THE PRESENT AND FUTURE STATE-OF-THE-ART REVIEW Sleep Apnea Types, Mechanisms, and Clinical Cardiovascular Consequences Shahrokh Javaheri, MD, a Ferran Barbe, MD, b Francisco Campos-Rodriguez, MD, c Jerome A. Dempsey, PHD, d Rami Khayat, MD, e Sogol Javaheri, MD, f Atul Malhotra, MD, g Miguel A. Martinez-Garcia, MD, h Reena Mehra, MD, i Allan I. Pack, MBCHB, PHD, j Vsevolod Y. Polotsky, MD, k Susan Redline, MD, f,l Virend K. Somers, MD, PHD m ABSTRACT Sleep apnea is highly prevalent in patients with cardiovascular disease. These disordered breathing events are associated with a prole of perturbations that include intermittent hypoxia, oxidative stress, sympathetic activation, and endothelial dysfunction, all of which are critical mediators of cardiovascular disease. Evidence supports a causal association of sleep apnea with the incidence and morbidity of hypertension, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, heart failure, and stroke. Several discoveries in the pathogenesis, along with developments in the treatment of sleep apnea, have accumulated in recent years. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms of sleep apnea, the evidence that addresses the links between sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease, and research that has addressed the effect of sleep apnea treatment on cardiovascular disease and clinical endpoints. Finally, we review the recent development in sleep apnea treatment options, with special consideration of treating patients with heart disease. Future directions for selective areas are suggested. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2017;69:84158) © 2017 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation. C ardiovascular disease (CVD) accounted for >800,000 deaths (31% of all deaths) in 2013 in the United States, with an estimated 155,000 deaths in Americans <65 years of age (1). By 2030, total direct medical costs of CVD are projected to be $920 billion. The high prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which affects 34% of men and 17% of women and is largely undi- agnosed (2), is a modiable CVD risk factor. OSA is a cause of systemic hypertension (HTN) and is associated with an increased incidence of stroke, heart failure (HF), atrial brillation (AF), and coro- nary heart disease (CHD) (3). OSA, particularly when severe, is associated with increased all-cause From the a Pulmonary and Sleep Division, Bethesda North Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; b Respiratory Department, Institut Ricerca Biomèdica de Lleida, Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova, Lleida, Spain; c Respiratory Department, Hospital Universitario de Valme, Sevilla, Spain; d Department of Population Health Sciences and John Rankin Laboratory of Pulmonary Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin; e Sleep Heart Program, the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; f Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; g Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, University of California, San Diego, California; h Respiratory Department, Hospital Universitario de Politecnico La Fe, Valencia, Spain; i Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio; j Division of Sleep Medicine/Department of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; k Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; l Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts; and the m Department of Cardiovascular Diseases, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. Dr. Shahrokh Javaheri is a consultant for Respicardia, Philips, and Leva Nova Group. Dr. Barbe has received research grants from ResMed and Oxigen Salus; and has received a speakers fee from Philips. Dr. Khayat has received research grants through The Ohio State University from Philips Respironics. Dr. Mehras institution has received positive airway pressure machines and equipment from Philips Respironics and ResMed for research; and she has received royalties from Up to Date. Dr. Somersinstitution has received a gift from the Phillips Respironics Foundation for the study of sleep and cardiovascular disease; he was a consultant for Respi- cardia, ResMed, Sorin Inc., Biosense Webster, U-Health, Philips, Ronda Grey, Dane Garvin, and GlaxoSmithKline; and is working with Mayo Health Solutions and their industry partners on intellectual property related to sleep and cardiovascular disease. All other authors have reported that they have no relationships relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose. Manuscript received July 29, 2016; revised manuscript received November 21, 2016, accepted November 22, 2016. Listen to this manuscripts audio summary by JACC Editor-in-Chief Dr. Valentin Fuster. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY VOL. 69, NO. 7, 2017 ª 2017 BY THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY FOUNDATION PUBLISHED BY ELSEVIER ISSN 0735-1097/$36.00 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2016.11.069

Types, Mechanisms, and Clinical Cardiovascular Consequences · cardia, ResMed, Sorin Inc., Biosense Webster, U-Health, Philips, Ronda Grey, Dane Garvin, ... below which the ponto-medullary

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Page 1: Types, Mechanisms, and Clinical Cardiovascular Consequences · cardia, ResMed, Sorin Inc., Biosense Webster, U-Health, Philips, Ronda Grey, Dane Garvin, ... below which the ponto-medullary

Listen to this manuscript’s

audio summary by

JACC Editor-in-Chief

Dr. Valentin Fuster.

J O U R N A L O F T H E AM E R I C A N C O L L E G E O F C A R D I O L O G Y V O L . 6 9 , N O . 7 , 2 0 1 7

ª 2 0 1 7 B Y T H E AM E R I C A N C O L L E G E O F C A R D I O L O G Y F O U N D A T I O N


I S S N 0 7 3 5 - 1 0 9 7 / $ 3 6 . 0 0

h t t p : / / d x . d o i . o r g / 1 0 . 1 0 1 6 / j . j a c c . 2 0 1 6 . 1 1 . 0 6 9



Sleep ApneaTypes, Mechanisms, and Clinical Cardiovascular Consequences

Shahrokh Javaheri, MD,a Ferran Barbe, MD,b Francisco Campos-Rodriguez, MD,c Jerome A. Dempsey, PHD,d

Rami Khayat, MD,e Sogol Javaheri, MD,f Atul Malhotra, MD,g Miguel A. Martinez-Garcia, MD,h Reena Mehra, MD,i

Allan I. Pack, MBCHB, PHD,j Vsevolod Y. Polotsky, MD,k Susan Redline, MD,f,l Virend K. Somers, MD, PHDm





















Sleep apnea is highly prevalent in patientswith cardiovascular disease. These disordered breathing events are associatedwith

a profile of perturbations that include intermittent hypoxia, oxidative stress, sympathetic activation, and endothelial

dysfunction, all ofwhicharecriticalmediators of cardiovascular disease. Evidence supports a causal associationof sleep apnea

with the incidence and morbidity of hypertension, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, heart failure, and stroke. Several

discoveries in the pathogenesis, alongwith developments in the treatment of sleep apnea, have accumulated in recent years.

In this review, we discuss the mechanisms of sleep apnea, the evidence that addresses the links between sleep apnea and

cardiovascular disease, and research that has addressed the effect of sleep apnea treatment on cardiovascular disease and

clinical endpoints. Finally, we review the recent development in sleep apnea treatment options, with special consideration of

treating patientswith heart disease. Future directions for selective areas are suggested. (J AmColl Cardiol 2017;69:841–58)

© 2017 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.

C ardiovascular disease (CVD) accounted for>800,000 deaths (31% of all deaths) in2013 in the United States, with an estimated

155,000 deaths in Americans <65 years of age (1).By 2030, total direct medical costs of CVD areprojected to be $920 billion. The high prevalenceof obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which affects

m the aPulmonary and Sleep Division, Bethesda North Hospital, Cincinn

mèdica de Lleida, Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova, Lleida, Spain

lme, Sevilla, Spain; dDepartment of Population Health Sciences and John R

Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin; eSleep Heart Program, the Ohio

ool, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; gPulmona

lifornia, San Diego, California; hRespiratory Department, Hospital Universit

nic Lerner College of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Clevela

dicine, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philad

tical Care Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimo

ston, Massachusetts; and the mDepartment of Cardiovascular Diseases,

aheri is a consultant for Respicardia, Philips, and Leva Nova Group. Dr. B

igen Salus; and has received a speaker’s fee from Philips. Dr. Khayat ha

iversity from Philips Respironics. Dr. Mehra’s institution has received pos

ilips Respironics and ResMed for research; and she has received royalties fr

t from the Phillips Respironics Foundation for the study of sleep and car

dia, ResMed, Sorin Inc., Biosense Webster, U-Health, Philips, Ronda Grey

th Mayo Health Solutions and their industry partners on intellectual prop

er authors have reported that they have no relationships relevant to the

nuscript received July 29, 2016; revised manuscript received November 2

34% of men and 17% of women and is largely undi-agnosed (2), is a modifiable CVD risk factor. OSAis a cause of systemic hypertension (HTN) and isassociated with an increased incidence of stroke,heart failure (HF), atrial fibrillation (AF), and coro-nary heart disease (CHD) (3). OSA, particularlywhen severe, is associated with increased all-cause

ati, Ohio; bRespiratory Department, Institut Ricerca

; cRespiratory Department, Hospital Universitario de

ankin Laboratory of Pulmonary Medicine, University

State University, Columbus, Ohio; fHarvard Medical

ry, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, University of

ario de Politecnico La Fe, Valencia, Spain; iCleveland

nd, Ohio; jDivision of Sleep Medicine/Department of

elphia, Pennsylvania; kDivision of Pulmonary and

re, Maryland; lBeth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,

Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. Dr. Shahrokh

arbe has received research grants from ResMed and

s received research grants through The Ohio State

itive airway pressure machines and equipment from

om Up to Date. Dr. Somers’ institution has received a

diovascular disease; he was a consultant for Respi-

, Dane Garvin, and GlaxoSmithKline; and is working

erty related to sleep and cardiovascular disease. All

contents of this paper to disclose.

1, 2016, accepted November 22, 2016.

Page 2: Types, Mechanisms, and Clinical Cardiovascular Consequences · cardia, ResMed, Sorin Inc., Biosense Webster, U-Health, Philips, Ronda Grey, Dane Garvin, ... below which the ponto-medullary



AF = atrial fibrillation

AHI = apnea-hypopnea index

CHD = coronary heart disease

CPAP = continuous positive

airway pressure

CSA = central sleep apnea

CVD = cardiovascular disease

HF = heart failure

HTN = hypertension

OSA = obstructive sleep apnea

TIA = transient ischemic attack

Javaheri et al. J A C C V O L . 6 9 , N O . 7 , 2 0 1 7

Sleep Apnea F E B R U A R Y 2 1 , 2 0 1 7 : 8 4 1 – 5 8


and cardiovascular (CV) mortality (CentralIllustration).

A sleep apnea subtype, central sleep apnea(CSA) is rare in the general population, butis common in patients with HF, stroke, andAF (4,5). However, recent data suggest thatCSA is also a risk factor for incident AF (6)and HF (7).

This review provides an update on sleepapnea and CVD. We hope to provide a cata-lyst for cardiologists to join with sleep phy-sicians to conduct research, particularlyclinical trials, that addresses the role of sleepapnea treatment in patients who are at highrisk of or have existing CVD.



An apnea is the absence of inspiratory airflow for atleast 10 s. A hypopnea is a lesser decrease in airflow,lasting 10 s or longer, and associated with a drop inarterial oxyhemoglobin saturation and or an electro-encephalographic arousal. Apneas and hypopneas areclassified as obstructive or central, but regardless,they result from an absence or reduction of brainstemneural output to upper airway muscles (e.g., genio-glossus) and/or lower thoracic inspiratory pumpmuscles (diaphragm and intercostal muscles). Thepattern of neural output determines the phenotype:OSA occurs when complete upper airway occlusionoccurs (absent airflow, tongue falling backward) inthe face of continued activity of inspiratory thoracicpump muscles (Figure 1) (8). In contrast, CSA(Figure 2) occurs when there is a transient reductionby the pontomedullary pacemaker in the generationof breathing rhythm, usually reflecting changes in thepartial pressure of CO2 (PCO2), which can fall belowthe apneic threshold, a level of PCO2 below whichbreathing ceases (4,5). The 2 most common causes inadults are HF and opioid use (4).


Sleep has multiple pronounced effects on the respi-ratory system and control of breathing. Experimentalstudies in instrumented cats have shown decreasedelectrical activity in medullary inspiratory neuronswith efferent output to the upper and lower respira-tory muscles, reflected in decreased activity of dia-phragm and dilator muscles of the upper airway (alsoobserved in human studies) (9). With reduction in theactivity of the genioglossus muscle at the onset ofsleep, the tongue falls backward, and individuals withaltered mechanical properties of the upper airway are

prone to upper airway obstruction. Several anatomicprocesses may compromise the patency of the upperairway, including alterations in craniofacial struc-tures, enlarged tonsils, upper airway edema,decreased lung volume, and most importantly,obesity (9,10).

The mechanisms linking obesity to OSA (2,9) arecomplex, although mostly due to direct mechanicaleffects on the respiratory system. These include fatdeposits within the upper airway and reduction inlung volume, resulting in a loss of caudal traction onthe upper airway (10).

Although obesity is the major risk factor for OSA,roughly 20% to 40% of OSA patients are not obese. Inthese individuals, nonanatomic factors (9,10), suchas upper airway dilator muscle dysfunction, height-ened chemosensitivity, and low arousal threshold(i.e., waking up from sleep prematurely, causinginstability in ventilatory control), are important, anddefine various phenotypes of OSA that may beamenable to specific therapeutic options. Specif-ically, dilator muscle dysfunction should bestrespond to hypoglossal nerve stimulation, whereasheightened chemosensitivity and low arousalthreshold may be amenable to pharmacotherapy todown-regulate ventilatory responses (nocturnaloxygen-attenuating hypoxic response), and hyp-notics to increase the arousal threshold. With thepush toward personalized medicine, individualizingtherapy may be a viable approach for OSA, as themechanism(s) underlying disease are better definedand consequently corrected. Much work is needed inthis area.

Another risk factor that has received recent atten-tion is that of fluid around the upper airway (5,11). Inindividuals with lower-extremity edema, excess fluidmay accumulate in the pharyngeal area with cephaladtransposition of fluid from lower extremities to theneck area when supine (5,11), rendering the upperairway susceptible to collapse during sleep. Redistri-bution of fluid to the lungs also may potentiate CSA,as discussed later in the text. Therapeutic ap-proaches, such as diuretic agents, stockings, andexercise, have been shown to improve OSA andCSA (5,11).



LOOP GAIN. Apneic threshold is the arterial PCO2

below which the ponto-medullary respiratory rhythmgenerator ceases, thereby silencing motor nervesinnervating inspiratory thoracic pump muscles. Con-sequently, ventilation ceases and CSA occurs. Sleep

Page 3: Types, Mechanisms, and Clinical Cardiovascular Consequences · cardia, ResMed, Sorin Inc., Biosense Webster, U-Health, Philips, Ronda Grey, Dane Garvin, ... below which the ponto-medullary

CENTRAL ILLUSTRATION Potential Etiological Risk Factors for Sleep Apnea and the Downstream Consequences

Sleep apnea

End-stagecardiovascular disease

Increased sympathetic

nerve activity

Heart disease Hypertension Atrial fibrillation

Metabolic dysregulation Inflammation Oxidative


endothelial dysfunction

Intermittent hypoxia

Upper airway dysfunctionRespiratory control instability Obesity

Javaheri, S. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017;69(7):841–58.

The illustration depicts the multietiological risk factors for sleep apnea and its downstream consequences, which include increased sympathetic nerve activity,

metabolic dysregulation, inflammation, oxidative stress, vascular endothelial dysfunction, and intermittent hypoxia. These mechanistic pathways are critical for the

pathogenesis of coronary heart disease, hypertension, and atrial fibrillation, all of which are etiological risk factors for end-stage cardiovascular disease. The figure is a

schematic representation to illustrate important concepts, but does not fully depict the complex interactions between the various key variables.

J A C C V O L . 6 9 , N O . 7 , 2 0 1 7 Javaheri et al.F E B R U A R Y 2 1 , 2 0 1 7 : 8 4 1 – 5 8 Sleep Apnea


unmasks a highly sensitive hypocapneic-inducedapneic threshold, which in health at sea level,approximates the waking eupneic partial arterialpressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) (4). Whenventilation increases in response to a transientspontaneous arousal or sigh, the subsequent venti-latory overshoot often elicits sufficient hypocapnia(i.e., in the �1 to �4 mm Hg PaCO2 range) to causeapneas. Once the central respiratory drive is with-drawn, apnea persists until PaCO2 rises above theapneic threshold.

Susceptibility to ventilatory instabilities dependscritically on the “loop gain” of the respiratory controlsystem. Loop gain defines the magnitude of aresponse (increased ventilation) to a disturbance(reduced breathing [4]). The higher the gain, thegreater the ventilatory overshoot and undershoot,and the more likely the occurrence of continuedventilatory cycling and repeated apneas. The role ofloop gain in mediating periodic breathing in HF hasbeen reviewed elsewhere (4).



Normal sleep provides a time of low physiologicalstress, which is advantageous to the CV system. Inparticular, during non–rapid-eye-movement sleep(approximately 80% of total sleep time), sympatheticactivity decreases and parasympathetic activity in-creases, with lowering of blood pressure (BP) and heartrate (Figure 3). However, sleep-disordered breathing(SDB) disrupts normal sleep. Apneas and hypopneas,and the consequent compensatory hyperpneas, areassociated with 4 acute adverse CV consequences (12):1) arterial blood gas abnormalities, with intermittenthypoxemia–reoxygenation and fluctuations in PCO2;2) excessive arousals; 3) decreased parasympatheticand increased sympathetic activity (9,12); and 4) largenegative intrathoracic pressure swings (12) (Figure 4).These consequences are qualitatively similar for OSAand CSA, but more pronounced in OSA. The adverseconsequences of SDB have been reviewed elsewhere

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FIGURE 1 Polysomnographic Example of OSA

First tracing is chin electromyogram, second and third are electroencephalogram, fourth

is electrocardiogram, fifth and sixth are airflow measured by thermocouple (fifth) and

CO2 (sixth), seventh and eighth are rib cage (RC, seventh) and abdominal (ABD, eighth),

ninth is oxyhemoglobin saturation measured by pulse oximetry, and tenth is esophageal

pressure. Please note that during obstructive apnea, airflow is absent while breathing

effort continues. Breathing resumes with the onset of arousal. Reprinted with permission

from Javaheri (8). OSA ¼ obstructive sleep apnea.

Javaheri et al. J A C C V O L . 6 9 , N O . 7 , 2 0 1 7

Sleep Apnea F E B R U A R Y 2 1 , 2 0 1 7 : 8 4 1 – 5 8


(4,5,9,12). We emphasize, however, that the largenegative pressure swings due to inspiratory effortagainst a closed upper airway are reflected in juxta-cardiac pressure increasing the transmural pressure ofall intrathoracic structures, including atria, ventricles,intrathoracic aorta, and pulmonary vascular beds,with adverse effects on these structures. The nega-tive pressure increases left ventricular afterload,increasing myocardial oxygen consumption, and im-pedes stroke volume. Thin-walled atria are vulnerableto surrounding negative pressure, stretching easily,stimulating mechanoreceptors with activation of ionchannels that facilitate development of atrial ar-rhythmias, specifically AF. These effects are mostprominent in association with other apnea-relatedconsequences, such as tissue hypoxia and increasedsympathetic activity. Atrial stretch also results insecretion of atrial natriuretic peptide, causing noctu-ria, a symptom of OSA.




OSA is a disorder associated with oxidative stress,up-regulation of redox-sensitive genes, and inflam-matory cascade (13,14). Multiple studies of bio-markers related to CVD in patients with OSA assesshow they change with treatment (13–17). Much of this

work has focused on nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB–mediated pathways. Rapid reoxygenation at the endof apneas/hypopneas leads to production of freeradicals, resulting in oxidative stress and up-regulation of nuclear factor-kappaB. There is someevidence that treatment of OSA with continuouspositive airway pressure (CPAP) can reduce levels ofinflammatory mediators, such as interleukin-6, tumornecrosis factor-a, and C-reactive protein (17).

Another molecular signature of OSA is increasedcatecholamines, consistent with perturbations in theautonomic nervous system. With effective treatmentof OSA, catecholamine levels decline, with reversalupon withdrawal of CPAP (18).

Many CVD-related biomarkers are also elevated inobesity, and disentangling obesity from OSA-relatedeffects is a challenge, especially given the high corre-lation between the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) andbody mass index. Obesity may magnify the effects ofOSA because macrophages in fat are likely the targetcells for the effects of chronic intermittent hypoxia,leading to increases in inflammatory biomarkers; thus,OSA and obesity may have synergistic effects. The re-sults of a randomized controlled study in obese pa-tients (19) showed that combined treatment withweight loss and CPAP reduced BP more than eithertherapy alone; however, C-reactive protein levels wereonly reduced in association with weight loss. The Ice-landic Sleep Apnea Cohort (16) reported that intercel-lular adhesion molecule levels increase over 2 years inthe most obese individuals with untreated OSA,whereas levels decrease in regular CPAP users. Thus,OSA may result in a progressive inflammatory state,whichmay be 1mechanism of the vascular damage thatoccurs from OSA. Inflammatory consequences of OSAmay vary with degree of obesity.


OSA is independently associated with metabolicsyndrome and insulin resistance, with an associatedrisk for incident CV events (20). Three randomizedcontrolled trials (RCTs) (21–23) have demonstratedthat treatment of OSA with CPAP improves insulinsensitivity. In 1 RCT, supervised CPAP treatment for 8h over 2 weeks nightly significantly improved insulinsensitivity and glucose response in intravenous andoral glucose tolerance tests (21). In another RCT ofpre-diabetic patients, the insulin sensitivity indeximproved significantly in those with severe OSAtreated with CPAP (22), and there was a significantcorrelation between hours of CPAP use andimprovement in insulin sensitivity, emphasizing thecritical importance of adherence (21). Thus, current

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FIGURE 2 Polysomnographic Example of Hunter-Cheyne-Stokes Breathing

The first 2 tracings are electro-occulogram; otherwise tracings as in Figure 1. Note the

smooth and gradual changes in the thoracoabdominal excursions and esophageal pressure

in the crescendo and decrescendo arms of the cycle. There is an intervening central apnea,

absence of naso-oral airflow, and excursions in pleural pressure, thorax, and abdomen.

The arousal occurs at the peak of hyperventilation. Desaturation is delayed because of

long circulation time in heart failure. Reprinted with permission from Dowdell WT,

Javaheri S, McGinnis W. Cheyne-Stokes respiration presenting as sleep apnea syndrome:

clinical and polysomnographic features. Am Rev Respir Dis 1990;141:871-9.

J A C C V O L . 6 9 , N O . 7 , 2 0 1 7 Javaheri et al.F E B R U A R Y 2 1 , 2 0 1 7 : 8 4 1 – 5 8 Sleep Apnea


evidence suggests that OSA is associated with insulinresistance, and CPAP treatment may improve insulinsensitivity in pre-diabetic patients.

The effects of CPAP therapy of OSA on full-blowndiabetes remain to be elucidated (24). Large-scaleRCTs of CPAP are needed to establish the role ofOSA in proatherogenic dyslipidemia.



OSA is strongly associated with a number of CVDs(Figure 5) including HTN, resistant HTN, transientischemic attack (TIA), stroke, pulmonary hypertension(PHTN), HF, CHD, AF, myocardial ischemia, myocar-dial infarction (MI), and sudden death. The epidemi-ology of these associations has been extensivelyreviewed (3,5,13,14,20). In the following sections, wediscuss trials of CPAP, the most effective therapy ofOSA. We also discuss adjunct therapy of OSA.

CPAP AND SYSTEMIC HTN. The effect of CPAP onHTN has been widely investigated, and the availableevidence from multiple RCTs and several recentmeta-analyses demonstrates that CPAP significantlyreduces BP in OSA patients. Studies using 24-h BPmonitoring (25–32) consistently report drops of 2 to2.5 mm Hg and 1.5 to 2 mm Hg in systolic bloodpressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP),respectively, compared with subtherapeutic or con-servative treatment (Figure 6), with greater re-ductions in patients with resistant HTN (between 4.7to 7.2 mm Hg and 2.9 to 4.9 mm Hg for SBP and DBP,respectively) (Figure 7) (33–39). CPAP has also beendemonstrated to reverse nondipper or riser nocturnalBP patterns in OSA patients.

Because long-term reductions of 2 to 3 mm Hg inSBP are associated with a 4% to 8% reduction in thefuture risk of stroke and CHD, long-term treatment ofOSA in hypertensive patients could eventually reduceincident CV burden.

There are multiple reasons why the antihyperten-sive effect of CPAP is limited. First, essential HTN isquite common in the general population, and shouldbe equally prevalent in OSA patients. CPAP may notdecrease BP if the underlying cause of HTN is unre-lated. Second, CPAP therapy can only reverse certainintermediate mechanisms associated with OSA. Forexample, CPAP reduces sympathetic tone, therebydecreasing BP (18). However, other pathophysiolog-ical mechanisms underlying HTN, such as thoseassociated with obesity, salt intake, and volumeoverload, may be unaffected by CPAP. Third, OSA andHTN are chronic disorders, and if OSA-induced HTNhas been longstanding, with consequent remodeling

of the vascular bed and/or increased set point for BPon the basis of prevailing BP regulatory mechanisms(e.g., baroreflex), CPAP may not be able to reduce BPmuch, certainly in the short term. Given this issue, forethical reasons, RCTs have a follow-up of <1 year.Therefore, it is unknown whether BP may fall furtherin long-term follow-up.

Overall, highly variable BP improvement is ex-pected with CPAP therapy, as the drop correlates withOSA severity, baseline HTN, and hours of CPAP use.Depending on these characteristics, some study pa-tients might have greater antihypertensive benefitsfrom CPAP, whereas others—for example, those withless severe OSA—might not. The level of adherenceneeded to obtain a significant reduction in BP levels isunknown, although a minimum threshold of 4 h, andoptimally >5 to 6 h/night, is needed. In resistant HTN,a linear correlation has been observed between thenumber of hours of CPAP use and drop in BP mea-sures (decreases of 1.9 and 1.0 mm Hg in SBP and DBP,respectively, for each additional hour of CPAP use)(37), suggesting that greater CPAP adherence wouldbe associated with better BP control. This dose-dependent relationship is similar to that for insulinsensitivity (22,23) and other CV outcomes, as dis-cussed later in the text.

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FIGURE 3 Normal Cardiovascular Changes in NREM

and REM Sleep

Parasympathetic Activity

Sympathetic Activity

Sympathetic Activity

NREM sleep:

Phasic REM sleep:

BP, HR, COPVentilationMetabolic rate

BP and HR


During NREM sleep sympathetic activity decreases whereas

parasympathetic activity increases with consequent decrease in

BP and HR. The reverse occurs in phasic REM sleep. BP ¼ blood

pressure; COP ¼ cardiac output; HR ¼ heart rate; NREM ¼non–rapid eye movement; REM ¼ rapid eye movement.

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A recent study (40) reported that BP response toCPAP in OSA patients with resistant HTN can be pre-dicted by measuring the plasma levels of 3 specificmicroribonucleic acids, which may help to person-alize this treatment in the future.

There is evidence that the combination of antihy-pertensive drugs (41) or weight loss (19) with CPAPtherapy could have a synergistic effect in reducing BPin OSA patients, supporting the multidimensionalpathophysiology of HTN in this population. Whenhypertensive patients with and without OSA weretreated with losartan for 6 weeks, the BP drop(measured by 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring) wassignificantly less in those with OSA than without.Importantly, when CPAP was added at the end of 6weeks of losartan and used at least 4 h nightly for thenext 6 weeks, BP decreased markedly in those withOSA (41). The combination of CPAP and weight lossmay also have a synergistic effect, leading to larger BPreductions in OSA patients (19).

CPAP AND PHTN. About 10% of patients with OSAhave PHTN (defined as the mean pulmonary arterypressure $25 mm Hg) (42,43), and multiple observa-tional studies demonstrate that treating OSA withCPAP improves PHTN (42,43). In the only small ran-domized crossover study (therapeutic vs. sham CPAP)(44), 12 weeks of treatment resulted in a significantdecrease in pulmonary artery systolic pressure (froma mean of 30 to 24 mm Hg). The reduction wasgreatest (8.5 mm Hg) in patients with baseline PHTN(pulmonary artery systolic pressure $30 mm Hg

by echocardiography). The American College ofCardiology/American Heart Association expertconsensus document recommends polysomnographyto rule out OSA for all patients with PHTN (45). Therecommendation comes from the idea that targetedtherapy of OSA could either improve or preventfurther deterioration in central hemodynamics.

CPAP AND STROKE/TIA. Sleep apnea is highly prev-alent in patients with stroke or TIA, and OSA also isassociated with increased risk for incident stroke(46–48). There is some evidence that early CPAPtherapy has positive effects on long-term survival inischemic stroke patients with moderate-to-severe OSA(46–48). Additionally, consistent with observationalstudies (46–48), in a recent large RCT (49), those OSApatients whowere adherent to CPAP therapy exhibitedreduced risk of incident cerebral events.

The American Heart Association/American StrokeAssociation guideline states: “A sleep study might beconsidered for patients with an ischemic stroke or TIAon the basis of the very high prevalence of sleep ap-nea in this population and the strength of the evi-dence that the treatment of sleep apnea improvesoutcomes in the general population” (50).

CPAP AND ARRHYTHMIAS. Two small RCTs showedthat treatment of OSA with CPAP reduces the mean24-h heart rate, as well as the frequency of prematureventricular beats during sleep (51,52). Data fromobservational studies show that CPAP treatment isassociated with a significantly decreased recurrencerate of AF, even after electrical cardioversion orablative therapies, and that patients are less likely toprogress to more permanent forms of AF and havesignificantly reduced occurrence of paroxysmal AFcompared with untreated patients (53–56).

In a meta-analysis (57) of 698 CPAP users and 549non-CPAP users, those with OSA treated with CPAPafter AF intervention had a 44% reduced AF risk;younger, more obese, and male patients benefited themost. On the basis of this evidence, a recent expertconsensus document on AF identified OSA as a riskfactor for AF recurrence after surgical and catheterablation, and recommended its treatment (58).Although the reproducibility of these findings fromobservational studies is compelling, data from clinicaltrials are needed.


OUTCOMES. Multiple observational studies demon-strate that untreated OSA is associated with CVmorbidity and mortality, and that treatment withCPAP improves the need for revascularization, inci-dent CHD, and survival (59–62).

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FIGURE 4 Pathophysiological Consequences of Sleep Apnea and Hypopnea

Hypoxic and hypercapnicpulmonary vasoconstriction

⇓ O2 delivery

Cycles of sleepapnea and recovery Arousals

⇓ Pleural Pressure

⇓ PO2 /⇑ PCO2⇑ PO2 /⇓ PCO2

Organ dysfunction

Endothelial dysfunction

⇑ Right ventricular afterload

⇑ Blood pressure Arrhythmias Myocyte toxicity

⇑ Heart rate

R and L ventricular afterloadArrhythmias (atrial)

Aortic dilation

Increased lung H2O

Oxidative stressInflammation

Sympathetic activation


⇑ Transmural pressure of all cardiac chambers and aorta⇑ Pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressure

Pleural pressure (Ppl) is a surrogate of the pressure surrounding the heart and other vascular structures. [ ¼ increased; Y ¼ decreased. Reprinted with

permission from Javaheri (8). CV ¼ cardiovascular; H2O ¼ water; L ¼ left; O2 ¼ oxygen; PCO2 ¼ partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood;

PO2 ¼ partial pressure of oxygen in the blood; R ¼ right.

J A C C V O L . 6 9 , N O . 7 , 2 0 1 7 Javaheri et al.F E B R U A R Y 2 1 , 2 0 1 7 : 8 4 1 – 5 8 Sleep Apnea


To date, 3 RCTs investigated the effect of CPAP onCV outcomes (Figure 8), with the main endpoint acomposite outcome of different fatal and nonfatal CVevents. In the first RCT (63), 725 nonsleepy patients(Epworth Sleepiness Scale [ESS] <11 of 24), free ofCVD and with moderate-to-severe OSA (AHI $20/h),were randomized to CPAP (n ¼ 357) or conservativetreatment (n ¼ 366), and were followed for a medianof 4 years. CPAP did not result in a significantreduction in the incidence of the primary compositeoutcome. However, in an adherence analysis, pa-tients who used CPAP for $4 h/night did achieve a CVbenefit (incidence density ratio 0.72; 95% confidenceinterval [CI]: 0.52 to 0.98; p ¼ 0.04).

Peker et al. (64) randomized 244 nonsleepy(ESS <10) patients with newly revascularized CHDand moderate-to-severe OSA (AHI >15/h) to autoti-trating positive airway pressure (PAP) (n ¼ 122) or noPAP (n ¼ 122) for a median of 57 months. The inci-dence of the primary composite CV endpoint did notdiffer between the 2 groups. However, adjusted on-treatment analysis showed a significant CV riskreduction in those who used CPAP for >4 h, compared

with those who used the device <4 h/night or did notreceive treatment (adjusted hazard ratio: 0.29; 95%CI: 0.10 to 0.86; p ¼ 0.026).

The SAVE (Continuous Positive Airway PressureTreatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea to PreventCardiovascular Disease) study (49) enrolled 2,717nonsleepy or mildly sleepy (ESS <15) patients age 45to 75 years, with prior history of coronary or cerebro-vascular disease and OSA, defined by an oxygendesaturation index $12/h, diagnosed by means of a2-channel screening device. Patients were allocated toCPAP or usual-care treatment for a mean of 3.7 years.The incidence of a composite CV outcome was similarin the CPAP and control groups (p ¼ 0.34). One-to-onepropensity-score matching was performed to compare561 patients who were adherent to CPAP therapy with561 patients in the usual-care group. In this sensitivityanalysis, a lower risk of a composite endpoint of ce-rebral events was found in the group of patients whoused CPAP for at least 4 h/day (hazard ratio: 0.52; 95%CI: 0.30 to 0.90; p ¼ 0.02).

This study has several limitations. First, SDB wasdiagnosed by means of a screening device on the basis

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FIGURE 5 Prevalence (%) of OSA in CVD

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


Heart failure


Coronary heartdisease


20 50

12 55

57 75


30 83

The lower limit is invariably using an AHI of $15/h, indicating presence of moderate-to-

severe OSA. The upper part of the range relates to a lower threshold of $5/h. CVD ¼cardiovascular disease; OSA ¼ obstructive sleep apnea.

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of oximetry and nasal pressure recordings. In-vestigators excluded patients with a pattern ofCheyne-Stokes respiration on the ApneaLink (ResMedCorporation, San Diego, California) nasal pressurerecording, but this device may not accurately detectCheyne-Stokes respiration. Furthermore, this devicecould not differentiate between central and obstruc-tive events. It is likely that patients with CSA wereincluded, particularly considering that CSA is com-mon in patients with stroke and HF associated withCHD. It is known that CSA is unlikely to respond toCPAP, and that these patients have a poorer CVprognosis. Second, the low average CPAP use of 3.3h/day raises concern that the results were negativebecause of poor adherence. Third, patients with themost severe OSA were excluded (those with ESS >15and hypoxemia, defined as oxygen saturation <80%for >10% of recording time). In fact, the mean AHIwas 29/h, and the mean ODI was 28/h, values withinthe moderate OSA severity range. Hard CV outcomeshave been associated with severe OSA, but are lessassociated with mild or moderate OSA; thus, it can beargued that many patients in this study with onlymild-to-moderate OSA were not at an increased riskof CV outcomes. Fourth, 66% of the cohort was Asianin under-resourced areas, with some concern as towhether the findings can be generalized to other racesin other settings that were less represented in thestudy. There is 1 ongoing RCT (65) that will shed morelight on the true role of CPAP therapy in hard CVendpoints.


SUDDEN DEATH. OSA patients with severe SDB andmarked hypoxemia are at risk for nocturnal cardiac

ischemia. OSA has been associated with onset of MIduring the night/early morning (66). It is reasonableto consider that the increased likelihood of nocturnalnonfatal MI may also be accompanied by an increasedrisk of fatal MI and sudden death. In >10,000 in-dividuals, the presence of OSA and significant desa-turation was associated with an almost 2-foldincrease in risk of sudden death, independent ofknown risk factors (67). Comparing the time of deathof individuals with and without SDB, those with thedisorder died mostly between 12:00 AM and 6:00 AM

(68) suggesting that untreated OSA in patients withestablished CHD would likely lead to a poorerprognosis.


DISEASE. High-quality evidence recommends CPAPtherapy in patients with HTN and OSA, especially inpatients with resistant HTN. For other CVD and ce-rebral events, CPAP is not effective unless it is usedfor $4 h of sleep. The available evidence for ar-rhythmias is consistent with adverse effects of OSAand beneficial effects of CPAP, but these data comefrom observational studies.


Although CPAP therapy is very effective in the treat-ment of OSA, by itself it has limited metabolic effects,and poor adherence further compromises its effec-tiveness, as evidenced by recent RCTs (49,63,64).Incorporation of exercise and weight loss as adjuncttherapy has important health benefits beyond CPAPtherapy, and could be potentially synergistic.

EXERCISE. Exercise training and physical activityattenuate OSA (69). In a meta-analysis of 5 studiesenrolling a total of 129 participants, the pooled es-timate of mean pre- to post-exercise reduction inAHI was –6.3 events/h (95% CI: –8.5 to –4.0;p < 0.001) (about a 32% reduction), and occurredwithout significant weight loss (69). Multifactorialmechanisms (69) could include decreased rostralfluid redistribution (5,11,70); stabilization of chemo-receptor sensitivity; and improved nasal resistance,sleep quality, weight loss, and strength of pharyn-geal dilator muscles (69). In regard to the latter, ameta-analysis involving 120 adults concluded thatselective oropharyngeal exercises reduced snoringand AHI by 50%, from about 25 to 12/h (71).Oropharyngeal exercise may also decrease theamount of tongue fat.

WEIGHT LOSS. Weight reduction, when applicable,should be a core element in OSA treatment. In arandomized trial discussed earlier, weight loss

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FIGURE 6 Effect of CPAP Therapy on BP in Patients With Hypertension








5*16 (818)

*10 (587) *7 (471)

24h-SBP (mm Hg) 24h-DBP (mm Hg)

*12 (572)*28 (1,948)

*8 (968)

*§4 (1,206)

*31 (1,820)


Net R



in B




e (m

m H





AIjami Mo Heantjens Montesi Fava Bakker Bratton

Summary of different meta-analyses of RCTs. Positive figures mean improvement in BP level with CPAP (net changes) *Number of studies

included (number of patients included). §Patients without daytime hypersomnia. BP ¼ blood pressure; CI ¼ confidence interval; CPAP ¼continuous positive airway pressure; DBP ¼ diastolic blood pressure; RCT ¼ randomized controlled trial; SBP ¼ systolic blood pressure.

J A C C V O L . 6 9 , N O . 7 , 2 0 1 7 Javaheri et al.F E B R U A R Y 2 1 , 2 0 1 7 : 8 4 1 – 5 8 Sleep Apnea


provided an incremental BP reduction in CPAP-adherent participants (19). In contrast, use of CPAPoften results in a small amount of weight gain, due inpart to a reduction in nocturnal metabolic rate relatedto OSA work of breathing (eliminated by CPAP), withdietary intake and eating behavior having the great-est effects leading to a positive energy balance andweight gain (72). These findings highlight the impor-tance of lifestyle modifications combined with CPAP(19), and ongoing follow-up of patients after CPAP isinitiated to monitor weight and other health behav-iors. Even though weight loss is an importantcomponent of long-term management of OSA and hassignificant respiratory and cardiometabolic effects,weight loss does not necessarily cure OSA, even afterbariatric surgery, and requires follow-up sleep studyafter weight stabilization.


Both OSA and CSA are common in HF patients, andcould lead to progression and decompensation of HF,as reviewed in detail elsewhere (4,5,73). RegardingCSA, John Hunter first described the Cheyne-Stokesbreathing pattern. Hunter noted recurrent cycles ofsmooth and gradual crescendo–decrescendo changesin tidal volume with an intervening central apnea in a

patient with HF who probably had AF (Figure 2). Forthis reason, we refer to this pattern of breathing asHunter-Cheyne-Stokes breathing (HCSB). HCSB isunique to patients with HF, as it has a long cycle time(Figure 2), reflecting the prolonged circulation time, apathological feature of heart failure with reducedejection fraction (HFrEF) (4,73).

Although HCSB with central apneas or hypopneasis common in HF, patients frequently experiencethe coexistence of both OSA and CSA; however,generally 1 variant predominates (73). Overall,moderate-to-severe SDB (AHI $15/h) is highlyprevalent in various pathological conditions associ-ated with symptomatic or asymptomatic left ven-tricular dysfunction (Figure 9) discussed later inthe text.


LEFT VENTRICULAR DYSFUNCTION. Using poly-somnography, Lanfranchi et al. (74) showed that 66%of individuals with asymptomatic left ventricularsystolic dysfunction experience moderate-to-severesleep apnea: 55% with CSA and 11% with OSA(Figure 9). The prevalence is lower in heart failurewith preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), at about25% (4% CSA), although the prevalence of diastolicdysfunction increases with the severity of OSA (75).

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FIGURE 7 Effect of CPAP Therapy on BP in Patients With Resistant Hypertension




(n=41) (n=35) ∫ (n=40)

Randomized controlled trials Meta-analyses



*4 (n=329)

*5 (n=446)

24h-SBP (mm Hg) 24h-DBP (mm Hg)


Net R



in B




e (m

m H





Pedrosa Martinez-Garcia De Oliveira Muxfeldt Iftikhar Liu

The figure shows 5 randomized controlled trials and 2 meta-analyses. The differences between the 2 meta-analyses depend on the most

updated references included in the 2015 meta-analysis. Positive figures mean improvement in BP level with CPAP (net changes) *Number of

studies included (number of patients included). !Daytime BP values. Abbreviations as in Figure 6.

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What is the clinical significance of a high preva-lence of SDB in asymptomatic left ventriculardysfunction? Because asymptomatic left ventriculardysfunction is a predictor of incident symptomaticHF, undiagnosed SDB may contribute to the pro-gression from an asymptomatic to a symptomaticcondition. In this context, 2 prospective longitudinalstudies demonstrated that OSA was independently asignificant predictor of incident HF in men (76) andwomen (77). Similarly, the presence of CSA/HCSB hasbeen shown to predict incident HF in a prospectivestudy of 2,865 participants (7). This suggests thatHCSB is not simply a marker of more severe HF, butmay precede the onset of clinical HF, possibly bymaking those with subclinical ventricular dysfunc-tion more likely to decompensate.


AND ACUTE HF. Combining the results of severalstudies (4,8,73), 53% of 1,607 patients with HFrEF hadmoderate-to-severe sleep apnea (defined as anAHI $15), of whom an estimated 34% had CSA and19% had OSA (Figure 9). These findings are consistentwith a recent study of 963 well-treated HFrEF

patients, showing that 58% had moderate-to-severeSDB (AHI $15), with 46% classified as CSA and 16%OSA (78). However, there is considerable variation inthe reported prevalence of these 2 forms of sleepapnea (73), with underestimation of prevalence ofOSA in some studies due to misclassification ofhypopneas (obstructive or central) as a component ofAHI.

The prevalence of sleep apnea in HFpEF is similarto that in HFrEF. Combining 2 studies (79,80) with atotal of 263 consecutive patients, 47% had sleepapnea (AHI $15): 24% OSA and 23% CSA (Figure 9).However, with decompensation, the prevalenceincreases considerably. In 1,117 consecutive HFrEFpatients hospitalized with acute HF who underwentin-hospital polygraphy, 334 patients were identifiedwith CSA (31%) and 525 with OSA (47%) (Figure 9) (81).


Depending on the predominant phenotype of sleepapnea, treatment strategies are different. However, anumber of approaches are applicable to either type ofsleep apnea.

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FIGURE 8 Effect of CPAP Treatment on CV Risk

Barbe et al (CERCAS)(CPAP=358,control=367)Follow-up: 4 yrs

0.83 (0.63-1.1), p=0.20

0.72 (0.52-0.98), p=0.04

0.80 (0.46-1.41 ), p=0.44

1.10 (0.91-1.32), p=0.34

0.29 (0.1 0-0.86), p=0.026

0.52 (0.30-0.90), p=0.02*

0 0.5

Intention-to-treat analysis Adherence analysis (patients withCPAP adherence ≥4 hours/day)

In Favor of CPAP In Favor of Control1.51

Peker et al(RICCADSA)(CPAP=122,control=122)Follow-up: 4.7 yrsMcEvoy et al (SAVE)(CPAP=1359,control=1358)Follow-up: 3.7 yrs)

The figure shows the incidence risk for the primary composite endpoints in 3 RCTs (49,63,64) in the CPAP compared with the control group

(hazard ratio or incidence density ratio, 95% CI) in the intention-to-treat analysis and in the adherence analysis (patients with CPAP

adherence $4 h/day). *In the McEvoy study (49), the significant CV improvement in patients who used CPAP $4 h/day was only achieved in

the risk of a cerebrovascular event, but not in the primary composite outcome. CV ¼ cardiovascular; other abbreviations as in Figure 6.

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GENERAL BENEFICIAL MEASURES. Opt imizat ionof card iopulmonary funct ion . Before obtainingan outpatient sleep study, it is often beneficial touse guided medical therapy of HF to improvecardiopulmonary function and minimize volumeoverload (5,11). Treatment of volume overload isimportant because fluid from lower extremitiestranslocated cephalad can result in narrowing of theupper airway and precipitates obstructive events(5,11). In contrast, fluid translocation into the lungspromotes CSA (5) by increasing pulmonary capillarypressure (82).

Intensive HF therapy must be executed carefully,otherwise adverse consequences, such as renal fail-ure, may occur and improvement in quality of life andreverse remodeling may not ensue (83). Regardingdevice therapy, a meta-analysis (84) of cardiacresynchronization therapy trials in patients withHFrEF demonstrated improvement in CSA, but notOSA.Exerc i se . As discussed earlier in the text, severalstudies indicate that supervised exercise attenuatesOSA. Exercise training of patients with HF also at-tenuates SDB, particularly OSA (85).



MORTALITY. CPAP has been successfully used to treatOSA in patients with HF, both acutely (86) andchronically (87–89), with beneficial CV benefits.

One important issue is the augmentation of theadrenergic state imposed by SDB in patients withHFrEF (Figure 10). Small RCTs have shown that CPAPtreatment decreases vascular (87) and myocardialsympathetic nerve function (88), improves myocar-dial energetics in the case of severe OSA (88), andincreases left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF)(89,90), although not consistently (88). OSA is inde-pendently associated with excess hospital read-mission and mortality (81,91). In the largestobservational study of about 30,000 Medicare bene-ficiaries newly diagnosed with HF (92), treatment ofSDB was associated with decreased readmission,health care cost, and mortality (Figure 11) (91,92).

With regard to OSA comorbid with HFpEF, there is1 randomized trial (93) showing reversal of diastolicdysfunction with CPAP.



MORTALITY. Intensive therapy of HF with pharma-cotherapy and cardiac resynchronization therapy canimprove cardiac function, periodic breathing, andCSA (5,73,84).

In contrast to OSA, CPAP is only partially effectivein CSA (about 50% of patients) (86,94), and may beharmful in those whose CSA is not suppressed (94).Medications including theophylline and acetazol-amide have been used in small RCTs, and havebeen extensively reviewed previously (73). Cardiac

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FIGURE 9 Sleep Apnea is Prevalent in Left Ventricular Dysfunction















AHI > 15/h



AHI > 15/h OSA CSA















Prevalence (%) of moderate-to-severe sleep apnea (AHI $15) in asymptomatic left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD) or left ventricular

diastolic dysfunction (LVDD), heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) or heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF),

and acutely decompensated heart failure (ADHF). AHI ¼ apnea-hypopnea index; CSA ¼ central sleep apnea; OSA ¼ obstructive sleep apnea.

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transplantation virtually eliminates CSA (95), but OSAdevelops in a large number of patients who gainweight (Figure 12). We will discuss 3 therapeutic op-tions: positive airway pressure, nasal oxygen, andphrenic nerve stimulation (PNS).

Similar to OSA, CSA also imposes an augmentedhyperadrenergic state in HFrEF (96) (Figure 10), asmeasured by overnight urinary and morning plasmanorepinephrine levels (97), and microneurography(98,99). Importantly, several randomized trials havedemonstrated that attenuation of CSA by CPAP de-creases plasma and urinary norepinephrine andnocturnal minute ventilation (surrogate of work ofbreathing), improving respiratory muscle strengthand fatigue (97,100,101). The decrease in urinarycatecholamines has also been confirmed in random-ized trials comparing therapeutic adaptive servo-ventilation (ASV) to sham ASV (102) and nocturnaloxygen to sham (room air from a concentrator) (103).Consistent with a number of previous studies

(reviewed by Javaheri et al. [73]), in the largest andmost recent mortality study of 963 well-treated pa-tients with HFrEF, those with CSA had the worstsurvival after accounting for several cofounders (78).These data are consistent with CSA as a negativeprognostic indicator (104). Surprisingly, the recentASV trial, SERVE-HF (Treatment of PredominantCentral Sleep Apnoea by Adaptive Servo Ventilationin Patients With Heart Failure) (105), designed spe-cifically to treat CSA with ASV, not only did not showsurvival benefit, but was associated with excess CVmortality. The ASV algorithm provides an anticyclicalpressure support such that when the patient ishypoventilating the support is augmented, and viceversa (106).

The SERVE-HF investigators (105) cited 2 explana-tions for their findings: 1) increased PAP compro-mised cardiac output; or 2) CSA serves as acompensatory mechanism with protective effects, aspreviously hypothesized (104). As detailed elsewhere

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FIGURE 10 Effects of Sleep Apnea and HF on Central Sympathetic Outflow

Heart failure





Baroreceptors; Peripheral arterial chemoreceptorsSleep fragmentation; Periodic limb movement

Disinhibition of pulmonary stretch receptors

Peripheral arterial chemoreceptors Central Sympathetic outflow

Medullary central chemoreceptorsPeripheral arterial chemoreceptors

Locus ceruleus

Heart failure is a hyperadrenergic state. Sleep apnea further contributes to increased central sympathetic outflow. Locus ceruleus is the

brainstem arousal network, and norepinephrine is the neurotransmitter. HF ¼ heart failure.

J A C C V O L . 6 9 , N O . 7 , 2 0 1 7 Javaheri et al.F E B R U A R Y 2 1 , 2 0 1 7 : 8 4 1 – 5 8 Sleep Apnea


(107), there are additional reasons that may accountfor the observed increased mortality. One concern isthat the results may not be applicable to the moderngeneration of ASV devices. SERVE-HF tested an early-generation ASV device (106), which may have sub-optimally treated CSA and OSA, and its application ofpressure may have caused excessive ventilation, aswell as adverse hemodynamic responses in vulner-able subsets of patients (107). Given results of theSERVE-HF trial, ASV is contraindicated to treat CSA inpatients with low ejection fraction. Research withnew-generation ASV devices is needed, with one inprogress (ADVENT-HF [Effect of Adaptive ServoVentilation (ASV) on Survival and Hospital Admis-sions in Heart Failure]; NCT01128816).

SUPPLEMENTAL NASAL OXYGEN. The uncertaintyover use of pressure devices in patients with reducedejection fraction has opened the door for other ther-apeutic options devoid of increasing intrathoracicpressure. We briefly review 2 options: nasal oxygenand PNS.

Systematic studies in patients with HFrEF (73,108)have shown that nocturnal nasal oxygen improvesCSA, with randomized studies showing that therapyimproves maximal exercise capacity; decreasesovernight urinary norepinephrine excretion andmuscle sympathetic nerve activity; and improvesventricular arrhythmias, LVEF, and quality of life(reviewed by Javaheri [73,108]). The potential bene-fits of supplemental oxygen include: improvement inoxygen stores; stabilization of breathing pattern;

reduction in loop gain; and improvement inhypoxemia-related effects. The use of oxygen in HF,particularly to overcome hypoxemia, is also sup-ported by data showing that degree of overnighthypoxemia is among the most significant de-terminants of HF-related mortality (78,109). How-ever, it is important to note that use of high levels ofoxygen in normoxic HF patients (when awake) hasbeen shown to cause unwanted hyperoxia, increasedsystemic vascular resistance, and impaired ventricu-lar function (110). RCTs are needed to determine therole of oxygen in treating CSA in HFrEF (108).

TRANSVENOUS UNILATERAL PNS. Transvenousunilateral PNS has been used to treat CSA. Thephrenic nerve can be stimulated through the wallof either the right brachiocephalic vein or the leftpericardiophrenic vein (111,112). In the recentlycompleted RCT (112), 151 patients with CSA wereimplanted and randomized to stimulation or nostimulation for 6 months. With stimulation, multiplemeasures of sleep apnea severity (AHI, central apneaindex, arousal index, and oxygen desaturation in-dex), quality of life, and daytime sleepiness improvedsignificantly. The most common side effect wastherapy-related discomfort that was resolved withreprogramming in all but 1 patient. During the 6months of therapy, 2 deaths occurred in the treat-ment group during daytime when stimulation wasoff, and 2 deaths occurred in the control group. Localside effects, such as infection and dislodgment,occurred in 13 of 151 implanted patients.

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FIGURE 12 Prevale









ber o

f Sub



Those who develope

Adapted with permis

failure; OSA ¼ obstr

FIGURE 11 Comparative Survival of 258 HF Patients Treated for Sleep Apnea and

30,000 Patients Not Tested for Sleep Apnea





60%Baseline 1 2

Quarters After HF Onset


ent o

f Coh

ort A


Not tested or treated for sleepapnea N=30,065

Hazard ratio = .33 (95% CI: .21-.51 ), P <0.0001

Diagnosed with sleep apnea andtreated N=258

3 4 5 6 7 8

Adapted with permission from Javaheri et al. (92). HF ¼ heart failure.

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CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE. RCTs are needed toprovide unbiased assessments of the role of sleepapnea intervention on incident CVD, and CVD-associated morbidity and mortality. RCTs aredesigned to overcome potential biases in observa-tional studies, ensuring that groups who are treatedare otherwise comparable to control groups. How-ever, RCTs present several challenges in design andimplementation that need to be addressed in futuretrials. Studies need to be sufficiently large, and ofsufficient duration to detect clinically and

nce of OSA in 45 of 60 Consecutive Cardiac Transplant Recipients

5 5-< 10 10-< 15 15-< 20 20-< 30 30-< 40 ≥40




5 47


24% severe OSA

36% moderate to severe OSA



53%Apnea hypopnea index

d sleep apnea had gained the most weight after transplantation.

sion from Javaheri et al. (95). CI ¼ confidence interval; HF ¼ heart

uctive sleep apnea.

statistically significant differences in event rates.Because there are no optimal control conditions forCPAP, outcomes should be objectively collected andprospectively ascertained to minimize bias. Trialsrequire careful implementation of methods for opti-mizing treatment adherence across the duration ofinterventions, aiming to treat sleep apnea every nightand all night. Low adherence to CPAP has been amajor limitation of the 3 major trials (49,63,64) dis-cussed earlier in the text. Moreover, conventionalmethods for assessing adherence only consideraverage hours of use per night. For CVD, it may bethat selective nonuse during early morning hours,when rapid-eye-movement sleep dominates andhypoxemia may be most profound, may contribute tospecific CVD-related stress (113). Failure to treat sleepapnea during these critical periods may account forreduced treatment efficacy.

Future trials may benefit from more comprehen-sive approaches to CPAP adherence that account forboth mechanical issues and behavior change. Carefulattention to mask and pressure comfort, claustro-phobia, nasal clogging, naso-oral dryness, and oralleak are critical. However, social and behavioral fac-tors also are important, including bed partner supportand self-efficacy. Motivational education, patientengagement using real-time electronic feedback, andpeer support are promising strategies for improvingadherence.

As alternatives to CPAP, such as nocturnal sup-plemental oxygen, oral appliances, or hypoglossalnerve stimulation, are identified, there is alsoopportunity to conduct comparative effectivenesstrials. These trials may more easily be conductedin “real-world” settings, and may allow for broaderpatient enrollment, such as patients withsleepiness, who generally have been excluded fromstudies with “no treatment” arms (49,63,64). Symp-tomatic patients may better adhere to therapy,and also are a group who may be at high risk foradverse outcomes.

RCTs are necessary across a number of other CVdisorders. Current studies show a high prevalence ofSDB in asymptomatic left ventricular systolic anddiastolic dysfunction. It remains to be established inRCTs if treatment of OSA or CSA aborts or delaysincident HF in subjects with preclinical left ventric-ular dysfunction or, conversely, if treatment of leftventricular dysfunction improves SDB, breaking avicious cycle.

In patients with HFrEF, studies have demonstratedreversal of adverse consequences of OSA, includingdiastolic dysfunction, with CPAP. Randomized,adequately-powered trials are needed to confirm the

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results of largely observational studies showing thattreatment with CPAP lowers hospital readmission andimproves survival in such patients. With regard toHFpEF, a small RCT showed improvement in leftventricular diastolic dysfunction with CPAP treat-ment of OSA (93). This is an important observationthat should lead to a large randomized trial, as so farthere has not been a therapy for HFpEF showingreverse cardiac remodeling.

Results of the SERVE-HF trial suggest thattreatment of CSA with ASV could be harmful. How-ever, the ASV used in the trial was an older-generation device with algorithm shortcomings(106). Another trial using state-of-the-art ASV is inprogress. Nocturnal oxygen therapy and PNS are 2treatment options devoid of increasing intrathoracicpressure. The pivotal study on PNS has been pub-lished (112). Time has passed for an RCT with oxygentherapy (108). These RCTs with PNS and oxygenshould be powered to determine important cardio-vascular outcomes.

Many studies implicate untreated SDB in thedevelopment and recurrence of AF; the field is ripe forthe conduct of RCTs with well-phenotyped partici-pants, followed closely for intervention adherence, toexamine the effect of SDB treatment on AF outcomes.

PHENOTYPING. Pathogenesis underlying OSA isvariable. With the recent push toward personalizedmedicine, individualizing therapy may be a viableapproach for OSA if the exact mechanism(s)

underlying disease can be defined and corrected. Forexample, in patients with dysfunction in the upperairway dilator muscles, if well-defined, hypoglossalnerve stimulation of the upper airway muscles couldbe effective. Elevated loop gain can be effectivelyminimized using oxygen or acetazolamide. If certainsedative/hypnotic agents could raise the arousalthreshold, they would be predicted to stabilizebreathing in carefully selected individuals with lowarousal threshold. An elevated arousal threshold canallow the accumulation of respiratory stimuli (carbondioxide, negative intrathoracic pressure) that acti-vate upper airway dilator muscles, and thus stabilizebreathing. In individuals in whom fluid accumula-tion around the upper airway is playing an importantrole in compromising the upper airway, diuretictherapy can be helpful to improve apnea, albeit to amodest extent. In certain individuals, multiple ab-normalities likely underlie OSA pathogenesis, andthus, combination therapy may be required to elim-inate SDB.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors thank Mr. AlexMackey for his excellent technical contribution inpreparing the figures.

ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Dr. ShahrokhJavaheri, Pulmonary and Sleep Division, BethesdaSleep Laboratory, Bethesda North Hospital, 10535Montgomery Road, Suite 200, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242.E-mail: [email protected].


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KEY WORDS central sleep apnea,hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea