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~ttnternet'''-'-~''-csa.intersearch.com.au/csajspui/bitstream/10627/894...Hatha Yoga is a complete discipline. The many different postures that have been refined over the centuries

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Page 1: ~ttnternet'''-'-~''-csa.intersearch.com.au/csajspui/bitstream/10627/894...Hatha Yoga is a complete discipline. The many different postures that have been refined over the centuries

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A Pace Like That: Patrick Chung ................................................. 3

Dean Adam- Bird Drawing ......................................................... 3

A Prison Yoga story ...................................................................... 4

The Great Pyramid of Egypt: Todd Devaney ............................... 6

Poem by DC .................................................................................. 12

Australian Mammal Word Search ................................................ 13

Easy way to learn how to draw by M.G ........................................ 14

Lee Newbold drawing ................................................................... 14

__ Creative Art Teacher- Liz Day .................................................... 15

~&16iitgt[~~~-clebyJ,f· ............. : ................. 16

........ -if ......................... : 20

- ~ttnternet"'""''-'"-~'"'"- 21

............. ,, ............. ···+······ 25


............. ;/ ........... ::?'.-:::.· .... ,27 . : ··~·>· ' .

.... _,,,.""''·•'··'' 28


Cartoon Capers .• ;f ........................................................................ 29

Health and Fitness: Article arid drawing by A.L .................. : ....... 30

Drawings Back page Top DC, Bottom Lee Newbold .................. 33


The drawings, stories and poems published in this magazine are reproduced with the permission of the inmates who created

them. They own the copyright for these works.


The end of the ye c1r is upon us and here is a present for all our­readers.

The human imagination and intelligence likes t 0

find expression in drawings, poems and stories. Sharing these items in the magazine with people living in the same area provide a point of interest, they can serve as inspiration for others 1

For the next issue, please hand any work you'd like published to one of the education staff.

BAYWATCHisa magazine containing inmate artwork and writing it is produced by Education at MSPCI.

Editorial committee: Kit Shepherd, Jane Rossley. Calvin Hough j Technical production: Calvin Hough

Page 3: ~ttnternet'''-'-~''-csa.intersearch.com.au/csajspui/bitstream/10627/894...Hatha Yoga is a complete discipline. The many different postures that have been refined over the centuries

I was born in Tra-on, a small town in the Mekong Delta. It is about 40 krn from the

South China Sea and 110 krn south east from Saigon.

The place is on the bank of the Mekong River. There are many ways to travel to

Saigon: by coach, water plane or ferry. It has vast rice fields, miles and miles of

them. The land is very fertile; it zig-zags with canals. The green fruit trees grow

along the river bank.

There are so many different fruit trees growing in that area. They are Coconut palm,

Milk tree, Lychee, Smelly tree etc

The children in

trees which

water and dive

the summer

across the river

and play on it

I used to sit on

beside the

the sunset with

hour the river

the region climb the

reach out to the

down the river. In

time, they swim

to the Unman Island

from dawn till dusk.

the large rock

riverbank to watch

my friends. At this

was somehow full

of water and flowed in a rush to the sea. The sky was an orange colour and there was

a little dingy trying to row two or three people across to the other side.

The life of the village was still and quiet. Children played on the street. The place

was full of outdoor fun, which is good for children's development. Even though there

was a war going on at the time I was there, my friends and I never seemed to worry

about it. Life was happy and just carried on.

By Patrick CHUNG

Page 4: ~ttnternet'''-'-~''-csa.intersearch.com.au/csajspui/bitstream/10627/894...Hatha Yoga is a complete discipline. The many different postures that have been refined over the centuries

Some years ago while serving a gaol sentence at Parramatta Gaol I had the good fortune of being introduced to the wonders ofHatha Yoga.

Up until that point in time I knew very little about the practise other than it originated in India and had its origins somewhere in the distant past.

At the time there were two different classes of yoga being taught within the walls of the gaol, one was being run by the Ananda Marga (three of their numbers had been convicted for the Hilton bombing*) and I had been invited to attend one of their weekly classes.

I won't delve into the reasons why I wasn't drawn to this particular form of yoga practice ... suffice to say that it didn't appeal to me.

A teacher from the Mangrove Mountain Ashram that is situated near Gosford was invited to the gaol to give inmates a grounding in another from of Yoga practise called Hatha Yoga and I was immediately drawn to it.

Once every week half a dozen of us would gather in the old Chapel where our initiation into this peaceful and beneficial form of exercise was taught. It wasn't too long before it started to dawn on all of us that there was far more to Yoga than what we initially imagined.

It was made very clear to us by our teacher that he wasn't there to push any particular religious doctrine on us and that he saw his role as a Yoga teacher and not as a religious instructor.

Hatha Yoga involves not only the practise of movements and postures but is also focused on the exercise of the mind. The discipline is geared towards the entire person. Exercise, meditation and various degrees of relaxation are all encompassed with the practice.

Hatha Yoga as I said earlier has its origins in history and has been around for several thousand years. It was refined and perfected to its present form well before Christ and Buddha made their appearances on the scene.

The classes in that small chapel had more of an effect on me than what I realised at the time. I was given accreditation to teach Yoga, as were several of their friends that attended classes and in the years that followed was employed on a number of occasions in other gaols to pass along the skills. Both in NSW and QLD

Unlike the physical exercise that we see around us in the yards and wings Hatha Yoga encompasses two other areas that are of equal (some would say eveu more important) value to the individual: the mind and spirit.

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Hatha Yoga is a complete discipline. The many different postures that have been refined over the centuries into what we see today are called 'Asanas' (a word that means pose or posture in the original Sanskrit). There are literally dozens of Asanas but the twelve that comprise the set know as 'Salute to the Sun' or 'Soorya N amaskar' as it is called in the original Sanskrit is a good place for the novice to being (refer to diagram).

Starting at Position Oue and working your way through the various Asanas back to the starting point comprises one set of the exercise.

This simple routine of movements affects every muscle in the body. It gently massages the internal organs and glands that are so important to our overall physical wellbeing. After prolonged practise of this set of Asanas the glands become healthy and work to their full potential and in sync with

each other rather than working at odds with each other.

As with any forril of exercise it can't be stressed enough how important the breath is to the exercise.

In my experience the hardest part of the body to exercise without a doubt has always been the mind. A person can have the greatest set of abdominal muscles, biceps or calves and put in hours of blood sweat and tears into developing the other muscles of the body. He will ensure that his food intake contains the right amount of carbohydrates and protein, that he has drinking water to re-hydrate his body during and after strenuous exercise. All of this time devoted to sculpting a fit and healthy physical body but absolutely no time spent on developing the most important aspect of the self. The true essence of a person doesn't reside in a well formed or strong muscle. It comes from the core of the individual, from the spirit or the mind, whatever you wish to call it.

Hatha Yoga encompasses the three areas that when blended together enable a person to become complete in every sense of the meaning.

For further information on this subject a book by the title of 'We're All Doing Time' by Bo Lozoff is available in most gaols and is specific to the gaol environment in its content.

* They were later pardoned and compensated by the Governor General

Article by:- GH.

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It was 2006 that I decided to go to Egypt to climb the Great Pyramid illegally of course, as it had been banned for twenty years. A couple of tourists had taken nasty falls, while some had decided to make the top of the pyramid their final place to commit suicide from. So the Govt banned climbing it, since 1983. From reading certain books and rumours I decided it could still be done if you paid off the right people, namely the guards protecting the site.

The great Pyramid fascinated me with its measurements, its direction to true North and the engineering logistics into the making of it. There are only theories on to how it's been built. so I decided to see it for myself to make up my own opinions. So after I sold my custom Softail Harley Davidson Motorcycle to pay for the trip and

getting over a bad relationship break up, I decided to put on my Indiana Jones hat and set off to Egypt to climb there seventh wonder of the world. From the moment I got off the plane I started to organize it. With the first cab ride to my hotel, I was on the phone to a camel and horse owner who did daily guided tours of the pyramid. I explained to him on the cousins cab driver mobile that I'd come all the way from Australia to climb the pyramid. I immediately was taken in by his confidence that it could be done.

I immediately wanted to meet the cab driver's cousin to see what he could do for me and he came straight to the motel that I was staying at. We met out the front and he talked me into going with him to hire a horse to see the pyramid. When I got to the stables, I met my guide who was to take me on what turned into a five hour horse ride amongst the three Giza Pyramids and Sphinx. Going by horse instead of camel suited me fine, it was quicker and you didn't look like a tourist

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which my guide liked to point out to me as welL

So here I was not off the flight from Thailand more than one hour and I was riding around the great pyramids of Egypt. I circumnavigated the great pyramid for at least two hours, to make me familiar with what I came here for. The whole Giza plateau is under armed guard twenty four hours a day, with soldiers carrying AK-47 assault rifles. I tried to climb the smallest of the three pyramids with a guide and got half way up in the daytime before the guards came and shouted out to get back down.

I also bartered with a captain of the guards to come back during the night and climb it, but he wanted too much and I didn't get a good feel for him to do it. So roughly after five hours of riding I had already a feel for the place that the guards were easily bought and had already taken me to off limit places on the Giza plateau. For the right price of course! it was a good successful first day.

The second day I was up bright and early to go to the great pyramid, to see the inside of it. I got there about 9am and then went inside it. What amazed me was the width between the joints of the masonry. You couldn't get a knife between them they were so fine. This was on the outside white limestone facing blocks in which there are only a few left at

the bottom of the Northern face. What people don't realise is that the whole pyramid was cased in white limestone on the outside that gave it smooth sides and that pyramid flattened shape. It all became loose during an Earthquake in A.D 1301.

The majority of the facing blocks had subsequently been removed for the construction of Cairo. So the pyramid that you see today looks rough and unfinished. Not only do these joints with tolerances of less than one-hundredth of an inch, they have cement in them as welL This almost seemed impossible to W.M Flinders Petrie, to carry out a detailed study of them. The workmanship He admitted 'to do so with cement in the joints seems almost impossible; it is to be compared to the finest opticians' work on a scale of acres.'

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But this wasn't the only 'impossible feature' about the great pyramid. One of the largest structures ever built by man and one of the oldest. Its north side was 755 feet 4.9818 inches in length; its west side was 755 feet 9.1551 inches in length; its east side was 755 feet 10.4937 inches· . , 1ts south side 756 feet 0.9739 inches. That is only a distance of less than 8 inches between its shortest and longest sides. It stands 42 stories high (that's higher than the harbour bridge) and it sits on 13 acres at the base of the pyramid. The alignments to true north, south, east and west were 'almost impossible', so were the near-perfect ninety degree comers, and the incredible symmetry of the four enormous sides. What about the engineering logistics of raising millions of huge stones hundreds of feet in the air .. .Inside the Kings chamber there are joints amongst granite that you can't put a knife between, granite is one of the hardest stones in the world. How did ancient Egyptians grind it down or cut it. Inside the kings chamber sits the sarcophagus with evidence of

granite 'drill cores' left on the inside eastern half of it. Some of the drill cores found in Egypt are very puzzling. The deeper the research done by Flinders Petrie the more puzzling the stone­cutting technology of ancient Egyptians became:

"The amount of pressure, shown by the rapidity with which the drills and saws pierced through the hard stones, is very surpnsmg; probably a load of at least a ton or two was placed on the 4-inch drills cutting in granite. On the granite core No7 the spiral of the cut sinks 1 inch in the circumference of 6 inches a rate of ploughing out which is' astonishing ... These rapid spiral grooves cannot be ascribed to anything but the decent of the drill into the granite under enormous pressure ... "

Wasn't it peculiar that at the supposed dawn of human civilisation, more than 4500 years ago, the Ancient Egyptians had acquired what sounded like industrial-age drills packing a ton or more punch and capable of slicing through hard stones like hot knives through butter? That's some more interesting trivia on supposed Ancient Egyptian technology. I made sure I researched this trivia while I was in Egypt. I climbed out of the pyramid and then went for a walk down to the great sphinx and the valley temple.

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I was amazed at the 200 ton blocks of limestone that were used to make up the valley temple. They seemed to be placed at ease upon top of each other some 40 feet in the air. Just a mention on 200 ton blocks of stone. There are only a few land based cranes in the world that could lift weights of this magnitude. They have booms that reach 220 feet into the air and on board counterweights of 160 tons to prevent them from tipping over. It takes 6 weeks of preparation time to complete the lift, with teams up to 20 men. In other words, modem builders with all the advantages of high tech engineering can barely hoist weights of 200 tons. How did the Ancient Egyptians do it?

At the sphinx I met two English backpackers. They were hot chicks nineteen and twenty five years old. We met up and decided to go to the Cairo museum the next day. The next day turned into all night drinking and partying together. It was an awesome time. They wanted me to travel to Luxor with them in two days time, but I had to decline as I hadn't yet climbed the pyramid. Girls you can have any day, I came to conquer the Great Pyramid. The day that they left, I came back to my hotel with a new sense of purpose to organise a climb and that night I caught a cab up to the pyramids gates at around lOpm. I got out and headed for the police station and strolled around back. I was looking up at Kahres Pyramid (the second tallest) when someone was walking towards my direction. He was a middle aged man and of course another guide (every person in Egypt is a guide). He said what are you here for? I said "to climb that, can you help me" he said "of course" and we hit it off straight away.

His name was 'Musa' which means 'Moses'. Musa gave me his card and I rang him the next day. We organised to meet each other the following night 2\2\2006. Outside the hotel at around 11 :30pm, it was pouring

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rain which is rare in Egypt and I thought the climb would be off when I got into the cab. But Musa said "No this is good, this is an omen", maybe Musajust wanted his money.

The rain started to die down again as we drove off Know we were driving through the back streets of Cairo looking to pick up our pyramid guide (the guy taking me to the top) and we drove on around Cairo for another V2 an hour where we stopped outside a huge metal fence that surrounds all of the pyramids. (The fences are the same as Silverwater MRRC). However there was a gap in the fence that Musa knew about and we went through it and went for a walk that seemed like another Yz hour. The rain had stopped by this point. We got to the base of the Great Pyramid and I was told to wait, I handed over my money while Musa went to the small police station that sits down the bottom of the SE comer. I had to pay an extra 100 Egyptian pounds straight away.

We were given the 'all clear' and I headed for the S-E comer with Musa and my guide. Then a strange thing happened, just as I was preparing myself to climb thinking maybe this wasn't such a bright idea after all, it started to rain briefly again. I thought the limestone would be as slippery as hell but it wasn't, surprisingly. Up we went along theSE comer for about 15 mins before I had to rest. I looked up and the Pyramid just never seemed to end, I rested and took it all in. then we went for another 15 mins before we stopped, this time I had blood trickling down my shins from climbing up the limestone. We kept climbing into the early hours of the morning until we had time to stop and rest again for a good 5 mins. This time I sat back to take it all in, [ tried to imagine giant ramps surrounding the pyramid to bring the rocks up to these heights but it just didn't seem to make any sense that it could have been done this way. Then I tried to imagine a giant ramp bringing up the stones, I imagined all the theories that I'd seen in the text books of Egyptology that were out in print that described how it was built. None of these theories seemed to add up in my opinion. After a half an hour of further climbing I came to the top of the great pyramid of Egypt. It wasn't flat on top but had a raised platform in the middle of it and a metal pole triangle that represented the original height of it. I sat up on the raised platform

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and decided to pray and meditate, what else do you do when you're at a sacred spot like this (to the locals it's a sacred spot).

I also knew I was forty two stories high and again tried to figure out how they bought stones up to these heights. After an hour of sitting around enjoying the view. we decided to climb back down, after I gave my guide another 100 Egyptian pounds. Going down was easier than going up. We finally got to

By Todd Devaney


the bottom and I was told to keep going straight ahead as all the police were at the bottom waiting for more money. I had done it, I came and I conquered the Great Pyramid of Egypt. I made my way back to the fence without being arrested and deported for illegally climbing the Pyramid. So to anybody else that's thinking of climbing it, that's how it's done with a little good luck and having the gift of the gab with the locals.

Finger prints of the Gods. Graham Hancock Random House, London 1995

Images from the public domain

Poems by DC

Long Bay

Long Bay you say Hey, clay, get out of my way Braided, aided, mistakes I made Spelling frustrated, rhythmic educated

Kit to the rescue, right on cue Paper. pen, it's all there for you Referred to a referral, referring to be referred Preferring referring so much referring ffffu@ *# me: is this who I want to be?

Masterful mind with so much to say

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To play in May, to fonn some clay ... Clay? Cassius, Muhamed Ali; my goodness, my God If only on bended knee, I could flee be free To see what is meant for me; to be; Mummy What do I watch glee? Can't you see?

Masterful! y; paraded onto a stage of Royal purple, little bit faded, from all the Education minds that are lost, at a cost, To your family, they all have to pay, Even the ones that keep us locked away

Well, not much more to say, except good day By the way, this is me Here at Long Bay Enjoy your stay!

If you think

If you think you are beaten You are If you think you dare not You don't If you like to win but think you can't Its is almost certain you won't If you think you will You are lost You've got to think high to rise You've got to be sure of yourself before you ever Win a prize Life's battles don't always go to the stronger

Or faster man But sooner or later the man that winds Is the man that thinks he can

* * * *

Our love is like a mountain stream It meets and parts

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Australian Mammal Word Search


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'Easiest way to feam how to draw

The easiest way to learn how to draw in my opinion is using a 'graph'. That is where you rule up an existing drawing or picture with a lot of little squares, all over it, depending on how bit or small you want your picture to be when finished.

If you want your drawing to be the same size as the original you would make the squares on a blank piece of paper the saroe size as on the original if it's larger or smaller you want then you have to rule your squares accordingly.

1 2 3 4 5 1 HHHHH 2 1--!-+-+--+--i 3 1--!-+-+--+--i 4 HHHHH 5 L__L__.L_.J___j__)

Once this is done you must number both the original and your pages squares this must be done right around both graphs, the numbers are so you have an easier time doing your drawing it also helps to find where y left off.

It is a lot better to start out with an easy picture to draw, like a cartoon something like the Simpsons, family guy or American Dad.

I started out with these and ended up doing some real hard drawings,. I mean real detailed work, like beach landings under fire (!NW2) planes, cars, animals all sorts of different stuff.

I hope this helps, it's a great way to make your stay in this place more bearable to handle.


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When students come to the drawing class keen to learn how to make something look

just like a "photograph" I introduce them to a subject called Drawing techniques

which takes you through a series of around ten classes.

I introduce basic ideas on how to make and use tones (darks and lights) how to use

line (they come in all many forms) how to create textures. different surfaces, how to

see shapes and the relationship to perspective, how to do perspective drawing, see

proportions, create depth of field t name a few. These techniques are used continually

by artist and designers who communicate visually in various ways.

Visual communication is a language of its own which you can learn. So much of what

we see on TV. show, ads films, artworks, design packaging requires some

understanding of visual communication to break it down so that we understand what it

is that we are looking at. Learning these basic skills will enable you to learn to draw

realistically even though you may think that way of drawing is beyond you.

Drawing realistically is by no means the only way of drawing but it has the benefit of

usually of giving people more confidence to take the next step and have a go at doing

something out of their own imagination or just even trying to draw a portrait of

someone the know for instance.

In around 1850 the camera was invented. From that time on art was liberated from

having to make a representation (an exact likeness) of something which looked like a

photograph and a wide range of style and ideas came into being. Camera could do

copying better and this enabled artist the freedom to make pictures which represented

ideas or approaches to living or as the case with Expressionists how they were feeling

Liz Day Creative Arts Teacher MSPCI

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Family: We Don't Belong!!

Human beings are like animals we have a sense of belonging, of trust, of togetherness and of us versus them. (Them = what ever is not us.) Similarly with family: we see ourselves as 'us' against 'them' In a sense family is everything that makes the world go around - to whoever values it. Most of us value our traditions and culture, and above all our family.

So why is it then after we send brothers, fathers and sons or any immediate family members to war, or have them represent our country in sporting teams we then tum around and separate them where it matters most- in PRISON.

lin recent times Carl Williams of the Melbourne underworld figure comes to mind. Williams was bludgeoned to death at the Melbourne prison gym. Perhaps this incident is a poor example of what I am trying to say, however, that is what prison is about sometimes.

I recently had a celly (cellmate) 'X' who has a brother living two cells down from us. We had just arrived at Long Bay from MRRC. He mentioned to me that he and his brother, who's been here for a while, had not seen each other for over two and a half years. He missed his little brother and would like to find out the next day if they could maybe moved in together.

As an old hand, I encouraged him to do just that as I know and understand that they have a lot of catching up to do. I also mentioned during our conversation that, perhaps this was fate, (of all places, they meet in here). They now have the possibility to explore and discuss subjects they have never dared talked about whilst at home. X moved in with his brother two days later and two days afterwards was separated again from his brother once more.

Talking with X some days later and enquiring about his situation with his brother, he told me, that the corrective services people had separated them without any plausible reasons other than, they're brothers and were not allowed to be in the same celL

I couldn't believe what I was hearing and was shocked, that in this day and time we are subjected to this way of thinking that decides that brothers are a threat to the prison system.

Not only has the system taken away our freedom and liberty, now they also want to dictate the very essence of our existence, i.e. family.

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What a crock!!! But bureaucracy is not known for clear logic and common sense! Now come to think of it, what could possibly be the reason behind this way of thinking?

I thought about the positives and negatives of the issue. For brothers or immediate family members to be housed together in the same cell, one positive can be looking out for each other (for protection) while in the big house. For a prisoner, the knowledge of two rather than one is a confidence boost in any language and the two pairs of eyes and ears are far better than one. The system obviously sees this issue as a potential problem in that perhaps it may create a conspiracy and thus separation is the only way to go.

One negative of being housed together on the other hand could be the possibility of one brother dominating the other and telling him what to do. Another negative might be not so friendly rumours circling the yard .... usually targeting the family name rather than the individual; guilty by association so to speak. The positives for allowing the two to be cell­mates, in my mind far outweigh the negatives, yet I am still not satisfied with the whole situation.

I did a bit of research through other inmates and along the grapevines of the old school inmates, who seem to know everything one needs to know about the system and how it operates .. .I got my answer.

The answer I got was sensitive and I doubt very much that it would see the light of day in this magazine. However to give some merit to the system for the segregation of family: a heinous crime was committed by these brothers and their associates that warrants separation of them.

One question I would like to ask in the wake of this new regulation is: are there many differences in housing brothers or immediate family in the same cell as opposed to bikie members in the same cells and institutions? Bikies have bonds in that they uphold their vows in a way that only death or some dramatic event would break. How do we think about twenty to thirty bikies in the same institution? Do we say they are better or worse than the brothers mentioned above? You be the judge.

Like animals we are more liable to stop being rational when we are exhausted of our resources and shoved into a comer.

IR cooper 2010- Wondering

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D 0 You're my one, you're my all You're everything I've always Wanted to find before

When I get out and start My new life with a couple Of kids and you as My gorgeous wife

I wanna settle down And move to a small Tassie town I want us to buy our new home On some land without a bank loan

I wanna buy at least one horse So I can watch you teach our Kids how to ride of course

* * *

Here I sit in my cell And when I look up at the sky It reminds me of you and Your gorgeous blue eyes

I miss you so so much Including your smell and your touch I love you with all my heart And there's not a soul in the World that I' lllet keep us apart

I can't wait until I get out And we start our new lives With a couple of kids and

u as fe


n cheeky lil grin

And how cute n sexy you look Whilst you're asleep


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temi At night I lay alone in my bed tossing and turning disturbed by the horrible thoughts of the past. The most daunting dreams my mind creates, waking me in a pool of perspiration and fear. So sad and lost due to absence from the one I love and care for so deeply. For it was me, who created this heart breaking occurrence.

I sit up in the darkness of the early hours of the morning for what seems like hours holding my pillow ever so tight rocking back and forth, crying softly to myself wishing I could tum back the pages of evil in which I endured hoping and praying that a light of hope will shine down on me opening the doors of forgiveness, allowing me to walk down the garden path to my family, through heaven's doors back to the one I love the most. Time slips by slowly and soon the sun will rise yet again, slowly and quietly.

I lay down again wiping the tears from my eyes and burying myself deep within my sheets, trying desperately to return to my slumber, on and off I fade and wake with pillows of guilt suffocating my head time gets away and day breaks. I get up feeling love sick and ashamed, and make my way to the shower only to cry some more. Then I get dressed and make m way to the early yard, and lay down between the tall, cold walls covered in razor wire, and begin t think of ways to better myself, and repair the damages which I created.

Suddenly the answer becomes very clear. As I gaze up into the deep blue sky I carefully script my plot for amendment, recognizing my failures and opening new doors which

hold a better and brighter future that lies; ahead and closing the doors of all evil behind me and throwing the keys far, fctr away to a place where they will never be found ever, ever again, by now the long and lonely day has come to an end, and the s:un is setting leaving behind it a cold, dark shadow. The moon soon rises, and thro uo-h its reflection on the wall I see my sweet h:arr sleeping peacefully, with a gentle smile on her face, alone in our bed, so with a cert: ain solution to my problem, and a positive attitude towards a much happier future I turn off the light, walk over to the window and blow a soft, gentle goodnight kiss and resign to my bed once again and fall asleep with the most beautiful images of my sweetheart engaged deep in my thoughts, and memories forever.

I will love you for the rest of my life and through eternity for you give me a reason to live

'By Sfiaun I'Bi)"

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I j I':JvfS09{9fY ~ 1 l ' 1

I can see tfie pain I sit in my ce[[ I !ong for your etcfieri upon your !oo/(jng at your foving soft toucfi face pfiotos on tfie wa[[ Just to sit a[one

j 5'lnri a[[ I want to ao with you wou[tf i 'Every time you come is give you a ca[[ mean so much l to visit me, in this

fie[[ of a pface I !iate tfie way t!iat 11iere are so man!:! I'm sorry for tfie · this makes me fee[ things I sti[[ want crimes tfiat I've rione 'But w!iat can I rio us to rio I'm sorry for hurting stuck beliinri this you, tfie one t!iat I rioor of stee£ Yes together baby, !ove I write you t!iese just me ana you

fetters ana poems Pfease remember I just wish t!iat too that my rove for you tfiere was something So t!iat you wi[[ is true t!iat I cou[ri rio !(now t!iat I wi[[

To tal(g_ away tfie a[ways [ave you 5'lnri tfie on[y one I pain, t!iat I'm wi[[ come liome to is caustngyou you

'By 1Javiri Smitli

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Puns for 'Eaucatecf !Minrfs

2. I thought I saw an eye doctor on· an· Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian .

3. She was only a whiskey maker, loved her still.

4. A rubber band pistol was from algebra class, because weapon of math disruption.

5. No matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery.

6. A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering.

7. A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blownapart.

8. Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie.

9. A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall. The police are looking into it.

10. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

II. Atheism is a non-prophet organization.


on a hat rack

I'll go on a

fortune-teller who from prison was a small at large.

-:,A__ vtiltun:~ boards ~n airplane, carrying _tWo, de~d:,raccOOns~ the Stewardess looks'athim and·says, 'I'm sorry, sir, only one carrion allowed per passenger.'

22. Two fish swim into a concrete wall. One turns to the other and says 'Dam!'

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23. Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly. so they lit a fire in the craft. U nsurprisingly it sank, proving once again that you can't have your kayak and heat it too.

24. Two hydrogen atoms meet. One says, 'I've lost my electron.' The other says 'Are you sure?' The first replies, 'Yes, I'm positive.'

25. Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused Novocain during a root canal? His goal: transcend dental medication.

26. There was the person who sent ten puns to friends, with the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh. No pun in ten did.

MY STORY From Malta's distant shore we came, Two adults and eleven To Sydney town a brand new life A land that most call heaven

Dad, he was an honest man, He laboured hard and long And bought a home in Guildford To house his family throng

His wife of doubtful virtue Had given birth to nine To many different fathers I was the tenth in line

She milked the welfare system Sold her body on the street She told dad he had to go And he left in defeat

She hated me with a vengeance She left me black and blue She said she didn't love me And I knew that to be true

She beat me with the rolling pin

For sins so very slight I bear the scars on head and face Her anger was a fright

In and out of boys' homes And countless times in jail Rehabilitation Always seemed to fail

The boys' home staff wou1d prowl the halls Looking for misdeeds The miscreant would suffer And satiate their sexual needs

And if the victim failed to yield The staff were not amused, A wink, a nod, a little smile The seniors left him bruised

Sleep was hard to come by In the dormitory night Until someone was led away His young face drawn and white

In K ----s warm embrace r found Brief solace hot and wild The love was brief and passionate And she left me with the child

My mother stole that little boy Gave him back to his mother Who gave young me up to the State Because she loved another

Then I married W ---­For a twenty dollar bet A sad and loveless union I rather would forget

We had four kids between us Then she walked out the door She left me with our offspring I had to fend for four

The load came off my shoulders, I felt so light of heart A brand new life beginning When she chose to Department of Corrective Services

It took me many years to twig Wendy was like my mother

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Both were sluts and harlots And left their husbands for another

A life of crime then followed A time of theft and drugs Of endless night time meetings With criminals and thugs

So hard to raise a family On a farmhand's meagre bread To keep them clothed and fed And a roof over their head

The lifestyle left me hollow A depressed and broken kind I bear the scars of violence Both in body and in mind

But then the sun bean to shine When D----- came along She bore a son called H----And we loved him deep and strong

Today I'm in a prison cell No-one hears my cries Of innocence and outrage A victim of their lies

I'd like to have words with the psych My woes and thoughts to tell But if I told him honestly I'd end up in safe cell

Honesty is best policy When I walk in his door I go in with many problems But then come out with more

My psych is used against me My trust has been betrayed How can I trust a stranger To call a space, a spade

Cell mates argue and complain Prison life is hell In muted whispers to their mates My secrets they will tell

Decent sleep eludes me I'm always on alert From theft or interference Or violence and hurt

Abuse has plagued me all these years Why me? I ask, why me? What have id one to anyone To deserve this misery

I thought I had a lot of friends Pals I called my own But they have turned against me I feel so all alone

Alcohol befriended me And drugs helped me feel well But now that doesn't happen I'm locked up in a cell

At times I feel I want to die Stop this misery and pain It seems that I was born to hurt Of other people's gain

D----s love supports me It keeps me feeling strong I'll take her to the altar And never do her wrong

C----s love, unfailing, Is a blessing to me too She sends me clothes and money And pays when bill are due

How do you thank the loved ones Who have given such support? Like C----- and her children Who stopped suicidal thought

And when will I see H ----- next In DOCs hands he besides We hope he follows nature's course And lawfully abides

How I long for W --------­With all its country charm With D------ and young J -----­At peace there on the farm

Author's name withheld

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I Dog Breed Word Search

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B R A D 0


B 0 D A H


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A B L l P B H 0 N I C 0 U T E

E M E M T C D C G M W 0 K E R

R A H S A 0 B E A G l E U R G

G F F I T S A M C D H I Y A 0

TIME IS .•..

Too slow for those who wait Too swift for those who fear Too long for those who grieve Too short for those who rejoice But for those who love



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I i


1 i


We used drugs for happiness, and became unhappy

We used drugs for you, and became miserable

We use drugs for sociability, and became argumentative

We use drugs for sophistication, and became obnoxious

We use drugs for friendship, and made enemies

We use drugs for sleep, and awakened without rest

We use drugs for strength, an became weak

We use drugs medicinally, and acquired health problems

We used drugs for relaxation, and got the shakes

We use drugs for bravery, and became afraid

We use drugs for confidence, and became doubtful

We use drugs to make conversation easier, and slurred our speech

We used drugs to forget, and were forever haunted

We use drugs for freedom, and became slaves

We used rugs to ease problems, and saw them multiply

We used drugs to cope with life, and invited death

There is never a happy ending .....

Submitted by Micf( Tropiano

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The year was nineteen sixty six The boss he said to me You're going to Vietnam As part of Dive Team three

A six-man team of divers The first of eight to go To help the U.S. nave To fight a cunning foe

Jungle craft and contact drills Were added to our lot Of E.O.D. andc).iving And how nottoget shot

were quite uncertain '\J\(hat,.vve couid do

the tour was over toll!<!<~s· tang'ftue

We tiptoed through the jungle Army greens we wore Unusual for a sailor To find himself ashore

We joined in landing parties We flew across the land We cruised the Mekong Delta A tight cohesive band

When at last the second team did arrive the end in sight would survive

passe.ct the baton dutiesilJit by bit raised it:lc head, we


, '"'e v•.~v•. team got hit

'l:i:)i'liig Johnny took a wouo.<ied upper arm

Although it really shook It didn't do much harm •.

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The alcohol, anxiety And sweaty sleepless nights Another month in hospital And waking up in frights

Bad memories and flashbacks Guilt and grim remorse More time in the psych ward For another trauma course

At least I can be grateful I came back from those lands Or are those fallen heroes Better off, in better hands?

Each Anzac Day I was a mess By drinking till I fell I caused a lot of trouble And made life a living hell

The family did not understand The pain they failed to see They packed my bags and banished me They wanted to be free

At length I ran foul of the law I'm in prison in the city Waiting for my judgement day I hope the judge takes pity

By P.M.

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William ... By Bill Hatzis

I once knew a kid his name was William

He always dreamed of making a million

He had this gangster fantasy stuck in his brain

Now he's stuck in these walls, his body to train

One day one week one month a year

A pain and sorrow, new experiences to fear

That same kid that child named Will

He now lost his innocence and his free will

He's killed the drugs, the hate, anger, lies

Maybe now finally stop dreaming that scare face life

"Not worth it," he said, hard Jesson life could be

Pick up, start again and life he cannot fear

William waits patiently for someone to call

Stuck there brain-fried, in those four walls

Lost smiles, laughs and not to dance ever

Cause a dance with the Devil might last forever!

Still parents and gods he trust and loves

He will struggle for them and warm his own heart.

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I j :~ '


Cartoon Capers

AI€V€R CA."fCH $N<)WftA!<'f;'S WITH 'f<>Vfl. 1;,;,<,-ut:

!J"'Tit. Al.t THE BW.JJS HAvE \',ONE S:<>VTH Fe>~ iH!fi WtNTf!.IL

Of COUllSb ~h!!!:J're fAl{t;! I ~'4W her <4t the ~NOW CONJ;. !:t'4n.l


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and F,, .. ~l;;tn\e:···s~·C' .... · . ' ' .... ··•·· · ..•.•. ~..tl ..... ···. yi.,)


Health and Fitness is an important part of life. Good health and fitness involves good nutrition and regular exercise. I've been researching about the benefits of good nutrition and regular exercise and how it affects our health and fitness.

Research has helped me improve my attitude toward good health and good living. I am writing about health and fitness to help inspire others. Research has suggested that people can cope with stress better when physically fit: they tend to sleep better and have a positive attitude toward life.


Exercise will enhance the quality of your life.


Exercise increases the blood flow and oxygen levels in the body, including the brain, it also processes glucose which helps keep brain cells active.


Weather you're walking, jogging, or pulling weeds, your levels of tension, stress and anxiety will be noticeably lower.


While a vigorous workout in the evening may worsen sleep problems, mid-day or afternoon exercise can help people fall asleep.


With regular exercise, you 'II enjoy extra stamina whether your are working, gardening or playing with the kids.


Once your body starts to feel good, you're more likely to eat healthy foods and shun sugary, fatty snacks.

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A good knowledge in health and fitness may motivate you to a better lifestyle. Read and learn everything that you can about nutrition, training, and the human body and how it functions. The more you know, the better you'll be.

Improving daily lifestyle may help prevent future sickness and improve your overall well-being. Lifestyle related factors such as:

• Moderation in eating and drinking

• A voidance of harmful substances

• And a good exercise routine.

I have read a lot of health and fitness magazines and it has helped me become

aware of how important health and fitness in our lives. Being healthy isn't just

about diet or hardcore workout regimes. It's about making a long term change in

your entire lifestyle.

I started to improve my lifestyle by avoiding harmful substances as a long term

goal. Changing habits and lifestyle is easer said that doe. But ounce you make a

plan find the right motivation, it will be easier.

My overall goal is to be a better person inside and out. I use this goal to motivate

myself for a better lifestyle. I also keep in mind that a better lifestyle will not just

benefit me, it will also benefit my family and hopefully other people around me.

Making a lifestyle change as a long term commitment has helped me find the

healing power of exercise. When I started exercising I felt less stress and therefore

has helped me with my anger management. When you're less angry, you get less

trouble. Remember ANGER is only one letter away from DANGER.

Exercise has helped me feel good inside, this has also helped me make better

decisions and stay away from trouble, shrug of insults and stay away from harmful

substances. Who would have thought that exercise would help me to stop

smoking?! When I felt stressed, I craved for a smoke. But now instead of smoking

I do push-ups.

Regular exercise has been a healing power for me because it saved me from sleep

deprivation. Psychologists have advised different strategies to help with sleep

deprivation. I found that regular exercise has been the best thing for me. So

instead of addictive sleeping pills I exercise! The healing power of exercise has

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""'""''"'" ro@ •hffi oow < = '"''"-""' "g<»tiog' good-'""" """"' hOW d >ill woa>, ,,d p<>Mfu\y gcttiog ' dog>OC [u<O<'~L" ,dwtt!

By A..L

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