TWI '^'i Y0I,1I.MK 0. NUMIIlili Inl. mm ISfW CongreM Will Be Warned Against Haste in Coming Session; Nothing Must Be Done to Disturb the Coun< try, H e Insists. . ‘1VASIIIN(JT0N. !► . <■-. No>. !JI. ~T1id kernolo or 1‘irsiitfnl (’■ ooIIiIict ' h (oftiiremlnir mr»n«(cr (e ronirreoK nlll hot r “Ikn»*t do nnrUilDK to distiirli ------ tt© connlfT. U N tli*- dulJ oongrcM lo craiio nnd prtHfru" Uio' connlry’M fonflUfUtP. »ln- Wllty «nd iifn»B of •fforlty." Thla nolo will run thrmiRtioul Un- rccommenclnMon vrlilrli wltl covcr n connlilcrnblo ot nubjpcln, T!u' iin'nn- iiRO M now victunlly eiiiiiiiloi<x| timl Mr. CoollilKo expccW ru.liavc iirliil- ed coplei ot U HBrornlii ilayn bcfcirc bo pmenU tt to .cnnKmm. Somo hOBdlRCT ot rrrn mtni'aKe nm] llio Tjewa to b« oxpreiiiicil Inclmlo: TMftllun. Tlio eomlllloH of llio Kfiv.Tnmciir« fltianco aad lli« onlldiik tnr Die lui- modlaie fulurc juakG uouulblv H«' tormlilorntlon of Ux luw ' rovl'.Inn with ri'ductlimn In .<t IuIii ran?* Tliln reiluclldti iiiunt Im niinlo wllb tl v(ow li> l(ic Kovprniiidii'« iiro<lf, wlilioul Injuiilcc or illiiturliiinro ot bUMlllc«». Tlio mewiiRO will Klnlc bow Mr. Coollilgc b.tllevri. «limiM Sin bill will iicji Bltpmpi iimliily to lltnll llB (rocdoiu of iicllon. AiipniiirintlimH. Ttimr will bn ircntcd In ii Ifiti-r troiismlillns lho budRoi but n rof- cronco to them In Ihc n-K'ilflr iii«‘iiri. Dgo Is tiUo forocnKi. Mr. CmillilKu will w irn agalmil inakliiK lho couii- Iry'B proBpcMiy lho cxcuno tor ■•pork barrot" approprlatiotm of aa> nurt #a«l will polnl oiil ihiit auch ap- liroprl»Ucm» will • iioi only dcfoni •ny cMhce tnt rcducllon bul ---------vlll .dtoturb-biuUr *'" ; Vetmnn. .Tlio ' Tneaiaxa probatjfy . wHl nol rotor tfl ttl# soldlor bonun illroctly. but will cor«r care of iHanbled voi- AirrietiUart. Siepn tho admlnlBlrAtlon hnn lak- cn 10 holp BRrlcullure will Im oltoil oolaWy Ihtt mlMlon of m n k M«n- dell and Bujonn Moyer Ki lho worn tu tho Intereat of co-oi.crallvo mor VollRK. CortitroH* will tic Invllot carefully to consider Icnl^Uxfl auR RcstloiiH toodo lo ll. .Wtorw, ot lUi nicrlcuUuro dopartmcnr lo worti t plaa for a ‘'whcnt board" to hrl; wheal producoM dlnposc of Iboli nurpluB will bo cllol. . RallnBdii. _______Thla prpblim will. bo iroalcirn: ono of paranioljnf Jnjportance" oni conKrcM will bo advlncd. la effort nol to try lo »olv« It finally with' out lbo tnMl careful connldcratloi of oYory factor. The forlhomnlnF '• conaotidallon'report ftf the Inter atnt# commtte* commlialon will b: referred to u an Imporlani ••niilrl butlon 10 lh# loformatloa nt con Bre«fl. ' , Moade Sboaia. Thla may bo Irealod aeparntrl) and apociUcUly lu cunnoctlun will farmer relief. The prealdtnl taleiida to tnak< clear wlUioai ■■yUic ao direclly tlin lio faron " dlipoalos . of Mu»cl< Hhoala to 'Henry ForiVor aoinrlnxl: ------- Vli‘flwin~adrwW iX~rtr(r-nffercirTt llo—produce cheap ferllllter. IramiirrBtloD. tfere’tho prealdent will iirRo rau tlon Bfld full invoitlcutlou ot llli , policy la cryalftllred lulo pprnmnua ifi;lNlat|on. Ko ImmlKrnilon polli'i nliould Tin adopind. ho will tell ron dreaa. .whifih will ndreraely affrc tho country’* Industrial or otononih ocheme bo li expccled tn favor ox tentlon .and nimllflciillon of tin prcaoiil law. ------- ---------- -- por«-l«n Af/alrf*. Mr. Coolldso will polnl oul M i. uveful aliuatlon. In which lh tmi(ed Stalea flnda llnelf and rcFc to effort* In brlnK Amerlrnn liiflii (ince In boar- for a world lultUuieu tlirouth tho Hufbea ccoiioinlc ox p«rtii - r t u . Wlial Ua vUl ao>-. 1 anyiJjInjr on Ihe world rourl plan now before the lualc. h n rloael: Kuarded necrol. ________ L, ?iOgW> .JICTHOU-II.V.-------- DALBOA, C. Z..-NOV. 2«.—niancc Ibanez, fljuiafah writer, arrived aufferlDK frcrm nclatiea ao Oial hi wall bardir nlde lo walk. Jbniip had lo bo taken trom bin aloamo In a ebat^. niTOnrfc actiox vilkd. LOS AS’OnLES. Cal.. Sov. S1.—J illvorco aeUon waa filed hero loda: by Charloa Tyroler aiialnal Charlott Tyroler. m em tar'of tho Meiropt.ll tan Open cmpany o( Now York tie- charged ^dttorUon. JRlCtUnpSO.\ OajECTH, PilOENCC,' Arit.. ■Nor. 33.—Quv crSor llunl ot Artaona today ro cclved a Tmaaamr from Qoveroc yrJend Vf. nichardaon of Callfornl. refbilnc to participate la the pra poiMr trl*alal« conference rpfnrdln, Ihei Colorado Rirer haaln water xoi ilemont, [N F Older Boy Names ’2^ Is Largel f MEXICAN RESORT SWEPT BY BLAZE ed ■ ____ Dq Tia Juana Partly Destroyed ,n. by ^**"0 W hkh Spread Very Rapidly. , f5AX llll-XiO. Nur, Jniinii. V lho liiilny Mi-*li;.ii hiiVMii f.ir tin Ihlr-iiy iicro»ii ihi- llmt lh mlirn ' noutli of Han Dlrso wun in imrlliil I, rulna Imlay. Ili.i ronnlt cif' lln-. ,f Nctfirly half or tlm lo«vn wiin linrn- (. rd. The l(WR. ffrxc rnr(ma(>'il iil ii Millllon dollntH. iirobiil.ly v.ni not rxrrril ii iiuurlcr inllllon, Tcimrln lodny iBdlcaird. n Allhouah muru Ihun i> dozen »n. 'Mil- loona nil'll VainbllnK bnlln ' weru jnd liurnrit. drlvlnR Ani«rlriin tiiurlnin Itll- to lho nlrr-'ll. In nr;ir-|innlr, inurl. (ire of lho llijiior .liliirrn, . whlrh fnnBll- lUlcd llui chirr nliirk In Irailo o( Ihr jnrl lown, »«Tr jiuvci}. llo: Tbe firo brnko oul lale yrnlerilay nnd npread from one fllinny frame' Imllillnif lo Htlotbvr nnlll In turn, lbo 1.,,. OJflcp Hnr. Nciw|iorl Har, l.ant Cbnnro. Kllvrr Hur. Mriroiiolii nml l„_ mimeroUH othern biul Inrn rnUitrit lo anlirn. •llil ' ei’-mo"iilltmi rrowd >vnn ilrivun '<|F, Irom the bnrnlnr. .Vt-xl- of rnnn, 1'hlnrt.r, rrnrKiiilrn iiiid ilnl- nio raaU ot am-leiy Jonilcl llirli- way uld aniimR lbo tniirlnln who |inil »;:ilh* to ored for lui uflcrumiii of ":di:lil i'ro- InK.” , Sonin loollnc umh ■fr]inrlri1 uml ter rumnm were pannnl uroitiid that ;rf- lonlRra had bcrn nhot lint lltr Mrx- Icnn ofdrlalR Hero able lu nmlnlulii i Iro rood cheer. . un-- Kor vreekn it imn broa rrpnrtcd for Hint TI Juiina wan undrr llu- nffi- aay dul dlnplennuro of PrenldPnl Olire- •Ip- Kon ot Mcxiro. who plnnn lo ‘Vlean fonl up" Ihe border townn, Kepnrin, a:i bul a rrnull were lo cirrul.itlon Hint hf rffBuld—noL- PermlL rebuilding fot tho preient." not Tbo rarr- jm,;), ,,r Uji l.’aH- tl* fornlu Jockey club wun nol duni. rol- Ofifd. United Stetes Much' “o '?!' Concerned Over the Collapse of German} \°f'^ WAflHINOTON. Nov. i4—Tbr Unit- ,u». wl Stair* wonld view wilh Krralrni . 1,- concrni lho collapKi- of Cirrinany, I , J, wna aiaied on brbalf of t’renldrnl , Coolldeo loilay. L..I. -Tbia uialrnirnl . WQ:i madr on thi I..M. ol 11«. voir ol no .............. .lr Ibo Sircautnann Ruvrrnnirnl hy llu Rbruian liuk'bataK. tbo hiiminml fal of Klroni'inanti’a Bovrrnnient anil ihi and- jnnslhHUr-'yt -a-OrfTnan-cf>»n/«r-i» crt. follow. Howcvrr. It wan ftlatrd tbal llh- rrraldeni CooUdKc ban rrcelved nc lion official advicr* rcsardInK the Ger. ilnR man derelnproenin nnd ihat thc'prra. tor* Idrnl (rein lhai nhoiild lho Hlrrnr. h; mann caUlnri fall, ll would imitoulii. itrl- rdly bc nl onco rrylacrd. IDAHO WKATIIKIU Rain lonlKbt; Sunday colilrr. tely ____________■ »iib / : lake '> . Ihnl ude nxly -T n _ .,c --------------------------------- llic t llry ^ frel mile ■■ /m m ■fi'i* ' ,«ui . . ri .. .. f ^ 11%. lian. ---------- J _____ ffff. cely / - J —.-T--------------- 5;:^------------:: ---------------- «nco _ jero he > .T.' ~L i >d»v otto rocr rnla pro- 0 / - ALL TW IN FAT.T,S, TDAH Meeting 14 Officers; jy Attended r SCNfUVS I'KOIJHAW Murnlnit. _ 9:i:.->liirnlnK nonit ki-nlrr, Inl rl; b) <»■ Ih Kendall. .r. 10:(H).-lirlPk'atPn nml Inidrn nl- Irml Sunday nrh.ir.l nml chnrrh nlth luiitx nnd hiRiIe»M. .J Afloruoon. aiim-Urneral aswmlily, nnRsn and ilrvollonn. Addrena, -riir Older Ilor and ]|l> World." J. .Shirman Vul- Irr. nn. tti:>-('liinlnu m-rvlce of tho Con- Mrn I'irnlni.'. Iiul Tsilll-riiliin MT*lr.- In Ihe InI.-r- rnl of - liojn-I'rraldlnK ri|. Ilrt. llrjiilvld}. Aildn-«n— “Ihr H»,h „i Jdflli.s" J, „oi Slirnnnti I’ulli-r. • hn. (Slirrlnl lo Tho Tlmrn.) - oru liriU.l'IY, ' 111,Illll. Nov. 24.—llunl- Inln nrKH In luklnK lip Ilie llmo of Ibr ■irb Ollirr llnyn' ninfrn-nrr hero 'loduy Xtl- la ronlrant. wlih lhe rxrllemenl Ihr .vhlrh lirevnltrd yniterilay iiftonioon amoRR lhe all »f ir7i»m lay, were In utlrnilnnrr ul thr fooibnll mi' Kumo. Thiirit In n- lnr»;e rriirrnrnln- Ihn Hon from nil ,intrln of niiniliern ,u>it Idiibo. «ml Tho hamiurl. nnd cln ilon lunt evc- nluR were vrry iturrfMfiil i.ffiilrK and rroak'il mnrh eiiihunlnnm for .un Ihn innviMiinil, Kloyd Tuylor of tbln rxl- clly ivfla clc<'lri) iirosW rnt; .Mf. }l;in- lul- nru of Amrrlruii Knlln. vice prrnlik-nl. .•ay li'ud'Mr, Kowols of I’aul. arrrrlnry, Ih- Tbo iiililre«Hrii or-^olciiuut by rc- Miiyor J, 0, l.owo nod Hal|ih Cryitr In bobult of lho boyn nnd Iho Icnd- ind rrnblp nf Itev, 0. U KemUll. wcro Ital iililirerliitrd {raluren. Tho Inlk iif rx- (hr rvriilnr on tbe nubjrri, "f'liiida- uln menliiln In lho Clinlro of Cirerr" by A. Ij. Mrrrill mnilo a prnfuund Ini- .,^,1 i>rr..Hlun. >1. W. Urlnwolil wua IuumI- iffl- ‘" '''“ er; , ,re- llarnia >''l»hor of Twin I-'nlln nnti can Ilulph Lovo nf Kllor wont on thr a:i Ilhl of Bpcnkern thia atloruoun. he Huppcr and hiudiii will tukr np ior. Uic,Umtt-.tliht-jtnnlnc ni-niiL durlut ----- Uro•^l}lITl^^y^)r-^t-tallc-w^ “A hoy'a alj. Phyaleal World" by Becreinrj- B. A. iRi- Xrwaman of Uiq Pocatello Y. M. C. A. Tomorrotr there will ho varl- ouK aorrlcc* hcjtlnnlnit at t:!Ei wllh n niornln* aenrlce.-The conference will cloao In lho atlernoon by tbere Q will be a senernl tiBlon nervlce In th o OTcnlnE- ny — ----------- U\E-i’Ol’M> HAUY I)U:H. nit- HOUSTON, .Nov. 24,-Afltr u IJD- lonl ,iay flshl fnr llfo In whlrh nhe uii- • I' tonlahod pbyalcluna by hrr romurk- ''■n* nblo vitality. Morlo ItoKcrn. ono- , IX.uml haby illnl laxl nlchl. Tlio !'"■ IS-yorn-old molbor, Mm. C. KoRcra. ' wlio ■ hnll' hcL'U 111 for fimr inonlhB "'.‘‘ i wilh typhoid nmlnrlu. la nsnln In n rrlttrnl condition from Krlrf over ,-l„ Ihlt bahy-n death.___ __________ _ nnAVT iJivKx iiroHF.s. Jcr- ^yA&^INOTON. D. C„ Not. 2i.-i- rra- Oroat DrilBln'i ilrafl nf lhe pro- ,-»i- pored treaty cxtcndlnc Amerlean jhi- Jurlidiclion orer nhip* to tbo 12- mlle limit ul,»cn wan banded Hccro- lury of Sime UiiRhni ihl* nfiornooB by CbarRo d'Afrnlrc* Chlllon of lbo llrlllnh cmbamy,___________________ IS' /c S Di JaO,-SATIIRr)AY, Nnvi IWslyi j m INTWO : mhllJE I- ‘I Explosions in Pennsylvania and Ohio Take Toll; Ital- t" ian and Spanish Consul- Ci ates Wrecked in . South (• Philadelphia District. i’Hiiw\i)i:i.PiiiA, .s’o v ,' :;i Till' lUvllnn ami .‘^pnilUli ronnulatrn In . Houth I'hlladrlpl.tn wrrr pnrllally ijj wrrrkril by iwo liomti rxp|unluni> lo- 7 Thr firm hoinl. rtpl'oilrd on ilu- ''' >i|rp-> of Hir S|>Bnl>h r.mtiillnll-'n luitili- ni 701 I’lnr iiirrrt lOiortly iiftrr inir — o'rlnrk, T h r iiociunl liomlilni; oi- rnrrnl nt thc Sont. of lluly Hank ul Kroail and Tanker Mrrrl. ut.ovi- wblrli „ 1. the Italian conniilntc In locutrd. il„. .Al Ihe Spanlnh lonnitlnir ibr fi!>ni I,iy door and veallbul- wrre i-ixuplrlrly wrrcktil and thr I(ih<t floor Inidly Q- daniBi:i-<h i’lliu atn-ci for a blork wan carprtrd wllh npllntrriil Klafia. Al tbo Son* of Italy llank. doom , wrro kouckrd trom thrlr blnKrn, ibr planter fell from irllinRx nml tiirnl- 'f* turr waa tnmbloil m rvory dlnirilon. Kmll Do Matto Y. Oricr. Spanlnh vc- cnnnul. told dctrcllr.* ihat br wciil ilrK lo Hie poatotflCi' lit It o'rlOck lai-.f for nisht lo mall nome iniiTa and on hln bln retnrn found u aull rani’ In Iho vi' k- iin- IDiiilo (>/ tb)' ronaiiloie. look tl Jnio nil. lhe lioiiiu) but bi'romltiK luiiiplrloun ol what ll nilKlil roiilnlii. I put li bark. ,,v Inlo Ihr voallhillr," lie n*|.t. 'Tliv. y ' lilen.4it n.bonib dldi, i ornir to mr " llhevallrr i^lllrlll nmdo ihr tollou- p,„ InK alatrmrnt: i f "I ran aonlKU no motlvr for aiirli , nn atiTKluun dr«-d. 1 mippoiir huiiii -on ot pomicnl nrlMi.v liuii.lrnl li, TOl.KDO. O . . Nov. :i-AnuHicr liiimb rxplo.ilun iillnrd .nortb»rntrrii md Ohio loday. thr Thu hlnnl canir til inldnUbt on llu- • farm of C'hrlnl H.-lll.rn:. wrnl nt llowllUK f.rrrn, ll nri flrr lo Ihr Qt:.a-iiUlo.nuay..taL,tLB ,coQcim«ion, . No one wan InJurrJ, however. ilhrrlff ]>rwiB fivnioL wbn inveail- eated. nnld tho bomb- may have bocn ] planted hy.thr Toledo inaiilac who In hold rrapooalblo for nlno other Idiuitn here lo reconl monlh#. . School . Teacher and Her Uncle Deny AU :;i)- Knowledge of Crime t.ACVaN/Kan. Nor. 2<.—MI*n Ar- in^ Scotl. achool toacbnr. chari:cd n>o Jointly wllb nmrdorlne lho laUor’H wife, loday denied all knowIedKo of “>'» tho crime. M n, iicotl WUH nhot lo di-.ith Inat iver jdijr, Suoii claimed the woman ___ ^na„klllcd._durlm:_ ati...altaclc ,.by. holdup men, Ho waa urronled and Irlud for murder bul tho Jury dla- l.-i- aireod. Aulhorllion rlalmud lhi>\ iro- Arvlno und Scolt ilonlrcil to ho niar- can ried. Tho niecu lived al tbo'Scott 12- home, bul waa aiitndlnB achool nt :re- PlitJiburR at the time ot tho nuir- ooB der. At Scoifa trial evlduQce wnn lbo Introduced to nhow that ho vinlted Arvlno noon after tho killing. rsmm j^sTxp^an G«48W££ d / AILl yp.MRRk 24, 1 Cooiidge Lool to Campaign i WASIIIMITHS. N.n, ::l I’ln.ulcul i (•.HillilKr J ^ ■•jirtnrly |,nllilllii;,f.'lurH- S lowlm: m ;-b,«u'of ' ,,.i':.mml 'n.m -'' pnleiilnt.- which hi "in:!ir -liiin niillr •! I pnunluriir.- In Mni^na. IniM lln |inU- ' illcH.- ;■ At oue i.lt’ol.r toiliiv tlu- lUi ^lili lit , killed off a piTit.li-tii wlilrh micbl 1 hnvr rHiinril him iioul.lr In thr i..-n- i ll* ofoiin rtfori !■< In li.- mad-- In l:i;i lo i ,1 takr adv.nnlairr o( ail rxp.rird dIMti- ^ Ion Ilf dri.unrallr nlrriiiJh 1i,lv...-u I th .MrAdan nml I'mb'n.<.<«l. ' < ,\1r, foull.lK.', . . ....... I th - ir-.l):ii!i- i linu of .loMl.li W, •lolli.ll'ir. l‘llllr.1 I Siui,:i itini^lial Ioi «.nt,in So.itl. ! hr Cniullnn uml lu uliiui.fni TmIIk . i 'i. i lu rnliriiM-Irl niilL.llilnl' Hi..... M|>u).ll- I lly ram. to frilnnl JoIik in Toll.nfi, ill-.-;! Tolhm^i. nnllu^l iriiiiMUuu rom- ::PACKiRSOBJECf : T0 AUDIT PLANS lly ______ 1 nil I Showdown Near Between, lie Big Firms and Govcm- ment of U. S. i WASIll.NllTKN, Nov. :’l Tbr i;ov- . li;{ f-rnimnt nud th r im-iii pni-k.-ii' ni*'J lln iiboul l» rkbl oul In tlir roiirtn llir I Ion;: (Ih.iiiilnl iinrtnlon of murrii- | )li> mrnt'ii rli:hl lo luy h.iir thr Imt.liiinn1 rrrorih. of hir Indimii Irs, | rk Tbr iiii|>rnillni: rim,i lialll.- ovrr tbr 1 br giiihlloii bun n \lliil hrnilni; on pro- ' ponnl le::IMntlon In n'i;ulnlr the- rii;.M pilri'!! iind linrranonutilr iiroflln. ! '•I> Thr iihji rl Ilf Ibr roiit. nl uill li.'j prbiiartly to d.iltlr whnhrr Srcn-I I', ury of Ai;rlriillnr.- Wullnrr run en- ' forrr hln ilrmamt Uul lUo Ih'luu b i-. l'hka;ii) parkmi. SwUl. Wllnon nnd K-T ruiiahy iirniill ;;ov..,nmrnt aildlloin ■f" mirr>.trlrtril nrcri.n lo Ibrlr bool.n. ,, Thr rrni tili:nlflrnnrr of llir Hll. ""I howrvrr. win Im - In ilrrldlli;: v-hrlli. r I,' rom:re:.n rj.n ronulliulli.nnlly foirr Inilitnirlrn ir> iny Imrr ili.ilr liinrr "***7 Tbn QUrnllon In now before ibr it|. courm In a variny of coKcn, hue tti« !cn Isiiur lirtwecn thr itppariinuu't of bk- I In rlriilinrc nnd the aackrra I* etcar rut. atn rroeri-illni; undrr thr packora and oiockynrdn art whlrh br Inlrrpreicd 10 Klvr him till- riKht. Wnllncc Icvliii a demand on lliu purkcra ibat tlu-y throw oiicn llirir houkji lu bln aiidlt- I orn nny Hnu- br ank.-il ihrm lii. Tbry rrfitniMl. Wallace’n nrxl ntrp will be a e manilamua priKrrdluKa to compel Ibcm to. Whrlbcr he nuecced* or • r. falla. lllli palb Irada nlralKhl to thr anprrnir courl where Hu- whole quen- ;^.‘J Hon will bll finally rulrd upon. ? m s ABSENCE s OF B IGTRAPPER Tho pcacii ofllccr* of ihl* and aur- roiindlnK connllra conilnui: to ncour the roiinliy In nrarrh nf the tbrro hiirKlnra whn rnbhrd Ihn llazi-ltni) tmuk Tburnilay nftetuoon. l.rd l>y Drpuly Chnrlrn i:. Jon<'n, a turly rnn ilown KOmit rrpiitrii clurn III Iho nPlchtiorhood-of-AnnilBn-Clly .-laat- nlr.bl. In Uio courno of the nrarcb 11 wan rrvrnlril thnt Itoy i:uhankn. O will kflown Irappcr, had dlnappraied nnd atiparertlly hnd I.een Umt. Ho Id nol KUnpecleil ot cimiDllriiy. BUd a mnrch for bltn in on Imlay Irnt lie mny Imve hi-en Injured In nomo way. Klvr mra wcrr lakrn,lui *unprcta laal nlKhl bul nil prnvrd allhia and were rrlcaard. A nearchins party viiHlcd Viler and vlrlnlly ibla afler- uooh. Afieal Mlllatroji rrprcaenlinK Hie hank Inffiirance companlea Ib ber« i«kU>i; a luadliiE pari In lbo aearch. ijini nlKhi Slirrlffa w, w. Hi-nry-of Jrro.... . W .'ll. Cole. Minidoka and Clarcnre Wberirr ot I.incoln confcw red wlUi Sheriff M. tl Flneb bero. TAKE rAYKOLI, NICWAUK, N, }.. Nov. !<~Kivo arm- ed handlla today eaeapcd wlih a pay-1 roll contalnlns r.hou aflrr holdinK ' up Uireo nti-anenKora of the lillton] ___aoihitiK etmipfliiy Jn aii, nllrywny on the aideof ibc company'a plant bero. | REJECTED SUITOR THINI HASPI^TTY FEET E AA.S' KnANCIHCO, Cal,. Nor. H .— Thh i» iitjiale ot unre(iulted.'liJ»o— lavolvlnu ,'lrtiilo Frl|?anta, aclreaa. nud her chm doctor. Dr. daUir Koealxnieln. an Kran- , cUco «Wfopodl*i. hlx tlmm married and divorced and now looking for hla‘ i«»entU wife, fa tbo "maB ta Ibe CMB." 2ifn (ell n. “m x le haa baauUfut feal." ez- plalDod Dr. Koenlgitalo. "For ao beei a women htr foota la mafalfi- ceot “Sbo bad oao coroa—ono teeny w»eny coroa. -9ho cama to me to fit It I “Now 1 eot (I (real way wllb Y TE a k ijig Forwardj of Next Year I'H- tiirUI lluliilu ' u;iM Mil, \ ......... . ................ nt ,1 I mi;i>lK.I. S.'Uuioi JH.il, 'I; Ii'ii'jT'' I'f m'i ' I'wii.i;. )i:,!!',!‘i.t"!i'.- II. iiMiuliiuium^ l,,irl,^hj;.l v>,.iil,l i,..M 111 : Thr lur^lilrlll': ,i>'1li.ri ,n tl;- -Int tll tiril riiM- lr._uiyly..liMii| l„ li.n. | ;.!|^^ll'l’ i ' u |!V.'ii'|''»'.'1 \ ; ' M l I r.ld, tit ! •" cV:i'l '!'l'.l'.''!''lu ,.li .('(.i'n 'm Iiou Hm I !1- iL.i.t.li- «l.irh m.-iii ,uU .n..l). iit-j |.,1 (r,.| ll,-. ,:iiuu.la,'.. .U.l.. «;i- ni..-. tl. M.’ Iiuil Hull WoH. ..1 ........................ I-;, liUic l. -ultli him Ul Ul.' Wl.ni ll ........ II- III 1,11 .'(Icil lo luiu-li .iji ll.......l.l (. ml ' r>-;lM't'.....u ........ I iiml lli.ii% hau/l>.ii.. II- !i.;.|». UMiiI.I :'o >.mI|i| I Magnus, Johnson , ! S and Family Are in W ashingfton , 1 \vaimm :'i'" n'. t>. c , -Vov :'i I "Wrll, h.'i.' '% .■ UM’. M .illlrf," t^;.i.i i ;n, ^rmil.ir .M;ii; ium .lnliti iui itiln ; I iu..r,ilii,: a'. I..- ;.I..1 J,|m wit- ;,nil : : IY.V ilum;hl.'tn w;ltl.r,| iip ll,.- ; I t.|r,>ii ut r,:i Syi.riimrr ..in-i-t, Tu- ' ; lionm I’url., M;.r>I(ii.,l, j , "Will.- yunr vh.... . v.I.l .Mr.. ,„J .Ji.lilu-.'ii, mln.iriil .-r ..... f:u t ....... ;;;'r^'::;::.'u.-.i ................ .......... „„1 W.illi.il III un.l tui'iiv ..<.,,,1 ,1 I.iuli I l.r.iiu:l.i up Hu-lr l.:.|-,T Iiu C - , I li.iw tlu- Iirw t.ru.ilor rri.iii .Mlll- ' I n.-i.lu uml hi'. I.ilullv iniix'd |„i.. II,. (r Imm- luTr. "W.- .Inidril mil to iiilur ..III ; ! (nriilliiri- e;,.<t" i.;.l.| Mnr .l .lui. 1 , : turn, -Su wr J,l:it rrlll.'.l thi- ; .!; I ill:..-,- (,n;,l..|iril. Mi.k. -> II n t.ii ■' ! tunirr fur nm. If., .uld In brn- ! ir',1 TM-. Ill'll t-i Mi.t!liiiK, wh.. wai. i ] huvrrlni: ubiiul, i.rl.lrtullv' nur- i "I "" I f AKEDENTISTS s ONDEFENSIVE icy III- be R o u n d u p of ' Illegitimate Practitioners Goes Ihr On Vigorously. •m ;\v YOIIU .T T . \l- \ lirlvi' unl "tnke" drniinla lodny wan a.ld.-.l lo Hm; ra:.t'» .•friirin to rllmiiial.- fnl«o prartllli.ni'rn whonr nrtlvlH.'ii an- nl- lri;.-d lu litvr roui atvt-ral huniuil jllv.n and rau-u-.l nntf.-rlnK to ibou- KollowInK rcvelailnii of mnlpr.-ic- llrr l.y unfAUKbt "do;:(nra" in Cuii- nrcllcnt nnd olher mntrn. tbc nt.-xlr Inltormy Krnrrnfn offlre hrrr un- \lnoinirrrt thnl'five hunilr«-<i "fahi:" l;d.'ntlnii, uro praciiclnK In New Vork I City, many ot tbrm wlihoul n nim- I hlanrr of u iI.Kn-r or licrnnp, Drtrrtlv.'i. of the allontry Krtl.-ral'a oflic- W.T.I huniln:: lwo younj: men ur- nllrRed to l.e kndrrn of a hnml which )ur "mnde" lho dcntl.n». fnrnlnhlni; Hirni rnt wllh ••dlplomaj" ond necou.l band loi) louin.. hy AmooK the ••drnllntn" prarllrtnK In m i .New York. II wan nald, n rr fornier lho tailors. tiliii;-makrni. hollrrniakem. aat- ^nrt~3>ttit-f>1ifTn-rtrlttpnr-'whO'hml -no I il nrllleil o.vupatlon hrfiire,' In llrooklyn report* to Hu- aitor- ney Krnerar« oftlcu aald ono of thenr practlilllonrn* npllntvrwl a paitrni'M Jaw In nlt.iniptinK lo rxlracl a looth and latrr tho i-nilro Jaw bone hud to '•omovo.h______________ I’HKHIUEXT IS. KAVOIt OK |;‘y Ol'KIt-VTLMJ.SUUALS AT MISS WAHUI.NOTO.V. I). C... Nov. .2 1 .- ch. PreHldeni Coolldso bollovoa the .of Kt^fe^nmciil qtiould oparate* Muacle jid Hboiila at a loan, II nccomnry, ll cw wan aonououcd today at tbo Whllo - Hatine. The Importanco of titimtc bulli for local defenae nnd fcrllllter tn ai]cb thnt Cootldiv l^llcvca tbo exponso would bo Juntifled,^ ly. f It WU* Imllculwli fiowoTeV. that ItiKilho ndmlnlatrallon In worklnK out iont» new plan tu tny before Henry on_l>*ord wllh a view uf bavlnK blm rv- TOrliiew hla ollcf. INKS WOULD-BE WIFE r EVEN IF SHE WAS COOL I.— women. I married ilz of Hioni.,Bo 0- I kidded Trixie. Thero alii'l no- laa. body like mo when ll coinea lo kld- dlnea women'a. an- '.I would have lleklod her toca led Imt „iie waa my customer and 1 fn'' don'l tickled cuslomen toes, "Qut 1 cured her corn and abo amlled. Sbe hadn't amlled before, ex. “I likes amlle*. 8ho knowa how go (o amlle. She woald make a cood If], wlfo. She could make me laugh-al braakfait. tny "So I propoaed to bor. ,"6ho aald ’DO. no.’ So I Un’t marrylni;. her: rltb “ Qut, soali, abe bas protly {eeta." MES ()M> von, xin. NO. r.,v iliW : NEW CABlit : POfiGElM- I S h ip of Slnlc Htlplcss In I Se.i of Turmoil and Dis- j conlvnt Wilh President At- iir I lcm i)liiiU Formalion of ' [ GovcrnmL-nl Body. Iil:lcMX. .Nov. Jl. l-.-.,li|..nl i;ti- Iil ............ r.iin.Mi'ii n-imly St.-iifrkd , |-r.n li.^iiilmlf, .1^^ li'.ulvr^ ..I llu-, i‘|i"""|'‘"'"'i'‘ 1 IIKIII.I.v. N.U. ;-| 'Thr (;.riuun li-liil. I.I, ....... ....Il.iw.,1 r,i.|.lerl.i-n I 1^ ,1 u jiui.nip^, i.Mtltlri.I ^ii..|uv^m. I ;i,'nll'-'’'tmil''l',mi.'lmw Im 'wVn" l.r iillie ,, .to liml .1 ui.rl..,l.li- r..ml,l,i,,llun Iur , :>.,iii|>iirl l.r u .;iMl,.'f. ,. . Tint rv|,r, .'lUii. il'rtat lanl . lutrht. r.illm.liii; n-iiKtiuili.n uf tlu- S]n".riuan>i dul ui.I lliatrrh.licr, 11 wa-i ’imt l.,.tl-\rii Illr nrw rahl- ,| ni l lii-ail vm.iiM h- ................. 1 brf.in- H M.fmlay ;iini Ihul tlu- niv.TUlurul, i.oKi.J I..- .n n c ir .i m „ rlr.lii winr. . |.;..liT ;.l lliat tliu.-. 1 . c.itiillil.itr. for tlir ,h;.lirrllnr..lilp .liM'huli-il 111. .I..ti..iim i; Vl.ll llli'hrr. I I rlut" i.r';-<lil.-til al Wnrlrmliori:. .Irin- . liK'ratl.; Ii..rty uml I>r. lleinrlrli Al- - lli.rt. r.i.i.iiil..Trd fur 1. 1,1 expllillu .! -Ill llir fiiiud Sl.iten wlu-n. lut wuu - lulta.lud lu lho Urrman rnibiim.y, liliirliijj tlu- mrly yi-ar. ut Hu; wnr. t ll w,i:i iuitl.lpntial Hint Ceiierul u IV..II S.'r.'ki \v..uld roinln his nual Ul. iiulionul ilicliilor, |.u:ialbly wltli •' »lrom;rr jiow.-ra. Sir.-Mrmunn'i. rrnlKniilh.ii liilr ycn- li.rdny runm nflrr h.. hail lallod lo -- triain niii.ptirl fur bin c.mlllloo C.tb- -----, llie-tnr.—of—w|rt.ntr-Bllm-h»— - • ' liritu ll.ally hy nurimtnt*. Thu ehan- i.illor deninjiileil a "ahow .Uowa," on hla policlcii and a vole of nilu- ronflilrnru rollowi;il, 230 lo l&E. T Assi'Miis flvnt'i: Ti:Mi'(ntAnn,T I j i.D.s AN('.r;i.i;s. .s'ov. :t-.seekinR If) iirot.Ll Ihr lnlrrr.iu of Uil- l'n- , rlflr (X.xir IruKiir. Jolm H. Karrrll. . hi-rrrl.iiy of Hie Nailonnl ABnoclallon lie of Minor I.aiiuum to<Uy temporarily look ovrr Ihr offirr Of coanl IraKUC Iirr-.ldrnl. neriinllniT lo trli-Krama re- rrlv.'d l.y Ihr Vrrnon nnd Ix.a AnRtlra rluha, I'nrrrli In n mrmber ot Iho hanehall t.i.anl of nrblirntlon lhal will lie. Idr Ihr rlnlnia of H arry'A . Willlniim und Wllilum H. MrCarihy lo Hm- offirr at tin- ClllcaKO inui-tlUB . „„i nrxl montb. r - Oil“Demon5tration“ ~T“ im- at Oakley Tuesday; Ijn;. Barbecue Feature irk --------- ■ni- Khiul drmnnnirnilon ibat the West Prarl Oil romi.aiiy baa oil and sa« il'a In imv In.: i|iiaulltl.-» will Imi mado icn n<-xt '. 'xduy ul a dcmonniratlon In Icb Oaklry it wun nlaled ibl* afieraoca nn h) U. \V, .Sirtlnian of Iho compaay, iDii who in here In Invito everybody lo Ibu drninn*imilnn and n bla barbr- i„ rue Hint will acc-ompauy II. Ho aaya thnl Ibry. will provo tho raal. with- the n.'w mueblnory^^ow Inauncd;^^ KO hy wuy ,ot Arti-fllan Clly, Thoao , tvfm (MuiK f(ioiilil er-pon to lhe chambrr nf ronimercit lierc and tben 7.‘' ro lo'llurlry wberfaiitoa will moot ‘jl" nnd lakr ihcin oul. l>vl-ryljoily ta la- Thankeg^vmg us Spirit in Air of Twin Falls City Ho The Tbank«lvlnp aplrll U In tho ,, air today, allhoush tho w ent doea noi— - ,i,„ lakr place imilll TburadaT' ot nest week.' Ill addiuott lo UDloa.scrrices at lhe Prttaliyiortan church oo tho day luelf, and tho apodal mualcal aervico al Iho rrfabjUrlan church 00 Sunday ninht. thoro w|ll bo Tb»Bl»- '>a< Bivins mann at 81. mwaxrt'a CaUiollo l.nt church al 5 o'clock oa baxI Tbursdv try nnd nprclal arrvlcr at lha Lutharu re- <t«y. l a — aermon appropriaio for lho occaalon. Tbo Uaptltt li. Y. P. V. ulvea a apMla] M program Suoday aftoraoon. fL Meanilmo tbo puinpkl&a «re look* ; Ins weakly aad Ihc Uirktya Ihougtit^ SO __ no- PUIKCK IX J m t - .< LONDON., Nov. a4-P rH »o 'AtfslbWt., third non of the ronttar KolMr'hM ' nca arrived at .Merane. Uolr; •' dtopaldi - 1 from Deflla aatd lo<Ur> prem M blr - for ao Interview -witk - the' toraar ’' .Ue cmwn prince, wh» U «t CutiB silcala. Tbc crown vrion has ariM, ’ ' ror-ait Itatlan rla« to U$ that be can so to*Merino^ th* patch aald. ' ........ -j '■! ^ iuKLViDHni* N Jr-iotmk 'Vim h«rmit< hod M:-i>uh lo-t aMr«t«4 ISOMMVtBflS . anaar‘U»--noor'oe. kU'.wMl^^;aii2^ la." burned yMterdsj'; ' ’iJ,; ■■ ■W ' -- .......

TWI[N F ALL S DiAILlY TEMES Older Boy iliW mm Names ’2^ Is ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · TWI '^'i Y0I,1I.MK 0. NUMIIlili Inl. mm ISfW CongreM Will Be

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Page 1: TWI[N F ALL S DiAILlY TEMES Older Boy iliW mm Names ’2^ Is ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · TWI '^'i Y0I,1I.MK 0. NUMIIlili Inl. mm ISfW CongreM Will Be

TW I'^ 'i Y 0I,1I.M K 0. N U M IIlili I n l .

m mI S f W

C ongreM W ill B e W a rn e d A g a in s t H a s te in C om ing S essio n ; N o th ing M ust Be D one to D istu rb th e Coun< try , H e Insists . .

‘1VASIIIN(JT0N. !►. <■-. No>. !JI. ~T 1 id kernolo or 1‘irs iitfn l (’■ooIIiIict' h (oftiiremlnir mr»n«(cr (e ronirreoK n lll hot

r “ Ikn»*t do nnrUilDK to distiirli------ tt© connlfT. U N tli*- dulJ

oongrcM lo c ra iio nnd prtHfru" Uio' connlry’M fonflUfUtP. »ln- Wllty «nd iifn»B of •ffo rlty ."Thla nolo will run thrmiRtioul Un-

rccommenclnMon vrlilrli wltl covcr n connlilcrnblo ot nubjpcln, T!u' iin'nn- iiRO M now victunlly eiiiiiiiloi<x| timl Mr. CoollilKo expccW ru.liavc iirliil- ed coplei o t U HBrornlii ilayn bcfcirc bo p m e n U tt to .cnnKmm.

Somo hOBdlRCT o t rrrn mtni'aKe nm] llio Tjewa to b« oxpreiiiicil Inclmlo:

TMftllun.Tlio eomlllloH of llio Kfiv.Tnmciir«

fltianco aad lli« onlldiik tnr Die lui- modlaie fulurc juakG uouulblv H«' tormlilorntlon of Ux lu w ' rovl'.Inn w ith ri'ductlimn In .<t IuIii ran?* Tliln reiluclldti iiiunt Im niinlo wllb tl v(ow li> l(ic Kovprniiidii'« iiro<lf, wlilioul Injuiilcc or illiiturliiinro ot bUMlllc«». Tlio mewiiRO will Klnlc bow Mr. Coollilgc b.tllevri. «limiM Sin bill will iicji Bltpmpi iimliily to lltnll llB (rocdoiu of iicllon.

AiipniiirintlimH.Ttim r will bn ircntcd In ii Ifiti-r

troiism lillns lho budRoi but n rof- cronco to them In Ihc n-K'ilflr iii«‘iiri. Dgo Is tiUo forocnKi. Mr. CmillilKu will w irn agalmil inakliiK lho couii- Iry'B proBpcMiy lho cxcuno tor ■•pork barrot" approprlatiotm of aa> nurt #a«l will polnl oiil ihiit auch ap- liroprl»Ucm» will • iioi only dcfoni •ny cM hce tn t rcducllon bul

---------v ll l .dtot ur b-biuUr * '"; V etm n n .

.Tlio ' Tneaiaxa probatjfy . wHl nol rotor tfl ttl# soldlor bonun illroctly. but will cor«r care of iHanbled voi-

• AirrietiUart.Siepn tho admlnlBlrAtlon hnn lak-

cn 10 holp BRrlcullure will Im oltoil oolaWy Ihtt mlMlon of m n k M«n- dell and Bujonn Moyer Ki lho worn tu tho In tereat of co-oi.crallvo m or VollRK. CortitroH* will tic Invllot carefully to consider Icnl^U xfl auR RcstloiiH toodo lo ll. .W torw , o t lUi nicrlcuUuro dopartm cnr lo worti t plaa for a ‘'w hcnt board" to hrl; w heal producoM dlnposc of Iboli nurpluB will bo cllol. .

RallnBdii._______Thla prpblim w ill . bo i ro a lc irn :

ono of paranioljnf Jnjportance" oni conKrcM will bo advlncd. la effort no l to t ry lo »olv« It finally with' out lbo tnM l careful connldcratloi of oYory factor. The forlhomnlnF

'• co n ao tid a llo n 're p o rt ftf the Inter atnt# com m tte* commlialon will b: referred to u an Im porlani ••niilrl butlon 10 lh# loformatloa n t con Bre«fl. ' ,

M oade Sboaia.Thla may bo Irealod aeparntrl)

and apociUcUly lu cunnoctlun will farm er relief.

The prea ld tn l taleiida to tnak< clear wlUioai ■■yUic ao direclly tlin lio f a r o n " dlipoalos . of Mu»cl< Hhoala to 'Henry ForiV or aoinrlnxl:

------- Vli‘flw in~ ad rw W iX ~ rtr(r-n fferc irT tllo—produce cheap ferllllter.

IramiirrBtloD. t f e r e ’tho prealdent will iirRo rau

tlon Bfld full invoitlcutlou ot llli , policy la cryalftllred lulo pprnmnua

ifi;lNlat|on. Ko ImmlKrnilon polli'i nliould Tin adopind. ho will te ll ron dreaa. .whifih will ndreraely affrc tho country’* Industrial o r otononih ocheme bo li expccled tn favor ox tentlon .and nimllflciillon of tin prcaoiil law.

------- ---------- -- por«-l«n Af/alrf*.Mr. Coolldso will polnl oul Mi.

■ u v e f u l a liuatlon. In which lh tmi(ed S ta lea flnda llnelf and rcFc to effort* In brlnK Amerlrnn liiflii (ince In boar- for a world lultUuieu tliro u th tho H ufbea ccoiioinlc ox p«rtii - r t u . W lial Ua vUl ao>-. 1 anyiJjInjr on Ihe world ro u rl plan now before th e l u a lc . h n rloael: Kuarded necrol.

________ L, ?iOgW> .JICTHOU-II.V.--------DALBOA, C. Z..-NOV. 2«.—niancc

Ibanez, fljuiafah w riter, arrived aufferlDK frcrm nclatiea ao Oial hi wall b a rd ir nlde lo walk. Jbniip had lo bo taken trom bin aloamo In a ebat^.

• n iT O n rfc a c t io x v il k d .LOS AS’OnLES. Cal.. Sov. S1.—J

illvorco aeUon waa filed hero loda: by Charloa T yroler aiialnal Charlott Tyroler. m e m ta r 'o f tho Meiropt.ll tan O p e n c m p an y o( Now York tie - charged ^dttorUon.

‘ JR lC tU npSO .\ OajECTH, PilOENCC,' A rit.. ■ Nor. 33.—Quv

crSor l lu n l o t Artaona today ro cclved a Tmaaamr from Qoveroc yrJend Vf. nichardaon of Callfornl. re fb iln c to participate la the pra poiMr trl*alal« conference rpfnrdln, Ihei Colorado R irer haaln w ater xoi ilemont,

[N FOlder Boy

Nam es ’2 Is Largel


ed ■ ____

Dq T ia J u a n a P a rt ly D estroyed ,n . by ^**"0 W h k h S pread

V ery R ap id ly .

, ■ f5AX llll-XiO. Nur, Jniinii.V lho liiilny Mi-*li;.ii hiiVMii f.ir tin

Ihlr-iiy iicro»ii ihi- llmt lh mlirn ' noutli of Han Dlrso wun in imrlliil I, rulna Imlay. Ili.i ronnlt cif' lln-.,f Nctfirly half or tlm lo«vn wiin linrn- (. rd. The l(WR. ffrxc rnr(ma(>'il iil ii

Millllon dollntH. iirobiil.ly v.ni not rx rrril ii iiuurlcr inllllon, Tcimrln lodny iBdlcaird.

■ n Allhouah muru Ihun i> dozen »n. 'Mil- loona nil'll VainbllnK bnlln ' weru jnd liurnrit. drlvlnR Ani«rlriin tiiurlnin Itll- to lho nlrr-'ll. In nr;ir-|innlr, inurl. (ire of lho llijiior .liliirrn, . whlrh fnnBll-

lUlcd llui chirr nliirk In Irailo o( Ihr jnrl lown, »«Tr jiuvci}. llo: Tbe firo brnko oul lale yrnlerilay

nnd npread from one fllinny frame' Imllillnif lo Htlotbvr nnlll In turn, lbo

1.,,. OJflcp Hnr. Nciw|iorl Har, l.ant Cbnnro. Kllvrr Hur. Mriroiiolii nml

l„_ mimeroUH othern biul In rn rnUitrit lo anlirn.

•llil ' ei’-mo"iilltmi rrowd >vnn ilrivun '<|F, Irom the bnrnlnr. .Vt-xl-

of rnnn, 1'hlnrt.r, rrnrKiiilrn iiiid ilnl- nio raaU ot am-leiy Jonilcl llirli- way uld aniimR lbo tniirlnln who |inil »;:ilh*

to ored for lui uflcrumiii of ":di:lil i'ro- InK.” ,

Sonin loollnc umh ■fr]inrlri1 uml te r rumnm w ere pannnl uroitiid that ;rf- lonlRra had bcrn nhot lint lltr Mrx-

Icnn ofdrlalR Hero able lu nmlnlulii iIro rood cheer. .un-- Kor vreekn it imn broa rrpnrtcd for Hint TI Juiina wan undrr llu- nffi- aay d u l dlnplennuro of PrenldPnl Olire- •Ip- Kon o t Mcxiro. who plnnn lo ‘Vlean fonl up" Ihe border townn, Kepnrin, a:i bul a rrnull were lo cirrul.itlon Hint hf

rffBuld—noL- PermlL rebuilding fot tho preient."

not Tbo rarr- jm ,;), ,,r U ji l.’aH-tl* fornlu Jockey club wun nol duni. rol- Ofifd.

United S tetes Much'“o'?!' Concerned Over the

Collapse of German}\°f'^ WAflHINOTON. Nov. i4—T br Unit-,u». wl Stair* wonld view wilh Krralrni.1,- concrni lho collapKi- of Cirrinany, I

, J, wna aiaied on b rbalf of t’renldrnl, Coolldeo loilay.

L..I. -Tbia uia lrnirnl . WQ:i madr on thiI..M . ol 11«. voir o l no ...............lrIbo Sircautnann Ruvrrnnirnl hy llu Rbruian liuk'bataK. tbo hiiminml fal of Klroni'inanti’a Bovrrnnient anil ihi

and- jnnslhHUr-'yt -a-OrfTnan-cf>»n/«r-i»crt. follow. Howcvrr. It wan ftlatrd tballlh- rrra lden i CooUdKc ban rrcelved nclion official advicr* rcsardInK the Ger.ilnR man derelnproenin nnd ihat thc 'p rra .tor* Idrnl (rein lhai nhoiild lho Hlrrnr.

h ; mann caUlnri fall, ll would imitoulii.itrl- rdly bc n l onco rrylacrd.

IDAHO WKATIIKIU Rain lonlKbt; Sunday colilrr.

tely ____________■ •»iib / :

lake '> .Ihnludenxly-T n _ . ,c ---------------------------------

llic t

llry ^


■■ / m m■fi'i* ' ,«u i . . r i .. .. f

11%.lian. ---------- J __ ___ fff f .cely • / - J — .-T--------------- 5;:------------::

----------------«nco _jero

he >

.T.' ~L


rocr •rnlapro- ■ 0 /


ALLT W I N F A T . T , S , T D A H

M eeting 14 Officers; j y A ttendedr SCNfUVS I'KOIJHAW

Murnlnit._ 9:i:.->liirnlnK nonit k i-n lrr, Inl r l ; b) <»■ Ih Kendall.. r . 10:(H).-lirlPk'atPn nml In id rn nl-

Irml Sunday nrh.ir.l nml chnrrh n l th luiitx nnd hiRiIe»M.

. J Afloruoon.a iim -U rnera l aswmlily, nnRsn

and ilrvollonn. Addrena, - r i i r Older Ilor and ]|l> World." J . .Shirman Vul- Irr.

nn. tti:>-('liin lnu m-rvlce of tho Con-

Mrn I'irnlni.'.Iiul Tsilll-riiliin MT*lr.- In Ihe InI.-r-

rnl of - liojn-I'rrald lnK ri|. I lr t . llrjiilvld}. Aildn-«n—

„ “ Ih r H»,h „i Jdflli.s" J,„oi Slirnnnti I’ulli-r. •

hn. (Slirrlnl lo Tho Tlmrn.) -oru liriU.l'IY, ' 111,Illll. Nov. 24.—llunl- Inln nrKH In luklnK lip Ilie llmo of Ibr ■irb Ollirr llnyn' n in frn -n rr hero 'loduy Xtl- la ronlrant. wlih lhe rxrllemenl Ihr .vhlrh lirevnltrd yniterilay iiftonioon

amoRR lhe a ll »f ir7i»mlay, were In u tlrnilnnrr ul th r fooibnll mi' Kumo. Thiirit In n- lnr»;e rriirrnrnln- Ihn Hon from nil ,intrln of niiniliern ,u>it Idiibo.«ml Tho hamiurl. nnd c ln ilon lunt evc-

nluR were vrry iturrfMfiil i.ffiilrK and rroak'il mnrh eiiihunlnnm for

.un Ihn innviMiinil, Kloyd Tuylor of tbln rxl- c lly ivfla clc<'lri) iirosW rnt; .Mf. }l;in- lul- nru of Amrrlruii Knlln. vice prrnlik-nl. .•ay li'ud'Mr, Kowols of I’aul. arrrrln ry ,Ih- Tbo iiililre«Hrii o r-^ o lc iiu u t by rc- Miiyor J, 0 , l.owo nod Hal|ih Cryitr

In bobult of lho boyn nnd Iho Icnd- ind rrnblp nf Itev, 0 . U KemUll. wcro Ital iililirerliitrd {raluren. Tho Inlk iif rx- (hr rv riiln r on tbe nubjrri, "f'liiida- uln menliiln In lho Clinlro of C ire rr" by

A. Ij. Mrrrill mnilo a prnfuund Ini- ., ,1 i>rr..Hlun. >1. W. Urlnwolil wua IuumI- iffl- ‘" '''“ er; ,,re- lla rn ia >''l»hor of Twin I-'nlln nnti can Ilulph Lovo nf K llor wont on thr

a:i Ilhl of Bpcnkern th ia atloruoun. he Huppcr and hiudiii will tukr np

io r. U ic,Um tt-.tliht-jtnnlnc ni-niiL d u r lu t----- Uro•^l}lITl^^y^)r-^t-tallc-w^ “A hoy'aa lj . Phyaleal World" by Becreinrj- B. A. iRi- X rw am an of Uiq Pocatello Y. M.

C. A. Tomorrotr there will ho varl- ouK aorrlcc* hcjtlnnlnit a t t:!Ei wllh n niornln* aenrlce.-The conference will cloao In lho a tlernoon by tbere

Q will be a senernl tiBlon nervlce In tho OTcnlnE- ny — -----------

U \E -i’Ol’M> HAUY I)U:H. nit- HOUSTON, .Nov. 2 4 ,-A fltr u IJD- lonl ,iay flshl fnr llfo In whlrh nhe uii- • I' tonlahod pbyalcluna by hrr romurk- ''■n* nblo vitality. Morlo ItoKcrn. ono-

, IX.uml haby illnl laxl nlchl. Tlio !'"■ IS-yorn-old molbor, Mm. C. KoRcra.' wlio ■ hnll' hcL'U 111 for fimr inonlhB "'.‘‘i wilh typhoid nmlnrlu. la nsnln In

n rrlttrn l condition from Krlrf over ,- l„ Ihlt bahy-n death.___ __________ _

nnAVT iJivK x iiro H F .s .Jcr- ^yA&^INOTON. D. C„ N ot. 2i.-i- rra- Oroat DrilBln'i ilrafl nf lhe pro- ,-»i- pored treaty cxtcndlnc Amerlean jh i - Jurlidiclion orer nhip* to tbo 12-

mlle limit ul,»cn wan banded Hccro- lury of Sime UiiRhni ihl* nfiornooB by CbarRo d'Afrnlrc* Chlllon of lbo llrlllnh cmbamy,___________________

I S '

/ c

S D iJaO,-SATIIRr)AY, Nnvi

IWslyij m IN TWO : mhllJEI- ■

‘I Explosions in P en n sy lv an ia an d O h io T a k e T o ll; Ital-

t" ian a n d S panish C onsul- Ci a tes W recked in . South (• P h ila d elp h ia D istrict.

i’H iiw \i)i:i.PiiiA , .s’ov,' :;i Till' lUvllnn ami .‘ pnilUli ronnulatrn In

. Houth I'hlladrlpl.tn w rrr pnrllally ijj wrrrkril by iwo liomti rxp|unluni> lo-

7 T hr firm hoinl. rtpl'oilrd on ilu- ' ' ' >i|rp-> of Hir S|>Bnl>h r.mtiillnll-'n luitili-

ni 701 I’lnr iiirrrt lOiortly iiftrr inir — o'rlnrk, T h r iiociunl liomlilni; oi-

rn rrn l nt thc Sont. of lluly Hank ul Kroail and Tanker M rrrl. ut.ovi- wblrli

„ 1. the Italian conniilntc In locutrd. il„. .Al Ihe Spanlnh lonnitlnir ib r fi!>ni I,iy door and veallbul- w rre i-ixuplrlrly

wrrcktil and th r I(ih<t floor Inidly Q- daniBi:i-<h i’lliu atn-ci for a blork wan

carprtrd wllh npllntrriil Klafia.„ Al tbo Son* of Italy llank. doom

, wr ro kouckrd trom th r lr blnKrn, ibr planter fell from irllinRx nml tiirnl-

'f * tu rr waa tnmbloil m rvory dlnirilon.Kmll Do Matto Y. O ricr. Spanlnh

vc- cnnnul. told dctrc llr .* iha t b r wciil ilrK lo Hie poatotflCi' lit It o'rlOck lai-.f for nisht lo mall nome in iiT a and on hln bln retnrn found u aull rani’ In Iho vi'k- iin- IDiiilo (>/ tb)' ronaiiloie. look tl Jnio nil. lhe lioiiiu) but bi'romltiK luiiiplrloun ol

what ll nilKlil roiilnlii. I put li bark. ,,v Inlo Ihr voallhillr," lie n*|.t. 'Tliv.

y ' lilen.4it n.bonib dldi, i o rn ir to m r "llhevallrr i^lllrlll nmdo ih r tollou-

p,„ InK a latrm rn t: • if "I ran aonlKU no motlvr for aiirli

, nn atiTKluun dr«-d. 1 mippoiir huiiii -on ot pomicnl nrlMi.v liuii.lrnl li,

TOl.KDO. O . . Nov. :i-A n u H ic r liiimb rxplo.ilun iilln rd .nortb»rn trrii

md Ohio loday.th r Thu hlnnl canir til inldnU bt on llu-

• farm of C'hrlnl H.-lll.rn:. wrnl nt llowllUK f.rrrn , ll nri flrr lo Ihr

Qt:.a-iiU lo.nuay..taL,tLB ,coQcim«ion,. No one wan InJurrJ, however.

ilh rrlff ]>rwiB fivnioL wbn inveail- eated. nnld tho bomb- may have bocn

] planted hy .th r Toledo inaiilac who In hold rrapooalblo for nlno other Idiuitn here lo reconl monlh#. .

School . Teacher and H er Uncle Deny AU

:;i)- Knowledge o f Crimet.A CV aN /K an. Nor. 2<.—MI*n Ar-

in ^ Scotl. achool toacbnr. chari:cd n>o Jointly wllb nmrdorlne lho laUor’H

wife, loday denied a ll knowIedKo of “ >'» tho crime.

M n , iicotl WUH nhot lo di-.ith Inat iver jdijr, Suoii claimed the woman___ ^ n a„ k lllc d ._ d u rlm :_ a ti...altaclc ,.by.

holdup men, Ho waa urronled and Irlud for murder bu l tho Jury dla-

l.-i- aireod. Aulhorllion rlalm ud lhi>\ iro- Arvlno und Scolt ilonlrcil to ho niar- can ried. Tho niecu lived a l tb o 'S c o tt 12- home, bu l waa a iitndlnB achool nt

:re- PlitJiburR a t the time o t tho nuir- ooB der. At Scoifa tria l evlduQce wnn lbo Introduced to nhow th a t ho vinlted

Arvlno noon after tho killing.

r s m mj sTxp an

G « 4 8 W £ £ d /

A IL ly p .M R R k 2 4 , 1

Cooiidge Lool to Campaign i

WASIIIMITHS. N.n, ::l I’ln .ulcul i(•.HillilKr J ^ ■•jirtnrly |,nllilllii;, f.'lurH-

S lowlm: m ;-b ,« u 'o f ' ,,.i':.mml 'n .m - ' ' pnleiilnt.- which hi "in:!ir -liiin n iil lr •! I pnunluriir.- In Mni^na. IniM lln |inU- ' illcH.- ;■

At oue i.lt’ol.r toiliiv tlu- lUi ^lili lit , killed off a piTit.li-tii wlilrh micbl 1 hnvr rHiinril him iiou l.lr In th r i..-n- i

ll* ofoiin rtfo ri !■< In li.- mad-- In l:i ; i lo i ,1 takr adv.nnlairr o( ail rx p .ri rd dIMti- ^

Ion Ilf d ri.un rallr n lrriiiJh 1i,lv...-u I t h .MrAdan nml I'mb'n.<.<«l. ' <

,\1r, foull.lK.', . . ....... I th - ir-.l):ii!i- ilinu of .loMl.li W, • lo ll i .l l 'ir . l‘llllr.1 I Siui,:i itini^lial Ioi « .n t , in So.itl. !

hr Cniullnn uml lu u liiu i.fn i T mIIk . i 'i. ilu rnliriiM-Irl niilL.llilnl' Hi..... M |>u).ll- I

lly ram. to frilnn l JoIik in T oll.n fi, ill-.-;!

T o lhm ^i. n n llu ^ l iriiiiMUuu rom-

::PACKiRSOBJECf : T0 AUDIT PLANSlly ______ 1nil I

Show dow n N e a r B etw een, lie Big Firm s a n d G ovcm -

m ent o f U . S . i

WASIll.NllTKN, Nov. :’ l T b r i;ov- . li;{ f-rnimnt nud th r im-iii pni-k.-ii' ni*'J lln iiboul l» rk b l oul In tlir roiirtn llir I

Ion;: (Ih.iiiilnl iinrtnlon of m urrii- | )li> mrnt'ii rli:hl lo luy h.iir th r Imt.liiinn1

rrrorih. of hir Indimii Irs, |r k Tbr iiii|>rnillni: rim ,i lialll.- ovrr tb r 1 b r giiihlloii bun n \lliil hrnilni; on pro- ' ponnl le::IMntlon In n 'i;ulnlr the- rii;.M

pilri'!! iind linrranonutilr iiroflln. ! '•I> Thr iihji r l Ilf Ibr roiit. nl u ill li.'j

prbiiartly to d .ilt lr w h n h rr S rc n -I I', u ry of Ai;rlriillnr.- W ullnrr run en- '

forrr hln ilrmamt U u l lUo Ih'luu b i - . l'hka;ii) parkm i. SwUl. Wllnon nnd

K-T ruiiahy iirniill ;;ov..,nmrnt aildlloin ■f" mirr>.trlrtril nrcri.n lo Ibrlr bool.n.,, Thr rrn i tili:nlflrnnrr of llir Hll. ""I howrvrr. win Im- In ilrrldlli;: v-hrlli. r I,' rom:re:.n rj.n ronulliulli.nnlly fo irr

Inilitnirlrn ir> iny Imrr ili.ilr liinrr

"***7 Tbn QUrnllon In now before ib r i t | . courm In a va rin y of coKcn, hue tti« !cn Isiiur lirtwecn th r itppariinuu't of bk- I In rlriilinrc nnd the aackrra I* etcar rut. atn rroeri-illni; undrr th r packora and

oiockynrdn art w hlrh br Inlrrpreicd 10 Klvr him till- riKht. Wnllncc Icvliii a demand on lliu purkcra ibat tlu-y throw oiicn llirir houkji lu bln aiidlt-

I orn nny Hnu- br ank.-il ihrm lii. Tbry rrfitniMl. Wallace’n nrxl ntrp will be

a e manilamua priKrrdluKa to compel Ibcm to. W hrlbcr he nuecced* or

• r . falla. lllli palb Irada nlralKhl to th r anprrnir courl where Hu- whole quen-

; .‘J Hon will bll finally rulrd upon.


Tho pcacii ofllccr* of ihl* and aur- roiindlnK connllra conilnui: to ncour the roiinliy In n rarrh nf the tb rro hiirKlnra whn rnbhrd Ihn llazi-ltni) tmuk Tburnilay nftetuoon. l.rd l>y Drpuly Chnrlrn i:. Jon<'n, a tu r ly rnn ilown KOmit rrpiitrii clurn III Iho nPlchtiorhood-of-A nnilB n-C lly .-laat- nlr.bl. In Uio courno of the nrarcb 11 wan rrvrn lril thnt Itoy i:uhankn. O will kflown Irappcr, had dlnappraied nnd atiparertlly hnd I.een Umt. Ho Id nol KUnpecleil ot cimiDllriiy. BUd amnrch for bltn in on Imlay Irnt lie mny Imve hi-en Injured In nomo way.

Klvr m ra wcrr lakrn ,lu i *unprcta laal nlKhl bul nil prnvrd allhia and were rrlcaard. A nearchins party viiHlcd V iler and vlrlnlly ibla afler- uooh. Afieal Mlllatroji rrprcaenlinK Hie hank Inffiirance companlea Ib ber« i«kU>i; a luadliiE pa ri In lbo aearch. ijini nlKhi Slirrlffa w , w . Hi-nry-ofJ rro .... . W .'ll. Cole. Minidoka andClarcnre W berirr ot I.incoln confcw red wlUi Sheriff M. t l Flneb bero.

TAKE rAYKOLI,NICWAUK, N, }.. Nov. !<~Kivo arm ­

ed handlla today eaeapcd wlih a pay-1 roll contalnlns r .h o u a flr r holdinK ' up Uireo nti-anenKora of the lillton]

___aoihitiK etmipfliiy J n aii, nllrywny onthe a id e o f ibc company'a p lan t bero. |

R E J E C T E D S U I T O R T H I N I H A S P I ^ T T Y F E E T E

AA.S' KnANCIHCO, Cal,. Nor. H .— T hh i» iitjiale o t unre(iulted.'liJ»o— lavolvlnu , 'l r t iilo Frl|?anta, aclreaa. nud h e r chm doctor.

Dr. daU ir Koealxnieln. an Kran- , cUco «Wfopodl*i. hlx tlm m married

and divorced and now looking for hla‘ i«»entU wife, fa tbo "maB ta Ibe CMB."

2ifn (ell n.“m x l e haa baauUfut feal." ez-

plalDod Dr. K oenlgitalo. "F o r ao beei a women h t r foota la m afalfi- ceo t

“Sbo bad oao coroa—ono teeny w»eny coroa.

-9ho cama to me to f i t I t I “Now 1 eot (I ( re a l way wllb

Y TEa k i j i g Forwardj

of N ext YearI'H- tiirUI lluliilu ' u;iM Mil, \ ......... .

................ nt ,1 I mi;i>lK.I. S.'Uuioi JH.il,

'I; I i 'ii'jT '' I'f m'i ' I 'w ii.i;. )i:,!!',!‘i.t"!i'.-II. iiMiuliiuium^ l,,irl,^h j;.l v>,.iil,l i,..M

111 : T hr lur^lilrlll': ,i>'1li.ri ,n tl;- -Inttll tiril riiM- lr._uiyly..liMii| l„ li.n. |

;.!|^^ll'l’ i'u |!V.'ii'|''» '.'1 \ ; ' Ml I r.ld, tit !

•" cV:i'l '!'l'.l'.''!''lu ,.li .('(.i'n 'm Iiou Hm I!1- iL.i.t.li- « l.irh m .-iii ,u U .n .. l) . iit-j |.,1 (r,.| ll,-. ,:iiuu.la,'.. .U.l.. «;i- ni..-. tl. M.’ Iiuil Hull WoH. ..1 ........................I-;, liUic l. -ultli him Ul Ul.' Wl.ni ll ........II- III 1,11 .'(Icil lo luiu-li .iji ll.......l.l (. ml 'r>-;lM't'.....u ........I iiml lli.ii% h a u /l> .ii ..

II- !i.;.|». UMiiI.I :'o >.mI|i| ‘ I

M agnus, Johnson , !

S a n d F a m i ly A re ■ i n W a s h i n g f t o n ,

1 \v a im m :'i' " n'. t>. c , -Vov :'iI "W rll, h .'i .' '%.■ UM’. M.illlrf," t ;.i.i i

;n , ^ rm il.ir .M;ii;ium .lnliti iui itiln ;I iu..r,ilii,: a '. I..- ;.I..1 J,|m w it- ;,nil :: IY.V ilum;hl.'tn w;ltl.r,| iip ll,.- ;I t.|r,>ii ut r,:i Syi.riimrr ..in-i-t, Tu- '; lionm I’url., M;.r>I(ii.,l, j, "Will.- yunr vh.... . v.I.l .Mr..

,„ J .Ji.lilu-.'ii, mln.iriil .-r ..... f:u t .......

;;;'r^'::;::.'u.-.i ................ ..........„„1 W.illi.il III un.l tui'iiv ..<.,,,1 ,1 I.iu li

I l.r.iiu:l.i up Hu-lr l . : . | - , T I i u C - , I li.iw tlu- Iirw t.ru.ilor rri.iii .Mlll-

' I n .-i.lu uml hi'. I.ilullv iniix'd |„ i..II,. (r Imm- luTr.

"W.- .In idril mil to iii lu r ..III ;! (nriilliiri- e;,.<t" i.;.l.| Mnr .l .lui. 1

, : turn, -Su wr J,l:it rrlll.'.l th i- ; .!; I ill:..-,- (,n;,l..|iril. Mi.k. -> II n t.ii ‘ ■' ! tu n irr fur nm. If., .u ld In brn- !

ir',1 TM-. Ill'll t-i Mi.t!liiiK, wh.. wai. i ] huvrrlni: ubiiul, i.rl.lrtullv ' nur- i

"I ""


be R o u n d u p of ' Illeg itim a te P rac titio n ers G oes

Ihr O n V igorously .

•m ;\v YOIIU . T T . \ l - \ lirlvi' unl "tnke" drniinla lodny wan a.ld.-.l lo Hm; ra:.t'» .•friirin to rllmiiial.- fnl«o prartllli.n i'rn whonr nrtlvlH.'ii an- nl- lri;.-d lu litv r roui atvt-ral huniuil

j llv .n and r au-u-.l nntf.-rlnK to ibou-

KollowInK rcvelailnii of mnlpr.-ic- l l r r l.y unfAUKbt "do;:(nra" in Cuii- nrcllcn t nnd olher mntrn. tbc nt.-xlr

In lto rm y K rnrrnfn offlre h r r r un- \ln o in ir rr t th n l 'f iv e hunilr«-<i "fahi:" l;d .'n tln ii, uro praciiclnK In New Vork I City, many ot tbrm wlihoul n nim- I h lan rr of u iI.Kn-r or licrnnp,

Drtrrtlv.'i. of the a llon try Krtl.-ral'a oflic- W.T.I huniln:: lwo younj: men

ur- nllrRed to l.e kndrrn of a hnml which )ur "mnde" lho dcntl.n». fnrnlnhlni; Hirni rn t w llh ••dlplomaj" ond necou.l band loi) louin..hy AmooK the ••drnllntn" prarllrtnK In

m i .New York. II wan nald, n rr fornier lho ta ilors. tiliii;-makrni. hollrrniakem . aat- ^nrt~3>ttit-f>1ifTn-rtrlttpnr-'whO'hml -no I il nrllleil o .vupatlon hrfiire,'

“ In llrooklyn report* to Hu- aitor- ney K rnerar« oftlcu aald ono of thenr practlilllonrn* npllntvrwl a paitrni'M Jaw In nlt.iniptinK lo rx lrac l a looth and la tr r tho i-nilro Jaw bone hud to



WAHUI.NOTO.V. I). C... Nov. .2 1 .- ch. PreHldeni Coolldso bollovoa the .o f Kt^fe^nmciil qtiould oparate* Muacle jid Hboiila a t a loan, II nccomnry, ll cw wan aonououcd today a t tbo Whllo

- Hatine. The Importanco of titim tc bulli fo r local defenae nnd fcrllllte r tn ai]cb th n t Cootldiv l^llcvca tbo exponso would bo Juntifled,^

ly . f I t WU* Imllculwli fiowoTeV. that ItiKilho ndmlnlatrallon In worklnK out io n t» new plan tu tny before Henry on_l>*ord w llh a view uf bavlnK blm rv- TOr l iiew hla ollcf.


I.— women. I married ilz of Hioni.,Bo 0 - I kidded Trixie. Thero alii'l no- laa. body like mo when ll coinea lo kld-

dlnea women'a. an- ' . I would have lleklod her toca led Imt „iie waa my customer and 1 fn'' don 'l tickled cuslom en toes,

"Qut 1 cured her corn and abo amlled. Sbe hadn't amlled before,

ex. “I likes amlle*. 8ho knowa how go (o amlle. She woald make a cood

If], wlfo. She could make m e lau g h -a l braakfa it.

tny "So I propoaed to bor.," 6 h o aald ’DO. no.’ So I Un’t

m arrylni;. her: rltb “ Qut, soali, abe bas protly {eeta."

M ES()M > v o n , x i n . N O. r.,v

i l i W: NEW CABlit : POfiGElM-

I S h i p o f S l n l c H t l p l c s s I n I S e . i o f T u r m o i l a n d D is - j c o n l v n t W i l h P r e s i d e n t A t -

iir I lc m i) l i i iU F o r m a l i o n o f ' [ G o v c r n m L - n l B o d y .

Iil:lcMX. .Nov. J l. l-.-.,li|..nl i;ti-Iil ............ r.iin.Mi'ii n-im ly St.-iifrkd ,

|-r.n li.^iiilmlf, .1 li'.ulvr^ ..I llu-,

i ‘|i" " " |'‘" '" 'i '‘1 IIKIII.I.v. N.U. ;-| 'T h r (;.riuunli-liil. I.I, ....... ....Il.iw.,1 r,i.|.lerl.i-n

I 1,1 u jiui.nip^, i.Mtltlri.I ^ii..|uv^m.

I ;i,'nll'-'’'tmil''l',mi.'lmw Im 'wVn" l.r iillie,, .to liml .1 ui.rl..,l.li- r..ml,l,i,,llun Iur •, :>.,iii|>iirl l.r u .;iMl,.'f.,. . Tint rv |,r, .'lUii. il'rtat lanl. lu trh t. r.illm.liii; n-iiKtiuili.n uf tlu-

S]n".riuan>i dul ui.I lliatrrh.licr,

11 wa-i ’imt l.,.tl-\rii Illr nrw rahl-,| ni l lii-ail vm.iiM h- ................. 1 brf.in-H M.fmlay ;iini Ihul tlu- niv.TUlurul, •

i.oKi.J I..- . n n c i r . i m „ rlr.lii winr.. |.;..liT ;.l lliat tliu.-.1. c.itiillil.itr. for tlir ,h;.lirrllnr..lilp

.liM'huli-il 111. .I..ti..iim i; Vl.ll lll i'h rr.I I rlu t" i.r';-<lil.-til al W nrlrmliori:. .Irin- . liK'ratl.; Ii..rty uml I>r. lleinrlrli Al-- lli .r t . r.i.i.iiil..Trd fur 1.1,1 expllillu .! -Ill llir f i i iu d Sl.iten wlu-n. lut wuu- lu lta .lu d lu lho Urrman rnibiim.y,• liliirliijj tlu- m rly yi-ar. ut Hu; wnr.

t ll w,i:i iuitl.lpntial Hint Ceiierul u IV..II S.'r.'k i \v..uld roinln his nual

Ul. iiulionul ilicliilor, |.u:ialbly wltli •' »lrom;rr jiow.-ra.

Sir.-Mrmunn'i. rrnlKniilh.ii liilr ycn- li.rdny runm n f lr r h.. hail lallod lo

— --tr ia in niii.ptirl fur bin c.mlllloo C.tb- -----, l lie -tn r.—of—w|rt.ntr-Bllm-h»— -

• ' liritu ll.ally hy nurimtnt*. Thu ehan- i.illo r deninjiileil a "ahow .Uowa," on hla policlcii and a vole of nilu- ronflilrnru rollowi;il, 230 lo l&E.

T A ssi'M iis f l v n t ' i : T i:M i'(n tA nn,TI j i.D.s AN('.r;i.i;s. .s'ov. : t- .se ek in R

If) iirot.Ll Ihr ln lr r r .iu of Uil- l'n- , r lf lr (X.xir IruKiir. Jolm H. K arrrll.

. hi-rrrl.iiy of Hie N ailonnl ABnoclallon l i e of Minor I.aiiuum to<Uy temporarily

look ovrr Ihr o ffirr Of coanl IraKUC Iirr-.ldrnl. neriinllniT lo trli-Krama re- rrlv.'d l.y Ih r Vrrnon nnd Ix.a AnRtlra rluha, I'n rrrli In n mrm ber ot Iho hanehall t.i.anl of nrblirntlon lhal will lie. Idr Ihr rlnlnia of H a r r y 'A . Willlniim und Wllilum H. MrCarihy lo Hm- offirr a t tin- ClllcaKO inui-tlUB .

„„i n rx l montb.

r - O il“Demon5tration“ ~ T “ im- a t O akley Tuesday;Ijn;. Barbecue Featureirk ---------■ni- Khiul drmnnnirnilon ibat the West

P ra rl Oil romi.aiiy baa oil and sa« il'a In imv In.: i|iiaulltl.-» will Imi mado icn n<-xt '. 'xduy ul a dcmonniratlon In Icb Oaklry it wun nlaled ibl* afieraoca n n h) U. \V, .Sirtlnian of Iho compaay, iDii who in here In Invito everybody lo

Ibu drninn*imilnn and n bla barbr- i„ rue Hint will acc-ompauy II. Ho aaya

thnl Ibry. will provo tho raa l. with- the n.'w mueblnory^^ow Inauncd;^^

” KO hy wuy ,ot Arti-fllan Clly, Thoao , tvfm (MuiK f(ioiilil er-pon to lhe chambrr nf ronimercit lierc and tben

7.‘' ro lo 'l lu r lry wberfaiitoa will moot ‘jl" nnd lakr ihcin oul. l>vl-ryljoily ta la-

Thankeg^vmg us Spirit in A ir of

Tw in Falls CityHo The T bank« lv lnp ap lrll U In tho

,, a ir today, a llhoush tho w e n t doea n o i— - ,i,„ la k r place imilll TburadaT' o t nest

w eek.' Ill addiuott lo UD loa.scrrices at lhe Prttaliyiortan church oo tho day luelf, and tho ap od al mualcal aervico a l Iho r r f a b jU r la n church 00 Sunday ninht. thoro w |ll bo Tb»Bl»-

'>a< Bivins mann a t 81. mw axrt'a CaUiollo l.nt church al 5 o'c lock oa baxI T b u rsd v try nnd nprclal a rrv lcr a t lha L u th a ru re- <t«y. la

— aermon appropriaio fo r lho occaalon. Tbo Uaptltt li. Y. P . V . ulvea a apMla]

M program Suoday aftoraoon. f L Meanilmo tbo puinpkl&a « re look* ;

Ins weakly a ad Ihc U irktya Ihougtit^

SO __no- PUIKCK IX J m t - .<

LONDON., Nov. a 4 -P rH » o 'AtfslbWt., third non of the ronttar K o lM r'hM '

nca arrived a t .Merane. U olr; • ' d topaldi - 1 from D eflla aatd lo<Ur> p re m M b lr -

for ao Interview -witk - th e ' to r a a r ’' .Ue cm w n prince, w h» U « t C utiB

silcala. Tbc crow n v r io n h a s a riM , ’ ' ror-ait Itatlan rla« to U$ th a t be can so to*Merino^ th* patch aald. ' ........ -j '■! ^

• iuKLViDHni* N J r - i o t m k 'Vim h«rmit< hod M :-i> uh

lo-t aMr«t«4 ISOMMVtBflS . a n a a r ‘ U » -- n o o r 'o e . kU'.wMl^^;aii2^

la." burned yM terdsj'; ■ ' ’ iJ,; ■■

■W • '-- .......

Page 2: TWI[N F ALL S DiAILlY TEMES Older Boy iliW mm Names ’2^ Is ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · TWI '^'i Y0I,1I.MK 0. NUMIIlili Inl. mm ISfW CongreM Will Be

S O C I- C a ll M rs; H . E .-D e

'v i t i - y t M f.ir MrK.-mttH--ThC rri> Mru la r rer;JUiK <if Ili«- Wiiitiiinn t <nni- oltry rlul. nri Wr.ln.nilny nl Ku' I'l'iof Mrn. Whlli- wn« In >hct ii i i ln f <if .1 loiJ .rcw rll to Mrn, WIilK'. «hn lurnoon wllh h r r family lu Join lu 't Ini’ - M'U>n<l In Oklahoiii.i. Mrn. \MiHr » « " unvri't»rntr<l wlili n j:iti from lU-- w‘''m o prrnlcl'int. Mrn- Muud K<um irlhy ciii

Miiurrcl Mm. Whlli- hiiw <h'; Hrrlu l. apprw lalvii hVr un.l r;hr y n M «< tip Kroailjr mlriind. M'»- 'M'U ''l ir r imlial happy rnftnin'r rcr<piiii<lc'I. 111T he oftlci-m of ......... 'till' W.T.' Imn*trnnt» anrl nr-n.'.l n .Ivll.loun pCJvlHff Iniirljitin. ................Ik- in iln - 'jncinlienililp w m ' p i.m nl mi'l |l!Ui-nl. .Mrn. WUUki.i HIiu K. j

Urnmn nnil l.ll.-rnliiri' Ii<'|>nrtin.-iil —Thil tlran ii nml llirrn in ir rli-piui- nii-ni of Iho T w rriil.ih I 'lim n y ••'“ I’ '• moi Krlday aflrrixKiii at-U ir h-iinc of Mm. W. J. l.loyil. on n t ih uu nu.- m cant. .In tho ati»i-ncc ot iln ' ilinlrmnii. Mra. K. Uwlnlii. H>i> um''U.i.: wn« mi prpnlded ovi'r hy Mm- I>"n lU n o - .N Thp procram for llu- nli'Triooii wii!> i In cbarcp ot Mni. W. 11. Ilinfro. Mlun i|< B lella lllbliard tnv.- 11 r.-mllrii; fnm i r.. O. Uenry atict Mrn. HiTrnnri •T ht’ NPCklBCi-" hy I)c-Mftupaiiriun1. r:•Mra. Krnfro lind n nhorl iikrli'h of Uk- nllfo of Mark Twain ami Kavr a rnn l- 11

'iD R from on r-n f hln hnnkn. Hi-fn-i'h- njncnia wcro ripr»r<l liy Ihi' honii'nn iin- „ ■Itled by Mrn. Hi-nfrr>,

Tho mvinlc ilrparlim 'iii of lh'- T w m - » tlc lh Cenlury tlu i. will lucm \lornhiy•flcm txin at iwo ihlriy o'rliH'k ai ilir nbotne of Mra. »l. C.^MoKUln-. n

Mlnnlciunry S»firl)--Thui«clny afi- 1ernooa -Ihi^ J-'orrlKn .Mlnnlonary So- j,c lciy of Ibo-MolhrHllHt cliurch uicl In j,Ibo church, parlor*. Mrn, S. li. Ilol- ,ton. Iho pn-nUlrni, prciililcd durliiK jtbo bualnPBK ncRiiliin. M i.. J.» M. ,W rlshl Ull llir ili'vnllonaU.-Thi- pro- ^Brarn for ihn aflcrnoon wan Jn .-harj;i- ,, o f Mr*. O uitrry. a»tilalci1 Iiy Mra. M arabil Urownc. oml Mrii. 1. T-Jonea. .Mr*. Klorcncc, Hrown waa bo»lc*n anJ m-rvitt ri;tr»-nhnicntB in4t> lad lri. ,

YUllora l .c a tr —Mr. ami Mi». <i'-o. , KlemlnB nf Siimmll. OroKon. n iarir.l , fo r Ihclr home lli<* tnornlnk'. nf(>r > TliltmK a (lay o r two wllh Mr.. aiul S lri. I’. U Tucker, ♦Thry hav<- hr-on , on A lour ihrouKh WaahluKlnn. Mon- , la n a , WyomloK. Uiah anrl Iitnho. .Mr. FlPtnlnK waa In Twin Knlla alx yrnrn

. BKO and »»ya Iho lown han iminovi-d wonrlprfully.

m ao U k ra l l i i u l r i » r d n i l ! l= l l i a - \ Onv HmiKllH I'll li 1 luiiiul l lip UliM- . L akea ^loiilevaril cluh Krlilay ufirr-

• noon. Tho papor aent out hy Ihc lUiTUl Kcderatcd clulm on *?o opora- ilOB, w*» road, JU'froahincni* wum nerved to ibo alxiccn mcmlu-ra and ] fou r Kucala preaenl. Tho noxl iiiri-i- Jnc wlll bo belli vrIlh Mrn. U n John- ] pon on Ui-rniihiir llih -

Hnuiip tiiira ti j:titor1nlni-<J -Wlniilo aail OrfoU Tm-kor i-ntoriuliiid KiMur rvoolnK tn hnnor of ib r lr rouaina. Alma and Krnmilh I’hclpa, <il Sum- ■ m il. OrcKon. A very rnjnynhlr- om- n ine waa aprn t wlili cnnirn aud mu- ' •lc. ThOflo p rra rn l wi-ro Mlimcn Almii 1 Phclim. lllilb Tr.lltv.-r. C. nrvlrvi- Wll- ■ cox. Sun Hnillh. Vlnln Crni.n. Clailyn Wilcox, ftulh Snruvfiril, Kutfi tVllKn. MlldrrfI Korna. nnd lln/ol KnirnH > MpnarB. Ki-nmnii I'hrlpn. (-.-cirur W.n- JierK. Olrn WlU-nx. ( in n ld lliini, c m -

. uuy .W lti'r.t, Ciiiilnn Kriilnnil. Jiiim ii Iloaua. U'O Sliolwcll and -Mr. anil Mrs. KloiniulnK of Sununli, <tin:on.

J lra . Hilnnrit Ci.opor KnliTlaln.-il- Mra. Kdwatrt Coo|>rr <iili'rlnlnr(t llir' inomlirrA of IhoTii'i Ii>lt:hlly ‘ luh n iiT ' tho lr hnahanihi Krlrjny i voiilnc n( h<T lininr on Si-vrnth avruur iioilli. llrldei' wna ■'njoyrrl lliriiiirhiiiil rli>' I'VrniTiK amJ Mrji. OJ1v>t llnrnlad tj>-1d

----- tiIl;h“ iirori'Tnr"m p"lai1irii-;iniir'Trr-.'r -H. v in rrrii fnr Iho r-nll.nir-n. Iti- frrnhnion'la w rro Hfrv.il nl n lalo timit to lb'- follnwlnic; .Mr.'nnd .Mrn, A. H. Vincrnl. Mr. and Mra. .M. C. Mllchrll. Dr. and Mi/. Oliver llarMlml. Mr. nnd Mr«. W. K. I.piillr, Mr. nml - Mr*

— - li ,- l->-HallB<lBr.-Mr.- anrt-Mra.- H - -K. IJarbor. Mr. ami Mra, V. W, Uru- nauRh. Mr, nml M n. C. 11. I\i.ii;;ic . Mr. anil Mra. A. II. C ol'.rll i.iid -Mi.’

- J .-I* . .McClurr.

Tho niiniii..f,« Wriiii.ii >Mll hold .1 Ki'ualni;1iin In th-'llr rlnti lo.iiiin nu Monilay cvi-nlnK nn<! nil iiiniit|.iK u ir tlrcrrl lo ll,. prraonl. Tlii-y will Iiiim- th e ir roKulur lum hrnn Tiu :'ilay nonu.

TtiP n iiir rakoN lliiulotnril rhili iiii-r w llh Mra, lloiikUin on Krlilny iif ln - Roon. Si'vniloon inrnilirrn rrni'onilc d 10 roll catl, i-ach nn r (:ivinj; u louK.m for wblch Ihry rmiUl ho itiaiikfut. T bc usual OpcnInK l>u«iiii'--'» una fni- lowed hy rti'tinlir plrina for lUo oako and cblckrn nalo lr> fir luld on Wrd- nesday. N'ovemtn-r n( .Miorit and Molt'M grocrry »wr’\ Our Chrlalmaa p a r ly wan dlariir'nnl nml clcftnllcly arranm-d to In- ln-lil on itiorvcnlng of Dcrornt.ciU ’7 at

wlll l.p Urelilod al ibo n m mrviiuK.i Ivacb rnonibrr In anBC»nrd lu rrn in m;I.0 paid a t the nexl nioollni: ti. < n \rrl Ibo cO"l of a clfl for ono of Uir m. iti-1 brrn wbo haa rrccn lty mom ill. Al papor on •To-oporatloii." our of ih r ; toplcB «lrcliloi1 oq by lhe Krdrralhm of Hural Clubn fur ibn [tcnrral i>n.- gram , waa rrad hy Mra, 1‘u k r ii . .ln « i jnroiInK Waa Ibon arljnurnoil anrt itn-; ri-malniler o r ihc aflernoon apm f n«i-( d a lly followed by rofreahmenia nriv- cd hy Ibo boalena- Clicala of Iho riuli w ere Mm. C. 1*., Wlnnlne. Mr*. A lhn KbelInK M d .Mra. P rrck lc. Tho no»i meetln* will be at ibo hoinn of .Mra,

' Ix n Jolmaon on Dluo I-akc* boiili- van l. ^ ^

Tho pro;;iam of tho mccltnK of llu- C oun irr Woman'* club held a t lh.- bome of Mr*. C arrie H arper Whtlo w as positioned imlll next m ooilnKand| tb o waa In the naluro of a fan -w ell M rly . T ho officera o f tho rtuti w e re 'th d hoa teaan i' and aerred a ' d t lo t r Thankaglvlnit aupper. Mra. Xesw ortiiy, 111* d u b preiiden t. «avr |


. E T YDebs. Phono 023

< T u i'\ ''h il ',* ’iuU‘Ui;iiK ti’T .It llir (llll ■'

to r Ih r i:oni| ol llir ilul., uu illlopliii; llir I l .r help III llir tiiuirc- iilrhon;.-li ta r away. W Iiin-iuin» ri ril m In t im- uni riinllnl rnaiiiin atnl Itir iiflrrii'iouwan rnjnyrd l» lllmn'.l It.........UllrrUli'inlirt-'lill. r>r Itir rlu l’ ulid our-II...I __ T lir 1'r.iJLin-- _nrm (if I'liilii. i:: i 'r Mrr., W htir 11 fair- « r | | r.'.'. iillMii .ni.Siiliifil.iv ufl.-riiiKiii

i P U B M C FORim II______________________ - t

• A jiTsr.vKi:.IMiinr Tinir-.:

I ulnli ;t riil’'l'<kr r.-.riilly prlu ln t lu ynur l>;iprr rnrrrclrd.^ ^

nil ttio Klinlioilr mail IjihI TurBilny,.N'ovouihrr ;;i., Wiin uul .III'' runtl .If " "llll' nllicr m an ' in> Urv. Kraninn d.rirrtlii-.t l.ul mmo .ilher lhan my-I't'tr, KranK Kc-rrti-'nti, I

n i l ' ll"iir » t Ihr .;rrl,)r„l »-.in y rl .rnrly .iinUKli Ihilt llKlilti w .'ro nr.i _..........I. ami If tl.'i-. I’mrMon hail hln I1li;hta .111 thoy limdo mi lltllo rrf lre- IItnn Ihal Ihey (oulil nnl h .s'jteen, I

I Kavu tJi.i iil>’,iiat fnr iiiiiuo ImKth nf ‘llrjio for liiriiluit In nn I know

' II ru r vnn ciiiiilni: (ront hohtinl anil I• Ul a hlKh Mpri'il. OllK'ruhio II rnulit I ' nnl bavo llnm’ ih r itmnnKr It did to I

niy irlirk. llM own var wan knoek- oil off (he p;i*'.'riiotJ{ «n<I .Vr. JVaryon. I

• In forcliiK ll buck Inrni’d ll ovi-r, I■ My wife, who u;in wllh mo. nnd 1 I ‘ hiirrli'd 10 tlielr unnlnlanoi-. I holpod |■ lhe men lift ihn r a r froru nff .Mm, * ' J'enrKon. TImto wore othor Wtl-• iifBaea lo Illln nrel'loni who will

voiirliaiifi> for Ihc v.T iutly of niy j’ nlnlenieiila,

So fnr nn TliP Tlnira nlnry In .on- ecrned. there In ixilliliii; In ll In thn eff.Tl Ihal llov, .Mr., rn irm m fllliiT aahl or Inliiiuil.-il ihm ''t t i r Dllier niuu" wan in htnui''. II In I’Vl.Ipnt lhat hnlh iiKr.’r Hint M r

'* KorK'iaon ha.l nn llchn. on ami wblto,\ Mr. rcanion mmlloneil (htn fan . an

ono of 111.’ ili'Iiilli. he .lid not any w hether llthln xwri’ n.-i'ilod nr not. hut dill fix tlio Ilm.' of teavlnK

• triwn wblto Mr. IVri;iii>nn nayn lliat ,. they wore nnl iii’otl.-'l. II In evldrjil

on I'lm parlni: III'’ ainrtra thnl .Mr. l-VrKUKon Knvr ihe KiKnal In Roiiilr .|,(. .1,... ]|p ....................... . IITTirflial M r I’oiiriinn <llil not aeo blm.

'■ There ihnv. nnt i.rnii In l.r ally r.l- ' nenllal .lifferfnio In Ibo two ne-

r.iunla. except Ihnl .Mr. KorKUiinn uilita aorno .Irilalta I.i Iho orlKlnnl

,1 nlnry, which (n c tfrct. isrti (hn nnrtlc,. which, aa they nro of Inloronl InI l u rendora. ur.i iip|irri liil.'d tiy Ttio

T Im en.-C tiy Killlnr,

,. " M)T!I K

^ ••nln"'"'anl fnr t« o or ibv.'i-i, werliH, I'O do Iiol i-xprrl IIM' YiiU rnn•. pel ri’lery. letln.-e, eal'lmi;.'. k raul.|. nnlnii". .■iiinln. paiiUilpn. imiiiphllin.,11 a'luiiidi, ii'ilnlnrn, uuy nfiernoon rx-l. i rpi .Sunday nl .m r plu.'e.„ r , i:, i- ic K iriT .


li '■/T'kWE *(UW WiO.V.5a'1, SOCH (kOpOO io vju

\'i M PeO Pl£ OVJUIUO- THCIR VJOWtViQ|;r - U H €#V W Jlua A. HOOS6 AMOII V.CW XO MAxe A FEVl-OWI’- OROul cocJTS A.VJO oe(y3>,»e h [,'[ GC>00 r.

f i , 1 1

I nOTNGRjOEJHtS-KInK. I ^ ->‘' ' i ; H E L l .O ,D O R l 5 , 15

* p i n n e h : R E A O V ,

“• I -------------------------------------

_____ ___ _______________ • T W r i N ]

.T H E I

Till- riiiiKiiis \ViLhltini;lo|i I'ilin wliii'h (ir’on :.- W ns^iiiii^lon tug]; lh i' iin iiy , lia'i f a l l n i . i i’h o lo hliowx il 1Ir.'i' w ill l>l' rlHi].]’l-<l ll|i . Illlll II I’ii'i

I--------- !— ---------------------------------------1/'-


Conducted by, i I Auntie Suo1 1 I »

' (1 ' T>rar Anntlr Fur: You b.ive '' tirliw.l me hefnro. hn v lll ynu d n .lt '

;ii:;illi? . Can liiilil flidl Itve lu w ater 'wlill ihlorliie In ll. tike our rlly ' wnrer? And one „iii..r. tbliii;: .1"

” frmn i;ollliii; rcil whrn ynn have 11 ' '' eold’ I huve trln l a ll florin of ' ^ meiltclnra bal HiolhliiK m'onin to le'

aiiecenafill. 'niankn lu a.lvnni;(.-‘'^ u r ' '■ nnjiwrrlnK qlioNllnnK (I,don 'l bellovo ‘ ” In hue it«ymeiil:>) —Yniirii ninctr.'ly. ' ' Iva C.itit.K A. Alwuyn clad lo tiotp you. Iva • I fold, nml hope you u lll cnme In : 1 oflrii. Oold lltih uro ciiiinldereit

' — —— ■ « '

I B f

P ^ lC H yellow ready coo


.delicious of pies.

M ake som e purn for a de lig h tfu l

fam ily an d your


llk'ilrn SI

5 t f P P S = ^ — ----------

S ^ r R E A D Y V e t ? '1 I / IT I-IA3 e t i e s i d o w n t c

/ R E .A PV FO R COULDN T O V ER A N h o u r ! ^ 1 ^ 3

I'VE HAD H I N £ -w h e r e h a v e . ijO M E T H IVOU B E E N UMTIL . \ E A T P


: e n d ......... “ ' 5-- ------. ---------- , . .^rr- .. Ill

i" . i *(..................------------------ r------------------------ rl, Y------—. j j A a n y I p,

\ i '' ' '^ ____ \ L .'J.;. - - ■ •y-ff.M B ____ dl■W-V?; 1 t m T i t n B »■■ T


'ilm, in ,C'nniliricl(n’, Mn>>M., iiin lo r [ till' . inlil 1.. .-r.iiiiiiaiul lllll A iiiuricnii i il n rro s 'i n l i i l l i t i’iiHii'iii w ire. T lic * ]>ii're tilv .'ii I'li.'ll s lu lo . I-------------------------------------------------:--------- t

(ra lher rmi»y (nlkn, but rei'itly 1 think 1 |tti.i urtunm lon ia falnr--nr ralhnr , exiiKcorat.'d, for thr-y really tbrlTO

lln nur clly water an well un In Now I Ynrk m i|uarluin. Inforninihm I ro> e irolvcil froui nn ownor nf Kotil flah, e I wlilrli no l ouly luatiUKe lo Ibrlire, ( llm l hnvit crown atx Inrhea loniier { Inim e tio firm uhulned Ihrm laat . ni>rlnK. He cnve lhl« ndvice: Ob- , tain your cntil flah rnrly la Ihiv |

' wlimmor—pr'-frr.ihly Jiiuo—by ib r Ilm.. Ihal m ill wlikli w rallirr Invnri- nbly iiccninpaiiira w inter. Ihe fl*h , become iiccunlomed lo wal.T Ibat ban. an lli.' .Inyji. becomo craduully r-oliler. tf you purchano Rolll flab

f In Iho wlnlor nn.l pui lliem lu-icy I, waler. Ihoy ciinnol live. Tlio cold .f w aler in inn iiuieli fnr Ihi'in and y Ihoy llio., To k.'rp your n .«e from celllnK

,1 ......1 blunti only when you hnvo a,( enlil, lltllo Irlond, no tlie w liiol

ibInK to do In to avoid .'iiichlnR a ir .•nld- K ctp yuur body in »;ooU oon-

dlllon. ynur tilood cirrulalln); prop- orly, (iol loin of freah air ami keep warm In nild weather. Tlila will en­tirely etimtnui.' tho faii-o. and of

a rniiri.o th e .c a u a o ts it rnld. You n nru Indeed widcomo.■il^' q . Dear Auntlo Suu: riem o te ll


made'wim^ E R C Bm PUMPKIN ,

i w p u m p k i n — a l l -

D o k e d t o u s e i n

f o r t l ■jSTlTOStr I I

IS . '

tmpkin pics foday l l surprise for the ur gfuests. ^


Slnre 'IHS4

In .Wrong

. d e t a T n e d ^ d i d v o u ^T O W N .B U T G E T M E TH E I 'T H E L P IT - ) H A IR N E T S ;R E A CHANCE ( A N D 51L K r iL L G E T _ > H o 5 E I A 5 K £ 0 rHING T O / V O U T O G E T ?

■?------- f I ^

;s_’ ■ ■ . 'mo eomelhInK nbout Mnry Ciirr. tho lady wbo plays tbo uiolhur p a rts un Iho ocrcon. Ttianlc you— Tilly.

A. Jklary Carr Ibo well bcloveil aeroon moiher, IWea in .^lew -yorko l.y --» A -h .;.- .l» .lll iln_r-urra- fMn.t _ of u r a re lucky to h a to onp,> Mra. - Carr'o children ranco from 20 yoara ilowit to lOj from .cldvnl to yojmRCflt they 'n ru : Lunllit Jolttt Hlorheo, Thomnn, Honcmary nnd Mny Both.All of ihrin- hnvo ucle.l on the aeroen. John Curr, !« ycam old. . han dlflplayed Rreat talout na itn art* lal bu t preferi ncn'en Ufo to that of nn nrtlat. He played tbo pnrt ot llin bed-riildcn broltior In "Tlm Giv

’ "Skinny" In "W hou a Kotler Neoda a l''rlond" •erleu. The (nmlly la ntovlnK to . I<o" Ancclon nflo r ' Ihit ChrtatmoB iiolldaya.' You nro very , Welcome.

IIM ldlng Unk*. '

Thfl owner of a foconut plontallon g has tm lnrd a mnnkry lo climb tbs , Irre* and itather ttio nilla. Kul tha t ta li» mneh llko h li uaual occupnilon to a count for.m ueh. In China ihoy had • dono better than tha t a century nso. (, for thero tboy bad btvn trnlned IP ' p pull rhubarb snd cn thrr rier. Io I

I Ahyaalnia Ibey hnd iliiUao inrcb-bear C . era for aupper pnrllea, but tho atnllon *

Dialler a t Ulleohnse, a amall wnyil.lo •tallon In Capo Colony, did bolter ond

' tralDPd a baboon lo a r l aa al*tialma« lo d work the irwlich?*. ,

) ' Gevimmant’f Chtek Notation.- ‘ ' Cnclo Sam I* eerinlnly n llmuchtful v • old euM, obaerrea nn .PxebanBo. The I ' eheeks whltb ha arnda to niembera of 1 '• congreta bear on the haek thta nnta- 1 tioo : "If the jirraon rec-elrlu(t Ibla I cbeelc-u uDBble tr> write hla name ha t

■ tnay Indorto U by making bla mnrk. 1 ): thM (X)."

' “• ~ “ Jl 't ' , ..' ' ll

I T l J J W ia kM m mp I l B '

jf i I y


IK cO m oi y r .u tim e : neiiu l Set

U ' •

s^ f DORIS r t ^ SO R R V V " '

BUT IT S L IP P E D ^ M IND- I W AS 5 0 \ '

BU5V ToDAV t h a t j p o t I HARDLY K N EW ! (^q \

(. V^HERE 1 W AS AT / eaR^ '----- --- ----------------------7 R16H


J y H

ft ^ ^ r

o r

1 I . “I ' A f te r - D in n e r T r ic k s

‘ - -------------------— 1 5:

st __ J 9

^ -------^ ---" HW

*' So. l » - T t a BaUkdoi PeadI•nif motl M perl'oe^ ju fiW woold

Ilnd dlfflmlly la balaaetat a pencil on lhe Up of hla (orrfniPf. and whrn th .

, performtr annoimw* b« ran iceoro- plUh tba tarft, tbe >p«eialor( wlll prvb-

* ably "w ast Ce ae* ll rJonr,”• Tha irtck ia affOBiillahed wllh lh*, aid of a paekalff. .Tbf Wade o( Ibi , knlf* l« oiMBMl half way. and the point

.!• puahad lato tb* pneU at an a a ilt . tb t '• han.I1* •! knll* bas«la< brlow lbe I p»nell point. IM a totm* a eounler-

9 balane* wbleh •o*M«* tbr f»«l lo b* " p*rfnna«d wHbool ( m t diffl'-ulty..

^ ApelOflUad for th* r lih .“ rm iirnraa haa dotelopcd am oot th** ndrntnla to a decree of p it« rftca»c»

llml la Inien*e1y amualnit to rlallor*. ofittinea 10 Ibe people themselTca, a i

1 wna the caae when tho popular rrlne* a Knnl 'if .Tapon w ti flihlns >1 lUtaurin f Knon and twice l u l a ble flm fi^io

hln line aixl tho iO venior.ot the pror. a tni'o oppeared and made profuae apolo-• i:li’« fer the unfriendly and Inconald- ;. finto behavior of Uie Qati.—Ohio Stal# ^ J i iu m a L

f c Traidition f/i the ax iri m T h e s e arc troub[csomc

but tradition dictates his . . ^ handed dow n from o u r }I ____ 2 . festival o f tlianks, says theE I Tradition, too , says " In thi fc. ' fonune, le t us .give thanl

' spirit o f th is day w hich harvest-timc a season's ing thanks le t us realize h

|P | | |K q . arc the foundations for mo Thanksgiving Day, w ith j brings new strength to do

lU jN jM dare accom plishtncnts foi w ho share o u ro g c and lat

H v thanks on future ThinksgMay your share o f a ll thii

^ arc given be gfcar and ;f’featcr. May your table I and every chair filled. Tha in tbis public proclajnatior

■ T H U C O N T IN E N T A I ’ (A Colorado G]

a n n ^ U u l\ fxlroUum pndudl in 0> titw Uxia, Utah, Ida

L - s = B - = = s - a - - = ^

m oto Cloupcin Books. Tlicy arc convenient ai ■ne ani! iiouhle nuking chingc. G ood at all Sen'icc SiJiioni and acceptcJ by d e ilcn ge

^W HEM EVEr "^ y r H A T 's ' ' W H' I ASK VOUTO 7 ( h A V E ^ W C





Tho next laauo of Ibo telephopo 41- . rectory will ko l& prea* N oTeta_^^2G. Any chanKC" o r addttlona a h o ^ / rench na nnl la te r tb in Ihta date. Tbir

- —T -I>avo your o rder fo r your Thinks*

• Bivins d inne r-b ird now, Cubllc M s r - • , ket. rhono 1C73,________


ab itea mlaerr. b j doubllot <mr Joy and dW dlaj oiir grtet.—Addlion.

ynu t’linnol nfford or do nol care to bUK IV now c u r or truck—Let un im i l l t lL n your old motor. FAOTOKV HTYLtC. Ouaraafeed Borfil UB new.

Stepken Cylinder Grind. Oo,■MTo Are Not Detfloiier. bnt

H u lc n «( the Bnainess.**

, J. E. DeW itt; COMPANYI Llcensod Zmbalmers J —and— '

. F tineral D ireo ton ’ Open Day and .n tsh i

s Fbooe m w

n says must, fallme days for th e turkey, lis destiny — t r a d i t io n , ir Pilgrim -Fathers' firstthe ax muse fall.____________ J________I the bounty o f ou r good lanks." T hat is th e true ich cornm cm orates the n 's labors. A od in giv- . , .:e how small and trivialm o sc o fo u rc o m p L u n tL .........th good checr to uplift, do and fresh courage to for which w e and all land may return greater

ksgiving Days, things for w hich thanks id your thankfulness be le be bounteously laden rh a t is our heartiest wish tion o f our th a n k s to you.,

fA L O i l C O M P A N YI G jrpon tion )ru/ine o f hifh-grdJt ' ~

ntandM ve : all Comi*3 genenlly

A l l m a n

v h y ; w e a l l nW 0 ^ E A R 5 ! r ^


4 ^ A V -. , .

f f i , " '

.TirilDAY, XOVEMBEU 24, 1023.

Page 3: TWI[N F ALL S DiAILlY TEMES Older Boy iliW mm Names ’2^ Is ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · TWI '^'i Y0I,1I.MK 0. NUMIIlili Inl. mm ISfW CongreM Will Be

------ -SA TU B D A T, NOV^EJfBER-SV

NEWSBitffW -ll

- -FiT TQ]C a s s i a G o u n t y E l e v e r

. . O n l y t p B e O v e r t a t

E v . e n s C o u n t L a t e i n

d o w n ; - E n o r m u o s

s e c t i o n a l S t i i i K g l e .

FlKhllDR e t t r f Inch of lho «sy. 11 Burley anil Idaho KnUn footbjill lean bnulcd a t Burloy P rtd s r ifn rn io t fo r aap rn n ae r w ith Ujo » r t io cndlt Id ft U > toa3-U «.'ia w b a tJK u connl< ered by many to lie tbo bc«t rrtdln.

• coat^Mt, V 'er In Idabo.D u tln c tIiroURb tlio lU olia Fu)

Ilnu^Qt' Uic a ta r i oC the KitnitM tl Durloy maclilnrf TCRlntcrwl 'a loucl dawD In tbe f ira l UirM inlnutnii play, line pUmRfB cnrrjlnK .ilic ba to tbo 25 yurd l l f lt fr<im w tir te t:u; nlno clrclcd rlKbl otid for a loiic down. Thi* Intcrfcri'nce b y Kcmhl nnk * n d T aylor o a li>l" *»" «>!

. or I tu b rlsb t iipola o r Iho kmip. Iloldlne ibla-AdToatuit. Uirouuho

• tlic f l r i t balf tliu Uitrlry followu wer# aure of v ic tory . buU <»iu Idal Palla trnra touKlit grimly on, nuv onco llvlni; tiPi 'and al«ayn on ll nlert.-

Ia the' th ird tjnartcr, Idaho Fnl acorcti A ioucbdown. whrn they worl «-d thn ball to tin- 31) ytnl line. Uu Iry waa p<inallzril 15 $’ard ii at th s ta s r . Mid bn ihu nex t p lay faptA

— - — Hti(ia«ll-'9 lun)rv<l ov«*r-for-1<lahn-Kall flriit cQunicr.

Throo beautiful forward panics i- rcutcd by •’F rosiy " Kilwanl* a i fhrlalophem oii nnil CBVinlii Huniu nccounlcd for Idaho K»ll« ii<-cot Ioucbdown. Rdvfanltt. ronvcrlnl ni lhe ncore stood 13 to * i n favor Idaho J'nlln w ith alx minutcn lo so.,

Uurlcy, alwnya (iKhtlni;. btncki-d kick on lho Idatio Fnitt tcnm . fro vrhcre'Dnleniaii, who mcovcrwl, raci over lho lino w llh tho lylnR scot Cnnnlna rnllctl in convrri. niirt thi

' lb o iramo ended 13 a ll . 'Kor ftaluri'H. ono \kould Imvo

two tcatiu, nn I'very iminbor did li blL

Tho work o t tlio lw o llnoa wan i' pcclnlly cotnmuntlnbli'. bo th Hid aliowlnc-.woadcrful chatsU iK ..,w bi: ■•Trr tbo bnll h it I h o ^ y > H lln«-.

Cnnnlno nnd KcrhhUnoV ot ll Rurliijr toam wcrn nKaIn oallcil upi lo do. tl(e bulk o t thr'^ 'offtnnlre w n nod did wondertul work.

" F r o a V ICdwarilH, Itaniirll oi Buili:r Iw tu ro d fo r Idftlia Fal T hcaa'laila wero lii cvtry play, ni Kdwnrd*' end runii protod ilic li atumbllni: bloclc for Builoy.

Tho llauup:Burlay: Idaho Fnll D u rfr i 'o .... ........... ......... .............. Ullti

u i:.Jncklln ................. ........................Flub

U T .■Wlxoti ...... ............................ Saiut

L. a .Hobbln# ....... .............................. narlc

c.U lc h ard so n ..... ............ ............. •Ueanl

II. O . Illolyoftk ....... ................. ....... lUlJiwor- - ............. ‘n . T - .

Untcmaa ..... ......—---------------- Burii• n. K.

Tnylor ..............................Caen

KerBhlaaek. ------- Mcdp.......... ......... ...... .. .,P . B......................

Cnnnlno ........ ........ ...................:. IIu m-U H.

* E w n —........---------------------- -Edwar__ _____ J t i i ; _,v___------------- STOimi i7 = 5 iiw n c u M r ^ wnim - i

Qnrlow; I tn r lo v Jo r SAiCb: CbrJai pbaraon for O cium : I k l t r fo r Durti Y ardnso 'K nlpM ; Idn to FaUa. l Varda, n u r lw ;.1 7 » ya«|a. ,7*ww< Idnho P d la , J Altempt«),‘3 Mtnplei for 70 ynrda:'B u rley ,.< a t t ctaptod,

Idnho Fnlla. 3G’ - ^ r d i , ' Burloy ynrdn. F l n t i lo w u : liurjvy H , I< bo Fnlla 11. ToushdoK na: Cnnnti Ruaatll (2 ); B a lo m in .. Trira I |o n l: EdwnrdA 2, Cannlno 2. F^i U w : Idnho Falla 3 . Horley 1. Pun

. . . l^dwjtrda C..Cnnnlno A......................Score by q u n r ir ra :

1 3 3 1 Tol lB u r le y ---------- 7 0 0 CIdnho FalU 0 0 6 7

Rnterco—P c tc rs rn . U. A . C. U m plro-Cnlfey, U. A, C .H u d U neam nn— W ilton. Allilon

----------- • r t f C I W X V U lw V w

j W a ^ P o l l M g

:f l Soroeu»en<fcrirdnt

f d ^ d v p u e h k d r c f M i ' i v c n i ^ < « lu e in l h e w o r i t ' ^ ] | e t . r . h i n K f f a s a r a k rch& i;s*^ y M y r a a o m f a l* • p r i c o , f b c n o n e o f d M 'g e t r k h l t f w i v h r i u f y ^aO o f t h e m w o rlc b i r d

.Dnr i * ^ t l i i g I f 0 B » c c l l c d

; --------------------------------------


TE;SGH13 ]:en Assumes Early Leai iken by. Visitors;' Batema- in Game by Scoring Touch Throng Witnesses Intel

r iiio I'lIOM THK HENCII•aniK cinm. |,000.proplv wlini'iini'd ll

Kame. 'd ine ______inld- Tiiy nfranKoiunni kt-eplUK the fni1‘ro" In llio Kraiirtniand wnti' a cou.l on

nnd eviTyoni! wub nbli: to nii! evrlrulln i>iuy.

lho ---------ucb> Thc orficlallnK waii a ll thnl coiii» of l»o nnked, nllliouKh mniiy wen- ot llba ll ojiliiiou Ucforuii I’cterfioii nhnuld Iin'

Cup* loro 'il I'Ulwariln lo kick oft iicnln iiiicli. thn lulilal piny, w bon'Iio k lrk rd oi:nbiK- uiOc un blA flm t ctfoft. .

ono --------Tho iinmo wnn blUorly tm icht tro

houi m art lo flnlnh, and wiUionir <ir ivwera *'*ci;pllonM , wall clenn. Two punaltl daho Were allowed fnr ru u ch ' niuft, iluvor thoiiKlrhoth ufteiidem nluli-d n ite r ti

llie Kwnc llmt ll wait purely ncclilcnla

''nllu Kernlilfinrk experienced coniiMcork* nblu (lifficiiliy In pnHnlni: the Ihirhliur* l|pi'. nlihoucli be nmdn iiulmtnntlthill Kainii, n t tlmen. ’When n tew yiin

itAln Wiru iifc'ilud. und he took tlir Im•alia’ t<liilii»-KalU refim «l lo-allow lilm -

' paofi.I ex- .

aud The lackllni: of lhe M abo ' Fnlniiell leniii’ wan clone to S 'e r f rc t uud Icond tlu r lfy Imrka failed In ihc lr endra

nml ora lo tako lliclr oppohi-ntii tnr,ir of ride un ihclr iiUuuIilem a* hau hceo.. the cane tn th e Innl fvw Kanicn.eij a -----—from lu ll Knmblnnrk wan n whole nh<•nci'd by lilniuelf. Hln ili'fenhlve pluy wcore. Kood to look at. ‘th u s 2--------

CanHln/* naiJe Kal' to around Ihe endn. bu t uoUilnK It—lUu. iimnr In- liim puU<Hl-.iwrtii>;-tbe rmI lilA pa rt or lho h<-anon.

Idaho Falls waa seared to lu n en- care o t llio ICcrnhlBiivk-l.amilne co Hidcfi l)lii;itlon. and they did ll.■hea-._______________ ____ .............. ..............Q<v... . llurlcy'n line iiluiwed Iho am

the nirenctb tbnt hnn charnctiTlzrd upon play the entire nneaoii. Idaho Fn work fnlllni; lo Kaln much ynrdaeu throu

Bcrlinninue.nnd ■---------

'^ lln . Tnylor, lho dim inutive qunrtcrba nml o t. lh e Burley loum. pinyed a cn hi* ili'tennlvu (tninc, ahuwlnK a reraui

nhln prowosH n t cllpplnc liln m when Camiinu Iieadeil fo r a ncnd ri

nlin: ---------titliT Jncklln wan ano ther Burley I

^vho played n icreat detunaclvu Kau luhcr Thin hlir brulaer Kot In' every pli

und very little ynrdoKe wiifl nalr ix ttir Ihrouch hla lido of th u line.

,r1ow Thono Ihrco pnaavii nmdo by Ida Fallu wero dnndlcn, >Mward» mi

nnlcy perfect Ihrtiwn on a ll three, nud • each InninDce, tbero won from two

>-or\h thre« inrn rcndy to tnko Iho panii

ivion I'dwnrda w ork n t runnlnR cod ru wa» a lirlRht npot flt Ibo cnmi''. \V.

icKca tho cxcoptlon o t tbc th r to rnjiiien, y wardn wan tba only conBUlCDl kh

'Cpca er fo r tho >:aalcmcr8.

iMcll Butler, tho Idaho Falla end, pli cd a fltcllnr saioo, and mndo Hovei

rarda nico nalna wben tnklni; tbo bnll, > thouch Uuiloy’a lino noon fntboni

rJsto- nilnocd from cnrrylng tbo bnll.irton. '---------

i:0 • Tho box Ilne na net up by IdtM o t: I^ lln ' line, proTod Imprognablo wliileled Uurloy ihreaieBod.od. 2 • ---------

' 66 rip Ihelr wny ihrouRh only lo Im * held wllbout a snin.

m ine. ______fOf A> faf ns footbnll In concarn

Idnho Falla aeomod lo display unta. iiooner knowlodijo o f. lh o . name,

-------- thonirti 'B Qrioy'a g roat wolRht t'oialn

!5 Burloy' aoemed content to i nbout four playa. w ith Cnnnlno r Kurablanek aa th e u n ln puli while Idnho l''alln ahowed more

___oa aMorUaenu

S I ? Caplnln Rtuaoll o f lho Idnho P.___ . iMtB. plnyod • awo)l gumo. . bc

I very clovtr n t h lock lns whcQ I 1 .tnrti.(l hla nnd - w w .--------

F lihor ot Idnho F nlls nlao cove « I himanlf .w llh , (Id ry . ' Thin ate

p lny tr took w onderful cn rr o( K ^ thianek nnd h it tack ling wnn v

J * Mnny Cas* In• ' Codflatk.nro n mont tnpo ruaC fWt pro'ducu nnd w hm dried lind nnl^ nra nhlppcd a ll over tho world, a^ Nature Ungatlae. I t ta fortunnto t™ Ihcy nro one of Iho mont producim lUhcn. A codBah welshing nbout l’i

ly puunda Imn, nug lily apcnklng, ni^ ly 2,000,000 egc*.

i .Pr«(nnn C urnln^ 'T in foolUh and wicfitd pracUo

I I ' prornae cumlog nnd «v[enrlflc n _ I a« n w a nod tow. U iat every per»o: ^ I aenM nod chAracMr deinntj and

^ tplntn It-W ntoh iR cm . .[ a ' — -----------

nieb Dowry,Thou rnnit oo l iMi how rich n i

ry anrrnwItlvc* Ihn noul. bow Hr faith und cnyl* night u( Qod.-rAll

--------- — ..... " ^ I T V

ISPO RT~ A H E D ir O M A J t .

W ith N a m ^ ’g victory ovi th e ' PUtff eioveii,’ th e Twin P o t w o rrio n wiU hava to got dow

3 to business fo r tho Thursday clash w itb tbo Junction Oit lads.

_______ Conch Hnrripgtan has ohe <tho boat teams in tho statfe an

; a d Is anxious to wallop Twin Foil laTk u a fittin g finalo to an excc]

tioaolly BUQccssful season.Tbo Twin F alls boys seem i

tako tho (r<imo rathor lightly, ar . havo foiled to respond as th(

should.1 llic W hy ono defeat should pu

tho boys down as did lho Burli fnnn gamo is beyond knowing, b u t

,v,“ y is a ctTtointy th a t such an atl tudo is not fa ir to tbo schoc

:oiiid "to tho graduates of the acho< and above all to the lo y ^ fa:

,n°on who have followed the ups bi out- downs of tbo team in yoa

gone by..Thoro never was a footb:

aiticn team th a t has not a t son^o tit r lho too b ille r cup of dcfoilltal, and y e t 'th o local lads seom

th ink they* have committed tl urioy unpardonable sin. rurdn The defeat a t the hands of tl Imll, Burloy team: a week ago ahou

a c fa f l 'a n 'ln c e n i iv e 'to 'b ra c o i and wipe out tho lo u , and n as an incentivo to qtiit. Succt

diav- has nover been attained throui quitting ..

I- Twin Falls fans a re deservi:niiow of a good game on Thursday a:

wnn Ooach Evans, o r no o ther coa con bring th is about withou^ t cooperation o f t^o players,

■m i' i r — W ftkfr-uprboys/'the eatiro to^ is bd iind you. and i t bchoo\

com- aono of you to betray tho tru T ickets for- tho Nampa-Tw

Tiim F T a lls ” ganio“ 0ie~6a~saie“ a t~ i *Fniln M ajestic Pharm acy, Macoule; rough •n d '- 'S iite^ .— '*

rbnck Namn of Crnbnppln.Krcal The anmo cmbnpplo nppcan fo ruurk* e f Scnadlnnvlaa origin, anil nkln

mnn ,the Swodlili "kmbhnplo,* anyn Nnit I run. Mngnxlne. Skoar oftcra thu crj>lw

lJw» Jhaf {Jjc fiivciJljJi -word J» n-ln: ; f “ fo tho nninu “kmhljn'." n« applied

iilayi *1'* crcniurc. Ho ndda ihut api lalnrii'l cntlon of th'o word to tho fn ilt «v

perhnpn “from ninio notion of pini lag. In nllunlon lo lho cxireme »oi

Idaho araa of the tanle" o{ lho cmlinpp mndu In ih u he Hnda rcnemtiluncc to t

I '' “plnchlniT ncUua of tlie cluwn o ; t cruntnccnn.' anil. ______

f"'*"................... MniHlflh oinclnB.'M i l la Colomdo'n rloneer dnja Cree

with Itn gold proipectora nnd danri ** ' nenorllnj, outdid (he present cndurui

dnncern. They worked nod danced : plny> e t n time, glvlnc rise to t

iv ira l p h r tw : ‘'It'a dny nil d n / tn (he t{i II, ul- U uo aod there tn ao olgbt lo C m dolonied _________

~ t im c n ' \ \ ^ t~>.'an Qet Henultn:''

Idaho ■ 1 ' ^ _______ f Awhen Z

lay n — , i <i h e. nl-. . . . . , ....... • - U ^ ■■■

> uno /0 nnd I pulnia. , .ire ol • y /

y n u

.''Ka* - Icl rn y f§ i /~ ® 0 ® d

ntell.tr \1 Kor- \I very T,

t food '■ ©nnlted 1 ■ , it. nayn BY CnAIlLlCY MORAN,te thnt Coach C talrn Coliego.lucUvn Tbo flrat pnrt o t Ihe fonnnlloi 1 (wen- known nn tho naunro or Iwx for , n r u . Uon, Uio hackn shifting Inlo tbn p

tlon Ihcy run from. .Tho nhUt la mnde by tumlntc

Iho-rlgh l foot nod aicpplnic. wltb . toot, then n Jump. Ilnekn 1 nnd

, cover 3H ynrdn while hncka 3 a i ‘ covor ouly two yardn. Tho hi

' ‘ nhould bo In a ponlilon to nUrt noon nn both foct aro nquafely on

lad around. Tho play nhould no 11 Ibnt every lann wlll be la hln pn

• • ' poallloa ready to ntnrL - . . ’ ' lU vlnx completed tho f l n l par

. tho formation, fho hnck* nro In n now* poalUon abown In tbo nbovo diagi <lrm n N a 1 back Rein tho bnll on a dl

•Alford, pnnn from ceater.


WORLDIfPR iM K ER S[ ^ /A S lp i ' iA ]c i ty ... ------- J ’-------1 n T-'J

NKW VOUK; Nov.r24,—Aniiouni InK a policy direciuil n t coiintrucitn

e o f r ulher Ihan- dantructlon. ff anlrlt < and 'co-opem tlvo ' nuprrvlnlpii Innicnif i

, uulocrnllr tdoiulanuco nud ii p rct.‘ 'ftll*t m en fur commoir «cn»o. tho rei'Uiiil cccD- « ’<"'BniilU‘d >?«w.’ York boxing cou

^ mlnnlou hua .n 'sood chanco m unfiiiv thu pliico of respect tll wbU-h ll

_ oiiUtlPd iin< tS ^ governlMi: lioily ■ “ buxine In ■ tb o ; naurfn IiIkkviH ai , a n ti uioBi inipurtntif tield.’♦>iaw Wllllnm MaUoon, whnno iiilm

recUd. Ihoufth boucist unil nlnce m il , i-iiuard ,^be'c i;^m lisulim lu b

, , eouie the liiUKhlni; ntouk uf the lio P “ l ‘ ing world, hnn b. nn Met liiick to

a rle r m ther m inor »e;il In the touiii' . fljid WDllJim J . .MiComlek h a t i.u

Ut U cccdcd him nn thi- .loinluatlng iic a t t i - ••Diinlliy ot thu eiiiiimlKnUin.

I. , McCormick In yoiiiiK and hv hi n o o l. nround," lifl »lnrl.'d ii«ho o l, luliiirer ou lho Kii.il Illver wiiti' , from nml worked lilinnelt u|i unlll I

In nnw Ihii Koilornl inuuaKcr -uf ll a n d blgKent trucking Ilrm lu New Yoi

llo known how III hiiiidln men, iii on It ililny-th lrd cl.'Krn' boxlnu f» hn kunwn how to- liandle biiicrn.

41,.,11 Mi'Conulrk’n llri't intlvu mroho 't b a l l Ill,, rouiuilnKlitlm o li:iek Inio tepulp eiime with the u

I , / . . . niiunepini'lU ihu enmniliiMlim wiiii revert I ii i 'l . to the old eiirdlnol n

m to lit the rnnio Uml Hiiiniplonrhlpn u' tfiB‘ .MilliloatiVi nrlm/nlnlrnfltin fi«d fri

lo cnlnbllnh tbii proreilent ot il I the ihroulnn cbuinplonn nnd ni'HInn i

new ourn hy pnniiliii; ri'niiluttuu lOUtg i,ril(-lul ni-'inloli. nud It renulli'ir0 111) o|H‘n-ridlvulu- fo r 1l»i eomuiloMluu.

^ Miilcloiiii would Ulll hUlfer huxe1 n o t mannKerN or upot,r wrlieni uuur t iccess nnrreil roullnon o t IIm- eouinilnil

” ntlln-« nnd hc n r l.d iin lliu llii-c ■ough Dial Ihere waa no uuri-al from i

ru|IUKB of tho comml»nlou.. Mi-Cornile.X throw the donru iif I

r v in g roinmlnnlou open .-md Invited r a n d *■"' boxent, iiumaKer'i nnd i-P'

, wrllnra lo come lu, t:ikii o t Ih coach caitn anil no to ll. i t th e Itecently. nftof the announ ' menl hnd heen inndc thn t nn nii

• Iltlon j

dnfond Ihclr tlUwi In thr. fiiii would bl! pennlltod nnly by n n

t r u s t , pi-unloii. Mc(!omilok Invltnl a ll ' tpu,,_ chnmiiloiia. tholr ;ininnK«ra nud '

boxlni; w riters to como In nnd li

WIckry Wnlko’n ‘nunpnmloil 'wcll

nnd -llin lr nianaRoM -»cro njirprl when they, w ero '“Invited- to nil' the meeting. ; •

to be Mnuuiiorn of chnmplons. In lln to ^rncen o t lho commlnnlon, n{nlura vxpranacd aurprlao. beenu^e lho ct plMin- mfanlon hnd nhown an Incllnnt eln.’efl to even perm li ihen» w libln IU*.« led to nldf rnll.nppll* McCorulck. told them, tha l ns l< t iviia " m>'uiBer-o( Ihe roretininch.,, ,11. K''* Jjrenli. •

, III! crlilclxod lho acllonii of M doon nnd aald Ihnt ho would nol

° * '• n party lo nny more unfair it ‘ue inkeM.

.....................Chlnaxn Like V«o«tnbItn.Vccetol'les nro u»ed very freely

breeds, the Chinese |>«opIi*, ta nddlllon inring Ihe common onca nuch na aplonch. irnnci tutocs, cahhoco and Ihe like, Ihey ed for many pinnta nod weeds Hint-nrn .; ;o Ihe copnidcred .food In Amcrlca.e iJay ------ ;-----------------------------------------


FBV .%•

^ ' ■ ' ]/7' I c l ' ' i i T t / r i g

^ , Dneks No. 1 and 2 n ta rt Junt a Ihcy wero goln< to run the end.

Hon In i.uyom numhcfod 4, 7. nnd B forinn- (},„ defennlvo U ckle In, whlto N 0 POfll- hojM thn opponlns «nd and ki

- him out of th e piny.»“h i]?5 7 f a ll the player* oxeouto the ir

; properly there nhould be a spnci ( Snrt 1 o r «'"> between U

nnd end UirouTh irhlch U o m an •Urt s; >!>'""on tbe t f bnek Nei> T o u roverao bln

0 llmed wbun ho pM n^V tS iltno of ncrlmnpropor

•part o f cu t the defenilvo fullbaek down.In th e 'When (he.tfefeai>re l« n ned i«

lagrnm. ntrong. p layer 6 nbould help N1 direct wllh Ihe end w blle No*. S ani

nbould hlocK defcoslro fullbnel(.


C am p and D obic DifTer |I IVfiller Cuuiii ii'diiillK'Itirn- l« ^' ni. ilHTi'r.'Ui'.' lu fuolliull «s ■' idnyeil by Kn^terii iiiM Wenlern «li

_ (lllNiuUrK u.il.le,' Ciiri»-a . I'a. li. I• •' ” wlio lina'liaiulli^ ii-uum !ii- tuiiti •

. icelliinn lout; i'IuuikIi l» laaUe I’lU j .. . - . .upluluiis,worlil,>sUUc,.aiiia.there

\ \ 'A fter nil. It la u uiiiIU t »tr U ^ oiiiniun. IU 11 upiuMni.


oiilly . .

11'“" Leader of Buckeye Eleven 1 ’"auil of Strength.llndl- Sr%'entr..|i' yrnm iiko n nlx-.ven'r-.iliicero In llui Imld <it feultialI be- "All-.Vuierlrnn" Iieli'rllnni uud mile; liox. rlviilrlr:. u lth lil-i iia rru u fnnn llu to n cnrlii. Tiiiliiy Iho }i"‘"i: i>n“'.- Jiii'll. r . 'i . ..rr, 1k niiilulu uf Ulilc .stuti-'n fe*.nu r. Iiall'elevei;.I'cr- Aft.T Ihrlr arrlvnl the family dlltic

lo T.i|i-.|n, l>. I'lUKKln;: lii;iil»'il <‘M l.lu-Iml unuh-.hl- way. llo xvuu ii plu.

“ fi>r liliiiM-lf ..|i llle W iiitlriil^l. hi liii lil f '’" 'l '" 'l '-•‘'t” . f Ihe . '" " " ’ll '’!} <'’do Stale, In- v a i Yoilt. “ l'ri’‘i>l'‘liiC .-audliliite f.ir tl, nn.l elrv. n. Ai exiH-i te.l, h e ......le Mh fir

full, fii.'lhull ••<>" M u auiihomorc. Uy re

ke III 'Innlon

fricil 4 ' - . ' l ' i

r thoisiUin '

“if lhe f —* \ ! \ ’ , j | ' 2 j | l | | I

nil I



II tb rthe

1 Inlk

seller-' Capinln'Bonl Petcotf. .

prhiod aon nf UiC preRencc of nuch aturn- nltei|d fonner Cujiiu'ln liufTiuun, Trull u

aplers In the nigulnr lineup, hmvev i» th» ikml nervi-d clilelly lo IW I on a nlll I. nlno iincmno.' ‘f.*"* A yeiir nso hc seemed n bll tX/if ’' “i l l " " " " • ‘•InB-” 'Vben he did ■•arrlv• hoivoecr.-he ciimc rf'Kh « mah. H ei , |j ,„ . w d ly dove hln wny to fn........ I lliln.

In the lum C"'no of Hio aeumin. n ci 1, ^ . If leH lu u'lil.'h lie llluo und ngi

lil lll] ;^ pluyn flvo yardn behind t Mul- Ilpe of nrrluiliiUKe.

lo t Ur Tlmt IlllouU guuie wnn Ohio Stnt "'I*- Ume Wk Ten vli-iory n yenr ugo. Up

his urrlviil a t (!ulumhua lo bcKln Im___llllt fur lhe tniin-ndlntf Bcimun. I’rl.roi

«ulu pruuiUa uiui lliut Ih u a|iirii ubi b j ‘jnitiKhl n vlclury In lh* Illlnol* gu

!on to ( yuur UJ.) w_iiiild luiirk the iirja iUi :h, po- .,j-o i.ji.tcn iTirougMiut Ihe arnaun. lli ey ra t. ;eii.irii-d il.iiTn to llghilnc wcliihi. : ro .nol .Kjuiidit Ho.worktfd for Uuclo S

nil niminiiT, ilellverliig iunII. rcli-i.fT nhlni'.< an n stuilrnl ns w

I', 1023 M, opon Ihc tiinthull Held. I.lke'hla I .I'P.-'leceai'vni hc la aiu<lj'lne_m£ilkl

ric Is a llneuUt us w ell^ Aa u lociul if Ihc truck ti-ani P.elcoff shlnrn w the dlnviia. .

H inchm an of P it ts b u rg h .- -■— T cIls-A T nusm g-Incide

m il llluchiuuu, who ucta ua coi ^ md acuut fur llic I'lrulon, rclulea

iniuxlng liicldcnt Ihut took place nog iigu in a Bluall Icugur. U« I

................ >rm-nailfiicd to | i« p n l-n noulhjiillrhcr.

Illll decided to keep hla Idcnill; .ecrel, huy an -admission ticket i •Iddit" lir the ntunda. H e found a a n hack of first baso. uud aoon niuo cnguged In converullou wlU .'lid fan anting noxt to hlio.

Thla fan wan full o f coaverant i ' nd volunteered n l«t o f bifnrmni ! -iM>ot vurloua playera on -Uie U

— i___ ■ '11 iinlrkly niSulied lho piuyer h t j o: •! to wntcli.

I‘tucll<e' wns on nnd BUI la a n : .-rof fact voice turned lo h lu ;

lid, '■Who’a llmt southpaw warap rTbe f in nbot hack t a .Indlgi

•lance. “Say. where bnvo you be» 10 crted. -Why, thnt'n lhe bent I

__I <nndvr In thla leugue.' Kveryit a s II here's n big league scout looklBg nd. dm."

8 box . . I " —' P ittal)urgh’H N ew S ta d iu n

. ’ to S e a t 90 ,000 Pereci ' e J ’of UulTernlly of. Pi'l a c k lo '" irg h atndltira la completed. It m wllh iccommodnte.00,000 |>ersonn, 0tf,00C

-he .f ln t ^ r e l and ftO.OOO oo thg In tlcld '" I - -*•>« neallns cnpnImmnge rrm t^r by 0).000 thnn the ntadlao und. Cetimbun. 0 .' ThQ..*tndl«m will u t and •,« n ady fAt qm until th e IpSt s h I™* UhUl lc la turned o v tr to the-tTol <• Very t l t r JUhU(le t*$ocUlloa. Um l

^0- I tb e n will M atlnue to piny at

“ ■ "“ “r

r i I P E R S O N A L S 1; I ______ ___________________ :________i

.,1 ^ • - .......

AlMiU.y;. W. I-. C.iill.llr UII.I T. K.I'- » Hai'Kiiiiiu W ill' l a ...IHI III Hiiil.y

r,; >, UV A. J\ Kliiiiiii.'M'i' I'l li.l" ri.iiJi y TT.iiii.tr.'i-.;ii“iair.iu'. n,.:, " '>"■

Mr. nil.! Mt'.. .'. M. M.-nl.l; « . i. hiT.' fi.iiii Ililfll y. Mil I i(;iy.

^ ~( A fu r .l)m n ,r fri,-I,, ^

’ "Vr-.ili) ll// .ithall.

~ tVb^ «Si?i

.I'lililli INo. 165—To 'll» n Kuj>*f\Vllh On- llaad.

ir tli< A hnii.lk.THilrf U lirM ti' ij.'

f '■‘'u- ln"*il1 fra'lrr'*IW n U rjr linnU rnhkl c.f nsl't'" .

I .ir 11 m-n.-. llir 1iK.nl a- -Juiw" m . VISii''’ 1. " I 'l l ,111*- (“r I'lid. A. Imn.-

liiK .Illllf 1i>w. TwM llif hiiliil tir-w«rd. ■« Iiml th r Ilr.l niij rn-.ni.l lit.'Krn., ntilr.1 L. Ilir Ihiiliil., or.' ........ .

k .' lu i'iip .iw .0.1, -A .- »»i>.»it I krr^•l.kt Iim.lux II,. |..'>Uli.iiI .y"ll!i“tl*nd?tUrViii!!'t. rtill huhtins (l.c' Mill. ••.\/-'« iul u Li.W i> .iiliMrml'a'?

fufuir.l lu llic- .'fntrr ut III" t'"t.i A (l-lg. ID. •

5 ^ B l M e T l i o i i q l i t A ' I M a i

.' iiiviTKU THAN s u ,v i :k AM V'.l||.r>. — C.iilIliir.'.H tvlth .'Iiiilentliii'i: In KriMi 1,-iitn. I'ur we hmuKh; imllilu

SMB lull.'lllU worl.l. uu.l II -Ih e.'rliilo U I I-Iin curry u.itliliit: .nil. An.I Imvlu

t.'.id un.l ralln.-ot. I.'l uh lli.rew lth li H eunli'n t.'-l Tlii). <I:U. T. K.

H .SK.\‘riN(i.I'rilli'.'iiii It.ilU'l' Illnh. Oil ::ii| wvr.

■ n . op.'ii’i loiil;;lil ul 7:.|<I..

I k I rAi.'«TEn8* s u r r u E g -For Dale—I’alntn, Olla, Mnreii

W'>1 <nUrynIurt In . bulk: llco Bupplli [ 1 0 Inrry Uoxea. Aulo Wlndahleldn, I’la j S .nd Window Ginns nnd Wnll Tnpt ^ ■ r — -MntmTi-'aiiop.--------------------------------

urn a t VIUAT CLASS SADDLE llOBSEiI and For fg,. ^ a t io m n i o r la'vev?r, aies. Uorse* n o n e . Second •»«nllllty 8 o u ^

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . .rrlvr."

g BIGPUBLIid*t'iio A t B y ro n O v e re t t 's B

FRIDAY, r. upon Urfflnnin

. r ; Hor.es■u^idi ---------M«im.-HOO-Jhn.-eacb.-«niI B'lioa < nnd H yenr* olilj 1 Icnm; T

111, 1. •*‘“ 11 In IhN neclloui I ,' blnrk mnru. 13.V) lb» , H y r^ oli:i, llunl , 0 nud 7 ;h i.-IK old! I brown, ireldlug, 11011 110 Sam la w Ibn. •

„ 3 Jem ey milk eon»i 1 J.IS wtll n ,||^ 1 « ,y « r .o ld alee;lln iwi. herdi S lloU teln con.ii 2 DuitlWUE:. - J i t l f t r . - a . ' . J P t . . ■ald._U3t.. J t t ;icuiiier Jersey heifer, !3 j n . old pan'tt wltn heifer S }r>. old pnal, fretl

' old, rom lne fre«h BO to iK> di 'o ld j IS ewe«.

Farm Mi i d e n t ------- -- -------------------------- ^

H . li. Lue, Anelloneer.ii.il

.le haduihjtaw H ' ' - •

r_;.; Elks ThanMond

■ranilon . .U ao . --------------

ew nnt. . ■lUtflKU oenoitsa mat- .

iM and fnrnila*

dlgnnntb e e a r ' . ‘i•• •.

HIGHEfium PAIp c o mJ.oooon . I ’ If.-: ’ •

H TwioFjite FF irvtm

--------------rr r r ir ------T H R U

! hOOSTS KOHI)[ I DlITItOlT, Mil'll.. Nov. Hunry ' I l''or.l .will be u prvnldentlnl cnndldntfl

1 If In- cau run on au tndepciidunt lick* vt au'l 1>. nol bouiid hy uny Vlntfonn, ilolL'il U. Viiluler. trl.'ud o t Ford nnil

1- nil.- l.t 111.' l.-ndrra <if llie Kord-for* ,il,.y 1111't.lilent luovi'iuiut. ducluri'd today.

'i.Ti'.l unV iirij.“cilonii 10 lliu movi'meui“ -III,, III iiiiike him 'ii'.nld.'nt. ’

• .IKltSKV riT Y . Mathilda Ult- „,i,i. Khlil.'li, luillau:i|i.ill>i, iilrniiKer In

J..ni..y l-ltv. w:ii.l.-il lo mull n 1«1- t.T mill «:i'i i.uri'rlii.'.l when lhe

SK.VTIMi {. I’lluii'ii'i lliillei' UiiiW. im 3J^l^v.nt„

~ CUSSIfiro ADVtRTIStWtNlSRt<ilTrl t»n 1.ii* fir CUtitfkilUa


^^^I'Oi; .^AU: ■ li. |ni:,jii':nil Velli'tour-

........... .. N..;.'i!ili! r'l.'-;ili, \-.V wm

■y- >i.'r I.'OI dlii'uunl un..... ...................I. .It lli'Mivi- .On- HOOSIKK l l'llM T iriU ; CO.

I:il,M Ill.l;;.rlrl" ................. — I _'i 'n l k u i:!: \Muil',lii.'ld .Ull'kern. Ai'.k

Ini 'III. in. I.Ui.i .Viil.iiuobllu l!mii|iiili>'.

'‘t , ; ; . : BRAKE IN3PECTI0N .v iu ;i t rmiTKt'T tON

• liiM I.et Vs InsiK'cl Vnur llrnkfH . jiTi'ii Linil Automobile .Oo.S (l..f'•all.

Laverirtg T h ea treT>ilii I'ulls llni’ Mfthl (Inij

^ W ed., Nov. 28

,p n « a jI’laie ' ’ ' ’- ’ " ..............-

_____ AugmcntcdJJrchcstnv.^________ i Curtain 8;30 P. M.

Prices: $1. $1.50, $2 plus tax r U* Scats Now Selllng^at Majestic

P h a rm a ^

.IC AUCTIONs Rancb 1 milo soutb of Eden

. NOVEM BER 30inlns nt 12 oUUockles------ C attle« B n d -7 - rm ro W t- l-» e n » ,- t« 0 . Iha^caelL - i; 175Q Ili< 'eneh . 7 y m . oldj rated an -

I rfm y mnre, ISOO. lh»„ 7 ym . old; 1 . o ld i 1 bny mnre. ISM IbK. 8 jm ; old |7 y n . old! I hay mnre, IUO lbs., S ' j n , ,

111 Ibfu, 10 ym . o ld ; H homen, averarlog

1 Je m ey D urham mlly cowt 1 llolntebi uleeri fro m « e ll knonn C. J . Gaiibey D urham-Jem ey eoim i 1 D urbam Jerney

J n s J i tn l lh J .1 J .T . . . 1 1 iM r iu .pan i, coming freah' tO d ^ a i i Ji6inalg^^ fre th , n llh caWt 4 ' Jem ey beUoAs 8 i n . .0 doyni 3 Jem ey Gnerflney Helfem, 1 yr.

Machinery,* E tc /______JERMS OASH ........................ .

'T ; X eimoD, a w k .

misgiving Dance

nday Eoe., Nov. 26th ,JffUSlO BY ■

i r l ^ $ab


Page 4: TWI[N F ALL S DiAILlY TEMES Older Boy iliW mm Names ’2^ Is ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · TWI '^'i Y0I,1I.MK 0. NUMIIlili Inl. mm ISfW CongreM Will Be

n s i "*■

"twin falls d_ Tlia ' T im ei liiu .mor* Readort ir

‘ ' 'paWicaU

PDbltibaa S n iT B m ln c Except Ba: Company, Twin I

X. a. MABTIBB -- -----------------


BDUrad a t tb i Twin F a lls Poitom ci D atlr PyblluU oD,' J

f i D B S c B i r r i o iDa!l7 , oao y e a r ..............................Dfcily, l iz months--------- --------- -Daily, one a o n th -----------------------


There were a lot of jjoch! i the Chamber of Coinnierci' lui written suggestions, while olh w ritten ones. C. K. Lind want ro ad improved, somethinn tho fo r some tim e; How ard Saljin \ tw een country and cily, iinnllic L . Swim would pu.«h the idea ol' north of this city, an ideal lo I accomplis|ied. These things w( vahtage. They would pave lh of P rank H orton’s idea of encoi fo r the C. H. Peri<es phin of gett the way of advertising, llie recc Pearson th at we set forth our friends is good, and this plan ’ the adoption A.- Dorm an-Jol the fact th a t this is a pennaner sam e line is the suggestion of \ class goods be bm nded. .T h is o f S. H enry BoUon, th a t wo get wd haven 't so many, and if tiio us should ge t enough iron an^i haps we should find there aro ' barnacled." as Roosevelt said ll b ad trusts. Anvhow, it is soni( the energy used in getting Vid > m ore prolitaoiy devoted U‘> thoi: i f tlie bam atles are not in ti p< of the ship of civic develoinnertt

------------------------ 0 —- d a n g e r ' s i g n s "

, . . . . . By •T inies D. ' ' .Presiaent Coolidge is right

cem over the possibility of tho would be a world cala'mitv, sit porary reign of anai-chy in tlio the south of the form er Germ: U nited States and G reat Britai p lan agreed on by Wilson,,Lloy and. guaranteed Franco npainsl stanam g th at she w ould diwirni into the paths of peace, tlio ti ex ist today. The French ave n( m an desire for revongo, and lh tions. On the othor hand, wh m anhood bf Fnince i.s under an advantage the goods with whi( i f 'it g o t Uiem. Hence, wo have

^ f commission sf^ far as irnxhu a 'situation wliTch ])reeds hato i foundation for. "The Next War, w aj's in the mouths and on ttu*

O f course, Senator Hiram Ji w ith satisfaction the growing H is idea is that if Kurope slimi national bankers who loaned ii

_and. to.get.this salutary rosull, 1 zation overturned, and a; very trad e destroyed, as indoi'd \voi trusts.' If Johnson saw a sured in -a company against w drowning,-he would prol)ablv ground th at rescue would incai n ot have to pay the faco of tho’

■ Another sin iste r‘aspu'ct of th a t President Coolidgo takos oi to dispatches today. Il is s la u \ operate Mufecle Shoals ovon a t :i need of fertilizer and partly lioc fo r defense. The |)resifleiu nu have " 'i 'he i^gxt \\niT‘MiL'. is w be the detei-mining factor of su principle laid down l)y tlio Lo; govem m ent should own and « factories is entirely sound.

But the point Is th at I’rosi( the imm inent danger of war h w ould n ot advance this as i rea ta in ing so extensive a plaitl as S ta tes has biim ed a lot of suni .to control the world for peacc peop le will, hope lh a t it will g< N ext W ar” will come in Europe

BilL B O A O T u n s TABLB iEaiUMSBd fro

HA i H __________ D epart 7 :M «. a t'nH --------6 :40 p. b "

No. SS ■ I ' D epart 1:00 p. ta IJ'" NO.-XM---------------- D epart 4:10 p .*

B « g trtM B m c h6 « i tU n i i d .}

-----------D epart 1:10 p. a m, r • • > j r w t u o u « cui

N o. UO :__________ ArrlT* 4:36 p. a rrn

DAILY t i m e s ] Ly T w n f yAT.T.M n Q T h r r y ^ ___

in t h i l . C ity t h a a ' a n y o t i a f " t^bn. ■ '______ ’ ' * " ' *’ ,'Bandky by th a m a s s PnbU iblag J ''') Fslt*. Id ib s . - r I,,','

— ________ m4liT .PnbU ikM

^ ~ ~ ~ ~ Iflee iis 8«CQDd Clbia MtUer M aI,' April I I . 1118. An-----------------------------—----- —----------- Uli(ON RATES. i/i 00 1,..,

___________________________ $.00 iHi,___________________ .60 1“',

-------------------------- --------------------- I--ITTEN LAW -

li t i l i n g s s a i d l a s t o v o n i n g a l ''j; l u n c l i o o n in t h o w a y o f u n - i.,, Ihoi-H w o r o s u b i n i l l i n g tin* [||'; n l o d t h o T w i n . F a l l s - C o i a a c i j ’ ' 10 T i m e s h a s b o o n a g i t a i i n g ^ w a n t e d c l o s e r r o U i l io i i s h o - I''," h e r h o b l ) y f ) f i h k p a p o r ; A . '>'• o l ' a h i-]< lgo a c r o s s t h o S n a k o D h o s o u g h t , a n d l a t e r t o h.o i '" w o u l d m e a n . g r o a t t r a i l o a d - l h e w a y f o r t h o r e a l i z a t i o n H''

l o u r a g i n g l o c a l i n d u s t r y , a n d "-i I ' t t i n g a t n i l k c M -a fjo i 'a to r . I n 'n c o n i n i e n d a l i o n o f R e v . A . G . i r a d v a n t a g e s in lo t l e i - s t o » ‘i 1 w o u l d b e s l r o n g l h o n e d b y f o h n s im ’a ^ j l a n t o e m i i h a s i z e l e n t c o m m u n i t y . A l o n g i h o '.[li r W . K . P r i o b o t h a t a l l f ii- s t- i is lo a v o s t h o s o lo s t i g g o s l i o n "I, .‘I r i d o f t h e l ) a r i i a c l o s . .W e ll , l i e e n t h u s i a s m o f . l h e r o s t o f j,;.', i( i '] 'R ( t b l o o d i n l o t h o s o p e r - o ' ‘'R o o d h a r n a o l e s a n d b a d

t h o r o w iT o g o o d t r u s t s a n d i f f i i n e t i n i o s a ( l u e s l i o n w h o t h ( ; r d o f b a r n a c l e s c o u l d n o l b e i-vi j i m i i s l i iig n f l l i o ' o o m t n t i w t ^ iT ^ ^ p o s i t i o n lo i t i i p o d o p r t i g r o jv s , (

*rtt. ;

S1N -ED RO PE----------------

). W h e l a n . ■ ‘k ,r h t in e x p r e s s i n g l o d a y c o n - mt: f ie c o l l a p s e o f G e r m a n y . I t j',',' s i n c e i l w o u l d m o a n a t e m - -i.i h e n o r t h a n d n o L s lu 'v is in in ‘"y m a n e m j i i r o . Y o i , h a d l h e tmi la in o a r r i o d o u l l h e < i r ig in a l J”,'' o y d G e o r g e a n d ( ' l i - n i o n c e a u t u i s l i n v a s i o n , w i i l i t h e n n d o .r - in a n d t u r n h o r s o l d i e r y l> a c k -i t u r m o i l J i j ) r o a ( l w o u l d n o l J,'"’ n e r v o u s a n d f(.‘a r f i i l o f G e r - i.o.

lIu 'V a r e n o l g e l l i n g r o p a r a - v h i lo s o l a r g o a ] ) a r t oC U io t..r i r n i s , i t c o u l d n o l u s e t o b e s t h ic l i ( l o r i n a h y i n i g l u p a y i t •! / o a g r o a l l u i r t r if K u r o p e o u l l u c i io n K o e s . W o a l s o h a v o nai

(HI b o t n s i d e s a n d l a v s t h e a r , ” t o u s o a n o N p r o s s io n a l - ' i 10 [ io n s o f o u r m i l i t a r v m e n . J o h n s o n w i l l p r o b a l i l y v i e w '

g t r o u b l e a c r o s s I h o w a l e r . o u ld g o l o s m a s h , t h o i n t e r - I m o n o y t h o r o w c iu ld lo s o il ,L, l ie .W o u ld .g U id b ’- s e e . c iv i l i - u -i !T g r o a l p a r i - o f o u r f o r e i g n J,','” i 'o u ld a n u n i l ) o r o f < m r o w n wi. I 'b n u - w i i i in i h o k n o w ’ w a s i n - '2''

w l i ic h h o l i a d a g r u d g ( ‘, lv p r e v e n t - a r o s o i io o n . t l i c • a n l l i a l llu* o o n i p a n y w o u l d *''•! 10’ p o l i c y a t o n c e . o f t h e s i t u a t i o n is U ie v io w ,<>'i

o f .M u so lo S l i o a l s , a c c o r d i n g u \ l t h a t h o w m i l d r e t a i n a m i '»'!! I a lo s s p iu -U y l i o e a u s e o f t h e 'J '' 'o c a i i s o o f t h e n e e d o f n i t r a t e m a y h e r i g h t . I f w e a r o l o ^ ■~w}iniiv ,i ig l i i .— I'>n g.L s s u c i i w a r , i f f o u g h t , a n d t h e 1 - o a g u o o f N’a t i o n s t h a t e a c h J 1 o p e r a t e i l s o w n n i u n i l i o n s I

s i d e n t C o o i i d g o u n d e i - s i a n d s ’ b r e a k i n g o u t s o o n , o r h o ‘ e a s o n f o r e r e c t i n g a n d m a i n - us I h i s w o u l d 1)0. T h e U n i t o d n i i g h t s i n e e i t h a d a c h a n c e ICO. R e g a r d l e s s o f p o l i t i c s . ‘ g e l h u s y n o w . F o r i f " T h e p e w e w i l l b e i n i l

i;. V. I jrn o n lia* movp«l hln aiflri' Irom Smiiti-Hlc) liiiiUUiin It. f:r)lil.'ti Kill.- nlort-,

AU kliid.H tiiral I.y il„.qiiartrr o r nlU-c, Opfii K n, ni. Io 7

Aiatk'fl. I’liouc K.7X

n r x T i ;n s.Hnvr your i)lii-«iiaiii tililn* madf In-

Cn a btauliriil tiirU*n iiirl«n for 1 CbriKfrnai) cKin to Calirornia or ram - J rrn (rfcsris, __

! H A N S E N ,'— ----------------------------1 ;;,;

______ ____ •!II invui \lnnii,IV I'liy

- j.-.--- . . . . Iltu

liU ’h'-..'l ,..!.'• 'i/.kMi!-''iiimiihlv -Tx-aii.ltii.ll<»i>. Ihrr w.,1;. 'n„ . tli.iiii-, „f It,,.:.,- .n;.Mi,r Uu hl- ti.M . 1 ' ' ' will lit. ti.it.1.,1 i„ x,

Th, 1:. l \ l'.llv :;i,iu - an.l K. M. Mi- (•„> f:uiil1l.-i. i |„.ni siiinliiy 1,1 ihi- II. .,i„j M. ....... ll liMi.. , M.-. a r.i. Mm;. M,- •)

Will /t i lh n n i- li-n Tilcola}' u lili a » 'h <ar loail ,if lii>iir<i-li<)lil iir,-rtK fi>i l..i,i thr AllKl-|,;i »-h,.|r Ihl' Zollihfcir fauilly inl »HI ,inal.,' lli,'ii lioiii,'. »lii

.Min. H,|!.,-M (:ill,-,.J.i,- ail.l 1'. ti Cil- "f l.-i|lli. «h.i l .- r ll llv iii.,v.,| r r . i i i . | '‘‘ ‘ llailM tl It. Tiviu l-',ilh> VM-I.- I 'li l«l Ih.- I’aiil Untiuuil hon.,- Tiu-.i1a>, I '

.Mr. ;.ni! Mi„. J. Il, l,.«(.i, .Ml. a.1.1 1":; Mr:.. S. 1:, llrr«.-i- .if ila.i.un. Mri-.| ,1 «l,-ih,iii,-y nml ,i<,i.-i ul T «ln I 'all- ^|Mlll III.- \U.-I, in .l HI lh,- II. I*. M r-i”” '' n .l,l.l ll.lllll' n ia r Wmi.I/II, '' I - '

Wlill.' rlillm; 11, ai th,' C-,lti,i raii,-h : ''-i' till \V.-.lii.'«ilay .If Illir, J l l . i " > 'uirii.in hull 111.- ................... 10 h a w 'it” "'liH liiiirr rail AltH-.Illlll, rii|..|ilii:;| 'hh, Ii.,: Ill « ...ii.Mi'i iiia.i.1.1 an.l "I" hivalilti;- .111,- .if lh,- ti.iii,-, I

\l.-r;,lat|i,:. Clyili- Vwill,.i, St.il..;,. | jljii

llnrr:i''li Hihl'.:.' ,liih! xv.’iit t,i lli ,-] ''ihti.ni- nf Ml.,. <■. A l i ..... . l l .a i l '" * 'lllllll \Vriltiri,,hiy ........ . nil .'l.iy in, ‘ i; t ‘In;:, 'i 'h ,' liiilli ir llml tlr y hmian ('xr.'tiilntiull)' i:.i.>tl iftiin Illld ihiii -III.' illiili. r M'l-vrd hy llll' hiiM.na wan ----O. lh lllll:..

Th.- I jJ i . - ! ' Aid wlll i,.-rv.' d lnn .r In Ihl- ha.iriiii-iil ol tilt- /liiurli h im il ‘ , '| ,w n mull Iwn .rrlnrl; nil Thi.nl;>.- 1 '

1.111 h.' .Ill illn'iiliiy III Ihr Snnday — tirlinni khiiii n ill.,- >„'I.'<ll»n nf liiin,i uork fnr mil,', Nn liillrl,' will |>.'i,.)l<lT.ir iiuii., thikii uu.l iiUd unmii:; 'Ihnn wlll III- f.Min.; nniii} Ihln.::. aiill- ' lllll.' fnr Ohil.ilniaa rlfm,

Till- l.aluuuli I'iiil. wun .nii-iialn.-.l al llll- lllllll,. of Mm, I 'lr ......... ''

Mrii, n y d r llni:h,i. Imr. [luirhunr.l 1 Hi" (III- iirniii.lly now .>. <-U|il,d hy llaliili j ll.'iin anil wHI mnv,- ...lih h 'r family \ iti It. (t.wn 111 111.' m n r fnliii.', ' I"'

J.iliii Thrnni r,'|i,irl.i Hi:i1 I.,- lia,l '-r

fr,itii t ih iriaiiary 'riiri.ihiy iil^^hl. ri>l

iiiinili.T of Indl.-a at a K. iir.liiuitin nil Kta I'Vlilay i.fl.'iii...ni. wi.i.^lllllll Kln-,ii,l|'ii Htiriil the wrek .tiil 1;

( irn r MrVry nnd wlft- nmd.- a ’ hiii- tlia rlrd irll. 10 T oln fallM Tllr!.ilny mIkIiI rra, i>2 1al<.' Mrn. Tnm illod;:rll In Ihi- li,'.|. ,,111 .,|iU'.(.f'',Mr«. A. 0 . I’uavnnii, wlf,- ..f •Ar-tlr-IVorrnn.—nnttlor-fif—th'— ITi'shyt.'ilun .tiiiK-li. v,li„».- .a r (n tn .-ll liirll.- Ill u .•.i1ll-.|..n ultli a liiirl; j,,,,, .m thi- lilKhwny^ tiriir Kltnhrily. Thc fg„|

1.111 til- ininli-?. f.n-aiiril iirrlnini In- u.,!, J.ny Ullli lh.- I'v.i'iitin.i .,1 Mi;.: l>iu.- , ll.m win. r,-,','lx.-.l :i, i lllll ,, tl.i.iuli not . ; lllllll Injiltlri, ‘ '

f i . l l , Sr.ill ,.f Twin Kalln l.,l Ui.'tiiu.,l,-al nrtiKra.i. a l 'lh - liai...... .•.11,1. ! " ' "iniinliy rlm i. li Similar iiliilit, ..........- ,.-.I hy \l|.ri N.haiii a.iil .Mr. Ill.....nrli.Th....... . niuiil.ii:, w rr.' < \rr||i-,i( •“>atnl Ih.' .•..Iiiniiiiiiiy r„iii;; KriMcc wa» ihnmiiKhly .'lljny.'.l hy all. >i‘'r

T..111 Il|...l;t<ii, 111.' iia-l.ir .if lilt

.ifftr.. Ill till- . 11)11,'ll ';iiin.-x " hl,-*ti'.\v’ll’l I

IimrrJi a "ii‘ rili'i'imlmpy'nVlialikathim!. j ^

t'lry i.-ii-.it Ihlll thry » l | | lijiv.-.nlli1<rri!.)iuhl.- r id jii li.nin.'.l in' Inai li-Ii .1

Till- ytri.l .If lirri'i an.l hraiir and ! fnill I'l >inii-.iiiUly lnri:r wlillr njiiid., ; a i.' Il.ll HhiiWlll ; .lllll.' Ihr lIMKlI Ion. 1 iiai;,i ii,'i' a,-r.', Tli.' il.r.'nhliu: ms- ! . . , hliiivi a r.' «lndliii; ii|i lh.' I.i:.t nf ih .- | y

ila iiih l. Shri'Kly I', . n i iv a t, in : ; al |

Sam Wliiriiian a rin i (hr (larf of (h.- ::n,>.l .Sniiiarllan aii,l mil In ii.A.'ial Ii»iir5 Ihll. ...... .. iiMiatlln;; n,'w T

a -la r t i : un jii; Cu-lh.i AVoin.'ii'u Cun.- W||»|»10 <-iiinrll I....... nn.il In Mn kll- Vrh fu llf ,llir I'i.iiimnnlty .lii ii.h llili. -iVw in i.i, II will 1..' ......... at Hi.-Thank .Kliilii; .........1 whlili 'will ho:'.rv .'.l 111 ....... TllalikM:i:ini: il:iy,.M.-.nia. (:.K.,lman ninl r,i:>|.r irn.l,'i-.

....... ...... ...T h.' Han:„'ii f..:iiiiuinily .h a u l , and '

hl;:h n. limil will li,- 1. j.r. n iii.-.l al lh. iHih r ll„yt.' V. ,M. . ,\. i,l;,h .„ h,..,l .<mr,-i,iin ' a. Il.irh'y N .n,iul..r -1 i.i .

Ii> I'lnfr-.i.ir C, r ia ik r arnt Tlii'.i- B, lln.,- S ,„ tt, lln.l.m lllll. .1,11' lW ;ir ,l . U’ Hniiy l-linr. I.,.inaril WI^TmT^u'nd « 1:1.111 llriinmi as .M,-;:al,:., Tli,' party tJ will l.-..,r-.f,ir l l i i jw 111 tlir li.iward :.rM ii l>;l^>l‘n^.•r al lli,' rhi:,,' i.f

faglaiiTg^ i rfa^SfluTB 11

-T o n .w -^ ] I

“ The M an Between” I>:xrtMiiir I

..................Is [iS in rj H

“ No Monoy to Giiiilo Them” I.TWO.REEf. COMEDY I

FELIX " c a r t o o n I

• S in rI 'jlomJiiy

“His Children’s j, Children” - j

- n i l l l - Illrh r ItunTH. (.Vn. V anrfU IJso iru ICrnnIr Pnm lliy » srku lil

anJ a 111k Ca*t

fi'wusi F?jxs d:fi.-h.Kil Krlday afi.'rnooti nn.J ' iracliiliirl'-y III ....... fnr lli.. hungiii:l..Tlir ^lln«lliinn M.'ir.i unnodarlnn i.f ilanKrn 111 fman. Inp llir trlji f.ir Ihc .IoU-km-

The ............. . m .n nf !ian«rn ni.-t 1*

!!5CTWaaf18? ^ »lliullit;.;. ..'Jni'ii.-jkoioclullim f o r .- lb u J'lUi

.•’lrlr"’'|ai,',,M H ’’nf 'iiiiii',.,'i'i nnd nnr- -Mi.mmlini: ...iitilry and Ki hark th r lunnrw ........ I..... lly rhnr.-h innrran i. Thi- «li.i.illnwliiK .ilf'i,-, r.i . |.'.-t.',l; Cha'.. 111:1.I'aU .'rt, tnird .l.iii; I., ll.'w.'y. vie.' thci lii.'H ihni; (), Ilrllw...i,|, «,','rrlary. Mr..an,l Ja,'k Srhn, ffvr. Ir.aMJr.-r. al 1

ili ffo m m tm ttr - rlm rr ir I t l nnrt .’I i:iiiil.:.'.l a IlniiHirr rinh iiii'l Snil.lay \i »i'hii.il . lai'i, ami will Uav.' a ]iariy nl sim th r rhurrh T liu rdny iiiuht'aiK l loll. rlr, I II... ,n-xiiiil.iallnn nml jilan Ihi- w ln tir., |.i„ .:inm width wlll cnniilntof ............ inx'lal and iilhl.'llc n.-llvl-li.H, Tl ,-. i:la,h. .htiyi. in rl al III.'. Iini.h ru d ay nl::hi It. iml ..n tv nlni.

llnl.'ilrT'rlillh lllf •j'hr i: lX of hitih nrhool ace mf.'l

.Olh .M r./T.mi lilodr.H nl tli.' Com- 'liumlly /ar.i.m a;:.' I'Vlilav iiliilit w llh "'■'‘Iih"i. t . / , h , i . .Mr,,. Vanr.- Naylor lt> \I.av.- a /i.aij> an.l nritaiil,-.' a "W.irlli “ ‘ Wl.il,r’j .'llll, 1,1 pr.iimii" lh .' .-liiircli

“ lim.Mln.if f;itni',h,il III.' liiiMii.'nnM.n'n .Inll :. 1■l,'a ;■lll i.ili pvlr,.' .M(m. t«-n,la^ iil/hi h> .Ir.iiii.liit; 111 ftir a f.'i.- <l<-lltnlii.H.:. v.lili a i:.ntr,i.m ,.,i[iiily of fcr-.'.ail.ln.rli.-. and lll.l .'../r,'.'. *:nt

Th. \l, v.,y lnii,l.'nirni I'.. .Ii-llv.-r- Kra.'d an Int.-iniiiir.iial ih i.i i.m irnrll J.in Aillini S..)H th h VM'.l. 1,1 linill Mn............. . fi,mi Ih.- Inri.,>>. Mr.-Sri.il WllIn l,-,-,Iin,: :;r.,i 'li.'a.l .if :.i.','i,i .m hin >Han.'', n laiii-r. Uin

...........— - . nfli------------------------------------------------------ illn


IAU rU;liin (i.-.rrv,d hy .I'nii.-d F,'.iut-,. Syinlh ,1,-, In ,. ' Krin-.nlni-.Ih.n [llllllllll...... A ni,,,

■ •V a r ',h ; . t , i i i~ i lV ...... ....... .. 10 !;'•h,' lir'tlnr.lv,- h I.nw knliwii 111 h.- V, Ih- r.-,iili of l.'a.lllll,..

Many ii;il|:. ul anlinaN. i.nii|in>.'il In hr liijililKl. In I1..IIIV h,.V.' 1(1

I’r .'lh'*‘r’'''in'lm ''l’ V.i'iiiii: r irah 'hav .: m. Inl.'nli.in nf

rnim: mi., ih.' w airi. Th.y [ihiy '"'J,ahniil th. lr iiu.tUrr .11 idi.irr. nml . ,Ktailiiallv ..111- i.nlli-,^J Hum liilt.' tli.- "Wi.LT an.l t .a . lirn ili.m i.. !,wini. . .

niraKirt— -im“ iiiTTiii(?5':,“ r,na“ it“ Wa- f.niii,l ihat yniiiiK m,iiik.'v>. havo nt,.... .. I'f r,'i,lll, H al lall nnl.r,i. tlihfgiir luiH l.c.'tr lauKlit thoni hv par- .III', o r m hrr munhi'Tii-. • - ‘

Man..-:i of III., irujitorn I 'n llc l m S lalrn Krnorally i.ro nfrai.l of “i.naU.'.., Inu ii.ii i.lw,iy». Y.iiim:KillH urt>. not afrahl nf tlinii nnlll IniiKht Ihry aro .liriR^rniiK. Wh.'ii'111" (ifrtiiirlns <if Ki'i.irrn Imn.,':. nr,- tak.'ii lo .'nutilrl.-., «’h.iri- lh,-r.' ar,' f.t»y nr no p,ihi,iii.„in. .tiiak-'u ih.'V lh. mil i.i.MiH lai.> .KMulivi* with .h.n- Krr. hlmwliiK thal ,i)iyy .U. nol In­herit r.'ar of ihetn. .

■ " - TONItaiT—Mnv McAvov in

“ H er Reputation”i:!i;hl.r<rl •|linnia'..;iir<- MK-flnl

- a l-lrsi >ulIoiiai nItraVlii.ii—I rani III.- 11,.11-1 l>} Ilnittli'} Kliiir.

I t . .... .ly Tiva ItiTls-SUPPLY AND DEM AND"

I'niho llr ilc n -C.iniliiif .^l.,mUlJ-

Tln- Iiro ,ll.'.l .Mi Fiim K.-nliir^-


^ KHDNITNG i l # i f A F R I C Av a n ODN ANA CAMZSA

M <n'Hilontnic I ln .Jrr Krnlon ■ ('oni^djr FcnlDi«

- I H E LOVE NEST*"T hffP RwN of Vun

Wcfkir Oqibrum Orrhv«(ni A (tear of a Siion

— y— ^------- — - -

p a f e f c y .

I ■ - ~ ' 1 for/ , K L M B E R W i ■ •

I t_______________________ } la riKIMD13(II.V. ld ttbo .-M r. aiul Mrn. - J ]

S C uirnn ii th if,lron‘ l<'f(~THT;r">».>r'l( rrrr-c^nTOfiiTa ti.y ft ra w J TcTnr-i.— j.nirii, Iu tliut .aunny.i:ll;nule hufurur.'tiiriiliit: li> f;iini. work* In J.lnh... ii,,,,

-Mr. nn.l Mrn, K liarr • Dlllon r r- «luinril .Similny Ir.iin Uikrvli-w. Orr.. „i,„.whoro Ihry wt'til 11 cinipU. nf tiiotilhu - i ,,,;i):i, with III.' lnt<«iilh.n ot inaklnj; „ n itheir prrtnaiH-nl homo llinr.i. Mr. and .p.,.Mr«. Dlllon nr., n t proi*.'nt vIMi Idk ';.l lh« hntno of Mr. l)llhm'» parrnlii, „Mr, nn.l Mni, John lHIIon. hul cx- " ’pr-rr-rrniiw.-^iT-lTlialiFrly-KTnJH:-----

Mril. JaiiK'i. Hlyi.-r-.'nl.:rlaln.'d h rr Hiindiiy >.rhoi.| rli.na \Vr,!ii.-iiday afl- i-rnofin a l hor hcmio a.iulhwort <if .. town. An cnjoyuljto timu wun liuii ,,, by nil. Thft Iii,»io«n ni-rvni drIlclniiH rf-frpiilmioniB at lli.- clono nf tli<i nft-

Mrn, McCarty wn.-i ihn w itinrr oflln- U a S, qiiili llonal......... 1 thflAlhk'Ilc rarn lra l. ll.-r ni.'iit. wnn r.n:i h«nnu in till) Jur. ivhlrli Inrkt-il ,, Iwn nf tiolns thw rjirrrc l niinib.T.

Mril. W. A, 1. Mim-i, t'lil.'rialn.'.l 0 r,)» frlun.ln 7iiv.a,lay iifi.:rnuon nl lirldxo In lumor of Mr;.. ' linear T Sli'..l,. of Twin F a lh , .Mt, A. J. Wllnon rccclvfil tlif* pHt.i fnr, IiIrIi ncorc, nml J!r.. Si.'olr wun prr- t'ontoil with n ilaitity j;nrnt p rlir . A ilolloloiin (wn cournx Innrh,.nii wnn «crvcd nflcr ihci Kuniw. Tlii.n.. prr-<- nill w rn . .Mrn. Oni-ar Sn-oh'. Mrn, Krank Ilonry. Minn Klo li.-nry. MrK.J. U .ShL-iuinl. Mrti. H r , Taylor.Mril. Olonn Whilncy, Mr.i, A, J, Wlhon nml Mrn. W. A, I.. SIowo.

Mrn. (llonn W'iillni-y oiilprtalnfi]Ihn Ivltnhcrly Ilrliic.’ rluh .Thurmlay nfipmtion ai n oti.- .iVlm-k phoa-iinl illnnor, v\li ,i| ilio rluh membern ivoro pr.-“riii an.l alnn liio hoHt.nn' moihrr. .Mn-. May I. Mlok.-hvnllt.,T hf i>rlxr> to r Mr.U m nrf «a< won hy Mr.. J. l-*rnnk ilonry.

i.«w rir I’. .Mh'ltolwall h'fl Krhliiy imirnliK! for Mntt l.ak.' Olly whoru hr will r,iniiln h t r rnil of ..... win-

A f f r t '- l t i K lmbprlr Wnlnrnrtny nitirnliir oaiiHf.l ('tiiiHlilorahl.t .-xrllo. mrnt hut wnn ..inlokly .'illnKUhhrd hy tho firo hrlta.Io. Tli,‘ fir.- wn*In a Tuuali .IuoIIIjk.-- oft'.... . t.v Mr.i;.1on n.lll <irriil.i|.,l by a llm iihn family hy llio nntnp of Moyor.

Cal nwonr. h l.i.ivlnu mil on hln ran ili nnniiioLi of Klmln'rly thh> w.ok. Til.' Owotiii hniiKi' win hr> Drriiplril Ihla «lnl.«.l iiy W, I). P.'l- I'W fanilly. • .

.Mr, nn.l Mr», Pnul Rnlnilllor nmi fnmlly movt'.i lo llit-lr (in.i.lhiK ranrh Ihh w,'ok. Calilll SloHhiinllh naninl- r-,1 Ihrm In ninvinc th rlr hnuni'hohi

~ .Mrr,'. l-:.n^hK lio ll o^ilirrl.. I.> |,'av r '

PO T A T O .BAGS-' for Sole at

M . & R ; P IN K ’S- . W AREHOUSE- V ‘

" J i m m j A ll t h e G e tt in g

. Ji


A n d “ Jim m ie”H i- 'r r i 'R Allfully well tha

___________ m oney N O W , tl>cy

A Savings Account R H SPE C T — H O N I tb c Liberty Iicl! Bar A ccm int here teachc h is inoiicy ami. a t tl •acrificc.'! made by lu liu u pokbiblc.


N a t


for D tnver Snndaf to vlnlt fleTPral •layn wllh her inoiluir wbo In an In* N. vullii and Ih confined in a nanl- has la rlu ra there. tew

Tho I>. T. A, piny in now b tln s Hu'" rd ic a ra n l-u n a will bo jtlta ii.J ibau i ff.""Uit-JUhliIJft. fit.lh 'ix iiilic i___TJic, nliiV, _iH ontlllril "The U m Day nl CoiitorlUdpfe- -Hc-hnol’' -wlllt -M ni,—' -----liunry aa lh.i Iraclior. Tho iilay t h Moll .„„l nml will pr,.Vldo un 'nlm; of fnn 10 lhi> iiu.llcnco wh,'n Klron. 'Hio procopdn nf th r [day A will 1:0 lo Illu library fund o t iho - achool.

An arl exhibit rnnnlnilns of over ntll! hiimlri'd rriiroaucllonii of Iho

•'Xblhlt nl the hlRli nchocd ihls weok, Tho impild innilo a Ktndy of till' pirluron durlnR Ihn wonk.

Krlrndn ot Mrn, W.'.M. Vnii liouloii ' wlli he Klad to know iha t «h.t hns }|i, rorovoreil nufflcleiiily from hur rc- «pi ro n t operalloti lo loavo the Iuik|iIIu1 nnd ill now cniivnlciicliiK at thn liniiio hu. of her iilnlnr. .Mrn, H. (!. Shad.' nf Tw in Kalln. ' ‘V.

.,- IrrI 'laii 10 d(i yonr Chrlnlman idinp.

lllllt; at III,- llapllHt ha/.aar.

Now Is thiThere is no better time

t fo r opening a Savings'strong. F ederal R eurvo 1 beginning to build n stu

Good crops havo nionoy you keep yonrs in your person you run the rfak

' p4y 4 per cen t interest, i a year, on deposits of $ Iintl your moitoy is safogu

• strong Capital and Siirpl

T W IN EB A N K & . T M

U n d e r B o th " '' “ — snre^m l------

0M- - Supervision

[[I trrS.-riig

l ie ,” “ B il l” e F e l l o w s ig L ib e r ty 1

ie” antl “ n ill” and ail th e rest are .Americans bccause of it. T h e ir f tha t if they can teach their sons >ey need not worry about tlieir futi

n t biiilils C H A R A C T E R . It tc N liS r y —T H E V A L U E O F M ( Bank niveii your boy w hen hc Et: .'lies P A 'rR IO T IS M .' Itw illassi: t th c s iiin c time, bc a cofistant rei >y the “ patriot* of ’76” to mal

TW IN FALLStio n a l Ba

■ (

IDAV. N-OVE:>m E R 2-1, Vo2:t.' '

Al-CTION 8AI.B9 N. v:. Moiilifftnicrr. Hie Aucllnniwr,

lias iDDde arranxoraentii to canh a ew naJos or.w U I advaticn m w ey on Iirm. t f you are Intrndlni; lo iioId t.HBlo talk J t .«>ver_*:llh..htn?-. ______

S to p ^ p flin g lk riMoney

>pKi.iitii »in t*n-To«i »h« wt

U r •rphulor Tlu

.'.•S-A.S-p'.K-.'fIrralmr.il plan., Wa ■Ivo.yev a petlUT*'

Sriirunim-JiilmMcn l)n i|t Co. ■

he Time Kme than tho presen t IIig s 'A ccoun t ' i n tbla /o Member B ank and . - . surplus fund!

loy plentiful, but. if u r home or on yonr . b k of losing it. We It, compounded twice ’ ' • f $1,00 and upw ards oguarded by ou r own irphiB.


’ a n d s . ' A r e B ells!

' s '

are going to, beir fathers realize • ')ns to save their

__________________________ ______

: tcachca S E L F ­M O N E Y . -*And

starts a Savinr .« issist h im to sa' j rem indcc of C j

make this great *

f . . ;;r r ank

Page 5: TWI[N F ALL S DiAILlY TEMES Older Boy iliW mm Names ’2^ Is ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · TWI '^'i Y0I,1I.MK 0. NUMIIlili Inl. mm ISfW CongreM Will Be

'8 A T H I!D A y ,.N 0 V ram E n 2^,

B nm eu Directo^

-------- — ______ A t t o m e 5 ^ _ L .

f o a r a B * w i r a i i i ; L aw n - - ' w u f v a f l i a - ^ * - B M > m u r '

O. C. HALL-W oofl* Dldg.

9amm Dl. BottawiU - • O rr Cb»pa BOTHW aLL * CHAPIUN

mttOa B ia«. B a o M ». <, T. «. ». K W ta a jtT * B W X x a jrr—JLtu jM

H » t M rtloa«l B M l

a b ™ « . w T L flO N -O tao T ^ iiK 40on*l B > a l BMg.___________

C. A. BAILET AUoraoy.

117 S hothoat SL Bo.

ghoe Repairing8B 0G S B£PA inE I>~W e do not c

t)le ' your aboci bu t ncO U l THEM b r t u jo r y raoUioda «t

. . k n r« st posttblo prlc«. Al) v i • .r o M i ta l^ Tw in F a llt Sbcw :

r« (iftif^ 132 Wcat Shoattooe

' ftO TAS- B S O i BSPA IR SSOP^ ^ H a r m . Prop. UO SM m d SL

T w tn nO l* . Id»ba *I*o m ■bow. . ■

i n O K t S S SHOE 6 a ^C. C. U e e ro , P ^ o ^

MftQ Ord«ra Ol*«a B»»cUl A ttw t >17 to lB A t*. E m .

Weldingi r . N . BB3 lO O B lU -O x;^tyI«# .w ,

tagl apTiBtt n » d » to or< bU cksaltlU os. Ftu 425> S14 2n9

[Transferm O S Q B TBAN8H3B COUFAK

F f c W t«» ._________________' KKIoaOl.8 ' TIUNSrSR' * 8T<

A O a 0 0 . - 0 u t a | « haolod 4«F h w V»._____________ • ’

WARBBEO THANSFER ft STORA C 0 .-fllo r« « 8 M d ipeclal c a r l ■blpBenU to CatKorola. Phoae ]

' . - Plum bing. W. B. WALL

PloabbM r ileatlf if . ________Phooo MS_________

Blacksmithing------------ W i« i f f jn f r r~h

m M tantth lD C . B oU trm aU ai.W tvt. UmOHbSmU. Sprlnc ork. h — ■ iM C B r4fir:8B P 6n«” « r Ml l a KnatM tfublu C a A«t&U

-------------- ia i3 k a v r » y ! M - — MftCJUinTy -a a n > • n o - w A ia boboi

' >AB8^1Ianeou8B. W . DAVIDSON. Phono lOSS.Tl.

U fn -ina. Co. SuUo 0. Smilb-IBldg._________________________

DB. 8 . C. WYATT Chlropr«ctor. •

0 « c « . 114 Main Norih. Phono Boa. Phone 467.

DB. a ^ F o r a ' C h lropne ter

U 8 U aJa N orth. Phone 11 C alla t t t w d t d day or a l«ht.

' DR. BULA a &AWTVB C M w ta tU e PhyXeUa

■aitM 1 a ad 1 ,0«m BoUdins.-Ba«.lM O -

l i n N VALL8 JUNK HODSE-1 ato. Rnhhor, H ldta . PolU aod V

L*(M t I m ^ o d M a t ^ o t C H D E R A lte .O R A N K S H ^ ORT ZNO. L n r rtn o e MacCno Wo m T hird KTwroo w w t- Pbon>

UAQA ZINE& -e«sd m e yoa r new M se w il nibtcrlpU ana o a a ll : lodicala: p ttn a p t i i r r lM m i t«ed- S peda l prioM for Iat» . ] I ta iT W . W U ttlfltton. U 28 6Ui < FbOBO 744W. ■

• D A F 8 FLACB N a v t a d ■•eoad haad doU

- - aad t o l d . - 106- B o o lk -I» a h 3 ^ - e t r a a l . .


yoe r o ia iM k . K ra a ta l H aehla t nO 'U O ta d a raatia Bo. P ho to UO

.....w a rd Ato. So. . Phono 78

FfX)PLE'S PRODUCC CO. S BORN CREAMERY STATION- baTo on band I t a ll tlm ot an Uailtod aupply o t caah lo ti fo r c re a a , poultry aad «csa. toiLBrieca a ad p ro o p t a ad ettlc ■ « M la u ro a t you s<ro ua a t s T i u i a South. Phoaa 1S4B. T gUlto. Cbai. Underwood. Mgr.

Ad oolmana.

- P b u i f f E T W ANTBD-W altb • m c u b paid a t yoa r door. C t t a w . H . F . c r t i s , e u r o u AT». m ____________ ___

T W O 8 T A Q E 8 D A X L TT w n r 7 i L L & r B 0 i s i

ta * T t BitO ■ .'V . u 4 StOO p.

%llySSt li ltW> r i J Q i ' u u x i i i i B a

](itaa% P afttoB ^ BatHlft - W a « U <«r p w M a m t m

• : Btaff* O o„ I f t


L' [TIME!— ^ H e l p ^ ^ i W a n t e d — ^

— 11 ~ i tA U : nU L P W ANTED-SniMm(0 flcll adverttslns ca lcndan and nc

— CUICB. SlftrllnK a tle r Cbrlalinaa It k p tu s Ing adVAtico o rdpn for ISSS cult i dar#. Heavy bunlnosn tlrn t thi

11 monihs of year. Acilvo tnan rccrl; — lar«o roturnn. P retor tnan hnodll

Hac ailHoaah w om j <tcrtatn one bnndlloi; anolber lli

roforrnceV?n tlm l loltor. V. s f ' ^ l C60 Mliuilbu SL. tiaa KraBclBco. .

Maku }COO bofore OtirlBlmiui. 7t< ronent m anufacturer. Kloctrlc 11b

_____ ed vanity caam, F'a«l Bflller*. Comlflilona o(lvancr<l. We drllver. c lecL HpanKlor MfK. Co.. 160 N. We:

__ Cblcaso.

AQENTS—1000.00 monthly laki JU II^ order# for npcclal prierd lu in oI tbo aucde lop coain. Wo deliver, colli

Commlnalon* advanced. ;Unpc<la Ita a a t 1C2MC-C DIviilon, Chlca

TYJIST8—K ani . |:5-»100 weel _ aparo tlmo, copylnK autbohi’ mai

script*. W rllo IL J. Came*. Autlir »L A«em. C-^1G. TallapooBa, Qa.,“ rry particulars. -________

■' Klderly lady ror huuaekecpor. wajiblns. Uox 386.______________

aatloa. WANTKD—Corn lo hunk, vlcir of Kimberly. Tako corn In paymt

—— F. E. .Moore, Kimberly.___________

WANTED—Two Riperlcncrd t V wallrcBAra. N ational Hotel Co., D

fwald* W“*’0-o r d t n ------------------------------------------ :-------n a a r--------- HELP WANTED—An Intelllsci

pcnoo , oittior aer. caay M ra $l( lo 1200 monthly corrcs]>oodlnc fi newapaper*; IIC to *26 weekly I

u tX M spare tim e: s o canvaaaing; aui jecia aURKested. Send to r partli ulara. .NaUooal P re ta Durca

3 J 2 J : Buffilo, N. y .

aALESHAN—E ieaptloaal opport RAOB Itr . B uatlera aarhlnga big. Wi arload McCIeery C aJtndar SlKtory. Wa” H'!- m u m u . _____________

_ S i t u a t i o n W a n t e d

WANTED—Position by oijjorlen alenosrapher. E. M,. 133S 7 ih Eaa

Experienced girl dealrea poaltlotl . soda fountain or aa waltreaa. r b

______ B63W.HOP— ' '

;M i J : W a n t e d - M i s c e l l a n e omau. .........

lU to r WANTEf>—A aecond hand ead- Co. Phono-773W .------ ------------------------

Btb. ----- ---

I .w a a t potatoes in carload ]c a t a ll tlmea. Telephone $3.

■i-R lc o W AN TED -To buy sm all acrci —■— near lown. E . F., caro Times.

W AN TED -A ll klnda of poul oa UIIA Public \ “ keL Phono 1S73._______________

• W ANTED-1000 Intellleent owsere to inspoct our m otor robu

184W.ht. W ANTED-Bhoep paaluro. i

“ aome hay and a u n d lo s com.drcsa lo iter to E. Wella, 1419 9ib

B*. Twfn Haifa. ____________'M -J. . W A N T E D -Poultry of a ll U nds

A .n y a n . rhono 7caR.__________

rV u ta . W A m 'eD -C uatoajod e lder mak = —— H aillo eaaL « no rth tou rU t p:

80 per gal. F rank McCormick.

S ' S L o s t a n d F o u n d

J IT T S LOST—Dlrd dog. while wltbII per- apola. Call 1^87.

LOST o n STOLEN—Sm all U c h tr lrrc lo from MO Slh avenue no

Reward la offered.

~ LOST—Ono real da rk brow a <jomiag NoUQr Pboae 730. „ __________i-B h » - - youN D -^2 hor««.” l blaek hora

____ years old. 3 w hile bind fee t: igray, S yeara old. T w ia Falla Fe<

X Z p Co- S tg R l_______________

t f o f - ■ T o T f ^ d e

Hanaen Butte land, will trade car.' F ro d T -K e tty , Haoacn, Rout

All kinds of f r u b m eat by ELK* quarte r o r slice. Op«n I a. m. I

N—W a p. n . Cao aafe -you money. Pu an ua- MarkeL Pbone 1673.

W a n t e d t o R e n t

W ANTBD-4 o r 6 room modern I i-wia ntohed bouae w ttb g a n g e.. Beatei

^ ____ bualnoaa bera la to w u Calt 109W.


r i ■

n m '

^ ik'.U t ■ .

. ' rrw:

S WAN-T— F o r - S a l e - M i s e e H a n e o u

'sman KOII RAl.E—C melndy Saxophon 1 nov- I. G. m pilm an. CSS 7(h avenuo cu 1 lak- ------------------------------------------------ —Mien- Illll ■ I ' "rV lI^ UED PAVCNPOIIT — UphnU Id line ‘■•f*''' '" ‘lour: tbrciI rciuuva)>Ie nprlnK cunhlonm makci

out In full nlio bed, }12S.OO.

. I l0 0 s u :u EUllNITUUE CO.' KlkB HIdK.

Hep-llBht- I— — — —— —

ItANGi: CTEIINAU-Cood ajvv-dV,__ __ HOO.SlEri KURNITUIIE EXCU'ClaklnR L . « _ — —Incoat y o n SAl.B-lOO holbrfl «iuihe». C ollcct. 5I7J 1 a fic r C p. m. or Sundaj-.R a i n - --------------------- -----------------------------

ilcago. KOn 8A M > -0ne roKUlered ,Hftni — — Bboro boar piK. Mix SmlUi. II. eekly. x«-ln rail# .manu- ---------------- -' " ,itbor*' GOOD THIRD CDTTINO HAY

to r fleltl. 4 mile* vant. i i iiurlh ou hit_____ wa>^ J . A. Lee.__________________:. No FO n SALE—Twn room lioiino a

nloeplnf; porch. 23U Monroe, nirc Oolden Rulo add itio n .'i’hono STull

Icinlty ---------------------------------------------------ymcnl. JfOn SALB—Slock hcctn and ci

rots. I H mlloa cast' of found--------- Pbone 261J2.

tray —------------- ----------------------------^, Dur- FOR SALE—Tlirc*hPd .clover a

threshed bean straw . Dbtb fine fr--------- Prlco rlgbt. Sam J. Smllb. The— I S98J1._____________ __________ •

FOR 8ALH—180'tons of Jonalhi plckcd nnd eared to r n t the rli

»'?»' ____________________PO R SA L E ^Electrlc washing n

rtic - cb lne,, cbcap. In good condltloa. rcau. will trad e la o a a -good cow, pU

I o r to r small gaaoUna m otor tba t c be uaed to r hand power w asher. U

orton- a i4 . H olllatar._________________

w w i* S A L B -P atn t and kaleoiaJ W aah- p tin llng and kalioaln lng . Plic _____ _ L Moon's Shop. ■

d F o r S a I e - A u t o m b b i ! i

leoced 1921 Ford louring in ezeellenl c< :asL dlllon, a tarle r, clc. Imiulre a t G44 Iloti-bn: — 2— :--------------------- ;-- --- - - - -Phone For “Pep“ aoe 'S te p ,- tbo Cjl■ der O rlnder, • 147' Seeond aret

3 0 U S BA LE-W agonor motor, gt— - ■ aa n tw . A lternating current. 60 ejt saddle. 10 l»P- 2M «"• 440 roll*. E . U . Ua _ lng ..lU »H op.:.rtU b<^

FO R BALE-1930 model seven p , , aeagar U udsoa ear- lU a bcca ov ‘ baulad and p a ta M - Five good tli

R u n i aad looka 'llk^ new ear. As gamalod Sugar Co*

L i v e s t o c k a n d P o u l t

FOR SALE—Orcao and due dresBod-or alive. Phone M 7Jil.

______ STRAY KOLaTElN bull 3 to 4 yeoid taken up by Oeorire lladonfe

ohulld. payInK for damann i

______ of Twin Falla.

aI* FOR SALI’;—3 young milk co Olh v ' t60 aplecn and >about 14 lona of I

a t Sande's rancb, H mllo north ______ counly hospllai. Phono C27J2.

— Placo your order for 1034 chi ^■vinp wllb lho Whilo llatehery, Ihe bat parlc. t r y w ith a reputation for good chli

Sato arriva l, fu ll eount guaranii ' Member.Qt Accredited Hatcheries.

1 noma' counly. “A" and “AA“ *lt” _____ Prico righL Send to r caUlog. WlI, Ualcbery, Petalum a. Calif._____

__ ___ "w A N T E D -60 o r mo7e‘ black..i»dn ®rca ben* o r pulleU . Addreia j .

I ' o ' S C .m l . K l n , l , A M ..___________FOR S A L ^ R e g ls te re d Bhorlti

. i>uJI aad cowa. priced to sell.“ ' “*• dreaa C. V. W lUoa.,604 Second I______ RuperL •

* •'“T U R J^ S ^ rb C T O T 'iu id dclUci

_ _ _ ■ POR BALB-^Dreased ducka TbankSBWlng. Order early. Phi S06R4. '

^ I h B FOR S A L E - l tuli blood Du I to 7 i t n t r boar, 14 months old. wel Publie aoo eligible to register. See R

® Jeste r or Pboae 6HJ4.__________Bxcelieat ready , for aerrlea Je r

. b an , priced a t 176. Duil calvea fr■ 140 up. Amoka T a m . Sberwood. 0 ra far- '■■ . * ■ i Ite r tn S till bava cabbage and those t< W. banaaaa a t Public MarkeL

t u s nUENDS

«JA T S"ni'U S T } i ^ l ' VTUIS 1 e y E a J ^ 1 V

f u v 'Ufw ) ____ Kvoo r \ . h

iT]V ^ i

.....................y ^


4T ADSou&{ - . » F er-Rent:------ilionc.’ KOR 8AI.H (Jit U llN T -T o n rc u l. llablu puny 80 acri'ii in tho I’uwi

— Ilutto dlnlrlct. a firnt clann-farm, ^I ■ tenant winla to nrll ti'am nml Ino . . . soltiK cam to BCO hln fntlirr. Cm

nnd aco ll noon. -J. 1,. Gltmon. owni J,'"® Tunialo. OrtKon. _______________

- i 'O U Jli;NT-Kiirii1nlic.(l funin------ h n lc i l -boui r nnti rn tncu - Ua j aur'• avci^uo Dottb.

Furn lnhrt room for ilKblhouiiekrc InK. RcMonahle. 1‘hono lOH. Ci

— — 4C0 Cth aTcnuo PorUi.____________

M r o n RfWT- 2 room f.irnlnh bouso. 40] Snd avonuo north.

rOK Furninbcd and utinimlAbjd<r\oun' M- C- GollerU 114 Main N .)l’h .\2 3

I. Call ~*KOR llKNT-1'urnliihi-.l mod,.: room, well healed, rjdjolnlnK baih. 1

------- waler. clc.. ono or two Kontli'inin p:lampi ferrcU. Mrnln If Ornln-d. 158, 8l3 It. 1, avcaun m l . Outniili' rntrancn.

-------- KOR UKNT—SoTrrrn, 3 inlirn noiY In of-Tw ill i-'ivIlK. Mnnt h a v r bclp a hiRU- rQiilpincnl to put In mid caro far

or GO ncrcs o t beann. P. IJ. IXi 1328 Glh trunUD eani, or piiono m

ntreri. fO R RIWT—HoUBckoeplng roo TUUI2. abovo Modol aiore. H ot and o------- r water, alctm b tau loiiulro Orpboiund'r^-: _____________ '

POR nCNT—Oftlcn roomn, mode — —: Orpheum Thealro Bldg- Inqulro On

" J . _____________Phono FOR n E N T -L isb t Uouaekeeii

and ateeplnjr momn. 2 U Fifth a nue w u u P boae 7G2R.

rlih t____ . POB BEKT.g n a - Roomi &ad apartm eaU . Phoi

“uJSM ean ................ 'r.UoJt j ", . '------- F u ra lib e d hoBsekeapliig aparloialna u e n ts . Oaaia H oba. 403 SlXU‘'A> Plione No. Ptioao >71,

* ro«mapartin»nl. yeuonab ;e . Bmlgal

II con- a tre e t and Socond avei44 Sth __________________________________ F O n RENT—IloUiekoeplog apiCtIId. Bsenla, ceupie iely furnlahed to r ll arcana houseke.piJMf, one, two and th

rooma cloae In, aad low m tes.

, good Mala N. oyclo. " ■

Miscellaneous" -------~:r------------- a

Tat>lo board slvcu.-cvcnlnc.dlD I over- t,j, day, wei'k or tnonlh. Clono In.

;o d avtcuft norih. •.........

DRC3SUAKIN0— Pbono 730.. Tih s tree t n o r^^ _________________

lltry " W IU 7 P A Y CASH to r U*«l fu' ........ tu r n ,.r u n . atoren ia g o o d ’cnndit•Suck"- A IL Vlaccnt Co. Pbono 40S.

’* D inner aerved lo teachers and i I years ora a t 316 3 rd avenue ao rlb . mfeidu ' ■ ■■ Inn anrt Private money o a ban d for f ;b rajit m ort«afe loan* in mrloUB su

nsoo-oo, tlGOO.OO, |3000J)0 and 01---------- amotinU. l i o delay: A rth u r U S i

cowa. f t Co.

?lh 'o f CUSTOM CIDER—You can i have elder maSs from you r own

--------- pies a t any time w llbout walUng........... per Ealloa. Special-price SaturdichlckJi Sc. Twin P a lls V |u. f t Cldor Co. t b atch- location. 1 b lk . weal L incoln Prodi chicks. ' — ...............

SIsSi For Sale Real Estal*0 a etfs 3^4 mllea w ent of iCi

n ra r iy ill In alfalfa, rcasonalile. _ .. or w rlle L,»c Hatn, Eden, Idaho.

F O R aA t.E —40 aerM bM t da ln farm oa t r a c t : an Ideal bome. U

--------- ntllee frota town. P boae B17RI.

TO R SA LB-Good te rm s. 1 6 « i id So.. Iruck riAch. well bu lit up. o r Ir

on eood Icrm s to r ig h t party . <I 617J1.allor 6 o'clock oc-3unday.

W o bivo a buyer to r a rancb I trom 40 lo SO acres, Teaaonahiy p

[s to r cd a n d on fa ir lerma. B ring In y Phono tii tln e s and wo w ill abow tb« pi

» erty. Powera f t V aadeabark, tnd avtaiie north. Pbone 376.

____ _ DtTBOTKD CITT PBOPEBTT J- r ------ A CBE iSEDuroo Wo bivo buyera for Improved

welgbt property a n d acreage, a t reaaotu B R. T . p rices and on ta lz . tarxai." ~Wa «

yonr lUtinEB, tn d wlil d o .o u r utn ■7~~3r t« c lo f* a u i t . P e w e n f t V u t

* 3 2 , bark, 2SJ 2nd avenue a o rth . Ph • 8TS;_____________________________

B tood Tim es W a n u d t Oet n«ealU


v» ^ . X ~ m o u 5 u r' \

rr PUVM6 VUrm'CHAT ]R u m s B c v « m - A^ TUEMRCr I BLOCK

/ « w « * 6 s * 5 ; c . ^ ’e s a .

:m e 3 _ _

sT"'' ™

S r t U _________

■ = FA JN T E D V w -'^ | i 3 > 3 llnhed R ig h t / J ____ ^;ro"STf?ECT^ ___

h. hoi» pre- t s d • > - I ' M JV S - :,Sixth ■ ^ V 4 ^ 3

room*cold C

Z t ®_____ ■CTANLG/ •eotfln^

d o c t o r . P l u u S B O f------1 SK^JP T o A T T e ^

C l ^ i - A P S E D VVH koae y P ^ U M M E F a s _


= MARKETSIgal^iw-ivenne ______

----- — ■ CHICAGO. Nov. 2t.-< ;riil ii i>rlcloned IriCRuliir <.ti lho Chlci

7 ! Todny'n fcniurn 1« w linil lra<l *°» wns tho stubborn \iuilerlon<t' of

Ju ly showed wenkneSB.Fnr lho tlrn l llmo In Iwo tnon

Dt'ccmber corn nold ut n illn< i> ^ under the M ay delivery. -TUn nn

(Iloper dollrory nlumpml oiie-tmK i>c In. 315 on 'b eav y .Ilnuldalluii cuuacd* ty

w eaker caili mnrket........ Oats woa dull but nhoweil il nil

127 upturn on nomo buying by nn local doalors,

■;-----r ProvlBlons w nro ' iliill. bul •“IiQiiion. 1 „

_____ demnnd by packi'm.i(j olh- Open. IllKh. ix)w. (Jic

WHEAT—Dee. . 103% lOUH I02H 10

T tir»t May ___ 108',i 10(1*4 H)7’i liisum*. Ju ly 108H inC9* 108',4 1<J

1 otber CORN—-SwUb The ........... 72K 72% 72 :

May ----- 72 H 72S 72'4 'Ju ly ....... 72!i 73>A 72’i 1

' V " OATS— .^nV K ........... i-i% iV.i, .12’,4 <i^ a v s May ....... <o.%ln ^

Ja n ............ 11R2 1IS7 IISO . 1

tatS~‘ Jun .'” ^ Nomliinl

. J'''':"- .... pnTAT<ii:s.le. Seo OiriCACO, Nov. 2<.—r o la tn i« - 'O:___ celptn, 184 earn; WlnconBln tm"TT™ KhllM FB(M.10; Mlnnenota

Norm aiVoUi tin ltrd Stnfrn No^ in roo g j p j .

li acre CHKrAfiO MYK.STOCK,'■ CHICAGO. Nov. 24.—Hogn — 1

celpta IS.OOO; m arket active, ite__ _ to BtroBg; top, »7,36| hulk, »«.»

nch of hoavywelKhl. IB.a6fii7.35; i. „ .ie . dlum, - S6.BO<t7.::.; llghl, | 6.U0( n % r beovy paf prop- ‘“S «niv:ilh, | 6,6Stfii.8Cii puckliik bc rk. 353 roufili, JO-JGfTO-'.Si kllilng p

»6.M<pcr.o.--------- OaUle—Ikoelp t-1 1000: mar' AM) comparod wlm lust week; fnd »ie

' and yearllnga. th & S ic 'a H i Cel id clly g rades'show ing m oil udvancn; lonable heavyweight steers. 111.50; Urn »^w*nt ira ig b u 111; yearling II3.M : u. utmoet orn grade* steera steady; I'Ue-eli w d ea - 2C0 4 QO higher; rea tere SOOtl ( Phone o r ; t,ulls and alockera and fee.]______ 36c up! bulk price*, ted steera i

yaarilBg*. ’ I8.2&010.2S: wen graaeera 16.7607; butcher cowa i he iftra , t3 .M C 6 J6 ;. canner* ,

{lasted Friendship

/^ 'to o K r ru i4 C m \ AMV;j£CE-HS\OErfr l[ ^F / W t > u a E D M y p > ( ^ ^

3 r f f i

Y £ OLD HOME T (91 fnO LD ' e r ^ KAveI N EW T S U C d A r ANofrttP.

fNO-NoTl SVfAUNT SAPiAM \ . 0 I \ -----

( jU S T O V tP D iD ^ ^

(h o l d u p \- u \ \ -WAT

T IL L \ C o M S ) \< ) a r <


50KLY W A S C A U U E D /M T O T I! E N O A U N T S A R A H P E A S O D V H1L.E A f e Q U l N Q . W I T H ~ f

. i i i ir rn J2.nOfi'J; v-;il>>rn._ |SCR,'S ntocliern nnd fvvtliTii.

Sbci'P—lluculptii louo; todsiy h (Ilred : few niilivi choico and nni

. fnt wiiilornii nicaily, I l2 .i0 ; for w. -SOOO. a irc c t; couiii;iml wllh

I «wrk,' tat liiriili.i nml ahri'p 20c i ■ yoarlluRii 25CK0c off; fending lnti

lUdi'SOi: off; top fat lamUn J12.C0 wcnk: top wcMtern fi'uilorn S12.

l.rlien i,„|i£ ,,n ,.e ,. fut i„,„bn 112.50; ye .hIciiBt ii„K w t'tliurs, JV,:5(S'10.(;o; welli

J7.G0(ff8.2f,; fnt owi'ii. JOdti) iradliiK ji„nbn J11.D0®12.25.of tuo _____ :-w tiT le------------ — -

SOUTH OMAIIA. Ncl)., Nov, 2' inoiiiiin Ciittln — Recolptn BOOO: mi.t In.i.uiit nlendy; yonrllnra, KCIZ.IK; Bti I niiar.. gC^U.&S; cowa and .. h c lfo rs .. t : point C.2r>; Blockers anil feedern. }3.G ty lho 7.J5; calven. |3;60©0-M; bullti

siagn, »2.7CO3.t;0; wcBtern rang I nllnht }4(D7.3C.

small Hogn — Recelpl* 700(1; mai nle.idy; bulk of oale*, 64^6.fiO;

I nold lO.fir..n!"nill- Hhoop—RecelplA nr>nn; mni0 Ilni'i nom lnaj; yenrlloga. »H«f10: wetl:

Sfl»7.f>n; iiunbs, |n< $ l2 .10 : o< Clone S3.60OC.lC.

10;:'(, PORTLANl» LIVKSTOrK.PORTIAND. Ore., Nov. 24.—(

lUiJK llo ~ llecelpln fi6: lono of mm ntendy; beef, good grade nl«

'2 '4 S6.7CO7.S0; medium. S6.7COC ~-''i I'Unlen cown nnd helforn. $4.7606 73 runnem . S1.60®3,26; bulln, 3'

cn)>-es 43.S0e>>0.H okh — itecolplfl noiw: tone

■ m n rko t-fltM rty j-m od ljim v to -ch t$7.2607.60; heavy, 400.60; i SC07.

' - 11” .Sheep—.RccelpUi 731; lone m arket, nteady: medium to ch lambn, S10011.2S; yearllnRa, t6< wethdTB. I6 J007 .60 ; ewen, |3.l

« - n 'e . -------------------------- - ■ -tnunil

“"j’ NEW S&O COaOKA T IPE W B T ri ir" , Complelo In caseT to r only »:

. I to -with order and 128 when In deiU ered to yon. If no t enlii ly naUafactory ll may be roiurn

— He- w ithin tive daya and money x •temly funded.S6.so<» t - WJiUams T ypsw rllw E iebaag a i: me- Danville, lit.i.uOOT; * ,

park- —K bOW* ■ I ■ I


mnrkei F a m e ra to * » w b M B (,W tlnieors eom aad dJrarallled erop* «iCeltnr ebolee I rttg a te d ' ( t rm i aleai

n; tup the main UBO oI Iba OreaU rndy H o ttbera BaUwayi U K oataa i

well- w b m ta x ai a ad ir^ ter asaetao-iitock )& «B ta .an low a sd B m a tII lot. - m d . For ta tm u O m w it t feeders K- L . X elaa, A « rlea lto n ra und A ceat G reat irertbe ra By. B « .-•.te rn IM , TwlB Palla, Idabo.nra and1 snd ■ " I

WALEOStoCQ HAID? tw u sM ru ew A ss ix H Ajic 6 B w » iE w o u .c w r J l y - ^ . rOOSOCUATWIM6 ■ ( '.VlHy

r T g n L J l ^

f r ' V j

F A u a n n .

TOWN ~ jw ? ) f ^ e s LiKt: TM ' '< T -


D 0M C5TIC ' # p -F1R6 (3R1CK {-----

A l V i _____ FOR SHORT L —. RAMCE F HWN&b------

T J IE > IA K ;N E 5S O D Y .'V V M E N S H E

“ P v V O P I P E S M O K y /^ < 5

{;r,t.’'.; — . . . ISTOCK EA I8EEB

nntlv.. ATTENTION,h " l^uit' "r® •'» m arket every day

(iff' I for bulehor a lu ff: cattle, abetp, inm bi «><>»:• »“<1 poultry. Wo a re p a jr t^

:C0 for “ oro per hundred to r tltil*h«SiTiO- *>d boRB thnn any vblpper can af-

ford lo pay. Wo oto paying thla vellicrn premium to Innuro to r tu the beaL il^rt.no; Call and *eo un.

U. S. M eat Oompuiy Twin Fail* a ad Pfleg

•, 24.— ' I — • • • ■■■'II.miirltel --------- :--------------------------- - A — -

Bteeri. riA S O T O 'IS C . rb o n e lo f ia * I .. l2Hf 108 . - . . - S3.G0-V ----------------------------------------------------

Twin, F a n . L o c a l-.

"I HEL1.BI0 r r a c iBmnrknl .SitKftr—Wtinlenale. b e e t ----------IIO.IvetUern Siijiar-W holenaic. r a n e ---------- I l l . l

owes. Cream chee.e ------------------------- >Brick cheese „ , „.„4IC e l e r y ---------------------------—I H O I '

K. Lettuce, hunch l>Ol1 r jii Pottoes, ewt-------— ___-76o to ftlym arket --------------------— iY .

........ ............ — Vf.? a , . — r r — '

Popper,, lb .,---------- --------------------- 11»po o l T i,m .lM . . ll!. . ----------- « a r «

' ■■ !i

"" " bi’S t "m ' -----------1. 'J s l : ' ; n . » , l i M ---------------------- » e «

>'“ o K : i ‘S z = - z = d i g $Lamb ehopa - « * » '

, Round ateak ■■.»UTEB n , c o n ___________________ _ »r >36. Dacon, allced -----------------------_ « |ten It Ham _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — , , , t»Ur*>- B tn tn tQ PSICSBurned. r v im l, Na. 1, po r e w L ................41 :

K o s * ________ H eavy 4c; 200 Iba., (Steers -- -«“»">«.................. .........Calve* _ ,, , .— - . —SO'Turkeys ' ..... ....... ............

' Qeese .11---------- Dooks ____________ :____________ I

Haaa _______________________ SO I- - t Oft.

J ™ PBODUCB^..........

t e r f a t " ” '’' '

g u & S ? e - = = = = = = $Apptea (C hfiago)-«O e fo |L W > bushel; l2.S0O2.75 a bo*.

» • * . Red a o r e r , Ko. I ------------ I17017JAlfalfa, No. 1 ------t n nAlalka aoTfr,>N o. 1 _ |U , 0 0 O t l t l Beans, No. 1

~ ~ B i ^ B L p S 3 M

3 0 i D t - D « r s ,w t KKKEo . v > J V y a . - A i B :

Page 6: TWI[N F ALL S DiAILlY TEMES Older Boy iliW mm Names ’2^ Is ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · TWI '^'i Y0I,1I.MK 0. NUMIIlili Inl. mm ISfW CongreM Will Be


P m o o a l P r o p e r ty S u b je c t to

8 a la U n le u T&z I< P a id by

U o D d ay N ig h t ; N ow S ta tu t e

O h u g e i Fon& lU et on DoUa*

, Quont« oo K eo l Z lsta to L is t.

Allenllon wan rJilleO toilny by Coanty Tritniiurrr Kmmn I . W nrnii

.to the cIiunKc In (1i« Inw reK->r'»»c ponnlly .Knit liilerrnl In 19^^ tuxm w b k h w in have i> iwo per i t n l p«-ii- B llr ail.ltil nntl Inleront will l,i. flK- upoil «t 10 pep cent until ihry um imlU. County Ai«n*nor. K. (naiulo

. S i w a r t callcil u tlrntlon to llir fuel ih H MoniUy in IUo Uiit Uny for i>ny- m enl o t prniniial proiirfiy laxun. nfier which day. pcntonal PToimriy on xU lch Inxen n re no t palil nro mib- j«ct to nrJiurn ftnil i>ati<:

H ral KnUlft Tn***,RTtTjftn* In ucse<l to rra^t lUo

noUco »cnt In rejcnnl to renl cnlnto taXKi. from the county , (m m try . It Ktalet the ]au- /u lty and jilatril}' aad m d a :

W rit Inilallm enl nin»t tin r " '‘> o'*. o r before ner«m b*r 3!. 1023; Mcona

innUllmDnl munt t>o |mlil on ur lji‘-. .. fo rc .'Jn n c 'S l. 1 3 3 1 ...............................

ThMB ta x n a n itu«i and paynbln o a ana »ft«r November 20. 1923 nnd tc to re th« r<mnh Monday o( D eocw Unr. 19X3. w ithogt penally.

i r a t Iraal tho tlrnt ha lt h iml pahl prlnr to lh e aatd tourili Mun- day of Dtcembcr. 19!3, n two |«!i cont penalty will l)« Added to Hin o rlslna l tnx and bear Inleront nt tho ra le or len per cent pi?r yrnr from Jaiitiary 7Ui. 1924. unlit pal'!

' n rjttio eulrjr f)t JudRmeni In nn n t- Hob of toroclMUPer I f Itic H rrt ha lf o r-the«e taxea It paid p rio r to ihe fo iirlh Monday of DeMinber. 1921. lb« balane* m a r Im pald a t any time p r io r to Ujc fourth Monilay o t June ,

' IBM. w llhonl penalty. If the acrond----- L>lr-ti.TTnr T'ntA n rin r tb nald dal^.

a two percent penalty will i>c iicm«u- th e ri to and lot«6 » t a t the rnlo of

- 1& p e r-c rn t-p e r y rar-fro m th»“-Hr*l- MonOay Ib JaDono’. 1921. nnlll r'<>d o r e tU rr of Ju d sn e n l tn an action

-o t- tan c lo ia jT ,____W hen psylnx ymif la ir a 6y m a ll ,

mako ehpck for cxaclly one.h.ilf or fo r th e full am onnt of thn lax. nn a n r olher aum cannot tin acrcplnl and It neem lla io a ollher th r rrlu rn - In*. of a aurplui or your ctiecli for Uie co rrect amount.

roBltlvely DO perionnl clicrkn nc* copUd BDleM certified.


~ IN irO ftlG E CASEOoo of ihp la rR M l tirintn rv rr rilc-d

In Iho aUle and pcrhaim tlic Urfi'-sl ev rr nent from Twin KoUi' louiiiy waa filed this week tiy Uoihwrll * Chapman In tho c-anr ot I .litl r Srhiip- penlea. adovlnliitrairlx of the rniaic of

. AuRuai Bchiippcnlrn. aRalnnt th r Orr- Ron tShort t.lne nallroad i-onipnny. Thn canc wan appealed from Ihr l.ln*

, ro ln couniy district court by ihr railroad company ucalnnt u hlrh > on Oclohrr 2. I 'R I. Mm. Hrhnpprnlen nb.

. .. .lalnM jJn'Sprnnnl ,iV>;(Icalh o t her hnxhand. »hi< wnn kllh'd iiy an roRlnr w hilr rIvanInK mow from the Hhorl M nr irorku nl Hho- ahonc on Urernibc.r 24. liiM.

In Ihp complaint ll wan rb a is rd tha i whtte th r flcn-anrfl. AuKinl Sehupprnlm . wan clcanlni: llir nm>» at«>ut 100 ynrdn frmn Khf>«hnn.' eta- Ilon. with Ih r nnow rtrailrntiiK «hr

HQiinri ot tralnn nnd wlih o ilirr Iraln" movinB in Ih^ niaflon. th r WT-siliomid No. 23 eame on th r trarhH hi nn rx- Ci-nnive ra ir of a|>r<><t, wllhniil liinn- Ini; tin whlnile o r rlnclnR lu holl ami w lihoul p ro p rr loolioiii and nirtick SchupDOolrs. klitfni: lilm iuaiantly.

The Jnry fMiiid for Ih r p la ln lin In ' th e aum namrd above. Hprclal

(lona anbmlluVl in Ih r Jury 11 wn:i found tha i thn whlnllr wan ik.i Idown w llbln hcarlnc dlnlance: lha t the t.Hl WM not ru n s : tha t th r train wan run- nlng a t the raia of 1C mllen an hour anomaTTTnrTTrcTOtcil— cntrtd— l**v« Mim. Iho tra in bad h r looked toward IL

T bo com paor moveit lo nci aiiMr lh« KCDoral renU ct and dtrevt n vor> d ie t were lacoaatnioaL Thin wan ll^. hind hy Ju d se Hnalfn. wtin llkrwlne refuaed a iiaw tria l And rniere<l Jn d s ' m ent In accordanro wiih th r e rn rra l vcrdlot. From ihln app tai wan lakea

" b y ibc Short U ne,T be duly o l- th e eompaoy. of th t

tra in c rc v . of Ihe aeetlim foreman, and o f o ihern cooceraed a rc dlneunn- cd a t x reat IcDKth In tbo tirlef. which cxeeodrd th e lim it of tbe ordliiurj; b rief In aUe. coniaiotnR a i ji did o c tero pagen. A aprclal permit from (b f courl waa neceasary to pem ilt Hr f n i O K . _______________

FOR 8A IJ':—ilulck iilx tourlnK. rum Rood. }:Sf).00. L)nd AuloinoUllc Com- P «P T .._______________ __________ ___

fiKATIXO rrlDCMK R otter Rink, nn 2nl »<v>l

opens -tODlEtX a t 7:0u.


' t LOCAL B R IE FS '-- - - ‘^ Hhl|i )rany (’B ttle-K . .\cld Is nUlp-___Him: n .lii i nf linr»c,n tu_C ulituriila\ todny, jjiworul m hrr" ohlpprd rnl- I 111. OUI. Con.mmo 1-. W. Murphy, ' | ’‘ iirjiiil ■ UinpK-iftr,' inspecieil • th f ' I lii imlrv l.iM crAiiIni;.

f I 'tr i 'tl. N..I liiiilif—llolirrl O m p- O tO h l 'i iiuirnliii; enlorc.l a plru nf luil l» Ihc cliiirr.r uf Irll.i;-

I Iiik lnli> 1>m> nlitlo »t Mnlici 'J:<M , |taiiili.i fii.iii (irrcon wlllinul th r riT-

\ .UnliM_suiicx-burviiu_ut_iui!in-!L_>J>I dunlr>- nnd without r.lMiii: tiKin ;i

• dip for, iicab,

.:iwobIg1 es^ ON ■ SIDE / IN SHORT J l iIK ---------

Two.lilK Piit'llc HUrllcinK Imvr l.reii ' anntiuniFil by 11. II. I.uo of ilil» eliy.

Illln wri-k. iHiih In lUr vlclnlly «ir ” ^i!pl1. Till' flr>l of Ihrnr which will ,, h.i h..|d «l Ihr llyroii Ovrrcll rnnch

II m llr miutti of Kdrn on rirxi Krl- ’ dny hcRlnnlnK.nl numi. Tliln lu a

C||»1|IR Ulll nnle which wlll dlnp«»u of riKht houd uf flDB homen, two doirii coivu.’ Inker dolcn of .rwou unit a lot (it farni nmc-hlucry.

T h r i.econil nalo will tio necom- " h rr 4 nl lhe lUlt>h Udsiitflu |ilncc. I , Ilalph. who wlll i>o remembered nn

drpuly ponimnntrr h rro fur a num­ber llf yearn before h r went fBrmliiR, tmn dccldod tu reii}rn lo thin rity, ilo nttrr* tn Iinracn, 10 lirnil of <iil> llo and 44 tlnn hnRH, m both nnic:i Ilir-nlDCk nro uf tlnn nuiillly,

]• Mr. I.UO reportf nplendld prlcrn for , j alock thin year owlns to llio niovu- u. ment to nioko Ihia u ilalry lecllon,

IXVETKII TO A T IK M rsrH O O I. WASlilNOTflN. Nov, 24-N cw ron-

ureiwmen have been Invlled lo Vco lo •' nchool" Nov. 30. William T y irr PnKC, “I c irrk nf' ih r houne. han e a llH n "nym- " ponlnm nirellnc" of rooklr mi-nilirrn. \ \ At Ihal m erlins he wilt unawur

iiucnllunn on hounr procedure,

" " F IS H MEN” * PECULIAR TRIBEI. _______■0 e t Mels Suffer* if W lthaut a Orfnk

«r W alir Evary HeurIU 1-. -

of Tllfl m ort am irin f’ rape of Immaa■ btingn-ii'T itiiiotibtcdlir the- Kl • Mtjio,

a U ilic of “filh m en" who inlinliil the tlesert waalM bordering I-aVo

■ Itudnlfi in Kenya c e W y ,-A f r ic a .- -T h ia Irilifl reprM rnta Uie o n lj

ed known uprnmen# of seniiAtripliihi- “ • ous I’eoplr anrt i t is i curious fact

th a t anv Iribpjinan <Uri i f ho i« kept c- w ithout w aler for abou t th r ro honra,

lays I/in ilnn 'I'it-B ita. ’ As a m le they d rink every hou r (luring the day, f o r ’e re n 'a n lioiir aiul a holf w ithout w aler cnu*«» cracking ond

J i lc rd in g o t tho Hpi-.T h e ]-'l Molo tr ib e an e a ppciid

th e ir Jay* swimming in tho wntcm i p -of-'L ake-H urto lf an3 -fieliinpr-fTmn v r fra il rafta conatruded v il l i palm

branelits. Fjiih ia a lm ost Iheir only d ie t, and Uiey liave no opportnnily

p,l of Tai^-ing tli«ir m enu unlw * Ihey a re fo rtunate enouglt tO' ap«ar a

* hijipoixjiamui.p- T h o m ite r of I* lt« .R u d o lf in nn- of dritikalile to anyone b u f the Kl ,j," Molo, fo r i t fon tains a l#rff« quan- n- tity , o f io<la aod ^ a ji objection*

ablo tinie. • The proportion o f lo i H ,b- in th e lake inrrwinrj yenrly and it

.i i .b c U c te i . to bc.thiB .Iac t U ib\ Vib# ouiseil Ihe “jlsli m en” to become a

10- ■acfonaed n t* .


IB- Simpi* Miehanism Will Fill Twenty h r Spools a t Onee W ith Fine»<" . Aluminum Strands.nd . . . . _____________________

I’jj! I n ttie TnantifnrtuTfl of r rr la in nil kindM of wire, ejpecially fine aliiini'.

num irire, « machine ia n»ed which In ! i ^urpriiingly sirn ilar to th e *pin-

<'"• n in g apparnliii In & m odem cotton m ill. In fact, i t ia • m adun ica l

icll t^nsli'r, by which the ir ire if w pa- rate<l from wbat m ig h t b« called the mipnlv coil inlo itra n d a of the re-

ird (jiiiiite th ic^ncu and wound upon BpooU. '

T iis supply coil pujaB over ■ lie* pulley al»Te th e ip in d le i and

tlirough w lllt m ig h t be railed a drawing; ftam r, u j b th e W ailiing-

ic a ton S tar. From th ia i t ii c a rd ed to tlih apooli of a certain aiie. From

iin. (hew it pas«rt th rough m aecond inn- draw ing fraiae, w h id i d tc reu ea in

diam eter, a g tia w inding i t oi 1*3 ipoo li, the th ird d raw ing fram»

tum in jf i t into the alt« required foi " coinmercial purpoae*.

-\Y!ii1« aome o f-th e road ilnei wll draw ont enough w ira lo fill 21 spools a t once, .so comolete and m

— dimple iB tli« m echanU o th a t bu onn person ii needed to a ttend eact

. luachine. _____

!l[ FAVOR ^ACTIM^y w m

Many SuggostioDs M i^e a t Rous- ing Mooting of tho Chamber of Commerco L « t Bvemng Around tho Bnnqiicl Board; Queationnniro dcU M nny An.

E sw crs.

Tho flrnl n irciini: of lhi> uxpainl- rd chiiinhiT of c:<i:niiirrrr u t T oiu' h

'U cftfo luHt u li:hl w iiu.ii tilB NUcoeKii, Tlicirr wnr. un ntlcndiincn of nhoiii'

"f loft m.'nibrrii ull boiiHlInK for n 11 K fra lrr T«v1n fnllit. Thin Wnn th r ll flrhl nierllMic of llir nrxv mcinberu

l.urlleulur. Ttu. nubject for .liii- cUHKiun wan. "W hnl Slinuid ilin Clmmhpr of Cominern* U« Thlu T rnr

-■I' Townnl rt G ronlcr T w fn .K n llu r’ T.J . l.loyd prenlitrit und pro?rd hliii-

1* Hdf lo ho n moul efficient ehnlr-

^n Tho flm t leader In tho, dlnruiinlnti 11- wnn Itev, A. C, Pnim ou. Ho npoke K. nn Iho ‘T ity nrftullfui;” He prr- y.' d ieted n very opiluiinilc fu ture for '• llin city, nnd derlnrrd th a l Twin

Fnlln wnn denllned to berom r ih r mclrot>o11i> of th r intum ouniiiin

I’f country.' JT c nald thnt ii r lly licnii- «• Uful meann n c ity four n<iunrr arnt

w llh no nlinrp nufileN but rlxtit unglen nnd th n t llir i;nteii on llic four nldod of th e r.liy would nlwnyn

f ' Im njieji lo ih c . ntmiiKor. from thr uorth, Rouiit. rani and Went TrRanl- loas nf hln Individual oidnloun or III nliiinUon In tlfr,

ur TnlkK rnh lle lty .

(*. K. WrlRhl snvo nu intoruntlnc nud lIliimlnnllnR tnlk uu th r i.uhje<-i

' t of r lly publlclly, lie outlined n pro- Jtrum of publirlly ihnl would Includo

ik tw o idran; T rndi' development ami fnifforlnc uf tcooil will und en.npara- ilnli. Itv rocnmmenileil tim l the hunlnes" men nf Ih r clly lifrivhire

_ n priTo ,.fnn tfn t in .ha hfM \p. Hiicuro nuRRrntion^ fur nn annual

0, event ln -T w ln Knlt«-thnt--wotitd ll* lil lualralo local htnlory o r nomo fact , lu asrieu ltu ra l derelupmnnl. . Ke

enlil thut MUch an event wnuld s |ve— wlil«-publlum -. .tu .T w la I 'n lU and1, ul tho nnmo llmo hrlUB Ihounamla r o t peiijile lo Iho .c liy frum miiuy

’*■ »<>rtionn of Ih r ruuniry. ict One of Ihe monl IniernntlnR eventn n t of tho cvenlnK wnn nUERenilonn for ^ ttm proonim of work. - A nuenUon-

nu ir r wnn dlnlrll.ulVd i-ontnlclnB iwa lie quonllnnn;he 1, Whnl. lu your opinion ah a

c lllien In the ih luc ot f lrsl Impor* “ * tnnce for ttie Hminber of eominorvo nd in uriilrrtnki. for ih r cood of tt>e

communlly « t larKi'7■ 2. Whnt ci.li Ihe <liuml.ee nl commercr dn lo o.nlnt you In your

rn own Ilun of bunlnruu or vorailoa? Each. onu-W»»;-in.kr.l lo w rlu--lhelp KurnlloUK. '

,ly I’n rila l M -t.

ity Knllowluc In it pnrllal Ih l of Iho ier nmny ci.nnlrucllvo niir.ccialuiu-, mn.;i-:

K frcl co.inl'TnlKnn on n tn tr hlsh*• wayii to rou te tuurlnt Hy vi.y uf

Tw in Kulln,in- ' Sreuro nddlilonnr park whlln inml T..i In eheup anil hnve tiwlimnUK P^ 'l

and pUyRrJiUBd fnclllilen.Ail pull InKOtlier. IliilM tu n l-

)n* Burfneed hlRhwn» t.eiwren _C<.ui,i( I 3ft und Twln Tulln.

U I’ut n mup on iho roveri-n nidr of uti ululloncry nhnwlnc Hir lirnrfl:!.

Twin F a ll" from -Iho lUw.mvo-J a Wolln rallrond.

T ry lo Kel ih r O. S, I . to r lrrlilfy tlie railroad to Welli.. l*rii.;dn .in nerlnl InndlnK flrld, Sre I., ll ih:ti

RY a ll flrnl eUnii prwlurin u rr l.rnudcl Twin J 'i.lln. T h r blue '••ird .)y,.lviii

nly til Rooit. K rep *11 Tir, Socure more t u a n u ^ u r l n r indunlrlen.

IrtfllTl In the people here, uud In __ I.II newromern tiie fncl th;il Ihis li

• n dp!i'li uljTe~‘plin,-c lo mnko pcrmnnrTii liimies. T ry lo n rrure lower frrl.;hi

ni'. rnlen at tho beRliinlnK of Ihr Ili.r ich <'muu-WrlIn rntlro.id.. • >iilabll»li porm aueut Inhor hurrau

for fsrm er*. SlnKe niu.ii* to tm- ton vroTo fccliUK l.ctw.-cn farmon. am!c»l f llllrr il.

Rlvo wide p u b ll.n r lo nil oui P®* advanlasei, th roush u cnrofull) the worked oul nynlew ot communiu re . publlclly.^ — T e y - 4 a -u i .U r nrnrrhn ilr 111 Ilii

w ork- of unhultdlnc Twin KiIIr n u ild -a h r l i lb ' or en,iy rond nrndi

. - ncrons the Snftko river to .iroli , the itanReroim eronnlnc on tho flUn

‘n a Hhone and n i u e ’ U ken route, nm a ronneel the norih nlde. SuplKir:

n . lhe Indunlrlen we h.ivo hrre . Cfl.in i f tinue r-aclIJnc- Ih" ehamWer o ‘ >0 eommerco tde.-i lo buih c lly nn< •om couniry Tenldcuin.,n,1 Kleclrlc alsnK nt Ij.r en lra n rr o

Tw in Vatin ou Mnn- hlRhwn,-. lo Im *'* liaed du rln r tourlni sranon. on Dulld Ihe llluo I.nkm nnd oliio:

Imn roadn tha t wlii open up trmlo ler . . Tllory for Tw in Palln, Ueln llh

farm ers solve lhe luarkrllnK of Ihel produetn. D erelop Twin l-*ailK n

. I I I th* dlitrlbnllnR cen ler nt Rnsk ; ; vnlley.2‘i Create n .en llineu l th.>t niilv tlra

1 BO Kr.iila i:(>odi< nhould he shipped oui K„. Poor KradinK of farm products 1

. detrlnientnl lo a rrow lnjr necUon n r ro le m urh Ilme in the nludy nm redneilon of prm eni frrlRht rahn

— and develop bclicr pl.mo of rnlue


luK thu c ro p i, l 4 Iho lowofit nhlp* plDR wolstii; lliat In drlerm ine whether they ahould ro oul lu u raw nluto u r asi a pro<lur.l. (jlrc (DcouraRomoni to the patroulzluR ot tiomu creamcrien. Ua i.IjIo lo Rlvo tuictllBout nURStiBllonn in reRaril to

■■— 'm n ic a i c rs r s to Kr6W lu thiEi'CAm-• , luunliy.

- -A 'T ry-lu . -BCBufo-’'Ia r« o . uauulog fuu- ,.'1tu{Jcn und thu cntnhllshmeni of »

bfaui-h m ilk coiideusery.Teamwork bolwooii fanne rs unit

cim can o t Twlu m tn . Appoint u . . •'cuu lncf coimulltwi of the ctiambcr k I ut cummorcu In work wlih furinorn. I f Drso overy ono In Iho c lly lo f think, feel nnd la lk Twin Fulln.I ^^^Induuo farniera^ from ihc

nnd bfHisi th'i Rrnwlnj; uf HUKnr bcela nnd lhe nuRnr ' factory.

In urdcr lo necure fu rlher nuR* Ug, Kciiilonii ou Uic pronrnm of work

from membern who weru not proa* jCr vul' Ihl. necrelnry wlll oncloee a

copy of Ihl' ciuesllonnniro iw lih n m g membernhlp roHter wtiich wlil be

. ' iienl oul for tlib priniury volo. It la urRcd lhat nveo'ono do thclr

> - pnrc lowurdH helplDR lo build a connlructlve iiroKMm of w ork for the chamtjrr ot commrri o. '

Uonlnens Henslun.Al Ih r eionr of Iho Jfciut.rrn For-

, Ulll, I'renhleni A. U Swim t«>ok c tiarse nml conductrd n liualnrnu meeilnc.

" - The principal Item of Inierent wan lhe preni-niailnn of thn report of Iho commlitcr on th" ravlnion of the con*

" hliiuilou and hy-lnwr, T h r rrp o rl wa.1 niudlcd rn icfu ily ti.Tilou l.y iiec* luu nud ufirr a few liilunr rhanKrn

‘■•■y It WIUI adopted unanlmounly.11- Tiie now connilluttuu und l>y-tawn luo provldon for:fnr • ]—A referenda l.y n umll ballo t cn T. luiporiani nutijeein.

llll- : - T h r rnlablinhment uf Iho Mem- llr- f>fra Forum.

3—T hr uukleni roBinilii.-n nyuU'ni. lou which provides for lhe larRent pon* nke "Ible p.irtlelpnllun of thr-in rm hrrnhlp rr- n nli chamher o t cuinuirrco a c t^ f-

,v|„ 4 ~ T h r eleellon of-dlreelarn Iiy Ihc AuilraJIan lialiut uyalem.

w e s t ’e r n - q o l d m o u n t m y t hUllt ------ ___Bht e tery ef Fabulous f^lre Found te Havt

B n n interpolated In DIbbthe

The ntory of n fnbiiloun moiin- tnin of fold *uppni.ccl to- hnvo been dincovrrt'd by Cupt. .lunii.'s Fiek and J)r. Willinru-I). D iM iouaneipcdi* lion across ,lhe piiunn .in 180-i ap-

ro- J.MDI to liavo basia of fuct. iml Minnesotafa- IliMorical society reci'ivcd a-tyjw- ihe written copy of the journnl kept by

Doctor Dibit, who w n rd ns n *ur-' Liiiii-Tin iliK Vi.ii « i|i/» t;tin ... nf

ll* Ifles, 18< !\ 18 M . T h f l-d ln ry 'fu r 1804, iccortling Ut thin copy, con-

[,e .tained a leng thy da#cription of a lost m d .gold m in e /w Ti<3\ t l i a t i t waf. Ve- iiiy '** *'v'er]lal)To“‘*monntain

of gold," nnd th is po rtion o f tlm ntn diary has rcccircd conaideruble puH-

Hcity. - • ,iwo Hcrently the orip inal journal wn*

. Inaiicd lo lhe aociety, a n d «i compart- “ BOU of tho typow rillca c^py in the

r,.,p- pniBHwion of th e Bociety w ith tin ttio original diary didclofed tho Burpris-

ing fac t th o t the e n tire dramntic nyp atory nf the gold moiiat&in is a rc- oa? cent In terpokU on, fo r no mention

-of It appcBrr1n tlTc-oTJpInal''JohmBl,I n tho copy tha gold »tory is inter, woven wilh the^diarist's entries foi

Iho f5opleml)er 1 and S. 18G4.—Sfinne- pi’l Historical News.

S i ' : NOT 80

Annt I.iiry—Ten yrafa bro ynu woni' hsvn been arreited If you hnd ai: 'peareil on Ihe atreet in a skirt a

ully Blinrt na Ihfil.nlu- MIm Pfllppi^T en yearn « o I wor

rompers oad soeke and everybody snl J i l t I WB« a sweet little child.

rnc'e,^„Iil Then the Phonooraph.II,n- About lhe tlmo tha t piano mnvtDi nnd was mado aa easy Job. the phono li'ln rraph bfCAB to sntMlitute fo r ihi n.m-1 plase.

of _______________Well te Remember. '

, Cnreletsnes* about auercd ih tn fi , , may seem to be a iliUe aln, but ll can

•o deadly work In lbe soul of a man.l i i e r -------------------------' 7 ' A 'flMdy Cemplexlen.'J it A too, two aad ene-bair. while onl ns ***' ■ Binall boy wtlh

n.ice ( i^k lea Bti ovrr hla face. He n ld ."Oil. norher. look a t the boy w ilt

f jn t totnalo acede on his face.”

• -J* She U n a lV 0 *Mi-Af'»f * « * » « « «•

stlar ahe te willing to nita ila le b|; U kline. ‘he lead. .............. _


Ip-'"“ I D ivine'. I

I ■ Requirements |‘In g ^By |

II rinCT—tr my • people, w'nich are ca1lr.l by m r nsnie, slistl Siumbl* Iheni-

mil >elve., i.n.1 prar. and le rk my fsei.„ jind turn from Uielr wicked waya: Ihvn

(oCKlve n\‘w »ln. and wlU lh«lt irn. lB na,-ll cnronlel«» T;lt.

Klnc DnMd died wllb a creal nra-^to^hlliou o t blB Ilfu unrciillx^cd.

t umdo ' durtaj; - Ills

nIo nc Jeniaalum.

. b rm ^n c in of lhe-, .," lA rk ot lhe Covenant of Jchovuh Into on*!"" Pl'X'o wnn marked with encrlflre. o r l I'hiinknKlvlnc nnd prulee. The answer- ec- 'Inc token of approval from Johovah Kcnirnmn h i. the cloud which filled tho

jlemple (.’’iiH ) and In the flro which ‘''" i ra i i io down from henvtn oml con-

jjuiued thu burot-otrcrlns and the sa-- rllleen (7;1).

“AnUJchovahnppeareOuntoSolomoa l>y :lshi.'iinU kuld unltwUm. 1 havo

I'm. jhennl thy pruycrs. .and ha re cheiton on* Ihls plnco to myaelf for a bouao of I'lP w crm nT f7 ;ir> . .H o Jhen aBDounfed ''■'• hi Bolcmn wnrnlnc In mne they for- . J 'a k r 'U liu . I t wne In conncetlim with

these events th a t Jebovab hlmiolf set furili lliu divine requlrem cnu esscn*

TU Illlll to .aT ip lrltua l r c r lT o l . - la . t e is e . |H Jelii.vah say s: “If my people who nre enlled 4iy my nome. ahnli humble

**'• themselves, and pray, and aeek my face, and turn-trom their wlckul ways; Ihen will 1 hcflr from hoaven, nad

iwlll f.irclve Iheir elu, and will Iiral iin -lihclr lund." T hero aro three Ih lnn x n 'to bo noicO:md I '• ceoeerned.—"If my people.” ,. iTtjc prouilBc a rovivat Is not lo Uie "* I worid nor to theso o t the w orld .' It

■P*|la nm nnnt iiirlclly fo G od's, owb. I'oiplf. Tu revlvo la to hrlni; bncU. trom n stnie of tancuor. depression or

. dlKcourntement. lo a .s ta te of health ! or Clierr. Only Ihoso Can bo restored

by ; lo Ood's favor Vho h a w formerly ex- • u r- ixTlrncrd ihn t fnvor. All splrltuni rn- fif'v ivnls. therefore, primarily concera

.^ ,U oU '* -uuo poo'pie.-- Tiut. in e^u iii'iii'lr' : mum lur In Ihn unsaved rouad nlwat.

” '' '1 ii. Ths four oondltlene speelflad. lost n. “Humble thomsnlres.” Tho spirit t e - ’nC humility Is matiKeat oaly bmobs

ihOM uhufcciAH-lnsulDdeQcy.In.lhcin^ , (leltrn. l l lirtokcns a depcadcnco on

n hlKher power. To Iho child ' ( Ood uo* ll mean*, a luokinc to Him to supply

. ttm t Insufllclency. wns *’• “I’rny.” The componlon’ of hu-

mllliy hi prnyer. I’rayer cxpreenca Iho lerms of our nw d to the hiKhiir

the „o»Ter. I t we have alrnyed from Ulm. tlie Itlx fnvor cnn t>n .restored nnly when r i v ' we mk ll. Ood does nol Inlrade. lie

|cuuicn lo Itiosr who denlre Illm.1 c. "Seek my fnee." Dow w ' all do-

.™*l«lro Ihu presence of Ihose wo love.' .ion 'U otv WP looB Id Ijo near oor children nalr Bna-tn :hnv.vthcm HPnr'nB.'“ Tlio'con^' jjY. tel'iiiinens llml we may quldciy be In • th rir p rnencn In a comfort and n

solace. So should wij' desire Qoi^’a ino* presence. l a ’ UIs proseaee wo dis­

cover nin (Isa. n;Q), a^d team Uis will for us (Ps. 143). ■ ■■ ■" ‘

d. "Turn trom tiieir wlcked'WBy." Triiu. Borrow for sin finds oxpro*.

■ vlun hi furnnklnE n la Tiu) oue who sw n nn In his nla has not repented. Itrprninnco K«'n deeper than verbal ezpreiwlun; It uous duwn to tho root- ln i out -o f- sin. God would Ihere-' fore srek In Iho ono wny Uo desires to h r rmlored, n mnnlfettallon of tho

V _ slnrerlty of thnl desire, _U iil: The ble'salno pr«(nlsad..~Thl8 is i|| threefohi; T t ir n , wlli 1 iiaar frora 11 henven, und will forclvn th rlr sin. aod I? ‘ 'velil heni Ihclr land.” "Thun-—the ' Uiue rlomeni Is vital and indicates a

srournrr. following ths coodltlons si.ceiflod.

a. "I win hrnr." Prayer wtll be henril. Tho door of heaven Is shut, Ihe clouds of d<3palr and deprensloo nverhnnjr—th r H sliluhun of Ilis Oereo

^ 'ar>Ri-r nirlko terror to lbe !*(Brt—tw-‘ eauie thera is tha t inner coosdnu» ness of neparaflon from Qoit. Wltb ihe Aisuraoeo ttiat Uo wilt hear from

onid heaven comi-s Ibo coniclotancss of aiv nrceptnnre w tth Ulm—the knowletfso

[ as thnl theri'In favor In Uhl prcMBco.I., n v n i fnrslvo Ihelr sin." ,SIn

iTort will ho furclven. i t Is the confidence snld of pardon which brtncii hope and Jljht

to the convict. The penalty wheso cx-

lokcu awny. The past Is blotled o u i - , n new pncu opens In Iho li’ook ot life,

c. "Will heni their Innd." The cutsu of sin will he removed. 8la brousht

*“ * Itn eume not alone on the oae who sinned, hot ilir Innd wnn cursed thero- Iiy so itint.tt brousht forth ihums onit thlsllen. Ono nf Ihe trnslc thln ts ahoul sin ts Hit tm ln ot cnnse<iurneeii.

caa (ll'n sluiteni of prophecy thu liand »• nf Qod stnnfln out clearly In Pales­

tine. that Innd once flowlnj wlih milk nnd tioney—now one e t lliu desoln-

ont H<mn of the cnrlh. W hy! The arnwct n th l» "sin." " 'h n t n testimony io theBid. fnilhtulaeas o t ’vord. Ttie oS*rilb cUencr of God’S fwopto hrounhl hless-

inE 10 the Innd. Tlielr depuriure fir^m lilm removed th a t bcncdlcllon. Only return to film will restore It.

Thus Uc wnlis lo bless thns# who ^ futnil tlie divine rvKiulrcmenln.



l - M o n L a -vn ■

•it IHGt—"Clmvlly Slamw" o f 'tlw cnvll wnr llmcn. Our Rrandmothrrn. iiluy-

. InK a l pontofflre, oslahilnhe<l a mlni- alUTO poniofflri-- nud nold cliarlly

U|ILHH»H T hrv ti.IhmI tn-pr miff mil-tlon dullarB for ih r carc uf iioWli'in

P'e In northern lionpiinln. fur A fler Iho Civil wur Ihe Mnnip fell Iho Into dlnlinc.cnl IH92—T hirty yo-irn ta ier vorluKal

lnliialc<l a alainp for Uod Cruns work nml tiio Idon npread over IJiirope.

v” 1<J04—A UAiilnh rnnimiuiicr con- . re lv iil the lilca uf-iiulUK niampn iui ft

Tiilil'rcutnslB Senl lu flnanee n w no- .10 inrlum for ehlldren. Thin wan nuc- nd crsnfui—Ih r plnn nprcnd lo Norway. :ui- Sweden nnd Switzvrlan'd,•tn 1R97—Jacob ’ Rlln, n well knawn p j . w riter and itoclnl worker, rr.relved ft “ te lle r from Uenmark hcarinc tlm

Danish TuhcrcultMios Chdjlinuii Slump. H e I.ernme liilerrnlcd. nr-

ihe- cured llu history nnd wroio U up in ^10 i|i<> Oullouk.re. Mlsn Ivmlly Illnnull. u Kcd f:rotin cr- worker uf WlImlnKiou. Uelawaro, ah read Ihr o rllcli' nud cnucrlvrd ttio

Idea o t unliiK Ihe nul<- of ClirlMmnu I . r.iatnpn in finance ^ luherculoali nan-

niorlum ntir wau buildlnK In Wli- itHuKion, »;i,fliii> wan raUod.

a '- llK»8~ T h e nucccns of iht- vrnlurc appenleil lo Minn Illnnrll'ri Imtslnc-^

loa Ilon nud nhc prmun«!e<l ih r Nnilonal ,vo Red CroiiH lo Jiiidcrialco n iisllonnl

BAlc i*f nirhilliini. Se.ll*. Iho pi-w. f ci-odn to h r used In prcvenllnK' lubor-

iblie il ly io - T h c Nallonal Tuherculontn -ni Aiinoclntlon had dovrinped rv. hU or-• uanlM ilou nud .ion cnnjInK <m duf-

, Ini lu liiticrrjiliwln proKrauut. Tliero-foru. Ihfi it<-<l Cronn wilhdn'W from Ihn nale nf Scaln. nnd i-nlered Inln on

It inRroeinont w ith the Nnlfonol ‘•fabor- wB.jeulopIn nnnoclallon. whrrrl.}' the Red ck. jCronn printed the .^raln bearlni: ItH'lr or inam c iind rmldriu and tum od iluun

over to the Nnilonal Tuherculosis an- {Horinlton nn BKeut. rTlie la tte r ,o r -

„ jKniilaiUon .was to ncll ih r noali and ibo en tirely rf*ronnlblp_for ihc u»*> of lof the procrrtln. which weru'To'be de- [vnliil n trirlly to luhorcnlonin work.

U Ilon pnid th r Rrd Crnns H per conl of Iho procecdn of the sale In each

Irj, slato . In re ln rn for thu uso o f tbo Carlnimas nenl.

“• iniO—Thlu nplendld and' pro/tlable a rra a sc in c n t. IftalciL unU K iaia. .Tljuo

on w nr conditions raunrd lhe natliinwlda Jod orKanltallon oC ih r Jlwl Cfonn. which ply wan tu ho financed hy donatlnni tind

inembershl|>n. and Uiv Chrtslinai seal hu- wan uueondlliuually turned over lo jica the .Nnilonal Tiiherculosle luuioclsllon

10 p riu t nnd ncll as n Tul.crculo«ls 3 ChilHiinnn Seal nnd un loUKor s llcd *'"■ Crnsn Seal.

T h r penny nenl han made pouil.ie U b Ih r flRhilnK e.|ulpmeut aKalnsi lu*

brreulonln. do- 1904ive.' 2C Tuburciiloiiln nnuoclailoun. r,Q Jo : Saniiiorlu (ID,non hrdn.)•nn— ------JHnpCTiiariwRnri-cllnloi.—

No public health nuracn.I 'j | No open a ir nchoolB;.......................•

dls- ,

S EQUIP VOUR millwill tlKht your huliainBM w ith

ted. ' l-lKhl nnd do your r.arnwork wtit: I can buy tho outfH today and

Ires ;tho • j p H u s S S

* '* ' •' jfSWIIrL ' tJ ' ■'J iC l“ i U T l J - . Jl

"■ M w ibe * n t B B

lioo . , _ jM B S i '’tree f i a f i * ^ 9 B 9 p |-bo--

Vltb B t i f l j i r a grum ^ □ ■ 1 1

-. . . J B i \ ' • t j H W l P^ 0 ^pC T IIsin

JShtwhu‘.ero- ‘ i;,i.>i lojt)oml Type I 'r lc . pflrolo ts ir. DC- 'jij C4r,.(ii) 73;.ooleen. 1C DC-lSii 7fiO.OU Wo.ooland F. 0, B. J

nllU ‘ll’*»I>B0lulc'win- Ueii>emhcr iho We»lerl(” Kloclriiwer by f.4 yenrn' olcclrltnl expcrlenttiB It does nnd leli you how Nllle

American IDniy

II. I_ IilNKIwho 138 Uecoi

I’hone R3 .-‘if


: . . .n

1322J2UU Tuhercular aasoclallona. .

4H Slalr. n n 2 ix>cat,7011 Hunaiorla (G3.000 belts.)SOO DlnpensarlM and CtlnlcB.

HiMio public hearth, nurses.

T iir riKhltUK e<iulpmenl developed t f In rish leen years for tbo prcventiOB V nf'llihorrifro»tn'’TiBT'Fe*111t«rjirT}Ul*~ - I iipK the ilenih rato CO per c e n t

Democratic Woma^!s r t i Club* Holds M eeting ui- on P arty P latform sIty --------- ,i l l . —A-jolnl-iiiooilnH-of-lboi-Ocmocratio—

Woman’n club nnd the T<vln P^lls Couniy Jefferson club w as reeoin- mcndetl t.y Iho former loal Jiieb t for Jncknon day. January «, ou th e occan-

*01 lon of the nnn lv rnary o t Ihe battle iv>* ot .New Orleans, which laid lbe foun-

daliuu for lhe pnllllrAl career of the >n- (ainoun riemocraUc prcsldcaL Dr. Ora I a D. Keith spoUc on (he doyelopmeni >0- uf psrtj- plaiformB, Mrs. A. S. .Mar­ie- lyn on Ihu Influence. oL-iyomen... In a}', niouldlnu plaU orm i and M rs.-1-1 J.

I'*Inch of nuxBcsteU planks fo r itio . wn future. The mooUnR was. hold a l Iho '

ft houic of Mrs. J . W. CUapaan. -Tho -h» noxt meellnK will bn held December ■an 28 u l tli" homn of Mrs. G. E. Duko 1C- aud will be dcvoled.lo the eonsidem- !b Ilon of tb r cloan as a sa ln s l the cor-

i'Uirt, use of clvtl servtce.

r«‘. Invert -Ougsr.Tlie »uB*r of fru it Is oBually, on art-

mlxlure of deiln»se aad lonilosc. nod '. l l U called Invert Bi'Kor. I t I t unerystal-

. Ilenble and forms srannlnr tna tses In ire dried frulL I t conslsis-of five pnrls of .

Icvulosu and three j .a rU 'o f hydrated dcstrose. some ’of which arise* by In- version of'saeehariiia ,

r n . ...... ..........—------'FOH BAl-l'>-HI2i./^ o v ro Ie l tou'r-

his. f2’5-<W. wgrfh more money. U tid Automohlli' Compaay.______________

m-.\TER.H H avr your pheakanl skins made In­

to a bersutlfui -turhaD for ChrUtmao Rittn to Callfnrnla or oaslem frleads. Alnn have turbans for sale. Pbono 514J3.

fi'ln FOR ,(!A U ^A nothor 1920 Bulek o r . Mix roadster. A Vral buy. 1472,00. uf. I.lnd -Aulomohllo Conipatty. ,


I 'Usedo r - , J»23 Dq<lR0 nrotbera AI7SA' ind ^ ouriO R car............... '

IM agel Automobile.;

hie I M H B I M M a n P M H M H I 'J4IB -------' ' .............. . .Ida ........ ...................

tnd Aberdeen Coal Ia the Goal to Ban

lon Lar«e Lam p .....J«ls Domenllc .....................:« d Coal --------- ----------U(UO

IJeKuUr N o t ___________ IIWWl>->e Baby N ot .............. ........... 4 8 M‘ u- Betndar T ea Coi)l---------» 7 ^

SHANKEL GOAL 00.-------------------= ^ h b iM “4 S 6 ^ - ^ — -

iS lc i f f i:th clnen, nafe. coaveQlent K lectrlc - v llh quick, quiet eleeiric.-poweh Yoo " nd have 12 monihn to t>»r*

' ' H ere's’ u clmnce to '- Rot tha t W estern 2teo* tr ie Power and U u h t ' I 'luo t und lo iuive Irom ,

................ - -» l2i) Io-»140,-Tinil-WB4will Klve you a year'.* to pay' for ll. '}

Durlji* Uio ‘ montli,'^ c s p tr la i 'o n Doc. I 6U1. .‘1

. \ S w e a re eilendlDK ,ipo* ; 1! ^ X , cial prices (hat a re ’k far below any rrtce i

tba t ibeio planlB have ^ e r e r , been. o f f t r* i : '* t , - i

R S L I M . ^ 'W'lUi Uie usUal 'f a a r> •/ H B i y a n e e on the p la o t .of ‘I

oae y e a r ''a B l ''4 ' a r ’e*'U P r ynur rejilaeoMBK p laa-fn r on tho bau o rlo s .' you1 ^ ^ ■ - — can__raatlUi—3e e .‘.that_H

' 1 tills Is yom* ■cppcr* ■J tunlty lo f e t th a t -*

' lo reject any .o rd en ’ as,^ only a iilpala led nom-’- ber o t p isn u w ill bo / sold a t these .jir lces..'.

I i »!2 Present Redoctlon -•I. Prico tfpeclat from in S *10 005,00 4S5.00 ISa.M !10 720.00 C80.D0 140,00-3. .Halt Lnko

ulcil. drop u s .a Unc. .1 , ^

ictrlc t s ' i h e lioly fnrm plant .liacked rlence. l » t i»i show you how 'm ilcb ! t i e 11 coals. Thereni be no obllnU oil. {

E le c t r ic C o . ‘KKEI.ACKEIU Mgr. - ......... . /♦eend 8 L Ku;!t

lATURDAY, KOVEitBER 24, -3923. .

■Tnta Vaita T i^