©GlobWave 2010. All rights reserved Fabrice Collard, CLS Geoff Busswell, Logica GlobWave project applications of global satellite wave observations

TU1.L10 - Globwave and applications of global satellite wave observations

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Page 1: TU1.L10 - Globwave and applications of global satellite wave observations

©GlobWave 2010. All rights reserved

Fabrice Collard, CLS

Geoff Busswell, Logica

GlobWave project applications of global satellite wave observations

Page 2: TU1.L10 - Globwave and applications of global satellite wave observations


• ESA: Funding the project through its Data User Element Programme

• CNES: Providing co-funding and advice during the project

• Logica: Prime Contractor – responsible for all development, delivery and public outreach of GlobWave for ESA.

• Ifremer: Responsible for development of the portal, in situ database and hosting of the data and operational system

• SatOC: Responsible for the Altimeter processing, error characterisation methodologies and documentation

• CLS: Responsible for the SAR processing and error characterisation

• NOC: Responsible for the Pilot Spatial WFVS and HR-DDS

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Improve the uptake of satellite-derived wind-wave and swell data in the




User Communities

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User Group: helped ESA define scope of project

• Initial set of 35 people/organisations – current status is 45

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•Develop a GlobWave web portal o Single point of reference for satellite wave data

o Clear documentation about satellite data acquisition techniques

o Access to on-line tools, reports, cal/val info, etc.

•Provision of:o A multi-sensor set of satellite wave data in a common format and meta-data


o A set of demonstration data products

•Inter-comparison of different wave data sources o SAR and altimeter wave data error characterisation using collocated in situ


o Cross characterisation between different satellite data streams

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Exemple of Error characterisation results

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Satellite Products

• All satellite products available in a “common” L2P formato NetCDF-3o Meta-data standard is CF-1.4 compliant

• Data are available for the full archive of each satellite (released on 22nd April 2010)

• NRT data will be available within 1 hour of receipt (available in late summer)

• Future Satellite Datao Cryosat-2 – successful launch in March, 2010o Altika – due for launch at the end of 2010

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Altimeter SAR

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SAR L2P Products

•Added value compared to original L2 productoSAR Wave spectra partitioning (Methodology from Portilla et al. 2009)

oQuality estimation (in this first version one quality estimate per spectra, not per partition : that will come in the second version since it requires original L2 reprocessing )

oError characterization and calibrated values of integrated wave parameters

oAncillary information such as water depth, distance to coast, meteorological conditions, presence of ice …

•NetCDF format, easy to browse and read

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Satellite vs In Situ Matchup Database

• A satellite vs. in situ matchup database has been constructed using:oThe full archive of L2P satellite data

oAn initial set of in situ data sources from:


◦ Puertos del Estado




◦ MEDS (Aug 2010)

• Derived error statistics are beeing inserted into satellite data (to be completed by mid August 2010)

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Satellite vs Satellite Matchup Database

• Database of satellite crossovers will be produced

• Collocation criteria will be used of:o 60 kmo 1hour

• Full archives of data will be used

• Each year the new crossovers will be produced

• Differences analysed wrt wind speed and H

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Jason-1 Jason-2 Envisat








Same orbit track

Different time frames

Matchups possible

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GlobWave Diagnostic Data Set (DDS)

• Allows the following interactive inter-comparisons over fixed sites of interest:oSatellite vs. satellite

oSatellite vs. model

oModel vs. model

• Calculations are of a diagnostic nature (i.e. not based on a matchup database)

• For each parameter, various statistics can be generated (mean, min, max, standard deviation, skew, kurtois, median)

• Interactive plot generation, 2-D and 1-D plots

• Allows the request of periodic (offline) and interactive reports

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Online Tools

• Data Dissemination o FTP (browsable directories by satellite/year/day, etc.)o THREDDS/OpenDAP

• External links to 3rd party tools for: o Data searcho Data sub-settingo Visualisation

• Satellite vs. in situ query interface o Query criterion (Space/time window, etc)o Extraction in NetCDF formato Statistical and graphical displays

• HR-DDS services o Satellite and model diagnostic inter-comparisonso Statistics and visualisation

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Pilot Spatial Wave Forecast Verification Scheme

•Existing WFVS scheme:o Initiated by ECMWF and operated since 1995

o Monthly inter-comparison of in situ and model data

o12 participating Meteorological organisations

•GlobWave Pilot Spatial WFVS will extend the existing scheme:o Operate for a demonstration period of 2 years

o Allow inter-comparison of satellite and model data

o Ingest model data on a monthly basis from participating organisations

o Provide (configurable) offline reports on a monthly basis illustrating the previous months inter-comparisons

o Allow interactive inter-comparisons using the GlobWave DDS

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Demonstration Products

• GlobWave will host “demo products” which could be:oNew types of info derived from SAR/AltimetryoMerged SAR/Altimeter productsoSatellite wave retrievals augmented with model dataoAnalysis from assimilations of satellite wave data into wave models

• The initial set of demonstration products is:oHs-Tz scatterplots (SatOC)oFireworks (CLS)oSoprano (CLS)

• Win-win!oDemo products concept designed to stimulate wave

community to get involvedoGreat publicity/outreach for your organisation

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Demonstration product : Swell Source Identification

•Principle: Identify regions and time of refocusing of observed swell partitions propagated back in time following linear theory of wave propagationoFor each detected source, separated identification in space and time for

groups of long, mid and short swell.

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• Over 300 detected sources, good spreading of time of refocusing depending on wavelength:

• Any reference to the generating storm?

WavelengthTime of refocusing [hours]

(long wavelengths are taken as reference time)

Mid 5h

Short 14h

Demonstration product : Swell Source Identification

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• Comparison with Storm tracks: storms are tracked using JRA-25 model with local maximum vorticity as criteria:

- Identifies storm center: Good for tracing the storm life cycle, but can be far from region of highest winds.

- Vorticity value used as indicator on storm strength (since max wind difficult to attach to a certain storm)

Storm track from JRA-25

Track of max refocusing for all wl groups

Long WL – 8 Janv 0H

Mid WL – 8 Janv 6H

Short WL – 9 Janv 6H

Demonstration product : Swell Source Identification

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• Comparison of time of max. vorticity (≈max. strength) with time of swell generation given by refocusing:

Swell is generated after occurrence of the max. (strong winds)

Swell generation time mostly depends on the remaining fetch

WavelengthTime of refocusing [hours]

(reference time is time of max vorticity)

Long 11,5h

Mid 16,5h

Short 24h

Demonstration product : Swell Source Identification

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GlobWave Portal

•Products areaoProduct User Guide

oWave data handbook

oDemo Product Access

•Validation areaoL2P Quality Control Reports

oGlobal Wave Statistics info

•Tools area

•Workshops & events area

•Community News

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• User Group of 45 people/organisationso Spans scientific, operational and commercial user communities

o We consulted closely with participants to define user requirements

• Bi-annual Newslettero First issue distributed at the end of 2009.

o Second issue distributed during Autumn 2010

• Conference posters/presentationso WISE 2009, OceanSAR 2009, OceanObs, SeaSAR 2010, ESA Living Planet 2010, IGARSS 2010

• Hosting of demo products –help stimulate wave community

• User Consultation Meetingso 3 planned (at end of each phase), allows us to gather feedback

o 1st UCM was held at Ifremer on 29th, 30th April 2010

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• Started in Jan 2009o Started with Requirements Baseline and Technical Specification (published 2009)o All delayed mode GlobWave data available via ftp o Final version of portalo Producing Pilot Spatial WFVS Reportso Initial demo productso Satellite-satellite inter-comparisons for archived products (July 2010)o MDB for archived satellite and in situ data (July 2010)o NRT data will be available via ftp (August 2010)

• Due early 2011o Wave Data Handbooko Updates of Inter-comparisonso Online tools for query of MDB.

• End of Project - early 2012 -> transfer from ESA to EU GMES services ?

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