SEPTEMBER 4TH TO SEPTEMBER 11TH 524 W. Historic Mitchell Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204-3509 TWELFTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST-2011 St. Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr Roman Catholic Parish and Oratory INSTITUTE OF CHRIST THE KING SOVEREIGN PRIEST P ROVINCIAL S UPERIOR OF THE I NSTITUTE OF CHRIST THE KING The very Reverend Monsignor M. Schmitz Parish Administrator and Rector Rev. Canon Olivier Meney, ICRSP (414) 226 5490 (Priory), (414) 226 5534 (fax) , (414) 975 4362 (cell phone) Assisting Priests Rev. Fr. Joseph Cunningham, Rev. Fr. Daniel Sherman, Fr. E. Weiss, and Fr. N. Schwartz Office hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm To contact the St. Stanislaus office, please send e-mails to [email protected] Parish Secretary, Susana Z. de Bond; Choir Master, Mr. Thomas Darien: Main Usher: Mr. Rick Taylor Website: http://www.institute-christ-king.org/milwaukee/ FROM YOUR RECTOR TO BE, America the beautiful! On the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on September 8th, I will arrive in Milwaukee. And so I place my ministry among you under the protection of the Mother of God. I see the proximity of the Shrine of Holy Hill dedicated to Our Lady Help of Christians as a sign from Heaven. While still closing my suitcases I am already anxious to meet you. I am comforted to know that Can- on Meney will stay by my side during the first couple of weeks to introduce me to you and the USA. YOURS TRULY, CANON NATIVITY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY

TWELFTH SUNDAY PENTECOST-2011 · SEPTEMBER 4TH TO SEPTEMBER 11TH 524 W. Historic Mitchell Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204-3509 TWELFTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST-2011 St. …

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524 W. Historic Mitchell Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204-3509


St. Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr

Roman Catholic Parish and Oratory



The very Reverend Monsignor M. Schmitz

Parish Administrator and Rector

Rev. Canon Olivier Meney, ICRSP (414) 226 5490 (Priory), (414) 226 5534 (fax) ,

(414) 975 4362 (cell phone)

Assisting Priests Rev. Fr. Joseph Cunningham, Rev. Fr. Daniel Sherman,

Fr. E. Weiss, and Fr. N. Schwartz

Office hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

To contact the St. Stanislaus office, please send e-mails to [email protected]

Parish Secretary, Susana Z. de Bond; Choir Master, Mr. Thomas

Darien: Main Usher: Mr. Rick Taylor

Website: http://www.institute-christ-king.org/milwaukee/


America the beautiful!

On the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on September 8th, I will arrive in Milwaukee. And so I place my ministry among you under the protection of the Mother of God. I see the proximity of the

Shrine of Holy Hill dedicated to Our Lady Help of Christians as a sign from Heaven.

While still closing my suitcases I am already anxious to meet you. I am comforted to know that Can-on Meney will stay by my side during the first couple of weeks to introduce me to you and the USA.



Page 2: TWELFTH SUNDAY PENTECOST-2011 · SEPTEMBER 4TH TO SEPTEMBER 11TH 524 W. Historic Mitchell Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204-3509 TWELFTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST-2011 St. …





The Parish of St. Stanislaus has been given over to the care of the Insti-tute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. The Parish Mass is said in English on Saturdays at 4:00 pm.

The Oratory is dedicated to the celebration of the Mass in its extraordi-nary form in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Everyone is welcomed to be a part of this apostolate. Sunday Masses are said at 8:00 and 10:00 am. For weekly schedule look at the bulletin.


Fr. Sherman, Jean Francois Meney, Jerry Dempsey, Rita Speth, Penny Houdek, Alaina Jones, Irene Johnson, Ervin Wawryniak, Marchese Family Intentions, John Kortebein, Liam Schlo, Juanita Monserrate, Offut Family, John Courchaine., Fr. Cletus Healy.

Repose of the Souls of : Bruce A. Wargolet, Thomas Kougl, Edward & Ione Madritsch, Michael McManus, Henry Kluk, Irving Kazmierczac, Kurt Krohelmn, Jeff Buttler.

(Prayer Intentions placed upon request remain for a month )

Calendar of Events

Sat. 09/03/11 - 4:00 pm English Mass

Sun. 09/04/11 - Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost 8:00 am Low Mass 10:00 am High Mass

Wed. 09/07/11 - 2:00 pm, Mass at Holy Hill

Sat. 09/10/11 - - -

10:00 am, Altar and Rosary Socie-ty Meeting 4:00 pm English Mass Welcome Celebration after 4:00 pm Mass

Sun. 09/11/11 - -

Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost 8:00 am Low Mass 10:00 am High Mass Welcome celebration after 10:00 am


Introit: Ps. 69, 2, 3. Incline unto my aid, O God: O Lord, make haste to help me: let my enemies be confounded and ashamed, who seek my soul. Ps. 69, 4. Let them be turned backward and blush for shame, who desire evils to me. V. Glory.

Prayer: Almighty and eternal God, Whose gift it is that Thy faithful serve Thee worthily and rightly, grant us, we beseech Thee, that we may without offense hasten on to the fulfillment of Thy promises. Through our Lord.

Epistle: 2. Cor. 3, 4-9. Brethren, such confidence we have through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient to think anything of ourselves, as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is from God. Who also hath made us fit ministers of the new testament, not in the let-ter, but in the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit quickeneth. Now if the ministration of death, engraven with letters upon stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not steadfastly behold the face of Moses, for the glory of his countenance; which is made void: how shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather in glory? For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more ministration of justice aboundeth in glory.

Gradual: Ps. 33, 2, 3. I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall be ever in my mouth. V. In the Lord shall my soul be praised: let the meek hear, and rejoice. Alleluia, alleluia. V. Ps. 87, 2. O Lord, the God of my salvation, I have cried in the day, and in the night, before Thee, Alleluia.

Gospel: Luke 10, 23-37. At that time, Jesus said to His disciples, Blessed are the eyes that see the things which you see. For I say to you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see the things that you see, and have not seen them; and to hear the things that you hear, and have not heard them. And behold a certain lawyer stood up, tempting Him, and saying, Master, what must I do to possess eter-nal life? But He said to him, What is written in the law? How readest thou? He answering, said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself. And He said to

Next meeting will be on September 10th after the 9:00 am Mass.

Along with the celebration for our new pastor, we will be

able to welcome abbé George Baird, who passed two years

in Green Bay with Canon Hellmann. We will be able to say

Good bye to Palmer Marsh who in turn goes to Green Bay.

If you want to be part of a farewell gift to Palmer please

send you donation to Canon Meney.

16th Pilgrimage for Restoration

to Auriesville September 23-25, 2011

Just a ‘long-weekend’! Friday – Sunday

with Our Lady

Contact Jessica Walz at 414 530 3894 or




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St. Stanislaus Parish & Oratory, 524 W. Historic Mitchell Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204-3509

Date/Time Dedicated Feast Offered by Offered For Servers

Sat. 09/03, 4:00 PM English Mass

23rd of Ordinary time Fr. Schwartz Repose of the Soul of Arthur Spakowitz Peter Innis

Sun 09/04, 8:00 AM (Low Mass ) Twelfth Sunday after Pente-

cost 2nd Class. Green

Father Cunningham

Repose of the Soul of Jeff Buttler by M/

M Michael Balister Palmer

Sun 09/04,10:00 AM (High Mass)

Father Cunningham

Mary Holz Intention MC: Palmer Marsh, Thur. Louis Z.

Ac 1: Zachary, Ac 2: Marc Z

Mon 09/05, 12:00 PM (Low Mass)

St. Lauren Justinian 3rd Class. White

Fr. Cunningham Repose of the soul of Arlene Horgan by

Christine Rewolinski Volunteers

Tues 09/06, 12:00 PM (Low Mass)

Feria 4th Class. Green

Fr. Cunningham Josephine Williams by Amelie Hall Volunteers

Wed 09/07, 12:00 PM (Low Mass)

Feria 4th Class. Green

Canon Meney Repose of the Soul of Thomas Kougl by

M/M Robert Kougl Volunteers

Thurs 09/08, 12:00 PM (Low Mass)

Nativity of The Blessed Virgin 2nd Class. White

Canon Meney Private Intention by Elizabeth Sabez Volunteers

Fri. 09/09, 6:30 PM (Low Mass)

Feria 4th Class. Green

Canon Meney Health of John Courchaine by M/M

Mark Novacek Dave Tennessen & Mark Heckenkamp

Sat 09/10, 9:00 AM (Low Mass)

St. Nicholas Tolentino 3rd Class. White

Canon Meney Poor Souls in purgatory Volunteers

Sat. 09/10, 4:00 PM English Mass

24th Sunday of Ordinary Time Fr. Schwartz Repose of the Souls of Catherine Ajala

& Hidelgarde Stark by family & Friends Peter Innis

Sun 09/11, 8:00 AM (Low Mass ) Thirteenth Sunday after

Pentecost 2nd Class. Green

Canon Meney Repose of the Souls of M/M Edward-

Madritsch by Ken Donlevy Palmer

Sun 09/11,10:00 AM (High Mass)

Canon Talarico Mr. Edward Heckenkamp by Mark


MC. Matt Ohlson, Thurif. Louis Zignego A1. Nick Devoid, A2. Michael Ohlson

Confessions: 1/2 hour before Mass or by appointment Main Usher: Mr. Rick Taylor. Collections 08/27: 4:00 pm: $502.00 08/28: 8:00 am: $1907.00 10:00am: $1630.00

him, thou hast answered rightly: this do, and thou shalt live. But he, willing to justify himself, said to Jesus, And who is my neighbor? And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among robbers, who also stripped him, and having wounded him, went away, leaving him half dead: and it chanced that a certain priest went down the same way, and see-ing him, passed by. In like manner also a Levite, when he was near the place and saw him, passed by. But a certain Samaritan being on his jour-ney, came near him, and seeing him, was moved with compassion; and going up to him, bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine; and, setting him upon his own beast, brought him to an inn, and took care of him: and the next day he took out two pence, and gave to the host, and said, Take care of him, and whatsoever thou shalt spend over and above, I, at my return, will repay thee. Which of these three, in thy opinion, was neighbor to him that fell among robbers? But he said, He that showed mercy to him. And Jesus said to him, Go, and do thou in like manner.

Offertory: Ex 32, 11, 13, 14. Moses prayed in the sight of the Lord his God, and said, Why, O Lord, is Thy indignation enkindled against Thy people? Let the anger of Thy mind cease; remember Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to whom Thou dist swear to give a land flowing with milk and honey: and the Lord was appeased from doing the evil, which He had spoken of doing against the people.

Secret: Graciously behold, we pray Thee, O Lord, the sacrifices which we lay upon Thy sacred altars, that, in bringing us plentiful forgiveness, they may give honor to Thy name. Through our Lord.

Communion: Ps. 103, 13, 14, 15. The earth shall be filled with the fruit of Thy works, O Lord, that Thou mayest bring bread out of the earth, and that wine may cheer the heart of man; that he may make the face cheerful with oil; and that bread may strengthen man’s heart.

Post communion: May the holy partaking of this mystery, we pray Thee, O Lord, vivify us, bringing us at once forgiveness and strengthening. Through our Lord.