Turbo-assisted direct solar air heater for medium temperature industrial processes using Linear Fresnel Collectors. Assessment on daily and yearly basis Antonio Famiglietti a, * , Antonio Lecuona a , Mercedes Ibarra b, c , Javier Roa d a Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Departamento de Ingeniería T ermica y de Fluidos, Avda. de La Universidad 30, 28911, Legan es, Madrid, Spain b Fraunhofer Chile Research e Center for Solar Energy Technologies, Vicu~ na Mackenna, 4860, Santiago, Chile c E.T.S. Ingenieros Industriales, Universidad Nacional de Educaci on a Distancia (UNED), C/Juan Del Rosal 12, Madrid, Spain d Demede Engineering and Research, Laguna de Marquesado 47 Nave K Polígono Villaverde, 28021, Madrid, Spain article info Article history: Received 29 June 2020 Received in revised form 25 January 2021 Accepted 28 January 2021 Available online 3 February 2021 Keywords: Solar heat for industrial processes Linear Fresnel collectors Direct solar air heating Solar Brayton cycle Industrial drying abstract The study analyzes an innovative concentrating solar thermal system aimed at the direct production of hot air for industrial applications. Air is heated inside linear Fresnel collectors in an open to atmosphere circuit, not requiring the use of a primary heat transfer uid and a heat exchanger, with their associated cost and maintenance. Matching an automotive turbocharger with the solar eld avoids auxiliary energy consumption for pumping the airow. The detailed quasi-steady numerical model implemented, including commercial collector and turbocharger technical features, allows to scrutinize the daily and yearly operating time prole of a medium scale plant with a 633.6 m 2 solar eld. Considering the typical meteorological year of the selected location (Madrid, Spain), the numerical results indicate that hot air is provided at a remarkable quasi-constant temperature between 300 C and 400 C despite the solar variations, delivering 330 MW h per year without overheating the receiver evacuated tubes. © 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The industrial sector is responsible for one-third of global en- ergy consumption [1]. Process heat has a substantial share of in- dustrial energy demand, required at different temperature levels. According to Refs. [2,3], heat has the 74% share of industrial world energy demand corresponding to 85 Exajoule, almost totally pro- vided by fossil fuel. The 30% of heat demand is in the low tem- perature range (T < 150 C), 22% in the medium temperature range (150 C < T < 400 C) and 48% in the high temperature range (T > 400 C). Sharma et al. [4] reported that conventional heating in industries follows two primary heating practices: combustion- based and electricity-based facilities. In most of applications heat is transferred to the material using a Heat Transfer Fluid (HTF). Common HTFs used in the industry range from thermal oil, satu- rated steam, superheated steam, pressurized hot water and air. Industrial processes using hot air as HTF are widespread and operate in several industrial sectors, Table 1 reports some of them. Drying is one of the high energy-demanding processes, being customary to heat air in order to increase its water removal ca- pacity. Pirasteh et al. [5] provided a detailed review of drying in industrial processes and agriculture. Wu et al. [6] reviewed the drying techniques in the mineral processing industry. Hot air is provided mostly by consuming fossil fuel or electricity. Electricity has only a partial renewable source share, which is intermittent, it is grid-dependent and frequently produced far away. The global efforts for climate preservation and pollutant emission reduction aim at replacing fossil fuel with clean renew- able energy sources. Due to their high efciency and the ubiquity of the sun, Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP) offers enormous potential for decarbonization. Sharma et al. [4] and Kumar et al. [7] reviewed the SHIP state of the art. Farjana et al. [8] presented a comprehensive review, analyzing industrial processes that could adopt solar sources. They mainly reported low-temperature processes. Flat Plate Collectors (FPCs) and Evacuated Tube collectors (ETCs) are suitable solutions for low-temperature applications (below 100 C). Working with a primary HTF in a closed-loop, they need an HTF/air Heat eXchanger (HX) to heat the process air. However, Solar Air Heating (SAH) is also possible directly inside the solar air * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Famiglietti). Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Energy journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/energy https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2021.120011 0360-5442/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Energy 223 (2021) 120011

Turbo-assisted direct solar air heater for medium

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Turbo-assisted direct solar air heater for medium temperatureindustrial processes using Linear Fresnel Collectors. Assessment ondaily and yearly basis

Antonio Famiglietti a, *, Antonio Lecuona a, Mercedes Ibarra b, c, Javier Roa d

a Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Departamento de Ingeniería T�ermica y de Fluidos, Avda. de La Universidad 30, 28911, Legan�es, Madrid, Spainb Fraunhofer Chile Research e Center for Solar Energy Technologies, Vicu~na Mackenna, 4860, Santiago, Chilec E.T.S. Ingenieros Industriales, Universidad Nacional de Educaci�on a Distancia (UNED), C/Juan Del Rosal 12, Madrid, Spaind Demede Engineering and Research, Laguna de Marquesado 47 Nave K Polígono Villaverde, 28021, Madrid, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 29 June 2020Received in revised form25 January 2021Accepted 28 January 2021Available online 3 February 2021

Keywords:Solar heat for industrial processesLinear Fresnel collectorsDirect solar air heatingSolar Brayton cycleIndustrial drying

* Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Fam

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2021.1200110360-5442/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

a b s t r a c t

The study analyzes an innovative concentrating solar thermal system aimed at the direct production ofhot air for industrial applications. Air is heated inside linear Fresnel collectors in an open to atmospherecircuit, not requiring the use of a primary heat transfer fluid and a heat exchanger, with their associatedcost and maintenance. Matching an automotive turbocharger with the solar field avoids auxiliary energyconsumption for pumping the airflow. The detailed quasi-steady numerical model implemented,including commercial collector and turbocharger technical features, allows to scrutinize the daily andyearly operating time profile of a medium scale plant with a 633.6 m2 solar field. Considering the typicalmeteorological year of the selected location (Madrid, Spain), the numerical results indicate that hot air isprovided at a remarkable quasi-constant temperature between 300 �C and 400 �C despite the solarvariations, delivering 330 MW h per year without overheating the receiver evacuated tubes.

© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The industrial sector is responsible for one-third of global en-ergy consumption [1]. Process heat has a substantial share of in-dustrial energy demand, required at different temperature levels.According to Refs. [2,3], heat has the 74% share of industrial worldenergy demand corresponding to 85 Exajoule, almost totally pro-vided by fossil fuel. The 30% of heat demand is in the low tem-perature range (T < 150 �C), 22% in the medium temperature range(150 �C < T < 400 �C) and 48% in the high temperature range(T > 400 �C). Sharma et al. [4] reported that conventional heating inindustries follows two primary heating practices: combustion-based and electricity-based facilities. In most of applications heatis transferred to the material using a Heat Transfer Fluid (HTF).Common HTFs used in the industry range from thermal oil, satu-rated steam, superheated steam, pressurized hot water and air.

Industrial processes using hot air as HTF are widespread andoperate in several industrial sectors, Table 1 reports some of them.


Drying is one of the high energy-demanding processes, beingcustomary to heat air in order to increase its water removal ca-pacity. Pirasteh et al. [5] provided a detailed review of drying inindustrial processes and agriculture. Wu et al. [6] reviewed thedrying techniques in the mineral processing industry.

Hot air is provided mostly by consuming fossil fuel or electricity.Electricity has only a partial renewable source share, which isintermittent, it is grid-dependent and frequently produced faraway. The global efforts for climate preservation and pollutantemission reduction aim at replacing fossil fuel with clean renew-able energy sources. Due to their high efficiency and the ubiquity ofthe sun, Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP) offers enormouspotential for decarbonization. Sharma et al. [4] and Kumar et al. [7]reviewed the SHIP state of the art. Farjana et al. [8] presented acomprehensive review, analyzing industrial processes that couldadopt solar sources. They mainly reported low-temperatureprocesses.

Flat Plate Collectors (FPCs) and Evacuated Tube collectors (ETCs)are suitable solutions for low-temperature applications (below100 �C). Working with a primary HTF in a closed-loop, they need anHTF/air Heat eXchanger (HX) to heat the process air. However, SolarAir Heating (SAH) is also possible directly inside the solar air

Page 2: Turbo-assisted direct solar air heater for medium

Table 1Thermal processes using air as HTF. * own research, air temperature.

Sector Process Temperature [�C] Source

Food & Beverage Drying, dehydration 40e100 [4]“ Washing, cleaning 40e80 [4]“ Pasteurization, sterilization 70e100 [13]“ Concentration 70 - 150* [13]Pulp and paper Drying 90e200 [4]Chemical and pharmaceutical Drying 120e170 [4]Rubber Drying 50e130 [4]Glass Drying 150e175 [4]Manufacturing Laminating 100e180 [4]Casting Hardening, annealing, tempering, forging, rolling 200e700 [4]Cement Lime calcining 600e1200 [4]Automobile Paint drying and curing 200e300 [8]Water treatment Desalination 200 - 300* [13]Blackwater purification Sludge drying 200 - 300* Own research

A. Famiglietti, A. Lecuona, M. Ibarra et al. Energy 223 (2021) 120011

collector (AC) [9], avoiding HTF leakage problems, fire risks, andrecycling costs. Although customarily limited to the low-temperature range, several applications use SAHs of the Open toAtmosphere Circuit (OAC) type for industrial drying [8], especiallyfor food drying.

Concentrating collectors allow reaching higher temperaturesthan ACs, FPCs, or ETCs, up to 500 �C. Low-cost modules for SHIPapplications of both Linear Fresnel Collectors (LFCs) and ParabolicTrough Collectors (PTCs) are commercially available. Sharma et al.[4] reported several existing industrial Concentrating Solar Heat(CSH) plants around the world. The SHIP database [10] reported 13plants using LFCs for SHIP, from 123 m2 of area up to 2000 m2, witha delivery temperature below 225 �C. Several of them use pres-surized water as the primary HTF for process heat, or industrialrefrigeration when directly coupled with absorption chillers. 58projects were reported using PTC in this database, with solar fieldareas from 34 m2 to 5060 m2, except for the large Miraah Omanproject for steam generation. Oil, steam, and water are used as HTF,while applications go from process heating and steam generation,cooking, and water desalination. Farjana et al. [8] also reportedexamples of CSH installation using PTCs for different purposes:water heating (95 �C) preheating processes (95 �C), steam-drivenprocesses (130e243 �C), pasteurization (80e95 �C), drying andcooking (40e95 �C), food processing (150 �C), and space heating.Applications of linear concentrating collectors for direct process airheating are rare, and all the reported ones use a primary liquid HTF.One example, reported by Ref. [10], operates in a car paint shop forcoat drying in Germany. An LFC solar field of 132 m2 reflecting areaheats water up to 180 �C producing hot air through awater/air heatexchanger integrated with a natural gas boiler for additional heatsupply. The SHIP database [10] reported another example inPortugal, with a field of 105 m2 of PTCs. Thermal oil is heated up to160 �C to process finished products using air. Another example wasreported by Ref. [11], a 102 kW rated thermal capacity LFC systemoperates with thermal oil as primary HTF, heating an airflowthrough an oil/air heat exchanger up to 180 �C. Air is then used in anindirect evaporative cooling unit. Maximum effectiveness of oil/airheat exchanger of 0.8e0.9 was found.

Famiglietti et al. [12] presented an innovative concept fordirectly heating ambient air up to a medium temperature of300 �Ce400 �C in an Open to Atmosphere Circuit (OAC) using linearconcentrating collectors. The concentrating solar air heater pro-posed avoids the use of a primary HTF and the HTF/air heatexchanger, reducing potential cost and environmental impact. Oneof the main drawbacks of straight direct air heating is the highpumping power needed to drive air through the solar field, becauseof high airflow velocities, especially for long collector rows with a


high solar concentration ratio. To overcome this drawback, in thatstudy an original Brayton cycle configuration was proposed, usingan automotive turbocharger to reduce the total pressure dropsacross the solar field, besides extracting the required pumpingpower from the high enthalpy of the heated and pressurized air,avoiding or minimizing the auxiliary pumping energy demand. Theauthors analyzed the proposed Solar Air Heater assisted by aTurbocharger (T-SAH) from a theoretical point of view, investi-gating the effect of basic independent parameters (concentratedirradiance, collector length, compression ratio, mass flow rate,turbine and compressor efficiencies) on the operating conditions ofa generic system at arbitrary operating conditions, to ascertain itsviability. Moreover, to keep general validity, they didn’t restricttheir analysis to a specific collector type (PTC or LFC) or solar fieldsize and configuration, or specific turbocharger; only a parametricstudy was performed.

In the present study, the concept of T-SAH originally proposed inRef. [12] is applied to a medium-scale solar facility for hot airproduction in industry using LFCs. The numerical model imple-mented incorporates the technical features of commercial LFCs andturbochargers, as well as real solar and ambient conditions. Thisallows the evaluation of its time performances comprehensivelyunder variable solar resources on a daily and yearly basis, thusunder off-design conditions, not addressed in previous literature.Pressure ratio and mass flow rate varies along the day according tosolar input and ambient temperature. Surprisingly, the outlet airtemperature is quite steady, which is highly advantageous and notpreviously documented.

2. Turbo-assisted solar air heater T-SAH

Direct air heating inside linear concentrating collector wasparametrically analyzed by Ref. [12]. The authors highlighted thatair presents physical properties that difficult the heat evacuationfrom the solar collector receiver tube. The relatively low thermalconductivity, as well as the high kinematic viscosity at low pres-sures, turns into a modest internal wall-to-flow heat transfer co-efficient ha, compared with other substances used mainly for thispurpose, typically liquid primary HTFs. The wall over-temperatureis significant, especially when the concentrated heat flux absor-bed _qu is high. As a consequence, the risk of receiver overheatingarises, as long as air temperature T grows toward the outlet of thereceiver tube. The low specific heat capacity of air (half of steamand one-quarter of liquid water) requires high mass flow rates tocontrol the temperature at the receiver outlet. As much as theincoming solar power grows, for high irradiance of large concen-trating surfaces, the mass flow should increase, which mainly turns

Page 3: Turbo-assisted direct solar air heater for medium

Fig. 2. LFC scheme with primary and secondary reflector, air flowing inside theevacuated tube receiver.

A. Famiglietti, A. Lecuona, M. Ibarra et al. Energy 223 (2021) 120011

into high flow velocities, due to low air densities. As a consequence,the pumping power needed to drive air across the receiver could bevery high, even in the same order of magnitude as solar power. Theauthors proposed the innovative T-SAH, which can minimize theselimitations. Compressing air at the receiver entrance increases itsdensity and reduces its velocity as well as the pressure drop acrossthe solar field, whereas a turbine installed at the outlet recovers thecompression power through the air expansion. In a well-designedsystem, the turbine can provide all the power required for com-pressing and pumping, thus avoiding external auxiliary energyconsumption. This layout corresponds to an open circuit Braytoncycle of null mechanical efficiency, whose main goal is to provide ahot airflow, instead of providing mechanical power at the shaft.Although losing part of its enthalpy through the expansion, airoutgoing the turbine at medium temperature in the range of300 �Ce400 �C, it is available for the user’s thermal process. Acommercial turbocharger, originally developed to improve auto-motive engine performances, is used for the purpose, being thecompressor and the turbine joined by a shared free-wheeling shaftin a compact and reliable device. Either LFCs or PTCs can be used assolar concentration technology.

In the present study, LFCs are used to implement the abovementioned T-SAH concept, according to the layout in Fig. 1. Despitethey still are in the early stage of their application, LFCs have someadvantages over PTCs. The segmented primary reflector, Fig. 2 re-quires a simpler tracking system since the mirrors are smaller andthey rotate close to the ground. For the same reason, wind load andvisibility are lower with LFCs than with PTCs. While in many PTCsystems the receiver moves during tracking, it is fixed in LFCs,allowing a stationary connection with the circuit. This is especiallybeneficial in the present layout since flexible connections wouldintroduce additional undesired frictional pressure drops. Althoughthe optical efficiency of LFC is lower compared with PTC, LFCs offerthe potential of cost-reduction [14]. In Fig. 1 a simple U-loop withtwo LFCs rows is shown as an example. Compressor c and turbine einstalled at solar receiver inlet and outlet respectively are joined asin a turbocharger. The auxiliary compressor ac is required for thestarting transient and control purposes. It would be off while thesystem operates normally. In the following section a numericalmodel of the T-SAH concept, based on commercial LFCs and tur-bochargers, is described. The quasi-steady approximation is hereused.

Fig. 1. Turbo-assisted solar air heater TeSAH l


2.1. Solar field

The Turbo-assisted Solar Air Heater T-SAH admits a variety ofconfigurations, combining several LFC modules in series and par-allel layouts, connected to a single turbocharger to reach therequired temperature and mass flow rate. Fig. 1 shows a single U-loop scheme, which can incorporate a series of ns LFC modules oflength Lm each, forming two parallel collector rows of equal lengthLrow ¼ Lmns=2, thus scaling up. Thermally isolated piping elementsconnect the two rows to the turbocharger unit and between them,with length Ln1; Ln2 and Ln3. The flow leaving the compressor, point(2), enters the U-loop to be heated before entering the turbine (3).np U-loops are connected in parallel to the turbocharger unit,reaching an overall solar field area of Atot ¼ 633:6m2. Geometricalsymmetry obtained placing the turbo unit at the center of the plantenables to consider equal U-loops, so that the mass flow rate _m

ayout using LFC with ns ¼ 2 and np ¼ 1.

Page 4: Turbo-assisted direct solar air heater for medium

Table 2Coefficients of the UL correlation in Eq. (6).

UL coefficients

cU0 �5:075,10�3 W m�2 K�1

cU1 0:011 Wm�2 K�2

cU2 �3:076,10�5 W m�2 K�3

cU3 7:645,10�8 W m�2K�4

A. Famiglietti, A. Lecuona, M. Ibarra et al. Energy 223 (2021) 120011

flowing through the turbocharger is equally split into np flows.Table 4 summarizes the main parameters used for setting a solarfield for a small industrial facility, incorporating current off-the-shelf technology.

2.1.1. Linear Fresnel collectorA linear Fresnel collector concentrates the solar irradiance

received on the aperture area of nm parallel mirrors each of aper-ture wa, towards the receiver tube, Fig. 2, having an externalperimeter Pex ¼ Dexp. The concentrated irradiance _qs ¼ hopGbnWa=

Pex results from normal direct solar irradiance Gbn received by theoverall aperture width Wa ¼ nmwa through an optical efficiencyhop; which depends on the collector geometry and manufacturingaccuracy, as well as on the sun position, collector orientation, andlocation, [14].

The sun incidence angle on the collector area can be expressedusing two components, a longitudinal one qL and a transversal oneqT , which are the projections of the solar ray on the vertical planes,respectively perpendicular and parallel to the receiver axis. A lon-gitudinal incidence angle qi is defined as the angle between thesolar beam and its projection on the transversal plane. Severalauthors use qi instead of qL to characterize the longitudinal angle-dependent variables [15], Fig. 3. They can be obtained from thecollector azimuth angle gr and the sun position, i.e. sun azimuth gsand elevation as angles [16], and [17], Eqs. (1)e(3).

qL ¼ tan�1hcosðgs�grÞtan



Fig. 3. LFC angles.


qT ¼ tan�1hjsinðgs�grÞjtan



qi ¼ sin�1hcosðgs �grÞsin



A common approach used to determine the effect of the inci-dence on the optical efficiency hop involves the definition of a peakoptical efficiency hop0 and an Incident Angle Modifier IAMhqi; qT i,where herewith indicates functional dependence. hop0 is the opticalefficiency at normal incidence, thus corresponding qi ¼ qT ¼ 0 deg.The IAM accounts for the reduction of hop due to incidence angle:cosine effect, produced by a non-null incident angle of sun rayswith respect to the reflecting surface normal direction, mutualshadowing, blocking, anisotropic mirrors properties variation,secondary optics optical efficiency variation, and its shadowingeffect on the reflectors. Factorization is commonly accepted to ex-press IAM as the product of the transversal and the longitudinalcomponents IAMhqi; qT i ¼ IAMLhqiiIAMT hqT i. The concentratedirradiance _qs results as in Eq. (4).

_qs ¼ GbnIAMT hqT iIAMLhqiihop0Wa


hop0 and IAMs can be obtained either applying raytracing tech-niques or from measurement campaigns and are generally pro-vided by themanufacturer. Themain parameters describing the LFCmodule selected for the present analysis [18], are reported inTable 4. Fig. 4 shows the IAML and IAMT of the selected LFC. IAMLdoes not include optical end losses.

2.1.2. Optical end lossesFor non-null longitudinal incidence angles, the concentrated

solar irradiance can impact away from the tube end, while at theopposite receiver end, some length is not illuminated. This effect,referred to as end losses, is another angle-dependent optical loss.Although some authors include end losses into IAM, here they are

Fig. 4. IAMT and IAML of the selected LFC.

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A. Famiglietti, A. Lecuona, M. Ibarra et al. Energy 223 (2021) 120011

evaluated separately accounted by a factor fend, [19]. To estimatetheir impact on the LFC performances, which is especially criticalfor relatively short rows, typical in small and medium scale in-stallations [20], offers its study. Here, for the whole row, the lengthof the receiver tube is considered equal to the mirror field lengthand just above it.

Each one of the nm mirrors produce slightly different non-illuminated tail length due to the variation of their distance fromthe receiver. A global mean factor can be defined considering anaverage distance Hm [15]:

fend¼1� Hm tanjqijLrow

; Hm ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi�Wa



þ H2m


The portion of receiver length effectively impacted by solar heatflux _qs (Eq. (4)) is estimated as L ¼ Lrowfend. The residual length thatis non-illuminated (1�fendÞLrow receives _qs ¼ 0:

2.1.3. Evacuated receiver tubeHigh-performance commercial receivers minimize thermal

losses to the ambient. A selective coating reduces infrared radiationto ambient. Evacuated glass cover reduces the thermal convectionlosses. A global heat transfer coefficient UL controls the combinedheat transfer from the external tube surface to ambient through thecoaxial glass tube. A physical model to predict UL, considering theheat transfer mechanisms involved and material thermal proper-ties was presented by Ref. [21], among others. Burkholder et al. [22]reported thermal losses from a measurement campaign on anevacuated tube receiver. A polynomial correlation for ULhTw; Tambican be obtained from their data, for an evacuated tubes havingDex ¼ 0:070 m, surrounded by an ambient temperature Tamb ¼23�C, Eq. (6), with the resulting coefficients in Table 2. Fig. 5 showsthe resulting least-squares fit.

ULhTw; Tambi ¼ cU3ðTw � TambÞ3 þ cU2ðTw � TambÞ2 þ cU1ðTw� TambÞ þ cU0


Wall temperature results from the heat balance at the receiverwall, Eq. (7). Internal heat transfer coefficient hacan be estimatedusing the Dittus-Boelter correlation [23] where the Reynolds

Fig. 5. Correlation for ULhTw ; Tambi fitting NREL data, according to Eq. (6).


numbers is ReD >104 and the Prandtl number is Pr, where _m standsfor the mass flow rate, Eq. (8).

_qs �ULðTw� TambÞ¼ _qu ¼haPðTw � TÞ


ha ¼ kD0:023Re0:8D Pr0:4 ; ReD ¼ 4 _m


The approach followed in this study aims at low computationeffort, high model flexibility, and accuracy suitable for feasibilityanalysis. For that reason, the methodology recommended by

Ref. [24] seems suitable. Thus, the useful heat power _Qu transferredto the airflow across a certain irradiated receiver length L can beexpressed in terms of inlet temperature Tin and ambient temper-ature Tamb alone. It relies on constant UL, ha, _qs, and fluid properties,along the considered receiver length L, with t indicating stagnationproperties.

_Qu ¼ FRLPex

�_qs � ULðTin � TambÞ

�¼ _m

cp;ouTou;t � cp;inTin;t


Analytical expressions are possible connecting Tw and T ,assuming lengthwise constant parameters UL and ha. Eq. (10) givesthe collector efficiency factor F 0, here including Pex > P. The heatremoval factor FR is obtained integrating the temperature from thetube inlet x ¼ 0 where T ¼ Tin to the outlet x ¼ Lwhere T ¼ Tou, Eq.(11).

F ’ ¼ _qs � ULðTw � TambÞ_qs � ULðT � TambÞ

¼ _qs � ULðTw � TambÞ_qs � ULðTw � TambÞ þ ULDTw

¼ 1

1þ ULDTw_qs�ULðTw�TambÞ

¼ 1

1þ ULPexhaP


F ’Pexdx ¼ _mcpdTt½ _qs � ULðT � TambÞ �

0 FR

¼ _mcpLPexUL

�1� exp

�� LF ’PexUL



Values of UL, ha and fluid properties are temperature-dependentvariables and can be estimated at the inlet where Tin is known andTw;in can be estimated iteratively through Eq. (7). Due to consid-erable temperature variation expected along with the receiver, therow length illuminated Lrowfend is discretized into ne elements, thusreducing the error associated with constant UL, ha and fluid prop-erties assumption. Eqs. (9)e(11) were applied on consecutive ele-

ments using L ¼ Lrowfendne

. A few discretization elements ne ¼ ns =2were considered enough for the simulation so that L � Lm: Non-irradiated receiver tail has null _qs but still heat losses to ambient.The methodology indicated by Eqs. (9)e(11) is then applied toLrowð1�fendÞ considering _qs ¼ 0. Due to the modest temperaturevariation expected across the non-irradiated tail, it is notdiscretized.

The total pressure drop across a receiver element of length L;Dpr;t ¼ pin;t � pou;t results from the kinetic pressure change Dpk;tdue to density variation and the friction pressure drop Dpf ;t . Usingan average air density rm at an average temperature and neglectingMach number correction for being much smaller than unity, Dpr;tresults in Eq. (12). The Darcy friction factor f is modeled using theBlasius formulation of turbulent flow inside smooth tubes, Eq. (13).

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A. Famiglietti, A. Lecuona, M. Ibarra et al. Energy 223 (2021) 120011

Dpr;t ¼ Dpk;t|fflffl{zfflffl}12 ðrouv2ou�rinv


þ Dpf ;t|fflffl{zfflffl}12rmv


�f L



�4 _mpD2

�2� 1rou

� 1rin

þ fL



f ¼0:316Re�1=4D (13)

The receiver tube thermal model has been contrasted againstthe validated theoretical model of [25], one of a few studies ongaseous HTF in concentrating collectors. These authors modeledthe 100 m long collector ET-II. The present model gave a differencein the output temperature of �1.75% as reported in Table 3.

2.1.4. Connection pipesConnection pipes required for the U-loop configuration can be

modeled using the same equations of the receiver, Eqs. (9)e(11),using _qs ¼ 0 and a proper thermal losses coefficient ULn, as in Eq.(14). ULn depends on the thermal insulation thickness andcomposition, so that it can be expressed as in Eq. (15).

_Qu ¼ �FRLPexULnðTin � TambÞ ¼ _mcp;ouTou;t � cp;inTin;t


U�1Ln ¼




2kinsþ Dn;ex


A constant ULn ¼ 1:8 W m�2 K�1 has been calculated, corre-sponding to an insulation effective thermal conductivity kins ¼0:1 W m�1 K�1 of mineral rock at the average temperature of� 330 �C, with an insulation external diameter Dins ¼ 5Dn;ex.

Again, the total pressure drop along the connection pipe oflength Lni can be obtained from kinetic and frictional componentsEq. (16), including concentrated loss coefficient Kni ¼ 2, with i ¼1e3, being f estimated using Eq. (13) on diameter Dn :

Dpni;t ¼ Dpk;t|fflffl{zfflffl}12 ðrouv2ou�rinv


þ Dpf ;t|fflffl{zfflffl}12rmv




¼ 12

4 _mpD2



� 1rin

þ fLni

rmDnþ Kni



2.2. Turbocharger

Turbochargers were developed by the automotive industry toincrease reciprocating engines inlet air density using waste exhaustenergy. A centrifugal compressor is driven by the enthalpy andpressure at the inlet of an exhaust turbine, sharing the same shaftand rotating at the rotational speed nT . The working principle layson the fact that the mechanical power provided by the fluidexpansion across the turbine _We is transferred to the compressor

Table 3Receiver tube thermal model validation.

Input values L

_m _qs pin Tin H

1:1 kg s�1 17:71 kW m�2 75 bar 225�C n


via the common shaft, providing the compressing power _Wc. Amechanical efficiency hm accounts for the mechanical losses at theshaft. The application of Newton’s second law of rotating systems toa turbocharger rotor results in Eq. (17), being JT the turbochargerpolar inertia.

� _WehmnT






Under steady-state free-wheeling rotation, Eq. (17) reduces toEq. (18), being nT constant.

_Wehm � _Wc ¼ _Wnet ¼ 0 (18)

According to cycle points nomenclature in Fig. 1, assuming aprocess’s path perfect gas behavior, the turbomachines power canbe estimated from isentropic total to total efficiencies hc and he;

pressure ratios pc ¼ p2tp1t

and pe ¼ p3tp4t, and inlet stagnation temper-

atures T1t and T3t ; respectively for the compressor Eq. (19) and theturbine Eq. (20), where g ¼ cp=cv.

_Wc ¼ _mccp;cT1t


gc�1gc �1

�h�1c (19)

_We ¼ _mecp;eT3t



375he (20)

Outlet total temperatures result from Eq. (21) and Eq. (22).

T2t ¼ T1t



gc�1gcc �1



T4t ¼ T3t

2641� he



1CA375 (22)

As mentioned, the auxiliary compressor ac is excluded by thecircuit if not specified. When ac is active, it impacts the compressorinlet conditions, p1t ¼ p0tpac and T1t , Eq. (24), consuming theexternal power _Wac, Eq. (23).

_Wac ¼ _mccp;cT0t


gac�1gac � 1

�h�1ac (23)

T1t ¼ T0t



gac�1gacac �1



Aiming at a 0D quasi-steady-state model, functional relationsneed to correlate pressure ratios pc and pe; as well as isentropicefficiencies hc and he; with mass flow rate _m; rotational speed nT ,and inlet temperatures T1t and T3t . The following subsectionsaddress this topic.

2.2.1. CompressorTwo relations pc ¼ pch _mc; Tin;nT i and hc ¼ hch _mc; Tin;nT i

iterature [25] Present model Deviation

TF Tou HTF Tcalou Tcalou � TouTou � Tin

itrogen 502�C air 497�C �1:75 %

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describe the compressor performances map. Extrapolation of per-formance maps provided by the manufacturer gives continuousrelations [26]. Corrections are used for entering the map, based onreference inlet temperature and pressure, Tc;ref , pc;ref , Eqs. (25) and(26).

_mc;cor ¼ _mc




nc;cor ¼nT



On the compressor map, the relation pc�_mc;cor

is plotted for

different corrected speeds nc;cor , providing a set of iso-speed curves.It is common to overlap them with iso-efficiency curves, repre-senting the relation pc


for several constant efficiencies hc,

Fig. 6(a). Pressure ratio fitting function. Jensen et al. [27] describes themethodology used here for the extrapolation of pc ¼pch _mc; Tin;nT i from iso-speed curves. It has been applied byRef. [28] with excellent results, and it was recommended byRef. [26]. The non-dimensional flow rate parameter 4c and headparameter jc are defined through the tip blade speed Uc and thecompressor rotor diameter Dc. Variables cp; ra;gc are evaluated atthe reference temperature Tc;ref .

4c ¼ _mc;cor


2c Uc


jc ¼cpTc;ref


gc�1gcc � 1




Uc ¼nc;corpDc (29)

The authors proposed to fit a function jc�4c ;nc;cor

, using six

parameters kij and the inlet Mach number Ma, which can bedetermined from iso-speed curves data fitting using the least-squares algorithm. To increase the accuracy, a third-order poly-nomial form for kihMai fit is applied, as done by Ref. [29], using nineparameters kij, Eq. (31): The function pc ¼ pc


results as

in Eq. (32).

Ma ¼ UcffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffigcRTc;ref

q (30)

jc ¼k1 þ k24c

k3 � 4c; ki ¼ ki1 þ ki2Maþ ki3Ma2 (31)

From Eqs. (28) and (29):

pc ¼


2jc4c _mc;cor;nc;cor;nc;corcpTc;ref

þ 1



Fig. 6(a) shows the modeled pc�_mc;cor;nc;cor

of a representative

compressor map for comparison with experimental data. Efficiency fitting function. The compressor map gives twoalternative types of curves: a) iso-efficiency curves hc

�_mc;cor ;pc



const: or b) iso-speed efficiency curves hc�_mc;cor ; nc;cor

¼ const:,Fig. 6(a). Although the technical literature offered both approaches,the second one gives better results for the present case. Anextrapolation method was presented by Ref. [27], analogous to themass flow fitting, as well as by Refs. [29,30]. Galindo et al. [31,32]offered more complex procedures aiming at higher accuracy. Thispaper offers an original method based on a local interpolation,keeping a low computational load. It relies on recognizing that onone side of the dorsal line of maximum efficiency hc;max, Fig. 6(a),the compressor behavior is different. On the left side the surgephenomenon appears while at the right side, sonic choke appears.

First, each iso-speed hc�_mc;cor ;nc;cor

¼ const: data from themap were normalized to obtain the normalized efficiencyhc;norm


using a normalized non-dimensional mass flow

rate 4c;norm , Eq. (34), following the normalization adopted byRef. [31]. Each iso-speed efficiency data set is normalized with themaximum efficiency at such speed hc;max at the dorsal line. Thenon-dimensional mass flow 4c is defined in Eq. (27) and isnormalized using 4c;max ; which is calculated from _mmax

c;cor ; the ab-scissa of the dorsal line in the map.

hc;norm ¼ hchc;max


4c;norm ¼ 4c


Second-order polynomial regression is applied to eachnormalized iso-speed data set, separately for the two regions atboth sides of the dorsal line 4c;norm <1 and 4c;norm >1 with theresult of high accuracy, Fig. 6(c). Once the functionshc;norm ¼ fn;i


are obtained, an interpolation ratio IR de-

termines hc;norm for a generic 4c;norm and speednc;corI <nc;cor <nc;corII , Eqs. (35) and (36).

hc;norm ¼ fn;I4c;norm ð1� IRÞ þ fn;II4c;norm IR (35)

IR¼ nc;cor � nc;corInc;corII � nc;corI


The functions for 4c;max�nc;cor

and hc;max


were obtained

applying the respective polynomial regressions on the values fromthe map. Only the monotonically increasing interval of fn;i


was considered for the left region and 4c;norm <1 and only mono-tonically decreasing interval of fn;i


was considered for the

right region 4c;norm >1. hc;norm ¼ 1 was imposed to ensure conti-nuity between the left and right regions functions around 4c;norm ¼1. Fig. 6 shows the results.

2.2.2. TurbineSeveral authors presented methodologies for turbine flow map

extrapolation [33,34], and [35], among others. They are applicablewhen the turbine map provided by the manufacturer reports thefunction _mehpe;nT i at constant speed for several speed values.However, in most cases, only one curve is provided, approximatingthe iso-speed mass flow curves. Corrected values are customary, asfor the compressor, Eqs. (37) and (38).

_me;cor ¼pe;refpe;in


s_me (37)

Page 8: Turbo-assisted direct solar air heater for medium

Fig. 6. Compressor model results superimposed to data dots. a) Compressor map with superposed pc�_mc;cor

for nc;cor ¼ const: (blue circle dots and brown line) and maximum

efficiency dorsal line pc�_mc;cor

(green dash), b) Choke and surge limits, dorsal-speed lines hc;max


and _mc;max


. c) normalized iso-speed efficiency curves. d) iso-

speed efficiency hc�_mc;cor

. Tc;ref ¼ 302:6 K; pc;ref ¼ 0:962 bar;Dc ¼ 133 mm. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the

Web version of this article.)

A. Famiglietti, A. Lecuona, M. Ibarra et al. Energy 223 (2021) 120011

ne;corr ¼nT



Following [26] the relation _mehpei, which does not include thespeed variable anymore, can be approximated with the function inEq. (39), with ce and ke determined by curve fitting. Te;ref and pe;refare given by the manufacturer.

_me;cor ¼ ce

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1� pke



In most cases, the manufacturers do not provide turbine effi-ciency curves but only provide a value for maximum efficiency


he;max. Thus, a model is needed for its prediction. Ref. [26] as well as[28] indicated the following model based on turbine blade speedratio SR, being the turbine efficiency mainly dependent on theflowing gas angle of incidence to the blades, Eqs. (40)-(42). A tipblade speed Ue is defined using the turbine wheel diameter De:

SRopt ¼ 0:7 as recommended by Ref. [26] as well as elsewhere isused herewith.

Ue ¼Depne;cor (40)

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¼ Ueffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2cp;eTe;ref

�1� p


�r (41)


¼ he;max






Fig. 7 shows the curves of _mehpei and he�ne;cor;pe

that were

obtained, according to the model.

2.3. Turbo-solar field matching procedure

According to the proposed concept, a few physical constraintsdefine the domain of working conditions for the T-SAH: I) turbo-charger working range, II) the thermal limit of the solar receivertube and III) the turbocharger freewheeling operation. They areexplained as follows.

I) The mass flow rate _m ¼ _mc ¼ _me and speed nT must bewithin the turbocharger working limits. The allowed nTrange is defined by its minimum and maximum nc;cor values,indicated by the compressormap. A range for _m is defined forany speed nT by the compressor surge and choke limits,indicated on the map, Fig. 6(aeb).

nminc;cor <nc;cor <nmax

c;cor (43)

surge� � choke�

_mc;cor nc;cor < _mc;cor nc;cor < _mc;cor nc;cor (44)

II) The receiver thermal limit, Eq. (45), imposes the secondconstraint. The highest wall temperature takes place at theU-loop outlet (3) in Fig. (1), Tw3, which must be lower thanTw;max. Tw3 is affected by _qs and U-loop outlet air temperatureT3, as well as by _m, which determines ha. Eq. (7) can be

Fig. 7. Turbine results. Turbine data with model superimposed and efficiency mapestimation for the fixed geometry turbine. Te;ref ¼ 288:8 K; pe;ref ¼ 1:013 bar; De ¼111:5 mm; he;max ¼ 0:82.


rewritten and iteratively solved to compute Tw3 as in Eq. (45),where ULhTw; Tambi is a temperature-dependent variable.

Tw3 ¼_qsDex þ T3Dha þ TambDexUL

Dha þ DexUL� Tw;max (45)

III) When Eq. (18) is verified the turbine fully drives thecompressor and the turbocharger is freewheeling at constantrotational speed, enabling the T-SAH to deliver hot airwithout any external auxiliary pumping power consumption.

According to these three constraints, a suitable turbocharger canbe selected considering the solar field parameters and the expectedsolar and ambient inputs for the specific location, before per-forming a detailed simulation of T-SAH behavior.

For a given turbocharger, the simultaneous fulfilment of con-straints I, II, and III can be predicted by building a matching map asin Fig. 8. With this aim, the broad range of working conditionscorresponding to variable solar and ambient inputs, Gbn;gs;as;Tamb;

pamb, is approximated considering a concentrated solar irradiance_qs variation in the range 0< _qs < _qs;peak and assuming fend ¼ 1,Tamb ¼ 15 �C and pamb ¼ 1:013 bar for simplicity. _qs;peak is themaximum concentrated irradiance expected during the typical yearfor the selected location. The T-SAH model described in Sections2.1-2.2 is then solved for several compressor speed values nc;corwithin the range of expected concentrated solar irradiance0< _qs < _qs;peak. A matching map is obtained reporting the theoret-

ical turbocharger excess power _Wnet, for the T-SAH operating at aconstant speed nc;cor , fulfilling conditions I and II. Fig. 8 indicatesone of the best matches obtained according to the solar field pa-rameters reported in Table 4.

_Wnet is reported as a percentage of solar power_Qs ¼ _qsPex2Lrownp against a load factor LF ¼ _qs= _qs;peak. In a broad

range of LF; _Wnet can be null choosing a proper speed for a given _qs.This indicates that steady-state freewheeling can be obtainedacross a large portion of the expected concentrated irradiance

Fig. 8. Matching map. _Wnet= _Qs vs. LF for operating points fulfilling conditions I and II,in Madrid (Spain).

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Table 4Solar field layout, LFC and receiver parameters.

Number of Loops np 4Loop length Lloop 52:2 mRow length Lr Lmns

2¼ 15:8 m

Connections Ln1 Wa32þ Hm

Ln2 Wa

Ln3 Wa

2þ Hm

Connection pipe diameter Dn 0:08 mModules per loop ns 6Total Active area Atot 633:6 m2

Orientation N-S gr 0�

Module length Lm 5:28 mAperture width Wa 5:00 mHeight above mirrors Hm 2:72 mModule active area Am 26:40 m2

Peak optical efficiency hop0 0:632Number of mirrors per module nm 10Mirror aperture wa 0:50 mInner receiver diameter D 0:066 mOuter receiver diameter Dex 0:07 m

A. Famiglietti, A. Lecuona, M. Ibarra et al. Energy 223 (2021) 120011

range, excluding very low irradiances. An approximated minimumthreshold for the load factor is identified LFth, defining the lowpower working limit for the T-SAH to operate correctly. For thesettings defined in Table 4 and the location of Madrid (Spain),located at (40� 240 5900 N, 3� 420 900 W), it results LFthz 0:3 with a_qs;peak ¼ 13:5 kW m�2. At low irradiances LF < LFth, to reach a highenough inlet temperature at the turbine which can then providethe required power, the T-SAH would require a mass flow ratelower than the minimum value allowed by turbocharger constraintI. The turbocharger allows reducing the mass flow rate bydecreasing the speed or shifting its working point toward surge,respectively limited by the minimum speed nmin

c;cor and the surge

limit _msurgec;cor , Fig. 6(aeb). In addition, at low speed, the turbocharger

efficiencies are lower, impeding to achieve freewheeling. For thesereasons, when LF < LFth, the T-SAH should be shut-down orbypassed. Alternative solutions can be studied to ensure hot airproduction at marginal load. Although an exhaustive screening ofthese possibilities is not in the scope of this work, a solution isproposed in Section 3.3.

3. Results

In order to evaluate the availability of a T-SAH plant under off-design performances, the numerical model presented in Section 2is solved with realistic ambient and solar input parameters. Atypical meteorological year TMY is used tomodel Gbn; Tamb; pamb forthe specific location selected, according to the current practice insolar thermal engineering [36]. A TMY is built from solar andambient data measured during several years at a specified locationand merged into a single year. The data are reported with a timeinterval of 1 h. The TMY for Madrid (Spain) (40� 240 59 N, 3� 420

9 W), selected as the location, was taken from Ref. [37]. Sun azi-muth and elevation, gs;as; for the corresponding hour of the yearwere computed using the relations in the Appendix. The main T-SAH output are reported and discussed for a representative sum-mer and winter days, as well as for the whole TMY considering thesystem operating only when the turbocharger freewheeling isachieved, according to the physical constraints detailed in Section2.3.


3.1. Representative days

Fig. 9 reports the instantaneous results of a representativesummer clear day, as a function of the true solar time TST. Thedirect normal irradiance Gbn, together with IAMs and end lossesfactor fend are shown in Fig. 9(a). Despite the relatively short col-lector length, fend >0:9 is obtained, according to qi; Eq. (5). Fig. 9(b)shows the daily variation of thermal power available, lost, anddelivered to the user. The hot air delivered at the turbine outlet,

holding Ta ¼ T4; corresponds to an outlet power _Qa; Eq. (46). Thesolar power _Qbn available on a surface normal to sunrays equivalentto the overall capturing surface Atot ¼ Amnsnp is evaluated as areference, Eq. (47). The solar power concentrated on the receiver

focal line _Qs varies according to Gbn, optical efficiency and IAMs, Eq.(48). _Qs is not entirely available for the receiver since a portion_Qfend ¼ _Qs � _Qr is lost due to optical end losses, which is relativelylow, corresponding to less than 10% of the delivered thermal power_Qa:

_Qr represents the solar power that effectively reaches thereceiver tube, Eq. (49). Due to thermal losses to the ambient fromthe receiver surface, as well as from insulated piping, part of thepower _Qr is lost. Thermal losses _QL ¼ _Qr � _Qa corresponds to

around 30% of delivered thermal power _Qa:

_Qa ¼�T4tcp;4 � Tambcp;amb

�_m (46)

_Qbn ¼GbnAmnsnp (47)

_Qs ¼Gbnhop0IAMTIAMLAmnsnp (48)

_Qr ¼Gbnhop0IAMTIAMLfendAmnsnp (49)

The operating conditions of the turbocharger and its effect onthe air flow and solar receiver tube can be analyzed consideringFig. 9(c)e(d). Fig. 9(c) depicts the air temperature in the mainpoints of the circuit, according to Fig. 1. At the compressor outlet T2varies between 100�C and 150�C because of pc, according to Eq.(21). T3 reaches a peak of 500�C at midday, whereas the tempera-ture difference DT ¼ T3 � T2 across the solar field is quite steadyaround 350�C; since the mass flow rate _m, also reported in Fig. 9(c),increases in concert to the solar power. The increase in U-looppressure drop Dprn;t ¼ p2t � p3t induced by the higher _m when atpower peak is moderate thanks to the higher pc, which leads tohigher air densities and lower airflow velocities. Besides, the Dprn;tmoderate increase is more than compensated by the higher turbineinlet temperature, resulting in a turbine power increase. Thisbeneficial effect of self-regulation comes from the turbochargerperformance map and the good matching of the turbochargerchosen with the solar field. Although the working conditions varyremarkably with solar power, the delivered air temperatureTa ¼ T4t shows a flat time-profile, varying between 350�C and380�C.

Concerning the receiver thermal limit, the maximum walltemperature reached by the receiver tube is Tw3 < Tw;max ¼ 600 �C,confirming that the constraint II) formulated in Section 2.3 isrespected, Fig. 9(c). The turbocharger performance can be deducedfrom the main parameter plotted in Fig. 9(d). It works at highcompressor and turbine efficiencies hcz0:78 and hez0:80 almostconstantly during the operating hours, while pc, as well as pe, variesaccording to the mass flow rate and irradiance. The correctedcompressor speed nc;cor varies within the allowed limits, Eq. (43),from 40% to 70% of its maximum nmax

c;cor .

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Fig. 9. T-SAH performances vs. true solar time TST during a clear summer day, Madrid (Spain).

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The simulation demonstrated that the T-SAH operates almostduring all daylight time, confirming the excellent turbochargermatching with the solar field performance and the feasibility of theproposed layout on a summer clear day. Only in the early morningand late afternoon hours, turbocharger freewheeling is notachievable and the T-SAH stops (OFF), as of being the LF < LFth,Fig. 9(b), confirming the prediction discussed in Section 2.3: The T-SAH operates for 10 h, over the 14 h of daylight when Gbn > 0. Fig. 9highlights the hours of freewheeling operation.

The simulation was repeated on a representative winter daywith a clear sky. Fig. 10 shows the main results obtained. Whencomparing them with the results from the summer day-case


discussed above, the optical collector efficiency is lower on thewinter day due to a lower IAML because of the higher qi. This hasalso a remarkable impact on fend, which dropped to 0:6 at midday.Optical end losses are relatively higher than is summer day-case,

being around 30% of the delivered power _Qa: Higher optical los-

ses translate into a lower concentrated solar power _Qs and _Qr : Incontrast, the thermal losses are reduced from summer to winter, ascan be seen in Fig. 10(b), due to the lower mean wall temperaturereached. On thewinter day, the thermal power delivered to the userdrops below 100 kW. The operating hours are reduced according tothe shorter winter daylight, whereas the low irradiance cut-off

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Fig. 10. T-SAH performances vs. true solar time TST during a clear winter day, Madrid (Spain).

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LFthy0:3 is still valid. Fig. 10(c)e(d) confirms that the turbochargeris operating with a lower mass flow rate in winter than in summer,as well as with a lower pc. Nevertheless, the self-regulation of theturbocharger allows delivering hot air at a fairly steady tempera-ture around 330 �C:

3.2. Typical year

Extending the simulation all over the TMY allows a completeavailability profile, whose results Fig. 11 depicts. As mentioned inSection 2.3, turbocharger freewheeling can be achieved across alarge portion of the concentrated solar irradiance range expected


during the year, excluding low solar irradiance conditions. Thisissue is evident in Fig. 11(a) that displays the load factor

LF ¼ _qs _q�1s;peak for each hour of the year across a TMY and the cor-

responding state of the T-SAH, either freewheeling (ON), or shutdown (OFF) if freewheeling is not achievable. The approximatethreshold LFthy0:3; predicted in Section 2.3 as a low power cut-off,seems confirmed across the whole year. Its effect on monthlyworking hours varies remarkably, as it is evident in Fig.11(b), wheremonthly ON and OFF daylight hours are reported. The operativehours (ON) over the total monthly daylight hours drop in thewinterseason due to lower irradiance. During the OFF hours the solar

power potentially available at the receiver _Qr ; Eq. (49), is relatively

Page 13: Turbo-assisted direct solar air heater for medium

Fig. 11. T-SAH simulation results all over the year. a) concentrating solar irradiance range. b) operating hours per month. c) Energy delivered and not delivered per month. d) Energycontributions. e) T-SAH output. f) turbocharger operating parameters.

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low, and therefore the energy not exploited by the T-SAH Qr;OFF inthe whole TMY is around 14% of the overall amount of energyavailable Qr;TOT ¼ Qr;ON þ Qr;OFF . Fig. 11(c) reports Qr;ON and Qr;OFF

on a monthly basis. The T-SAH could operate for 2060 h per year,corresponding to 52% of daylight yearly hours and 72% of yearlyhours with appreciable concentrating irradiance, thus, higher than10% of _qs;peak.

Fig. 11(d) reports the T-SAH performances in terms of monthlyenergy contributions. Thermal energy delivered to the airflow sumsthe hourly energy contributions from the first to the last i hour of

the month where T-SAH is ON, Qa ¼P _Qaih: Thermal losses QL ¼P _QLih, as well as optical end losses Qfend ¼P _Qfendih were eval-

uated. Normal direct (beam) solar energy available is computedconsidering the operating hours of T-SAH, Qbn ¼ P _Qbni

h. Both

concentrated energy on the focal line, Qs ¼ P _Qsih, and on thereceiver Qr ¼ Qs � Qfend are indicated, as well as optical lossesQop ¼ Qbn � Qs. Along the year, the T-SAH delivered 330 MW hr ofthermal energy.

Fig. 11(e) depicts a more detailed screening of the T-SAH output,in terms of _m against the corresponding air delivery temperatureTa ¼ T4. As expected, the delivery temperature varies in the rangeof 300 �C< Ta <400�C according to the aim of the technology pro-posed. The mass flow rate varies in a range of

0:2 kg s�1 < _m<0:7 kg s�1.Fig. 11(f) displays the compressor and turbine working points on

their maps for the whole TMY. The compressor works within theallowed speed range, and the mass flow rate does not exceed thesurge and choke limits, besides operating near the highest-efficiency dorsal line. It was estimated that only 15% of workinghours Tw3 >550 �C, giving a significant safetymargin to the thermallimit. During peaks of power, Tw3 do not overcome. Tw;max ¼ 600�C:

3.3. Integration with SAH

As discussed above, the T-SAH is not able to operate correctly atlow solar power input, as seen for the present case roughly for LF <

Fig. 12. (a). T-SAH integrated with SAH for low solar power: monthly energy contributions. (


0:3, mainly occurring during winter months. A possibility to in-crease the annual hot air production exploiting the solar field alsoin T-SAH OFF conditions arises bymodifying the layout of Fig. 1 intoa simple SAH configuration. This means temporarily bypassing theturbocharger from the circuit and pumping the airflow through thesolar field using the auxiliary compressor ac. Air exits the U-loopand it is directly delivered to the user at the temperature T3 ¼ Taand atmospheric pressure. In fact, the low concentrated irradiancerequires a relatively low mass flow rate to control the outlet tem-perature, Eq. (9). As a consequence, the total pressure loss acrossthe U-loop Dpnr;t is low, requiring a modest pumping power _Wac tothe auxiliary compressor/fan, Eq. (23), pac ¼ 1þ Dpnr;t=pamb.

Assuming that the electrical driven auxiliary compressor iscapable of continuous mass flow rate control, the desired temper-ature outlet Ta ¼ 300 �C can be achieved in the range of low irra-diance conditions, where T-SAH is not able to operate LF < � 0:3.Below LF <0:1, solar power is assumed to be too low to run theconcentrating solar plant, so that SAHs is OFF.

Integrating the T-SAH operation with the SAH mode for lowirradiance conditions results in a higher number of working hoursper month, as reported in Fig. 12(a), showing thermal performancesin terms of monthly energy contribution. Energy consumed by theauxiliary compressor for air pumping in SAH mode Wac is moder-ate, corresponding to the very low percentage of solar energy gainby air in the corresponding month Qa; Fig. 12(b). For the 72% ofexploitable sunny hours with LF >0:1, the system works as T-SAHand the rest of the time as SAH. The annual energy delivered in-creases 13.3% thanks to the SAH integration, reaching 374 MW hr,and the annual working hours grow 38% with respect to the only T-SAH mode. The combination of the two modes allows exploitingthe 97% of annual energy available at the receiver tube. Qr;TOT :

Several performance parameters on yearly basis are reported inTable 5. The solar field average optical efficiency over the yearlyworking hours hop ¼ Qs=Qbn together with yearly optical end losses

factor f end ¼ Qr=Qs, determine the global optical efficiency

hopg ¼ hopf end ¼ Qr=Qbn . Yearly averaged thermal efficiency isdefined as hth ¼ Qa=Qr and accounts for thermal losses from the

b). T-SAH integrated with SAH for low solar power: auxiliary compressor consumption.

Page 15: Turbo-assisted direct solar air heater for medium

Table 5Yearly performance parameter for T-SAH and T-SAH* (T-SAH integrated with SAH).

Yearly Value Unit T-SAH T-SAH*

h ON h 2060 2858Qa MW h y�1 330 374

Qa=Atot kW h y�1m�2 521:6 590:5

Qbn MW h y1 1012 1256

hop ¼ Qs=Qbn - 0:468 0:427

f end ¼ Qr=Qs - 0:909 0:902

hopg ¼ hopf end - 0:426 0:386

hth ¼ Qa=Qr - 0:767 0:772ha ¼ Qa=Qbn - 0:327 0:298

A. Famiglietti, A. Lecuona, M. Ibarra et al. Energy 223 (2021) 120011

collector tubes and piping. The global efficiency of solar air heating

results ha ¼ QaQbn

¼ hopghth. They are estimated for T-SAH as well as

for the T-SAH integrated with SAH (T-SAH*) over the respective

operating yearly hours. For the T-SAH* hop ¼ 0:427 and f end ¼0:902 gives a global optical efficiency of hopg ¼ 0:386: Thermal ef-ficiency results hth ¼ 0:772, giving an air heating efficiency of ha ¼0:298. These figures are close to the ones attained by similar solartechnologies. Although the usage of the turbocharger and the air asHTF difficult the comparison with similar plants, the optical andthermal efficiency obtained results following other linear Fresnelfacilities reported in the literature. Ref. [16] simulated using com-mercial code a linear Fresnel field of 268.6 m2 (36.1 deg N latitude),obtaining an average yearly optical efficiency of 0.379 and thermalefficiency of 0.858, which corresponds to a global efficiency of0.325. Ref. [38] obtained a yearly global efficiency of 0.39 simu-lating a large LFC solar field of 6602 m2 (38.1 deg N latitude) atmoderate temperatures.

4. Conclusions

An innovative concept for Turbo-assisted Solar Air Heater (T-SAH) using concentrating linear Fresnel collectors assisted by anautomotive turbocharger was scrutinized in this study. Air is heatedinside the solar receiver tube in an open-to-atmosphere circuit,avoiding the usage of both a primary heat transfer fluid and anyheat exchanger. Thanks to a Brayton cycle configuration the T-SAHcan provide hot air at medium temperature, without external en-ergy consumption for pumping. A comprehensive mathematicalmodel was implemented for detailed performance analysis of amedium scale T-SAH facility for industrial applications using off-the-shelf components and real meteorological data.

A 633:6 m2 solar field of LFCs was coupled to an off-the-shelfturbocharger unit to achieve the best matching for the consideredlocation of Madrid (Spain). The T-SAH performances were simu-lated for typical days in summer and winter, as well as along thetypical meteorological year.

The results showed that the T-SAH can deliver 330 MW h peryear of thermal power, supplying hot air in the range of300 �Ce400 �C without any external energy consumption for airpumping during 2060 h of the year with no storage. This is possibledue to the beneficial self-adjusting operation of the turbocharger.

Only for very low solar irradiance, the T-SAH is not able to fulfilthe turbocharger freewheeling operation, which occurred duringwinter months as well as in the early morning and late afternoonhours every day. Under this condition, using the system in SAHmode would increase the annual energy yield up to 374 MW h.Other options can be considered in further research, includingexternal heat source backup, either from biofuel or renewableelectricity, as well as from any thermal storage unit. Moreover, forbetter matching further work can consider in-parallel switchable


turbochargers and/or variable geometry turbines to cope withlower sun irradiances.


Antonio Famiglietti: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software,Validation, Investigation, Formal analysis, Writing - Original Draft,Writing - Review & Editing; Antonio Lecuona: Conceptualization,Methodology, Validation, Investigation, Writing - Review& Editing,Supervision, Project administration, Resources; Mercedes Ibarra:Methodology, Validation, Writing - Review & Editing; Javier Roa:Validation, Project administration, Resources.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competingfinancial interests or personal relationships that could haveappeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


This research was supported by the Industrial Ph.D. program ofComunidad de Madrid, Spain (BOCM Reference IND2017/AMB7769).

Dr. Mercedes Ibarra acknowledges the generous financial sup-port provided by CORFO (Corporaci�on de Fomento de laProducci�on) under the project 13CEI2-21803.


LatinA Aperture surface area [m2]ac Auxiliary compressorB Parameter equation of timece Turbine flow map fitting coefficientcp Air constant p specific heat capacity [J kg�1 �C�1]cU Coefficient for polynomial fitting of ULD Inner diameter of the receiver tube [m]E Correction equation of time [min]F 0 Collector efficiency factor [�]FR Collector heat removal factor [�]f Darcy friction coefficient [�]. f Functionfend Optical end losses factor [�]Gbn Normal beam irradiance [W m�2]ha Air heat transfer coefficient [W m�2 �C�1]hamb Insulation to Air heat transfer coefficient [W m�2 �C�1]Hm Receiver distance from reflectors plane [m]IAM Incidence angle modifier [�]i Specific enthalpy [J kg�1]IR Interpolation ratio [�]JT Turbocharger moment of inertia [kg m2]K Concentrated pressure losses coefficient [�]k Thermal conductivity [W m�1 �C�1]ke Turbine flow map fitting coefficientkij Coefficients fitting coefficient of compressor flow mapL Length [m]LF Load factor _qs= _qs;peakLST Local standard time [hr]Ma Mach number [�]_m Air mass flow rate [kg s�1]n Rotating speed [rpm]nd Day of the yearnp Number parallel U-loops

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ns Number of modules in series in a U-loopn1;n2;n3 Connection tubesnm Number of mirror strips of LFC modulene Number of discretization elements of LrowP Receiver tube cross-section perimeter [m]Pr Prandtl number [�]p Pressure [Pa]_Q Thermal power [W]Q Thermal energy [J]_qs Incident concentrated solar irradiance [W m�2]_qu Thermal power flux to air [W m�2]Re Reynolds number [�]Rg Gas constant ¼ R=Mg [m2 s�2 �C�1]SR Tip speed ratio [�]T Temperature [K, �C]TST True solar time [hr]Uc Tip blade speed compressor [m s�1]Ue Tip blade speed turbine [m s�1]UL Thermal losses coefficient of the receiver [W m�2 K�1]ULn Thermal losses coefficient of insulated tubes [W m�2

K�1]UTC Standard time zone of Universal Coordinate Timev Average airflow velocity [m s�1]_W Power [W]Wa Rectangular aperture total width [m]wa Aperture width of a single mirror of LFC [m]

Greekas Solar elevation [rad]g Isentropic exponent [�]gs Solar azimuth [rad]gr LFC azimuth [rad]d Sun declination [[rad]]r Density [kg m�3]hop0 Maximum optical efficiency [�]lst Local time zone standard meridian longitude west [deg]lloc Collector location longitude west [deg]hm Mechanical efficiency of turbocharger [�]h Total to total isentropic efficiency [�]jc Compressor head parameter [�]4c Compressor non-dimensional flow parameter [�]Floc Latitude north [deg]p Pressure ratio [�]m Dynamic viscosity [kg$m�1 s�1]n Kinematic viscosity [m2 s�1]qL Longitudinal angle [rad]qT Transversal angle [rad]qi Longitudinal component of incident angle [rad]qz Solar zenith angle [rad]t Time [s]u Angular speed [rad s�1]us Hour angle [rad] (negative in the morning)

Subscriptsa Airamb Ambientatm Atmosphericbn Normal beamsc Compression. Compressorcor Correctede Expansion. Turbineex Receiver tube external surfacef Frictionfend End optical losses factor


i Hour of the yearin Inletins Insulationk Kinetic energy componentL Thermal losses to ambientloc Locationm LFC modulen Connection tubenet Net balancenorm Normalizedou OutletON T-SAH operativeOFF T-SAH shut offop Opticalopt Optimumpeak Peakr Receiverrow LFC series rowref Reference operations Solart Stagnation variabletot TotalT Turbochargeru Usefulw Wall0 Inlet from atmosphere1 Compressor inlet2 Compressor outlet3 Turbine inlet4 Turbine outlet

Superscriptssurge Surge limitchoke Choke limitmin Minimummax Maximumth Thresholdpt Potential

AcronymsAC Air CollectorETC Evacuated Tube CollectorHTF Heat Transfer FluidIAM Incident Angle ModifierLFC Linear Fresnel collectorOAC Open to Atmosphere CircuitPTC Parabolic Trough CollectorSAH Solar Air HeaterSHC Solar Heating CollectorsSHIP Solar Heat for Industrial ProcessesT-SAH Turbo-assisted Solar Air HeaterTMY Typical Meteorological Year

OthersCD Functional dependence.


Sun position at any time for the considered location is obtainedusing well-known equations [24]. True solar time TST is obtainedfrom local standard time applying the corrections as in Eqs. (A.2 -A.4). Incident solar angle qz results as in Eq. (A.6) from solar hourangle us, Eq. (A.5), and solar declination d, Eq. (A.1). Solar elevationas and azimuth gs results from Eq. (A.7) and Eq. (A.8).

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d¼23:45 sin�2p365

�ð284þ ndÞ (A.1)

E¼ 229:18½0:000075þ0:001868 cosðBÞ�0:032077 sinðBÞ�0:014615 cosð2BÞ�0:04089 sinð2BÞ�


B¼ðnd � 1Þ2p365


TST ¼4ðlst � llocÞþ Eþ LST ; lst ¼ � UTC2p24


us ¼ 2p24

ð TST � 12 h Þ (A.5)

qz ¼ cos�1½cosðFlocÞcosðdÞcosðusÞþ sinðFlocÞsinðdÞ� (A.6)


2� qz (A.7)

gs ¼ signðusÞ����cos�1

�ðsinðFlocÞcosðqzÞ � sinðdÞsinðqzÞcosðFlocÞ

����� (A.8)


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