Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment in Pregnancy...•Isoniazid •Hepatitis •LFT’s should be checked prior to starting therapy •Monitor LFT’s during treatment •Pregnancy

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Page 1: Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment in Pregnancy...•Isoniazid •Hepatitis •LFT’s should be checked prior to starting therapy •Monitor LFT’s during treatment •Pregnancy




Stephanie N. Lin MD


Page 2: Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment in Pregnancy...•Isoniazid •Hepatitis •LFT’s should be checked prior to starting therapy •Monitor LFT’s during treatment •Pregnancy

Epidemiology of TB

• 9.6 million new cases in 2014

• 12% of them are in HIV positive patients

• 1.5 million deaths in 2014

• ~646 million women are infected worldwide

• Kills more women than any other infectious disease

• Can be vertically or horizontally transferred

• Spread through the air by droplets

• Pregnancy does not alter course

Page 3: Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment in Pregnancy...•Isoniazid •Hepatitis •LFT’s should be checked prior to starting therapy •Monitor LFT’s during treatment •Pregnancy

TB in the United States

Page 4: Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment in Pregnancy...•Isoniazid •Hepatitis •LFT’s should be checked prior to starting therapy •Monitor LFT’s during treatment •Pregnancy

Who is at risk?

• HIV positive patients

• Close contact with persons known or suspected to have tuberculosis

• Medical risk factors known to increase risk for disease if infected

• E.g. Immunocompromised, on TNF blockers

• Recent immigrants from TB endemic areas

• Low income

• IV Drug Use

• Alcohol addiction

• Residency in a long-term care facility (e.g. correctional institution, mental institution, nursing home)

• Health professionals working in high-risk health care facilities

Page 5: Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment in Pregnancy...•Isoniazid •Hepatitis •LFT’s should be checked prior to starting therapy •Monitor LFT’s during treatment •Pregnancy

Signs/Symptoms of Active TB

• Cough (74%)

• Weight loss (41%)

• Fever (30%)

• Malaise and fatigue (30%)

• Hemoptysis (19%)

• Abnormal CXR

• Adenopathy

• Multinodular infiltrates

• Cavitation

• Loss of volume in upper lobes

• Upper medial retraction of hilar markings

• HIV infected patients can have normal CXR

Page 6: Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment in Pregnancy...•Isoniazid •Hepatitis •LFT’s should be checked prior to starting therapy •Monitor LFT’s during treatment •Pregnancy

Extrapulmonary TB

• Occurs in 16% of cases

• Occurs in up to 60 to70% of AIDS patients with TB

• Can affect

• Lymph nodes

• Bone

• Kidneys

• Intestine

• Meninges

• Breasts

• Endometrium

• Rare in pregnancy

Page 7: Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment in Pregnancy...•Isoniazid •Hepatitis •LFT’s should be checked prior to starting therapy •Monitor LFT’s during treatment •Pregnancy

Latent TB

• Positive PPD or blood test

• Asymptomatic

• Not infectious

• Negative CXR

• Negative Sputum Cultures

• Without treatment only 5 to 10% of HIV negative patients will progress to active disease (most likely to occur within 2 years of infection)

• 50% of HIV positive patients develop active disease within 2 years of infection

• 5-10% of patients with TB who acquire HIV will develop active disease each year

Page 8: Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment in Pregnancy...•Isoniazid •Hepatitis •LFT’s should be checked prior to starting therapy •Monitor LFT’s during treatment •Pregnancy

Screening Tests

• PPD (Mantoux Tuberculin Skin test)

• Interferon-Gamma Release Assays (IGRAs)

• QuantiFERON® – TB Gold In-Tube test (QFT–GIT)

• SPOT® TB test (T–Spot)

Page 9: Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment in Pregnancy...•Isoniazid •Hepatitis •LFT’s should be checked prior to starting therapy •Monitor LFT’s during treatment •Pregnancy

PPD (Tuberculin Skin Test)

• Tuberculin injected subcutaneously

• Delayed hypersensitivity reaction

• Must be read 48 to 72 hours later

• Requires two visits

• Measure induration (not erythema)

• Positive test is induration >5 to 15 mm depending on



Page 10: Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment in Pregnancy...•Isoniazid •Hepatitis •LFT’s should be checked prior to starting therapy •Monitor LFT’s during treatment •Pregnancy

Cutoffs for Positive PPD≥ 5mm ≥ 10 mm ≥ 15 mm

HIV positive individuals Recent immigrants (< 5 years)

from high-prevalence countries

Considered positive

in anyone

Recent contact of a person with active


Injection drug users

Fibrotic changes on CXR consistent

with prior TB

Residents and employees of

high-risk congregate settings

Patients with organ transplants Mycobacteriology laboratory


Persons who are immunosuppressed

for other reasons (e.g., taking the

equivalent of >15 mg/day of

prednisone for 1 month or longer,

taking TNF-a antagonists)

Persons with clinical conditions

that place them at high risk

Children < 4 years of age

Infants, children, and

adolescents exposed to

adults in high-risk categories

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Causes of False Positive or Negative

PPDFalse Positive False Negative

Infection with non tuberculosis


Weakened immune system and

impaired cellular reactivity

Previous BCG Vaccination Recent TB infection within 8 to 10

weeks of exposure

Technical Factors

• Improper Storage

• Improper placement

• Improper Interpretation

Very old TB infection

Very young age < 6 months

Recent live virus immunization

Overwhelming TB disease

Some Viral illnesses

Technical Factors

Modified from: http://www.mayomedicallaboratories.com/articles/communique/2010/01.html

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Interferon Gamma Release Assays

• QuantiFERON® – TB Gold In-Tube test (QFT–GIT)

• SPOT® TB test (T–Spot)

• Measure immune reactivity to M. tuberculosis

• Interferon gamma released from white blood cells in patients with M. Tuberculosis infection when mixed with M. tuberculosis antigens

• Advantages

• Single blood draw

• Does not require second visit for interpretation

• Results available in 24 hours

• Prior BCG does not affect results

• Disadvantages

• Expensive

• Blood samples must be processed within 8-30 hours after collection while white blood cells are still viable

• Errors in collecting or transporting blood specimens or in running and interpreting the assay can decrease the accuracy of IGRA

Page 13: Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment in Pregnancy...•Isoniazid •Hepatitis •LFT’s should be checked prior to starting therapy •Monitor LFT’s during treatment •Pregnancy

Specificity (%) Sensitivity(%)Affected by

BCG VaccineMechanism

PPD 97* 77** Yes Measures amount of skin

induration based on

cutaneous delayed-type

hypersensitivity response to

purified protein derivative

T-SPot 93ᵼ 90ᵼ No Measures the number of

IFNᵧ producing T cells in

reaction to the antigens

ESAT-6 and CFP-10

produced by MTB and not in

the BCG vaccine

QFT–GIT 96ᵼ 70ᵼ No Measures the IFNᵧ produced

by T cells in reaction to the

antigens ESAT-6 and CFP-

10 produced by MTB, and

not in the BCG vaccine

BCG, Bacille Calmette-Guerin; ESAT-6, early secretory antien target-6; CFP-10, culture

filtrate protein 10; MTB, Mycobacterium tuberculosis; IFN, interferon

*in non-BCG vaccinated individuals **From Pai et al. ᵼFrom Lalvani et al

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Which Test to Choose


• Children < 5 years old


• Prior BCG Vaccine

• Patient who is unlikely to return for PPD reading

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Diagnostic Tests

• Culture for M. Tuberculosis

• Sputum

• Bronchoaveolar lavage

• Gastric lavage


• Urine

• Tissue biopsy

• Must be performed by experienced lab

• Negative test does not rule out infection

• Can take up to 6 to 8 weeks to get results

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BCG Vaccine

• Bacille Calmette-Guerin

• Vaccine for TB

• Live vaccine made from mycobacterium bovis

• Used to prevent childhood tuberculous meningitis and

miliary disease

• Has variable effectiveness against pulmonary TB

• Recommended for children in endemic areas

• Recommended for children exposed to active TB

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BCG Vaccine and Screening Tests

• CAN still screen with PPD

• Can cause false positive, most likely in those recently immunized

• If >10 years since BCG vaccine assume infected with TB if positive


• QuantiFERON® – TB Gold In-Tube test (QFT–GIT)

• Not affected by BCG vaccine

• SPOT® TB test (T–Spot)

• Not affected by BCG vaccine

Page 18: Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment in Pregnancy...•Isoniazid •Hepatitis •LFT’s should be checked prior to starting therapy •Monitor LFT’s during treatment •Pregnancy

Who to Screen (ACOG)

• ONLY screen women at high risk of tuberculosis• Known HIV infection

• Close contact with individuals known or suspected to have TB

• Medical risk factors known to increase risk of disease if infected

• Diabetes

• Lupus

• Cancer

• Alcoholism

• Drug Addiction

• Birth in or emigration from high-prevalence countries

• Medically underserved

• Homelessness

• Living or working in long term care facilities such as correctional institutions, mental health institutions and nursing homes

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Positive Result—Now what?

• Suspect active TB

• Chest X-ray

• Sputum culture x3

• If evidence of active TB treat during pregnancy

• Suspect latent TB

• Chest X-Ray

• Consider treatment during pregnancy in those at high risk for


• When to treat controversial in those not at high risk for conversion

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PPD Positive

(Without prior treatment)



CXR Abnormal OR

other evidence of active disease

Three morning sputum samples

For smear/culture

Positive for AFBNegative for AFB

No respiratory symptoms

Old conversion

>2 years or 1st

positive PPD

“High risk”

or conversion

within 2 years

Antepartum INH/B6 If ≤ 35 years old



If ≤ 35 years old





3 drug therapy

Modified from Creasy & Resnik

Page 21: Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment in Pregnancy...•Isoniazid •Hepatitis •LFT’s should be checked prior to starting therapy •Monitor LFT’s during treatment •Pregnancy

Standard Treatment Active TB


• Isoniazid (10mg/kg daily, up to 300mg)*

• Rifampin (10mg/kg daily, up to 600 mg)

• Ethambutol (15mg/kg daily, up to 2.5 grams)

• 3 Drug regimen x 2 months followed by INH and Rifampin x 7



• Isoniazid (10mg/kg daily, up to 300mg)*

• Rifampin (10mg/kg daily, up to 600 mg)

• Pyrazinamide (15-30mg/kg, up to 2 grams)

• Ethambutol (15mg/kg daily, up to 2.5 grams)

• 4 Drug regimen x 2 months followed by INH and Rifampin x 4


*Pyridoxine 25 to 50mg daily should be given with INH

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Treatment for Latent TB

Treatment Dosing

Isoniazid (INH) + B6 300mg INH Daily + 50 mg B6 x 9 months (Preferred)

300mg INH Daily + 50mg B6 x 6 months

900mg INH Twice weekly + 50mg B6 x 9 months*

900mg INH Twice weekly + 50mg B6 x 6 months*

Rifampin 600mg daily x 4 months

*Twice weekly therapy should be given as directly observed therapy

B6 (25mg to 50mg daily) given to prevent peripheral neuropathy, should be

given to infants of breastfeeding mothers

Modified from UptoDate

Page 23: Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment in Pregnancy...•Isoniazid •Hepatitis •LFT’s should be checked prior to starting therapy •Monitor LFT’s during treatment •Pregnancy

Drug Toxicity

• Isoniazid• Hepatitis

• LFT’s should be checked prior to starting therapy

• Monitor LFT’s during treatment

• Pregnancy increases risk of hepatotoxicity

• Screen for other Hep B, C and HIV

• Stop treatment if asymptomatic and LFT’s 5x normal

• Stop treatment if symptomatic and LFT’s 3 x normal

• Other side effects include rash and neuropsychiatric symptoms

• Peripheral neuropathy (Supplement with B6)

• Rifampin• Orange discoloration of secretions and urine

• Hepatitis, Nausea, vomiting

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Drug Toxicity (Continued)

• Ethambutol

• Optic neuritis

• Rash

• Pyrazinamide

• Hepatotoxicity

• Hyperuricemia

• Arthralgias

• Rash

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Contraindicated Drugs in Pregnancy

• Streptomycin

• Causes ototoxicity

• Kanamycin

• Auditory, vestibular and nephrotoxicity

• Amikacin

• Concern for ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity

• Capreomycin

• Teratogenic in animals

• No human data

• Fluoroquinolones

• Affects cartilage development

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Multidrug Resistant TB (MDR TB)

Extensively Drug Resistant TB (XDR TB)• MDR TB

• Resistant to INH

• Resistant to Rifampin


• Resistant to INH

• Resistant to Rifampin

• Resistant to a fluoroquinalone

• Resistant to amikacin, kanamycin or capreomycin

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• Not contraindicated if mother is being treated

• Infant of mother receiving INH should receive B6


• Breastfeeding not recommended if on Rifabutin or


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• ACOG. Guidelines for Perinatal Care. 2012


• http://www.cdc.gov/tb/publications/ltbi/treatment.htm

• http://www.cdc.gov/tb/publications/factsheets/drtb/mdrtb.htm

• http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/PDF/rr/rr5211.pdf

• http://www.cdc.gov/tb/publications/PDF/1376.pdf

• http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/pdf/rr/rr5415.pdf

• http://www.cdc.gov/tb/publications/factsheets/testing/igra.htm

• http://www.cdc.gov/tb/publications/factsheets/testing/skintesting.htm

• WHO. Global Tuberculosis Report 2015: Executive summary (http://www.who.int/tb/publications/global_report/gtbr2015_executive_summary.pdf)

• Respiratory Disease in Pregnancy. Creasy & Resnik 7th ed

• Tuberculosis in Pregnancy. UptoDate (2016)