TUG 2007: A few words Tim Arnold SAS The 2007 T E X Users Group annual conference was a gathering of old friends and new faces, all con- cerned with and excited about the future of “T E X and friends”. The workshops preliminary to the conference were interesting — I only wish I could have attended them all. The chief architect of the Lua language (and its principal reference, the book Programming in Lua), Roberto Ierusalimschy, provided a great in- troduction to the language and its design and goals. Taco Hoekwater teamed up with him to give an over- view and examples of how LuaT E X can work. For me this was a little like looking into the future with two knowledgeable guides pointing out the interest- ing features. For me, there were several special highlights of the conference itself. In my daily work I am almost alone in my L A T E X endeavors and often find my- self in correspondence (asking for help!) with peo- ple around the globe. The contingent of partici- pants from Europe was a delight as I got to meet people face-to-face who have been of great help to me. Their enthusiasm for LuaT E X was quite con- tagious and I am looking forward to experimenting with their results so far. Another delight was Peter Wilson, the author of the memoir class. I have based all my publish- ing work on this class and it was quite a treat to meet the man behind the code. His keynote address covered the history of writing, from cuneiform to medieval script to documents of today. He brought several writing artifacts that he encouraged us to inspect while he talked. Afterwards I thanked him for his trust in us to respect the items from his col- lection. He responded confidently, “I know my au- dience.” Perhaps the best thing about these yearly con- ferences, aside from the knowledge shared from the podiums, is the indescribable feeling of community when listening to others describe their struggles and achievements, their concerns and excitement about the future. We often toil alone during the year, per- haps fending off arguments about why T E X is on the wane, that Word or some other format is going to make T E X obsolete, etc. Sharing time with oth- ers involved in the same work and challenges gives me a sense of “Well, I’m not crazy after all. This typesetting system really is amazing.” (A few photos from the conference follow, courtesy of Jennifer Claudio, Volker RW Schaa, and Hartmut Henkel. Many more are at http://tug.org/tug2007/photos. Ed.) Roberto Ierusalimschy, Taco Hoekwater (Mirko Janc in background) Jonathan Kew, Jon Breitenbucher, Paulo Ney de Souza 276 TUGboat, Volume 28 (2007), No. 3 — Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Meeting

TUG 2007: A few words

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Page 1: TUG 2007: A few words

TUG 2007: A few words

Tim ArnoldSAS

The 2007 TEX Users Group annual conference wasa gathering of old friends and new faces, all con-cerned with and excited about the future of “TEXand friends”.

The workshops preliminary to the conferencewere interesting — I only wish I could have attendedthem all. The chief architect of the Lua language(and its principal reference, the book Programmingin Lua), Roberto Ierusalimschy, provided a great in-troduction to the language and its design and goals.Taco Hoekwater teamed up with him to give an over-view and examples of how LuaTEX can work. Forme this was a little like looking into the future withtwo knowledgeable guides pointing out the interest-ing features.

For me, there were several special highlights ofthe conference itself. In my daily work I am almostalone in my LATEX endeavors and often find my-self in correspondence (asking for help!) with peo-ple around the globe. The contingent of partici-pants from Europe was a delight as I got to meetpeople face-to-face who have been of great help tome. Their enthusiasm for LuaTEX was quite con-tagious and I am looking forward to experimentingwith their results so far.

Another delight was Peter Wilson, the authorof the memoir class. I have based all my publish-ing work on this class and it was quite a treat tomeet the man behind the code. His keynote addresscovered the history of writing, from cuneiform tomedieval script to documents of today. He broughtseveral writing artifacts that he encouraged us toinspect while he talked. Afterwards I thanked himfor his trust in us to respect the items from his col-lection. He responded confidently, “I know my au-dience.”

Perhaps the best thing about these yearly con-ferences, aside from the knowledge shared from thepodiums, is the indescribable feeling of communitywhen listening to others describe their struggles andachievements, their concerns and excitement aboutthe future. We often toil alone during the year, per-haps fending off arguments about why TEX is onthe wane, that Word or some other format is goingto make TEX obsolete, etc. Sharing time with oth-ers involved in the same work and challenges givesme a sense of “Well, I’m not crazy after all. Thistypesetting system really is amazing.”

(A few photos from the conference follow, courtesy of Jennifer Claudio, Volker RW Schaa,

and Hartmut Henkel. Many more are at http://tug.org/tug2007/photos. Ed.)

Roberto Ierusalimschy, Taco Hoekwater(Mirko Janc in background)

Jonathan Kew, Jon Breitenbucher, Paulo Ney de Souza

276 TUGboat, Volume 28 (2007), No. 3 — Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Meeting

Page 2: TUG 2007: A few words

TUG 2007: A few words

Front: William Hammond, Leonard Rosenthol, Tim Arnold, Frances Felluca, Jenny Levine, Heidi Sestrich,Cheryl Ponchin, Larry Thomas.

Behind: Eitan Gurari, Paulo Ney de Souza, Mirko Janc, Paul Topping, Herb Schulz, Jon Breitenbucher,Steve Grathwohl, Richard Leigh, August Gering, Morten Høgholm, Kaveh Bazargan, Karl Berry, Ron Fehd,Barbara Beeton, Dave Bailey, Jim Hefferon, Steve Brenton.

Dennis Claudio Robin Laakso (Philip Brown in background)

TUGboat, Volume 28 (2007), No. 3 — Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Meeting 277

Page 3: TUG 2007: A few words

Tim Arnold

Front: Martha Kummerer, Jennifer Claudio, Wendy McKay, Shannon Jones, Jonathan Kew, Hans Hagen,Roberto Ierusalimschy, Taco Hoekwater, Lowell Smith.

Behind: Robert Burgess, Don DeLand, Martin Schroder, Alan Wetmore, Walter Reddall, Nelson Beebe,Dick Koch, William Slough, Brian Papa, Andrew Mertz, Jon Stenerson, Stephen Moye, Peter Wilson,Peter Flynn, Chris Rowley, Barry MacKichan, Klaus Hoppner, David Allen, Hartmut Henkel, Philip Brown.

Oren Patashnik, Nelson Beebe

Idris Hamid Barbara Beeton

278 TUGboat, Volume 28 (2007), No. 3 — Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Meeting

Page 4: TUG 2007: A few words

TUG 2007: A few words

Jenny Levine, Peter Flynn

Wendy McKay, Stephen Moye, Dick Koch,Jon Breitenbucher, Robin Laakso

Ron Fehd, Caleb Ashley

Volker RW Schaa, Hartmut Henkel, Martin Schroder,Klaus Hoppner, Steve Grathwohl

Taco Hoekwater, Morten Høgholm

Nelson Beebe

TUGboat, Volume 28 (2007), No. 3 — Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Meeting 279