TWI? TOL. a. Kb. 8. " FtOODSARE i 1 WAY IN ^ W IDE AREA , "Rivers Rising in Many Slates— Torrential Rains Add to Fears of Inhabitants of Sev- eral Towns In Middle West ?1AEP8T0WH, m,, w —Blown tato a fury by a • , i h l g h '^ d , which apnmg ;. ;«]i:;&boiit nine o'clock this ' .‘moming,,the SUnois river forced it*' way through “, Beardstown's-levee at 11 V •; o’olook today, flooding 26 • city blocks nnder a foor | foot sheet of wator. 1 OHIpAGO, (fl>) — .Bprin* frwli- ' ---------rtlch hATe akeidy floodwl ' mMBTlowUnda wtn thmtenlns jDore im otu diauga todiy in maay middle w«st«m lUtas. Balm, »1- moijt t«r«ntl*l, test tli* riven op ia IDcW«»ii, Wisconsin, KtMonrl. Eansu; OUalionu u d Axkuuu. Streunt in other sUtes w e also rUlng Vbt w t at aa alannluK rate.. Bnon- was ftoncm] thtouRhnut tho i northcrn^iijid mldillc Rocky mouiitalii ' 'M ca, repQitt ftom Dvuvct iRillcatca. Lamlor, Wyo., reported tlmt it woi JiffClnR lU way out of eight hirlii's of snow. mn Serrlee Crippled. The »now ftod • wind liavo-.- wilh totciraph wire*. It was not until tato lait nJRht that the Asiociatoil , W.11 ablo fo .cnhibUih throupli touimunlenUen to ci'tfe* we«t of Om iho,- Kclj. ..W lnda'of .MpbeJally bigh .teJbciiy •eiwft! lo- i'ajft'cr-Jrt Uliaftori; , Three ..iOolI. lowM, Aah Orove, Harold anl V Xuek, northw eit'of ’S^pHnRncia; Mb., ' y ffore la Uiu<patb-at.t)u).hisli.irindi an4 tm) per«otii were killod nad ^Mporty dBtiiajN-lo lho « te n t o ^ '« 6ci,0(K)r- ' 'The. ilonn today woa tnnvlnc cntt . ivnrd.alowljr. . . Ji •— . fl Qim:m FBBAX OF FLOOD. < ' I’lTTSriURQ, Kan., (/p>-Wllbur W . " llMcro of Wolr,-BBveral miles south of here, whllo watcliinf; the dverflowlii" wnter* of n creek near liis homc rei- toritny saw a eowered.’lwx float, Into shore. Vpou .examination, ho found n sottlujf hull within, hovcrinff over 15 " cjfjpi, iinliPiiflied'by llio water. Ho In- tnnil" to lot Ao licn complclo the hatching. jl* MANY- EOU|^B WRLOE£D. 1IELT:N.\; -A rt., yP) — Telephone *' BieMaRcs, from Melwood toilay stntoi . tbo Mnihodlit rhurch nnd. 2.’> or 30 houses, them were wrceknil by las* nl ni(jht’» Itorm and lhat about 70 hoiiSM n woro (IcnioUshed,on tho Lundoll’Laod f,; ftjii] Lumlier eompatiy’s rlnntatlon nt Luodell. b( LBVSB EBP02.TBD BROKEN. fi- • WEMPIIIH, Tenn., (/p) — A tole- M ' ■ phone mn«saf^ to th6 headquartorii ili horp of _tho third district, United or 8 ta{c»;,'>n(rlne«ni, a t noou today stale'l rd that thV.JVhilo river lovco at Laconia tu O rde; aeir-KbloDa,. Ark., had broken nn ana'Fps lcttlnjr .in water which, If nol di.oeluil nitbMtely witl cover appro:- ca ___ lii'alilj -10 square'miles of farm land. - 'Wo&an,Who JHnd in Self-De- Intense Declared Hot Qnilty ' in Oillfohila Court L08 ANOElis, W5 - Mrs. Esther Albano, tried for the murder of Leone ' Ucnfr« wlio, she charf^cd nad attempt- od'.to'extort nionoy from'hor, was ac- quilled by a jury In lha superior court •, hero yesterday..-TIio jury was out 40 minutes. ' ' . Mrs. AlbaniJ ndmiltcil 4 " "'iot I killed Merfro tiut declared.she hnd dono il ill solf defense.nficr lie hnd t'ufered Ivcc'home nild dcmnnded f'lOf under thicat of' denth. She tuslified slu* susperlcd IiTonfro' was rospouniljlc for tlioidlMppenranrc'of her hu.ilmnd, ,Ani:oIo Alhnno, nboul n ye;*r n^o. Menffo was nnld to linvo hoen well ' Viinwu lii'llie jwlicc of New Orlrnns. FEDERi'i CASH FOE IDAnO. WASmNGTON, U. C., (IP) — Ap- nrnvnl ol 80 ndvnncej for iiRripulluriil nn'l iivjslnrk purposes nfCjjreRnlini: (-,• (110,000 will nnn'oTincciI, la ir yestcnl.iv Tiy tho wnr. finance rorporatlon. 1>1"- I'rlliulinn of lho loam Included: Idahit, i ’.'.Tiihnn, ITl.OOO; UtaU, ^20.- qoo, and WnshluRlon, $10,000. rpAHO WBATHEE. ToaUKl and WeJnesdiy rnin or fo nanw. nn N‘FA Former Denison of Underworld Dies in Salvation Army "Chinatown Cfortie.V’ Once No- torious V?oinan of Streets,’ Beaches jPinol Chaptor I NEW yOHK, (fl^'Chlnntown' I ffcrtle,” 'nne of this ,city's under-. ^ world lli'iires until II years ngn, when she became a Salvation Army worker, is. deod. ,i One bliuardy nlaht In 1011, ' “ qertio,” . weary nf her mlsernblo 1. oxlsteni'o purehnpod a phial of pol- soti and sauntered' dowii the Sow- ' cry toTTnrd bi-r qunrlers.' * She stnp|>cd nt Pell (treet, nn .1 enlrnnco to Chinatown, where a 6alvali'i:i Army bund wan conduet- Ing n nieetlng. Blio threw tho phbl io Ihi^ ► ’low nniJ folldivod them. ( And i-o . Oerllr, plekpofkct and concert l.nil ‘woman, wns convert, ed. Hii'i'lay she condueVd n meet- ing on the llowcry, told the stor>- of her tilo'nud converted several humaii derelicts. > Sunday night she died of heart dlsen.»e. % m m i isiipffliiei; iP ftllSs Annual Statement of Utali-« Idalio C o m p a n y .' Indicates i« Partial Return to Nonnal,' But-Year’s Deficit is.Heavy;! ’ii '■ ,,l 8AL7 LAEE OHY, Utah, (/pf— pa ,|, , Th# bent fujiir Uulurtiy 1a Impror. m npldJy, Kconlla* to tbe an- naal raikitt. Utih-IdHio - Sniar e^apaajr, nbmltud at the- 'ml ^ anneal, n^ietlnc ef' rto^oldtts ywtwuy; rtbe'-r*^ cov- Ai iw l tli#;.ooBp*By'».fl«ia i,j .Xri«nafy>28. l» l, to Febroary 28, ju' i 49*8,. aul abovM a «#fldt'-p/ . u M3,«U5.: I'lli r As an ia^ifatlon of the SiDprovement ® In the& Rnr’ business and In lho af- eo . fnin' of the, conipany.-the rcporl show-.sl ed tliBtifrom a.total eurrent indebted- ar ness of ll-c eompnny on .March 1, 1021, in nf tH.^SP.OOO, a reduction of fiO per cr ^ eent lind been mnde up lo yesterdny, eli ^ wheu the nirrenl obllgntionn of tho wi ’■ compnny^nTe »7,2HO,000. , ^l,| JJ Tlie NfjiJenii'nl of current ensh pd.'i- th 5 tlon of :iii- eompniiy'showed au exeeiis J. of rORUaliif n»set^ over rwitenl deW ■ ' p o f ♦2,4rtI,C.V.I*'. Ill the nenernl stnte- ment \vhleh preeeded the delniled rc lie port, world eonditli>ns nud market fae- cm iDrn whieh reiulted In the Ins.i wer-.' vie sel.forlh. Hi, ,1. . (Jovenimeat Aid Helps. 'J The rejvorl'ninde iiientlnii of th.- help * afforded by the wnr finance eorpnr.i- * tlon, saviiii; "th e si'enring of theso { II fuwls proved (O In'- n vory splendid ur. jj]! * rnnpeiuent, nnd ue h»[Hi tho plnn enn be continued nnother year.” .Regarding operation, the repnrl call.‘j,„ rtl nHonllon lo tlie eenuomies effected. ^ '- Mainlenniiir expetidilnrr-s were re'| ] « dueed 71> e<-nf» per ton nf beets slieed,! ^ ■1 or n "nvi’ni; of .'1(1,•< per ceot nieonipar- l rd wllh tlie'previous yeiir’s ■ expend!' 1 tures, in spite of the dcerensed ton-, . 1 nago delivered last year. . I Operating expcndU'ures for the’ last- " campaign vere reduced by <1.34 per (ftnttonil m . !>’" VAigiSHIIjlG GREY! Decaujo there Is a sTiertn^ot fuadi tho for operation, of lho 'U niled 81'ittoi I'nii navy,''130 destroyen. ''Rr/.rhniindj ;of Wil so c M f e b p M s s 'N m TWIN PAlfA.pAHO. ! p lF l •Msm fOBlClEII Administration. Measure as.Re- .Written by Finance Commit- tee Expeofed to Raise Iflore Money WAHHINOTON, D. 0., (iipHThe Admlnlstntloa tariff UU aa te-*^ written br lenite llaanee cflmmlt- tee repubUcani oa the basis fer fcrelsn val^tion vltb prorlslosi for . flexible rates and proclaimed Americaa ralnaUon as recommend* ed by Piesldent Haidlnc w u prt> seated today,to the aoaaw. It was annonneed that it would bft taken tip April 21.. A long flsht la In prosper 'With-some citlmates that i it might continue for three aonUii. Taken as a whole, lho bill, nccorillnt' to eslinioics of eommiltco experts, a,-- I eraKes slightly higher Ihuu tho Payne- Alilrich hw , iho Inst republlcnn proter- I 1lvo tariff net. As eompnred wlih tho I house measure, the s]>celfie rntes geu' erally nro higher, but the nd valorem • rntes generally arc lower ns sueh rntes 3 in the hou.«e bill were bnied ou Amcrl' vnlnilon. . Treniury • t-xporlN navi- entiiiinled: roughly thnt the bill will-ralne from | I- <300,000,000 io MSO,(100,ono o f reveniii'iil nnnually. The Underwood lnw.vieldc.il !S betwoen -fliOO,000,000 .and ».100,iM)0,00(i j .1 ' Effect in Doubt \ ^ 'There is n dlvinion of opinion BiiitmL’ j ,y tho farmers ns 16 tho probable-effect y tho measuro wuuld linve ou the eont of ' living. In tho officlnl report nccoui- panylng fho bill, ll is slated the com- nlttee nt;iJorlty •bnd*"endeavored to jrocomtnend rates tbat will afford pro- ,'lection 10 Amerienn Industry nnd per- ■ -m lt them’ io pay wiiges sufficient to ^ ieoabic uur worl^en to maintain .nn , Ainerican sthndard .of living.” ' I With regard to the agricallnral ached- ’ j uie; ono of .ihe loHJfSri'li iho -bill, the‘ jrcport said tho committee "ndopted!' I the ^Hey of giving to‘agriculturo the it meas'uro of protection that has' bocn ae. f. corded to other Industries with duo con- ' /..sldoration to tho-ni'i'ds-of all sjctlons . I- and ns of all induntues.” Tlie ratcH ' I, in this schedule guneriilly nvurngo high- ^ r cr thnn ihuso In tbo bouse bill n'nd in- , % eludes n Inrgo number of items whloh 0 were nn the free list In the Underi.-ti"! ^bill, but jdnced <)a the dullnblo Un lo i i- the emergency tnriff uet now In force. \ ' COitnSBSlON IB OBTAIHEQ | '• IIKIJWOIJD CITY, Calif.. (/p>-I’o-1 " lire slntr<l iodny they, hnd obtained it • confcBslon from Arnold Thompson, pro- viuuily K’i'iillfled from photugraphsns the leader nf n bnnd which raided tho " Julian ][jirl home in Meniu poric the night of ?Jnrch 1, terrurlzvd tbe Hart ' ' fnmlly anti Mole ril.OOO worth of wine* ' and liquor*. " ^ niionipsou wns arresiml yentenlny. ' Ills confession, officers said, impli- '' ' eatcd tw>) other men wbo are under nr J' rent in Ban Mateo, CaL, nnd flvo oth- '' ■‘ers who mo being sought. ' i E0BBBR8 MABE BICH HAXnL. - ' CATANIA, Sclly, (Jp)-Hank robbers mndo a rii-h haul here lait nlghl'when they rl^li^d tbu snfo in the local branch ' of the Oai'co dl Sellia, mnking nwny c wilh 9,000,000 lire in bank notes (about c ' $4^0,000 at present exclisngo). Tbo s doorkeeper and two wntrhnion bnve I ibccn nrrcited. t EYHOUNDS OF UNCLE SAM’S 1 tboje'a,“ -nrb to.bo tftkcn out of eom''s! ! inUjlon. lilxly‘reIuhl..of lho,- vesic'i’i ’ Will lie .t.ockp'4 ut.t}mi:Diegu;Xnl.,;oi!:l i^ ^ ^ iE R IN TWIN FAL J)Ail I. T D B ^ A T . A P ^ 11, 1022. $econstri IXInless i _ j 4 _ ----------------^ -------------- - f War^ Department i^^Charged With 'Fooling Congresa 6- Eoporf ky Sooretorjr WookB be- {. cribed as Fraudulent, His- .loading and DecQitfnt WABfUNflTOX. 1). <!., (/p)- Cliarges ihat^^e wnr departmont i hns sold projH-Hftnnd is todny sell 1 ing prijierty nt-^.'riijle.n'ously aud >| erlminallv Inw lirli'‘^ to. fnvored customers, ronrMllpif-' t ’um mn- grcM and dcliberafe|y inlnrejire- senilng ihe focls” 'it^ri‘ mado in Ihe hoiiiio loday by Ili'pri'Sfiilntivo .lohnion, republican, 8«uth'--^nkotn.. "As proof of the fnel Ihn^ths war do;iarlnieiit Is mlsrepresenT.ing the farts to congress,” Mr.'.T5bn- son,chnrged that n report by Sre- retary Weeks relative tn sale of prriperl;-,-transmuted tn the liouM* ijj last. D.-veniber was the " n io if r ‘’'>; fraudulcni. misleading nud erlm* p. inally diTi-iiful dorument thnt wns ever suLmitted to the Amcrirnu 10 eongnisfl.” ^lilSE S i F ll INIIES " I I Canadian, F?int.From Priva-. tion. Falls Under Train and ' if . '■ Deatti Results J. ST. MAUII--H. Idiihn. (/p) — William liurrenfiird, iigeci 17, of Millleent. Al- 0 berta, is dead here as ihe result uf in- „ .lurles h.‘ suKtalni-d when he'fell ua- derncath thn' wheels of a moving ]. freight irniii Insl bunday.'- ‘ ,pl Rcncstoul tt>Mjili>-»\clnns befoie b? .'jidled In local hospital yesterday tlmt ^-'he wns .fnlnt from, hunger hreause of g. hiivlng been wllhout food fpr three n tiays-aiiil was stealing a jldo.'on the , train, lioth legs were sovored by tlio ^ irhcels nn'd he was olherwlsp'Injured; j His fnther, (leorge W. Ilerrenford. ^ wns t’x|>-'n'l'cd to ntrivu from Alberta ^ - I .! ALICE FREY MAY RECOVER . - j-WoniM Who Took Pola)n FoUowing 1 Be&ta of Hu&buid E u Cbuee t ,. j fer Life, Bay Doctors i '* .SAN KAl’AKL, Cat., (/pv—Mrs. Alie.' ^ Frey,. w:n. look pulnon lasl Thursday j 1 shortly iiHit her husband's deatb io ', ihat nhe ii'l;:ht follow him, attended bb . funeral’ lato yesterdny, plnced a red j ^ roue yn tpe enffin' nnd np|»enred the * most eom|KUfd pnrsou ni the eeremonv. She swiilluwed a ’slow n'.ilng poison, ^ wliirh or^n'iftily causes denth In two weeks;«^^iM, aceording to Dr. .1. H. Kuzer,' who attended her, imt owinj; to | prompt fetion al a Incnl hospital, .Mrs, Frev is rf'A lo hnvr n rbnvitr f«r te- I ? - ' El^OESES MOTHEBS' DAY j| I • I.VnXsiJAl’OWS, {/R-Endorsemont ^ of the observance of ‘‘^mothers' day” ] t on April ,H by the American Legion’s ■/ j auxilinry wns given by President Hard- , .• lug in n letter to Mrs. Lillian Hobart, , national president of the auxlllar)-. ' I 5 GREW FL EET- . i BH«DHn^9K ------------------------ ^— J ■'shoivn ill this remarkable airplane pic' ® I'luie, whil,; will be lierthoiV at the t' iiil'liilu'k‘i'hi.i .iiftv.v-yard.—------------------ --- _____^ _____________ AiiiScoVNfr ~ LY N mctioii Inii Disarmam SOVIET CHIE - FINGER O: Je. ------------ He;id iSf Russian Delegi ference of World Po ,1 Clarifying Atmosphe: ll ,I Main Feature of Prog .1 i _________ OBKOiU (/P)-<}«orge Ohitcbertn.' ] . 10 the ecoQcnie conference, Istue'd %t n dltcusa tlie rflconstructlon of Europe ' I.. Ame'lontloa of present.eondltloni li ' cennlriea” continue r u t expenditure* ^ he uld. IILMCOiTi ^ Towns Along Ocean Front in \ Wide Area House Visiling ; 'a-: Members of Conference— In- I I convenience is Main Feature BAPALLO, Italy, fyp) — The ' Oenoa conference ia taally the nm ” nost? extended” . ‘on recoia—28 Al- , miles of diplomats acattm d along ' ' in- the nt^ged ItalUn ieaeoaat with ' un- monntalnn between them. If ther# ina ** “ 7 idm U ge in kesplng rival del^atloni from teeing aa» an* bP tonlextace IB irell-to^- iiit ' ca{ed. Hut it would hanrtu persuade th»- •'i brcnthle IS dclejfatM who" pnss.,their ll*’ dnys and nights.in motor rnn or lub- ; ” urban trains thnt bng'dlataneo dlplom- ' ' ni^y ts lefiirable.' When ihe delcgales roinmnte INey wli>h they had moioretj;t nnd when thoy mntor thev wish they I hnd tnken ;i trnln. ‘ ! The rnil'tny piissi-x through a seort I In of tuiineU btitweeii Hnpnlhi nnd Oenon,! ihc rnr« nre hot nnd dnrk nnd nti* ag length evi'il the glorlinio glimpses of 11 llic sen I'cgln In'Jii'c their ehnrin. Tbe‘* iniitor rond in highly pi'li.resque, b ii;'( ns |rain< nre frequent Ihe crosiiing|i gntes ore i;lftsed iiuii'h of the timo whil" ' “y. imp;itlent';lkns'iinii», l/'tts, .lugo-SliiVK,! \ Czecliti-^l.tvnks. Rtlhoninns nnd IJlbu-[ \ , nnlnnh nr.- nlnlled along distant cross ; r r ' inU". . la I"' All Languages Are Heard." As iiiin approaches (lenoa, I ’ole.n, I yg Spaniards, i’nriugiieie, Ilnngarians, 0 IJ AustrlaM.i, llnlgiirians nnd' Albnnians x tJ join thl- oucues nild ndd their vnrloiis t ^ tongues Io Ihe general chorus nf ex- t plltlves. Newsptiier eorrcspondcnts aro oblig- ^ ed lo do a mnrnthon as many of the lielegntloiH nre Incaled In hotels so far up the m'liunlaln sides thnt neither tnu-1 '"I lor cars nor enrringes can rcach thcm.j ’^ it tnkcs iiien who arc a combination of i ‘ ' 'Alplno climbers and long illstancol walkers to covcr the scenory o^Tr'v whieh this conforenco is sprlnlilcd. -HANGS UP UNIQU'e PRIZE Marthai Joffra WIQ Tremt Aato- J grsphed Briar Hpe to AmnuJ Tvr- ^ ensle Oontect of OalifomU HAS' FltANCI^'O, (IPI — Six briar pipes, cnch one aulograpbcd by Mar- shal Joff.-<-, will bc given to tbe win- ,, ning debaters,in the'.annual-foronsle. conlest ‘letween CalUomla and Stan- ford iinlverBitie*. Marshal 'Joffre ^ leariioil of the dobale during hU trip to Iletk'-ii-.* Uunday nnd said ho would like io .u'ue n little gift to the dobat- p ers, H «n« his custom during the war, j, he cxplnii.cd, to glvo nn Holographed pl]>e tll tlie shldlers whom be decor ^ nted. n SUBBENBEBS TO FOUOE " Cni(;A0O, (/TV'Sflllor" Friedmnn, ligbtweight pugilist, sought in connec- g| (lun with n shootiug nffrny Sund.iy in r. which one iiinn was killed und four f, others wert- injured, wns In jnil hure tn- |, liii.v. Il(i,!ii|rri'ndered lusi night nnd n l- ri initti'dOtn wns in the snioon when Hie sho(ilinjJ\,iool< plnre but denied hnving f, Uikent^Cix^;^tii-il. o. ------------------------- 1 t( piSQUALIFlEn ON FOUL. j N'k\Y;V*’o' k Is (/py “ 1^'w Teudler, 11 • rhlln'delphiii Ilghlwcighl,_..was disqnali p ficilrfor fdiillng In the seventh rnun.1, tl ig- of bliynteh wilh Charley Pills of Au^- - he tralla' liero last night. The referee - — nwiixdfd thcnlei'l-iton io Pills. j , V.' l E ^ PWjJB nVB'OESMTe ipossible lent Leads EF PLACES :)N KEY NOTE i igation at Economic Con- Powers .Issues Statement here with Respect .to the D ^am , --------------- . ,'f'p ■ _ In, head of thi Buulan aoriet delegation %fUtemest t6day declaring it tuelea'to pe vlthent tlso dlacujBtng dlsazmkaeat ‘ I U impossible 'while the “ lmp«1jaiitle res for the malateumce of Urge undea, -< Conaldsratipn of the Bastu''' ' qnettlon begu today wtth the. Imeeting of the appointed yesterday brtlu|.beDf<r: . I .'Snce chairman, Premier'Facta of ’ I Italy. omih Nanowly ATerted The clash 1>otwccn tho Bustinns nnd French at the openiag acBsion ycstur- ' dny was still the subject of oxcited comment, ns the dclcj^tes gathered to- day. Allied diplomats bcliovu that on- ly tho prompt Intorvcotion of Prlmo Mlniilcr Lloyd Oeorgo of Orent Brit- p nili nnd the firm ntlltode of >ho clu-r- man averted a brcnk which would have lQ ietbusly affettcd the toralng dcUU- ernllons. , , . Ajinouncemcnt by Oeorgo Chltchcrln, head of tho soviet dcicgntloo, tliat Bui- *6 sin was prepared to- support any pro-: pot.ils thnt woold avert war or Ughtenv. the burden of armament was Acc9pt^1 ns n fling at tho Freach military pol- icy by U uis Uartbqu, who heatedly tie- - ' clared llint. Frajiso would refuioito dia* euss. dlsarm'amoot at Genoa. .. , .DisaxmammUaitOomt . vnun Ur .Uoyd Oeorge . BgeadAjw ad^tad ^ tht aaprau I'' dacianMoa coaIeI«nca^lu4«vl•-dll■Rauitet, j; U w U lb e ’afallu w ." ' / ■■■ . ‘‘Bdt before yoa fet tb d^ann*- I; ( ment,” h« add«i "yro mnit. h»T# y I a dnnble p«a«. W ith th* piflMnt ! agenda we hare aU th« cargo the I ship can cariy." . " M. Cliiteherin made nnolhor attempt it ito gnln tho floor, but was refused tbo if I privilege by tho chairman, who insist- ii.Ud tho discussion imd gunu far etiDU{(h| i;' nnd ruled that the agenda must bc fol- g I lowed. . V' -After quiet wn stesiored appointment t,! wns aonounccd tho conuplssions .on I-1 verification of eredentlals, the Buulan • ; question, finance, cconomje quesiiona I and trnnsporl. • Tho keynoto of the confereoce was t, sounded by Mr. Lloyd Oeorgo, when ho I, outlined tho "only conditions on which H wo cnn consent Jo deal with others,’' 8 this supiwsediy referring specifically to - tho Italians. r. , lAya Dows,Ba]M ^ ” Tlio first Js,” he said, “ when n country enters Into contractuli! ] oltligniions wlih another country or jl its nationali, for valuo received, I that contract cannot be repadlated -J. whenever ihe country changes its government wllhoul returning Val-' ue. The second U that no country, . eattwagowaren the'institniioaa .of. 1 another. Tbe third U that eno na- tlon jUa^ nbt. engage In aggre^ve ^ operatioos againit the terrilny ot - another. Tbe fourth U thaC; thftViu nationals of one eonntry shall ontitlcd to iapartial jnstleo in’ the)'; .v ^ courta'of.aaother.” ' v”'.'-! ' ( Any natioa which regretted. t h ^ > J .’ "elemenlary conditioas of ilriUtod .in. ; torcourae,” he dcelared,^'‘*eoold aftt be.; p rcclov'cd Into the comity of'iuiUoas.’^ :i ' Bossian* rUePzotM t 1 At Ihis ofJcmooa’s meeting of tijp ' prinelpnl coDfereneo committee, which > is to consider Ruttian affairs,. f^>reign. i Minister Chltchcrln of Bnsila protested against lho presence of the Bomanlan nnd Japanese delegattsj bet&Tite Buma- , nlll wns occupying Bcisarabia-and Jap- ’ nn was occupying portions of Siberlii. ' '■ Premier Tnc’tn of Italy who'wa'a prO' '■ siding uver tli« commlltee', deelined to ronslder the Russian protest, giving ns ^ his’reason Ihut all tho eountries invit- ' id to (he confcrcnco hnd n right io bo n-presented on its committees. , I' Tho principal commltteo of the con- < ference, composod of lho chief delegates of all the states ropreiented, and at* tcnde<l by the-e'xperU. of tho,'W ioni' delegntion*, aaimblcd thb 'm rnlng in , thfl'Palnrso.Realo. Consldctable tm*,’ portanco is, attached to the deUbem- - i, tions o fth li commlttoe. ^ ; Extraordinary - polke «-i»rwtttloM. (OoaUnnea-oa

TWI?N‘FA J)AilLY Nl Enewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_T... · TWI? TOL. a. Kb. 8." FtOODSARE i 1 WAY IN ^ WIDE AREA, "Rivers Rising in Many Slates—

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Page 1: TWI?N‘FA J)AilLY Nl Enewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_T... · TWI? TOL. a. Kb. 8." FtOODSARE i 1 WAY IN ^ WIDE AREA, "Rivers Rising in Many Slates—

TWI?TOL. a. Kb. 8.


, " R iv e r s R i s in g in M a n y S l a t e s —

T o r r e n t i a l R a i n s A d d to

F e a r s o f I n h a b i t a n t s o f S e v ­

e r a l T o w n s In M id d le W e s t

? 1 A E P 8 T 0 W H , m , , w — Blown tato a fury by a •

, i h l g h '^ d , which apnmg ; . ;«]i:;&boiit nine o'clock this '

.‘moming,,the SUnois river forced it*' way through

“ , Beardstown's-levee a t 11 V •; o’olook today, flooding 26 •

city blocks nnder a foor | foot sheet of wator.

1 OHIpAGO, (fl>) — .Bprin* frw li-'---------r t l c h hATe a k e id y floodwl

' mMBT lowUnda w t n th m te n ln s jDore im o tu d ia u g a to d iy in m aay middle w «st«m lU ta s . B alm , »1- moijt t« r« n tl* l, t e s t tli* r iv e n op ia IDcW«»ii, W isconsin, KtMonrl. E a n s u ; O U alionu u d A x k u u u . S tre u n t in o ther sU tes w e also rUlng Vbt w t a t a a alannluK r a te . . Bnon- was ftoncm] thtouRhnut tho i

northcrn^iijid mldillc R ocky mouiitalii ' 'M ca , repQitt ftom Dvuvct iRillcatca.

Lamlor, Wyo., reported tlm t it woi JiffClnR lU way out o f e ight hirlii's of snow.

m n Serrlee Crippled.The »now ftod • wind liavo-.-

w ilh to tciraph wire*. I t was not until tato la i t nJRht th a t the Asiociatoil

, W.11 ablo fo .cnhibUih throuplitouimunlenUen to ci'tfe* we«t o f Om iho,- Kclj...W ln d a 'o f .MpbeJally bigh .teJbciiy

•eiw ft! lo- i'ajft'cr-Jrt U liaftori; , Three ..iO o lI . lowM, Aah Orove, Harold a n l

V X uek, n o r th w e it 'o f ’S^pHnRncia; Mb., 'y ffore la Uiu<patb-at.t)u).hisli.irindi an4

tm ) per«otii were killod nad ^M porty dB tiia jN -lo lho « t e n t o ^ '« 6ci,0(K)r- '

'The. ilonn today woa tnnvlnc cntt . ivnrd.alowljr. . . • Ji

•— . fl Q im :m FB BA X OF FLOOD. <'

I’lTTSriURQ, K an., (/p> -W llbur W . " llMcro o f Wolr,-BBveral miles south of here, whllo watcliinf; the dverflowlii" wnter* of n creek near liis homc re i- toritny saw a eowered.’lwx float, Into shore. Vpou .examination, ho found n sottlujf hull w ithin, hovcrinff over 15 " cjfjpi, iinliPiiflied'by llio w ater. Ho In- tnnil" to lot A o licn complclo the hatching. jl*


1IELT:N.\; -A r t. , yP) — Telephone *' BieMaRcs, from Melwood toilay s tn to i . tbo Mnihodlit rhurch nnd. 2.’> or 30 houses, them were wrceknil by las* nl ni(jht’» Itorm and lh a t about 70 hoiiSM n woro (IcnioUshed,on tho L undoll’Laod f,; ftjii] Lumlier eompatiy’s r lnn ta tlon nt Luodell. b(

‘ LBV SB EBP02.TBD BROKEN. fi-• WEMPIIIH, Tenn., (/p) — A tole- M

' ■ phone mn«saf^ to th 6 headquartorii ilihorp of _tho third d istric t, United or 8 ta{c»;,'>n(rlne«ni, a t noou today sta le 'l rd th a t thV.JVhilo r iver lovco a t Laconia tu O rd e ; aeir-KbloDa,. Ark., had broken nn a n a 'F p s lcttlnjr .in w ater which, If nol di.oeluil nitbM tely witl cover appro :- ca

___ l i i 'a l i l j -10 square 'm iles o f farm land. -

'Wo&an,Who JHnd in Self-De- Intense Declared Hot Qnilty

' in Oillfohila Court

■ L 0 8 A N O E lis , W5 - Mrs. Esther Albano, tried fo r the m urder of Leone

' U cnfr« wlio, she charf^cd nad attem pt- o d '.to 'e x to rt nionoy from 'hor, was ac- quilled by a ju ry In lha superior court

•, hero yesterday..-TIio ju ry was ou t 40 minutes. ' ' .

Mrs. AlbaniJ ndmiltcil 4 " "'iot I killed M erfro tiut decla red .she hnd dono il ill solf d e fense .n fic r lie hnd t'ufered Ivcc'home nild dcmnnded f'lOf • under th ic a t of' denth. She tuslified slu* susperlcd IiTonfro' was rospouniljlc for tlioid lM ppenranrc 'o f her hu.ilmnd,

,Ani:oIo Alhnno, nboul n ye;*r n^o.Menffo was nnld to linvo hoen well

' Viinwu lii 'llie jwlicc of New Orlrnns.

F E D E R i 'i CASH FO E IDAnO.W ASmNGTON, U. C., (IP) — Ap-

nrnvnl ol 80 ndvnncej fo r iiRripulluriil nn'l iiv jsln rk purposes nfCjjreRnlini: (-,• (110,000 will nnn'oTincciI, la ir yestcnl.iv Tiy tho wnr. finance rorporatlon. 1>1"- I'rlliulinn of lho loam Included: Idahit,

i ’.'.Tiihnn, ITl.OOO; UtaU, ^20 .- qoo, and WnshluRlon, $10,000.

rpAH O W BATHEE.• ToaUKl and W eJnesdiy rnin or fo nanw. nn

N ‘FAFormer Denison of

Underworld Dies ■ in Salvation Army

■ "Chinatown Cfortie.V’ Once No­torious V?oinan of Streets,’

Beaches jPinol Chaptor

I NEW yOHK, ( f l ^ 'C h ln n to w n 'I ffcrtle ,” 'n n e of th is ,c ity 's under-.^ world lli 'iires un til II years ngn,

when she became a Salvation Army worker, is. deod. , i

One b liu a rd y n laht In 1011, ' “ q e rtio ,” . weary nf her mlsernblo

1. oxlsteni'o purehnpod a phial of pol- soti and sauntered' dowii the Sow- ' cry toTTnrd bi-r qun rlers .'

* She stnp|>cd n t Pell (tree t, nn .1 enlrnnco to Chinatown, where a

6alvali'i:i Army bund wan conduet- Ing n nieetlng. Blio threw tho phbl io Ihi ►’low nniJ folldivod them. (

And i-o . O erllr, plekpofkct and concert l.nil ‘woman, wns convert, ed. Hii'i'lay she condueVd n meet­ing on the llowcry, told the stor>- o f her tilo 'n u d converted several humaii derelicts. >

Sunday night she died of heart dlsen.»e.

% m m i

isiipffliiei;i P f t l l S s

Annual Statement of U t a li- « Idalio Com pany.' Indicates i«

” Partial Return to Nonnal,' But-Year’ s Deficit is .H e a v y ;!

’ii '■,,l 8A L7 L A E E O H Y, Utah, (/pf— pa ,|, , Th# bent fujiir Uulurtiy 1a Impror. m

npldJy, Kconlla* to tbe an- naal ra ik itt. Utih-IdHio

- Sniar e^apaajr, nbm ltud a t the- 'ml ^ anneal, n^ietlnc e f ' r to ^ o ld t ts

y w tw u y ; r t b e ' - r * ^ cov- Ai i w l tli# ;.ooB p*B y '» .fl« ia

i,j .Xri«nafy>28. l » l , to F ebroary 28, ju 'i 49*8,. a u l abovM a «#fldt'-p / . u

M 3 ,« U 5 . : I'llir As an ia^ifatlon o f the SiDprovement ®

In th e & R n r’ business and In lho af- eo . fnin ' o f the, conipany.-the rcporl show -.sl

ed tliBtifrom a .to ta l eurrent indebted- ar ness o f ll-c eompnny on .March 1, 1021, in n f tH.^SP.OOO, a reduction o f fiO per cr

^ eent lind been mnde up lo yesterdny, eli ^ wheu the n irren l obllgntionn o f tho wi ’■ com pnny^nTe »7,2HO,000. , l,|JJ Tlie NfjiJenii'nl of current ensh pd.'i- th 5 tlon of :iii- eompniiy'showed au exeeiis J. o f rORUaliif n»set^ over rw itenl deW ■' p o f ♦2,4rtI,C.V.I*'. Ill the nenernl stnte-

ment \vhleh preeeded the delniled r c lie port, world eonditli>ns nud m arket fae- cm iDrn whieh reiulted In the Ins.i wer-.' vie se l.fo rlh . Hi,

,1. . (Jovenimeat A id Helps.

'J The rejvorl'ninde iiientlnii of th.- help* afforded by the wnr finance eorpnr.i-* tlon, saviiii; " t h e si'enring of theso {II fuwls proved (O In'- n vory splendid ur. jj]!* rnnpeiuent, nnd u e h»[Hi tho plnn enn

be continued nnother ye a r .”.Regarding operation, the repnrl c a ll .‘j ,„

rtl nHonllon lo tlie eenuomies effected. ^'- M ainlenniiir expetidilnrr-s were r e ' | ] « dueed 71> e<-nf» per ton nf beets slieed,! ■1 or n "nvi’ni; of .'1(1,•< per ceot nieonipar- l rd wllh tlie 'p rev ious ye iir’s ■ expend!'1 tures, in spite o f the dcerensed ton-, . 1 nago delivered last year. .I Operating expcndU'ures for th e ’ last- "■ campaign v e re reduced by <1.34 per

(ftnttonil m . !>’"

■ VAigiSHIIjlG G R E Y !

Decaujo there Is a s T ie r tn ^ o t fu ad i tho for operation, of lho 'U n iled 81'ittoi I'nii navy,''130 destroyen . ''R r/.rhn iind j ;of Wil

s o c M f e b p M s s ' N m

T W IN P A lf A .p A H O . !

p l F l• M s m

f O B lC lE I IAdministration. Measure as.Re- ■ .W ritten by Finance Commit­

tee Expeofed to Raise Iflore Money

WAHHINOTON, D. 0., (iipHThe A dm lnlstn tloa ta r i f f UU aa te-*^ w ritten b r le n i te llaanee cflmmlt- tee repubUcani oa the basis fer fcrelsn v a l^ t io n v l tb prorlslosi fo r . flexible ra te s and proclaimed Americaa ralnaU on as recommend* ed by P ieslden t H aid lnc w u prt> seated to d a y ,to th e aoaaw. I t was annonneed th a t i t would bft taken tip April 21.. A long f ls h t la In p ro sp e r 'W ith-some citlm ates th a t

i i t m igh t continue fo r th ree aonU ii.‘ Taken as a whole, lho bill, nccorillnt' to eslinioics o f eommiltco experts, a,--

I eraKes slightly higher Ihuu tho Payne- Alilrich h w , iho Inst republlcnn proter-

I 1lvo ta riff net. As eompnred wlih tho I house measure, th e s]>celfie rntes geu'

erally nro higher, bu t the nd valorem• rntes generally arc lower ns sueh rntes

3 in the hou.«e bill were bnied ou Amcrl' vnlnilon.

. T reniury • t-xporlN navi- entiiiinled: roughly thn t the bill w ill-ralne from |

I- <300,000,000 io MSO,(100,ono o f reveniii'iil nnnually. The Underwood lnw.vieldc.il

!S betwoen -fliOO,000,000 .and ».100,iM)0,00(i j .1 ' E ffe c t in D oub t \^ 'There is n dlvinion of opinion BiiitmL’ j ,y tho farmers ns 16 tho probable-effect y tho measuro wuuld linve ou the eont of ' living. In tho officlnl report nccoui-

panylng fho bill, l l is sla ted the com- n ltte e nt;iJorlty •bnd*"endeavored to

jrocomtnend rate s tb a t will a fford pro- , 'lection 10 Amerienn Industry nnd per- ■ - m lt them’ io pay wiiges sufficient to ieoabic uur w o rl^ e n to maintain .nn , Ainerican sthndard .of living.” '

I W ith regard to th e agricallnral ached- ’ j uie; ono of .ih e lo H JfS r i'li iho -bill, th e ‘ jrcpo rt sa id tho committee "ndopted!' I the ^ H e y of g iv ing to ‘agriculturo the

it meas'uro of p rotection th a t has' bocn ae. f. corded to other Industries with duo con- ' / . . sldoration to tho-n i'i'd s-of all sjctlons . I- and ns of all induntues.” Tlie ratcH ' I, in this schedule guneriilly nvurngo high- r cr thnn ihuso In tbo bouse bill n'nd in- , % eludes n Inrgo number of items whloh0 were nn the free list In the Underi.-ti"!

^bill, bu t jdnced <)a the dullnblo U n lo ii- the emergency tn r if f uet now In force.

\ ' COitnSBSlON IB OBTAIHEQ |'• IIKIJWOIJD CITY, Calif.. ( /p> -I’o-1 " lire slntr<l iodny they, hnd obtained it• confcBslon from Arnold Thompson, pro-

viuuily K’i'iillfled from photugraphsns the leader n f n bnnd which raided tho " Julian ][jirl home in Meniu poric the night o f ?Jnrch 1, terrurlzvd tbe H art '

' fnmlly anti Mole ril.OOO worth of wine* '■ and liquor*. " niionipsou wns arresim l yentenlny.' Ills confession, officers said, impli- '' ' eatcd tw>) other men wbo are under nr J'

rent in Ban M ateo, CaL, nnd flvo oth- ''■ ‘ers who m o being sought.

' i E0BBBR8 M A B E BICH HAXnL. - '' CATANIA, Sclly, (Jp)-H ank robbers

mndo a rii-h haul here la it nlghl'w henthey rl^li^d tbu snfo in the local branch 'o f the Oai'co dl Sellia, mnking nwny cwilh 9,000,000 lire in bank notes (about c

' $4^0,000 a t p resen t exclisngo). Tbo sdoorkeeper and two wntrhnion bnve I

ibccn nrrcited. t

E Y H O U N D S O F U N C L E S A M ’S

1 tb o je 'a ,“ -nrb to .b o tftkcn ou t o f eom''s! ! inUjlon. lilxly‘reIuh l..o f lho,- v e s ic 'i’ i ’ Will lie .t.ockp'4 ut.t}m i:D iegu;X nl.,;o i!:l

i ^ ^ i E R I N TWIN FAL

J )A ilI. T D B ^ A T . A P ^ 11, 1022.

$econstri IXInless i

■ _ j 4 _ ---------------- -------------- -

fWar Department i^^Charged With ■ 'Fooling Congresa

6- Eoporf ky Sooretorjr WookB be- {. cribed as Fraudulent, His-

.loading and DecQitfnt

WABfUNflTOX. 1). <!., ( / p ) - Cliarges ih a t^ ^ e wnr departmont i hns sold projH-Hftnnd is todny s e ll 1 ing prijie rty nt-^.'riijle.n'ously aud >| erlminallv Inw lirli'‘ to . fnvored customers, ronrMllpif-' t ’um mn- grcM and dcliberafe |y inlnrejire- senilng ihe fo cls” 'i t^ r i‘ mado in Ihe hoiiiio loday by Ili'pri'Sfiilntivo .lohnion, republican, 8«uth'--^nkotn..

" A s proof o f the fnel I h n ^ th s w ar do;iarlnieiit Is mlsrepresenT.ing the farts to congress,” Mr.'.T5bn- son,chnrged tha t n report by Sre- re tary W eeks relative tn sale of prriperl;-,-transm uted tn the liouM*

ijj la s t. D.-veniber was the " n io ifr‘’'>;fraudulcni. m isleading nud erlm*

p. inally diTi-iiful dorument thnt wns ever suLmitted to the Amcrirnu

10 eongnisfl.”

^ l i l S E S i F l l INIIES" I —

I Canadian, F? in t.Fro m Priva-.

tion. Falls Under Train and ' if .

'■ Deatti Results

J. ST. MAUII--H. Idiihn. (/p) — William liurrenfiird, iigeci 17, of Millleent. Al-

0 berta, is dead here as ihe result u f in- „ .lurles h.‘ suKtalni-d when h e 'f e l l ua-

derncath thn' wheels o f a moving ] . freight irniii Insl bun d ay .'- ‘,pl Rc n cs tou l tt>Mjili>-»\clnns befoie b? .'jid led In local hospital yesterday tlmt ^-'h e wns .fnlnt from , hunger hreause of g. hiivlng been w llhout food fpr three n

tiays-aiiil was stealing a jld o .'o n the , train , lioth legs were sovored by tlio irhcels nn'd he was olherw lsp'Injured; j

His fnther, (leorge W. Ilerrenford. wns t’x|>-'n'l'cd to ntrivu from Alberta ^

- I

.! A L IC E F R E Y M A Y R E C O V E R .- j-WoniM Who Took Pola)n FoUowing 1

Be&ta of Hu&buid E u C b u e e t ,. j fe r L ife, Bay Doctors i

'* .SAN KAl’AKL, Cat., (/pv— Mrs. Alie.' Frey,. w:n. look pulnon lasl Thursday j

1 shortly iiH it her husband's deatb i o ' , ih a t nhe ii'l;:ht follow him, attended b b

. funeral’ lato yesterdny, plnced a red j roue yn tpe enffin ' nnd np|»enred the

* most eom|KUfd pnrsou ni the eeremonv. She swiilluwed a ’slow n'.ilng poison, ^

■ wliirh or^n'iftily causes denth In two w eeks;«^^iM , aceording to Dr. .1. H. ‘ Kuzer,' who a ttended her, imt owinj; to | prompt fetion a l a Incnl hospital, .Mrs, Frev is rf 'A lo hnv r n rbnvitr f«r te- I

■ ? -

’ ' E l^ O E S E S M O TH EBS' DAY j| I • I.VnXsiJAl’OWS, { /R -E ndorsem ont

of the observance of ‘ ‘ mothers' d a y ” ] t on April ,H by the American L egion’s ■/ j auxilinry wns given by President Hard- , .• lug in n le tte r to Mrs. Lillian H obart, ,

national president o f the auxlllar)-.

' I

5 G R E W F L E E T - . i

B H « D H n ^ 9 K

------------------------ — J

■'shoivn ill th is rem arkable airplane p ic ' ® I 'lu i e , whil,; will be lierthoiV a t th e t'iiil 'l iilu 'k ‘i'hi.i .iiftv.v-yard.— ------------------ ---

_____^ _____________

A i i i S c o V N f r ~

LY Nmctioii Inii Disarmam

SOVIET CHIE- FINGER O:Je. ------------

■ He;id iSf Russian Delegiference of World Po

,1 Clarifying Atmosphe:ll , I Main Feature o f Prog .1 i _________

OBKOiU (/P)-<}«orge O hitcbertn.' ] „ . 10 th e ecoQcnie conference, Istue'd % t n dltcusa tlie rflconstructlon of Europe ' I.. A m e 'lon tloa of present.eondltloni l i ' cennlriea” continue r u t expenditure* he u ld .

I I L M C O iT i^ Towns Along Ocean Front in \

Wide Area House Visiling ; 'a-: Members of Conference— In- I I convenience is Main Feature

BAPALLO, Italy , fyp) — The 'Oenoa conference ia taally the

nm ” nost? extended” . ‘on reco ia—28 Al- , miles o f diplomats a c a t tm d a long ' ' in- the n t^ged ItalU n ieaeoaat w ith ' un- monntalnn between them. I f ther# ina ** “ 7 id m U g e in kesplng riva l

d e l^ a t lo n i from teeing aa» an* bP tonlextace IB irell-to^-iiit ' ca{ed. ■

Hut it would h a n rtu persuade th»- • 'i brcnthle IS dclejfatM who" pnss.,the ir

ll*’ dnys and n igh ts .in motor r n n or lub- ; ” urban tra in s thnt bng 'd lataneo dlplom- ' ' ni^y ts lefiirable.' When ihe delcgales

roinmnte INey wli>h they had m oioretj;t nnd when thoy mntor thev wish they I hnd tnken ;i trnln. ‘ !

The rn il'tn y piissi-x through a seort I I n of tuiineU btitweeii Hnpnlhi nnd Oenon,!

ihc rnr« nre hot nnd dnrk nnd n t i* a g length evi'il the glorlinio glimpses of 11

llic sen I'cgln In 'Jii 'c their ehnrin. T b e ‘ * iniitor rond in highly pi'li.resque, b i i ; '( ns |rain< nre frequent Ihe crosiiing |i gntes ore i;lftsed iiuii'h o f the timo w hil" '

“y. imp;itlent';lkns'iinii», l / 't ts , .lugo-SliiVK,! \ Czecliti-^l.tvnks. Rtlhoninns nnd I J lb u - [ \

, nnlnnh nr.- nlnlled along distant cross ; rr ' inU". . laI"' A ll Languages Are Heard."

As iiiin approaches (lenoa, I’ole.n, I yg Spaniards, i’nriugiieie, Ilnngarians, 0 IJ AustrlaM.i, llnlgiirians nnd' Albnnians x tJ join thl- oucues nild ndd the ir vnrloiis t ^ tongues Io Ihe general chorus n f ex- t

plltlves.N ew sptiier eorrcspondcnts aro oblig-

ed lo do a mnrnthon as many of the lielegntloiH nre Incaled In hotels so far up the m'liunlaln sides thnt ne ither tnu-1

'" I lo r cars nor enrringes can rcach thcm .j ’ i t tnkcs iiien who arc a combination o f i ‘ ' 'Alplno climbers and long illstancol

walkers to covcr the scenory o^Tr'v whieh th is conforenco is sprlnlilcd.


M arthai Jo ffra WIQ T r e m t A ato- J grsphed B ria r H p e to Amnu J Tvr-

ensle Oontect of O alifomU

HAS' F ltA N C I^ 'O , (IPI — Six b riar pipes, cnch one aulograpbcd by M ar­shal Joff.-<-, will bc given to tb e win- ,, n ing d e b a te rs ,in the'.annual-foronsle. conlest ‘letween CalUomla and S tan ­ford iinlverBitie*. Marshal 'Jo ffre leariioil of the dobale during hU tr ip to Iletk'-ii-.* Uunday nnd said ho would like io .u 'u e n little gift to the dobat- p ers, H «n« his custom during the w ar, j, he cxplnii.cd, to glvo nn Holographed pl]>e tll tlie shldlers whom be decor ^ nted. n

SUBBENBEBS TO FO U O E "C ni(;A 0O , ( /T V 'S f l l lo r" Friedmnn, ‘

ligbtweight pugilist, sought in connec- g|(lun with n shootiug nffrny Sund.iy in r.which one iiinn was killed und four f,others wert- injured, wns In jnil hure tn- |,liii.v. Il(i,!ii|rri'ndered lusi night nnd n l- ri initti'dOtn wns in the snioon when Hiesho(ilinjJ\,iool< plnre but denied hnving f,Uikent^Cix^;^tii-il. o.

------------------------- 1 ■ t(p iS Q U A L IF lE n ON FOUL. j

N'k\Y;V*’o 'k Is (/py “ 1^'w Teudler, 11• rhlln'delphiii Ilghlwcighl,_..was disqnali p

fic ilrfo r fdiillng In the seventh rnun.1, tlig- o f b l iy n t e h wilh Charley P ills o f Au^- -he t r a l la ' liero la st night. The referee -— nwiixdfd thcnlei'l-iton io Pills. j

, V.'


ipossible lent LeadsEF PLACES :)N KEY NOTE


igation at Economic Con- Powers .Issues Statement here with Respect .to theD ^ a m ,— --------------- . , ' f 'p ■ _

In, head o f t h i B uu lan aorie t delegation % fU tem e s t t 6day declaring i t tu e le a 'to pe v lth e n t tlso dlacujBtng d lsa zm k ae a t ‘I U impossible 'while th e “ lm p«1ja iitle re s fo r th e m alateum ce of U rge undea ,

-< Conaldsratipn of th e B a s t u ' ' ' ' qnettlon b e g u today w tth the.

I meeting of theappointed yesterday b r tlu |.b e D f< r : .

I .'Snce chairman, P re m ie r 'F a c ta o f ’

I Italy .

om ih N anow ly ATerted

The clash 1>otwccn tho Bustinns nnd French a t the openiag acBsion ycstur-

' dny was still the subject o f oxcited comment, ns the dclcj^tes ga thered to ­day. Allied diplomats bcliovu th a t on­ly tho prompt Intorvcotion of Prlmo M lniilc r Lloyd Oeorgo o f Orent Brit-

p nili nnd the firm ntlltode of >ho clu-r- man averted a brcnk which would have

lQ ie tb u s ly a ffe ttcd the toralng dcUU- ernllons. , , .

1« Ajinouncemcnt by Oeorgo Chltchcrln, head of tho soviet dcicgntloo, tlia t Bui-

*6 sin was prepared to- support any pro-: pot.ils thnt woold avert w ar o r Ughtenv. the burden of armament was Acc9p t^1 ns n fling a t tho Freach m ilitary pol- icy by U u is Uartbqu, who heatedly tie- -

' clared llint. Frajiso would re fu io ito dia* euss. dlsarm'amoot a t Genoa.

.. , .D isa x m a m m U a itO o m t .

v n u n U r .U oyd Oeorge

. BgeadAjw a d ^ ta d ^ t h t a a p r a u

I'' dacianMoa“ c o a Ie I« n ca ^ lu 4 « v l•-d l l■ R au ite t, j ; U w U l b e ’a fa l lu w ." ' / ■■■

. ‘‘B d t before yoa f e t tb d^ann* - I; ( m ent,” h« a d d « i " y r o m nit. h»T# y I a d n n b le p«a« . W ith th * piflM nt

! agenda we h a re aU th« cargo the I ship can c a r iy ." . "

M. Cliiteherin made nnolhor a ttem pt it i to gnln tho floor, bu t was refused tbo if I privilege by tho chairman, who insist- ii.U d tho discussion imd gunu fa r etiDU{(h| i ; ' nnd ruled that the agenda must bc fol- g I lowed. .V' -A fte r quiet wn stesiored appointment t , ! wns aonounccd tho conuplssions .on I-1 verification of eredentlals, the B uu lan• ; question, finance, cconomje quesiiona

I and trnnsporl. •Tho keynoto of the confereoce was

t, sounded by Mr. Lloyd Oeorgo, w hen ho I, outlined tho " o n ly conditions on which H wo cnn consent Jo deal w ith others,’ '8 th is supiwsediy referring specifically to - tho I ta l ia n s .

r. , lAya Dows,Ba]M

^ ” Tlio first J s ,” he said, “ when n country enters Into contractuli!

] oltligniions w lih another country or j l i ts nationali, for valuo received,

I th a t contract cannot be repadlated -J. whenever ihe country changes its

government wllhoul returning V al-' ue. The second U th a t no country,

. e a ttw a g o w aren the 'in s titn iioaa .of. •1 another. Tbe third U th a t eno na-

tlo n jUa^ nbt. engage In a g g re ^ v e ^ operatioos ag ain it the t e r r i ln y o t -

another. Tbe fourth U thaC; thftViu nationals of one eonntry shall ontitlcd to ia p a r tia l jnstleo in ’ th e ) '; .v

^ co u rta 'o f.aao ther.” ' v” '.'-! ' (A ny natioa which reg re tted . t h ^ >

J.’ "elem en lary conditioas o f ilr iU to d .in. ;■ torcourae,” he dcelared,^'‘*eoold a ftt be .; p rcclov'cd Into the comity of'iu iU oas.’^

:i ' Bossian* rU eP zo tM t1 At Ih is ofJcm ooa’s meeting of tijp ' prinelpnl coDfereneo committee, which > is to consider R uttian a ffairs,. f^>reign. i M inister Chltchcrln o f B nsila protested

against lho presence of the Bomanlan nnd Japanese delegattsj bet&Tite Buma-

, nlll wns occupying B cisarab ia-and Jap- ’ nn was occupying portions o f Siberlii. '

'■ Prem ier Tnc’tn o f I ta ly who'wa'a prO''■ siding uver tli« commlltee', deelined to

ronslder the Russian protest, g iving ns his’ reason Ihut all tho eountries invit-

' id to (he confcrcnco hnd n righ t io bo• n-presented on its committees. ,I' Tho principal commltteo of th e con- < ference, composod of lho ch ief delegates

o f all the states ropreiented, and at* tcnde<l by the-e'xperU . of t h o , 'W io n i ' delegntion*, a a im b lcd th b 'm rn ln g in

, th fl'P a ln rso .R ea lo . Consldctable tm*,’ portanco is , attached to the deUbem- -

i, tions o f t h l i commlttoe. ; E xtraordinary - po lke « -i» rw tttlo M .


Page 2: TWI?N‘FA J)AilLY Nl Enewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_T... · TWI? TOL. a. Kb. 8." FtOODSARE i 1 WAY IN ^ WIDE AREA, "Rivers Rising in Many Slates—

I ■ ■• r w u

j i i s p r a c '1 H i i rI l i C S I i1|! F u n d s f o r U p k e e p o f S c h o o l

?;i S y s t e m A m o n g O id a h o m a

ii. J b o r i g i n l e s a r e A c t u a l P r o p -

}! e r t ) l o f V a r io u s T r ib e s

' 1 MUSinnEE, Okla.. m - Tlio mi- j| crn AniDrirnn Im iian m a r l>o nnii] tu

Ik- Jiayitic I''* o” "!! wny la putsiiU o f on 'I . rduM tfn i, for iirnrly nil fumU « |ion il- g

i1 in the I'diirnilnn of (lip InillnnB of j( i! Oklnfionm l.rlonjr In thp tribe ntlmitiU- **’ M; ten 'll iiiiilnr lho, ilopnrtmcnt o f tho in- jh tcrior, nciroDlftn: to If. 0. Cnlhoun, nu- n {;: iiiTvinnr t.f thp fivo rivjli*o<1 tribe* M ;|j crhooN hc-rp, Tlirsi- "phool* form tho f l j.ij .Vnrcrrt nnil of Iiidlnri whn'i’n opcratptl 11 , iintlpr <1110 dupiTvIiiIoti in tht-- eountr*', i: 1)0 mMo.i. ' Ift Thp Mipoividinti Of tho uchooU o f <;! th f fU-o i-WlliTPiJ 1ri\>o«—Ohorolcn.',?_j a o rW w . riif-'kniin'f. Crpok ntid Soini- \ I tiolp—ba i to cii-n1, w ilb throo jihnip* of |ij i»phool activ ity w hifh nro ranked in vl im jwitniifc n» Trilml Vonrd-

' in c nehwU, 'Sny w-ljoftjn nu.J iii5- :! vntp o n n ln r i (lohtmlo. Thoro nrp nino

tribal bonrdinir uphool* am] wvon roii- .j[ trae t schM ls wUUc th r puW lr Any ;ii whool «j-*tom inrludcn 2;inn di»lrlft» t l r •J| w ith nh onrollmput of nbnut Ih.OOO In-1

dion rbildron. TIio mipervlKor'ji offiPoi ' i'; has .hirlsUotlon over the Indian jmpll ::i only in thcjso dny uchooli, not ovor tJio ];■ public ichool a i lUfili.I|, Scliooh.W oll Equipped.I '. TVio \r lbn \ lionrdhie ..*riu>olj .nr.* j:; inalntainod for mob di.ntitirt tribo and ' oro pompletod odiiPntlonal nlntitn. E ach ’ l I - i l oqiilppptl ^rfth kitphpn..illnlnff room .'m oi V'. (InrmUoTv. lnundry. litnpHn) nnrt fnfll- j,c,,

itlon .fo r IndHstrtnl ond aradcmlo. I'du- jja\i I ration. Most o f thcio srhooli hnvo a 'n f t i [ Iwpo nprp:iBO whicli i" tilled ornl the „.i), i rrod« rt \ In tU»> mtilntt'ntmto of Ji,.{ ,! -tho »rbotil. I ’I! A Krinillure in om|>hnxir.pil in oil tholonu I Indian indiiitrial - lelmolii. olthoueh j ting

ij xlinn work", cftrpcotry. loMlier mQclilni' ; ■[ nnd m-'lnl work, bnnio-inokitic forjupji

-^rl* nm l-M lpnfjflp hohie reononrtrii | j„„] j I ~T>< o’l ii nort of (bo Indnxtrlal eouno .‘ fen

Tho indn^ktrial p rofraw U o part-U nw l nroccM, Mr. Calhoun oi]dalnod. with tho pupil dovotlne' holf hln timo (o 7

1.'; ‘ indiixtrinl rrlnoAtinn nnd hnlf to scad- te n {•; omlr ihstriiptl()'n. Tho arndomifc'rourgca j'! nro dp.ilffnod pnrtlrnlnriy ,for th e 'I n - trci ji ; , 'U w . ■' rioli'J Six o f tho con(rno( Mrhooln nro do- ^

iiominntionnl Inntifudnm . nrrord inc to 45^, >•; Mr. Cnlhoun. .whllo (bo «pvenlh i i fi of- i ‘i »(nle ncridiltnrn! lehnol. "CMiriiPii in i„» P] <hf*p inxtlhitionii incluilo th f,Indu itr ln l ;Viti (i, nn^nm dom ii". j ,g

| j TO MBABUEB OCfBAN D B P r a a I;' ■ .w .\errjy0T 0N . p . / ; p ) - a upw t 11;. dovico tuM drvolopod liv tlic navy dO' « l l I . imrlmput nnii which mnkox poMlblo the !■’ aocurnti' moninroment of any ,dci>Ui

i-f fhp o -" in . iiomibl'" will rPiliil, hy- I : ■iri>i;rnpl-oi^ w ld ("dnv. In tho ohnrtpr-j ' . .ioL’ -of f-polii in tho m-.n w hirh havo ! ' novor lipoii monsurod l)ortiii«o tV I r T I itopll^wii* tuo prPnt for tho old motb- tov

"d nf\l,p,-i noiindinir work. cm•Ii Tho!mo»v dpvlci’ wnn nnld to omploy rur I , • •^oiind mip.imtii* "imilnr to ..(ho t m od j ji ,

■liiflni; l ’;o wnr fnr dptprtlon of nub- , , j ' iMirini'<. T lio 'n rliiph 'lo of m o is■I tbnt of .ron tln i; n co.....I 01. (ho <liin n,|;■ • nncUi'to-iinir for tho r-rlio o f thl* Miiud .! ' frcim Ihp liciltom of tb r nrean. inreviurM |„„ j I Inc lho tlmo bptwpPM tho oroatloii of j l h o loniHl nnd Uip rotiirn of tbo orlio. jjp,

' lad lgeation aWl Constipation j „ | , “ P rior to iwlnc Chatnbcrlnln'B -Tab..

lot*. 1 miffercd dreadfnlly from iD d l-j„ |, CoMldii. Nothin;; I olo nijrccd w ilh me! „ 1

I" and I lo»l (k 'sh ornl ra ti io w n la hPoUb., rbnmbcrlaln'iJ'oblfitB'Btronethcned pyi j

;■ iUi:p)iUon nml cnrcd mo of cmiBtipa-| tio n ," w rites Mrs. Ocorijo S tro u p ,-w -1

N. Y .-n d v .

ForEastei. Ohocolato Coated

j V I C E C R E A M 'E G G S

S P U N :S U G A R .


riU «d -wUh C aady E g g i , _

L i n L E J C U P C A K E SF lU a d .if lv tt , O indy E gg i _

■ L A Y E R C A K E S{ W (th H 0U0 9 C<mt«r nilAd! ' • • with F»Ton

. M IN T Swith Candy EgKs on E a d i Ulst


• ^VARNEY’S 1. —139 M A IN WEST— —

I I m t of i

h H

Tho lo st of the heroic deod of tlio A. fo il E . i \ htivo been returned to Americnn (ho Boli and laid (0 rest. In New York, died

i i i i nI 6 1 SP5CE .! Ill p i s ”■

Housing Conditions in P e t r o y i grad Beggar Description— ''

■Typhus Prevalent Among the ™ - f l e l i e f Workers

— l\v„LONDD.V. (/P) — In thp last three »t«i:

nionthu nuniiian' rctUKCon. hove thobcpu OMiiuod I’ctroRrftd ccUar* and r.om hnllwuyu a i in’miaiipnt livlnjt (|ua;ter* Me> nfter bpi:i|; hnunod jn barrncki, unyii n for rojiorl r.’ri'lvod froiii an Ainerirnn ro- but

I Hof ndminUtrfttlon ngent. i-’lO,j Tho di-i(b rnto nMionK (be«o i.eople nuti joriual* thnl of (he roll o f the iwiiula-; Ii ;tlo n of Oio former Ituw lan c a jilln h ' ,ll"lu ; i 'K vp ry pcrBon Ia in feited with m tr llieo,” nnld Uie ri'jiort, " a n d fnnillie* *lnl : Uiiddlo tj'phu'n'VaMn be lw etu tUeni, jite- tlo r ferrinit death to ncjmration.” , [>"‘H

‘ .Ail O ontnict DiBpa«. I}'*"

I Tho report ita te i ' th a t the nvernfto moa ;term of work for the Amerleon rcliof, iieui I ftdmWJtltalltui nnllvo'liolpers In three otlu lweoki,'fOT n ftor th a t perloil thoy Invo- i»W Iriobly luicum b to tjliliu* them iclvo '. I'cei : H ui. form er fasblonnble Smoliiy iif j

to t rItIh, \\etu\t\utittcts th eI of-thu bolihoviki, la ono of fhp build- Inne ' i i i ^ OIO'I 01 rcfuRCO linrnwkit. Here nent ^AiHprlcan ipllef workors foed 750 eh ll-.the ,dren. Relief for fldull^ I* to \w ulvcn 'n o o iijn ?otro;:rad. The c ity l» unable, to carc 'o r (he liiitreMod. . 1 g,

The Loi'don 'o fllco of tbo Amorieu’i 1.1 relief adnilnUlrollou aimouocos t t t t t j 72,4,l«,.15fl menl* wore dintriliutcd to j ^ RuMlan chlldron ntcvlous to January- 1.1, the 'S n rn tov d l i t r ld not Inpludcd.i

P reren ta tivo Modleiuo 1j The londency of medical id en ce ji;I tow'ord proventotivo nieaiurcB. I t Uj caller aud botlc i to provont than to , ruro. I’lii-iinionin. flue of tUi* ino-it ilm- KeriniB di»onic« tha t medical mcii have lo rontcnd w ilh, o ften folloffs n cold or iitt.afV o t the «rip. Tho colA prcpatM ; the iVBlcm for Iho reception nnd devel-j opmoiit o f Ihe pneumonia cerm. Tboj b n u t r tl".' cMvl ha«g« on, th e R ieatcil the dnnRcr. Take Chambetlolti’B Cougbi - Keniody 0* nnon on tho f i n t indleolioni of n I'cild nppe.ira lo an to pet rJJ o f il l

hv lth the J c o « i>avll)lo delay. I t Ul [fo llv (0 risk nn i t t f i f k 'o f pneumuolo^ , jw hon Ihli reirtody ni:iy be obtained 'for

n Iriflo.—nilv.

I I f vour |ir?pprtv i« dofiraldp nnd I" U dvertli.'-l in Ihe rlnMl^‘ed — you 'l'[ find your l;uyer,

T Parties;C R E A M B R IC K ■ i '

■ With Egs-Ooiilor j

SPi/iil S U G A R ‘ S - ■ • N E S T S :

FiUod v i th I w O n a a ESffs

L I H L E C U P C A H E Sr u le d -Bitli I « 0 » a m .

C H O C O L A T E E A S T E R E G G S .

FUlod v l tb Ohix ES8B r w c n

IC E C R E A M B R IC K' W ith Anffclfood Center


THE POPPY ^—ISO an p aH O N B n o e t s — .


}f Heroic Dead "Brought I

'followinR tho jirrival from K raneeiof " tho la it 1,200 bodicB, 0 blindfolded boI- g died picked a body a t random, and it 0

i m iISePiTs

' s iWashington Monument Shortly f

lo be Graced by Another “ ' . ' Contribution J'

WAH'iI.NOTON, I). (•., ,1lm« junt |.<iii rorolved from Ibo rov' e rnor iif-^ iu(h I>nk(iln hy Iho WonhiuK- ^ ton N ational .Monument imiiorinlloti th n t tt Uumc Kratii(e «laU Bhnrtly 'u lll -

jll(-‘’«hliJi;i'il here to ho jdnced in tho ■< I WaiilJ/ii;lon monnnient. WKh the in- Rtnllntten o f tb ia Blab, every itn lu in , | tho unjo/i, w ith the oxeeptloa. o f Ari­zona,‘ .^'orlh Diikota, Idaho nnd Now „ Mexico, will 1)0 roprosentrd. Xo dnto fo r the (b 'd ira tlo ff Itna been ■ilecided „ bu t it wnn nnld to be llkoly tha t April f,

:-10, annlvomnry of W anhinjfton’a in- oU|;umtluii, would In- noleoted.

; In nerordnupc w lih n onntoni oitnh.. j,, ’linhoil wbon th r'n iiinunion t wnx dedl-(‘ u ra ted . February ^1, IHHS, evprj- * ta (e |„ , llnll icnk 'd into poiltion In tho into- ,, r io r nf ‘.he Krent nhnft bnn been '.f

innlfoim nlw . nnd Ihe •'I'"'!*infiw reo lv fo r nbipment to Waihini! |(ou by »>io ntntc' o f South Dfikota w ll|i moanuro fnur hv lix fool, with u th ic k ' ? l ie u of tw o foi't the nnmo dinionnbn us w olhor nlckto ntonoi. Nn nlonp mny ho n idored In the nmnumoiil nnlcM it hnn been iirovlded for i>y (ho loRinlntur.* o f n *l.Ue, nnd tho itnton Imvo had th e tirivSlcKo o f-eh ife llnn a patrSoUc .v Innerlplion or ron t o f nmin on the ninhi nont lo the monnment comralMloii. In ! ' the m ajorlly o f innlani-pB eoatn o f arow have l>ten «ho»fn. , i“

I. Only L iv ing U em ber. |' Senator Slerlinff o f South' D ak o ta ,'t i will bo rJiked by tbo- monument a iio - ; fl

I — - ,

I _ I w l l

j :


I "

IP o iW Go

. J .N! 1

usi ’ s h o; Fvc

1 I ' ■ ' (> IW i ^

X S h £

Il S p c

k.| U ; h e


■ I I I


VOI bonored a i iTBibolle o f tho ontlro .. m a p of. gaUants. Tbo ealsjon.show n ,, Eero iB b e u liig tho body o f Charles W. O ravei, of .Bomo, Ob.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 1,elation to arrouce . for th i dedication t o f (ho ila b frum b ii i(a te . Ono mom- 0 ber oC^onfttCM'who- eipocloliy will ho ii n iked to |.articipato in tho cercmonies » wilt ho " U n c le J o e ” Canuon, wbo was oi m id to d ty to bo tbo only livlni; mem- |l her u f c’cnKreii who nan’ preient nl (ho cerenionlen In IfiH.' when fJie mon- n uniont woh dodieoted. ti

The WoihitiRlon monnment wm «-un- slruc.toi^ o f purey white marhhy nnd

I Kranito, nnd thu* (aiwrlHi- deiiRii of tjraccfiil priiportlonn reaches skyward “ S.’Sri feot, nnd looks dow ii. upon tho olty fouu-lol by nnd nainjid^or; Wash- '* InRton. The cornerslono w oi-h iia -Jn ly -'' 1, IN-IM, .Illd tho (opiiioit sloMu- of tho >' I.yraiulil wan ie( Deermher 0, 1S84. ; n

lltirin i' l.he yenrx ainro (he romple- ‘i liou of Oii >nHnivo shaft MiiU- aftor'*" ntato hOH ron trllnilod n {nlob in honbri of thi-’memnVy o f th c f ^ 'K ith e r o f H ii *' Country.” The inontnuent aiiorlotUin •'

I wllh liiitlrlnir dovotlun lo Us iniV df V “ ronndintf u p ” every ntatp, has nevsr ri'a ied 'It-' dcniand upon tho various Mate loijinlntiiren. ' "

y^prinentk, U wnn «iW ,j>ni: IpRWnl- ure «-oii|d be 011 tbo verRi- o f npproprl- •'

'.ndiTK fo r 11 nIflJ) w hon It woiiW “ rJio” nnd the work o f convlucinjf IIh nuc-,'* r m o r 'o l tho v fo rth ln m of the niove-| m ent w:i-ild have lo ho done nil o v e r ', oR aln.. Of Iho romaininc italen lo ho |

''heard from, it. u-;ui laid , todiiv hj- ( V l^ e t lc k U ltRr\-ey, the wiwtUtlo'v - ' I nerrotar>-, Ihnt nil hu t Arizona had ox- ; premed a willinRneis to doualo a nIah. |„

- — • ' AToo Koen In H is Dsslrs.

I .'Jud .T unkltin th e most lacom*- |,j • petent h ired nm n. I* alw uja tho one tr : who is mont anliuuH tn null work and ni I nndprtnke tn bn a boM.

! ' noSob" ' •.Ml accc'jnts owmj; to th e - .\morieau i*"

' .Market j.riur to M areh 10. nol lo ttlrd j ,' hy April .8. will bo collected. ,,

C H A nLES nuNN.^adv. 201 Shoshono'So.

I I f your properly li dcilrabla and ln 'ol . 'td T ertlie d in tbo e lu rif le d — you ’ll ..! find yonr buyer.



New Colors, New DesignsThese G^ge Patterns reac

s the same week they ar lown in New York or Sa rancisco.

Come In and See ThemAlso big shipments Strai

hapes, Banded Hats an ports Models. . ■You’ll like-the styles an

le prices.' ,K i



Home -.'II B I FiiicsiiGrowiiiB Edrollraents Testify

to the Moral Awakening ;- of People ;

IVABInSQTON, D,' 0 .. m - Tilt RTOwinjj Intoreit w hlrh offlrern o f DiefTotlonal Educdtlon 'Asaoeiation declare " 8 beinjr mTmifcjted iu national proti- f

loms o f Education both by (eaebers *a n a tU, yuhllt, -wHl he th e ron tral ,theme of tho nnnual nioollnif of th - ‘

. orgaiilxAtloti lu Boiton tbo fjm j wool- 'in Ju ly , it has been annohncod. S''

ro „ procram c ib 'iM moutitl “ ra : , ® m h jeet o t I'lJueallon anlJf tho democratic nwokeulne. It wns nlat T

' e,l tb a t edueatlon would I,.- d iic u iv d ? . " I n relation {a the new V orM nut.' look, with special refereopo to the -fn t- , )o reacblnR ro iulls n f the nrnin ronfor-n- once.” O ther fhemei (0 Ih» ronfiMorod , HJ include train ing la <itUen»hip, profe.-es Hionol Ixaini.njr o f , (eaehers nnd (he ['as oquatiratfon o f oducatlnnni opporluul- ,II- Ky iu n ira l diitrictn . • ^ Jl The Amfrican I/orfon in eo-operntlni11- w ith tho auoeration in nrninfrinp rn- ,

trio lle niectinpi for Jn iv 4/ 'I'

J Barollm fnts B n v y . li,f ? ii>i11p Inloro'il In piluroll'onal t'-'oh. c.,| lemn In f;niiins cxproHnion. nrronlinv* tl1., to M iiv (;h u rl Ormond William*, proij- n1., deni n f lirc.'jisjroriftilorr “ in tbo rro 'il li f ^ r ro w d n of nludents tbn t havo ovor- .1',, flowed lho hlirh "rhoolii of the Inn') It

: nud ia rc'vejiled by e n ro llm en t tha t hi ' Jiiive oifooded thp rapnelllon n f collo/jon ir

,.fsi>nd \tnlveri'\*le^’ '- »■[,r| “ I t Is ronvinrini;lv evident.-” n lio j l }(, fowtiniiod, “ Jn tlie.. dotenjiiHflJlo-i ,>t /i) in tho h e it cKUeiii, thn t in nnite o f lh.? ol

p io jcn t en>«oj«l' the w ork ivf jcsr f’liWi" e»|tirn}iott ifhnU ’'n f he oriMi-.-J p:

for wnnt of fund", nml (hat there nlmil di I nltlmatoly ho in ovrr>’ i-ln*Rrnnni {n |c

I. thei kttiil a fompct«'ftt and w t l tm lnod cJ •J. len rhc r.”” Tlio membenhip of (ho aisociation n ( . fn more (hun lOO.nOO it w nt annuhnpoii. cl

--------------------------- ------------

H IG H S C H O O L N O T E S (jJ

*- The nnnnnl enminofrial oonlonl wlM •'-.ho held nt Twin I'n"* hich sehflul on .

■ April 2«. Tfioro will be oontents iipld In,: npeHm ij;'-rnphl pnlrn'nllun. nhorl- j

• - !hiind, fyjioH titlnj; and i)onninnnb.iiL.AM *. 9 I tho nchooli havlnceomnioil-lM dopnr(- li jmen(n will ho ropre;eHt<4l here. 1

The iii(.:r-clnni Irnck mcct has been t f ixinlponed nntil Intor in - th t wook. j u

ii|i . — g I ' Tliv Him- TrianRle rtnli niootinf; of.i thi» B-cck ivUJ bo an J«if>irafiojiflI moet- 1 inir, tbo various rOmmKtei'n will illus-1 Irato, hi plpylct fonn , the IWnt p a r t '

I , 'o f tiw O irl Reierven ptedpe. !1l_, • -------- --------------------

HEAD t h e d a i l y NKWh.

- V

Rn s , . ^

> a c h ; ,

a r e - .

S a n

nr a w ' . , . S h

a n d ' I m

a n d ‘ M

( i l i l LEY’ s l ■

.y. APRIL 11;,1922" “

y T r a n s l a t i n g S t a f f C o n f r o n te d

w i th D e c ip h e r in g o f Q u e e r

j ■ T o n g u e s

■ ■ C’HICACIO, (/P) — a n o w m p e r clip- plu({ ill *nino (luoor longue, lay on Ihe

p desk of MUhaul O 'M alley ,'n ssls tan l suprrlntoiidont of malli a t th e ChlCV'’ . pOHlofflre. Atliichod to i t w as a ty|.o-

,’ Kriltcii Jmnslatloo.f “ -Whiit is t h n t f " naid Mr. O ’.Mal-

ley in responio to ii v is ito r'b oucntion. f. “ Oh, th a t 's Vend, ono o f tb o '41 lanR-

uaRcB whieh our iiewspapor traoilatem i , m ,, know.” W,. Kor tho benefit o f thoao who hove . novor lieaid o f o lonRuagc roHod V eqQ i"’ j hero is i n ktory, os told by Mr. O ’Uci}-

ley:Ilundri'd ' of years ngo, a band of

N one vikfiiRB, forsook th o . sen and J Ir^kke*! overland in to w hat.'L? npw

JuRo-Slavin. Here they fonnd a brood - ji fo;tllo vnllpy. nearly 100 miles aorois, r. lu the M-uthorn p a rt o f tho present

JoijofiM t' Mtiffdom, nml se t( l^ ) thfrn, mnrryiii;; unlive women, whose triba l fonffje U fhe filovenlan o f the present

■ *i“y.i-Vum tlm t union of NorweRian mid

Ihe BJflv oinlorl o hybrid lon^uaffj !■ CTPW, nu.l today th e ir desceriilnnts.in - I* that vnl'ov ipenk Vend, n n d - in Chl- I- rsRii then! in a nnlivo nnwspapor pub- I liahed in th a t lanRuaRe.

. Yenfl, hcwevM. ,1" oriW un iccldvnt I In its trnn ila to r'n life n( tho federal •I bulldinc,'for the nii'n who trnnspoies It n into KnRllsh knows ten other lanRU-

5iK«n. i.lkc nU th« trsvuslalor* l« the o.dopartnieiil, whore 17 men wero era- f pfoyed I'ollowInR (he- pasnago ; o f . tho ■J eip'ionnRo nrt. he.wan dr&vn from tho { (CffBlar ti'Tce of elerkB and e u R le r s ^ t j present there ore s is fnuuflatoft'. on I duty, rifidinR QowapaperH and pamph- •I Jets (n {] dbiloeli, in-I cludinR l>petanto.

AillwuRh the po itofflee Employs u n number " f Chinese nludentn na ex tra ' ..., clerks and enrriern, nono’ Af-them has i proven aiilo to tron ila te the various U iIrmo dialects ihtn Knclinh, and the sixylnli^t in th ii InnRuaRc I* n N'or-

I . ■ /■, K o n o B 1 0 LOT OWHEKfl D f T W IN ' ■ FA LLS O B M B IE R I-I '■ The oRnual-eharKO fOr maintenance

of lotrH Ptlio Twin E alls Cemelory for! (hn ye.ir 1022 will -be duo and payable ' "at tho office of the aceret&ry,' S ttia rt _

M. Tnylor, I2 f Moin A venuo E ast, I f a y "Ist, 1922. TliO o iM unicn t is tlJpO for

■ n full lot, J2.50.for-V half lo t 0114 11.00 <I I for a single Rravo. I’leaao ,glVe th is

j w aiter your a tten tion .~ndv .

'■ . ' g ;| D. A. SALMON1 ; iO O O n B .T 4 l iT

137 M A IK A V I. W S S I —flocond Floor— " •

' H ' ^

^ I -L M iH'..■ i ' “T • A I ^ H •

I H ' ^

I I j ;m lH i

Page 3: TWI?N‘FA J)AilLY Nl Enewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_T... · TWI? TOL. a. Kb. 8." FtOODSARE i 1 WAY IN ^ WIDE AREA, "Rivers Rising in Many Slates—

. COI DEIB PFiLr Dfmmm.

Schooner Magic, Wiiicli Won Over Britlsli Sliip in 1 8 7 0 , No Longer R t for-Service »

, - E v e n a s a P iio tB o a t ' °j^ --------- C

KEY U E 8 T, ri(i.v W V -Tho uchooncr ' f Mnffif, wh'eh OQ AiipiNt S, 1870, in

-'-.V.IawQr N«>v York Imv sii.-rCMfiillr de- ^ • ^ fended the A m crica'* 'fuji nfinlnst the j

' HrHlnh yacht Cambrln, jirobably will' hftvo.« <lnsl rcitirt? plnee on the bear!, <

. o r A n n 'lb a r In thp harbor here. Old, i, w enthcrtrorn aod ditmaatpd, the vei- . io l whicn onee representni In a ll her , Riory th i marine arrhltepture and *p.v ‘

' flianibip of the Ynnkea nRninit thowof, thp Britlfhor, has. been condcmnoil \>y her om er a t tiielet< attrr ending 11 her arfi«o dny* a floa t an n pilot bont ti I'll tho Krtv Went bar. e

The Maijie in rca llty w n i tho f i r i t of i, the DioJorn cup dcfcnden , for tfio ^ Americn. whieh flr«t won the inturnn- , tional trophy, did nn on AuRUit 22, •'

by dpfenlinR the- B rltlih varlit ‘ Aurora iind ,lt w m nm t until 10 ypiir* la lpr thn t n ritiih ynrhtimeii nttem jited

I lu tfltce it hnme. I( w nt In th ii poti- nI te s t th a t lhe MorIp eiucreed Hip v ictor, tl' ihp f ir it of 1!) VM»eli in tlie race to fi

■ rroM thi! finiah, dcffntini; hrr I lrltiil i ^ ehnt!eni^!r by .10 minulea nnd 12 icc- ondi. In ih ii poiitest the Mncie, then * owned hy rn'nklin 0*boO‘1 «t N'ow ” York, hejtpil the Amprjrn. D iiiiitleu . Rnmblpr. Flpetwlni*. Alnroi. W Idceon, *> bllvle. Idler. Allcc. Tidnl Wnve, Onlvp. o »o, Madeline, Plianton nnd four nther C American ynchfii fnniniiH In the ir dav, all o f nh lrh were in thp rnce to ou t'

- m il the Cambria, the Uritlnh en try . At , " Ihe finlih tho Cnmbrin wnn eichih lu ,

nctual tim i nnd tenth in order l»y tlm'c _ nltowance.

BullV ■ S tm Ago. 11

Tho MaRle wax hiiill i n . l ’tillndehhln > Ity T . Ryerty nnd 'Knn in Ifi.l" fnr Cnp- Ic tnln II. T. I.opcr. n» n nViop nnd npon j Iflunchin^'w ni rhriitr iu 'd th e Mndplc. j', A fler her first leaiion «1ip w»« le n ^ h -

, oned .ID. f re i'fo rw n rd ,,Ih e second ned- ;«nn 12 feet nfl. her tIr a t th a t tim e “ t)eln(j chanjjed .to thn t of a sehooncr. ® nnd. during tier th ird iieniion, aho w ni lonRtheni’d IS feet amidiMp. Before »' meptin;; llie Cnmbrin *hc w m rebuilt nt Cily M nnd, K. Y., ond wlicii she de- I fentod th<) rhatIonj;er italtcd nn ib o u t F

•7!> feet wnU>rllnp, 20 fee t 9 Inchet ‘ beam, nnd six. feet tbreo liiehea drnfl.

, 0 .S h e rcji^tered 02.2 ,tonii. ' « f (The V‘)SH l.paM cd Jhroiiith vnrlou* ®

handa before Mr. Oi?o'nd jrained po i ' WMion nf her. 8 he-wni» in ld - b r Cap­ta in Loper In IBfl-l'to William U. Mr- Yirhpr, rh o became commodore of the New York Y ac h t'r ju b in 18M, a n iU t wai M rVlsker who phnnfffd her name |g from MndRto to M ade. Oeorae Loril- lnrd purchafpd the ra r h t In 18(t<3, kpp'. , It one year, then Kold.lfto.A’LrHi-Orny. ” who rebuilt the c ra ft before dUposln;: of ll fo r«cood In Mny. 1S7D. The ve»- ■rl WM owned bv mnny other vnrhtH. qi

< men In Inter y e an , Mr. Oicnnd hnvinjr L he r 'o n twn other orcn-cinn# n ^ e r dU- pi l>oiini; nf her to Ix-Mer Wiillnrk in „

-‘ . ' '■ ■ ■ 'o i‘ ‘ Used u P ilo t Boat. . .J'

Tho Merrlt S teveni B hiplnilldlnirnnd |,; Dr>-dock rompnny. of .Tarkiionviltp. Kla., purchnird the uriioiiner •w ntr vcnri njfo frnm .John H. CInrko nnd hrn thcr of Pittilium h. I’n., nnd dii- j'onrd of her to Hlpulien I owci of K ev ft

•W eit. who immedl-itely put Iho veiiol on the llt r n pllol bonl. Thu Mncrir _ wfli dIimo«ted nnd m nk In th e harbo.’ here by n hurrlcnne and LnWP' rnlied Ihe hulk. For many monttii it hnn been ani.horrd In 'th o harbor nenr the rnilrond n irr aw altinc dlipoiltion. ^ o r Mr. I owi* hns condcmnend tho c rnft. • pr

• - InR E A L E S T A T E T R A N S F E R S I'l

_ _ torn rn lih ed by the Twin F&IU TlUo ta d

A b rta c t O oopta jr e'<

' Deed: D. K. Prost to Berlha F ro it. Ct *1, lot 1, M>r. 19-10-17. **'

l)c«d: Wm. A. Sullivan to Wm. M. iH' Peolrt 1 7 ^ , BE 8 W I - I O -R ' n

Deed: Wm. M. Peair* e t n r to Hot- jle lister Land Co. *1, lamo land. Rr

> Peed: T. M. Callahan ot *1 to H . 8 . millayburn 11325, lot 20, blo rk 0, Oolden of Rulo Add. • . .

Peed! P . Ahlqulst to Qto. W . Me- Kean JIBIO.85, lol 19, block 58, T w in = KaltB.

Deod: n .*B . Johnioa to U D. Bob-, • . .» ‘ I'rta 11, port lo t i , Moortnan Add. •

'--------Q uit '‘l»lm deed: Pred C- Naro toI., n . Boberta 11, aamo land.

LfQOlngi Prtv«n* fiurfa .Kor (oundry wutki'm th c r t have

beeti Invenieil IcMliii* mado of a>- . bc«to8 and duck, glaxc<l ao tb a t d rop t

o f molten melfll will not cllntf to them.

Ev«r I t I tA wpmao l< never m lliflcd. If ahe

iRii’l trying in s e i a new rann nhe'd try- Injj to mnko a new ninu « m P f 'tb e onoBbc’B c n t - ________

A Parm er Cured o f Elionmfttlam “ A man lirlnft on a fnrm near hore

rnmo Id a short tjmo aj{o complololy doubled u p n i th rhoumatiam. I handed him a bottlo of Chamberlain'a L inim ent nnd told him to uno It freely ," aay i 0 .P. Raydcr, Patton Mllla, Y . “ A fc^T'dayi la tcr he walked Inlo tho atoro ni) itrnlB ht a t a a trlng and handed mc n dollar laylofT, (^vo mo nnother bottle o( Chnm bcrlain'i L5nS«enti I w an t U in tho houio all tho tinie fo r i t cured m e ."—a d r.


H appeningi lS l i i

li IE OF IEN KIND' - -------• • i

T r a c k T e a m s A r e E x p o o te d to

. B rin g : O n t H i j h O rd o r o f |

A th lo tlc B p,

nEBKlM.KY, t ’nl.. (/p) — .Two ificat J," 6 atl-arouud nth lftea, Rrut-K llnm itton Q . o f tliu llu lv w U y of UtMOul, aml-W

Jack Mer>-lian( of tho Unlverxlly uf pl Californin, witl i;ct Inlo nction aR oisit rc each olhcr when their ti'nini oppoie tl

: cach oliie^ lu a dual trark meet hc'O tl ^ April 13. • to

[ llnm illon, eoi>lnli| of ‘.he vbdtlof; lenw j' hold* the Amerirnn decathlon i>< record, doin^ 12 fi'i't In the polo vault, ol

tl 43 foet in tlie Aholpul, 23 foct 4 Inchcf at iu the biuai* >vu»j>, VOO yard i in W I ’i In

*' korondi, thm w i thu discua !3S feet, ot the Javoliii IKO fee t nnd high Juiupi pl S feol 11 iiTchei. II

„1 M erchant U not n> vonatilo ns Uam- le '.J ittoQ but 1( If thoufche ho wlli (ako It m ire points in Sa tu rday ’! meet. Mer- ed

cbnnt thrown ttie. hammer 108 feet, ha« en brond juni|>t.‘d 23 feet 1 Inch', puta the th

'® iho t 42 f r r l , throw i the dlicua n o InV f i'r t, tbo juvulln, 170 lee l nnd ean it.> Cl 'i ihu hundred yard run in 10 iceonds. Bi fg - Cnllfornin 'm ronch, W alter Ctirlitle,,| bellvvei Ihnt hts team, which won tbo fl i. national tll le a t the Ilarvnrd meet o ^ J i r. the IntcTrollrKialu-AiMclatlon of. Ant*“ -0 a^e,itr: Athlctcii o f America t in t -y o a r , ' -

will Fini'e litllo trouble In vrinninR from Jj■■ Missouri, which Is reported lending ” w eit the vrflkcst T lje r tea/ii which h a ii , repreienlP'l the Columbia uhWerally in j I,' mnny ipn^ouT. There wlll bc 14 men :>■ on the Mlniourl team nnd IS on thi)|- r Cnlifnrnl'i xijuad. '

, M *t«rial o f T eaa . "I

California’# team. <»ill be solccted J,*! from the lollowlnR mcnr-

^ - A. 11. tr a w , ICO ynrd i nnd 220; Ulemet, ^4(; and re la y ;.0 . I’icrce, 881';’ , II. llemlirpon, hlch hiirdlei nnd relay;

in M. K. Vn.i a-ifil. low ,hurdles; H. N e f f . 'p | )- low hurdlei; Pop P iik , mile; B r ie k , n M ullrr..h iuli jum p, d lic im nnd Jave f- I'in; w ; K itli , inlli:; (1. Knowtl'on. :two- '■ milef-C»-lI. Dorr, lu o m llc;''I’. BoVen,*' broad jumii; I), na llon , high Jump; A . '„

0 . Norri*, pole vnult; B. Ilcrkey, dls' cub; 0 .‘ C. M athow»,-sbot; J . W itter, I .

■o . naIt » •

SifEUMINSTETIEEiN,t. ' --------- r ‘ foI, S t . L o'uIb K a l lo n o la A p t t o E n - JJj

• ' t e r C o m in g G a m e S h y S o m e j„

!! o f B e a t M a t e r i a l er,„ ---------- hoit 8 T. IX jtnS, Mo., (/P) — Three rejfu- ' i ' '* lar* o f tfie 8 t. Lonli Nnllonai* may

nnt .ho In the lineup nff«lni.t tho PltU- bursh tc.ini in the opcn'ng Rame of Ihe S’nll(<r..il Icaitue h\-re tomorrow. I'o

I- Clnren--e Mni'Ucr, een tfrficlder; Jar- i. qnrs I.'ouniicr, first l)nirma.i, nnd .Toha IT Lnvnn, iluiMsto]), wlll not lie n b lc 'to 'i*' '• piny for frnm srw rn l dny* In twi.1, wrrkii, npiprcliii}.' to the rliib ’i physi-I

oiiui". M uellrr nnd Fnurnlrr nre luf- 'I’erlnir n-ilh InjurM Iorii. whllr Ijivnn

'1 hni nni fully recovered from iltncKii. .j.V MniiiiCi.r (ijluon nnd lh r P lrn trs held ho , a prnrtlre leislon todny. , l.v

;• N E W M A N A G E R C O N F ID E N T “ “1

1 Olyds UUan of K aU aaals Bayt Ho H u A Team m i e l i W ill U ake A uit uf

" Iliem 'W ork H a r t ': : —

W ASIIiNnTOX, I), C.. (flJ) — A loiif;■ prnrtiof M-«it>jTto imt on the finlsliin^' JK

lonche* for fhh openlnp of the ehnni- > plonihip rnre toniorron- w ni irhedule.l

todny f(i|. .lhe N'alionnls. 7J Ponnani Inlk n-ni rife In " f a n ’ ’ elr •

cle* tod.ty followinR n te itlm onbt dlii- thi tier lo .hn X ntlonali* new mauaRcr, thi

, Clyde Milan, ntlended bv *ome 400 of the faithful la it nlt;ht. The new pilnl *01

. did not ji.ln In the lioId gredlctloni 0.’ fai n (>cnnAnt wlunor n t tbe dinner, bn t On

. jlcetared hu hnd a willinR-And nbto 1 RroRallon of ball p tayen Ihat woutd I’B'

, make an,.- lenm hu itle tn stay abend On I of It. ' gai

— » - - — cldIIKAt> TtlK CI.ARM iriKI' AlW. th i

r i a l t o TT O D A Y A N D T O M O R R O W


“ T h e D a u g t i t e r of D e v i l D a n ”


A Story' o f Old K entucky w ith ' Stupendooi Bcoaes — StortUog a itnatlon5 -T ee m liis w ltb A ^lon —Powerful Drama.


C o m e d y C a r to o n ‘■ S m o k y S m o k e s "

i Also Tw »-Part Comedy, S u n l n t


' ‘ —E n U tlc d -

■ ' m C A N S "

: A B lo t o f Piin—A W hale of a ‘ 81iow-^>SmAU A dmlitloa-~10 and .


T-Wi^ FALLS d a ily :

ofsa p a y'E m IS ML DP HOPED Chicago Amerioans-Bound Ont

j Training'with ?inal Work.,0 ' ont for First Oontest

I cn iC A C O , (iP) — The ChlcaRo Am­ericon* ttiundod out the ir <prln^ tmin- iuK aetiv itita today w lih a b rie f work-

‘ o u t a t the ir aouth lide park. Manager n Olenaon, full of hope m tbe result of d-Ulfr-t«iTO-’<»-ev^n b tta k w ith th e ehnm- »f pion New Vork Olant* In an eibibition •t Rcripii, ptun* to aend Urban Faber lo le the mound tomorrow w ith the expecti- ■u tlon o f ktarllng the icaion w ith n vic­

tory over tho 8 t. Loui* Drowni.R _ Ttio ,W iilte Bor manflRer Is alio ex- u peeled lo rIvc contideralion to tbe rntu t, o f Dick K e n , holdout pitcher whoio

s treng th is bndly needciLfsr the tw irl-‘ ■h Ib r s tu ff , in the opluioD o t ip o rti wrll- t , o n . K "rr' has nnnounced th a t he will )i play Ih lt *caion wltb tbo ChlcaRo Cll}

Hatl ' tenm in n icml profcislonnl 1- league. |0 TAo C'hirago .Vallonat leaguers, in lu - ' r- ed ou t veilerday at.Indlnnnpoll*, will M enRagc the American A**ocInllon lenm ' e there tod.iy, weather pcrmitlluR. From-0 Indianapoti* the team will move on In •> C incinnati to open tbe leason w ith thu

Bod*:5, ■

piJNTEflSPIflSTfiiEfl*— • • " —“ Manager of Anorlcans Says He,

Will Take Part in Tomor- "t row’s Contest • j

" j- CLEVEI..AND,-0 ., (/P) — Ty Cobb will partlelpn te in a t le a it part of the openinR gnmc of tho Americnn lengtie icnaan loi-iurrow. Cobb, who wronp|icd|

‘ hla kner> prvernl days ago nt trnlnlnj.cnmp, derliired today Ihat he will <p> :

_-to tho bat in the flro t InninR, a fte r 1 w hirh. he wlll re tire tq the licurh lu fn- '

' vor o f Pnother plnver, rrohnblv Irn ^•■Plagstcad.

Managers Cobb nnd 8penKer plannrd ; ’ to pu t the ir men throuRh n tight work,

ou t a t Dnnn field today.Steve O 'N eill, who was Injured *ov.

'■ ernl day* opo, pracliced w ith tho team '' > e iterday nnd wili bo rrody lo pn be-

hind th e hai Sunday orM nndav, it wai said.


'! ( LO8 aN O ELES, y p ^ - ’harley Deal, r ',fo rm er third baseman of the Chicago . N ational!, who w ai turned over to the

,L o i A ngelei Pacific C o « i league club in ezctiange fo r Araold-Btutz, outfield­er, reported lo M anager Wado K llllfer horo yeic.'jdoy and went through hli

I. f i n t wniktiUt In a Loi Angotes uni J. form.i. U ntil iust week Deal had |>een rc- f garded a pcrmnneot botdoiit.* Ho

hod signified hr* would ptay *eml-pro... fesnlonnl bnll In Chicago. HcRlnuinR 3 nex t T urs'tby Deal prnt>nbly will rc., lieve Hownrd Lindimorc nt Ihe third , in rk fnr lli.‘ AnRpls.


' BAN PBANCIBC-O, C a l, ( /P )-Jn m e ..1. (.'ortieU, former world'* lienvyivoigbt

' boxing rhnmpinn, is to referee lh.' l-'lO mlte Onldcn Onlo motor derby nrxl Bundoy nn Iho greater 8 .in Prnncii.-n

f *peedw-ny nl San Cnrtni, iieiir here.Tommy Milton, nationnl nulomobiip

J rnce king, is expccted to en ter the race fiunday AespUe W» recent dlsqnnljfi- rntlon. I’lesident Krew Morton of the Qreateir b'an Francisco Bpeedway nsio-

. eintion, nnnounc,cd tha t the , ruling nRainst .Milton would bp rpmovrd hi--

. fore Hnnd.iy.

!. aA N ra A K O is o o q u i e t .BAN FIfANCISCO, Cnt.. (/Pl — For

. the f i n t l-me in yenra, Bnn Franeiaco , th ia .week will bo without IcaRuo base- • ball during n 'P ac iflc Coait leaguo sea1 *on. Th'l Seals, -however w ill'n o l bo ' f a r away, for tbe lr piay Ih b week in ; O nkland, rero si tbo bay.

8An I 'raiiclvo ha* had continuou*1 baaebnll hvcansu o f th e fac t th a t tho 1 Onkland team plnyed most o f It* horae

gam e*.here . Thi* yenr the Onks de­cided to play their homo game* nn th e ir own lol.




"PEANK MAYO"- A n I n tm e ly In tere ttln g S to r; o f a Yellow Mooa—A Tropical

, Soa—A T an lb le Storm—A Wora- ' on and Two Men..


Bray Pictograph— A Big V Comedy, Entitled


Big E r e n t o f tho Season—Onuid BotI cw o f AcU and Naw T o rk Fashion Bhow w ith F eatnri

■ P lc ta re , Clara Bllmball Young I t • " E y w o f Y ou th ." ■ j


IT In Sportst l p l p i l iP Ei t Takes Training Force With Him

and Wonld Hot Be Averse - to . Bout-Abroad

"■ NEW YORK. («>) - Ja rk Dempsey, n - ^ U h notable pertions of vnrioui wnlki jj.^of life a* leltow voyngew, wna n pnsj' Jf engt*r on th e AqultnnJa, *alllng for of England toddy.

The .champion, Iti tvU Uxsx vvntwre ,Q from h li n a tlre shorn , wa* accoinpn- I j nleil by h li inannecr .Inck K earni. h li

trainer, T eddy Ilnyei nud h it friend jp. Joe Berii.-)mln, Californln lightweiRht

boxer. In addition lo mnny meisnitea J . w ishing him a pleasant Irip, Dempsey

cnrried j'bnard n ihenf o f pnmphlcts ,g on "b o w to provent ie a ni'-kneii.’ ’[].' Dempiey h m not been engaged to I,. me«t any Eutopenn benvyweisiit* whil« II] nbroad, alihouRh he sntd he wnuld not

bo averio to occepllng a renionnblj gl o ffer. l ie cxpecli to spend thri'p

^month* ill Europe.


m^ NEW YORK, (ff) — Princeton unl- ni- v e rii ly ’i hbnebatl lenm enme to th ’' III Polo groiind* today 16 meet the O innti lu in the ta j t game of Iho pre.ieason ac:

tiv ltle i u f th e b ig lengue rlinmplon*. Y eiterday 'i game betwcpu the Olant*

Ennd .Fordhum w'a* n fnrci'. The pro- frssionali *rored almost nt will, Ihe final seore being ,2.1 lo 2 in th e ir fa ­vor. . •

[e The Brooklyn e lu b 'i first and locond Jnlnea were to play a game to perfect i*lgnnl* nnd tr^'lng out new comblnu-> j tloni. rh.^ Yankee* were on the ir way to W niiiington, where tomorrow they

dl will open th e ir lo a io n 'i c.impalgn.10 . . *IP WYOMINO MAN W INS.MI HALT t'.AKE CITY. Ulali, y p )-W cs- i|. ley T\».v. IJvnnston, Wyo., wellerwclght to boxer, wun th e decision over P a t QU- 't bcrt of f.'n It'L ako in nix fflit roiindV II- le te iM t n igb t. IWUy V tiUnce, HaU fft Lake llglifweighi, won from Ted H tn i

o f 'L o i Anpele*, knocking nu t tbo Call­'d fornin boy In tho ircond round of n If' scheduled four round boul.

I- TIOBBfl DBFBAT COLUMBUam DCTHOI.T, Mich., UP) - Tlie Tiger*

wound U[i th e ir exhibition game icbed- uio y e n tcd a y by dcfea'llng’ Cotumbu* IV lo t. R w ry mnn on tbo team ex-

; eept F lng ilead nnd ITnnri obtained n t '■ lenat one b it white ITolllng hold Co- ,1, lumbu* to one h it and no runs' up ta >0 the *eveith inning.10 . . * lb . Tbe S oad to E ^ p lo is s v ] . Y oa m u it keep well i f you wish) to bo ,f bappy. W hen conitlpotod tako vno or L two o f C b a m ^ rla in 's T ablets immedi- , iktc\y a fte r auppor. T b t? ta o w a gtn*

tte movement o f tho bowels.—odv.


w .............■'|/Evei*yth-iW

t _ e _ .

1C ‘ ‘ — ■■)• ■ . g ^


ir0 • ' I




4 ItXft.H6,-TUEgaAYrai


Salt Lake Mu Sayi UUreislty of Obi-' eago Athletea Utut Get Along With- !

— 'out Him Hereafter

P [ BALT LAKE CITY, - Milton liomne}' nt sa lt Lake, eoplnln elect o f | the 1022 Tivthall iquad a t tho U nlvrri- ! Uy of CMcago, annovjntrd be tc lnst

I nlglit thnt tie would nut retu rn to tba t lnsli|u tlo» Ih ii, fn ll

Roinn'.'y wn* recently ruled intligi- , blc because of Ihu im atl num ber of hi*I.

ley, ichotnillc credit*. j:lk<< lie Is ufgotlntlng for u bia ine^ij ISJ. proposition in Chlpngu and tia* ntii>.! fo r hern In I'onimuiiirntlon. w ith the Uni. I.

ver*lty nf Texai) nt Austin, where hrl \»re raay pn n* ruarb of the bnektleV) *>f pn- the schnnl rlevrii. lie will eomplete hli his rolleje course by eorrmpoBdenpr, Hid ho mid. < - ' [uht ---------1----------- 1

. Toterible. ,-ll.wiiii.'j- llnnh ll" .a City" head-

line*.Ihl- .'. I'rliiclirM Itejmldteait. .Not su nwfiilly ninV. iii.li:h1n>r. We’ve 1llvnl III ..................... TmiiH.rlpi, ,

\il\i ___ __ ___________ •not

Can inlluincc Coior of Qoldnah.The .......... K'.ldll II U iiUNlllli-d |jy

clinnirlne the ninnjint nf nilnenit kuI>- Mniieeji In the woier,

Too Familiar. • ^ • , . -Tlifx uir In lery ‘■niiilllur," said Ihe, 1

-iiiuslrlAii na n c'ol 'vind whiaked

n*. ~~~nt*

i IC ia iM T gD

p CECIL B. [B I O g - E E E L S l

;; “ Saturdaill-

" l! OAST m o tO T E S J O EaH balM

Leatrlce Joy cono;

,Coni-S)'Na0el J ®

Edith Roberts I™ "er» g

JackM ower • f

Theodore Rolierts “P“ 'Bo. “ " “ I

" B A T T L E R O Y A L ”-When you tblnk oft tbe la^ei

5; “ H A N D L E W' see Tbl* Joyoo* Boaiaee w^ch Pea

hinrfforQljo tb w ^ fo r s

T ‘H A T ’ S O U R i d :

€ A M E E S — Qua l

W hy, ju s t buy .Camels and . I t ’s the best packing science ' cigarettes fresh and fuU ilav

H eavy paper outside— secure, and the levenne s tam p over thi age and Iieep i t a ir - t ig h t

And note th isi T here’s n ot . Camel package. No ex tra wi

improve the smoke. N ot a cen th a t m ust come out o f the qu

Camels w onderful a n d exciv ., m erit alone.

.Because, men amoke Cki tas te ;n d frag ran ce o f th e fill blended. U en smoke Camels re fresU n g m ildness an d th eii re tty a ftertaste .

Camels are m ade fo r m en ' selves. ' '


a ’pR iirii, i f e "

!Y |c tT Y O F F i p L S G I V E ^ y ^b l - 'A e tn a to P lteb P lra t B ah In O p«nla«- I- ! o f pacific O o m l M ( w Bdtedole

iB O tU « ^ Ib d ay

on OAKLAND, Cftt., (fl>) — C ity offi- . lo ta ti wilt fclvp way to actreiae i when,

th f IW 2 Paeifie Coast ttoioball league '*■ aeaion U oponciFIiere today w ith the ‘*1 O aklnal Uiim ptayiug Saa Pranclsco.

Mnyor John L. Davie, Ttho baa hutl- n t the b ill for several year#, will stop ont of the l>ox lodny and hand tho bn'l

‘" , t o N'nnft IJ/yanl, tending Indy a t a locnl [thw trt-. .Mlai Bryant wilt piteh to

‘" jM a n e W.il'omp. former movie star. On ''" 'jthe bnse* will tie meml)cr« of a vandi«



.r , JAPI-W. (/P) — The au tho ritie* 'K t, 'Ih e port of Ilaifn nnnouuco th a t the;I hnvK Krltrd nnothrr coniignmont )f inrms nn-t nnimunitlon whirh wa* being

brought into the country in the tiai,- d- gagp of f J e w U li girl omlgrmit whn ot dlsenitinrkrd nt th a t plnre. Ttie arms ,-e lin rliid rd 11 rifle, rrvntver, 34 autom atir

j plsliils -in-l 01 pneknitei o f ammunition. The rItI tiw* t>i-en p ln t« \ nndor. a n t» l.

The nun* of, the n ttem pted imug- glliig o( nruiH wnji *uized upon by the

_ Arabs a* new grmmd* for charges / against 7ionial*.

On iho la it occnnion when tbl* wn* nltemptud tho euntoms anthorltlcs con- - fiscntcd a large number of revolver* and rounds of nnimunitlon which bad

le, been imported a* beehives.4 ... ..............

« e ^ n CLARBH'lED ADS.

| i 260 . .. .L A S T f l and ....T IM E S 1 60c....TON IGHT

D eM ILLE'Ss u f e b -s p e 'oial

a y N i g h t i ’)E PLEASUEE — Tho riotous ' klMng danco and the revel at moy Islandl

)E THEILL— Tho amaring fke enoB- and wreck on the railroad sstlel r-

)E HEAET-TUO — The love pl '0 mon and two womon, w orl^ lart! A faoauty-dratda sensa- )n! . ' 'ALSO—

A Sennett Comedyiios, paste this nnder your hat . ^

W i t h c a r e "rea tiiree B e a a tlf^ OBAOB DABUOHD

U A U i y ^

showDEA in m a k in g lality Cigarette.

id loSk at the packagel ce has devised to keep lavored for your taste; re_fpil wrapping inside the end to seal the pack-

lothing Hashy about the wrappings that do not a n t of needless expense quality of the tobacco.

elusive QuaUty wins oa

Jkmels who want the ■ inest tobaccos, expertly els for Cimels sm oot^ .,eii fieedonrfiom ciga- -

in who think for them-

1 ^o h ^ aU m , N. C, ,

Page 4: TWI?N‘FA J)AilLY Nl Enewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_T... · TWI? TOL. a. Kb. 8." FtOODSARE i 1 WAY IN ^ WIDE AREA, "Rivers Rising in Many Slates—

l E E S y E f K ' ! J O - i f M EJ mmi1; C o m m a n d e r M c N id e r I s s u e s R e ­

q u e s t t h a t S e r v i c e M e n , in

C H u n t f o r . J o b s , K e e p . . J w a y .

‘ f r o m B ig C i t ie s

INDIANAI-OLIS, Ind,, (/P) — Ex ’ : Bcrvice'mcn of tlic faim trv, were imkcii

I I to I'U bneic lo tlicir hoiiii> town und Ri-f n Jui), In nn npiicnl wliicli Hanford

); Miu-Nlili'r, national comniflmlPr of tin- ! AniiTifnn Lc'i’ion, toilny a-iko<l tho An- j<. KQciatciI I'iCM to brnadeoJit to tlio Joli- Jutlj

lesa vcti'ians -wlio, )io »n!d, nro con-,M oi ;i; grcifatlni; In tlip lar«cr i'illo«, whpre Hio |;j . tho .unemployment ultuotlon lii beeoni^l»-ii J'j' Inu wors(^ Itlic

Tlio Ington’# effort fo find employ-[1]' mon for Hip 700,000 jobtcPR cx jcrv lco

men, l.i";iiii tlir<-e week* n 'i), ia K n in in i ; ; |l | • j' in offiTtivi'iieM, Mr. Mac.NIder snid. j | |{ | •■i: "B uL fill' i tl ffM l problem ,” M .v | ' |y ;!:i: JrncN iili'r fotillnued, " lina licon tlw :Jii; flouter. In order lo lienefit tliu wortliyl I i;| tiio f i n t iiriiiciple o f onr e ffo rt hav - I Jl/ lieon 'for o 'e ry eommunlty to tako eare* I

o f J f l o tn . j !i|'- " T h e le,rlou’5 ndvlco Is: |

" O e t In rk liome. Get bnek nm onn’' your own romrndeii. Oct liaek amon^|;;i tlie jicoplo wlio Imvo wotrhoil you jfrow

from bov'iu'‘<l In manhood nnd wbo i" . nntum lly fcot tlic t:rt-Alcfit >;rntl(ud>N

townrd vou for vnur icr/JfO in tho I n y wnr. B.ir',- w ith the homo folka lies

i;i your chan.-o of honenl,- profltnble cm-i g [ j . ■ liloymcnf-.iiiiiflDif frien Ju ."

; ■ ■ ' - . ’ Cj . M A Y M O V E 'I M P E A C H M E N T |

H o u e lia te n s to 6«Tlonj O huges ■BrongJit t y M lcW jaa Member

A fi ln s t A tto m e r Oenw»l______ '*pect

j i ' , WASHINGTON, n . C.. 1 !° '“! |; gcnfa'tivn Wflfldrii/f, rcpiiMIcnn, Mlchl-

‘cnn; ini.l iu the-hoime lodny oa t l u j ’ Dttorney uenernl did mit " fu l ly lon-.! to the Intefeata of the .covernm ent” .<• ''

.B p'oniHnff-flaim anit nc'.ilnat the U n - ' , " . l

.roln Mo m .- compnny, he woiiM " e o u ' | ‘ ^T a ider him Rullty of mlifi’u ian cc” nnili *’ ' ' DI9VC hla impenchmcat.; ■ • Mr. W .iid rnff'a stalem ent wiw m u d "!JJ"" '

In tbo poiirto o f nu cxlemled apeech I n ' whlcb he ehnrgeil tha t Ihe dopartm ent “ 'r ; ! '

- ;o f jusliffl hnd fniled In proceed in civil I - ' I*. nud prliuiunl r r iu rta '^ n in a t o'-numbo'r’ ' ■ T lil' wnr • fontroflora^^nii teatimony , ' lirouKht •;.il liofon* eonjjrfirioiinM nvc! '"J""*'

tfBOtinjr rouiTnittee*.; ___ , .lina p

" C O U N T Y F A IR B O A R D ’S . Iwolfl

; ' P E R S O N N E L a n n o u n c e d ;''* - "O om m lslonen F ill V acondet v l t b Ap>

; pointm snt o f F . E . OhunberU ln' .^ ,irde' Ul d J . H . B u k e r |womni --------- 'tbo JII

*' Ai’poiulmi'iil of the Twin Pnlla roun- ly fnjr l^dml <if clirerlora lo r Ibo eom- dmrcl

' ' lit|c yenr v-jiji todny nun>uiiifei\^by_tbo iJon, board 'jf founty ciimmiMi'iiicra.’ T lio ' ]iy pernonnel 1 Ih r Mime na lnat yenr w ilh ]m„

I; lb r exfciiliiiu nf lioy A. Il'enil, former ,1,1, tl , preaidi'nl, nnd C. A. .Mi-?.In«ter, both unpjnl

■' *)f Tw in Full", wlni'i' ri'aisnnliona 'vcre.iuuuil niT iiiled. F. K. ('bnmluTlniii. T^rin ,|,c„ Kntla, liii.iM . If. Bnrker, Buhl', were iinmrd t^ fill tbe vneant imsltiona. '.Ipflih

The meliiiicra wbci hnlil over nre K.',olel(> !■ O. Wnll.T, »I. i:.. !);ivU anil r . W. Cnac.'ti^. ,,|

nil o f /il .T ! V. (!. Mercdilb, Bnhl. nn’Kmmip Klwi’r Wi'ijufl, X 'Juiberly.-• )

PILOT M A ZES NEW aEOOED. {ItKNO. M V - . i ' l b t l ir. n . WMnilowJ

' ' ilrivinj; a heavily'indeii moil plane, lo t;* " ''" '" ft iie^T rceoM for Ihe trip between 8nn Franeiseo nnd lim n veslerdnv by mnV|*''’” « in e 'tb e diatnnce in ’ oiit' hour nnd minufea. ’I'be old reroni wna one hour ; ' nmi 30 n - iin le a .' He fleW 17,000 f e e l , '" " ' ' bich nnd wna nided by nn flO-mile at. hour wiu i nt hia bnek.' T l ie ’d iatnnrol la -M ml'ca by rnilrond, ‘ \

A M U N D aE N .ia.E E S T IN q .

CLARION, I'n . (/P) — Cnptala Boald Greek Amundaim'i, the A rrtio cxj^lorcr, whoio i;»rlcnl nlrp laiiofejn^red near hrrtv yc»tcriThj'’ nrmiatl while hli itTd n party o f 'fr iend i were tboy il flying ffom New Vork lo Cleveland, fireek apent n quiet n laht in CInrjon, nnd left Afinnv IhU m ooi(<ir7nr r ittab iirch . CnplnvV • A mundaen-cxp^elcd to 'd e r id e ’upon hbi . 'H A

. . plwiK when hr, renrhtil,that'.«ity._ . ^ , p

t'lTTolliJB O U , — CaptainAmnndaei - wbo- iro i. .rapo ttcd thia “ inorniin: j.j. on hla way lo rittaburK b

, from Cliirlon, where hia nirplnne foO ’‘‘®■ yeaferdnv, was fn rtber delayed when *'

hla fcain wna tlod u]> by n wrcek on n b m e l i road. Rflilroad offieittla aaid womb, Ibo tra in waa not expected tti^rcach

,t)ore un til U te thia afternoon.------------- ------------^ HAN

ST. PA U L MAN W INS. former

. YOUNGSTOWN, 0 ., V P>-Biity Mia- ‘I’** ke, fit- I’a.il benvvweiaht, won a tccb- yealerJ •nical knociiout over Billy Sbaile o f *lon vii

■'Cali/rrrnlit in the aecond round ot i scheduled l'2-rnund bont here laal uijfht. MiaV'o floored Shade twice in tho firs t round ,' tbe bell 'aaving the WOO

,TrPStertief. A fter Sbnde hml been '“’y " ‘I knocVod ilown tw ice in the aecond

■ roultid th? referee alopped fho buul. T 'k- h_ ________ Invnlre

8B E Kinney Wbolcante Cn. for Mon- stuna W liile or Orent .Vorlhern - t i f . . ' •

TWIN F M L s 4 )iS

8 bej> l8 Fairest Datighter fo!- . Oanadian Dominion' '

I ' ' ' ' ' ' Ir: I Jj..

I alhton

H j j ^ .

' * T I li'

■ C M e u L . ia v c - t f . : vid': ahm

In the C:nnndinn beniitv ponleat tbe Judges aelected Mlaa Murli-l Orecr, of Montreal, a* Ihe fairest .lauKbter o f " the domi'iion. She la juat 10 and^now ‘“ 'T'' la-iii Now Vork looking lliiiiM .over in Ihc b igli.at eily- in Ami'Hpny . ' ‘’fj’'

' bone

iULDCMi[ i ■ l lE E I O i^ ^ II M i l s =


Love, Honor and Obey Clause Should Work Both Ways, ’

. ' prepi

Beclarcs Member of Commis- «“• 'cej)li

sion to Revise Prayer Book ‘ 'i*''*■ , Geori

XBW VOUK, U P l - K m In t!.«Initcd SIhIi'b nre, in nenrly nil re- _ [ pecta, ib 'j equals of men and there- oro tho promises ami vowa of tho mnr' loman u t marriago should bo reclpru- al.-Such |4 the aubatnnce of a stalem ent

lade today by George Zabriskie, Diem* ■r f er of Ibo commiaaion on rcyiaion o f M Ii0;'boo'( of common prayer of thu Ipisropal church, in explanation of ■■■■ nnv changes tho commiaaion will ree- itimend fo tho generni convenlloit of ' Oil w cburcb in Portland, -Otb.,-. next wnrd cptcmbcr. ■" J j i rovif.wing tho mnrriago ici-vicn ]v to

le comiiilailoa,” he said, "eonffI,deiii ^n>nki int t b o ,sta tus, bf wotmin"Iias*^|;hUiUy n inngod siiico Iho serviee woa incorpor- {„„ tud iu tlio prayer book, in 176D and i„cc„i DS ehnngcd f a r more alnce the, cob* j,„owi nation .of tho meditcvol rite of tho ,ijg,o, velfth mid th irteen th conturiei frora , |, | . |„ birh ll wns dorlvod.” ,

Old Law D lf fe rn t . 3-8' n■’i'bii-eommiin b w n t thn t timo rc- folliiM irdeil Ihu peraonality of i r marrlod down! omnii ns merged for most purposes in 10 jicrsoiir.'.ity o f her huibnnd, a lognl fi'ct luecptiou which, rceognlted by tho "o rd lurch per>iated tlirough the reform s J^iuia on, Mr. Znbrlakio .adilojl.'V , - eluap llo lidded th a t.th iyd iity o f obodienco w itli.

la now liL'un abrogated n tid .th iit wo- f l . l ’Q- nn enj.\ved, both in law nnd through Cor lein l'convention , privilegei nnd im - jn a n uuiliea whii'h weri' oven denied to A fter

''P>-^'And *11 ihe I'dmmlaaiou, he anid, h a i .icrwe 'fidcil it WIIH ncei'isary tha t the ob- f r a ■U'ti' pn rt of tho marriuge aervice— p,,] j] le jirnmi'*'! of tho womnu to obey—be ,]u, mle lo 1', ’iifnrm lo Ihi’ faeta of Ilfe. j


rO B T ABTIIUH, Texas, (;p) — Rtnn- <’-w d luia Z!ivar.ko,. former licavyni'ight !«<•» rcatliui* I'hnmplon, dcfenti'd .loe I'et- iveiike ff here h a t night. Zbysiko wreneb- I’e ro f fa leg with n too hold for Ihe

•at fnll Ir one 'linur and 27 mlnutea . , d I V r t f f , Lwna unable lo atflrt fur0 aPeni'd fnV

• , Onti


ATIIK.VM, y p ) -A telegram to the.clmnj:o TiileRraph from Smyrna s a y » J ^ -----eek lii-adi|uartcrs there has cate- rlcnlly lejectod the proi»aala for nn . n istice wifli Ihc T u tk i in fio f a r T i r i ^ _ IV dm l' witll, fho rcnioirnl of the L'ek nruiy from tho line between iun 'K irnhlasnr nnd Eski-Shehr. ■' r '

H A IT I'E L B O T S 'y aE S ID B N T ^:A P E I?AITIE,V,’ BepubHc o f , H aiti, ^ )--^Lui8 Borno, a prominent Ilaiticn orney^ ilnd a m'cinber n f tbo preko'nt j

)Inel, has'V een .eleclod pK 'iident o f .1 republic of H aiti by unnjiimous - ;e in aucceaaion of Budrre l) 'A rtI- i-nnve. • whose term exi»iroa next » mmb, M

pO O T LEAVES FOB EAST. fiAN FIJANCISCO (A>) — Kiihu Boot mer ,eiintor ftnd Americnn delegate • the Wnahinglon nrm* confereflce, .

terdny (OnclmTo.V a nioniTt'im tPa* - s v is it ill Ban Frnneiaco niul lo ft for

enat. Ho aaid be planned fo go a t e lo New York.

/O OI. HA‘0 8 and fleece twine. Kin- W hnW uie Co.—adv. g p

III- i>e<r year means nnw le tter aod lire fliea. We hnve them. Clos k Store,—adv.


■ i l l G A R o u t l o o k ; '(CoDtinnea from F o re Obo)

Ion c f beets, tiirxd, or I ’ dcer^aie of S').4 p e r.re n t 'f ro m the provloua year. .

There wero 1737,030 tons o f beefs ■Ilted In r li the fnetorles, o r S3,81U tons leas tbon were purchased, a shrink- nge of 0.(137 per cent. .

L arg^ S to c ^ on O ond.

A t tho beginning of tho year there wore earned over from the previous year, l ,8S(i,(;flD baga of augar, nnd dur­ing the year the rompany mnnufni;* tu red bagi,'m iiking n to ta l of '■1.137,707. During Ihe yenr :J,233,07(> bags wero aold, lenviug 1,004,0.15 bngii on hand IMnrch 1. , •

Begnr.liitg the new flnnneing nceom pilahed laat year llie rC-p«rt snid : .

‘ ‘ Bee.iui;'j uf Ihe low price ob tained rrnm augar anles the eompnny’s w ork­ing naa^’I't nero to a jwiiit where it wna found nei-eaanry to pro­vide now working enpitnl und 300,OOj aharea of T per ren t eumutntive profer red stoe< of a p a r vnlue per abnro of »1« were iaaucd.”

Heber .T. Qrant, rupreaenting the largeat slofkholdera and as trustee iu tm a t- fo r Ihe L , I>. B. ehurch, under- ia wrote, the entire iasue. Kl

Jnm es Cbipinnn wns elected t^ the ch bonrd of direclora to succeed tbd la te wi Thomaa K. Culler and CJiur/es R. Uur- TJi ton w il'i'e 'eeled ti« fll)..tho 'vncnney — eauaed ny thil reaignali<ln o t A ;'W '. Ivina.

The bninnie abed aubiiilttcd as of I'ebrnnrv ;;>• ahows totnl as'et'a o f MO-

d e l e g a t e s q u a r t e r e d

(Coniinued from I’ago Ono)

weru taken a t thu palaeo, nnd m ilita ry 3.J, forees linei’l tbe main street leadiug to Ihe meeling |ilncc. A large crowd a»- aeinblei*. aJong Via Bniw. fir. T he delegates today nmdo every «2c prepnrntion to settle .don^ to the seri* nus feebnicnl work of tho eongrew, ac- pm cejiling, for fho moment a t least, tbe Iden expreaaed yeiterday by Mr. Lloyd • Ik'iirgi' and I’n-mler Facto, th n t the ‘ igundn na arranged a t Cannes proyid- «ei .'li a Bufficieiit cargo for tho coiifor- W •lire ahip wilh Iho danger o f w reeklng ;| if new nnd conlroveraial problems S '" vere nddod. ' ’" ‘'=

e»':________ ' _________ 1.81

TODArS MARKETS|f:Ohicago Grain Marke^t. ,

CHICAGO, (yp)—WliVD('.lcnded down- i-iird in prico loday during 4ho' early j ieallngs, Irnders g iving a tten tio n chief- tv ,, y to n dcclino u t Liveriwol and to renkneaa of foreign exehnugc. Buy- r« npijcared jo., bo holding o ff pend- ' C ng i.e \^opincnt of some im portaa t uow UOO ncentive. I t was contended th n t tho to : nown bullish factors hud 'been fu lly lop isfouiited for tbo present. Opening but uofntions, which rnuged f ro n 1-ii to ♦i* ■8c lower, with May $1.33 1-8 to 1.33 C ■8; and. Ju ly .$1.20 7-8 lo 1.21, 'wcro bee oliowod by a slight rally and then by oth' owntums- Inwer than before.Kxport demand wns alow b u t th e ef- nnd

ect wns pnrtly countcr-balaneed by cha .'ord of botter milling demnnd u t St. S .(luia,' itnnsns City and O m ttiia.. The ■ liiap wns unaettled, to '2e n e t lower, ?H','i t i i Mny » l.3l 3-1 lo 1 .3 1 7-H nnd Ju ly Iqml K2a - t r i '1.20 1-8.Corn nnd uals were rel.itively firm

H n reault of eoulluned w et w eather.' k , 0 if le r opening I'H to l" lc o f f to h4c *tee p ,^ u ly <13 ;i-Hc, the corn mnrKet un- ^ erw ent a alight general ang.T rade wna light, and mostly of .a io-

iil charncler. i’riti'a finished steady,I (he anme na vealvrdnv’a cloao to 1-lc ff. .Iuiy (13.1-8 lo (13 H e .O ats aliirted iinchanged to 3'8c higb-

Ju ly JO .3.8c to -10 l-2c, and then taed down n litllo. »Lower <|UQlatlons on hogs led to somo ' eiikening of (iroviaion vnlues.

Caah ^ ra in and Frovlslona CHICAGO, W heat— No. I

■d 11.23 1.2.Corn Nn. 2 mixed •’!8 l-2c. . . - Onta No. 2 whito 38 .1-4 to 40c.

j i o wq m c e t r. I .39 REaPES

JN'Tiy'Sego in jronx lawr- it« ndpfr~no matter what it if, if it calll for

/ iweet inilk, you'll gtt m extra fine lenlts cilog f .. 8^ . Secipe booklet 00


_ M

S i v A i

a^EiiS; i : im b ,.T b E S p i}

; Mi^vieStar andr Gin

' j

H erbert l(awlinson. famed film a ln;, gii ia . being aued for #200,(100 by Mra. by Kthel Clark of New .York,, who haa gr; clurged 11I'eourt papers th u t tho m 'tor TIi wronged her daughter, Dorothy ClarK. eoi Thai f^-i>c(Inaon pur)ior(o<{ (0 love ilii< (hi

Hyi‘, No. 3 , 08 3-4c. , I deLard tlU.BO. | nIi

Pon ltiy "t'CHICAGO, (/P) — Poultry—Alive,

lowur; fowij 2,1c: springs .'IOc; roostera IDc. ■ I '5

S a tte r a sd E g g s ' "I*CHICAGO, ( f l ^ B u t le r — H igher; f,,,

ereamery exirjui 35c; firsta 31,1-2 to ,,j|, 3'lc; aeeonda. 30 to 31c; standards 34 l-2e. ■ r

Kgg»—Higher; reecipls 30.118 cnai'a; firsls 23 1.4; ordinary firata 21 I-2c lo 22e; mia.-eili.neoua 22 1-2 ‘o ^:ie; at<ir- age packed extras 2!> 3-4e; alorag'.' ■ . pnck.'d firata 2.1 to 23 l-2e.

Potatoea tnCHICAGO, y P h - l’fltfltots dull': re-

ceipla .40.j'At«;.iMlni|MQf<flNlrkt'd Bouiid WXiles pa ttly g '^ d w T lr t u to l.SO; : ewt.; Minnesota sacked >^rly Oliloa Ine Snndlanii; $1 lo I.iO 'cw l,; Wiaconain thu aaeked BoumI W hites ^l.S/> tu I.OO Bu: c» 't.; IQaho aackvi) Buasetj #1.70 to lint 1.80 cwt.; Idaho sacked. IturaU 11.30 tak lo 1.05 ewt.; new sto rk mnrket steady; shn Florida double headed barrels Spauld- ing Hoae No. 1 «0 to i>.50; No. 2 •7.50,- ,

FortU nd LlreA ock

I'ORTLAND, Oro., yP)—C attlo nnd 'beep nominally steady; no receipta.

IIog»—Nominally steady; no reccipla. V Feeder pigs *10.50 to 10.73. *'xr

Omaha Livestock

OMAHA, yp) — H o g s-^c cc lp ls 7 ,-im et JOO;-marka n to lOo higher; bulk 180 ijty |o 2ip pouod butehprs |I0 .4 S .tu lO.CO; Am lop |10.,')5; bulk 21.'! fo 325 popnd pro Imtebcrs tO.23 to D.45; packing grades »> to 10. i.rai

(’aljli'—Iteceipts 0,600; b e tter grades gee: >eef sleers and yearlings fully s teady; ove )the;a alow, weak to-'lSo, lower; top xtrj te.4(ii*a1ie.slock. sica.dy-} bulls,‘ stockcrs n„,i >nd feeder*, steady lo 8tn>n^„.veals un- i« u ;hangeil.

Sheep—Beceipls 4,000; .k illing clasa- 'a a tro n g .to ’25c higher; spring lambs N Mil; WTjoled lambs 4iI5.75; cliptied .-loi qmba, ijlilH.'i; e)ve», fop $10. bid;

Ohicago Livestock !CHICAGO, (iiP>-Caltio — B cceiplsiJ ' ’

10,000; slow, early frndlng on beefi ileers nnd shc-stock about steady; un*^® ^




Sego LUy L ard. 10 lbs. n e t ,weight. E a ^ — .... ...........L

Idobone Floor, 48 lb. sacks.■ 'i. E ach ..................—.......—.........

i I . .OolUornia .'Uome FlcU eL ' ;' I K * .N o .,3 COM --------- ---- ---------

' Ko. ^ coBfl A ssorted Joffls.' P e r doxea ..........;..._.......—.........

j - Bnhl OheeM._ P e r ponnd ........................- .......

' A inmlnom O ita, .to rge^-paekage ...........— -------

I I $5.00 Orders I ■ It


Urt wiio Accuse Him

', girl ia -^vidi'need, Mra. Clark assert*, ^ I. by enilenring iiiseriptior;a on photo- goi a grapha .if himaelf given to '^ I iis Clark. Id, r. The ens.' o jjl bo tried In n Los Angelei ^Fn . court. Itawlinaon eniphatlrnlly denies 10!' (he nih'g.iliona o f /iJ* nccujcr. ....... '•'J'— ■ • .................— •) i’l“Iderloup weak on fn t stock; top b e c f l^ j, I Mteers <!); bulk $7.23 to 8.25f bults au^i

atoekera slendyj early sales veal enlvcsi 24f weak to lower; m ostly $7 to 7.50. . j dec

I H ogs-B uce ip ts -10,000; fairly active,!|.> lo Ifie lower than yesterday 's »Ter-|^j,

nge; lighter w eights o ff most; 34 hogij],,^ n t $11; praellcnl top early $l/).05; very >'n|

: few over $10.B5; bulk *10.40 io 10.00; iles ' piga alow. I' ' tjbeep — Beceipla 8,000; mostly

atendy; few sniea ligh t ahorn liiuibs torj.j.>„| th a le r ' trndu ahnrply higher; woolod' [ lambs, tup $10.25; packer fop shorn'on Inmba $i;i,75; fuw selected lots to city! hou liurehers'$14 to 14.50; fnll shorn T c t a i l y ^ wi'lliera $10..'0 ; few heml .spring laml/s^9® III packera $20.25. j ^

New York Stock } J®'NKW YOBK, y p )-T rfld lng in p ro m -''l«

Inent inauslrlals and speeia ltici-w aa thu fea ture o f today’s stoek markeU’ i j „ Buila weru sluggish a n il fhe general e IjaJ pMVi'il morc itucepJH/la to profit- taking. Balos npproxlmnted 1,350,000 B shnrea.

Htrcngfh oX copi>crs nnd foreign oils |“ in fho la st hour, wben call money cas- n Ou to four per cent, wns balnnecd by I fu riher selling oi rails, steels and equip- ^ liien fs.' Tho closiag wits irregular. ■.

Vanadium was tho only prominent ^ excuption lo ,tho fu rther odvnnco of pticea a t thu 'opcning of today 's stock mnrKei. O ther'stee ls aa well na equip-

! menls, eoppors, motors, and oils, nota­bly tho foreign groQ{>, wero higher. Among thli less'consplcuouB liiucs, Iron Producls wero Iho chief features. Kew high records for tho yenr included sov- • ernl o f tho. minor ralla, bu t th n t group

■seemed to bo hesitant ns a result of over^niglit developments in thu coal < afriko situation. M acKay companies goi nnd M arket S tre e t 'I ta llw ay preferred infi iwuca represtufed tho higher utilities, nrt

L i b n ^ Bonds 1

NBW YOHK, — L iberty bonds n eloicd: 3 1.2's $00.32; f ira t 4 's $99.22 - | ()id; soeonds 4 ’s $00.20; f irs l 4 1-4's - I $00..'i2; second 4 1-4’s $00.28; third 4 ^ 1-4’a f90:.'!(r; fourih 4 1-4's $UB.52;-Vic- ^ lory 3 3-4’a $100.02; V ip fo ry r t 3-4'i K -$100.80. V _

' SEASONABl J\ITEMS T( .HOUSEWIFE’S PANTRYt g J g g OreamBiy Bntter^ freeh

$1'40 Hmoked Bicoi

15c ..<B1 1 n 2 “^ “ T offlOQi

------- w JL v X U 2 pounds, f o r _________

'• • O A ' E x tra Fancy .B U ckbert ................f c iV C pack, gallon foni. Eat

q q « 100 lb. sack ------ -----O O C O raanlated ' B jig a r ..........

TS Delivered Free Twice Dc 10 A. M. and S P.M.


• .i‘ ,

; 'E M ;B 6 L L iH O ' 'A8 W O i t ! -'vlAStoN CJTO N , ( f l ^ i a U e n i V ^a.

Mrs. Unrdfng bavo erosinled te o p e f .

the W hito H ouse.grooads Eastot; day fo r egg ro llin g ^ year (hoa- innds iof C hildren-w ith bosketa filled w ith ' vnrl-eolorod .eggs throng tho grounds and -eogcrly 'w atch for the

I preiident.

I WB W ILL eontraet your wool; ron , Sonable caih advance, I’boae 301 . flrown Broi. flheep Co.—ndv.

SEE K inney Wholesale Co. fur Mon- . liana W hite or G reat-N orthern bepni. I^ d v . • , . . _____


, OF. SALB,.

IL L, Btewarf, - r - f la in tiff ,

0 . M. Daniels n id Mablo Daniels • U s wlfur and Leo Woodcock a n d ,-N c ll^ -" '

' ■Woodcoek .h is wifo, DefendanU.

U nder nnd by v irtue oi an Order b f Bnlo and Deereo o f Foreeloiuro 'issu 'd , out o f tho D istrie t Court of thu Elev- BotU Jud ic ia l D istrie t o f tho S tato o f • Idabo, in nnd fo r tho County o f Twin Fnlli, dated tho 24th day of M nreb ,. > '1022; ' in tho above entitled action, w herdn H. h Slewatt, tho abovi> samod plaintiff, obtained a dcereo against 0 . M. Daniels and Mablo Daniels hia

iv if e , 'a n d Ix:o'W oodcock and Nollio ' Woodcoek his wifo, defendants, on tbo 124th day uf M arch, 1022, whieh said jilecreo wns on tho 24 lh 'day of Mnreh,11022, entered in Judgm ent Book Seven I .-tt pago 283, I am commanded to sell ' nil that certain Iof, piece or pareol f t land situated in tho Couuty of Twin Falla, S ta le o f Idaho, and bounded nndileseribed aa follows, to-wit;— .............

Lot 13 in Block 3 of Whito and Cal­lahan 's Golden Bulo Addition io fhe . City of Twin Fnlli, County ^-of-Twin ''- Falls, Stnto of Idaho: .

Public notice is hereby gives, th^ t on tho 4th dav of May, 1022, a t tho bour of 2 o 'clock p. ' m. (Mountahi Ti/ne) o f said day, a t the east f ro n t 'doQT of the court' house of tho C ounty of Twin Falls, S tato of fdaho, I will in obedionce to said order df salo and decree of foreclosure soli fho above do> icribod property to satisfy p ln in t if f* decree w ith in te rest thereon, togetbttr with nil costa th a t bavo oeerued or may. accrue, to tho highest bidder fo r cash, lawful monoy of tho United Slates.

Dated th is 10th day of April, 1021 R K. BUBRMa H, Bberitt.

By Bonnlo H erriman, Deputy.

TwinFalls-BoiseS T A G E

■ L e M n g T w i n F a l l s a f

, 8 :0 0 A . M.(Local T ioo ),

■ Arrive Boise 3:3 0 P . M.'(Local Time)

.Mnking ronncetion wilh No. 19 going w est a t M ountain Home, giv­ing ono bour fo r dinner byfotp th s

. nrtivnl of 10, going west.


Trask Bros. S tag e Co.

^ stom I ’TO STOCK I

“ !?!:i.;35c ^ . : li t

.. ' I "^...”“ .60c . f . .......S7.55 J

Daily— |


; , . J :

Page 5: TWI?N‘FA J)AilLY Nl Enewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_T... · TWI? TOL. a. Kb. 8." FtOODSARE i 1 WAY IN ^ WIDE AREA, "Rivers Rising in Many Slates—


Official Advices from Mexico Indicate Renewed Outlawry in Three States with Preach-

, ijig of Open Reljeiiion

■ W A STIIN Q roS , D. C., (fl-M X tW aintlvkea ^ riw lvoil licro loilny im llraio

H IiicrCMCil icvolulloiiary aiiJ la i iJ i t nc-

nn 'l NajrtTit, In Mexico. TJio tobiO in N ayarit wcro trrilorlc-l to number from 200 I-. 300 men under t!io leader ship o f l'.iblo aonuk-d. In Ja lijco six

, BiJparato ImniU wrro reportcil in tlio ! ficlil in open roK'IHoii nKniimt tlic con­trol povcnimoni, nUlmunli Hie'r Blrcnjfth tliu* far in ri‘«i>rclo(l n« iniili;- ' iii/iean t. ’

The ualiv ity in Vera Cnij; wn.i n - ' ported to i'ave iiMumed rdnsidpralilo , imiiortnncb in view of tliv defuat wliieii th e rcb^t lehdrr, <ii.'ni-riil .Mlj-uci A k- . nioii, w ith n lian^ elitimut'‘(l n t SOO mrn . rcccillly iV featrd fwleral forfp*. Tiic ■

•federal roniniaiiilpr In Vern Cruj;^ i: was aalii, inn ri'|Hirted thnl the rciielii nre bott«r nruicd luid ri|uippvii thnn h ii own fo rrc i nud hnn ru^iieiitui niitimrity

~ ’ ' to nuapotii the lak-i o f nniiK un<l am- munition of nil kinds. ' • “

Q alet«r la Kortli. fNoticeable-U(?'iinc In lu n d it movo- I

tnents In tiie jiortbcrn stntcn of Mexlrn .1 Wfl* reporJMi in tho diiipalchcj, despito h thu sporddlr opriiluKi in tlic itAto of d (Tqiihul)a nnd in danthweiitcrn Chihutt- H

, "hun Ba«l-DuranRo, ' Jj..TIio ip rrad of rndicAllim, i t vrns rc ' J

portod, continues unabated, with im- V Iiotni bcinK ((Iven to tho movomont by Ii cmiunrS.'s from various roimlries, in- eluding tiio United BUtes. ThoRo cmis- ^

— , sories, it was nald, nre orfjanlzed nnd J sia isted tliionf>h tho npency of varion.i j radical orj'aulzntloiiH nnd have tlie \ support of some M rxlran officials. \

Contro! o f the .fuderai nrmy, rcfrard- \ ed as luyol to Pri'sidcnt Obrcf;on and x< development o f tlie Kovvrniiii'nt's fl- ci .iianrcR, iKwever, wero dMlnred to, bo n ;tlio chief fac tor In the present M i'vlcin (;

^ situation. n

\ 3 ° c i a . l l ^ o % e j s 1

E dltoJ bv MrR. E . B. Williams.Telophono 3D<J.

- —ilr s , J . A. W alker, nwlstcd by Mrs. iry Y. ■Norton, Mrs. M, C. W are, Mrs.W. Hustod nnd Mrs. H. K. Smitli en­

te rtained tho Dftuijlitcrs o f tho Ameri- eiin Kevolution a t a ono 'o 'clock luneii­eon M ond^ ' o t her Homo on Main Avo­nuo N o rtC " Tho sodety dincussed a t

i Romi’ length tho m a tte r of tho corrcct r U90 of tho fluff. Several inatances of desecration wcro cited nnd |>hiii» fur (tefinito action were outlined.

; Mrs. Kennedy I’ackard nnd Mrs. Wll- bur Hill repreientcd n eommUteo op-

■jiolnted by tho rcRcnt to Inveatlpito tho ' fen slb lllty .o f cfcctinK a memorial tab-

■lot to tho soldlcrn of tho Twin Fnlls I • county who nmdo tho.m prem o siicrlfice jo ’ in the w jrld wnr. This ounimilteo roe-! om meiided-thnt Ruch'ft tab le t be orcrt- ,uI Oli. Thd I'q 'o rt wns favorably rcculv-

Cll nud plans Inid /o r-riiisln jj thu ro- \ quircd nmount. Mra. C. 8 . M eM artin jg

. hnd charge of Ibo iiroRiam, the subject beiuR “ Forests and National llcaorves

'lu Idoho." Mrs. Mc.Mnrtin rend a ji; mont cotnprehensivu paper on th u ^ u b - Hr Je rl nf "F o res trj -” which hnd been wl cimiplled iiy Mr! Gardner o f Welsor and hi delivered boforo tho IcRislallvo assom- er biy. Mrs. W hlto outlined aomo of tho so

I , .duties o f a forest ranpor and, graphic- ml i a lly described tliu prlvllegcs-and Hmi-I tations nf shoop.nud cattlo ranRinff. pc

Jitrs, P . F . SwecVriJad from tho DouRh- ters of the Amorlean llevolution Mag- Uf ndne, tho o ffle ia l organ of the na- u*-

' tlonnl socletyr a very Interesting ro- «► iw rt o f 't l ib Pilgrim Pageant given in »“ 1 tills -eity la st Novombor, contributed •

' by l^ rs . 'W llb u t Hill, historian of tho .] Twin :'Fnlls ehoptcrl -An excellent half- I'c

tone picture of tho members os Jhey ' ^ r i '•nppen rcd 'ln th;o M artha W ashington

sVono is rcptoJueed lil tho TnngnRine. Twerity-olght woro p te jon t, including

’ M rsr-O sround,-M rs. Larsen tind Mrs.AUcni la en lo ra e£ other ehnpteii who arc h.iw residing in this c i ty . ' ' Mrs. 1“ ' n , 11. SchUdre.aji' of F llc t wos a Cttrst

I ' of tho nftcrnooq. • lm

I f Mw. i. H. .I«iil.vu wn.1 hoRtcsR to tlio J}I’nn-llollcni,' elub Monday even luK 'jl her homey-n Eighth nvenue east. Bho

•• “ also lireilried over tho business »e«i(in.bolng vjco president of .the. o rjan lra- J tion. -I'Unn were made f o r 'n spring

.kinehcon nnd the nnme* of all who in- tend to a ttend must bo handed tn Mrs,K. B*Holnocki-, uot la ter thnn Mny 1. Tlie lentortnlnm cnt fo r tho rvrn ing was ft “ whlto e lephant’’*liarty ajid there wna n rholce collertTnn of nmus- ' Ing nrtic.lc.v A flrr |h ^ Injpectlon nnd "

' txchnngL’ of “ white elephants,” thero Kwa* nn ol-'plmnt rnre. n content on tho word,' nud the guests blindfolded, nttcm pli'J lo pln tho tnil on the nni- _ mal. r rn e * woro won by Mrs. Harold M enltt^ Miss Allco Johnson and M isi Zella Kill*. Tw enty-flvo nicmbcrs worn ea


In atteBdanccrnn&'3iifaly'refVeshuBiifa Were letv'eil-' . . .

. ■ ' T iio ^ a iu ritc lr i'e lu b . h a tl-1- pleawni _ meeting oo A prill-O -.at; th e home of

Mrs., F rank .W ood^ . , There was a bnsl-* ness aesslon and .'u aoclaTliottr^during ^ which the hostess served delicious ro

freshnients, 'T lio’ next meeting will be* ■ held April-20, w ith-M rs. W. Z. Irons,

The^'bunlness and professional worn en 'held tiieir regular m oeting a t their clubrooms Monday evening. A fter the

[- trnniinctlon of l)usinesfl, .Rev. .Charles I"” Olenn Baird .'gave iin Interesting 'nd- ,_y dress on ‘ ‘Psychology ns It Applies to* J Moderu I .ife .”

*■ lalfffiiltr liHlHtllB

110 . ^

OommissloQors Bo-Oroato tho Foriaer Political Unit and

Name BeiB;iBtrar8)cr ____er Bosowoith p recinct which wn* se v lix ® “^’ y®3rs ngo niergeil into Butte pre-

eiact a t the aouthwest earner o f Twin Kalla rounty, wa.* ^[onday resurrected nnd revived by the lionrd of eountv roniniiHRlfliiera a.* the Iwonty-seventii voting preelnct o f Iho eoun ty .fo r th» eonilng i-ounty nnd stn to elections. '

j" The. cowing of new settle rs to t h i | Koseworlh dlstrie l, ineludlng membera I

' o f tho “ niodorn ciirnvnn” which! !*" tre kked o \o rlnnd la st fall from Baiuk- |" | lyn .T s Imuely resprinsllilc for the re- ^ rroatlon ol' the old precinct.- i t in rom- ' posed of tho riorth end of whnt wna* B utte p^•clnet.

Kegistrara for the severnl preciriet* wero Monday appointed by the eom- missloners oa followa; .

Buhl No, 1, Mra. ,W lllinm -8fhnrk ; Buhl No. 2, M ra .^ h o m a a Frlteheri

0- Filer. II. W. Orav'esf Castleford. M rs:•i> .r. F lora Noble; H ollis ler; II. E. More-10 tumse; Clover, Juseph N incler; Amnter*)f dnm, .lei'.n Kunkel; Tliomets, Mrs. n- Hnmuel n;irrl»; Mnron, -leasle Moaotey:

Herger, Fred W. Berger; Deep-Creek,0* Mra. Iv .t Bcnuehamp; I.ueeriie, Mrs.(i- W. fl. B lew art; Rogetflon, C. A. Bobs; ly Hoseworth, Mrs. 0 . H. W illiams; IJutle ‘ ll- Mra. Inez Clark; Twin Falls No. 1 s- M rs.-K nte Taber; Tivln Falla No.11 Mrs. Mary Ollletlo; Twin Falla Xo, ,1, u Mra. 0 . AV. llice; Tw in Fnll* No. -I,10 Mra. II. F . n cx roa t; Twin Fnlls No,

Mra. E ffls B.-nior; Tw in I’alla No. fl1- Mra. E ffie W ntklns;. Twin Fnlls No, 7,'i Mra. Einmn T. Bnird; Kimberl.v, Flor- I- cnro Bremer; H ansen, Mrs. Elvia La.v- '0 ,ook; M uitaugli, (T. T . Rulledge; Hod:>1 Creek, Mrs. i le n rv IInn«en; Bhoshoni

Bnsin, I. Willia. ’

■oraa. iCTIi TIEN; ' ontriiJ- —

A t to r n e y G e n e r a l D a u g h e r t y Is

'I I n v e s t i g a t i n g t h e I n d i c t m e n t s

,. R e tu r n e d A g a i n s t C o a l M in -

e r s a n d O p e r a t o r s in 1 9 2 0

’■ INDIANAI'OLIH, in .l., (/p) — Attor-* ney Oiiner.M D aiigherly wmi to reKiimc ** tod.iy hlx inveiti^ntinn of the peiullti^

ejiaea in federni eonrt hero under in- dletmonfa relum ed nuiro thnn n ye,\:

■ ngo against 220 conl oi>ernl^rfl *and '■ miners. Tiie a tto rney generni planned

to lenvo hvre-lato todny.* I t was believed Ihnt the ntliirney* gcneml wmild resume eonforences wlt'i

Judgo A. iJ. Anderson nud Ilomor Kl-•- Holt, Unlled S lates d is lr ir t nllorney, n wilh wiiom he conferred yesterdny. Ai 1 Ills conferonco with the a tto rney gen- .- e rn l 'i t wns believed th n t .Tndge Ander- D son.derinred ho ^vould not perm it dis- .. missal o f lhe conl cnsos. ,

Operators Imvo declared th a t {he pending rnses prohibit pnrlicl]uition in

. any wnRo tonferenee w itli m inen . Mr.

. Daugherty indicated last n ight, tlm i dUmissil n f Uio indlelmoRta Is nhdei

,. consideration.'.'f.Uo declared nn decl- , slon h u l een rcadhcd. '1 , 'NoTlctlOtt ^ b a t i l f c • ■ .IS . “ I.m ny dn nothing ffhilo I am here’*'. he said.f • The sitnntion in th6 conl atriko Is « .I “ continoouR cfiiitt^vcray ,'’ Mr. Daugh-

crty-sald..^ “ I t Is nothing bu t n fOn- tinuoua atrogglo w ith periodical rF*t»,

I. th n t como nround lilca.-a^.cjtcus, biit J with noi ha lf irb much' filn /o Vlio pco-

plo who pny the priee. / - ,, “ Tho.government tak ing side*

but It. Is in terested ; \v * are not decid­ing now wbo is righ t or who is mong.Thn govornmont i* Interested in seeing

th o t Uio I'coplfl e n jo y -th e iiatum l r.e*, sourers.of tho-countrj- hnd got furl ut

rtosonflbls prices'. I t w nnts tho min- ' ers nnd ownera of_niines fo get a fnlr return on lhe cnjiltal nnd lnbor Inveat

I ed. Tho public vrill be w illing-to po /' n fn lf rctarn to both.

‘‘ The government is very anxiona'tu ; know all i t cnn of tho sltu n tio n ," sal.i j the n tto rn iy general, explninlng hi*

viait here. “ I am here to inTesUgnte J rcrtn in tilings th a t ennnot bo Invcstl- j gated in the regular course of n f fn in .”

’ BEE K inney W holesale Co. fo r Mnn ’ tdnn W blto or Orent Nortiiern benn»

; - ' v __________* Th# Nowa ia read h r the perrnnnent eam lpg cIim cs. . _ . “

iiHHlifri r a o i u s p p f

ing ■ --------- - -ru EeqnoBtB for .Iaformatlon on

Crop Produ(jtion Oome la byHuadreds --

n'if i;N'lVEIi.<«TV OP IDAHO, Moscow, tho {8pccla l) .--^ ic heail Icttu'-o industry ■Irs is growing by leaps and bounds In “•I- Idnho nnd throughout thd northw est *" If tho numbers of requesla fo r'tnform a-

lion ou this subject .recolved iiy tho U niversity o f Idaho departm ent ol horticulture cnn bo taken na a -eriter- ion. In o n 'e f fo r t to aupplv th is d»- mnnd thn collcgo nf OKrleiiltito reccnt-

J l Iy Issued a bulletin, “ Ili'nd L 'lrttuee,’ ' I J and the domand< for copies aro unpro-

redi'nted. The liooklot was w ritte n by Professor C. C. Vlneent, head of tho de-

bo iiarlment’ uf horticulture. -In ono aln-

;ia ! ' • A O O O o V g b T O T R A O Jed , ' ■ -

r Menajeh jk- O u r S p r i n g M e n a

h i s t o r y o f o m - s t o r e . '

"■ m e r c h a n d i s e , b u t t h e

e n t i r e a s s o r t m e n t s .

2 0 C o a te- -

j: t in

! I

-se ;

■ , I .■ 'j l j - 'a n

■ ' sh i

! p :

; 4| . -------------------------J---- ;---------------------- -

3 O o o d V a l u e s [ v e r y w l i e r e

You will enjoy shopping nround ' fo r good values prcvalL

TOOTH BRUSHES[ About -t dozen' tooth bruahca that ' were bought to rela il up to 2.'ic. Ask 'I in lhe notion departm ent nbout

them .............................;......- .......... - OC

; O'OEDAB MOPSWo shnll o ffer n regulnr «1.00 O’Cednr Mop w ith hnndio nnd on<

.. aOe bottlo of O ’Ccdar Polish for 08c

; BEOOMSA good substantial broom of th t

.quality thn t ordinarily sells fo r 6 5 t .There nro juat 2 down o f them.. 46<

SHEETSPcrhnpi never again will you bo nb lo ,

I to bny Ullcn, Mohawk and Pequot i ■ fu ll a U ^ ahcota a t anch a prico.

S llgh tly 'so llcd .' Clioico - ..... • ! . «

. .D IS H PAN.A regular <1.50 vfluo i'n a grey cn- nmel dlah pan Largo aiw.- Good- heavy Tfoignt. ^Tbero nro ja s t . lS -o ,t .

I . Ihe'm — ^ :60e

TEAKETTLE “A tea kcttlo th n t ordinarily soUt fot

; ll.c o . Qood heavy, qunlity g rnaltc ware. 0 'n u a rt sire. P o f thorn- le ft — :---------------------- -— eot

I (1 'teutlennikll; 4 *

; A Toilet Soap By Palm Olive Co.

1Yoa m ay haye yonr choice o f fom

* d lf fo n n t toilet soap, m ade by tho Palm OllTo Oo. B ottsim llk . Bom Olyeertne, V lolot Q lyceilne and Oocoft and Almond. Largo hara.

/ 0 h ir s o f Ui9 toUet soap, ono h o r o f.Po lar Wlilto L aundry 4 Q p

. BoajH-All for............ - .............‘i v K y

..NEW.S,.T:WIN .FALLS,I... ' g le '^ y 'lE e 're< |B M 'ts ' td lallid-tppfo 'xl- I mately. 700i O rderi'havo.^efin received * ■ from eignt western states, n r -‘n i» elrctilar.denis w ith tho aoleclion l i h of-seed ; preparation o f. tho soil for U L planting t.nd. some general auggcaliona

regnrding lh'c m B rketirig"6r'hrhd let- tuco. ' 'on .1 M • •

[ o c a l g r o - v i - t i o j

ow,* ___ _try Fozner R«elde&t Her»—E rnest Klcr-

In atcd-w nj nmong th o ’tls itn rs in Twii, cat ^'aIIs yesterdny froni Bolie- Mr. Kicr- QQ. ated wns n ploncor resident . of -'thia

thu '■

01 utso& s to U ee t^M em bers of 7w in Falls 1oJrc,.A .,F . & X.-M . hnvu been noflfied Ilf-a s|>erlal commuQicntlon of

.",1 the Indgu Ib bo held W ednoailay' ovo ;'e . n ing for work in the enlored »pprc:i l ,y |ile » dsgrw . “ , .de-: » . .in - ' Goes E ast on V la lt-M rs . Mary


g e V a l u

l a g e , o r C l e a n - U p , i s p r o v

J W e n o t o n l y a r e o f f e r i r t ;

l e p r i c e s o n b r a n d n e w s t

t s A r r i v e

I n T i m e

A shipment of cats expected in

time for Saturday’ s business has

arrived. It includes some very

snappy polo numbers in the belted

sport model that is so popular this

season. They are fully lined; and

made,of all wool materials. There

are coats up to $32.50. in the

shlpmeni, BiS we believe that t h e .:

number referred to is an excep-"

tional value for—

$ 1 4 . 9 5

G in g h a m F rnd

for th e Youngilat ' • ■

Thoro are n number of Tcry clovoi

tha Uttle girls in tills .shlpmont tl

opened up. Tho materials are fot

QQ and cluunbrays. Each d re u Is nice

'' We havo markod them all fo r Quick

Ai os 2 to (>.... .............. ...........

AiiQf* 7 to l l i ........................ :^ ____________ .

I A l l W e e k i n ]lot:o. This section is always busy

not. Priccs are always right;

. GINQHAMS ■.q j . 27 Inch ginghams in- a good varict.v '

o f patterns. Begulor. 25« values. .We q'j w ant.to clean.np.tho entlro io t . 16e

’ CHALLIESNow p n ltc m i TVeah crisp new

^ stock. Aro taking tho placo of ere- “ tonnes. For drapes, r te . F e r thi»

e v en t,------------------------------ 17<.

WHTTE v b n x sa White voiles in p laid crossbars nnd H -strlpca. Theso rotall for 4Sc. Ytm' m niay hnvo as much as you want.. 23c,

I CANTON FLANNELIH 27 Inch cnnlon flannel, anbloached.. m - Good heavy" weight. Begnlar 25e IB retailer. B llrttly shclf'sdned. Till Ij] gone, theyn tcf :--------------- •

V ' DAMASK........Extra wide nnd ex tra quality whlto moreerltrd dnmnsk. Two ploec* worth $1J0 tho v a rd .''D u rin g this e v e n t________________________80e

APEON OHEQKS^ Now onca'in all tho desired checks.

The colors nro f a s t The slock crisp j j -nnd clean. The y a rd --------- ----- lOond . PEEOALES'

Perenles of tho be tter kind. 30 inch- o f . es wide. Full rnngo of light and r t dark pntternR. llcgulnr 25c. ,Sp«- C elal . . 1 ^ ___ _______________ I8e

UQAaO, TUESDAY,APIr'o'xK Olenn 'le ff 'tT ils 'm o rn ilig '' fo r ’Sandy ived L ake, P l, whero she will Visit for

aomo tim e'w U h a daughter. She. will m eet hcr'daughter, Mrs. William Bunei

iona Chicngo nod theywill nccnrnpany her to her dcatfnatiou.

- t o t e r B 0 4 n e u Field—Oeorge Thnm'p- soir nml Lud Drcxler have nasnmcd tho manngeniout o f the Aloinito Sen,-lco

f sta tion on Becond.'nvcnue north, and hnvu ndded tho Adco dry ptoroRV bnl- ter>' lo the atoek in trndi- o f the i-on-

:icr- ,‘wil, '•icr. A ppoint Brand Inspector—.lohn D. {I,i^ Ciinner of Twin Fnlla, I* the officlnl

brand ln>iM.clor for the cumfty nppoint­ed Mondny hy tho board of county

win I'ommlstliiiiora for Uie coining year. In leen hia offL-ml rapiieily Mr. Conner will I of naaumo duties hi'n>tufori' ilevolvini' ovo upon 0 . M. Deorliig aa constnblc.

j -Oltiao. ^ ieada O uU ty-A . K. Clemo,' l ln prob.iie ronrl Mnndoy, entrru<l it

[flry 'l'k ’ik o f ;;iiilly to rhnrgo of i»»ulng fic-


u e s A ll '

o v i n g o i i e o f t h e m o s t s a t i s

• i n g e x c e p t i o n a l l y l o w p r i <

s t o c k s a r e p o s i t i v e l y c o n d i

^ , MiddiesAlmost itiuj entlro a s s o to e a t el a is H opidni M iddles waa aold I t t t .Saturday, Today anotliai lo t airlves, mode o f w hite Jean,

A -which Unnderg w eli Oollart and t ^ cnfffl In the p lain w h iu . red oi

hluo. A ges 0 to 14. O Q a Ohd c e ...................- ........ .. « T O t

in ^ ------------------- '

Special A ssi , . A r t Need

'' Another oxcoptiooal offering ljg event. The little girls will be inl


6 (io7.pn DoilioK, uKuortod itiittori: re tn n CniHh Pillow Topf? ...;.....*...

Wliito Centers, 18 inchcH ........Tan Ontali I'illow Top« mid Bo

m . :iT {U i u ,» (llW liif< ! S c j i r f K ...................

-.■^Ooiitors, 27 inrli, to iim tch........^ T o w c Ih, a H K o rtn l p a t t e n w ...........

Tnn SoarfH ....................................' Centers to nintcli.......................White CniHh Kcnrfs, aHsortctl .C'ciitcrK to iim tcli........................Iinlinn Homl ScnrfH .................

'ro ck s ^

g ste r slever medehi fo t ‘

I t th a t wo Just

I f a s t glnshnm i »l

nicely trimmed.

ulck dispoaal. j. -------- ^

.... ''

iPieceGoods ^isy whether wo offer specials or ^atl i,

OHEVIOT■F' For m aking m en’a nnd boys' work

shirts. Oood iicnv.v, finality, will, y laat for years. Wc o ffer two pat- ii .lorni^ a t the -yard ------------- Vk

I J A P O E E P Ei» F o r ' m aking houso dresses, aprons, '• y f<. rempera, kimonos, nighties, and nu-

merous o ther things, we havo a good „ uMortmcnt of co lors .. Tho vard 36c


'c. Wc have a h ig ossortmcnt of bed .spreads In priccs ranging from $2.00 '

, • to 112.00. Bomo are alightly soiled. " For th is oveiU 20 per ccn t off.

" . . ^ : B p m E E . - . 0 I . 0 I p ■. ■ Wo hav6 romper cloth in plniii col-

ors and in s lr ip e \ Mako tho kid- r " e dlea play c lo th es 'o u l-o f iliis_snb- vl” a .itnntlal m aterial. Tho ya'r3i:tL.;'

k . P O P U H w30 itieh poplins in ligh t or dark col- qi

■ ora. You will wnnt n summer drcsa, p of th is m nterial: By tho yard otth is event ..............................COc ”

OOLOEED INDIAN TTTlAn!• A popular non’ moterlal for sammct Td droasca, Bult^ -and used olso fot ' bl0- luncheon cloths, centers and other, pile n rt neoda. Brguinr 55c _______ _ 40c' al

iPR IL ll,l'922 . ;idy tU Iena.t-hffJn ,^efm«d/by--th^r''iii[Si«# ’ for c)i.Ung . n itorncy. a t .th e inatsuee. vitf . (ill Cliief of Pollco Ben J , Brown. Clc‘rao’’ ”• I f] wos .h i'Id 'to tlio.fiction of the d is t rb t ' icy court. .-ou. I

rip. Denlaa. E reekless D riv ln g - i: . h ; . ;ho W ebb of Hnnaen, driver o f a car which ico struck and fnlally Injured a horae th a t • j,d waa n pet o f tbo Albert Kstllng family, . nl- piroili-d nnt guilty in probate court' on Itl- Monday nftornoon to a chnrgo of reek

losa driving preferred by tho proseent*Ing nttornoy. Ilonrlng In tho cnso was ■

p . aet for Wodneaday.

lni ------ .nt- Ba^ter.n S ta r to E nterta in — Mem- . ity bers o f 'jw iii Fiill.n chapter. Order of 111 thu Enatern B tar, will, oiltertnln th is - •i!i evenini: i.t Ihe inat dnnre of the scoson tii» tn bc given by the chafitcr. The donco

is to b e 'li i 'ld In the Miiannic. tcmplo n t tho con-’luslou of n bnaineas session

10, 'o f iho chnjitor. Membern of the M a­lt sonic lodgi} nnd their friend* nru in ­

ic- v ited to ultend.

A OOOD^g ^ TO TIU D t V .

Week!t i s f a c t o r y e v e n t s i n t h e

r i o B s o n c a r r i e d - o v e r

i d u e i v e t o a e l e a n - u p o f - .

Black lUessaliheA nother apodal huy for thli

. e re n t.. B rand new clean tilk ‘ o f good weight** A reg u lu 11.76 te ller. There are Jw l 00 y tr d a . , Y oa m ay ' I n r r t '^

S T S . _ _ $ 1 . 0 0

sortm ent of iiffleworking.'bought especiaDy for this interested in some of tho nnm-

erns, a t ...... .................... 5c ‘ ;,.i.;........................... ; ......

................................... ................. ;....... ;.‘ i o c ;

Bottoms ................... ........... 29c,., ■...........................................29c • -


.........................-.I'................. . j29c

......... .............................. ....... 80c

................................. ;.... :...... 50cll ...... .... ............................... 50 c...........;................................ . 50c...................................... ......50c-.

Randoms Picked ' Here and There

The good values ore too numerous to mentloQ. Z ,ook'around.'

VEILS-Blip-on veils o f a ll kinda. Veils in ull rotnra. Vnlnes to 50c. Wo wnnt to' elcnn up th is stock. Clioice.... Oo

NATIONAL NETSN ntional hnlr. nela corjie. packed 'six lo t h r box’ to sell fo r fl.ic. During th is ovont vou-m ay-have bnx nf 0 fo r ............. 1------------ ..................... 60c

MUSIC EOLLSOf real Icnther. Fo r tho littlo girl whn is tak ing music lessons. Just (1 le ft ...............— ............ S1J50

, PEEPUMESOne lut u f perfum es in boxca, bought lo acll fo r 75c. Wo w ant to clean

■ up the lot. C h o ic o ........ ......SOc

■ VSANITAEY APEON -.Mnde o f so ft pliable white rubber.Is easy to keep clean and prevents thn rlolhcs from becoming soiled 48e

KOTEXVon mny have K otex th is coming week fo r less. K otex Is eelllog very' readily. Ask fo r i t by namo. Dot- <-n napkins to box — :--------------<Se

L. D. S. OAEHENTS ;Again thoHO summer weight ganuenta nf w hite combed cotton. A fnD rnngo of sires __________ ___ _ 700

OUTEX',ARTIOLES ,„ Cotcx mnnlenro u tie le s . . A rtielei llhnV sell /o r 35c. There is nail white,|pol[sh. e tc. C h o ic e ________ _ lOo'

' OHILDEEN'S HOSEW o.bcllevo th is hoBO to bo eqtial te any .’jOc value in the 'm arket today.

< Full range of sizes, block, brotvn or ; nbiu> ..........___________________ ' j 9b'

OOESELETTEThe now corselctto which 1| a COffl. . ?,

' blnntion o f brassier, girdlo and fop- ' porters. Wo o ffor a W nnier’a. 'jW

............. -----------— .....— , n . M ^ ' '

■ .rtf*. ,

Page 6: TWI?N‘FA J)AilLY Nl Enewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_T... · TWI? TOL. a. Kb. 8." FtOODSARE i 1 WAY IN ^ WIDE AREA, "Rivers Rising in Many Slates—

I; T W I N F A L L S D A IL Y ,N E W S

I, U tu ^ e v J^ «r«emoon exctpi Muaifar _

■j ‘~ T w in i5 i« ^ N W ri'f- ,j

BOV 1’®“ j, ' JOHN C. HAICVEV........Trcaiur«» boU ■'""ElTmd ui'ieeonrt claw ni»ll maitcr iwc:,1 A ^ ll ». l*l». "I tne poilofflM »l Twill •

. r* lli. Maho. undor lti« ncl of Mpreh J oil3 i ' ____________________ ____ ,nu| ’:j BUDBCRIPTION nA T SI teVi

w . y r L i g f - ....... « •i:'i I month*........... ................... .............. P-J*li; 1 month.................................................. .. |jp.,

: mEMDEH OF ABSOCIATBD PRK88 rni Tho AMoclated P m t tl oxduiJv*ly M -

uilMl to the UM (or r«publlc*uoa or u' MlriTdlipaichM c r td l t^ to It. or M t ci.il

II Mc:

‘ i «tc'<^ i I/Pi mean! AwocUtftl P r w ._________ _hwl

i'l So rciDonilbllltr U u ium ed (or tho e i r r or untoUdlcd

'• «<i««

’ : . “t o':; 1 un le u pccompMlod b f neoem iT P®*t*

';| - - ■ ■'................. ..............^ 'li-it;.| ' Tti<> New* la * ra e a lw of th* AndJt „« - ! / . ■ Durcou o( CIrculAUoM, (ron wtiom full

; IbOmniitloti # • to circuUllon way bo ob- i,(ui • '■ t»ln«J upon »pplloatlon. lJ«t«llNl liifnr.|:i mutlon iuppllod Incally upon PcatiMi, idiiI

i;! k’a o t e u n KEP^lM"^M^^•^vi^:^7 r - i Ocorso U. Uuvid Co,. Inc- ITI kliUliOii

I ' AKU., Now ro rk ; a . R. K*i'or. imi Hun- , I^ |i . fonl Uulldlng. Calcaco. I

j'j! WOMEN ATTACK LAWS j .!! jl .The " m lli ta n t i’’ o( ollicr days^'mny (ii'l iip tln return to tbe nalionnt U ,!|i one mny juUjfc from rccent itntenioul#

i:' coining from lieaJijunrlcra of tlii' Na-\ ' ^ ' lional W omnn't imrty. i'ro jicrty anti;,|j miirrinKc law* which dlicrlnilnato In1,1 fnvor of thu male of the Biiocioi w^ll bo■ tho tarjcut ti. ilUiiInc- .■ufrnnrhUi'niuiil -

j : [if thu fa ir acx.I JjivcitiRatorj of tlio '’Wom#n'« p arty 1j :' had quU-.’ a tlmo flaill«K tUiMino atnti- -j|;j: th a t would make an {dcalf'iiorrlblo or- ,

,: • umple,” but M aryland’* tiuallflcations' (

|;.i • finally won for her the covotcil honor.j• !| 3I»ryIaitd, i t aocmi, is n bDibarian a tate !•<

;! which fruo ly 'g ivc i man poncuiloBjj ■ litum liy trod womnn undtr foot, H ere.ipu , j! arc tho qunllficatiooi .that w o n , fo r lioni

_ M aryland Jn the'com petition fo r “ hor- \ 'i ribK* exam ple” :. ; , ;jood:! j' M arylabd l l one of threo i ta tc i w U c ij Anio

*’,j I'give th e fn ther lho riRht to will awayj ' ; frotn thu mother the uuarillaniililp of Al

• ':her m inor 'eh ild ren without her. con- •JOO.t .1 • - • • unou

< : . w n t. M' i|[ j Mother* nre not equal gunrilinUH of Amu 'i: j th f lr chlldrunj tho rljjht of the father:[; I i l iupcrJor to, (hat of the m other; he j ! i o irua.the chiidrcn’a M'rvldua nnd thoir had 5jj oamiii(pi; ho hni .a Icfrnl' riRht to con- [ j l trol the ir u}>t)r!ngiui(;'decido. the ir re-

Ilgion; Iheir education; thuir work. a 'o n i li. -T hc-«er;,:icc i of the wife I.elonK to l | : hor.huaband,..un lc ii 'ih c cnn *how thnt i’ ! ibc hn» definitely ‘*«.Iwtcd’', t n work l)cen I na an im lependent porion. •*

A mnrried wnmnn mny frnt ehooic her , , j ' Jegnl residence. BliouM the hufiband nhoui

.; mnintnin n volltiR ri'"iili'nre iu nnolhcV mnde ' i a tn te ^vhile nptually livhiK In Mnry-

; land, liio wife would hnvu In ;>ij tn thnt incur I o ther sta tu in nriler tn vote. ^

■ ; ^ Divorce Inwu'nru mure liberal for tho . I . huib.md than fu r the wife. n frli

i Inheritnncu Inwn diserimliiatc nRnlmt< • • enrllc ' . women.;t ■Women may nut serve on jurie* in cliil

M aryland,Women miiy nm hnlil furinin mimi-;

cip.tl offirux.1 ; ' Mnrylunil'ii hlna hnvu lii'uii fimnd ont, j l nnd th a t fa lr .n tn te mny now oxpect for t | . a tirrin;; tin ie r until Ihe rrniKlltiillon. <"; ’ , law*, nr whnlever it i* that ia tranipllnii' l i , wonmn In thu diinl, han heen nmendcd.' ■ Thu women nre un Jia ry lnnd’a tm ll. | | ih

- — ........ ............ ' 'u |l IO B tm O H MEMBEBS m O BE A SE l 'm ‘'

j , TJie ofl-repe.itcil chn r^ 'e .'th n t *''0 !i Americnn people nre beetimlnj; moru inclu |( w orldly Ib th e ir outlook on life .'accma Fnuri ; ' to bo rc fu tn l by chtsreh memberahip I atatistica printed in the eurrent mim- I ber o f the (Tliristinn Hcrnld, which M<-n-e : ahoK a srand totnl o f -I.t JS3,;>06 rhurch fi.nnt• p 'im bera bf-nll-dctiom lnallnnn in th ii I eountry. Tlic K»la la*l year, 761,727,

continued the nvcrace Increnw for the ^ , ] ia<t 10 yeani, the total increnieifor the nmn

decade bclnj; 7.457-C21, inrlniT hcie fifTurct Indicate^ th a t the

' charcheii a re nbt only contfnttlng thoir • power fo r” Rood, IiuI’ mp steadily in- nOnti

V e rc a jn p .their ephere of influonce.'Thia I n t h ..:vM t ■'church membenhip in the United

. State* rejircN'nl* innny creed*, bu t In ' the m ain th r influence of all the Aoct* Hubje i l 'jt’ood. All who dock nn eiplnnfttion (Iml *

'i o f tho intolernneo of aorlnl ev ili in Ihla K»isl- ) country thnt aru .permiltud in mnny ' • . n lhcr Innd* mny find it here. i Thcne fijjurra effuctively nnswer the I (jueslioli. ''W h a t (s the m alter w ilh the i)ni \ ■ ihurf.hT " There is nothinK the m atter

! "■ ________________ ' S '; ------------------------ 1000.i BANITY BETUBN8 IN MEXIOO ,,eiial! Amerlc.ina Rcnerally should be pleni- wnr.' «'d w ilh Ihu proipect of a return of wafl«j nmicnMu relntiomH-with Mexieo,' Tlio• — cmisf* Uiat led lo Muxien’* fnll iiilo ion.ri.i' dlsrepiiti’ w ilh Ihe Unlted>Klnlc* kov- and il' ernment .ind people were nol ao mueh iOK 'I malurlnl n« moral, nnd n-nmcnl hy tho

^ _ ____________


Mozlcnn government of tho cauiea for dluonMon .'will 1)0 a g rcnt moral vielory for tlii* country.

Thore will bo a leaion too, fo r Euro­pean govornmcnts' itr tho confcrenro t i bo hold In N ow 'Y ork next month be­tween International bankcrn who float­ed aecurlta'fl o f the Mcxican govuni- munt, nnd railroad aecuritiot ^ n ra n - leVd Iiy lho govurnmunt, uud roprcarn- in tlve i of tho Obrcgon rogimo to dia- puiui recojjnltiun of th e aouthern ropub- lle'a obiigntioni, uiton which no inter- t-*l hna bocn paid for nine yoara., Thesu bankers now havo^iillght fin.m- cinl In tereit In -tho obligntiuna of Iho .Mcxican K overmncnt,-but tlio>' dlilrib- uled moru than half a billion of thoio Hueuritica nmorii> luvvatorA in the U nit­ed Rtntca nnd Kuropo oud feel that thuir reputation Is a t atake. A nntlon tlm t (nils to muut ils contracts and ob- li^iillon* hnn no a tauding anywhere, nnd this, In the mnin, la^tho cauao tl)at lud thu world to continuiy.il* oatraciim o f .Mexico nfler a aomblnnco.i^f order }i[ had been reatured in tho innil^to the P^sc loulh nf thl*. ” " '

ENEilil i sm? DEBITmmm

—— ii

G r e a t B r i t a in A s k s O n ly f o r

F r i ^ n d iy C o - O p e r a t i im o f ' ™

A m e r ic a in M a t t e r o f F i n a n - ^ «

c i a l O b l ig a t io n o f t h e N a t io n moti______ Inio

I.0NI10.V. ( f l - P r o d t r i t k C, OMd- uuouKh. widely known British hanker, dlacuMlng "som e aapccta o f tho prob- ■ lem of inter-allied dcbta and ropara- tion* paym cnii” ‘rit a lunchcon ^ vcn ludy. by Ihe Amorienn chnmbor o f commerco liiri’i f>u Monday,' inld it would bo for the oul < lood of tho-.world^f Orent Britain nnd quin Amorlca ahouid comu to an agreemont ,n^,,| IS to thn econnmlc aspecta of lho prob- . Icm. •

Alluding tn Ihe Britlah debt of 05:!,•)00,0(j0 pounds to Amuricn, Mr. Oood- enough said:

" T liis nmount" wna liurrowud ifroni l)"Ud \m urira nflc^.ahe entered the w ar, nnd lu uc luring tho aame period n a'omowhnl fumll nrgor aum wns lont by Oront Britain to Hg o lor alllea, in addition to w ln t already p^.,,i iad boen lent beforo tha t, period. I t , a im portant lo aoto th a t , i f Croat Drit- 'In hnd not lent thia sum i t would not avo been nocoasary fo r ber (o borrow ' ono penny picce from Amoricn. •'•'•‘I*' ryone will agree lh a t through Ihe nc- .And Ion of Orcat Brita in , Amorlca la in a in s ( e ttu r position thau i f th is monoy had liusto een leut by’ her dlrcc tly to the olher „,Uus

“ ' Will P w t a m u ,‘ ‘I do not suggest th n l Qronl Britain

liould not pay thl* dobt fo r which she inde herself llnble. My own viow ii lint (Irenl Urilnin Inovllnblyn will pny cr dobti In full, oven though they wore ' icurrod on behalf o f otherx. Dut I I eel In such n cnio ns 'th is AocH ca nnn-. Iiould nnt iireia ua b n t ahnuld give n m ' >irniij Ie timn fur payment nnd ahouid tend A'hini friendly hand in tho m a tte r o f inler- i„„,|,,|

Ht by modifying tho rn tes chnrged in iirilcr dnya while .wo were finding it a , . nrd struggle to copo 'w ilF l l ie finan- .Inl obligntlons which wore Incurred irough tho p a n wc played in the w nr." '

»— :-------- mir ll

Miniature P ape r Mill.An AtiM-i'Iniii-liiilll • iiujHT ' tnlll, '■

hlppuil lo (Ik- Sluiiu-w- Ki.vi'rmiiwil or vxjiurlini'iiinl |iur|innen. iiccttnllni: ** ** i> nil IIIUHiniii-il ’tii'ili'lc III tliu I'opuhir ■I.Thniik-ji Mnrn/.tiii-, ta one nf ilic ' josi nitnitleu- iiillU ever buill, Thnuijli '' '' ■f Niniill Miru. Iii'liiy ouly r.n fi-oi Inn-.;,' " "1 Ih ci|uiii|>uel tin- llu- iiiiiiiiifnuiurt- of *1''|l Itlinl- r,f vvrlilnc iinil prlnilug I'f injHTK. nml l« '|.n tli’mw» a fte r the cx- uTlmeiituI mill n f Hie Unlled ainies unmu of Minnilnrtls. T be shipment ncluili-h <-111-11 vwicnilnt p u n a , us u I’**'* I" •fiuiilrlnlur alevo, 4'i Ind ies widu and n . feoi .Uma. tw n itOU-ixmnd wood- rinBi>- iiIm> Ix-iiii-rM. II Miiiull rnglnv. n IlOO- «uml m lnrj- beiiler. a cylludor duster. . <-n-t‘ii, !<h(-i'l i-iiTli-r. and biracliing “Mns •nnt. l-eslili>» nil tll lln s" nnd acnw- ' ' 'h a t iir lM .. . . . - Ihi* fc

------------------------- • WmOut ef th t Meutlia e f Babia. ' " I d

A few ilu.vH Hgi> u leading huilness I'll k«mn of Je.Turmuiville. un active n>^ Uer'irlnn and widely |K<|iulnr. aa well aa uf Ibt imwt frriN-liiUK iuiHkeihall bug. whiuli. tucrtb

inkcn lilin iMiimlnr mIxu w ltti Ihebnyii. hU ut•fill Inlo II linrlii-r »liop fnr a ahav*-, ' “ Fu:lOuti-H the liK llniinj^’s Newa, U e wax askeil1 (hi! rliiilr mill In ii lu ttier whcn a Aumtile inlKs nf ilm-i- nteppcd In.,with my hIer molher lo hnve h e r hn lr liohheil. miobhlhe Inoktsl iTiainiiil.v nt Ihe hurtwr’a **Ur<ubjecl und her eouiileiiancc rcsixicrv'd wus."m l Hurprlw. ihen horror und then dla- preli.vusl. ......... - nrvllli"Oil, mauimii. look a t ' (hat urIj jirwi«-j

m ill" Hhi' exclfllniwl, j„ni;_ J -----------------------.

Woman Studenta In P ru iila . . iiiii-dDurlni; the w liiler ;eiui-aier, lO'JO- iidvu

WI. Ihure uur.' il.i;i7 woruen sluily- muiiioiig In I’m w lan un lvcn iilca ns ngnlnsl "Coi.Ii'In 111 111.- wlnier sem ester of Jlios- iiu-r, IXKI. Medicine beems lo bc nn es- Mim.i.ucially ntlnn,’llv/! su li ju a bIucc the ove,"a r . Tlie oxiennloa of genem l culiiiro •a s Klven hh the riuIq n'li.-mi for aliidy |,an-UI years ago. There u re now definite ujuilalB of n pni’fi'nnloufll iiaiure. It la ijnecr,itcn‘siln;,''tii'ni>te ihn t lln* tneclinnlca jjid dny InlionTH* elnwea a re furnish- d j^ j jIg nil cver-lnori-n-lna number nf ' qjjiibhomen ! 1lllll•)l1 j


IUr8. &Bare to Lead I Plead WUh

B s a a g a a s ; . l iM ................. l7 'Mrs. K ato O 'H nre, who acrved n Hn

prison term for violntion of -Ihe war- .-otlmo eipiiinnge act, will lend nn army Hto f about ,:u children to Wnshington Jo inplunil w itll resident Ilnrding for tho re- wllenae of th e ir fathers, nil serving fed- Elernl prl'im term s for violation of the 01

I 1

n j By MILDRED W ^IT E / |

t?ep7 rl5u i!l»T !7 ii^^ 111

. Dlaiiu'a e lder aiater brought her *''' a rguineut lu .a climax.

‘■neuiciuber, ray dear," abe said im n d ly , •'iliut you aro nn Orville." ,

"W ell,” naked Dinna teallly, “exact- 1 ly w bat doen thnt menn? Flral, and* alwaya, l- a m an American, and If my m other cIioko to full lu Jove uiid m arry " Inio nn iirlsiocrullu old family, why . Nliuuld 1 be i-oiitlnually pemecuictl 'V wllh Ibu fH C ir '

Qwendolln aliriigc'ed. ' “ *"M olher w as n awecl and lovnble " "

ludy. Y DU.urnilly resemble her pic- , lu ri’s. Dlnmi. Hut' ahe w&t‘d herself oul eiideuvorliij; lc live up lo the re- ilulmnuuiH vf t'atlier’a family, foiling dlH]ilHieilly In the end. Mother's in s t e t ' liud ninbllloitii were simple and home- ly, like yiiura. uiy dear. The rcsl of ; UH nre ull Orvlllex. And I ilnti't luliiil i-onfeHsIng her*-. In Ihe secrecy of my lioutlulr, Ihnl my uiurrlii'ge wnS' mnde lu uceord w ith ihe d lclales o f fotite f= »--~- rumlly. I «med Ihem thnt. Aunl I’liyl- !ls On-llk- iiilkpil wllh me often con- x n iin g ,tii>' duty, and I kneir wbnt " . ivould be experleil when Ocandmuiber 3rvlllc. In my girlhood, seni ' m e . ilirund. I WUH Hupposed lo repay Ibal ; . . (Indnes* Iiy u gn itlfy ln s ' marriage. •Ind I dirt, (lordnn la a banker, com- 1 ng from <mr of the nne*| families In A lostoii. T here wns a boy In t^* « hmI ' Km tiUuge I n iteiided—" ' Ihl*

Owcndulln pnmn-il. H er uaunlly bro Imrp blnek e.voK w ere' (llleil w ltb • vlri Irenm*. - , : nnd

“ N'evt-r niliiil iliui episoile” hiie the; lent on. "I im 'n-ly refer u> It lu show ■' “ oil tliiil Wi- nil Itnve onr love nfTnln< renl imI Him Ihey iire oflnlly pul In nlioy- lad< mi-. I iiiliiilr I m ther fnnrled Ihlx . |.h - trnncer nilinlrer of yunrn. until l>il» ’ I’lec iihims leum ed ntTldentully t.r hln ' y<m i«ihlli)|; p ln rr. My dcnr! .Think of n • wh. mil or tbe >lum» preaumlng I'o foreo neij Ik iitienlloUH uikiii yon t I ilii-hire ll luin, iiiki'-i nie fnrlous »vlu-n I rn d lre how acli .oIk niiisl have 'ui’^h^il In suer.*! over "iiri u r liii'iilllntlon." nmt

".She nufd iim u u r Ii." niniiii »iilil- « r i er iiiilei lone lu plM sanl eiiiitr:i«l tn er BlHlor’H exriied oiir. ".John l>(illon '' « nmn. wIielbiT he I1vvjlJ ii_ i |jc . , InniH <jr ib e exclusive purk, {„»'ml •xtiinr r.-imirk I* nn exnKKi'n.ilon, | | le ilrn** Imnril. he lold me so frnnkly.I mi «iltl nnd Hlinbby piirt of the city. i,p , le Ik irj'liig lo make h b way up InIs profe~Nioii. nlnnc and tinnlded. Me MiUgm." iiiliI.-irDlnnn limvei.v. ■•thn'T m uld m nrry wxmer thn l wny. And 1,^ , nihing In Ihp wnrid." the glrJ mlsrd^ pr lovely. nu*hf»I foce, “Ja of-cimJt^ , .. uenet* In Jnhn now, save otir mnr- ngi.—mifj IiIn profeasion."--- - •(Jwtfnrtolln Jnmpf<l to her f e e l.- - the “fJiMHl lirsiren*!" th e exclaimed. it,Bi

Uns ytmr nffnlr gone a» fnr os ihnl7 « h i .Tial wUI fn tber sny, I fy o u pernlst In ll* f«Ki|l*tinw»r Ihe sister wnlled.Iflniin uro«e. • ij"I ilon-i know ." abe replied, " i guens ' "

II go niift UHk him .- ‘ H er fn lber wan oot In npy room ”

r Ibe upnnm en t. which they ahnred * r igTlher. »o Hhe «w ghl him inter In ^ i» ulllei'-' ■ • ' , ' .“ Futher,“ th e young, loved daugbler

uked nbrupUy, “whal iHH-unir ..f * . um lliy lll" OrA'Ille, and why wer« ly Hlsicra obliged to Ilve np t6 her iobblali’ sinndards7" . ' ■ , 1*°*"lirought up llko u prluccss, i'liylllh, us." In- siild. "We Ur^'llles had i . relty line litMue, big stoile plnre fnclng' rvllle couri. I'hyllls InhcriU-d the rwi«Tly nnd (IIhjwmkI of.li, I aupiwau,>ni: nj,'<>. Furelgncni und bUMlnetw otki* Imve crowdwl oul Ihe o iu n . I f s illetl plnin l.'uuri «tre«t'now\ 1 never ' rive down ilm l wny—inmlslieH ^uiy umoi'leji." ■ '"Court Mret-l." repenlwl UIuuii. "Fu- ier, I i-uiiie U* rtilk lo you nhoul Court rek'i. It'H w here u mun lives iliui I ve," “ •" l» v e ," wlilspercd Colin Orville, lie an-U now u l bis duugliicr.Ulumi nodded. "John la u civil eu- . ^ i neer, fn tber," she w eni'un, " B iir jv j jr. Jfir vu f :'e u d } lr. .Siewnrt'ihlnka a grent..!ul o f him . Uui -Owcndollii la lui- culll lllatcd becauso 1 wnnl to w nrry Jobn, trea r 1 a m 'n n Orville, aud1j«'Ilvt-8"on b'H i


[ Cliildren’s Army to I hHarding ■

■ ■


' ■■ I'

Knuie-nct utider which Mrs. O ’Unro waa ‘V eonvlcted. The''expedition atarta from Ht. LunU A pril l.'i. Hero .Urs. O 'iin rc In il. Fhnwn w ith two of tho children who Hi will acruni)iany her. They are 'D on aod w E lbertinc Qcedcr, both o f Wilson,' »

CJCourt Street." 'I'hu senieuces cnme lu a conftued ruslu co

D ellberatoly h e r tn the r anw e und gut }nio h is coal. "Wo .will go and see Just where he la," he snid. "W e cun talk Ihlnga over un the way." P*’

It WOB Q dingy house uf paat gmn- f '’ deurwilitZ/Very fa r post. wlUi crowd- iiig siurefl on e ither side, aod children ehuttering nrbuod ,1| In a fore lp i longue. -V

Ctilln Orville grosjied his da*jgli. ter'a m ia . "Diana." he cried, "my ileur, th is Ik my uld home.’’ H e aliook bli. Iieud sudly, tbeo smiled hla.wiilmsl- n il Htnlle. "T hat, for the lasting glory .if u V o u d ni'inc, und a proud li'otJse."_.A n old lady o|H-iied the door. She WUH II Ulll. w bite-bulred wutiiun', mul she openeil to them os M e conferring u fuvor; ilien ull n t once h e r i t e n J i im melieil Into oue louglng cry.

“Culln." she wild, "Oh. Colin!""To lliink," O luna's father said 'I”

Jiiier. aa th e th ree su i In lho old pnrior ' logelber, "thn l you m arried a i|KKir 'j i nmu nbrond, i'hyllls, my dcnr, uud , w.-re i(K» proud (0 confess to your fum- ""I Ily. And to ( b lu k ^ n t you came bnck “ ngnin lo live on 'h i 'ry In secrecy—[mr- ImiiM 111 w n n l--" '• .

"Oh, nu.” Hie old .ludy answered him. - hiive uinile n living, Colln, nnd I've ,

iiuH aome renJJy iik-e btmrdera. T here 's ,jp, ■mi exceptloiial >i)uug mau stopplog . , 'v ltb !«• now, ft Mr. John Dalton—" ^

“I know." laughed Ulatiui treonlona. s u rry n iy e d : " lh a l ynung m in Is going taBMmrr an O m ile . Aum PhyJlta." '

" • alnRoot’s C lm m a ss . pla

A law yer who ooce apposed Kllhu In < Knot In II brcacb-of-promlse su it te lls nn ' IhiH s to r) ': "My client, fo r-a l l b e r the l,rcken henrl. wua a very p retty end vlvnclmLH girl- B'>ot defeated her— ind. me—by ending b is defense w ltb N ;he.He w onls:

“ ‘rienllem en of |h» ju ry , do you "pli ■enlly think Hint th is chnnnlng young 01b ady'# Ilfe la blighlcil o r Ihnt herpros- Cl*i i.H-lh o f getting m urrletl nre prejo- ^ 'lecil In the le n stt 1 dnn’t suppose L<ni do. T here Is no t. one of you ^ vh.i woidd be nverse to forming the leiiunlnliince <>f xo delightful a per*Min. Why, lotik nt her now—she Is | iclimlly Nmlllng a t roe. bui I muqt a t iiii'f Infiirm her tba t I nm not In the im trim onlsl mnrket.’ ”—Ilo*tco T ran- < ript. - - ;

Unlucky Tom.A rea l o1d-fu»bloned Yankee w as tell-

iig u friend n n iw III lock experienced j >y hln Bnn Thonmii.

"Talse th e lust case, us an example." le said. “JuH i-os soon aa he w eo f to [ln..(tnn t(' w ork. Tom fell lo lorn. Sh*Wed In one -of th e auburbs. and dl*■ectly Tom mude Dp h ls ju ln ^ J ie liked ier. be w ent and bonght a .f lfty-trlp Ickel to h e r placc and—”

“ Well, w hat h a p p fo e d r *“W hat happened? Why. he w aa =

:unied down a t the BKoad call aod ho ticket WM left oo hla baodsl U I h a t Isn 't bard lock, please tell m e I »hat la rT M llw a n k ta Sentinel.

New Ship Signals f a r Um In rofl. | Moat ahip colllsloos lo 'io t a re ' do<

:o’the dunenliy In d « te d lsg th e ’e x a n llrectlOQ th a t the whistle 'aod bell ' ilgnals come from. A ve teran sea e a ^ lain hna devised ■ niaw n e lhod to . jvercoine this.

He bses fou r ilgB t) h o n u of differ* - m t tpne«L t«ro a lrm s. a steam whistle m d a s team gong, a ll operated by foot evera, Itech of these corre«|>dnds to >ne of the can llna l potnta of tbe com- }flss. aod l l sounded lo n fog only . wben Uie ahip la hendfd In thnl dlrec- i Ion! - ' ' • •

du ra ef One Audlanee.Having retold hlji'fnvorllP Joke *«t-

•ml- llm c? w ithou t cUcllIng c v tfh 'a Mlllc smile from nny of hi* llstenora,'[toggs turned nngrlly ou hln heel nnd nu ttcred ;

"I'll gi‘l ll laugh on th a t story nr I 'll . aiQW tb e rcnBon lyby. I'll go tell it o tfmlibers. U e b o m w a d money tn a na >«sterdny.” __

Peculiar Chineae . IAng-khnk.-or-rcd - rlc iy -m ^ Hn Chinn I

Fir roj'ortng food prudii'cts, owes lU - 1o ln ^ tiT n ' speciM of nmld ‘which la |u lllvntcd w ith Ihe rico by spcclnl '. IreatmenL T he red rlco Is i^ u c e d to I"nne, sofi.. red -pow der before uaed. |

.L S ,ID ^ :T tJE S D A Y v :: '(S ' A -

ifi A PR IL '11^922 V"

GRIM WESTMAl- ■ ■ I ' . Dl

Country of "H a a tlk d Horror" to White Mail. . > ^

British W est Coast Celonlea Haid |m - i mensa W ealth and BaeraU W hich

Osfy M edirn Selanea.

' W, Alan I^tb^ ridge. In b is book, "W est Africa,’’ gives a d e a r and' lo- tcrestlng accooot o f tbo W est Conal colonies a s they a re today, of the ir “heal and horror," o f the ir. Inuneasu \vcalth, and of Ihelr, strange medical problems. W onnds lo th e w hite man will not beat there aod do w hite child mny be boro. Nor bas th e secret of tropical fever.been-m qstered , though

, S^lerni Leone Is no longer " th e w hile mno'B gra»-e,"

He haa some grim stories to lell— one, which In aQW, of th e hnunio l J c astlf a t Elmlna. where 00 o n e ‘alecps w ltJuM t.a qunlm. I t nppenr* thnt a P W o f three men and ono womnn i

, »\ftro_playlng bridge very keenly-In . J lllf tropical o lgh t: "Of a sudden the * e lndy pu t her hands lo he r eyes as 9 though d a u lrd . Asked tf anything < i were the m atter ahe denied anythliii!

w rtng and contlnuwl playing. Tlien , she clapped her hands to he r ^

I eyes, gnve on exclemntlon. nnd fnlntwl , 'lend away.” W hat she hnd seen she

could not o r wniild not sny. but the H I tradition Is tha t n hendlrss .womnn , wnlks the caslle. ■ ^I Nor doea Mr. Lethbridge reject, Ih r . _

power of nnllvc magic- H e vouches ^ , for one Blrnnge sto ry : T hn t a t n point I , fn the Niger d e K n 'In 'n hut n e ir a 'c I s lo r jw V re a nuiqbflro^nnt.lvS wnrisera. g I nndflr‘'^me^lcal ‘ supervision. - T heir

Jiendmnn aald It wna "na.gmHl pinee." . •)One morning o Kroo boy wnn “ twrlcd d e a d ; 'a po*i-m'nrtem revealed no apparent cause of dealh. Next 4 morning' Iwo men had dcpnrted thlx j tlfe nnd ognln pnsj-mortcms-reveitled nothing. On Ihe Ihird morning four men were dend n m l’there wn* some- - 1 thing like n pnnlc." ^

A ll-the men wero a t once removed, und n fresh Imleh hrongtil up lr> >w>, pinred In "the snme siiilsler bouse." ' 8 They, loo. died Iri the snme m.vHterl- l l mis way, nnd It wna decided tn hnrn |, u down the hill. "Then soineth lns fl‘l ' j u

,ff> the grmind nml wns se lw d by the n hiindman w hn^tshed up to Ihe liiK-tnr shimllnir. ‘Here be plenty hml thing. « snh ! r i t ln k l l l 'n i l in e n . s n h l 'H e h e ld Vi a t nmi’s 'l e n g t h Iwn humnn .finger s( bones .which hnd tieen tied logetlier w ith s h it of nn lire iwtne In Ihe Kbnpe : o f 0 rougli cnws."

When fhls Ju-ju wns disposed nf the denth* censetL The Niger deltn Ik nnt a pIncc for Innely w hite m e n 'in liike w alks In-the gloaming, ao insianeo Is, mentioned of one ’'ymmgBlrr" whn dirt so-nnd “two dnys tnlcr h is niulllnted corpse was fnnnd wnterioggeil In Ihe sin ister tnnngmve swamp.” N or Is I t n place In be hurioft In ; we nre told ihnt In digging groves the w nter Is rcnehed and Ihe moumerw 1'iiv‘e to stnnd npnii th e coflin to hold fl down. Ll

Not T hart, Net There, My' Child. "Mother."' anid llllle Ituymonfl,

"plcnse show ' me the placo In tbe Olble wbere It tells about SanU CUas.”—Bostoo TranscrlDL |

FORDTRACIN O W $39 5 .( Western Aut



isensa of Humor ImportanL';. Cultlvuie a s iise of humor.' ‘TBlk

seose without, being bomoroui, bat never be huoo^us .without brtng Ms*U b l e . - . • ■ . ’ .


Lightest Weight Piston For Fords . f

And Dodge CarsDOWMETAL’S qi^ck trans­ference of poweir w ith o u t waste hos p u t m any a car o ut In fron t in *1921 roces.

M ore P o w e r a n d Speed o n R o a d a n d H ill

B ut the real tes t of , DOW* METAL has been w ith the th o u san d s Of FORD on d DODGE owners who drive DOWMETAL-eqiiipped corsevery day w ith l « s vibration -....and w ith m ore power^and speed th an they CTcr knew before.

- Thisstturdypistonisnotoniy ’ m uch lighter tl^on olumi* nuniT< b u t is th ick , sturdy

< and strong. I t stands the in te n s e h e a t a n tj .s t ra in

.u n d e r the terrific‘ punish­m en t of ho rd fa s t drives. DOWMETAL is long-wear­ing, non-scoring end non- waiping with a p ^ o r ^ n c e 60 superiorthat dealersprofit

by installing th em wherever old p isto n s o re rep laced .

W r tU fo r e tm p U flM f^ motion and ta li* tarm$ ^


Atlas Spiral *,Mgbt weight rn-it irou pl»toD< is'

atoek.Oct iM^pricci rt>-Brind joU.- -

Lawrence Mallne Works—Phone 73—

T fm r FA LLS


)SONTORSi . 0 0 D E T R O ^ l T I

itoTCo., Agts. ,

W thanipplyofU n«ada B I s o u l t in th e p a n try you^ieadyforanyfood occasion. Thdrcdjpneffl,

. g o o d n e s s , a n d e v e r - r e a d y -

n c t s h a v e w o n t h e m B r s t .. •

p l a c e a s a d a i l y f o o d

s t a p l e . K e e p a s u p p l y

a l w a y s o n h a n d .


: u i t

Page 7: TWI?N‘FA J)AilLY Nl Enewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_T... · TWI? TOL. a. Kb. 8." FtOODSARE i 1 WAY IN ^ WIDE AREA, "Rivers Rising in Many Slates—

‘ ^

: D e iL ilyAdvertisements

, • lln

» ^ E v e i\iK 0 : rairylale ^

GRAHAM BOWER “!*•' ----*■’' -' ------- ~ = .- = (

W ITTY WITCH '8 p a r t y " i '--- till

'jni.q Ir m un.utiil u<TP Hll drtsoed UL, a thcIc limt cdkdm wlilcli tlio dress- <‘<>1 W V « . MftiJnmo Vri'sh Snow. Imd Jtut

k * 'Inished for iliuiiil She Iniil i>cnt tlicse ii>: ^ lowns by, licr ineHMi-niren). llic truslj

Snowflnkok ^“ You know;* Kiilil oao of tliem, "wo dl»

M re a lltlle bll iDmiHml' iinil lion »vr Ibo other duy Iiocuiihc one of tbo ful les , ! came I UJI licrt* (0 n.-e imt* of uiftbfc. Ijpt raUBc|Bl)o Mild there was un (>x|in4 Alon cri ibou^'bclnc UJ) H trw.* , | tin

“ BUb liafl wnnted ru Imve a Jiike for »vl iJje [luny nnd sa kUc fmii unW nlie wos , lm up aj tnw und didn't knuw who'tlicr to i j JO 10 thfl fum-y tl'rwn jiBrtV «r not be- , wl cau«e bIio only Imd her rcciiliir da*M Mi

- ■ y•‘.We won* tillin' lr.«ulii‘d for a time , Wl usjtseeineiltoiifl II «viin i|iilre n ilmid- t\ij wiiy for rolkd 10 'w n i iw. ns

I tlimigli wo. u'm* Kiicli univrtiiln, jmi- ><■ illnK cn 'u im u And nn tlimii;ti w e :’ 1 pevi;r bnd iin/ inlnds'iifiiiir iiwii, / , .1

"Bur ll Itim btvn i‘X|iliilniHl to ufc Blnce t)y the ?\\Wt frlnpewi TwIHe>'1* ' jj Kell nnd m> duw w<> imilcDiiiind thut there Ih no Inxnii In' it in iih nnd we’re ^ rery Ihimkfnl and fw l (lUlle all rlKlit.

'To Bimw iiow Imniiy we feci nKiiln wo'ro ROI ,tliMe new 6<mnR from •• Mirdnme Fre*h'Rnmv. 'aren’t they to re ljr

“ Uvely. lovely." mild Witty Witch. . ' "And DOW all my itickib nre cimilng

^ to the jiarty, Lm it tm we'ro jjotng to eet Inside my denr liimie hut ond =* l'ro bullt Mme snow cnHilcs nbout wltli

"m ow nwfg and we'n* Rnlnj: to Itwlc nut of the wlndnwH mndt* Ity tho Idcle brothers nt the Inle vlnl'iori. . '

■The window-s nro vrry Ihin nnd well made. Tlicy’re not no thick- we cnn't

. ooe oot of them."And the Inte vlaltom lire going tol ^

; be Prlufc Sliiet nnd srmiR of that Jolly j «tld rmwd. [

“ I oxpoct to have lay Riientx wotch ;^ II most beautiful winter swruu-. • •; .*

here como iliy guwls.—Ucfore.. -o, they^rrlve at roy dmir 1. want to lell you, Td!l*h, tlmt I'm giving an enier-

! • talniHcnt-lnr them." ' f' The guesta nil nrrived nnd grcelod ' Witty Witch with smiles nnd iKiWK and

rrlw ftf Joy. olgolnjt 10 imve on cntortain- .1

ment nt the pnny." mild Wlity Witch ; , and IlH tlte Ruesu cluii{icd their linndu j,, wilh Joy nnd cried out: 1

"Ilurnih 1" ^ iThey wont ip jJ^V Ittj WUrh'8 hut '

pnd thniiifih a tuinw tunnel tn the most enormous «now ciin(le whi’n*-Hmlr* I wero arningcHl for ail. '

‘'You, win HOC." wild \Yltty Wlicti,"the cntiTtalnment whii-h I havo ar- . !'• rangod for you. Vou will soo wiino of tlie/tid payings adcd o«t."' A «loi;.‘ WHB bi-fore lliom nnd the curliiln now wu.t helng nilHed. Thoy fiiw iinmy, many cnniiun tlresnod iin '—

“ Lovely. Lov#l>-" 5ald-Wl«y Wlich.

CQolis >vlll( Artnt white eupfi and great 1 white uproDB. Thoy wore nllrrlng nn _

f enorinouA cauldron which hud 'i<onio- tbing vory hot in it by tlie look of thu Bnoke which cumo out Ali tlii' ooom

. were bymplDg Into eacli olhor and each " .»n.8 trying lo tell tho other whnt. .to V' j^ d o . There was no onlcr and there wn»’ ^HbotliUxg but natuKloa. And abctvc was

larte *lgn which,rend: ,1]"Too mony cOokx spoil the broth 1" |,i.

And 08 Ibo giieatH wero chipping, oU


t / - ^ M W W jM ltK I . r ? ( WltHTHSrHEW01

C’t V WATjwrnovE

r g i& rr^ L W [“ _

« - B n

N e w jts under thi^-h<

tho rooks threw up into Iho n lr tho ' 1B|M«mK they had beea atlrrlBg tlio brotli - *w ith und c ried ; ' .

"It Is qo lte 6p0|lt.„ th^ro- ts no * use In dulQg oaything ^ow .”

Tiion tliey saw th e c iirtain lowered ^ nnil In anothor moment It wns raisedap iln and thero woro^mnny childron =Hilling In fron t of huge dlshOB offooiL r A ' T heir oyc» w e re 'm cnonH«\i» a» wu5ilho and lliclr moutha Imikod very Bninll; p

Ovor Ihcm a »lgn road. "Their eyes hoaiw ere hlcgcr thnn tliolr inoulhK,!' l-'or Lawthoy iiud thought liicy would be ahle •“ =;U U aifc-m ortj ‘ than vlhoy, found they _

TZA ctIh the cu rta in xvns lowered and 30

iipiln It w as 'ra iled . auoTills time they saw a ^ n 'n t many wile

people amUlng anfl Inns 'i'ng imd in th# t35( distnnee, from where tiioy had i-oiue. wore timny bridges., "We d idn 't' worry or croiw our j„jj.JjpldccB uDlIl we cume to tlipiu," they ,|u ||

I r rln l. "and so wc didn't wnsie our —I limo worrying but went ahead nod ^

wlion we cnme to tlioai they w errn't , Ilflll a r 'a il!"i And w> the cn iortaini'i''nf went on, J , winding nj) w hh a B'oriims wlnlnr y\

storm w hirh thoy nil wntchod ns they e*ilwit imil llto .1 dpllrUiiK Kn»j''*r whlrli t t

, W iltv WItPli hud iiri'iwrwl («r thvm Mosquito W ctp and Moth Ball., '

Nll«*—l!nvo you o v ir w i'n n mosfjulto (.•('WOCp? |.-„||

j! nny—Nn, I’ve sot’n^i-m uiIiJuili-..,- ilim

I — , RI f you w ant to Iciiow about «lim'j„

^ n ehocmakei^. If you wanl to _ b o w about epats. osk o oiarrted mun. • '- f iz ^ tn g e . F

I ■ .or t■ , . ■ ovo.

Tru«. —! A paniiB«dier c in get muiiey out of

the a te n g # m in when hia own wlf*»T11. ' J. 8


What Have Fou - *»t■ ' Fof Trade? ■

OITO u a ^O U E U B H N O , Tho

' Wr havo 40 acrc* choicc iand witb7 .room modern liousc, liglit ond wa- '

> t « Byntcw, good un tn , ftacase ttn-l ;I oulbulldings, fiau family orchard ] Ki' oil vnrUtlci fru it. A real horns, . Knr,• dose In., i'riecd SSflO p r r ncrc, To 1' -oxrhanRC for.good,5 or io aero trupt ' V'• -o r (food-city jiropcfty. iln'lc

■JO acre* — Close, to paved .joad,- — Rood 3 room house, ba rn nut\.,ouV. ' buildings, family orchard, deep wcil > . and clatern, Land.lsyn giKtil. 1200 j

•p rr ncre and 15 ocro trac t cloio in i , on paved road. Prlccd riglit'. to ox' jn u tl

(■linngo on 80 acrcs. j ui

i ‘20 acrp»—On paved road, 0 room house and hnrn. #350 per aero, to u , .

I rxflmaKe for modern houie.

(lOod •! room houio, partly,m odern. iTnrI ttnMKP, KOod location, ca ii pnrt. Bne' *i,’,00'i. To trade on 5 or '10 aeeo : t<iU't, ' jsjjlie

Qood 6 room modem houie. Hiitt j |i.iit, #;i.O(iil. To exchange for acre- i ' ' ' ' -

• U i «v

B EA U C H A M P & .A D AM S135 Shoshono a ’ Pbone 301 . fj|'

. R A IL R O A D T i :^ E T A B L E '

................. -------- - Cnhl

Kaiilinuii.I ' C>m1N.I, |,'.n ................ Iiepari 7:l!U «• m- Nen\ « Hi_.................. D*|iart rt;IO p ■ ' ' ; r r

Wo..l.oiin4N’o, « : i ................... Depart l:M p. m. SpinNo. IS3 .... ...... Depart 4;45 p. m. Tnai


«.julhbo'm.l SuRfNc'. W ........... l '‘-pnft 1:46 p. a

TrenN'.itihl.ui*nd ij.if,

\ „ ....... ........ A 'fiv# 8:0ii p ,'o ', firni


r .V(..-l5ll-at 7 I . ffl. Pu tt \ No. 83 I t 1:03 p. a.■ No. 156 %\ i l l s p. m.

.N.. HVti 3:3n Jl. 01. Bae{KoKcrroD branch a t 1:05 p. m. H as

The fotegolng m ill us»keop l» op*p/Ntl'T and f ffee tlre under ordinary „ ,oondiiioo; if a s ie a t amooot o t mail |, ,•hoiild be dropped i t aboot the reg- »iftnr p |niln?.t!m e i t " "u ld he lmpo«- □, Ilble to dlipateh the a iail op thel,ipei*r houi ' Bi

— . ----------- 1De;

JES A H c io e n T


B G l a iK e ^ d r - O n e C e n t

- B .v a c t u a l c o u n t , f o u r o u i

t h e s e p e o p l e w l i a t , v o u h

s a l e o r r e n t , t h e p o s i t i o r

F O R S A L E - R E A L E S T A T E j f l

"~ F 0 b ' ' 8ALK — Uftrgalii five-room 1 houiO, uindrrn. 177 P o p h r ore., E a t t mi Lown. . M

FOR 5ALK— 10 acrci, fair improve-1 DioutS! t-2.mllo from Main itre e t; goJd truck aud chlclcen raneh; (4200, terms. i - 30 ACRES, good iniprovementi, f ia e | auo rtm on t o f 'f ru ity uood placo; 2 1-2'P{ miles from Main lU; elom to paving; (.g t5500, tftsy tcriM . Llovd-Ciavtr, Co..12.1 Mnin ove. E.■1 ■' ' ■■■ ' ho

FOR S A L B -K ivp romu-modurrt houie 13, fully fum lihcd. 019 Third nvo. W, lu 1 . .|u lre 103 Third nve. B. I

FOK 8 A L B -B c « 10 acrcs, ha lf mile from cU yr plowed ond icedod, l5S&,at acre. Terms. A et now. if. 0 . Barton, g,, i.aClede Boom*. ^

>X)H 8 A L B ~ F l» f « re» , 18 mli«j„y c a ll. M siilf lOOth Waibiajfton irhool j _

'F O II SA I.l'>-A real Imrcnio in well 'iai|iri'V(<l i-ortli li'Ip fnnii. Dr. Uwiglit.

I-'OIJ HAi.l■>-^'ivv s r r r t - . I In Twl'i ~ KhIIc .HiTnJilr for. imultti .tu ru .. A i-jkc iliiir,!.. Swi;n. owtijT '- - ' , |A i

F O R S A L E - A U T O M O B I L E S‘' ^ R 8 i r U ^ I > j r y scdon;:|ntc?modei. Call302W . > '

FOH H A I.K -^u ifk T-’iwM engcT’c'nr. or will trade for lighter enr. 255 fiixtb ovo. N., o r phone 487.

tXjR SALEJ-Ono 6 paaseager Bco car in good condition, will take goodj" '' vaean t lot or good paper. Phono 1S14.J . fi. Kimei.

FOR SA i.B—W’e h»vr *omc oxcep mi tionnl biirgnin" in uird •■nr*. .Inhnsnn lel Autn Comy.any.

• TORD8TiouBh'’aafl"8old at tho 'A uto -N* Wrockiog Co., 140 2nd Avo. South. Phone p . ■ ^

f 'O frR A l,F /^ 0 n c ln n Vim iruck ia Koml po*idition. Thp Rig White Store, rei I — - PfI FOR 8Ar,K o n TllADR-FIpKt Ha-, - Ford .eilnii, 44*1 Hcmnd avo. fio.

" f o r •*PF.V” «pp •‘H T iF M h c Cyl ui : Inder (Irimlcr. 147 Second ovr, .\, " do

--------- - ■ - - -. r , .......------------ ,,,

' TW IN F A L L S M A R K E J “PricM Paid Prodnrerf- 5'j

n u tti 'ffn l. nil crndi’*'. no dcdurtlnii* _iiindP, Ih ........... .............!..........„__27c I

F rc ih ’rnri.*li ccL’«. dor. ..................... -ill.- piii•Hens and spilngs. pnund............ » .J .h>c algOld pniind ............. .................10’ —( t r f f ....................... ................No market *Tnrkrv* .......... ....................... ,N(i marki*' $7.Bnelca, pound .........................'..... ,.,..9c Tp

Oraln. —•Whenl, Nn, I,, rw l........................... $1.55 1

Prodnc*.. paiI'olriloo*. lllirflls. cwt............................O'l

' T.lvostorR ^I’nttlp ^ - r n w * . ’ 3(3'4e; Merrs 4®

4 V2r: vo-i>, r4 l^ . • *-, 1“'H o e .-P r lm p , b jriflp, , • ]fjhrc|>—Miittim, 4r; laml'c, OgSf,

1 — _jj riOllflBWTTE’ft OOIDB ph

(Ri'Tmi I’rlrM,^ __!'rult* snd V«gatiM *i ]

Nmil.-., l.ti ............. ........... |1.00@2,30 141'.’v ln lifJ , iw t....................................U S ' OrCniihneo. per .......................... ................00 —C<inliflnu'rr. II,. ,•............................ .2.'! 1New Turnips, hu....................... .M'•<«rrn»* ner lh ...............................I’S ',New Oiiioiie, hiu ............ ..— .............07 ,,l«inhar>t. Hi - _ 17 1-2.*Splnnch. 1I-. ...........21Tnaintoo". lit, .,......... ;...........— - ..........2:. ,io

?m vli|O nt and 8U\)les, us'Flour, 4.S.lh. .nek ........ - .......»l-’)([email protected] 0,,Sugnr. hect..in<i 11.................. *7.7.'[email protected] —Sugar, cnne, inO Jha...............?7.n.’[email protected] 1Treniu Cliecfe ................................... ":i to(nrlck Chpcsp .................................... .10 -■np»». .......... ( p x ........................ .n» J»?rpnd .......................................................nn u tte r ('■renmcry) ................ .^0 MlBiitrer, (ranch) ............ ...........— i.30 —

' Ueata.Rncim . __ ___________ _30@35rBaeoo, ■«Hcod ---------------^-------TTmn JO •,JIam . sliced ---------- ,------------- --- .40Pork rhopi -------- 17 [email protected] LM utton c h o p s ------------------17 l-2 0 M e ^Pork r o a s t_______________17 1*2@Z5< oolV?k .nu^BRo-.,............. - ......................S'! „

S teak - Bitloin iio-, T bone £Se; rouod SSe; ehuek 17 l.Se.

Beef—Pol roast 16@I7 l-«c; plaif 0 . IDe: llr lilts t Oa.

A B O E N D IP L O M A T _

— \ / i W r n ^ E v e i ^ ^ , ' ooAiii w flN r \ /

e p r e e \ > >(0u -ro c o n t o / f t ? \ 1 ?E-AH 3HC- T’m HOOSt ANY ) '-------T « A ^ m n e - AS W3N0 \e w r to A u v U rt-1

- 1 ^ jlv jtrH WAT T R A ^ i ^ J


s s i f i e tt per word peyi u t o f e v e r y f i v e h o m e s i n 1

h a v e t o s e l l , t r a d e o r e x c l

o n y d u w a n t , o r t h e h e l p y

jfOK S A LE—M JSpELLANEOUSj1 FOR BAWJ-OOO sacks-of good Car­men No. 1 seed potatoes, 1-2 mi. wc<c As

i'l'2 south of I^iuiheriy. II. E . .Miller. Tv

FOR 8AI.^}—Gunronlecd onion seed,' .*1.23 per lh. Phono C1GJ3.

; '.FOR HALF>-8olceted Cannon Seed . ' ' Potatoes. H ne nuality . Mllo and holf 'I ':

east Addison, w . J . Miiek. L ^ ]

r o i l BALE—I'u ll blood Drown Leg- ^ horn eggs, (1 pur se tting o f 15. 4:*7

•3rd Avo W;

I 'b u f n F T O W N in terests compriTnip ] to saerif'ce my wi>tl eitablished ond lyj profltiible Lusine.li. Ask for Mr. Ociik

.a t Miinru's Ilejiair ahop. Opjmslle sale grounds.

1 FOR a A l .B - i 'u ru l lu r r . S-2. Thir.l jnve. K. I

' r o n dALK—'rh rce p lii'o Hllk velour raiie livln-^ timm nuito, *100. iloonWr Co. I''uriiiture C". —:“ f o k tU liK — "8ntls?n'c tioini7 repair

iworli-oir»-yauii»_automolillc. JoUnium gji I Auto company. ^ _J

! 'iiia RI:TURNB per a'cro trom " tr a « . | |j I cttS«»*, se t p lants f t iw llvwlv'tsoiv,. mile cast Rock Cruaher. Phone 20.1J2. j

r o i l JMI.I-; — T raito r. iVai ,1.

" ' ■ ' J - .................................... Sw n iT v : wvANDOTTi-; k o o s f " '

hntrhina: Finhel s tra in : yaMn iiraileilhy cofkcr.-ls from Fishel dlr(‘cl..iiialpd __

.w ith yeflrling l.eu-.; *l..^0 jier -elliiii- | of U'i., C. R. W heeler. 7.'i3 Third avC. .N.

• FOll SALF:—Thor elealrlr washing ^ maehine, used very ilitlp, W. I. Oil* ^ rr-fle, 140 W oihiogtoui j

FOB SALE—StameD W lnesap, ycilow f,®” -N._i*ippin, Orlmes Oolden, -'a 'Enrload. ''*• Also firs t class alfolfn hay. Phona 517-E8. - ~

^ O R fiA l.f^ -i'u re h rn i H h o - I ^ u i^ red pggs for se tting ; rr.hT c'lrj.- ^ Phone njiiH. P. 0 . Hox 7.’.1. • •' ]

FOR 8A1’k O lt~ K ^IIA .V ^K -.N \-» iHil seronil-hau.i fnrm implements. S i r | _ UI If ycni lintc any farm imiilements you i llo not uced. (daho Ildw. and Imple- ,i, | menl Co., In the Koss Ruiliiing apron* . •treel from H re S tation . __

,.tijil.H .V L t:-U it:.vcle*. i r i r« .|. 'j7 t ir i - , \fla rij flcpci'i'orli-s, W rroer's Ifepiiir Sbop, — ' '.14 tic toD l'it. K.

T o r 4A L K -8 |icciai -clpi teil“ rc,-,l • - pulaloi's. V nrlftiei. CnrmonV nii>l Ilura lt. Phono 0 . m P . 0 . Box 754, ^

CANE fUO.Ml. b rel . .n a r '$7.no, dellvcrt/d, Kinney Wnrphoii»e«. __Tplephoai- OS. ' . ' ^

FOR ^iAl.l-J—Oood J isn y first mort- paj-e drawlnn H per cout. 2IWJU.

FOK ‘IA1..K— Birdseye ninjilu drcssor rep nnd hoilroom stom l; nIso other furnl- „h„ lute. Vhoso 243. nni

FOK dA l.F>-.l'alnt 'n t |ic> tf/il- " iIon; auto [inluti. ■i-unaicl* and vnr lyjnlshei, caliomine, o u d ’ wall piippr, ij-,p h o n e X l o o n 's Pliop. Coi

FOK SALP>-Ono bay hone, w d ^ t 142.1 111*. 1-2 ml. Houth Soulh I’lirk (Iroi-ery. I). Cnthro.

"3'OR «A I.I ':-4 harnp^^o im ., n ^ rlynew. 41V) |F iflh nvc. No.

FOK 'sA M v -fiiiin li safe. Don, i . f - lleury. ^

'i W a A L B - ^ ’Gcm i*otatocs'’th a t will , ' llo for seed nnd k»op well fo r famil>'.^-!j'* use. Deliver for ^5«. pet cw t. Aleoj apples. Cnlf a t 24-i 4th Avo. E . . ’ }

POR HALH-Oo»d rural need iioln- to o . Phoiip M»]U.

FOR SA L f>-negulnr t.iilrh goal* alfoifor ren t: can furnish milk. I'hone - - fiSOK. i*. 0 . Box 7.>i4...


■ H E L P V ^ fA N T E DWANTED AT ONC^>-Two or threo

young men in nnd nround Tw in Fnlls ^ to sell m en's cuid Iwys’ r .c« ' vtUrlo, j I’ull or sparo timo. No- pxp.iricnro needed.' Everybody buys ' on ‘sight. Lei O ood'profit. No houao tb house c-m- ^ vnsilBg if not dcrirod. I t Jnloresteil write a t onco enclosing C O cfoyK nipIc ^ worth $1,00 and . fu ll partijillnrii. P. n 0 . I3:x .1(37, Rupert, Idaho, '

/ » » I « N ON .fW N N lG 4N 'sV I COi?Ntff 5 0 tO N G y i V iJZA O EV H ^ ------- -



?d A dy insertion, and1 T w i n F a l l s r e c e i v e T h e ^

s c h a n g e , a b o u t y o u r r o o m s

3 y o u n e e d - O N E C E N T p

ij . F O R R E N i I■ KOIl l lE N T _ l:o a tto . cn ftilnon . ' ' ; Aslii-r 1!. Wilwm, Kir»t Nntl. Hk. KMr., [iii

Twin Fnllik . • . .-.m;

i ~ F 0 U iTk NT—Well improved «') lni I acres on Hnlmon. Uox C75, City.

,1 “ fO I ! B B N T -M . a m -, o t iioo.l urnin f land; clo<ij lu. Pliuno 1030J.

3 '^T O B l ( tS T - lV n iL . l i r f o t f “« nlslied house. Apply 3^0 T hird nvo. W.

“ *F6 i r i { * ^ ' f ^ R 0 light houaokeoplna — touuis, phone and batii. C: Al 204-J, j

; TO R ’ iiE .N l'^S 'ew U ireoIrM m'huuii- ' H-lth nleepiiiK purrh. 20(1 Van Rureii ‘ i l m l .

f o r ’ RENT—oVo‘om*m’odarn house.' '• Closo ia. »20 jwr month. Phono 1514.

FO ll iM iN T-irri.om f l i tT HO Mulu ih r ave. E.; t.iilnlilo for houso keeping or office rooiua or hu lh ..; Llovd-Crnvni ;

' >*"i» K. .

r o u REN I'—Fum ac^ tioatcil room, 'He furnished, noxt lo batH. . Phone 12fi, —

' £35 Btb Ave. E. . / . ' ^_____________________________________ bui

FOR R E N T -Seveii ruom hi.uss poi [good location. Phone 0 7 .^ . ■ . Uoi

• FOR RENT— Niccly furorshe'd room.' J suitable for tw o; meals and garage it >ng deiired. Phone 1032W,. lOlfl 8 ho»hoiu' ren

________ I a SFOR R E N T -T w o modern offiec Mn

I roomt. In<^ul(c City I’lunmaey. j

' r I I a V e ” f OR r e n t desirable si^ ’ta l - room hounc ou Eighth av e .,N . M. J . i’h< , N ee le y , Virst Nntiouai Bank lililB.i-— : Telephone M. _____

FOR RENT— Two room nportm ents'm u reasonoble, completely fu rn i ib w l-^ o f ;.M light houickoeping. The" Oxford, 42 s ' -

! . . • j . «r<lH R E N T -E x tra mro light l.o'n^ —

[ keeping rooBs, with hath prlviirk*"! > reo*oi.Bble. 401 Second ave. 8 . , - ll'ln

' ' F o iT R E N T —Three room f u r t is i i - l j I iipsrtm eiit, roasonnble; nungnlow 'A pt'. uie:

, .Fiflii I t . Nld Sceond nvc. B .- ,

' W hat > useless to you mny bp vnln^'car ' ahiu to vlhcri{ — advetllse It in Uin.luy ‘ rlfls«ifiCfI ( ‘dam tu. . ' -•

--------------------------------------------------------- )■ I

' W AN TED IVIISCELLAWEOUS | 2.' " " w A N T E ^ T o idinre omlKtanl enr x }

to Denver nhout April l.’i. Cnll M2W,^|,'°,

'"W AN TK P TO RENT—Potato land, >»»: ruKli ren t. 20 ncros or uvnto. Call 1551.'“

WANTEI>J-Work by tho hour. Phono 091-J.

WANTED—A t oncc.,len’uscd Forft<,^“ — ItighPsl .■.i-.ii iirire.1 pnlil. Sco mo hcfo r.-i--- \ou Hcll. Dumihuu, n t Qnles Auto. |

WANTED—Your lire* and tubes to \v irepnir; (ildei>t nnd host ciiuippod tire „nhoji III oily; lowt'st-prices; work gunr- _ nnli'Cil. T .rln Fnlls 'Viilrnnlxing Works.

"W A N T n D -A huyer. fnr n d e s k ,^ " ' ty]K'ivrlti-r, ndding nmrhinc, iiii''-hau-1 . Ic's hcuoh nml vine. .lohnson Aulol ' Coiiiimny. I j

WANTf.D — Pnlnloes, number one* or j-ood t\fos. .1. n . White, office next " dour to H. R, Lue. 114 Second Su- Phone IU27W.

~V A N T E D - 8 foot show ease. Cnll SU, Auto W retliing Co., 140 2ijd Ave. — South. . • CBI---------------------------------------------------------1

— W A N rK D -Y o u ;. tires to - r e p a i r ; . ^ U l t w on;, n t lowest prlros. Idaho TR

;i Vulcanixing Workn. 132Je co iid 'n v o , N. J i

w lN T E D - B e i t buy ia uicd" w r fnr “ lafiO cnsh irf hnnd. Addrcis J , E. B re r , - nsii, R-’>4 N. A rthnr. I’ncatello, Ilaho , ’ ,

MO N EY TO LOAN"’\ in \K Y TO 1.0,NN on nmaern dwell __lings: repayable In-im all n«ta llm cnls j o iliberal repnTnent prlvileee. A rlhnr I- -rBw ia 4 Co: _----------------- — . ' a s :

: _______________ ! M _ - __________ ™• LOST—L nn te t -wiist w atch a t fihn 1 — ' shone Pnll* o week ngo; tH reward.ISW■ Leavo n t Newa office. [ a

■7 " TO t r a d eTO E X C nA N O D rfor elly properi,v''l jj

4 q . te « i , eloee Inj Phono 51W3. _ • 7

r—------- m wJnra mow s)t '

» 4 (w ,6 i fr vjhoevsR 9 1 5 - r - B E R R t


/ I


P a g ei W ^ R T H I T ! -

I N e w s , d a i l y . T - 1, a u

n s f o r r e n t , h o u s d r o r

" p e i ; w o r d — P l u 'f 2 I

1 M IS C E L L A N E O U S

WE START YOU In the cnndy-mnk*Ing liuniiifKi n t home, or small room .-.mywlivto, fHTnl.-hlng overythlag ond buy your condy; uxperieiiee unnocoj- sary; hij; pay. Mi'ii, womuu. Candy* •- makers *.o,, 721 Wuinut St., Philadel- • phla, Pa.

WE HAVE summer rnnge for 2pO hood eattle . W ill book orders to U a;r I. (!all Lloyd Crnvcn Co., Twin f ^ i .W, H.-Craven, H olliitcr, Idaho.

PHONE ’ 225R for P a s h o -v a to .•lean your floor -covcring-i.

C U U M N O enrpols, rugs, Nnvnjoa.,1‘liono 22511.

• ADD t,vni,ty ond solo value to yotu^ liome; NiMlIh nad pleasure to yourscU* by «ar.l*!»ltin w ilh onr pcronniaia, sh rubs ioM», vines and pedigreed nmnll fruit plants. We are glad to ad* vine with joi; ou vvliftl mid where t* plnnl." liiiiiherly Nurseries, " 1 3 mio- iileii from Twin F a lls ."

WILLARD b a ttery , Blromborg Car* • buretor and Radiator aerviro. Auto pair shop, corner Third oud Shoahone South. -1 ■

J . F . SJJIT II, oxcloaivp oOto p a b t . ing, Prices t lS to *4*>. fl.’! 8 . M tio, renr old L ind enrnue.

SINGER bEW INQ MAClTlNE W ., I l l Mniii E. I’hone 08.1. ‘ "

I NICE >|uiet room {or m atem it;. tasM , spA-fi.' jiurs*'. ;ili' .i- ith a w . N.’

'I ’hone ‘llJ:.\l. .

i E. 1 ). KELLOOU, uR^iV for LatJ* m c r'i Dfv Arsenate of Lend for spray mnierinl, (.all Phone O.'Snii |>. 0 , Bo«^____

' ' i b - .............I FOIIl) I'Uiti. Auto Wrt'eking |1-I0 Seco'i.i nve, 8fl,‘

I H E L l.O '' DON'T FOHOET Dan'*!iilnre.

j KAlOl I.UA.VH and inonthly p^*- ' uient •Inelliag loam, A rthur I.. Sw ln

i ' TUV UU ll te |i« lt nhop (nt all y o a i .[car troublri, We lotlsfy, \ii to Wreek- •• lu;; Co. I4(j rte»'ond nvc. s ' '• < i I ________ :____________ ______________ - ■I D A N 'a l‘i.A tB ;-'^37 l«liDshone Bo, ‘ ,:$econil hand elothes boughi aod s o ld . .

I '~CA ir0W N BR8'ean'*ii^i'e 'iiur ahop te llo thclr own. repnir w ork; ’‘m ln lau *

i i o i t . " Try this lervice. Auto Wreek*'ing Co.. .141'Second ave. 80.. ’ ‘

iSiSSDiCTBR! I.: ........... “ - - r

W IN D O W 'O L A ^ net V'ork. .Moon’s ihoji. I’hooe C .'

' S H O B R E P A K I N a ^

o i lA i t f i o N SHOE BIIoV. "346" North M ain. The qultV icpu lr »liop. W ork lioac at prc-wnr prices. V , T. Uainea,I’fOp.

TW IN TALLS SHOE EEPAIEH^QShop. 13? Shoihono w iii. Sboei re-

. p\tired xvhilu you wait.

T E A N S m

CBoS b F ' r a A N B F B r COMPANY,V honeJU ^,__

TRUCK HA UL CO— l.ight and heavy ' hnullni*. riii'iie 50,

■ . p r o f e i S j i o n d l

T t t o s n b y s "

JO IIN 'W ," G £ ^ A M -U w y c r .'"B M 'Trust ll,tiding. Phone 0.15-R.

A S ire a B. WILSON—Lawyer,^ “

HOMEB C. M H iL S -B oyd building. ”

S W E B IX y ft SW EBLBY - A ttom eyi a t law. I’roctlte In oil courts. T w b 'Foils. Idoho. -

J. H . W ISE—Lawyer. Officcs—Rooa* ti nnd 7, over Twin Fnlls B o o k ' A T ru s t Co.i.Twin Fnlls, Idaho.

B y H - P . O 'H B U

^ --------t l « s r \ /O H MiCKt-i j \' " i " ! V ANO THEN lYli.'-r '- ■ I -^ 5 ? I ■’"’ S’lE S W — j - ^

i W y V '^ l l - i n E T-h e h 7!r y l , s HE'S

, ., • ■ 88WB-"--. -

Page 8: TWI?N‘FA J)AilLY Nl Enewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_T... · TWI? TOL. a. Kb. 8." FtOODSARE i 1 WAY IN ^ WIDE AREA, "Rivers Rising in Many Slates—

i SBBl: i i O I I M : : yPiPECTii'! 1 ■------- - II

C i t y C o u n c il I n s l r u c i s M e a t

a n d D a i ry i n s p e c t o r t o C o i - "

i e c t F e e s U n d e r P r o v i s i o n s o f ''

‘ O r d in a n c e

i “' ' riixtrui'IIuilH td nltliliiilil ini|iurtlui< nl'I from ulnutrhtyr Iiouac o|a'iiiturK wlii>

fnit to )mr Innprctlnii fom wvfu• dcllvt-reil Monilny cvohiiiK liy llic o lty j

' • council Uj Dr. W. 1* Ikiinl, mi-ai anil |I' da iry wtiii rcpnrtud tlm t out '! , o f llll' tlirvf o|« tntor«, ouo hnd jmid

, th e f rm ill full ,nml iloflnltc nnnwci bnd not l«'<'ii rw i'lvcd from tlic other

'/ ' ■ ' Ti' iimiitTtion (jf iiii’fttR which woi min-

ppudi'd uiii)i‘r jirovJslnu pf a n 'ttro lu- {■ !t)(! (inter o(>tn1iicd Iiy mivornt of tho

■ Imtrticr^, Imx liw u rpnuiiieil • «lnco ro i; n f Jlistrlct Ju<Iri' ft. Dsiluy Loc’n

{li-clnioti u|Oiotiliu){ thu r l t y ' i tn rat in­i' , ipoetiiin ordinnnro. One of the tiutch- ••

m Irm rrncui-d tlir su it nitaekinfr tlu- ni va lid ity uf tlio ordiiinncr, bu t no rc- KtmiiilnK order Againit iiixpoetion hni h<

i . -boon fluliod. Thp r i ty linn filed 'Kuitn „ In d iitrli 'l n m rt iif^niuit' ilollnqucnt butchcfK fur pnyment o f inippctioii , |

• tea - , , w a r '- - - fiudjitet U nder O oosldention.,* ’■ ' V st

• Till’ pir>ini;il Mundny ni|;hl divldciiil« ntli-iitlon-liotwn-n » tontntiVB bud- , f o t fo r the comlnjc fiiirnl y w r ro|iortod

V liy thl- liudt’i't rdiuiuittce eum|>uiicd of .: Councilm-H C. II.' Krcn>[cl and C. I’.V - liowlcx, i,ii<i iK'titionii Olid rciiuc»t« (iro-

(onteil tiy uulivldunlH nnd dolcgationi • rcp ri-nn itinn 'the TSrin Fntli Ctinmbcr o f C<iiui.»'re*' nnd T w rntjcth Ci-ntiiry

P club. ,I '■pprniiiHloii lo tlui Twnntiolli Contury!].•.* '. .c lu b tll ron*trupt ii wiidiiiK jiool'in 'ttio

c ity imfij wna ifrantcd l y voto of thi'I M iiufil - i f l t r thlt iiro]«iiitlou hod been ..

• nViat-nti-d I.v n doli'fjation conipp»iid ;[ o f M ri. 11. IW. Clourhek, Mr*.'I Lnird nud Mrn. A. H. Mnrtyn nnd-ac-

comj«JiJ''d by JoliH II. Ault, jirolmlJo'i | ] ! officer. U: • .Tho jH'-il will be coiiHtnirti'd lu thn, ■ M U tli-eornrr of tbo. jmrk jnnt mtom

l' . . tho nlr.-i;t frmn the OhrUtiao rlm rrh. » i I I will Ij'* bnilt of roncrote in rlrm lar

form , raiiKiutr in d^pth from three to I t ix inrhvii."T lio (‘utlm atod co"l i« 1200

. which will Ik- pnid tiy the rinb women, i' I t . in nnli--lpflted th a t llie pool will bo ,,f,

A-RBthi'rinK 'p laro for Hie littlo folkii du rinc th f jierlod dMPrllied by Mr?, .jj, :Clourbe'-< ni> "•tbe tliri'p most difficu lt jj, wontJM :n tiw yrar." fihr mIiI tbnt „{, no rlvii'c (nterprliin «ipon which the tlu b wima'H bnd cmbnrkod h«d com- m nndrd mori' nenrly imnnlmou* lu jr jiOtt thrill tho wndlnK pool project.

Oleut-up SasgesUons. be

Suitai'sllonx on the pnrt of Alux \V. Murrnv. w nltnry officcr. for ulmcrv. *neo nf “ cU-nn-iip w eek” in Twin

1 F a lls iw«-n- romliincd w ith Hiom' pr.-:• •en ted by the rbnm bcr of commerce .c iv ic I'liM-ti Micmbcru of the Imri-nu '*

■ hended *iy I'- IIo llln r‘W»''*>i. waited •upon tia - ’ eouncil wltb a roquont for p»oclam itlon by tbo mayor nml ro- ‘ " operation by the e ity in tlu- undcrtnk-

T lie dail- for “ elcnn-iip w eek,” to . wbich till) rhnnibiT o f .■ommerco added '- “ pain t lip nnd p lnnt u p ” feature*, wa’i

- • lo t by »h(i mayiir'ii pruelamatlon for tho wecV beKlnnine Pridoy, April H .' Mcmlirrv.0^ council took oceanlon

’ to Riiwcst to the ehamber of com- mercp bnri'uu the fom iulation of rulit.

. fo r Ibc obscrviinco of “ clcnn-np w eek” tbu t would prcvunt recurrence o f ,til l ' nitiintion tnut year wben mmil- ■ eipnl Rarbape hniilem were kept bu»y for th ree months 4»fter clcan up weolt v

' hau ling away pirbaRc an l tra*h th.M ^• had been dumjA-d Into the nlleya-on

th a t occasion. Tliey nrRued for feeog- . n itioa o£ individual reiponniblllty in th e m atlo r o f dlnposinit of n tb aB e , and fo r rnlc« for th f occailon [that would le t forth i>lalnly jiint whnf would anfi w h at would «nt be hauled nw<iy by tbo <'lty N-avfln;:er«,

S tieo t BlffU Costlf. rai

, Tlie eliamlier o f commerce^ bureau P'’’ repreicn tnuvea were lold thn t Rranl-

■ Injf o f the ir rcqucut fo r crectlon c f — •tr e e t aiffn* would involve nn eipcnuepf “ seveMl laindrod do Iln« ,”_ nodlh a t tb e c itv bnd no fnnds for th lf “

• pnrposc, bu t’ prom iw of coniidcrntioj,' — . . fo r the requi-*l wa* ninde. City A tlor- j

■*ncy T a y b r Cummin*-«uRi!?»led thnt pormiwion n ii-lit lie fonuhl from own- era o f eorn'rt lots to a ttach the "Icn* to the dwellini!* nnd thus eliminate tli -

- expense ..f poles, w h ich /i» was n ..ert-. cd, xnpil.l lu- cnmidi-rable.

/ * Tlio coiMii il took under .onKldcraliou W , J . I.u i'li’" un 'liciitioii forsanction-f< .r Uis plnn «« constnirt n sen-ieo sta tion nn n rorncr lot " F iv e I’n in N ” a t tin- jiiiicMire of Mnln j

• nvenui-, « f " t boundnry. Addisnii ,a v . Miue nnd WnMliinctyn sired* . In IhlJ conncclinn. tlK- mnyor advised thn l an ordinance under ronsMorntion woij.l

' provMi’ iU l orir buildings ercrtcd on• ' ■ rM ident? dislTicU would have lo be»• . . b u ilt bnck frm n H 'f pfoix'f^X wa

line w ith th a t estnblisKcd by the b n lld in g nireruly constructed-in thnl block.

AuUwrlio* EemtiTftl o f Ttms .

A uthorirntlon fo? .’th b ' removal of No

.Basis;........ • •• •

troea Iu ilcyburrt avenuo n t th o «outh | boundai^* of YcatmaiT addition, Fi'e- \ parnfory to cratWnjf ot that llioroagh‘ . fare, wns granted by tho conneil. *

Councilman W. PX Banper w wi'deln- ‘ i;ated wi ft committco of ono to confor

' w itll tlio Twiu Falli Cannl compftuy and 6 . W. Dean iu rclatioa to the pro­posed iii*U-.ilation of a cheek in nn Ir-j

I ricntiou oltch to provide for delivery of w ater to Sir. D ean 's property i,i • ttio Mooruinn dddition. ’ .

Upon fcfomiu-ndation of Dr. , lk n r i, meat dealers ' licenses were g rnntcd tii

.1 tbo Kinney Wbolesnlo company nnd to * ** Ihn Arrlflfrton ItrofJd'r# grocery, and I the ren«w>cl of dairy llcensc^ for \V. W.I ' Ashbury nnd .1. W. Youn« w nj ap- I proved.

'• Tiie council order.-.l w arrants drawn ' in jiaym ent.of clnluii against tho wnter

«vorkR lund In the auiu of (10-14.77, iiRalnst the ♦232.-t'*

>1, nnd-aK a'nst-the street sprlnklinj; fund' for ♦0.7'!. , 1>'

l i i o n i n i i M I ; i i i i ip m r s t o i :

......— IhH ig h • W in d S n a p s P o l e a n d a

J. H o llB E y o n in a : 's ^ a d l o

“ E n t e r t a l n n i e i i t " ' „

" Ilij{h w il'd-occonipanylni; unowfol!tbnt rese>»H1cd n b l im rd Momlny

I- ni;{ht Hnap/ied uff i> polo from w hidi antennae of n radio apparatus n t Ibe

'' homo of Dr. Frederick K. Bnook wa* „.| " •uspend'id, intorruptin;; a concert trnns.^ m itted through tlie a ir fiom Bon I'ran- " cisco, Tbi! concvrt< Dr. Smiok say*

wn*-.iba- Ix'sl lha t S 4* been rcccivcd re through Ibu dcvice siuro it wan iu bii slnlled hou'e tw o weeks np i. A Rronp of fricnd i shared the doctor's disap- „u

'■ pointm enl .over the nccident. , Work- ‘1 moti wor.- i.nnimoued enrly this niornini:, tn ropair tho | h>U-, beeanse. tbo doctor tb ■ s iys, nn(.fN(T eonri'rt jtist ns k«o<I »« (o '■ Inut nlRlil'M Is srheduicd for tb ii eve ov• ninft. . Ici

. I'ower riimpuny linemen were cntlcJ b e tw e e n .n n d H o ’clock Ihis niornln},' th to repair n Iransmission line bcarint; „ri electric power to tbo flllralion p lant (.j,

® nf Iho miiniripnl w nti'rw oriti._ DnmaKe po to the line resulled from tho storm, jj,

L' Dpem tloni nt tbo p lant were suspended , wbile tho Hue was onl of com m iiiion.

----------- Ot

’ --------- pf. S a m u e l P o u t n . - W h o y o o g h t f o r bu r U n io n , D I ob S u d d e n ly a t 1 His Home Here

• Bnmuiil I'oiits, affc<I 'B y e a n , vet- pri ’ et'an of 'h ? Civil wnr and for several Oi, ' jx a rs past n resident o f T w in. Folli.• died Monday ovenlnjt a t h ii homo on q . ‘ Ilnrrison rtree t. Di'nth cnme luddcnly' nttfiHiJcfi .Mr, }’ouln' had hccn' unfnvorahle for somo tim e. W ilh him

when Ih...... id ••nme were his w ife nnd u i' J son wlio is n resident of Denver. A n­

o ther !-n.i re^ld^lll! nl Hurley, arrived here todny nnd the fnmily is awailini; word fro"i .< dnnifhler in Senllle hofnro

] romiilelloj! fu iirrnrarranK em crit" . '>i' M r. KnutK was n native of Ohio. H e »n

! served dnrini; Ihe C |vil war ns n m en- 's ; ber f't Ouio vnbiuleer .resimonts, en- eoi

llslini: n .\uipist, IKin, lu (.’ompnny ll. tin I F ifth IJhlo volunteers mid being dls- sei . rfmrne.t -n .'fny. I.V/I,', nn n iiwmhcr o f <|U

Company H, Ttiirlecniai Oblo volun- I'o; , teers.

He W.H n member nl«n of. the Odd set, I Fellows'-lodKe.

' - - ' ' ' tui

£)eatK.s S‘ ' ---------------- —

--------- to. ' . .M r * . EUxabcth V m b lo . ly

' .M rs. W imbelfi nfiod Hyear*, wife o f A. I’. Venable n f Iinu. sen, died Ihis morninR n t a hospital hero where nbo bnd been n pa tien t for dnl hoVernl days. Deal'll occurred luddonlv car a fte r whal had api>enrcd to be a stendy hei improvement in Mrs. V enable’s eoni- doi tlon. t3o Siiddcn w as 'tbn ond thn t Mr. Venable, i^ho wa* cnlled m lOon u ’ Indication* of n rclapio were apparent, wa* unable to reach bl* wifo'* bed- iido'.hcfori:,shc expired. Tlio body hn» •. ' been takciT lo the I’. J . OtoHinan un ^ derlak fns istnbiliJiment. Funoraf ar rangi'm ciili have not as y t l been com- ^

r '" " * ' ' o»i------:----- ---------------- RT(


M n. Sadie F . Lltchflald .Fnneral services for Mrs. Sadie F.

L itchfield , need 0,-, y e a n , w ife o f B . __M. I-!telifipId, who-died Sunday a t tho ffljniJy hi.»ii- south of H arelton, wero to be'beV l al .1 o ’clock thi* afternoon ' nl the I. K. DeWill chapel. Mrs. L llchflell Irnvvs ber husbnnd, n son , nnd a danchler. Mrs. .Inbi'son, nf Mur- tauRh.

AUIIY O m O B B Sm OID BSBAN FlIA N dlSCd. Cat., (^P)—^Inj‘',r

r tn n k W. Diiryea, A' yenrn old, was foiiiiil dr;i'd today in bis ronm nl the m llltnry ri'^erx-ntltin here, w ith n fe- voIvVr’i.i h i ' h.vid. Fellow officer*

h<> <-o/i»»JUed sulrldc. He wos the son of tbe lati- Oeneral Duryca, u civil w ar yeti'rnn nud a member 0^ the faiti- iiy ownlnR Ibo Duryen Htorrh M anu-, faclurinjr''compaiiy In New York City.,

LightnloK C aftterla , 3S0 U a ia ^ o tb . • T ry our qoick w rrico . B e it In town.Now and elo*n.—*4».


l i l i i ”rPUIGESlON^

H U i l f C K>« ' ' ,l,° D e n ie s A p p iic a t i o n o f T w i l ig l i t

J: L e a g u e R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s f o r

U se Of L in c o in F i e ld f o r S u n -

d a y B a s e b a l l

I.I ■ ■“d' A majority of thu members o f tb<'

hoard of oduentliin o f tlie Twin Fnl%* school d is trlr t a t n ineotlna Mondny

ill^ht wli:i eiiiphdjjs set the ir fcot d-).\^

n individually nnd ii'vernlly a|(uinst a projHM^f}o« tor Suttduy Latcball f^mes this.sew on on Lincoln srbocl field. T h t proposition wn* submltlfid b«- repro senlntivi-s of the Twin Fnlls.'TwiliKhi baseball leoKne. They offered to ' put

d a roof nvcf the Rrandstand nnd o ther­wise ini|Tove the Rroundi n t an ex ­pense nClr-i'proiimnti'fy ♦ '00 and pay n nominal .ren ta l in adilitiou fo r the privilege i.f B}oj{inj; Bunday ^nnios.

1! I t wns represented In the board tlu it y tho leaRU' if denied uso of tho Lincoln

field fo r Bunday unuies would not cn- deavor to Jeaso il for weok-dny Kamea,

•’ but would conslrnpt n bnll field clso-* whcre.^ .| .

,. Bunrtayibclioolj.-to PU y

‘ II. K. I'nwers, former ponnty uKonI,'I rcpn-*enll.iR n proposell Sundny arhool > buieball iintiue, npplled for uac of Lln- I' coin fiobl for n s e r ie ro f game* this '• summer. Ttic boonl dploRatod i l . 0 .

M itehell, >.nperinlendi'Dt of schools, Iti C fu rther i’ii:otlotlons o n 't h i s npplient r tlon. I t oirn nutbori^.ed Mr. Mitchell* (o denJ -vKli fhe TwIllRht lenRue In <h&' ovent tb-.- T wIIIrIiI leai-iie dedded In

Icasp Ihe f'eld for wwk-dny Rnmes. ll Theie will lie no nlund'onmout o f K the eomn:ercial eourse in the lilRh ic sphcol .-'nrse o f study, the bonrd <l.'- ^ pided by its vote in n]iproval of Ibe ro-

p o r t-u f .i ((.mmitlee comi>oseil of '• M cClain,nnd K. 8. I’elers, previously 'I appointed lo invesliRnte Ibe sURRestion ^ of M. H, iiiinver, projirietor nf the

OrcRR llusinesH rolleRp, th n t this course J bc dropped in the intereuls n f econ H om y. K r..M itchell'w as (ustructeil to

confer •w ith. Mr. Hoover relative t i possible rii^-oiH'ralion a* between th-.'

r business collejp.- nnd the high sebool drpartnient.:

. A vpT om T w o h en ' I J a t |

The bourn approved a list nf toaeh-* or* reappointed by Mr. Mltehull fur ' the comine school yenr.

! SCOUTS W IL L B E G U E S T S ; O F C L U B M E N AT B A N Q U E T* Sloction of JavenU t O fflciala fo r O lty

and Bchool D istric t BchediUxl tc I . Follow E « p u t

’ The Uoy tj.'init bniirinct which is to be rIvpii Io the boy* by Ihe Kotary

; nnd Kiiv.inis clubs Thursdny evcni:i.i{. Is tn be held n t Ibe parish hall. Th-.- - m nim illee in rharRe hns nrrauRed-wlth , the I’yibinii ‘Sisters ;(i jirepare nn.I . serve the biinquvl. FollowinR tho b in- t ijuet will o rrnr the election nnd tbv . boy* are hIiowIor much in trrest as In

whn will serve .ns mayor, couneilmen,I scbool bonrd nnd the various other of-

fieers tn no rchosen.i> idny nfternoon will find the pi--

turo IbenterN busy for tho boy and Friday cveiiiiiR a bnnd concert by the blRh school band will precede-Ihi* events n t the bich school. The' pro- Rrnm n t Ibe hiRh school is sebcilnled to beRin a t 7:3(1. Everyone ii cordial­ly invited to n tlend theso ceremonie.*.

n o t io 'e .WhcroM my wife. Mm. Clara Knn-

dnl, hn* left without notice and ju st cnnse. nil perSona nre forbidden to rIvl- her cred it on my account. \ W. Ban- doi, Huston, Idaho. a Jv .

w o o l . 6A 0 S nod fleifp twine. Kin «,ey W h.dfsnle C n .-adv ..

-i.-x r»Nr iseari* new le lte i a n 'invoice flleti Wp ' h*ve them. Clo» Rook pt.if..,—srtf

CALL on C. K la 'jnbury Jf your ttn* englno d o w i 't . ru n rlRht. 133 8 « o n J ave. N o .~ id v .; '

f f i mSUHANOE th a t h ^

I backed by a company I tlia t WILL PAY, la the

I kind woiwrlto. • - . ^

I Prom pt, satisfac- I ■ lory aajaatojonts, tbo i

I -utmosV

ILY L L S ;M H bfT U E SM Y ,;

The Presidenffs ]

I t

r 'flKffl ’tPwmI

IC I:-. •

i l r s . Wnrren 0 . JU rdtnjr, wifo o f the president, iiKes sliaiie tr e e i und mn^- 1 nolla'IilossoniN. A number o f promi- ; nont WnshiuKlon men le n t her n mnR- ,

'■ Weather Man Can’t ! See Way Clear toI Furl Storm Signal

• —A pril still Is tbu mouth of ihow- •

li -er* fram llu-vlew jiolnt, n t least, o f ! ^ the n ifirlal weather fo rvraster for i " Idaho.- ForiTnst o f rain o r snow, ji

w hich' ,«i'i.tcrdny niaterlnlircd in , •t tbo shiipe of ,i verilnblc bllwuird !• w llh hiRh wind nnd precipilnlo de- !

cllne iii_ lemperalure, is repeated '• as the forernst for loniRhl nnd 1

Wednesdi,y. y • Uecords nt tint jjovernmeni wealh- * « .er nbn.Tver’* Mation here showed , *’ u minimum lemiwrature last niRht '

nt 21 lieurees nbove xero with n '! ' iiiRli iimik for the dny a t .’iO nbove..." Precipirntion nmounted to .03 of ■' an inell,'-tln! deptff-lrf snowfnll be

inc nbouL fyipJinltinch.’............ ‘II ,

TAKK your r u englnei to C. XlnR*. ' bnry. Pay caly tbii ipon th n t d m t i f ' work. 132 ^ o n d &Te. Np.->ndv. ’



, APRIi_

Everj the ci and £ appre


Idaho ]' ^ Up to d a l*


sW ffe li^ sS h a d e


the nolin treo. She roi m e w niie iious'c . n^- spade nnd went rlRni oui in m u uavk- mi- yard n m rp lun led il. Here you aeo ber 8R- just a fte r ahii had completed the job^

C O U N T Y 'S F E E O F F IC E S SH O W H E A V Y , C O L L E C T I O N ,

a l Goneral r im d B«c«iTea is,M O.U Oiit'W 110,382.64 T akon IB Dnrlin: P l m ‘ '

- I ' Q oarto r of Y o « ]

f ‘ Keporis /lUbmitted lo (he board of , {county c'inim luionera Mondny by tho ' office* t.f the auditor nnd recorder. * shorirf nnd probnle jndRO showed col- 1

lection of feei durinR the firat threo 1 month* n f this year nmouutinR to »lu.- I :iS2.flI. O f th is nmount the nudllor'N * office rem itted to the stnte treasury ,

j $ri:’,’i for fllinR fees iu suits instituted ' in the d istric t ennri, uml tho ]irnhate

conrl colloi'led W17 In fine i which wa,i ' turned lii*o th e county 's Rene'ml achool ■ fund. . Tin* bab iice ,' nniounllDR to $8,-i'

(540.04 roverted to the county 's general 1 ‘ eiponao ftjnd. .

Collectioua reported '1)y ’each of th s . • fee ofllcoa .wwflv.,vvAuditor, recorder .

nnd clerk of tbo coort, (6140.60: iher- I if f , »2300ilD; p tohato court »I«8.85.- •

scout:J '

IIL 13,14 andry effort put fort citizens of Twin surrounding vie


Boy ScWe are yours foi “A Good Turn"

■ — T A e G r e a t e r f t

^ P e p a r t m e n t S t o ]


. . . . ■ ____ VA c r e a g e P l a n t e d t o P o t a t o e s

I n d i o a t d s P r o d a c t l o n k E x<

o e s a o f L a a t Y e a r .

Tlio potato producWon for tba U nit» I ' 8 tate< durinR-1022 w U rbe 100 p e rc en t, moro thnn tho crop o f 1021, aecordinfc to WJIlard E. 8neildon.-8an iVaneUco Turm expert, who tv-n* In Ogden ye*- ' te rday , uecordinR to the ORdcn Krnm* ; ' iiier.

Throuijhout the country tho f o y e r s hnve doubled th e ir potato acreage ond from theie Indicntionii ovcr-producUon . wyi re»u[t. J i l l s will not only resu lt X in a 'loT rpricc for ?ho farmera, bu t wlil oversupply the m arket, Mr. Snuifdon ..{■

■ snlil." T h ia :>* true^ not- only in Oaljfornla,

bu t In i;tnb , ]?lnbo, nnd other at» ti» n f the Union,” m M M rySncddob. '* la -^^ j| jnany of the stnte* tlue farmers hove ';T olim’ln a te .r other •fcfojw“'t8 p lan t pota- t o e i . " ' ) >’ i ■ '

" T h e Rovcrnment offlciala nl Son Franeiseo -anrt otber points hre Ifon- v ‘-

.d iictinR su rv ey * 'to de tenuino tho nx- in r t ncrenae proposed for potntoes.”

“ If.'th e farm ers comideic tboir prM- cu t i lnn.v the couiitry will have ju s l .. doublo th l iKitntoei, n featnro which is ’ bound to hurt the fanners finauelally .”

M r. rjncddon ndvised Utoh fnmiern ’ to get »n touch w ith Bovernment brcii- cic* beforo plnntlnR too heoA-y In |>otn-

« i''. A O T Jo W o B M m ra ab, — — r= The R. N. A. club will meet wilh

Mrs. John I’c lets , 435, T hird ayenuo’ w cit, W'Vlnesday aftem oou, April 12. ,

'N All member. urRcd to be present..

'of The eoinmunity ser^'lcu department■ of thil rw in tic tli Century clnb wil! .

mout w l:h tho ehnirm an, Mr*. A. a M nrtvn, 4ri<l Sccond nveuue west, on W ednesday, April 12, The busl&cas session wlH begin promptly nt- 2:30. . Kleclion of o fficers for the coming

■r. year avIII be 'bo ld nnd plnns mnde for ll. now work for tho depnrtm enl. Kvery uo m em ber,of the T w entieth Century club

Interesled i r r lv ir w elfare is urRcd to ’m n ttend .

_______________ -—Jd ________________ _________

I Q l a a a i i i o ial ITOO lA T B FOR 0 L A 8 b lI lOATIOK ..

, T0*"t U b ' i N V F JT 0 B — A buaineia ” property w ith an Idcobo 13^00.00 ^ ....

annum for aa l^ ch eap ; Sm all payw eat j r- down. .R obfri* n e a lty Co/ Phon* • • 0 6 8 . - . i

■ B s . ' 'f

WEEK. ' ■ , >

Id 15

rth by ' '.1 Falls ; : icinity ,

couts iOY

• /• ' I ... • j

• • ■*,'

3RELtdro g r tsx h e , • • ‘