will also include a review to determine if the cumulative base merit percentage increase for faculty (between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2014) was greater than the cumulative percentage increase to the ASE base rates.

No action is associated with this item.

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Implications/planning for departments

Projecting increases

Variable rate considerations

Funding the salary increases

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More Questions? General questions

o Office of Fellowships & Awards, Graduate School [email protected]; 543-7152; Helene or Marilyn

Contract Interpretationo Peter Denis, Labor Relations

[email protected]; 616-3564

College of Arts & Scienceso Linda Nelson

[email protected]; 685-2731