INSIDE Shabbat Services pg 2 Friday Night Live! pg 5 B’nai Mitzvah Students pg 9 Events Calendar pg 11 Tzedakah Donations pg 18-19 April 2014 NISAN 5774 A LIFETIME OF BELONGING In Every Generation… Women's Seder Sunday, April 6, 2014 4:00 in the afternoon Bring a mother, daughter, sister or friend and make new memories while we recall the past during our catered Seder. Guests are welcome. the Maalot the Maalot

tthe Ma alotheMa’ alot...I love being a rabbi. I could not imagine doing anything more fulfi lling, more invigorating or more meaningful. I am blessed ten times over to be able

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Page 1: tthe Ma alotheMa’ alot...I love being a rabbi. I could not imagine doing anything more fulfi lling, more invigorating or more meaningful. I am blessed ten times over to be able

INSIDE Shabbat Services pg 2

Friday Night Live! pg 5

B’nai Mitzvah Students pg 9

Events Calendar pg 11

Tzedakah Donations pg 18-19

April 2014 ● NISAN 5774


In Every Generation…

Women's SederSunday, April 6, 20144:00 in the afternoon

Bring a mother, daughter, sister or friend and make new memories while we recall the past during our catered Seder.

Guests are welcome.

the Ma alotthe Ma alot’

Page 2: tthe Ma alotheMa’ alot...I love being a rabbi. I could not imagine doing anything more fulfi lling, more invigorating or more meaningful. I am blessed ten times over to be able



Carole FrankelVice-President/Membership, Chavurot

Wendi FastVice-President/Administration

Sharon BlindellVice-President/Community Relations

Rod SternVice-President/Legal

Rachel Harman-FriedmanVice-President

Richard SternbergTreasurer

Heath LinerSecretary

BOARD MEMBERSDebra BordenKim BurgerShannon ColemanDebra GoldmanMarty HartJamie EvansSharlene KonowitchJudy KuperbergEileen LensonLisa MonetteCharlotte RadziminskyLori ReznickAbby RozenbergJerry SilverJoe SloateArlene TaslitzBob Yonowitz

BROTHERHOODMichael KaiserCo-PresidentDavid TeincuffCo-President


Katherine LinerCo-ChairJamie EvansCo-Chair













Lynne Koffl erBOOKKEEPER


Rabbi Bernie King, z”lFOUNDING RABBI

Friday, April 4th• 7:00 pm Family Shabbat Service with Youth Choir & Band and 6th Grade

Parti cipati on followed by Israeli Dancing

Friday, April 11th• 7:30 pm Shabbat Service with Temple Musicians and

Marriage Reconsecrati on

Friday, April 18th• 6:30 pm Tot Shabbat Service with PJ Library Reading• 7:30 pm Shabbat Service

Friday, April 25th• 7:00 pm Pre-Neg for Past Israel Trip Att endees• 7:30 pm Friday Night Live! Shabbat Service, “Common Decency”

Cover Photo: From the SHM stained glass window, Creati on, this porti on of the window shows The Alef, sitti ng in a sea of calm above the chaos of creati on. The Alef is the fi rst lett er of the Hebrew alphabet and also the number one. Inthis case the Alef is a metaphor for one God, the beginning and Adam, the fi rst human. The sun in all its glory is showing us our warmth, our light, our life. The moon is in solar eclipse and is our calendar and our clock. We look to the moon is awe, and the moon looks back.

the Ma alotthe Ma alot’

Page 3: tthe Ma alotheMa’ alot...I love being a rabbi. I could not imagine doing anything more fulfi lling, more invigorating or more meaningful. I am blessed ten times over to be able

A L I F E T I M E O F B E L O N G I N G April 2014 3


Rabbi Richard SteinbergSenior Rabbi

I love being a rabbi. I could not imagine doing anything more fulfi lling, more invigorating or more meaningful. I am blessed ten times over to be able to do what I do. Being a rabbi of a congregation our size is fi lled with challenges and puzzles, with joys and celebrations and services and simchas. Being a rabbi requires tremendous creativity several times a week in writing, sermonizing and teaching. Being a rabbi is an honor in that one is invited into the lives of his/her members in the darkest moments and in the brightest times. During the storms of people’s lives, the rabbi is there to guide, comfort and listen. During the celebrations, the rabbi is the master of ceremonies, quite literally, and must direct the fl ow of events.

In baseball, there is a phrase, “hitting for the cycle.” Th is means that one player hit a single, double, triple and homerun all in the same game. When a rabbi hits for the cycle it means that in one weekend, he/she did a baby naming ceremony, offi ciated at a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, conducted a wedding and presided at a funeral. I have hit for the cycle many, many times.

Th e Torah instructs the Israelite that every seven years, they must allow the land to take a sabbatical. Instead of constantly plowing and farming the land, it must remain still in order to regenerate and reenergize so as to provide a bountiful harvest for the proceeding years.

So too it is with rabbis. Being on the constant go is a way of life, but if one

is not careful, he/she can burn out quickly. Th is is why I am so blessed to be part of a congregation that not only allows, but encourages, that their rabbis take sabbaticals in order to better serve the Temple. Typically, a rabbi is granted a sabbatical every seven years for a length of six months. So beginning this May, I will be on sabbatical through July and then again in 2015, from May-July (I choose to split it up instead of taking the time all in one shot). Th is will allow me to do the spiritual work and the intense introspection one needs to serve a congregation and community.

When I took my last sabbatical, I achieved two things of which I am proud. Th e fi rst insight I had was that our Temple should be “theme” based; that the programs we off er ought to include a central through line that would spark the spirit and carry on through the year. We have had several so far: Th e New Shabbat Experience, Th e L’chaim Project, Michpacha Family Moments, Kehillah Kedoshah, to name just a few. Th e other accomplishment of my last sabbatical was to begin the process of obtaining my degree in Marital Family Th erapy, which I have used immeasurably in my practice as a rabbi and I hope our congregation has been the benefi ciary of such training.

I have grand plans for this sabbatical as I am in the process of writing a book. I hope to dedicate the bulk of my time away to this endeavor so as to benefi t our Temple and the greater community as well. Writing such a book will continue to feed my soul and my spirit

and will allow me to come back to you fresh with ideas and creativity.

Between Rabbi Lewis, Cantor Shikler and Beth Shikler, the Temple will be covered on all bases during my absence. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity I have been aff orded. Such a sabbatical will benefi t me and our community all at once.


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Save June 7th on your calendars and let me explain why. Well, I am going back in time to my high school days. No, I don’t have a time machine, only music. Music can transport us anywhere in time, heart and soul in the short time that it takes to sing a song. And not just music from the past necessarily, any music.

Back in those days the main sources for music were radio, live bands and friends who had a record player. My next door neighbor Yossi had a record player and three records. We would listen to Elvis, Little Richard and Th e Shadows, an instrumental band. When I met my friend Memi in high school, he had a larger collection of Gospel, Blues, Jazz and Folk music. Memi and I both played guitar and we would spend a lot of time learning and practicing songs of every genre. He was a great piano player and the two of us became a duo. If we went to a party we always brought our guitars and a set of bongos with us.

After everyone was tired from dancing to the popular songs of the time, we’d start to play and sing. Before too long there would be a large group surrounding us all singing together with spirit. If there was a piano Memi would play it and I’d sing, play guitar or bongos. Other musicians would join in from time to time as we expanded our musical landscape. Everything was “live” and acoustic. Th ere is a certain quality to that sound that cannot be duplicated with electronics. Two guitars, harmonies, occasional drum beat and lots of spirit.

Like the lyrics to the song “Th ose Were Th e Days.” “Th ose were the days my friend we thought they’d never end, We’d sing and dance forever and a day”

I still remember the fi rst time I saw an electric guitar. It was a light blue Fender owned by a guy named Zohar who was a year older than us. Later on that year I traded my acoustic guitar with the brand

name “Chicago” for a new acoustic guitar with a pickup and a volume knob so I could plug it in and go electric.

Th ere was an input behind my parents’ old “Pilot” radio and I could turn it into an amplifi er. What fun!

When unplugged, the guitar still had a nice acoustic sound quality so it was a dual purpose instrument. We played a lot and pulled quite a few all nighters. When I got drafted my guitar came with me to the army. It continued to provide music and inspiration in good times and diffi cult ones.

As songs became hits on the radio, we learned to play them. Th e Beatles, Bob Dylan, Th e Beach Boys, Aretha Franklin, Th e Kinks, Simon and Garfunkel, Ray Charles, Sam Cook, you name it, we played it. All of them had songs of love or about love.

Chuck Berry once said in an interview that his songs were popular because he wrote them about three experiences we all have in life; We all went to school, drove a car, and fell in love. It is this last subject that I want to concentrate on in my next Cantor’s Concert, June 7.

Love is something we are born into. From the time we are a helpless baby we are loved and we love back. It is a natural emotion, something you feel in your heart and soul. Love is the most positive energy in the world. Th e greatest line in the Torah? “ Love thy neighbor as you would wish to be loved”. If the whole world could do that, God would be so happy…

Th ere are so many aspects of love, and they are so universal. Love of family, friends, soul mates, nature, God, country world and universe. And music will take us there on eagle’s wings.

I am very fortunate to be joined for an unplugged concert by Duvid Swirsky of the famed “Moshav” band. Duvid is a

“musician’s musician”. One of the best songwriters I ever met with a gift for unusual and beautiful songs.

Duvid co-founded the band Moshav with Yehudah Solomon in the mid nineties in Moshav Modiin in Israel. Th eir parents were American Jews who were inspired by their beloved rabbi Shlomo Carlebach to make aliyah to Israel and reconnect with their Jewish roots. Duvid and Yehudah were brought up there, surrounded by music and entertaining mainly Jewish American students who were in Israel for a year or two studies. Like Memi and I back in our time, they played in parties, clubs and events. Th ey took the band all over the world and excited audiences everywhere. Based in Los Angeles they tour regularly here and abroad.

Recently the band released a video of their song “World on Fire” featuring Matisyahu. I love their music and enjoy watching them live when possible. So I am so excited that Duvid was available for an “Unplugged” concert with me this year. Take my word for it, you are in for a treat! We will be joined by Paul Carman on upright acoustic bass for an evening of love songs and songs about love.

I’ll leave you with a quote from Plato. “Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, fl ight to the imagination and life to everything.”

Save the date – hope to see you there!

Cantor Arie ShiklerThe Hollander Family

Cantorial Chair

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A L I F E T I M E O F B E L O N G I N G April 2014 5

Friday Night Live! Shabbat Service

Friday, April 25th at 7:30 pm

“Common Decency”Music is a powerful tool for evoking the inner space

within which transformative prayer can happen.

The ancients knew this, and music was a big part of

the ancient temple ritual.

This service features congregational melodies and

eclectic, contemporary music which compliment

the creative service booklet compiled by

Cantor Shikler specifi cally for this service.

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Page 7: tthe Ma alotheMa’ alot...I love being a rabbi. I could not imagine doing anything more fulfi lling, more invigorating or more meaningful. I am blessed ten times over to be able

A L I F E T I M E O F B E L O N G I N G April 2014 7

Th is post from Rabbi Ruth Adar’s blog on December 22, 2013 (www.coff eeshoprabbi.com/page/8/) said everything I wanted to share with you all about Temple membership this month, so I received permission from Rabbi Adar to reprint it. Enjoy!

I have to be honest about my bias on this topic. One of the fi xed items in our household budget is synagogue membership. Our children are grown. We don’t need religious school. No one is studying for a bar mitzvah. But to borrow a phrase from Moses – excuse me, Charlton Heston! – I’ll let go of my synagogue membership when they take it out of my cold, dead hands.

Why is synagogue membership important to me? Let me count the pros:

1. I have a rabbi (actually, two rabbis) on call should we need them. I like knowing that if I have a big decision to make, there’s someone grounded in the tradition with whom I can talk it through. I like knowing that if something bad happens, all members of my family will be free to call on the rabbi for support and guidance. I don’t want to be looking for a rabbi at a crisis in my life.

2. I have a community. I don’t love everything about that community, or everyone in that community, but it is my community, people who know who I am and with whom I navigate life. If I am looking for a plumber, or a doctor, or a real estate agent, everyone has a recommendation. If I have something to celebrate, they will care. If something bad happens,

they’ll care. I am not anonymous there.

3. I benefi t from the Caring Community, or Committee, or whatever it is we’re calling it now. When my kids were still in school, and I fell and smashed my knee, someone picked up my kids from the bus, someone brought dinner, and someone was on the other end of the phone to help me fi gure out how I was going to deal with life while my leg was immobilized. As an aging woman with some disabilities, this is not a small thing.

4. I have somewhere to develop and use my talents as a volunteer. Th is goes for small stuff , like bringing food to potlucks, and to larger things as well. Currently I don’t work for a congregation, but I volunteer some of my professional skills for my congregation. If I had the time, I could sing in the choir (I wish I had the time.) I get appreciation for the things I do from time to time, and that’s nice too. I also learn about social justice action opportunities, and have a ready-made group of people with whom to pursue those.

5. I have a minyan with whom to pray. Jews engage in private prayer, but there are some kinds of prayer for which we need a minyan of at least ten Jewish adults.

6. I have people with whom to learn. Th ere is no substitute for a community when doing Jewish learning: it just does not work alone. And even though I went to rabbinical school, I still have lots to learn: learning is a lifelong activity for a Jew.

7. When there is truly a crisis, I have a community and a rabbi. Much of my work is with unaffi liated Jews, and I have to tell you that that more than anything has convinced me of the benefi ts of belonging. I do my best for families who are grieving, but they’ve turned to me because someone gave them my name after disaster struck. I’m essentially a nice stranger with a set of skills they need. How much better it would be for them to have a rabbi they know, that they can call the minute trouble looms, and who already knows their story? Th at is what I want for myself and my family.

8. I know that by supporting this synagogue, I am contributing to the future of Judaism in my area. Even after my kids are grown, children will be learning about Judaism at that synagogue. Couples will get married. Funerals will be held. Celebrations will happen, holidays and fasts will be observed. By being a part of a synagogue, I keep Judaism going.



Beth Carroll

Temple President

Conti nued on page 15

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New Era in Education Department at Shir Ha-Ma’alot

As we announced earlier this month, the next chapter of Marisa’s life begins this summer when she and her family move to Atlanta. We also shared that Becca, our much loved Youth Director, is moving on to pursue her Master’s degree. And we are happy to announce that Leora, our school administrative assistant, is pregnant and is going to stay home full time with her children starting in June. With all of these changes, the clergy and lay leaders have been working diligently to design a structure for our Education Department that will continue the work and foundation Marisa and Becca have set so beautifully and provide continuity for our families. We are also taking this opportunity to envision how we can continue to grow, change and innovate.

In that spirit, we are happy to share that Rabbi Lewis will be altering her responsibilities from “Associate Rabbi” to become “Rabbi and Director of Lifelong

Learning.” A major component of her responsibilities will be to oversee the Education Department. Rabbi Lewis brings more than twelve years of experience as a talented rabbi, educator, teacher and leader. Her fi rst years as a rabbi were spent as a Rabbi/Educator directing a large religious school. As a congregational rabbi at her previous Temple, she was active in all aspects of Synagogue life including creative programing for the school and later taught at a Jewish day school. Since being with us at Temple, she has done it all with passion, joy and erudition.

Rabbi Lewis’ wealth of experience and contagious love of Judaism will inspire the Shir Ha-Ma’alot Education Department to continue to fl ourish. She will also continue to be an active clergy member and lead lifecycle events and services; inspiring us in all her roles.

To make this work, we are recruiting a

School Principal who will administer and facilitate many of the details of running the school. In addition, we will hire a registrar/administrative assistant to fi ll Leora’s role. Rabbi Lewis will provide leadership to the overall department and focus on classroom and school programming, major school events, teacher supervision, family issues and so much more. We have already made a great progress interviewing for a new youth director and fi nding an inspiring and caring person to fi ll Becca’s shoes.

We are thrilled with all the wonderful things happening in the lives of our Educator, Youth Director and Administrative Assistant. While change is always hard, it provides opportunities too. We embrace the changes with enthusiasm and thoughtfulness. If you have any questions whatsoever, please feel free to contact us.

Tot Shabbat News…

Volunteers Needed!

We are in need of volunteers to greet at Tot Shabbat services on the 3rd Friday of the month at 6:30 pm. We also have a need for a volunteer coordinator who will work with the group of greeters to ensure coverage each month. Contact the Temple offi ce at 949-857-2226 for more informati on or to sign up.

Tot Shabbat Service with

PJ Library Reading

Friday, April 18th at 6:30 pm

Join us for this interacti ve service for young children that will help them understand the meaning, joy and richness of their Jewish heritage as well as excite them about their Jewish future. This week we will have a reading from a book in the PJ Library. You don’t want to miss out!!


SHMShir Ha-Ma’alot


Shir Har -Ma’alotoo

SHM Annual Youth Friday

Night Live!

Friday, May 2nd7:00 pm

Featuring B’nai Ha-Shirim


3652 Michelson DriveIrvine, CA 92612


Page 9: tthe Ma alotheMa’ alot...I love being a rabbi. I could not imagine doing anything more fulfi lling, more invigorating or more meaningful. I am blessed ten times over to be able

A L I F E T I M E O F B E L O N G I N G April 2014 9


Teddy KoleApril 5, 2014Son of Cynthia & Larry KoleI att end: Jeff rey Trail Middle SchoolI enjoy: Baseball, basketball, trombone and

hanging out with my friendsMitzvah Project: Collected sports equipment for

donati on to Children’s Charity

Matt hew CherneyApril 5, 2014Son of Brian & Julia CherneyI att end: El Rancho Charter SchoolI enjoy: Video games and golfMitzvah Project: Volunteered for the Boy

Scouts of America

Max FerryApril 12, 2014Son of Matt hew & claudine FerryI att end: Tarbut V’TorahI enjoy: SoccerMitzvah Project: Collected gently used children’s

books to donate

Aniela BokotaApril 26, 2014Daughter of Paul & Wendy BokotaI att end: Sierra Vista Middle SchoolI enjoy: Playing soccer and volleyball, going to

the beach, hanging out with my friends and playing with my dog and cat

Mitzvah Project: Collected items for the Irvine Animal Shelter

Mazel Tov to Jacob Muchnickwho made his Bar Mitzvah

March 16, 2014Son of Cindy & Adam MuchnickI att end: Harbor Day SchoolI enjoy: Soccer, fl ag-football, playing with friends

and hanging out with my familyMitzvah Project: Volunteered as a “grandfriend” at

Heritage Pointe Reti rement Home

Mallorie CohenApril 12, 2014Daughter of Monica & Robert CohenI att end: Corona del Mar Middle SchoolI enjoy: Volleyball, baking, sleep away

camp and playing with my dogMitzvah Project: Pet Partners, helped people

with my therapy dog


Saturday, April 5th6:00 to 10:00 pm

JIFTY (GRADES 6-8) JIFTY SoCal 678Saturday, April 5th12:00 to 7:00 pm


Sunday, April 6th12:30 to 2:30 pm


Sunday, April 27th1:30 to 3:30 pm

Youth Programs

Hot Challah Club

Please join us in thanking Tami Kalansky

and Bernie & Marcia Labowitz for assisting

with the Hot Challah Club this year.

Our next event is:

Friday, May 2nd

Challah Making at

6:30 pm

Family Shabbat

Service at 7:00 pm

Come just a few minutes before services to nourish your body as well as your soul. We invite people of all ages to make a challah and while you are at services, the challah will bake. As you leave for home aft er the Oneg, you will have a fresh challah to enjoy for the Sabbath.

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Page 11: tthe Ma alotheMa’ alot...I love being a rabbi. I could not imagine doing anything more fulfi lling, more invigorating or more meaningful. I am blessed ten times over to be able

A L I F E T I M E O F B E L O N G I N G April 2014 11

CALENDAR EVENTS FOR APRILSunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Hebrew School, 4:15 pm 7th Grade BMC, 5:00 pm 8th-10th Grade, 5:30 pm Executive Committee

Meeting, 6:00 pm 11th & 12th Grade Class,

6:30 pm Board of Trustees

Meeting, 7:30 pm SHMoFTY Board

Meeting, 7:30 pm

2 3 Bridge Group, 11:00 am Temple Musicians

Rehearsal, 6:30 pm

4 Family Shabbat Service

with Youth Choir & Band and 6th Grade Participation, 7:00 pmfollowed by Israeli Dancing

5 Weekly Lessons of Life:

Torah Study, 8:30 am Bar Mitzvah of Teddy

Kole, 9:00 am Bar Mitzvah of

Matthew Cherney, 11:15 am

JiFTY@SoCal 678, 12:00 pm

SHMoFTY Passover Seder, 6:00 pm

6 Religious School with

4th Grade Family Camp, 8:30/10:45 am

7th Grade Action Day, 8:30 am

Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class, 8:30 am

Youth Choir, 10:15 am Torah Time for Tots,

10:45 am Youth Band, 12:30 pm Mini-MiTY Chocolate

Seder, 12:30 pm Women’s Seder, 4:00 pm

7 Mah Jongg Group,

9:30 am Adult Choir

Rehearsal, 6:45 pm


No Hebrew School

9 Chai Society Lunch &

Speaker, Judge David Hoff er, 11:30 am

Women’s Support Group

10 Bridge Group, 11:00 am Temple Musicians

Rehearsal, 6:30 pm

11 Shabbat Service with

Temple Musicians and Marriage Reconsecra-tion, 7:30 pm

12 Weekly Lessons of Life:

Torah Study, 8:30 am Bar Mitzvah of Max

Ferry, 9:00 am Bat Mitzvah of Mallorie

Cohen, 11:15 am


No Religious School or Adult


14 Mah Jongg Group,

9:30 am


PassoverOffi ce Closed

Community Passover Seder, 5:30 pm

16 17 Bridge Group, 11:00 am Temple Musicians

Rehearsal, 6:30 pm

18 Tot Shabbat Service

with PJ Library Read-ing, 6:30 pm

Shabbat Service, 7:30 pm

19 Habitat for Humanity

Build Day in Commu-

nity, 7:30 am

Weekly Lessons of Life: Torah Study, 8:30 am


No Religious School or Adult


Yizkor Service, 6:00 pm


7th Day of Passover

Offi ce Closed

22 Hebrew School, 4:15 pm 7th Grade BMC, 5:00 pm 8th & 9th Grade, 5:30 pm Brit Tikvah Support

Group, 6:30 pm Men’s Spirituality Group,

7:30 pm

23 Women’s Support


24 Living Room Learning

at the home of Stephanie Sukert, 10:00 am

Bridge Group, 11:00 am Temple Musicians

Rehearsal, 6:30 pm Brotherhood: Viewing

of Steven Spiel-berg fi lm, “The Last Days”and discussion, 7:00 pm

25 PreNeg for Past Israel

Trip Attendees, 6:30 pm

Friday Night Live! Shabbat Service, “Common Decency” 7:30 pm

26 Weekly Lessons of Life:

Torah Study, 8:30 am Bat Mitzvah of Aniela

Bokota, 9:00 am

27 Religious School,

8:30/10:45 am Youth Choir, 10:15 am Torah Time for Tots,

10:45 am Youth Band, 12:30 pm MiTY Beach Day,

1:30 pm Yom HaShoah Service,

5:00 pm

28 Mah Jongg Group,

9:30 am Adult Choir

Rehearsal, 6:45 pm

29 Hebrew School, 4:15 pm NaSHiM: Rosh Chodesh

Celebration in support of Women of the Wall, 7:00 pm

30 Family Israel Trip

Meeting, 6:30 pm

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2014 Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’alot

In Every Generation…

Women's SederSunday, April 6, 20144:00 in the afternoon

Bring a mother, daughter, sister or friend and make new memories while we recall the past during our catered Seder.

Guests are welcome.


Adult Members & Guests $40Children (12 & Under) $25*

Non-member Adult $50*Including a special program for girls 5–12, contact the Temple for more information.

RSVP by March 21st to the Temple of ce at 949-857-2226

or online at www.shmtemple.orgAll reservations made after 3-21-14 will be $50 per

person and subject to availability.

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A L I F E T I M E O F B E L O N G I N G April 2014 13

Welcome New MembersTova CohenRon Brand

Laurie GruschkaFred & Aviva Forster

In SympathyAlison Posner on the death of her grandfather, Bernard Katz

Lois Jacobs on the loss of her mother and Sheryl Becker on the loss of her grandmother, Esther Jacobs

Samantha and Blair Becker on the loss of their great-grandmother, Esther Jacobs

Barbara Silverman on the death of her father, Robert London

SHM Brotherhood

Holocaust Film & Discussion,

“The Last Days” Thursday,April 24th at 7:00 pmJoin us in remembrance of the Shoah as we screen the fi lm, “The Last Days” a documentary from Steven Spielberg and The Shoah Foundati on. The fi lm tells the stories of fi ve Hungarian Jews during the Shoah. It focuses on the horrors of life in the Nazi concentrati on camps, but also stresses the opti mism and desire to survive of these incredible people.The fi lm will be followed by a discussion with Richard Kreitman who edited the documentary.

Chai Society: Lunch & Speaker Series

Superior Court Judge,

David Hoff erWednesday, April 9th at 11:30 amJoin The Honorable Judge Hoff er, our congregant, to learn and understand the justi ce system as it exists today. What are the assets such a system provides for a society and what are its defi cits? Judge Hoff er will speak about the challenges that come with being a judge, and of its honors as well.

NaSHiM: SHM Women

Rosh Chodesh


“Women of the Wall”Tues., April 29th at 7:00 pmRosh Chodesh, the celebrati on of the new moon, has long been associated as as ti me for women to come together in frienship, in spirit and in learning. Join NaSHiM for this very special Rosh Chodesh during which our celebrati on will be complemented by an examinati on of the challenges facing women and progressive Jews in Jerusalem and around Israel.

Living Room LearningThursday, April 24th

at 10:00 amThis program, designed for women, covers issues, concerns and topics in a safe, inti mate and warm environment. Contact the Temple for the locati on at 949-857-2226.

Join with us on Fri., April 11th at 7:30 pm

as we conti nue our special tradi-ti on of marriage reconsecrati on

at Shir Ha-Ma’alot

If you are celebrati ng a special anniversary (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 or any year aft er 50) and would like to parti cipate, please contact the

Temple offi ce at (949) 857-2226.

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Adult B’nai MitzvahSundays at 8:30 am

April 6th & 27th—No class 4/13 & 4/20

This year-long intensive course is designed for students who wish to learn Hebrew, basic Judaism and read Torah at the conclusion of the class. Be part of the great mitzvah of lifelong learning.

• The Adult B’nai Mitzvah classes require a commitment of ti me, energy and devoti on

• No prior Hebrew required (although knowledge of the lett ers is helpful)

• No prior Judaic knowledge required

Weekly Lessons of Life: Torah

Study with Rabbi Steinberg and

Rabbi Lewis Saturdays at 8:30 am

April 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th

Each week our Torah porti on invites us to search our souls for meaning, memories, mitzvah, and lessons on how to be a mentsch. We read the Torah over and over again each year as we gain more insight into its depth. Study with the Rabbis the weekly Torah porti on and you will have inspirati on for the week to come. You will have food for thought that will nourish your soul. Weekly study is an essenti al part of Jewish life.

Empty Nesters program

Thursday, May 1st at 7:00 pm If you are transiti oning nto or adapti ng to a home without dependent children, know that the synagogue can be a source of support and

connecti on to thers who are also going through it or have already done so. Join us for discussion, guidance and comeraderie about the challenges and pleasures of having an empty nest.

SHM Adult Choir

Calling all Bass, Baritone, Alto and Soprano voices! If you like to sing, please join our Adult Choir. The choir sings at several Shabbat services and at the High Holy Days. It’s a great way to get involved at Temple. Rehearsals are held Monday nights at 6:45pm. If you are interested, please contact Cantor Shikler at 949-857-2226 or [email protected]

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A L I F E T I M E O F B E L O N G I N G April 2014 15

Now for the “cons” of synagogue membership:

1. Yes, it costs money. Having that rabbi on call, and a secretary and whatever else (a building, a janitor, teachers, etc) costs a lot of money. If money is tight, then you have two options: talk with the synagogue about reduced rates, or opt not to belong for now.

2. As I said above, not everyone at my congregation is my best friend. Sometimes there is confl ict. Th ere are some people who drive me a little nuts. I probably drive them a little nuts, too. Comes with the territory. As the old joke goes, sometimes it is easier to love Judaism than it is to love real live Jews.

3. Yes, they bug me to give and to do stuff . Linda and I get periodic appeals for fi nancial and volunteer participation. I also feel free to say “no” when I really can’t or don’t want to do something.

4. I don’t agree with the way everything is done by the

synagogue. Policy is up to the board, and they call those shots. I get to state my opinion, but I am not the boss. If it’s the only synagogue in town and the disagreement is about something serious, then maybe it isn’t worth it. For example, I am not sure I could be a happy member of a congregation that wanted me to be closeted, or that did not count women for a minyan.

5. Paying dues is just the beginning. To really get the benefi ts of synagogue membership, you have to invest time and heart.

Synagogue membership is not cheap. It costs money, time, and heart. Sometimes it is aggravating. But for me, it’s worth it.

Rabbi Ruth Adar writes a blog under the title Coff ee Shop Rabbi. She is a frequent blogger on Jewish topics exploring Jewish identity, Jewish paths, studying Torah and Jewish fi lm. Check out her posts on coff eeshoprabbi.com.

Family Promise Shelter

Thank You…Huge thanks to all of our temple members who volunteered their ti me, money and energy to make our sprint host week for the Family Promise homeless shelter a great success!

Jeff , Stephen & Elijah Brenner

Louise Beckerman

Allison Kramsky

Jay and Bett e Rothman

Zena Reichert

Lori Reznick

Laura Udkoff

Lenni Meyerson

Amy Lawsky

Bob Radus

Amy Driver

Jay and Leonie Kramer

Ilana Rosenberg

Richard Sternberg

Bruce Gary

Nancy Shalloway

Rosa Rosenstein

Phil Waldman

Brian Glabman

Mona Hammer

Mike Gellman

Stuart Moss & Family

Charlott e Radzminsky & Family

Laura, Russ & Shira Alterman

Jeremy Rose

Beth Carroll conti nued from page 7

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Getting closer with more space

Thank you for your donation to our Capital Campaign. We are truly appreciative of your support.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert AllenMr. & Mrs. Eyal AronoffMr. & Mrs. Larry BannMr. & Mrs. Ken BassmanMr. Greg Berkowitz & Mrs. Janet LawrenceMr. & Mrs. Alexander BermanMs. Julia BermanMr. & Mrs. Darin BlindellMr. & Mrs. Michael BordenMr. & Mrs. Alan BrutmanMr. & Mrs. John BurgerMr. & Mrs. Michael CantorMr. & Mrs. James CarrollMr. & Mrs. Robert CohenMr. & Mrs. Bradley CohenMr. & Mrs. Michael ColemanMs. Linda CossMr. & Mrs. Bradley EisensteinMr. & Mrs. Nathan EvansMr. & Mrs. Barry FastMr. & Mrs. Robert FleishmanMr. & Mrs. Alan FrankelMr. & Mrs. Douglas GoldenMr. & Mrs. Jeremy GoldmanMr. & Mrs. Stephen GordonDr. Gary & Mrs. Linda GreeneDr. Rachel Harman-FriedmanMr. & Mrs. Martin HartMr. & Mrs. Jonathan JaffeMr. & Mrs. Michael KaiserMr. & Mrs. Robert KaitzDr. Stephen & Mrs. Lynne KofflerMrs. Sharlene KonowitchDr. Benjamin KrautMr. & Mrs. Sid KuperbergMr. & Mrs. Lloyd Lenson

Mr. & Mrs. Hoawrd LePatnerMr. David & Rabbi Leah LewisMr. & Mrs. Heath LinerDr. & Mrs. Herbert ModelevskyMr. & Mrs. Marc MonetteMr. & Mrs. Tony ParkMr. Howard PerleyDr. & Mrs. Daniel PerlmutterMrs. Charlotte PinskyMr. & Mrs. Ron RadziminskyDr. & Mrs. Allan RaffMr. & Mrs. Michael ReznickDr. & Mrs. Jay RindenauMs. Abby RozenbergMr. Lloyd SellingerCantor Arie & Mrs. Beth ShiklerMrs. Ruth ShulmanMr. & Mrs. Jerry SilverMr. & Mrs. Joseph SloateMrs. Rosalie SogolowRabbi Richard & Mrs. Beverley SteinbergMr. & Mrs. Rod SternMr. Richard Sternberg & Mrs. Lou Ann SchemmelMr. Cory & Dr. Stephanie SukertMr. John TharpMr. & Mrs. Laurence ThompsonMr. & Mrs. Michael WagschalMr. Phillip Waldman & Dr. Teri AlpertMr. & Mrs. Howard WeinsteinMr. & Mrs. Albert WeissMr. Bert White & Mrs. Lori SchwartzMr. & Mrs. Norman WitkinMr. & Mrs. Robert YonowitzMs. Rebecca Zarrabi

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A L I F E T I M E O F B E L O N G I N G April 2014 17

Annual Congregational Meeting

Tuesday, May 6th at 7:30 pm

The new slate of Executi ve Committ ee and Board of Trustees nominees is listed below. Your vote counts, we look forward to seeing

you at the meeti ng.



Executi ve Committ eePositi on Name Role Term Exp.

Offi cer Caroll, Beth President 2014

Offi cer Blindell, Sharon VP Community 2015 Relati ons

Offi cer Fast, Wendi VP Administrati on 2014

Offi cer Sternberg, Richard Treasurer 2014

Offi cer Liner, Heath Secretary 2014

Offi cer Frankel, Carole 1st VP/Chavurot 2014 Kehilah Kedoshah

Offi cer Harman-Friedman, 2nd VP 2014 Rachel

Offi cer Stern, Rod 3rd VP-Legal 2014

Board of Trustees Positi on # Member Name Term Exp. 1 Hart, Marty 2016 2 Konowitch, Sharlene 2016 3 Evans, Jamie 2016 4 Reznick, Lori 2016 5 Rozenberg, Abby 2016 6 Monett e, Lisa 2016 7 Coleman, Shannon 2017 8 Yonowitz, Bob 2017 9 Lenson, Eileen 2017 10 Brutman, Karen 2017 11 Silver, Jerry 2017 12 Olshansky, Ellen 2017 13 Borden, Debra 2015 14 Burger, Kim 2015 15 Goldman, Debra 2015 16 Radziminsky, Charlott e 2015 17 Sloate, Joe 2015 18 To Be Announced 2015

Kehilah KedoshahBuilding Community One Relationship at a Time

Shabbat is a time to connect. And in the spirit of connecting, we have implemented a unique new program at Shir Ha-Ma’alot in which a member

family hosts Shabbat dinner in their home for an intimate group of fellow temple members.

Would you like to dine, chat and make new friends while enjoying an intimate

Shabbat dinner?Please contact Lindsey Morlan at [email protected]

or 949-857-2226 to let us know if you would like to host a dinner or are interested in attending one.

Page 18: tthe Ma alotheMa’ alot...I love being a rabbi. I could not imagine doing anything more fulfi lling, more invigorating or more meaningful. I am blessed ten times over to be able


Shir Pleasure Gift ShopLocated in the Temple lobby





Gift Shop Hours:Contact Arlene Taslitz at 949-837-9456

for appointments any other ti me

Sun: 8:30 am to 1:00 pmMon: 9:30 am to 12 noon

Tues & Weds: 3:00 to 6:30 pmThurs: 1:00 to 4:00 pm

Fri: 1 hour before services (Shabbos hold if uncomfortable handling money)

Courtesy gift wrapping Visa & MC acceptedGift certi fi cates available

COMING IN MAYMark your calendars for these special events

as we bid farewell to each of our most special

Religious School leaders:

Youth Group Event: End of Year

Celebration with Farewell to

Becca Zarrabi

Sat., May 10th at 5:30 pm

Shabbat Service with Farewell to

Marisa Kaiser

Friday, May 30th at 7:30 pm

For Sale - Double Cemetary Plot Pacifi c View Memorial Park

Corona del Mar, Garden of David - Space D, Lot 5

Asking $12,500Can be seen by appointment. Please

contact Sandy Goodman at 480-558-1680

Thank You…

Many thanks to all those that participated in our March 9th blood drive for the American Red Cross. We collected 25 units of blood that will help 75 people in need. Th is is our 18th Chai year of hosting blood drives.

As always, we appreciate the gifts of live from our blood donors. Our heroes who came to donate were Toni and Aaron Rios, Ali Wolf, Myra Firth, Chris Allcorn, Gabrielle and Ellie Bozmarova, Michael Kaiser, David Gross, Aurora Pribram-Jones, Josh Zeldner, Diana Cantor, Brent Haas, Joe Sloate, Julia Hubner, Sharon Deering, Lori and Douglas Suvalle, Rachel Abraham, Jason Gary, Mark Hyman, Jenette Stokols, Mitch Shatzen, Victor Lindsey, Kristen Saad, Ronnie Hyman, Brad Erdosi, Brittany Cooper, Ron Radzaminsky, Libby Frolichman, and Bruce Gary.

Our donors always come through.We can’t thank you enough.

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A L I F E T I M E O F B E L O N G I N G April 2014 19

RABBI STEINBERG’S DISCRETIONARY FUNDBarbara & Bob Kaitz in memory of Esther

JacobsMarvin Blum, thank you for all your

thoughts and prayersLinda Algazi in memory of Milli KaminskyJoAnn Anthony & Family, thank you for con-

ducti ng David’s service, it was beauti fulLeacarol Shinder, thank you for your

supportLois Jacobs & Family, thank you for all of

your supportJill & David Susson in memory of Morris



Marvin Blum, thank you for all your thoughts and prayers

JoAnn Anthony & Family, thank you for your beauti ful music at David’s service and playing for him a few days before his passing

Judy & Sid Kuperberg in honor of Alex Baumann’s engagement

Lois Jacobs & Family, thank you for all of your support

CULTURAL ARTS/FNL FUNDMark & Dyanne Drucker in honor of Dave

Teincuff receiving the Bob Wolf AwardKara Jacobs in memory of David AnthonySandy & Alfi e Schekman, congratualti ons

to Judy Kuperberg and Mazel Tov on your daughter’s award

Bob Wolf in memory of Nathan Schine

GENERAL FUNDLynne & Steve Koffl er, congratulati ons to

David Teincuff for receiving the Bob Wolf Community Service Award

Sharon Blindell in memory of Joyce Miller, mother of Marilyn Stemper

Marilyn Stemper in memory of Esther Jacobs

Beth Carroll, donati on with the IBM employee campaign

Gail Ballinger, tzedakah donati on

RITUAL (JERRY JACOBS) FUNDDonna & Howard Weinstein in loving

memory of Lois Jacob’s mother, Esther Kaplan Jacobs

Lynne & Steve Koffl er in memory of Esther Jacobs

TZEDAKAH DONATIONSEsther Jacobs in memory of Michael Jacobs

Michael Einbund in memory of Geraldine Gold

Kara Jacobs in memory of Esther JacobsJoy & Howard LePatner in memory of

Esther Jacobs, Lois’s wonderful motherBeverly & Jake Jacobs in memory of Esther


TODD EVAN ROSS SCHOOL FUNDRobin, Matt hew & Griffi n Abrams in

memory of Esther Jacobs

YOUTH GROUP FUNDDarla Shepard in memory of Esther Jacobs,

grandmother of Sheryl BeckerLisa & Jeff Anderson, donati on to the Senior

High School programs

YAHRZEIT FUNDAnatoly Berman in memory of Anna


Sid Kuperberg in memory of my father, Herman Kuperberg

Jon White in memory of Robert White

Jon White in memory of Elizabeth White

Hope Sherwood-White in memory of Helen Sherwood Burka

Sondra Berman in memory of David Yuspeh

Frank Magursky in memory of Margaret Magursky

Sasha Erlik in memory of Robert Erlik

Sonya Shavartsman in memory of Rachmil Kuperman

Esther Kett ler in memory of Herz Katzlach

Esther Kett ler in memory of Max Vogel

Ned Greenberg in memory of Pearl Greenberg Moskowitz

Marvin Blum in memory of Lawrence Blum

JoAnn Anthony in memory of Lillian Anthony

Lois Garcia in memory of Edith Block

Lois Garcia in memory of Jeannett e Hecht

Bob Sherman in memory of Brian Sherman

Jerri Loeb in memory of Louis Silver

Sheryl Anderson in memory of Alvira Perlman

John Lawrence in memory of Wilma Rasmussen

Rita Becker in memory of Suzanne da Silva

Rita Becker in memory of Carmen Froes

Esther Jacobs in memory of Albert Kaplan

Charlott e Pinsky in memory of Fannie Harris

Dyanne Drucker & Family in memory of Esther Jaocbs

Nancy Platka in memory of Jane Woolner

Barbara Kaitz in memory of Eva Feingold

Barbara Kaitz in memory of Samuel Feingold

Patti Kramer in memory of Stanley Wolfe

Ed Kramer in memory of Allan Kramer

Dale Lechtman in memory of Max Letchtman

John Tharp in memory of Nancy Tharp

Sponsor A Student

Mark Palley in memory of Shirley Palley

Page 20: tthe Ma alotheMa’ alot...I love being a rabbi. I could not imagine doing anything more fulfi lling, more invigorating or more meaningful. I am blessed ten times over to be able


Please Deliver Before April 1, 2014





Tree of Life Campaign

Commemorate a simcha with a leaf

on the Tree of Life in the Temple lobby.

$180 per leaf, use the form on this page to order today!

Honor a loved one and support SHM!

3652 Michelson DriveIrvine, CA 92612

(949) 857-2226 ph

Make your Tzedakah Donation Online!It’s quick & easy to make

your donation on the

Temple website.

Go to: www.shmtemple.org


Alex Zeleznick Children’s Fund Cantor Shikler’s Disc. Fund Cultural Arts/FNL Fund Elana Frenkel Memorial School & Youth Florence Ruth King Chesed Fund General Fund Jessica Herron Adopt-a-Family Fund Library Fund Oneg Shabbat Fund Prayer Book Fund

Rabbi Steinberg’s Disc. Fund Rabbi Lewis’ Disc. Fund Rita Teller Camp Scholarship Fund Ritual (Jerry Jacobs) Fund Special Events Fund (Aaron & Brock Silverstein) Stained Glass Fund Todd Evan Ross School Fund Yahrzeit Fund Youth Group Fund

Please Apply My Contribution to the Following Special Fund(s):

Tzedakah ContributionsPlease enclose contribution and mail with this form to the Temple offi ce.

(Minimum $10.00 per name or occassion)

Donation Given by: Acknowledgment sent to:

Name___________________________________ Name ________________________________

Address_________________________________ Address ______________________________

City/Zip:________________________________ City/Zip: _____________________________

Amount of Donation $______________ Check Credit Card on fi le

Visa/MC ___________________________________ Exp.___________

In Honor of ___________________________________________________________________

In Memory of _________________________________________________________________

Special Occasion _______________________________________________________________

Other _________________________________________________________________________

Other Donation OpportunitiesMemorial Board Tree of Life Prayerbook Fund $360 per name $180 per name $35 per book

Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’alot has many Sanctuary and Facility Giving and Naming Opportunities. Please contact the Temple offi ce for further information.