TUESDAY 28 TH APRIL 2020 Good morning everyone, Please don’t forget that you can contact me on the emails below. Keep sending me your photos and videos – I’m really enjoying seeing what you’ve been up to! Miss Brewer Oak class: [email protected] Willow class: [email protected] REMINDERS Don’t forget PE Why not start your day with a workout? It is really important to stay active whilst you are learning at home. Join Joe Wicks, the Body Coach, every morning at 9:00am for a fun filled workout that everyone can participate in, even parents/carers! https://www.youtube.com/thebodycoachtv Skipping If you have a skipping rope at home, then you could have a go at one of the activities from the national skipping challenge: Collective Worship Have a look at the Collective Worship area on our class page and choose an activity to do with your family.

TUESDAY 28TH APRIL 2020 - Amazon Web Services...2020/04/28  · TUESDAY 28TH APRIL 2020 Good morning everyone, Please don’t forget that you can contact me on the emails below. Keep

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Page 1: TUESDAY 28TH APRIL 2020 - Amazon Web Services...2020/04/28  · TUESDAY 28TH APRIL 2020 Good morning everyone, Please don’t forget that you can contact me on the emails below. Keep

TUESDAY 28TH APRIL 2020 Good morning everyone, Please don’t forget that you can contact me on the emails below. Keep sending me your photos and videos – I’m really enjoying seeing what you’ve been up to! Miss Brewer Oak class: [email protected] Willow class: [email protected]

REMINDERS Don’t forget PE

Why not start your day with a workout? It is really important to stay active whilst you are learning at home. Join Joe Wicks, the Body Coach, every morning at 9:00am for a fun filled workout that everyone can participate in, even parents/carers! https://www.youtube.com/thebodycoachtv Skipping If you have a skipping rope at home, then you could have a go at one of the activities from the national skipping challenge:

Collective Worship Have a look at the Collective Worship area on our class page and choose an activity to do with your family.

Page 2: TUESDAY 28TH APRIL 2020 - Amazon Web Services...2020/04/28  · TUESDAY 28TH APRIL 2020 Good morning everyone, Please don’t forget that you can contact me on the emails below. Keep

MATHS TTRockstars Practise your times tables for 15 minutes https://play.ttrockstars.com/ Hundredths https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/ Click on the above link then select Week 1

1. Watch the video for week 2, lesson 2 on hundredths (watch it as many times as you like until you think you’ve got it)

2. Complete the following: (if you prefer to print out the work directly click on the

‘Get the Activity’ link on the website OR if you don’t have a printer, record your working out/answers in your workbook).

3. Check your answers and have another look at any you got wrong.

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Page 6: TUESDAY 28TH APRIL 2020 - Amazon Web Services...2020/04/28  · TUESDAY 28TH APRIL 2020 Good morning everyone, Please don’t forget that you can contact me on the emails below. Keep

SPELLING These are the five words to concentrate on this week (they come from the statutory spelling list):

possession question mention position interest

Page 7: TUESDAY 28TH APRIL 2020 - Amazon Web Services...2020/04/28  · TUESDAY 28TH APRIL 2020 Good morning everyone, Please don’t forget that you can contact me on the emails below. Keep

LITERACY Explanation Writing Over the next two weeks we will be looking at writing explanations ending with you creating a machine and explaining how it works. 1. Yep – I found another one!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBZ8CQtoxc0 2. Today we will be using one of our Tools For Writing in an explanation text –

subordinating clauses. First, let’s remind ourselves what a subordinating clause its. Watch the short video clip and complete the activity in the link below: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zwwp8mn/articles/zqk37p3

3. How can I use that in an explanation? Subordinating clause when the supply of footballs in the Soccamatic’s reload tubes runs down Main clause It is a good idea to pause the machine frequently to collect the footballs lying on the grass and consequently re-stock the machine. Joined in one sentence It is a good idea to pause the machine frequently to collect the footballs lying on the grass and consequently re-stock the machine when the supply of footballs in the Soccamatic’s reload tubes runs down. OR When the supply of footballs in the Soccamatic’s reload tubes runs down, it is a good idea to pause the machine frequently to collect the footballs lying on the grass and consequently re-stock the machine. 4. TASK – write a paragraph on another section of your machine using subordinating


Challenge – vary the position of the subordinating clause in your sentences and use expanding noun phrases in your machine descriptions. Here’s an example to help When the supply of footballs in the Soccamatic’s reload tubes runs down, it is a good idea to pause the machine frequently to collect the footballs lying around on the grass and consequently re-stock the machine. This is done by pressing (for 5 seconds) the large green play button on the control panel underneath the ball hopper. As a result, the rotary kicking boots will temporarily stop thus giving the operator the chance to collect any free balls and reload the feeder tubes. Once the tubes are reloaded, pressing the button again (for 5 seconds) starts the kicking boots rotating and the hopper feeds balls down the shoot one more.

comma Possessive apostrophe Subordinating conjunction

Page 8: TUESDAY 28TH APRIL 2020 - Amazon Web Services...2020/04/28  · TUESDAY 28TH APRIL 2020 Good morning everyone, Please don’t forget that you can contact me on the emails below. Keep

GUIDED READING Using the text from the yesterday: 1. Read it out loud to an adult or older sibling – remember to include expression,

especially when the characters are speaking. 2. Look at the highlighted words, find out what they mean in context (how they are

used in the story) – use a dictionary, find alternative words in a thesaurus that might help you understand or ask an adult/older sibling.

3. Record the words/meanings in your workbook or on the text (if you have printed it


SCIENCE Last week you learned to identify and label the different parts of the digestive system. This week we are looking at the function of each part in more detail. 1. Watch the video clips below and make bullet point notes (remember you can

pause the video clips whenever you like and watch them again too). https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z27kng8 There are 5 short clips on this link, watch each one.

2. Read through Slides on the digestive system functions (again make notes) – the file is

on the Daily Activities page on the website 3. TASK – create a poster for next year’s Year 4 on the functions of the digestive system.

I have included 2 poster templates in the Daily Activities section of the class page on the website. Choose which one you feel more comfortable using OR you can create your own. If you have access to a laptop or tablet, you can create your poster digitally!

I have included some examples of posters on the next page – you will know the level of detail I expect from each of you! Don’t forget to send me photos of you and your work!

Page 9: TUESDAY 28TH APRIL 2020 - Amazon Web Services...2020/04/28  · TUESDAY 28TH APRIL 2020 Good morning everyone, Please don’t forget that you can contact me on the emails below. Keep
Page 10: TUESDAY 28TH APRIL 2020 - Amazon Web Services...2020/04/28  · TUESDAY 28TH APRIL 2020 Good morning everyone, Please don’t forget that you can contact me on the emails below. Keep