RIGHT FOR ONCE Morning Hedff«r mm.-is at governor and ' ' other <!<•> 1-mi.k for favoring m>ii|u«rii.-»ii- ' ' »liip. s«js they are for it in ortler to win \u25a0 I voteH. MorniiiK HedK<'r niuHt think noii|tar- ; ' tiHHiuthlp is a popular mt-.i-un- dun. ; The Tacoma Times MN9MWMfRIWn I till I IVR^Www I WEATHER t 1 Tacoma: Showers tonight and * # Tuesday. § Washington: Same. 1 26c A MONTH. THE ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER IN TACOMA. 25c A MONTH. I VOL. XllL NO. 98. TACOMA, WASH.. MONDAY, APRIL 10,19l5! lc A COPY VILLA JUST A LaP AHEAD We've TALKED Long Enough About Changing the Mountain's Name; Now Let's DO Something SAM WALL'S QUESTION Editor The Times: In a long article in the Post-lntelligeneer of which you have already made note, Mr. Charles T. Conover, prominent business man of Seattle, said this: "Is tacoma as the name of the mouataia historically correct 7 That is all there is to the matter', and that is all we want to know. Anything on earth to end this hyphen- ated Hainier-Tneoma mon- strosity! Hyphens are not in fashion and this one signi- fies to the world only jeal- ousy and is a blot on tho whole Northwest. Taeoma is entirely sincere in believing that an outrage was perpe- trated in substituting the WIIKN Alagwn Telfair enrolled as a spy against Amerl- i-aus to aid lion. Teiumseh, the great Indian chief, in (lie war of till, she was not in love. As a child, she was left by lit'r father in the care of ToeMMOh to guard her against a British relativp who was alter her fortune and made plans to marry her. Though white, she proudly pro- claimed loyalty to her Indian guardian, who had Joined with the British to defeat Americans. W IITON Tecninseh. loyal to her interests, advised her to go to Alabama relatives, she agreed only on con- dition that she would act as a sp) against Americans. I'.n! she did not count on the natural i it- lit of every woman— to love, JACK TSLFAIR, hri- eousln, and she were thrown to- gether liy the adventures of war- and love found its way, in spite of the struggle in the girl's breast to be loyal to her Indian guardian, THIS, in brief, is the powerful romance of love and war, the. Hgfct of blood over environment, told in the new no\el-a-week, bogiMtag today on pMM 4. entitled: "The Ward of Tecumseh" IT'S entertaining from beginning to eiul. It bogtM today, ends Saturday. You're missing a big. interesting, splen- did feature if you don't read the first installment— TODAY. See I'age 2. name of a British admiral for the beautiful name 'Ta- coma.' " I have hi-i-ii in ikiu^ a nun- IMiti n to secure offieinl recon- nilion at Washington of Hie inline for the iiioiintaiii given it by the aborigine*. The - "beautiful iiamo Tai'i'niu" won once so i-ecogiil/.eil, hut the name of a Kritish ailinir- hJ was substituted mil. us Mr. Cono\er says. Taeoma Is «|iiite sincere in believing that an outrage was |iei-|»e- Ir.iled iv hen that MibM.V. •\u25a0.< i was made. No substantial opposition to a resubstitution of the name Tacoma has developed in all this period of agita- tion covering several months. Seattle, which was responsi- ble for substituting the name of the Hritish admiral, has made no opposition what- ever, nnd now only raises the question: "Is Tacoma the historically correct name?" lielieving tliat the time lias fully arrived for •rasing this 'hyphenated monstros- ity," this "hlot upon the whole northwest" that "rep- resents only sectional jeal- ousy;" believing that the time lias come when these two cities should he working together on adifferer* Ifasls than they did in lbs bitter old days of IXSIt, 1 am very in tic h in earnest about this matter. The campaign, which was working rapidly toward ilie desired consummation, was interrupteU in January by the loss to me of a vehicle of expression -the magaine "What's Doing," the proprie- tor of which declining to go further with it. Now 1 put I lie matter up to you —The Time*. It seenm to me no bigger ami better work—no work fraught with more genuine benefit to the people of these Inn cities miKlit he undertaken—ac- complished 111.. 11 1 lii- tO help remove this thing that lihh brought embarrassment jiikl humiliation to their citi- MM for more thnn a genera- tion. It is wholly a iinitter of education- just going after it persistently. The geographic board at Washington. ;>s 1 have con- (lusively ibOWB, is ready and more than willing. Seattle as also clearly shown, has wholly out- grown til prejudire in the natter nn<l la literally ready to join tiim«i-> and petition for the rumovnl of this "blot upon the whole northwest." My IHggmloi Ik that The Tinim take the mutter up wttli its Hicustoined energy and \lpor; that an organiza- tion he formed for the pur- pose alone of PUTTING THIS THING OVM. We illicit <hII it The Jus- tice to the Mountain < luh. Tv such an <>rK''iil/atlon I mil sure many of the best citi- ens of Seattle would ask for membership, and it uoiilri Won —If necessary to accom- plish its end —into a nation- al institution. will roc do ni S. W. WALL. Some Wireless Pirate's Stealing Army's Secrets lly I -eon KtHrmont COLUMBUS, N. M., April 10. There's a "leak" in the wire- less link between the American puntive expedition's base, in Columbus and the field base of (!en. Perilling beyond Cases Grande*! MttMgM sent by Mnjoi \V. It Baniple. coniiiiiindinp; Camp Fur- long, Columbus, to (ien Pershing, at the front, have been publish- ed in the east before they were delivered to Gen. Pernhing. Because of tills fact the use of the wireless has been greatly curtailed, and most military tel- egranis are |otftf over the field telegraph line, laid along the ground and on fence posts ;uid cactus plants between here and Cases (iianiks. The leak is believed to lie in Chicago--where a high-powered eavesdropper with access (o the army's code book Is reading gov- ernment MHIfM, All the private and amateur windless plants along the New Mexnco harder liave been sup- pressed by the government, but the army sleuths haven't yet dis- covered where the leak is ;ind who has the army's code. FLASHES AMOY, China- An attempt to assassinate the chief of Military police with a bomb failed. LONDON Preparations are practically completed for a relief expedition to lid the surrounderl British army which tit* death at the hands of Turks in Mesopto- niania. RO.MK Dispatches received here today claim the Austrians are about to launch a heavy of- fensive along the entire Italian front. WASHINGTON, D. C—Secre- tary of War Baker announced to- day that ha would ask congress for about $7,000,000 to conduct several citizen military training camps this summer. LARAMIIi:, Wyo.—lt was an- nounced today that the engine- men of the Union Pacific had de- rided to withdraw from the ac- :.icn to demand n general reduc- tion ol working hours and more Pay. WASHINGTON, D. C— The pun boat Wheeling; Is cruising about Yuratnn with a number of marines aboard. Their mission Is unknown. hundred delegates to the national U. A. R. congress are at the capi- tol with an air of extreme mys- tery. A lively convention is ex- pected. LONDON Berlin detectives are working on the murder mys- tery which surrounds the arrival of a basket at the Stattin railway station containing the dead body of a beautiful 18-year-old girl. OLYMPIC CLUB TAKES MEMBERS OLYMPIA, April 10.—After a three days' membership campaign the Olympia Chamber of Com- merce announced yesterday that 66 new members had been added to the 191 fi roll of 212. The chamber is conducted on the bur- eau plan. G«t« Six Months. Amlel Johnson pleaded guilty today to a second degree burglary charge and was sentenced to serve six months In the county jail by Judge Card. TODAY'S ('M \lti \<;s Clearings $357,746.91 Bulances 36,293.30 Transactions 111,223.71 THE TIMES' ANSWER By the Editor. Sure, we will do it. I hereby apply for membership in the Justice to the Mountain club, and am going to ask my friends to join with me. On general principle! I am opposed t<» lhr mul- tiplication of clttba and societies. We arc over- orsaniiecL However, here is a Job that needs doiiif>\ So, by all means, let us liave the Justice to the Mountain dub. Let us make it a big, do- Boniething society. In order that everybody may have an equal chance to be charter members, The Times is printing right at the tail-end of this article an application blank for membership. I hope that <>ur good Tacoma booster. Sam Wall, will be Hooded with applications, He de- serves such support. He has been trying to "Lift the Curse" off the mountain, at first un- aided. His idea is one that every Tacoinan ought to applaud and adopt. Do your part by filling in the blank and by- mailing it to Mr. Sam Wall, box 143, Tacoma. NOW FILL THIS AND MAIL IT T hereby apply for charter membership in the JUSTICE TO THE MOUNTAIN club. Kama Address ('I In- purpose of this cluh 1h fully indicated in its name, 11><I it is understood that the siirnatiire hei-eoii ilm-s not obli- gate the sinner to the payment of dues or in any other way beyond the simple furtherance of us Muted object.") WASHINGTON, D. C.—Several PRESIDENT MAY TALK POLITICS WASHINGTON. D. C, April 10. —President Wilson will give two talks . this week which, it is thought, will throw some light on the coming presidential cam- paign. So far he has not com- mitted himself in the slightest. LAWTON, Okla.—A mob rush- ed the jail here and shot Carl Dudley, negro, who recently shot Patrolman James HayneH. AVIATORS USE MEXICAN PHONi SAX ANTONIO, April 10.-f Carranxista co-operation was shown " recently at Chihuahua, when American aviators were al- lowed to use the telephone and telegraph after demonstrating they were on a friendly mission. PETROGRAD Grand Duke Nicholas has begun a concentrat-l ed attack on 90,000 Turks in con- trol of Trebizend. BLAME IT ON THE ENGINEER PROBE GASOLINE HOLDUP \y \SMIN(iTOX, It. 0., April II Tic ledei'iil trade commission tndnv senl to the senalt ihe pre- liminary outline of its findings in the MvaMtgatlon of the ißcrtai- Troops Reach Parral XL PASO, A].ril 10. Don««> I) triiiiinj; Villa, imortaM <hv- (lrymaa raaebod th* doaolato Blarrai around Parral today. Tii« iianiiit ]\u25a0 one da) ahoad of thoai with .'no followora, li« is trying to |ola tha -\rri»'ta lii-oilicrs with .:.ihmp mon iipar Durango, Vtuericaai al Paml Htiited. \ Ilia paiMd I iiroil kl> IMa vi)l» agw laturdav. Although Amart* cans claimed lit* vu woundvli Jiinii's I l.ituilton. an Knglisliniail, < limned h" was not Injured. Official* da not regard S.ila- iir'n Hidden dlnapucarasMi ifup Inulnf \u25a0 \u0084i.., i,iin;ii ion urging Mexican* to Mart another rcvolu* I inn. :i« aeriOU*. Snla/.nr 18 known to op pout! V'llll and offi« ci.i!s bollave the alaralats' ru- mors ihould lie treated Hgjhtly. i'iiiisui t;;i'vi;i iifuicd today thii! ml had >''\u25a0'• iv«d |ironiUf9 from W.i UlngtOß tx) tilt 1 <'ff»-it thai tlili country would not put" mic \ ilia lieyond \u25a0 I ixed distance. II! Ml. UV.TA IKHTKIi \\ \SIII\i;TON. li. C, April 10 A. i,i, ihi n -I Id today that 'he trail of X'il'.i >\u25a0.:\u25a0\u25a0 z*-tiin!; holier and tli'y wouldn't lie hiiti riM«>l to hoaf of hi" cuptllM before *118 wf>ek is out, Mcsiilu- IhC iTop of wild re- ports, ii vms declared today that i'airan/i-ihm liave shown noil.ii.j,' but the UM Of li i tidliness 'o- M arda ihe \msrli an t Fßoya. Qen Perahtuji reported thai . n aeroplane « m danianed Thurc day . Imil i hat I lie (ii her the ,ir« doing great wrork, Baker wouldn't make any coni" nii'ins on the report! thai t'ar- riui',l had established a derul line at tlii- Inn.mne it ate lioniuPtry. It is Known thai 'he protocol provides Itmltationa to the Amert- can field Operations The exael nature of the reMrtctiOAf nre not known ing price of gaaollßC. it contradicted the report thai Ihe available Itlpplj Of pelrul is decreusiiiK. it reported more thai 100,000,- --hOO gallons of c rude iielroleinn in February agalMl 70)000,000 gal- lons in February, l !• i S. Tlie deparl nii'iit of juitice will condiii t the remainder of the probe, it win Inquire into ilio capitalisation, dlridendi .md prices i)f nil company ttorkl, whether higher prfCM are ticces- Mrj to niiiititain ihc normal \u25a0tandard of profit, ami whether the itatfl divisions of tot Stniul- ard Oil company havt illi^K<'l il- lations, dlacrlmlnatlni <ir stifiinj; conipetition. RAGING GULCH TORRENT ALARMS CITY FATHERS ProtMting thai a "ra(tu tor- rent" cil water in rushing through theuallasber gulch, which cromi J'aciii" ;iveiuir at fbttl street and not only Is injurliiK their prop-1 erty. hut hiklimniiiiiiin the Pacific a\etuie fill and threateniriK (o de- -Btrci\ tlie I'ujallii|) avenue con- creu l)lid|«, |iro|ieity owners to- day asked the city council for re- lief. The complaint came from Mrs. \u25a0Catherine it. Kauffmaß, widow Of P. C. Kiiull'man, James 11. Keen, leu ;il teal estate man, and R. S Hudson, steel salesman. Members of the council looked upon tlie statements with alarm. •Commissioners Wooilr and Drake weie Instru'ted to make an Im- mediate investigation. All overflow from the Green river water pystem runs from the Hood street reservoir Into the gul<h. Tliee is a small stream also, which lias been swollen to uir.it.uiil proportions during the past winter. The city overflow in winter Ib very large, and as a result there lihs been | siik',!l river in the gulch for scviTiii month*. li is more than :.'."i ted wide in sunic places, The culvert under Pacific uve- mie is \u25a0carcvly able to take can of tile MUMP, and the I'illed-iii streel lms become weakened. The concrete foiindat ions of the l*u>- allup itve. brtdfa are being paten away, according to the state- ment, liy the gltat volume Of water. 1 What's Doing Tuesday Historical Society Heseareh Club meets at Commercial dub; reminiscences of tlie time Tacoma drove out Chiueße; X p. m.; pub- Itc welcome. .Membership "mixer" at Y. M, 0. A. building; S p. m.; IpcKlal music. "The Follies of lillt;." music il comedy; by colored residents of Tacoma; at St. Leo's hall. l\\ i si k; \ ii-: KIRK l)t)l <;i AS April 10. M.-xl- <aii and kinerlctn authorltlM Joined in a! 1 Inveatlgattoa of a fire which d'-trny.'d three loco- niotlves, two roaeheg, round- house ami machine shops of tiiu Southern Pacific at Naco, Bonora, today. Tin" production of gasoline In January, itlS, was 71,000,000 j;,'ill(iliv. while l;tsl I lect'inber it was 17,000,000 galloni. The MispiiiniM ailions of three Mexlcana before the fire were /e- --ported. Oaaollne rose aearl) B cents a gallon tail year for middle west- ern refineries and ."> Si cents for eastern refineries. WHAT'S BEST WAY TO HOLD YOUR WIFE? What is the best way to iiold » wife? T,he Times will give $10 and $5 for the best two answer* to thin question. Wo wßnt you to answer In 1 r>o words or lens, but in luch a clear manner that any husband who is having trouble maintaining In men tic happiness may understand and profit by the advice. Details of the essay content will be named on the Amusement page of The Times Tuesday. It's Freddie Film's idea. Don't send in answers until you have read his announcement tomorrow. Prosecutor Stops Near Beer Sales County Prosecutor Runiann to- day ordered stopped all Hales of Golden Nectar, a near beer man- ufactured in Portland, following the test made by K. O. Helnrich, chemist, of samples taken recent- ly from the Lotus and Annex bnrs. The tests showed that '.lie drink contained one half of ono per cent alcohol. County detective Shaw said that the Golden Nectar whb the nearest to the real stuff of vll the near beers on the market. ("rude oil rose nraily 2 cents in iim^i' dlitrlcti, In tlie western district kcro- MMW iKflllM 1 1-4 cents \u25a0 nnl- lon, ami less Hum a cent In the east. While fuel oil rose inree nmr ters of a cent in the w st, it rose one < enl in tin' east. Ail ion \\.i< anain deferred liy the council f<i <i < \ mi a law pHl- lion ukIRR fof ornamental i-tr»-»-t llnhts on Alnawortb avenue from North SieeV i<> South Ilitli sts-. It wax found that the petitioner* did not represent ">1 per cent of tile property owner*, so t lie tnat- -Talk o'the Timesr | •.1 •' -cii.il;-, have you no- ticed the iiii|Mrliirli:ilil> culm .•iikl the iiTefutiilile lotcic with nhicli 1 lie piirllxan MM dls- cuNNen the merits of non-par- li-llllvliip'.' Flossy Lights Laid On Table JiiKt like coljonb making a speech übout Paul llaffer, eh? Mm Hoiiih KcmmJMM ••<•- liiiiKC line icroutpd in time to lelil'VH I lit- li-ll.'ll ..1111l HIT ciuiuotioii mi the point mis'".' We rise to call down Cynthia Grey. Only aday or so ago she advised girl- against klsgine. And, jii»l a day later we noticed wher* Kiif told them to act natural Wliat can the <lear flapners do? «•• never did like Unit in:in 4'over and lilh aHnlstiint, lleed, iinyvtay. Today they I'm niilii iis n < ard snyiug. "prohubly showers." Among the developments for which we Hhall wait with consid- erable Interest is the answer KilKiir <'. Wheler Mys his wilc'i l.iKiriti- question (over telpphone) In, "When will you Ik- home, tlenr?" What's your wife*? CotaßlMtoMT MHIb will make to the roiuplnint of the longshore- men BKulnst the sale of bun booze In drug stores and blind plg«. Anyhow Btoever didn't adopt tlu- cami-aign ilogan of a Valpar- ai«o, Inri , man we imi read about. The latter* platform In, "No Special Favon for Non>." \\ ln'i-i' Ik the old fashioned nimi who v' < il to *ay, "Yes, I hcliove tin- council Is pui ilunu over a raw Kraft In ui\- ing tlte T. H. A. P. (». that rnuw fmiK hl«c and m-i>- thlng, but anyhow we'll get l>e« Molne* hn« l«een ri»l»at> Ini; the question «li«'Hi«t ft In Imnioiieat In liang mu- derwear on a clothesline, la It any wonder there arf< lots of i>c<i|ilf in thin country nh* think T. R. (Joemi't want to i •in for president?

u25a0 Tuesday. Washington: VILLAJUST ALaP …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88085187/1916-04-10/ed-1/seq-1.pdfTHE ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER IN TACOMA. 25c A MONTH. I VILLA VOL.JUST

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RIGHT FOR ONCEMorning Hedff«r mm.-is at governor and '

' other <!<•> 1-mi.k for favoring m>ii|u«rii.-»ii- '' »liip. s«js they are for it in ortler to win \u25a0

I voteH. MorniiiK HedK<'r niuHt think noii|tar- ;

' tiHHiuthlp is a popular mt-.i-un- dun. ;

The Tacoma TimesMN9MWMfRIWn I tillI IVR^Www

I WEATHER t1 Tacoma: Showers tonight and *# Tuesday. •§ Washington: Same. •1 26c A MONTH. THE ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER IN TACOMA. 25c A MONTH. I


VILLA JUST A LaP AHEADWe've TALKED Long EnoughAbout Changing the Mountain'sName; Now Let's DO Something


Editor The Times:In a long article in the

Post-lntelligeneer of whichyou have already made note,Mr. Charles T. Conover,prominent business man ofSeattle, said this:

"Is tacoma as the name ofthe mouataia historicallycorrect 7 That is all there isto the matter', and that is all

we want to know. Anythingon earth to end this hyphen-ated Hainier-Tneoma mon-strosity! Hyphens are not infashion and this one signi-fies to the world only jeal-ousy and is a blot on thowhole Northwest. Taeoma isentirely sincere in believingthat an outrage was perpe-trated in substituting the

WIIKN Alagwn Telfair enrolled as a spy against Amerl-i-aus to aid lion. Teiumseh, the great Indian chief,in (lie war of till,she was not in love. As a child,

she was left by lit'r father in the care of ToeMMOh to guardher against a British relativp who was alter her fortune andmade plans to marry her. Though white, she proudly pro-claimed loyalty to her Indian guardian, who had Joined withthe British to defeat Americans.

W IITON Tecninseh. loyal to her interests, advised herto go to Alabama relatives, she agreed only on con-dition that she would act as a sp) against Americans.

I'.n! she did not count on the natural i it- lit of every woman—to love,

JACK TSLFAIR, hri- eousln, and she were thrown to-gether liy the adventures of war- and love found itsway, in spite of the struggle in the girl's breast to be

loyal to her Indian guardian,

THIS, in brief, is the powerful romance of love and war,the. Hgfct of blood over environment, told in the newno\el-a-week, bogiMtag today on pMM 4. entitled:

"The Ward of Tecumseh"IT'S entertaining from beginning to eiul. It bogtM today,

ends Saturday. You're missing a big. interesting, splen-did feature if you don't read the first installment—

TODAY. See I'age 2.

name of a British admiralfor the beautiful name 'Ta-coma.' "

I have hi-i-ii in ikiu^ a nun-IMitin to secure offieinlrecon-nilion at Washington of Hieinline for the iiioiintaiii givenit by the aborigine*. The- "beautiful iiamo Tai'i'niu"won once so i-ecogiil/.eil, hutthe name of a Kritish ailinir-hJ was substituted mil. usMr. Cono\er says. Taeoma Is«|iiite sincere in believingthat an outrage was |iei-|»e-Ir.iled iv hen that MibM.V.•\u25a0.< iwas made.

No substantial oppositionto a resubstitution of thename Tacoma has developedin all this period of agita-tion covering several months.Seattle, which was responsi-ble for substituting the nameof the Hritish admiral, hasmade no opposition what-ever, nnd now only raises thequestion: "Is Tacoma thehistorically correct name?"

lielieving tliat the timelias fully arrived for •rasingthis 'hyphenated monstros-ity," this "hlot upon thewhole northwest" that "rep-resents only sectional jeal-ousy;" believing that thetime lias come when thesetwo cities should he workingtogether on adifferer* Ifaslsthan they did in lbs bitterold days of IXSIt, 1 am veryin tic h in earnest about thismatter.

The campaign, which wasworking rapidly toward iliedesired consummation, wasinterrupteU in January bythe loss to me of a vehicleof expression -the magaine

"What's Doing," the proprie-tor of which declining to gofurther with it.

Now 1 put I lie matter upto you—The Time*. It seenmto me no bigger ami betterwork—no work fraught withmore genuine benefit to thepeople of these Inn citiesmiKlit he undertaken—ac-complished 111.. 11 1 lii- tOhelp remove this thing thatlihh brought embarrassmentjiikl humiliation to their citi-MM for more thnn a genera-tion.

It is wholly a iinitter ofeducation- just going afterit persistently.

The geographic board atWashington. ;>s 1 have con-(lusively ibOWB, is ready andmore than willing.

Seattle as also clearlyshown, has wholly out-grown til prejudire in thenatter nn<l la literally readyto join tiim«i-> and petitionfor the rumovnl of this "blot

upon the whole northwest."My IHggmloi Ik that The

Tinim take the mutter upwttli its Hicustoined energyand \lpor; that an organiza-tion he formed for the pur-pose alone of PUTTINGTHIS THING OVM.

We illicit <hII it The Jus-tice to the Mountain < luh. Tvsuch an <>rK''iil/atlon I mil

sure many of the best citi-ens of Seattle would ask formembership, and it uoiilriWon —If necessary to accom-plish its end —into a nation-al institution.

will roc do niS. W. WALL.

Some WirelessPirate's Stealing

Army's Secretslly I -eon KtHrmont

COLUMBUS, N. M., April 10.— There's a "leak" in the wire-less link between the Americanpuntive expedition's base, inColumbus and the field base of(!en. Perilling beyond CasesGrande*!

MttMgM sent by Mnjoi \V. ItBaniple. coniiiiiindinp; Camp Fur-long, Columbus, to (ien Pershing,at the front, have been publish-ed in the east before they weredelivered to Gen. Pernhing.

Because of tills fact the use ofthe wireless has been greatlycurtailed, and most military tel-

egranis are |otftf over the fieldtelegraph line, laid along theground and on fence posts ;uidcactus plants between here andCases (iianiks.

The leak is believed to lie inChicago--where a high-poweredeavesdropper with access (o thearmy's code book Is reading gov-ernment MHIfM,

All the private and amateurwindless plants along the NewMexnco harder liave been sup-pressed by the government, butthe army sleuths haven't yet dis-covered where the leak is ;indwho has the army's code.

FLASHESAMOY, China- An attempt to

assassinate the chief of Militarypolice with a bomb failed.

LONDON — Preparations arepractically completed for a reliefexpedition to lid the surrounderlBritish army which tit*death atthe hands of Turks in Mesopto-niania.

RO.MK — Dispatches receivedhere today claim the Austriansare about to launch a heavy of-fensive along the entire Italianfront.

WASHINGTON, D. C—Secre-tary of War Baker announced to-day that ha would ask congressfor about $7,000,000 to conductseveral citizen military trainingcamps this summer.

LARAMIIi:, Wyo.—lt was an-nounced today that the engine-men of the Union Pacific had de-rided to withdraw from the ac-:.icn to demand n general reduc-tion ol working hours and morePay.

WASHINGTON, D. C— Thepun boat Wheeling; Is cruisingabout Yuratnn with a number ofmarines aboard. Their mission Isunknown.

hundred delegates to the nationalU. A. R. congress are at the capi-tol with an air of extreme mys-tery. A lively convention is ex-pected.

LONDON — Berlin detectivesare working on the murder mys-tery which surrounds the arrivalof a basket at the Stattin railwaystation containing the dead bodyof a beautiful 18-year-old girl.


OLYMPIA, April 10.—After athree days' membership campaignthe Olympia Chamber of Com-merce announced yesterday that6 6 new members had been addedto the 191 fi roll of 212. Thechamber is conducted on the bur-eau plan.

G«t« Six Months.Amlel Johnson pleaded guilty

today to a second degree burglarycharge and was sentenced toserve six months In the countyjail by Judge Card.

TODAY'S ('M \lti\<;sClearings $357,746.91Bulances 36,293.30Transactions 111,223.71


By the Editor.Sure, we willdo it.I hereby apply for membership in the Justice

to the Mountain club, and am going to ask myfriends to join with me.

On general principle! I am opposed t<» lhr mul-tiplication of clttba and societies. We arc over-orsaniiecL However, here is a Job that needsdoiiif>\

So, by all means, let us liave the Justice tothe Mountain dub. Let us make it a big, do-Boniething society.

In order that everybody may have an equalchance to be charter members, The Times isprinting right at the tail-end of this article anapplication blank for membership.

I hope that <>ur good Tacoma booster. SamWall, will be Hooded with applications, He de-serves such support. He has been trying to"Lift the Curse" off the mountain, at first un-aided. His idea is one that every Tacoinanought to applaud and adopt.

Do your part by filling in the blank and by-mailing it to Mr. Sam Wall, box 143, Tacoma.


T hereby apply for charter membership in theJUSTICE TO THE MOUNTAINclub.



('I In- purpose of this cluh 1h fully indicated in its name,11><I it is understood that the siirnatiire hei-eoii ilm-s not obli-

gate the sinner to the payment of dues or in any other waybeyond the simple furtherance of us Muted object.")



WASHINGTON. D. C, April 10.—President Wilson will give twotalks . this week which, it isthought, will throw some light onthe coming presidential cam-paign. So far he has not com-mitted himself in the slightest.

LAWTON, Okla.—A mob rush-ed the jail here and shot CarlDudley, negro, who recently shotPatrolman James HayneH.


SAX ANTONIO, April 10.-fCarranxista co-operation wasshown " recently at Chihuahua,when American aviators were al-lowed to use the telephone andtelegraph after demonstratingthey were on a friendly mission.

PETROGRAD — Grand DukeNicholas has begun a concentrat-led attack on 90,000 Turks in con-trol of Trebizend.



— Tic ledei'iil trade commissiontndnv senl to the senalt ihe pre-liminary outline of its findings inthe MvaMtgatlon of the ißcrtai-


XL PASO, A].ril 10. Don««>I) triiiiinj; Villa, imortaM <hv-(lrymaa raaebod th* doaolatoBlarrai around Parral today. Tii«iianiiit ]\u25a0 one da) ahoad of thoaiwith .'no followora,

li« is trying to |ola tha -\rri»'talii-oilicrs with .:.ihmp mon iipar

Durango, Vtuericaai al PamlHtiited.

\ Ilia paiMd I iiroilkl> IMa vi)l»

agw laturdav. Although Amart*cans claimed lit* vu woundvliJiinii's I l.ituilton. an Knglisliniail,< limned h" was not Injured.

Official* da not regard S.ila-iir'n Hidden dlnapucarasMi ifup

Inulnf \u25a0 \u0084i.., i,iin;iiion urgingMexican* to Mart another rcvolu*I inn. :i« aeriOU*. Snla/.nr 18known to oppout! V'llll and offi«ci.i!s bollave the alaralats' ru-mors ihould lie treated Hgjhtly.

i'iiiisui t;;i'vi;i iifuicd todaythii! ml had >''\u25a0'• iv«d |ironiUf9from W.i UlngtOß tx) tilt1 <'ff»-itthai tlili country would not put"

mic \ ilia lieyond \u25a0 I ixed distance.

II!Ml. UV.TA IKHTKIi\\ \SIII\i;TON. li. C, April 10A. i,i, ihi n -I Id today that 'he

trail of X'il'.i >\u25a0.:\u25a0\u25a0 z*-tiin!; holierand tli'y wouldn't lie hiiti riM«>lto hoaf of hi" cuptllM before *118wf>ek is out,

Mcsiilu- IhC iTop of wild re-ports, ii vms declared today thati'airan/i-ihm liave shown noil.ii.j,'but the UM Of li i tidliness 'o-M arda ihe \msrli an t Fßoya.

Qen Perahtuji reported thai . naeroplane « m danianed Thurcday . Imil i hat I lie (iiher the ,ir«

doing great wrork,Baker wouldn't make any coni"

nii'ins on the report! thai t'ar-riui',l had established a derul lineat tlii- Inn.mne itate lioniuPtry.It is Known thai 'he protocolprovides Itmltationa to the Amert-can field Operations The exaelnature of the reMrtctiOAf nre notknown

ing price of gaaollßC.it contradicted the report thai

Ihe available Itlpplj Of pelrul isdecreusiiiK.

it reported more thai 100,000,---hOO gallons of c rude iielroleinn in

February agalMl 70)000,000 gal-lons in February, l !• i S.

Tlie deparl nii'iit of juitice willcondiii t the remainder of theprobe, it win Inquire into iliocapitalisation, dlridendi .mdprices i)f nil company ttorkl,whether higher prfCM are ticces-Mrj to niiiititain ihc normal\u25a0tandard of profit, ami whetherthe itatfl divisions of tot Stniul-ard Oil company havt illi^K<'l il-lations, dlacrlmlnatlni <ir stifiinj;conipetition.


rent" cil water in rushing throughtheuallasber gulch, which cromiJ'aciii" ;iveiuir at fbttl street andnot only Is injurliiK their prop-1erty. hut hiklimniiiiiiinthe Pacifica\etuie fill and threateniriK (o de--Btrci\ tlie I'ujallii|) avenue con-creu l)lid|«, |iro|ieity owners to-day asked the city council for re-lief.

The complaint came from Mrs.\u25a0Catherine it. Kauffmaß, widowOf P. C. Kiiull'man, James 11.Keen, leu ;il teal estate man, andR. S Hudson, steel salesman.

Members of the council lookedupon tlie statements with alarm.•Commissioners Wooilr and Drakeweie Instru'ted to make an Im-mediate investigation.

All overflow from the Greenriver water pystem runs from theHood street reservoir Into thegul<h. Tliee is a small streamalso, which lias been swollen touir.it.uiil proportions during thepast winter.

The city overflow in winter Ibvery large, and as a result there

lihs been | siik',!l river in thegulch for scviTiii month*. li ismore than :.'."i ted wide in sunicplaces,

The culvert under Pacific uve-mie is \u25a0carcvly able to take canof tile MUMP, and the I'illed-iiistreel lms become weakened. Theconcrete foiindat ions of the l*u>-allup itve. brtdfa are being paten

away, according to the state-ment, liy the gltat volume Ofwater.

1 What's DoingTuesday

Historical Society HesearehClub meets at Commercial dub;reminiscences of tlie time Tacomadrove out Chiueße; X p. m.; pub-Itc welcome.

.Membership "mixer" at Y. M,0. A. building; S p. m.; IpcKlalmusic.

"The Follies of lillt;." music ilcomedy; by colored residents ofTacoma; at St. Leo's hall.

l\\ i si k; \ ii-: KIRKl)t)l <;i AS April 10. M.-xl-

<aii and kinerlctn authorltlMJoined in a! 1 Inveatlgattoa of afire which d'-trny.'d three loco-niotlves, two roaeheg, round-house ami machine shops of tiiuSouthern Pacific at Naco, Bonora,today.

Tin" production of gasoline InJanuary, itlS, was 71,000,000j;,'ill(iliv. while l;tsl I lect'inber itwas 17,000,000 galloni.

The MispiiiniM ailions of threeMexlcana before the fire were /e---ported.

Oaaollne rose aearl) B cents agallon tail year for middle west-ern refineries and ."> Si cents foreastern refineries.


YOUR WIFE?What is the best way to iiold

» wife?T,he Times will give $10 and

$5 for the best two answer* tothin question.

Wo wßnt you to answer In 1 r>owords or lens, but in luch a clearmanner that any husband who ishaving trouble maintaining Inmen tic happiness may understandand profit by the advice.

Details of the essay contentwill be named on the Amusementpage of The Times Tuesday. It'sFreddie Film's idea.

Don't send in answers untilyou have read his announcementtomorrow.

ProsecutorStops Near

Beer SalesCounty Prosecutor Runiann to-

day ordered stopped all Hales ofGolden Nectar, a near beer man-ufactured in Portland, followingthe test made by K. O. Helnrich,chemist, of samples taken recent-ly from the Lotus and Annexbnrs.

The tests showed that '.liedrink contained one half of onoper cent alcohol.

County detective Shaw saidthat the Golden Nectar whb thenearest to the real stuff of vllthe near beers on the market.

("rude oil rose nraily 2 centsin iim^i' dlitrlcti,

In tlie western district kcro-MMW iKflllM 1 1-4 cents \u25a0 nnl-lon, ami less Hum a cent In theeast.

While fuel oil rose inree nmrters of a cent in the w st, it roseone < enl in tin' east.

Ailion \\.i< anain deferred liythe council f<i <i < \ mi a law pHl-lion ukIRR fof ornamental i-tr»-»-tllnhts on Alnawortb avenue fromNorth SieeV i<> South Ilitli sts-.It wax found that the petitioner*did not represent ">1 per cent oftile property owner*, so tlie tnat-

-Talk o'the Timesr |•.1 •' -cii.il;-, have you no-

ticed the iiii|Mrliirli:ilil>culm.•iikl the iiTefutiililelotcic withnhicli 1 lie piirllxan MM dls-cuNNen the merits of non-par-li-llllvliip'.'

Flossy LightsLaid On Table

JiiKt like coljonb making aspeech übout Paul llaffer, eh?

Mm Hoiiih KcmmJMM ••<•-liiiiKC line icroutpd in timeto lelil'VH I lit- li-ll.'ll ..1111l HIT

ciuiuotioii mi the pointmis'".'

We rise to call down CynthiaGrey. Only aday or so ago sheadvised girl- against klsgine. And,jii»l a day later we noticed wher*Kiif told them to act naturalWliat can the <lear flapners do?

«•• never did like Unitin:in 4'over and lilh aHnlstiint,lleed, iinyvtay. Today theyI'm niilii iis n < ard snyiug."prohubly showers."

Among the developments forwhich we Hhall wait with consid-erable Interest is the answer

KilKiir<'. Wheler Mys hiswilc'i l.iKiriti-question (overtelpphone) In, "When willyou Ik- home, tlenr?" What'syour wife*?

CotaßlMtoMT MHIb will make tothe roiuplnint of the longshore-men BKulnst the sale of bunbooze In drug stores and blindplg«.

Anyhow Btoever didn't adopttlu- cami-aign ilogan of a Valpar-ai«o, Inri , man we imi readabout. The latter* platform In,"No Special Favon for Non>."

\\ ln'i-i' Ik the old fashionednimi who v' < il to *ay, "Yes,I hcliove tin- council Is pui

ilunu over a raw Kraft In ui\-ing tlte T. H. A. P. (». thatrnuw fmiK hl«c and m-i>-thlng, but anyhow we'll get

l>e« Molne* hn« l«een ri»l»at>Ini; the question «li«'Hi«t ftIn Imnioiieat In liang mu-derwear on a clothesline, laIt any wonder there arf< lotsof i>c<i|ilf in thin country nh*think T. R. (Joemi't want toi •in for president?