Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2

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  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2


    Monday 3.00 p.m.

    Tutorial 2, Group 5

    tocks and Their Valuation


  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2


    Group Photo

    Galen LeeNabil SyukriFeng Yuyun Tay Jie Hao


  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2


  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2


    $icounte% $i#i%en% &contantgro*th(Intrinsic Value of stock

    here i the re4uire% return on tock

    /n general

    here g i the gro*th rate

    Take note thi "etho% *ork only i! an% re"aincontant

    6L.. Y/ G0 GL.N

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2


    $icounte% $i#i%en% "etho% &non+contant(

    7L.. Y/ G0 GL.N

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2


    )orporate ,aluation 'etho%

    To calculate *e "ut -rt -n% 'arket #alue o! Fir"

    Fin% ', o! co""on tock

    ', o! co""on tock8', o! -r"+', o! -r" %ebt an% pre!erre% tock

    e then procee% to -n% the intrinic #alue o! the co""on tock

    9L.. Y/ G0 GL.N

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2


    )o"parion bet*een "etho%

    :L.. Y/ G0 GL.N

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2


    'ultiple Fir" "o%el

    P;. ratio

    Price per hare; .arning per hare Ho*e#er thi "ay be ub

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2


    'arket .4uilibriu"

    No ten%ency to buy or ell

    )urrent "arket tock price i e4ual to itintrinic #alue

    .?pecte% return 8 re4uire% return

    @L.. Y/ G0 GL.N

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2




    / the !ollo*ing e4uation correct !or -n%ing the

    #alue o! a contant gro*th tockB .?plainC

    #ns$er%NoD the e4uation abo#e i incorrectC

    NE/L SY0R/ E/N NR'N

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2



    &sin' (iscounted (i)idend Model,

    *onstant 'ro$th stock,

    Su+stitutin' these euations into the -rst

    euation $ill yield%

    NE/L SY0R/ E/N NR'N

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2



    Sum o Geometric /ro'ression $here%

    irst term,

    *ommon ratio,

    1ntrinsic )alue o stock,

    NE/L SY0R/ E/N NR'N

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2




    T*o in#etor are e#aluating G. tock !or

    poible purchaeC They agree on the epected

    )alue o (!an% alo on the epected uture

    di)idend 'ro$th rateC FurtherD they agree on

    the riskiness o the stockC Ho*e#erD one

    in#etor nor"ally hol% tock !or 2 yearsD

    *hile the other hol% tock !or !0 yearsC n

    the bai o! the type o! analyi %one in thi

    chapterD houl% they both be *illing to pay the

    a"e price !or G. tockB .?plainCNE/L SY0R/ E/N NR'N

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2



    4hat the t$o in)estors a'ree on%1C .?pecte% #alue o! $1

    2C .?pecte% !uture %i#i%en% gro*th rate3C Rikine o! the tock

    4hat dierentiates the t$o in)estors%

    /n#etor Nor"ally hol% tock !or 2 year/n#etor E Nor"ally hol% tock !or 1A year

    Shoul% they both be *illing to pay the a"e

    price !or G. tockB

    #ns$er%YeD they houl% be *illing to pay thea"e price !or G. tockC

    NE/L SY0R/ E/N NR'N

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2



    1ntrinsic )alue o stock%

    IPreent #alue o! the !uture %i#i%en% e?pecte%

    to be generate% by the tock

    There!oreD logicallyD i! the t*o in#etor e?pect

    the a"e !uture %i#i%en% trea"D an% they

    agree on the tock rikineD then they houl%

    reach i"ilar concluion a to the tock#alueC

    NE/L SY0R/ E/N NR'N

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2



    nother *ay to look at thi i by e?a"ining the

    intrinic #alue !or"ula !or contant gro*th "o%el

    6(!7 i i"ilar becaue they agree on itC 6'7 i alo

    i"ilar becaue they agree on the e?pecte% %i#i%en%

    gro*th rateC 6rs7 i alo i"ilar becaue !or the a"e

    le#el o! rikineD in#etor *ill e?pect the a"e

    a"ount o! re4uire% returnC There i no *here in thi

    !or"ula that take into account the nor"al %uration

    o! hol%ing the tock a it #ariableC HenceD gi#en all

    theeD the t*o in#etor *ill be *illing to pay theNE/L SY0R/ E/N NR'N

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2



    $rill )orporation iue% perpetual pre!erre%tock *ith a 7 percent annual %i#i%en%C The

    tock currently yiel% 1A percentD an% it par#alue i K12AC

    aChat i the pre!erre% tock #alueB

    bCSuppoe interet rate rie an% pull thepre!erre% tock yiel% up to 16 percentChat i it ne* "arket #alueB

    1: )H.N )H.N

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2


    aChat i the pre!erre% tock #alueB

    Fro" the 4uetionD *e can kno*thatPerpetual pre!erre% tock7 annual %i#i%en%

    1A current yiel% &(Par #alue8 K12A

    1> )H.N )H.N

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2


    /reerred (i)idend 8 Par ,alue ? percentage o! annual%i#i%en%

    8 K12A ? 7

    8 K9

    Since the Pre!erre% $i#i%en% i constantCThere!oreD $18$28$n8$ D an% gro*th o! %i#i%en%D ' 9 0

    0ing the !or"ula


    #ns % The the preerred stock7s )alue is :;0.00

    1@ )H.N )H.N

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2


    bC Suppoe interet rate rie an% pullthe pre!erre% tock yiel% up to 16percentChat i it ne* "arket #alueB

    The ne* tock yiel%D 8 16 8 AC16

    0ing the !or"ula

    n The ne* tock "arket #alue i K62C>9

    2A )H.N )H.N

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2


    Tauig Technologie )orporation &TT)(ha been gro*ing at a rate o! 2Apercent per year in recent yearC Thia"e gro*th rate i e?pecte% to lat !oranother 2 yearD then to %ecline to89C


  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2



  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2



    $38 $2&1g( 8 K2C3A6&1AC 8 K2C66226

    Note Thi i a non contant gro*th tock#aluationC The gro*th rate *a 2A !or 2 yearthen !ell to a contant 9 a!ter*ar% hence%i#i%en% a!ter 2 year *ill =o* at a lo*er rateC

    23TY J/. H

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2


    !0 2 3 g82A




    $A8K1C9 $18K1C@2 $28K2C3A6 $38K2C6622 $6 CCMr81A


    8 K91CA79

    &Preent #alue o! !uture %i#i%en%%uring the contant gro*th


    26TY J/. H

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2




    8 :5.!!

    Re"e"ber that*e ha#eau"e% that $A

    ha been pai%Dhence $Anotinclu%e% in ourcalculationC

    Stock Price

    27TY J/. H

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2


    hat are it e?pecte% %i#i%en% an% capital

    gain yiel% at thi ti"eD that iD %uringYear 1BExpected Dividend Yield 8 8

    8K1C@2A;K76C11 83.55=

    )apital Gain Yiel%8 +

    8 1A + 3C778 ;.5=

    29TY J/. H

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2



    No* au"e that TT) perio% o!upernor"al gro*th i to lat !or 7 yearrather than 2 yearC Ho* *oul% thi aOectthe priceD %i#i%en% yiel% an% capital gain

    yiel%B n*er in *or% onlyC

    2:TY J/. H

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2


    Since the supernormal growth lasts for 5 years, dividends over the 5years will also be much higher since it has been compounded more

    times. As a result, thepresent value of the dividend also increases.

    Expected dividend yield(rs) !"

    # $%

    &ith a higher $% for the stoc' with 5 years of supernormal growth as

    compared to the one with only years, the expected dividend yield

    will be smallersince !" becomes a smaller proportion as compared

    to the price.

    apital *ain +ield Expected return dividend yield, since dividend

    yield is smaller for 5 years of supernatural growth, capital gain yield

    will be a greater.2>TY J/. H

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2



    What will TTCs dividend and capital gainsyields e once its period of supernor!algrowth ends"nce it upernor"al gro*th perio% en%D

    TT) tock *ill be a contant gro*th tock*ith gn89 *hich e4ual to the contantgro*th in %i#i%en%Cr8 $i#i%en% Yiel%&( )apital Gain Yiel% &g(

    )apital Gain Yiel% 8 g 8 9$i#i%en% Yiel% 8 r g 8 1A+9 8 6

    2@TY J/. H

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2



    Earrett /n%utrie in#et a large u" o! "oney inRQ$D an% a a reult it retain an% rein#et all o!it earningC /n other *or%D Earrett does not payany di)idendsD an% it ha no plan to pay

    %i#i%en% in the near !utureC "a

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2



    *orporate Valuation Model

    1t su''ests the )alue o the entire -rm euals thepresent )alue o the -rm7s ree cash @o$s.

    * 9 CDE1T

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2


    aC hat i the P, o! the F)F pro

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2


    +C hat i the -r" horion;ter"inal orcontinuing #alueB

    0 53 2!

    3 19CA7!5






    LV 9 9 9 :32! million

    Lorion Value represents )alue o -rm at the point that 'ro$th +ecomes constant

    33F.NG Y0Y0N

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2


    cC hat i the -r" total #alue to%ayB

    0 53 2!

    3 19CA7!5







    9 2.!!3 F

    9 :228.!! million

    MV o -rm 9 /V o the -rm7s uture *s

    36F.NG Y0Y0N

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2


    0 53 2!

    3 19CA7!5






    :32! m




    :20.00!m:228.!! m

    37F.NG Y0Y0N

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2


    dC hat i an eti"ate o! Earrett price perhareB

    MV o common stock 9 MV o -rm H MV o-rm7s de+t and preerred stock

    ',-r"8 K22>C116 "illion',%ebt an% pre!C tock 8 K9A "illion',co""on tock 8 22>C116 9A 8 K19>C116"illion

    39F.NG Y0Y0N

  • 8/9/2019 Tut 6 Stocks and Their Valuation 2



    NoC o! hare 8 1A "illion

    8 8K19C>11

    Lence to -nd the stock7s intrinsic )alue, use theuation%

    3:F.NG Y0Y0N