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Two-Parameter Bifurcation Analysis of Longitudinal (2000 ... · PDF file(2000) AMSTE precision fire ... Numerical continuation and bifurcation analysis package AUTO [11] and extensive

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Page 1: Two-Parameter Bifurcation Analysis of Longitudinal (2000 ... · PDF file(2000) AMSTE precision fire ... Numerical continuation and bifurcation analysis package AUTO [11] and extensive

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Two-Parameter Bifurcation Analysis of LongitudinalFlight Dynamics

The bifurcation analysis of longitudinal flight dynamics

is presented, emphasizing the influence of elevator deflection

and aircraft mass. Based on a mathematical model proposed

by Garrard and Jordan (1977), a rich variety of bifurcation

phenomena such as saddle-node bifurcation, Hopf bifurcation,

and cycle fold bifurcations are observed in the numerical

simulations of longitudinal flight dynamics of the F-8 aircraft.

The occurrence of saddle-node bifurcation and Hopf bifurcation

may result in jump behavior and pitch oscillations of flight

dynamics. The analysis leads to a division of the longitudinal

flight space into several maneuvering regions, and may provide

more understanding of the longitudinal flight dynamics.


Recently, the nonlinear phenomena of flightdynamics has attracted considerable attention [1–8].One of the main goals of the studies is to find alinkage between nonlinear aircraft motions, suchas stall and divergent behaviors, and the possiblebifurcation phenomena of the governing dynamicequations. For instance, both stationary and Hopfbifurcations are reported and studied in several aircraftmodels [1–6]. The stabilization of the trim conditionof an aircraft arbitrarily close to the stall angle of theF-8 Crusader was studied, in a manner which alsoprovides an impending stall warning signal to thepilot [7–8]. Such a signal is a small-amplitude andstable limit-cycle type pitching motion of the aircraft,which persists to within a prescribed margin of theimpending divergent stall. It is known that the analysisof bifurcation phenomena is useful in understandingnonlinear system behavior. Through bifurcationanalysis, the nonlinear behavior of aircraft at highangle-of-attack flight such as jump to new steadystates, oscillations, and hysteresis, may be predicted.In [9], bifurcation theory was employed to analyze thenonlinear phenomena of longitudinal flight dynamicsby choosing the elevator deflection and mass of theaircraft as system bifurcation parameters.

Manuscript received December 25, 2001; revised May 7, 2003;released for publication May 7, 2003.

IEEE Log No. T-AES/39/3/818516.

Refereeing of this contribution was handled by T. F. Roome.

This research was supported by the National Science Council,Taiwan, ROC under Grants NSC 84-2212-E009-002, NSC89-CS-D-009-013 and NSC 91-2212-E-216-019.

0018-9251/03/$17.00 c 2003 IEEE


Page 2: Two-Parameter Bifurcation Analysis of Longitudinal (2000 ... · PDF file(2000) AMSTE precision fire ... Numerical continuation and bifurcation analysis package AUTO [11] and extensive

Fig. 1. System equilibria and periodic solutions for nominal third-order model.

In [9], the longitudinal flight dynamics werestudied for a fixed setting of the mass of the aircraft.The analysis reveals that the saddle-node bifurcationand the Hopf bifurcation may result in jump behaviorand pitch oscillation, respectively. This work continuesthe study of longitudinal flight dynamics developedby [9], emphasizing the combined effect of twocontrol parameters: elevator deflection and mass ofthe aircraft. One of the main goals of this work isto identify and describe the relationship betweenthe nonlinear behaviors of aircraft dynamics and thebifurcation phenomena arising from the governingdynamic equations. The analysis is carried out onthe third-order model of the longitudinal dynamicsfor F-8 proposed in [10]. The analysis reveals thatthe longitudinal flight space might be separatedinto several maneuvering regions. Each of theseregions possesses completely different nonlinearcharacteristics. Numerical continuation and bifurcationanalysis package AUTO [11] and extensive computersimulations are employed to evaluate system behavior.

The numerical techniques consist of the continuationof fixed points and limit cycles with respect tothe mass of the aircraft, and the continuation ofbifurcation-point branches of fixed points and limitcycles in the two-parameter plane. Phase diagrams areconstructed by simulation to illustrate the distinctlydifferent dynamical behaviors associated with eachregime of the parameter space.

The paper is organized as follows. In SectionII, we develop the model of the longitudinal flightdynamics. This is followed in Section III by thestudy of the flight dynamics for various settings ofsystem parameters. In Section IV, the analysis ofthe two-parameter bifurcation is studied. Finally,concluding remarks are given in Section V.


In the following, we present the mathematicalmodel for longitudinal flight dynamics from [10],which is employed in the analysis in the next two


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Fig. 2. System equilibra and periodic solutions for modified model with m= 4:47m0.

sections. The drag is considered to be small comparedwith the lift and weight and is neglected in theanalysis. The lift force is separated into its wing andtail components.Based on these assumptions, the motion equations

for longitudinal dynamics with thrust neglected aregiven by

m( _u+w _µ) = mg sinµ+Lw sin®+Lt sin®t (1a)

m( _w u _µ) =mg cosµ Lw cos® Lt cos®t (1b)

Iyµ̈ =Mw + lLw cos® ltLt cos®t c _µ (1c)

whereu axial velocityw vertical velocity® wing angle of attack®t tail angle of attackµ pitch angleIy moment of inertia about axis

Lw wing lift forceLt tail lift forceMw wing pitching momentm aircraft massl distance between wing aerodynamic center

and aircraft center of gravitylt distance between tail wing aerodynamic

center and aircraft center of gravityc _µ damping moment.It is known that the tail and wing lift forces can be

given by

Lw = CLwQS and Lt = CLtQSt,

whereCLw coefficient of wing liftCLt coefficient of tail liftQ dynamic pressureS wing areaSt horizontal tail area.


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Fig. 3. System equilibra and periodic solutions for modified model with m= 4:72m0.


w = u tan® and _w = _u tan®+ u _®sec2® (2)

we can rewrite (1) as

_u = u _µ tan® g sinµ+Lwmsin®+

Ltmsin®t (3a)

_®= _µ sin2®+g

usinµ sin®cos®




sin®cos®sin®t+_µ cos2®+





cos2®cos®t (3b)

µ̈ =MwIy+lLwIycos®




_µ: (3c)

Equation (3) represents the so-called “full(fourth-order) model” of longitudinal flight dynamicswith states (u,®,µ, _µ).Given that the aircraft flies at a constant velocity

and let q := _µ, (3) can be reduced to a third-order

model given by

_®= qcos2®+g





cos2®cos®t (4a)

_µ = q (4b)

_q =MwIy+lLwIycos®



Iyq: (4c)

Theoretical analysis of local dynamic behavior ofthe system (4) has been obtained in [9] by usingsystem linearization and bifurcation theory. We focushere on the study of nonlinear phenomena for system(4) via numerical approach. Details are given in thenext two sections.


In this section, we adopt the third-order model of[10] for F-8 aircraft. Based on this third-order model,


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Fig. 4. System equilibria and periodic solutions for modified model with m= 4:75m0.

Fig. 5. Location of limit points in (m,±e) space.

the local stability and bifurcations of flight dynamicswith respect to the variation of the tail deflectionangle are obtained by numerical simulations. Detailsare given as below.In [10], Garrard and Jordan proposed to

approximate the wing lift and tail lift coefficients bytwo cubic polynomial functions, respectively, as givenby

Lw =QS(C1Lw® C2Lw®

3) (5)

Lt =QSt(C1Lw®t C2Lt®

3t + ae±e) (6)

where ±e represents the horizontal tail deflectionangle measured clockwise from the x-axis and aeis the linear approximation of the effect of ±e onCLt . Since the horizontal tail of the F-8 is withinthe wing wake, the downwash angle ² has to beincluded in determining the tail angle-of-attack.Here, we adopt a linear approximation, ²= a²®from [10]. The tail angle-of-attack can then begiven by

®t = ® ²+ ±e = (1 a²)®+ ±e: (7)


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Fig. 6. Location of Hopf bifurcation points in (m,±e) space.

Fig. 7. Location of cyclic fold bifurcation points in (m,±e) space.

The aircraft data adopted from [10] is used in thefollowing numerical study. Here, we assume theaircraft flies at constant velocity of u= 845:6 ft/s onaltitude of 30,000 ft.In [7–9], an approximation of the wing lift force

coefficient is chosen to be closer to the realistic one inthe stall and post-stall regions as given by

Lw =QS(C1Lw® C2Lw®




60 : (8)

For simplicity and without loss of generality, weassume the moment of inertia (Iy) is proportional to

m. Adopting the wing lift coefficient as in (8), we canrewrite the system (4) as

_®= qcos2®+0:0381cos2®cosµ

1m(564:434® 1693:301®3) cos3® W

1m(35:145® 6:560®3 + 144:096±e

79:077®2±e 316:309®±2e 421:745±3e )

cos2®cos(0:25®+ ±e) (9a)

_µ = q (9b)


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Fig. 8. System responses in time history and phase plane for m= 4:72m0 at ±e = 0:05.


1m(622:222® 1866:667®3) cos® W

1m(3423:386® 641:885®3 + 14035:883±e

7702:619®2±e 30810:476®±2e 41080:634±3e )

cos(0:25®+ ±e), (9c)


W :=1



60 :

First, we analyze the stability and localbifurcations of the system (9) by treating ±e asprincipal system parameter and fixing anotherparameter m at different setting values. By usingcode AUTO, we find that the various bifurcationsoccurred in the system (9) with respect to the systemparameters change. The locations of these bifurcationsare also varied. In the following numerical study,the figures show the equilibrium points and periodicsolutions that emerge from the bifurcation point of

the system (9) for distinct parameter condition in thesystem parameter ±e [ 0:2,0], where

“——–” (solid line) stable equilibrium point,“ ” (dotted line) unstable equilibrium point,“o” (circle) stable limit cycle,“x” (cross) unstable limit cycle.Denote m0 the original mass of the F-8 aircraft.

Fig. 1 shows the bifurcation diagram for the conditionof m=m0. As observed in Fig. 1, there are two limitpoints and two Hopf bifurcation points of which oneis stable and the other is unstable. The equilibriumpoints are found to disappear between two limitpoints, while the limit point on the right-hand side is asaddle-node bifurcation point.

The bifurcation diagram for the condition ofm = 4:47m0 is depicted in Fig. 2. Two pairs of Hopfbifurcation points are observed and the limit cyclefolded up in one side become stable. As the value ofthe mass m increases, the left limit point becomes asaddle-node bifurcation point at the parameter valuem > 4:5m0 as presented in Fig. 3.


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Fig. 9. System responses in time history and phase plane for m= 4:72m0 at ±e = 0:069.

It is interesting to note that the stable limit cyclecrosses the discontinuity of equilibrium points at theparameter value of m = 4:72m0 as depicted in Fig. 3.This might provide a solution of connecting the jumpbehavior between two saddle-node bifurcation pointsas ±e varies. Fig. 4 presents that the discontinuity ofsystem equilibria disappears at the parameter value ofm = 4:75m0. Here, two saddle-node bifurcation pointsare disappeared while the two pairs of Hopfbifurcation still exist.From the above numerical study, it is concluded

that the parameter m may play an important role inlongitudinal flight dynamics. In the next section,two-parameter bifurcation analysis of system (9) iscarried out by treating both of the elevator deflection±e and the mass m as system parameters.


As presented in Section III, we know that aircraftmass m will affect the existence of equilibrium points.By doing rigorous simulations with different settingvalue of m, we find that the two limit points of

system (9) close to each other as mass increases andvanishes at the new value of mass as m = 4:7284m0as depicted in Fig. 5. It is also observed from Fig.5 that one of the two limit points is a saddle-nodebifurcation point for m 4:4696m0, while both of thetwo limit points happen to be saddle-node bifurcationpoints for 4:4696m0 m 4:7284m0. As observed insimulations, not only the limit points will move, butalso the bifurcation points are rearranged as parametervalues vary. Moreover, the system (9) produces twoadditional new bifurcation points for µ < 0 and µ > 0,respectively, for m = 4:4696m0, and the periodicsolutions emerging from these bifurcation pointscouple for each pair of Hopf bifurcations. Fig. 6indicates the location of Hopf bifurcation points of mversus ±e. It is found from Fig. 6 that two additionalHopf bifurcation points appear at m > 4:4696m0corresponding to µ > 0 and µ < 0. The location ofcyclic fold bifurcation in two parameter space is alsodepicted in Fig. 7.

From Fig. 1, the angle of attack is found tobe limited within about 0:01 rad and the aircraft


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Fig. 10. Operation regime of longitudinal flight dynamics in (m,±e) space.

may lose its stability as the elevator deflectionangle ±e increases in order to attain largerangle-of-attack. Motivated by the simulation results,the angle-of-attack is found to be increased withoutloss of stability by varying the elevator deflectionangle ±e and aircraft mass m . For instance, asdepicted in Fig. 3 for m = 4:72m0, the location ofthe stable limit cycle and that of the equilibriumpoint overlap at ±e = 0:066. In such a case, theangle-of-attack can be promoted by changing thevalue of ±e though there are no stable equilibriumpoints between the two saddle-node Hopf points fornegative pitch angle µ. Indeed, as ±e decreases fromzero, the states will first remain at stable equilibriumpoint, and then jump to the stable limit cycle when ±ecrosses the first critical value at which a saddle-nodebifurcation occurs. As ±e decreases further, theoscillation will continue until ±e crosses the secondcritical value at which the left saddle-node-Hopfbifurcation (or the so-called “cyclic-fold” bifurcationpoint) occurs. The system states will then convergeto a stable equilibrium again, and the angle-of-attackcan be increased efficiently by controlling the value of±e. A hysteresis phenomenon will occur if we reversethe changes of the elevator deflection angle. Figs. 8and 9 show the typical time responses of the systemstates before and after ±e crosses the first saddle-nodebifurcation point. The system states converge to thestable equilibrium point for ±e = 0:05 as in Fig.8, while they converge to a stable limit cycle for±e = 0:069 as depicted in Fig. 9.Fig. 10 depicts that the longitudinal flight

dynamics can be divided into several maneuveringregions in the two-parameter space. This diagramwill be useful in providing more understanding of the

longitudinal flight dynamics. As the values of ±e andm are chosen, the corresponding type and/or locationof bifurcation phenomena can be determined by thediagram as in Fig. 10. The simulations presentedin Sections III and IV demonstrate the distinctbifurcation phenomena as well as different dynamicalbehaviors within each regime of parameter space.


In this paper, we have investigated the bifurcationanalysis of longitudinal flight dynamics with respectto two important control parameters: the elevatordeflection ±e and the mass of the aircraft m. Nonlinearphenomena, such as saddle-node bifurcation and Hopfbifurcation, are observed in the numerical simulationresults for the dynamics of the F-8 aircraft as systemparameters vary. The occurrence of saddle-nodebifurcation and Hopf bifurcation may result in jumpbehavior and pitch oscillations. These results agreewith previous observations presented in existingliteratures [1–6]. The discontinuity of the systemequilibrium caused by these bifurcations mightcontribute to the sudden jump behavior in pitch axisdynamics. Such observations might be very importantfor the design of fighter aircraft when the masschange becomes significant.

DER-CHERNG LIAWDept. of Electrical and Control EngineeringNational Chiao Tung UniversityHsinchu 300Taiwan, ROCE-mail: ([email protected])


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CHAU-CHUNG SONGDept. of Electrical EngineeringChung Hua UniversityHsinchu 300Taiwan, ROC

YEW-WEN LIANGWEN-CHING CHUNGDept. of Electrical and Control EngineeringNational Chiao Tung UniversityHsinchu 300Taiwan, ROC


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ERRATA: Charge Equalization for Series-ConnectedBatteries1

Figures 5, 6, and 7 should be replaced with thefigure below and the figures on the following page, asthe distinction between active and inactive subcircuitsin various modes was not as clear as desired.

Fig. 5. Operation modes for activating subcircuits E1.(a) Mode I. (b) Mode II.

1Moo, C. S., Hsieh, Y. C., and Tsai, I. S. (2003), IEEETransactions of Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 39, 2 (Apr.2003), 704–710.

Manuscript received May 1, 2003.

IEEE Log No. T-AES/39/3/818517.

Authors’ current addresses: C. S. Moo and Y. C. Hsieh, PowerElectronics Laboratory, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, NationalSun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 804, ROC, E-mail:([email protected]); I. S. Tsai, Dept. of Test andMeasurement BU, Chroma ATE Inc., Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.

0018-9251/03/$17.00 c 2003 IEEE