Twin Lakes Newfoundland Moose Management Area 15 N 3 5 6 7 8 9 4 10 C D E F G H I B NOTRE DAME BAY HALLS BAY BAY OF EXPLOITS Exploits River South Twin Lake North Twin Lake New Bay Pond Badger Bay 11 National Topographic Series Reference Index 1:250000 012H 012A 002E 002D 1:220,000 NAD1983 Zone 21N

Twin Lakes Newfoundland Moose Management …...Twin Lakes Newfoundland Moose Management Area 15 N 3 5 6 7 8 9 4 10 B C D E F G H I NOTRE DAME BAY H A L L S B A Y BAY OF EXPLOITS Exploits

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Page 1: Twin Lakes Newfoundland Moose Management …...Twin Lakes Newfoundland Moose Management Area 15 N 3 5 6 7 8 9 4 10 B C D E F G H I NOTRE DAME BAY H A L L S B A Y BAY OF EXPLOITS Exploits

Twin Lakes Newfoundland Moose Management Area 15 N3












Exploits River

SouthTwin Lake

NorthTwin Lake

NewBay Pond


L o ng Isla nd

Pilley's Isla nd

T rito n Island

S unda yCo ve Isla nd

Bo two o d


T 'Ra ilwa y

Mo uth o f S o uth Bro o k in Ha lls Ba y

Co nfluence o f the Ba y o f Exp lo its a nd the Exp lo its River

Po int nea r Ba dger a t U T M co o rdina tes 570788 m E a nd 5424841 m N

Co nfluence o f the Exp lo its River a nd Ba dger Bro o k a t U T M co o rdina tes 570374 m E a nd 5425053 m N

National Topographic SeriesReference Index 1:250000

T he fo llo wing m a p s a re cro ssed b y the o utline o f the T win L a kes Mo o seMa na gem ent Area 15. Na tio na l T o p o gra p hic S eries Ma p 250,000 Reference L ist:002-D, 002-E, 012-A, 012-H





Ga rb a ge a nd litter o n o ur la ndsca p e isb eco m ing a serio us p ro b lem . T he b est

a nd o nly a lterna tive fo r ga rb a ge is a Pa ckIt In, Pa ck It Out p o licy. Y o u ca rried in a ll

tho se co nta iners, b o xes - p a cka ges whenthey were full; it’s a lo t ea sier to ca rrythem o ut when they a re em p ty. Plea seta ke yo ur ga rb a ge ho m e with yo u a nd

disp o se o f it in the p ro p er m a nner.


Western a b utm ent o f theT CH b ridge cro ssing S o uth Bro o k a t Ha lls Ba y

Gra nd Fa lls - Winso r









MOOS E MANAGEMENT AREA 15T WIN L AKESAll tha t a rea o f the isla nd o f Newfo undla ndb o unded b y a line b eginning a t the m o uth o fS o uth Bro o k in Ha lls Ba y; then fo llo wing theco a stline o f No tre Da m e Ba y in a genera llyea sterly directio n to the Ba y o f Exp lo its; thenfo llo wing the sho reline o f the Ba y o f Exp lo its in agenera lly so uthwesterly directio n to its co nfluencewith the Exp lo its River; then fo llo wing theso uthern b a nk o f the Exp lo its River in a genera llyso uthwesterly directio n to a p o int nea r Ba dger a tU T M co o rdina tes 570788 m etres ea st a nd5424841 m etres no rth; then fo llo wing a stra ightline due no rth to the co nfluence o f the Exp lo itsRiver with Ba dger Bro o k a t U T M co o rdina tes570788 m etres ea st a nd 5425111 m etres no rth;then fo llo wing the western b a nk o f Ba dger Bro o kin a genera lly no rtherly directio n to thewesternm o st a b utm ent o f the T ra ns Ca na daHighwa y, T CH, Ro ute 1 b ridge cro ssing Ba dgerBro o k; then fo llo wing the T CH in a genera llyno rthwesterly, then no rtherly directio n to thewestern a b utm ent o f the b ridge cro ssing S o uthBro o k a t Ha lls Ba y; then fo llo wing the westernb a nk o f S o uth Bro o k in a no rthwesterly directio nto the p o int o f co m m encem ent; excluding a llo ffsho re isla nds excep t Pilley's Isla nd, T rito nIsla nd, L o ng Isla nd, a nd S unda y Co ve Isla nd.

No te: T his m a p ha s b een p rep a red a s a co nvenient reference o nly. It is no t a lega l do cum ent. T he Wildlife Act a nd Regula tio ns a nd the Annua l Hunting Orders p ub lished therein sho uld b e co nsulted fo r a ll p urp o ses o f interp reting a nd a p p lying the la w. Co nta ct the Newfo undla nd & L a b ra do r Wildlife Divisio n.Crea ted b y: Wildlife Divisio nDep a rtm ent o f Enviro nm ent & Co nserva tio nDa te: July 2014

WIL DL IFE DIVIS ION HEADQU ART ERSP.O. Bo x 2007, 117 Riverside DriveCo rner Bro o k, NL A2H -1M7 (709) 637-2025Regio na l Wildlife OfficesGo o se Ba y, 896-5107S t. Jo hn’s, 729-2630Fish a nd Wildlife Enfo rcem entRep o rt Po a ching T o ll Free 1-800-820-0999Western Regio na l Office – 637-2971L a b ra do r Regio na l Office – 896-7958Ea stern Regio na l Office – 729-2192

REGIONAL FORES T RY OFFICESL a b ra do r, Go udie Building, P.O. Bo x 3014,

S ta tio n B, Ha p p y Va lley, A0P 1E0,896-2732

Western, Fo restry Building, Ma ssey Dr., P.O.Bo x 2006, Co rner Bro o k, A2H 6J8,

637-2409Ea stern, Ga nder Pub lic Building, Airp o rt Blvd,

P.O. Bo x 2222, Ga nder, A1V 2N9,256-1450

1:220,000NAD1983 Zone 21N

0 105Kilo m eters