EPS offers a technical application guide and computerised selection programme. Full refrigeration design support to assist in proper selection and integration into existing or new installations are available as part of our customer commitment. 10 GOOD REASONS TO CHOOSE 1 - SMALLER COOLERS High heat transfer characteristic offer significant reductions in cooler size for a given duty. It means more economical coolers, easy handling, extra cold room space, smaller fan powers and small charge volume. 5 -REDUCED RUNNING COST 7- FULL TECHNICAL SUPPORT 4 - REDUCED INSTALLATION COST 3- REDUCED PRESSURE DROP 2 - SMALLER PUMPS 6 - FLEXIBLE SYSTEM 9 - Ex-STOCK SUPPLY 8 - LONG TRACK RECORD 10- AFTER SALES SERVICE Please consult our technical sales team at [email protected] for your specific application or visit our web site www.epsltd.co.uk . Low viscosity offers significant reduction in pump size for a given duty. It means more economical pumps with as much as 19% less power consumption . TYFOXIT can be s upplied both pre-diluted or as a neat solution. Neat TYFOXIT can be used at temperatures as low as - 55 DegC  and therefore a single fluid can be used for both high and low temperature sides of the system. This offers very economical and flexible site storage facility for emergency leakage. Full maintenance and after sales support is available from our in-house Engineers and Chemists. EPS offers friendly , efficient and cost effective Ex-Stock supply from their centrally positioned facility at Slough, Berkshire. TYFOXIT is one of the earliest alternative fluids . Since introduction in 1992 sales volumes have reached more than 1,200 T ons . It is applied for a variety of applications worldwide from a small cooling system for a corner shop to large cold distribution centres and supermarket refrigeration. Some of the leading UK supermar ket chains like T esco and M&S have succesfully applied this fluid for their display cabinets cooling. Large distribution centres in the UK like RF Brooks, Dairy Crest and P&R Insulation already succesfully applied this fluid in their systems up to 60 m3 volume charge for both chilled and frozen store applications. A large number of food production companies like Ketterby, Bar & Restaurant Foods and processing applications like Norton Healthcare have successfully used TYFOXIT for their cooling applications. The combination of smaller pumps, coolers, pipework and fittings result in significant a reduction on initial installation cost in comparison with comparable Propylene Glycol systems. TYFOXIT high specific heat capacity and low viscosity offer significant reduction in pipe size for a given duty. Lower pressure drop values result in smaller pipework, reduced refrigerant charge and smaller fittings. The combination of smaller pumps and cooler fans offer the possibility of overall electrical consumption reduction as much as 2.43 kW per 100 kW cooling duty at - 8 DegC operation  in comparison with com- parable Propylene Glycol systems. Unit 32, Mere View Industrial  Estate, Yaxley, Cambridgeshire, PE7 3HS, UNITED KINGDOM Tel. :+44-(0)1733-243400 Fax.:+44-(0)1733-243344 0.23 0.47 0.20 0. 2 0 0.19 0 % 1 0 % 2 0 % 3 0 % 4 0 % 5 0 % 6 0 % Cooler Weight Pressure Drop No of Fans Tota l Fan Power Co st (£)       R      e       d      u      c       t       i      o      n 100 kW duty @ -8 DegC Operation in com parison w ith 40 % P rop. Gl ycol SECONDAR Y REFRIGERANTS

Tyfoxit Benefits

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8/12/2019 Tyfoxit Benefits

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EPS offers a technical application guide andcomputerised selection programme. Full refrigerationdesign support to assist in proper selection andintegration into existing or new installations are

available as part of our customer commitment.


1 - SMALLER COOLERS High heat transfer characteristic offersignificant reductions in cooler size for agiven duty. It means more economicalcoolers, easy handling, extra cold roomspace, smaller fan powers and smallcharge volume.









Please consult our technical sales team at

[email protected] for your specific application or visitour web site www.epsltd.co.uk.

Low viscosity offers significant reductionin pump size for a given duty. It meansmore economical pumps with as much as

19% less power consumption .

TYFOXIT can be supplied both pre-diluted or as a neatsolution. Neat TYFOXIT can be used at temperaturesas low as - 55 DegC   and therefore a single fluid can beused for both high and low temperature sides of thesystem. This offers very economical and flexible sitestorage facility for emergency leakage.

Full maintenance and after sales support is availablefrom our in-house Engineers and Chemists.

EPS offers friendly, efficient and cost effective Ex-Stocksupply from their centrally positioned facility at Slough,Berkshire.

TYFOXIT is one of the earliest alternative fluids . Sinceintroduction in 1992 sales volumes have reached morethan 1,200 Tons . It is applied for a variety ofapplications worldwide from a small cooling system fora corner shop to large cold distribution centres andsupermarket refrigeration.

Some of the leading UK supermarket chains like Tescoand M&S have succesfully applied this fluid for theirdisplay cabinets cooling.

Large distribution centres in the UK like RF Brooks,Dairy Crest and P&R Insulation already succesfullyapplied this fluid in their systems up to 60 m3 volume charge for both chilled and frozen storeapplications.

A large number of food production companies likeKetterby, Bar & Restaurant Foods and processingapplications like Norton Healthcare have successfullyused TYFOXIT for their cooling applications.

The combination of smaller pumps, coolers, pipework andfittings result in significant a reduction on initialinstallation cost in comparison with comparablePropylene Glycol systems.

TYFOXIT high specific heat capacity and low viscosityoffer significant reduction in pipe size for a given duty.Lower pressure drop values result in smaller pipework,reduced refrigerant charge and smaller fittings.

The combination of smaller pumps and cooler fans offerthe possibility of overall electrical consumptionreduction as much as 2.43 kW per 100 kW cooling duty at - 8 DegC operation  in comparison with com-parable Propylene Glycol systems.

Unit 32, Mere View Industrial Estate, Yaxley, Cambridgeshire,

PE7 3HS, UNITED KINGDOMTel. :+44-(0)1733-243400Fax.:+44-(0)1733-243344

0 .23

0 .47

0 .2 0 0 .2 0 0 .19

0 %

1 0 %

2 0 %

3 0 %

4 0 %

5 0 %

6 0 %

C o o l e r

W e i g h t

P r e s s u r e

D r o p

N o o f F an s T o ta l F an

P o w e r

C o s t (£ )

      R     e      d     u     c      t      i     o     n

1 0 0 k W d u t y @ - 8 D e g COpera t ion

in com par ison w i th

4 0 % P r o p . G ly c o l