Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 6-26-1979 UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 WKU Student Affairs Follow this and additional works at: hp://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Part of the Higher Education Administration Commons , Journalism Studies Commons , Mass Communication Commons , Public Relations and Advertising Commons , Social History Commons , Sports Studies Commons , and the United States History Commons is Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61" (1979). WKU Archives Records. Paper 3460. hp://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/3460

UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 - CORE · PDF fileUA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 ... G~s supply short, ... Notes Dissertations , The Express Printer

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Page 1: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 - CORE · PDF fileUA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 ... G~s supply short, ... Notes Dissertations , The Express Printer

Western Kentucky UniversityTopSCHOLAR®

WKU Archives Records WKU Archives


UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61WKU Student Affairs

Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_recordsPart of the Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass

Communication Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Social History Commons,Sports Studies Commons, and the United States History Commons

This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by anauthorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Recommended CitationWKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61" (1979). WKU Archives Records. Paper 3460.http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/3460

Page 2: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 - CORE · PDF fileUA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 ... G~s supply short, ... Notes Dissertations , The Express Printer

-, Herald VoA..6f." " ,.,....~. "" --­..... Gt.M. ify.

Workers'· slowdown

Edsi/ydone , •

Freshman registration runs smoothly ByClNDIBAlLEY

TlMo tI.... Nllroom .1, ~n.. .... "~"" .bol ..... bot""""~ .... ~. lt_....,..MIf ~ .... w· ·d ......

A ........ _,....

-w~_ .. \'-: u ... taln.. .... fUtW ud --­n. ceD.p '""""- ..... .-

c:c.u.p rr.ta- -a,. IIDd ___ t.dic:...BIU. ... u-. fa .. -v.' ....... ..trilot-........ ..... iCIoe (OAAj a. J_lDk_~. '" ....... _dot-...a.t danot ...,. ___ III o-..u C>-' _C-.n. .. _ J_lS_dooo __ ........ --. " 't ..... lot ...... I.ha I ~tk"""'W." ~ U~ IIIId. 0.... Mwnl. Wt ...... __ ·_ .... .. Jt

- ,.....". -.yo" .. ..... lUI ,.. III ,,_ .-at _ ,......-.. .. .-:1 ... ....... .,.~il.

-.,_ ...... The 27-story Puree-Ford T_ ' _ to be d~ puring ~ind stockpU. of C:CMIl. ActUolllIy. the co.! Is 5tOfId bItIind the s.mc..5uppIy Build..,. lliwill be ~ for Mltl", ~ winter.

G~s supply short,

but coal plentiful ByPAULT. !DUTU

E_ ..... "" ...... of -,,- .......... ~ ..... wlM CIDMd .... l1li ___ ol .... ~- ...... ... ,.. HlldI:qcI ... ",,14 be ....,. __ cl tIM .......

...... -..,t,. ~ .. ~ ...

.+-b ...... t« 0..... I.e_. w ... ..,. ............ IttopMI ... _'O" ....

~ _""",~_d e ----.-.-.. ..... ..... m....... 7 ...... -.

~"' L ' $ .. ..... .... ...... ........ ........, ........... .....,..:t

01 __ ~ ..... eaId ...... ____ .. 11 ...... ..,,_._ .... .. ... ........... ,......,.

., ....... _' ...... .....­,

Page 3: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 - CORE · PDF fileUA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 ... G~s supply short, ... Notes Dissertations , The Express Printer


• -.. •

. Zochorlo j :ready, eGger'

New president due Aug. 1

-... -­... O lttMalu pub 'fil'tllhlrtt toucna on tM newfy ._ w ~)' ~ ~ II ICheduted to _


Work almost complete on Kentucky Building


... ';'" of u.. ~ 8viIrdiac" .... ~ of ~h AI: p ... lm .... a ... lmo.t --n. JC.~ B..adiJIc. ...... _.tIm t_~ will ~ W-a..r. Jab t , 0Db' tMlilInrJ bociIitit. riI to. .....,. aa 1loM., dJot.. _t.h....-.

T'bt baiId.inc. built 111II137, I!..-

New president

to speoli Aug. 10 '\

a t graduation •

Dr. DouolII ~ wltoo ..... __ W __ '. ohtla ....... .... t A .... I. will tMo \he ...­.t til. ..Ivenlt,', UOI.h p1Idudoe a..o.. A .... 10 M.

5:30 ,.....

..... IIqMIDdecI 100 t.-o .." _

I.IIfrd em- It.II ~ ..... Au.edoeoi to u.. .... of tbt oriciMl-· .. ~ ,,_ .... n.. LIt.Ird. floor _Ui. ....

...... _ •. trWdo will iIdode ~ ........... ~ tiaG aad .....n ,:0.,.., and the ....., .......

n.. ... _ .... will hi n-i inddblit-'y. Ptepariftc ubibit .... .... tab Ioapr. aad ... opeaiac' doote ...tIl be ~ 'w.

C-pWioa d.ta for .... Aa Pavi!IIoII .. the 1IlIi __ ,. fum iI ~ t . It _ .eheduled for _pletion laM fell. 0.- 14-. ph)'lbl put

dlredor,.- 1M ~ wiD. be cbarpI • ..-.hlr ....


B,. DONNA BAJUt .... 1l .. 8A~

W ... • • • prIIIidIIac. wlII ~ 11M ct.w. II.- A ... 1. ~ .. .teK1 left II,. ....

• .. ...... 0..0--.. .. ........ b7_t ......... er . .............. ~iI __ ~

....... to ••• of" U.lwnl ty of ,.. • • • , ,,,­JUTSI _" ...... ........ .. .... . ,.,...... "' .....,. ,

"-n. _ ......... ~. m.-,.-~ -t _ -'

....., '" 166,000.

President'. home

won't be ready

for Zochorlo.e. WItP 0.. ft .. 1 __ t '-

fIoCIW. w .... _ • cw.. .M",,&." ....... ..... - ... -

, ... __ tor

.. -. -~~t.~~; ·Wh.1I till II •• 1!'Ti-. ... ..m_ ..... _*"te~ ....... Ia .-17, At tIw t.De. 0.. bond .111 .ppolM • -m..to~""to _ u.. old ~t'."-' ...

"on. ....r..nrit7 -... ........ htJu.. ....ad ~ u..t an ...ted to fIcuh7 or .udIMe .. UMd lor omc.." 0,., MIIlu.> lAid. H, .. pW.d u..t u.. old ~t" taM IIIICItt ........ for _ til ta- .,...,.....

" It ... III the 11601 .... tM plMI to baIId , taM .. the ~t ~ I'int 6cIrmed," 0,., M llltoll MIa. "It .... iI..c." in tII. .. two or tIone ,..... .... the &0..1 ",~ ......... ted . eommiWII to .-~ MIId&."

Briefs :n.~ will ..... SnIIIlI

SUdiu= if _ta. ,...... l.f DOt. It trill to. ia DIddIoo "-

no. '-t ~ orieoItalioa aDd ..-..'"- ...... will '?e - . Reports 1ft...,!) · ~esumes

Abo.:" 4,100 ".d ... u are .....oDed lot U. _ ....... . ~loo!lIIIwII..,..A ... .

D , ....:I fall ..... tiooI will be All&< :n·H .

Lnt ,.ear ts ,800 .(OdIAU enraDId ill U. fall ... ~ .... _ aambIr .,.. PpteWd u.. ,... ~ t.I _ ~ AlII . .,

aDd cae. o.e.. 21.

Notes Dissertations ,

The Express Printer. 1101 Chestnut 51. 781-4914

Pri-n t ing Whi le'Yqu Wait •

HlI~"wry _hm "'Z#= abooat --. to w ......

" I .... ,...,.. eaeiMd _ ....


_1M WITH """'" ...... " .• $26900 "_S E LlJlS • .•••• , ... .. OJlLY

The .. apedlll prlc: •• are forWKU .tuClen .. 1


., ,, I..¢-870 Fairview Ave.- aero .. from OHmer's


Page 4: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 - CORE · PDF fileUA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 ... G~s supply short, ... Notes Dissertations , The Express Printer

' .

" Love offo i r : Dr. Kelly Thompson to refire again

Dr. "'" ~" ..,.... ...... ..., .... w ....... ____ .... w.-.s .... s ...... ..-. Col. H"-"tII " •• d,dl ........... _ .... '""""It_"l .... .

SpIaIIIodoa Ie duot ~ _ohl .... r.plned b,. Dere

~. ""'-*b'.""". w ...... '.~

tt. •• _, Ow_III' oMwJed ~ .. .. pIww Lt.t. --.s .-ItboW. .... _~ of the h, t tMo,

....... ........ P"'Iof+ot1,""'P'"'IIM-'d ' ''nM "-'11.,...-. ... I 'lid •• !?*",Id I"" tho

~ ............... _dkIol ... _."' .... .... ", d do-_w _0... fa • ' _on ...... --." _ 1Ie..w tMt w...a _ ...... ~ ..... 1Mc.~-.w .. .....,. ...... ' ., ...... ......... ... .. w..l prblde.t Df tM ~ .... _ ......... la ••• Ilr.e '"

........ ....w~1o ".,.... ...... -n. .... ~ ..... fl . , . ...... 1:Io._ .......... _.~ ~. ...t_"

Ticket soles

I" progress By LOa.! lllAaLOW ~

'ft::bI:I .. w ..... It7'NO ... """'.........w .. __ ... .... -- ........ ~ ".....~ ........ .... .. ~..., ... ... - .... -......... ".. __ .CIIIIof ..... _ .. _Mlk ........ ,...., --'h.o_ .......... s.,... U ,... lo7 ... o....t .... Q.rwt. .. ~" .... .

..... a:lI ...... _OS-M ... "-"- .......... ~ MIIi_:'~"""

'nil .............. i t 0 .. ,.....8:1I ..... oa 11.. ,..... ............. US 2

",1 b pst_ 7 .... W_"'tt ' . ..... ......,.. ... ' ... ..

• n.A$ ....... ~ ... "..n. ". CJtw a.IIII ..... . ........... _ ....... ....

0--. .......... .. "tOO1: ___ 001)'-,," .m ....-. ....... ,... ... '

t..Or-s. ..... c' • .m ....... "a- ... .,..,.. J .... III 8:11 p..a. on.. _ .. c"'- ...... .-t- II)' t.M A-. n.w. __ ~, on.. ......... b ..... --AI,... I ...... v.. ...... - A .... . "......._ ... ..... ..,._IIi* ..... ~1 __ ~ ........... n .... ,..n ... . ~"""'.I" ~II"""'."-• 4 ' ......... ' • ...... m ...... ......... ,.... ............ ..

... M ...... , ...... ::~ ·. ~ ...... ., .. .. ......... _m-- ...... _ m. No _ ddiIoII:IJ .... .... SIo:d. w . . .... tv, .... _ .....

........ ~,.-... .. .w __ tk'-"'I" l.--.I~7p , _.a 1~"""_ Wu r ... ,. ... ..,.. --..... .....

After ~1Mi ..... hJoo ....... ~ ~ -'d 1M paa. 10 ..... ~ naIWIN 10 IMiIp W ..... • ........ ' I t. 0... ...... -'" _old be ..... U.bl. for ....... W. I miPt be 10 IX • Zauarilo. OW to WHt.O I .. .......... ... ..w.. ,

III ..... o{.......n chu,pe.t tba....u......ity. TbompIoa. .... he ........ z.cMriww -.m onaka ado. :.~ _ he phik-<phkeD1 _____ &. m with bIe belt. loll""'" pl ..... I ... ,.., 0" _." At dill _ u.... he MiiI he 6own', .. Udp ..... "1 major

ctwu.pi .t IbII lPII ...... ty uti! Fou:dltlo" , . prin t . hind· r..eMrfa ....... hen.., ~ _ If the --"ty

-cit 10 '"'" Ida ...... .) ...... to IoaIp -b' ~ " Wlin th.II,t ...... d. 'n.c.p.:. -'d, "Tha 10,.,.

probabbo wID .. Cf'IIdul ucI tMt 1 ..... b-. .. ....",.. 01 ordarty ... flliatll ta. ......... W ...... " ba ... Ji..... m. I .. Ud dro.q-t 01 ta....u...- .. _ .. u ....... ~lcwe ~." be &lid. .ffalr 'II"\tII ""-'- IMdtIItica

- - ThompH" " .. bH •• 101 " I lflii ....,. ~ that thlI W........ 50 ,.u... H, ... ""'" affair .... _ .tI!nWohwd W ........ •• tbW. powi(WIt, __ and .... ...,.... ~ -=h ~1X. Pau.l (l_t. o..ru.. ,.....," IMi Mid. 'nwImpaon'. ~, 1l\r'OII. " I feel Uurt It wID emthnoa to _t ..... from 1,M4 to __ ..... .....,. ,..-I.hat I ~_ q.... Il.ooo·wtad.!ta. u..;"..tII '--•• IIuo .... t..I. ta.

Att.. a.ppinc .so- IrOIII the .... prl ... llw •• of Haiw, , lie ........., 11'1 I" ..... ItoawkII .... _ 0{ W. tdoooI raOec\ed _ , ~~ bapD.-. .. tiow po:oduc:c. .tdc:b It .... ' ~doa of U. CwiIep l"'Pta • prwdacad. "

. _-..- - .


Page 5: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 - CORE · PDF fileUA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 ... G~s supply short, ... Notes Dissertations , The Express Printer

-.,-­Si1l-yN.o4)ld erlig Allen. --. of jounMIlsm instructor ,",-rry AI ..... "bones up" on the ~at ".ws while wIlting for his f.tMr's BIsk Reporting diu to end.

TeocherJ have more to leorn ,/

Summer session is ad tor .. ..,._' I.

w-. ... IDW. wttIo. ...... t:fPI ., .-...-. no. t1J!IbI eoDop ---.c '- .,.. btl ... by._ ........

no. M..., ~" .. u.. tMdoen ....... --. til .,,!tool '" fartW tWr OW'll .,;!1I.,.tiO ... AttOrdl .. to Dr. Joll. O'Coa .... p.,.c.iloloC ~ -""1IP to eo JIIftII.t o f \1._ talllll, PI,.cltolol7 ~ tIIit _.,. t.dMn.

Tb_ taaU ......... lli. d.ilt th... ... "'_ to '-ra ,...;I" ,11l1li_ ..... loll. proYMloo u..

. ria. to .. ..w a-Iodp. 0... DorIM G..u... ........ - ...... ..... ~t eI tbt_. ..:bool a&odoDtIo' IICCOal tMcWrtc .... 1* ___ ooc-. -.lei the m.tnIctor'. UIIoCWac -.hod..,. _ tM _ .. u.-. cbariq lloe """"""', " T'" .t"d .. 1& •• denta.d .hat _'tI uum.r ~ _ tb." ·... IIIO... rKepth.. to ......... Ilnd· ....thoda,~ o-lin ..rd.. 'on. .... ct.a..p ." Id.. bet_ abodeDbI ad ~ ill ~ter thaD It II dwinc tbe

... ~ witIt. tM ~ of I , aswhooo_ " .... ' ... . . " A.,.... .......... .. .:d,u din... ..... 1_. ..... ft o-Haaid. M~ ............... 10 .......

u ........ I1111* .. " haw tw. ...lLata that tMi -e to ...... ... ·· .. on 4ifC ...... ,dlU;' o-C- -'d, "-.- -n .wct.ota ... riIIIiIr to .,.... ~ auL M H. Mid tile ... 01 Of*' d ......... __ ... " _ U- ..... t.. ... loa .. -'aal

'~~.~ v ... 01 Ow c-. pn,d •

..,.t.~""'" tI ucl bt-da. -" thaa uwal. -.iIDi to GeeIlIn.. ", Ttl. '"11""" ",.1011' __ . _ tIIPt .... Ioac. but _ _~tol!. ........ -uJf ....u. "Oa--.-~iI

• lip ... ,..olt of the ~ ....... H O'c-..od. .

¥Oti .... tlOII.· Illld..... ."d ~,- .......... aD difhi dariac ~ti •• RIII ..... . Hu.1 BriltO_,

. ~ aDd ItIMieel, aicL " I" __ .It· .... ucIa ..... \ball iD. w;.,w.H s..o.. -t ... oflJ-.

. an ~ iD..u..adiac d&.­ill tIM .. '!k. ... .aiel.

Regents ~et;ng :

J ... Werdlt, ~ ..w. .. 1_ ......... Job but 0CIIIldD't IlIIod __ 1 ....... to edIool. H TIlle '- ... tWrd ___ MW-.

I reschedu/edfc;>r July J 4

, , i f

n.. ..... "' ........... ......... ·c • __ ..-• tIII " $ .-..... ..

IO· .... .......,.:J .... n.. .... _.......,

..-w.. ... J.I7 ...... ....

... tIII~ ......... .. ........ J . Dmcl c.o.;,d..I..- of tbe

bowd, ... ,. fF ' ... by ao.. .... J'*-~ • .....,.... ... ... .,.,... _ !_ It;

' ~ ..... ............ .. ..... ..,. ..... ...--:' ....................... ............... ~ ........... c...I .. __ ........ ...,., .. ___ to _ ....

.......... e .at ..... . ............. .,.'" ~.., ........ .... CWt ............... -__ .. dill., ........... _

>.aIDii_ ..... ,---- .. -



For Your Best BI:iY!

Bowllng,Graen Mall


Page 6: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 - CORE · PDF fileUA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 ... G~s supply short, ... Notes Dissertations , The Express Printer

o..w .......-. •• I ••• ___ -.--- ......... .---. ......... " , .. -~ ................... --....... 100"' ---"

~- - • ..

Page 7: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 - CORE · PDF fileUA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 ... G~s supply short, ... Notes Dissertations , The Express Printer

, -, , ,

~ __ 011""_~ ......... .".~~lM._ -"--. ...--.......

W orkshopper's day goes on and on


If til . .. I ,l.d"t' ,,110 ~ far tIM _ HiP SdtoaoI f'IabHcItbai Warbioap IlId ......... bout tM • LID. 10 , P-'t. oebtdole wltIl ~ Ia bec-.lMy".;pt ...... ~ b.d. n .... ;p .... to OJ,"

n.or- ad tIM_ u... ~ to -. but tile IItUdatte WI. wlt.b • ..... 01 ";"""ptiM_ ... ~ • .-c.~.tu.. ~ H.c. RwNd omc._ the pawod I'Ioor 01 tho UIIhwIky • _t .... At ,...uk.UtlII .. ch otad.at .... ,n.- • ....- t.q: • • KlIMial •• ad ..... p of tb. C.lIIpUI. Til. dtr.ctielll rIM" pc.tInc to tho ....... rna tIM mUwnity .... diu. but _ ~ IlId trob.... fiDdioc • ~-s-dooe-.llio tho ....... 10 1IIIbod t.beIr ~

n.. ~tI .,..... fna 12 difknal ........ iDducll1Ic _ jomior bIP IdIooI..

MMdI Camr.tJ' .... tile IlI&I-t .u.eoocs- .-It.Il IIiI: ItIIIdeDte.. Fralllr.liD...SUIf,..,a .... "pre­

... t.d by 'ft,"" .tad_to. ClarbtriIJ.. lDd.. IIDd w.tl.aot­.m..-*'·1aMI ~ ..... ta.

.. ct-~. W_ IIDd.. ,..,.,~ Adm c-t,-. L".. Coll"t)'. 81lllitt Cutrel aad WDBIItSUlrtJ"" ~ "He r:-epl'elell~ by ,_ ........

W ....... II E .. t . o.....boto. c..k'" City . Au.. eo...ty· SeouniDa. r .......... IW. VLJ. O' ..... C-I;y.~ e...-m..~ J ...... IlndSllllor


HiP SdoaoI.. ~ P\ooyd 0i!IatnJ.. VanoIII.II Camr.1;y IIDd Todd CUk.1 .. ell b.d 011. ICodern. It tho -alIop. -

SMrry 0 ........ III Adalt Cowot,-H"io • • " •• ,"ro1led rIM" II .. --.I~per."IW .. f,IIov.cII I ...... Ioc. men tN...,.... H .. MId.. "E...,-­__ to be williDa: 10 worIt '"-.-

n.. ...... '" _ 01 ..-bam didJr,'t boor.ell oOMr ..... thor orrind. ___ • YW)' ~

, '"""" Tboy lICIt GIlly .....trod ~, but ~ .... p.y.d -.

They 1M;,)' ...... ~ .t tho hard worIr.. but tho tr-.m tIloy 1IIoIde ..... tho tlW!p thor-...a m.idf, tho worItohop .a1.h ... bOI.

FfI/IZZ IIiP KbooI ~ .... .....wI2OO~ CII_" for Ill. and .... poillt ......... ud ...w.Gp epCftuI;io &lid .ttiwdI .... .11m e.w.. 01 F\o:)'d: c.tnllliP SdoooL PM­A.IbPr. lAd..; HIc:Ir. a.tt 01 C\ork..mt !IDd.1 KIP Sc:boIIl; J ..... tt.u:bw ot W __ '-;

&lid Itar-. s-a.,. 01. YcJ..II e-tJ'HiP- '

Al&."uw. ... m.u.. Ledd 01 t.,.. ~!UP. I.io:ky ".n-01. c-.I City ~ "..... PortiM " AdiIIr c...y HIP IIIId a..w -..,.- " a-lilc a- '!II'-

t'I:Idv., .... " doe Hor'IIIII _~bytl.-...... .hNkID.u, a.r-tar pa.blicaUOll will bopI A-S. Ill.


The insider's view By SHEIUlY ORANT

Jim HiPJud bIipa tu..--• ~"--hl_ ......w. .... 10 eoP.p. IIDd dooorcltt. ~ Ioobd ->,.

.. ~ It ~ GUlit _'l." ....... HI,II.I..,d • • 1011, ,,11lI IIID.

OtJo... .po.It..... ~. .11 a..p.tut. __ t ... tile lit. " .tlad •• to It Ill. Illp ~ pubHcadou -u&.p tIda .... . II)' aMnI: u-t tIpI _ ~ IIDd ~ IIDd N'O'Ifttac tIIo do'. IIDd ... ·Ie" ...... IIDd --Hfah1ud.. ID ~ pro-f ... o.. I. eoo"n......... of til. joQrIIdom ~ .t W .......

J!:.:':.'y s;;!.. PNo!:l~ tIliI per ~ HiP100cI wltIl tho ~ c.... Ad ..... AYVd; nw. _ tho ftnc. per tho .ward 11M bee Ii"'" H. 11. .. . boIlI orrlUq artkIoo far ~ ,.,...bout ........

Ilop" x- bIpIIllII.-­.. ~ aft«1fIdutia& In 1.'71 fnIIIl Ball Stow UDhlntI;y

..... ................ ..,.-___ "IrIII-= ........ .".

Ia ......... I~ .. willi • m--', LlII • SUld". "b. II • ......... ~ rIIpCII1Irfol"'l"MO __ ........

Aft...p.t. ,.... 01 ~ rOnll,," H ... Id Mlltor ."d • L, .... lpMI \.0 boeo-.. ___ k t h .

~dlItribv.tGr .... ~ t,... ,.... ............ edltor tria, ........ foctanr 01 ~ 01. tho ,....,. r..-s. ... !. ~ &wz 1_ ........... "'l'IIpOrUI"ud...,..tIDfar ""' ... Ulltll Udo per. '- n.. (] ___ . ",. """" .... had II..- • lUff __ ... tho tal<Iar ~ izI pabIIeoIu.... pv.blbtiaa ~ o...w HIwJJII. dq odItGr 01.

H, " ... ".rded ". DI.. till LoIlI,,,III. Tim ..... Id • ......... Yeerbooll; AlhWr 01 ~...t. \0 t.. • ....wv. tho Y .. 110 1tT7 by the NodoDaI ~ 10 be • ,.....t _IaN Courdl 01 CoUoIp Pv.bIbtiaa ....-k.-. ~ H."", ... *-"edltoriaI IDd

,. .. &!so puc. """ ,..,.. __ flow.. ........ ~ eoun.r-tIM ",*,1iIIoo 01 ~ U. Joamai ud............- """"-t ~ .... bee -...lId U. NUI.tID. -rr.duUor A.-.nI. tho IIIp.t H, .... ..-ud ... m.nw:. )' .... boo" .".rd Ii"" b)' F ..... ,.,... per •• IItud,y .t Columtu SdaolaRk ~ -'- H ...... ant U"'~. , dotb.. Pultillh .. _.Itaft'~

1«11 CaodilI. _ tdIbw 01 ~ lor the c-t.r-.I __ " 'I"M 0 __ Ia H.a-. II • Laul,rill. Tim ... bot:... bl, fOnll'. editor of till Coli.,. .-- II • pIIotoJoaI • .,...-H ..... 1e H.uI IIDd ,.,..,. dl;y be .... . JIZIIkIr Ia. coBep. H ..... IloIlI'llpOrUl" tor tho Dally N.... 11..-, ~ ~II ,.It .. .. Boorllq G_ H. diroc:U tho ,.,.. 8~ ,..... l=-dIatel;y an.

, •• du.U., fro ... "'lItIn. III bIpa .......... tho c-n.-JOIlI"DI1 " ~ n-..

JD IS1&, hi _ till Sov.tIMro.

~1010"""' __ T_ -"-'-.... -....

~ ... "...,...."...=I. , ........... " ..... "' .. "MIftId.. ---..... .".-"""---- ---..... "'----. , _ ..... _-

Page 8: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 - CORE · PDF fileUA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 ... G~s supply short, ... Notes Dissertations , The Express Printer

, •

".. ... '7., ...... ...... ~--.... ,.."....-_ . .--.... ...,...--_.

pt I, st of .... V_Awwd for • pld. .... ' .\Orr .. ,.c. ......... dDLJH_·, __ " .... -«dIM _ .... Paakaw PriPe_ ..... .

SU ......... ...w.,~ ................................ WI 4 Is: , ..

'I'M .0. .... ,..t ... H.Ky LN. J.II, Dedd "d lta A_b,.p Yo &ncI>t el. .... ....w.... 1.- ..... _-.aft ...a.u... ; .... n..w • • m ... I .... rfIMa: .. A==t ... _ "'noa~: A '- ...... "

.. q

One on one: Individual attention a plu8 B,SUSANSKlt.EkAN _ItAUN QUIlt

w~ ... ....- ... "-"It IIWIdIMa. 0( _ but. ..,.d,.,.. .1.. pront.ed ,. w .. t.tno ' , d."1lo P'I"lkadoa. _ .r'

" Getliq toe _ .t.cI .... e.. ..... _~.u..pwtMt ......... at.loct~kIr.~.M .. Id N.~ ..... yurbook - . ",.~. _10k ......... ~ .... -... .. p.. .... ...- iIodf¥Idul -..-- ... t_ ............... J .... o.w..w;; ~_ ...... ~---.

.I •• " ........... , "' ... . pIIPtI' -..-,..w Iotllbd III _ peDpIL M£.dr, -w.. 11M ka __ ... ..,.. M .. 1IIIid.

Mib "'- phd 1111 .... MKMf . .... tMt lot 51 eoited -'*" -':iDt" ~ ~ ploolOl1'P'"" __ a .. "011,. ........... ~tUa...,

• ot,W ...... M

......... WI ai, ...... ..w. -n. phet Q.ptqo ......... u.w. tIl tMIr _ .. _

. ~ ud __ 0( tWa. I.IM7


_ .... to ..... - _ to;. C..Jec.: u.. J.....-Iift o.rld Suu..Nad. d.inn«.. Ed_1Joa .-.-uol.loa -cut­

LM ~' dona .... photojow- _ 101 •• t...w, '" ~......s-. uu- 111_. -'d. "1'IIu.II'Ic an .... tw", the ¥.tu. 01 I.hb out uu. ~ ,tv. 0. uperllllcl . I c.... to th_ ~ • o:huot CO .. tWr ........,....,...u ... ,""*,t .. to ..,n." taw-,....,._ .... k..bM ... all

.... Dodd ....... 1M.... the ~ III my publcal.loa boUI "-~ .... Dodd ... d ID,. 0_" ..:IlIutlOIl. Our ~ pa-. Eft&IWt. • ..,.,.... y..t>ook ... Wt. ~ ,.., th K .. ool •••• p.~ ..,0:1 beau .. III, n ...... U """ ...... -a-dMP'\I' ...ttt.!ltamat. to -".hop.. AlIo, Iho ....... . T.t .. C ..... .... Dodd II.. .aop. haw _ of the '""7 bMt t ...... , .orll,1top.- at I.M ~"'tMbu-'-. and U ___ tl< of K~ .... 0W0 1......,.uiDc 10 -" with Ve , ... ,.lt,. .1Ien IbMt &00 u.-.: ' eM oDo'ItlftOMl ....u .tteIIded.. sa.. III; tM. Mor .. h .. d ..... J .. ped II ... p,.,Id_t 01 lIM P,,\lIutioll ~ ~ In tu. ~ Ad~ 01 K .. ,vdQr, uod 11M ,...,.., W~. Ha II.. ~t wnU" eu.m_ ... ,lei •• h. _b~ el. Ball &Ate • ....t ..... joarulIm!. .......... "'a ~ phoqnopher

.... J.. '-tIMI t:.aIW> uod .. __ ....... Ia. .......... of doe ~ a' ~ 11M ttu.P' pho>­H..,- a.:r ~ SdIoel Lib cocnphy at W ....... for II .... maJ\1 GOt. .....bhot>......... yMra. H. IeeCt-~ at ton. ...... ttucM It o&hor Ball Stet. UIli .... Iy dwiDC the -*'bope .Dd III .,....t.ook 1NIOlIMI".

ju.dp ,.,.. the ul.lonel JDdcIac Bo;>..... "pbomo" .1 ..n-. w..,.. uod a "'""- -" .

.. .. J.. ud .... Dodd ~ .hoppet . .. id, " Till. b a IttheCoklmbia ~,..... t..e&:W ~ ......... of A-oad8.A-teo.-tlaaA the UCIIOIM. 1a::IIi&i. ... N_VcftCky __ ~u.,. TucMrI Yo _ .........

ta,1I ' e the wo.lllho,. '0' 11.-.... Au._be ... h aald too t..eI. lhI """ .. aDd tho time cu.t OUlo( hb _ ...... IdhrttIeoo • .....:h .. fIIh!IIc." a dl*".ntqe . .. .. Dodd..xl the OIIIy dlMd" ... 1qtI It "w..a IukIe ... dey." • Bob Adam., ad..... 01 the eou.c- HMcht. Hen.Id. II Ia hb -'*' ,. ...... d~ .1 the .....,..uhop. Ada"'. aald that the "'OI t pl ... l ... up..,t o f tha w .. lI,hop I. ....i... ..o.k · thoppen ' pabliatlonl impoove, uod 0.... .... _ 0( the swdent. _ 10 Wes\.eI'B 10

wo.k 0 .. pu.bllcall ...... " The adcIeIt part," he MlcI. "w ....... the _lIa11op end: '

Si .. el .lo- A .... Tbomp.o .. . .d",I"I.I.ul". • .. i.tan t . I, upectlnc 11K ..:ond dUld Ia ~t-. aMdicln·t"lO~ IOft.baU t.hb ,.... ucI to ~ .... nlcbt Ia the prIa' cIcJnn ulllM haa ~ In the pUI.

Beao .... ~ <ko:tkoItion .nd ~oIthel.Nchon ....... y of the Kudftlta felt .. Adarna cIlcI. wboa he .. id. " Eva> Ihoqb the clay • ...". ..... and Ole ........... bani, I hate 1.0 _ the -"""'P .... "


Page 9: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 - CORE · PDF fileUA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 ... G~s supply short, ... Notes Dissertations , The Express Printer

-- With. lQ..d.,. l upply

of HAentia., the worbhoppenl moved in10 Gilber1

and Rod8-H. rlin haUl which ,.·ere theil"'., .

Homesawa~ from nome

• • I


You ani" ...., dowII wkh two l",ite'H', , bt •• IUI -IIan.Pc doth., ~ u-. ~bIue~._ ... u..t _talu Ii_ · ~ 01 "_tIale." • ~ tNt _ '" .. MrriIr b7 tIM lDinute IIftd the _ .... ce.,. dlek'witb the ._ KISS tape.

No., .Ilt.. do ,011 put -, I'your,....'" t..aa,pt,..... 01

---. u.,. ..... t to cJ.:Ia out J'OW' _ bekn tbq ......... ... ab • pod ImpnMiaa, ,.... ....... J"OIIr '*"'-. malIa ,.-. ItecI 1'I,.tly . ... fold I" ... ,.thlll., ""0", ,011 put It IlIto thl dn ...... ud CVIIfIIIbo loci! :rour .... beblM )'OG. .

0.-~ penatt .. '" you ,..n, bleb! to \He • do.. look .t,""",a-~b.-~1rI for the.n lO~

Dorm '---.-II. ."...,peel c*b-____ ....,. hili

boa. tid. .... R.l6icwratan .o.n.te _ of the ....,.. mod to u-.of ...... ....-te UIOUiC\ ""'til IIMIIdI of W ouc.lde -.

NatunDy, .. trita ~

v __ ...... la ....... _.

, ........ ...-.... ', cIW"I ~ .. "" • ' ? .---..

lb ........ d .... U! ... Illd diMdVlllltaa- to ..... life. u..~ol~HJp

School Ia ~ ..... _ ..tVUlIapa. " Yoorr frierIdI cube aI'OIIIId )'IN.'' Oft the othIr ~ 81M Mkl, "WI bed to be ......

"tlttfereIrt" _ Nick Shutt', _, 011 dorm nr.. 'I'ILk II the lint tB. be '- _ 1I...t 1ft • o:kIrmftQrr. H, ..,. l!Iit.!«l 01 lto:np .... for cIcJI.'-. TV, ,I>d the .- If the ~ dnwblldl of donn u.r...

Bill. Stn.., ..- ;. ....n:iq: III u.a ..... p.per .IMCUoa. .. • • tlpedail, fOlld of alr-eDlldl· ~. but \be raw IIlchtil of .Wn ... au. pee. peeve.

Lack of ... dlb' • •• n,bl, 1 .... .1. eomp ... IOD,blp ..... ___ of ADo1r. t.V.m.. E_ tloouJdI OM ~ _'t om U. ~, '- ..,.. that. .. ",.. are pl.DlJ' of ~ "".,oat off' .nth.··

OU- ..... ~Mid _ ....... h kt·ktaad

maU __ of tI*r ......


) 1MIt~1t. u.:,~~ 10'1 __ )'IN _ M. r- ___

O"ce W work I. 0 ••• .....,... _ "" IIho aad U. .........

.. ..,.~ .... ODU. .. floor of t.Ir.e Pd' .... "" a.up, cut lip MId __ lip afttr U. day' •• PIAu are ..... ~tb' .... _ .. u.,. ......... u.,.~.

rrw- aDd ...... _ 1Ii&totb' IuobiU'1l! u. bo)t' . dona. No_' walks ill U. MIl wltlaout 8nc. IooIdIII' "" _If • IPiMIlIC 4IIc .. I-'-d ... 1I'Q'. W. I bck, ...

u elll"" of "hi".. It • _~ 00:'''''' _ at u. -- ~ At 111ft t.Ir.I bo)t •• dorm. ~ ., MP "" IfIIlnP !D. U. IIdL D .. ld SuUl.rl.acI, " dona cI.IoidJo," ....tb III"" U. ball .nth .,...... ... of peplr'. u.ea1iI oft U. ___ .... .dI bo)t ....-..nth . " ..... ",..... .... / "1IoaL ,.".. lie..,... MBeIft yom­__ h7 12."

At \lii" ...... tam..· N....,. t­aM Jolil Dodd. " cIorm --., •• to IIrOWId "" IKh .- and chIcII to md. IQt'I ....,.ooe .. ..-L ". '- U. .. tlmI mIJ\l' of UM~ ...... lI..d 1ft. dorm. E..,-- ..... ___ "" ..u- ...a. PId it. -W .... liard \0 tIIII that u.,. .... ·t .1n. .... pwy dey. ' ...

...,., ..... __ ._ -. "1IoO¥'. _ ... ,,-,-, "-' .... Qr-. MIllo ......... ....,. .. ,..... ..... .,.-~ '" --"'_11 J , ........ .,..,. a..-.,."' ....... _.....,., .... ~ ......... 1'rM -----...... ... ,...... ........... --... -,- ... -- /


Page 10: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 - CORE · PDF fileUA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 ... G~s supply short, ... Notes Dissertations , The Express Printer

PrICtkfnt their ''big Wnd~ -..ne! _ [)Wid Hogg¥d. N PItiInai rv... They. _ IMITIbws of G.mlni '79 which will t. rNklng • USO tOUt' thb $Ummer.

Gemini '79 planning

usa tour to For East

'. I •

Teachers show their stuff

L,..hiu. Wal1aee, pro'-" 01 Iludio lilt. In 1M field of _"",«, will .how t_ _.,.... trlpUch., St.. _til' _ .. IndIMled In u.. ~an Cr..tI. CouI>dl E"hibi· l>On and SoulMut Craft.t '18 It ..... c..u.p .

.... n .. .ocl.te Pto'~ .. or of .tud!o art. Bill W .... er will be l bo_In, al,"t IItlllt .. I.1I c~r' , amic 1"--. Weoover previousl,. bu uhlblted .t the ~ .......... of F iDe ArU.

The uhlbi~ III',. be viewed IIntil SlIri'iLo,.. 1-4 p.m. av,..,. ... ,.. ,

Talisman due in August The 1'79 T.1Isman .. apected

to .tTl... 10 u fly .... ".·"'t. Ho_, IOI:OI'd.Inc to s...·LoIt ~ edil<lr 01 the ,...t>oo&. M'J'M pa~ ......... , IIad. • --,- pod tnck .-d."

AntvaI of u..,...-boob will be ,n_,,'-' ID the CoIItp HtI&bto H...Jd and ~ on the radio.

'I'he book miT be p;clIed up in !.he T .. "_.n gfIIc:a. Room 124 irl the DownIIIr'\Jrdvenit)' ~~.

Y...-booQ will be "'ailed to -'on _100 ..... ·t pick theIn lip. U~ _100 _ 't be on _ ...... 111 the fall abouId \(11. ... an . dd ..... 1.0 h'.1 • ,.lI rboolr. ....1Ied to tbom.

Authorized Sony Cycle Dealer

Mopeds BieydeI, Parts, AoiA¥soi _. Replln, 01"*


SHOP HOUCHENS . &-Bowling Green Stores


~To Serve ¥ au. ~BEUEVEYOUCA~AVE


Page 11: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 - CORE · PDF fileUA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 ... G~s supply short, ... Notes Dissertations , The Express Printer

---­W...., c.rtf'tl COKh Don 9urtwo erttlqu.s h wort!: of bak .. blil amp .",,,,,0 ,'"' ....... Io~ "lilt ex~1se$.

Young players learn " 8,. NICK SKtJT1'

"'OIItt ...... ...mI:lIc to ...... Ill •• bo,..; · SI .... CUCY. _ ', "-bcbeD -s. .as.

" 01." H.h, ... U fa •• • _gpp.d,-.ee"~.M "' • • Cut)' _p1.alaM. Olrt. b .... ·' ....... .rpoeed to

~~- .... _ bay. ~ 9D. .,.'n .... to .,. IYrdar to ..... u... bay. ......

-Thio • tM tm.l .... for tt. be· ....... n ~ for bo1'II u4 pu • .,...o.' to II- 'nil ... 01


n.._ ................ ....... c.. ... ••. w.u .. _', ..... I D ___ ... lIa ....

.• .n ..... ~

MW ..... 1M eu .Ioep ........ till tM...aDC1 WI. by ... _', ICIIHaptaID. .. ib nr-.. M

p".fIII wiD be lieF 1'". 011 a.,- er.rtal. ... n. I.&(I.popd: "-ty" .p ..... kr {rea 11 ... .1. .".,.., I ......... ,.........w 00p&I0.. ..... ..,.. t'-' o.t.I '-,.. to J-=ll1I» t.II ~ "-e .... of • l.te oKan. ill

• : '" .. is' • I P-.a ""_. ' , "OlIN, I~d a". roln • ....:y. ........ -

• W_~t ' , •

" au it ... uaIoU ..... ,11 KIIoai: ..,.tat.. M Pow'III .as. ...". Oi • -, ilipeou .. .. alIibiW ....... '-_ ~ta oil ~ .,.-,. tial." .

'nil ~ r.i. ..... lic-'c:.c.. ......... . ~ fIo.-' v......& "-lor CoIep.

&arli.. w, ,pdq- P- TIll ' ·It, IH-povDd jaaior ' Edw.rd" • f,..t,.. tt- ........ t.a. • 10.4 ~

, . ..,.-.~ ... ~\

ic.s ..-. -' uu. ~ ..... NaJi,. ~-""p-­""""7 ~ 1 Wi ..... &ott- IIQ' .--,.' • ..,,:u.. M

"l"eD7 ,Hall, • J..... HIP 8dIoaI 11F

t .. -'4. ~

drtl,... '-d. t..t .,. '-" ,...) ••• ) . ~ .. ,... .... to ...... Ito', ~ _ • Iol.:- AI • __ bin 01 tM J.aIdM "'-8dIooI "link>' .. J-'- "link>' _ .u..o.ct tt. camp.

aid Ii ...... ..J_kl.. H'I,1o Sdaool jcmior. __ 1M e..., ...... __ 'IIJI by 8Q'fzIc. " !t •• titIiIoma. ~ It', W'OI'tIo It. M

.. . -.~ -'

Western wins

"th all-sports

tit eln ove ,....... by ..... 1 ",I 'tpo " bItlIIa. __ ~oa'l.,. ODd eat­~ lnck. W ........ _ tM 1..,." 0W0 V.., 0....-AD..8po:a1t ~. •

,... HlDtoppIn nc.tr.d ap 1'7.1 pol.t. to nlillJ.to_ "!.ddt, ~lto.'I_a-.ltol lor t hai. 111.11 AII ·Spono ch, " I" ................ __ l1li .. ave ................ .. dId .............. M •

t.,. I' ""tM~ 01 tMOVC, " ..... '- _ tM ~~II""''''tM n·~ .......,. 01 _......L

, ho. I'" to 1.1, th. Hilltop.,.... wo. ,I" of 10 AlioSpono torphili. I, 1'1$ W....n IDIt to .. ...,.,. by • --SpriDt« IbrbI WJaI'D tau bM, " ...... Oillo vln.,. Qoaf .... IIU tr.C;k )"o-ol·th ... y.... .ftor IMlplq 1...:1 1.10. HIIMoppan to .... I.... OVC

t , I + Ip dol.. oprIIIc. ~ .......... 11 ~

_ben 01 """,,,', iii .. •• indt til-. ... ...-I to tM .... 0_,-'--01 tlMlr i-t-- dari .. &II. __ ove , ..... '1 · IIpI

W~" _" ""'~ ooltdMid , ... _ " wtlll. .. ~ fIooIoIo Ia . .. ow. V..,.C $ _It~

"-. ~ IIh t. tIinI _ ................. ' ....... 1 '1'1

s...__.olW ... · • _r. indt __ M!I bI.i ...-d ..,. tM 11ft 0Wa V...,. ~ ... bac:naot .... ~ dvriI:tc tM-.im

.. _ .... - .... a..... .n'_ e.c... ....... ......... ,. ... w-.. .. _c..No.I pMso. ............ -.......... ... dint·,....

Coed! ... I.-:r .... .. a-... ... IIIIdId ....... . 1DIt..., ......... "" ... ,.... t.. ............. , ..... ..,-............. · ... ..... to _I.,... .... ... .... ~- ......... .. --" .

Page 12: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 - CORE · PDF fileUA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 ... G~s supply short, ... Notes Dissertations , The Express Printer


No.2 people M6.79 'H-w

Football schedule , 0.", r=..!:10

_. . t VT.ooo, .. _ - s.,.t. u ~_

Two basketball assistants are added - ., ot_T_" $.p1.21 01 ".,.u" ""y" Hoo. IO AI __ ft_.

Oct.6 .~ "'~ _ .n Mwnr $1_. OcL 1) t...,.... TodI"

.... oItM ..... ·· ~

.w. ~w."" p...s • .... .... Ida '-I ud I boor.'I """" .. _ &o __ ..,.,....R

"w.'n p,"MCI t. 10""

Oelacey •. PreSlan chosen -.

111....- ..... " ,. .. C&ntJ' Ald • ....... tlo ...... tk ud .... all tlM tooIa to ........ fIIIIII ~."

s.... ... •• """'''nilllq ............ ~pa..,.. .t so. .... .. ten Okldo_. ~, ........ .......... ""u • .... '-- ...cwd .. ,. _____ ill 1m ..... . WA ... ........ 11'7l.

... " ........ .Basketball schedule

...:, - " 0.-, 01 I_S ....

" .. ....... T_· •• . - B "'~ft" • ~" ... " _ .

l .. U ..... ,~.t ,., ~. .- , .-=, ....... • '" t_ Tp· o . ~

" .--, ........ , " - "'y. a ....... - " '-' ,~, .... " _ T_· , '" looI-' Todl " ..... ~ , ~T_ "


" ..... -, OYeT_, n T_t_"

" -_. "'01Iloo YoIIoy O>oof .. __

" ........... ....,..

Football tepm picks captains --. -;. laM I &0 IMcia ...... u.. Ii........... pMidoa .. d ...-a~ct.r.. .

- 1 ............ 01 ..... 10 .. ~ 10 ...,. ........ , lIaIl I_ ..., ... '"" It .,. ~ ...... ~1IIiIl..

o-,t DnM,. No 1-..-. n. ..... __ ........ ",. u.. w......-........... . pre )India -. Dnb I, &0 .u. .... l_ .1111-< •• , ___ .... ...,........s "--" " . udtecl ,bout the pro.pecuol~ pro W. M ""

.ald. M I t.bIaII ... )' ~ an

.... -+t.b u.. RedalWaa th... wita ...,. ott. __ ... UIIt

...... ,.,.,. doa ', have. "" 01. bIa....- ........... -

TWo 01 IMt J.-', pdual.\J!c ...... No .... ~ p ofm ', .1 t-OlIUlcta I, UtI NuiO.11 ..............

All-Sports Camp in July ~

AA ... 01 c:oao:a.trI~l\in ,lhlKk tniDiat: wil1 t.. oIhrIId IfIDirtI ~ JIIly 1&-20 .......

n. ...... .m be too ..... ' I>T W ..... ..-:ba.Al ........ will _ .. CUlpas.

. -'

-:-$26.000 P.E. grant received 01' .... I . 'l'Iddoa ill pU:l.. n. wwbbop will _ rr-l..: 46 .... :~$ .p.a. July 11-17. I,claded wiU be lectllrq, ~ aDd IIeId trip&. n. ~ ........ oat:r 10 P.s. c.ctt...

For b1.b« ilLhlrtDatkID __

TOllY To ... , • e·t, no. pond.... JiallM willi tile Ho .. __ Oil,.... Ed 8i1 ... iIIer •• I". c:eorcU .. tor for tIM on..... ..Id, "w.·" ~ ........... wttII or..,'. ~ ooM 1ICiIIt.J. He', • ftnI, -..J ........

Ailltoq:.. Ho ... t6D ' . pr.. _ ..... __ 't _ IIlI\iI

J.J;y , ,.. .... IIltMdy WI. tIM eaapul . Tor ... . 100 p~,...:I

............. 7eM. Wtb

332 Mtin St. * Jeans * A rm V Fatigues Painters Pants Paimers n"'Ari9/1.<;J

Graphic Arts Supply. Center

Dry Transfer Letters

!?pray Adhesives & Coatings Burnishers & Cutters

Color Tapes & Borders

Overlay Screens & Patterns

Miiik ing Film

, CoIkge-Heights .&okstore

1JouxUng Univmity~r


IM;f. Dr. 8wd1 ~, Smilh 9tMtiam. or .:10 VW-. DicltIe "'-,. __ tl~

Qpen 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday b:==~==~=--c==~==-=~~

Page 13: UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 - CORE · PDF fileUA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 54, No. 61 ... G~s supply short, ... Notes Dissertations , The Express Printer

' . ..

• Jaon DlMutry. 4. ..u comtorubly on his father, Tony DlMurry. They MI w.~ on the a.wr. of the EnrirOM*lt.ll Scitnc:et ..1d TldlnoIogy Bulldlrtg to be plekMl up byMn.~.

Three professors recognized . ByLA.U1tA 1'R0ln'MAJri

wm..t c.d<riI. or,. H_ Hob' .. r.. ~ x-.. ....... tw.,...... .... . ........ a.-u. ..... ..,.

14 ' .......... .. poblk Hn'iq, _rdI .ad ~-""by---~ _ .... -

Dr. Kala" ...,. ... td th ..-w.. ...... W'_~ ~......---. .....

..w ~ ~ Dr. Kalab', ---HoItr . ... ,..".... 1M ...-d. ... -a...w ... ~ .. _ ' eteoI ............. _

-.rt-I wt. lie -. ,..... ..... " ....... 1 otlll. faeolty 111_"-" wllo w... .....,. ,.odDed .... H .. .w..

"OM fit • __ -tW1faI _ .......... _ .. to ......

tIIot~ ....... ... ... 'WacIM ........ <tI.

Coal supply obundo.rit •

~t_ca ....... ....... "ud _ W tIt.d b.y 1M ... '" J-. ..... will .. .-dotc"JII"IIU,1-"

, TIle IIIII .. enll,. OM.' .bII'l • .ooo ........ ~ Ia ica It _pooI~..a~

·.....,.~a ........... ._-MW.IrItoft_,.. .. dIII...a

piDdl '" ...... M HOftIl'd Mid. HI II1II __ tUt ..... dill )IIiIIdI doeI _ . ..... . ... will'" ...... ...d tMllM ~ will _." R ... hi. 110 ..... 0.." If ItorJw .-up. • _ . ttMn _--'~dIII.....,. CUI_ to 'hI. ..... r.-1:IWDpIto. Howwd MId \.bat ,..... diu ....n:w cWrowiM '" d r -=-_ dailY, ~ -w. bI .... -- ...... on. __ ill 1M _ , pool, 'lBK1l an _... 10,. lIM ~O'-t_,"'~

..... tatio. , .,.. .... 0.10.. for

....,. - - ofIdal ~ -"n- ... uo... .trid

.... ltotioq ,.t f..tll by "......, - to "- tMy .... ....... " Ho.nr4 ..w.. H. ... • dded Wt .. care .,.. pe..-.-tl)o .. Ill,... to ..,.

~".,.- ........ -.~~ ...

"'."~-......,,­---n.&« ... ., &W,..... _t. __ 0Iu.

001'" IiPUo ud aD 01 ""'" ....-taI1i&tI ... n- all 01 1M "1 IDwricr ~ --" A""~~i111 tM~ ............ tM .. -Ii ' i.iIII~t-IoI­..... w-.tlIII ...... --.. iIII ........... tIM-.-..~ ........ ... fir! _ _ tit"it

---no. q.p.~ .1" pfillu ......... _dtoo~oI IM..!L. • ...

TIM balIdiIIIp ...... u. ......- ..... "'-. ... _"* HOftIl'd..w..

..". ...... _W-.·. -.- .. " ....,. .... U. ~",,,,,,_"""M " ..... ME...,. .. lI.- • t..ct. ....... ...,. ... tM,... two ,. ...... hi ~ b.IJd.I~ _ ee...,.. • .....,. ...... M

Council to discuss 'programs at tomorrow's meeting "-'-k C-'I ...... iii "'-'-" _~.

I p.a. .............. Bertla.f WWMn', ._ ...... . " t.o _....... • •• , ... ' , ProtT ••• w_ .... ......-_ ..... .,...... ........ '" tile ~ CoIUIdI ...., ........ 01.,." c. J_ 19. • .. _".,.. .... to II. ~ It till ". .......,. ud.....,. --. wW .. • •• ' d' 1, 1 I............. lIoa "- die o.-.J ~tkIa ~~ .... _ ... ~~tMttwa -+--..- .... III ta. _ __..-Arts.-,....sM...c:frt.. ,.,...... la, 8 .. 01 - " ,dtlM to tile

TIle -tfac ~t" tIIct*- otr.nd III till ,....aI ~ a .. _ -..- ... . ~,""'_teQt.pry.

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Reme,mber how ice cream malts & shakeS'

usedto~e? AI ~~""ddo. 'ItM etIOklt of ~ .......,....


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