■t w i VOLUMK.K, NUMIiEli l.)L>. • F im r flmiavF^ SAYm is Tribesmen Outnumbered OpponenU in Clash Near Damascus, Scene of. Re> cent Bombardment, But French Put Stop to What Appeared* ^Icncwal ^ of H ostilities. 1.0.M10.V. Fri'iirli nrfll- Icrr. flrrordliifr (» .[rnJ^li Itrniili KKt'ncy rcjmrlN. Iuih i-Iiiik- ' cd Uic Ddviiiir<‘ of Srrliiii ItiniirK- rnlB nlld ncK nimiRK n b|on In Ihl' dlrnctlna uf DnmnHriix. All tnifflR III i>iini<ri<cii!< »jix rr- portwl Kiinnpiidi'i}. witli mIhijm duHrd nnd liilinltllniilM ilH-lnit ns llii> rliMid iifrn'^r trmilili' Imtcnil III Uil* vlrlnl!)’ of llu- div itlilrli IrhI monlli.niiH iKitmiln! Iiy I'n'iicl) Kallnn}’ MTrici* lii'twrrn l>ii. DiBACiiK llllll Ilnlfii Is liilcrniiiti‘(l. W.NOQ.V. Nov. S.—Tlio JoniMnli'm corr«Bpoiiilunl of tlio Juwlnh liilu- Krniih {iRniicy r«l>onod tmlii}- Hint Syrliin robol*.' cinj nKlilliiK tlio Kronch on tlm nlopen of Moiml Hor- inoii nnd nt Kl Kiiiirltlnili to lUu boutliwoflC oC UiimiiKCtin. Tllo Druno Irlliwiiiioii. It wii/i tn- dlcnlcd ll}-' tho dculrtictUin ot u rnll lino south o( UnimuicuK, nru iiliniiij; . ilt otlncklni: DmiiiincuH. In view o( tliln tli(piil (o tlio i;lty npcclnl durcniilTC moves ncc liclnc miulo nl Dnniiiscun nml roliifflrri'- nicnlH arc bi'liiK .hnntciicd from llcl- . rut. Dnlly Mnll mlvlcon from Uamn«cii:i iiuppnrtcd llw rcporiii to. tlui Drunun’ InliniloiiH. dcclnrltiK tlml HOOO of Uio trlbenmon uiv mnUIUz- liiK only 15 mlim nouUi of Dniium- cu«. Tho Kroiwh woro roportoil no IncMnir In troopn thni thoy triuil (o Conncrlpl Kurdii nml olbcrn »» do* fendorti or tho cliV. ' Tho Mall corroBiMiidunt lold ot eo* InR by trnln to Dulrut. under tlio ck- cort of n Iinnd ot briKnndii now In Rowrnmont- iutf: - llo iilcturo.1 nn “uncontrolftblo hplrlt of robolllon" throiiRhoul thu eouniry. Monntimo. tho MomlnR pont roprc- ROnlntlvo In Dnmnxcun cnlilrd Ihnt thero hod been flKhthiK on tlin rim of DninnnciiB bclwvcn tbo Krencli nnd n Imnd of DriiKoa nnd rebcU. Ar- tillery wnn cnlli-d Into ptny nnd wbllo tho rrniillii of llio nctlon woro nol known clu;irly In l)niiin«cun. ll UHH rnlnti'd lluil no <meni)' clcinuntti r->ind_ci]torcd llui clly. "frnlni ini'KinrCTnf 10 llu- KxclmnKo TclcKrapli clnlnltd tlio Kronch nrc liropnrinx u piinltlvo .AXitrdlllon iiKRllint tlis rcbcln \vlioi>o raului-juiii. KrowlnR conAtnnlly throuRli tho (id> iicrencc of rofuKflon. • ------------------------ \ . House of David Wins Legal Fight . ..ST. JOSKPM. Midi.. Nov. C—Tlir ' llouxr of David loiliiy. Nlnndn torlml' cally vlndlcgIi-d In Uh tlnn,000 lilnrk- m nllBuir nKnlnnt Jerome w. n.miiiiin. " 70 yoar old ntlornoy .ot SI. Jo«iipli. I)y nsrpfnicnl of Jury an<l roim*d. a do- fcnsp offer to nmko b Hclilpmniil of hIx ceniB waa ncccplcd by. tho cnll Inlo yonlcrdo)'. Robbins won nccunoil of connplrlnR wllh Ihtf iBte J biucii a. Push, former commodoro of tlic CbicaRO Yachl club, lo extort 15.000 from Iho Ijouho of David hy offorinc to tjunnh ndvcrnt* miRallon In wlilcb tJie cult cbnrKod Robbinn wa* norvlns nn ntlorney for • former raombern.of tbo.houeo. SOTKI»‘ ACTOR NEAR DEATIT. ' A.N.V JUnOOIl. MJcU-. Nov. 5.— Itopn for tbo complolo recovery of ^ Ohauncey Otcott. noted lri»lr uelor; • Btrlckcn—with - n- ■c«npllcnllon..of ; tionrt-si)d kidney trouble-aC a Uo**. : pllnl bore, w u virtually abnndnnt-<l ‘ loday by hls jitiysicinii. Dr. >'re<l L. Arner ot Ann Arbor. | "Mr. •Olcolt'B condition todny Is * critical.''^ Dr. Arner declared. ^ LUXlM^ I mSFORGERi . 1 —^ ( nUnois. YoBog WoxDU F»c«s t Obeck Charges io Denvar | B«nlt Pasdng String Worth. , - less Papers Amotmtiiig to , 9460AB. DENVKH. Colo.. Nor. C.—A child nf luxury, oecordlne to her ilorr. J _____^Mni. Jack Darratt 21. dauehter of » ^------W '"Bieker"irD«»iorria.r*tthT7n>b; > ably b« c&armd wiUi tontsry her« I today. * It waa not Jaiz. movie* or iria that drove her frflra ber hom*. made her t marry * man for whom »^e ear«! t fiothloc. the oay«. but U waa tbe c atrlct parttanlim ot her pareata. a Urn. 0*rr«tl and her bnaband wrr« arrMted beri.Testerdoy cbareed with t paaalnc worthies* .cbfdu to tbe i amount 'bt fllO.lK - Mr*. Dnrrett i aar* Bbe UR Chleaso w ith' aervral * "C*af*- pf check p M tn . ___ t N Fi “.>il\i;i» ILlTlllNti- IIIIK.VKS , IT riinirii fdi .i . owdUs ^V001)\VAU1J. Oliln.. Nov. 5- ".Mlxod imllilliK" tlii'onti'iih to (onr uhiiiidi'r ttur ccuiKri'callon uf Ibo Wdljdvmrfl IJnpiliii cliurcb. — nccnu«otnr-iinf!ton-KiT7->Vr-A— I'lti-. IniiliitH on iMillvliliiiil inibllr nKiocnii'nt ot n roFotutlcm vciivinc , _ Ibnt "I will UOI imrtlcUiiilo in dniio ll Inc. cnnt plnyliiK or inixrd Imili- \ ; Imk." mul di']ui;ii-(I n Oi'ni'im of lio yrarn ntnmlliiK in llio oburilt iih VJ, woll nil oiiNtln): Ibo wife of ib-^ ■1 oluiroli'H Jlrjit iMHlor bc.iuitio liioy retuBod ndliiTonoo, tlio oom:ri.-i;n- ' Ilon ban nliniuil com.! to ibo purl- ed InK of tlio wnyn, .-On uml- «ido nr.i IllO oldor iiiomboiii of tbo ohiircli, ’wllllo on tlio otb'or nnt tbo yoiinuiT *e- followoni nllKiicd with Mr. I'lte. 5 ‘BABY MARKET’ IS UNDER HRE ' Cindnnnti Authorities Investi- gate Charges of Railroad Firc- muH That Wife Bought In. ' rants' from Humane Socicty. ! CINftlNNATI, 01,1,1 . N„v, r-(.'oii- I, vliicc-d lliul u hiiby miirlcoi Ih floni- InbloK bolwoi'ii (’-|iu:|linntl uud CovIiik- ...... nuilinrllloM lodny licunn nn InvoHllcniion of rlinrjion liy TbDiiiiin II. SuiniU'In, rnlli'oud tlrruuin, lluit Mlii ,j,, wIfciiouKbt tliroo l.nl.li-R from Ibo Krn- jji. Ion county buiiiano nocli'ly, CovIiik- inl ' iiainOolH iK Hiiinx for divorro. cluiri:-' ,1. InK hln wlto inlHreproiiontnl Ibu-clill- tlron nn iiin. ilc lold liiii ntory In )Iii- tnonllc rolniionn rourt lirrr, .Mrn. .‘^nmiicln. whi n <iiiontionod. nnld ,11 iibo boiiKlii Ibo clilldrrn from Ibc I’o- ,,,. cloiy. llll! priPoH bolnit rcKulnlod by Ihr nKo or llir Intniil. Dcnini Ibnl ibi< ly clilldrrn woro .lold w.m.mndo t:y .Mrn.' Cnnlto Mayor, proballon offiror uf tlio ,,,. norloly rflu. cIr. Inro.I Iho bnl.... I wcro ,[. rrlr.iiird lo Mt«, •Snniiiclii on iuobn- tion. , Judge Refuses to jj; Quash Death Trial Jo Npm.KSVii.i.i:. ind,. Nov. B.—Ho- u. ftniio ntlorncyn In lb« innrdrr. trlnl of I), C. Stephonnon. Karl Klcnck Q. nnd Knr| Ocntry todny Io*l n ro- nowpd nllompt to tnko tho cnno from i„ tbo hnndn of tbn Jury. Kloyd ChrUtiun, , ono ot tho do* tonxii coiinnvl filed ncimralo inntlona for cnch detondnnl- anklnR thc JuiIro to Innirnct tho jury to find tho n, ihriK' men not Bullly ot tho murdor ot MndRit ObvrhnllEer. JndRO SpnrkB .], promptly ovorrulod each moitCn. r- ------------------------- Id JIKAVY ItAI.NS CAr.'lK ro .Mltl’.NTAlN T li MIIYJ: iH J.0NI)0.\. .Nov. Ii.—Heavy rninH in WaicH rauiicd n mountain at Troe- so dyrhwfunch to movo, liRMklnc n rc wnlrr mnln nlid 'culIInK ott iho v.n- m Ivr nupply nf iituro than 100,000 In- :ii. ii^J.UnniB of Iho Ubynmoy v;illty. i- Meantime n clirck on tbo ciuiunHloK of thc flood In. tlio Conwny vnlloy nliowK lhal IG nro dond or mlniilni;. “juRYlmis : IC I HIHMBEGIIE-: ; DEATH CASE: . ' Moft Veniremen Aro-Excluded ^ rt So Far in Trial of OfiloriMio,! r Doctor Who Is Charged with J Slaying Crippled Daughter.. . I.ITTI.ETbN. Colo!. .Nov. 5-T he lo- ' illoiis tank of pickins a Jury wiu. con,- -• ilnuloR In court here today In the trial ; of Dr. Arnold Ulaxtr for nlnylnl hi* ; 3! T»r-oM-4«l««Jlc-Ji»£lU£r_!i!Si ,f T«bru#rr. ------------- . - — - - The atalo wJIT be allowed 13 more t challenRei of Jnrymen and tbo de- c [a fenao U. U Is Iwlleved .the 12 men r who are to decide tbe fate ot tho • co«nlr7 doctor will not b« cho»ca b»- fore late loday. Most of the 300 men nummoned In Ibe jury call ani-turmetti or Jaborera from the cily or counirr«lde. It will be up to Ibem to decide.'<to addlUon k to the aasllr of Olaxer. the aocolUlcal f queallon as lo the rUhi et a doctor i to Uko tba me ot • hopeless cripple. Tbe alory of how the doctor cared for hi* belpl<^ daUKhter for year*, denlwl iS blmaeir all Ibe picaures ot lUe and • then wbeo be jfrew old. decided to re- 7 41*ve bor of her aufferlat* and prf- '■ vent h tr frora beconjins a atate cbari:" 0 will be told them. The defenae will attempt to conrinco.tbe Jurr this was a Justifiable tnd lesal act. d Out of 17 proapertlve Jurywen gu»* •. tlooed by defease aod aUle attoraer*. i( two war* dlaquallfled on crouadi tber - hail-townad.optnlonft_conc<P»1ni,bIUi e lag~6r'tt-gWtflH»-CTlppte.-- <m e^ rw - sUted be bellered It JuslltUblB. t It U said by tbe ^lefeaae tbat Mt- r eral all^nUt* will be broutbt here lo a teitlty. probably as to Uie poMlWllty e of a tn«t> bocomlne temporarily In- aane. A Tbe elrV Hazel Initrlt Dialer, waa tl bora normal aad at ihe axe of six e weeka took lafaaUi* paralyala. Sbt 1 waa ao affeetrd by Ibe dlse»« tbal * 1 she deTeioped ll(U« meoially aad onl/ pbyilcally as to sUe from tbat Itme. ^ \TT.S TWIN FALLS, •PLOnOtL ^-USSOLINI- I .FRO^RAIE tro All Masonic Orders Place Under Military and Un tarlan Socialist Units Oi ' dered Disbanded; Forme Deputy Held By Police fo Death Threat Which Wa Planned Yesterday. U j ItOMi:. .Nov. r>- Tlio liollo' l<><l:iy / ' luicti'il (llfy lind illHriuoiril u jilo( ( nlioor I'rcuiirr Muniiollul. l''<.ltiiwlii eH . IllO lilKCOVury of Ibo iilol, ,MniiHolln ordered nll Mnrimlr lii<ti;.'i< in bo c<o oil....... by llio uilllinry na<l im ^ ln i noelnllat puny Ki hr <llr>bniic|r./^ , .Muiinollnl ail lon.lor <.f ilir ,n-oi:.i of Ilnlybiin broil In e.iutllrl for »imr 1)11- llm r wlMi tb<' ,Uiuiialr lo,l;;.':i and Iia 111- -ilrfllred Ilirlr oHiiilnatluii, SniijirinrUii IlK- o f.Ib o norliilliilM ii; In llm- ivllli Mi nn policy of iiwoo|i|iiK nnlilr ii|i|>i>nllloM lilin ilo linH iwilil torro uiih .rlulil wlioi bill ni'crniinry tor llir ..................-ut <i rn- Idrnln, Tb<r ra:irln!l anil llir Manoiii IlK- nrr rriinrlrd rvcently Io Imvo liml nov I'inl clniibrn. Tbo nllompi lo kill Ilir promli'rwu: ><■* lo linvo'brdi inadi'd yinlrrdnv diirliii Munmnmrir PiiiM'cIi in rolrlitiillon oi IllO AuHlrn-itnilnii iiinilnih'o. J"' Tbo iiollor Imvr laljrn InK. riuon.l) , C n man niimr.i Znnlln.nl, llo wan n.j/. , ' 0.1 lu n holel nrar llio Imlrnny f/iii wblri; ......... oiinl mmko.. Tlil.i w / ,.I nlno n-clorl., Iwo lnmin bi'foi.-' llu incinlrr n|>rioniu-l on ilir l.ftler.ny ttlilcii Wfl:i In a dlircl linr wllli /,a:i' llionl'i. wiM.Icivv. Za'nibonf Itml nrrivrd nl I'lio .lioin nt nix n, in. iiut liail roclnlor'd tiiuloi annllirr nnmo, . liivoiiil::iiiliiii..ii'.vpli<l tlinl n uinn In a innjoi'i/ uiiirovin liml O’* orrlved no bin ilPHcrl|illoii luliii'd wllli Ihnl ot tbo man nnuKlil by ilir otfle- )c- orn. Ihey noiiclil him mil iinilliclil liliii. Inl ^nnlbonl wan'nblo lo niver libi niovi- ck mcnla xomcwbat by llio tan iliiii, im ro- Armlntlce dny ho could wear Ibo iml- im form wlihont excliliiK luniplolon. wlillr nppearlns lo be only onr of ibn Krcn? lo- thronK ot wnr vilornun nmirmblxl lo na hear tbc prcnilor'n drrlnrnilonf, RO 1— 1: ----------- s^TRAINMENTO ' V ASK INCREASE in _____ a OoRcroI Chnirmon of WcBtcm a- Enilway Employees W ill Dc. }\: mand 7 Per Oent Moro.Wagca '(Ik of Bail^oad Labor Board. oy --------- Iff. CHICAGO. Nov. B-fionnrnl r.bnlr- men rc[>rcnontini; trainmen ami con- diiclora on wcnirrn rnllroad» hnvn declrlod lo nnk the rnlli-ond Inb^r bonrd tor a nevcn per ceni Incroanr In wacon II WBB made knnwn tndny followinR n two dny conforfncc liw*. Tbp InrrenBC would rrnloro Ibe |icnk. ■wnr lime nrnlo. KxIrUuk atrcomonln 'ttctv iii'ii thl' 'rafl ■wiiihrrn*‘nnd * thi.' compnnira expire h^rrmlwr HI, E Doclnlon of llm'ecnornl chairmen of tho wentorn rondn will be placcd Iwtore Iho nnuthcrn chnlrmen'n meet- Inn In WanhlnKlon on November 10. and the oiiBtern cbalrmcn'B incellnR In Cleveland November 17. Drhtberhoo<l officlAls teol timt Ihelr , decision will bo cntloricd al Uicne lO.meetlnrn. Atlcr nctlon by r\li three Ql' Imdlen Iho dvmnndit will im prcncnteii to the rnllrond.labor board, ^ 11'AIX'.HTttKKT TRAUl.Ht!........... - 0^. SllATrKlt.S Al.l, UKCOKD.S al ---------- I* NKWY0IIK.N0V. 6-Tr*<tlnRontho al New York stock exchanKc In ihc firnl . lia ir jW rty tori5iPd:ioi;S«>fH»hBrwij,»hat- rc terinir all previous rwb'rilfi 'for' Ihc e- openinc half hour, Tlu* tape wan Icn ;n mlnule*-boblndi actual irantnclloBS. ,0 ------------------- ;---------------- ^------------------ .MITCHI In •__________________ III V' I. . ~ II ck Villiiim^&niebcU,' iitora] ^ ttefAn> a board .of .military im xini the army uul n a ^ Qytng corps. I DAI] S, IDAHO, THURSDAY. I Mexican Promoter Asks Detention of Jack Dempsey ■r,\Ml'H'0. ,M..\|,„, ,\nv, M:1I1I1, I ____ n bx'nl iii-Jit mMjii.H'. l. ha.i .L.J.-. oi:nijilioil l!ie aul liiirlllo:i :i< \ i iu<> l^il'o.l<), .Moxloii, III .Irlalh ,Lii ^ |i< llltl ..oy. .tinr,-;li.K l>..|;itnoy |„.„|... n n„|. • r \ Irncl II) ii|.[.r:ir nl Tanit>k'. au.l i.- llinj n ti'M ....... . i:u;iiaiiii... * ' i!lva;<, who Iial.l mil ........ ..... Ur tiroimralli.n to. 11 , iiiiv;..y :: i,|ii>,..,i lini-o. Ilhltll lluil |li||||>rir\ I... IIIIIII.I ..VOI' U. 'raiil|....i-:ii.lliiirlli.ii. II.- .... iirriH Ibal thr /^lll..rlr;ul i'liaini.|.>u i.ni- } o.-o.I.-il novlhu;ii'I aii..r au .-\hlM:i..ii •ced )„ .M„i,i,.roy T.u^.lny iil,:hl, Jni- --------- ITALY’S DEBT . PLAN SECRET Funding Comtniasion of Tlint Nn. vlll,:' tion Confers with U. S. Com. llilnl mittee Behind Closed Doors on [”'• Loan Problem of $2,000,000. WASiilNCTDN. -V..V, r. ......... Iiillli..-i: or (hr .\mi.|l.aii an.l llall:'ii ilolii riiiiimlnnlouti in. f h i m . i . i ! h; - fii r:;r„ .................................. . , , ‘iKoilaiti.nn for miiiHh,; |t„|,'.. uno war ol.llmilli..i, i:v.'ry mov,. r »liv.>ulr.l In it<-.i...'v iiiKl no Ihrorina- r ............. .............. ............................ Tiir oxll'oulit c.ntiflDii li. .li|c Inr;;nil 1.1 Ihr r.'coiinfillm.' ot Ibo |.-rin.li- Ain.Tlran ................... . , '",7 Olio luil.-ouiiii.iiinr ..a.l. In.n ........... ‘ Ainerlran nn.l linll.ui b...ll...i In <in> .'u.i.i'lii>: .'apn.'liy i.> i<ny wlille ih.- n ..- ; OII'I ................ ... Mu' InflrJI.ly , 'JT' iii(.r.M'<.ui[>l."( Mai.-'f. i'iiK.t.toiii. It v,:ri , f"] l.’.arii...l. Tliiu .•niall;i a .-.ui.i.l-.Io n r- '.i'‘ konim: ot llnllun il..i'um.'nln ‘an.l , Aiuriliau tlciin;., | rCHICAGaNOW | i ‘DRY CAPITAL’: .Mil. . , on Anti-Saloon Lcapruo of America n Opens Convention in Center of ’i Mc.'^t Notorious Booze Opera- lo tions for F^ve Duy Bossioa. i n ilfA tiO . .Vov. r.-T h .' f.iri'ir* ..t pi'.llill.lll.ui II.n\.-u.-d In t'birni;.> lo- i i .lay In tli.- r:i..;.l.-..l rally f.ir l.iiiiirr- \ anor nnd i.i.l^tlrly lu tho lilntui'y <.t ili.' nntluii. ■ r i Appro\luia1-ly ri.don rnisadom f.u-. kM I>volilli|1l0ii rill..t'l llll.l lit.' oily tl.iin^ llniiui r.inv..nllnii of Ibo nnll-S.tl.HUi |1.eaKiio ..f Anierl.-a. I'lill.-.l Sliil..;i ^ em nior" KovVrn” n','^'vn.;l.'.bo'ix ^ l.u.'.l'n.'.’n-i Dc.:men anil prol.ll.lllon ..nliiiinlhi.iirfioui ffos'n'l wn"' ' "f''- rubbr.l ..llwiw,. In hotrl l.ibl.li-;., anil n.nvontioii hoad- i|unrl..rn. "Tho riubi tfir iirolilbllinti ban Jnnl Ilr- bCKIin. Tlu- riKhlrrtilh .nnir;li<linrml ■ ' nn- nnd the Voli.i.'nil nrt nrc only (hr flmt » uv.. niepn. Our ii.'Xl bnlllo In lo porrorl' ^ nrd ..nforcmenl and promolo olmervniic.'. “ con Thc flindi of onr firnl vlrt.iry nin»l nol '' InR 'roniili lu .Irui.plni; ilio fli^lii lo . ib.' nk "T b ’r*r w .'ir Ibo hli.cnnii broa.lrnM (<l from r.nivi'iill'ui liond.iuarlrr.''. K.irlj'l hoolloBK.'r:!, I.ror' runii.Tn. niroliol ‘’1 nicrcbnniH nml Kimm.'n. l<.-eomrH Ihr ci Ipli rnpimr- of llie ■■.utiilry. P' ?n Rupert Man Is f, Guilty Bank Robbery jj] rne j.| rec imPi:'llT. Nnv, n—Jobn W. Punn. ot ted Riiperl, ycntrrdny wan ronvirt.-d In i; dlnlrlcl courl here ot linvliii; nl.Ird lu tbe r in i Nnllnnni Hank or Mlnl.lokn robtiory November T. 1^21. an.l will l.r i\«jnronrr.I iB'.i'r IUIb wrek. II wan an- t, IW nounco.l todny. Si Alhort l-JncRirom nlrcndy In Brrvlnc U; ho A lonK-ltcrin nonte'nce in Ibr ntnii' ci rnl prison for tlio robbery .tmd n tbird tl; at> mMv-wh<t-{unlclpato<i;till.l9 at..Ursc. ci he Tli'6~lrIo obtained aiiii wblle flro- it: cn Ins ODXBceil In a runnlnK pluiol flRlit cc with cl'-lzenn. , rr iELL BEEpJ^GOURT-M. ^'4axcr'^t^ at Itml officem on trtil for'ntatemwU a ............... ___________________________ LY T , N O V E M B E R .'j. „COMiWL I fLlG-LAUS-! I IN AMERICA Secretary H o o v e r ’s Spccial Committee Rccommends Government Regulation of Aviation and 'Reports Othcr_ Nations Outdoing} 'T U. S. in Airplnne Develop-, i li menl. , | 11. r., xuv. r.. 'Tn. Tlu- ir.ilt.d Slal.-... I.-. l.,.)u;; ..ul-.ll:-- ,IH. laui-i'.l III .l0U.|i.|im..Ul ot ...iiiiiiirl- rial Iivlnlli.n by alt .illu r luii.orlaiit , liall.in.. .Ii.;.ill1o th.. fuel that r.m.ll- ll«n:. lii-i.- ;.io 111.- mum favoral.l.. In Ih.- luiri.l t.ir :<U(.|| .|.-v..|iipiurnl. III- S.-ei-..lary of C.imm.-.-.-o H.i..v.-i'i. ;.,i >.f.-..>i.l .................. .>11 aviall.ni I..- t’"M.-'l 1."lav tlirii III,. t<.Milh> «r Ib.. .-iiiiimlll..,’-,. ,.K iimnlbr. tnv..i.iii:.i- jll-ui ..I avlnlL.u all ..v.'.- It... world . ia,iil.. |>iil.li<- Io,Liy ....iilaln...l l...-i.in. 'I ni. n.lall.in:. f..r wltli.lraivi.l tnini i;..v n .riiuti'nl t'.'rilrlpalliui In uon-ruilt- n lary llytni;. mi.I i a.i air mnll.' ....... .. Ibilimrul .If a liur..aii .if rlvll a..r.>- Ji l!n;!'''1,.!".!!iilnn''’’' f o r r «!:vrrnm':-n'i fi I'- proKiam ..f oi.-oprrntion an.l nl.I t.i !■ III.- ti'lvaii- .............. ImlUMiry. -I "■ A lil';!ilv iiiillml»lr -vli-w of tbo lllllir.. ol ^'.\lii..||,-an nvliiM.ui »v.i:i V laJ,.n. II..- r..]ir.il i.aylni: " i Il.i .. In ......... cl.nilil 11;.,t iiMl<.r i-nilly favonilil.' a< !'•' r.i-,1.llli.III.; Ih. i;r.-al..nl, jH.t,r'll.lilll..:i ll will I... |-..,,|l....|,'- .S1;,lo .......... . li >'l aiitliorl/lu:: illiri. ..> iir.tniri' li|UillUi: I’ 11.- Mitip.iri ..r'lli.., i.riiKraiil wa.'. n rt- I- f.’.l I1i... iij:I. ................. . .it ii. avi;,tion liiv.|.iiuoui» and uu..llH.'.l .'i ....... Tlir ’ K.ix.'rnm.'Ul w w;i:i I.n|>..,| Ul niiiti,- nvallaltl.- lln . > .......... i vrnll.iii whlrh liaa h.-rn aj.iU'ov.'.l l.y m.»,i ot llir lni|u.rlant iiatloiin. wn» ca Hlii:;:i.M...I an <iii limn.-.llato imroni.lty, of TIrt!. r.inv..ntlon ri'.-.iunl«..a ilio ox- I'luiilvr h.i\orelKniy «v»r Iho nir •' I.I...VO It an.l pnivl.loK tor Inierna- tliHial -alr rules, ? CHURCH iiE r^ - DN10Nsecedes : r‘! U n it of BapUst Dciiotninutioij '•I Quits ns Rcauit of Cltnr^es of ,,, Conapirncy in FundumenuHsm. t,i' Modernism Figlit. I’l rilI(!At10. Nov. .'•.-Th.' lumlai.,011- _ lnllnm-mo.h'1-nl.-.in <'onli-iiv..rny i.xiay I broiiKbl lb.‘ flmt .(..rinlln br.'Bk lii'llir rnnkn ot llu- Ilaplbil churrli. nrcun.l f ,, InrKCBi prolriitant dpnomliiniliui In ,1 Amorlra- CliarsluK tlial IIi.tp 1» ii •'l{.>rlirf.'l- lor-Ko-.lU-l; ronnpirncy to iloinlnalo ihr ,1 |<l.-noinlnntliiu nnd to nlinpr.lln inli.- ,r|iilonnj-y tiollry," lh- ilnpllnl bil.l.- iin- l.Mi nniio'inced I'or.'.sslon ti.un ili.' ,1 oiiurch orKaniazU.m:' Tn.fninm ntnti — (. cnrry on lln nilmlonnry work indo- p..|idenl nr Iho ehureh, "riilH action crown out or thr ncllon of tho norilirrn ilnptint ronvention at , Hratllr In rejrctinn n resolullon In- £ tended lo r.-rnll mmlernlBt mission- IF nrloH trom ilio torol»;n field.” an offl- ' clBl nlnlcmcni trom tho union <lc- clnrcd. ,t --------------- -—— " IJtlVKHMUt H>I1T.T rr,:.T I “• ni'N ai; ai .\. I.s hemei ' i --------- to. '■ NKW VORK. Nov. fl.-Denpllo re- Cr • ti-ut .prolciitntlon» ot Governor.“Al“ cr Smilli acnlmii contlnulnR in offlco At Gi: K UiP end ot iiln prenenl torm. demo* ©( I' criitlc lendnm toilay wcro confident oy. d thalHie.acBln would make tho xub* rvi V crnalorl«l_raco in orderao auporviso ! - the chnnsen pfovliled~Th tbt! new Ml t conntltuilonni amcndmcnU which tbo fot , voiem p.tnned on Tuesday.__________ No M A RTIA L- . S ■^ _ ual I'le su th. tw bu ..’i ■1, ~ »n i sit extm ae rist>t, as h‘e' appe'aj^ w. A attaekins thr adminijilthitU»n of £ po _______ ' _____.*____ —— ac riM E j I Al.l ii,'[,^v% llll.'. o r •Jiiiiriv vs iiM iv iir.-s \ »i()iiii; I \i! I j . -.Mi'M, 1.1, \..v r -t-u j ■"i ■'riWu”TT:ri~rrTr,-—,i'-,;,ii',',m,-,inT.'- - 1 1 1 ^ 1 . ■n Dll Mi.l.lfi. ;.li..<.>; l;il!.<l -I-ii .I mI. ts ---------^ --------------------------------------------- .“SSINGLETRACK I LINES scored ; l! ' ‘Truiit Order” Sy.itcni in C.a.SL'sJ 11 of Un8.itisfactory Block SIk-I nnls. Source of Much Danger j and Diiinstcr on Ouo Line ii. Rcail:i, lUimrl S;iy:i, ^ .1 ' WA.<lilM;i<).\; I. I-, '...> .% '■ ti lu i'r '\.''‘!!al'i..i,i''lor> ''hl'il’i!''' >.u'u;’ .l I- ...inlpiii. iir ...... .-.•.ii.llifnu-.l lu a I.- .- in.rl .if nil :.<.-|.li.|il on ili.- Ii.,n\..| ;| *;• Hl.1 i:rn!ul.. \\•..^l..rn lalli.ia.I u.'ar o 'i:.r“i."e' \-.'''.:ui:.V'-;'''o..uuu''^''t'r ‘i'.'.'- 0 ............... .. u.-i... l.lll. .I .............Wl J''' n ......... Ki........ Ill II..- I,....I ..u ............ . j.; .. a.|...tilal.. hh.il.' :l;-.ll;i'l i.^^l..I1l' h..’ii 1'' :i In ll:.. Ilir ari'hl.nl i.ruhahly w..uhl t 111.. ..r ..f(ii.|j,l.i I., fnfor.-.- .iil..:i i-.i.v- 1 ..niliii;. lh.- iian.lllU); <.r Main ..i.t. rs ‘ Death Follows in ' Tijuana GamingV.il : ' ll.t SAN ltIKi:0,'ral,. Nov. T,.- A win- b; nrr at Tljiiniia camtilini: labl..i.. ; beiil.'n an.l roblir.l i,pd ihr.iwn Into ''"i . tlm Mexirnn Jull an liitoxlcaled wh.-n 'n^ . r.-iiily br wan luiconn.-loiiH trcuii a fia<.-lni..d nkull. l.'ll uviTiiltlil wiib- w.i nut Kllrnllon nmi Ib.'n nenl lo n Snn ln> lli.'Ko hoMidlal whrn b.' falb'd Ki I.u ^ '-..oh..r IIJ..- l.ln .1.1.1b f.illowliiR. wan In. Ibo hiory til.'ci'il, l.'):.'ih..r lo.lay by Iia- liiv..:,ll-4nlor.i of 111.- all<-::.-.l uiiir.l.-r l.li: of T. M, N, Cr.irKo, l...ll..\..l I..-br lia- I a w..|illliy Allaiil.i, »Ia.. ... Il.m .halrr, .Mr , ti.'on:.. .Ilr.l tr^.m "lark »f Imuio- poi I dial.- uii>.ll..al ii1l..till..>i," III.. au1o].tiy m.' ....... ................. . '-y. I nM:,sii)i:>’i'iAi. a. si iim m s i>. - WASIilNCTd.V, ,N.iv. -^..-i.-laiy at 11....V. I- nn.l ....... I 'r .:.[.l.-nt Daw. .; »ltl Iu . • he ........ ror-lb.- r.'tuihll.nii |>i.-.- ht. iilTat ui.iniuatTnii in M':s-. ..I AIRPtANE IS I PACKED FOR i HUNGtHRIPg 'O- liin Explorers Will Ship Plane to Heart of New Guinea Where It Will Be Used in Explora. m.iI tioil of Wilds and to Terrify Ibn Pygmies Men Will Study. • ;|;'- SAN 1.-IL\N<.-|SI'0. N.iv. - l-'iv.- .... n today lolled oicr a i,.-w alt plan.- at ,. . CrlBBcy flcM hcfo. .Ilnmaiilllnp: nnvl * •“ crailnc It for Bblpmcni lo Dutch N.'»v Guinea, wJiero ihe “pin bond" pycmh-n j. o( that distant iiile wil! n .i'll In tlUlit , oyer land wboro no niich machlnu bnn e>'er liean. ,i,m Matthew W. Sllrllnc. explorer, and ^ liffpruw- are pfeiiartnc-«hr-t*irnlano for tho ioox ocean voyar:.- nlim.l. On November 21 the pariy will null trom San Franclnco alrfiar.l tb.' Iln-i- I'l.-^- ___ Ident Vnn nurrn: IlrM.le.i Siirllu;:. ' who Is a Unlv'eriiily of Callfornls cmn. iiate. aod wa* tor tonr };eum flHSlnl- »vi ant curator U Ihe SmlllisnDlan Instl. V\ tutlOR. tbe expMjItlon will include; It. 1 J K. reck. Sl. Peteoiburc. Fla., motion picture cameraman aad second plloi: Stanley A Hedbofir. f2>lc*Kn. hUlor- lan: IL II, iloyle. Nrw York, pilot, an.l A. I-:, llamer. troifax. Iowa, moclianip nn»lTrllet pilot, ' The all-metal plane wan flown fmm Xw Chlcaco. , 4 “Former cxpo.!lilonn into Dutch New * Guinea hnve been foroH to turn t>Brk * hy disease and bontile nailvrs," I’cck J naid. 'Oul wllh an airplane, we ex- pect to ouupeod the *erma and territy ji the aavaccs. ' uQ ‘-Sllrllnc and I rre ftnanclns tbo ai | party. Ke Is the only acientlst la tbe u,« bunch. I'm colne. alone beeauM I ua ^nlAka-plctttrrs and Iltc lo_gtl^ut spo and tnivel............ T? /OB "Our main camp win be •atablbb- Oti ed near tbe mouth of ihr Tiy rlrer.~ te . I^eck continued. *^ut well loeatt an- .i other aear tbe baso .of a aenntalo ch> raase ninnlos Ibe Icnsth of Ui« .U* Jtst land, ia tbe vletaliy ot wb«r« w« «x> igls peel te find tbe atnugw-pTfitr neaa. i We expect to spend ,tbr*» m«Uha but tber«. nytas lalaad and laadlag, wbtra lo poaalbl^ to.KK ^oalatcd wldi tba at«i aaum a»d tlwo.- ,, - S IDAHO WI’ATIir.R OLD VOL. XIH. NO. 55. -il-lNilRi ON LIOOOR Dou{ilus D enies W ith Heat ) That He Charged That Lui(jhton Sold Booze; Sheriff Uses “Short and I Uf^Iy Term" About An- I ' olh.ri- Rumor; M ayor , Pi-aisL-s Police. / ....... . lie.l ..r n nnnibrr'.it . I arr Id ernir. »«•- r.irdinu to fbr oxpli'lhos ncnt J l.arU nn.l f.irib by «llnrssi-H nnd '’ I -.Ii.-oinlnr' nl Iho I.... .. In .Ihn r- ...................... iri IhlH mnriiinu ro* rl L-ni-dlni: Ib.- liiiunr •.llnnll'.n in •lulu liilN.« r.itinolimnii T. J. Ii..ni.-:a-. I.riiii.li'd ......... . nx ! a 11.-. ..ml Mi.'riff .11. V.. niiril i ii|.|.ll..,l III.- Miuio rjillhrl In un- .itb.'i-. N.-llhor i*n» nn Iho »lund ! >,1 lb.' llnil'. Al Ihu cliiKC of ii rnlli.'r i-M'illnu' ^e>s[lm. Ihr In. iiuMlli.ii ndjhiirni'd until lomnc* r.»> ...... ' ..W li.u .-lil.'f Ilalpb K, U'iRlilon '■ wa:i ..:tlh--l Ibll. mi.riiluR In loll whal • h>. bail l.i-ai.l liom \arl.ulH people. ' h.- ni.l ..tii.itii: ..ilirr ibli<K>i Ihnl l|o Iia.I I...I..I 11^.I .M i . tl<iui;la.> nald lu< u... ... tl„- U'or... "Tlial la a-|l0.’' '! ....... I .M' ......... .. "Wll.l told you ; ih.ii ;..a I' ... ...Ito.- J, w. Tny- I t'.IUi ll''- ri.''-i' ' 'ii-'" n" llo ‘ miy* - ll.ll,," :.ii.l I)..iii‘ .Ia:> In lower lonc. ' K.-.-alh.K ,M:-. D.unila:. wn« Jinked , «l.:,l I..- Im.l i-aM, II.. .|.-elnrril tlilit . ' ■ 1... I.ihl 111.- iiro.K-iJ.ir Uul iluuor «a-. t..iu'; ial..u riiiiu ib.i i-lty hnll ‘ Uf I.. .M..I1I.';; pl.i..- nncl it.ild und lll .l ill. |.. Ii..;. .l l..-lthlcin liiu.w ll. I.' i:-.il'<ii, III ^-Oi'ill.llliiu;. nabi b" iK'nril ..II-- nuii.ir lllll a .t.-t.uly ^h.'^llf•^r^nl^ -li.Ill'll ha.i I'.xn.' I...I'O hmlilni; for L.l.tn i:. I'li.l loiin.l III.' nli.-rllt KlvlnR II.t.ioi to 111.- mnu-liunlrrn. •'TllBl ' ' ti; a l|>'," l.al.I Ihr nb.-llll, who, how- ' L'ver, nppll...I llie epithoi lo tho por- [ l.on elii-nlallnK >bo rumor rntbor lluin lo tbr eblef. ^ "I am il.'ivloil 10 .lentil nt tho wtiy Ibv ]><illc.' .itriccni nru enfurc- Inc l»ir-ln«." t'nid Mnyor-K. I- Adl- ' l.lll. ulii-u bo look Ihu Bland, at tho tiKliil.'ltliui here Ihln mumlnc. "1 IiaM- in-aril niiuurn unlll the olr U 1.111..-' li« r.uitliiui'd. "and tho pollco . luik.. bi'ou biixy runnlne thoni down. .Mr. ll.iUKlan oaiu.. to me with ro- piiriii anil I ai.k.-d blm to brine tho in..n who madi- thrm lo my otflco. MI Ibal 1 roiilii look llieni in tbo ..y.-. l.lll b r <11(1 n o t. Mr. DonBlaii In al.a.dnt.'ly iM.nenl, b n t' Iin Jump* lit riiii('lii::l()n» In.m roixirlH nnd bo- li.».-:i iii.-n niilliy wlihuul proof." '•\Vli..|i wr ba.I tbu InvrntlRUtlon l.t III., ll.tnor al ibc< elty hull, and i«.. eaiian .11.1 not burn readily. Mr. Jjoiulas ;:abl lhal hu could drink all that waa In llicin without nettlnff Urunl.. Tliey nnnlyted about 25 per rent iilrobul. Junt u llttlo below tbo u'urnKu f.ir moonnhlne. I beard so many roportn nnd rumorn wltbout proof tbnl I lut them Ro'ln one cap an.l .nil ot tho other. Mr. Wort- h.iiiKbi'V nahl iiomcihinc lo mo nbout ni;:lii poll, .man Roliy loo ottea to "rtI.o'il' .M'..nthiiicit ^ u c ld rtit. Ahkeii II hu Imd huum -flf inO' Hi-'----------- ■..Reel laktnK nwio' of a JUB 0( liquor* iiy lil[;l.'y, July 4. Mayor Asbtoa aald Him ni>out tho lime ot thb 'beoso l.umiiiR nl thu city ball. Baed bad, . mn.le Humc remarks to the eftect-tbat Ilisley hn.l nnld BomctblnB about M.illlr l>olnc entitled to part' of tbo Ihiiior bcM-iiuiK! sho bnd tipped ott tt.r ..rllr.^^•.. Anhed It ho had;Bono III lll.l:-.- lo nvold n rubpoena; .tbo Iiiayi.r Kal.l tbal bo had first lonmetl ..r tbr inv.'Mlnutloa from n Twlq F.illii lll^p.'ltch. in an ovcAlns'paper nnylRR tbnt one bitd beon callod. rininn Xlsnndmtoo4 . ...................... Chnrles 1’. .W&rUbau«bflr. ..nlxbt ______ munuser al.lhe Perrtiw. said .ibat lUiunrllman UoURlaa bad errod la quoiinB blm In bla tcaUmoay jrcs- . tunluy. Ho nnld tbat ho knew aotb- liirr' eterrr n-perie-end- beersay—Ue------------ hoanl Inlk nmund from H lffem l pi-«lilr bul cuuld nol recall a&r <Contlnued oa pac* S) •> PRlESiSll,. I BAm m ? i _____ A . Two Ameiican • feet Escape from Ohlnaee M if'.-W ® asds At mght asd BMiclTSv. Amcrieaa Otafbeati • HONO KONO, NOT. 5J-*~lhiiir4Bj^ UQ in aaMkiaK out of a baatfQ V U -' at alsbt wblle tb«lr.n4>da.A^^i| th«a awtmmlar to a- i«a<o* itoat-J^. .'•/v ‘ .•:v tuaately w^tta!^ i'., o 5 i S t a « i S ! 5 ^ S S ? 5 r ^ ^ q C . -> \ te A. Haqathiiibillt -n» 8t= Tlw'prHBta, w |rii<I»8*|*BEyM e g^-ss^sas a ^ a a a i l

TT.S LY T - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · arrMted beri.Testerdoy cbareed with t ... f queallon as lo the rUhi et a doctor i to Uko tba

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Page 1: TT.S LY T - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · arrMted beri.Testerdoy cbareed with t ... f queallon as lo the rUhi et a doctor i to Uko tba

■t w iVOLUMK.K, N U M IiE li l.)L>. •

F i m r

— flm ia v F ^

SAY m i sT r i b e s m e n O u t n u m b e r e d

O p p o n e n U i n C l a s h N e a r D a m a s c u s , S c e n e o f . R e >

• c e n t B o m b a r d m e n t , B u t F r e n c h P u t S t o p t o W h a t A p p e a r e d * ^ I c n c w a l o f H o s t i l i t i e s .

1.0.M10.V. Fri'iirli nrfll-Ic rr. flrrordliifr (» .[rnJ^li Itrniili KKt'ncy rcjmrlN. Iuih i-Iiiik-

' cd Uic Ddviiiir<‘ o f S rrliiii ItiniirK- rnlB n lld n c K nimiRK n b |o n In Ihl' dlrnctlna uf DnmnHriix.

All tnifflR III i>iini<ri<cii!< »jix rr- portw l Kiinnpiidi'i}. witli mIhijm duH rd nnd liilinltllniilM ilH-lnit ns llii> rliMid iifrn '^ r trmilili' Im tcn il III Uil* vlrlnl!)’ of llu- d iv itlilrli IrhI monlli.niiH iKitmiln! Iiy I'n'iicl)

Kallnn}’ MTrici* lii 'tw rrn l>ii. DiBACiiK llllll Ilnlfii Is liilcrn iiiti‘(l.

W.NOQ.V. Nov. S.—Tlio JoniMnli'm corr«Bpoiiilunl of tlio Juwlnh liilu- Krniih {iRniicy r«l>onod tmlii}- Hint Syrliin robol*.' cinj nKlilliiK tlio Kronch on tlm nlopen of Moiml Hor- inoii nnd nt Kl K iiiirltlnili to lUu boutliwoflC oC UiimiiKCtin.

Tllo Druno Irlliwiiiioii. It wii/i tn- dlcnlcd ll}-' tho dculrtictUin o t u rnll lino south o( UnimuicuK, nru iiliniiij;

. ilt otlncklni: DmiiiincuH.In view o( tliln tli(piil (o tlio i;lty

npcclnl durcniilTC moves ncc liclnc miulo n l Dnniiiscun nml roliifflrri'- nicnlH a rc bi'liiK .hnntciicd from llcl-

. rut.Dnlly Mnll mlvlcon from Uamn«cii:i

iiuppnrtcd llw rcporiii n» to. tlui Drunun’ InliniloiiH. dcclnrltiK tlm l HOOO of Uio trlbenmon u iv mnUIUz- liiK only 15 mlim nouUi of Dniium- cu«. Tho Kroiwh woro roportoil no IncMnir In troopn th n i thoy triuil (o Conncrlpl Kurdii nml olbcrn »» do* fendorti or tho cliV. '

Tho Mall corroBiMiidunt lold o t eo* InR by trn ln to D ulrut. under tlio ck- c o rt o f n Iinnd o t briKnndii now In Row rnm ont- iutf: - l lo iilcturo.1 nn “ uncontrolftblo hp lrlt of robolllon" throiiRhoul thu eouniry.

Monntimo. tho MomlnR pont roprc- ROnlntlvo In Dnmnxcun cnlilrd Ihnt thero hod been flKhthiK on tlin rim of DninnnciiB bclwvcn tbo Krencli nnd n Imnd of DriiKoa nnd rebcU. A r­tillery wnn cnlli-d Into ptny nnd wbllo tho rrniillii o f llio nctlon woro n o l know n clu;irly In l)niiin«cun. ll UHH rnlnti'd lluil no <meni)' clcinuntti

r->ind_ci]torcd llui clly."frnlni ini'KinrCTnf 10 llu- KxclmnKo

TclcKrapli c lnlnltd tlio Kronch nrc liropnrinx u piinltlvo .AXitrdlllon iiKRllint tlis rcbcln \vlioi>o raului-juiii. KrowlnR conAtnnlly throuRli tho (id> iicrencc of rofuKflon. •

------------------------ \

. House of DavidWins Legal Fight

. ..ST. JOSKPM. Midi.. Nov. C—T lir ' l louxr o f David loiliiy. Nlnndn to rlm l' cally vlndlcgIi-d In Uh t ln n ,000 lilnrk- m n llB u ir nKnlnnt Jerom e w . n.miiiiin. " 70 yoar old ntlornoy .ot SI. Jo«iipli. I)y n srp fn icn l of Jury an<l ro im *d . a do- fcnsp offer to nmko b Hclilpmniil of hIx ceniB waa ncccplcd by. tho cnll Inlo yonlcrdo)'.

Robbins won nccunoil of connplrlnR w llh Ihtf iBte J biucii a . Push , form er commodoro of tlic CbicaRO Y achl club, lo e x tort 15.000 from Iho Ijouho of David hy offorinc to tjunnh ndvcrnt* m iR allon In wlilcb tJie c u lt cbnrKod Robbinn wa* norvlns nn n tlo rney for

• form er raombern.of tbo.houeo.


Itopn for tbo complolo recovery of Ohauncey Otcott. noted lri» lr uelor; •

— Btrlckcn—w ith - n - ■ c«npllcnllon..of ;t io n rt-s i)d kidney tro u b le -a C a Uo**. : pllnl bore, w u virtua lly abnndnnt-<l ‘ loday by hls jitiysicinii. Dr. >'re<l L. A rner o t Ann A rbor. |

"Mr. •Olcolt'B condition todny Is * critical.''^ Dr. A rner declared. ^

LUXlM^ Im S F O R G E R i

■ . 1 — ^ (

n U n o is . Y o B o g W oxD U F » c « s t O b ec k C h a rg e s i o D e n v a r | B « n l t P a s d n g S t r i n g W o r th . ,

- le ss P a p e rs A m o tm tiiig t o , 9460AB. •

DENVKH. Colo.. N or. C.—A child n f luxury, oecordlne to h e r i lo r r . J

_____^Mni. Ja ck D a r ra tt 21. daueh te r of »^------W '" B ie k e r" i rD « » io r r ia .r* tth T 7 n > b ; >

ably b« c&armd wiUi to n ts ry her« I today. *

I t waa not Ja iz. movie* o r iria tha t drove h e r frflra b e r hom*. made h e r t m arry * man for whom »^e ea r« ! t f iothloc. th e oay«. b u t U waa tbe c a trlc t pa rttan lim o t h e r pareata . a

Urn. 0 * rr« tl and h e r bnaband w rr« a rrM ted be ri.T este rdoy c bareed w ith t paaalnc w orthies* . c b f d u to tb e i am ount 'b t f llO .lK - Mr*. D nrrett i

■ aar* Bbe U R Chleaso w i th ' aervra l * " C * a f* - pf check p M t n . ___ t

N F i“.> il\i;i» IL lT lllN ti- IIIIK.VKS

, I T r i i n i r i i f d i .i .o w d Us

^V001)\VAU1J. Oliln.. Nov. 5 - ".Mlxod imllilliK" tlii'onti'iih to (onr uhiiiidi'r ttur ccuiKri'callon uf Ibo Wdljdvmrfl IJnpiliii cliurcb.

— nccnu«otnr-iinf!ton-K iT7->V r-A — I'lti-. IniiliitH on iMillvliliiiil inibllr nKiocnii'nt o t n roFotutlcm vciivinc

, _ Ibnt "I will UOI imrtlcUiiilo in dniio l l Inc. cnn t plnyliiK or inixrd Imili- \ ; Imk." mul di']ui;ii-(I n Oi'ni'im of lio

yrarn ntnmlliiK in llio oburilt iih V J , woll nil oiiNtln): Ibo wife of ib-^

■1 oluiroli'H Jlrjit iMHlor bc.iuitio liioy retuBod ndliiTonoo, tlio oom:ri.-i;n-

' Ilon ban nliniuil com.! to ibo purl­e d InK of tlio wnyn, .-On uml- «ido nr.i

IllO oldor iiiomboiii o f tbo ohiircli, ’wllllo on tlio otb'or nnt tbo yoiinuiT

*e- followoni nllKiicd with Mr. I'lte.


' C indnnnti A uthorities Investi­ga te Charges o f R ailroad F irc- muH T hat W ife Bought In .

' rants' from H um ane Socicty.

! CINftlNNATI, 01,1,1. N„v, r -( .'o ii- I, vliicc-d lliul u hiiby miirlcoi Ih floni-

InbloK bolwoi'ii (’-|iu:|linntl uud CovIiik-...... nuilinrllloM lodny licunn nnInvoHllcniion of rlinrjion liy TbDiiiiin II. SuiniU'In, rnlli'oud tlrruuin, lluit Mlii

,j,, wIfciiouKbt tliroo l.nl.li-R from Ibo Krn- jji. Ion county buiiiano nocli'ly, CovIiik- inl ' iiainOolH iK Hiiinx for divorro. cluiri:-' ,1. InK hln wlto inlHreproiiontnl Ibu-clill-

tlron nn iiin. ilc lold liiii ntory In )Iii- tnonllc rolniionn ro u rt lirrr,

.Mrn. .‘ nmiicln. whi n <iiiontionod. nnld ,11 iibo boiiKlii Ibo clilldrrn from Ibc I’o- ,,,. cloiy. llll! priPoH bolnit rcKulnlod by

Ihr nKo or llir Intniil. Dcnini Ibnl ibi< ly clilldrrn woro .lold w.m.mndo t:y .Mrn.'

Cnnlto Mayor, proballon offiror uf tlio,,,. norloly rflu. cIr. Inro.I Iho bnl.... I wcro,[. rrlr.iiird lo Mt«, •Snniiiclii on iuobn- ■ tion. ■ , ■

Judge Refuses to jj; Quash Death TrialJo N pm .K SV ii.i.i:. ind,. Nov. B.—Ho- u. ftniio ntlorncyn In lb« innrdrr. trlnl

of I), C. Stephonnon. Karl Klcnck Q. nnd Knr| O cntry todny Io*l n ro-

nowpd nllom pt to tnko tho cnno from i„ tbo hnndn of tbn Jury.

Kloyd ChrUtiun, , ono o t tho do* tonxii coiinnvl filed ncimralo inntlona for cnch detondnnl- anklnR thc JuiIro to Innirnct tho ju ry to find tho

n, ihriK' men no t Bullly o t tho m urdor ot MndRit ObvrhnllEer. JndRO SpnrkB

.], prom ptly ovorrulod each moitCn.r- -------------------------Id JIKAVY ItAI.NS CAr.'lK ro .Mltl’.NTAlN T li MIIYJ:

iH J.0N I)0.\. .Nov. Ii.—Heavy rninH in WaicH rauiicd n m ountain a t T ro e-

so dyrhwfunch to movo, liRMklnc n rc w nlrr mnln nlid 'culIInK o tt iho v.n- m Ivr nupply nf iituro than 100,000 In- :ii. ii^J.UnniB of Iho Ubynmoy v;illty. i - Meantime n clirck on tbo ciuiunHloK

of thc flood In. tlio Conwny vnlloy nliowK lhal IG nro dond o r mlniilni;.

“ju R Y lm is :IC • I


— ■ . ' M oft Venirem en A ro -E x c lu d ed

rt So F a r in T ria l o f OfiloriMio,! r Doctor W ho Is Charged w ith J

S laying C rippled Daughter..

. I.ITTI.ETbN . Colo!. .Nov. 5 - T h e lo- ' illoiis tank of p ickins a Jury wiu. con,-

-• ilnuloR In court here today In the tria l ; of Dr. Arnold U lax tr fo r nlnylnl hi*; 3 ! T » r -o M -4 « l« « J lc -J i» £ lU £ r_ !i!S i,f T «bru#rr. ------------- . - — - -

The atalo wJIT be allowed 13 more t challenRei of Jnrym en and tbo de- c

[a fenao U . U Is Iwlleved .the 12 men r who a re to decide tbe fate o t tho • co«nlr7 doctor will no t b« cho»ca b»- fore la te loday.

Most o f th e 300 men nummoned In Ibe ju ry call an i-tu rm etti o r Jaborera from th e c ily o r counirr«lde. I t will be up to Ibem to decide.'<to addlUon

k to the a a s l l r of Olaxer. the aocolUlcal f queallon as lo the rU h i e t a doctor i to U ko tb a m e o t • hopeless cripple.

Tbe a lo ry of how the doctor cared for hi* be lp l< ^ daUKhter fo r year*, denlwl

iS blm aeir a ll Ibe p ic a u r e s o t lUe and • then wbeo b e jfrew old. decided to re- 7 41*ve b o r o f h e r aufferla t* and p rf- '■ vent h t r frora beconjins a atate cbari:"0 will be told them . T he defenae will

attem pt to con rinco .tbe J u r r this was a Justifiable tn d le sa l act.

d O ut o f 17 proapertlve Juryw en gu» *•. tlooed by defease aod aU le a tto rae r* . i( tw o war* dlaquallfled on c ro u a d i tb e r - hail-townad.optnlonft_conc<P»1ni,bIUi • e lag~6r'tt-gWtflH»-CTlppte.-- <me r w -

sU ted be bellered It JuslltUblB. t I t U said by tbe ^lefeaae tb a t M t- r e ra l all^nUt* will be b ro u tb t he re lo a te itlty . probably as to Uie poMlWllty e of a tn«t> bocomlne tem porarily In-

aane.A Tbe e lrV Hazel Initrlt D ialer, waa tl bo ra norm al a ad a t ih e axe of six e weeka took lafaaU i* paralyala. S b t1 waa ao a ffee trd by Ibe d ls e » « tb a l * 1 she deTeioped ll(U« m eoially aad o n l/

pbyilcally as to sU e from tb a t Itme. ^



^-USSOLINI-I .FRO^RAIEtro A l l M a s o n i c O r d e r s P l a c e

U n d e r M i l i t a r y a n d U n t a r l a n S o c i a l i s t U n i t s O i

' d e r e d D i s b a n d e d ; F o r m e D e p u t y H e l d B y P o l i c e f o D e a t h T h r e a t W h i c h W a P l a n n e d Y e s t e r d a y .

U j ItOMi:. .Nov. r>- Tlio liollo' l<><l:iy / ' luicti'il (llfy lind illHriuoiril u jilo( ( nlioor I 'rcu iirr Muniiollul. l''<.ltiiwlii

eH . IllO lilKCOVury of Ibo iilol, ,MniiHolln ordered nll Mnrimlr lii<ti;.'i< in bo c<ooil....... by llio uilllinry na<l i m ^ l n inoelnllat puny Ki hr <llr>bniic|r./^ ,

.Muiinollnl ail lon.lor <.f ilir ,n-oi:.i of I ln lyb iin broil In e.iutllrl for »imr

1)11- llm r wlMi tb<' ,Uiuiialr lo,l;;.':i and Iia 111- -ilrfllred Ilirlr oHiiilnatluii, SniijirinrUii IlK- o f.Ib o norliilliilM ii; In llm- ivllli Mi nn policy of iiwoo|i|iiK nnlilr ii|i|>i>nllloM

lilin ilo linH iwilil torro uiih .rlulil wlioibill ni'crniinry to r llir ..................-ut <irn- Idrnln, Tb<r ra:irln!l anil llir Manoiii IlK- n r r rriin rlrd rvcently Io Imvo liml nov

I'inl clniibrn.Tbo nllompi lo kill Ilir promli'rwu:

><■* lo linv o 'b rd i inadi'd yinlrrdnv diirliii Munmnmrir PiiiM'cIi in rolrlitiillon oi IllO AuHlrn-itnilnii iiinilnih'o.

J " ' Tbo iiollor Imvr laljrn InK. riuon.l) , C n man niimr.i Znnlln.nl, llo wan n .j/. , ' 0.1 lu n holel n rar llio Imlrnny f / i i i

wblri; ......... oiinl mmko.. Tlil.i w / ,.Inlno n-clorl., Iwo lnmin b i'fo i.- ' llu in c in lrr n|>rioniu-l on ilir l.ftler.ny ttlilcii Wfl:i In a d lirc l lin r wllli /,a:i' llionl'i. wiM.Icivv.

Za'nibonf Itml nrrivrd nl I'lio .lioin nt nix n, in. iiut liail roclnlor'd tiiuloi ann llirr nnmo, . liivoiiil::iiiliiii..ii'.vpli<l tlinl n uinn In a innjoi'i/ uiiirovin liml

O’* orrlved no bin ilPHcrl|illoii luliii'd wllli Ihnl o t tbo man nnuKlil by ilir otfle-

)c- orn. Ihey noiiclil him mil iinilliclil liliii. Inl ^nnlbonl w an'nblo lo n iver libi niovi- ck m cnla xomcwbat by llio ta n iliiii, im ro- Armlntlce dny ho could w ear Ibo iml- im form w lihont excliliiK luniplolon. wlillr

nppearlns lo be only on r of ibn Krcn? lo- thronK ot wnr vilornun nmirmblxl lo na hear tbc prcnilor'n drrlnrnilonf,RO — 1— 1:-----------


a O oRcroI Chnirm on o f W cB tcm a- E n ilw a y E m ployees W ill D c. }\: m a n d 7 P e r O ent M o ro .W a g c a '(Ik o f B a il^ o a d L a b o r B o a rd .oy ---------Iff. CHICAGO. Nov. B-fionnrnl r.bnlr-

men rc[>rcnontini; trainmen ami con- diiclora on w cnirrn rnllroad» hnvn declrlod lo nnk the rnlli-ond Inb^r bonrd to r a nevcn p e r ceni Incroanr In waconII WBB made knnwn tndny followinR n two dny conforfncc liw*.

Tbp InrrenBC would rrnloro Ibe |icnk. ■wnr lime nrnlo. KxIrUuk atrcom onln 'ttctv i ii'ii th l' 'ra fl ■wiiih r rn*‘nnd * t hi.' compnnira expire h^rrm lw r HI,

E Doclnlon of llm 'ecnorn l chairmen of tho wentorn rondn will be placcd Iwtore Iho nnuthcrn chnlrmen'n meet- Inn In WanhlnKlon on November 10. and the oiiBtern cbalrmcn'B incellnR In Cleveland November 17.

Drhtberhoo<l officlAls teol tim t Ihelr , decision will bo cntloricd al Uicne lO .m eetlnrn . A tlcr nctlon by r\li th ree Ql' Imdlen Iho dvmnndit will im prcncnteii

to the rnllrond.labor board,

^ 11'AIX'.HTttKKT T R A U l.H t!........... -0 . SllATrKlt.S Al.l, UKCOKD.Sal ---------- •I* NKW Y0IIK.N0V. 6 -T r*< tlnR onthoal New York stock exchanKc In ihc firnl

. lia ir jW rty tori5iPd:ioi;S«>fH»hBrwij,»hat-rc terin ir a ll previous rwb'rilfi 'f o r ' Ihce- openinc half hour, Tlu* tape wan Icn;n m lnule*-boblndi actual irantnclloBS.,0 ------------------- ;---------------- ^------------------

.MITCHIIn •__________________


• V'

I . . ~

II ck V illiiim ^ & n ie b cU ,' i i t o ra ]^ ttefAn> a b o a rd .o f .m il ita ry im x i n i

t h e a rm y uu l n a ^ Q y tn g c o rp s .


Mexican Promoter Asks Detention of

Jack Dempsey■r,\M l'H '0. ,M ..\|,„, ,\nv, M:1I1I1, I

____ n bx'nl iii-Jit mMjii.H'. l. ha.i .L.J.-.oi:nijilioil l!ie aul liiirlllo:i :i< \ i iu<> l^il'o.l<), .Moxloii, III .Irlalh ,Lii ^ |i< llltl ..oy. .tinr,-;li.K l>..|;itnoy |„.„|... n n „ |.

• r \ Irncl II) ii|.[.r:ir nl Tanit>k'. au.l i .-llinj n ti'M ....... . i:u;iiaiiii...

* ' i!lva;<, who Iial.l mil ........ ..... Urtiroimralli.n to. 11, iiiiv;..y :: i,|ii>,..,ilini-o. Ilhltll lluil |li||||>rir\ I... IIIIIII.I..VOI' U. 'ra iil|....i-:ii.lliiirlli.ii. II.- ....iirriH Ibal th r /^lll..rlr;ul i'liaini.|.>u i.ni-

} o.-o.I.-il novlhu;ii'I a ii..r au .-\hlM:i..ii • c e d )„ .M„i,i,.roy T .u^.lny iil,:hl,Jn i- — ---------


F unding Comtniasion of Tlint Nn. vlll,:' tion Confers w ith U. S. Com. llilnl m ittee Behind Closed D oors on

[”'• Loan Problem of $2,000,000.

WASiilNCTDN. -V..V, r. .........Iiillli..-i: o r (h r .\m i.|l.a ii an.l llall:'ii ilolii riiiiimlnnlouti in. f h i m . i . i !h ; -fii r:;r„ .................................. .

, , ‘ iKoilaiti.nn for m iiiHh,; | t „ | , '. .uno war ol.llmilli..i, i:v .'ry mov,.

’ r »liv.>ulr.l In it<-.i...'v iiiKl no Ihrorina-

r ............. .............. ............................T iir oxll'oulit c.ntiflDii li. .li|c Inr;;nil

1.1 Ih r r . 'c o iin f illm .' o t Ibo |.-rin.li-A in.Tlran ................... . ,

'" ,7 Olio luil.-ouiiii.iiinr ..a .l. In .n ...........‘ A inerlran nn.l linll.ui b...ll...i In <in>

.'u.i.i'lii>: .'apn.'liy i.> i<ny wlille ih.- n . .- ;OII'I ................ ... Mu' In flrJI.ly ,

'JT' iii(.r.M'<.ui[>l."( M ai.-'f. i'iiK.t.toiii. It v,:ri , f " ] l.’.arii...l. Tliiu .•niall;i a .-.ui.i.l-.Io n r - ■ ' . i ' ‘ konim: o t llnllun il..i'um.'nln ‘ an.l ,

A iu riliau tlc iin ;., |

rCHICAGaNOW | i ‘DRY CAPITAL’ :.Mil. . ,

on A nti-Saloon Lcapruo o f A m erica n Opens Convention in C enter of ’i Mc.'^t N otorious Booze Opera-

lo tions fo r F^ve Duy Bossioa. i

n i l f A tiO . .Vov. r .-T h . ' f.iri'ir* ..t pi'.llill.lll.ui II.n\.-u.-d In t'birni;.> lo- i

i .lay In tli.- r:i..;.l.-..l rally f.ir l.ii iiirr- \ anor nnd i.i.l^tlrly lu tho lilntui'y <.t ili.' nntluii.

■ r i A ppro\luia1-ly ri.don rn isadom f.u-. kM I>volilli|1l0ii rill..t'l llll.l lit.' oily tl.iin^

llniiui r.inv..nllnii o f Ibo nnll-S.tl.HUi |1.eaKiio ..f Anierl.-a. I'lill.-.l Sliil..;i ^

em nior" KovVrn” n','^'vn.;l.'.bo'ix l.u.'.l'n.'.’n-i Dc.:men anil prol.ll.lllon ..nliiiinlhi.iirfioui ffos'n 'l wn"' ' "f''- rubbr.l ..llwiw,. In “ hotrl l.ibl.li-;., anil n.nvontioii hoad-

i|unrl..rn."Tho riubi tfir iirolilbllinti ban Jnnl

Ilr- bCKIin. Tlu- riK hlrrtilh .nnir;li<linrml ■' nn- nnd the Voli.i.'nil n r t nrc only (h r flm t » uv.. niepn. Our ii.'Xl bnlllo In lo porrorl' ^ nrd ..n fo rcm en l and promolo olmervniic.'. “ con Thc flindi of onr firnl v lrt.iry nin»l nol ' ' InR 'roniili lu .Irui.plni; ilio fli^lii lo . ib.'

nk " T b ’r*r w .'ir Ibo hli.cnnii broa.lrnM (<l from r.nivi'iill'ui liond.iuarlrr.''. K.irlj'l

hoolloBK.'r:!, I .ro r ' runii.Tn. niroliol ‘’1 nicrcbnniH nml Kimm.'n. l<.-eomrH Ihr ci

Ipli rnpim r- of llie ■■.utiilry. P'

?n Rupert Man Is ■ f,Guilty Bank Robbery jj]

rne j.|rec im P i:'llT . Nnv, n—Jobn W. Punn . ot ted Riiperl, ycntrrdny wan ronvirt.-d In i;

dlnlrlcl courl here o t linvliii; nl.Ird lu tbe r i n i Nnllnnni Hank or Mlnl.lokn robtiory November T. 1^21. an.l will l.r

” i\«jnronrr.I iB'.i'r IUIb wrek. II wan an- t , IW nounco.l todny. Si

Alhort l-JncRirom nlrcndy In Brrvlnc U; ho A lonK-ltcrin nonte'nce in Ib r ntnii' ci rnl p rison fo r tlio robbery .tmd n tbird tl; at> mM v-wh<t-{unlclpato<i;till.l9 a t..U rsc . ci he Tli'6~lrIo obtained aiiii wblle flro- it: cn In s ODXBceil In a runnlnK pluiol flRlit cc

w ith cl'-lzenn. , rr


^ ' 4 a x c r ' ^ t ^ a t I tm l officem on t r t i l fo r 'n ta te m w U a

■ ............... ___________________________

LY T, N O V E M B E R .'j.


S e c r e t a r y H o o v e r ’s S p c c i a l C o m m i t t e e R c c o m m e n d s G o v e r n m e n t R e g u l a t i o n o f A v i a t i o n a n d 'R e p o r t s O th c r _ N a t i o n s O u t d o i n g }

' T U . S . in A i r p l n n e D e v e l o p - , i l i m e n l . , |

11. r . , xuv. r..'Tn. Tlu- ir.ilt.d Slal.-... I.-. l.,.)u;; ..ul-.ll:-- ,IH. laui-i'.l III .l0U.|i.|im..Ul ot ...iiiiiiirl-

rial Iivlnlli.n by a lt .illu r luii.orlaiit , liall.in.. .Ii.;.ill1o th.. fuel tha t r.m .ll- ll«n:. lii-i.- ;.io 111.- mum favoral.l.. In Ih.- luiri.l t.ir :<U(.|| .|.-v..|iipiurnl. ’

III- S.-ei-..lary of C.imm.-.-.-o H.i..v.-i'i.;.,i >.f.-..>i.l .................. .>11 aviall.ni I..-

t’"M.-'l 1."lav tlirii III,. t<.Milh> «r Ib.. .-iiiiimlll..,’-,. ,.K iimnlbr. tnv..i.iii:.i-

jll-ui ..I avlnlL.u all ..v.'.- It... world . ia,iil.. |>iil.li<- Io,Liy ....iilaln...l l...-i.in. 'I

ni. n.lall.in:. f..r wltli.lraivi.l tn in i i ; ..v n .riiu ti'n l t'.'rilrlpalliui In uon-ruilt- nla ry llytni;. mi. I i a.i air m n ll . '....... ..Ibilimrul .If a liur..aii .if rlv ll a..r.>- Ji

l!n;!'''1 ,.!".!!iilnn''’’' f o r r «!:vrrnm':-n'i fiI'- proKiam ..f oi.-oprrntion an.l nl.I t.i !■

III.- ti'lvaii- .............. ImlUMiry. -I"■ A lil';!ilv iiiillml»lr -vli-w of tbo

lllllir.. ol ^'.\lii..||,-an nvliiM.ui »v.i:i VlaJ,.n . II..- r..]ir.il i.aylni: " i Il .i .. In .........cl.nilil 11;.,t iiMl<.r i-nilly favonilil.' a<

!'•' r.i-,1.llli.III.; Ih. i;r.-al..nl, jH.t,r'll.lilll..:i llwill I... |-..,,|l....|,'- .S1;,lo .......... . li

>'l aiitliorl/lu:: illiri. ..> iir.tniri' li|UillUi: I’

11.- Mitip.iri ..r'lli.., i.riiKraiil wa.'. n r t - I-f.’.l I1i. . . iij:I. ................. . .it ii.avi;,tion liiv.|.iiuoui» and uu..llH.'.l .'i....... T lir ’ K.ix.'rnm.'Ul ww;i:i I.n|>..,| Ul niiiti,- nvallaltl.- lln .

> ..........i

vrnll.iii whlrh liaa h.-rn aj.iU'ov.'.l l.y m.»,i o t llir ln i|u .rlant iiatloiin. wn»

ca Hlii:;:i.M...I an <iii limn.-.llato imroni.lty, o f TIrt!. r.inv..ntlon ri'.-.iunl«..a ilio ox-

I'luiilvr h.i\orelKniy «v»r Iho n ir •' “ I.I...VO It an.l pnivl.loK to r Inierna-

tliHial -a lr rules,

? CHURCH i i E r ^ - DN10Ns e c e d e s :

r‘! U n i t o f B apU st D ciio tn in u tio ij '•I Q u its ns R c au it o f C ltn r^ e s o f ,,,

C onap irncy in F u n d u m e n u H s m . t,i' M o d e rn ism F ig l i t . I’l

rilI(!A t10 . Nov. .'•.-Th.' lum lai.,011- _ lnllnm-mo.h'1-nl.-.in <'onli-iiv..rny i.xiay I broiiKbl lb.‘ flmt .(..rinlln br.'Bk lii 'll ir rnnkn o t llu- Ilaplbil churrli. nrcun.l f

,, InrKCBi prolriitant dpnomliiniliui In ,1 Amorlra-

CliarsluK tlial IIi .tp 1» ii •'l{.>rlirf.'l- lor-Ko-.lU-l; ronnpirncy to iloinlnalo ih r

,1 |<l.-noinlnntliiu nnd to n lin p r.lln inli.- ,r|iilonnj-y tiollry," lh - ilnpllnl bil.l.- iin-

l.Mi nniio'inced I'or.'.sslon ti.un ili.',1 oiiurch orKaniazU.m:' T n .f n in m n tn t i — (. cnrry on lln nilmlonnry w ork indo-

p..|idenl nr Iho ehureh,"riilH action crown out or th r ncllon

of tho norilirrn ilnptint ronvention a t , H ra tllr In rejrctinn n resolullon In- £

tended lo r.-rnll mmlernlBt mission- IF nrloH trom ilio torol»;n field.” an offl- ' clBl nlnlcmcni trom tho union <lc-

clnrcd.,t --------------- -— —" IJtlVKHMUt H>I1T.T rr,:.T I“• n i'N a i; a i .\. I.s h e m e i ' i

--------- to.'■ NKW VORK. Nov. fl.-D enpllo re- Cr • ti-ut .prolciitntlon» o t G o v ern o r.“Al“ c r

Sm illi acnlmii contlnulnR in offlco At Gi: K UiP end o t iiln prenenl torm . demo* ©( I' criitlc lendnm toilay wcro confiden t oy. d tha lH ie.acB ln would m ake tho xub* rvi V crnalorl«l_raco in o r d e r a o auporviso ! - the chnnsen pfovliled~Th tb t! new Ml t conntltuilonni amcndmcnU which tbo fot , voiem p.tnned on Tuesday.__________ No

M A R T I A L - . S■ _ ual

I'les u



. . ’i ■ 1 , ~ »n

i s it e x t m a e rist> t, a s h‘e ' a p p e 'a j ^ w. A a t t a e k in s thr adm inijilthitU »n of £ po_______ — '_____.*____ — — ac

r i M E jI Al.l ii,'[,^v% lll l . '. o r ■

•Jiiiiriv vs iiM ivi ir .- s \ » i() iiii; I \ i ! I

j . -.Mi'M, 1.1, \..v r -t-u j

■"i ■'riWu”T T :ri~ rrT r,-—,i'-,;,ii',',m,-,inT.'- -

1 1 1 ^ 1 .

■n Dll Mi.l.lfi. ;.li..<.>; l;il!.<l -I-i i . I m I. t s --------- ---------------------------------------------


l! ' ‘Truiit O rder” Sy.itcni in C.a.SL'sJ 11 of Un8.itisfactory Block SIk-I

nnls. Source of Much Danger j and Diiinstcr on Ouo Line

ii. Rcail:i, lU im rl S;iy:i, ^

.1 ' W A.<lilM ;i<).\; I. I-, '...> .% '■

ti l u i ' r ' \ . ' ' ‘!!al'i..i,i''lor> ''h l 'i l’i! '' ' >.u'u;’.lI- ...inlpiii. i i r ...... .-.•.ii.llifnu-.l lu a I.-.- in.rl .if nil :.<.-|.li.|il on ili.- Ii.,n\..|;| *;• Hl.1 i:rn!ul.. \\•..^l..rn lalli.ia.I u.'ar

o 'i:.r“i."e' \- .'' '.:u i:.V '-;'''o ..uuu ''^ ''t 'r ‘i'.'.'-

0 ............... .. u.-i... l.lll. .I .............Wl J'''n .........Ki........ Ill II..- I,....I ..u ............ . j . ;

.. a.|...tilal.. hh .il.' :l;-.ll;i'l i.^^l..I1l' h..’ ii 1'':i In ll:.. Ilir a ri'h l.n l i.ruhahly w..uhl

t 111.. ..r ..f(ii.|j,l.i I., fnfor.-.- .iil..:i i-.i.v-1 ..niliii;. lh.- iian.lllU); <.r Main ..i.t. rs

‘ Death Follows in ' Tijuana GamingV.il: ™ ' ll.t’ SAN ltIK i:0 , 'ra l, . Nov. T,.- A win- b;

n r r at Tljiiniia camtilini: labl..i..; beiil.'n an.l roblir.l i,pd ihr.iw n Into ''"i. tlm Mexirnn Jull an liitoxlcaled wh.-n 'n^. r.-iiily b r wan luiconn.-loiiH trcuii a •

fia<.-lni..d nkull. l.'ll uviTiiltlil wiib- w.inut Kllrnllon nmi Ib.'n nenl lo n Snn ln>lli.'Ko hoMidlal w hrn b .' falb'd Ki I.u

^ '-..oh..r IIJ..- l.ln .1.1.1b f.illowliiR. wan In.Ibo hiory til.'ci'il, l.'):.'ih ..r lo.lay by Iia-liiv..:,ll-4nlor.i of 111.- all<-::.-.l uiiir.l.-r l.li:of T. M, N, Cr.irKo, l...ll..\..l I . .-b r lia-

I a w..|illliy Allaiil.i, »Ia.. ...Il.m .h a lrr , .Mr, ti.'on:.. .Ilr.l tr^.m "lark »f Imuio- poiI dial.- uii>.ll..al ii1l..till..>i," III.. au1o].tiy m.'

....... ................. . '-y.I nM:,sii)i:>’i'iAi. a.s i’i i m m s i>.- WASIilNCTd.V, ,N.iv. -^..-i.-laiy at

11....V. I- nn.l ....... I 'r . :.[.l.-nt Daw. .; »l t l Iu .• he ........ ror-lb.- r.'tuihll.nii |>i.-.-

ht. iilTat ui.iniuatTnii in M':s-. ..I



liinExplorers W ill Ship P lane to

H ea rt of New G uinea W here I t W ill Be Used in Explora. m.iI tioil o f W ilds and to Terrify Ibn Pygm ies Men W ill Study. • ;|;'-

SAN 1.-IL\N<.-|SI'0. N.iv. - l-'iv.- .... n today lolled o ic r a i,.-w a lt plan.- at ,. . CrlBBcy flcM hcfo. .Ilnmaiilllnp: nnvl * •“ c ra iln c It fo r Bblpmcni lo Dutch N.'»v Guinea, wJiero ihe “pin bond" pycmh-n j. o ( th a t d is tan t iiile wil! n . i ' l l In tlU lit , oyer land wboro no niich machlnu bnn e>'er liean. ,i,m

M atthew W. Sllrllnc . explorer, and ^lif fp ru w - a re pfeiiartnc-«hr-t*irnlanofor tho ioox ocean voyar:.- nlim.l. On November 21 the pariy will null tromSan Franclnco alrfiar.l tb .' Iln-i- I'l.-^- ___Ident Vnn n u r rn : IlrM.le.i Siirllu;:. ' who Is a Unlv'eriiily of Callfornls cm n. iiate. aod wa* to r to n r };eum flHSlnl- »v i ant cu ra to r U Ihe SmlllisnDlan Instl. V \ tutlOR. tbe expMjItlon will include; It. 1 J K. rec k . Sl. Peteoiburc. Fla., motion p ic tu re cam eram an aad second p lloi: S tanley A Hedbofir. f2>lc*Kn. hUlor- lan: IL II, iloy le. Nrw York, pilot, an.l A. I-:, l lam er. troifax. Iowa, moclianip nn»lT rllet pilot, '

The a ll-m etal plane wan flown fm m Xw Chlcaco. , 4

“Form er cxpo.!lilonn in to Dutch New * G uinea hnve been foroH to tu rn t>Brk * hy disease and bontile na ilv rs," I’cck J naid. 'O u l w llh an a irp lane , we ex­pect to ouupeod the *erma and te rrity ji the aavaccs. ' u Q

‘-Sllrllnc and I r r e f tnanclns tbo a i | party . Ke Is the only acien tlst la tbe u ,« bunch. I'm colne. alone beeauM I u a ^ n lA k a-p lc t ttr rs and I l tc l o _ g t l ^ u t spoand tnivel............ T? /OB

"O ur main camp w in be •a tab lb b - O ti ed n e a r tbe mouth of ih r T iy r lrer .~ t e . I^eck continued. *^ut w e ll lo e a tt a n - . i o the r a ea r tb e baso .of a a e n n ta lo ch> ra a s e n in n lo s Ibe Icnsth o f Ui« .U* Jts t land , ia tbe v letaliy o t w b«r« w« «x> igls peel te find tb e a tn u g w -p T fitr n e a a . i We expect to spend ,tb r* » m «U ha bu t tber«. n y ta s la laad and laad lag , w b tra lo poaalbl^ to .K K ^ o a l a t c d w ld i tb a at«i a a u m a»d tlw o .- , , -




- il- lN ilR i ON LIOOOR

D o u { i lu s D e n i e s W i t h H e a t ) T h a t H e C h a r g e d T h a t

L u i ( j h t o n S o l d B o o z e ; S h e r i f f U s e s “ S h o r t a n d

I U f^ Iy T e r m " A b o u t A n - I ' o lh .r i - R u m o r ; M a y o r , P i-a isL -s P o l i c e .

/ ....... . lie.l ..r n n n n ib rr '.it .I a r r Id e rn ir . »«•-

r.irdinu to fb r oxpli'lhos ncnt J l.arU nn.l f.irib by «llnrssi-H nnd'’ I -.Ii.-oinlnr' nl Iho I.... .. In .Ihnr- ...................... iri IhlH mnriiinu ro*r l L-ni-dlni: Ib.- liiiunr •.llnnll'.n in

•lu lu liilN .« r.itinolimnii T . J .Ii..ni.-:a-. I.riiii.li'd ......... . nx

! a 11.-. ..ml M i.'riff .11. V.. n iir il i ii|.|.ll..,l III.- Miuio rjillh rl In un-

.itb.'i-. N.-llhor i*n» nn Iho »lund! >,1 lb .' llnil'. Al Ihu cliiKC of ii

rnlli.'r i-M'illnu' ^e>s[lm. Ih r In.■ iiuMlli.ii ndjhiirni'd until lomnc*

r.»> ......' ..W li.u .-lil.'f Ilalpb K, U'iRlilon '■ wa:i ..:tlh--l Ibll. mi.riiluR In loll whal • h>. bail l.i-ai.l liom \arl.ulH people.' h.- ni.l ..tii.itii: ..ilirr ibli<K>i Ihnl l|o

Iia.I I...I..I 11 .I .Mi . tl<iui;la.> nald lu<’ u... . . . t l „- U'or... "Tlial la a - |l0 .’'' ! ....... I .M' ........... "Wll.l told you; ih.ii • ;..a I '. . . ...Ito .- J, w . Tny-

I t'.IUi ll''- r i . ''- i ' ' 'i i-'" n" l lo ‘ miy*- ll.ll,," :.ii.l I)..iii‘.Ia:> In lower lonc.' K.-.-alh.K ,M:-. D.unila:. wn« Jinked ,

«l.:,l I..- Im.l i-aM, II.. .|.-elnrril tlilit . ' ■1... I.ihl 111.- iiro.K -iJ.ir U u l iluuor «a-. t..iu '; ia l..u riiiiu ib.i i-lty hnll

‘ Uf I.. .M..I1I.';; pl.i..- nncl it.ild und lll .l ill. |.. Ii..;. .l l..-lthlcin liiu.w ll.I.' i:-.il'<ii, III ^-Oi'ill.llliiu;. nabi b" iK'nril ..II-- nuii.ir lll ll a .t.-t.uly ^h.'^llf•^r^nl^-li.Ill'll ha.i I'.xn.' I...I'O hmlilni; for L.l.tn i:. I'li.l loiin.l III.' nli.-rllt KlvlnRII.t.ioi to 111.- mnu-liunlrrn. •'TllBl ' ' ti; a l|>'," l.al.I Ih r nb.-llll, who, how- 'L'ver, nppll...I llie epithoi lo tho por-

[ l.on elii-nlallnK >bo rumor rntbor lluin lo tb r eblef. ^

"I am il.'ivloil 10 .lentil n t tho wtiy Ibv ]><illc.' .itriccni nru enfurc- Inc l» ir- ln« ." t'nid Mnyor-K. I - A dl-

' l.lll. ulii-u bo look Ihu Bland, a t tho tiKliil.'ltliui here Ihln m um lnc. "1 IiaM- in-aril n iiuurn unlll the o lr U1.111..-' li« r.uitliiui'd . "and tho pollco . luik.. bi'ou biixy runnlne thoni down..Mr. ll.iUKlan oaiu.. to me w ith ro- piiriii anil I ai.k.-d blm to brine tho in..n who madi- th rm lo my o tflco .MI Ibal 1 roiilii look llieni in tbo ..y.-. l.lll b r <11(1 not. Mr. DonBlaii In al.a.dnt.'ly iM.nenl, b n t ' Iin Jump* lit riiii('lii::l()n» In.m roixirlH nnd bo- li.».-:i iii.-n niilliy wlihuul proof."

'•\Vli..|i w r ba.I tbu InvrntlRUtlon l.t III., ll.tnor al ibc< elty hull, and i« . . eaiian .11.1 not burn readily. Mr.Jjo iu las ;:abl lh a l hu could d rink a ll th a t waa In llicin without nettlnff Urunl.. Tliey nnnlyted about 25 per ren t iilrobul. Junt u llttlo below tbo u'urnKu f.ir moonnhlne. I beard so many roportn nnd rumorn w ltbout proof tbnl I lu t them R o'ln one cap an.l .nil ot tho other. Mr. W ort- h.iiiKbi'V nahl iiomcihinc lo mo nbout ni;:lii poll, .m a n Roliy loo o tte a to

"rtI.o'il' .M'..nthiiicit ^ ucldrtit.Ahkeii II hu Imd huum -flf inO' Hi-'-----------

■..Reel laktnK nwio' of a JUB 0( liquor* iiy lil[;l.'y, Ju ly 4. Mayor A sbtoa aald Him ni>out tho lime o t thb 'beoso l.umiiiR n l thu c ity ball. Baed b a d , . mn.le Humc rem arks to the e fte c t-tb a t Ilisley hn.l nnld BomctblnB about M.illlr l>olnc en titled to pa rt' o f tbo Ihiiior bcM-iiuiK! sho bnd tipped o tt t t .r ..rllr.^^•.. Anhed It ho had ;B ono III lll.l:-.- lo nvold n rubpoena; .tbo Iiiayi.r Kal.l tba l bo had first lonmetl ..r tb r inv.'M lnutloa from n T w lq F.illii lll^p.'ltch. in an ovcA lns'paper nnylRR tbn t one bitd beon callod.

r in in n X lsn n d m to o 4 .......................Chnrles 1’. .W&rUbau«bflr. ..n lx b t______

m unuser a l . l h e Perrtiw . sa id . ib a t lU iunrllman UoURlaa bad e rrod la quoiinB blm In bla tcaUmoay jrcs- . tunluy. Ho nnld tb a t ho knew a o tb -liirr' e te r r r n -p e rie -e n d - beersay—Ue------------hoanl Inlk nm und from H lf fe m l pi-«lilr bul cuuld no l recall a&r

■ <Contlnued oa pac* S) •>

PRlESiSll,. IB A m m ? i

_____ A .

T w o A m e iic a n• f e e t E s c a p e f ro m O h lnaee M i f ' . - W ®

a s d s At m g h t a s d B M i c l T S v . A m c rie a a O ta fb e a ti •

HONO KONO, NOT. 5J-*~lhiiir4Bj^UQ in aaM kiaK out o f a b a a t f Q V U - ' a t a lsb t w blle t b « l r . n 4 > d a . A ^ ^ i | th«a aw tm m lar to a- i«a<o* i t o a t - J ^ . .'•/v ‘.•:v tu a a te ly w ^ tta !^ i '. ,

o 5 i S t a « i S ! 5 ^ S S ? 5 r ^ ^ q C . - > \t e A. H aq a th iiib illt -n» 8t=

Tlw 'prH Bta, w | r i i < I » 8 * | * B E y M e

g^-ss^sas a ^ a a a i l

Page 2: TT.S LY T - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · arrMted beri.Testerdoy cbareed with t ... f queallon as lo the rUhi et a doctor i to Uko tba


^ ~ m cPhono S oc ic ty to 82 -

IJridKP ................. K- W. 1lic r wan Iiohimh W nliirri'niy uftrn i a t ft clinrniliiK IirlilKi- liiuclii'oii iit bom « nil I’opliir nvpiiiip. Th« li< w na lovi-Iy wllli n iirorniilo.n or yrl chrynanilK'iiiiituN nii<l iimrU«liln a:i— -------------- —

.th«rc<I In tlie int>l<> appnlniiiKiilii. KiiusiB u’<>ro KuiiiL'iI n l nii<- lar>:<' fo u r nmnll inbl<-K. K(»i1invinK lunclicnn Ijrltlm- wnn iiliiynl. Mr». : f rc c t won U nit jirlJie nn<t Mri>. K. llDRawortfi ruccivoiJ connoliidori.

n igh lm id VI.-»T Chil^-.M r*. K.-i.i D row n enierin lncd ilic lllKliliiii<n c lub a t he r liomo WVtlm-htlny al noon. A tlc r tlio imuol biiMliK-iiH tratu iac tcd . thv rcmnlii<lcr nf ihv om,oon w as npcnt wlUi ii<'i'«llvu(irk convom ntlon. T he linBii-Hii b<tv .'( dollclous liincli a t thi> cIohp nr ih r om oon. Thc nex t inoctliiK or ilic w in be ori Novem ber IB. w lih : OcorRO C nrte r nn hii*tc.iii. Tlm ii: bcm nro tn r« ijiond t« roll rn ll •

• ThAnkBRlvlnff vcj^bch.

Prtm bitertuB A Jd-A Jrs. f . A. i: . cnt«rtcUn«(l tlie m cnjhcrs u! ih<>

1 die* ' A.td of th c P rrsb y ic rlau oliitblA ortcmooQ 'a t he r home on F avonuo CIUI, Iho occnnlnn (iinilnl

’ oppo rtun ity for a itpeclal prnKrnni, h ono r o ( Mra. {■'. Dronoimli. In d itlon to th c p rogram , a icn tc nhow or .fo r the . church k lichrn ron trib u to d to / and dfcmiilotcil nrll

• fo r th o lM im r w cro received. Tlip u ra r builnoaii inttcilnR wn.<i IirM.

. Jow ed’by tho pnn ;rain , nml dellrrofresUm entft worn nerved nt the v o t Uic aftomoon.^ ^

. ' MeihoiHnta Lartir*’ AI.I-Of<lr<n tbo Aid. BSRlBlcd by Mm. ll«mi>h w ere hOHtoaaei tn ihe Kcncrnl Al< tb o M ethodist churcli. Thurndny ornoon. A nnrn l proRrain. which cnjoyod by tho u ieiiilxm nml Ht'v v is ito rs , wan tlio .prcnriiiailcni i>f <

• in d lr ld u a ra bohhy. KoIIowIiik tllr e la l h o u r drllcJoDS rrfr*Jiliiuvnls v Borvod by tho iiontr^jiL'n.

I Mra. Roilerlok flmlih' wnn lioiitcsi tho M entor club W cdneml.iy nriern• • , . A t tbo roKUlar 'tniiiliH'fiii lu'ii.-ton i>• w ero m ade to rn fr ir o tf a Imnd.

brolrtcrcd q u ill to r tb r licnefii ii t' <-lii1i. and ts won voK il l<> llio ntntof dow m ont funi|. M r.\ M. J. Swr

»-avc a tnoM cnlrrt/\lnlnK mid InJ r a t ln s •ftlH nn In tr rln r ih ro ra lJ •Diirlnff the ngclal hou r tb r liorie/>N,' BlBiod hy Mra. Or.lH C ryd rr' nnd ;I D avla aervcd dollcloun refr,'«(unc‘ to th e fifteen tnemlHT* ond ru; liroaent. Mra. 1- W. Wllaon will. , honteaa' to tbe club nn November

T ho W cdncsdai- brlduo r lu b wns ■ tc rta ln e d b y Mrs. C. ll . liu riun

week- i y t i e brldfio KanicH Mm


So Hr*. Heckman DectdecI To ‘• *-----r - - ' r I j i i i E Piakh*in’8 Vegetabl

Cwnpotmd— Note RctulU—Council BluITa. l o w f c ^ ^ : had p

In m y back and oldea and headnclit-r 1 . I th a t I could nol

: ‘ • m y work. 'Onci. ' ■ whilo 1 woiili!

I , a lck a week. A frtold mo th a t Lydi

vcitf b le Compound

; k r p t her -out of hospital,HO I tlioi

___ _ 1 would try it. <

Now I foci like a

taUlflK my fricnda ab o u t th o W p i t Compound bcIplnB me, hoplnR they e t j r h e l p them . t o o / ’ - M r a . E J leoofAW . Bo* 21, B .F .D . N o. J , O

I d l lilalTa, Iowa.Saved From A n OperatioG

. Monesacn. took LydiaPinkham 'B VcffoUblo Compound fi aerioua caao o t fem ale trvublo. . w ora t pain I had w aa in m y rig h t and back w ith aVolIinjr in m y a id t h a t 1 won unaMo to w alk a t one b 1 w aa ordered ti> ro to hoapltal he re I am . aCill w ithout an opcrat 1 aaw your A dverlwcm cnt u id

, . U k en tho VcpoU blo Compound i' ap lefld ldresu lu . I ri-commcnd i t i r

and will answer nny li'tlom from woi■strinff abou t m y cjuK j."-M ra. J . ^ SON, W2 Donncr A vc.. Moneaacn, Pi

PETERS Shoe Sho]

■VN'fl hA vr iiin -. iis. cl o u r fo r

a n d a r e n o n '.n l ) te tn lia in ll r i

U 'o rk p ro iu p lly .

Satl»fftCtiOQ O uaranlced

____ ____ C J . P E T E R S. . _ .........

K b st E n X a^b*^ Ait 3Iade Sell CW ap bnt

B I A T O H F O S D ’S i< m u l« to FBO U O S 2GG


T w la F a l t i . M ako

[ ■ TW O____________

2 — A f te r 6 P . M . P h o n e 78-W

lln r - l l i . W illliini'' ' ‘ “H tili;h i.iorr.(•nnmn I * 'III h ri'l Till-M'>riiliii:i'.ii|i-I'liili lllll 'villi liouK.' .S, i;. l.o.cc- WriliirKcliiy iilt.-rniKiii ■

yrlliitv n ln r nieliibrrn In iitli'iiiliinir-.. a;i llu- llDlliUiHi, -Mlnii "Mnry 1 \li‘lii :in<!K— fnr^l-M—l*r-Kiwrorlhy-w»T.* HiiimU-uC.1«, The cllll.- The illnli lr l rr.li'ralhin ;.l III■i:<' mill fiHil »n» llir «iilij,-ci ror mi IniriIK til.' liiK lulk by Mil.. K .'n«.iriliy . Mn*.'r». H nl. z lrr hull cliiii Kr ot lh .' nfl. i iinoii':.I '. Hot* nrnni, Diirltiit th.- nm'liil hmir ilII. liitiK rc-fri‘iihiiifn’« w rrr >n'rv-i).

iritii.'ili Kojnl Xrlitlibi.r". J 'lir l) :l.l Vli-w "T iirn . oil. o irii hni-li»viiiil,■ a tlo r- T lnir, In ynur fllr.bi.NH w .» .Miikr IIH n chlhl ui:nlii.he n ft. .liml to r innlKhi!";irk mill Thrmr w rrn ihv m'nilinrni.i of n'•vi'd 11 fl'l Hnyal NrlKhliorn, wlin. clrinii.-iIh r n tl- klllll, n tlrndpd n kid jmrty kIv.'U bylie d u ll Uiiynl .VriKliboni' loilKr m Hcilllntr1 Mrs. tIno jirnKruni Klv.-n by itii' Uulllu nicni- kldii nnd a innck wMldInc, iirudiill wllh Mitich inrrilim -nt. Tin.' Twin !•

Indlcn le fl nl n liilr hour atld nil v Ihe llo lllii lrr ii.'oiilj- it r.'Sl roynl

. ICini'S lerlalnom .u- l.n- — ' " ' —otinrcU ■ ----- -------------------------------

1 A N N O U N C E M E N T S

• In ncl- T h r Pytlilnn .Sl<.i.-i» Sorlnl club towel vi-lili .\lri. \V. A. Mlnnirk,'

'n wm* tlluo iJik.'ji, Kridny rvi'iihiK, Nov.'dnrlk-lrn „ t 7::tO. Alt I'yihlmi'.SlnUTh nr< [10 roK-l.l, fnt- • _ _^llrltHin The Imlleii c.t lh.- Ilni.lli'i rbuii';I- clOHi' v .|]| j,„vr ,v rciolird tnixl cnl

th r \V. n . WrliSlit a SoiiH Hinii' Kllr m o t •______ •iU>hri'y, T h r Dniiiilit.TH of lli.' Anu-rAl.l of Hcvnlutlnn will with Mm. 'I

"V \Vnrnor.-212 Kleliih nvrniii- in.u. Sch wnil ,iay „ i | „-c|.h '1(,(ft'vrrsl , .i>f curl. The Uidl.-n of ihn I!. A. Dntitllr mi- c irc le , will lu n 'l m llm I. Cis w ere j,gi[ Haitintay lU 2 ii'rliirk.

T hr Anierlcmi I-rKlnii Aiixlll«ry itesn to I,nid.ft n iinm ncr kiiIv Trhlny and ernjKin. n,,,, ^ coukcil food iiale .Sn1 I’lmii' ,[„j. „[Ild .rif- ______o n h o •N,-|Rhhors of W oudcrnti wltl :

a te rn - hiislneiiR s.-milnn Kridny <tv.-ji«eeiev ^ o'c lock lu th r Iliii.lni'n» Wuiii .raitnc -Tber.i will h«i liiltlallon.c/iN. ftn- ' -------id Mrs. -

| f p '

r s HOOSIER FURN. C(dm. i:. .

FALfo Try :nbleI — •

d painn :ht-s. BO not do

)nco in juld be i /rlcnd .vdinE /cifela- )d had of the


number '

Mjmionfdia E .d fn r ft ___• Tho

rration. n /X c w K * ¥ s T « Gi h>vo -d wiiht freelywomfnI. N ix -

B f .I,. ,UI --------i

C«m c/< cerUaln ihe , hlenJeJ by the woi

^ Jf, the iriMng o f t.pf the org*made it liJs< Camels

le »n


_ J d m


Thl- hiKh lU'hiHil ur.lH'Hlni l» Ini; Ih '' iwTond in.>v.'incnl of Ih

, , ilnn ir" trom th r "Kltlh .SyiniiliDiimI T ihftlkow nky nml lh.- ••I..:in:<*"

" llu- "Ni-w W orhl Syinjiliony." | llir lllllll few wpi-kH till- nirm h.'r

I IMnr-.. v r .

m pn nc u u y j o

Break a Cold Right Up i "Pape's Cold Compoun

II by th l' ________

'" “ ’‘' ‘■i: y S 9 8 » X ' 'v r y ihror rodiir.'il until ilir.-o <lii;1 l-alln jK s t luHrn. T lir f in

nU '.-m »:IV0Nlynl on- ^ . t Iu- m-eond.iin

R lircnk tip thi:

r c j j V - - Ink.-. Coniali I V I iiuliilnr o r o

--------- \ ^ T ^ J MIHImiK UKII ••

irk,' fiiC P IV rlr i- , Ihirivi'iiilirr 'I e < -n ti '. On:. u r r 111- • \ 7 Kiiar.iiii.'c It.

lUirh nl cnl,' ill I

I' Hutiir-

: C O I„„ B e c a u s eI. o. o a m o u n t c

a r e d o u b i ■ -SnUir- w h o le s o B

p ' ' C A i= ■ TBE >V

, B A Ki^ S A U M «■ /. TB

CO. I . . _

■ a

j g C p T y R i Z i r s

th e very ehoicett to b te to t frotn* in world's m ott expert btendert. N o th i

i f th it one brand we eoncentrste the I •rganit^lton o f tobacco expert* in the m d i. T hey tr c th e a rerrhelm ing ch t

_ TWIN FALLS DAj"l-o il an.l' l’r;ii.aiit O viiin i

A i;li h>' .l.'iia ir cluh in lil;:h >c< « lll i.r.ihiil.ly tl.- nlnl-l.'cl I'orm MImi 1;i Ik I- WIIiI cDaclllli); llU' >li

Ih u n r'l 'ro ilu t:1i> wi'Ok wid ohiU'111 iiluilv-Ihl' ‘Ail- —--------------- ------ --- ---------------------

iliDiiy" l.y ,:o” from■ DurhiK / \

p .........

)pwitfi BAYER A

i 'roved safe by millions ;n lalilroior. iioiirn CoKis HcadacIic fimt d.i.ir • NciiraJria -CH n-llrf. -and Ihlrd —— —

d o e s n o t a i

iA»I>UlB U ll<f lf»ili' m i l ot niT « J

K MUCHFI! y o u u s e o n l y H a l f o r d i n a r i l y r e q u i r e d . F

3 ly g o o d — b e c a u s e the"! »m e a s w e l l a s d e l i e i

w a m jy s OREATESMNC PO W D iT O m T H O S E O F A M T O T H E R »

and the good old everything’s read

’— ' ro;tui

W m £

^ foil \___- ............... — .- - 1 4 —— tot



in ell the world. Camett ere thing it too good for Cemeit.I f tobacco knowledge end tkill . he world. No olher cigerelle choke c f experieftced tmokcrs.

^ '

A3LY TIM ES :will'll l’'iiiiik 1.. Slrpliiin aitokr lo iiliiili'UM r\i>1iihilJlK th r jncaiillii:

I jcchool Iniporim icr o r tiii<-li nn iihiit-rvnII wllh Mhm Kvn 'l)iiiiiiiii;nn Ird Ih r nin I' ili'hiit- «r lllaliu iionKii mul nuilunul

;lii'iii».T lir mnlor hliih iirliool will In

iliiuTvi'il ])nHinhlllly ra r ry oiii- i l i v j r . l l fli'iijixMi I'rdilactn jiroirnifii


ns and prescribed by physicians for

I Neuritis ' Lumbago 1 - Toothache Rheumatism

A F F E C T T H E J i E A R T ^

■ only “Bavcr" packagc wliicii coiiMins prnven dircclions.Ilaiidv "lliivrr" 1kim-h of 12 liililclii Ainu liatllpB ol 21 mill 'llKi—Iirii[!l.'l»lii.

rrr }t»nut«ciure uf MunuarrllPj'I.Ir.irr nf fi«1lrjllf*rltl

i i m r i i E B•If the 'F o o d sLey areL c io u s .

1 b ^ .\ B R A N D u r r s T T B t T

W hen the lure c i car is r’aring tc dy to go and yt

—have a Cam

W H E N y o u r c a r - o f c a r s is f r e s h t ^ s t a r t t i i c t o u r . A n d m o r t h r o w n i t s g l o w o f c n c h a n t m c n t <

r o a d s . W h e n f a r a h e a d l i e s t h c '

t u r c ’s o w n l a n d . ' O h , l u c k y m a n , f o r - y o u r w h e e l — h a v e a C a m e l !

F o r g o a s f a s t o r a s f a r a s y o u w l f i n d a n o t h e r t r a v e l i n g f r i e n d l i k e ( m a k e s e v e r y f i n e r o a d f i n u — a c

f o m a r i c c o f i t s b w r i ' f r i c a d l l h t s s '

j o y 5 o f t r a v e l . C a m e l s n u d e <

to b a c c o s t h a t t h e y n e v e r t i r e y o u r a r c s o s k i l f u l l y b l e n d e d t h a t t h e y c i g a r c t t y a f t e r - t a s t e . A U o f t h e j o — t h a t ’s C a m e l f o n t c n t m e n t tc

e x p e r i e n c e d a n j o k c r s .

S o a s l i f e ’s r o a d o p e n s f a i r ^ e

b e e x p l o r e d — a t t h e s t a r t o f t h e , t h e t o u r ' s e n d , l i g h t a C a m e l a o a e U o ty e s t f r a g r a n c e , t h e m o s t j o ] b l e n d e d i n t o a c i g a r c t t c u w

H a r e a C a m e l !

• lo Ih r KOH U I;N T -:I down lown ror llic and nntiiriilMlK'd. Mt.-iini h.'alcil. , Kiii|i •rvnnrc. Unrlu-r Hliiir Co.~ndv.hlnKlni: •______

nil a n » -------------------------------------------- -

1 In a ll • gr-

f t t

* H■

i■f s HomeV '' , .''lolo- voni- Iionii-•i«. c i i k k k

M T liry w ill lli'lit. .VII Ini-t to - r ilT '^ iiM W nillk’--!.

Mhinl hy

- T . J . D o .1

R a d ia tb ] $ 1 .2 5 I

'! ■ ' 'L IO N EIi" " S tu d cb a l

■ . I 122 ,Sect

of adventure cal to be on the tou you reach for tl tnel!

s h p r i m e d , r e a d y l o r n i n g l i g h t h a s .

I t o v e r f i e l d s a n d . V C K IIC w a y t o a d v e n -

a n , a s y o u r e a c h

' ‘ ^ w ill_, y o u ’l l n e v e r

:e C a m e l . C a m e l - a d d s t h c i n a ^ c - • ^

s s ' t o t h c 'z e s t f u l - • ' ----------- --------

fc o f s u c h c h o i c e u r t a s t e . C a m e l s - • -

,e y n e v e r l e a v e a j o y s o f s m o k i n g

t o m i l l i o n s o f

^ e a d , w a i t i n g t o l e j o u r n e y , o r a t

k n o w t h e j o y f u l t a s t e e v e r

Onr higheti know Camc

- them. W e If,

________ B .J .J i e

T I i rR S D A Y , N O VK .M H K R 1M.1.

room..,; STO ILVr.ir'Kmiiilii-i A[>T'lc» mi'i Iiolaloen. D. K. Hoover,

i 171 lllllr I.I.II.-H Ilvd, .So.-,

■ P l

Mle Comfort f e.nil- i-i.tiifiii'1iilili- w ilil I'-iliuT :!\ o r rA S .T I,K co iil. .

hy [!-i'Aii f i ; i : i . Co, .ll.'iicrni Utrlron a | | ^ .Jnll. i.i'.kr City

'oug lass C o a l Co.Plio n o 211 ■

Dr A l c o h o lPer G allon

- a t —JEIl a . D E A Nb a k e r S p e c ia lis t econd A ve. W e st

alls y^u— mr—when the wheel

hett whh. If yarn do not yet amd i^ttelity, is that you .tr^'e Inrite you lo compere Camels ' cigerette j ^ d e et eny price. i_® ei’“ ,® V » .T o b « e c .o _ C o .________

Page 3: TT.S LY T - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · arrMted beri.Testerdoy cbareed with t ... f queallon as lo the rUhi et a doctor i to Uko tba

N e w s o f


111)T h e B r u i n s H a v e a F i g h t i n g

C h a n c e t o W i n D i s t r i c l hc C h t u n p i o n s h t p B u t ,003 0 1 1 1 “ ' P l u t i n o H a s N o t H a d t h e ■ S u p p o r t F a n s ' a n d C i t i * ici! z e n s ; F i l e r I s N e x t B i g " '

. B a t t l e o n A r m i s t i c e D a y . »*<■

Tlio moiit vlllll i|Uoii(lnn tn llio 4 Tnlndii or ttmno liitorvitlocl In (out*’

• Sh "Cm > Ujo JiruJiiu como b .ic jir ' Wlillo. tUo mnjorlly nf rolluwuni

o f Ilio JilKll 'NcliunI fooilicill (i-iiiii foul tliiu tliii. nmlnH loHl tlid rii'iiu luul KrUIuy lit Ulllll liirK^'l}' bi'ciiimn gf V<>niiUiiili linil IwcimiHi n n r tenm Jifivur KOt ioKuUii'r iin llu-y itlKiiild :inil coindM iuvii doiut. - iliur<< In un . iiiiilorcilrri’n i or crlilclnm on Coiu'ii P limi/noiv

Tllln (ir-;i1wuyn trim wlion fann mnho v irlliry - tlin injiniiiry ri-(iiilri> iiiftiit .ruKurdloiiii o r ninli’rliil uiul tho — HtrMiKth o r .llio nji|ioiiliii: loum. Siinir < loiid-muutliud folluwii wuru uvuii < liuanl to ciiriio llio concli' n l ilic Ilulil Rnttiir. U ul tlilii Ih uolllutr ituoil nporHiivftnNhlii nor ovm llio jm rt' o r II BOUUiMnnii'HO It Mioiilil li<- i>iim<. e il.liy nm l.(llu wnirco ««n»ldornl.

Uul novurtliuIvRii, hiicIi :t nplrll iihrl , nueli rfliniitka liiirtu llio iiiiinilo c'r th e lirulttH (Qr lliiJi iitid UulU .uro cvDii (ulklni; <>r tlilii uik- , iiIHirlamnnllku cqm luct lu Twlti n illii. i

■ They attrlbU (o ':nia loHH of tlio Kuino llllil Kridny to IncIc or rull>riu(li>t!(l Imnrty co-oporullon on llit* itnrl o t i lliR ruitn' And cltlzonii eencnilly In < Tvrtn f'ullB.

Uul tlm • nil nbBOrMnjc QiicHilon. ••Cun tlio Unilnii como Imcfc mid- cun > Coucli PInatliio yet tu rn o u t n wln- Dlnc toftmT" Wn JiidKO, tli«\ filltiro l>y IllO puHl nnd It will bo- rQcnlloil DjAt Jaet ycn r nbuut ililf 'vatpo tliuo tlio iJru lnu Vi’oro considered n llilnl o r loiirlli rnto team nnd yot ihoy xliovrod vuch romnrkablo doruto[>. w « ien l th a t tlicy snvo Nnmtin tlio eun c f tb e lr llvoH for micond Dlnco. W « ^ bollAvo th n l Concli PlaMlho. cnn brlnR un Ills chAfKom im l of tlio klnHn nnd do nmko tliflm piny ronl tootbiill beforo dor t lic ^ c iw o n CIOBOH. . clm

W fi..a |n o r /M l- tb a t tbo boyn Were 1 ovor-conflJcni lnt.t J-'rldoy .nnd tbln but loHii alioiild hi'iiVo Ibcm Rot down nnd bur w ork for- tbo buluneo or tbo >t»uo}] on

T oday , iPriday The [Mammoth Fi

^ D ^ i - e y V

■ q i t o T O i '

! ■


1 5 c >" picture; ’■ yo“

Almo ,§ h o w i^ y«m Bi!

A lio Ae«op» F a b le g , . h ■ O u t N Isx. B

. TIIU nSD A Y , NOVR.MnKIl 1!)2.

ft:h e S p o rtW orlds Sports

News in BriefI'llINCKTON. X. 4,—('■miklliii. DIk-

HUM. Ktiinli' uud Ollllmin wltl iilurt In tluj V rlni'olim biickfk-td • Suliirduy nKiiluHi ilurviird , Ibo couclioti un- Ild iini'cd,

Nl-nv ■ IIAVlCS. C^iiin.—Uiinnoll, NobU', -KIluo mill -Allc-n will bu In llic .Vuli- liiit:kfi<-lil iiuulnsl Miirylund Suliinliiy.

, ANNAPOI.IS. Md,—AfKT .-inolhi'r rmllciil -*liiil;Mip- tu'v..ii nciw |i1iiv<t» bnv<» bi'on [ilnccd im tbc Nuvyu flml IM.ni, SIiii|iluy III IllO only ri'c tllur Q liiK-li rcrniilnliii; ticblnd Ibc line- uml H oitrni'r bun boon slilficd from cuiit-

|o r U) end.

W K S r I’OI.NT, N. Y.—I’o rrv uml Hllii:i, twi. liio-iiimnd tiiibH- urc b.dni; tr li 'd III j;iiur'd;i on Hm A nny'n flrM team lo i;lvii llio (urwiirdii niciri'i

■ ■ f.l>

'DAILYRADIO I(CahBlli«1 lir Umi<« ltr*tl ' !!''


“ n 'rI ilB y 'ii U fit.K coturM tm x »ur.-» 'U ^v*>pr * I 't t iu n . >,

(M ountain and Pae. Stand, Tirne* ' ^ <naTi IMTI . c '- _

^rAC, CAMAiiy^-4asji * ' ‘>i7rOO n-,o.i-lniiu.r P

iis’Ri:. BnuuMToN—a i« e |^,i1:1! ? 5 £ :S S S K ; . f .1 U A - % „ ; . 1..I) .10

'■ :2 ' r."

ii'lii ' n.ikno. oAKLANo—aoi!a t

7:00 O;oq—Illoii<* 1-.,,0.«,11:3U luiao—Iionl 0 »K • bill

a n t. LOR ASUU.n(-.4H.9 r wll! ,J0 7:ai>-ii*ou r« xt.u. tn:00 «:UO->^ur*rt.11:00 10:00— Sun- nuUe.0:30 a * 2iw hluT *0i'^»?i/'* - r l ' n:UO 7:00>^u« CT>MI«. ‘ '0.1

■ ro. flU.VCtMCll—131.9 S t ^V;00 «;0»—I t l t n OrcbMlra. K k }

■ ----- ( O B ^ - ‘T y trninAT's ni.B?>T station*

K K cSi-ir- 7

us tboy liuve novor worked. . I f tbny A. lo Iboro In a posilblllty tbn l tbuy cim I dcfunl tho F llo r W ltdcntn nnd K< t ii 1 cbnnco u t tlio d ln tricl cbnmplonnblp.

T ho llriitha ptiiy n t lW p t r t M rttij ' • ' f niL thiH U no t conaldorcd n vi>ry I mr«l K»mo wi U npurl hnn l>i:nn bent- of

on w vern l t l m o n . ______________

arid Saturday ^ Film Production— 1

r a

< S ^ e r s a £ ih & y U lB m

ire, tJiP KcqiicI t o “ n i i k r s o f th c I 'u r I a l o ^ , f ff jp p e d b y ii-* J e e p , h u m a n ( X. Tnii.<% th c /tome? .\-oti fmv<? lire w ith . T o ra . -Jn f fo r i l to m iM n fo rk in R gooi! o ff

lifc< r x c c l l ^ t p iit rr^ a in m p n t.

—■ • - . t Bibber Comedy, “The Gr<

Twoi R eels.. ■ ' __________Sptt

Bitf One—“THE IRON


- - . ' <■ , ' * :

t W o r ld

m m - L IA H L L IL: N E i y p K s[ O n e o f S ix M a jo r U ndefeat* 1

ed E lev e n s B o u n d to Bo ' F o rcc d O u t o f S elec t J

I G ro u p in S a tu rd a y 's i S ch ed u le .

'I .VKW YOUK, .Viiv, One ot llio .‘■(.V KUlJrir lltl'lc[ciiti'<l triiw i. Mr}v-Inv. for i<ri'lluli:ii iiikI iialloiiiil bon* ,(.r», will ho forci-d out of Ibo mrlcct .i;r(Uiii HiUiirdny wticn l)iirlininitli ' unri riiriK .ll ni'Ntl 111' I'l tbo iinmn- tiilnn 111 iluiiovt-r.

liariiiKiiilli i-un pul forwnrd n ,xlvoiu; c-lnlni Cor niilloilal ri'oOKMl- ,iloa ir tbo tonm piimtoii iinib'fi'iilcil ,lIiM>iii:li u ni'hodiilo tliut ('iiiilnim^il ,i:amivi wlili lliirv iird .' Ilrown- lior- ^ni'll mill .riilcuKo- I

K>'rai:iiii<-. uiiiiilu-r of tbu omilorn 'r.TiMll-lj.l,'.'., «.»•« Wll o f Ibl' fuijiljy • r l r r lc for ,un iiiloriu'i'Iomil cnmo muiliint tHilo W nili'yun. om* uf ihciilriiiu: Otiln ronforonco louiuit. - • ,,. Miclili;:iii pluyii .Vorlbwoiiicrn.. ono 'of Ihu W.'Illlor l"(iiiiH of tlio .wwliirn j, .'onrirrcTicc,

MliiHonrl iibiyii WitidilniUnn a t }it. ,Nlllln mill 11)1 Imld on flrnl plnco ln ,tbo .Miiixoiirl \nll<'y viintcronco In .Jioi ilivciiicnnl, '

•I'lll- fom|i]U-:ilo(l uliiiullon In tbc ” I'nclflii <•1.11111 coiircrcm 'u miiy. bo »inili:blttii.'<l ou t j.urtlnlly w brn *' WuHblnuimi inoctK- Sliinford und Cnllfnriilu mpi'tii \Vmihlni;lon Stnto, "

Suvorul oilier Kuiiion. incliidlnit No> iro IJiiino niialni't I'oiin Stnte, Wimb- liiKimi i<nd Jrtforiion nisninni J’lllii- . biiritb uml I’riiioi'ton uRiilnut llnrvnrd will rnmmiiml liilorcfl.

N O T i iM r i iF s i r K m rr - s s .u ,i :

In Iho i>Mrli-l (Vmri of llic hlcti'n lb Jndli-iiil U M rlrl of Ihi- Siulo i.f Mubo, In nnd fur the Tuiinty of I 'liin FiilU.

Tw in riilln lU nk nml T runt Compnny. u <-or|iurallou, I 'ln lniltf,

A. Oolcndo. a 'bacbolor,-1-V llx Oinn- holtl, J . S. Uiiniiell. I.'. A. IMuIr, und Tbo (;<inrolidlilod IViXKon nml Mn-

-cb in o Cnmiumy. n corp»rotlon. I)c- •' femlntilH.

Undor nnd by v lrtuo of -an Ordcr of Snlo iNMiiod o n l of Ibn nbovo on- l ii l td Conrl. In tbo above on tlllid uc-

■ •

i 'u rp lc & iR e / ’ \ B tT g iS n in dram a aliil ' . Prices iJr^a str-oHtn,- •

o r fe H iw «In!_ . .

s r e a t G a m e 6 u n t e r ” i ''

[ > g < i a L M u i i c a l S c o r e

, ' i T W I N F .

V .- '.


(Ion. diitod Ibo Jndi ,|„y „f Urii.iior, Ibi l!i;!5, wUcroln tbo I'lnluiiff ubtnincd u trl (locioo u tn liisi llll' Dcfoiidnntrt borcln 1«; on tbc :!(iih dny of Oiuotior, 1!I2.'.. nnid ov< dcori'o hciiiK roi'i>ri|i-.| in 'Jn d u n i. 'n t of Himk olovon lit piii;i' i n of wild l)l«f aln

. irii'l Cinirt> 1 nni onniiiiQiidcd to noU In "• ull Iliul corlnln loi. pln-o or luircol of mn

Inml nllimlod 'i l l llm I'diiniv of Tw in dlii Knlln. Sinii- o f Idulio, nnil boiinilcil lol mill iloHoilbod nil followii, lo-wti: no:

All Ibal Inml Hitnutoil liulow ibo' vnl /ili;ti Km- ciuiuf fn ibo Kami ffnlf oC Ilio nu< .N’lirlbwc.n Q uarto r NW.V,) ot »criiocllon Miiotoon IIU), Townxblp ndi i:icvrii m i .Soulb. itniiKo K ldiiccn On IIK), Knxi uf Ibc lloliio >t«irlillnii, lo- mil Kdbor w llll nil unit-r rlKjiln n |i|.u i)- wll I'linni tliv rc lo ; iho ncrciiKe tor w hlrli tIO'

n n f r r - tn -n “ n ill~ w arj!r 'n c ilt U Flfij“ I rlulil uml olKlil'tci.llin ICS.H) Qcron. D.

*1 1‘iibllu .Notleo Ih lioi'pliy kIvoii: Tliiil J 1.0 tbc :;?tb duy of .November. 1!'2.^ ul

V :bo hour of 2:H» oVloch P. .M. (Monn- I lain Tim e) of iialil dny. ut ibo ICn.'it AT

I f n .n l-tfoo ' of tbi- Court Koiiac of'Kio ICounty-of TwIn K.yiH. Slalo o t lilnlio..1 will. III obod lc i/i'' In Hftlil Order o t HY

. Sole, soil Ibo ubo\/t di'KorUii'd propor- ly to nutiiify I’lnlniirf* Docroo wlili <SI

■0 Intcront tberoon. loju'ilior wilb nil — . Co»l8 Hint bnvo uornu 'd or mny nvn iio.

lo Ibo biKlioHi l.lililor (nr oaiili, luw. zoo 's ful money o t Ibc I'ulioiJ Siuioi, —

Unloil IIiIk 'i tb day of .N'ovoinbor.

. M. i:. KINCII, Sliorlff. . i lly 1::. 1-. i-KATi;u.


'i .M in i-K OK AS.><i;sS51i;.NT AXI)" . AJ’POimO.NMIlNT.

NoHeo la ITercliy Given, Tlml the Uoard of I)lrector;i of tbo Ainerlvan

J I-'hIIh Itonervolr DlntMct. an IrrlKntbin , ilii.trlrt orKunlzed undor Ibc lawn ot

Ibo Stnto of Idnbo, will modi nl llio ufflco o t Ilie nnid Hoard a t Tw in Falln, Idulio. on Tuondny. November 17. IKSr., • .11 10 o 'clock A. M., for tho purpiiiie >

' o f ilctornilhfnR tiio benctllii wbfch will m ni'cruQ lo cacb lot. iriict or.HUliillvlalni. M l of Inml wliluli b(wi i.oou unnuxcd to f f ? tho Amorij-an Fulin lionorvoir D inlrlct Hlnco Ilti oritanlxnllun nnd wblcb nrp mQ rc„partlouljirljf, iloncribod in - Hint ft cerln ln , rcnDliitlpp..-ndopted by. . |b f - iU

' H onrd 'qf I),lrj!ctOCT:bn October ' 2lu l. .,, 11I26. liuil recprdeil Iti .tbp nilm ilcs ol i.wV

Uip BoH rcV oftbttfflaio.-from Ibo con* i,„. «lruo lion ,or tho Am.,rlcnn Fnlln Hoh- iTVOIr by tho Unltcq Stnten, and tbr

I, purnliaaa by tbo A'uinricnn l-'alln Hen- I c n v i r I^Kfr/cl,. c£. a. proporf/onnle , nli.iio of ibQ BjornKC.capacity or nald J ro;rui '.'olr nnd w nter Impounded hh iiu- nilx

i • .'.'l r . 'I . • '


r -

l i o r i t ’g o

' • ,• ■• •• •• '•

; ^

....................r tch P f i^ . tb e « < UkB t u a e e war- Qr d c w . ' .

• T m u b - C a .‘ :

F A T . L S D A I L Y T I M E S '


Iborkoil l.y tho cloiiiirn of I'lild d lii - '^ Q tr lc l u t Ibc oloolloii hold on -Mny i;’. i 1U23; and to n|>imrili>ii mid ili>lrilinio ■ nver nnid lotn; trnrlM or iiiiIiiIIvIhIiiiin ' of Innd tbo com of ibc work«, uml ibo | alnrnfin capnoily nnd w alor liiiiimmdi-d ' ' in proporllon lo niioli b^i7iii< und lo | mnlcc.u llm of kiioIi upjl^ 'ilonnu.rii o r . dintrlbutloii or u mnp iiliotflni: i.irii lol, irao l o r imbillviMion of Inml n n - ’ noxod lo Iho AiiioHi’an Falln K osor-' voir •Dliilrlol Klnoc H;i orKnnlzuilon, I nml K-filefi an- iiiiirc fiarfJciflarJj' <{<■• Hcril.od 111 tb a l rcrln ln . ronoliiiiini; ndu|itod by tbo Itnnnl o t D ircrlont o u ; Ortobcr JiHt. t!i2.':. und rcconlod In ibo mlntiioii of the Jlnurd o t tliu l d.'.io, wllh Ibn ratt- per noro of luioh nppoi- tlonnn-ht on te rn i thoreon. [-nntmii'nr-rmi'iRyiirorh.bi'rV 'A:! ■' D. 102fi, ;

a m k u ic a S' f a i ,1.3 iu : s i : n v o m iD is T u ic r . . , j

Uy order o t ibn Uo.-ir'l u t U lin io i.'i.i AT1T,-ST: ■%U-, K. Al.XVOItrif. \ • '

Sirrc tiiry . tUY i:. n . JOHNSON. i

Aiinliitanl .Siori'iiiry. 1(SHAJ.) . 1

Miiellor I’lpol'-nn 1‘iirnnco, S r r i l r l - 1 100 Moln'l Worliii,, - miv, |

_ I ^

" D IA M O N D D Y E " A N Y

G A R M E N T , D R A P E R Y

J u s t D ip to T ine o r B o il

to D ye

nwi'alora, ilrnp'oricn.'oov^^^ lni:«—overylhlni:!

Uuy lllniiiimd Dyon—nn oilior Ulmi —und lell yonr ilriiKciM w biilior ibi' HiflU-rlnl you wjBh lo i.'ulor Jji -wool or nllk, or w lioiber it In linoii, colion oi mixed condn. B—

O afteir th a t bite"• D o n ’t j u m p o n ^ o u i

: p i p e a n d ^ a n k h i s ]

h e y o u r t o n ^

. . . I ' h e . o l d b o y ’s

h i s w i s d o m l ^ t h -

a b o u t y o u r r a n k , t

t r y ’ t h i s t r e a t m e n t :

i t y o u t a n d p u t i n

' f i l l i n g [ t h a t ’s G r

---------- e a c ] 7 f f T E i s ^ b p p

p e r c e n t s u c c e s s f

a g ^ ■ s ( ^ y o u r o l d

m o r e o f t h a t “ b i i

’iTi frfl;,’, fi ■nTinVina

^ a m ' ^ 'lS90

a ^ .e t tM r . to te x t tU k s . H|

" ■' • n Pack


• Joe-iC Says:.\ f 'l l i 'u IiM.- lu T u lii K.ill'* li.iii

Ihul. •'Ii.ij'i'lm '.!, liiii'i I il .I . ' Kll, .|1


r f f r ^ T i n a ]-------N O W S H O W


“ THE GOLIIT lic G re a te s t ^O .Ilccl Con

. C O M I N G - T h c P liiu ito n

“ A lunrs ilio llest (ur ihc Mul

KLIP T H ESave This Coupon— JT

.Next Mon., Tues., Wed.,

lN T O T H E ^

' Pd Oserlal^^jlgl-------A L .SO -

“Sally of the SD . 'W . G r i f f i th 'a L tite

N O T E — T hin co iipo ii .11111 UOc w ill 111*0 iibovo day::,

“ .U«ii)> ibe Uosl f.ir llic 'liln.S U R E ? I T 'S A T T H E IL

i ' h a m m e r a n d t<l u r p o o r s u S e r i n g _________

s h r a d f l f i ’c a u s e

) ^ e h a l f i n t w o

f’s j u s t s h o w i n g

I - ^ w i s e - c r a c k i n g

t o b a c c o . B u t

t : E W l l t h e c a v - ’

i v ^ ^ U m a n ’s ' I S y p

J r a i i g e i ^ R o u g h

r ^ t i b l i ’i r t e ' lOOs f u l m d n e v e r

l l i p i p e p p l l a n y

s i t i n g s a r c a s m . ” •


li.lil Ih'oii u wI(Ii)-.\ i t , only hIx eil af:;ihi. il only I*, hbiiw '

____________ 1A D M IS S IO N S : i

' l5T.ati!ice......... 15c a n d 40cE v e n in g . . 2Dc a h t l DOc H o u rs : 2, 3 :3 0 , 7 a n d 9

O W IN G -------


,D RUSH”C oiiicily E v e r M nde

ite m of th o O p era

Miilm RiiohI, All «-«Ts"


d . , N o v . 9 - 1 0 - 1 W v C


3 0 ------ ' . ■e Sawdust” '-fitesit P ro d u c tio n .

w ill a d m it iit\y tw o adtiU a on ’

Iilnb.. lino.i, ,\ll ^Vn>^-: ID A H O T H E A T R E


• -• ■ •

• ' ' k

. ' • ' r - i

T in iE E '

Page 4: TT.S LY T - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · arrMted beri.Testerdoy cbareed with t ... f queallon as lo the rUhi et a doctor i to Uko tba

TWINFALLSPubUabcd livery E vciHiik ICxcopt

Coniimny, Twl

Entered at Ujo Twin FiilU 1’obIo:---- ------------------------------------------- paU j.m U catln ;

*■ -- -■ —

It.b'egins to Igolc a s if T ' Tactory in th a n ea r future, 'development of th is section re liab le -an d 'g u aran tee a mi .when the general ouLside m a dem and fo r sa id prnducL support several m ore factor n eed m ore payrolls and a la o f th e field , w e should eiici b u c K factories.

Th’e SoutJiem Idah o Fi; jnqving in the rig h t diroctio eral-fish hatchery in this f)ai th is section is really entitle,' s ince w e spend m ore perliaj !Cor gam e licenses an d there such splendid feeding places w ay o f com parison witli U ta lo one the num ber of federal State'h'as.

T lie inquisition whic)i i• C ity with' a view to find ing

liquor which' is b rought into 'keeping as evidence upon wl ors o f Qie law is revealing m while. . C ity Commissioner D

• on sta rtin g such a n investiga su it in the conviction o f any long w ay tow ard clearing u jj police force m ore on th e ir gi o f the force has been in colli

• s till problem atical ye t the “F( in to thc force an d this can 'd e n c e in tr o d u c e d th u s f a r . i t h ave been talk ing too much : u p th e ir gossip.

B O R A H O N - im

Sfinator BoraK is entire! w ithou t specific authorizatioi congress rias.no r ig h t to “unlo th e taxpayers’ o f thc U nited public 'service in Standing aga an d sometim es m uddled thini cellation o f t)ie allies’ w ar d(

Eeplying to a letter froir M anufacturers’ association, i m en t for Prance', S enator Bon th a t the m oney loaned to Fr: A m erican people u nder the s be' “repaid w ith reasonable ii m inded h is’correspondent df

■ w a r Francc has m aintained a: • 000 m en ; Uiat s h e now has S

R iffs, an d th at she has b a n e tries to m aintain m ilitary esti 'declares th a t he does n o t f e e l ; to p u t thc loans of the prese

th e U nited States.In tlie final analysis it al

W hether congress shall lift th( ' o f E urope and impose i t iipoh S tates, m addition to their ex

C h i ld r e n Cl

■ M O T H E R :- r ie tc h c r’* ^ jO utoria is especially pre- pared to relieve Infants in a rm s and G itldrcn all ages of Coostipation. Flatulency. W ind l ^ t c and D iarrhea; allaying FeverUhness arising tlicreftDtn, a and Bowels, aids thc assimilation

To imhationt. alu-ap look for the Atwohtltly ttann1r<i - No Opiatft. Pl

i f a w » « j c a t a r g l i j ;

M e d i d n e S ^ f ’, ^ . ” ^rid yoor f y n m o f C u s n h o r Deifncw caaM d.b rC M nK A lM M .B Iood Putl£<r

. i t wcndafuJ rtsu lo . AJJ Dni|^M «.F. J . C»ENEY COn Toledo, CNilo

ro T A ia B x a s |Carloail e r OrUn and pouCo Oax* I arriT*d tn Roptrt Friday and Ai* fl rM dr for dlstriboUoii. B

. t l t . H A S T J in w I

r o u n

; j m Y Tm Esppt Sumlfiy by llio Timca rubllublns rwln Kalln, Miilio.

Htofrico an Sccond Cliuia M utter an a H on. A pril 11. 1013. .

Tw in F alls w ould ge t a canning *, T his will add iLTeatly to Uu m and m ake certain crops m on m ark e t for them on off yean m ark e t does not o ffer much ol cts. W e have the products tt ories th an .w e do and since W( •larger m arke t fo r miv pm ductj iicourage the establishm ent oi

Fish an d Gam e a?sociation arc Jon in th e ir petition fo r a fed- )art o f Idaho. W e believe thal .led to a federa l fish liatchery ia])s th an any o ther equal arey *e are few sections which offei ;es fo r sm all fish a t Idaho. By tah they have about five dr ten ml fish hatcheries th a t the Geni

i is b e ing Iield by Tw in Falls Ig out w h a t is becom ing of the .0 the city’s storeroom s fo r safe which to convict certa in vioJat- m uch evidence which is worth •Doiiglas is to be congratulated

gaticm an d while it m ay n o t re- ly one in p a rticu la r i t will go a up some fac ts and pl.acing <jur g uard . W h eth er any m em ber )lhision w ith tho booUegKOi’s is 'F ea r o f G od” has been thrown n do no harm . From the evi- ,it shows also that.som e folks ll and h aven’t the facts to liack


rely r ig h t in 'declaring that, ion from the Am erican people, iload” the foreign w ar debts on id States. H e is, rendering a g a in st the false sentim entalism inking of the advocates of can- debts.

Dm the ])resident of tlie Illinois , u rg ing an easy deb t settle- Drah rem inds his correspondent i’rance w as obtained from the » specific pledge th at it would I in te re s t” Senator Borah re- d f o th er facts— th a t since thc , an arm y o f 700,000 to 1,000,- 3 200,000 soldiers fighting the ned larg e sum s to o ther coun- stablishhients. Senator Bonih ul th a t i t is any p a rt o f his dilty sen t “ im perialistic w ar and

a lw ays comes dow n to .that— the b urden from the tiixpayers oh the taxpayers of the U nited ex isting taxes.— Exchange.

'S, a n J . by re g u la tin g th c S to m ac h on o f F o o d ; g iv in g n a tu ra l sleep.

the i i ; ^ tu r ^ o( r tix iicu n i rvcr)-whrre rccotmnend iL

"trSfd Time~^ D A N C E

[Thuf-a., N o v , 5 tK

I Prizes for Best Costnaes

B L U ^ I R D


'ing *J llH KtnnHv ■•mirrt'd ^^} (> liulf-'iilck Iiy t

lore ^ l ^ ^ ^ y Q t n b l c t n . .

I of I A-^anoa J eomiilpiiilon .wiiii ! to near y. alt clilldron'it Hi

lllll. lie illd not bt'lU'vo tlial n uli w e |.]i|[ii' ‘•i)uri:u" o r "pliyiilc" «jvc Jots JIfOo wliili- wnn nweHiHiry.

Ill Dr. tMUlwcll'H 8yru)) I’l-pidn 01 diKt'DVCTi'd a luxHtivc- wlilcli n-|!iilni

the- Ixtu’clN. A I'lniiln' doxo w ill < tiilillnli iiutiirnl. Ii<-iillliy biiwdl inn' iiii^ni («r xvi.i!kii lit II ttiiii-. uvi'H

JII'O till-' i-lillil wan cbroiiloiilly cnnntlii, 1 0(1. Jir. C.iWk’cU'h K jti/ji I’riinh'i ;

J'l*" on ly riiuiiuH u Kciitlo, ciwy Ixiv h a t «M(>vciiii'iii but- liriit o f Jill, l l

otl<'ii iiionllin ln'forit niifHlicr iliwo ' - ‘ .V iii.ri.nniiry. linHltlcH. It In iibi;iilnl( r e a Imrmlowi. and wi p lfar;ia l tlm l cv

II cro.'iji. fcvrriidi, IdlloiiH. lc clil c lad ly liiUcii 11.

r,.;;;'’;,;;,!':™ Z D r .o , iA K i i .iitnr.i tlm l nrllii C V O T f l

ein Iii.'dlclmi an.t jtiHl m-t- for jourtielf.

xl|s .NDTK'C OF S lir .U IF R S SAI.H

In (lie DIsJrIrJ T v iiT - f jl.,- • afe .Iiiillrliil lilHtrirl 'I, c:..- .stnli-

JiJulio/in jiiiJ fo r JIji- of T h

rth •. ■ ------t e d H urry S. Cowlliic, I’lidnllff,

re- K ranli A, SnviiKc und.T.lvliin Snvai f) ;i Ills wire. Advliia IJi-li:ail<>. :i Imr

...lor, J.VIK (Jninli<'(f(, J. IfiiKiio JUl Tw in I'a llii llaiilc nml Trum t'r.: )Pr V.ia}', u <-(fr|i(tr<iilon, ami ('oiii’nl. • , rh...... Wucoti and Mu.-I.in.- •('o.> IS pany. a <:i>i|iorutliin, iJi.ri'Uiliinl::. wn l! i d<.p nml tiy viriiii- <if iiii O iiI it y j . S«fc Ini'itrd onl n t llic /iliriiy <'iillth Ib c f o l 'r l . Ill llic uliiivo cnilllcil arllci

tinicd till- aoih dny of Oclolicr, Iti;: LCk wlKTcIn (lie r in ln llfr obiiilncd a il

ui:iilniit tlie Ucrcmlnnlu lii-rc nil ilic.^lOtli dny crt Urinbcr.'192!;. nn ilccrco UclnR rceordcil In JiidKiuci ttoolc clovcn n t pn:;u 110 of iiolil Dfi tr lc t Court; J nm romniftndcd la iic ull tlm l cortnin lol. pleco or pnrcci ,i

o f Innil idlnntcd In tb c Connly of Twl , ’ rn lln , Sinlo of Idubo. nnd lionndcd nil ie, .Iciicrlbctl nn .follown, to-w ll: n n T in- ICaBi lli ilf o t t in - . NorOiwc:

Q iuirtnr NW%1 of S.-cllon Nin. a l.!on ( If ) , Townnlilp KIcvcn (II

s m Hontli. l(nnK« Klcliici'ii <1S), I'nm i „ tbo Holiic .Mcrldlun.

m - I'nbllc Noilci- III biTHiy iilv .ii: l lu on tlio ;;*(lt ilny of .‘viiviiiiImt, Hi::

. n< (he Jifitir o f S:l'> a'rlnrk 1‘. ,X DlS (Moiinlnlii Time) of iwil.l day. nl (li I g . Kum from door of ili.- t:ourt lloiini- i

(he Couniy of T,wln Kulln, SUilo i Idnbo. 1 will. In nbi-.ll.-ncc- (o nal

he Oi d..r of Snlc. n.'ll III., al.ov.. d.-»crl1 ,1,1 <-0 |iioi>criy to iiatliify rU ilntlffii I).

c rc i with lu lc n n t llicrc.n , toKcUic r e - ' ‘'l lh nll coHlii Ibnl Imvc nccnicd o 1, . m ay iiccni.- Id Uu- IiIkIh-hI bidder ff

cnnh. Jawfiit nuini-y Of the Unite

I),Illd Illln till (lay nf Novciiibo

in- M. n . r iN c i i , sheriff.a h ------------------------------- --------itv /'


A.MKIUC.VN lt.\l>IATOU C03I- JrS j.A .sv

C Spccial and Exclusivo Features of Design

(11 Hoiiy Ik tnndr % llh blch. pro* Jc^tlni; flai<. p rc irn iin c an imiimml)}' larer- hratlDK su r- (urc. l>ircp voliimcR of a ir a rc warm ctl n l modcrale, hcaltbful Irtnpcrnlurcn.

(Z) Itcnt Control llu id lc . T u m II. nmt you bave Jusl tbe w.-irmtb you wish.

(*) (Jni--jilcco Bcanitcm eon*(nic* tlon inniircii cleanlincM , nnfe> ty nnil dum blllly .

(4) I>ock-Safc I><ior prevent* forc- Ine o f Ibl* fir*- and fuel wajite.

— (5) K xirrlor (Inlrh I* Eray vllre* _ «)u» enam el, jv n ii.m e titlr l>cau.

tifiil.- JC T -C lo v - l* a te ls rx (- lit

of Ibc flrr nO.l allow thp nrp- I . ticldi. 10 ^hlDe cheerily

tbrtjueh. ■

Prices $99.00F. O, F . n u ffa t» Sew Vorls

r ..m e In and S re It >\ir Sale by

Home Plumbing & H eating Co.

' T W I N F A L L S D A T L '

. . .A T T B B ...|||P ' T H E A T R E S '

••(ioi.ii l i r s i r I’At u s iiiA iio„ ‘T h e Gold Ilunb" fei.l 'iiln« CliiirK'Cald- cba |illn which ii|icncd ii four dayii

ticcllo, enKUKciiu'nl yi'iilcntiiy. iii llie IdnlnS pby- Ihcatri- wau Kreulcil by a [laeUcil bouii'nra, U Innt niRhl and wnn crceU'.l witb cbui-n

e/J Jn- fiiiii/'i)}',' bill on till* o ibrj' boml l l 1:illilren one of ih.- bcul come<ly ilramnu tbat to n - bnn ever hern nbuwu In Twin I.'nliu

ii|>" T his nbow will c lo ia Saliirduy iiIkIiy ta k . wlib an i-K(ru nhow Jm.thL- m ornlni; m

pllbi, lu o'elnck, ii Joy-ToyiAcroplaiio KUIculo dlon nbow. n t popular prloen. "Tbiollii. Ciold Ullnb" w dl bo fotlowrif li f a ti(f

V tb a t ,-irnlt itlinw m urtlnt: nexl Monduy, cou.Ill the iilnilni: nf (be U. W. C rlffllh iicrcei:

llKlu pradiicllon. "Sully of, ibc HnwtliiDfuluk- Ibo flm t cpinnilo of ihc ncrlol " In iriJVcry Ibc Nel". a Iwo ree l ciiinidy, tlu- In.

lernullonitl N.'ivu nnd hy njt.'clnl a rlln bo ruiiKcincniii wlUi U ob.l^ifrua, renldi-nliitatcfi luiiiaiKer of the Sniiipnon .Munlc a11 CH- "D jnliiule coneort cuch evenlni: on themove- hlir. •'vuii.lcrful O rlbopiionlc V lciiota.

itii.at- , i i i x r .v c K s T i i i t n i s •il unl I S “/MI.MIOIV t i m i ; , ’I’O'viit Sw lfl acllon und tpnnc ilniin/iilo »lt-


I M A ^Iiirn-bMiR .Si-IMIonifl.Treolmciil Z H . Thnt Aiiyiiiio C’un «n Any

J(ii]>tiiri‘, L un;o oc Kmnll.

. ,, C o sts N oH iin ff t o T ryJluiilurtil peoidu u ll over tbc coun*

Ij. ,' Iry aro nmni’.ed lit tlio atnioiit miruc- iitoini rciniKii o f a iilnipic ,'Muthod for riiiilure th a t lit bnl»K nenl frco to . all who wrllo for it, .T hin reinurknbli! lliip liire Syiilcni in ono of tbi* i:reat-

vaiio, cKi l.liwdn/Tii ever offer.'il to rni>(iired Irneli- men, w.im..ii «iid .cb lli|i..a . l l In lic- Kiii'II, llu: pMiiiniiiic...f tfl.- Illlllll iiiici-ciiiirnl • tiiii- .\j,.lliinl ,,.vi.|- .llncov.-rnl. and inulien ('oin- ifiiniK.a o r iui|>|H)rln un-

.N'i> m:iil..r liow bnd Ibe rii|>lnre,I'/ji**!•Il.m ' " “ll ' '' ' ‘" “ "yIti;:',' 1run«c.i you have w orn. IclI di.i I'i'lhlni; preveiil you from kuUIuc ,.r ri„ thin raiC l.: TIIKAT.MKNT. W bclhor iinl.l }'oii tblnk ynu aru pan't help or huvo

m enl a rnpturo an la rso as your flala, D ls- Ihln tnarvclouB SyMem will ro con-

' jH'll Irol mill licop ll up Innlilo nn to T. you wKli ilil manic Innti-1 m i'” " •‘‘'"loi'o iti«

pnrm w hero tbo riip ln ro comim iwcm (lirnui;b (bat noon >-uu wilt bo nn <lno- •'> w o rk -a t iir iy 'nccupnU on 'tu i ( 11) lhoiii:li ynu bud never been rupturvd.

m of You Clin huvo n fr.;p tr ln l o f (blK woiiderfiil nirenKlti.^nlni: prcpurndnn

niiiii i,j- HI,.rely (iciiiHni: your jiatnc und ad.lreiis in W. A. «'(»!,I.lNtJ.S, lni% :i(! (‘ ('iiIIInu'H ItiilliilnKt >Vnt<-r1onn,

,,f X. Y. Sund no m oney.. Tho tr ia l In . free. W rllo miw—In.lay. II lany nal.l I'liVe the w carlni: o f a truini Ihu rcnl

crib- of your lit.-.I ) , . , ---------------------— - . . . . ------

'tb er


W e a r e i n . t h e m a r ;

— t u r k e y s , c a l l o r s e e u s

p o r a r y q u a r t e r s a t

i R S o u t h , o n e b l o c k s o u l

w e i . i ’ h t s a n d g i ' a d e s ,

SWIFT & (Phones 185


TH E V A NR p ^ r s o i i H

New ullp*. br.1%7 Qualil]- rayon. pastM and b r ish l, b lsb ^hades; SO-lach hem ; M :c i ' 36 to4« -------------------- --------- $ 2 . 7 5

E * tra bf.iry rayon, a ll fbaile*. T ''- ln rh h*-m; U ic t SC to

____ tialUmH fill "T he Itulnbow T rail,” Tom' .Mix' lalenl picliirc. whlcb opencO a

run Ift-Ml.- Orpheum tliiniire. Iiiici iblii lucoarpornhlc Zano O rcy ntory, which III Ibo Hciiiicl tff—Ilidcrs of Ihc l’uri>l« Hnso." Mr. Mix ban pnctced an nhund-

- unco of ihrlllln):'oxploltK . Combining u • tbc Ki'nlUM ,of ibcitu iw o wcntci'ncrn, iiriio •'*** bn^ «)afle IbJa u jik -

lu rc o m n n n n u l dihllnciloii.

louiI” XOTICKlui-rii W ntor will he Inrncd oul of tlio rn-

^ l - n n . a--l..>..iUK_3n.iirii/lBy nn.l ppl-•I >'■' ilay, <if noxt i iw k .Vor. JJ, ami 15.tba l T w in (_-o_

'niiu- --------------------.i'i-*'nt ’’O a SAI.i;—H oya '-.^c iiw l Hhoca,.|.i,, niocciinln loc, rubber fioiii nifd bcel.

' ItcKular ja.5'1 vulud. lo r W.UB. Uarhcr. 8hou CO— adv. ^

T\’ANTKD-r-To clcnn nnd repair your tu rnacc. Urizcu Metal Woilm, —adv.

M ueltor INpol'cn# ru m n c c . See Brl- n " . rcoMctalW or.*!*. —adv.

deni --------------------------- :----- — -------------------

^ T J i m i d e s s-

‘ ' *■ f t / ■ I /I '

liclll ' Iy / ( >

/■ h ij/ia t n'Z: -'-(QJcan/'dof .

i!" " 'hy c n n 'iT b a v o n nkln Hito■‘V* V J i.lbcr Klrln? W by do I bavo lo

bavo thi.-ro uiily plmplo;>, bloitlu-s and 'a t- blackheiidn? ' *' red "If I could n n t/ Hnd rnmoihlnR tbnt be- would d e a r ' up iiiy nlilii anil (;lvii muifiij IihcH m y mitl. nm y ci>iii}>li-iliiii. 1 Uiidw.1...., I would ho Ibu buiuiU't‘t Kirl in Um

lYorld! W lmt ta n I ilo7"In ilm l yon .tulklnj;'f I t l l . In, you

I'on 'l havo to w orry a inlniiii'l Junl ■ re. liulld III) tlui rlcb, rod Mood In your IOW l>od.v. Tb. n your nkln will ho ua iUi-;ir ,i,y <tiid noft uti auylicily'tt.•pt • T hnfn w hal S . S. S. bnn been drilnK i„_ for CL-ni'r.ilhinti—liclpinK Naliirci hullil

ilcb. red bloort! V<iii cun Imild rc.l ht’f Idood-cclln no fa'il thu t llio Imi'urltlci. nvo Ibnt (iaunu bn'ulElni; ou l on tlio,nkln Hla. liardly Rcl Inlo tbu nynl.im tiiifohi tbc on- puro . Iilood unnlliKutca ftiuni — kldr

them rlRbt ou l — oiopK th.Hii frun.1., brcuklni: out tbrouRb (ho Mhln.

And Ihcn tbin rlcb, rcd ..puru tilno- foodii mul nourlnbca tlio liimuun o t th. nkln nnil kei-pH i l loo)(lnR bcatlby.

nn Thal'n nil tbe ro la lo tui It. Itoaliliy. vlRoroun,

-vd. n -db tood in ic liunS . S. S . l C C * C 1,1« belpo N a l u r o tm l ld .V J

mnt;ca you )ionltby b I I \ '' " ovrr. U bomitinon your >no — drive* nwny pitn.

plen, litackbcadn. bloicbca. rafili. boll, "n , nnd ocxoma—Klven you haclt.your a;

In pi-tilo—bull.Ift (Irni. ptiinip . f1..-r>h am my llila you full of nc.w Ufo aail'Cncrny.,,,11 All ilrur: Nloren «.dl S. S. S. O. l tb.

Inrecr buUlo. U’h moro ccouomlral.

^KEYSa r k ? t f o r . T h a n k s g i v i n g

u s b e f o r e s e l l i n g . T e m -

i t 3 6 0 S e c o n d A v e n u e

o u t h f o C o g s w e l l ’ s F i l l -

!S. . ' ■ ' . ■


:^ITY SHOPHotel Building

Bath Robes» • O n r i if tv n h ip m o n t o f c o n lu .

W ' ro j- r o b e s is li f r o — a w o n d er-

, f i l l n r rn y o f c o lo rs n n d

J s ty lo s , m t in Inco a n d r ib b o n

tr im m e d ; n ll Kir.c.s to Jf>; a

W n iilj/ i i) Xmn-« f.'jfi $ 5 . 5 0

lo 9 1 0 . 0 0 .

=JayonJoncessJlips, and Bloomers

E xtra JieavT rayon; la rg e alie* for (he Rloul w oman; w e ll’ mado e tra . full c u l: aUe«;<c to __________ S 3 .0 0

ninom rrs—A la rc e aM ortm eot In a ll color*: bea^-r rayon;

I L Y . T I M E S ^

■::For Stiff Jointslilch ‘rplu ■“ **’ -md- PbarmaclntB nay thnC w hen nll IlnK o lhcr no-cnlled. remedies fall Jo ln l- lern, Enno In nuro to apeedlly anccecd.- j>k- j r» lor Joli'l iillincnlji on ly~ t} ia l

Ik why you uro advlaod to mm It (or luirc. cccaky. painful, Inflammed, ibiiuinuilc lolniH. •

Jo int-E aso llmhent up tho Joints— i.'ril y**'* youHKcr—ia clcan

^3- lumnrcif—six iy couia u lubo u t <IruK- RlHln overywbero.• Alwuyn remember, wbon Joint*

oca. Kni.o Kuln In Jolnl mlncry itelii ou l icel. —(jiilck.

Biggcat Soiling Joint £em cd/ in tbo World.

s loint-EfeeMiss llogersGained

■' ■ 15 Pounds In Six WeeksSkinny Men 4ind tVomcil Rnln F It4,

I ’oiiiids Iu 30 Ilftyit o r Jluncjr ' Hack.

’ My dear .P rienda:A fter m y a ttack o t f lu 1 vraa thin,

ruu down and weak, I bad n iiuliow (iiniplcxlnn, m y clieoko w oro aunic Id anil I wun conUnually troJb lod w itb i;an nn niy ntoniacb. I fo il atuffy und bad lonl m r appetlto . I had read uboul McCoy'a Coa U v o r Oil Compounil Tablota a n d docMoit to Rivo tbum a tr ia l. A t o n ^ , I bo- i;an , lu p ick up nn appoUto, m y

k <‘beoka filled oiit atid m y comploz- F lnn ;bocn m o hoaltby looklnR ond I

Kulncd IS pounda. In s ix wuoks and • nni vvry tbankful .for w b at McCoy'a

Uto Cod Llvor o n ' Compound Tablota I'l did for inc.

MhiH A lbe rta noRom. 204 W . Cerro Corila 8 i„ IX catur, HI.

mil w*ilKlit. crow nlronR, and vli;orouii, to llt l ou t thu liollown

In clieiikn and ,Jieck. try McCoy'a Cod l.lv e r Oil (’ompound' Tublcln tor

iu„ :ii) dnyn. Gu Tahlulii—CO conta n t SeliViiiuifi-JohnKmi DruK ntorifi. Inc.

mr mill Hvo druijetnla everywhere. IM Iioy •ar IIvo drnRKlHtii overywlicru. I f they

don 't Klvo you w onderful beJp In n« n» llaya, i;ot your m oney back—yon

ho tho Juditi*. Hut bo anro luid niik for, McCoy’a, tbe orlglnut and gen­

ii,;b . . ____________ _;fJr .____________________


Because it'a a top-c doubWi'chiaatrcr M-J-’D gives you ti for your eoSix aso.

--------- ------------- r , - ^ * r t h c f ^ i

M o n e y a t H o n

WiaFi Way .

By nring HOME PBODUC; ' tbe commmiitj, yoitr ndghbor

The 'bMt'StigAr plant* in I d cap&citj, tttrnlQg oat ^onsands Table and F m errin g 'sn g o r ou ntaaofitctttred hy joar owe peo

l%e pleasing part of this o; thtfbsandt ot dollars In factory importance to any coaunonitjr. hauling, feeding and other ne' avaiLible hy tlie sUUsatioB of te r resonmt for ntimerotu Idahi

Anyone who has visited tl cleanliness ^ d efficiency in a fact alono shonld diminat* any Judlce still >exi*U today. When will feel proud to ask yottr dea!

to request beet suffar'aade in ! your local grocer.

. We are Idabo taxpayers, o

ThA m a lg a m a

f ! r » m r


/ ’ .

!rrrcnsDAT, xovEjm EU r>, 1025.1

, S A IiE -M cn V llsh tw eisb t w ork f Q aboea, .S1.9S nnd I2.U5. B arber Sboo L v Co.—adv. .............. •

f l Delco-iight Pro duct s

ouiDelco U Bbt P roducta consist of

depundablo Delco llgb llnc ay»* toriiii, a a lio for o rc ry jieod, vfUU o r w itbout battorlea: PrlRldolro cloctric rcfrlRoratoni nnd tee

k cream cabinotii. A utom nilc deep B und uballow woll pumpa. A wuub- m in c macblno th a t wnalioa cl<;<b09,

clenn, a ll buckod by G enernl Mo------ torn.

Tlmo I'nymontn I f ',I)o a lre iL Wo D eliver nnd Inatu li.

A. Lee Romeroi 'DKAWll

PItq r iio n o S4ITV .

rro Charming Hat« mR of Satin

Tbn iininll Iml ai;nln ntops lo Ibc fnrcux<’'>ii)~* 'Ibo b a t itia l la

(t’r no ticcom ini:'1o tlio uvoroso n o ­a l mai». iiomo bavo rolltni; b rlm a .'

aoniellrr.ea a t ono aldo tben ni:aln loy titrn ln j; np a t Iho bnek, ley A ltracllvely p rlccd.


F E EM e

Cop-crcm cofTcc itrcngthand flavor oumore"im]cagc’’ r money. _____>ep<u{>-^o»t»-leM-4n-t}t*4ong-ninl-\^--;— :_____

S p e n tm e ............ ..... ........ . , -

F i n d I t s

; BackVOTB you aro doing a service to >or and yourself.L Idaho are now operating to fa ll iids of .bags ot fine qnalisy

made from yosr own beets and pe<qjJe. .ts operation Is tbe distribxttion of o ry payrolls which are of xnajor ity. Tbe beet payrolls, digging, never-ending employmimi made

of tbe by .p i^oeta, Ism isb wln- dflho families.1 these plants wiH know of the I a sngar beet factory, and tiiis uiy nnjnst prejodiee, if any pr*- ben yoQ see beet sngar madd yoxt dealer.for this article.

in Idaho when purcKiang~&Bm“

I, operators and boosters. ^

" h e

a te d S iig a ri n i i n V

Page 5: TT.S LY T - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · arrMted beri.Testerdoy cbareed with t ... f queallon as lo the rUhi et a doctor i to Uko tba

f i n j i n e K D i r e c t o r y

__________ T r a m f e r ________

CaiOZIBR T R A lisV E n COMPANT— Phono 3«a. StoruKo and u ratln t .

iUeNlCHOLS TnA.N'SFL-n . Jk SToTl- AOR CO .-Oftrbfts« bMilaiS tlullj Pbona SOO.

ffARBEUlO VllA.SSFEIi & STORAOE CO.—a io rig e - .n n u npcclnl cnrlow «hlpmpnt» to C ulltorola. P bunt U2

~~ S h o g - R c p g i r j p g -------------

BOYXL ■ SHOB R E P A tnW Q . P. tly e r i. -Prop. tno 2nd 9i »« ti

WK uato pA N co b o m :s a' n i>nlno Uoo<Iyonr li>i!|ji. K. I,, julinoli'Hllicr. W nrk Twin

. Pnlln Slinn Itopiiir, i:;': SMn:.lioii<- Wcnl. piionn rw.s.

I^IIS T CUSTOMICU in tlic iiiornli.;: fo r Imlf nolpn w ill koi u pnlr ut nil. bor hcclB frc'o. Tw in Fnlln Slioo Itn- Bftlrlng. 13a Sbonhono Went.

LOOK AT THOSE S l I O R ^ n i i l never m ind I v l l l lake Hiom to Sllm'n nan have Ihom rcbuIlL Sllm ’n Sboe Uo- ptttrlng. 123 Shoabono SL So.

A t t o r n e y *

PORTER—W m £A 2l. C ixrje rt. OrctC loi Jo p y Storo._______________

O. O. HALI#—pTor Clnt. Dooli B'nrn '

J u n e s n . Do’hw en _ O rr CUnpmoi _ BOTHWELI, 4 . CHAPMAN Wooda BIJk. Rooma f.. 0/ 7. R. «. »■

aWEBLEY A 8WI!EL12Y—A ttn ra ir. n r » t . NaUonal Bank DulUltm

f*. DUNN—1-nw orflccn, Roomf. A hiH . Sm lth-nico Diilittlai:,

C h i r o p r a c i o r a

DB, a . C. WYATT ~

161 '8 rd A to., ^ o . o r tlc e . P l»ny i'.

■ DR. BULA C. SAWYER OstoopaUJlo

. 6'nltJi 1 and 2. Oen BunU lun aiono IMQtW ______u<Ov,

_____ ~ M i s c e l l a n c o u »

TW IN P A li l^ T1;n t & AUTO TO f CO —213 Sboshono .';i. He., , Pbnii.

! ' r r n l i f m m i s T ‘D R A. J. FOSTKR. I'ool Dociof. 221’

Shoabono weat. .

7A JL0RIN C—Siiltn !o o rd e r from WO up-. Clonnlnjr, PiTB.MnK. Kcpalrlnw.

,• AU W ork OiioranicHi. Ilnbbol, The T ailo r. ‘ gag .South Main. Phono 088J.

• . 'M t tS H A N S B N -Flne ilrcM mnklnB..;• Spoclnlltlijs Jn ta ilo red drcKacB. All •'..‘.^ o rk suaran toed . Over Dvotba.

E O T tO Y im N T O n .‘fcR -302 '*S . Mnln

'B ? E 8PTC rA LtB T--D r. V,m. D .R er nolds. sop. N oxt door to- Oolden

7 R u ly . '. _____________ ’

rW IN PALLS JDNR UOTTSe—Uot ■ 'tli . .R o » ^ r . Hldew. P e lts snd Far»

ARMOUR CRI2A.M ST A T IO N -38.' H s ln SoDtU, Twin Palls . Pbooi-.. ^)E48 sn d 1074. Sco tu beforo sell . tn s c r e w , poultry o r cKca. Vo»

« o corns ou t a fte r you r poutirj Open Siilu.'Uar n tnhta u n til 1i O'clock. Chaa. Underwood.

P i a n o T u n i n g '

8. O. nV L L -*0 y ears ' Ejporreneo.

Phono 817J. P . o . n o r 80». '

T y p e w r i t e r s i

W« s e l l - 'tQ . Retjl ’em . F Is 'em.. BOTAL A ll Mnties COROTri

---------h ------ P O B T A M .B -A D W N a -a L lC n ise — J218 U ala B t T w la Faile. ;

F o r S a l e - M i s c e n a n e o u B i

fO R SAl.Iv-Mc7nii.Hli npiili'K, COc ' and 7{ic p e r box. .R rlnK Ixixrn. A. J.

, Requa. 3 mllea riorlhw rnt o f Twin * Fa lls . . . — ________________

H io H -A iO T n m a oKO W ft n i u t f ' X sn d shtOo trees, sm sll Crulis, sh m b t. 1

roses, TlflM sa d pereaalA ls. Beat of 1 stock fo r low M t firlees. SBlennen * W MU4. . CaUloffne Is r.ed . Klmborly

--------------N urw ri< « .-g tM > c riy .jas> a — i -A. |

r o n - S A L E - S a t t s . s n d .W ln a Ida- , fco'Tuak bouse. A cross trom Iho Sa le .

• O rounda. U 2 2nd Avo. aouth. '

bnby stro lle r . mllcn north , \ i mJle ■■ went E Ppint Store, Phouo C27R5. “

K )R SALK OR T ItA D R —T w o cTlIn- h •frr besu hu ller. J J r n r r na jrh tim , nesr Oodwln Siding, R 1, T w in Falla. j

~ ^ R 8A L & >tIsed rao ees. U b ln t , ehsir* . ra«« . betla. sp r ln ss ; baby c a ^ ‘ rfscM , t ^ t » , ete. B * r n to pHess, . A lt In to o d coadiuott. E:zchsnKe De- I p u t a s a t . A . H . V laesn t Co.-Pbon« 405. » 7 BhoshOBS Sooth. ■ .

FOR S A L B -W jw for sa le , can m tb ro u money on pip* nnd f lttln p r of a ll “ sixes. .T w in F lilU Ju n k H ouse. 161 ^ <tb aren tw south. F bono 705. ' “

' A ll ru b b er casn ha ttenpo fo r Fords. «1196; D od iw , I17.3S. o th e re In pro- <' tM rth tt. P rcst-O -U to D attery StsUon. a t s flboshons SL So. Phono CO. “

PO R SA L E — C heap . n e a rly aew « «7&M v le k c r baity bucslr. a lso baliy 1

, b c d .A a lA lg h JW r. »5 l g th ATS, w est _W lib u u * M iw v’ "" ' ------------- — -j

.FO R 9A L B -C ooifort* c ad qu ilts t y « ' V- E . L rtles* Aid. Phooe 7 « W . U2»

.{22i aveaue n t t . . . ................FO B BALR—Bu t m s s a ff k s a for ”

' sa le . S to . 60 c an o n s. C u so a ( r in d . .

TIH jnSD A Y , x b V E M B ljR :

] BRINGING- AV/: MA.(:6»E CO L- . O N C.W C t-*,;:.

^ PE V J oouLAsTj:-;-,

'iIV -----------------

m BH tl III jj III M I 'I Ib b IIII 11 11IK- i l H K i U H p J II" <1111

/t t * \I. *'•n.


^ T I M EF o r ' S a l e - M i s c e l l a n e o u s ;

' I.XTUK K'OfUV -A n 'w .- (r<,v.- tlif,' two lnr;;c-si Inllion m »«i:ili'vn l.lalio,!

,, Wl- nn- In t'O"!'!.)!! lii 'Io :ill I:ii'.il» of i Inline w.irk In n :-,lvl.lly fli'»i ■•liiniij

r. iiiiinnyi'. I.UkI Aiiiiiiiinl.il.' <.'i>ni|.niiy-

F(Jlt .''A l.i:—Sm nll <-.ii‘li irclnltT .l •J Ulllll n.il.llll.in. JIK. Alt*'. 5 «iiiilN ;

irnl:i. Idnlm ll;ivlic-r Slic.l>. j

FOU S A f.K -T ry oiir w Inl.T un.l tmv.- ynnr Imll.Ty un.l

:lnrl.>r, l.Inil AiiKunnlillr t^oniimny,

FOR .‘<AM ':-s7nKcr iii-wlnK nii.cblnr,' Vaiiliy iliTsni'.!'. nmiirPhH..r(i-,

T lir .'f KMiinol liouiii-. im nly fiinihilinl ' 01' ri'iii .ir mil.-. j:iii l ll i nvrniji: caiit.

FOIt lionry. (.nirntH. ■ilrliii: t'oiilnlin'ni, i-. A.. Wooil, 12J7 :;n/»i»:‘.irA vr, i

“ I'oU HALF - -10 ic.nM bay im.l iin ■ ;ii:ri'n or. b ran ulrnw to Im r.;il on | I.reniltics, Jniiic:i l,nw’.-. f. nifl.-n vu:ii'

!!’ ’ .SATISFACTION (lllAIUNTKF.II i Unil nnr u'lutvc »:ai«.lln>'.'li will |.l«n>:'<!

■ you' tbci'iT riild iiDviilnita. I.Inil .\iiln-j|> ninlillii C.iiniinny. ' •___________

le ' ro H SAM'>-fi III' f. tn r ;. ii: nmrio.'l-J- nl)l.‘ iiiijik-H. I’liti-lck W ynn. I'hunv ’~ CI7R3. __________

" v V a n t e d - M i s c e l i a n e o u s

. CORN WANTICU— I’liouc SlCRll. Mr. Hnnnon.

! WANTKO—SinKl.' an riijx di.i.f* to , «(i.'ir*/iit'ji(s.. ysinr <t

dr.K-.-ry. I’lioni'

, W AN TK D-M i.rr i:.'.nl .•inIiMrn In , :icll. Clnar-Dfiil:. i;()..-ll.', M.iln A\<',

i:uni. I’lione

‘J ' W ANTr.n-Txvci Hull' Imin.ri......I roomn, In no iili <ir .-»»(. iniii of town, » 'i l tc II. crifM Timrii,_______________

i WANTKD—lu rorti.ail« of Tiirkry:'.I' J . 'A . Flynn. Pbnnc T.I:: N, W. _____

W ANTKD-Uii;r and carpol w. iivlnc, Mrn. S, M. Srofl(-l<l. I’nlk SI„ .Virlli-

. view Add, Tw in Fnlln.

WA.NTKD-nn/7i>»-j'3 nnd JjoanJcr*. 3S1 ‘(tb nvcniin went.

- WANTRD—T o T r n t Iniprovcil 40. Pbono 2.'i9J evcnInsH,

W ANTED-^Por cash o r trade,• household fu rn liu re . ransen , ru ss , eU

RxebanBe D epL. A. I I . V lnern t Co.“ 2 u 7 'S |m ffi5 n O $ u tb . f’hone 40?!------ j

WANTKD—At one* itor cash. nssd 5 Pord ears . F h o a s 147W. J . B. W hits- :g M l M ala a .__________________

f WANTED—T o buy boim and lambn.Q Call.308. Tw in FAIIS Shoe Repalrlns.

FLORIDA PR O PE R T T — Wantedr low n lo st and acroARo trac la Palm. Uesch County. Will, pay ca«h. Camp-rf bells Reid E sta te , Lako W orth, Florida

? WANTED—e cw in s n>r sehool cbll-' dren . Phono 68SJ. . -v .

• W A N T E I> -^ ^ e a itls . J . A. F lynn .' phpos 7G1W.

WANTED—^ 0 L ia 7 - « s n hlada. Top- p rices, n . & H ttu o r . Phone SO»W.

; For S a le -AutomobilesfA IlS FOft SAI.K

i- Ford wllh box on bapk—a realr i . iy a t ........... ................ ......... -I

Jc f fro ' toiirlnK In dandy, rim-v iilnij' comllilon a t ............ - ....... "r. dO'■ Ford cnnpe—lotn of nc rrlro li'It• In th is c a r __________ ___ _ lOfl.iK)'' nuick alx. tnu rinc , rnnn c o o d _ ISO.Oi): Buick »lx. lon rln s . ft r ra t I.uy at IWi.Wi

r.iND A ir ro M O n n j: c o m p a n y " FOK Fortl rnup f. L'xIfJi, sood condition. $&0 w orth af t-xtran.I Enquire of Mr*. 11. J . Y ounpi. 253 6lh

a renue north.____________ .__________

, FOR S A I .W - n n U ulrk Six. Rrx raelonure. A-1 sh a re . Voorheea Mo-

_ to r Co. T w in Falls .________________

FOR 4tAI-J>--Ford sedan. I-sle mod- , el In flrat d s n s ctradlilon. M. a Bm Is., n s Mala B»cnue cast.

; K im b y ly . . - ___

' H elpW antedW A N T E D -U d le s to p in lu tk c y a s t

. A rm onr^ C r ta t t t r le s tu rk ey house, i c o ra e r 4 th St. t a d Sad A re . w est, oas b lock w est o f C re tle r T ran sfe r. Phoae

. noo.._______________ ■A l l - t ta B«wa a n O f tSBM la T t*


», 1025.

GUP FATHERM r^O T CIIL- C C ^ .T .l l [~7\

_ I M O T o r i t v CO T I

.1 'i"A.r.NxMvr T t - n c v c ', I ' ' ' D O T M *30 <r»M

iA i \¥ V a B B M r a('> j f BMBlWBWB ' 7 1

i s WAasas; ■ Help > anted

llKi r)iJU.«T>l.\S IJniiaii.l fu! ir-v lin|.MoUic-r nf in-;ivl liccUla.-.'-i, i:vi'v) ,,f ,woni;iii n |irnii|)iic“ fm- v. v.t .iI, l^'i n

llllil^'"” I’l'oH' riu'li mil*’. Wrll.i,y I ijiilrli, Norl cr.iniiiiiiy.'171:; S. .N<'« _ . 'i lljiminililr.', I,o» AnKi'lr;:.

'in ' \VA.N'Ti;i)-'Aiijili-‘ |iU ;.''iii. I’licini {.'iUjlli:! Ix'fiirii H n. in. o r iiricr <i |>. m-

T’r W A :^ l':H -M a 7 rl^ l nl.in fi.r kkViiT; n.l work on tnrni. iiiiijii ho liTlKiiior. CIvi

ri'frni'iiK'^i. A.Idri'iU Ui.: mmi,

[17, ” w a NT|Ti )—IJcnn iil.I;.‘t:i .Moii.ln? ■ll-. m nrn ln i. Smiili.'vn l<l;iho Wlidlciinli|.|| ( iriic .-i'>^ '.^ ___________

A HI'II r;;Iiil>JJ;iln'.T nrA’Jiiil/;i)J/m lj;i; tfi. .i|i.'nliii:ii fill' tv o rn|ialil>' in.'n ov rr S' a ; ’ >onr« of .IKC, Miint l.»‘ of i;o(iil .'liurnr

I I.T. (iond o |.iiorliini(y- for n.lvaiicr _ 'n i i - i i i . Ajiply lo W. 11. H.-:ili.'iirn. 1H,;n -Mnln AV.-. K . _______________ ____

W AN'i'i;i)-l':xi..'rl< nc.'n n|.jilc |.loU ( r.H lo nklc .Siilunicn. Ill;; ft|.iiU«. Fni Ki

_ j Orclinnl. Fliom^ •(.'.iT,

’ ! SAI.KSMKN—Ili'Ht inrii main- 'w eekly m-lllnK nrw ni)<iclnliy. All ro lall.Til. New mi'H Knnrnniced 13^ i

_ wrc-k will cxprnncH nkhlnnt . romnilii hlonw. ja Alilpelon l.'onfcclluti Co. ,Ccdnr ItAtilda. Iow.->. _______

. For Sale-Keal EstateJ S J--OU S A I,i:-F ll.-r.'liln lio , honni- uni

on r non’ r.x32 iwln on linril ronil. cla Ir. tiTt] nn.l drilled well, cinnr in, Cnll, n

Konni-1, Cnnimoiolnl ll.iU'l, I 'I Iit.

to FOR .SAI.f>—Well |iii|irovrr1 40 ncrei * i»-nr T.wln Vnllu. }'atrlvk W^'un

1‘t.nn.' .Il-Rn,

I" itH iiX i .v P R ic i is ». fiA.SY tk u jT jv<', On cholCD Irrlcnte.l farmn and atoci

rnncbea In Soulh Idalio nnd K u te n— On-cnn ncgnlrril tbroUKh inoriKnci n t forerlonnr.', C.all o r w m ip. Idnln .11. Stnte U fe, Kmplro ntock. llolae. Idahc

— FOR 9A1.K—M odem b room houai yi>. will) garagg Phono 002W. ___

— f 6 k X A I.K -F II.t . l.lalio, f. ai-roi> IC, w«-ll Iinlll i.lnnl'T i'd lionn.•. .IrllliH 111- well, cluicrii. Ii.ir.l mail. .Iti'i>‘ noil

lixJit liun.-mrnl. (rlos.- In. I.Tmn, rh rn |i— (’.Ill ,a | Ronn 1. ( 'oniinerclnl liolol f*' F llrr. anti t{r«J witJi om’jht.

r». ' Miscellaneous— Wi- ill. iiiacliinn wnik and lailii do, work of Itll kln.ln, W.irli Kiininniceil ttf l.Ind Anlninolillr' <'.im|iaiiy.

— —TtOAttt>-TlN!>—flOO-N»--AI«j-;taH«— bfMrd, clono tni 31C 2nd north,

" I OUT OUR WAY5n. ' . . , ■ •

MwI •l £ m m g . h a . / e \

a . - ^ a - ■ P A * '< » o AIK iT

^ - S i f l -

r i Q JT.-)L. v 9

“* n yyftv \M

le .H E R O E S A R E . Nl

■__________________' T W I N

i» ■

VJV\A.T VV/v;3 TH/vT M Cl-sE 3' M t h e r e

00-vyH-bTM r;^>

« .i'vr.: ui:r'-, , L _ J < r ' -r.o VM/v:N /I ll- '.- . r. > » a i.r) VLL 'J - 'C ; / ' . - ' '- A O O W I. /K..


I . MiscellaneousIR-wj ' lian 'a I'liici- In I'nr ank iivll n iin 'iii •.•vy!ii.i.-.| cloifii-n. Hi-.- i'n.. lil;.l, iii-M 1 lojhi.'il. nor. S.intli filloidKMK' Kl. ' 1 'r ll. ' I ----------------------------- -------------------------- - ftv;,.vv‘ "\V |ial <:ii»!ic«; I In i l n l l ; - 1

lwii.nr,'" W rll.', .'iirn.aInK [iliolo, l.il — ' F ii'.lrr lrk I’nnl. l.Vll Nti. .Marliiur.a,; . iiini'! lIolTyw.Mid, Calif. > |i

.ITl ! TAM.OIIr.<(} nnd ilronii-'-,„ly‘>n;iUlni:, Mrn. C. 0 . Mnrklc, 228 CUii;ivL- -nvi'nue norlh .__ ____________ j_ _ I 1)0 nol liilu' iliiini.'n on ihi' w»'n-[! 1,1;,y llii-r, Iml ra il Iha Idahn Anto & Siii). ' lialf I’l>' ‘“ fd r-‘‘‘ *'’■'>1' niovuii lu '

tilmrl nrdi'l". Six (iii.-kn In ni.’rvlci-.- ' '\ l t l i four In tlvi' Ion i-i.|iiii'lty, Frtnniif .•r. 'rvIoL' l.y I Ci'JiOllHlbk. .IrlVtTli. I'llOlli; ,

‘i" ''; . CHINA I*AINTIN(! FOR .\.M A H - i tn Ai»i> i.'n-'t.iin. Call ::riiiit:i. ;

__ ■ i-Sart- iiit.n.-y - Hum- y.nir nld tilailcn • Ifil. ri'Kroninl. Wvrii.-r U.-j.alr .‘iliop, 215

_____________ _________ '■ ‘ I'AUMH FOll SAI.K- II, C. (Jcll.-.r.

l'lii>in' 22J, III .^l;llll .\vt-- .Nik j

F o r -Kent . I: lllii* --------------------------------- ----- .-------I'Co., FO R’ U K NT-A i.;iilni.-nl ul IL 'no lti'

rintii. . : ' {

~ l x m ~ l l K N T — llr,lrmiir. rIoHc in .' Fiirnnc! Ii.-ul; nnltal.I.^ fo r Uvo. I'bono '

.■_______ ________iela- FOR RKNT-llouKi- nnd 2 niTrn lin-i IV"' iirnvrd. ,1 iuHo.i)mlli nf C i>olnl itlorr.,.,___ 1‘lionr 537-lt-.l. . ’ ~ I

:reH jx jp . RENT—HooaoVeeplnit a p a r t- '' Kiin. tTwtU,' competely /u ra lsh cd to r llph t

’i^nak'OQptDS. ons. tw 6 and Ihrnr : room s oUino In, ao.l low ra te s , by

week or m onth. Tbo Oxford, 42B o e lt Main N. .le ra - --------, ----------------------:nKc J ’-OR I li:N T -N ln - fnm i li.-.linoni. Inho riiont- HC::J,aho. “ *— - r----- KOlf rm mluae w llb liatli. i-lrrfrle llm t. irl.-ylionr and __ Kainao lu iv iii'sf. I’Jionr 7n:u. :ii;; 2nd

lli-d FOR RK N T-SI.'l'pInK niomn In tno.f. ■ noil, orn boaa-. ins Wnlnirt .St.r n | i , --------------------------- ----------------------------- -Ilul, KOR RB.NT — 3 room fum lahed

.spartaiont,' reasoBsblo. BuRcsIo'<r .— A nts. Clh alreet ahd Second . a renu# j

“ T . FOR SA I.K -S |.cc la l n«;ior(mfnt nf , rh ll.l'n nnd nilmir:i' pninp.i an.l ntford:..

vnln.'i< In «3.on. »ijt-H x'fc to 2. Cl.wln;: ___ for li.'j,'.. Harl..T Shoo Co,—iidv, ,

T im es W ant A.u Geia Reaulla. i ;

\ C t w T s '^ V ^ H KAE .\ i.-S A \.U t / READ

.... . _____ _>3E.^t>.M A! .\u<xto■— '- — I— CM O M l 'M n FEC jf/

; L - ---------------^ \ IM A HUOCW. 1 S P t

- -ssppaw-V-—o o * r > .T to M ••


[ N F A L L S D A I L Y T I M E S

OL-- v y ir 'i , - to i JIS im i t t -j/vw r jT .

: s p p f 1

b r T w 6 1Money ro Loan [

I'nj O'.J I'KII CKN r MONKY FOR PAR.M i ll" I l.OA^S—Can Kul you lliu money In; 'I 'r i i M i i y t frnm ilaiu of aiipllcntloa, • V

— ; '■ A. Roblnnon, ' _ _____________ ;i.li MONKY TO I.OAN--Ciiy or farm ' la,; Fnrni loiin.i i:. K, I’oUvr, K.'Ul.

i Katni.T. 1‘liono 371. •

‘,'J;, Lost and Found ■_ ! “ k.'^TUAY l io ” T^I;.'ii ntl ni ' ni;.- a .;p la .- . ' tin o n , i:;, wrl;:lii alu.ni iSo, v. I). i.-<l biirrt>w, Plitiiio i:ii2JI". ,M. K. Inll, riillro lli '. _____ . III

l.O.ST fi.Tniiiii liuMri- iln':. Ali««.->:u in mini.' ..f "I^Hll^,•• It.'ln in it. r.-i ,,

' • Tlllitl nvi'iin.- iitii-ili. .F ln iiK r,T;iW.

_ l.OST. - llitiH II <'lij-:iii|ir-:iki- iIok, nn- swi-rii Itl n a ......nf ••iln-'li, - I*. Ii,

— Tlilmii.ron. | m:; SIm Ii a \ra ii. 'cn ---- ----- —.................. . — -------------- '15 MIST Al Ilnlil hiill iii.ik. Iiliic k l.'»- '

ih i'r iinri^i- .'onialnm t; l.lll iinil .-nr- ^— ....... FlndiT IrilM- a l Tliii.-a'iifflro .'if. ‘anil rrt-flv.' ri'wiinl. I'lioiu- C'ir>.

I ----------------------------------- ---- ---------------I— ' l.O.ST—A nniii|l l.imcb of ki-yn. Re- >

] In rn lo. Tlniiii otflce.^ __________

'■Livestock and Poultry -'FOR .SAI.IV-1 ti'niii ;nnlfii, wt. inofi

In .'rnrU . HikhI inJlJt vow. !*. * (>. /Ice.- ,. no rftlilvnior.nlm .'nt ni-w. nillc .-asl I

I WnublnKinn nchiKil. •{. nnrlli ilu u J— |w cnl. 1). I., IIIII,

rc.,., FOR H ,\I.K —Il.-»;iiilrrfd anil iiuro- jlircd H nm pnblri'id \crp. f.O, In rd ewea, •

~i-JI7 ,r.O : Ifi rw c lunibH. $lC,t»K 6 buck ' ,y* l«ml>n. Jir;,nii. Cml S, M nrllin, W«ta- *

.li-ll, Ida. I ’S mile noitli, 1 inllo .caat 'j i j <’lcnr l^.kci* C nid tt.' ,

The bmii wny to mmfl your own Dua- ! __ m cfs Is 10 loll oibpra about i t - mi. 'bm itirh ili»lr newnoaper. *

Fl.Sil- i:vt'iy .Iny In 111.- w.-i-k,'y.'» 'WI can fiinili.h ton n id ffcrrn t klml |

racli <liiy. Will kcII yon a nnlmon.ro 'l. hililc n r Ininii nl 20 crnln tier ;

__ iionnd. o r n natinon irnnt for Sunday jnl :in cciil.t- Wc will uri you « t rnli. ,loliKi.-r. rlum nr nlirlinj. If you wnnl |i111.'Ill, Wc liavc |i|uri-d nil order for j

XJ 2i> Knilonn of iiyNlrn'. Can't rniy Jnnl ™ wlmt llu-y wltl ncH ;ii til l tlicy arriveIt', ll'll ynn cnn afford (o cat tlicin, Tht- d

pricc will ll.- riKlil, i:.l Vnncr. 1‘ul.llc ]■_ .M nikcl.-A .lv, {nf ------- • ------------ VIm. T .lh i ;x I P r''i- .«orrcl naOdlc borne, fnnr whllo ferl

and'w bltc face, rnarhcd niiint* and ro r- — l.riil ynarllnrr fnlr, W M. W iate t..IlL X ..

r jttir, Ii)a.- • . *

—By W illiami j.____________ ~ 7


— -___ / ----------^I K A A l \ / ( 3 o - T b ^ R \ . <i A O T M t - i t r a 3x to fe . s o d - ___ _Cj M E .W ilt r a ’C A 'J T '-fOU SP 6L V EM . B o S 'i fJ -WSA ____ : ___ y

y e a^ __ saa*,.LU*e»

V i. ' r . . on


!S - ' . -

BYGEORCE' ) . / ' ' [ w e u n _ - o p E N .Th

’ SA.V'C, AN MA.MO '' j ________VJM^T 1-n !»•. IT

U •m r .. . i i .w a - > r ^

' • V------ i ■

■1 > i' H ' #'"1

^ 1 O T t t r s ” . ' •"' ll I n - a

j . DAILY MARK1, ' .J ' ”~.,1VIII;.VT li .u N s W llll,i ; I i! CIIAItSi; «iii.v i>s I-'I-I'i

:1 II, CIIICACO. ,N..v, r. Wliral iiiii.l-

• ;;.i.iil Ulllll'. Ill lllll;.; Ion on 111.' ■■ hn;.........I ir.idc. r i i , in . ' 'TiMllI:! Ml'id Cl

I., 3- - i:ii;.'lllc i| ntlll. lllllu- caiiii.ti ;in .-i-:• K .llf «lM-;it ...... . I’rli;c ,ihaii;..'-<', V..-1.' imm. lllll-. Mil ill III.- a;;:;ri'-'.i;i., :.!ir.iil.'' IV,I-. ;;iii,iU, 'I'll. III,.I lnr.|iii;:- , 111.111 It. iMulii” ' r;.iiu- fn.in Wliiniii.-;, I'- ' «'.<ra w,-al;.-ii. 'l .m lr.-.' r.-llliiu;|1 ln;i<llvll.^ v,.. . ll..,' |irtii.'i|.;il di- - '' ii|i-:i;'tuj; l.n-li.l' in .i.il.'-., ,

l'rii\l;.1<-i.:. v,ni.^ ».ll::li1lv likli.-i -1.-- fl'-i'tlm; inlv;iiic,v In lun: n iiiiko . ; 'I

l.tM-n. lll;:li. I.llv^- C'l-.:.., I W llK A T- '

lire . n.-» I,Ml l:,l .^ IIV'-. l.'.n^ '. IW . ..hi HI- 117-.. •. ,Mnv n .« HV-. HT’-i iM ’-, HT'-::0 M;iy old H I ' , ll-;--, U:'.-; l lU '- i ;’"

- Drr. Tli M '. 7 1 '. 7r.’; i ‘!- Ma,\ -n:-. T ^ v 7;*’,, ;

OA'i'S . , -- III-... , ; : s s ;:vi, .1s^^/ Mny i;;'i: i:;',-i i : : '. "1 KAUU-. r,' n Jnn. ' i::;-ii Un:. ' i n s n . i.::iii ' . . » VK. . .: Dr--, . M 'i M 'l 7 ;l^ .M „ May . . M!'.;: ST,', .sr.'. .’- t ' . , '

. I’OIITI.AMt I.IVKSTIM'K.- I'ORTI.ANI). »)i'.'.. Nm.. CallU- \\ n, —Ilc^^inlM. un; :..ni- <>f innrk..! innn- ,-i V lunlly nli-i,.|v; nli'cri', iii.-illinn, $ii.7'i ,

frn-i:.; mm m on, *.-..r,i.-fir,.7'',; .'an-,. I , n r r/‘ nml- c iilir r . ij/-Jf<.r?'-I\i

mrdliiiii mill .'iii.iin'm. Sl-!ii:; h i-rf ',|, t:nwn, inrdlnni nnd roiiini'.li. n

I C.m nm. nnd c n iim .. Jl.r,ndt till.2*>; hiilln. ciiiiiicr... nnd IhiIoi: i‘iii. u

' <!■(; rulv.-i*, ni.'dlnin rlml'n- Inillk .-i .-.'.Is . '\rl iir ird i. J.-.-'il-i-.s; ».-ai..rs, me- |i

~ dlum ami <’tinl<-... JsMXi ln. (lloca K.-c-l|i1n.' n.inc; nmrk.'l J;

*' noniliially nteady; in.-.llnni. c ond .fi. I. rhni.'u. iini-'.’iMi pi.iin<|it. : i;:.L'.'iiii'!'.!.riO: inr jon-".-.i. iHinmlH, }ll.T.’.fii 12-2.’;; 2r,n [5' |umnd» nu, 51 l,r.n«i f2.2r.; iniekln;;.! I.

nni.MHli. li(.avy. JS iJd l; parking ron-ili I.. '■ heavy. JX ffll; n lnnuhlcr p ltn . $IKU !l, T I" ; fr.'.l.-rii anil Mo.Oicrn IlI.SuiiM.-:, i r It .siirep - H rerli.ii.. ;i(iii: nmrk.’l mi e n.iniiniilly Hl.-ad.v; lanihn, hi jioun.lKtii e tinwn, nirdlnm it. rliolrc- $ l l « f in ; |r i c li..iivy wcIrIiIk. iii.-.llimi nnd eli.ilr-», i c

{Oil 11,2*.; ciillh nnd r-.nimon:-, a ll ' |. wclf:lijn. »7?i lii; w rllivrn. js-fi lU,7i; i ri rwrn, comnihn lo cliolec. J4(5i7, ■.

I • ;---- IVC IIirM Jll I'ASH C R A n . 1

- <'l » f A « 0 . -Nov- ■'.-■Vo. 2 hard. I

C o rn -N o . 1 yellow . Nn.2 ycllou', No. r. yrllow- SI?fS4U c; No. t ycllnw. s2',4o; No.3 yellow. s:!i;; No, C yellow, new. ' 71>.a073c; .No. 2 nilxi-d. 84*ic; .No.3 mixed. S3e; No. 4 nilx.-d. new.7714c; .Nt>, C n ilxc l. K2ii;c; No, C T'm lxcl. new. 72«f7;tc; .\o, 2 wlillc. at(Hl4©S5c; .S'o, S wlille, S<c; .S'o, 4 piwlillc. 83^4c: No. S »vJillp. n.-w. 73',fl r .f f74c; > o , C Wl.ltc, new. 72p . f<.

O n ln -.\o . 2 while. 40O40>cc: ■ No. m 3 wlille, .39P40C.__ Biirlry-,7Qgt7C^.

C lovcr~»:0,75023’.2:', Ji'

OMAHA LIVKSTOCK^,.OM.UIA. Nel... Nnv. 5,—C attle-,lie -

ce lp t* .-7soor-m n n tr fF ira n ^ .- 'io w iic - " tbiBlier: jehrllnKn. $7ffJ3.75; nlccm. na »7.C0»13.73; cown nntl hclfem . * 3 « nlt 7 ; atockera aud fMHler*. m oC R f-O : calven. |4 f r l 2 ; hulla nnd fctnj;n. 13.23 04 .23 : w entom ronReri'. .

l io e s ~ RecelptJ-. 6000; m arket moxtiy 10c HiKher; hnlk of nalci. I3 .7 r.fr ii.;3 : top . »ii.4o. ^

Shcci> — .uA celptn. s io o ; m arket • leudy; yearllnRn, 110011.23; wrlh- e rs. J -M frO ; lambn, |l3 .60 tflC ; as ewea. SSJ>0(^8. fit

--------- JcrJHIMIVO F H O P I'O :. ve

, CHICAGO, .Nov. 0.—n u tte r : Re- cMpla. OeOs; cresRaery. 4BHc; aland* arda, 45K c; aeeondn. 4 ie 4 3 c .

F,ecll^ Reeeipta. 1869: o rdinary. SS <r4&e; flrata. 4 7 0 C tc : ex tras. U r.

a ie e s e : T w ins g3K<f; American, S4HC.

P ou ltry ; Radelpta. 14 C ars: fowls, t u H O JO H c; aprincs. 1 8 « e : dacka. S ic poi K t M . la c ; turkeya, JOe; roosters, nm Itie. Al

CinCAOO. Nov. c.—B M i p u , XU SOI e a r ^ W Uooasla n t a d w U tos. t t M Alp 0 3 .78 ; M la a u o U ro n a d .w kUM. 8 U « I r t a i 7 * r J— isto . U K j W i s w l -.r

irin aBa~M >am a s s

>biraJuroPORTLAND^ Or*» S

V U U W * ; M A wktt% M W r v M U ^

E M lA pMO OVC.K \


Y E R S -{KET REPORTS |V! Idaho Potato Market

■j (M arket Ncwn Srrvlr.-, United Slnl<.-»I D epiirinicnl pf AKrlculinrc.)

lI'A ilO FAI.I.S, Idaho. .Nov. C,—I chm dy- sunw.-d -Invin;; day. Iliml- -

' 111;-.-'vi'-rv llKhI; »i-l-. ..ii-inlry UkIH:.' di-ni;,iid ' i . ' i y idow; tradInK UKl'li , i:i;iiiirl w .u li; t ;irlti;idii f. n. I), eflnll, 1i;u-k, C. S. .No. K rilialri, ....... mien. ' i c-p'>ili'd, Sai krd rni.imln, Cnlifornlu

lii.Hi, luoMly nronn-l |3.2:.; frw lilcli- <-i : V :i ;-inl-..ul!. eiifh lo ;;rowi.r»: nO

. . , i ls . I.'I'-nl-'il; ilra l.-rn , nnt tniylna: .itici i\lil|-iiu-iil>- fi-mi inevlnin* K«l«*.

luiiiiiltii:: Jh'tii.-iinl Klun'!

: litK'l:'! F ’.No. I, i.n<-k.-<l niM-nlH.C.illi.irnl,! I'a.'k . -II .t Iii;: j:ljr;i.2:i::-u Kc ll Iiiial; J il 'iil li:.; w:isnnloinln

' i .-i.vh ll. ,-ii.«--rs. I', .S. .Vo. I. rlmncln■ hull;. -iiiH .rluhl. -in.-rlli- t2,.MI, f«i'V• ; lilrlirr- nir:ih.. mi :.;il--;> nlHirl.'<l. ’• ; FfilJ'l- W tm r il : r. Cidoradn. t. ' l.hdiii. I N.-hii': liii- H tn m .Kvcrlr.l;•I 12 i ;i is oa irii.-k iMihr.-kcn: .nniipllrn ' lii-hi; ihai;ind .nul ira-lliiK IlndK-l.

and i.ll::lillv wnilii^r; hr-ikt-r.i carloi■ MiU-i., l- 'orl'W oilh hnjris: l-lalio n;iik- ‘ ^d •riiralM- F. S. I. 34,-«n'(V4,"i>:,, I'.dorn.Ii. aacli.Ml wlille varlulcK. U

i s . .No. 1* J4.2:.'/i'1.r.n; nark.-d b rn*n Ihi-nni)/”! and Il.-d .MrClii:-c.. C, S, .

, • No. I. iiiicitly nninn.l »4.'.0. •‘ ' CIIICACO: 7 Colora.ln, 12 Id.ilio,

I :: MIclilcan, 2S Miniii-nnla. 1 Mon'..; 2 ' Nnrili llakoln. 2 Wnnhln,^l'U. 3H •

c WiiMhlimion. 1 Wyomlnc orrlVL-d: i:iU , ,I- ei.rn on Irack Iiieliidlnn-I.ri.ken;'KU).. ''iIilIcK li.-avy; .l.-in iind 'nu il tr.idinK i-.;vcry idow; nm rkut nuneul.nl , ami '" I very w rrtk; p rirrn laavr; p.ifjrljw} f di-nlliit'. .H-ciirins lute ycitlrnlay;

trnck hiil.-n carlo t t.nlwelKbl: Win- i> cnunln nnd Mluncniiiti nat-ki-d- mund •3 wIiltcN. ir. S. No. l . $3,60«3,fi:.; t r o l ­ls en i?. up. WhiLxniitln nnd Mlt:lilEan - bulk round wIiIIi'k. |t. S. Nn, 1. 1:1,2 ,

iiioMly ?n.:i0<i..'!.4O; froien. .*1 }2.r.m!i'3. arrorillui; Io rondlllnu;I .f Idaho nackctl rnKHi.|ii. C. S, .Vo. 1.: limiKlly »4.2.','■0 I I.DS ANC5KI.KS: 10 Callforiihi, W '■ ’Idalin, L Colnra-l-i nrrlv .'.l; 100 curn h [..11 irncli iinlirokcu; 27 cnrn on trn rk i ! broken. Snirn Tiiemlny: Track nnlen

i c;irlot oniMcUbtH; tlemand llmlte.l;'I I m arket biirrly -Hlen.ly. Slockton anek.I 'l i d Innc wlill.-n. m . nalcii reported;: I r--r..|veri> anUlnK Sr, f.ir bent ntoek,1,1 l'ol.ir:id<. i-ackc.l riu‘n.-tN. C. S ..N n .II I I. 14- l-h.lni nnrkrd rn’mnln. no nnlen ; 1 rt.porli'il. Ilniclw-in anklu;: J4.25,

I m i t i c i ; OF A ri 'i . i c A T io x v o n 1 , \ r I'llORITV TO I 'O .N SltriT A

! J ___________ TOI.I. nR lllC K . _________ .

'- Ntnirc In brrchy clvi-n iba l the nn- .h-rnlKne.l, 11. .M, Murray, will mako

'' apidlcatlun l.< tlio Hoard nf f^ u n tr ' Coinnilnslt>i)rrn of Jorom c Connty smi

th r Board of Cnimly Commlaalonera of s Twill l-’nlln Comity, ib« iwo l«a rd s .. at:lln;; to .e llic r In aci-ortlnnce w ith thv I pro\lalnnn of Cliaiiier C3 of the Idaho I fon ip llrd S ia iu tra . fn r s iitlio rllr ' lo

eonnlrurt n lo ll l.r ld e o 'o v e r Snake• RIvi r t'ajiyon,

l.nealtun.____ tiald bridcc y l l l - l . r l<K-alcd.lnlSce.

Ilnn .14. Townnhlp U .Soulh. of Rangti 17. lUni of lhe Bolatf MertdlsB; and will upan tho R nske R iver C-snyoo al n polnl approxlm alcly 1600 feel Eaal

nahl .St-filon 34 Interaccts th e South aide oC n a ld 'S n ak e . River Canyon.

Irf-nniii.T b r Irncth o f aald toll b rldso will .

b r appnJxJnislely I3M feet,llr rs ilt lb '

T lir l.renillh o f aald brlds«' will b«.3u fell.

Salil sptdlentlon Will Im msdo ta aalil'Cflunty Com tnUeloaers a l the ot> flee o t tho B oard of Comrahi»toaef» o t ’ Jcrtimo County on th e 30lh dsy. ofN o^ vemhcr. JI>25.

D ated th is 14U« i ta y ^ t O ctoher. M JR . R . M, UURRAY.

• .JV p pU caat-^

M A R k E T S.smruio fffltn ■ -aW heal. No. 3 o r b e tte r ;------ L _ _ n 4 l ' . ;Beans, ne t -----.* W j> - i '

B i in r.

Page 6: TT.S LY T - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · arrMted beri.Testerdoy cbareed with t ... f queallon as lo the rUhi et a doctor i to Uko tba

i s FOR

s u r a s

— A M I:>' . -----

" H f lunc iiU-til}' <>/ nir> m m ' mill Ain'iii It, K. SiilIIiiiii » r (III Orrimii S liori i.lnc (imIii), “nml ili Jiiit limk (iir iiiiy fiirllii-r ".Itorlnui-3(r. S iillh iiii Klllll (lint /o r nl.... III tlip hliiirtiiK'' nniiiiiiitnl tnnlMitil :!:• |u t n -iit: (hnl fn llx r i n c ro 7>‘> |ic r <-i-nt of tli>- full n il rriinlr.'m i-nU iif n-tfiicvriifiir>.ThlH Is iio» ......... .

MVv hnv«‘ fully liHl pi-r ri-iit iinil ........ (o nirnn- loilii},** Ik- kiiIcI. -IiiiI

■ IliN rondltlon o f 'n kJIkIiI ^urtiliin moy .no l IrnI nny tlnn-. IIo h c h t . I till- iirrloil of Hlti.rlnuv

.Ik (K cr atlll (h u l »<• hlinK him- ^riioiiirh n 'M crrn l/ir i fi>r mill ]ii>tiiliM'ii iK-n-nfliT.

U i ; r .v s s K s a t

(Conllnucd from Vase 3.) • )>nrtlciilnr ono u iio tnlil tilni. 1 im rd liritrd IllKlny crUrdni'il.■ Aaked w lih rRfcM'ni'v to ili« iilIi-

Cl] ii(atpmi-nt ilmt "MnllU-'n .roun woru pollcc hpndiiiinrli-rii," Ik- «ii Itinl Iio nionnt only ilini lie- noili-od il n iulit pollco. UavI.i iin<l Rld'-y. k'Hi:

. un nftoncr Ihlin Iio (hiiuKlit tin nIiQulii. I lo nodci-d Hlclvy fcoinV i

• . moro frcqucnU y tlinii Dnvln iinil liti •»cea UiKli'y KOliiB UJ. nlom. I<iii m-v. BBW Diivlh KO u|i ftlone. H<- Imd uc iiiailo th c flintcmciK (tint lie liml ix i 30 men KO ii|> ilu-ro In ii ilny. itn uuo c<l by M r. Doiigtnii. Ttii- nlati-iiK'i

' wan no t mnde liy him hnt wnii mud l>y W. f*. Orllfnn. nivrchnni'H poUci" I hln prcHPUCo iiiiil IIk- iiri-ncnro of oil fn* b ;u l no l yiiltp Unit wliy. (Jrlffi' nnld lio hnd nocn S I |>ro|>Iu ko ui> Hit'i In nn hour.—Aokt-tl If Grlffi^u t<:U<l-|>o< ]itu or mon. hu <luclarc<l Url(fi-ii liii iiiffil Itio tron i [ip(i(i/p. Jil- illd nol rt cnll BnylHE tn Doiifilnrt If incn wnii n .d r in k . o(l'.. (Iu-y rontd ko ii|i then llo had hoard. Iiowcvi-r, Ihnt llui ii |i utntlon of this placo wn.i not koo<I. II hnd callad Chl«r lAl|:lit(iii <inc nli:li und (old iilm u h r r o lifn nfclit .fore woa. H e had rofnnrd (o Klvo I/-li:h ton ' hl8 namo and ho mild (In? clilo nftorwardB dented buUiR calli:d. Imt h liellovotl Iiad InvoKllRntod liy (olt-iiliinu l lo atatod wftnt ho kiiuiv i« Auliloi nnd liC ldilnn.

Tnki'N Murh .Sntulhitf." Tloy Ciitilt (old Ihll Tinion ii-proiioii

. ia llvc U ial when lie m>okc of r.idliii liquor by "ncomlnB am uiid ' yMiDnlii: ho tn ra n t (tint It nol»’ rcn iilrc ii'n In o f KcoiillnR lo Bot It. Ho nny« In- ho llovi-a o fficers iirn.dohiK tlii'lr du ly n: well nn Ihry i-an .

Tom Holdon. drnynm n. who Inn _ . ; rooms a t (hu KldrlilKO xald li<- ncvi-

' M»'- jiny JJfjuor iJjon-. }Si- Jj.id itroi Boine pi-dilled ou tlir n(rn 'tii nml nl leys lint never ooiitd lonru llm miim - o f (lii).ir handlInK It. A iniin nlcU naniHl ••nrowiilp” pc<lilli-il koiiii' nnd i mnn i-nlli-<l "lllnckli'" iirddlod noni<- liijc Ilf tilrl luit ktiiiu- Ih rlr rifliJMfi. JJ(

. did nnt know of nny vlolniliin l>y iu> lice, tjiit Iirnrd rniiiom nliniit llink'}:.

Ib-lIoTfX I'o llro llonoHl.I)i-|mty Slirrlff I-:. I’nil.-r nnld l;<

l.olluvcd (hit pollci- iifflcon. wvro liy fnK (o /-nforro tJio law. I lv liail f .rn on raldK wlih tlicm and liln p.tmhimI

., oTmervntloii wnn tlml ilu-y nilo .l liiin- r»tly. Ho Imd llonVd niinorH Ijiil nm li not poKH on Ihclr in illi o r •'iro r.

Jnm rx I . Tonillnxon'.r<K)iinT iil tin tCldrrdKc. xnlif poH rr riiiiii Himfn (lino, goni-rallv [ffipl«-v jimi llnvlr, l lo liad lim ril 5lniii|in«<-r «nii up on< i IniikUu; for Vonii-hoily. N iic r nii) I.olKlilon Ilnri-. Snw no ll.im ir nold o r lined llior.'. Did nni Orliili. Kni'w liolliliiK (>f triilli n f M'lxiit thm tlli:loy liioiiKlit lip ll1lKm^llln<^

J. i:. JJohrrlJ-. who 1» hald to li.nv lufiirMiiitlon, ui>|iriiii-d Into vanii'rduy. havlni: horn n 'tny . H e un^ inivi-d wllh n niitxipi'iin. t<ni n.ski'd Im K ' li trnnHni-( bnxliK'an In I’ik jiIi UiI unill ^(oUllay. n h lrli unn s:raiil<(l.

I'O tt i'A l.i:- Mru'ii d ir»n i,liix'> nndnxlforilM, vnhiri. firiii iii fijr.n

---------n<-.iln;;-r..r--i:.r;T-niul il.rUH'fSliw- C o .-a d v .

N e w T ;Is R e

The Abei-dcen • a c o m p l e t o t r a n s f e r

a r e r e a c i . v t o c l o <U1



Nothing too sm-c ------- - tr ia i-a n d w c'^uam i

A b e r d e eSha

■ '

K .u io r llu- M imiilo-W nr. onI ' . Im . ii (|. rl;.lc'.l li> - llir S<Milli

|l.:;ihc> I'l^l. ;.M.»-la11cm ik lull li'.'iii.. id ll 1><’ iiiicrinl/.i'il I'l II ■Ilf in. (!. I i '. SI-rolK Ji.-'* I-f ;iii|>'diil<d 111 r.'i in lo ilili »ll1i

' ^ r * (lUirrr.s Will l.rnvo- l.in ii. Mln J l Ilirv r^ anrl Kl'j.i;?!! .l.nnl.- I'-.ni

.Mnu-.'l ..... III-.;..lHlli.M- f l l l l. f ..r Ilf 111.- .Ma;;.'l Ai

mnl>l|.' CDinjiMi.v, all 111.- i-l.>rl( 111,, l» lilr li l:i owiinl hy II. T. Ma;:.’l i

1 ,1,. h i l .1 "If.'- M arKaril I. Ma;;.-I. »'i«o. I"'r'l'.! ■' 1‘rllkrr'- r< nilK lll-l'n ;M‘ " Sliail I- lIcdKln of Itll' <'luiinl>.'r ’ V, .I.IIIIII.'U'O. ,U|,| M lnrn.'y \V. O, I'li;

man, i-lll Mi.iilt n l . th c f i r . I l l Mo nu'illMK lonluht nt Toihh onto.

ll'nfor <ftif \< a f m W .-t lV .i.-r n .111. l '" ' " f ''‘" '‘'h i \Vidiir,idIIT Ttliiiadiiy mnl 1‘ildny of tioxi nu’o ‘ '"“ hiiindoli o f .rli'aiiliiK HiHico

'J*''- . llo liini Knini (Jr.'Knu--.Mr, nml M .S', rnifik I'M fiiii f rr iiin ir il y i.ilrril froi,I Saloni, ()irj;<in. whon- lliry ha lirvn Inr liovorni mnntliN fur lln- Im i fit nf .Mr. i 'll iifitiir'a hi’nllU. 'I'li.'y ii lioih mirprliioil nt ilio dlff.Toii.i- Inirtlncfin I'onihllnn'. from whul lli

“ - “ j» .T o « liou limy Irfl hi-ro maoi **'', m ontha n«o.

>1’''" ' lli-nlly l.oiiu-> fnr ilom i— Mni.iiu ln iilj,,'.„ i,. |„ff f„r |||„ 1,1 noiillirn iil .l|,'„ llf„rn fu y,.;ii..rdny n fior rl.t;.lm:

I di-nl fnr llio nalo oT liln rniioli nc ;nlni; ji<,iii|.(i'r. ^^rB. n .'a lly 'I.TI x.'V.t

ilnyn nso nflor riprndliiK' n ocmfili- K ” 1' wm-kii ^rllh frli'mln In Twin Tails.

hnd . _______________ii'HT (;iintiii‘r Hnilly llr iilsn l — Jloy > '!“* Oiirihmr. iminaKor of tho tolrplini

cmnpany. In nitfforlni; from palnf I '" ’-’ liriilitoii n-orlvo.l yi-«ti'r*lay whi ni.'ti' croHfiMK Mllln iiviinm- a t tho Slnmlioi nado iiirrot'IntiT m -clInn whoii In; wnn |i

nml hy ii ihikiiIi‘d h - |tru c k , Tho irnoli did uo t pnsn ov. 'f f ‘' ” |M r. C.ir.lnor iiikI IiIh llijnrlr» , uh l 'h 't'i '',|iiilnfnl. ni'.i m>l dannrroiix.poi*.— ------------------------ ---- ...had Thnruod nllli Jf.ildii'Vy-r-I’niil I'n l

I f '- nf i 'tJrr. in umlor arr<'f.t cfinrjcM 1 A'niii „ c.nniilalni (Il.'d hy C. W. Hamllln 11-10. w llh r.ilililn;: IiIh danr.hlor Dorn. . lop- J12.II0 on U.-.'rmlii-r l;i. i t Ik nil.';:.' ■ Ho that I’alo IhijUMIk- inoiioy^froni lli diilii hnml o f i l i o nirl and 'rofu;io .l to ri orcc m en ft. ((o In <nit on Imnct iK'ttiifn 'l«h- npprni from tlm nontouco In iho dli :hl.'f tr lc t court on a cliurKo o t hurKtiir It ho nl tho Uoldcn Ilnl.'.■line. --------- '■---------•Illon (Vuifor on Offlrlnts—Conforonco o

offloluls fo r till- Arnilnlloo Dny Kiim In IhlK c tly wnn hold today hoivxc.'

non* Suiiorlnti-Jiilout Coorco Di-ninnn, nf th llun I'Mlor nohoolH, nnd CoV li i'‘cllx I’ln; nlny ilno, .if 'T w in Falln. r c la tlv r to tli I Inl nffli'liilH wild win linvf chniuo of lh

ho- Toniont whon ll nlnriH nl 2 oVloi- >-a;-. N ov.'m lirr II. A h iiKr.'.'monl wn

irnclio.l. liiK 11 waK aliiiod lhal mi nii had noimoi-mi-m w.ml.l h.- niml.- nn lll (h L-vi-r InVniilllnnn hnd l>ri-ii Klvon nud iioi-r]H iron I'd. • .-

Ill- -------------------------Ull.l <-»r' C o llliio -T w o uiarrU-d ooniil.lell- ..r T « iu l-'alln, .Mr. nnd Mrn. Walloid n F.-ndor aud .Mr., aud Mr». A. CJ, Karinio, w rr.' hlinkcu iiii r.inKldoralily. lu

H e IWI I*riJliM-.l. ivhrn tho lr K or.J .lompu- liiK Oiir 'wall * r iic k la st ovcnlm; n

I'j;. tho Kmill hlRliway l'y n liirKci' ra .Irlu-n hy n Mr. Ilonih. n ^rcnUL.'l

I 1;.- T h.' r .ird wui. hndly .laina,'i--d, Tliiry- oooiijiaulK ivrn- h ro u th l « i th - *-UHTII hy 11 l‘iix>‘lnK itii’lorlul, V r. )lin>lmal coullnui-il .111 Illn way n f tr r tin- acion- clrlonl, wliloh wnn hal.l (o lia v : lior'mill purely au arclilont.

Ih r 'W ANTi:i>—To cloan nnft ropnlr you lim- fiirtiniv. ItrU cc Mrliil Mhrkii. —ndi

s T u rk e y s;;;; w,. i„ m,-v«-<l Wi l l [>av lii;.'hc‘s t jimrl;<-t i>• «'• ilio .'!; u o s i o f |-r< izi.T .j:i:a ii> nil! -----

• .ARMOUR ',„ d ------ SE E US BEI

.. . .-..PHONEE

"ransfer C e a d y F o r B uI Coul announces tliat tli e r outfit in addition to theII kinds of


nail or too large for us t •nntcc- prompt-und-quiek-i:

e n C o a l (tiankel & Gabhartj Propri

— Phone 436-----


p l m i r

f YEAR 19llll lIlL- --------

Idnh.i I'roo i 'ro - . I 'n> . T rll...... ixllliilinn .Mnuiiuod l>.i K. S. I

-Mlnnt.'T " lm Cim-lilor'i i'rii|u'-‘nis fr.iin -'m iad, ! I'lilU (’.m nl).

i' I a r . " ' Th.' nnrrrnnfnl .>|i.'ialhin of .\nni|ia raiinnry. iii iiilii.li.l iiv

i s , Silnimn. whn han liii.'n-iil.'d '■•lillon ' '!■ »

A u lo .) I'mii'r-lll.ui, I'l nllc-.'ilV.t l.y Ml.' fo i-li n fl hut arllrli- whU'li npl'rnrod yr;.|c ..J ,„„1 In III.' Idnho l-'r.-.- !'i.r«r<.I. will 'I'linl a oaun.-ry onn ho niii-.---M

opri'al.'il In .Ninnpa In m> Irini'i in n jrc ln rr . M'llli a pncl. .>r n

oiiJdi'Dl ’' r ' . n oani. nll riolil, ii: i-nod pih.T o f |n m l Ih.' <iilallty d.M laird l.i h.- i I'ln.p- I" 'ho h.'.il. Iho tlfKl ii.’ai.on'n n •Mou'a 'h o Idaho riioUliii: oorpoinii.m . ii

Illlllll M. Sllniiiiu'ii' oxjiril inni m.'iil, Imit prov.'II licynml 'lu.'iuli

•r n lll ilrwhi Ihr Inilin'lry'ji f.aidldllly. irnday. lnn<l.>.tiiiiio .-.lulpiiiclll an.l lln ' 'u .- r k oaiillal. .Mr, Sllm,.>ii and hl:< aaniK- »oo.-i.s, pai'ko.l;

il 'i l r.l!ililirorrlr;(, II.HT, r:i:uvi. ci;- .1 .Mill, ornl.'fl,iiTiliiy lllnck rnipfif'cWc.''. S'l <nrf.i, i>r ,■ havr cialrn ,

hi iic - ' Sniir plllo.l rliorj-ii-v.'!i,' on>H;: I-y n i“ l-'‘'Tm) [loiindit,i.-i. tn i Whllo com . r.r,ii onii..i.

I l i i y f Ilnlilani ciirii. llJu casrii. ^iA<-r.,l Sirlui; liruiin. iIii'i i-ax.'r..

Tohuilni-^. In pound <-ait;i,

Inl.ild ’ Tamalnr:'.. In lO-poiihd v.iiin. ithi-i M j caia -i, VUK n Tin- lolal npnllniio <m Ihhi waa*

nc:T Ihnn a fniiii.h p rr ooni. rv.Ti'l Thi;ji.' nn- ri'iiiarkahl.' r.'HUlin fill- of n fir.'it iii-annn rnu, wllh ii plaiii Illn. wnn ninrr o r loiix nn cxporhn.'iil.

Sllnioiu dcl.n'inlnrd lo Htarl In o ly \V, Kimill iK-ftIo, nud dovoloji nn I lie h phniiii 1 n.'KK wnrranloil. ’lli- linn j'rov.'u i alnfiil In- known hln hujiln.'i.n nml ihnt i whll.- p ro p rr locnl cooprm liou ho enn I; nhoMi) up a onunory horo ivhlrh will ndd p m till ll;:o to .'vnuip.'v i^jur woullh lu tho i miiliiK rrtiiwllu;: cwimimiiv.

ov. r - n h u t It JionuH.white Snnio Iden of wjiat a oni.....ty iiir

I.) IhlH nrcil.m nm;.' ho Kalm-d froi - ivvlnW-of-lUu-iOiiiiiUdilurui— u£_

t'a lo , plnnl (hv flrnl iionimn.'•d III I •nin-fT (/iiKirtnfifi <l<illnr« lOin ji.'ih! Illlnii lahor. ivhlch din-K n<il Inolml.' ih r . a . .if of harvoitilii;: Ih.' fru ll an.l vc l.'-.'il tuhlon.I Ih'i I 'ru ll nnd vo:;..iahlo rn iw ciji w n r i - iiahl nhoutt i H n j ; ----------------------—' 'IIk- WANTilD—To clo.iii nn.l ropair yi Kliiry furnacu. Jlrl*oo Melnl W orkn. —n

•"I'O U .HAI.i:-2 nimorimonlh wonu '' on jmnipH und oxfonlH. vnlm-K from St Klim.' In )K.r>0, cloiilnn for umt fS"o.-ii ih irhor Khn.' Co,-.-ndv.If t h . - ----------------------------------------------------I’lllat /f Ji.\Ki»iN n iios.


B ’A L Li"";;:! d a n c e l a n d

j r n s I (i II T

^ ' l'rl«o Unnclnu't r>. Ihixoh ol , iii-ll<-iiin« Appli-> (!l«on nwu) n*

~ prln-. I.'l tho h i- 'l dnncors. ,\il Iho ««ri-i rliliT J.m m il ilrtiiV

lioni ■ .Mn.lo h>IIAKIHN’S .MISJC .''lAKKU.H

AdmlH.i.iii fI.lHt, Tax I’niilyoui^

s W an ted !iiiai'lii-t. f .ir Tliniilssk’iv in i; Tiirki.-.VN,

I i.i'ii'os Ul o n r Illlllll Ji.i-ntP.l orn' a ii> l'n- C.I,, |:1(1 l''..in-t!i' A vc. W.'M-.

CREAMERIESBEFORE SELLING------IES ..1200—1M 8V-:. - -.-.r.vr-.- . -

C o m p a n yu s in e ssthoy have establishod

;hcij*coal business. They

OR LARGE DRAYING; to handle. Give us a ^ . - s ^ ' v i c e . ---------^ — — r t - . - — —

C o m p a n yprietors



Jji Th.' . xc-riillvf' i-timuilll.'i- of Iho kc > I Iton I’aii'n l-Tonohor n:i«nrln(lon nilllll T n lll '" '• '"■ I- T ‘">dny .........................nim

OUI i lan.'i for Iho i-.."pllon »f Mi.-i. ________ i: . II. ll(ii’l J (n..^dni.- l-rcoMldi-nl nf I

,' , ' , 1, , hoard Ih '' n-|io rl on lli<- i'.'IiuIIh of i

I c V *hi- .)i-c-n;ilon o/ lln- mccihur /,Mi:i. I(o!..-rlii Ih rr r will Iir a nillnl.'

... ,f,iiiv lirn;:ram. an Informnl r o c p llo n . ni 'M il'l l) r.'fic-.ihni.-nlj; for thoiu- pri-ji-nl. T

mI! I'l")' Onihonm noiirdwr.:i ..'iiorio.l. nnd Ihln will ho .||

• Irlhiiiril imnii!.- llir >-yrni) iiclinolx” m , f prnporilnu lo Iho nuiuhcr of chll.InI 'n n d rr ‘'‘■'I"''*'"-

i’ihIu“o ' “ I'ilANTO.n lti:i)" DK.VU'SJ., W-lIli ., IM'KIIt-;STKil riKHVIllm li.ll ---------

niK-lair.i l-'ai'hlon arllntH of I’lirlx have d< , .-r.'C'd Ilia’ flnfiiliii; I'o.l nhall h« II

or M") hreilninlhallliu nml pi'pnlnr vhado f< Hi.' currcni l-’a ll nml W IiiI.t nrnno

nr KiO 'yhiH limy h in r hcvii dm> :o ihi- iJinpl iilinu provided hy lln- (at.nf liCC.'

.n;i. Ol- pri'dncilon, T h e 'rh a iito m of iho Oj

The W. U. WrlKhl Soiiii slnro In mv dixplaylm: 1‘hnnlom ll.-.l frockn. hnl

* anit d r rw rnn«<-rMM In ih r lr ivfjuJovvi 'l':ii'i) nn.l ihv dinplay hnn h e n couihiK I

for onu>-Iilrinlili- IiiI .t.h I nnd nllcr II, .'■iK.i Ihui, Tho .Twin Fnlln enisnKrm.'lit n

T h - I’linuiniu of th .' Opom In hcIiciI ra*li'i*;i ul.'d 10 lUnrl nt the. Idaho Ihoalr.t o

\S’..ihicnday. Nov, JK,,nmf cwtHlllir lf> lln fnr four dnyn, mnrklUK Kn prruiloio pr. Ill lhal ia-iita(lon luMiny ihcalr.i lu Iilahu.- ul. ,Mi. a.lv. ________ ■ '

S i m p l e M i x t u r e f o r

G a s o n S W m a c lII prrii. ---------10 mir- • siniplo hnclithorn hark, innKUPi'hu

ulyvrrliir. i-ir,. uh mi^ei ini-nnn Adlerlka. holpii auy oaro can oi

fronl II '-Inmarh. uulrnii duu to ilcoiii£_ the: H caltd-cautiLa___ U'hi:_jil..-ti''ant„.a‘,il

tJlMCK .iicllun will I'lirprha- you. Ho oani... A.Ilr-rilia (k i.m-|i a i i 'o j r o l . Irnl Inlri llnul tivacnanl ll Is won- ih-cful fnr ronnllpatlim—ll otter workn lu nnn h 'ln r aud n.;vor Krlpo;.

‘ Fl:dirr DniK • Company.

■* y " '" ..miniiiiiimiMliiiiiiiiiiiirniinillHllllllllillKlllllllllllllllllll —ndv, i|ll I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIM

iniou'a 1 J5SII1

P 0 (lis I ■ ■ 1

I: iw M ■11 g

I I ■ ^

* I Fre.stov

in il

Ij peo1 bee;I . • let


- T W I N F A L L S D A I L Y

STORES CLOSE ,0 ATEEVENON )ER ARMISTICE DA10 K.'h- ComplylUK wllh tin- law of liln11 ni a ivhi.di m akrn Arnilnllco day a loi; miti.-'l hcdldiiy, ami w llh tho ngdrlt of |i Mi.'i. trlnlhinii Iho ni.^rohnuln of Tiv nf llic Twin Falh. will clono Ih rlr nlor Idahrt: •Nnrrm hrr-ll-M (-H-<A >I.K ik-unJ km n nnJ 'h n n closed for tin- re?,( of iho du of Ihl- ll Ih annniintvd hy F rank \V, Hr

ly herd miiir.h, clialrmsin of iho iiu'rchnulmr.-iiii of Iho Twin i-'allH Chmah.

llir for id roniuiorc-v,mnloal Knilowinx rllnnlintUt i:.tv | i-i-h iI. nud II O'oliiok. a ll w ill Jnhi In iKtendlii

The Ihl- I'l'lt KIIU10 'Irt (ho afiornnon.Mfi, II -------------------------

.lln- l>.T,hiry I’niM'vulInu 'j'nlii—l>ro:i.-.'i «I» Jn lor J. VV. T.iylor <«-iyn Ihnl out of JJ,II.Irou tcsilm nny offered iti tho hc.itlu;;, ilioi

nro n.'vernl l.tlki. ; f perjury nrnnem Iloun, Tho prn;ii-.|iilor noHftod wl m-nncK who hftd h.n-n .'alt.-d nml wh

HVIlS hn.l tonilflod Ihnt I'u -y ui'.-it mil rclu r unlow notified to 'Ui no. IfriiUly Hlirl

, ,J ,. Iff !•:. F . i’rnlnr. of whom Clih-r l-.dcl ,1 . Inn u a ld 'th n t nonii'lmdy 'o ld liiui |i

1.1 r.,r had henr.1 p rum or of iirtiiK hhr.^clia for col.l I'lnraj:.? «if hnn);.', dlnclnlir

rinnlrJ knowlo.lKi- of IllO unllvi- liidu;itry tc liny, nnd innftlm ov»r tho n-pnri. TIi

/>„ chief a lro nald (lin'.lt wnn reporic * Ihnt nomo fonnor ri^fflvlnhi (ook n nl.

nf cap tured llam^r nl Mil- honilqiint linln '“ "I Sonionnt Itcid nnld ihl

iJovvn, coprocl.IK lu -----------------------------Illon- ^1 ■ ' — . ' '

t . F. WILLMS' r iT r i .. , 640 .25c STOHE

h u . - | Special Sale Saturday ~ j 3 P. M.

Ladies Union :r;,i , ■ Suits-I.-.-II. -M.-iliiim \vi-i;:lil. Uiii'i- li'iik 'tli. .a m i n il hlei-vos ' -.i/.oK :il lo -12; «alu Ho- |ir ic .-, .

ittcn j 50c Eachripoif. 1

The Larges.


R E M i rK N I

A m e r ic a ’s F 5 0 c to

ee! FrWe invite every Man,. W

lore Friday and Saturday, y the Remington Factoiy1 and soe how it is done.

D o n ’t O v eTo inci'case the value c

cople as a whole, a special- J een arranged for the benef :t us tell you about it. Don


, Y T I M E S

IDAHO J’JKHH'C): HI5M«».\STKA. TIOX IN rownic itrii.i>iMi

» M KltlDAV AM) SATI HIi' l.Jti

kT T h en ' will he an Iduho pro.lnclu .lonioniilratlnii oondnclv.l hy ( Ll Tw i'iillelh Conlury olilh In Iho I'oiv

hiilldinK Fridny nml Sniur.lay h.::l i \ T ulm: at uonn nml riiuulm : iiudl IkI

i / l l IlhPiiltn nd lioury. coffn- nud pl nil frnm Idnho pruducilon, will 1 Hvrvod,


H Everybody is' day. I

TlieOrthopIiidhiK :i. I

I Tliousaiuis liave hea1 and Uiousancls a re c

Ihoro i ^I'r 1'nc-cm-t W e are no\y accepLias fast as our shipir

I" t>-‘j , Victfoia you havo m idm a; of a lifetime.y to -,


’‘n ip ! Come in Today andliinr- . .'I'l'’ Instr

.SampsonI ONE. PU ICE-------

l y Posloffice Block.



_ j l . ' —

}st Display


N G T O PI V E S[finest G u tle i ) $ 1 5 .0 0

feel" -F;Woman and,Child to vlsil y, and have his knife sharp y expert, absoluely free. C

e r lo o k T h i! of this demonstration to il feature of interest to all efit of our patron's. Come in Dn’,t fai! to take advantage c

lwaret!o5^LLS, IDAHO


i'(i ' Tliere Aro Onl; Tnu kind* QfilliAV! F.(nt Slanh0.1nctK| BliA TO H FO BD 'S ,

(hoi nud IIio m t o( llicm.t'oiv.T (h-l lilntchtunl’H nt''’■•'"•I • DA JtEO W BEOS.' , '^ a HKKI) f t MUl'l'LY CO.1, Twlu KiiIIk, - I daho *

fs Talking M o u t

iphonic Victrolaheard tliis great uivention I'e eager to own one.»))Ling ordere for delivery , ipnients reach us. heard the Orthophonic '

• inissed the musical thrill. . •

nd Hear This Wonderful 8ti*umen;t , *

a Music Co.— -A SQUAIiB D EA L. - •

Phono 108.




a r y - . ■

'ree!isit_our_.' ... ...... .....ii-pened. Come ;

l i sto the ;

all has : in and:e of it! • ' .

i i i i p K p

n n w n i ^ ^

T n u n .s o A Y -r-x o v K J in E R r., in2.'s.