Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 12-1-2005 UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 WKU Student Affairs Follow this and additional works at: hp://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Part of the Higher Education Administration Commons , Journalism Studies Commons , Mass Communication Commons , Public Relations and Advertising Commons , Social History Commons , Sociology Commons , Sports Studies Commons , and the United States History Commons is Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22" (2005). WKU Archives Records. Paper 3670. hp://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/3670

UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 · UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 Author: WKU Student Affairs Keywords: Western Kentucky University, Alumni, Athletics,

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Page 1: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 · UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 Author: WKU Student Affairs Keywords: Western Kentucky University, Alumni, Athletics,

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UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22WKU Student Affairs

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Part of the Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, MassCommunication Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Social History Commons,Sociology Commons, Sports Studies Commons, and the United States History Commons

This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by anauthorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Recommended CitationWKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22" (2005). WKU Archives Records. Paper 3670.http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/3670

Page 2: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 · UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 Author: WKU Student Affairs Keywords: Western Kentucky University, Alumni, Athletics,


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AIDS Day fair features free HIV testing

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Page 3: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 · UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 Author: WKU Student Affairs Keywords: Western Kentucky University, Alumni, Athletics,

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Call CoeIle or Holly 74S-6.SS

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Plus FREE lotion pKket., .E><f>Ir¥ __ '1

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Gifts Available •

Christmas, Finals .. YOU'VE GOT BETTER THINGS


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large One Topping Pizza 8 piece 84ffOIo Wings Breodstlcks & 2 Uter

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Page 4: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 · UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 Author: WKU Student Affairs Keywords: Western Kentucky University, Alumni, Athletics,

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Dist!ncl!ve F loral~ . lI ,?me & Garden · Antiques· GlflS . Accents 19~5 $co\lSv111e Rd In ,1M Thoroughbred Square (Behind Rafferty's)

VETTE CITY lI0UORS We Sell r.." Le,>~

$10.99 $9.99 , .. ~ .... ~~llJ $8.99 ~. $18.91


Page 5: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 · UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 Author: WKU Student Affairs Keywords: Western Kentucky University, Alumni, Athletics,


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Crying 'bomb' Calling in a fal~ threat is afelony, andil can put Western in danger

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Holiday ivas different in Katrina's wake

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Page 6: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 · UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 Author: WKU Student Affairs Keywords: Western Kentucky University, Alumni, Athletics,

ENROUMElIT. Higher percent of black sfudents at soutb campus ., ..... ,., .... , ...... " ..... .../-,,; .... _._- ... \ ........ ,...'"""""~ . ' .: - .. ~-.,- .... , ,. . ... no~__ ____ ""~_"""" . .... ___ ............... _...., ..... _ .. ..., .. _ .. _"!!' .... _ ........... ..cr_ .... _- ___ c-o.}q.. __ ~_ ... 100 ... /4,· ....... "" !:j!" .. ~ ~

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t- 1395 HwV 18S -- 842-4474 .' . , 0000 HO.t-COOKEO.fOOO ""-

- CAT.I.'ISH. POT ROAST. r~IEO CHI CKEN. 'A:NO 811,01:£0 PORK '':

Yow d.o-n/ t" ~e- to- be- a.t' ~.



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Galore. 4th Floor o.t the

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$3.00 wI WKU ID . S5.QO w/out WKU ID

Unl imiteabilliards and bowling

Free pizza & drinks . 'wlWKU 10


Page 7: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 · UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 Author: WKU Student Affairs Keywords: Western Kentucky University, Alumni, Athletics,


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Plasma Center Shori of Cash ? Donate Plasma! . ThouSands·do!

t'ind out' how thousands of people sa.ve lives & ellrn extrll cash by donal ­inl! plllsma. Pl llslnll is used 10 manufacture unique medicines for people


Teacher Recruitment fgir f-,-"...., 05 ..... '" T~ .... _'cd 'o.nond IN. ClIo. Valley E ............ ~ .... (OYEc:)...,T_ ..... IIunoo_'_ ... -..,.. _ 12, ZOO!! ''"''''11:00 •• ~:.OD , .... Itai;r.o ... ...,...._, _._ff- ..... f~OYU_.-...n. ... bo ... _ ...

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a!l6. ,..+ t .... _ of r .... (Exit l')e.~. a , , .. .... ;..f ....... _ ... (~~1~). _ ZIZ .. roo ..... _eo '

. wi th serious Illness,",.

Earn up to S170lM.onth "/ don 'l Ihink 'peoplil i.

hours" " 'eek, Q

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2IIE-CIOi 5TUIIEIIT m 5PIIlALS , • Sbow Your Sludenl tli '-OAler by NumlMr • MIIII Bt CIirrInUy E/I@II"atWKU

'OPEN LATE on Friday and Saturday U'ntill A,M.I


Page 8: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 · UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 Author: WKU Student Affairs Keywords: Western Kentucky University, Alumni, Athletics,


o..:..e. ..... I,~ ~HUOItl1. Hlw, P .... 7 ...

, al :urn",! . "d' Tops: Freshman PG ' Riv ry'to resume Saturay- plays 31 'mimrtes

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Hiring En. 'ter~liner.l:l Bands. Singers, Dancers. ale,

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(]Jo:x:.ea r."""hllfl Caras . .

25% off . ,




Page 9: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 · UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 Author: WKU Student Affairs Keywords: Western Kentucky University, Alumni, Athletics,

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Page 10: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 · UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 Author: WKU Student Affairs Keywords: Western Kentucky University, Alumni, Athletics,

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NCAA: Westerri feels lack ~~spect with to'ugh

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KELLY: Fouls fill second half """n' "" "n It.

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Page 11: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 · UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 Author: WKU Student Affairs Keywords: Western Kentucky University, Alumni, Athletics,

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IlZIiI . Solid~s'arts bring ~ ~ect back to ill

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1.eeA\ mchster lead ,.......,. _ .. _................ ..... ...... ,11-1..._,." ... boo o..,.".,...,. _ k_ft'- """ ... ..... n._-_"- _.... .

record lying effort • ", . ,,'" s ... ~ ~-

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Page 12: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 · UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 Author: WKU Student Affairs Keywords: Western Kentucky University, Alumni, Athletics,

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'Soul Train' revealsCthe spirit behind the name .,

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Page 13: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 · UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 Author: WKU Student Affairs Keywords: Western Kentucky University, Alumni, Athletics,

~s; copy AVAIlABlE

We beueve;;:t~h~a=t~G;';aiiid~b;:e:c:a:m=e=m:a:"::'n:..::..,..."':''':p'':e'':r:s:Q:n=a:f:J:e:s:u=s=-~ .. Christ. We wish you a joyous. Christmas hol/day.as

believer .. around the world celebrate His birth. 111' ___ _ -------, --­_.-~­- ..... -.~ -........... ....,.. 111'. __ --111'.'--_ --110.-­--­_.---=:..,,~ 111' . .... ..,.._ (-~~ _.-...-. ~ ..... . -.~ ........... ------~.~ - .... -.-~ -.... ---­III'. _ CIooppooI ----.. -III'.-~ - --

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Goago-'" a.dogy

Or. _Y_. Jo. ------Sponsored by the Christian Facultv

and Staff Fellowship at WKU

Page 14: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 · UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 Author: WKU Student Affairs Keywords: Western Kentucky University, Alumni, Athletics,

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Page 15: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 · UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 Author: WKU Student Affairs Keywords: Western Kentucky University, Alumni, Athletics,


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Page 16: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 · UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 Author: WKU Student Affairs Keywords: Western Kentucky University, Alumni, Athletics,






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Page 17: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 · UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 Author: WKU Student Affairs Keywords: Western Kentucky University, Alumni, Athletics,


'C~mpus police •. " ........ <"'.~... ...._--..

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enco'untervirttial criminals . . '

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-......- .. _ ... __ ._-----_ ... ____ _ '00 _ __ •

-, Take A Break

With Burt W in O ne of T wo

Burt', Bees Prize Paclt~cs

; Nov. 28 . Dec. 7

To Enter Cpme to the Cosmetics Department in the

University Bookstore ,

Prin Pack .. e '1 _,,~t-. _ .. ,, __ c.---­(_, .. c.-_ [ .... '_011 Prize Pacbse '2 _04 .... ....-11 ..

........ c'­



W in it a.s a.Holiday Gin ., Win it ro r YourJe!fl

T.-_ .......... _~

Page 18: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 · UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 81, No. 22 Author: WKU Student Affairs Keywords: Western Kentucky University, Alumni, Athletics,

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Officer lionored for dedic~tion Sw of Bethlehem . . .,' ,,~ .. ' ... .. o ... u .. ~ --' .. -..- Wool

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-~ --~ -SciUL TIlA!.N: .He tried out to be Big Red

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Holiday Book Sale Now through Dec. 16

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... ">I . . .. IlT~ Unh.IStt, lIb",lu al •

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