Characters are spread in different ways to convey their importance to the story. The main parts are the characters within the middle of the poster because this is where the eye leads us first. The positioning helps to portray the conflict within the Blacked out background to allow the coloured features and the characters within to stand out. Dark colours also suggest hatred and revenge, but the grey text can also ‘True Grit’ is the title and ‘grit’ is often associated with dirt, which is why all the characters are wearing dark The weaponry shown suggests that the film will contain violence and the stern looks and scars upon their faces shows hatred and fight. The The Coen brothers are well known and huge within the movie industry, so their names have been written boldly and in capitals. This is to catch our eyes and to make us aware that they have written and directed it, so it gives the movie a larger chance of popularity and buy. The main men played by Brolin, Bridges and Damon have also The young girl is pictured on the side of the poster instead of the front which could indicate that she needs to be protected. So, could The use of one bright colour of red at the bottom, in a string shape of blood; conveys death, wounds, torture and battle. The string could be ‘Punishmen t comes one way or another’ gives us a clue to the story line. It suggests revenge and violence.

True Grit

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Characters are spread in different ways to convey their importance to the story. The main parts are the characters within the middle of the poster because this is where the eye leads us first. The positioning helps to portray the conflict within the movie due to the middle characters backs turned away from one another.

Blacked out background to allow the coloured features and the characters within to stand out. Dark colours also suggest hatred and revenge, but the grey text can also suggest an older era.

‘True Grit’ is the title and ‘grit’ is often associated with dirt, which is why all the characters are wearing dark colours. Grit can also mean determination and hard-working.

The weaponry shown suggests that the film will contain violence and the stern looks and scars upon their faces shows hatred and fight. The use of rifle guns also suggests the old era, which means the movie could contain the Western genre.

The Coen brothers are well known and huge within the movie industry, so their names have been written boldly and in capitals. This is to catch our eyes and to make us aware that they have written and directed it, so it gives the movie a larger chance of popularity and buy. The main men played by Brolin, Bridges and Damon have also been annotated in bold because these three actors are very popular around the world which would increase viewing.

The young girl is pictured on the side of the poster instead of the front which could indicate that she needs to be protected. So, could add a genre of adventure and thriller.

The use of one bright colour of red at the bottom, in a string shape of blood; conveys death, wounds, torture and battle. The string could be showing the sense of captured characters within the film or revenge.

‘Punishment comes one way or another’ gives us a clue to the story line. It suggests revenge and violence. With punishment in capitals makes us immediately think of a crime thriller.