TVET CERTIFICATE IV in NETWORKING · 2018. 10. 22. · LU 4: Introduce VLANs configurations 340 LU 5: Perform VTP configurations 345 LU 6: Perform STP configurations 349 LU 7: ImplementInter-VLAN

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    Kigali November, 2014

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    © Workforce Development Authority, 2014

    Copies available from:

    Workforce Development Authority (WDA)

    P. O. BOX 2707 Kigali

    Tel: (+250) 255113365

    Fax: (+250) 255113365

    Email: [email protected]

    Web: www.wda.gov.rw

    Original published version updated:

    November, 2014

  • ii | P a g e


    The Competent Development Body of this Curriculum is © Workforce Development Authority

    (WDA). Reproduced with permission.

    The following copyright warning applies to the material from the Training Package:

    All rights reserved. This work has been produced initially with WDA. This work is copyright, but

    permission is given to trainers and teachers to make copies by photocopying or other

    duplicating processes for use with their own training organizations or in a workplace where the

    training is being conducted. This permission does not extend to the making of copies for use

    outside the immediate training environment for which they are made, nor the making of copies

    for hire or resale to third parties. The views expressed in this version of the work do not

    necessarily represent the views of WDA. The competent Body does not give warranty nor

    accept any liability.

    The WDA owns the copyright on all Curricula. Schools may reproduce this program in part or in

    full for bona fide study or classroom purposes only. Acknowledgement of the WDA copyright

    must be included on any reproductions. Learners may copy reasonable portions of the

    curriculum for the purpose of study. Any other use of this curriculum must be referred to the

    WDA. Ph: (+250) 255113365; fax: (+250) 255113365.

    © Workforce Development Authority (WDA) 2014

    Published by

    Workforce Development Authority (WDA)

    P. O. BOX 2707 Kigali

    Tel: (+250) 255113365

    Internet: http:// www.wda.gov.rw


  • iii | P a g e

    Table of Contents

    C o p y r i g h t i i

    T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s i i i

    L i s t o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s v i i

    A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s x

    1 . G E N E R A L I N T R O D U C T I O N 1

    2 . Q U A L I F I C A T I O N D E T A I L S 2

    2.1 Description 2

    2.2 Minimum entry requirements 2

    2.3 Information about pathways 2

    2.4 Job related information 2

    2.5 Employability skills and life skills 2

    2.6 Information about competencies 4

    3 . T R A I N I N G P A C K A G E 5

    3.1 Course structure 5

    3.2 Competencies chart 5

    3.3 Flowchart 7

    4 . A S S E S S M E N T G U I D E L I N E S 8

    4.1 Assessment Methodology 8

    4.2 Portfolio 8

    C C M O L 0 0 1 - O C C U P A T I O N A N D L E A R N I N G P R O C E S S 1 1

    LU 1: Participate as part of a team and respect the rules of the training environment. 13

    LU 2: Explain the occupation and learning process 17

    LU 3: Respect the facilitation and apply learning methods. 20

    LU 4: Develop personal plans based on self-assessment practices 23

    C C M C S 4 0 1 - C O M P U T E R S K I L L S 2 9

    LU 1: Protect computer system 31

    LU 2: Use Spreadsheet. 37

    LU 3: Use Presentation 46

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    C C M Q S 4 0 1 - P R O V I D I N G Q U A L I T Y C U S T O M E R S E R V I C E 5 2

    LU 1: Develop and maintain product, service and market knowledge. 55

    LU 2: Provide a quality service experience to customers. 62

    LU 3: Deal with complaints and difficult customer service situations. 69

    LU 4: Manage and use information about clients and customers. 77

    C C M H E 4 0 1 - I M P L E M E N T I N G S . H . E . P O L I C I E S A N D P R O C E D U R E S 8 1

    LU 1: Identify hazardous areas to be improved. 83

    LU 2: Apply SHE practices. 89

    LU 3: Assess and control risks. 97

    LU 4: Awareness of SHE in working place. 102

    C C M E N 4 0 1 - I N T E R M E D I A T E W O R K P L A C E E N G L I S H 1 0 8

    LU 1: Write factual, descriptive, and explanatory texts. 111

    LU 2: Apply a range of listening strategies to understand predictable messages. 119

    LU 3: Discuss general and trade-related topics. 124

    LU 4: Read medium texts on general and trade-related topics. 129

    C C M K N 4 0 1 - I K I N Y A R W A N D A C Y ’ U M U N Y A M W U G A 1 3 4

    LU 1: Gukoresha ubuvanganzo gakondo bufatiye ku mwuga ashyikirana n’abandi. 137

    LU 2: Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye uwiga agaragaza ibyiza by’ikoranabuhanga mu iterambere

    ry’umwuga no kugaragaza intêgo y’izina mbonera. 143

    LU 3: Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye uwiga agaragaza ububi bw’ibiyobyabwenge mu rubyiruko no

    kugaragaza amategeko y’igenamajwi mu izina mbonera. 150

    LU 4: Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye uwiga agaragaza uburyo bunyuranye bwo gufata neza

    ibidukikije. 157

    LU 5: Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye uwiga agaragaza akamaro k’ubutabazi bw’ibanze no

    kwandika yubahiriza imyandikire y’Ikinyarwanda. 163

    C C M B P 4 0 1 - B U S I N E S S P L A N D E V E L O P M E N T 1 7 0

    LU 1: Identify elements of business plan. 172

    LU 2: Write a business plan in line with the identified elements 178

    LU 3: Establish strategies to monitor evaluate and update the business plan (Contingency plan). 189

    LU 4: Present a business plan 195

  • v | P a g e

    C C M I A 4 0 1 - I N D U S T R I A L A T T A C H M E N T P R O G R A M ( I A P ) 2 0 0

    LU 1: Investigate and secure industrial attachment place. 202

    LU 2: Deal with workplace challenges. 209

    LU 3: Get briefed on industrial attachment program. 213

    LU 4: Develop one’s competencies on the workplace. 217

    N E W N F 4 0 1 - N E T W O R K F U N D A M E N T A L S 2 2 1

    LU 1: Introduce Network Concepts 223

    LU 2: Apply network protocols and communications 228

    LU 3: Apply IP addressing (IP v4&IPv6) 232

    N E W N M 4 0 1 - N E T W O R K M A I N T E N A N C E 2 3 7

    LU 1: Conduct site survey 239

    LU 2: Determine and implement solutions 244

    LU 3: Document the work done 248

    Summative Assessment 253

    N E W S L 4 0 1 - L A N 2 5 7

    LU 1: Apply basics of Computer networking and set up a LAN 259

    LU 2: Conduct site survey 266

    LU 3: Configure and troubleshoot a LAN 272

    LU 4: Document the work done 277

    LU 5: Troubleshoot router 281

    N E W P R 4 0 1 - R O U T I N G 2 8 6

    LU 1: Introduce routing and packet forwarding 288

    LU 2: Conduct site survey 294

    LU 3: Configure and verify Routing Protocols 300

    LU 4: Troubleshoot router 305

    LU 5: Troubleshoot router 310

    Summative Assessment 314

  • vi | P a g e

    N E W P S 4 0 1 - S W I T C H I N G 3 1 9

    LU 1: Introduction to switched networks 322

    LU 2: Conduct site survey 327

    LU 3: Describe Basic switching concepts and configuration 333

    LU 4: Introduce VLANs configurations 340

    LU 5: Perform VTP configurations 345

    LU 6: Perform STP configurations 349

    LU 7: ImplementInter-VLAN routing 353

    LU 8: Perform VTP configurations 357

    LU 9: Document the work done 363

    Summative Assessment 367

    N E W W I 4 0 1 - W I R E L E S S N E T W O R K I N D O O R 3 7 0

    LU 1: Apply wireless network Concepts 372

    LU 2: Plan and Conduct Site survey 377

    LU 3: Configure and maintain wireless network 383

    LU 4: Document the work done 389

    Summative Assessment 393

    G L O S S A R Y a

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    List of abbreviations

    AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

    ANSI American National Standard Institute

    ARP Attacks Address Resolution Protocol attacks

    BGP Border Gateway Protocol

    BPDU Timers Bridge Protocol Data Units

    CCITT Consultative Committee for International Telephony and Telegraphy

    CCM Complementary Competencies

    CD Compact Disk

    CDU Curriculum Development Unit

    CIDR Classless Inter-Domain Router

    CLI Command Line Interface

    CPU Control Processing Unit

    DHCP Dynamic Host Control Protocol

    DNS Domain Name service

    DoS Denial of service

    DVD Digital Video Disc

    EIGRP Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol

    GUI Graphical User Interface

    HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus

    HSRP Hot standby router protocol

    I/O Input/output

    ICT Information Communication Technology

    ICTNW ICT sector Networking sub sector

    IEEE Institute of Electrical Electronics Engineers

    IGRP Interior Gateway Routing Protocol

    ILO International Labor Organization

    IOS Internetwork Operating System

    IP Internet Protocol

    IP v4 Internet Protocol version4

    IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6

  • viii | P a g e

    IS-IS Interconnection System to Interconnection System

    ISL Inter-switch Link

    ISO International Organization of standards

    ISP Internet service provider

    IT Information Technology

    LAN Local Area Network

    LEDs Light Emitting Diode

    LLC Logical link control

    MAC Address Media access control Address

    MAN Metropolitan Area Network

    MAU Media Access Unit

    NAT Network Address Translation

    NICs Network Interface Cards

    NTQF National Technical Qualification Framework

    OSI model Open Systems Interconnection

    OSPF Open Shortest Path First

    OSPFv2 Open Shortest Path First Version2

    PC Personal Computer

    PCI Payment Card Industry

    PDA Personal Digital Assistance

    PDAs Personal Digital Assistant

    PoE Path of Exile

    PPE Personal Protective Equipment

    PVST Per-VLAN Spanning Tree

    RAM Random Access Memory

    REQF Rwandan Education Qualification Framework

    RF Radio Frequency

    RFID Radio-frequency identification

    RIPv1 Introduction to Routing Information Protocol version1

    RIPv2 Introduction to Routing Information Protocol

    ROM Read Only Memory

    SOHO Small Office Home Office

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    SSH Secure Shell

    STI Sexual Transmission Infection

    STP Shielded Twisted Pair

    TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

    TSS Technical Secondary School

    TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training

    USB Universal Serial Bus

    VGA Video Graphical Adapter

    VLAN Virtual Local Area Network

    VPN Virtual Private Network

    VSO Voluntary Service Overseas

    WAN Wide Area Network

    WLAN Wireless Local Area Network

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    Workforce Development Authority wishes to thank the following persons who participated in

    the development of this curriculum:


    HABIMANA Theodore




    NIKUZE Bernadette

    Curriculum Development Team




    BUJERERI Didier


    SHARAMANZI Simon Pierre

    HABUMUGISHA Fulgence

    NIYONGABO Ezekiel

    NTWALI Yves

    NSENGIMANA Lindiro Giscar

    MUGISHA Martin

    MUKUNDWA Alice

    MUGUME Arthur


    NKUBANA Alphonse

  • 1 | P a g e


    The curriculum presents a coherent and significant set of competencies to

    acquire to perform the occupation of Networking. It is designed with an

    approach that takes into account the training needs, the work situation, as well

    as the goals and the means to implement training.

    The modules of the curriculum include a description of the expected results at the end of

    training. They have a direct influence on the choice of the theoretical and practical learning

    activities. The competencies are the targets of training: the acquisition of each is required for


    The curriculum is the reference to carry out the assessment of learning. Assessment tools of

    learning are developed on the basis of this document.

    The curriculum consists of three parts. The first part is of general interest and shows the nature

    and goals of a program and the key concepts and definitions used in the document. The second

    part presents the qualification, its level in the qualification framework, its purpose, its rationale

    and the list of modules it comprises. The third part deals with the training package. It includes

    the competencies chart, the sequencing of module learning, the description of each module

    and the course structure.

    The pages describing the modules are the heart of a curriculum. They present the title of the

    module, the length of training, the amount of credits, the context in which the competency is

    performed, the prerequisite competencies, the learning units and the performance criteria.

    In each module, a course structure is provided. The course structure describes the learning

    outcomes (knowledge, skills and attitude) and the learning contents related to each learning

    unit. Also, the learning activities and resources for learning are suggested.

    Finally, the assessment specifications and guidelines are included in each module.



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    2.1 Description

    This qualification provides the skills and

    knowledge for an individual to install and

    manage small and medium scale networks

    and other various jobs in networking field,

    either as an independent Network

    technician or as part of a team. The

    individuals with this qualification can enter

    the TVET Certificate V in order to be

    equipped with the necessary competences

    to function as Network Administrator,

    Senior IT technician.

    At the end of this qualification, qualified

    learners will be able to:

    Describe the occupation and learning process

    Implement health safety and environment precaution

    Develop business plan

    Provide quality customer service

    Apply Computer Skills

    Use Intermediate English at workplace

    Gukoresha i Kinyarwanda cy’ umunyamwuga

    Apply Network fundamentals Set up LAN Perform Routing Perform Switching Setup Wireless Network indoor

    Perform Network Maintenance Integrate the workplace

    2.2 Minimum entry requirements

    The minimum entry requirement to this

    qualification is to be physically and mentally

    fit with broad knowledge, skills and attitude

    of ICT background.

    Title: TVET Certificate IV in Networking

    Level: REQF Level 4

    Credits: 114

    Sector: Information Technology

    Sub-sector: Networking

    Issue date: November, 2014

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    2.3 Information about pathways

    2.4 Job related information

    This qualification prepares individuals to integrate the interior design industry with the

    professionalization of floor, wall and ceiling design; this qualification again offers the opportunity to

    execute the works as wall finishing designer, floor designer and ceiling designer while ensuring that

    safety, security and environmental regulations are respected.

    2.5 Employability skills and life skills

    Through the generic modules, individuals with this qualification have acquired the life and

    employability skills to meet the following industry or enterprise requirements:


    Documenting technical work in plain English

    Writing and presenting reports

    Possible jobs related to this qualification

    IT support

    Network Technician

    IT Technician

    Cabling Technician

    Preferred pathways for candidates entering

    this qualification include:

    Candidates enter this qualification

    after achieving TVET Certificate III in

    Computer System technology or other

    relevant qualifications or through

    Recognition of Prior Learning in

    Computer and Networking field.

    Progression route of candidates achieving

    this qualification include:

    Candidate’s exit this qualification is

    able to enter TVET Certificate V in

    Networking or a range of other

    related TVET Certificate V


    Pathways into the qualification

    Pathways from the qualification

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    Safety and security precautions

    Working collaboratively with project team members

    Health and environment

    Health reproduction

    Rwanda environmental protection, practices rules and regulations

    Business Plan

    Producing a small IT business plan

    Planning and organizing

    Preparing feasibility reports that take into account project scope, time, cost, quality,

    communications and risk management


    Taking responsibility for own outputs in relation to specified quality standards

    Working according to the Rwandan Computer Society Code of Ethics regarding

    security, legal, moral and ethical issues


    Manipulate computer

    Using internet

    Languages other than Kinyarwanda

    Using English as the medium of communication in the working environment

  • 4 | P a g e

    Number of competencies: 14 Core competencies : 6 Complementary competencies : 8 The total number of Credits: 114

    2.6 Information about competencies

    No Code Complementary competencies Credit

    1 CCMOL001 Describe the occupation and learning process 3

    2 CCMCS401 Apply Computer skills 3

    3 CCMQS401 Provide quality customer service 3

    4 CCMHE401 Implement SHE policies and procedures 3

    5 CCMEN401 Use intermediate English at workplace 3

    6 CCMKN401 Gukoresha I Kinyarwanda cy’umunyamwuga 3

    7 CCMDB401 Develop business plan 3

    8 CCMIA401 Integrate the workplace 30

    Total 51

    No Code Core competencies Credit




    1 NEWNF401 Apply Network fundamentals 8



    2 NEWSL401 Set up LAN 12

    3 NEWPR401 Perform Routing 12

    4 NEWPS401 Perform Switching 12

    5 NEWWI401 Setup Wireless Network indoor 12

    6 NEWNM401 Perform Network Maintenance 7

    Total 63

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    The training package includes the competencies chart, the flowchart, the

    modules, the course structure, and the assessment guidelines.

    3.1 Course structure

    The course structure describes the learning outcomes for each learning unit. These learning

    outcomes are the essential skills and knowledge to be acquired. The contents to be covered for

    each learning outcome are prescriptive. The Learning Activities contain a series of suggestions,

    usually with several options, that will guide the learner and the trainer.

    3.2 Competencies chart

    The competencies chart is a table that presents an overview of the specific competencies, the

    general competencies, the work process and the time allocated to each competency. This table

    provides an overall view of the competencies of the training program and allows identification

    of the logical sequence of the learning of these competencies.

    The competencies chart shows the relationship between general competencies and specific

    competencies that are particular to the occupation, as well as the key stages of the work

    process. It shows the links between the elements in the horizontal axis and those in the vertical

    axis. The symbol (ο) marks a relationship between a general competency and specific

    competency. The symbol (∆) indicates a relationship between a specific competency and a step

    in the process of work. When the symbols are darkened, it indicates that the link is taken into

    account in the description of the specific competency.

    The competencies chart allows the trainer to consider the complexity of the competencies in

    the organization of the progress of learning. Therefore, the vertical axis shows the specific

    competencies in the order they should be acquired.

    This is the starting point of the presentation of the competencies in the flowchart presented in

    the following pages.



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    Figure 1: Competencies chart

    Between the process and particular competencies | Between general and particular


    ▲: Functional link application ●: Functional link application

    ∆: Functional link existence ο: Functional link existence



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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 80

    Duration (590 Hrs) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 300


    1 Set up LAN 120 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ○ ○ ● ● ○ ○ ○ ● ●

    2 Perform Routing 120 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ○ ○ ● ● ○ ○ ○ ● ●

    3 Perform Switching 120 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ○ ○ ● ● ○ ○ ○ ● ●

    4 Setup Wireless Network

    indoor120 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ○ ○ ● ● ○ ○ ○ ● ●

    5 Perform Network Maintenance 70 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ○ ○ ● ● ○ ○ ○ ● ●


    Mapping technician




  • 7 | P a g e

    3.3 Flowchart

    The flowchart of sequencing of learning is a schematic representation of the order of

    acquisition of the competencies. It provides an overall planning of the entire training

    programme and shows the relationship between the modules. This type of planning is to ensure

    consistency and progression of learning. For each module, the flowchart shows the learning

    that is already in place, the learning that is to take in parallel or later. The positions defined will

    have a decisive impact on all subsequent pedagogical choices. The flowchart of the sequence of

    learning of the modules of the training programme is presented on the following page.

    Figure 2: Flowchart

    Occupation and learning process 3

    Computer skills 3 Providing quality customer service 3

    Implementing S.H.E. Policies and procedures 3 Intermediate workplace english 3

    Ikinyarwanda cy’umunyamwuga 3

    Network fundamentals 8

    LAN 12 Routing 12

    Switching 12

    Wireless Network indoor 12

    Network Maintenance 7

    Business plan development 3

    Industrial attachment program (IAP) 30

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    4.1 Assessment Methodology

    To assess knowledge, practical, and application skills through a jury system of continuous

    evaluation that encourages learners to display understanding of the principles in application to

    set practical tasks and their attendant theory to assess self-learning.

    4.2 Portfolio

    A portfolio is a collection of learner work representing learner performance. It is a folder (or

    binder or even a digital collection) containing the learner’s work as well as the learner’s

    evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the work. Portfolios reflect not only work

    produced (such as papers and assignments, direct demonstration, indirect demonstration,

    products, documents), but also it is a record of the activities undertaken over time as part of

    learner learning. The portfolio is meant to show learner growth, development, and

    achievements in the education system. It also shows that you have met specific learning goals

    and requirements. A portfolio is not a project; it is an ongoing process for the formative

    assessment. The portfolio output (formative assessment) will be considered only as enough for

    complementary and general modules. Besides, it will serve as a verification tool for each

    candidate that he/she attended the whole training before he/she undergoes the summative

    assessment for specific modules.

    There are two types of assessment (Formative Assessment and Summative/Integrated

    Assessment). Each assessment has its own rule for passing to be declared competent.

    Formative Assessment

    This is applied on all types of modules (e.g. Complementary, General and Specific modules)

    A trainee to be competent for a formative module must have at least 70% on checked

    items or “yes” in indicators (e.g. questions, indicators in the checklist)

    Each trainee should be competent on all formative assessments to be declared competent

    on that module

    All formative assessment should be declared competent before taking the

    summative/integrated assessment



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    Summative/Integrated Assessment

    All Summative/Integrated assessment should match with the content of the module in the


    Summative/Integrated Assessment is always in practical, giving it as a theoretical type of

    assessment is not acceptable.

    The integrated situation provided in the curriculum is a sample of the assessment to be

    carried out, the Trainer/Teacher has the role of developing another one referring to the

    task to be carried out in the integrated situation in accordance to the circumstances inside

    school, but the integrated situation should stick on the components of a task.

    During Summative/Integrated assessment, assessor panel members should be three (3).

    This Summative/Integrated assessment can be seen in specific modules and the Trainee

    can be declared competent by the following rules:

    For YES or NO scoring of indicators in Summative/Integrated Checklist

    The trainee can be declared competent based on the assessment CRITERIA and its respective

    assessment indicators

    Assessment Criteria Passing Line in the

    assessment indicators

    Quality of Process 90%

    Quality of Product 100%

    Relevance 90%

    Rest of Criteria/ any other criteria

    (example: Safety)


  • 10 | P a g e

    Note: the Assessor should check if the 10% indicator (Quality of Process and Relevance) in

    which the Trainee was not able to meet during Summative/Integrated Assessment should not

    be among those indicators that can cause any hazard, or the one indicator that is performed

    poorly where there is room for improvement.

    1. During assessment, trainees with special needs (e.g. people with disability) should be

    assisted accordingly.

    2. Deputy School Manager in-charge of Studies, Class Teacher, and Trainer should consider

    the status (competent/not yet competent) of trainees before delivering the next module

    with pre-requisites.

    3. Respect of flowchart particularly in considering the delivery of modules which has

    prerequisite of a following/subsequent module is considered in issuing TVET certificate,

    otherwise other modules can be given anytime.

    4. All evidences during assessment (e.g. quiz, checklist, forms) should have a written form

    that is compiled in the Trainer (source) and Trainee (result) portfolio. Portfolio is the

    responsibility of School, Class Teacher, and Trainees. It should be given to trainees after


    5. Industrial Attachment Program (IAP)

    - All Trainees should finish and declared competent on all modules before taking IAP


    - Trainees should finish and declared competent on the 30 hours content of IAP

    module written in the curriculum before they go to workplace or industry.

    - The school should organize visit for all trainees in the workplace or industry to

    confirm and assist IAP especially in filling up the logbook.

    - An interview to the trainee should be conducted in the school after the IAP has

    been completed and should be documented in the trainee portfolio.

    - All completed logbooks should be part of the trainee portfolio.

  • 11 | P a g e


    CCMOL001 Describe the occupation and learning process

    REQF Level: All Learning hours

    Credits: 3 30

    Sector: All

    Sub-sector: All

    Issue date: November, 2017

    Purpose statement

    This module is covered first in all qualifications. It allows the learner to get to know the other

    participants to the training programme and to understand himself/herself as part of a team.

    Also, the trainee will develop a comprehensive and clear vision of the occupation and the

    training programme. The module will allow the participant to avoid mistakes of career

    guidance and confirm or deny his/her choice from the start. The training and learning

    methods are presented to the learner. This approach encourages greater motivation and,

    subsequently, a better integration of various learning.

  • 12 | P a g e

    Learning assumed to be in place

    Not applicable

    Elements of competency and performance criteria

    Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competency.

    Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

    of the learning unit.

    By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

    Elements of competency Performance criteria

    1. Participate as part of a team

    and respect the rules of the

    training environment

    1.1 Proper introduction of oneself

    1.2 Appropriate integration in team

    1.3 Appropriate participation in setting rules and adhere

    to them

    2. Explain the occupation and

    learning process

    2.1 Proper description of the main/major elements of


    2.2 Adequate explanation about the one’s qualification

    3. Respect the facilitation and

    apply learning methods

    3.1 Proper engagement in active and participatory

    learning methods

    3.2 Adequate description of the assessment procedures

    4. Develop personal plans

    based on self-assessment


    4.1 Proper identification of values, skills and interests

    4.2 Proper assessment of values, skills and interests

    4.3 Correct Setting of goals

    4.4 Proper development of plans in order to reach the

    set goals

    4.5 Proper assessment of one’s learning style

    4.6 Adequate identification of learning strategies

  • 13 | P a g e

    LU 1: Participate as part of a team and respect the rules of the training environment.

    1 Learning Outcomes:

    1. Introduce oneself and get to know one another 2. Intergrate in team 3. Participate in setting rules and adhere to them

    6 Hours

    Learning Outcome 1.1: Introduce oneself and get to know one another


    Expectations about the


    o Introduction

    o Game

    Presentation of trainees’ expectations

    - Trainer manual

    Formative Assessment 1.1

    Performance criterion

    Proper introduction of one self.

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 14 | P a g e

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written or performance

    Written assessment (Recommendation: ranking exercise)

    Group work (e.g. role play or scenario)

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Learner opens introduction with a greeting

    Learner says their name

    Learner includes his/her background (academic, technical & work qualifications)

    Learner closes introduction (e.g. “I am happy to be with you”)

    Learner demonstrates consistent eye contact

    Learner displays appropriate body language

    Speaks in at an audible level

    Learner is able to express his/her expectations

    Learner is able to share his/her hobbies/interests

    Learner is able to link his/her background to his/her future interests

    Learner is able to advocate for his/her abilities, skills, interests

    Learner uses advanced body language techniques


    Learning Outcome 1.2: Intergrate in team

    Working as a team

    Building trust

    o Game

    o Group discussions

    - Trainer manual

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 15 | P a g e

    Formative Assessment 1.2

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


    Practical task of a team

    Checklist Score

    Yes No


    Active participation

    Responsibilities taker

    Mutual collaboration with others

    Openness/free expression

    Open to criticism/flexibility

    Contribution of someone

    Complying with rules set


    Learning Outcome 1.3: Participate in setting rules and adhere to them

    Rules of the classroom

    Group responsibilities

    o Brainstorming

    o Discussions

    o Assign class tasks

    - Trainer manual

    Formative Assessment 1.3

    Resources Learning activities Content

    Performance criterion

    Appropriate integration in team.

  • 16 | P a g e

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence

    Practical task of a team

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Signed commitment contract

    Occupation title

    Duties and responsibilities


    Performance criterion

    Appropriate participation in setting rules and adhere to them.

  • 17 | P a g e

    LU 2: Explain the occupation and learning process

    2 Learning Outcomes:

    1. Describe the main/major elements of occupation 2. Explain about the one’s qualification

    12 Hours

    Learning Outcome 2.1: Describe the main/major elements of occupation

    Characteristics of the occupation

    Place of the occupation in the sector

    The impact/importance of the occupation in economic development

    Working conditions

    o Group discussion o Personal research o Visit of a business in the


    - Pictures of people in working situation

    - Documents describing the occupation

    - Documents describing the sector

    Formative Assessment 2.1

    Performance criterion

    Proper description of the main/major elements of occupation

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 18 | P a g e

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence

    Oral evidence


    Verbal explanation (interview)

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Working conditions

    Equipment tools and materials

    Equipment tools and materials

    REQF level

    Equipment tools and materials

    Award certificate


    Learning Outcome 2.2: Explain about the one’s qualification

    Rationale of the qualification

    Content of the training programme (modules)

    Duration Flowchart

    Pathways (exit level & further learning)

    Presentation of the timetable

    Presentation of the classrooms and workshops

    o Presentation by the teacher o Research o Visits of the premises of the


    - Overview of the training programme

    - Testimonies of people performing the occupation

    - School year calendar - Timetable

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 19 | P a g e

    Formative Assessment 2.2

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence

    Oral evidence

    Written exercise

    Verbal explanation (interview)

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Entry requirement

    Pathways into the qualification


    Qualification details

    Pathways after the qualification

    Following instructions

    Responsibilities taker

    Social interdependence

    Commitment of learners


    Performance criterion

    Adequate explanation about the qualification

  • 20 | P a g e

    LU 3: Respect the facilitation and apply learning methods.

    3 Learning Outcomes:

    1. Engage in active and participatory learning methods 2. Describe the assessment procedures

    2 Hours

    Learning Outcome 3.1: Engage in active and participatory learning methods

    Overview of the active and participatory teaching and learning methods

    Experiential learning cycle

    o Experience sharing. o Presentation by the trainer

    - Trainer manual

    Formative Assessment 3.1

    Performance criterion

    Proper engagement in active and participatory learning methods

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 21 | P a g e

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence

    Scenarios of learning style analysis Role play on engagement and participatory learning methods

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Results of assignment

    Active participation

    Responsibilities taker

    Openness/free expression

    Formative assessment

    Summative assessment


    Learning Outcome 3.2: Describe the assessment procedures

    Assessment procedures Timing Assessors/verifiers Assessment tools

    (portfolio & integrated situation)

    o Presentation by the trainer - Assessment manual

    Formative Assessment 3.2

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Performance criterion

    Adequate description of the assessment procedures

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 22 | P a g e

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence

    Oral evidence

    written assessment

    Verbal explanation (interview)

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Time of assessment

    Roles of Assessors

    Roles of verifiers

    List values

    List of skills


  • 23 | P a g e

    LU 4: Develop personal plans based on self-assessment practices

    4 Learning Outcomes:

    1. Identify values, skills and interests 2. Assess values, skills and interests 3. Set goals 4. Develop plans 5. Assess one’s learning style

    10 Hours

    Learning Outcome 4.1: Identify values, skills and interests

    Values, skills and interests

    Relating values, skills and interests to the workplace

    Formative Assessment 4.1

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence

    values, skills and interest identification exercise scenario/case study analysis

    Performance criterion

    Proper identification of values, skills and interests

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 24 | P a g e

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    List of interest

    List of qualities

    Own strengths

    areas of improvement


    Learning Outcome 4.2: Assess values, skills and interests

    Skills & qualities assessment

    Acceptance of diversity, self-esteem & confidence

    o Individual work o Exercise on we are all unique

    - individual assessment checklist

    Formative Assessment 4.2

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence values, skills and interest self-assessment exercise

    JOHARI window assessment

    Performance criterion

    Proper assessment of values, skills and interests

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 25 | P a g e

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    List of interest

    List of qualities

    Own strengths

    areas of improvement


    Learning Outcome 4.3: Set goals

    SMART goals

    Identification of goals Short term Long term

    Process for setting and achieving goals:

    Identifying steps Time frame Resources

    o Group work o Tree drawing & interpretation o Discussion about displayed

    pictures on setting & achieving goals

    o Exercises on developing SMART goals

    o Practical exercises on developing personal plans

    - Trainer manual

    Formative Assessment 4.3

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence

    Written exercise

    Project work

    Performance criterion

    Correct Setting of goals

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 26 | P a g e

    Checklist (Correct Setting of goals) Score

    Yes No

    Medium term SMART goals set

    Long term SMART goals set

    Strategies to reach set goal


    Medium term SMART goals set


    Learning Outcome 4.4: Develop plans

    SMART goals

    Identification of goals Short term Long term

    Process for setting and achieving goals:

    Identifying steps Time frame Resources

    o Group work o Tree drawing & interpretation o Discussion about displayed

    pictures on setting & achieving goals

    o Exercises on developing SMART goals

    o Practical exercises on developing personal plans

    - Trainer manual

    Formative Assessment 4.4

    Checklist (Proper development of plans in order to reach the set goal) Score

    Yes No

    Resources required

    Activities to be performed

    Possible obstacles

    follow up on goal/progress report against set goal Action to be taken

    One's learning style type (s)

    features of one's learning styles (s)


    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 27 | P a g e

    Learning Outcome 4.5: Assess one’s learning style

    Types of learning styles

    Determining one’s preferred way of learning

    Strategies for using one’s learning style in workplace/school

    o Paper folding activities o Completing self-assessment

    learning style o Scenario based activities

    - Trainer manual

    Formative Assessment 4.5

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence

    VARK questionnaire

    Scenario analysis

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Learning style



    Performance criterion

    Proper assessment of one’s learning style

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 28 | P a g e

    Learning Outcome 4.6: Identification of learning strategies

    Formative Assessment 4.6

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence

    Performance evidence

    Scenario analysis

    Checklist Score

    Yes No



    Learning strategies for each style


    Reference books: 1. Work Readiness Training Programme – Trainer’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods

    Project. 2. Work Readiness Training Programme – Participant’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods


    Performance criterion

    Adequate identification of learning strategies

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 29 | P a g e


    CCMCS401 Apply Computer Skills

    REQF Level: 4 Learning hours

    Credits: 3 30

    Sector: All

    Sub-sector: All

    Issue date: November, 2017

    Purpose statement

    The use of ICT in several areas has grown appreciably in recent years. ICT products are now

    used by most people, ranging from mobile phones and digital TVs through to personal

    computers and the World Wide Web. This qualification focuses on providing skills, experience

    and confidence for those learners who struggle to make the most of technology to demonstrate

    creative thinking, problem solving and knowledge construction. It focuses on completing

    workplace tasks, such as creating documents with text, graphics and numerical information

    using commonly used tools such as: Microsoft Office – Excel, PowerPoint. Also the leaner will

    have the skills on how to protect the data in the computer systems.

  • 30 | P a g e

    Learning assumed to be in place

    Not applicable

    Elements of competency and perfomance criteria

    Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competency.

    Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

    of the learning unit.

    By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

    Elements of competency Performance criteria

    1. Participate as part of a team

    and respect the rules of the

    training environment

    1.1 Proper introduction of oneself

    1.2 Appropriate integration in team

    1.3 Appropriate participation in setting rules and adhere

    to them

    2. Explain the occupation and

    learning process

    2.1 Proper description of the main/major elements of


    2.2 Adequate explanation about the one’s qualification

    3. Respect the facilitation and

    apply learning methods

    3.1 Proper engagement in active and participatory

    learning methods

    3.2 Adequate description of the assessment procedures

    4. Develop personal plans

    based on self-assessment


    4.1 Proper identification of values, skills and interests

    4.2 Proper assessment of values, skills and interests

    4.3 Correct Setting of goals

    4.4 Proper development of plans in order to reach the

    set goals

    4.5 Proper assessment of one’s learning style

    4.6 Adequate identification of learning strategies

  • 31 | P a g e

    LU 1: Protect computer system

    1 Learning Outcomes:

    1. Install software utilities 2. Scan and Eliminate virus 3. Backup of computer data based on OS 4. Restore computer data based on OS installed

    5 Hours

    Learning Outcome 1.1: Install software utilities

    Description of software tools utilities Anti-virus Anti-malware Anti-spyware Adware Backup software Backup media

    Installation of software tools\utilities Anti-virus Anti-malware Anti-spyware Adware Backup software Backup media

    o Brainstorming on security software

    o Group discussion on computer security

    o Practical exercise on antivirus


    - Computer Lab - Projector - Computer with OS installed - White Board - Markers - Computer Lab with

    internet access - Projector - Computer with OS installed - Antivirus

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 32 | P a g e

    Formative Assessment 1.1

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written or Oral

    Multiple choice

    True or false question


    Sentence completion


    Expose (presentation)

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Description of software tools utilities

    Installation of software tools\utilities: Anti-virus Anti-malware Anti-spyware Adware Backup software Backup media


    Performance criterion

    Proper installation of software utilities according to the manufacturer


  • 33 | P a g e

    Learning Outcome 1.2: Scan and Eliminate virus

    Description of scan types Full system scan On demand scan On access scan

    Description of san mode Manual Automatic Scheduled

    Description of virus elimination Elimination by neutralization Elimination by deleting Elimination by quarantine

    o Presentation on computer virus scan types

    o Brainstorming on computer virus scan

    o Practical exercises on

    computer virus scan

    o Computer Lab with internet access

    o Projector o Computer with OS

    installed o Antivirus o White Board o Markers

    Formative Assessment 1.2

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools




    Multiple choice

    Expose /presentation

    Task on scanning viruses

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Description of scan types and san mode

    Description of virus elimination

    Virus elimination Elimination by neutralization Elimination by deleting Elimination by quarantine


    Performance criterion

    Regular computer scan and elimination of virus as per safety standards

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 34 | P a g e

    Learning Outcome 1.3: Backup of computer data based on OS

    Selection of backup types Normal/Full backup Copy backup Differential backup Incremental backup Daily backups

    Selection of common backup devices Tape drive Digital audio tape(DAT)

    drives Auto-loader tape

    systems Magnetic optical drives Removable disks Disk drives

    o Brainstorming on backup types o Practical exercises on backup

    o Computer Lab with internet access

    o Projector o Computer with OS installed o Antivirus o White Board o Markers

    Formative Assessment 1.3

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence




    Sentence completion


    Expose (presentation )

    Task on backing up data

    Performance criterion

    Accurate backup of computer data based on OS installation

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 35 | P a g e

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Selection of backup types

    Selection of common backup devices

    backup on various devices Tape drive Digital audio tape(DAT) drives Auto-loader tape systems Magnetic optical drives Removable disks Disk drives


    Learning Outcome 1.4: Restore computer data based on OS installed

    Selection restore devices HHD/SSD USB/ Flash Driver Tapes drives Magnetic optical drives CDs DVDs Disc drives

    o Brainstorming on backup types

    o Practical exercises on data


    o Computer Lab with internet access

    o Hard disk drive o Flash drive o Tape drive o CDs, DVDs o Projector o Computer with OS installed o Antivirus

    Formative Assessment 1.4

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Performance criterion

    Appropriate restoring of computer data based on OS installed

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 36 | P a g e

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence




    Expose (presentation )

    Task on restoring data

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Selection of restoring devices

    Restoring of data on HHD/SSD USB/ Flash Driver Tapes drives Magnetic optical drives CDs DVDs Disc drives


  • 37 | P a g e

    LU 2: Use Spreadsheet.

    2 Learning Outcomes:

    1. Describe elements of spreadsheet application 2. Use basic spreadsheet tasks 3. Format cell and their contents 4. Manage Sheets in workbook 5. Use essential functions 6. Optimize data (sorting, filtering, contiguous data) 15 Hours

    Learning Outcome 2.1: Describe elements of spreadsheet application

    Description of Workbooks and

    Worksheets Cells Headings Formula bar Formatting tool Formula bar Colum headers Row headers Active Cell reference status bar application bar Spreadsheets tab Horizontal scroll bar Vertical scroll bar

    o Brainstorming on elements of spreadsheet application

    o Demonstration on elements of spreadsheet application

    o Group discussions on elements

    of spreadsheet application

    o Computer o Projector o software o Whiteboard o Marker o Duster o Text books o Lecture notes o Papers o Internet

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 38 | P a g e

    Formative Assessment 2.1

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence

    Oral evidence


    Multiple choice

    True or false question


    Sentence completion


    Expose (presentation )

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Description of Workbooks and Worksheets

    Description of Cells

    Description of Headings

    Description of Formula bar

    Description of Formatting Tools

    Description of Formula bar

    Description of Colum headers

    Description of Row headers

    Description of Active Cell reference

    Description of status bar

    Description of application bar

    Description of Spreadsheets tab

    Description of Horizontal scroll bar


    Performance criterion

    Proper description of elements of spreadsheet application

  • 39 | P a g e

    Learning Outcome 2.2: Use basic spreadsheet tasks



    New document



    Save as….


    Selecting a cell

    Deleting Cell contents

    Modifying cell contents

    Selecting group of cells

    Increase and reduce the cell size

    Delete row and Colum

    Duplicate cell

    o Brainstorming on basic spreadsheet tasks

    o Group discussions on opening, closing, new document, save and save us a new document.

    o Practical exercises on selecting, deleting, modifying a group of cells

    o Practical exercises on deleting

    row ad Colum

    - Computer - Projector - software - Whiteboard - Marker - Duster - Text books - Lecture notes - Papers - Internet -

    Formative Assessment 2.2

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence

    Oral evidence

    Multiple choice

    True or false question


    Sentence completion


    Expose (presentation)

    Performance criterion

    Proper formatting of cells and their content

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 40 | P a g e

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Formatting of text and cells Choice font, size, color Adjustment of Cow height Alignment of cell Formatting of Number Insertion of rows Merging cells Creating of border


    Learning Outcome 2.3: Format cell and their contents

    Formatting text and cells

    Choosing font, size, color

    Adjusting Cow height

    Alignment of cell

    Formatting Number

    Inserting rows

    Merging cells

    Creating borders


    o Demonstration on formatting, text and cells

    o Group discussions on choosing font, size and color.

    o Practical exercises on Inserting

    and formatting row ,number,

    creation of border and partners

    - Computer - Projector - software - Text books - Lecture notes - Papers - Internet

    Formative Assessment 2.3

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Performance criterion

    Proper management of sheets in workbook

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 41 | P a g e

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence

    Oral evidence

    Multiple choice

    True or false question


    Sentence completion


    Expose (presentation)

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Selection of Sheet Renaming of a Sheet Insertion of new sheets Moving of a Sheet in a workbook Deleting a sheet


    Learning Outcome 2.4: Manage Sheets in workbook

    Selecting a Sheet

    Renaming a Sheet

    Insert new sheets

    Moving a Sheet in a workbook

    Deleting a sheet

    o Demonstration on selection of sheets

    o Group discussions on inserting new sheet

    o Practical exercises on inserting and formatting sheets

    o Practical exercises on moving

    sheet in workbook.

    - Computer - Projector - software - Text books - Internet

    Formative Assessment 2.4

    Performance criterion

    Adequate using of essential functions

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 42 | P a g e

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence

    Oral evidence

    Multiple choice

    True or false question


    Sentence completion


    Expose (presentation)

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Use of Numbers and Mathematical calculations Use of Addition operation Use of Multiplication operation Use of Division operation Use of Subtraction operation Use of AutoSum operation Use of Function operation Use of Average operation Use of Min operation use of Max operation


  • 43 | P a g e

    Learning Outcome 2.5: Use essential functions

    Use of Numbers and

    Mathematical calculations

    Addition Multiplication Division Subtraction AutoSum Function Average Minimum Maximum Count numbers

    o Demonstration on number and mathematical calculations

    o Group discussions on addition, multiplication and division operations.

    o Practical exercises on number and mathematical calculations

    o Practical exercises on

    mathematical function(average,

    minimum, maximum and count


    - Computer - Projector - software - Whiteboard - Marker - Duster - Text books - Lecture notes - Papers - Internet

    Formative Assessment 2.5

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence

    Oral evidence

    Multiple choice

    True or false question


    Sentence completion


    Expose (presentation)

    Performance criterion

    Proper optimization of data

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 44 | P a g e

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Sorting of data by multiple columns at the same time Creation of customized list and performing a custom sort Automatically filter of list in place Application of filter options to a list Use of automatic sub-totaling features Expanding, collapsing outline detail levels


    Learning Outcome 2.6: Optimize data (sorting, filtering, contiguous data)

    Sorting data by multiple columns at the same time

    Creation of customized list and performing a custom sort

    Automatically filter of list in place

    Application of filter options to a list

    Use of automatic sub-totalling features

    Expanding, collapsing outline detail levels

    o Brainstorming on data optimizations(sorting, filtering, contiguous data )

    o Demonstration on sorting by multiple columns and creation of customized list

    o Group discussions on application of filter options to a list

    o Practical exercises data


    - Computer - Projector - software - Whiteboard - Marker - Duster - Text books - Lecture notes - Papers - Internet

    Formative Assessment 2.6

    Performance criterion

    Proper optimization of data

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 45 | P a g e

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence

    Oral evidence

    Multiple choice

    True or false question


    Sentence completion


    Expose (presentation)

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Sorting of data by multiple columns at the same time Creation of customized list and performing a custom sort Automatically filter of list in place Application of filter options to a list Use of automatic sub-totaling features Expanding, collapsing outline detail levels Sorting of data by multiple columns at the same time Creation of customized list and performing a custom sort Automatically filter of list in place


  • 46 | P a g e

    LU 3: Use Presentation

    3 Learning Outcomes:

    1. Describe elements of presentation application 2. Manage a slide 3. Use Templates 4. Apply Animation and sound in presentation

    10 Hours

    Learning Outcome 3.1: Describe elements of presentation application

    Title Bar

    Menu Bar


    Formatting tool bar

    Standard toolbar

    Outline slides tabbed planes

    View button

    Status bar

    Tri-panel view

    Drawing toolbar

    Office asset

    Task pane


    o Brainstorming on elements of presentation application

    o Group discussions on elements of presentation application

    o Demonstration on elements of

    presentation application

    o Computer o Projector o software o Text books

    Formative Assessment 3.1

    Performance criterion

    Proper description of elements of presentation application

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 47 | P a g e

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence

    Oral evidence

    Multiple choice

    True or false question


    Sentence completion


    Expose (presentation

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Description of Title Bar

    Description of Menu Bar

    Description of Toolbars

    Description of Formatting tool bar

    Description of Standard toolbar

    Description of Outline slides tabbed planes

    Description of View button

    Description of Status bar

    Description of Tri-panel view

    Description of Drawing toolbar

    Description of Office asset

    Description of Task pane


    Learning Outcome 3.2: Manage a slide

    Creating a new slide

    Modifying a slide

    Duplicate selected slides

    Slide from outline

    Reusing slides

    Entering a text

    Formatting a slide

    o Demonstration on creation, formatting of a new slide

    o Group discussions on modification, duplication of slides

    o Practical exercises on slide management

    o Computer o Projector o software o Text books o Internet

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 48 | P a g e

    Formative Assessment 3.2

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence

    Oral evidence

    Multiple choice

    True or false question


    Sentence completion


    Expose (presentation)

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Creation of a new slide

    Modification of slide

    Duplication of selected slides

    Slide from outline

    Reuse of slides

    Entering a text

    Formatting of slide


    Performance criterion

    Proper slides formatting

  • 49 | P a g e

    Learning Outcome 3.3: Use Templates

    Design new template

    Insert a template

    Remove a template

    Editing a template

    o Brainstorming on use of templates

    o Demonstration on design of new slide

    o Practical exercises on design template, inserting templates, removing a new template and editing a template

    o Computer o Projector o software o Text books o Internet

    Formative Assessment 3.3

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence

    Oral evidence

    Multiple choice

    True or false question


    Sentence completion


    Expose (presentation)

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Design of new template

    Insertion of a template

    Removing a template

    Editing of a template


    Performance criterion

    Proper using of templates

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 50 | P a g e

    Learning Outcome 3.4: Apply Animation and sound in presentation

    Slide translation

    Translation sound

    Translation speed

    Custom animation

    o Brainstorming on slide translation

    o Demonstration on translation sound

    o Group discussions on elements of spreadsheet application

    o Practical exercises on animation and sound in slides

    o Computer o Projector o software o Text books o Internet

    Formative Assessment 3.4

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence

    Oral evidence

    Multiple choice

    True or false question


    Sentence completion


    Expose (presentation)

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Translation of Slide

    Translation of sound

    Translation of speed

    Custom animation


    Performance criterion

    Proper application of Animation and sound in presentation

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 51 | P a g e


    1. https://www.ctdlc.org/remediation/indexComputer.html

    2. https://www.ctdlc.org/remediation/mouse.html

    3. https://www.ctdlc.org/remediation/software.html

    4. https://www.ctdlc.org/remediation/copypaste.html

    5. https://cce.sydney.edu.au/course/BCEI

    6. http://www.ecdl.ch/

    7. https://www.google.rw/search?q=spreadsheet+application+parts&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=is


    8. https://www.thoughtco.com/excel-step-by-step-basic-tutorial-3123501

    9. https://chandoo.org/wp/excel-basics/

    10. https://www.google.rw/search?q=powerpoint+presentation+parts&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=i



    11. http://emerald.tufts.edu/as/tampl/program99/workshops/ws5_components.html


  • 52 | P a g e


    CCMQS401 Provide quality customer service

    REQF Level: 4 Learning hours

    Credits: 3 30

    Sector: All

    Sub-sector: All

    Issue date: November, 2017

    Purpose statement

    This module describes the skills, knowledge and attitude required to provide quality customer

    service and deal with any matter related to business during, before and after a service


    The module will allow the participant to identify opportunities for products and services

    delivery and reflect on information received to devise changes and suggest coping strategies.

    Moreover, the trainee will also develop and use communication techniques intended for the

    management of the complaints and ways of recording customer information.

  • 53 | P a g e

    Learning assumed to be in place

    Not applicable

    Elements of competency and perfomance criteria

    Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competency.

    Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

    of the learning unit.

    By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

    Elements of competency Performance criteria

    1. Develop and maintain product, service and market knowledge.

    1.1 Proper identification of opportunities and use of formal and informal research to develop and maintain knowledge of products and services.

    1.2 Appropriate use of customer feedback and workplace observation to evaluate products, services and promotional initiatives and identify changes in customer preferences, needs and expectations.

    1.3 Effective sharing of market, product and service knowledge obtained with colleagues to enhance the effectiveness of the team.

    1.4 Suggestion of ideas to appropriate person for product and service adjustments to meet customer needs for future planning according to organization policy.

    2. Provide a quality service experience to customers.

    2.1. Determination and clarification of customer preferences, needs and expectations.

    2.2. Proper offering of accurate information about appropriate products and services to customers to meet their needs and expectations.

    2.3. Anticipation of customer preferences needs and expectations throughout the service experience and provide products and services in a timely manner, appropriate to individual needs and preferences, and according to organization standards.

    2.4. Offering possible extras and add-ons appropriately and provision of personalized and additional services and products where appropriate.

    2.5. Proactive promotion of products and services at appropriate opportunities according to current organization goals and promotional focus and appropriate employment of selling

  • 54 | P a g e

    Elements of competency Performance criteria

    3. Deal with complaints and difficult

    customer service situations.

    3.1 Proper use of questioning techniques to establish and agree on the nature, possible cause and details of the complaint or difficult customer service situation with the customer and assessment of the impact on the customer of the situation.

    3.2 Effective use of communication techniques to assist in the management of the complaint and handle the situation sensitively, courteously and discreetly.

    3.3 Proper determination of possible options to resolve the complaint and prompt analysis and decision on the best solution, taking into account any organization constraints.

    3.4 Appropriate use of techniques to turn complaints into opportunities to demonstrate high quality customer service.

    3.5 Effective provision of feedback on complaints to appropriate personnel in order to avoid future occurrence.

    3.6 Reflection and evaluation of complaint and solution to enhance response to future complaints or difficult service situations.

    4. Manage and use information about

    clients and customers 4.1 Proper determination and record of customer

    information where appropriate to provide personalized service.

    4.2 Perfect development and maintaining of knowledge of organization promotional initiatives and implementation where appropriate.

    4.3 Proactive provision of enhanced products and services to clients and customers based on client information.

  • 55 | P a g e

    LU 1: Develop and maintain product, service and market knowledge.

    1 Learning Outcomes:

    1. Identify opportunities and use formal and informal research to develop and maintain knowledge of products and services.

    2. Use customer feedback and workplace observation to evaluate products, services and promotional initiatives and identify changes in customer preferences, needs and expectations.

    3. Share market, product and service knowledge obtained with colleagues to enhance the effectiveness of the team

    4. Suggest ideas to appropriate person for product and service adjustments to meet customer needs for future planning according to organization policy.

    5 Hours

    Learning Outcome 1.1: Identify opportunities and use formal and informal research to develop

    and maintain knowledge of products and services.

    Products and services knowledge and its importance

    Opportunities to develop and maintain knowledge of products and services Membership of

    industry associations and networks

    Conventional and creative sources of information

    o Large group discussion o Role plays o Small group activity o Brainstorming o Question and answer

    - Role play scenario - Reference books - Online materials - Scholarly materials

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 56 | P a g e

    Learning Outcome 1.1: Identify opportunities and use formal and informal research to develop

    and maintain knowledge of products and services. (Cont.)

    Formal and informal research techniques: o Discussions with


    Reading organization information

    Research of product and service information brochures

    General media Attendance at

    conferences, trade shows and industry events

    Distributing surveys and questionnaires

    o Large group discussion o Role plays o Small group activity o Brainstorming o Question and answer

    - Role play scenario - Reference books - Online materials - Scholarly materials

    Formative Assessment 1.1

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence

    Multiple choice

    True or false question


    Sentence completion


    Essay (short responses / extended responses)

    Performance criterion

    Proper identification of opportunities and use of formal and informal research to

    develop and maintain knowledge of products and services.

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 57 | P a g e

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Products and services are identified

    Opportunities to develop and maintain knowledge of products and services are identified

    Use of formal research techniques

    Use of informal research techniques


    Learning Outcome 1.2: Use customer feedback and workplace observation to evaluate

    products, services and promotional initiatives and identify changes in customer preferences,

    needs and expectations.

    Products, services and promotional initiatives Tours and transport Conferences and

    conventions Function facilities Entertainment Shopping services Restaurant facilities Food and beverage Add-on services Special offers or


    o Large group discussion o Role plays o Small group activity o Brainstorming o Question and answer

    - Role play scenario - Reference books - Online materials - Scholarly materials

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 58 | P a g e

    Learning Outcome 1.2: Use customer feedback and workplace observation to evaluate

    products, services and promotional initiatives and identify changes in customer preferences,

    needs and expectations. (Cont.)

    Ways to determine customer preferences, needs and expectations:

    Active listening Questioning Observation Recognition of non-

    verbal signs

    Factors influencing customer preferences, needs and expectations:

    Age Gender Social and cultural

    characteristics Prior knowledge Special needs

    Ways to satisfy customer preferences, needs and expectations:



    Value for money

    Prompt or timely



    Empathy and support


    New experience

    Basic needs for food,

    shelter, transport or

    other services.

    o Large group discussion o Role plays o Small group activity o Brainstorming o Question and answer

    - Role play scenario - Reference books - Online materials - Scholarly materials

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 59 | P a g e

    Formative Assessment 1.2

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools




    Multiple choice

    True or false question



    Essay (short responses / extended responses)

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Identification of promotional initiatives

    Application of ways to determine customer preferences, needs and expectations

    Identification of Factors influencing customer preferences, needs and expectations

    Application of ways to satisfy customer preferences, needs and expectations


    Performance criterion

    Appropriate use of customer feedback and workplace observation to evaluate products, services and promotional initiatives and identify changes in

    customer preferences, needs and expectations.

  • 60 | P a g e

    Learning Outcome 1.3: Share market, product and service knowledge obtained with

    colleagues to enhance the effectiveness of the team

    Reasons to share knowledge

    Methods and techniques of sharing knowledge at workplace

    o Group discussion

    o Role play

    o Presentation

    - Role play scenario - Reference books - Online materials - Scholarly materials

    Formative Assessment 1.3

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence

    Practical task of a team

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Identification of reasons to share knowledge of market, product and service

    Application of methods and techniques of sharing knowledge at workplace


    Performance criterion

    Effective sharing of market, product and service knowledge obtained with

    colleagues to enhance the effectiveness of the team.

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 61 | P a g e

    Learning Outcome 1.4: Suggest ideas to appropriate person for product and service

    adjustments to meet customer needs for future planning according to organization policy.

    Product and Service adjustment procedure

    Importance of Product and Service adjustment on customer satisfaction

    o Individual reflection o Brainstorming o Large group discussion o Role play

    - Role play scenario - Reference books - Online materials - Scholarly materials

    Formative Assessment 1.4

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence



    Multiple choice True or false question Matching Ticking Essay (short responses / extended responses) Presentation Role play

    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Application of product and Service adjustment procedure

    Identification of the importance of product and Service adjustment procedure on customer satisfaction


    Performance criterion

    Suggestion of ideas to appropriate person for product and service adjustments

    to meet customer needs for future planning according to organization policy.

    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 62 | P a g e

    LU 2: Provide a quality service experience to customers.

    2 Learning Outcomes:

    1. Determine and clarify customer preferences, needs and expectations 2. Offer accurate information about appropriate products and services

    to customers to meet their needs and expectations. 3. Anticipate customer preferences needs and expectations throughout

    the service experience and provide products and services in a timely manner, appropriate to individual needs and preferences, and according to organization standards.

    4. Offer possible extras and add-ons appropriately and provide personalized and additional services and products where appropriate

    5. Promote products and services at appropriate opportunities according to current organization goals and promotional focus and employ selling techniques appropriately to encourage usage and purchase

    10 Hours

    Learning Outcome 2.1: Determine and clarify customer preferences, needs and expectations.

    Customer needs and preferences

    The importance of researching your customers needs and preferences

    o Experience sharing o Brainstorming o Trainer guide o Individual reflection o Large group discussion o Role play

    - Role play scenario - Reference books - Online materials - Scholarly materials

    Formative Assessment 2.1

    Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

    performance criterion has been achieved.

    Performance criterion

    Proper determination and clarification of customer preferences, needs and


    Resources Learning activities Content

  • 63 | P a g e

    Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

    Written evidence

    Oral evidence

    Multiple choice

    True or false question



    Essay (short responses / extended responses)


    Checklist Score

    Yes No

    Identification of customer needs and preferences

    Clarification of customer ne