3D Text Image 1. Open a new document a make it the appropriate size for the text you will be working with. Click on the color picker and choose a color that is the same color as your text will be, only brighter (for this example, our final text will be a medium blue, so we will use a light blue). 2. Now, click on the arrows to switch to your background color and again go to the color picker. Choose a darker shade than you choose for the foreground color (in the example we will use a dark blue). 3. Next, we will need to fill our (still empty) image with the texture that will be used for the website's background. Open the texture in Photoshop and press Ctrl+A to select all. Now, click on Edit-> Define Pattern and then close the texture. 4. Back on your main graphic, choose Edit-> Fill-> Pattern (make sure that opacity is set at 100%, mode is normal, and Preserve Transparency is unchecked). Your graphic should now be filled with your website's background texture. 5. Now, select the Type Mask Tool (hold down on the text tool) and type the word(s) you wish to include in your graphic into the input field. Click OK. You should now have a selection of your words on your image. 6. Create a new layer an then press Alt+Delete to fill the text selection with the foreground color (light blue in this case). Then create another layer (while the text is still selected) and repeat the texture fill process we used earlier for the background within the text selection -- only this time with a different texture -- see the Absolute Cross Texture Section if you need more textures.

Tutorial Photoshop

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Page 1: Tutorial Photoshop

3D Text Image1. Open a new document a make it the appropriate size for the text you will be working with.

Click on the color picker and choose a color that is the same color as your text will be, only brighter (for this example, our final text will be a medium blue, so we will use a light blue).

2. Now, click on the arrows to switch to your background color and again go to the color picker. Choose a darker shade than you choose for the foreground color (in the example we will use a dark blue).

3. Next, we will need to fill our (still empty) image with the texture that will be used for the website's background. Open the texture in Photoshop and press Ctrl+A to select all. Now, click on Edit-> Define Pattern and then close the texture.

4. Back on your main graphic, choose Edit-> Fill-> Pattern (make sure that opacity is set at 100%, mode is normal, and Preserve Transparency is unchecked). Your graphic should now be filled with your website's background texture.

5. Now, select the Type Mask Tool (hold down on the text tool) and type the word(s) you wish to include in your graphic into the input field. Click OK. You should now have a selection of your words on your image.

6. Create a new layer an then press Alt+Delete to fill the text selection with the foreground color (light blue in this case). Then create another layer (while the text is still selected) and repeat the texture fill process we used earlier for the background within the text selection -- only this time with a different texture -- see the Absolute Cross Texture Section if you need more textures.

7. With the top layer still selected, drag the Opacity Slider in the Layers Palette down to about 50% or 60% (depending on how dark or light you want your final product to be).

8. Create a new layer and select the Gradient Tool. Drag within the text selection to make a gradient from top to bottom -- then drag the opacity slider down until you can see some of the texture behind the gradient. View the example after step 9 to see how the gradient should now look.

9. Now we will create a shadow for the text that will "blend" into the background of the website. With the text still selected, click on the Background Layer and insert a new layer

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from there. Choose Select-> Feather-> and then 1-3 depending on the thickness of the font you are using. Press D on your keyboard and then Alt-Delete to fill the feathered selection with black. Press Alt-Delete again to make the shadow darker. Hold down the Ctrl key and press the down arrow on your keyboard once or twice (you may also move it 1 or 2 pixels to the right or left if you wish).


You could stop right there if you want, but if you happen to have the Eye Candy filter, you can add an extra effect by applying a slight bevel to the text (you may also do this by hand using Photoshop's default filters, but some may find this tedious). Click on the thumbnail image below to view the settings I used to bevel my text:


Add whatever else you wish to your image -- and you're done!

Aliens Text1.

Create a new RGB image to work with. The example is 325x125, Resolution 72, and has a black background.


Choose a Bright Green color as your foreground and Black for your background color.


Choose Edit -> Fill -> Background Color to fill the background layer with black.


Select the Type Tool and choose the the Type Mask Tool from the Options bar at the top of your screen (in earlier versions, drag to the right on the Type Tool icon). Next click inside the document and type any text you want (choose any font or size you like). Click the Check mark in the Options bar to finalize the text layer (OK in older versions).


Choose Edit-> Fill-> Forground Color (the green).


Go to Select-> Feather 2 pixels


Choose Filter-> Blur-> Radial Blur (100, Zoom, Best)


Without deselecting, repeat step # 7. (Press CTRL+F)

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Now, Select-> Inverse and repeat step # 7 again... Filter-> Blur-> Radial Blur (100, Zoom, Best)

Aqua Plastic Text1.

Create a new image with a size of around 1000x1000px, with a white background. It's wise to start out with a nice big work area to get the best results - we will reduce the size later. If you plan to apply this effect to a full word, you should increase the width of the image as necessary. Firstly, use the Color Picker to choose the color for your text (the example uses R:0 G:132 B:255, though you can choose another color if you prefer). Select the Type Tool, and type your text as big as you can so it fills as much of the canvas as possible.


Now create a new Layer (Layer 1). Hold CTRL and click on the type layer you created in step 1 to create a selection of your text. With "Layer 1" selected on the layers palette, go to Edit-> Fill and in the pop up use the settings shown in the image below.


Do not lose the selection of the text. Switch to the channels palette, create a new channel and fill the selection with white. Go to Filter-> Blur-> Gaussian Blur and enter 14. Then again, Filter-> Blur-> Gaussian Blur and enter 7. And again Filter-> Blur-> Gaussian Blur and enter 4. Last time Filter-> Blur-> Gaussian Blur and enter 2. Deselect (CTRL+D) and go back to the layers palette.

Now, hold CTRL and click on "Layer 1" and then go to Filter-> Render-> Lighting Effects.Match These Settings

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Your text should now look similar to the example below. Now you need to blur this layer to get rid of the jaggies, so go to Filter-> Blur-> Gaussion Blur and enter 2 for radius.


The next step is to make a curves adjustment. Go to Image-> Adjust-> Curves. Match the settings as close you can to the picture below. The closer you get the more realistic the effect will be.


You should see the plastic effect coming along now, though some color adjustment is still needed. Go to Image-> Adjust-> Hue/Saturation. Match the settings to the example image below, and don't forget to check the "Colorize" box in the bottom right corner.


Now for a few more color adjustments. Bring up the Color Balance tool by pressing CTRL+B, and make sure "Preserve Luminosity" is checked. Enter the following settings:

Shadows: 0,0,-100Midtones: 0,0, +93

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Highlights: 0,0,-15

Click OK when finished, and it should look something like the sample below.


All that remains is to add a drop shadow (Layer-> Effects-> Drop Shadow) and resize the image to the size you intend to use it at, (Image-> Image Size). Of course you may want to keep a relatively large extra copy before you resize, so you can always go back and use a bigger version of your image if you decide to.

Fire Text1.

Create a blank image and fill the background with black. Press X on the keyboard (to flip colors) and then select the Type Tool -- type whatever you want, press OK.

There is an extra step to do if you are using version 5 of Adobe Photoshop (users of earlier versions don't need to worry about this step). The problem is due to Photoshop 5's new "Dynamic Text Layers" inability to be directly edited on. So, all you have to do is CTRL+Click on the text layer after making it to get the text's selection (you may delete the dynamic text layer afterward), and fill the selection on a new layer with white.

To center the text on your image, press CTRL+A-> CTRL+X-> CTRL+V and then press CTRL+E to merge the text layer into the background layer.


Next, use Filter-> Stylize-> Wind with the settings "Wind" and "from the left". Press CTRL+F to apply the same filter over again a second time. Now use another Filter-> Stylize-> Wind, but this time with the settings "Wind" and "from the right". Press CTRL+F to re-apply, just like before.

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The next step is to repeat the same process we applied to the sides, but this time to the top and bottom. Since there isn't a "top or bottom" option in the wind dialog box, we will turn the image itself around. Use Image-> Rotate Canvas-> 90 CCW. Apply the wind just like before, two on the left and two on the right. When you have completed this task, use Image-> Rotate Canvas>90 CW in order to straighten your work up.


Apply Filter-> Blur-> Gaussian Blur with a value of 2, then Filter-> Distort-> Ripple with the default values.


Convert the image to Grayscale by using Image-> Mode-> Grayscale and then to Image-> Mode-> Indexed Color. The next step is to give our image some color, so choose Image-> Mode-> Color Table. Since we're shooting for a "fire effect" choose the Black Body table.


Last Step: make our text a bit more legible. Choose the Text Tool & press D on your keyboard. Use/type the same words you used earlier (use the same font size and type) click OK, position the text in the middle and say "Wow!".

Gel Text1.

Type your text using the color you prefer. The font used in this tutorial is called DomCasual BT... some other fonts that may work well include (but are not limited to) Arial Rounded MT Bold, Challenge Extra Bold, Comic Sans MS, and GoodDogPlain. Choose Layer-> Rasterize-> Type, then CTRL+Click on the layer to get a selection around the text.


Now, make a new layer above the the one with your text. Go to Select-> Modify-> Contract and choose a setting of about 5 (this may vary depending on the size and "fatness" of the font you are using). Choose a lighter shade of your text's color and press ALT+Delete to fill the

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selection. Press CTRL+D to deselect.


Next, go to Filter-> Blur-> Gaussian Blur and choose a setting of about 2.0 (again, this will vary depending on the size/fatness of your font).


Now that we have the basics out of the way, it's time to add some nifty Layer Styles to pull everything together. Select the original text layer and choose Layer-> Layer Style-> Bevel and Emboss. In the Bevel and Emboss menu, use the following settings, or if you prefer, click on the thumbnail image below to see a screenshot of the menu settings:Style: Inner BevelTechnique: SmoothDepth: 61%Direction: UpSize: 8Smooth: 0Use Global: uncheckedAltitude: 30Gloss Contour: Rolling SlopeHighlight: Screen with 100%Shadow: Multiply with 100%


Once you have those settings entered, simply select the Drop Shadow and Inner Shadow layer style options, leaving them with default settings (or of course you can play with the settings to achieve the effect you are looking for).You now have some very cool looking "Gel Text" =)

Membuat Teks Reflektif

Membuat Teks Reflektif ternyata cukup menarik. Cling.. Cling.. Lantai yang mengkilap membuat

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penulis terinspirasi untuk membuat teks reflektif atau bisa kita sebut teks efek bayangan lantai...

Sabar dulu...

Siapkan pembersih lantai, maksud saya air minum yang bersih dan segar serta cemilan... setelah itu mainkan musik kesayangan untuk mengiringi kalian dalam mendisain

Langkah - Langkahnya:

1. Buka Program PhotohopCaranya: Start > All Program > Photoshop

2. Mulai dengan membuat Lembar kerja baru Caranya: Pada menu utama dan pilih File --> Newatau tekan [ctrl] + [N]

Disini saya atur seperti ini:* Nama dan Ukuran terserah anda (sebagai referensi disini saya pakai 800 x 600 ) Resolution = 71 pixels/inchContents = white Tekan [ok]

3. Pada tool box sebelah kiri pilih Horizontal Type Mask Tooltips: klik kanan icon bergambar huruf T sehingga muncul pilihan seperti di bawah ini

Pada properties menuGunakan font: "Arial Black " ukuran Sesuaikan berdasarkan kebutuhan anda (referensi 70 pt)font style Regulardan pilih sharpuntuk warna gunakan hexadecimal #FACE02 [kuning keemasan]

Lalu ketik kata yang anda inginkan, disini saya mengetik kata "SHADOW" Hasil:

[Arial Black, Regular, 72pt, Sharp, text color hexadecimal #FACE02]

4. Sekarang waktunya memberi efek-efek khususMasuk ke menu utamaMain Menu ==> Layer ==> Bevel and Emboss ...

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setting seperti ini

klik "OK" Perubahan...

teks menjadi solid

5. Sekarang waktunya membuat duplikat layerMasuk ke menu utama, Main Menu ==> Layer ==> Duplicate Layer...beri nama file duplikat layer dengan SHADOW2 [untuk membedakan dengan SHADOW].

kemudian pada pallete layer klik SHADOW lalu klik kanan dan pilih clear layer syle setelah itu transform [ctrl] + [T] SHADOW pada kanvas gambar/ lembar kerja sehingga membentuk seperti ini

Efek transform

6. Sekarang adalah efek magicnyaMain Menu ==> Layer ==> Gradien Overlay ...lalu atur seperti ini

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Tekan "OK"


Remote Control InterfaceStart by creating a new document about 200x350. Refer to the Rounded Edges Tutorial if you don't know how to make rounded inteface edges (see below example), and then come back here.

2. Once you have a shape that looks something like the example shown below, CTRL+Click on the channel to load the selection (if you don't already have it). Rename the channel outline.

3. Open the Layers Palette, and create a new layer. Then fill the selection with solid grey and rename the layer base.

4. Next, duplicate the channel we named outline (click on

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it and drag it to the new channel icon) and name the new copy of the channel shadow. Use Filter-> Blur-> Gaussian Blur-> 4 or 5 pixels (higher may be necessary if your shape is substantially larger than the example).

5. Now, switch to the Layer Palette and choose Select-> Load Selection-> shadow. After that, choose Select-> Modify-> Contract by 3 pixels, then Select-> Inverse. Then press D to set colors to default and ALT+Delete to fill with black. Now choose Select-> Load Selection-> outline to load the original selection. Choose Select-> Inverse and press Delete... your image should now look like the one below.

6. Looks pretty cool so far, eh? Press CTRL+D to deselect, and go to channels again, duplicate the shadow channel, and rename it reflex.

7. Now, with the reflex channel selected, choose Image-> Adjust-> Curves and manipulate the diagonal line until it looks about like the example below (hold your mouse over the image below and you will see a sample of the results). This will distort the channel so it can be used as a reflex -- the difference between shadows (own shadow and drop shadow).

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8. Switch to the base layer on the Layers Palette. Choose Select-> Load Selection-> reflex and move the selection 3 pixels up and 3 pixels left. Now, choose Select-> Inverse and create a new layer. Fill the layer with white -- Rename to reflex.

9. Now it's time to adjust the reflex layer. Press CTRL+D to deselect. Set it the Layer's opacity to somewhere between 60-80% if it seems to be too bright (depending on how you feel about it). Make sure that the reflex layer is still selected, and choose the Eraser Tool (also select a big soft brush from the Brush Palette). Erase the left and upper sides of the reflex layer so you can see more of the (black) shadow from the base layer. Choose Select-> Load Selection-> outline (with the reflex layer still active). Choose Select-> Inverse and press Delete, then CTRL+D to deselect. Keeping reflex selected, press CTRL+E to merge the layer down - you should now only have just the base layer and the background layer.

10. Choose Image-> Adjust-> Levels and adjust the your shape until you are satisfied with the color and balance between shadows and highlights.

11. Select the bottom part of the base layer with your Marquee Selection Tool. Select the Move Tool, and use the Down arrow on your keyboard to split your shape

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into two pieces (you may have to resize your canvas to make it fit). Then, create a new layer and call it inside. Draw a rectangular selection on the new layer (see 2nd image) and fill it with light gray -- check the layer's Marquee Selection Tool.Check the Preserve Transparency box (necessary for upcoming step).

12. Now, select the Airbrush Tool and set its pressure to 25-30%. Pick out a soft brush (45 pixels wide is good) and draw 2 lines along the left and right edges while holding Shift so they are straight (these will be shadow lines to make the middle section appear to be round). Go to the Layers Palette and drag the inside layer so it is below the base layer, and make sure it is centered.

13. Now, select the Single Row Marquee Tool from the fly-out menu and switch to the base layer. Create a selection line one pixel from the edge where the layer was divided in half (mouse over the sample image below for a zoomed example). Now, choose Image-> Adjust-> Levels, and enter 2 in the middle "Input Levels" box. Click OK, then move the selection 1 pixel up and choose Image-> Adjust-> Levels and put 0.4 in the middle "Input Levels" box. This will create a beveled line on the very edge of the base layer. Repeat this process for the other edge, only move one pixel down this time. We will use this technique again later.(Optional: You may wish to add "two" of these bevel lines to the edges to make them stand out, I have included 2 in the sample image)

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14. Time for drop shadows! Create a new layer, and name it drop shadows (this layer should be underneath the base layer - base on top). CTRL+Click the base layer, and then select the drop shadows layer. To create the drop shadow (the drop shadow layer should still be selected), choose Select-> Feather-> about 4 pixels (depending on your taste). Move the selection 3 to 4 pixels right and 3 to 4 pixels down. Now fill the feathered selection with Black. Repeat this process for the inside layer.

15. Now, using the same beveled line technique (with one line selection) create lines to separate the remote into separate buttons. You will need to make them on the appropriate layer (inside or base). If you want, add some text for the buttons and a background. Add rollovers, cut up the image with Adobe ImageReady or using the Cutting Up Images tutorial, and you should

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have a remote control interface that will make all your buddies jealous!

Tentacle Tubes


Start with a new image with a white background, and to be on the safe side make it about 800x800 px. The tentacles in this tutorial's example will be plastic-looking, but you can create any type you want... chrome, shiny, various colors... whatever you can come up with. Start by selecting the Polygon Lasso tool from the toolbar and, as neatly as you can, draw a triangle pointing down. You will probably need to zoom out (shrink the image view) while doing this.Once you have your triangle, fill the selection in with your color of choice - the example uses #8FCFFF. Deselect (CTRL+D).

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Next go to Filter-> Distort-> Shear. What you need to do here is click along the line and drag parts to make it "squiggle" like in the example below. Keep an eye on the preview window and once you're happy with the results, click OK. Thanks to Allgood of Geda-online for sharing this nifty technique.


Now use Free Transform (CTRL+T) to rotate or resize your tentacle to taste, and press enter to apply it. No doubt you're quite impressed with your, eh... squiggly... but it still looks rather flat and dull at this point (sorry to burst your bubble). It's time to grab the Airbrush (first select the Paintbrush tool, and choose the Airbrush icon in the Options bar). Select the tentacle shape (hold CTRL and click on the layer), then create a new layer above the tentacle one. Set the Airbrush to a size of around 200-300px with 100% opacity, and paint around the edges of the tentacle to give it a rounded beveled effect. You may want to mess with the layer's opacity to get this to look how you like it. Refer to the sample below if you need to.


Now it's just a case of using the airbrush to paint highlights and shadows. Hold CTRL and click on the tentacle layer to select it, and make a new layer (you will want to do each of the following parts on their own separate layer). Next, choose an aqua color from your color palette, and begin adding highlights to the tentacle.As you complete each layer of highlights, you should blur the parts you've airbrushed a bit using Filter-> Blur-> Gaussian Blur (that's why you must do each part on a new layer). In the example below, an aqua highlight and a white highlight have been added.


Now we're going to darken up the edges a bit. Hold CTRL and click on the original tentacle shape layer (Layer 1). Set a darker blue shade as your foreground color and go to Edit->

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Stroke - use a setting of about 2 or whatever you feel looks best.You can now add a faint drop shadow (in the example, the drop shadow is a faint dark blue shade... if your tentacle is a different color, you will probably want to use a darker shade of whatever color you used).

If one tentacle is cool, wouldn't lotsa tentacles be even better? If you think you might want to go back and change things later, you should first make a set of copies of your tentacle's layers (drag each one to the New Layer icon... if you like to stay organized, you might want to move these copies into a Layer Set to group them together... Layer-> New-> Layer Set). Now, merge the layers of your tentacle together into one single layer and make several copies of that layer. Once you have your duplicate copies, begin to rotate and transform each of them in unique ways (see Edit-> Transform). You may even want to do the "Shear" filter on some of them again to reshape them (see Step 2). Remember to keep the flat non-pointy side of the tentacles positioned "outside" of the visible work area of your image or underneath part of another tentacle, or things will look rather strange. You also don't have to always have the point of the tentacle showing on all the copies (notice the one below that only has its middle section visible).


Here's another example of what you might come up with using this technique. Remember you don't have to stick with making the tentacles look like translucent plastic... you could make them solid, shiny, metallic, rough, etc. Have fun.

Effect Text beku


1. New File

2. Beri warna Background hitam

3. Ketik teks dengan warna putih.

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4. Beri efek Bevel and Emboss ( Size 25 ).

5. Buat New layer dan taruh di bawah layer text

6. Aktifkan layer text, tekan Ctrl + E untuk merge down.

7. Tekan Ctrl+M (Curves).

8. Atur seperti gelombang longitudinal. titik A : 65 dan 191 titik B : 126 dan 81 titik C : 192 dan 221

9. Ctrl+U dan tandai corolize (Hue : 200,Saturation : 40,Lighting : 0)

10. Beri efek Inner Glow ( warna biru, size 8 ).

11. Ctrl+klik layer teks.

12. Aktifkan Channel, pilih save selection.

13. Aktifkan Alpha 1, Ctrl+D.

14. Filter > Brush Stroke > Spatter (16,7).

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15. Filter > Artistic > Pain Daubs (8,7).

16. Ctrl+Klik Alpha 1.

17. Select > Modify > Contract (5 pixel).

18. Save selection.

19. Aktifkan Alpha 2

20. Ctrl + D

21. Filter > Brush Stroke > Spatter (16,7).

22. Filter > Artistic > Pain Daubs (8,7).

23. Ctrl + klik Alpha 2.

24. Aktifkan Alpha 1, tekan delete. kemudian Ctrl+D.

25. Rotate Canvas > 90 CW.

26. Filter > Stylize > Wind. Tekan Ctrl+F.

27. Filter > Sketch > Plaster (20,2).

28. Filter > Stylize > Wind.

29. Rotate Canvas > 90 CCW

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30. Tekan Ctrl+klik Alpha 1

31. Aktifkan Layer teks, create a new layer dan beri warna foreground putih (Alt+Del).

32. CTrl+D dan beri nama layer "Beku".

33. Ctrl+J (Duplicate Layer) dengan opacity 50 %.

34. Aktifkan layer Beku.

35. Beri efek Drop Shadow. Hilangkan tanda use light global, Angle:90, 5-0-0

36. Beri efek bevel & Emboss. Size:7, Angle:0-90, beri warna abu-abu pada palette warna paling bawah. HASILNYA:

Exploding TextLangkah-Langkahnya:1. Buat New dengan ukuran 1024 x 768 pixel. Buat new layer dan blok dengan warna hitam.

2. Buat New layer dan blok dengan warna putih. Beri nama TempLayer. Hilangkan layer visibility (Icon warna di palette layer) untuk sementara

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3. Tulis huruf dengan menggunakan Type Tool beri warna putih dan letakkan di tengah halaman.

4. Copy text dan beri warna hitam. Beri nama Temp. Hilangkan layer visibility.

5. Arahkan palette cursor pada text awal (yang berwarna putih) dan merge dengan background hitam.

6. Pilih Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur 2 pixels.

7. Pilih Filter > Stylize > Solarize

8. Pilih Filter > Distort > Polar Coordinates > Polar to Rectangular

9. Tekan Ctrl + i untuk invert gambar

10. Pilih Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CW

11. Pilih Filter > Stylize > WindMethod : Wind

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Direction : From the right.

12. Tekan Ctrl + F >>> 3 kali

13. Tekan Ctrl + Shift + L

14. Tekan Ctrl + i

15. Tekan Ctrl + F >>> 5 kali

16. Pilih Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CCW

17. Pilih Filter > Distort > Polar Coordinate > Rectangular to Polar

18. Pilih Image > Adjustment > Hue/SaturationColorize : ON

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Hue : 31Saturation : 80Lightness : 0

19. Ganti Blending Mode ke Hard Light

20. Aktifkan Icon mata pada Temp dan letakkan di layer paling atas

21. Aktifkan TempLayer

Ada banyak variasi lho…

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Catatan :Gambar di bawah ini adalah desain pertama yang saya post di Ilmu grafis di facebook.Memang ada sedikit perbedaan: Dalam gambar ini saya menambahkan efek Lens Flare, beberapa perubahan pada Gaussian Blur, Wind dan Hue/Saturation

Karena desain pertama dan kedua sama-sama keren, saya post dua-duanya saja.Oh ya, sedikit tambahan…Jenis huruf dan ukuran huruf juga memberikan bentuk Explode yang berbeda


Design text juga kadang berguna buat design.. bukan kadang lagi, sangat berguna untuk memperindah design.. saya punya tips membuat gold text effect dengan mudah pake Blending option.. cuman 1 kali buka blending option langsung jadi..

Buka dokumen baru ukuran kayak di gambar :

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Tulis text yang mau dibikin gold

Klik kanan layer text barusan > blending option atau klik 2x di layer text .. contreng color overlay

jangan dulu di Ok in… sekarang klik Bevel and emboss. Setting seperti gambar :

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sekarang Klik contour di sub-bevel&emboss, setting seperti gambar :

Contreng lagi Drop shadow untuk membuat bayangan di belakang text biar kayak nempel..

Hasilnya gini :

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Tutorial Membuat Teks Efek Fill Gambar

Berikut Langkah-langkahnya: 1. Buat file baru File > New dengan ukuran (Width : 450 px dan Height : 170 px)

2. Buat sebuah teks menggunakan HORIZONTAL TYPE TOOLHasilnya...

Kemudian Atur jenis Fonts dan Ukuran sesuai dengan selera kamu…Disini saya menggunakan kata Digital dengan font Script MT BoldHasilnya:

Atau anda ingin font yang lain? bisa manfaatkan dengan search engine --> Keyword Download Fonts

3. Buka file gambar yang ingin kamu jadikan FILL dalam teksCaranya: File > Open (pilih gambar) > Open Kamu bisa gunakan gambar apapun yang kamu suka.disini anda bisa Gunakan Gambar ini sebagai latihan

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Klik kanan gambar lalu pilih Save image As...Atau gunakan gambar lain dengan mencari di searh engine... Keyword Wallpapers

4. Masukkan gambar yang sudah kamu pilih ke dalam layar kerja yang kita kerjakan tadi.

Caranya: Gunakan MOVE TOOL Klik Kanan + Tahan pada gambar > Tarik > Masukan Kedalam Layar kerja yang kita kerjakan. Atur ukuran gambar sehingga sesuai dengan ukuran Teks yang telah kamu buat

Pindahkan Gambar ke Kanvas Tulisan

5. Perhatikan pada WINDOW LAYER

Pastikan posisi Layer Gambar berada diatas Layer TeksTekan dan Tahan tombol ALT kemudian arahkan kursor diperbatasan antara Layer gambar dan Layer Teks (ditandai garis biru pada gambar diatas), jika posisi kursor telah pas otomatis kursor

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akan berubah (lihat simbol yg lingkari merah pada gambar diatas), kemudian kamu tinggal KLIK. Jika langkah kamu benar maka gambar akan masuk kedalam TeksHasilnya:


cara membuat design Logo NO SMOKING.. dimulai dari bikin rokok nya dll.. simak aja deh yaa..

pertama buat dokumen dengan ukuran 400×400 px.

Di layer baru buat kotak menggunakan rectangle marque tool dan warnai dengan putih.. jangan lupa background nya di nonaktifkan dulu biar keliatan jelas putih nya..

seleksi sebagian dari kotak putih tadi dengan rectangle marquee tool dan warnai dengan #D79311

Page 30: Tutorial Photoshop

sekarang buat juga kotak kecil di antara warna putih dan orange tadi… warnai dengan abu abu atau #b0b0b0

duplikat layer 1 dengan menekan tombol CTRL+J, klik kanan layer hasil duplikat lalu klik blending option atau klik 2x di layer hasil duplikat. Setting Gradient Overlay seperti dibawah :

masih di layer hasil duplikat, atur opacity nya sampe 40%

Page 31: Tutorial Photoshop

Gabungin dua layer tersebut.. tekan CTRL + ESupaya tampak realistik.. kasih bayangan.. cara bikinnya buat kotak item di layer baru.. warnain pake hitam

Klik filter>blur>gaussian blur

Page 32: Tutorial Photoshop

pindahin layer bayangan tadi ke bawah layer gambar rokok..

Lalu gabungin lagi gambar rokok dan bayangan nya dengan menekan CTRL + E

Duplikasi gambar rokok tadi dengan menekan CTRL + J.. Di layer hasil duplikasi klik Edit > transform > flip horizontal. lalu hapus sebagian gambar seperti gambar dibawah.

Kasih tulisan.. NO SMOKING! atau apa kek.. terserah aja..

hasilnya :

Page 33: Tutorial Photoshop

Membuat Foto Menjadi Lebih terang tapi Soft

Buka foto yang mau kita perbaiki

Duplikat layer gambar /background dengan menekan CTRL + J

Di layer hasil duplikat kita kasih gaussian blur..

Klik Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur

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Cobain buat foto-foto Outdoor.. pasti keren.. ! Cara yang simple blum tentu jelek hasilnya.. tul ga?

Mempertajam Foto

Efek ini saya pake biasanya untuk foto-foto yang keliatan kurang kontras, atau kurang tegas warna nya atau kurang apa ya.. pokoknya kurang.. hehehe..

buka foto yang kurang

Klik Image > Adjustment > Curve

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Klik Sample image to set Black point ( gambar icon nya Pipet dengan tinta hitam )

Klik di tempat yang berwarna gelap.. kalo kurang sesuai klik di tempat lain.. ( di test aja yaa .. sampe sesuai dengan selera )

Kalo udah sesuai dengan yang diinginkan silahkan klik OK

hasil nya :

Keliatan lebih tajem kan ? hehehe.. just Try it !

Membuat Background lebih Blur ( lebih Bokeh kalo kata orang Photo )

Buka foto dengan blur yang gak sesuai dengan keinginan

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sesuaikan radius nya dengan resolusi foto ( nilai radius gak usah sama )

Klik Eraser Tool , Klik kanan di gambar lalu pilih Soft Round dengan ukuran 200 px ( gak harus sama , tergantung resolusi foto juga )

Hapus di objek gambar nya..

hasilnya :

Page 39: Tutorial Photoshop

Lebih ngeblur kan ?

Silahkan dicoba .. efeknya digabung-gabung juga bisa kok.. coba .. coba.. coba..


Posted by Sigit eko in Belajar Photoshop, Photoshop Menengah on 10 15th, 2008 | 35 responses

Gambar sketsa itu bagus banget kalo dilihat secara detail. coba deh.. sekarang kita coba bikin gambar sketsa dengan menggunakan foto, pake adobe photoshop tentunya.. karena kalo sengaja bikin pake pensil kemungkinan ngelantur nya jauh banget.. hehehe..

pertama buka gambar yang mau kita bikin sketsa :

Tekan CTRL + SHIFT + U ( image > adjusment > desaturate ) untuk desaturate atau membuat gambar menjadi hitam putih atau bahasa jawanya Black en White.. setelah itu tekan CTRL + J untuk menduplikasi gambar tadi.

di Layer yang baru dibuat atau di gambar duplikat , Klik Image > adjustment > Invert atau tekan CTRL + I

Page 40: Tutorial Photoshop

Ganti layer Efek dari normal ke Color dodge

gambar akan berubah jadi putih atau ada bercak-bercak hitam dikit..

Setelah itu klik Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur

setelah di set, klik OK.

hasilnya :

Page 41: Tutorial Photoshop

contoh lain :


Sesudah :


pertama buka file gambar yang mo dibikin kartun, misalkan foto kita atau foto sodara atau foto sapa kek.. yang penting background harus clear atau bisa juga di buat clear dengan delete background nya..

Page 42: Tutorial Photoshop

Tekan CTRL + J untuk menduplikat gambar tadi… en then .. Ganti layer style nya jadi Color dodge.. Klik Image > adjustment > Invert.

Klik Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur, setting sampe si gambar menyerupai kartun..

Page 43: Tutorial Photoshop

Sekarang untuk mempertajam garis, Klik Layer>New Adjustment Layer > Threshold

Klik ok. dan muncul jendela threshod nya..

Sekarang tinggal mewarnai gambar kartun nya.. Biasakan mewarnai warna yang paling bawah.. atau warna dasar nya .. supaya nanti kalo aga melenceng2 bisa disapu sama layer di atasnya..

warnai kulit dahulu.. setting warna foreground menjadi kuning kecoklatan ..

Gunakan Polygonal Lasso tool untuk menyeleksi bagian muka. dan semua kulit.. lalu warnai dengan warna tadi.. dengan brush atau paint bucket tool. jangan lupa warnai di Layer baru yaa…

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 sekarang warnai rambut nya dengan coklat tua.. sama kok caranya dengan yang tadi…

trus warnain baju nya juga… bibirnya , matanya..

hasilnya kira2 kayak gini nih..