PROGRAM ACCOUNTING GO BISNIS Oleh : Muhammad Faisol Salafi

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Program accounting Go bisnis

Oleh : Muhammad Faisol SalafiBab I

Oleh : Muhammad Faisol SalafiPendahuluanOleh : Muhammad Faisol Salafi

Latar belakangPT. Mcheasa GroupStep 1Has a Problem With AccountingStep 2Analyzing SystemStep 3Step 4Applying SystemOleh : Muhammad Faisol Salafi

Rumusan masalahHow to Build System Accounting on PT. Mcheasa Group?Oleh : Muhammad Faisol Salafi

Tujuan & manfaatTujuan :Generate an application in the accounting application system for PT. Mcheasa Group.Can establish a accounting program that is user friendly and in accordance with the user. Fastest in Accessing Data.

Manfaat :Generate accounting program at PT. Mcheasa which can facilitate the Company's officers in the input data.

Oleh : Muhammad Faisol Salafi

Batasan masalahThis Program will Installed on PT. Mcheasa GroupOn this program use C# & Java Language and using system console application based Oriented Object Programming (OOP) and dont connect to database.

Bab ii

Oleh : Muhammad Faisol SalafiKajian PustakaOleh : Muhammad Faisol Salafi

Pt. mcheasa grupPT. Mcheasa group is a company that runs in the field of trade, which produces and sells processed goods themselves.Oleh : Muhammad Faisol Salafi

Pengertian oopOOP is a programming paradigm that sees software as a collection of objects that interact in a system. In which there are:ClassmethodpropertyOleh : Muhammad Faisol Salafi

Pengertian C# & javaMicrosoft Visual C # is a visual programming language. Which is used to write a program statement to build parts of the application.

Java is a programming language with the language C ++ and other programming languages. Java is usually used within the scope of the network.Bab iii

Oleh : Muhammad Faisol SalafiPembahasanOleh : Muhammad Faisol Salafi

Sub classClass : - Ulang - Proses - Perusahaan - Pendapatan - Kewajiban - Biaya - Aktiva - InventoryOleh : Muhammad Faisol Salafi

methodMethod : - Ulang() - Proses() - Cover() - DataPerusahaan() - xHari() - Income() - Hutang () - xGaji() - Gaji() - Beban() - AktivaLancar() - AktivaTetap() - xBarang() - Invent()Oleh : Muhammad Faisol Salafi

propertyProperty : -Ket - Data Perusahaan - MA, PV - Tot. Pendapatan - Piutang - Hari - Pendapatan [ ] - Hutang Perusahaan - Divisi - Tot. Gaji - Tot. Beban - Tot. Biaya - Tot. AktivaLancar - Tot. AktivaTetap - J. Barang - J. InventoryOleh : Muhammad Faisol Salafi

Class diagram

Oleh : Muhammad Faisol SalafiSEKIANTERIMA KASIH
