lumcthe~aolvelo’n ~ing :equal.ted with ¯ miautes, tea ~q went’by, yet nothing ~me, : All "thie time, ..L(~Iiy ui~n his bed, the very’sore sodtea ¯ "tie el it blase nf teddy lighh which stream- +¢d open it when the dcek + lrredaimed the ,.hour,-wea moro alarming tbea ¯:. dozen ¯ ghoate; a~ hewea powetle~ tontoke-uat- +-- ~- ~ywh~;t:i~-mcaut¢or:.would i ¯ !~" " I~metim~ apprehermivo that h.o mig|,t be " at that somcnt ¯n i.t~r~tb, g case- el hOWo¥er,. he begarl tO thl,k--," .you or 1 would ha~e thouxht et first; for it.is"d. pre.dieamont who have bee. done iu it, : and w0uid u.que~ti0nablyh e~’ed°neit too _: -.-It [eat,’ I sa~s.bebegan ted)auk’that the +louree lad~eoret L,f this ghostly lighl mlght T~e iu the m~jolulug room, frees ~theoeo on: ¯/urth~r traei.K it, it seCme~ f6 shine. Thb ~ldea taking t’ull po~m~ioa o1" hit mind, .he ’lotUP 8oflly and:hutted io his 01ippers to :thO door~; was nn the t~atl~n. The walls tlutt it looked¯ peH~ot gave : Ires. every .,’, part or Whlnh, brisht gle,;m[nl berries gll~ r .~lned..~ho’orbp leaves of h ol y, misdettm ¯ Wt icy reflected back the light, as i| + i ,ma~Y li.do mirror, had been scattered there; " ~ld sucha mighty blaging wontrosriug up ’C up the oh[ranGy, ~. that dull |)otrit.etiun " .... +_al~lmartL in : " timo, ur Marloy’aCor. ’for u.ony ..d Ittnlly ¯ winter ~elsou gone. lteeped up on thu ¯ ,. .flour, to~.nrm a kindof tht’uqe, ware tur. ~ . ltey~ ;g00~o, game, poultry"-brawn, grt, at ~OllltS of meat, aueking.plgt,,longwn~atbs pf. sa~-~ge~, mince.pies, plum-pudJi,,gs, ¯ barrels ot oyatnr~, led.hoteheatnttt s, ohet ry. n’pples, juiey orat gos ht~iuml pear., is- lua0m tWollth.OIkgs, attd seething be’win el puhoh, that made thu chantbor dim with thll ~uolt there sat n Sully ttlsttt, glorion, to Is0; +w)tu born a~il~/jt,g torcll, iu uhol,o apt ilellkoPle"t~;’h I.orn,.snd held itrip, h~h o~;.~ shed hs light on Scrooge, ms he Game i+eei)lnli, ron.d the door, ¯ ’(~Olne In[" exchlmo~,,tha Ghnst ’s, Come [!tl ah~iknow mo better, re.n,!", l~reOlO entered tht,idly, n.d hu.g hln lael¢~beloro this 8plrh, lln was not the dou0d.~t0ogo be hst~cn ; and t tough the 8pith a eS’oa wore clear ¯nd kind, he did not like,to meel them, ’J ’ ’ Lg’m the(Jl~Oat Of ~hrlatmas l’relent," ildtLthe Spirit. "Look ul,o. sol" l~r0ogo I~vorenlly did ~o, It woaulolh. ed.Jn one iiinple deep green r~be, or l~tntlo, Imrdo’red whh whllo fur. ¯Thh +tm.lommly¯.~on+ the::~urv, ’ dal.lng to bu warded or so.ms:led by any artlaee, lta feet, nhservsblo beneath thn nmpla folds ul tha garlttOnl,were aleu bore, and on its headIt wore no other coverh,g thin a holly W~atlt , let here sad thore with *hl.i.g leJole,, he dark’b~w, enris ¯ ore long aadIres; fi’oo ea It. genial I-ee, lt~ sparkll.I eyo, he opon hand, led oborry volm, its Utleenntra[ned demeanor, end Jta Joyful air. Ulrded round it: utiddlo w.ean a0tlqne Im~hbard ; but nu ewonl werin It, and the auoie.t’eheeth we: satuu Ul, whh lllS~ -,s You.lave never eeen tim liko of me befo~ I" raehlm~ the ~ldrh, ’* ~lever, ’° l’lonmilo tutdeau¯wcr In it. "llavo novar ~;alked torah With the y+uuller mnatbem ol my femlly I me.slug i~r J Im very yuueg) mY eider brothure bocn.ln Shill hter yotr~?" pureuedthe ])ha.tom. ’tl don’tth~k I have," mid +rro~ge. tbe..sno¯ from the nt i¯.’front:ef their:dwellit ero~ed+¯.drecrossed eac~othor= buedreds el (isLe: ~here the great Stleet~ branched off; and ni.de.intrioate eha~d~,]{a;~d" io- trace, in the’t’h|ck yellnw mud:~nd icy wa- ter. Thc ~ky.wa. gloomy, ahd tho shirt- eat streets’wcro’cblakod hi+ .mdth. a di0~ mi~t,halt y- htome, as if all the chinlneya inGreat Brit-. aiu .... end ¯ dear hearts eoa tent. There ¯~ ootliing very ’cheerful’ in the cling:to re’the to~n;’and yet was there an ¯ir of ehcerfuhieea abroad that the clear- est summer air sod brightest summcr sun might havecndt~avored to diffuse in vain. For, tho Peol~lo who werc .dhovelicg away on me housetopswere jovial aml tull ol ,ne aaother/’rom-the -parapO~ unU: and then eke]muting a f.eetio tl ImOWhall--bat er-aamtod ,simile rift lit, ;,nd ¯ ’_l’he i~oultcrcrn’ t~llOps" w’ere ~till half open, sad the ti:uiterors’ worn great r~una.~ pot-bellied checkoUtS, ,hal>cdliko the wBislcoats of jolly old ~ent]cmeu, lolling¯ at the ale:ors and t~n/bliogaut Jut0 th0 street iu their al~’- oplectto opulooce.. There ’.v;ere~ ruddy,. brewu-tkced, bread-girthed Sp¯uish Cnieos sh.ining in the fatoees.of thcir growth like Spanish Friare, ¯nd winkingtrem their +;helves in wanton a]y.nc~at the girls am demure applea, cl.stered’hlgh in bloomi.g pyra- l "dangle fain co.spicnous ha>eke Lhut pe~ brown, ree~lllng in walks among the Woo&, and pleseaoteh"f flin~al k e.dcep thr0ti’gh Wiihored l~tws there were Norlolk RiSes, squab and’swar- tby, setliug off the yellow of the lemons and orungo,, sn,], in Iho great con)l)eetne~m or’theirjuicy persons, n,’~en|l per bag, sad enten filter di goldand ,liver fish; set Iorllt among tirade choice hnhs in a bowl, thougft membma of g d gl] ppd stagnant blooded race, appror. ed to kno;l that wae SOluetbing gu[i~g o, ; nod, to a fish, wontgs,ping rou.d .and rouod their,little world In doW attd I,a:~" Iol,loes exeilolnenl, The Groeer~’ I oh the Groccrs’l .(,arly eloscd, with pt, rhsps t~vo nh.tttter, down, nr scsl It wa~ not alone that tho scales de. ~eending rmtl o cou.tj~r mode n me.-ry ¯ . f o . toond, or t|,a~ the twin: nod roller ¯ petted company co briskly, or that the Salsa,tern w~re rattletl up tutd dnttn like Juggling Ir[eks, or CVOU that the bluodcd be,nee of tea and cnffeo wera re gratchil to tlgo nt~e, or ci’cu th.t the raisins were so plcntll’ul and, the ahoontlsto e~tromoly trhlte, the sticksbf eioslt elk su ht.g and ~tralght,tht, olhor Cldces so d,,lidou,, the cs.di+’tl fruits eo caked sad #patted wlth Inolto~ sugoras tO make then.Ideas Inokers ou fool hint and sub,mlunntly hillio.~. Nut was it that tho "riga wore ntoht and pulpy, or" that the l"rgnehplums hlushetl in modest tartnces frnnl Ihoir highly.decor:led bose., t~r tl nt everyihh l=wo~ got~l/9=t+~l+:pitd-ln wore all do l~urrled .Inl su esl~orIn thu i,npd~l lrromi~ of the i1,~¢, that Ihoy tulu- bid tip sgalnst each other et the dooi’, Cl’.eldnl~ their wicker bt~ktta wildly, and Ida their pureha.o/Ul,On tlu~.connter,nnd CalUO ralnlhq~bat, ktn li~lch thrln, ant] oOnlnlilted hulldrods Of the like Ini,lakc., in the brat humur,, llOes[bln; whilelira (]roeer sod his protdo were no I~ak sad fresh that the poh.)trd hearts with which they lessened! their epreus behind might havu bece their’own, worn nutsido lbr gcn. otai ha,peelut and for Cllrl~tlne~_daw. to i,cckkl’[l’ ihC~ L’Lus0, "-’" It~t maon the steeples sailed goad people all, Io ehumh a.d cbapel, and aw~ riley ~mo, II~kl.i tbrowlh th* ttreets iu their ; bast eloth~q~ aad whh th~dr I;~e0h ’f~eea And at th* mmma tirol thor*emeri:ad fi’~m I~wsa o1’ hr.ttroet~, lanes, a.d nemelmm turning., inoumm-~blo I,eo~le, eerryln£ thdr dm.tre to the bakers’ ihops. The _dechnslon i n=h~: _! had "Spirit," tho6ght+’" "l:~’onder"you, of’all tha be- Worlds about us, should dcs;re to.cromp thcse people’s op .~ortuni- ties 6fi, nbcent enjbyment: ~- ..... ~,:=’: Jdll . :’"y~. ~0uld deprivethe m 01 tt!cir’nt~os ’ol dieingeverymv0uth day t often the o.ly. d~y onJhich+th’cy can-be ~id "t0._diuo" at i,ll," seid 8erooge; "woaldu’t:y,ou?" "I l’" criedthe Slbirit. " ."~’ou seek to nl~se }hesp placason the SovcnthDay? r’ said Scr0ogo." ’" And it comes t6 the ’eamc.t!tin’g/" - "Forgive meit: ! ’am wro.ng..It ha, been.done inTour name 6r ¯tteast iu that are someupon this earth of yours,": returned the Spirit, ¯ "who lay elki’m to know us’,.and" who do theii daeds oF pa.~ion, pride, .ill.witl, snared;"envy, bigotry "a.d selfishno~ it, ’ohr n~iee;who arc as.sara.go io’us and all our. ki:h ’,dad never lived, l~mem. her that, e their~doi~S-~tlaem : ~oives, ar,t U3." dial botbrc, tutti tlic suburbs ot tra~ town. v,’a~ ,:~:remarkablo (l~ality/el. the Glio~tk helL Scroogehad ob~arvod at the bTt- -lie coudd accommodate himsclt’to ony phe+with earns; sod that laatnod beneath a.lo~ rogt quiteas graeeful!y no d like .asa~ I)eruatural creature as it was pb~ibh he. couldhavedaneiu any Inftf halh And perhaps it was the pleasure the good spirit had in showing off tbia power ot his, m" c1~it was his¯own kind, goner- our, hearty’nature, and his eyml,athy with eet things 3op ever. heard. Ho told me remember ¯ ¯ ¯ ",t madj~ lamebeggere ~a]k and blind men see. fire’; arid whileBob turning uphls.¢nttn+ Usif, paorfcllo~’s,’ the~were eapabl.o of being made more-ehabby--e0mpounded somd hot mixturein a jug with" gio had]e: moss, and otirred it rou,d and round ¯nd put it on the hobto simmer; .MasterPeter and ’the t~o: uhlquRods young.Cratehits wen~ to fotch_the~oo.ewith_which they ~o0n returned in:hlgh proco~sion. . Such-n bustle-ensued that you might have thought a goose swan was a matter of courm--and Ja truth it-¯as tmmething very’like it in.that hG~e. hire.’ Cmtchit made ths gravy.(ready be- forehand in a little empcc+panl hissieghot ; ..~hster Ieter nieshed the potatoes within- eredible vigor; Mi-~ Belinda kweet~ncd Ul, _th.o appld.~uce ; Mai+tl, a das!ed th_e _hOt plates; ¯ Bob tookTi,3: .Tom be~ide him in h tioy cornea at the table ; 2ha twoyoung u )oU their-posts era/muted dpeotis intotheir n:ouths, le~t’tiiey"should shriek for igoo’sc last tho’did+~ were ~t on, ,aid.: It was succored, by: a breethi+.’+ pau~o~ as Mrs.Cratchiti-lnoklng slowl~ell along the e~rving-knife, pi’e+pa~d to plunge it in.the bre~l ~ but-//heushe’.did,: und. when the long exp’eoted gt~sl~’of"tUfl~og is-. sued lorth, e.o mu~--mur of delimits arose ’all" ronnd the board, nnd cviit~ ~y Tim. ca led by the ta’o y0uog (2ratehils, beat’ the come by pcoitenco and grief. " Ghost," +’if man you ’~ l’n drinkhis health for your sakearid she’D:yes r’ .aid blr~.Cratehit, notto/hia. a happy New+Year. ’]lo’ll’be Very merry and vcr.v hnppy./.have t n boubt. : . 7.Tbeehildren drank the toast after her. It was the. first at.their preoeedingTwhich had no’heartino~7]h it. : Tiny Tit-.dmnk it i~t of all, b"t lto didn’t care tw0peueo for it. " Sorooge was the Ogreof the family. "The-mention of his’name cast a dark nhad- owoo the party ~hieh wa~ not dispelled ~’dei~ pgth; yoa ’d~all lave our. last ~ear’a fat; "The hotuehold ’ ~Y mg to ILls robe,; smiled.-aud stopl~<’d to bleas Bob Cratebits dwc ing wit t the sprinkllogs of fits tot+oh. +he+dido~tb_e_lie~e- t hem - eve~ -wassuch¯ ~ise end cheapneM.-weretbe t Eked out by’ applo- but filtcen copies of hi. Christian santo; end yet tile t;host of Christmas present blessed hid four.roomed house I Then up roso +Mrs+ Cr~tohit Crslchh’~ wife,dro~sed out but poorly in ~ twice.turn. ed gown, but brave in ribbons, which chespo6d .take a goodly ahnw for sixpence, Crstchit, second of her dsughter., ulso bra~’e in ribbuns; while MasterPeter Cratchit "plunged a tbrk iulo the muceim’ti of poia. tee~ nndgcttittg the oornera nl his men. streus .qdrt.~llar’(llob’s prit’ato properly conferred upon his mm nnd heir in ’honur el the d.y) i.to hi. mouth, rejoiced to fled idnledf~u gallantlynttlretl, and¯yeorncd ta sltow his lined in tho fa.dtioushle l’urks. And .ow girl, canlo tearing [n, screaming that out,ide Ills baker’: theyhial smelt the gnnso and known it for their nwn ; a.d becking i. I(tatlr[on~ thunghls of sago and onio0, t he,~e young Cratchit’. tlaneed aboutthe tab!e, end cxa!tt, d .~lantce l’etcr Crat’ohlt to the skis,, u’hilo hc (not prnutl, nlth0ugh hit collar nearel.o’=od hiut) Idew the fire until the dnwpotatoes b.!Jhli.g np knuckcd baldly sl~ thera~cepa. ]it[ to be let out and iteded" " *’ Wl,at has ok, or got yourpredous father then?" ~id hire. Erlto|dt. "Andyour Itrother, Tiny Tint. And Msrtha u’aru’t a. htto lank(’hri,lnma Day hy half.oo.haur." " l[cre’s ,’qartho,n,uth+’r," said a girl, opl,cering ss alto altoko. ’--ll~rg~a +!art!Is, another,", crjt.l the )’onng Cratd,lt+." llurrhhl Thoro’l ~ueh "Why bless ymlr heart a’~e mydear, how late youare," .id bin. ~r¯lehit kbm. I.g her ¯ doe*It limes, end taking off her shawl end honnct tbr her withol~olnlts legl, "We’d s goad do.l of work tu fluids up last night/’ r~l,lled the I~lrl, "and hud to ,’lear away thi. Inorolng, h~ntbcr." "Well’, never ntlod sn Ior g aa ~’nuam r.ule," sd,l lqr., (’,rstcltil~ "Sit ye down bofttre the flre,-my d~r Lad I|avo a warm, l.+rd biG. yr." ";No ngl . ~em.’~ father ~m!n~,’ +’ erled the two youngCrstehhe who wore evury. where tt once, " lllda .~lerlha, hide," So ~lartha hid her~elt, and In cat.a little Bob tha fathsr, with ¯t lea~t thr~*f.et af l~Irm Crst¢ldt aid ¯ith gre~"dellght (sur- vcyingone small atom of a bose upon the dish), theyhsda’t e~t’it all at last. every nne had had enough, and r.t Cralehi’. ;a perttcular, were : ~sgeand onions to thae the plate, bains changed by left the room alone--too her, vous to bear whnosmm+-+to take the ding up, and b/ingit in. "’ Supposo it 0houldnot bo dofie enough. SIlpposo it shnuld breakIll turnlr Suppose,omebedy ahouhl hare got over tire wall el 1he baekyard, and ,tolon it, while they woro merry wlth th,a gooeo--n suppo- eltion at trhieh thu two young Cr.tohRo he- eemo livid. All sorts of horror: were sup- puddingwa, out of the eopper, Asmell [ke a wa~hi,lg.da~.That we, the eloth, A .~i.n]l like oneatl.g-house atttl n pastry- cook’s next d,ter to ¢aeb other, with a ]uttd: ross nest door to that. Thst was tim pudding. In half a minute Mrs. Cratehh cotored-lhl,had, hnt smiling proudly-- whh the itqdding, like n opeekled causes- ball, eo haulefitl firm, blasillg in half.a- qusrtern of Jgtdted brandy, and Ix’dight with Chrhtnia, holly stucklutO tho !op. Oh, n wo.dorl.I pudding. Bob,Crat- ehit aabl, and.calmly to, ,that Ire regarded it as tha grmt0~t .iteeeu goSlevod by ~lrs. Crstchit slawstheir marriage. Iqra. Crat. chit said that now the weightwas eft her nlhtd, alto would ~nfcea she had her doubla ahytt~, the qtmutity of flour+ Feeryhody ~id or thought it at all a dang for a largo family. It wouldbays been fl~t he.soy tu du so. Any Crttohh would haVO hi.abed to hlnt at aueh a tldnll. Atlast tlln d[noer was all done, the e~oth was cleared, the hearthswept, and the fire memo up, The oetupouad Jn thaJug bein 8 ’taslcd oed eetnldored perfect, al~los w~d nran’goa wure put upon th~ ~blo and n eho- re1 f.tl ereheatnuta on the fire. Then nil tbo Crstoblt familydrawrotmd the hekrth in ~hst )lob Cretch[t ~tlloda circle, clean. lug hglf a o.o ; tq4 :(Slob Cntcblh’a tlha¯ sLood the hmlly disp¼y ~’f "lh~,-"Two tumbler, guda cuotard.oup wlthoutt ban. die. ’rh~ hold the hot atu~" Ires the jug. , u shuttlou in his eyefor Ma~ter Pctsr~hioh if obtained, ’fall flve-¯nd laal~h~ed tremeadot~ly ¯t the ado¯elPeter’: beinil ¯ man Of business ; ned Peter him. ee|f.th~)ughtfully at~ tba fir’e from between hh eolhrs ’as if he were delibcntiag what" j)at~ie~lario~;cstments heehould fav0r when h([,~.me into the receipt of abet I~¯i|der: .mgtacome. Martha who w¯au poor up. milliuer’s thou. t01~: tl;em n~gny hoursshe worked "at a ~trotchoand haw the ale:at to lie ¯-bed m~ am ,~m.L k a+l.la~ an~t beinga holidayshe passed at home,~" how ~bo had seen n eettote~ nnd ;~ i, sotuo dsya before ; and how tho’lord. "w~s nmch about ns tall as l’ot~ ;",,~’t which Peter pulledup his edlars so hightbat’you eunldn’l o chestnut: and the J"S ~e_,t round and rouod, and by.~.and byothey.had a song abeut a loot child tray. sling Jn the snow, t’Pont TinyTim ~ho had a phil.tire little vok’o and eang it verywell iathmd. ¯ There wa~ nothiug uf high mark in t’hb.’ They w.cm ent a handsonlo,tal.ily; they wi, re ~ot welldre~od; their shoes were fer front beingwsterprodf, thelr dotbM ¯ere scenty, and i’cter ndght h¯vo known and verylikcly did, the Jnslde ore pewubmker’a But they were happy, grateful, Id+,~sod with ono another and ooulnntcdwith the time; sad when thny faded sod looked ’hsppler yot in the brightelLr[nklingl of the Spirit’s torch at i,srling, ~<~rooge had his eye upon them, a.d espeelally uponTiqy Tim uudl the I+ml...

tt!cir’nt~os - · PDF fileGame i+eei)lnli, ron.d the door, ¯ ’ ... tO make then.Ideas Inokers ou fool hint ... when the long exp’eoted gt~sl~’of"tUfl~og is

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note in i,i* life, consequently can undersellhouse in the city. :- !.-t-~-+~

and axbellenneofll[tel~, for itrengtb

tha lted

It is the¯ :. Peadaoe,’.

lumc the~aolvelo’n ~ing :equal.ted with

¯ miautes, tea ~qwent’by, yet nothing ~me, : All "thie time,..L(~ Iiy ui~n his bed, the very’sore sod tea¯

"tie el it blase nf teddy lighh which stream-+¢d open it when the dcek+ lrredaimed the,.hour,-wea moro alarming tbea ̄ :. dozen¯ ghoate; a~ he wea powetle~ to ntoke-uat-

+-- ~- ~ywh~;t:i~-mcaut¢or:.would i¯ !~" " I~metim~ apprehermivo that h.o mig|,t be

" at that somcnt ¯n i.t~r~tb, g case- el

hOWo¥er,. he begarl tO thl,k--," .you or 1would ha~e thouxht et first; for it.is"d.

pre.dieamont whohave bee. done iu it,

: and w0uid u.que~ti0nablyhe~’ed°neit too_: -.-It [eat,’ I sa~s.bebegan ted)auk’that the

+louree lad ~eoret L,f this ghostly lighl mlghtT~e iu the m~jolulug room, frees ~theoeo on:

¯/urth~r traei.K it, it seCme~ f6 shine. Thb~ldea taking t’ull po~m~ioa o1" hit mind, .he’lotUP 8oflly and:hutted io his 01ippers to:thO door~;

was nn the

t~atl~n. The walls

tlutt it looked¯ peH~ot gave : Ires. every.,’, part or Whlnh, brisht gle,;m[nl berries gll~r .~lned..~ho’orbp leaves of h ol y, misdettm

¯Wt icy reflected back the light, as i|+i ,ma~Y li.do mirror, had been scattered there;" ~ld sucha mighty blaging wont rosriug up

’C up the oh[ranGy, ~. that dull |)otrit.etiun" .... +_al~lmartL in

: " timo, ur Marloy’aCor. ’for u.ony ..d Ittnlly¯ winter ~elsou gone. lteeped up on thu

¯ ,. .flour, to~.nrm a kind of tht’uqe, ware tur.~ . ltey~ ;g00~o, game, poultry "-brawn, grt, at

~OllltS of meat, aueking.plgt,, long wn~atbspf. sa~-~ge~, mince.pies, plum-pudJi,,gs,

¯ barrels ot oyatnr~, led. hot eheatnttt s, ohet ry.n’pples, juiey orat gos ht~iuml pear., is-lua0m tWollth.OIkgs, attd seething be’win elpuhoh, that made thu chantbor dim with

thll ~uolt there sat n Sully ttlsttt, glorion,to Is0; +w)tu born a~il~/jt,g torcll, iu uhol,oapt ilellkoPle"t~;’h I.orn,.snd held it rip,h~h o~;.~ shed hs light on Scrooge, ms heGame i+eei)lnli, ron.d the door,

¯ ’(~Olne In[" exchlmo~,,tha Ghnst’s, Come [!tl ah~i know mo better, re.n,!",

l~reOlO entered tht,idly, n.d hu.g hlnlael¢~beloro this 8plrh, lln was not thedou0d .~t0ogo be hst~cn ; and t toughthe 8pith a eS’oa wore clear ̄ nd kind, hedid not like,to meel them,’J ’ ’ L g’m the (Jl~Oat Of ~hrlatmas l’relent,"ildtLthe Spirit. "Look ul,o. sol"

l~r0ogo I~vorenlly did ~o, It woaulolh.ed.Jn one iiinple deep green r~be, orl~tntlo, Imrdo’red whh whllo fur. ¯Thh

+tm.lommly¯.~on+ the::~urv,

’ dal.lng to bu warded or so.ms:led by anyartlaee, lta feet, nhservsblo beneath thnnmpla folds ul tha garlttOnl, were aleu bore,and on its head It wore no other coverh,gthin a holly W~atlt, let here sad thorewith *hl.i.g leJole,, he dark’b~w, enris¯ ore long aad Ires; fi’oo ea It. genial I-ee,lt~ sparkll.I eyo, he opon hand, led oborryvolm, its Utleenntra[ned demeanor, end JtaJoyful air. Ulrded round it: utiddlo w.eana0tlqne Im~hbard ; but nu ewonl werin It,and the auoie.t’eheeth we: satuu Ul, whhlllS~

-,s You.lave never eeen tim liko of mebefo~ I" raehlm~ the ~ldrh,

’* ~lever,’° l’lonmilo tutde au¯wcr In it."llavo novar ~;alked torah With the

y+uuller mnatbem ol my femlly I me.slugi~r J Im very yuueg) mY eider brothurebocn.ln Shill hter yotr~?" pureued the])ha.tom.

’tl don’tth~k I have," mid +rro~ge.

tbe..sno¯ from thent i¯.’front:ef their:dwellit

ero~ed+¯.d recrossed eac~othor= buedredsel (isLe: ~here the great Stleet~ branchedoff; and ni.de.intrioate eha~d~,]{a;~d" io-trace, in the’t’h|ck yellnw mud:~nd icy wa-ter. Thc ~ky.wa. gloomy, ahd tho shirt-eat streets’wcro’cblakod hi+ .mdth. a di0~mi~t, halt

y-htome, as if all the chinlneya inGreat Brit-.aiu .... end

¯ dear hearts eoa ’tent. There ̄~ ootliing very ’cheerful’ inthe cling:to re’the to~n;’and yet was therean ̄ ir of ehcerfuhieea abroad that the clear-est summer air sod brightest summcr sunmight have cndt~avored to diffuse in vain.

For, tho Peol~lo who werc .dhovelicg awayon me housetops were jovial aml tull ol

,ne aaother/’rom-the-parapO~ unU: and then eke]muting af.eetiotl ImOWhall--bat er-aamtod ,simile

rift lit, ;,nd¯ ’_l’he i~oultcrcrn’ t~llOps"

w’ere ~till half open, sad the ti:uiterors’

worn great r~una.~ pot-belliedcheckoUtS, ,hal>cdliko the wBislcoats ofjolly old ~ent]cmeu, lolling¯ at the ale:orsand t~n/bliogaut Jut0 th0 street iu their al~’-oplectto opulooce.. There ’.v;ere~ ruddy,.brewu-tkced, bread-girthed Sp¯uish Cnieossh.ining in the fatoees.of thcir growth likeSpanish Friare, ¯nd winking trem their+;helves in wanton a]y.nc~ at the girls am


applea, cl.stered’hlgh in bloomi.g pyra-


"dangle fain co.spicnous ha>eke Lhut pe~

brown, ree~lllng inwalks among the Woo&, and pleseaoteh"fflin~al k e.dcep thr0ti’gh Wiihored l~twsthere were Norlolk RiSes, squab and’swar-tby, setliug off the yellow of the lemonsand orungo,, sn,], in Iho great con)l)eetne~mor’their juicy persons, n,’~en|l

per bag, sad enten filter digold and ,liver fish; set Iorllt among tiradechoice hnhs in a bowl, thougft membmaof g d gl] ppd stagnant blooded race, appror.ed to kno;l that wae SOluetbing gu[i~g o, ;nod, to a fish, wont gs,ping rou.d .androuod their,little world In doW attd I,a:~"Iol,loes exeilolnenl,

The Groeer~’ I oh the Groccrs’l .(,arlyeloscd, with pt, rhsps t~vo nh.tttter, down, nr

scsl It wa~ not alone that tho scales de.~eending rm tl o cou.tj~r mode n me.-ry¯ . f o .toond, or t|,a~ the twin: nod roller̄ pettedcompany co briskly, or that the Salsa,ternw~re rattletl up tutd dnttn like JugglingIr[eks, or CVOU that the bluodcd be,nee oftea and cnffeo wera re gratchil to tlgo nt~e,or ci’cu th.t the raisins were so plcntll’uland, the ahoontls to e~tromoly trhlte, thesticks bf eioslt elk su ht.g and ~tralght, tht,olhor Cldces so d,,lidou,, the cs.di+’tl fruitseo caked sad #patted wlth Inolto~ sugor astO make then.Ideas Inokers ou fool hintand sub,mlunntly hillio.~. Nut was itthat tho "riga wore ntoht and pulpy, or"that the l"rgneh plums hlushetl in modesttartnces frnnl Ihoir highly.decor:led bose.,t~r tl nt everyihh l=wo~ got~l/9=t+~l+:pitd-ln

wore all do l~urrled .Inl su esl~or In thui,npd~l lrromi~ of the i1,~¢, that Ihoy tulu-bid tip sgalnst each other et the dooi’,Cl’.eldnl~ their wicker bt~ktta wildly, andIda their pureha.o/Ul,On tlu~.connter, nndCalUO ralnlhq~ bat, ktn li~lch thrln, ant]oOnlnlilted hulldrods Of the like Ini,lakc.,in the brat humur,, llOes[bln; while lira(]roeer sod his protdo were no I~ak sadfresh that the poh.)trd hearts with whichthey lessened! their epreus behind mighthavu bece their’own, worn nutsido lbr gcn.otai ha,peel ut and for Cllrl~tlne~_daw. toi,cckkl’[l’ ihC~ L’Lus0, "-’"

It~t maon the steeples sailed goad peopleall, Io ehumh a.d cbapel, and aw~ riley~mo, II~kl.i tbrowlh th* ttreets iu their

; bast eloth~q~ aad whh th~dr I;~e0h ’f~eeaAnd at th* mmma tirol thor* emeri:ad fi’~mI~wsa o1’ hr.ttroet~, lanes, a.d nemelmmturning., inoumm-~blo I,eo~le, eerryln£thdr dm.tre to the bakers’ ihops. The

_dechnslon i n=h~: _! had

"Spirit,"tho6ght+’" "l:~’onder" you, of’all tha be-

Worlds about us, shoulddcs;re to.cromp thcse people’s op .~ortuni-ties 6fi, nbcent enjbyment:~- ..... ~,:=’: Jdll

. :’"y~. ~0uld deprive them 01 tt!cir’nt~os’ol dieing every mv0uth dayt often the o.ly.d~y onJhich+th’cy can-be ~id "t0._diuo" ati,ll," seid 8erooge; "woaldu’t:y,ou?"

"I l’" cried the Slbirit." ."~’ou seek to nl~se }hesp placas on theSovcnth Day?r’ said Scr0ogo." ’" And itcomes t6 the ’eamc.t!tin’g/" -

"Forgive me it: ! ’am wro.ng..It ha,been.done inTour name 6r ̄ tteast iu that

are some upon this earth ofyours,": returned the Spirit, ¯ "who layelki’m to know us’,.and" who do theii daedsoF pa.~ion, pride, .ill.witl, snared; "envy,bigotry "a.d selfishno~ it, ’ohr n~iee; whoarc as.sara.go io’us and all our. ki:h ’,dad

never lived, l~mem.her that, e their~doi~S-~tlaem:~oives, ar,t U3."


botbrc, tutti tlic suburbs ot tra~ town.v,’a~ ,:~:remarkablo (l~ality/el. the Glio~tk

helL Scrooge had ob~arvod at the bTt-

-lie coudd accommodate himsclt’to onyphe+ with earns; sod that laatnod beneatha.lo~ rogt quite as graeeful!y nod like .asa~I)eruatural creature as it was pb~ibh he.could have dane iu any Inftf halh

And perhaps it was the pleasure thegood spirit had in showing off tbia powerot his, m" c1~ it was his¯own kind, goner-our, hearty’nature, and his eyml,athy with

eet things 3op ever. heard. Ho told me

remember¯ ¯ ¯ ",tmadj~ lamebeggere ~a]k and blind men see.

fire’; arid while Bob turning up hls.¢nttn+Us if, paor fcllo~’s,’ the~ were eapabl.o ofbeing made more-ehabby--e0mpoundedsomd hot mixturein a jug with" gio had]e:moss, and otirred it rou,d and round ̄ndput it on the hob to simmer; .Master Peterand ’the t~o: uhlquRods young. Cratehitswen~ to fotch_the~oo.ewith_which they~o0n returned in:hlgh proco~sion. .

Such-n bustle-ensued that you mighthave thought a goose

swan was a matter of courm--and Ja truthit-¯as tmmething very’ like it in.that hG~e.hire.’ Cmtchit made ths gravy .(ready be-forehand in a little empcc+panl hissieg hot ;..~hster Ieter nieshed the potatoes with in-eredible vigor; Mi-~ Belinda kweet~ncd Ul,_th.o appld.~uce ; Mai+tl, a das!ed th_e _hOtplates;̄ Bob took Ti,3: .Tom be~ide him inh tioy cornea at the table ; 2ha two young

u )oU their-posts era/muted dpeotis intotheirn:ouths, le~t’tiiey"should shriek for igoo’sc

last tho’did+~ were ~t on,,aid.: It was succored, by: a breethi+.’+pau~o~ as Mrs. Cratchiti-lnoklng slowl~ellalong the e~rving-knife, pi’e+pa~d to plungeit in.the bre~l ~ but-//heu she’.did,: und.when the long exp’eoted gt~sl~’of"tUfl~og is-.sued lorth, e.o mu~--mur of delimits arose ’all"ronnd the board, nnd cviit~ ~y Tim.ca led by the ta’o y0uog (2ratehils, beat’


come by pcoitenco and grief. "Ghost," +’if man you

’~ l’n drink his health for your sakearidshe’D:yes r’ .aid blr~.Cratehit, notto/hia.

a happy New+Year. ’]lo’ll’be Very merryand vcr.v hnppy./.have t n boubt. : .7.Tbeehildren drank the toast after her.It was the. first at.their preoeedingTwhichhad no’heartino~7]h it. : Tiny Tit-.dmnkit i~t of all, b"t lto didn’t care tw0peueofor it. " Sorooge was the Ogreof the family."The-mention of his’name cast a dark nhad-ow oo the party ~hieh wa~ not dispelled

~’dei~ pgth; yoa ’d~all lave

our. last ~ear’afat; "The hotuehold ’ ~Y

mg to ILls robe,;

smiled.-aud stopl~<’d to bleas Bob Cratebitsdwc ing wit t the sprinkllogs of fits tot+oh.

+he+dido~tb_e_lie~e- t hem - eve~ -was such¯

~ise end cheapneM.-weretbe tEked out by’ applo-

but filtcen copies of hi. Christian santo;end yet tile t;host of Christmas presentblessed hid four.roomed house I

Then up roso +Mrs+ Cr~tohit Crslchh’~wife, dro~sed out but poorly in ~ twice.turn.ed gown, but brave in ribbons, whichchesp o6d .take a goodly ahnw for sixpence,

Crstchit, second of her dsughter., ulso bra~’ein ribbuns; while Master Peter Cratchit"plunged a tbrk iulo the muceim’ti of poia.tee~ nnd gcttittg the oornera nl his men.streus .qdrt.~llar’(llob’s prit’ato properlyconferred upon his mm nnd heir in ’honurel the d.y) i.to hi. mouth, rejoiced to fledidnledf~u gallantly nttlretl, and¯yeorncd tasltow his lined in tho fa.dtioushle l’urks.And .owgirl, canlo tearing [n, screaming that out,ideIlls baker’: they hial smelt the gnnso andknown it for their nwn ; a.d becking i.I(tatlr[on~ thunghls of sago and onio0, t he,~eyoung Cratchit’. tlaneed about the tab!e,end cxa!tt, d .~lantce l’etcr Crat’ohlt to theskis,, u’hilo hc (not prnutl, nlth0ugh hitcollar near el.o’=od hiut) Idew the fire untilthe dnw potatoes b.!Jhli.g np knuckcdbaldly sl~ the ra~cepa. ]it[ to be let out anditeded" "

*’ Wl,at has ok, or got yourpredous fatherthen?" ~id hire. Erlto|dt. "And yourItrother, Tiny Tint. And Msrtha u’aru’ta. htto lank (’hri,lnma Day hy half.oo.haur."

" l[cre’s ,’qartho, n,uth+’r," said a girl,opl,cering ss alto altoko.’--ll~rg~a +!art!Is, another,", crjt.l the)’onng Cratd,lt+." llurrhhl Thoro’l ~ueh

"Why bless ymlr heart a’~e my dear,how late you are," .id bin. ~r¯lehit kbm.I.g her ̄ doe*It limes, end taking off hershawl end honnct tbr her with ol~olnlts legl,

"We’d s goad do.l of work tu fluids uplast night/’ r~l,lled the I~lrl, "and hud to,’lear away thi. Inorolng, h~ntbcr."

"Well’, never ntlod sn Ior g aa ~’nu amr.ule," sd,l lqr., (’,rstcltil~ "Sit ye downbofttre the flre,-my d~r Lad I|avo a warm,l.+rd biG. yr."

";No ngl . ~em.’~ father ~m!n~,’+’ erledthe two young Crstehhe who wore evury.where tt once, " lllda .~lerlha, hide,"

So ~lartha hid her~elt, and In cat.a littleBob tha fathsr, with ̄ t lea~t thr~* f.et af

l~Irm Crst¢ldt aid ̄ ith gre~"dellght (sur-vcying one small atom of a bose upon thedish), they hsda’t e~t’it all at last.every nne had had enough, andr.t Cralehi’. ;a perttcular, were :~sge and onions to thaethe plate, bains changed by

left the room alone--too her,vous to bear whnosmm+-+to take theding up, and b/ingit in. "’

Supposo it 0hould not bo dofie enough.SIlpposo it shnuld break Ill turnlrSuppose ,omebedy ahouhl hare got overtire wall el 1he baekyard, and ,tolon it, whilethey woro merry wlth th,a gooeo--n suppo-eltion at trhieh thu two young Cr.tohRo he-eemo livid. All sorts of horror: were sup-

pudding wa, out of the eopper, A smell[ke a wa~hi,lg.da~. That we, the eloth,A .~i.n]l like on eatl.g-house atttl n pastry-cook’s next d,ter to ¢aeb other, with a ]uttd:ross nest door to that. Thst was timpudding. In half a minute Mrs. Cratehhcotored-lhl,had, hnt smiling proudly--whh the itqdding, like n opeekled causes-ball, eo haul efitl firm, blasillg in half.a-qusrtern of Jgtdted brandy, and Ix’dightwith Chrhtnia, holly stuck lutO tho !op.

Oh, n wo.dorl.I pudding. Bob,Crat-ehit aabl, and.calmly to, ,that Ire regardedit as tha grmt0~t .iteeeu goSlevod by ~lrs.Crstchit slaws their marriage. Iqra. Crat.chit said that now the weight was eft hernlhtd, alto would ~nfcea she had her doublaahytt~, the qtmutity of flour+ Feeryhody

~id or thought it at all adang for a largo family. It would baysbeen fl~t he.soy tu du so. Any Crttohhwould haVO hi.abed to hlnt at aueh a tldnll.

At last tlln d[noer was all done, the e~othwas cleared, the hearth swept, and the firememo up, The oetupouad Jn thaJug bein8’taslcd oed eetnldored perfect, al~los w~dnran’goa wure put upon th~ ~blo and n eho-re1 f.tl ereheatnuta on the fire. Then niltbo Crstoblt family draw rotmd the hekrthin ~hst )lob Cretch[t ~tllod a circle, clean.lug hglf a o.o ; tq4 :(Slob Cntcblh’a tlha¯sLood the hmlly disp¼y ~’f "lh~,-"Twotumbler, gud a cuotard.oup wlthoutt ban.die.

’rh~ hold the hot atu~" Ires the jug.

, u shuttlou in his eye for Ma~ter Pctsr ~hiohif obtained, ’fall flve-¯nd

laal~h~ed tremeadot~ly ¯t the ado¯el Peter’:beinil ¯ man Of business ; ned Peter him.ee|f.th~)ughtfully at~ tba fir’e from betweenhh eolhrs ’as if he were delibcntiag what"j)at~ie~lario~;cstments heehould fav0r whenh([,~.me into the receipt of abet I~¯i|der:.mgtacome. Martha who w¯au poor up.

milliuer’s thou. t01~: tl;em

n~gny hours she worked "at a ~trotcho andhaw the ale:at to lie ¯-bedm~ am ,~m.Lk a+l.la~ an~tbeing a holiday she passed at home,~"how ~bo had seen n eettote~ nnd ;~

i,sotuo dsya before ; and how tho’lord . "w~snmch about ns tall as l’ot~ ;",,~’t whichPeter pulled up his edlars so high tbat’youeunldn’l

o chestnut: and theJ"S ~e_,t round and rouod, and by.~.andbyo they.had a song abeut a loot child tray.sling Jn the snow, t’Pont Tiny Tim ~ho hada phil.tire little vok’o and eang it very welliathmd.¯ There wa~ nothiug uf high mark in t’hb.’

They w.cm ent a handsonlo,tal.ily; theywi, re ~ot well dre~od; their shoes were ferfront being wsterprodf, thelr dotbM ¯erescenty, and i’cter ndght h¯vo known andverylikcly did, the Jnslde ore pewubmker’aBut they were happy, grateful, Id+,~sodwith ono another and ooulnntcd with thetime; sad when thny faded sod looked’hsppler yot in the bright elLr[nklingl of theSpirit’s torch at i,srling, ~<~rooge had hiseye upon them, a.d espeelally upon TiqyTim uudl the I+ml...


t us,


hinR better could b

no ocd’&u~

g0vcrnmegt toof the

¯ lltilylle~. > We sr,.greutly .¢nceur¯ ant as thli’notes of bt/~ine~s lucnl’i~! b~r this, u wl~ll-ldl~fftbo-New -n~sbived. ]f-=man-gi¢¢a Ii noteTth-~t-~lmr’ll~w~kk with new. note can be sol,I, thd pri0o given /or

must be

;’bile ilvcn ul ~pp0rt and̄ encounlement0 abililY,sigber ¯n!h°nestYthe n6to ;andthePr°mptneSSsum dedu~tod°f the

there is nothing’ of upeela[ interest

bilie#s.lbake il gross’tide I~uso C6n~re~s

fin do

/: : ~irom ~n’t expect<to go to C~Sll’ess evi-.dii~tly.-~-~l’e :dow’t-.ob]evt-~o-the:ho|i~*ayid~¯Ul~ment, and flirihe/think if GarretDavis and some’others ure willing to atop

. tlle~ throats with turkey, ic is best to lot

.’:.i+ . :: them~Th~j’:i~er ndapted ._to .tl!zkey..lllau tl+l~lution. " ’ ~ ’" " .

. :~llei (te~rgm trouble ts easier than itslemedut Kz.st~ " Many fiupposed it to he


~e’ l~ilslasure dls6rtanla~V Ill that hadt:doue nnd t0ok-tbegtale:buek-to

¯ ’*~rst’prioelple~¯"-or to where the. re~ie2-~ i~i7 2etl iL " II: w=ls in thisWay. Congressleel~ tliat eater the ,rebel Staiei had

¯ elected/Legislatures of men qualified tbheldt~lu therdil, a,t~ ~ter ~rm/~ a~’*_tied ~ren palmed bY f~sc Leg~.lntgrel~ thouted not till’thcli- should the States be re-

thod adJauilod



not tu be tailed

time COOPER. +--"+’>~" "


Jliatiee.nfiller:of thd ’U¯ B, Baprlme-Cou.rt, it ~k, iaelil~ll~-|l ~ l~ii i,,:¯, . - .: ¯ ~- ,_"

of Ftorlda¯ "-

bybeon’i;¢ ~ieiiled II O~lalmla ’~nayi

lit IK i* uioli,A ~r .,lllle ~i~ i~, o n a~: :l’lj~liet., ~rdnsel

and injuring roar workmen - . ¯

mouth eohhty, ll’.. J,,. fo’r’mllr d e r~’ on (he 24tli ’flierhilll b’esn p0otp’olieli by Out’. W¯rd until Jan..Tih

" The wells of thl ~lw hospitlll of.Mbwllrd " "vtrllty at’Wub’legtoni foil ~;eitvrday

. ’c ~_+-flay. wlnltza 0’R~Uy, Vfcar.Oe~eraf Or theis froui+time

~ the lgomlu~,C¯tholio ,~iOqll a :of ¯~lartfvrdr dlnd’~nthe" eonfidcupe ,uf builtih"s~, ],We’ui’G"not’e~’en ui~ ..... -

ty..~" -Queei~’e’Bai~¢h_,¯ i!: ’Toronto, j’ol-

tordny refused a nnw’ trial to Whiten tlae nisei¯

right tomake surveys liner D’Are-y MeG*i~-..WfillionwlD~’~ppeal (o ihoand dig a Canal. Such a like a I/Igher-Court..railroad charterseuured

market was li, ective I closing sllady, Goqoru-mpretty moiltl were firmer. ¯ Cotton was steady.


~p~rato $nd distinct from this, which in-

"t .h!leedndit[ous,.b.ut w%en the Democnlts:he e016~1

. t~l’o~ they .d,eclare~;/9. ’fuel "and "in ta~,¯ .’. i]ilt ihey W.crd not’2egal meml~is, and Ihut-: ’’ dll le~bls.ii0nii~pimsbd’b~" ’the/Votes was¯ " hul~Su~l~6id¯~ :Itll, add we do not see

ith~,C~n~..~ Should beeituto to. take the¯ . "- l~16~ita ill their’word then all the !eg.

¯ il]aii’on h y which th~ Sta/o ’was restored¯ . ¯:am¯null Ind.’void,~and t;hu SotSis just

" ¯ " l~h0i~ It was3ri the’ CIo~ of :the ’war, andilader the dirsct eoillrol of COngTeeS, and

ublu out in #lrkanlmil,

will ~ol~. bo..uikenils i

value, An,gives to I]/his tints, for one

w!thoutiht6rest; B¯6nda that by__uOngmoney in his business he can add tolt with-iu a year., Hi therefore goes tillS. Wltl/an

so go0d, in ftnsnclal phra~

pay.the money at th c tim e"sp~itied,10, looksonly at the time be’must-walt-for the re.turn of. the money he advuuecs to B. He

offers nine h~lndred dollars for-the

sndot the en’d o! theyear has twelve huiTd-red dollars, Where I/n Would h~,~e’ had but

for the fnlfilb

time C~ had nothing of actu~l,.inhercnt val-ue to show for the hind hundred he doledout to B. ̄ He hue h(lwevcr A’l~ pro mlsctO pay. If t;hls~promise ie kept, be has,at the end of the year ten hundred ili placeoi’~td nine hnndrec], the one hundr~i beinghis compeusstlon for the risk, in veuturnlue hund~d dolls~ on A’S.: promisepay, and for the risk of the mona.l-.

twelve hundred, but he prefers to live

for a-proper consideration.¯a government

peeurlty. Fewdoubt thattbey will be.p/{idsometime. But greenbacks have no actualvahi~ The]nherel)t value they poueml isfrom ten io six eenis a pound (sr__old pa:per IY~.’moro than the’villus ~-ll piece ofordinary w, itlng cr ¯wrapping "Paper ofilimilar. ’ides and: weight¯ Gold has’ aninhcrenli--V~endeut " uponon the will of the government ~--Igl~-Iegls-


arid whatever may be w#lnted~ It ia~aluc.

tirol war, and lllh for some action o+l theplili of the Commanding.Unseal of the

smiles. The rebels ebarge the

things upon the colored militia, . General(]riot hem the iebel charges but insteadof sating ninon it u .the meaner of come hl,elu~i-’it ’l~embtli of hi* slill at once to

fate ofoffalra and report the asme’ to him.Wehive had OeneiilSs’and-it’ least onePresldeltt, who did not always be at Io much’pa2~ to-invelflgato the truth of rebel

they ware not so without sufliohintfor thenl is not ̄ 8outhern

truth and might against tho~

ulid ~oppro~l them, Theby¯ ihli magnseituoui forbesllegi’be£ . If their liras erethey o’ught to be--it isthelr othem tro~t the colored poea~ th*ro will be no.dan

Till they willmlzht to be in constant dsogllr

’There ought tO bi: menhood eodogh aboutthe !ndir~i to miike it unsafuto:tt-elit.’themlilthcy have been treat/’tl, and wo do noth~lltato to lly we hope there is,

~lr, ~lbaln has Introduced a bill eontlnu.lag the solarlei of all Judges of the ltu.pfilmo I~OUtt, past I~t’enty ycara 01 age,who reilgo. Tim bill Is likely to lille,, for


sign f~rmer bohlg fast 711 and thelitter T4;’ It hi ~lgltt that havhig Silent’ thl!. belt of their lives i.u government employ

The Wul|dugtml eorrespoudcnt of theIrlrYml i~’i~nne’wi, ltes: *’ Llout,.Gov,

|lilnli’0f" Lilu|s2euatilqlrsl,h~ f0 tim |,on,IdlIKdBi-dit0/i |dthli’chy that he appro*hplldi dlill~uhy on:the riaaieibllu o2 theI:R&tAI~llltslalull, next month; I’~f .lll’l’ll~

i~s tAnnll.R̄~e6l;alu.~e r

willlllllllil with tim, tlraut and ’hl<iPl~

~i~lll4 float,ling I, hll repeat ~ !Ill. ’l,¯ IMI."

....... , ’’ Fr ..


d~u the. < will or theernment. L Greenbacks ere

and when don¯.

bucketfiill which

gone to Arkansas toinquir~ Into ¯ themll it|a troubles.

tr’O ovei’nment.

pro/e~ tO be, they must be oonvertablo in.to gold at any tinie, .

this 8tare; the proposition beiug to rud itline from thliDelaware river to ’the oceanalong the north line of Burlington County.The two states thus formed would be

the one at this end. but the srgu-. goes anus aupperie the l~ropo-

cities, ,It is’that the’ North part’ of II/~State, having the most hungry politicanagutlill the otllcesl or the’most of them.

they do?’ Aren’t they WeI-me to A.+pl0guo on nil office.

of those who muke it aout suppose they would go an far

In 2oily unto advocate the divieelon of asmell Idnil for the sake of creating moreollt~l. That ts what may be called calve.looking on the brain with i vcngcnce, Aplague on ill office.seckere we say.

The fullowlng is a description el the pro.pond new sci’lea of nicklo Oopl,or coins,’ofthe ilenomlnstlon’ of one, three avtd tivocesta, weighing respectfully o.hb and a halfgrllnill; which has be~n ,eat us from timmint for examination. On tim O~rerte’l,e~ cmble me’tle head ’t~i Liberty, with tireword 2,iberty JnDvribell therenn, snd nor.ronudvd by’ t’bo legend "United Stales ofAmerlcs,°* e,d Ihe year of ooiuugu. The


111, and V, which ladlcatu the ddrllotilua.lion ul’ the ’respective ph, coil. The luste.rim ot width the proposed new coins are to

tnado ls,thu l cnnsyltania sickle sndhko llu~¢rlor ~opprr, thu unhm el whrdT,,Is ol*surprl,lng "whllenc~s. and bonnly,diotiovt/tom Jiiy.¢r, yet al, i]rullehlnlii¢."

The l’Arrnnloo;cu! Jusrna! for Januarycenilinl llererdy J0hnaou as u ])]p]utuat ;Nap’olesn Iluc.pslir/his ~b~rl~tor snd lie.

rob Iherl sdtUlUll T. l~. ~t.litllurl ~llu ,’, " ! .t’ll~urd, |llgel Ilunttngton, lud’l|I ptheveminent Artl,ts; 2’,~ullar[tlee el Au/orl.can libel Dietetic 12siAta *,1 lilx’lt Alen ;2tl~lal ’i’yp¢i snd Iteeuilati¢l~a ue Illuetfa-rod "lu tbe llvleuf Great ~l,n;-i’llYlllog-mlllq el lillllllln had I~ wl~a I ILu ~lae~t’lil|- hllll ~/~41~tara uplim~lalil |ahlin*

ollll + Illirimn vstloil~ol l~gl, ale,, wilhliml l%lttrlllts ned lliaslraitoas. ]’tk~l lieeetrlS, or ll’layvnr. +~ew ~’olomuJlltbl-gin. &dJr*i* ~¯" ~|. W.,.!te IIr-a.lway,.~,,u lh,tk

¯ "~ednF~ Gyprlse, ~.. end ~prli*e 8kll*ghli ’--~ ~t,~;q,"~wrr~il.-z~ii~;’in,~ .-;+. ....

+.-~-= ~~. j

a furalohaA ut the lowest tatla.¯ " wUtb, ~i~./,u,r~lo,y.b,’. ehipp*d:by Rill.or

¯ %JOHN F.’8TARil,Jr.~It~0:, ~;’"4a!l.ly., ~ OooperBt. Wharf¯l~amdou

’M.IY’I LA~ntiio, ~;"31 ̄

..CoIleetlul~ imd Boslno,~l-lu 3ultlee Cinrt

CONVEI&NCilMO D_ONE,A~lnowledgomsnta of. Deeds ~aken.

A tthl County i;lerk’a 061alb by



~no- (gentlemen remarks that to make a thor-ough stirvey wtmld occulry onn we|l-furn-ished party nt-h!alh five years.. Theother,General Tottcn, estitnatewthgt to l~uild

rthe’ Canal,: would .require thn labar ot fi ’teenIt, wou!d

for thin


the Unitedin and get p.’iv~tn ndvaula~oshelp the present; fo~ it will arouse suspi+n~on and’hostility in ether’countries. "A"little 0pen air diplomacy wouId answer wellin this ease. . .. ¯ ’ .¯ We do not want to wrnng suybodv; ,we

wast only our rlghte, and /bean" w’e arestrong.e,ougb to lake; why do lhing.s-]ngcorner, as Ihonxh we ~’cre tun weak to bl~

News ofthe Week’.

IIATURDAY. ¯The geuate yestcrdliy c~bSrmed Commodo~

Cherlta II. Poor ̄ i itear Admiral. " ." -¯ Oon; McCook, U. 8.’Minister to.the Bnndwlebrelxuda, h.s’ar~ive,t In Ego.Francisco. ¯ .

6sndwich" Is/u,/d edv.leee state that u nee’ere.earthquake occorred at |[uwaii, on ’h’ov. 16tb,"nod the voI~no ef Menus Loihad resumed it~activity’. "Tkere was a |orchlight parade and gen-eral display of Sags iu Honolulu¯ bli receipt ofth’e newi of General Oraut’a eleetlou t| President.

died ou Nov. 2;tb.¯ Oovernor Wiso’.s farm.iT* Frino* Anuo eoanty~

.milllono_of.dollnrlb.urn boforo-the-U-8,-Court ofClldme for udJudiclltlon.

a met ut Concord

day. " ." "

--~- x~ ~p~t uiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiul~ t~.b~’rf~to--t h~- S~,-/m o a rIud,-Vigllinee Committee has been" publi+hea,warning those opposed to the eommitteo that ifthey act against it they wilt boP.lmmaril~ dealtwith. ’ .... :

A oonstl-aoJlon tridn rile off the tl’nok of~ the"

killing four meu~ and mortally lujuring Oovel’alotho;e.

A poli~eman’was murderld in Eoston early yet-

JacOb’ O, ~ieholson. father, of~.mlgrassminJohn A. Niohalliou 6f Delawnre,dled on Houday

sto31 6t. . ..The-new bl;iJge asroes the Mississippi ut De-

buque, Iow~l, wu finisbud UU ~[onday, It is 1760feel’long, with u draw of 3~ feet, nnd cost $900,"o00. " ¯ .A Bri’llh sloophas been seined and, her elrgo

confiscated at Carthsgons for alleged want of smanifest. Aft Eug|ish ¢osiul Isth~/o-t’~l~gate the. matter.

L~ter advises from Chinl~hAt owinthe preeeuce of nritish .merehanta; a¯tlsfactiouhas been given to tbo llr tiih Consul for thegn.

Gnld elosed velttrday :/t.l~$. TheStbokmsr.k*t was eteady~ Gzverumcnts being eellk.. Cot-ton wai ttcudy. " - "

’ ~it~-~.+~..- "¯ The President wilt issue to-morrow n pro¢ a.

mation of nmuemty’to all tbo*o l~xclud*d by hii

-- Inl ~" W’I dc-..s -aria_]~ckioridgo and olborll. " ¯ -" " ̄! The Idaho lllglslsture me~ on D~cembcr ~.b.--Oorernor nullard’l message rerommendo x re-

hI-Jhousand~Indlal¯Terrttc~ ~hooro

,.the u*o or that buildirthe 1]. R¯enthqritrel."

a st or-~ rk an ase;-t he-’~leen~’tmilitlu men

ca the militia in the town Ii eapected,. Onn, Roseorans has arrived la the nlty e[ 3lea-

ice nnd been cordially received.A oab]odlspoteh from l[kvun~ Jnyl the gee.

blued movement from four different plnll ngsln|lthercbelo; " "

¯ Cold closed yestords~ at 3~|. The fitoek mar.kot wxs qlllot ahd sllt~l 7. ’l~toverumeut o~enrl.tllii were weak. Coltffn wee uu’ehnnged, -

M0.~IIAT.ho total of the apprnprhltlono rondo_ during

the ooeond iclsiou of the l~’urllelh Congrnsl Is$160+55t0+S+, of wilieb 833~08~,693 wns for thilarmy; |L?flb~,350 for tho’nliry, and $30,1150,000for pOh’llOill,

non. Orilnt und llecretasy ltoh’oflold hare re.

The town of Lewllburwt Arkausel wnatentered- b~fonr-eempllnio e-o f-mititia-en-|~r-Imilitiamen burned two sacral and duties Ihoaron-o|tiaea WSl killed and iris body Ihrnwd loin lye