May 2014 Uz Consulting International Company Profile UZ CONSULTING INTERNATIONAL COMPANY PROFILE “We are here” for customer satisfaction built on efficient solutions! http://www.uzconsulting.com

U CONSULTING C P OMPANY ROFILE NTERNATIONAL · COMPANY PROFILE May 12, 2014 Uz Consulting International Page 4 About Uz Uz Consulting International or UCI in short, was founded in

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Page 1: U CONSULTING C P OMPANY ROFILE NTERNATIONAL · COMPANY PROFILE May 12, 2014 Uz Consulting International Page 4 About Uz Uz Consulting International or UCI in short, was founded in

May 2014

Uz Consulting International Company Profile



“We are here” for customer satisfaction built on efficient solutions!


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“We are here” for customer satisfaction built on efficient solutions!

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Information is an inevitable part of our daily lives. Accessing the most up-to-date, accurate and

meaningful information is very important for both individuals and organizations.

In the current era where we are surrounded by a plethora of information resources, information is

more public and accessible.

“Information Systems”, which is a context that involves systems that communicate information and

that depend on the information, have entered our lives, especially after the recent advances in

software and hardware technologies.

“Information Systems” are more meaningful with the other integrated systems and provide more

efficient solutions for the end users of both individuals and enterprises. Having different systems

integrated and running as a whole, users need the capability to use them. As a natural result of this

fact, corporations seek users with this experience and capability. At this point, Uz Consulting

International applies years of experience, defines all processes and executes them in order to have

the systems work in harmony. In addition to that, a user’s interaction and decisions are always

supported through the friendly interface so that highly skilled or talented users will not be required

for daily operations or other routine tasks. Although “systems integration” is a rather old concept,

it’s gaining more attention and meaning through the developed and interoperable technologies.

Geographical Information Systems, nowadays, evolves in parallel to the developments in

information technology. All the information that we have is now enriched with geographical

attributes. This has yielded new application areas. Some of the most strategic application areas of

this combination (information systems powered by geographical information) are: the

shortest/quickest access to an incident location; security and safety analysis of an incident location

(such as other important places around this location), finding the closest and the most appropriate

unit to dispatch, interoperation of multiple departments (such as security and health) through a

centralized database, using incident records in further analysis for planning, incident analysis or case

studies, legal purposes, measuring and tracking the efficiency of units, and so on. GIS, integrated

with e-government applications are very important for further planning, analysis and decision

support systems.

We, Uz Consulting International, are here to help you use information systems efficiently in your

organization. This will result in your satisfaction built on efficient solutions.

Best wishes,

Uz Consulting International

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About Uz

Uz Consulting International or UCI in short, was founded in 2009 by an experienced team. UCI has its

vision and is determined to achieve its vision and aims.

UCI was founded as a systems integration company to take active roles in systems integration and

information systems projects.

Our mission is to become a major player in information systems and systems integration projects,

which are our primary fields of expertise. Our main focus will be on geographical information

systems and other web-based or intranet-based projects, such as business process automation, web-

based enterprise resource planning and others. We aim to apply our expertise in present and future

projects. Our consultancy services cover all phases in the project management process, such as team

formation, project planning and management, testing and delivery.

In addition to systems integration projects, UCI also provides software development services

according to specific needs of a customer.

Our vision is to involve our clients in all stages of the project execution. We completely convey the

knowledge and expertise to our clients to provide usable and useful systems. Within this context, we

don’t use “customer satisfaction” as a cliché, but as the basis of our services. Just like in the other

fields we cover, UCI also aims to bring new concepts in “customer satisfaction” by supporting it with

efficient solutions. “Customer satisfaction built on efficient solutions” is our foundation.

Our primary territory of operations includes Turkey, Middle East, and Turkic Republics. In our next

phase of development, we plan to grow in European Union and North Africa.

Our value is, of course, our people. We can always provide an alternative to the other components

of a working system. However, the human factor is the most important gear in the system and it is

almost impossible to replace team members easily. UCI is aware of the value of the investment in


UCI aims to be a major systems integration and information system consultancy firm in the region by

“providing customer satisfaction built on efficient solutions”.

As a company who adapts to new technologies immediately, we cordially invite you to visit our web

site to stay informed of new services as we introduce them. Our web presence is at:


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As summarized before, UCI is a company which focuses on information systems consultancy and

education services. We primarily provide the services below. Details of these services are explained

later on in this document.

Custom Software Development

o Desktop applications

o Web-based applications

o Mobile applications/Applications for mobile devices

Geographical Information Systems

Systems Integration

Information Systems Consultancy

Education Services

Sample Projects

Parallel to UCI activities and fields of expertise, UCI continues to operate on different fields. The list

of projects that UCI played a role is given below. The list includes projects that we have either

managed or directly worked in. Details are given later.

1. (SA) Planning Support System Software Development for Al-Madinah Development


2. (SA) Business Process Analysis and Automated Task Management System for Al-Madinah

Development Authority

3. (TR) Web-based GIS implementation and integration with ERP/CRM for Gungoren

Municipality of Istanbul.

4. (TR) GIS Consultancy Services for Deloitte for Electricity Distribution Network in 7 cities.

5. (TR) Development of Warehouse and Inventory Management Systems, Hotel Management

Systems for Turkish Armed Forces.

6. (SA) Strategic GIS Consultancy Services for Al-Madinah Development Authority.

7. (SA) Consultancy Services provided to Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs.

8. (TR) Development of an integrated distance learning web site serving to 4500 students.

9. (TR) Integration of 360-video images with various desktop GIS applications.

10. (TR) Integration of 360-video images with various web-based GIS applications.

11. (SA) Project Management and Software Development Services for Water and Sewage

Distribution Lines and Meter Surveying Projects in Riyadh and Jeddah Cities.

12. (SA) Consultancy services for establishing a geographical information system centre at a


13. (SA) Coastal Planning Information Systems, software development activities.

14. (SA) First web-based geographical information systems implementation (software) for King

Saud University.

15. (SA) Application of new/latest technology for the Ministry of Higher Education in the

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for web-based geographical information system.

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16. (SA) Establishing Emergency Incident Management System from scratch at the Ministry of

Interior, all tasks including but not limited to project management, software development,

providing hardware and software and systems integration services, vehicle tracking systems,

providing web-based and remote computer communication services.

17. (SA) City planning systems for municipalities.

Fields of Activities

UCI is specialized in software development and related services. Our main target is to be among the

major software development firms and major outsourcing partner for companies all over the world.

UCI has been founded to be a software development and systems integration company.

Within this context, we are currently working as “software development” departments of the other

companies who want to focus on their primary activities and they leave software development parts

to UCI. Under different business models, the idea works just perfect.

Having software development department outsourced has of course advantages. First advantage is

that companies who outsource their software development activities can focus more on their

primary activities, rather than allocating some other resources (time, people and hardware). Second,

they need to invest in software development, have to develop software development culture in the

company. In most cases, software development efforts start with specific needs of organizations. At

the end of these efforts, even if the project is successful, time of software development team gets

underutilized – unless the product is going to be published and made available for public. Therefore,

only a team for support and modifications are required. The project may go unfeasible. For some

several other cases, the project does not succeed. Having your software outsourcing work is

cheaper, easier, requires less investment than you may think and worries for the future of software

development team will be reduced. It’s a win-win situation, indeed.

Software Development

Because of the recent changes in software development there are many tools available that would

help software developers create cost effective solutions for their customers. For a specific business

field, you can find various software products. Although these products are very well engineered to

accommodate most of the expected functionality, corporate users in particular still need its own

software developed. This is where UCI comes in.

It is evident that the first step is to analyse requirements, identify all of them and prioritize. At this

stage, existing systems and investments must be carefully analysed in order not to waste any

investment. The design will be based on the established requirements and implementation will be

according to priority.

The client will play a very important role during the whole process, from analysis to test, design to

development. This guarantees the system will be developed according to user’s needs and the

customer acceptance of the system is increased.

What will UCI do for you in this process?

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1. All of your requirements will be analysed and documented properly. This sounds cliché, but

it is the standard and a very important step in the process.

2. Your requirements will be categorized. Because we know that while some of your

requirements can be implemented later on, some of them are probably very urgent and

must be implemented immediately. Therefore, all requirements will be prioritized.

3. Implementation will be planned according to this prioritization.

4. Design will be performed according to the broadest scope that you have so that later

modifications will be easier and cheaper.

5. If there is an application being developed, all forms and screens and flow between forms will

be refined with your input.

6. All deliverables, including the software applications, will be documented perfectly.

7. Training will be delivered for the software applications.

8. According to the nature and complexity of the software application or applications installed,

support will be provided for 1-week to 1-year at your premises and when you are in trouble;

we will be THERE!

Desktop Applications

Although the web dominates the current software industry, there is still a lot of need for desktop

applications. Despite common understanding, desktop applications can also communicate with web

servers and can still update web-based information.

All software applications, including desktop applications, which we develop, are provided with 1 to 3

years of warranty against bugs and are provided with full documentation.

Web-based (Internet/Intranet) Applications

The Internet is the primary medium of business and operation for most companies. Although it is the

easiest way to do business, to communicate and to publish, it still needs some improvement,

especially for the security and safety of commercially confidential information.

Our web technology team is ready to help you automate your corporate operations, sales tracking,

group communications, and even vehicle tracking through web applications.

Software developed for the Internet can be easily configured to run on the Intranet (local area

network of the interconnected PCs in an organization).

Mobile Applications

It is a rather new but booming field of applications – mobile phones and PDAs. UCI is committed to

following all new technologies and developments in the field of IT. Therefore, a new division of UCI is

dealing with mobile applications where small mapping and routing applications are being


These applications can serve many purposes, such as sales force management, technical support or

support automation and management, tracking emails and tasks, delivery planning and vehicle

routing, and many others.

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Internet access on mobile networks is faster and more widely available than ever before; hence,

mobile applications are gaining more attention and in the near future will be easier to integrate with

the enterprise work flow and enterprise processes. In other words, you will be able to carry your

office wherever you go, and mobile versions of your corporate applications will make all documents

available for your business.

Samples of SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT services that UCI can provide for you

Comprehensive software development services including the analysis and design to

development and testing

Desktop and web-based applications for your organization

Software development services as an added value for your products; for example a mobile

application that will be used on your mobile device

Software development services for your projects, for example developing software

applications required as part of your geographical information system project or your

mapping project that will make your tasks and services easier; at the same time these

applications can be later used by your client

Full system development for your organization or for your organization’s customers

Training on the developed software

Full documentation of the services and the software

Samples of Recent SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT services provided by UCI

Warehouse and Inventory Management Systems, Hotel Management Systems

ERP Application, Web-based Software

Management and registry of all items in the inventory with all operational requirements,

including, but not limited to

o new definitions

o complete request and procurement workflows

o vendor management

Inventory and warehouse physical check and counting

Barcode reading and integration

Special focus on fixed assets

Full integration with other modules, such as accounting, production, sales, reporting, etc.

Hotel and rooms management

Reservation, advanced check-in and check-out functions with full details, tailored to

customer’s requirements

Comprehensive view of an accommodation facility, including status of rooms, floors, guests,

staff, consumables, etc.

Comprehensive pricing scheme management, including defined terms, etc.

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Parks and Gardens Analysis Software

GIS Application, Desktop Software

Allows queries to be executed by users on Parks and Gardens

City-, District- and Park-based queries

Queries can be combined to achieve complex analysis results

Customizable report output format

Export results as Microsoft ® Word®, .CSV file or as map output for different paper types and


360-degree panoramic video viewer, integrated with GIS platforms

GIS Application, Desktop Software

Play video files and display current frame’s coordinates on the map simultaneously.

Play by loading a video file or play by clicking on the map.

Increased or decreased video quality, different views (spherical, panoramic, dome, all-

cameras, etc),

Instant display of current angle of sight on the map to help user identify and interpret

features that s/he is looking at

Display current coordinates at different formats (DMS, DD).

Fast-forward or rewind, skipping a number of frames

Live calculation of actual number of frames displayed to help user select the best speed for


Save current frame as JPG or PNG in different sizes

Shortcuts for easier use, especially for camera controls (look up, down, left, right, etc)

Complete integration with ArcGIS and other GIS platforms

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On-the-fly projection of video coordinates for correct display on the map

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Data extraction and batch processing system for 360-degree video recordings

Desktop Software, GIS-related

Extract video recording information as shape file or X,Y, Z format to be able to use it on

different GIS platforms

Resample video frames so low number of frames can be extracted to reduce file size, etc.

Process huge number of files which makes processing of video files easier

Ability to interpolate GPS coordinates for refined display on GIS platforms

Statistical analysis of spatial data, working as a standalone application and includes GIS


GIS Application, Desktop Software

Thematic map production and printing

Regional (Gulf Countries) data analysis for security data

Different options and reporting capabilities

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Desktop Software, ERP, Document Management System, HR and Payroll Management

Targeted for Saudi Arabia market

Complete employee management

with basic financial capabilities

Alerts – unique functionality of


o Expiration alerts (warnings)

that can be customized by

user to receive before a

specified number of days, say

3 days before the expiration

o Overdue alerts for expired


Alerts provided for

o Employee visa expiration

o Employee passport expiration

o Employee iqame expiration

o Employee vacation and return

o Assets return, maintenance,

period maintenance

o Vehicles maintenance,

periodic maintenance,

insurance expiration

Employee identification information


o Personal information (name,

address, telephone, picture,


o Contractual information

(contract renewal, notice

period, etc)

o Dependents information

(name, telephone, etc)

o Visa information (visa type)

and expiration and renewal


o Passport and expiration date

o Work permit expiration and

renewal date

o Driving license type,

expiration and renewal date

o Vacations

o Tickets issued, including


Assets information

o Identification information

o Maintenance track record

o Lending and returning


Vehicle information

o Identification

o Maintenance track record

o Insurance

o Lending and returning


Financial Module

o Accounts payable

o Cheques to be prepared

o Basic payment reports

User Administration

o Create and delete users

o Create and assign different

user levels

o Assign forms to specific user


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Distance Learning Portal prepared to provide service for more than 4000 users

Web-based Application, e-Learning, Moodle

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Web-based Project Management Portal used by private companies

Web-based Application, Project Management Portal

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Web-based 360-degree panoramic video viewer, integrated with several GIS platforms

Web-based Application, GIS software

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Web-based GIS Application Prototype for Didim Municipality

Web-based Application, GIS software

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Web-based Questionnaire Compilation

Web-based Application, Google Maps, Adobe Flex

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PDA Applications for Data Collection

Mobile Application, Attribute and Data Collection

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Geographical Information Systems

Geographical Information Systems can assist businessmen to municipalities, an average computer

user to a technician who executes complex spatial analysis for decision support systems. The variety

of users complicates implementation and application of GIS. Naturally, GIS is a multidisciplinary

concept. Multiple disciplines must be applied together to achieve integrated information systems.

The multidisciplinary nature of GIS results in a diversity of fields where GIS is applicable. Production

of digital maps related to a specific “place” enables us to provide “smart” responses to queries

related to this “place.” In other words, production of spatial data about a place helps us determine

spatial relationship among the other entities in the same place; for example, measuring the distance

between these entities accurately. Furthermore, incidents around that specific place can be

interpreted and according to the results of analyses, forecasting and planning can be performed

more precisely. GIS and its components enable all of these functions.

As you may have already noticed, all of the functionality depends on the data. Therefore, we can

achieve correct results if and only if the data is accurate and correct. In order to have correct data,

we have to collect and survey it right, process it precisely and present it as wanted. If the data is not

collected properly, it is nothing more than a bunch of useless bytes. If not processed properly,

spatial data is totally useless; it must be adjusted according to the application that will use it.

UCI steps in at this critical point and starts from the beginning by analysing required data to be

collected. Modification of data for better and easier use, different functions for different user levels

and similar tasks which require experience will be performed by UCI. In addition to these, UCI

supports you through the whole project – from the concept to the final delivery with its experience

and know-how. During the operation, UCI will always be with you for technical and other kinds of

support. Providing support is a vital component of our business approach.

UCI is also providing field surveying services to its clients through its partners. Complete project

management, follow up and quality control processes are performed by UCI in order to make sure

that we deliver the right solution.

Case Study: Municipalities

Municipalities and similar government organizations need GIS more than other clients and they are

easier to provide with GIS solutions than most. Municipalities always work on spatial data and

geographical attributes of the areas for which they are responsible. Municipalities are closer to the

public and therefore probably need to be more proactive than other government bodies.

There are various fields where GIS is applicable in the context of municipalities. In addition to

regional and city planning tasks, business process modelling, presenting local information to the

residents, establishing the infrastructure for touristic, cultural and other social activities,

establishment of a smart geographical information system about the whole city to provide users

with functions like finding the nearest pharmacy, address queries at the street level, and so on.

The following are samples of applications that can be provided to municipalities.

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Modelling the change in the city between dates (number of new establishments, direction of

expansion/contraction of municipal boundaries, etc.)

Public awareness of the information related to the city.

Increasing residents’ awareness of the city by providing an integrated geographical

information system

Providing a new method of promotion of new developments in the city, supported by the

place of development and other applications, such as live video streaming, etc.

Management of the municipality’s fleet of vehicles through an integrated vehicle tracking

system so that misuse, diversions from the planned route can be detected or better routing

alternatives can be suggested.

Intelligent transportation solutions can be built on top of an established geographical

information system and as a result traffic flow can be controlled and commanded from the


Building command and control centre at the municipal building to monitor, command and

control all integrated municipal systems.

Case Study: Incident Management/Emergency Response Systems/Emergency Aid for


Disaster management, crisis management, emergency response, incident management and other

terminologies aim to address a single issue: helping people when they are in trouble. Therefore, we

prefer giving them a single name: Incident Management. This term is applicable to:

1. People who have health problems and who need immediate attention

2. People who are involved in a traffic accident

3. People who are caught by fire

4. People who need to be rescued from flooding, earthquake, snow storm, sand storm, hill,

lake, mountain, river or who are lost in their way

5. People who are involved in some or all of the above

Incident management systems are very important in our daily lives. They must be operated on 7/24

basis and they have to respond quickly. In addition, all procedures must be well defined so that

whoever is attending the incident would follow the same steps to help people get rid of their

unfortunate situation.

Incident management systems have different components. The most important components and

their explanations are summarized below.

Human – the most critical aspect of the system. The system is designed for humans and is

operated by humans. This makes it complicated and smarter – and error-prone,

unfortunately. Therefore, the whole system must be designed in a way that reduces the

potential errors before they happen.

Incident Registry – all incident details are registered in the database and they can be queried

by date, time, person, name, keywords, etc. This helps analysing the current incident.

GIS – the authorities must be able to pin point the location of the incident with the help of

the descriptions of victims, or by the phone number, or some other information. Not only

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pinpointing the location, but also finding the shortest and the quickest way to reach the

incident location are very important. In addition, GIS will help locating the best suitable

resource for the type of incident – for example, if this is a big accident, ambulance and fire

brigades, or civil defence may be required.

Vehicle tracking systems makes all the mobile and stationary units be visible to the system.

The system must be integrated so that the incident is handled properly by the most proper

agencies. All of the nearest and best available resources can be directed to the incident

location. Here,

o Incident management system finds the proper agency, equipment and materials.

o GIS finds the most suitable units according to their locations. For example, some of

them might be already patrolling around the incident location and these units can be

directed to the new incident if they possess the right equipment.

o Vehicle tracking system assists GIS to access locations of the mobile units.

o Mobile units will be notified by the navigation devices or radio. They can be tracked

en route to make sure that they reach the incident location properly.

The incident management system can be monitored and all actions of the officers can be

tracked real time at the command and control centre. Therefore, command and control

centre must be designed very carefully. There are a lot of aspects that affect the design of a

command and control centre. The figure below shows a sample command and control

centre design by UCI.

UCI can provide, install, integrate, operate and training for the all systems listed above.

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Samples of GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM services that UCI can provide for you

UCI is an authorized reseller of ESRI and therefore is authorized to sell all products in ArcGIS

product family.

GIS Centre Design

Customized applications

Command and control centre design, implementation and integration that uses GIS and

other systems to help public safety, security and emergency handling (incident


Location based services

Planning information systems

Cadastre Information Systems

Web-based mapping and geographical information systems

Training on the developed software

Full documentation of the services and the software

Field Surveying and Geomatics Engineering Activities

Samples of Recent GIS services provided by UCI

Enterprise GIS Centre (Municipal, at the Ministry Level)

Participate in preparing and delivering of the technical and financial specifications, reports,

presentations, designs, RFPs, questionnaires, and all related issues concerning the project.

Participate in preparing and delivering the technical and financial specifications of database

design of Enterprise GIS Centre.

Participate in preparing and delivering the technical and financial specifications of RFP of

Enterprise GIS Centre.

Participate in preparing the technical presentations and workshop for Enterprise GIS Centre.

GIS Centre Design and Establishment

Turn-key GIS Centre Establishment has various activities in different fields. The client just

specifies his/her requirements, and these requirements are refined through several

presentations and brain storming sessions.

Analyse and identify requirements of the GIS Centre, in terms seating capacity, different

roles, functions of the centre, logistic requirements, infrastructure requirements, etc.

Prepare conceptual and 3D, near-realistic designs for customer approval, change designs

according to actual physical space provided or instructions of the client.

Contact with required vendors for different components of the GIS Centre, procure required

hardware, software, furniture, establish infrastructure and integrate all systems.

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GIS Software Development Services

Please refer to Software Development Section of this document.

GIS Data Services

Analysis of existing spatial data

Editing and digitizing services

Creation of special-purpose data. For example,

o Road network for navigation data

o Utility network for network analysis

o 3D data for planning or illustration purposes

o Tabular data for decision support systems

Preparation, refinement and performing data migration, acquisition and maintenance

frameworks and workflows

Fully documented geodatabase

o Data dictionary and data catalogue preparation at the enterprise level

o Illustrations and documentation of tables, relationships, stereotypes, domains and

all other specific information related with geodatabase

Preparation of cartographic and thematic map templates

Consultancy Services for Private Companies

GIS database and geo-information data structure design

GIS Centre Design, including roles and responsibilities

GIS Project Management, Team Formation

GIS Roadmap Planning

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Systems Integration

The latest developments in the computer and associated industry resulted in very well developed

and prepared systems which are available at affordable prices. Therefore, clients often request COTS

systems to be supplied. It is quite difficult, if not impossible, to match all the needs of clients. COTS

systems are proven, error-free or at least fault-tolerant; however they were built for generic

purposes. Furthermore, in any size of IT project, you may find different COTS systems required.

Supplying different systems for the different parts of a project cannot work unless you make them

communicate with each other. In other words, all the COTS systems you acquire will be totally

useless if you don’t integrate and make them work together. Here’s where UCI comes into the

picture. With years of multidiscipline project expertise, UCI will help you make the most of your

investment. Not only computer hardware and software, but also internetworking, performance

optimization, testing and documentation are the key parameters addressed by UCI during systems


The following summarizes our services in this regard:

1. Analysing, evaluating and reporting candidate systems that you wish to purchase. Reporting

includes the compatibility degrees of the new system components; partial compatibility and

full compatibility will be reported. Incompatible parts will be reported as well. Possible

modifications will be listed, and the best suitable among the candidate systems will be


2. Integration of new systems will be planned and the whole process will be defined so that the

integration will be flawless.

3. If a new system or systems are to be established or acquired, requirements of your

organization will be listed, compatible systems will be selected and upon your approval,

systems will be purchased, installed, and a turn-key solution will be provided to you. All the

technical responsibility will be on us and you will simply (and virtually) “turn the key” to start


Case Study:

1) As “SeekingASolution Group LLC.”, you are seeking for Vehicle Tracking Systems and

Accounting Software. You already have a geographical information system in place. At UCI,

we analyse your existing GIS and based on our findings, we locate the best Vehicle Tracking

System to serve as many of your needs as possible while staying within your budget and at

maximum warranty period. At the same time, we look for the accounting system software

through other firms that we are in touch with, because accounting software is not our

primary field of expertise. Our findings will result in a report that suggests all the possible

alternatives. After your acquisition, we develop a small software application that retrieves

the results of the vehicle tracking system and transfers it to the accounting software as per

your approval. We also provide you with full support during the usage of this program. In the

end, you have a new vehicle tracking system and new accounting software, which are fully

integrated with your existing geographical information system.

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2) “SeekingASolution Group LLC.” is extremely happy with the system integration performed as

explained above. Costs are being tracked better, minimized and future planning results are

better. The company has grown more than expected and it seeks a transition to Enterprise

Resource Planning. This is a very important and sensitive process that may be long lasting.

UCI is still here during this process. First of all, existing workflows will be modelled,

components of each step will be identified, new software systems will be installed and

training will be delivered. At the same time, the customer should never or minimally notice

“the big change.” Full support from “SeekingASolution Group LLC” executives and

employees, developing small software applications for a smoother integration, customizing

new forms according to new standards of the company will be performed by UCI.

“SeekingASolution Group LLC” will utilize the benefits at the maximum while feeling the

pains of transition at the minimum. Customer’s satisfaction built on efficient solution

remains the signature of UCI.

Samples of SYSTEMS INTEGRATION services that UCI can provide for you

Analysis of your existing systems, assessment of your current systems

Developing small software applications that will help you integrate your existing systems

Providing turn-key IT solutions where you don’t (need to) have expertise or you have never

implemented before, selecting the best solutions, implementing them for you, training your

users, and supporting your organization until your organization reaches a certain experience


Transition planning for migration of your existing data to a new platform, training your users

and handing over your system to its actual users

Full documentation of the services and modifications during the integration

Samples of Recent Systems Integration services provided by UCI

Integration of different distance learning systems as one seamlessly integrated system. The

system is developed for one of our clients and it is now capable of providing distance

learning system to more than 4500 students.

Integration of different IT systems in a command and control centre where UCI members

have taken part in management and technical supervision. Command and Control Centre

establishment needs special expertise which UCI has.

Information Systems Consultancy

Being in the business for many years, we are ready to share our expertise, ready to transfer our

knowledge to help the community develop, and ready to help people do a better and more effective


Before you fall into trouble, before you are faced with problems, even before you buy any hardware,

contact us for consultation – many of the hardware systems are capable to run almost all software,

but we know of a few which can give you a lot of problems and therefore can increase costs.

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Looking at a solution from a broader angle, foreseeing possible problems and preparing solutions for

them, selecting the method of implementation, and finally handing over your system requires

expertise – that UCI has.

Please note that information systems are usually composed of multiple subsystems and each

subsystem requires a different specialization.


UCI also provides training on information systems and project management.

1. Project Management: Training according to PMI standards.

2. GIS Training: Provided as basic and advanced. There are two types of training available:

a. No platform required, general geographical information systems knowledge will be

transferred. The main purpose is to establish the general understanding of

geographical information systems. After completing this course, the user will be able

to evaluate and select its own GIS platform.

b. On a specific platform, specialization on specific software is the target. This group of

users will be capable of performing operations professionally on that software.

3. Information Systems Training

a. Operating System Training

b. Microsoft Office Software Training

c. Basic computer usage training

Our training programs are regularly reviewed and restructured according to the latest technologies

and demands. In order to obtain up-to-date information about our training programs, please contact

Uz at [email protected].

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Organizations that we proudly work/have worked with

Al-Madinah Development Authority

UCI is providing GIS Strategy consultancy services for Madinah Development Authorithy. GIS Strategy of the Authority has been developed in partnership with UCI and UCI has been selected for developing implementation plans, monitoring activities, and other necessary tasks.

Anka IT & Consulting

UCI provides business development and consultancy services for Saudi Arabia and the region.


UCI is the solution provider for developing GIS applications, integration of panoramic video with various GIS platforms and other software development services

Baskent University Ozel Ayseabla Okullari

UCI provides Consulting and web-portal development services for Baskent University, Ozel Ayseabla Okullari (Private Ayseabla Schools)

Dar Al-Riyadh UCI provided GIS and IT consultancy services for Dar Al-Riyadh.

Deloitte UCI provides GIS consultancy services for Deloitte, one of the most reputed consultancy companies in the world.

Elisa Electronic Ltd.

UCI is solution partner for developing distance learning platform that will serve to more than 10,000 students. Primary role of UCI is to provide software development and support services.

EPOK Consulting International

EPOK provides surveying services for UCI’s GIS projects and EPOK has international partnership with UCI in Turkey and Saudi Arabia Operations.

Gate Electronic, Inc.

UCI is providing software development consultancy services for Gate. Gate Elektronic, Inc. provides services in the field of electronics, depot level maintenance of military / industrial systems, engineering work, software development and electronic manufacturing.

Geographic Technology Trading

UCI is providing software development and GIS services for GTT. GTT operates in Saudi Arabia and in the region and well-known especially in the Holy Cities of Makkah and Madinah. GTT is one of the local partners of UCI’s Saudi Arabia Operations, in the Western Region, particularly in the Holy Cities.

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GSAREH (Geospatial Applied Research Experts House) is a US-based, pioneering company in geospatial research, analysis, design and training. UCI complements their services with application development and GIS.

Gungoren Municipality, Istanbul

UCI has developed web-based GIS for the municipality, GIS-based parks and gardens automation systems, projects management systems.

Islem GIS/ESRI Turkey

UCI is an agent of Islem GIS for distributing and selling ESRI ArcGIS Products and Training

SECON Pvt. Ltd.

SECON and UCI have signed an MOU for joint operations in GIS and other fields in the Middle East Region. SECON supports UCI for all GIS-related activities and UCI provides consultancy and business development services to SECON.

STIT Co. UCI provided project management, software development and mentoring services for STIT.


UCI provides consultancy services to Synoptic for e-government, GIS and software development services on Microsoft Platform. Synoptic is one of the local partners of UCI’s Saudi Arabia Operations, in the Central and Eastern Region Operations.

Talal Adham & Partners, Co.

UCI provides GIS and software development services. Talal Adham & Partners, Co. is one of the local partners of UCI’s Saudi Arabia Operations, in the Western Region.

The list above is in the alphabetical order of the names of organizations.

Please visit us on the web to see the updated list of other companies that we have worked/are

working with.

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Reference Projects

# Project Name UCI Participation

Status Related Services Technologies

1 Development of Planning Support System for Al-Madinah Development Authority

Subcontractor In progress Development of 11 different modules in the context of planning support system, such as impact assessment, situation analysis, workflow management, contractor portal, etc.

Migration of existing data into new geodatabase


Development of specialized application for touch tables

ArcGIS (Server) Planning Information Systems Workflow Management .Net Telerik

2 Business Process Analysis and Automated Task Management System for Al-Madinah Development Authority

Contractor In Progress Analysis of all GIS-related business processes

Integration of business processes with GIS tasks

Involving GIS to enhance/improve the efficiency of the other departments operations

GIS Business processes Workflow management Task management and automation .Net Telerik

3 Consultancy Services for Madinah City Development Authority AL-MADINAH/SAUDI ARABIA

Contractor In progress Supervision of MDA GIS Strategy

Strategic planning

Process optimization

Task management

GIS Geodatabase Enterprise GIS

4 GIS for Electricity Distribution Companies in Bursa, Sivas, Istanbul, Antalya

Subcontractor In progress GIS Services Consultancy (Utility Services)

Technical Specifications of Required Services

Auditing and Testing Services

GIS Geodatabase Utility GIS IT Data Centre Various Database Tech.

5 GIS-based Parks and Gardens Automation Project and Projects Monitoring System

Subcontractor Completed GIS Application development

Desktop-based application, using published ArcGIS Services (using the outputs of a previously completed project)

GIS ArcGIS (Server) Oracle .Net

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# Project Name UCI Participation

Status Related Services Technologies

6 Web-based GIS and Thematic Map Application Subcontractor Completed Web-based GIS application development

GIS Web-services for the other municipal applications, such as citizen requests, etc.

Systems integration with the other municipal systems, such as complaints, etc.


GIS Geodatabase Municipality GIS ArcGIS (Server) Oracle Silverlight JavaScript

7 ERP Systems Development ANKARA/TURKEY

Subcontractor Completed Software Development Java ExtJS Hibernate Oracle Spring

8 Consultancy Services for Madinah City Development Authority AL-MADINAH/SAUDI ARABIA

Consultant Completed GIS Services Consultancy

IT Infrastructure Design

Strategic Planning

Supervising and Monitoring activities

ArcGIS Geodatabase IT Data Centre Oracle Silverlight

9 Consultancy Services for Development of Consolidated GIS Centre at Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs RIYADH/SAUDI ARABIA

Member of Technical Committee

Completed Software Development

GIS Services Consultancy

IT Infrastructure Design

ArcGIS Geodatabase IT Data Centre SQL Server & Oracle Microsoft .Net

10 Software Development and Customization for Distance Learning and e-learning Systems ANKARA/TURKEY

Solution Partner Local Partner: Elisa Ltd.

Completed Software Development PHP, MySQL and SCORM, Moodle

11 GIS Integration of geo-videos through web and desktop applications ISTANBUL/TURKEY

Contractor Completed Software Development

GIS Integration

ArcGIS Adobe Flex Video Processing

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# Project Name UCI Participation

Status Related Services Technologies

12 National Water Company GIS Project - RIYADH/SAUDI ARABIA

Consultant and Project Partner Local partner: STIT

Completed Software Development

GIS Services Consultancy

Project Management

ArcGIS Geodatabase RTK and CORS

13 A Large Private Enterprise - RIYADH/SAUDI ARABIA

Contractor Local partner: STIT

Completed Analysis and study of the underlying geographical data

Preparation of the schema for the geodatabase

Sample application on Oracle MapViewer

Defining integration rules for the ERP and other departments

Preparation of the strategic view for the GIS section

ArcGIS Oracle Oracle Application Server

14 Analysis of Criminal Patterns through GIS RIYADH/SAUDI ARABIA

Contractor Completed GIS Services

Software Development

ArcGIS Microsoft .Net

15 LIS Prototype for Deeds Management RIYADH/SAUDI ARABIA

Contractor Completed GIS Services

Software Development

ArcGIS Microsoft .Net

16 Others (RIYADH/SAUDI ARABIA) - Coastal Planning Information Systems - Land Information Systems - Strategic GIS Project - Emergency Management Systems

(design and development of distributed E911 system)

Either managed or has taken technical responsibilities

Completed Project Management

GIS Services

Software Development

Data digitization

Satellite Image Processing

Vehicle Tracking

Enterprise GIS Distributed GIS GIS for Analysis and Decision Support Systems ArcGIS (ArcIMS, ArcGIS server, etc.) Microsoft .Net