tumors of Salivary glands

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  • 7/28/2019 tumors of Salivary glands


  • 7/28/2019 tumors of Salivary glands


  • 7/28/2019 tumors of Salivary glands


    1. Benign Neoplasms1.1 Pleomorphic Adenoma

    - also known as Mixed Tumor

    - most common tumor of the majorand minor salivary glands

    - parotid gland 85%

    submandibular gland 8%

    intraoral minor salivary gland 7%

    - constitute about 50% of all intraoralminor salivary gland tumors

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    Location: hard palate most common

    intraoral siteupper lipbuccal mucosa

    Age: occurs at any ageprevalent from 4th to 6th decades of life

    Gender: males

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    Clinical features:

    - generally mixed tumors are mobile except

    in the hard palate

    - appear as firm, painless swellings- do not cause ulceration of the overlying


    - when it arises within the parotid gland,

    generally mixed tumors are painless andslow growing and located below the ear

    and posterior to the mandible

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    Gross pathologySmoothWell-demarcatedSolidCystic changesMyxoid stroma

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    Histopathologic features:

    - demonstrate a wide spectrum of

    histologic features- pleomorphic patterns and variable ratios

    of ductal to myoepithelial cells gave rise to

    the other term Pleomorphic Adenoma

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    Treatment:- Surgical excision treatment of choice

    - Enucleation not advisable because ofrisk of recurrence due to extension of

    tumor through capsular defects


    - Inadequate removal may result in

    recurrence.- With recurrence there is an increase

    possibility of malignant transformation

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    1.2 Monomorphic Adenomas

    Classifications (based on histologic


    1.2.1 Basal Cell Adenoma

    - constitute about 1% to 2% of all

    salivary gland adenomas

    - 70% are found within the parotidgland

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    Location: in minor salivary glands, mostoccurs in upper lip, followed by the palate,

    buccal mucosa, and lower lip

    Age: between 35 and 80 years

    mean age: 60 years

    Gender: male

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    Clinical features:

    - generally slow growing tumor and

    painless- clinically distinct on palpation, but it can be

    multifocal and multinodular

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    Histopathological features:- forms of basal cell adenoma

    1. solid variety of monomorphicadenoma islands or sheets of

    basaloid cells shows palisadingpattern

    2. trabecular-tubular form exhibits

    trabecular cords of epithelial cells

    3. Membranous adenoma grows in anodular fashion with variable-sizedislands of tumor tissue

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    Solid- Most common- Solid nests oftumor cells- Uniform,hyperchromatic,round nuclei,indistinctcytoplasm- Peripheral nuclearpalisading

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    Trabecular Cells in elongated

    trabecular pattern Vascular stroma

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    Tubular Multiple duct-likestructures Columnar celllining Vascular stroma

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    MembranousThick eosinophilic

    hyaline membranessurrounding nestsoftumor cellsjigsaw-puzzleappearance

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    Treatment: Conservative surgical excisionincluding a margin of normaluninvolved tissue

    Prognosis: For membranous adenoma,monomorphic adenoma

    good prognosis/rarely recur

    For membranous form of basal cell

    adenoma- has significant rate ofrecurrence

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    1.2.2 Canalicular Adenoma

    Location: upper lip most common


    Gender: Female

    Age: older than 50 years old

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    Clinical features:

    - freely movable

    - asymptomatic

    - size: from few millimeter to 2 to 3 cm

    Histopathologic features: showed bilayer

    strands of basaloid cells

    - cells are cuboidal to columnar

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    - Well-circumscribed- Multiple foci-Tubular structures line by columnar or cuboidalcells- Vascular stroma

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    Surgical excision

    - include cuff of clinically

    normal tissue

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    1.2.3 Myoepithelioma- benign salivary gland tumorscomposed entirely of myoepithelialcells called as myoepitheliomas

    Location: arises within the parotidgland

    Age: 3rd to 9th decade of life

    Mean age: 53 years old

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    Gender: no gender predilection

    Clinical features: present as circumscribed

    painless masses

    Histopathologic features: composed of

    either plasmacytoid (20%) or

    spindle cells (70)%

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    Spindle cell- More common-

    Parotid- Uniform, centralnuclei- Eosinophilic granular

    or fibrillar cytoplasm

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    Plasmacytoid cell- Polygonal- Eccentric oval nuclei

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    Treatment: Conservative excision includinga thin rim of surrounding

    normal tissue

    Prognosis: Excellent

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    1.2.4 Oncocytoma

    - also known as Oxyphilic adenoma

    - rare lesion

    Location: seen predominantly in the

    parotid gland

    Age: 6th decade of life

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    Clinical features:

    - solid, ovoid encapsulated lesions- less than 5 cm in diameter

    - in some cases, bilateral occurrence

    may be noted

    - rarely seen intraorally

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    Histopathologic features:

    - oncocytoma cells are polyhedral

    with granular eosinophiliccytoplasm

    - nuclei are centrally placed and are

    typically vesicular

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    Cords of uniformcells and thin fibrousstroma Large polyhedralcells Distinct cellmembrane Granular,eosinophiliccytoplasm Central, round,vesicular nucleus

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    Treatment: Conservative with superficialparotidectomy

    Prognosis: GoodRecurrence is rarely noted

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    1.2.5 Papillary Cystadenoma Lymphomatosum

    - also known as Whartins tumor- accounts approximately 7% of

    epithelial neoplasms of salivary gland- intraorally, the lesion is rare- positive correlation with smoking- thought to arise within lymphnodes as a

    result of entrapment of salivary gland

    elements in early develeopment

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    Location: majority of the cases occurs

    within the parotid gland

    Age: between 5th and 8th decades of life

    Gender: Male

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    Clinical features:

    - when it occurs in the parotid gland,it is present as doughy to cystic


    - encapsulated and has smooth to

    lobulated surface and a roundoutline

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    Histopathologic features:

    - presence of numerous cystic spacesof irregular outline contain papillary

    projections lined by columnar

    eosinophilic cells (oncocytes)

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    Treatment: Surgical excision

    Prognosis: Fair

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    1.3 Ductal Pappilomas- these rare tumors are thought to

    arise within the interlobular and

    excretory duct portion of the

    salivary gland unit

    - 3 types;

    1. Sialadenoma papilliferum

    2. Inverted ductal papilloma3. Intraductal papilloma

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    Sialadenoma papilliferum- an unusual benign salivary gland tumor

    Location: majority of cases have been

    found intraorally- most common sites:

    buccal mucosa and palate

    Age: between 5th

    & 8th

    decades of life

    Gender: common in male

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    Clinical features:- usually present as a painless exophytic

    papillary lesion

    Histopathologic features:

    - appears to originate from the superficial

    portion of the salivary gland excretory


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    Treatment: Conservative surgery

    Prognosis: Good

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    Inverted ductal papilloma- a rare entity that presents a nodular

    submucosal mass resembling a fibroma

    or lipoma

    - seen in adult and has equal gender


    - histopatholgically, a marked proliferation

    of ductal epithelium is seen subjacent tointact mucosa

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    1.4 Salivary Lymphoepithelial Lesion- also known as Benign LymphoepithelialLesion (BLEL)

    - an uncommon cause of major salivary

    gland enlargement- present as a persistent, non-painful, firm,

    unilateral or bilateral mass in a major

    salivary gland

    - histophatologically, presence of denseinfiltrate of lymphocytes and plasma cells

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    Intraductal papilloma- a rare lesion that arises from a greater

    depth within the ductal system

    - histopathologically, a single or doublelayer of cuboidal or columnar epithlium

    covers several papillary fronds that

    project into a duct

    - treatment: simple excision- prognosis: fair

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    1.5 Sjogrens Syndrome- expression of autoimmune process that

    results principally in dry eyes

    (keratoconjunctivitis sicca) and dry mouth

    (xerostomia). Rheumatoid arthritis may

    also be seen in this syndrome

    Etiology: unknown

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    Racial predilection: occurs in all ethnic andracial groups

    Age: peak age 30 years old

    children and teenagers may be


    Gender: Female

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    Clinical features:- chief complaint xerostomia

    causing difficulty in speaking

    and eating. Greater risk for

    dental caries, periodontal

    disease and oral candidiasis

    - parotid gland enlargement

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    Histopathologic features: a benignlymphocytic infiltrate replaces majorsalivary gland parynchema

    Treatment: Symptomatic treatment- artificial saliva and tears

    Preventive oral measures

    Prognosis: Complicated by an associationwith malignant transformationto lymphoma

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    2. Malignant Neoplasm

    2.1 Carcinoma Ex-Mixed Tumor

    Malignant Mixed Tumor

    Metastasizing Mixed Tumor

    Carcinoma Ex-Mixed Tumor

    - arises in a pre-existing mixed

    tumor- metastasis occurs only in the

    malignant component

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    - more common than malignant mixedtumor

    Malignant Mixed Tumor

    - malignant transformation on bothepithelial and malignant components

    Metastasizing Mixed Tumor

    - characterized by benign mixed tumorwhich metastasizes while retaining itsbland appearance histologically.

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    Carcinoma Ex-Mixed Tumor

    Location: parotid gland 68%

    intraoral minor salivary gland 18%

    Age: average age when becomes evident

    60 years old

    20 years beyond the age noted forbenign mixed tumors

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    Clinical features:- fixation of the mass surrounding thetissues

    - ulceration

    - regional lymphadenopathy

    Treatment: Surgical with radical neckdissection

    Prognosis: Fair to Good

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    2.2 Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma

    - 23% of all salivary gland carcinomas

    - a high-grade malignancy that has fair 5-

    year survival rate but a dismal 15-year

    survival rate

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    Location: 50% to 70% occurs in minor

    salivary gland of the head

    and neck

    - parotid gland is the most affected

    major salivary gland

    Age: 5th to 7th decades of life

    Gender: no gender predilection

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    Clinical features:- usually unilobular mass which is

    firm on palpation

    - occasionally with some pain

    - characterized by slow growth rate

    - present for several years before the

    patient seek treatment

    - facial nerve weakness or paralysismay occur

    - bone invasion may occur

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    - distant spread to the lungs is morecommon than metastasis to regional

    lymph nodes

    - intraoral lesions

    - palate ulceration of the mucosa

    - help to distinguish this

    lesion from benign mixed


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    Histopathologic features:- ductal structures are lined by

    cuboidal cells with uniform nuclei

    Treatment: Surgery / Radiation

    Wide resection when parotid

    gland is involved

    Prognosis: 15-20 years survival rate