“Two Schools under One Roof” as a Factor in Determining the Attitudes and Iterreligious Tolerance By Anela Hasanagić

Two Schools Under One Roof

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Two Schools under One Roof as a Factor in Determining the Attitudes and Iterreligious ToleranceBy Anela HasanagiTwo Schools under One Roof???Two schools under One Roof is the name for segregated schools in some school institutions in Bosnia and Herego!ina"In the same #uilding we ha!e two schools" $ainl% those schools are in Federation BiH"&suall%' we ha!e (roatian and Bosnia)s school in one #uilding" Bosnia)s use Bosnian curriculum' and (roatians use the curriculum that is mainl% directed to the curriculum of Re*u#lic (roatia" Two Schools under One Roof???Bosniaks (Muslims) CroatsHistorical facts "Two schools under one roof are a direct consequence of the BosniakCroatian con!ict ("##$"##%) and the creation of the self&roclaimed Croatian &arastate of HercegBosna in Bosnia and Her'ego(ina)" Croats in the +ederation o&&osed the integration of education, fearing that they will there-y lose their national identity, assimilating inBosniak ma.ority, and Bosniaks o&&osed se&aration fearing fueling the disintegration of Bosnia and Her'ego(ina) As a com&romise, ""$ /une $001rd The +eace Im*lementation (ouncil (23C) has called on the +ederal Ministry of 4ducation to im&lement the uni5cation of the two schools under one roof to the ne6t school year) " "These schools ha(e emerged the year $000 as the international community to refugee returns more attracti(e (7ouglas 7a(idson in $008, and according to 2owell, $00#))Two Schools under One Roof9aw Against 7iscrimination de5nes discrimination as:;; any di indirect (;; hidden;;) discrimination, then harassment, se6ual harassment, mo--ing, segregation, instruction to discrimination, incitement to discrimination as a form of discrimination) ?egregation (9atin ?egregaredistinguish, disassem-led), is -y de5nition a form of discrimination, "the se&aration of &eo&le -ased on di