DRAFT 21 December 2018 Technical Specifications Series for submission to WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic Assessment TSS-7 Rapid diagnostic tests to detect hepatitis C antibody or antigen

TSS-7 Rapid diagnostic tests to detect hepatitis C … For the purposes of WHO prequalification, antibody or antigen detection RDTs shall comply 93 with the specifications in Part

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DRAFT 21 December 2018

Technical Specifications Series for submission to WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic


TSS-7 Rapid diagnostic tests to detect hepatitis C antibody or antigen

DRAFT 21 December 2018

Technical Specifications Series for submission to WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic Assessment: Rapid diagnostic tests to detect hepatitis C antibody or antigen

© World Health Organization 2018

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Suggested citation. Technical Specifications Series for submission to WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic Assessment: Rapid diagnostic tests to detect hepatitis C antibody or antigen. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.

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Table of contents

Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................... iv

Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................. 1

A. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1

B. How to apply these specifications .................................................................................. 2

C. Other guidance documents ............................................................................................ 2

D. Performance principles for WHO prequalification ......................................................... 2

D.1 Intended use ........................................................................................................................ 2

D.2 Diversity of specimen types, users and testing environments and impact on required studies ........................................................................................................................................ 3

D.3 Applicability of supporting evidence to IVD under review .................................................. 3

E. Table of requirements ......................................................................................................... 5

Part 1 Establishing non-clinical evidence (analytical performance characteristics).................. 6

Part 2 Establishing clinical evidence for HCV antibody detection RDTs (clinical performance characteristics) ......................................................................................................................... 15

Part 3 Establishing clinical evidence for HCV antigen detection RDTs (clinical performance characteristics) ......................................................................................................................... 20

F. Source documents ............................................................................................................ 23


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Acknowledgements 1 The document “Technical Specifications Series for submission to WHO Prequalification – 2 Diagnostic Assessment: Rapid diagnostic tests to detect hepatitis C antibody or antigen” was 3 developed with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and UNITAID. The 4 document was prepared in collaboration with S. Hojvat, Virginia, United States of America 5 (USA), H. Scheiblauer, Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI-IVD), Frankfurt, Germany; D. Healy, U. 6 Ströher, Prequalification Team – Diagnostic Assessment, WHO, Geneva and technical and 7 programmatic input from P. Easterbrook, Global Hepatitis Programme, WHO, Geneva. This 8 document was produced under the coordination and supervision of U. Ströher and I. Prat, 9 Prequalification Team – Diagnostic Assessment, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland. 10

List of contributors 11 A technical consultation on WHO prequalification requirements for hepatitis C antibody and 12 antigen enzyme immunoassays and rapid diagnostic tests was held in Geneva, Switzerland 13 from 29 to 30 October 2018. 14 15 Meeting participants: J. Alonso, Departamento de Vigilância, Prevenção e Controle das IST, 16 do HIV/AIDS e das Hepatites Virais, Brazil; T. Applegate, Viral Hepatitis Clinical Research 17 Program, Kirby Institute, University of New South Wales, Australia; S. Best, Melbourne, 18 Australia; R. J. S. Duncan, London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 19 (United Kingdom); E. Fajardo, HIV/HCV Diagnostic Advisor, Médecins Sans Frontières, 20 Barcelona, Spain; S. Hojvat, Virginia, USA; S. Kamili, Division of Viral Hepatitis, US Centers for 21 Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, USA; S. Lovell, Hepatitis and General Virology, 22 Division of Microbiology Devices, Office of In Vitro Diagnostics and Radiological Health, U.S. 23 Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) Silver Spring, Maryland, USA1; R. Njouom, Centre 24 Pasteur du Cameroun, Yaoundé, Cameroon; J. Parry, United Kingdom; A. S. Shah, Blood 25 Safety and Laboratory Technology, WHO Regional office, New Delhi, India2; H. Scheiblauer, 26 Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI-IVD), Frankfurt, Germany; M. Soliman, Ain Shams Faculty of 27 Medicine, Egypt ;B. Vetter, Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND), Geneva, 28 Switzerland3. 29 WHO Secretariat: D. Healy; M. Lanigan; I. Prat; U. Ströher, Prequalification Team – 30 Diagnostic Assessment Group, Regulation of Medicines and other Health Products; M. 31 Bulterys and P. Easterbrook, Global Hepatits Programme. 32 33

1 Participated via web conferencing

2 Participated via web conferencing

3 Observer status


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Abbreviations 34 ANA anti-nuclear antibodies 35 COA certificate of analysis 36 EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid 37 GHTF Global harmonisation task force (now IMDRF) 38 HAMA human anti-mouse antibody 39 HCV hepatitis C virus 40 IFU instructions for use 41 IgG, IgM immunoglobulin G, M 42 IVD in vitro diagnostic 43 LOD limit of detection 44 NS3, NS4, NS5 non-structural protein 3,4,5 45 POC point of care 46 RDT rapid diagnostic tests 47 RNA ribonucleic acid 48 TSS Technical Specification Series 49 WHO World Health Organization 50

A. Introduction 51 The purpose of this document is to provide technical guidance to in vitro diagnostic (IVD) 52 medical device manufacturers that intend to seek WHO prequalification of rapid diagnostic 53 tests (RDTs) for the: 54

detection of antibodies alone, or in combination with antigens to Hepatitis C virus 55 (HCV) in whole blood, serum, plasma or oral fluid; 56

detection of antigens to HCV in whole blood, serum, plasma or oral fluid. 57

Minimum performance requirements for WHO prequalification are summarized in this 58 document and apply equally to RDTs intended solely for HCV detection, and to those tests 59 where HCV detection comprises one component of a multidetection assay (e.g. a HIV/HCV 60 RDT). The current version of this document does not address the requirements for 61 accompanying quality control material. However, if quality control material is provided with 62 the assay, it should demonstrate that the IVD is functional and performs as claimed 63 (ISO 15198). 64

For this document, the verbal forms used follow the usage described below: 65

“shall” indicates that the manufacturer is required to comply with the technical 66 specifications; 67

“should” indicates that the manufacturer is recommended to comply with the 68 technical specifications, but it is not a requirement; 69

“may” indicates that the technical specifications are a suggested method to 70 undertake the testing, but it is not a requirement. 71

A documented justification and rationale shall be provided by the manufacturer when the 72 WHO prequalification submission does not comply with the required technical specifications 73 outlined in this document. 74

For WHO prequalification purposes, manufacturers shall provide evidence in support of the 75 clinical performance of an IVD to demonstrate that reasonable steps have been taken to 76 ensure that a properly manufactured IVD, being correctly operated in the hands of the 77 intended user, will detect the target analyte and fulfil its indications for use. 78


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Where possible, WHO analytical and clinical performance study requirements are aligned 79 with published guidance, standards and/or regulatory documents. Although references to 80 source documents are provided, in some cases WHO prequalification has additional 81 requirements. 82

WHO prequalification requirements summarized in this document do not extend to the 83 demonstration of clinical utility, i.e. the effectiveness and/or benefits of an IVD, relative to 84 and/or in combination with other measures, as a tool to inform clinical intervention in a 85 given population or healthcare setting. To demonstrate clinical utility, a separate set of 86 studies is required. Clinical utility studies usually inform programmatic strategy and are thus 87 the responsibility of programme managers, ministries of health and other related bodies in 88 individual WHO Member States. Such studies do not fall under the scope of WHO 89 prequalification. 90

B. How to apply these specifications 91 For the purposes of WHO prequalification, antibody or antigen detection RDTs shall comply 92 with the specifications in Part 1 and Part 2 of this document. For antigen only RDTs, 93 submissions shall comply with the specifications in Part 1 and Part 3. 94

C. Other guidance documents 95 This document should be read in conjunction with other relevant WHO guidance 96 documentation, including: 97

WHO prequalification documents4: 98

Technical Guidance Series for WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic Assessment; 99

Sample Product Dossiers for WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic Assessment; 100

Instructions for Compilation of a Product Dossier, WHO document PQDx_018. 101

WHO Global Hepatitis programme guidelines: 102

Guidelines for the screening, care and treatment of persons with chronic hepatitis C 103 infection; 5 104

Guidelines on hepatitis B and C testing;6 105

Guidelines on hepatitis B and C testing - Policy brief7 106

D. Performance principles for WHO prequalification 107

D.1 Intended use 108

An IVD intended for WHO prequalification shall be accompanied by a sufficiently detailed 109 intended use statement. This should allow an understanding of at least the following: 110

What is detected (e.g. detection of antibodies to HCV or HCV antigen). 111

The clinical indication and function of the IVD (e.g. aid in the diagnosis of HCV 112 infection and to aid in the differential diagnosis of viral hepatitis) and that the result 113 is qualitative. Detection of anti-HCV antibodies cannot determine the status of an 114

4 These documents are available at http://www.who.int/diagnostics_laboratory/evaluations/en/


6 http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/254621/9789241549981-eng.pdf?sequence=1

7 http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/251330/WHO-HIV-2016.23-eng.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y


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infection i.e. acute or resolved; however, the presence or absence of HCV antigen 115 can determine the status of an infection. 116

The testing population for which the functions are intended (e.g. see WHO Global 117 Hepatitis programme guidelines). 118

The intended operational setting (e.g. for professional use in a laboratory setting or 119 point of care8 (POC)). 120

The intended user (e.g. trained laboratory professional or by healthcare workers/lay 121 providers). 122

The intended specimen types. 123

Any limitation to the intended use. 124

If the assay is being claimed for use as a confirmatory assay, then this should be validated at 125 a regional level. More extensive clinical studies are required which are outside the scope of 126 the current version of this document. 127

D.2 Diversity of specimen types, users and testing environments and impact on 128

required studies 129

For WHO prequalification submission, clinical studies shall be conducted using the specimen 130 types that are claimed in the instructions for use (IFU) (e.g. capillary whole blood). 131

Prequalified IVDs in low- and middle-income countries are likely to be used by laboratory 132 professionals9 either in centralized testing laboratories or at POC, or by healthcare 133 workers/lay users10 trained in the use of the test at POC. Depending on the intended use of 134 the IVD, performance studies shall be designed to consider the diversity of knowledge and 135 skills of potential IVD users, and the likely operational settings in which testing is likely to 136 occur. It is a manufacturer’s responsibility to ensure that the risk assessment for an IVD 137 reflects the intended operational settings, including service delivery complexity and the 138 likely user population conducting the test. 139

Laboratory demonstration of equivalence between specimen types without evidence of 140 clinical validation is insufficient (with exception of anticoagulants). For example, studies that 141 comprise the testing of left-over/repository specimens by research and development staff at 142 a manufacturer’s facility shall not, on their own, be considered sufficient to meet many of 143 the performance requirements summarized in this document. 144

D.3 Applicability of supporting evidence to IVD under review 145

Performance studies shall be undertaken using the specific, final (locked-down design) 146 version of the IVD intended to be submitted for WHO prequalification. For WHO 147 prequalification, design lock-down is the date that final documentation, including quality 148 control and quality assurance specifications, is signed off and the finalized method is stated 149 in the IFU. Where this is not possible, a justification shall be provided, and additional 150 supporting evidence may also be required. This may occur in the case of minor variations to 151 design where no impact on performance has been demonstrated (see WHO document 152

8 Point-of-care (POC) in-vitro diagnostic testing refers to decentralized testing that is performed by a minimally

trained healthcare professional near a patient and outside of central laboratory testing facilities. It does not refer just to sample collection procedures. 9 Medical technologists, medical laboratory technicians or similar, who have received a formal professional or

paraprofessional certification or tertiary education degree. 10

Any person who performs functions related to healthcare delivery and has not received a formal professional or paraprofessional certification or tertiary education degree.


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PQDx_121 Reportable Changes to a WHO Prequalified In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device11. If 153 the protocol section of the IFU has been changed in any way, both the protocol provided to a 154 laboratory for studies as outlined in Part 2 and Part 3 of this document, and that in the final 155 version of the IFU intended for users shall be provided with the submission to WHO 156 prequalification. 157

The version of the IFU used for performance evaluations submitted to WHO prequalification 158 shall be stated. If the test procedure in the IFU is changed in any way after completing 159 performance verification and validation studies the change shall be reported to WHO 160 prequalification, including a rationale for the change, and an explanation of why the study 161 results support the claimed performance. 162

Specific information is provided in this document for the minimum number of lots required 163 for each study. Where more than one lot are required, each lot shall comprise different 164 production (or manufacturing, purification, etc.) runs of critical reagents, representative of 165 routine manufacture. It is a manufacturer’s responsibility to ensure, via risk analysis of the 166 IVD that the minimum numbers of lots chosen for estimating performance characteristics 167 considers the variability in performance likely to arise from the interlot diversity of critical 168 components and their formulation or from changes that could occur during the assigned 169 shelf-life of the IVD. 170

Differences found between lots during the analytical and clinical performance studies shall 171 be reported. 172

Performance shall be established in comparison to a well-established reference method(s) 173 (e.g. WHO prequalified, FDA-approved, CE-marked or otherwise approved by a stringent 174 conformity assessment body) for which justification shall be provided; comparison with a 175 similar device is insufficient for resolution of discrepant specimens (e.g. other method from 176 the same manufacturer or other method using the same antigens or antibodies provided by 177 the same supplier). For WHO purposes, the reference method should be to a level that is 178 currently at a developed stage of technical capability based on the relevant consolidated 179 findings of science, technology and experience (commonly referred to as state of the art). 180

Estimation (and reporting) of IVD performance shall include the rate of invalid test results 181 and the 95% confidence interval around the estimated values for key performance metrics, 182 as appropriate. 183

For certain analytical studies it may be acceptable to use contrived specimens (e.g. where 184 normal human specimens have been spiked with those containing HCV antibodies or 185 antigen). Clinical studies shall be based on testing in natural specimens in Part 2 and Part 3. 186

For IVDs that include a claim for detection of multiple analytes, evidence of performance 187 shall be provided for each claimed analyte. It should be noted that, depending on the design 188 of an IVD, evidence generated in a similar, related product will usually not be considered 189 sufficient to support performance claims in an IVD submitted for WHO prequalification. 190

Example: an IVD designed to detect HCV antibodies only, and an IVD by the same developer 191 designed for dual-detection of HCV antibodies and HIV antibodies. It is unlikely that 192 performance evidence presented for the HCV antibody only IVD would be acceptable to 193 support performance claims for the dual-detection IVD. 194

11 http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/251915/WHO-EMP-RHT-PQT-2016.01-



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E. Table of requirements 195 PART 1 Establishing non-clinical evidence (analytical performance characteristics)

1.1 Stability of sample(s) 1.1.1 Specimen collection, storage and transport

1.2 Validation of specimens 1.2.1 Demonstration of equivalence between specimen types and contrived

specimens and clinical specimens

1.3 Metrological traceability of calibrator and control material values

1.3.1 Metrological traceability of calibrator and control material values

1.4 Precision (repeatability and reproducibility) 1.4.1 Repeatability, reproducibility

1.5 Analytical sensitivity 1.5.1 Limit of detection for HCV antigen and/or antibody

1.6 Analytical specificity

1.6.1 Potentially interfering substances Endogenous Exogenous

1.6.2 Cross-reactivity

1.7 High dose hook effect

1.7.1 High dose hook effect for antibody detection RDTs 1.7.2 High dose hook effect for antigen detection RDTs

1.8 Validation of the assay procedure 1.8.1 Validation of reading times 1.8.2 Validation of control line 1.8.3 Validation of controls 1.8.4 Establishment of reader cut-off

1.9 Usability/human factors 1.9.1 Flex studies

1.10 Stability of the IVD

1.10.1 Shelf-life (including transport stability)

1.10.2 In-use stability (open pack or open vial stability)

PART 2 Establishing clinical evidence for HCV antibody detection RDTs (clinical performance characteristics)

2.1 Diagnostic sensitivity and specificity 2.1.1 Seroconversion panels 2.1.2 Genotype panels 2.1.3 Diagnostic sensitivity and specificity study general requirements 2.1.4 Diagnostic sensitivity 2.1.5 Diagnostic specificity

2.2 Qualification of usability for RDT IVDs

2.2.1 Labelling comprehension study (including IFU) 2.2.2 Results interpretation study

PART 3 Establishing clinical evidence for HCV antigen detection RDTs (clinical performance characteristics)

3.1 Diagnostic sensitivity and specificity

3.1 1 Genotype panels 3.1.2 Diagnostic sensitivity and specificity study general requirements 3.1.3 Diagnostic sensitivity 3.1.4 Diagnostic specificity

3.2 Qualification of usability for RDT IVDs

3.2.1 Labelling comprehension study (including IFU) 3.2.2 Results interpretation study

Part 1 Establishing non-clinical evidence Technical Specifications for submission to WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic Assessment: Rapid Diagnostic Tests to detect HCV antibody or antigen



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Part 1 Establishing non-clinical evidence (analytical performance characteristics) 196


Aspect Testing requirements Notes on testing requirements Source documents

1.1 Stability of sample(s)


Specimen collection, storage and transport

Real time studies shall account for as applicable: 1.

storage conditions (duration at different temperatures, temperature limits, freeze/thaw cycles);

transport conditions;

intended use (see note 1);

specimen collection and/or transfer devices intended to be used with the RDT;

a minimum of 10 specimens tested.

Using weak reactivity specimens 1 – 2 x RDT’s limit of 2.detection (LOD).

1. Evidence shall be provided which validates the maximum allowable time between specimen collection, processing of the specimen and its addition to the IVD in the setting where testing takes place.

2. Specimens may be spiked with HCV antibody or antigen positive specimens in the appropriate matrix/for all claimed specimen types

Multiple specimens from different patients and different disease stages shall be used and documented.

3. Unless all specimens are expected to be processed as fresh samples within a specified time frame, the RDT performance shall be established under different storage conditions and at the beginning and end of a stated period.

4. In case the use of archived specimens is considered for Part 2 and 3, evidence of storage stability shall be demonstrated.

1.2 Validation of specimens


Demonstration of equivalence between specimen types and between contrived specimens and clinical specimens

For each claimed specimen type, testing in paired 1.natural specimens shall be undertaken in at least:

50 positive specimens;

50 negative specimens.

If equivalence is claimed between different 2.anticoagulants, testing shall be conducted in at least:

25 spiked positive specimens of each claimed anticoagulant;

25 negative specimens of each claimed anticoagulant.

The equivalence of specimen types shall be 3.determined for all claimed analytes. If there is no

The relationship between IVD performance in claimed 1.specimen types and materials used for analytical studies shall be established. The design of subsequent studies shall then take that relationship into account.

Where a significant difference in performance exists 2.between specimen types, equivalence may need to be investigated as part of a larger clinical study (See Part 2, 3).

Demonstration of the comparability of specimen types may 3.be achieved by comparing RDT results between end-point dilution series of several HCV antigen or antibody as applicable positive whole blood specimens titrated into whole blood and compared with the serum from those same

Technical Guidance Series for WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic Assessment TGS-3

( 1)

European Commission

decision on CTS ( 2)

Part 1 Establishing non-clinical evidence Technical Specifications for submission to WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic Assessment: Rapid Diagnostic Tests to detect HCV antibody or antigen



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Aspect Testing requirements Notes on testing requirements Source documents

equivalence between claimed specimen types, the level of agreement shall be stated and then the impact that this will have on each subsequent performance claim shall be fully understood and described (see note 2).

Specimens shall be spiked to give a weakly reactive 4.response approx. 1-2 x RDT’s LOD.

If an RDT is intended for testing whole blood and 5.some aspects of performance have been obtained/established using serum or plasma specimens, then

the relationship between analytical sensitivity in serum/plasma to that of the same characteristic in whole blood shall be understood (note 3);

paired specimens shall be used for RDTs intended to test capillary blood and oral fluid (see note 4).

Similarly, the relationship between analytical 6.sensitivity in spiked HCV antibody or antigen positive paired spiked oral fluid specimens and clinical oral fluid specimens shall be understood by end point dilution studies.

specimens titrated into serum.

Positive HCV specimens (undiluted), as determined by 4.testing with reference method that includes state of the art (HCV antibody or HCV antigen assay as applicable), should be chosen so that the majority are near the RDT LOD.

1.3 Metrological traceability of calibrator and control material values

1.3.1 Metrological traceability of calibrator and control values

Only applicable for HCV antigen detection RDTs If a control material has an assigned concentration value, 1.the metrological- (not commercial- nor documentary-) traceability to an accepted international standard shall be demonstrated

In some jurisdictions there is a requirement for use of a ‘National Testing Panel’ for lot release and IVD validation. Such a national requirement does not obviate (or remove) the need for evidence of traceability to a validated reference material such as, the WHO Hepatitis C Virus Core Antigen (HCV core Ag) for HCV core antigen assays 1st International Standard, 2014 PEI code 129096/12.

WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic Assessment

PQDx_018 ( 3)

ISO 15198 ( 4)

ISO 17511 ( 5)

Part 1 Establishing non-clinical evidence Technical Specifications for submission to WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic Assessment: Rapid Diagnostic Tests to detect HCV antibody or antigen



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Aspect Testing requirements Notes on testing requirements Source documents

1.4 Precision (repeatability and reproducibility)

1.4.1 Repeatability /Reproducibility

Both repeatability and reproducibility shall be 1.determined for each analyte for which detection is claimed (see note 1). The panel of spiked specimens shall include at least:

1 non-reactive specimen;

1 weak reactivity positive specimen (approx. 1-2 x RDT’s LOD);

1 medium reactivity positive specimen (approx. 2-3 x RDT’s LOD);

the panel shall include whole blood specimens if claimed.

Each panel member shall be tested: 2.

in 5 replicates;

using 3 different lots;

over 5 days (not necessarily consecutive) with one run per day (alternating morning/afternoon);

at each of 3 different testing sites including sites external to the manufacturer;

by 3 external end users /site;

The effect of operator-to-operator variation on IVD 3.performance should be included as part of the precision studies (see also note 8). Testing should be done:

by personnel representative of intended users; and


Testing shall be conducted using only those materials 4.provided with the RDT (e.g. IFU, labels and other instructional materials).

E.g. within- or between-run, -lot, -day, -site, etc. 1.

Where possible, the testing panel should be the same for all 2.operators, lots and sites.

Test line intensity shall be measured in a graduated form to 3.be able to detect reaction differences.

Each lot shall comprise different production (or 4.manufacturing, purification, etc.) runs of critical reagents.

Results shall be statistically analysed by ANOVA or similar 5.methods to identify and isolate the sources and extent of any variance.

The percentage of correctly identified, incorrectly-identified 6.and invalid results shall be tabulated for each specimen and be separately stratified according to each site, lot, etc. This type of analysis is especially important for RDTs that may not have results with any numerical values.

To understand manufacturing irregularities in results 7.obtained, at least 2 lots should be tested at each of the 3 testing sites. (3 different lots are required to be tested overall across the 3 testing sites)

The effect of operator-to-operator variation on RDT 8.performance may also be considered as a human factor when designing flex studies (see 1.9.1 flex studies) and may be addressed as part of clinical studies in representative populations (see Part 2, 3).

Users shall be selected based on a pre-determined and 9.contextually appropriate level of education, with literacy and auxiliary skills that will challenge the usability of the RDT and reflect the diversity of intended users and operational settings. These characteristics shall be detailed in the study report.

EN 13612:2002 ( 6)

CLSI EP12-A2 ( 7)

Part 1 Establishing non-clinical evidence Technical Specifications for submission to WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic Assessment: Rapid Diagnostic Tests to detect HCV antibody or antigen



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Aspect Testing requirements Notes on testing requirements Source documents

1.5 Analytical sensitivity


Limit of detection for HCV antigen or antibody

Analytical sensitivity shall be determined relative to 1.the international standards or to secondary standards metrologically traceable to it:

WHO 1st International Standard, 2014 for HCV Core antigen PEI code 129096/12;

using a 2-fold dilution until the assay cut-off (or for RDTs the last readable point)

For analytes for which no international standards 2.exist, analytical sensitivity shall be determined from end-point dilutions of at least five independent specimens determined to be positive by a reference method that is considered state of the art.

Using a minimum of 2 lots 3.

For the international standard, the result shall be expressed 1.in international units as an analytical end-point sensitivity with its associated metrological uncertainty.

If the listed international standards are not available any 2.more, then the version of the international standard used needs to be stated.

End-point titres and interlot variation must be evaluated by 3.appropriate statistical means.

A widely used test system that is used in large clinical 4.laboratories and in reference laboratories in more than 1 country shall be chosen.

WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1004,

2017 Annex 6. ( 8)

1.6 Analytical specificity

1.6.1 Potentially interfering substances

The potential for false results (false-negatives and 1.false-positives) arising from interference from, at least, the substances/conditions listed below shall be determined (see note 1):

using a minimum of 100 specimens;

with each substance represented by at least 5 to 10 specimens from different individuals.

Testing shall be undertaken in both HCV-negative and 2.HCV antibody or antigen low positive specimens (see note 2), un-spiked or spiked with each potentially interfering substance at physiologically relevant levels or medically relevant dosages

The risk assessment conducted for the RDT should identify 1.substances/conditions where the potential for interference can reasonably be expected for the analyte being detected in the areas of intended use and not simply rely on published lists of such compounds and conditions which might be of limited relevance in resource limited settings (and overlook those which might be of relevance).

By conducting appropriate risk assessment, testing can be performed on the substances or conditions identified as likely to be significant and testing of potentially irrelevant substances/conditions can be avoided.

Interference studies should be performed with specimens 2.with an analyte response near the RDT LOD.

The methods and concentrations used shall be validated so 3.that any effect of clinical importance would be detected.

Any observed interference shall be investigated and 3.

CLSI EP07-A3 ( 9)

CLSI EP37-A ( 10)

ISO 14971 ( 11)


Human antibodies to the expression system (for 1.recombinants), e.g. anti-Escherichia coli (anti-E. coli positive), human anti-mouse antibody (HAMA);

Recipients of multiple blood transfusions, 2.

Part 1 Establishing non-clinical evidence Technical Specifications for submission to WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic Assessment: Rapid Diagnostic Tests to detect HCV antibody or antigen



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Aspect Testing requirements Notes on testing requirements Source documents

Pregnant (including multiparous) women; 3.

Haemoglobin, lipids, bilirubin and protein; 4.

Elevated immunoglobulin concentrations; 5.

Rheumatoid factor; 6.

Sickle-cell disease; 7.

Other autoimmune conditions including systemic 8.lupus erythematosus anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA), and autoimmune hepatitis type 2.

performance limitations of the RDT reported in the IFU.

Results shall be reported with respect to each condition and 4.not be reported as an aggregate of the total number of specimens tested in the study.

Any effect must be evaluated against the probability of that effect occurring and causing clinically significant issues in the population tested in resource limited settings.

Evaluation of endogenous interfering substances may be 5.addressed as part of the clinical studies but the number of specimens of each type evaluated shall be in accord with the requirement in this section.

In addition to the substances listed here, RDTs that are used 6.to test oral fluid shall consider the effect of oral infections, such as Candida, as well as tobacco, mouthwash, concomitant medications, dental fixtures, toothpaste, food or drink (consumed immediately prior to testing), consumption of alcohol and teeth brushing.


Medicines, relevant to the populations intended to 1.be tested including: interferon, direct acting antivirals, antiparasitic, antimalarial and antituberculosis medicines

Common over-the-counter analgesic medications 2.(aspirin, paracetamol)

Ethanol, caffeine. 3.

1.6.2 Cross-reactivity

The potential for false-positive results arising from cross-reactivity (see note 1) should be determined for a minimum of 100 specimens, including, where possible, at least 5 to 10 of each:

non- HCV viral infections, including: flaviviruses (e.g. 1.dengue, yellow fever);

other hepatitis viruses including acute hepatitis B, 2.acute hepatitis A, acute hepatitis E;

acute cytomegalovirus, acute Epstein–Barr virus, 3.varicella zoster virus, herpes simplex virus, human papillomavirus and HIV 1 and 2.

bacteria/parasites/yeasts including: malaria, visceral 4.leishmaniasis, tuberculosis, Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomonas and human African trypanosomiasis, schistosomiasis.

other unrelated conditions known to cause cross-5.

The types of conditions/disease tested for shall be risk-1.based, taking into consideration the operational setting as well as the intended users for the analyte being detected in the areas of intended use and not simply rely on published lists of such cross-reactivity which might be of limited relevance in resource limited settings.

See 1.6.1, note 1

Any observed cross-reactivity shall be investigated and 2.performance limitations of the RDT reported in the IFU.

For RDTs that are not specific for immunoglobulin G (IgG), 3.but also detect immunoglobulin M (IgM), it is important to include IgM positive specimens as this isotype is known to be less specific.

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reactivity in HCV RDTs.

Recent vaccinations for example against: influenza, 6.hepatitis B virus, yellow fever.

1.7 High dose hook effect


High dose hook effect for antibody detection RDTs

The potential for a prozone/high dose hook effect shall be determined:

using multiple, highly-reactive natural specimens 1.(minimum of 20);

using at least 2 different concentrations (diluted by at 2.least a factor of 10);

using at least 1 different lots of the IVD. 3.

Specimens shall be chosen that have a high analyte 1.concentration, as determined using an IVD method other than the RDT intended to be prequalified e.g. by concordance with a stringently approved enzyme immunoassay or molecular assay. These second methods shall be of a design not subject to competitive inhibition.

If there is evidence of competitive inhibition, this 2.information shall be added to the IFU and mitigation actions identified.

Butch, A.W. ( 12)

Technical Guidance Series for WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic Assessment. TGS-6 ( 13)

1.7.2 High dose hook effect for antigen detection RDTs

The potential for a prozone/high dose hook effect shall be determined:

using multiple, highly-reactive specimens (minimum 1.of 20);

using at least 2 different concentrations (diluted by at 2.least a factor of 10);

using at least 1 different lots of the IVD 3.

Specimen selection may be guided by a molecular HCV 1.assay.

If there is evidence of competitive inhibition, this 2.information shall be added to the IFU and mitigation actions identified.

Technical Guidance Series for WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic Assessment. TGS-6 ( 13)

1.8 Validation of the assay procedure


Validation of reading times

For RDTs where a reading interval is specified, 1.validation of critical time points shall be provided:

the result at the minimal allowable time, and

the result at the maximal allowable time shall be recorded

Performance studies shall be conducted at the 2.extremes of the intended operational temperature range; the effect of humidity on reading times shall also be investigated.

Specimen panel to be tested shall be as follows: 3.

1. The ranges of humidity tested for shall be risk-based, taking into consideration likely operational settings.

2. The intended operating temperature, upon which reading time has been validated, shall be clearly stated in the IFU.

3. The studies should consider possible differences between use of freshly made devices and those stored until near the end of their assigned shelf-lives under the conditions expected in resource limited settings and being used under those conditions.

4. Some of these aspects may be evaluated within section 1.9

WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic Assessment

PQDx_018 ( 3)

IMDRF IVD Marketing Authorization Table of contents ( 14)

Part 1 Establishing non-clinical evidence Technical Specifications for submission to WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic Assessment: Rapid Diagnostic Tests to detect HCV antibody or antigen



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non-reactive specimen;

1 weak reactivity positive specimen (approx. 1-2 x RDT’s LOD);

1 medium reactivity positive specimen (approx. 2-3 x RDT’s LOD);

in 3 replicates;

the panel shall include whole blood and anticoagulated plasma (e.g. ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA)) if claimed.

Usability/human factors studies.


Validation of the control line

The RDT shall have a procedural control. 1.

The nature of the procedural control (specimen addition or only reagent addition) shall be explained

The extent to which any external quality control band 1.corresponds to a valid test (identification of and traceability to a suitable reference) should be demonstrated

1.8.3 Validation of controls

If control materials (positive controls) are provided, the 1.controls materials should be validated as showing that if the RDT would not meet the claims, that the positive control will indicate the failure

1.8.4 Establishment of reader cut-off

In RDTs provided with a reader, the way in which the 1.reader has been designed to differentiate positive specimens from negative specimens shall be described in detail and demonstrated:

if both Manual and Walk Away versions of the reader are available, equivalence of the 2 modes should be demonstrated.

If the manufacturer supplies a reader for use with the IVD, 1.safety and performance data shall be provided in the dossier with and without the use of the reader.

1.9 Usability/human factors


Flex studies

The influence of the following factors on expected 1.results (both reactive and non-reactive) shall be considered:

specimen and/or reagent volume;

specimen dilution factor;

operating temperature, pressure and humidity;

time between opening packaging or preparing reagents and starting the assay;

Refer to WHO document PQDx_018 “Instructions for 1.compilation of a product dossier” for other flex studies that may be relevant, taking into consideration the broad range of operational and environmental conditions consistent with intended use.

The factors listed opposite should be investigated in ways 2.that not only reflect, but also exceed, likely operating conditions in low- and middle-income countries so that the

WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic Assessment

PQDx_018 ( 3)

U.S FDA Software Validation guidance

( 15)

U.S. FDA CLIA Waiver

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any mixing, rotating or incubating times;

reading time;

Ruggedness shall be determined (see note 4) 2.

RDT sturdiness including robustness of packaging and labelling. RDT in final packaging shall be subjected to drop-shock testing;

permanence of component labels: print legibility, adhesiveness;

effects of lighting and humidity (See note 3);

residual volumes and characteristics of liquids (potential evaporation, pH changes, microbial growth, antimicrobial efficacy).

Review of instrumentation (if applicable and based 3.on a risk assessment) including:

ruggedness (see note 4);

impact of dust and mould on componentry (e.g. optics if applicable);

software validation, if instrument read mode.

limitations of the device can be understood. For example, in addition to investigating deviations of temperature within those claimed in the IFU, temperature ranges should be investigated that exceed those of claimed operating conditions and which cause test failure (incorrect/invalid results).

The impact of lighting can be twofold – i.e. the impact of 3.lighting on packaging e.g. fading, and the sufficiency of lighting to read the test lines.

For the purposes of this document, ruggedness means the 4.ability to resist environmental shocks.

The factors should be investigated using “designed 5.experimentation” so that potential critical interactions between them can be understood e.g. the effect of low or high operating temperature with low or high volume of specimen at an incorrect reading time.

guidance ( 21, 22)

1.10 Stability of the IVD

1.10.1 Shelf-life (including transport stability)

Stability studies shall be conducted using the 1.conditions expected in the environment of intended use.

Replicate testing (n=5) shall be undertaken using a 2.panel of spiked specimens of at least:

1 non-reactive specimen;

2 weak reactivity specimens, (approx. 1 - 2x RDT’s LOD);

1 medium reactivity specimen (approx. 2 – 3 x RDT’s LOD).

Wherever possible, specimens chosen for the testing 3.panel shall include panel members that reflect the

1. The testing panel shall include all claimed critical epitopes, for example NS3, NS4 and NS5 and include whole blood and other specimen types, in accordance with intended use (for example to verify proper flow, no background interference and account for other variables).

2. Each lot should comprise different production (or manufacturing, purification, etc.) runs of critical reagents.

3. The numbers of invalid tests with each kit lot shall be reported.

4. Claims for stability shall be based on the second-last successful data point from the least stable lot, with, if lots are different, a statistical analysis showing that the bulk of lots will be expected to meet the claimed life. For example:

ISO 23640:2011 ( 16)

CLSI EP25-A ( 17)

Technical Guidance Series for WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic Assessment. TGS-2

( 18)

ASTM D4169-14 ( 19)

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Aspect Testing requirements Notes on testing requirements Source documents

main specimen types intended for use with the RDT (e.g. capillary whole blood/oral fluid, as appropriate).

A minimum of 3 lots in final packaging. 4.

Lots shall be subjected to simulated “transport 5.stress” before real time studies are undertaken on these lots. This mimics the real situation.

for testing conducted at 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 months, if stability was observed at 15 months, then the maximum stability claim can be 12 months.

5. Accelerated studies do not replace the need for real time studies.


In-use stability

There shall be evidence that once the unit is removed 1.from its primary packaging, it is stable at the expected temperature and humidity ranges for a defined period of time at the beginning and end of its assigned shelf-life.

testing of all labile components (e.g. buffers vials, etc.) (see note 1);

liquid components, once opened, shall have a validated life and number of stated uses under environmental (including microbial) conditions expected.

Using a minimum of 1 lot, using panel below: 2.

1 non-reactive specimen;

2 weak reactivity specimens, (approx. 1 - 2x RDT’s LOD);

1 medium reactivity specimen (approx. 2 – 3 x RDT’s LOD).

1. In-use stability of labile components shall be conducted using components in their final configuration.

2. In-use stability should be conducted with lots at the beginning and end of their shelf-lives.


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Part 2 Establishing clinical evidence for HCV antibody detection RDTs (clinical performance characteristics) 199


Aspect Testing requirements Notes on testing requirements Source documents

2.1 Diagnostic sensitivity and specificity


Seroconversion panels

A minimum of 25 well characterized (note 4) or 1.commercial HCV seroconversion panels shall be tested

At least 30 early seroconversion specimens (see note 2.

2 and 5)

Panels should start with negative bleeds, have a narrow 1.bleeding interval to cover the seroconversion period and should also cover the whole window period.

Testing shall be undertaken in at least NS3 first 2.seroconversion specimens and Core first seroconversion specimens

Seroconversion sensitivity shall be reported to the user in 3.the IFU.

Seroconversion samples shall be 4.

recognized by all HCV enzyme immunoassay antibody tests;

positive or indeterminate in confirmatory tests (HCV immunoblot)

Early seroconversion shall be core antigen or anti-NS3 5.and/or HCV RNA-positive

Where a claim is made for detection of specific critical HCV 6.epitopes, performance characteristics should be determined in each epitope claimed. This may be avoided if the manufacturer demonstrates that each epitope system is equivalent. The estimate of analytical sensitivity should be confirmed by separately testing an additional 20 replicates.

Testing should be conducted using more than 1 lot. 7.

European Commission

decision on CTS ( 2)

CLSI EP12-A2 ( 8)



Testing of WHO International Reference Preparations (where available) and/or commercial HCV worldwide genotype panels shall include:

All genotype specimens, confirmed as positive by HCV 1.genotyping tests (stringently regulated by a GHTF founding member

12) shall be detected by the RDT.

12 http://www.imdrf.org/ghtf/ghtf-archives.asp

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panels genotype 1-4 and 6: at least 10 samples per genotype (including non-a subtype of genotype 4);

genotype 5: at least 3 samples;

using a minimum of 1 lot.

All reasonable attempts shall be made to test rare 2.genotypes.

2.1.3 General requirements for sensitivity and specificity studies

Diagnostic sensitivity and specificity shall be 1.determined for each claimed specimen type.

Testing shall be conducted: 2.

at different geographical settings (minimum of 2 regions) representing different genotypes;

by a variety of intended users (see note 1) in the intended testing settings;

using at least 2 different lots (see note 6);

The specimens shall be collected from the intended 3.use population and include specimens from different stages of infection.

Prequalified RDTs are generally used by lay providers and 1.health care workers. For WHO prequalification purposes, these should be considered as the intended user rather than a trained laboratory professional.

Each lot shall comprise different production (or 2.manufacturing, purification, etc.) runs of critical reagents, representative of routine manufacture.

A separate specimen shall be collected to have sufficient 3.volume to establish the reference result. The testing algorithm used to determine the reference results shall include a state of the art method such as 4th generation immunoassay (detecting antibodies and antigen of HCV) as applicable, with all initially reactive specimens reflexed for full characterization of the HCV status.

Characterization of antibody positive specimens shall be 4.undertaken using HCV immunoblot.

Consideration shall be given to the influence of antiviral 5.medications in a specimen on the serostatus of such specimens, and how this might affect specimen selection.

Problematic specimens, those with unexpected results but 6.which otherwise meet selection criteria for a study, shall not be systematically excluded from analysis.

If sample volume allows, all discrepant results (between 7.assay under evaluation and the reference results) shall be repeated using the same lot, and then on all available lots and the variability noted.

The protocol should specify the criteria for unbiased 8.patient selection with associated risk analysis but in general there should be no exclusions except for ethical

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Aspect Testing requirements Notes on testing requirements Source documents


The patients should be classified, and results analysed accordingly (e.g. first time or repeat blood donors, concomitant infections, age, gender, medications taken, including antiretroviral agents, recent vaccinations).

Performance characteristics shall be reported using initial 9.results, only. The results of further testing of specimens with discrepant results shall be reported separately as additional information about RDT performance.

Problematic specimens including those with unexpected 10.results, but which otherwise meet selection criteria for a study, shall not be systematically excluded from analysis.

Indeterminate results shall not be systematically excluded 11.from the denominator data for analysis.

All invalid test results shall be recorded. 12.

Estimates of diagnostic/clinical sensitivity and specificity 13.shall be reported with 95% confidence intervals.

Results shall be expressed separately for each specimen 14.type.


Diagnostic sensitivity

Testing of:

At least 400 subject specimens confirmed HCV 1.antibody positive;

Consolidation of results from archived specimen 2.collections and clinical evaluation studies is permissible.

At least 50% of the results from which the diagnostic 1.sensitivity is calculated shall be from fresh specimens of the types claimed to be usable (e.g. capillary blood, venous blood, serum, various types of plasma).

A lower confidence bound of 98.8% sensitivity requires 2.testing at least 400 positive specimens with 0 false-negatives and at least 555 if a single false-negative is found relative to the confirmatory algorithm.

European Commission

decision on CTS ( 2)


Diagnostic specificity

Testing of at least 1000 HCV antibody and antigen 1.negative specimens.

At least 80% of the results from which the diagnostic 1.specificity is calculated shall be from fresh specimens. Specimen/specimen types should reflect intended use/POC setting. If the RDT claim is for diagnostic use, blood bank specimens will be insufficient.

European Commission

decision on CTS ( 2)

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Aspect Testing requirements Notes on testing requirements Source documents

2.2 Qualification of usability RDT IVDs


Label comprehension study

Testing shall be undertaken to assess the ability of 1.intended users to correctly comprehend key messages from packaging and labelling:

understanding key warnings, limitations and/or restrictions;

proper test procedure;

test result interpretation;

using only the information available to all users (IFU and any job aid).

Studies shall include: 2.

at least 15 intended users including those whose native language may not be the language of the IFU if necessary;

in their usual working environment, not employees of the manufacturer;

from 2 geographically diverse populations to demonstrate comprehension of key messages in each user group.

If the labelling is available in different languages, the 1.labelling comprehension study should be performed for each language.

Requirements listed may be investigated as separate 2.studies or included as part of clinical studies.

Testing may be conducted using questionnaire-based 3.surveys.

European Parliament IVD

regulations ( 20)

U.S. FDA CLIA Waiver

Guidance ( 21, 22)


Results interpretation study

Intended users shall interpret the results of contrived 1.RDTs (e.g. static/pre-made tests) to assess their ability to correctly interpret pre-determined test results.

Contrived tests shall be made to demonstrate the 2.following potential test results:


range of invalid results;


weak reactive.

Testing subjects shall consist of: 3.

at least 15 intended users, including those whose native language may not be the IFU language;

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in their usual working environment, not employees of the manufacturer;

from 2 geographically diverse populations to demonstrate correct interpretation of simulated test results.

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Part 3 Establishing clinical evidence for HCV antigen detection RDTs (clinical performance characteristics) 201


Aspect Testing requirements Notes on testing requirements Source documents

3.1 Diagnostic sensitivity and specificity 3.1.1 Genotype panels

Testing of WHO International Reference Preparations and/or commercial HCV genotype panels (if available) shall include:

all HCV genotypes (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) 1.

at least 10 of each of the most common genotypes 2.(Genotypes 1 to 4 and 6)

at least 3 for genotype 5 3.

Testing should be performed using a minimum of 2 different 1.lots.

All confirmed genotype- and subgenotype-positive 2.specimens shall be detected by the IVD.

All reasonable attempts shall be made to test rare 3.subgenotypes.

3.1.2 General requirements for sensitivity and specificity studies

Diagnostic sensitivity and specificity shall be 1.determined.

Testing shall be conducted: 2.

in specimens from different geographical settings (minimum of 2 regions, see note1)

by a variety of intended users (see note 1) in the intended testing settings;

in a minimum of 2 lots.

Reactive, discrepant and unexpected results shall 3.be fully evaluated (see note )

Prequalified RDTs are generally used by lay providers and 1.health care workers. For WHO prequalification purposes, these should be considered as the intended user rather than a trained laboratory professional.

Specimens for testing may include: 2.

freshly taken, unfrozen routine specimens stored as described in the IFU shall ideally be used for determination of specificity and sensitivity;

appropriately stored, well characterized sera that have not undergone more than one freeze-thaw cycle may also be used for clinical evaluation testing if necessary assuming that such specimens have been validated during analytical studies see section 1.1;

if necessary, the sensitivity for antigen detection may be verified using specimens archived at the chosen clinical sites assuming that such stored/archived specimens have been validated during analytical studies see section 1.1)

at collection, an aliquot of an appropriate specimen type should be frozen at -70°C for use should HCV RNA testing be required.

The protocol should specify the criteria for unbiased patient 3.

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selection with associated risk analysis but in general there should be no exclusions except for ethical reasons:

The patients should be classified, and results analysed accordingly (e.g. concomitant infections, age, gender, medications taken, recent vaccinations)

Specimens reactive in the HCV antigen IVD under evaluation 4.shall be confirmed using a reference HCV RNA test:

all initially reactive specimens on RDT under evaluation shall be subjected to full characterization of their HCV status;

the algorithm shall include a reference HCV RNA assay;

frozen specimens, if used for verification of diagnostic sensitivity of antigen detection, shall be (or have been) similarly characterized.

Performance characteristics shall be reported using initial 5.results only. The results of further testing of specimens with discrepant results shall be reported separately as additional information about RDT performance

All invalid test results and indeterminate results shall be 6.recorded and reported as the invalid rate.

Estimates of diagnostic/clinical sensitivity and specificity 7.shall be reported with 95% confidence intervals

3.1.2 Diagnostic sensitivity

Testing of at least 400 subject specimens confirmed 1.HCV antigen positive

At least 50% of the results from which the diagnostic 1.sensitivity is calculated shall be from freshly taken, unfrozen routine specimens of the types claimed.

3.1.4 Diagnostic specificity

Testing of sufficient confirmed non-reactive specimens At least 80% of the results from which the diagnostic 1.specificity is calculated shall be from fresh specimens.

3.2 Qualification of usability RDT IVDs


Label comprehension study

Testing shall be undertaken to assess the ability of 1.intended users to correctly comprehend key messages from packaging and labelling:

understanding key warnings, limitations and/or

If the labelling is available in different languages, the 1.labelling comprehension study should be performed for each language.

Requirements listed may be investigated as separate studies 2.

European Parliament IVD regulations

( 20)

U.S. FDA CLIA Waiver

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Aspect Testing requirements Notes on testing requirements Source documents


proper test procedure;

test result interpretation;

using only the information available to all users (IFU and any laboratory aid).

Studies shall include: 2.

at least 15 intended users including those whose native language may not be the language of the IFU if necessary;

in their usual working environment, not employees of the manufacturer;

from 2 geographically diverse populations to demonstrate comprehension of key messages in each user group.

or included as part of clinical studies.

Testing may be conducted using questionnaire-based surveys.

Guidance ( 21, 22)


Results interpretation study

Intended users shall interpret the results of 1.contrived RDTs (e.g. static/pre-made tests) to assess their ability to correctly interpret pre-determined test results.

Contrived tests shall be made to demonstrate the 2.following potential test results:


range of invalid results;


weak reactive.

Testing subjects shall consist of: 3.

at least 15 intended users, including those whose native language may not be the IFU language;

in their usual working environment, not employees of the manufacturer;

from 2 geographically diverse populations to demonstrate correct interpretation of simulated test results.


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F. Source documents 204 1. Technical Guidance Series for WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic Assessment. Principles for 205

Performance studies, TGS–3. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 206 http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/258985/1/WHO-EMP-RHT-PQT-TGS3-2017.03-207 eng.pdf?ua=1 accessed 03 December 2018. 208

2. 2009/886/EC: Commission Decision of 27 November 2009 amending Decision 2002/364/EC 209 on common technical specifications for in vitro diagnostic medical devices (notified under 210 document C(2009) 9464) (Text with EEA relevance), https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-211 content/en/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32009D0886; 212

3. WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic Assessment: Instructions for Compilation of a Product 213 Dossier. WHO PQDx_018 v3, 27 August 2014. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2014 214 (http://www.who.int/entity/diagnostics_laboratory/evaluations/141015_pqdx_018_dossier_i215 nstructions_v4.pdf?ua=1. 216

4. ISO 15198:2004 Clinical laboratory medicine -- In vitro diagnostic medical devices -- Validation 217 of user quality control procedures by the manufacturer. Geneva: International Organization 218 for Standardization; 2004. 219

5. ISO 17511:2003 In vitro diagnostic medical devices -- Measurement of quantities in biological 220 samples -- Metrological traceability of values assigned to calibrators and control materials. 221 Geneva: International Organization for Standardization; 2003. 222

6. EN 13612:2002. Performance evaluation of in vitro diagnostic medical devices. Brussels: 223 European Committee for Standardization; 2002. 224

7. User Protocol for Evaluation of Qualitative Test Performance; Approved Guideline – Second 225 Edition. CLSI EP12-A2. Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; 2008. 226

8. WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1004, 2017. Annex 6. WHO manual for the preparation of 227 secondary reference materials for in vitro diagnostic assays designed for infectious disease 228 nucleic acid or antigen detection: calibration to WHO International Standards. Geneva, World 229 Health Organization; 2016. 230

9. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry. Approved Guideline - Second Edition. CLSI EP07-A3. 231 Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; 2018. 232

10. Supplemental Tables for Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry, 1st Edition. CLSI EP37. 233 Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; 2018. 234

11. ISO 14971:2007 Medical devices -- Application of risk management to medical devices. 235 Geneva: International Organization for Standardization; 2007. 236

12. Butch A.W. Dilution protocols for detection of hook effects/prozone phenomenon. Clin Chem. 237 2000; 46:1719-21. 238

13. Technical Guidance Series for WHO Prequalification – Panels for quality assurance and quality 239 control of in vitro diagnostic medical devices. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017 240 http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/259408/WHO-EMP-RHT-PQT-2017.10-241 eng.pdf;jsessionid=1453181F82348045800D6E6C06AEDEF1?sequence=1 accessed 20 242 November 2018. 243

14. In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Market Authorization Table of Contents (IVD MA ToC). 244 IMDRF/RPS WG/N13 FINAL:2018 (Edition 2). IMDRF 2018. 245 http://www.imdrf.org/docs/imdrf/final/technical/imdrf-tech-180327-rps-ivd-toc.pdf accessed 246 04 December 2018 247

15. U.S FDA General Principles of Software Validation; Final Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff. 248 Issued 11 January 2002. 249

16. ISO 23640:2011. In vitro diagnostic medical devices - Evaluation of stability of in vitro 250 diagnostic reagents. Geneva: International Organization for Standardization; 2011. 251

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17. Evaluation of Stability of In Vitro Diagnostic Reagents; Approved Guideline. CLSI EP25-A. 252 Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; 2009. 253

18. Technical Guidance Series for WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic Assessment. Establishing 254 stability of an in vitro diagnostic for WHO Prequalification, TGS–2. Geneva: World Health 255 Organization; 2016 http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/259742/WHO-BS-256 2017.2304-eng.pdf?sequence=1 accessed 20 November 2018. 257

19. Standard Practice for Performance Testing of Shipping Containers and Systems. ASTM D4169-258 14. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International; 2014. 259

20. Regulation (EU) 2017/746 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2017 on in-vitro 260 diagnostic medical devices. O. J. E. U. 2017 L 117/176 http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-261 content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32017R0746&from=DE accessed 08 September 2017. 262

21. U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Devices and Radiological Health. 263 Recommendations for Dual 510(k) and CLIA Waiver by Application Studies. Draft Guidance for 264 Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff. Issued November 29, 2018. 265

22. U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Devices and Radiological Health. Select Updates 266 for Recommendations for Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) 267 Waiver Applications for Manufacturers of In Vitro Diagnostic Devices. Draft Guidance for 268 Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff. Issued November 29, 2018. 269