Comparing Two page spread

Two page spread

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Page 1: Two page spread

Comparing Two page spread

Page 2: Two page spread

This double page spread is showing the story of the ‘The Teenagers’ who are a very well known band with an independent audience. The main colour scheme for this double page is blue and white and these are colours which stand out and look calm compared to other colours, this can be showing how they are a relaxing band to listen to and can appeal to a wider audience than the one they have the moment. The main focus the band as they stand out it shows that they are going to be the people who are giving the most information and who this double page is going to be based on. There is a variety of fonts in this double page and but they do not over-power what the text is saying. The shots is of a group in a long shot position as it shows their whole body but you can still see their facial expressions because it is in focus on their expressions. The mode of address for this band is informal as they are just lying on a bed and they are relaxing in informal costumes. The mise-en-scene shows lots of the same type of outfits as it would be what they wear when they are just staying with friends rather than going out. The audience for this magazine are people who enjoy a large range of music and this can be shown by a wide range of different genres on the left hand side of the page, by appealing to this audience they have a wider range of people to aim at but they have to compete with lots of other rival magazines who will be aiming at the same audience. The lure on this double page is the star appeal and the colours as the colours can attract them in and then when they are reading they may keep focus because they are a well known band in the rock industry. The mise-en scene in the background is what they think is a typical teenagers bedroom.

The master head

Main image

Page 3: Two page spread

This double page spread is showing the story of the ‘Lily Allen’ and this magazine has conventions which you would expect in a music magazine. It has a very large title which takes up half of one page and this shows the importance of it and the fact they definitely want you to read it. The text is very mixed up in the title which could shows how her life has been mixed up, with highs and lows of her career. The text in the main section is very structured showing how it can be turning to a more serious topic rather than having a mix. The text colour is black and white which means that could be the light parts of her life are white and the dark parts are black. The mode of address in this text is formal as it shows her life in a light which means that it needs to be taken seriously rather than something to laugh at. The shot of Lily Allen is a medium long shot showing most of her upper body which can show what she stereotypically wears and also what the dark make up can show is that she can occasionally have a dark side to her. The audience for this magazine is for people who enjoy a range of music from pop to r&b and this opens it up to a wide audience but also means that it has other magazines which it has to compete with in order to achieve a good enough audience to create a profit. This magazine has features which are different to others as lots of others have smaller titles which means that their is more room for the text whereas this one wants this title to be noticed more than the actual text. It also has one image taking up a whole page whereas other magazines would have a smaller image with text underneath having a quote or more information about the image. The lure for this double page spread is star appeal as Lily Allen is a very well known artist and people may want to buy this magazine because they want to read more about her life.

Main image

Speech – stands out compared to other magazines so influences a person to buy it

Target audience- young age

Page 4: Two page spread

Similarity:They both have big master heads which attracts buyers attention very quickly, both the magazine have a big main image which portrays what the magazines about, so both of them are very clear to understand. Both have good amount of writing which is to be read.

Differences:The layout in both the magazine are very different. The teenagers two page spread has a lot more rang of colours and slogans to catch peoples attention where as the second one wont appeal a lot of people unless they are interested in the persons thoughts.

Similarities & Differences