St. Anthony of Padua Church www.sapparish.org January 17, 2016 A STEWARDSHIP MOMENT Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 16/17, 2016 In today’s second reading, Saint Paul makes a list of gifts dispensed to members of the Christian community by the Holy Spirit. Each gift bestowed has a specific pur- pose for the person for whom it is intended: wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, mighty deeds, prophecy, discernment, tongues, and interpretation. Good stewards know these gifts are not meant to be kept hidden by the recipient but to be shared with the community and beyond. As we begin a new year, let us reflect on the gift the Holy Spirit has given to each of us. Do we recognize this gift? How was it intended that we use this gift? Are we being good stewards of this gift? TRY * SHOW * LIVE GOD’S MERCY UPCOMING EVENTS Parish Office Closed: The parish office will be closed Monday January 18, 2016 in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. There will be no 12:10 pm Mass this day. Day on NOT off: The annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service will be Monday, January 18. Call 861-6207 for further information. Monthly Mass and Healing Service: Our next monthly Mass and Healing Service will be held Monday, January 25, 2016 at 7pm. The evening includes Exposition, Adoration, Benediction and Healing Prayer. All are invited. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: If you are interested in becoming Cath- olic, it’s not too late to join RCIA. Please call the parish office to register. 3Religious Education: Registration for classes are still being accepted. Classes held each Tuesday from 6:15pm to 7:30pm in the school auditorium. Parents are required to pick their child up from the auditorium at dismissal. Call Joyce, 482-3984 for info. Peace Prayer Walk: All are welcome to join the Peace Pray- er Walk held the last Tuesday of each month at Mater Dolorosa Church, 1230 S. Carrollton Avenue at 6pm. Social Apostolate Food Drive: The Social Apostolate Food Drive will be the weekend of February 6 & 7, 2016. Please donate non-perishable food to help feed our brothers and sis- ters who are in need. Mardi Gras Holiday: The Parish office will be closed Febru- ary 8 & 9, 2016 in observance of the Mardi Gras Holiday. Please note that there will be no 12:10 Mass Tuesday. Ash Wednesday: The Lenten Season starts on Ash Wednesday, February 10, 2016. Masses will be 8:15 am & 12:10 pm in English and 7:00 pm in Spanish. Men’s Morning of Spirituality: All men are invited to attend the Morn- ing of Spirituality at SAP on Saturday, February 20 from 8am to Noon. The day concludes with Mass; Archbishop Gregory Aymond will be the Celebrant. Divine Mercy Conference: “Open Wide the Doors of My Mercy”, February 26 4 pm to 10pm; February 27, 8 am to Noon, at St. Anthony of Padua. A Love offering will be taken, The Vatican grants Plenary Indulgence for the Extraordinary Year of Mercy. Lord Teach Me To Pray: This three-part prayer series based on Ignatian Spirituality begins the week of January 24 and continues for 12 weeks. For exact dates/times, and to register, go to www.lordteachmetopray.com or call either Carol at (504) 439-5933 or Fr. Marty Gleeson, O.P. at 717-8770.

TRY * SHOW * LIVE GOD’S MERCY A STEWARDSHIP MOMENT · PDF fileA STEWARDSHIP MOMENT Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 16/17, 2016 In today’s second reading, ... católicas,

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Page 1: TRY * SHOW * LIVE GOD’S MERCY A STEWARDSHIP MOMENT · PDF fileA STEWARDSHIP MOMENT Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 16/17, 2016 In today’s second reading, ... católicas,

St. Anthony of Padua Church www.sapparish.org January 17, 2016


Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 16/17, 2016

In today’s second reading, Saint Paul makes a list of gifts dispensed to members of

the Christian community by the Holy Spirit. Each gift bestowed has a specific pur-

pose for the person for whom it is intended: wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing,

mighty deeds, prophecy, discernment, tongues, and interpretation. Good stewards

know these gifts are not meant to be kept hidden by the recipient

but to be shared with the community and beyond. As we begin a

new year, let us reflect on the gift the Holy Spirit has given to

each of us. Do we recognize this gift? How was it intended that

we use this gift? Are we being good stewards of this gift?



Parish Office Closed: The parish office will be closed Monday January 18, 2016 in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. There will be no 12:10 pm Mass this day.

Day on NOT off: The annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service will be Monday, January 18. Call 861-6207 for further information.

Monthly Mass and Healing Service: Our next monthly Mass and Healing Service will be held Monday, January 25, 2016 at 7pm. The evening includes Exposition, Adoration, Benediction and Healing Prayer. All are invited.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults:

If you are interested in becoming Cath-olic, it’s not too late to join RCIA. Please call the parish office to register.

3Religious Education: Registration for classes are still being accepted. Classes held each Tuesday from 6:15pm to 7:30pm in the school auditorium. Parents are required to pick their child up from the auditorium at dismissal. Call Joyce, 482-3984 for info.

Peace Prayer Walk: All are welcome to join the Peace Pray-er Walk held the last Tuesday of each month at Mater Dolorosa Church, 1230 S. Carrollton Avenue at 6pm.

Social Apostolate Food Drive: The Social Apostolate Food Drive will be the weekend of February 6 & 7,

2016. Please donate non-perishable food to help feed our brothers and sis-ters who are in need.

Mardi Gras Holiday: The Parish office will be closed Febru-ary 8 & 9, 2016 in observance of the Mardi Gras Holiday. Please note that there will be no 12:10 Mass Tuesday.

Ash Wednesday: The Lenten Season starts on Ash Wednesday, February 10, 2016. Masses will be 8:15 am & 12:10 pm in English and 7:00 pm in Spanish.

Men’s Morning of Spirituality: All men are invited to attend the Morn-ing of Spirituality at SAP on Saturday, February 20 from 8am to Noon. The day concludes with Mass; Archbishop Gregory Aymond will be the Celebrant.

Divine Mercy Conference: “Open Wide the Doors of My Mercy”, February 26 4 pm to 10pm; February 27, 8 am to Noon, at St. Anthony of Padua. A Love offering will be taken, The Vatican grants Plenary Indulgence for the Extraordinary Year of Mercy.

Lord Teach Me To Pray: This three-part prayer series based on Ignatian Spirituality begins the week of January 24 and continues for 12 weeks. For exact dates/times, and to register, go to www.lordteachmetopray.com or call either Carol at (504) 439-5933 or Fr. Marty Gleeson, O.P. at 717-8770.

Page 2: TRY * SHOW * LIVE GOD’S MERCY A STEWARDSHIP MOMENT · PDF fileA STEWARDSHIP MOMENT Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 16/17, 2016 In today’s second reading, ... católicas,

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ II Domingo Ordinario


II Domingo Ordinario Enero 16/17 de 2016

En la segunda lectura de hoy, San Pablo hace una lista de los dones otorgados por el

Espíritu Santo a los miembros de la comunidad cristiana. Cada don conferido tiene un

propósito específico para la persona para quien es dado: sabiduría, conocimiento, fe,

sanación, grandes obras, profecía, discernimiento, lenguas e inter-

pretación. Los buenos corresponsables saben que estos dones no

son para mantenerlos ocultos por quien los recibe sino para ser

compartidos con la comunidad y más allá de ella. Al comenzar un

nuevo año, reflexionemos sobre el don que el Espíritu Santo nos

ha dado a cada uno de nosotros. ¿Reconocemos nosotros este don?

¿Cómo deseó Dios que nosotros usáramos este don? ¿Estamos

siendo buenos corresponsables de este don?

Próximos eventos


Adultos que estan interesados en convertirse en

católico o que necesitan cualquiera de los sacra-

mentos, incluyendo los que están casados civilmen-

te y quieren casarse en la iglesia, pueden llamar

a la oficina.

La Oficina de la Parroquia Cerrada:

La Oficina de la parroquia estara cerrada el

Lunes 18 Enero, 2016 por el feriado de Martin

Luther King, Jr. No Habra misa de 12:10 ese dia.

Colecta de Comida para el Apostolado Social:

La colecta de comida para el apostolado social

sera el fin de semana del 6 y 7 de Febrero,

2016. Por favor donar comida no perecedera

para ayudar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas

en necesidad.

Feriado de Mardi Gras:

La oficina de la parroquia estara cerrada el 8 y

9 de Febrero, 2016 por el feriado de Mardi

Gras. No habra misa de 12:10 el martes.

Miercoles de Ceniza:

La cuaresma comienza con el miercoles de ceniza

10 de Febrero, 2016. Las misas seran a las 8:15

y 12:10 en ingles y 7:00 pm en espanol.

Si hay una palabra que se iden-tifique con el Papa Francisco, esa es la palabra “misericordia.” Esta es una palabra convincente, consoladora y gen-erosa. Nosotros hemos visto a nuestro Santo Padre aplicar esta palabra al lavar los pies de algunos prisioneros y abrazar a personas desfiguradas. El mes pasado el Papa Francisco abrió el Año del Jubileo de la Misericordia. ¿Qué es el año del jubileo, y cómo nos afecta a aquellos de nosotros en las bancas de Peoria o San Diego, Perth o Vancouver? Los años de jubileo han existido desde el año 1300, y frecuentemente ocurren ca-da 25 o 50 años. Como todas las cosas católicas, han sido parte de la historia. Hay también una Puerta Santa en la Basílica de San Pedro que es abierta por el pontífice al inicio del año del jubileo. Pero sabemos que con el Papa Francisco, el jubileo tomará un significado más allá de las meras formalidades históricas. Es de esperar, que éste afectará profunda-mente nuestra vida espiritual. Al proclamar el Año del Jubileo de la Mis-ericordia, el Santo Padre citó el Evan-gelio de San Mateo sobre el tema del perdón. Cuando Pedro pregunta a Jesús si debe perdonar a alguien hasta siete veces, Jesús responde que nosotros debemos perdonar no sólo siete veces, sino setenta veces siete. (Mateo 18:21-22). “Esta es una profunda enseñanza,”

dice el Papa Francisco. “Jesús afirma que la misericordia no es solamente una ac-ción del Padre, sino que se convierte en un criterio para determinar quiénes son sus verdaderos hijos.” El año de la miseri-cordia inició en la fiesta de la Inmacula-da Concepción, la cual coincide con el 50º aniversario de la conclusión del Con-cilio Vaticano II, un evento acerca del cual el Papa Francisco dijo, “Los muros que durante largo tiempo habían hecho a la Iglesia una especie de fortaleza, han sido rasgados.” Francisco claramente quiere que los muros entre las personas sean derribados; él quiere las puertas abiertas, más allá de las puertas cere-monials ¿Qué podemos hacer nosotros para hacer este año especial? Podemos empezar por extender la misericordia a nosotros mismos, una tarea difícil algunas veces. Tal vez hemos desatendido el Sac-ramento de la Reconciliación. Este es el momento perfecto para considerarlo. Tal vez hay una ruptura familiar o una rela-ción difícil que necesita sanarse. El Papa Francisco nos señala especialmente a aquellos que viven al margen de la so-ciedad: Nosotros debemos abrir nuestro corazón “a aquellos que viven en la pe-riferia más alejada de la sociedad, bor-des de la sociedad moderna creados por ella misma.” Debemos desafiarnos a nosotros mismos a salir más allá de nues-tra zona de confort. El Papa nos desafía. Él proclama que la misericordia es la

función central de la Iglesia y el aspecto

más importante del ministerio y el traba-

jo de Jesús.

Trata * Muestra * Vive La Misericordia de Dios

¿Qué es Este Año del

Jubileo de la Misericordia?

Page 3: TRY * SHOW * LIVE GOD’S MERCY A STEWARDSHIP MOMENT · PDF fileA STEWARDSHIP MOMENT Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 16/17, 2016 In today’s second reading, ... católicas,

St. Anthony of Padua Church www.sapparish.org January 17, 2016

Liturgy Intentions: Jan. 16 to 22, 2016

Second Week in Ordinary Time

SAT Blessed Virgin Mary 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19, 10:1a; Mk 2:13-17

4:00 Ashley Code

Catherine Cottrell, Junius Chauvin,

Juan Baker, Benjamin Herbert,

Viola Hondroulis,

Dr. Charles and Raymond Wagner

SUN Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 62:1-5; 1 Cor 12:4-11; Jn 2:1-11

7:30 The Parishioners of St. Anthony of Padua

9:00 Ester Maria Bello,

Alejandro y Lidia Angulo,

Noemi de la Grana, Antonio Cardet

11:00 Wanda Balestra,

Ruth Ann and Raymond Komstra

MON Weekday 1 Sm 15:16-23; Mk 2:18-22

8:15 Julian P. Stern, Sr.


TUES Weekday

1 Sm 16:1-13; Mk 2:23-28

8:15 Matthew R. Mc Goey, Jr.

12:10 Hernaldo and Octavia Aleman

WED St. Fabian, Pope & Martyr; St. Sebastian, Martyr 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-5; Mk 3:1-6

8:15 The Souls in Purgatory

12:10 Marie T. Blaum,

Isabel and Matt Mc Goey, Sr.

THUR Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr 1 Sm 18:6-9, 19:1-7; Mk 3:7-12

8:15 Wanda Balestra

12:10 Robin Mc Goey, Louis Mc Goey

FRI Weekday 1 Sm 24:3-21; Mk 3:13-19

8:15 Firefighters and EMS Workers

12:10 Humberto Bracato

SAT St. Vincent, Deacon & Martyr;

St. Marianne Cope, Virgin 2 Sm 1:1-4, 11-12, 19, 23-27; Mk 3:20-21

SUN Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10;1 Cor 12:12-30 or 12:12-14, 27; Lk 1:1-4, 4:14-21

Parish Giving for January 10, 2016

Second Collection for the week of January 24, 2016 is for St. Anthony of Padua School.

Thank you for your generosity! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Please consider giving online by going to www.sapparish.org; click the WeShare icon.

Jan. 18: MLK, Jr. Holiday (Parish Office Closed)/NO 12:10 MASS

Jan. 24: 2nd Collection: St. Anthony of Padua School

Jan. 25: Monthly Mass and Healing Service 7:00 pm

Jan. 28: St. Thomas Aquinas Special Collection for the SAP Friars

Jan. 31: 2nd Collection: Clarion Herald

Feb. 6/7: Social Apostolate Food Drive

Feb. 6/7: 2nd Collection: Church in Eastern Europe

Feb. 8/9: Mardi Gras Holiday (Parish Office Closed)


Feb 10: Ash Wednesday

Feb. 13/14: Second Collection: Parish Improvement Fund

Feb. 20: Men’s Morning of Spirituality 8am to Noon

Feb. 21: Second Collection: Catholic Charities Appeal

Celebrating 100 Years!

August 13, 2016, 4:00 pm

100th Year Celebration

Closing Mass

His Mother said to the servers, “Do whatever He tells you.”

John 2:1-11


A Dominican Friar meditating on the

Mysteries of the Holy Rosary

Artwork by Fr. John G. Restrepo, O.P.


A 12-pack of note cards with this image are now available in the

Church office.

$10 for the 12-pack.

First Collection ($6,500 needed weekly) $3,939.11 12:10 p.m. Weekday Mass $499.58

Votives (Candles) $96.14 St. Anthony of Padua Social Apostolate $456.63 Parish Improvement Fund $1,785.38

Page 4: TRY * SHOW * LIVE GOD’S MERCY A STEWARDSHIP MOMENT · PDF fileA STEWARDSHIP MOMENT Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 16/17, 2016 In today’s second reading, ... católicas,

St. Anthony of Padua Church www.sapparish.org January 17, 2016

C entury


Jesus turned the water into wine as the

beginning of his signs at Cana in

Galilee to reveal…. What?

(Hint: look in today’s readings)

Last week’s answer:

“No partiality”

(See Acts 10:34-38)

Our Mission Statement

The mission of Saint Anthony of Padua Parish is to develop an atmosphere for the members

of our Faith Community to live out the four-fold goals of the Catholic Church:

Worship, Word, Service, & Community.

Please pray for the Priests of our Archdiocese








17 Very Rev.




18 Rt. Rev.




19 Rev.



20 Rev.



21 Pope


22 Rev.




23 Rev.




24 Rev.



25 Rev. Msgr.

T. Gaspard


26 Rev.


Man Tran

27 Rev.




28 Rev.




29 Most Rev.

Fernand J.



30 Rev.




St. Alphonsus Liguori wrote:

“Of all devotions, that of adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the

greatest after the Sacraments, the one dearest to God and the one most

helpful to us”. The Eucharist is a priceless treasure: By not only

celebrating the Eucharist, but also by praying before It outside of Mass,

we are enabled to make contact with the very wellsprings of Grace ..."

You are invited to participate in Eucharistic Adoration each Friday

Adoration begins after 8:15 Mass; ends with Benediction at 11:50 am.

You can spend a few minutes, an hour or as much time as you desire.

The Century Club winner for

January 11, 2016 was Camille Brennan.


Bible Trivia:

Email: [email protected]

Preach My Psalter Offers the following on every Saturday morning:

5 am Holy Hour: Adoration, Rosary, & Benediction Confessions available during Holy Hour

6:10 am Eucharistic Celebration

PREACH MY PSALTER: A Dominican Rosary Apostolate

The Prayer and Study Group meets every Wednesday; 6-8pm

Contact Fr. Mariano for details about location at the email below.

Online Giving is now available at St. Anthony!

You can donate, schedule/pay for Masses, votives

and more by following the directions below.

From our website:

1) Visit www.sapparish.org; click the WeShare Icon.

2) Click on any collection, Mass or Votive Intention.

3) Select your donation amount and frequency.

4) Enter in your account and payment information.

From your Smartphone:

Scan QR code (below) & follow steps 2 thru 4 (above).

It’s safe, simple & convenient.