Mail, text or call: JACKSON VELOS REYES Tel. # (082) 223 41 29 Cell # 0915 977 8414 Email add: [email protected]. TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION………………………. 1 PART ONE Chapters 1. Son of man must be lifted up…………… 2 2. Matthew 16:18………………………….. 4 3. Genesis 3:15……………………………. 9 4. My God My God … forsaken m………… 12 5. Soul; where are you going?…….……… 14 PART TWO 6. The yeast of the Pharisees………………. 17 7. The counterfeit ………………………….. 18 8. Satan’s so-called deep secrets …………… 21 1 1

Truth Sets You Free

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Page 1: Truth Sets You Free

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JACKSON VELOS REYES Tel. # (082) 223 41 29 Cell # 0915 977 8414 Email add: [email protected].


PART ONE Chapters

1. Son of man must be lifted up…………… 22. Matthew 16:18………………………….. 43. Genesis 3:15……………………………. 94. My God My God … forsaken m………… 125. Soul; where are you going?…….……… 14


6. The yeast of the Pharisees………………. 17 7. The counterfeit ………………………….. 18 8. Satan’s so-called deep secrets …………… 21

a. Are you a Jew / Levite spiritually? … b. Unless the Lord builds the house ..… . c. Abolished… weak and useless ……... 9. The real face of Satan today ……………. 31 10. Contrary to the teaching ………… ……. 35 11. For whom the Son chooses to reveal…… 39. 12. These least brothers of mine……………. 42



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First and foremost, we must understand the significance of today’s age, church age, is the current dispensation, which began when the disciples received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. (Acts 1: 8 & 2: 1-4) The church age believer lives under the Law of Christ. (John 13: 34; Matt. 5: 21 to 7: 12; Gal. 6: 2 and! Cor. 9: 21) these repealed and superceded the Mosaic Law. (Heb. 10: 9-10;Rom. 10: 4 And He established the new covenant. (Heb. 7: 11-18; 10: 9-10; 8: 13; John 13: 34; Rom. 6: 14; 10: 4; 1 Cor. 9: 21; Gal. 6: 2)

In the Bible the Holy Spirit always give a clear message, what the Lord Jesus Christ wants His little ones to know, whether spiritual or literal. (John 16:13, Matt.19: 25-27)

Like for instance in Matt.5: 3 He said, “blessed are the poor in spirit” [(in; preposition) tells whether spiritual or literal} Also; verse 6 “those who hunger for righteousness (for; preposition) clearly spiritual. Compare these to Luke 6:20-21 and verses 24-25 “Blessed are the poor in spirit“, “woe to you who are rich” clearly literal. Verse John 3:5, “ unless” he is born of water (literal) and in John 7:30 “streams of living water” verse 4:10 & 14 “spring of water welling to eternal life “ clearly spiritual too (Rev. 22:17). Get it! God shows or explains every thing what His chosen one needs to known about his Creator through the Bible. What I mean is that we don’t have to worry about how to understand the scripture because God makes it clear

This book unveils the so many truths in the Bible that was purposely hidden, for the Spirit of truth will guide you into all truth in the Bible. (John 16: 13) We are going to use the King James Version.



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The Son of man must be lifted up.John 3: 13-14

God instructed Moses to make a serpent, “lift it up and let the Israelites who were bitten by the serpent look at it”; and were healed (Num. 21: 5-8). But in the long run the Israelites bow down to this thing, and God let this statue--serpent be smashed and destroyed ( 2 kings 18:4, Duet. 7: 5 & 25 )this stubborn people forgot that it was God who healed them they bow down to that serpent statue even for the fact that God forbids bowing down to graven images. (Exodus 20: 3-4) If we are going to read the Genesis 3:6 the human pride, greed and lust were there already in the body of Adam and Eve. Why?

My answer: first; It was the purpose of God to put that in that earthly body; it is for them or for us to decide whom to obey! If only the first human on earth did not obey Satan nothing will happen to human race and it was only Satan who will suffer the agony of the lake of fire, alone. Secondly; and if Satan did not follow the desire of his heart (read Isaiah 14:13) he too will be forgiven. Because the eternal purpose of God was to bring all the creation in heaven (including Satan himself) and earth under One Head, which is Christ. That is why the Great God created first, the world’s Savior; Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 1: 9-10, Col. 1: 17-19, Proverbs 8: 12-30)

Thirdly; God is Just, Merciful, and Love, if He will not give Satan a Chance to repent (God sees already what’s in the heart of Lucifer and because God is Just, Merciful and Love; what it is in the heart of Lucifer must be revealed first, to give him justice.) by using His creation. For I’m sure Satan will cry for Justice, Mercy and Love ( if

he did nothing yet ) if he is going to be condemn right away without yet the manifestation of what was in his heart. And if God gave human a chance to repent why not Lucifer who was made as an archangel? That is why Satan was condemned only by God right after the manifestation of what is in his heart. (Genesis 3:14&15)

Meanwhile, Knowing fully that human has in them the pride, lust and greed. Satan deceived Eve using the serpent and since then human nature becomes sinful. The cravings of this sinful nature in our earthly body: pride, lust of the flesh, greed was also experienced by the Son of God Jesus Christ for He was being prepared by His Great Father for the great purpose to destroy the devil’s work. That is why Jesus Christ came using too the earthly body. In the New Testament; the history of the place where Jesus grows up—Nazareth--was also a place where people lived in indulging the sinful nature. As recorded in John 3: 45-46; Nathaniel said; can anything good come from there? It means that this place was the haven of sinners. So Jesus is facing this different kind of temptations, adversaries and humiliations and poverty.

We can picture the eldest son of a carpenter--unschooled who just help his father Joseph to earn and share to the needs of the family of more brothers and sisters and yet over comes all these things in the midst of their poverty. But Jesus Christ’s firmness defeats the desires of sinful nature living with Him in that vessel and remains sinless even upto His death on the cross

The temptations in the wilderness of Satan happened after our Lord fasted for 40 days without food and water and we know how hard to be hungry, and, here comes the tempter. But our Lord shows



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us all of these, how He had confronted His tempter and overcomes the cravings of the sinful nature in his body. He was made like us; and called us from where we are now to overcome the temptations, trials, hardships, poverty; our adversaries and humiliations in our daily lives.

And also; God uses these things to discipline His people; thru our neighbors, officemates, friends and relatives. Even thru our immediate family members. Temptations, trials, hardship, poverty and humiliation etc. etc. these are the very things needed to make us to purity/holiness. We don’t need to leave or to work somewhere else to escape from these daily troubles for this is the very purpose of God in us.

Furthermore; since then up to today not only the Israelites but all people Gentles and Jews alike are still worshiping the serpent by keep on sinning. That is why Jesus Christ was lifted up on the cross so that whoever looks at him would be healed and be victorious over this sinful nature in us and be saved. Jesus Christ said; whoever wants to follow me, “should deny himself and take up his cross and follow me”. To these we are called to follow His steps. (1 John 2: 6, 1Pet. 2: 21) Hebrews 2: 14-18 & 1John 3:8

Matt.16: 18(Almost all of the so-called Churches of today claim this

verse as the foundation of their owned Church Inc.)

I would only just site two out of the so many so-called Churches Inc. of today: the Church of Christ Inc. and the so-called Member of Church of God in Christ Jesus …the pillar of truth…Inc.

The former claimed that it was the Lord Jesus Christ who says; “I will build my Church”. Right! But they deny that the Lord Jesus Christ came in the flesh and God himself. (Isa.9: 6, Phi.2: 5-7 etc.) And to become a member to their Church Inc., indoctrination and money is required.

And, on the part of the latter; they say that it was the Father in Heaven who said; “I will build my Church”. Ha? According to John 12: 49-50 “I did not speak of my own accord” also they don’t agree with John 14: 10 and 16: 32b “the Father is with me” because, for them the Father is in Heaven only. If that is so; the listener of Matt. 16:18 that time would have heard a voice from Heaven like in Matt. 3: 16-17 and Luke 9:35! But they heard nothing. It came out from the mouth of the Lord himself! They mean that, don’t mind the (: 49b) “commanded me—Jesus-- what to say and how to say it”. Or maybe the Latter, wants us also to be blinded of the fact that Jesus Christ himself had said; “obey “My” command” John 14: 15 & 21. these group of professing Christians twist the truth just for the sake of their owned doctrine. False one!



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Also, the Latter makes an insinuation that in the Book of Acts 7: 37, the Church already existed in the Old Testament. False! Martyr Stephen’s point here is that the Lord Jesus Christ was with the assembly in the “Tabernacle or Tent of meeting” (Exo.40, Heb. 8: 5 upto chapters 9:11&10) which was copied from Heaven. The Tabernacle or the Tent of meeting-- is the Body of Jesus Christ himself was in the wilderness with the People of Israel.

The Rock ---Jesus Christ himself---accompanied the People of Israel in the wilderness. (1Cor. 10: 4) Not the People of the Old Testament Israel as insinuated. Acts 7:37 Twisted again for the sake of their own doctrine.

Moreover, our Lord God Jesus Christ Himself prophesied that “destroy this temple and I will build/raise it again”; “Upon this Rock I will build My Church”. In fulfillment of Zechariah 6: 12&13 the Righteous Branch will be the one who would build this Church. There’s no need of Prophesies like these if in fact the Church already existed. The prophet Zechariah lived hundreds years after the exodus only.

Wherefore, Church Age Dispensation only begun after the resurrection of our Lord God Jesus Christ Acts 1:8 and 2:14. Which was bought at a prize—the blood of the lamb—and that church was not made by human hand. (Acts 17: 24; 20: 28; 1Cor. 6: 19-20; Eph. 1: 7; 1Pet. 1: 2 & 19; Rev. 5: 9 etc.) Not the assembly of the stiffed naked people in the wilderness as insinuated. And also, both required indoctrination first before becoming to be a “believer” and their certified member. about the collection of money the two so-called Church Inc both loved collecting money; the collection of the most treasured verse in the Bible: 1 Cor. 16: 1-2. The

Latter is more moderate compared to the former. They don’t ask from the Mal.3: 10 (tithe) They do not receive money from the unbeliever. (Hypocrites) You must be indoctrinated first before becoming a member of their owned so-called Church Inc., without indoctrination your money would be refused as if your money is from the devil. How would they know that the heart or money of the giver is not right in the eyes of God? You must be indoctrinated first; how clever, there’s logic there! Isn’t?

Whereas, the Word of God clearly shows us that God own everything in this world. God used the Pagan Egypt to feed His People Israel. Melchizedeck (Priest of God) accepted the offering of Abraham; from the spoils he got from war against Gentile’s kingdoms. (Gen. 14:20b; Heb. 7: 1-3) God accepts the Gentile Roman Centurion’s gifts. If Peter’s will has to be followed he would have required the centurion, a gentile to pass the indoctrination first: how to become a Jew. But the Lord commanded the Apostle Peter not to call any man pagan/gentile impure. Our Lord Jesus Christ eats with the sinners; asked for water from the most despised Samaritan woman. Apostle Paul eats together with the Roman soldiers. (Acts 10: 4; Gal. 2:12; Acts 27: 27-28—28:10; John 4: 7-9)

Surely, only God knows the heart of men. Because of the act of this gentile-sinner; God heard him; it was only then that this gentile became a follower of the way. (Born again/receive the Spirit of God) Acts 10: 1-47 (verse 4,15,28,31,34,45&47) Apostle Peter also eats with the gentile and take note with the reaction Apostle Paul, Gal. 2:11-12.

Moreover, we should not use the 3 John 7 to cover up our hypocrisy, because this is not a command to be followed by everybody and it was not the writer himself, the Apostle, who witness what Lord did in front of them. 3 John 7 is a matter of rights or privilege of each



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and everyone who does not want to give a burden to their followers, like the Apostle Paul as recorded in 1 Cor. 9: 15-19. If you would claim this also as your privileged, okay; but do not make this as your doctrine. And please do not insinuate too the 1Cor. 16:1&2 that every believer has to give every week. This is not right! Read the King James Version: ” upon the first day of the week” not the perpetual one of “ every week “. There is a lull Rom. 12: 6-8 and 2Cor. 8:4-14.

1 Corinthians 16: 1-2 is for every believer,” who desires to give or able to give” only. In 2 Cor. 8:10 “ Last year”(they stopped)” you were the first to have the desire to do so”, So Bro. Paul wrote v: 1 of 1Cor.16 this “ now about the collection for the saints’’ (not for themselves), there was a query prior to that, and in 2Cor.8: 11 “so now finish the work”. And “ as God hath prospered him ” those able to give only, (as God prospered—as God provides) 1Cor. 16:1-2 this is the truth and agrees with Rom. 12: 6-8 & 1Cor.12. 12: 28.

These two claimants who treasured much 1Cor.16: 1-2 should realize that the Lord Jesus Christ did not teach the Apostles to collect money perpetually. As the Apostle Paul clearly said; “in this privilege”; “this is not a command” 1Cor. 8: 4&8 and most importantly not every one should or be obliged to give: “if it is”, “those able to give” clearly only those who can, and if there is only a need! Both twisted the truth like the so many professing Christian Churches of today. But the latter made their doctrine more attractive, as if they are telling the truth!

These precious Verse 1Cor.16: 1-2 which was intentionally distorted in most new Bible translations does not only twisted the truth but puts a life time burden to the naïve believers. The reason many if not all of the pastors today accepts even Corrupt Bible translations is

because of the money. Only 1Cor.16: 1-2 meets all their desires. These Egotist Preachers and Pastors and believers who love money and expect it in return; their stomach is their God. We will deal more about this subject on Part Two.

King James … Why ?

You know the reason why many of the Preachers and Pastors today accept heartily the other translations outside the King James Versions and most likely would vigorously defend these corrupt versions even if they know that these was base on a corrupted earliest manuscript, is because these translations meet their appetites and hearts. I would just give you a few example verses. First; Romans 8: 1 “Those who walk not after the flesh” phrase was removed which contradict with Hebrews 12: 14; 1John 3: 6-9. and many more verses that talk about Holiness. Second; 1John 5: 7 “ the Father, the word, the Holy Spirit” was omitted to favor other Religious sect who does not believed either of the three. Which also contradicts Proverbs 8: 22-30 (key verse) and Isaiah 48: 12, 13 & 16 (key verse) etc.. Third; Revelations 21: 24 The phrase “ which are saved” was omitted again giving doubt and distort the truth and contradicts Daniel 12: 1-3; John 5: 28-29; Rev. 21: 27 and many more Scriptures confirming that only those who are save by God can enter the Kingdom of God. (in all translations)

God is God of order not of confusion. Isn’t it! this all translations contradicts itself.



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One thing more, the very precious verse of all; 1 Corinthians 16: 1-2 the word “every” (meaning perpetual) was added which also contradicts 2 Cor. 8: 8 (not a command); verse 4 “ but a privileged”

We have more on this on part two.


Remember when Satan deceived Eve? God prophesied; “I will put enmity between you and the woman” and ” your seed and her seed”. “He will crush your head, and you will strike his heel”. * Satan’s seed—[“will to do” sin], sinful nature in human body.*Her seed; is Jesus Christ—came in human body.

* The enmity between “your seed and her seed” is the Spirit of God. That guides/lead and makes our Lord Jesus Christ victorious!

* God purpose to send His Son to redeem what is His. As Moses lifted up the serpent (represents the sinful nature in our body) and those who look at it would be healed. So the Son of man must be lifted up. On the cross Jesus Christ “crushed the head “bulls eye”. The Lord came out victorious (sinless from birth upto His death on the cross) over Satan (who thought that he would win) who were caught unaware that God raised this Jesus from the dead and finds out that only “the heel” he had stroked for he knows nothing about the plan of God.

The very purpose of our Lord’s coming is to destroy the works of Satan and Satan himself. 1 John 3: 8, Heb. 2: 14-17, I John 3: 6- 10; 1 Cor. 15: 26; Rev. 20: 10

And the works of the Holy Spirit—enmity-- in us is to lead us to do God’s will and to protect us from the work of the evil one. Rom. 8: 11-16, 8: 28-30, Eph. 1: 13 or 1: 3-13, Gal. 5: 24,5: 19 –23, Num. 21: 8 and John 3:13; Phi. 2: 13 without it we will fall.


This is my name forever, the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation.

The Lord God: The Father—creator of His Son Jesus Christ. The Father and the Son was the creator of everything from the beginning with the Holy Spirit. Gen. 1:1-2, Prov.8: 22-30 (at his side) Acts 7:56; Zechariah 6: 12-13(Both); John 8: 16: 18 (two witnesses); Gen. 1:26; 1John 5:7-8; John 1:1; John 17: 5; Isaiah 48: 16; Prov. 30: 4

God the Father, Greater than the Son, the one who sits on the throne and puts everything under the feet of Jesus. (John 14:28, 1 Cor.15: 24-28; Rev.5: 1-7) God the Son; The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the word. The Lamb; one who come and take the scroll from the right hand of the one who sits on the throne. (John 1:1; Heb 1:8-10, Prov. 8:22-30; Isa. 9: 6, Rev. 1: 8,11&18; Rev. 5: 6-7; Rev. 22: 13&16).

God the Holy Spirit; the councilor. (John 14: 15-26, 2 Cor.3: 18, Gen. 1:2)

When we say God; it is The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit united as One God.



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God All powerful, All knowing, but not present everywhere; only His eyes see everything everywhere. Heb. 4:13, Jer.15: 17, 2Cor.6: 14-17, Prov.15: 3 God only lives on the hearts of His chosen ones. Wherever His loved ones, there He is. (Eph.1: 1-6 & 13-14) Both call each other; My God. (John 20: 17 & Heb. 1: 8)

There is also One Faith, One Church, One Baptism, One Teaching. The teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Apostles should be followed and their way of life too. They do not require mass indoctrination as pre-requisite to be a member of God’s household or Church.

In addition; Read and Meditate the following one by one from the Old Testament to the New Testament that teaches that God is PLURAL: Gen. 1:26 “ us “. Isa. 9:6; 48:16, “ there is a giver”, “ the Sovereign Lord has sent me with his Spirit”. Prov. 8:27&30 “ I was there at his side”. Dan. 7:13 “ Son of man led to his presence “. Zech. 6:12-13 “ harmony between the two”. Matt. 3:16 “ Father speaking, Spirit descending, Son baptized “. John 1:1 & 14:28 & :26 “the Word with God” “ Father greater than I “ after me, the Father will send the Councilor—Spirit”. Acts 7:56 “ Son of man standing at the right hand of God”. 1 Cor. 15:24-28 “ he hands over the kingdom to God”. Heb. 1:8-10 the Father God says: “ your throne O God”. Rev. 1:7&8; 5:6-7; 22:3 “his God and Father”; “ he came…to the right hand, to him who sat on the throne”. Throne of God and of the Lamb”. See God on Ezec. 1

My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?

For in Christ the full deity of God lives in bodily form. The Father is in me and I in the Father. I am in the Father and the Father is in Me. ( Col. 2: 9, John 10: 38 & John 14: 10 )

Jesus Christ clearly declared this; that the Father (Father’s Spirit—Holy Spirit) was with Him in his human body (where the sinful nature also dwells) as the enmity between “thy seed”(sin planted by Satan) and “her seed--Jesus” he will crush your head and you will strike his heels. Gen. 3:15

On the cross, Jesus Christ said; My God, My God why have you forsaken me? Because He feels that very moment the pain or sting of death and this only proved that He is also son of man; with a human body. And that body of Jesus bore the sins of the world and God’s Spirit who was with Jesus is Holy, cannot stand with sin. For the body, blood of Jesus is to be made as a sin offering. For that is the very purpose of His mission, and to crush the head of Satan and to be victorious over sin and death. 1John 3: 8, 1 Cor. 15: 55-56, 1 Pet. 2:24, Ex. 3: 5, 19: 18-24 etc., Rom. 8: 3, Hebrews chapters 9&10, Gen. 3:15

The Holy Father would have to remove now His Spirit as the Enmity which He put between “thy seed” and “her seed--Jesus” (His presence) in that human body—sinful nature—of Jesus. For that very moment was the time that the work of Satan; (sin; 1 John 3: 8) is to be crush. The Holy Father did that, so that Jesus Christ Himself will be the one who will; “will crush his head” as promised—and Jesus fulfill it in that cross. He triumphed over the sinful nature living on that earthly body. That’s why Jesus earnestly prays to the Father, who



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is able to save Him, to please if possible, let this cup pass by, “but let your will be done” “not mine”. Luke 22: 42-44, 1 Cor. 6:14 And God the Father; the Great God whom Jesus commits His entire life here on earth raises Jesus from the dead. (Acts 2: 24, Rom. 8:11)

Satan thought that he will be victorious over Jesus on the cross, he thinks that if Jesus dies he would become God now, because in Christ the full deity lives. After three days, Bulls eye. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself fulfilled “ he will crush your head” and crushed the head of Satan. And Satan in turn also fulfilled; “strike only the heels” of his suppose victim and found out that he stand condemned. For the Father raised our Lord Jesus Christ. That’s the reasons why Jesus said; My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me? And this proves only that our Lord came in the flesh. He too feels the pain of suffering on the cross. Because of His great Love for You! He made it. This is the answer to the I.N.C. and to those who does not believe our Lord came in the flesh: if Jesus—God-- did not came in the flesh he cannot feel the pain, for He is God! But since He did—human—yes he can feel it. 2 John 7


The human body is composed of: spirit, soul and body 1. Spirit—breath of life 2. Body—flesh/tent/vessel 3. Soul---intellect, emotions and the five senses

May God Himself, the God of peace, Sanctify you through and through. May your whole s pirit, s oul and b ody be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Heb. 4:12; 1Thess.5: 23)

The Creator---the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground first, then; He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, before it became a living soul. The spirit and soul enters the formed dust after; not at the same time. Gen. 2:7)

Our spirit--breathe when we die, goes to the Creator directly whether your are a believer or not; and the body or flesh/dust will return to the ground it came from. Ecclesiastes 12: 7 and the soul that commits sin will die. Eze.18: 26. The body comes from this world. The soul and spirit comes from heaven. Fear the one that destroys both/two the soul and body in hell. Matt. 10:28 Jesus said.

What will happen to the soul when we die?

The soul of man whether good or bad will just sleep in the dust together with the body where they are buried. Waiting--- knows nothing--- for Judgment, for those who are not included in the rapture of the true Church, in the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Sleep in the dust of the earth; (Dan. 12:1-2), Who are in the grave; (John 5:28-29), In the tomb, (Matt. 27: 52), Scattered everywhere; (Rev.20: 12-14) and the Apostle Paul said; that, we who are still alive



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will not precede those who are fallen asleep. “Dead in Christ will rise first”. ( 1 Thess. 4: 15 and 16-17 )

Not that after the person dies he goes to the presence of our Lord or in the purgatory right away this is a big Lie. When man dies he knows nothing. (Psalms 6:5; Ecc.9: 5 & 10; Job 14:20-21) He will never come to his house again. (Job 7: 9-10)

The teaching that the body—living soul is one is also a lie. Daniel. 12: 1-2; John 5: 28-29; Matt. 10: 28; Heb. 4: 12; 1 Thess.5: 23 PART TWO

We have an altar from which those who minister at the tabernacle have no right to eat. (Hebrews 13:10)



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The Lord warned His Disciples about a group of people who uses the word of God for their own benefit. He said; “be careful and be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees”. For the Lord knows ahead that His Disciples would have a hard time ahead. Just as what the Lord experienced under those Jews, while doing the task the Father has given to Him: “To save both Jews and Gentiles alike”. But because this people treasured much this yeast; they chose these, over Jesus and killed Him. In the book of Matthew 16; the disciples were puzzled about this yeast. They ask each other what their Master really mean about this yeast. They thought that the yeast in bread--literally. And the Lord makes it clear to them that this yeast is the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees. (V 12) We know very well that the teaching of this group of people came from God through Moses. (John 1:17) But, what’s in there that they treasured it much? Even, if the Lord had cursed this people; Matt.23: 23, they are still proud of it. [Acts 15:5; Mal. 3:10 (tithing)] And their followers then too and of today, are still every proud of using this text as their bases in making money, as if nothing had happened Just like the chosen disciple---Judas Iscariot---even that he knows already that he has betrayed the Lord, he still eats this bread as if nothing had happened. Judas exchanges the word of God---Jesus Christ—for money.

From Balaam, to the Pharisees and Sadducees, to Judas Iscariot, upto today; there are people who uses the word of God—Jesus Christ-- for their own benefit. I will introduce them to you, in the following chapters.




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What is counterfeit, in Webster dictionary it means; made to imitate, to assume the appearance of; not genuine. So, counterfeiting is intentionally done. And if it is, so; there must be a hidden motive, why would you do things your own. May it be for good or bad, there is always a hidden agenda behind it. Why people intends to imitate doing things in their own? Because of: first; Pride---the boasting. Second; Greed---no contented. And third; Lust---craving of sinful man. All these three are the only reasons behinds those motives. Satan has these three too. (Isaiah 14:12-14) Satan dreamed to become like God. He said; I will (intentionally) raise my throne above the stars of God, I will sit enthrone on the mount of the assembly… I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High. (Isaiah 14:12-14)

To accomplished his mission; (the desires of his heart) he deceived the chosen of God. In the beginning, from Eve, he just awakens these natures; (for he knows that man too has these natures; like him) by just telling Eve; “ For God knows that by eating this fruit (forbidden) your eyes will be opened and you will be like God knowing good and evil”. Unfortunately; Eve; after seeing it; intentionally chooses to satisfies this nature, than to obey God’s word—“do not eat”. This was the seed---[will] to do sin--, Satan planted on Eve. Gen. 3:15

God knowing that man now; knows good and evil. He gave a Law (John 1:17) for His chosen ones, to chose-- (freedom of choice)--

for themselves what way to follow; “good or evil”. Since then; this sinful nature is fully awakened in us. And its all up to us which way to follow. In the Holy Bible, particularly the Gospels you will notice that; when the high priests and leaders of the Pharisees and Sadducees plans to kill the Lord Jesus. The chosen of God, Judas Iscariot “intentionally” went and asked what his reward. And then choose the money—evil-- rather than the Lord Jesus--- word of God. Even in the time of the Apostles and early believers, there are also group of believers who intentionally chooses to follow their sinful nature. (I will elaborate more on that group in the proceeding chapters) “ Remember Jesus said; “even the elect would be deceived”.

Now, let me share to you one of their favorite counterfeit: the Pentecost’s wonders. This happened after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Acts 2:1 to12) You will notice that in (verses 2,3&4); the Disciples---Galileans--- gathered inside the house, and were filled with the Holy Spirit and begun to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit enables them. And in verse 5&6; when the group of God fearing Jews from every nation under heaven heard this sound; they were surprised, because each one heard them—them the people inside the house-- speaking in their own language. (Verse 7) Utterly amazed; they asked; were not all these men are speaking Galileans? Then, how it is that each of us hears them speaking in our own native language? Parthians, Medes, and Elamites…and so on…(verses 9-10)…And v. 11 … We hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues. It means that;



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that other tongues that came from heaven could be understood, as being heard by this crowd--- people--- present outside that house. Therefore; Speaking in Tongues (if it came from heaven) is a language that could be understood by other people present who has a different language from the person uttering it.

Compare the genuine from the counterfeit one no body could understands it, “ Aba la ba la … koh ta.. peh –ra… da me !spr ..ik.. Ti ik “ and it comes from people themselves who knows that it only came from their own instinct; and transfers these strange tongues, by giving command… “Be filled… be filled …” Even in they’re praying style; they would bind and throw Satan in the middle of the ocean; As if they are somebody. Alas! Counterfeit. (2Pet.2: 10-12; Jude 8&9) The Apostle Paul talks about tongues in 1 Cor. 12:1,3 & 14, do all speaks in tongues? Not of course. If anyone speaks in tongues; two or three at the most; should speak one at the time; and someone must interpret it. 1 Cor. 14: 27 and these must be done orderly. Unlike the counterfeit tongue they are like frogs in the rain, out of order! Ironically they claim that the water represents the spirit. Revelation 16:13 &14 and 2Thess. 2:9 Do not forbid speaking in tongues; Yes! but the tongue should be that that could be understood and orderly.

The Holy Spirit then, that leads the Apostle to write 1Cor.13: 8 is the same Holy Spirit that leads us today. Would He contradict Himself? No! Everything would cease.1Cor.13: 8; “tongues…cease and Prophesies will fail” (KJV).

As you read along, you would discover more counterfeits in today’s so-called “Christian” churches.




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a. Are you a Jew/Levites spiritually?

Here is a mystery. In a place called Ur in the land of Chaldeans,

God called Abraham, (Gen.11: 31) and made a covenant: that Abraham would be the father of many nations. (Gen. 12:2-3) God also intends to bring to the world its savior through this one man, a chosen gentile. Abraham and Sarah beget Isaac and Isaac and Rebecca begot the twin: Jacob and Isau. And the blessing goes to Jacob instead. Gen. 21:1-4 and 25:23-26. Genesis 32:28 bares record that God wrestled with Jacob and let this won and bless and changes his name to Israel. And many were born to him, including Joseph who was sold to Egypt and latter become a governor. And save his own family and God’s chosen people (1 Chro. 2:1-2) Read the account on Gen. 48 to 50. . Accordingly, (Exo.2: 24-25) God hears the cries of His people and remembers the promised He had made to Abraham. So, God commanded Moses to lead His people out of Egypt. The Exodus happed. (Exo 3:1-10 Exo. 12).

“Our father Abraham was not a Jew! Galatians 3:23-29”

God made a covenant with the nation of Israel took place through Moses; He gave the law to this nation by which they should become a holy people to Him. Gave them a new way of life, and the promised to lead them to Canaan and the savior of all nations will

come from this nation. (Read the account on the books of Exodus, Deuteronomy, Numbers and Leviticus).The Laws pertaining to the temple of worship and the Laws of Tithing can be found here and clearly for the tribes of Jacob---Israel--- only! It was only here that the tribe called Jews begun. Jesus Christ of Nazareth the promised seed/savior (Gal. 3:16) for all nations and Abraham and his immediate sons (Gen.12:) were not Jews but Levites. Because the former is God, from heaven the Savior that came from the tribe of Judah---have not serve the Levitical priesthood---, (Heb. 7:1 to 14,) and the latter is a chosen gentile from Ur, Iraq today. In addition read the book of Hebrews chapters 7; 8; 9 and 10 the Holy Spirit would clearly explain these things to you!

Moreover, the Lord was accused of violating the Law of the Jews (recorded in the gospel) those laws are for the nation Israel only, (“whole nation of you singular—Mal. 3:10 Levticus27: 34;Deut.14: 22b;Neh.10: 38; Rom. 9:4-8; Heb. 7:4-5 etc.) And Jesus Christ was sent for both Jews and Gentiles alike. That time Jesus was introducing a change of the law from old covenant to a new one but this people misunderstood this. (Heb.7: 13-14; 8: 13; 10:9-10)---He was sent for the whole world So that gentiles could be reconciled to God. “Not only for that nation but also for the scattered children of God to bring them together and make them one” John 11:52 This was the fulfillment of the promised of God to Abraham. (Gen.12: 3;Gal.3: 7-9). Furthermore; God made one people out of the two (Jew and Gentile) building them together to become into one building and one flock to be shepherd also by one Shepherd and for the dwelling place of His Spirit. (John 10:16 Ephesians 2:14-22) He has made the old



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covenant obsolete and change it to a new one, (Heb.13: 8; 10:9-10) that would last---Grace. Careful; do not be misled in Romans 2:28-29 Apostle Paul here was talking to those who are really a Jew by birth, blood and race, not to the gentile believers; take note of verse 17. Meanwhile, the word of God says; there is neither Jew nor Greek/Gentile all are sons of God; king and priest in the order of Melchizedek to serve our God and will reign on earth with Him. (Gal.3: 26-29;Eph. 3:6 Rom.9: 8; 1Peter 2:9; Rev. 1:6; Heb.6: 20; 7:17-18 and Rev.5: 10 KJV)

There are people who claim to be Jew/Levites spiritually and make it as part of their belief. But the reason behind why they claimed is that; they would benefit from it and to justify their money making and merrying. For there is money in the law and it says; that the tribe of Levi—levites—has the right to eat from Mal. 3:10. Like the Pharisees and Sadducees. That is why they cling to it. But if you’re going read the New Testament Hebrews 13: 10 it’s the opposite now. It’s worth to note also that Jesus Christ the savior who lives in the heart of every true believer is God Himself who came in this world through the tribe of Judah, and that, no one from that tribe had ever served the Levitical priesthood. (Heb.7: 13-14) And also, father Abraham—father of all nations-- is a Gentile.

They that claim as such are children of… Rev. 2: 9, 3: 9, John 8:42-44

Unless the Lord builds the house

Thy labor is in vain…

Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting-place be? (Isaiah 66:1) The time is coming and now has come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. (John 4:19-24) Take note on verse 21 “believe me woman a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain (idolatry) nor in Jerusalem (where King Solomon built the Temple).

And the builder of the house said; (Heb.3: 3-4; 11:10) Peter upon this rock I will build my church. (Matt.16: 18) Jesus is the rock who was with Moses in the desert. (1Cor.10: 4;Psalm 19:14; 18:2) He is the rock eternal (Isaiah 26:4; Rom.9: 33 etc.)

God is a spirit; and His worshippers must worship in spirit, not in the temple made by human hand, for He does not live anymore in the temple made by men. (Acts 17:24) In Matt. 18:20; Were two or three gathered in my name there I am in the midst of them. And my Father will love him and make our home with him. (John 14:23) And don’t you know that your body is the temple of God, and God’s Spirit lives in you? (1Cor.3: 16, etc.) His throne is in heaven; He’s called Emmanuel, meaning God with us. “Us” (here thru His Spirit); is we the true believers. Not God is “every where”; you mean He is with the sinners or wicked people or in the temples of idolaters/cults? No! This is a distortion of the truth; God is not every where. (Jeremiah 15: 17; 2Cor: 6:15-16) He’s in heaven and His Spirit lives in the body of His chosen ones. Wherever the chosen goes, there is the Spirit of God; like David (the



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chosen) (Psalm 139:7-10) only His eyes is; Proverbs 15:3 and Hebrews 4:13 and wherever His chosen ones doing the will of the Father; there He is in the midst of them. (Matt.18: 20, John 14:23[conditional]) This is the truth. Amen! After the resurrection of Christ, the Holy Spirit makes the believers His dwelling place and a temple of the living God as One church where Jesus is the Head of it. And it was the great builder who builds it; so make it sure that you were one of them…or thy labor is in vain. Therefore; the Temple built by human is useless. Destroyed by Jesus Christ in the cross and was restored after in three days. (Understand Hebrews Chapters 9 upto 10: 19-22,Body of true believers) This was one of the reasons also, why Stephen was martyred. (Read: the account on Acts chapter 7) It seems that no one likes to understand this, why? Because; that is a sacred place for them to collect money!

“we have now an altar from which those who minister have no right to eat Hebrews 13:10” Moreover today there are like Balaam--lovers of money-(who was rebuke by a Donkey) who twist the true message in the book of Hebrews. Using the argument that there two temples: First, that of Hebrews 9 and, Second, Theirs; that human made temple, that has a different names and doctrines that differed from each other, but one in money making. For further study read: Acts 1:8; 2:1-4; 8:3; 15:4; 1Cor.3: 16; 6:19, 14:23; 16:19; Heb.3: 1-6, 1Tim.3: 15, Col.1: 8; 4:15, Eph. 2:19-22; 5:23-27, 1John 4:6, 1Peter 2:21 and in Gal.1: 8. You see; even an angel is to be condemned; if teaches outside the doctrine of Jesus Christ.

… Is this the church Jesus is coming for…?

In the book of Revelation there are seven mentioned churches in seven different places. (Chapters 2,3 & 4) But does not mentioned that there belief differs from each other. And surely, they don’t belong to or have a man made church building. Unlike what the so-called churches of today; they differ from each other. Such as in: Speaking in tongues; water baptism; and belief on the last Days doctrine; Some believe on pre-tribulation, or post-tribulation and mid-tribulation, others do not believe even on rapture and have different rituals too.. Meanwhile, they are One in building human made churches/ temples, and most importantly they are one too, in their desperate collection of Mal. 3:10 (money.) also they have people sitting on high places—Hierarchy—and Chairman and Members of the Board of Directors or Trusties and Officers, which is the governing body of their so-called Churches. The Nicolaitans mentioned in Rev. 2: 6 & 15. The Genuine Church has none of these. Reverends and Leaders who loved to eat in restaurants at the expense of their poor members. Likely, they have their own doctrines to follow how to become a ”christian” or indoctrination is required to become a member of their own kingdoms registered in Securities and Exchange Commission bearing different names. Furthermore, they too are One with those group of people (Acts 15:4) that are mentioned in the book of Revelation; like the church of Smyrna; “ who claimed to be Jews…” 2:9 … of Pergamum; followers of “Balaam…” 2: 14 and Nicolaitnas 2:6 & 15. Thyatira,” who



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learned Satan’s so-called deep secrets…pagan turned Christian celebrations” 2:20-24; … Philadelphia, “Jews… but are synagogue of Satan.” 4: 9! Who compromises and follow the way of Balaam. Moreover, in Ephesians 4:11-12 God who gave some to be Apostles, some to be Prophets, and so on… to prepare people for service” It is very clear it is the Holy Spirit who will do the job. But; the Balaamites established the so-called Bible schools to prepare their recruits for service. After graduation, if their recruit has a high grade and T.D.H. etc., they would assign them in their high-income “churches”. And those that are not, are victims of hardships in the pioneering works. Let’s compare the fruits of the Holy Spirit and their “Bible” school. The former, No named human made church buildings. All belongs to One church; whomever and wherever they are registered in Heaven---that is the meaning of: give to God what is God’s”(Matt.22: 21) The church belongs to God. And also; in the true Church of God, No money making; teaching and collecting of---Mal. 3:10 for we are not under law anymore Gal. 5:4, Gal. 4: 23-29 like our father Abraham not under the law, Hebrews 13:10 (more on that later). They have One faith; One Doctrine; One Baptism; One Hope---last Days doctrine--- and One God with their Master’s. And, No giving of honors to themselves. (Eph.4: 5-6; 5:23, Phi.2: 5-7, 1John 2:6, 1Pet.2: 21, Luke 14:26-27&33) Wherefore, the latter; is worst, because of their love for money, and for not equitably shared it, there were many divisions amongst them. Now, let me ask this question; Is this the church Jesus is coming for? No way! What they doing are against the truth and in

accordance with the coming of the Anti-Christ. (2Thessalonians 2: 9&10)

c. ABOLISHED …(Eph. 2:14-15)

In the book of Matthew 5: 17-18; take notice of “ but to fulfill…until everything is accomplished “. Jesus’ ministry was to fulfill and finish what the Father had given to him. “ I have come to do your will” Hebrews 10: 9 and in verse 10; “ by this will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Christ once and for all “. On the cross Jesus fulfilled it (Matt.27: 51) the curtain was torned. (Luke 23:45, Heb.10: 19-22) It is finished. (John 19:30) He is the end; His Love fulfilled the Law. (Rom. 10:4; 13:10) We are no longer under the supervision of the law. (Rom.6: 14; Gal.3: 25, 5:18) Christ is the fulfillment of the Law and the end of it. (Rom. 10:4;Heb.7: 11; 10:9-10) He finished the work God the Father had given to Him. (John 4:34; 5:36; 17:4; 19:30) Our Lord Jesus Christ makes it sure, that His own body would destroy the barrier—Law-- that divides these two groups of people. In His flesh the Law was abolished with its commandments and regulations. (Eph.2: 14-22 up to 3:11; Col. 2:14; Acts 13:39) Christ has perfectly fulfilled the Law of Moses for us. (Gal.2:21)and all of those words: is what the Lord Jesus meant; in John 11:52. This was the essence of the Lord’s sacrifice. To remove the barrier—law-- so that the two will become One-- One Flock—God’s children. In the book of Acts 15:1-29 a debate happened in Jerusalem between the Apostles and a group of believers who belong to the party of the Pharisees; who wants that the gentile believers must be required to obey the Law given to Moses. (Verse 5” for the Israelites only”). But in the following verses: 7 to 11. Peter got up and said; “



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why do you try to test God by putting on the neck of the disciples a yoke (law; [Gal.5: 1 yoke of slavery]) that neither our forefathers were able to bear?” and James; in his judgment “ only the law pertaining to the food polluted by idols, sexual immorality, eating meat from estrangled animals and from blood, that the gentile believers must be required to obey”. Verses 13 to 20 In their conclusion; in verses 28- ” IT SEEMS GOOD TO THE HOLY SPIRIT AND TO US NOT TO BURDEN YOU WITH ANYTHING BEYOND WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS “ means nothing more; beyond these! “… All who rely on observing the law Are under a curse…” Gal. 3:10 The Law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. (John 1:17) Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us…He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the gentiles (John 11:52 fulfilled) through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. (Gal. 3:13-14; 5: 1-4) “ Yoke of slavery”, ”required to obey the whole law”, “fallen away from grace” We are not under the Law of Moses anymore! For only in the law of Moses were can find the obligatory collection of money. And because of the love of money which is in the law, (Mal.3: 10) the people was always blinded by it, since Moses time, by those people who makes their God second only to money and to their stomach, like Balaam .

Who is Balaam? . In the book of Numbers chapters 22-23-24 & 31 you can read the account of this gentile prophet of God, who accepts money in exchange of information from God. Attempted to curse Israel; rebuked by an animal and was killed by Moses. This spirit---love of money--- of this gentile prophet Balaam who uses the word of God for profit was with the believers during the time of Jesus ( Matt. 26:14 ) and of the Apostles, (2Peter 2:15-16; Jude 11, etc.“ left the straight way and follow the of Balaam “) These doings of Balaam is very much alive and kicking to these so-called churches of today. I would call them 20th century Pharisees and Sadducees who clings to the law where money matters; like in Mal. 3:10. Obvious! These 20th century Pharisees and Sadducees uses Heb.7: 1-4 and Matt.23: 23 as their bases of collecting their taxes in the New Testament. But they would not allow you reading down the verses of the former verse for fear of knowing the truth of what is really in Hebrews 7.

And in the latter verse; according to them, Jesus here was recommending tithing; No! The truth is the Lord was cursing these lovers of money here; of course Jesus was still in His ministry introducing change to the law. It was prophesied by our Lord that He would make the two one by abolishing the barrier—law; John 11:52, Eph. 2:14 –22. Also in the 1 Cor. 16:1 these Balaamites really like this verse, for it would make their money making weekly if not daily. But remember this is not for the Apostles themselves; for they are not shepherd who feeds themselves, but for the poor believers in Jerusalem. And this collection for the saints is base on grace giving 2 Cor. 8:5-8, not from



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Mal. 3:10; “and not a command”; “by occasion” (v.8 KJV) Acts 11:29, Rom.15: 25-26 Despite of those facts given above; these Balaamites continue to distort the scriptures in the New Testament and refuse to accept the truth because of their obsession for money. That is why they refused to love the truth and the meaning of Galatians 3:10 and 11, 2Thess. 2:9&10 Like Balaam who could not discerned the truth, that those people (Israelites in the dessert) are people of God, led by Moses keeps on asking God to curse them three times. Same too with today’s Preachers using the word of God preaching it to the people of God. “you received it free so give it free also”. Like Judas Iscariot too even though he knows already; that he sold the Lord, he still dips and eats his bread in the last supper with Jesus. They have the same spirit, aren’t they? So they will perish; because they refused to love the truth …for these reason God sends a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie… And be condemned. (2Thess.2: 10-11; Jude 11)


Those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel. This is the original command of the Lord. (1Cor.9: 14; Luke 10:7, Matt. 10: 8b) This is the true meaning of these two verses: certainly not the Mal. 3:10 which is obligatory and of course the initiative to give (“whatever”) comes from the people themselves no need to teach/preach it to them. “Receive whatever people give “, “freely received, freely give”. It means as your heart dictate.” Whatever”, also means anything big or small? (2Cor.8: 7; 9:7 grace giving; 1Cor. 9:13-18 generous giver) Paul said; I receive the gospel from God freely; so I’ll give it also for free. Even though he has this right---that of Luke 10:7; Mat.10: 8b“whatever”---he chooses to obey his Lord’s command. Because he received the word of God--Jesus Christ—freely, he will give it also for free. This is a manifestation of putting God’s word--Jesus Christ—first! This is how it should be! Accordingly; Paul, being led by the Holy Spirit writes the epistles for the believers then and today to distinguish the Apostles (true believer) from the Balaamites (false believer). Also in 2Cor.11: 1-15 you will notice in verse 4 that there are two different Jesus, two different gospels and two different spirits. And in verse 7-12 tells the difference between them and the Apostles ”it is about money”. Verse 13-15 concludes who they are. Peter also talk about them, (2 pet.2: 10-22) Jude too (8-12) left the straight way…use the gift for profit; these people are not afraid to slander celestials being. Compare these people then, to today’s so-called believers, for the part of the true believer; First: they never had a temple building,



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built by human hand, neither collect nor preach Mal. 3:10. And do not have S.E.C. registration. Second; Never use the gift of God for profit. Third; Did not slander celestial being. Unlike the Balaamites of today’; they have a complete reversion of truth. Even in their prayer; look how they pray; blessing …Prosperity…prosperity…that’s the desires of their heart! Worst of all. “ I command you Satan! To go away…! Bind you…! Cast you in the middle of the ocean…! Spirit of…cancer! All kinds of spirits they will cast out… Blood of Jesus cover him/her. As if they’re somebody. Matthew 7:22-23.

Bold and arrogant, these men are not afraid to slander celestial being as if they are more powerful than Archangel Michael who did not even slander (Satan) when he was disputing with Satan over the body of Moses. (2Pet.2: 10-12; Jude 8-9) Of them the Proverbs are true.2Pet.2: 15&22, Isaiah 56:11(” left the straight way; returns to its vomits”.) You see! Furthermore, these false teachers’ uses the money/material blessing to convince people and make their own disciples. 1Tim.6: 3-10; 2Cor. 2:17; Phi.3: 19;etc. A lot of people during that time drifts from the truth because of love of money. 2Peter 2:15. Just like today’s Preachers too, uses these, to persuade people in believing that they would be blessed if they believe and give Mal. 3:10 No!

“Two Jesus, two gospels, two spirits”

Today we can hardly hear true teachings from the Holy Scripture anymore, but only a sugar coated one. And the main motive of their serving and worshipping the Lord is truly directed towards

receiving monetary consideration; if there is another reason aside from this, I suppose, is no other than just pretending--- Hypocrisy. Look at their messages; it is anchored on Malachi 3:10. Their source of income; is from the Mal. 3:10 too, their humble but their way of life is at tuned with the world and faithful to their reverend and to their doctrine. Read the book of 2 Corinthians 11: 1 to 9 and find out what’s in there. You will notice that; in verse 2,3&4; Paul said; I am jealous for you … Can be easily deceived, like Eve by the serpent’s cunning. “There is two Jesus, spirits, and gospels…” and you put up with it or believe it easily. So; in verse 7; Paul; makes it clear that his gospel is free of charge. And according to him, if he is going to accept money; it is just like robbing other churches. (Verse 8) And will continue to do so; and be not a burden to any one, and to put shame on this people. (v. 9) Today the opposite happens: they---leaders-- are the one who would ask their members—face to face for support/allowance. (2 Cor.12: 14) Lets continue; listen also to the cries of their followers/believers… “ Blessing…blessing…. Prosperity… you can hear all these stuff from them. They love preaching that their itching ear wants to hear only. (2 Timothy 3:2 & 4:3-4) And the conclusion: Such men are false Apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as Apostles of Christ; no wonder for Satan himself masquerade as an angel f light. It is not surprising then if his servant masquerade as servant of righteousness. Meditate 2Cor.11: 1-15, repeat specifically verse 4 and see the difference at verse 7,8&9 and know them at verses 13-15 and Matt.7: 15-16.



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Therefore; refresh your memory on the lifestyle and teachings of the Lord and His Disciples. Did the Lord and His Disciples taught us to ask for money? Were they a burden to anyone? Do they ask God for horses and ship to be used in their ministry? (There are horses and ships already at that time.) Did they ask for it? No! Why is it that theres a lot of believers today asking these things to do service “kuno” Obvious, that’s for their own benefit. They’re just using the word of God---Jesus Christ---for their own benefit Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever…Heb.13: 8

“I am the true vine…by their fruits you will Recognize them.”Matt.7: 15-16

Now the ferocious wolf knowing that God abandoned the old covenant (Heb.10: 9-10 etc.) creates his own counterfeit Jesus, spirit and gospel. (2Cor. 11: 4) using the word of God, like what he did to the garden of Eden. By his cunning, he took over in sheep’s clothing unnoticed in the midst of those people who are lovers of money of course with the help of these Balaamites of today.

He is now worshipped as per his ambition, Isaiah 14:13 “ I will sit enthroned”

Review diligently the books of 2Cor, 11:1-15; 2Peter 2:10-22; Jude 8-12; Gal.1: 6-8; Matt.7: 15-23. Even the elect would be deceived. Matt.24: 25



Read diligently John 17:6-26, the Lord’s prayers, hour before He was arrested. In this prayer He said,” they are yours… and they obeyed your word…”. They are His Disciples. “ …They are yours… All I have is yours… and all you have is mine.” My Prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their messages, that all of them may be one. That they may be one as we are one. I in them and You in me. Everyone on the side of truth listen to me. And the last sentence before the ascension was; “ teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. (Matt.28: 20, John 18:37c) “ Through their messages … “ Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you consider the out come of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever. Your leaders are the Apostles and disciples. Hebrews 13:7 Of course not the today’s so-called leaders-Balaamites

We are from God; and whoever knows God listens to us---(the Apostles and disciples), but whoever is not from God does not listens to us--- (the Apostles and disciples) Of course not the today’s so-called leaders--Balaamites This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood. 1John 4:6

But even if one angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we--(Apostles/disciples their messages preached) to you let him be eternally condemned. Gal.1: 8.



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Luckily, there is the Holy Spirit who has the task of leading all of us to all the truth. John 7: 16&17 we know now who are these leaders that we should be follow and what teaching that are to be obeyed. Thanks to the prayer of our Lord. Jesus: ”I pray also for those (we) who will believe in me (Jesus), through their (Apostles) messages”. Amen. Apostle Paul said; I urge you brothers, to watch out for those people who causes divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned from us—Apostle. For such people are not serving our Lord Jesus Christ but their own appetites. Imitate Me: Paul! Meanwhile, what is an obstacle? It is a barrier that hinders your way to achieve your goal. Accordingly God sends His own beloved Son---Jesus Christ---to fulfill He’s Eternal plan. And remove the barrier or obstacle that separates the two thru the body of His Son. So it was fulfilled by the Savior its for us to be free from the bondage of the lwa and sin.. (Eph.2: 14-15, Acts 15: 4 -21, Rom. 10:4, Col. 2:20-23) But the believers of today thru their leaders who are lovers of money who desperately claims that the Lord in the New Testament particularly the Matt.23: 23—is silent on this: the Mal. 3:10 tried to put back the barrier: the law of Moses on God seekers of today. Obviously because there is money in the law of Moses. Imagine of all the Law of Moses only the Mal. 3:10 that they are diligently preaching and practicing! Woe to them!

“Whatever people give” and

“freely given, freely give also”

Ironically, If you recall the Apostle Paul being led by the Holy Spirit never uses these rights in Matt. 10:8b and Luke 10:7 1Cor. 9:15-19. God knows that there are people who really love money and will follow the way of Balaam, Pharisees and Sadducees and Judas Iscariot; today. This was for us to distinguish the true from false teaching today.

The Apostles and the disciples knowing this right comes from the Lord himself (1Cor. 9: 13&14) they still never use it. For they chose to obey God’s word—Jesus Christ—“freely receive freely give”. The choice was theirs’ but they never did. And if you are going to analyze the Matt. 10: 8b and Luke 10::7” whatever people give” the initiative to give must come from the people themselves who can and can give. No need of teaching them for it is God who moves the heart of the people and who knows what the needs of His workers are. Compare them-the Apostles/leaders then- to today’s self- professed leaders (who love very much Matt.23: 23) now: they’ll ask you to give in accordance with Mal.3: 10 which are obligatory under the law, if you cannot fulfill it they would sow fear on you about curse. Ironically, while they are still preaching to you the word of God or right after you become their members they would tell you that Jesus saves you from that curse. Then if you cannot give Mal.3: 10, you are now going to be cursed again? You see how they fooled you!

But again today’s Balaamites would say that there two sets of laws. Do not believe on them they are fooling you. Woe to them! There is only One Law God gave to the Israelites and we Gentiles have nothing to do about it! And it was abolished by Jesus Christ already! No matter how many sets of Law! It was abolished for us all people of God Jews and Gentiles alike. Lev. 27:34; Deut 14: 22-29; 2 Chro.31: 5; Neh. 10: 38; Mal.3:9; Heb.7: 5; Rom. 10: 4; Eph. 2: 14 & 15 etc.,



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Moreover, these self-professed leaders also; would not let you breathe in giving Mal. 3:10 to them. Still not contented from that money of Mal.3: 10 they still want you to give to them the offering too; the gracious offerings of Corinthians. Robbing you from both: the law and the grace! But remember this gift was not for themselves---Apostles Paul/Leaders---but for the poor people of God in Jerusalem, because there was a need at that time. Acts 11:27-29 “famine”; “not a command”…” by occasion” 2Cor.8: 8. You know that already. This collection was not for life.

Oh! Curse that yoke, that neither their forefathers have been able to bear. Jesus Christ has already redeemed the true believer, by becoming a curse for them. And said; come to me take my yoke upon you…and learned from me for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Acts 15:10, Gal. 3: 13 and Matt. 11:28.

And this yoke of Jesus sets as Free: free from the law of Moses Mal.3: 10—and the other curses, if you cannot give again to them you are under curse. Free from the temple built by human hand, where they only used it as a place where they can collect your precious money instead. We have no place; anywhere or somewhere just to worship God “were three gathered in my name I am in the midst of them. Free from their self-imposed indoctrination before becoming a Christian. Free from their different rituals. Free from life time collection of money. Free from their pagan turned "christian" celebrations. For this was His desire for us to be free from that yoke of slavery! But do not use this freedom to indulge in sinful nature. The yoke of our Lord is to obey all His command and without holiness no one will see God. No more burden of anything anymore! Meditate that!

Inaddition; Apostle Paul said; and I’ll quote,” we work night and day in order not to give burden to anyone while we preached the gospel of God to you”. Paul’s words in Galatians,” for each one should carry his own load”. …” Remember the poor… thing I was eager to do”. 1Thess.2: 9, 2Thess.3: 8, Acts 20: 34-35, Gal. 6:2&5, Gal.2: 10 After all parents should provide for their own children. 2Cor.12: 14 And there is only one gospel--- free of charge, Matt.10: 8b Gal. 1: 6-8. Woe to you lovers of money; followers of Balaam and Judas Iscariot, you belong to your father who wants to be enthroned in midst of God’s people. Isaiah 14:12-14. Surely you will not miss him in hell you liars. Now that we uncover who are the real Leaders to be followed. Who do you think those shameless people who profess that they are leaders, pastors, teachers and workers who have the right to collect money? So watch out for that race; which cause divisions and put obstacles---Law of Moses (Acts 15:5,)-- in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned--- (from Jesus)---that means from them the Apostles.

For Grace and Truth comes from Jesus Christ. If you hold to my teaching you are really my disciples (John 8:31-32)

KEEP AWAY FROM THEM! Romans 16:17-18



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Matt. 11:25-27

“…The two laws”

Our constitution clearly state that: the church is separate from the state. And the scriptures also said; Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s. Matt.22: 21

What does it mean? We have here a self-explanatory statement; in the former: the Church--pertaining to a group of people who believes in God—must be separate, no string attached of what so ever with the Government. And the same thing with the Government it must not interfere with affairs of the Church. And the latter also clearly says: that the Church which is for God should be given to God only and the Government which is for the people should be given to the State.

Why is it then that the so-called churches of today are contesting to each other in registering their founded church in the Securities and Exchange Commission? Making the Government their mediator indirectly their group is subservient to the Government. Even if it’s a clear violation of both laws: law of the land and of God!

The true church of God ---in Christ--- is registered in heaven not to this world. It does not belong to this world. James 4:4; friendship with the world is hatred toward God. 1John 2:15; 5:1 when we say;

friendship, does not only mean or applies to the wickedness of this world but to anything in it including the law of the land that is contrary to the law of God/Christ. But we found nothing wrong with the law of the land, in fact it says: that the Church is separate from the State. And why they are doing this willfully? Just like what I have said above it is because of money. They want to legalize their money making and other transactions. Isn’t it obvious?

Moreover, if the church is going to be registered to the authorities-SEC, the church (incorporated) will be obliged to make their own constitutions and by laws, that will co-govern the pure and perfect law of Christ. The true Church of Christ does not need another law to govern it. Our Lord do not need it. We have a complete and perfect law written in the Bible to be followed by everybody.

Of course, it does not mean that we are not going to follow the Law of the land anymore. We must obey the authorities as an individual as what the book of Romans said; 13:1-7( this is not for the whole church). Take note of the first verse “for every individual soul” If we’re a true believer we must submit ourselves to the authorities individually as a good citizen.

…the true flock of God…

Every true believer is a chosen of God not the other way around. (Matt.11: 25; 13:11, Acts 2: 39; 4: 13, John 6:44; 15:16, 2Thess.2: 13; Eph.1: 4, etc.) Sealed from birth and protected by the Holy Spirit. Including the Gentiles; “Not only for that nation but also for the scattered children of God, to bring them together and make them one” (John 11:52; Ephesians 3: 6; Acts 13: 48; 15: 17) We are One Body under One; Lord God, Faith and Baptism. No One can See and Enter



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the Kingdom of God unless he is Born Again our Lord Jesus Christ declared. (John 3: 3 & 5)

Everybody should go to this process to fulfill all righteousness. (Matt. 3: 15) Like the Lord Himself, the disciples and the Early believers (Acts 2: 41) they were Baptized on that day. No need of indoctrination and any body can perform this Baptism as long as he is worthy.

God knows who are His (even those who are in the farthest land of the Earth) He is able to finish the work He had started and able to keep you from falling. (Phi. 1: 6; Jude 24) He will be the One who would do all the works needed so that His sons would be complete. (Phi. 2: 13)

We are not the kind that would shrink back and are destroyed. (Heb. 10: 39) were be sanctified (2Thess.2: 13; 1 Pet. 1:2-5; Rom. 8: 28-30) Under God’s protection, Nothing will happen to the chosen ones until His will on you is fulfilled. (Ephesians 1: 4-14) He is the Creator!

About meeting together --- the true believer --- wait for God’s time (second coming) while still here (world); do what the early believers did; house to house. Starts with your own family or friends, you have nothing to fear because the whole church of Christ from every corner of the world is ONE and it belongs to Heaven under One Shepherd; God alone. Ephesians 4: 4; 1Cor. 1:9; 1John 1:3; and Matt. 18:20---a wonderful promised with an oath! Have faith my son.

In Hebrews 10:25; the words “ let us “ was the Apostles themselves who established these kind of gatherings, for that’s what they have learned from their Master, and encourages us today to do the same. Only those people who obeyed the Apostles and those who followed their messages who had been encourage by this verse.

Not for those counterfeiters above, who in their gatherings uses the word of God for their own advantage using this verse; Hebrews 10: 25, they make their double tax collection (+ pledges) weekly if not daily. How cruel they are!

There are people who are called by God who are just in and outside in the corner of today’s so-called churches unknowing of God’s own time for them. And if that time comes, they will uncover the true meaning of the sacrifices Jesus Christ did in the cross for them. (Heb.10: 9 & 10, John 11:52) They will meet their builder (Heb. 3: 3-6,) and finally they will come out and separate themselves from these counterfeiters. 1 Cor. 3:9; Heb.3: 3-6; 11:10; Eph. 2:19.) They will realized that there is only One flock worldwide and One Shepherd (John 10:16).

I praise you Father, because you have hidden these things to the wise and learned and revealed them to the little ones, for this was your good pleasure. No one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal himself; Jesus Christ said. Matt. 11:25-27



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John the Baptist called his disciples and sent them to Jesus who was preaching in a town of Nain, to ask this kind of question; “are you the one who has to come or should we expect someone else?” and the Lord’s answer to John’s disciples was: “the good news was preached to the poor” Luke 7: 22 The entire Law is summed up in a single command: Love your neighbor as you love yourself. (Gal.5: 14) If anyone says; I love God yet hates his brother, he is a liar, for anyone who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. According to the scripture, God dwells in every true believer and makes that believer His temple/home. And Jesus said; “whatever you do to the least of brothers of mine you do for me” Matt. 25:45 1John 3:17-23. Is Jesus; hungry? Does He need clothes? Or is He in prison? No If so; then, who? It is the least brothers of Christ whom you did not provided which God bought at a price and makes him His temple to be a dwelling place of His Spirit. It is Christ who lives in that true believer whom you did not care. Matt.25: 31-46, Acts 9:5 During Christ’s ministry (4 books/gospel) He cared for the least/needy among the believers to serve as an example for all the believers of today to follow.

Accordingly, the disciples too do their parts in serving the needy among them. For God makes every true believer His temple and this is the meaning of “giving unto the temple of God”. (John 14:23 1Cor.3: 16-19, Heb.3: 6.) And those who minister at the temple have no right to eat too (Heb.13: 10).

Moreover, you as a believer are commanded to love your neighbor, as you love your self. And to carry each other’s burden. This is the manifestation of your love to God whom you’ve not seen. Without this you remain in death. (1John 3: 14-18)” words and action” (James 2:14-2; 1: 27; 1Tim. 5:4; 1John 4:20; practice and complete ). Sign also to those who believes (John 3:34--35) Love and Faith alone cannot save you. In this way you fulfill the law of Christ. Gal. 6:2 When Jesus Christ comes, sitting on His throne dividing the people. One to the right and the other to the left; take note here, to the right He said; whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, obviously (He’s not pointing to the left--- the goats) you did it for me.

And to the left; whatever you did not do to the least of these brothers of mine, obviously too, (He’s not pointing to the right---sheep) isn’t He? In saying, “to the least of these brothers of mine” definitely Jesus was not referring either of the sheep or the goat He was judging read the Bible meditatively and find out who are they! In conclusion; read the Bible particularly the New Testament with diligence and prayer, asking God ---Jesus Christ the Messiah--- to reveal to you who are these least brothers and the truth that will set you free.



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Jesus Christ had prayed for you, hour before His crucifixion to be in His One flock! See you there; soon.



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We have an altar from which those who minister at the tabernacle have no right to eat. (HEBREWS

13: 10)

The truth sets you free!

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

John 10: 27