PARTICIPANT UPDATE November 8, 2012 Keeping you Informed, Empowered and Prepared Accentuating the Positive by Tony Alessandra I t’s been estimated that we each have upwards of 50,000 thoughts per day. How many of yours are negative? Sometimes you have to do a mental spring cleaning to get rid of those negative ones that have become ingrained attitudes. Stopping self-destructive thoughts is like stopping any other bad habit—it takes time and effort. Among the most effective ways to do this are visualization and affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements about yourself that you repeat over and over in your head until they’re programmed into your subconscious. Visualization, or “imagineering” as Walt Disney called it, is mentally picturing yourself the way you want to be. You’ve heard the old saying “I’ll believe it when I see it”? Well, the reverse is also true: “I’ll see it when I believe it!” Affirmations and visualizations may not feel true at first. They may not even be true! But they can become so. Consider what happens when you tell yourself over and over, “I’m lousy at remembering names.” There will never be any improvement there. So if you catch yourself saying, “I’m terrible at remembering names,” stop and immediately say to yourself, “I’m good at remembering names.” Writing down your affirmations in some handy place—above your desk, on your bathroom mirror, on the dashboard of your car—will help keep them in mind as well as in sight. Use affirmations and visualizations to project what success will feel like and look like. Imagine, in as much detail as you possibly can, how you feel as the teacher singles you out for good work, or how the class hangs on your every word during your speech, or how your confident presence causes heads to turn everywhere you go.

Twin Cities RISE! November Participant Update

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News and events for TCR! participants this month.

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Page 1: Twin Cities RISE! November Participant Update

ParticiPant UPdateNovember 8, 2012

Keeping you Informed, Empowered and Prepared

Accentuating the Positiveby Tony Alessandra

It’s been estimated that we each have upwards of 50,000 thoughts per day. How many

of yours are negative? Sometimes you have to do a mental spring cleaning to get rid of those negative ones that have become ingrained attitudes. Stopping self-destructive thoughts is like stopping any other bad habit—it takes time and effort.

Among the most effective ways to do this are visualization and affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements about yourself that you repeat over and over in your head until they’re programmed into your subconscious.

Visualization, or “imagineering” as Walt Disney called it, is mentally picturing yourself the way you want to be. You’ve heard the old saying “I’ll believe it when I see it”? Well, the reverse is also true: “I’ll see it when I believe it!” Affirmations and visualizations may not feel true at first. They may not even be true! But they can become so.

Consider what happens when you tell yourself over and over, “I’m lousy at remembering names.” There will never be any improvement there. So if you catch yourself saying, “I’m terrible at remembering names,” stop and immediately say to yourself, “I’m good at remembering names.”

Writing down your affirmations in some handy place—above your desk, on your bathroom mirror, on the dashboard of your car—will help keep them in mind as well as in sight. Use affirmations and visualizations to project what success will feel like and look like. Imagine, in as much detail as you possibly can, how you feel as the teacher singles you out for good work, or how the class hangs on your every word during your speech, or how your confident presence causes heads to turn everywhere you go.

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Coaches’ CornerAcrostic verses are interesting. Here is another way to think about your COACH.

Connects you to your Core Value especially when you overlook this fact.

Outlines a plan of success and holds you accountable for working that plan.

Affirms you when you hit those bumps and obstacles that come when Core Hurts are present.

Creates steady feedback channels through which you regain your sense of self.

Heals and reminds you to apply the other components of Power Mode: Creative, Compassionate and Competent.

Bonus BucksWho can make money by referring somebody to Twin Cities RISE!?

Any of the following in good standing:• Active participants• Final placement

participants• TCR! Alumni• New participants (They will receive

their money after they’ve signed an Accountability Agreement for their second session.)

I want to refer somebody. How do I do it?

• Your name must be listed on the application before the start of the session. It’s up to you to keep track of your referrals.

• Your referral must be a new applicant.• Your referral must be admitted, attend

orientation, and attend classes for at least one week.

What do I get in return?One Referral = $25 Three Referrals = $100Two Referrals = $50 Four Referrals = $125

Getting to Know You: Meet the TCR! Staff

Each month, we feature a different staff member here at TCR!. We hope you’ll learn a bit about the friendly folks who work here and give them a “hello” in the halls!

Scott Barr, Lead Employer Services Coordinator/Instructor

1. How long have you worked at TCR!? I am currently in my 4th year.

2. What did you do before coming to TCR!?After earning a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, I moved to Sacramento where I started graduate school and also began working with probationary youth. Upon moving back to MN, I started at the Minneapolis Jewish Community Center providing Inclusion services to people with varying levels of ability. I then worked for a national provider of general and skilled laborers for 3 years prior to starting here.

3. What’s your favorite part about working at TCR!?Twin Cities RISE! allows me to utilize all my past professional experience and the transferable skills I picked up and refined along the way. I do this by leveraging my knowledge of the job market and what employers are looking for in order to present the most cutting-edge information to participants at Twin Cities RISE! every day. Making a difference in the lives of others provides me with the satisfaction I am looking for in my career and Twin Cities RISE! has given me that opportunity.

4. What’s something interesting that readers may not know about you?I am pursuing a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology with an expected graduation date in late 2013.

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Education Extra: The latest class updates at TCR!Help Lab is Here! Need extra assistance with your writing or computer skills? We have skilled (and very friendly) tutors available to work one-on-one with you on Mondays and Wednesdays. Use those resources; build those relationships! See your instructors or coach for details.

Mid-term feedback is on the way. If you’re an F1 participant, you’ll get feedback at the start of Week Five; advanced participants will receive feedback at the start of Week Six. If you don’t receive a copy of your mid-term evaluation, please follow up with your coach as soon as possible.

Thanks to everyone for upholding our policies and helping us promote professional habits. We thank you for honoring the dress code and arriving on time. We thank you for setting phones to vibrate and helping us keep labs and classrooms clean for all. And, especially, we thank you for the enthusiasm and commitment you demonstrate each day. What a pleasure it is for us to see so much talent blossoming every day!

Tips for Internship SuccessOk, you’re working for free but your internship can be worth a fortune because of job experience and connections. It’s up to you to see that your efforts pay off.

Be Professional at All TimesTo impress, take your responsibilities seriously. Treat your internship like a full-time job by always behaving professionally.

• Show up on time. Tardiness is not a quality employers look for in hires.

• Avoid missing work. If you must be absent, request permission from your supervisor in advance.

• Dress for success. Take cues from your co-workers and dress appropriately.

Project a Positive Attitude Almost as important as the work you do is the way you work.

• Don’t complain about the tasks you are given. Even menial chores can teach you a lot about how an office works.

• Approaching your work with enthusiasm is a good way to convince supervisors to give you bigger responsibilities.

• Get along with others. Be pleasant and courteous to everyone.

Make the Most of Your Work Your internship can be the foundation of a great career. Be proactive about using your internship to lay that foundation.

• Develop additional responsibilities. Interns who identify office needs and ask to take on new challenges demonstrate initiative and motivation.

• Network. You can do this by arranging informational interviews with full-time staff members or simply asking the volunteer what kind of work they do.

• Before you leave your internship, schedule an interview with your supervisor to review your performance.

Internship Info Meetings are every Tuesday in Minneapolis at 12:30 pm and Wednesday in St. Paul at 12:30 pm until December 18th.

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So You Think You Know Everything?◊ On a Canadian $2 bill, the flag over the Parliament building is an American flag.

◊ There is no Betty Rubble in the Flinestones chewable vitamins.◊ Your stomach has to produce a layer of mucus every 2 weeks otherwise it will digest itself.

Employer Services:Hiring Season is Here!

The 2012 Hiring Season is still in full swing! Many TCR! participants are landing their Full Time Placements and YOU CAN TOO!

It is important to apply for well-matched positions and keep your application activity as high as possible.

Stop in to the Career Center today for support and assistance and remember our key messages:

• Make it Happen• See Myself There• Set a Date• Use My Resources• DO IT NOW!

Congrats to a TCR! Rock Star!We’re pleased to announce that TCR! participant Faith Kauk has been nominated for the Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ) Achievement Award. She will receive her award at the NAZ Ball on November 10.

Faith is being recognized for “tremendous acomplishments in professional growth and development, including dedication to her Family Achievement Plan.”

Congratulate Faith the next time you see her. What an accomplishment!

Mark Your Calendars

NOV19-21 Workshop Week


TCR! offices closed for Thanksgiving

DEC17-21 Evaluation Week


Free Expungement of Criminal Records Workshop: R.H. Stafford Library in Woodbury, 2-4 pm. To register, call 651-275-8510.


Free Flu Clinic: St. Adelberts, 265 Charles Avenue, St. Paul, 10:30 - 12:30 pm


Free Renter Rights and Responsibilities Workshop: 1500 69th Avenue North, Brooklyn Center, 9 am-3 pm. Call 763-561-2481 to register.