Pembina Pipeline Corporation Truck Unloading Automation System

Truck Unloading Automation System - Calta · 2008. 12. 17. · 4.2 Trucker Input Operation ... there is staff to provide assistance to the trucker for the truck unloading process

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Page 1: Truck Unloading Automation System - Calta · 2008. 12. 17. · 4.2 Trucker Input Operation ... there is staff to provide assistance to the trucker for the truck unloading process

Pembina Pipeline CorporationTruck Unloading Automation System

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Table of Contents

1.0 Overview...................................................................................................................... 2

2.0 Introduction................................................................................................................. 32.1 Background .............................................................................................................. 3

3.0 Proposed System Overview....................................................................................... 43.1 Major System Components ....................................................................................... 43.2 Software .................................................................................................................... 4

4.0 User Interface 0peration............................................................................................. 54.1 Overview ................................................................................................................... 54.2 Trucker Input Operation ............................................................................................ 64.3 Truck Checker Operation ........................................................................................ 114.4 Ticket....................................................................................................................... 194.5 System Input ........................................................................................................... 20

5.0 PC/OPANS Interface ................................................................................................. 235.1 Writes to OPANS .................................................................................................... 235.2 Reads from OPANS ................................................................................................ 235.3 Trucker_Table ......................................................................................................... 235.4 Trucking_Company_Table ...................................................................................... 245.5 Facility Table ........................................................................................................... 245.6 Meter Table ............................................................................................................. 245.7 History Record Table............................................................................................... 245.8 Ticket Table............................................................................................................. 245.9 Init Table ................................................................................................................. 255.A Mdbus_Riser ........................................................................................................... 255.B Mdbus_System ....................................................................................................... 25

6.0 Other Information ..................................................................................................... 266.1 Permissive Conditions from the PLC....................................................................... 266.2 Riser Indicating Lights ............................................................................................. 266.3 Truck Unloading Facility Information ....................................................................... 26

Appendix A – Table Definition............................................................................................ 28

Appendix B – PLC Register Definition............................................................................... 30

Appendix C – Product Code, Site Name Definitions ........................................................ 41

Appendix D – Scheduled Transfer Times between OPANS and TRUCK ........................ 42

Appendix E – Field Software Upgrade Procedures .......................................................... 43

Appendix F – Contents of Alarm.txt for Each Station ...................................................... 44

Appendix G – Contents of INIT.txt for Each Station ......................................................... 45

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1.0 Overview

This document is a consolidation of the ideas discussed at meetings betweenEngineering and Information Services of Pembina Pipeline with the ultimate aim toprovide a system to Automate the Truck Unloading facilities of the Corporation.

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2.0 Introduction

2.1 Background

Pembina Pipeline Corporation provides a truck-unloading service to receiveCrude, C5+, C4, and C3+ from a number of locations in NorthWest Alberta. Thecorporation currently supports five sites on the Peace system. At each site,there is staff to provide assistance to the trucker for the truck unloadingprocess. Prior to system automation, the product measurement and quality wascaptured by the Peace Scada system in Edmonton via Peace's microwavetelemetry system. Trucker ID and Bill of Lading information were relayed toEdmonton Control Centre by telephone. The information received was eitherwritten on paper or entered directly into the OPANS system (Oil AccountingSystem) by the Edmonton staff. At the end of the unloading, the truckerreceived a verbal confirmation on the volume unloaded by telephone fromEdmonton.

In order to improve services to the customers, it was desired to automate thedata capture at the truck unloading sites and so eliminate the Edmonton"bottleneck". In addition, by allowing the trucker to enter the data directly, therewill be a significant reduction in errors. If necessary, the truck unloadingoperation can be made available 24 hours a day.

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3.0 Proposed System Overview

3.1 Major System Components

The following key components to the system have been identified:

OPANS (Oil Accounting System) - existingTruck Unloading PC - newTruck Unloading Monitor - newTruck Unloading Keyboard - newTruck Unloading Ticket Printer - newStation PLC - existingPermissive green light - existingTruck grounding device (Not all risers) - existingTruck unloading meter - existingBS&W monitor (Future) - proposedDensity monitor (Future) - proposed

3.2 Software

The software for the truck unloading process was custom developed. It runs ona Pentium PC under the Windows NT operating system. The application wasdeveloped using Microsoft’s Access Database Application. This application isused extensively by Pembina Pipeline personnel. Information to/from theStation PLC to the Access application is through a Modbus communicationfront-end application called Mdbus that is also familiar to Pembina personnel.Data registers and coil start addresses are stored in the init.txt file that theapplication reads every time it restarts. Each station computer has its ownunique file that should be also stored on a floppy disk as a backup. SeeAppendix G for init.txt file contents.

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4.0 User Interface 0peration

4.1 Overview

The user interface (input/output) consists of a Touchscreen Monitor. Thedisplays (Forms in Access) consist of pushbuttons, input boxes, and text boxes.A user selects the required pushbutton or input text box for providinginformation to the PC.

The Main Page or Form of the application has a box for each Riser (maximumof ten Risers). This is the default screen for the application.

Each Riser box contains a Select button and a Riser number. If a truck isunloading at the riser, the Riser number is green and its Select button is labeled“BUSY”. If the riser is not in use and is available for a load the Riser number isred and it’s Select button is labeled “IDLE”. Finally, if an alarm or fault conditionis preventing the riser from being used, the Riser number is magenta and itsSelect button disappears. See Appendix F for configured Station Alarms. All

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Riser boxes contain information about the type of product that they areconfigured to accept. In addition, a “BUSY” Riser contains information ofinterest to a Trucker during a load – Riser Product/Truckers Name/VolumeUnloaded/Volume Remaining/Flow Rate and Stream. At the bottom of the Mainform are three pushbuttons. The ‘Checker’ pushbutton is used to accessadditional functions required by the Truck Checker and is password protected.The ‘Ticket Reprint’ pushbutton is not password protected and is used to bringup a Form that allows tickets to be reprinted in case of a printer problems. The‘Alarms’ pushbutton is only visible when any Riser has additional alarms.Pushing this button will display a Form with the additional Alarm Descriptions.The alarm text on this page is stored in “alarm.txt” which the application readseach time it is started.(See Appendix F for alarm descriptions)

4.2 Trucker Input Operation

The trucker pulls up to a vacant riser. He enters the truck unloading buildingand views the information on the Main Form. The Riser should have its selectButton labeled “IDLE” and be capable of handling the product that the driverwants to deliver. The driver then pushes the “IDLE” button of the Riser.

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A Form (Trucker 1) appears requiring the driver to enter his last name. As thedriver begins to enter his last name, the application searches for the closestmatch. The driver can use the Next or Prev. buttons to find an entry matchinghis First Name, Initial, and Trucking Company or continue entering letters for amatch. If he finds his name but not the company he works for, he can thenenter his Trucking Company Name. As soon as one letter is entered, aCompany match appears and the Next Co. and Prev. Co. buttons can be usedfor selection. If the Company cannot be found, the driver can ask the Checkerto add the Company and associate it with his name. If the information in theTrucker 1 Form is correct, the Trucker presses the Ok button. A Trucker VerifyForm appears allowing a final check of the information to be verified.

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The first form is now replaced with another Form (Trucker 2).

If a driver has a history of delivering to the Peace Pipe Line facilities, the centerinformation box displays the last delivered LSD, Facility Code and Stream. TheNext and Prev. pushbuttons can be used to scroll through the chronologicallysorted LSD’s that the driver has come from. If there is no match in this list, or ifthe trucker is coming from a valid facility not in his history file, he may manuallybegin entering a LSD until the correct LSD/Facility Code and Stream aredisplayed. Entry of LSD is format sensitive and examples of the proper formatare shown below the data entry LSD box. The driver then enters the estimateof the volume to be delivered and his Way Bill Number. If the entered Way Billnumber matches a previously entered number an alarm message is displayedwith instructions on making it slightly different by adding a “-A” .If the driver issatisfied that the information is correct, he can press the Ok button.

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Another form appears allowing the selected data to be verified beforeproceeding. Pressing the Yes button advances to the Main Form.

If the Facility is not flagged for a sample, the “IDLE” button label changes to“WAIT” and an Arm Command for the Riser is sent to the PLC. If it is flagged,the label on the button changes to “SAMPLE”. If the system is in LOCAL (anoperator is available) the Checker can touch the “SAMPLE” button and enter hispassword for the Load to proceed. Alternately, the Checker can touch the“CHECKER” button, then the “SAMPLE” button and select the appropriate riser.If 10 minutes elapse without the Checker entering his Password, the Load isaborted. When the application is in remote operation, ECC can release the“SAMPLE” condition by activating the HOLD Release command. Permissionmust be obtained from the Area Supervisor in each district to release a“SAMPLE” condition. This “SAMPLE” feature is used by each area to maintain a“Wet List” or to cause some manual operation to be initiated. In Local operation,when the Checker enters his Password to advance the load, a message mayappear indicating the reason for the Sample requirement (LAGLACE WET LISTfor example). Before the Arm is sent to the PLC, the Start meter reading iscaptured. Once the PLC has verified the conditions necessary for a Load havebeen satisfied (Riser Permissive), it returns an ARMED status to the PC. At thistime, the label on the button changes to “BUSY” and the riser green light isturned on. If the permissive is not received within 60 seconds from the PLC, anerror message is displayed occur and the load information is cleared. If thestart of the load is successful, the driver can now return to his truck and initiatethe unloading process. On the Main page the Riser box now containsinformation about the Load. The Vol. Unloaded Counts should begin toincrease and the Vol. Remaining Counts should decrease. The flow rate isdisplayed in M3/Hr. The Load is completed when the trucker selects the “BUSY”button for his Riser. A prompt, “Are you sure?” with the Trucker’s nameappears requiring confirmation. If Yes is touched and the PLC is still counting

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meter pulses, another message “The Riser meter is still active, are you sureyou still want to stop the load?” appears requiring confirmation. If Yes isanswered, a Disarm command is sent to the PLC and a Ticket is printed. If Nois touched, the Main Page re-appears. The Application can be set to print none,one, or two copies of the Ticket. If none has been set, the Trucker has theoption of printing a Ticket or not. The number of tickets to print is set on theRiser Lockout page that requires password access once the Checker button ispushed.

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4.3 Truck Checker Operation

When the Checker button on the Main Form is pressed, a request appears forthe Checker Password. If successful, another form appears with pushbuttonsfor further selection.

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Selecting the “Add Trucker” button brings up a form for adding a Trucker to theSystem. Note: If a new trucker is hauling for a trucking company that isnew to the truck unloading computer database, then the Trucking Companymust be added first using the “Add Company” button on the Checker page.

The Checker must enter a First and Last name for the Trucker. The middleinitial is optional unless a Trucker with the same First and Last name alreadyexists. An existing Trucking Company must also be associated with the newTrucker.

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Selecting the “Add Company” button brings up a Form for adding a TruckingCompany to the System.

The new Company’s name must be not contain any commas.

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Selecting the “Riser Lockouts” Pushbutton brings up a form used for “LockingOut” a Riser, changing the Checker password, and specifying the number ofPrinted Tickets. Locked out Risers are shown in red; online risers are shown ingreen.

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Selecting the “Close Application” button will bring up a form requestingconfirmation. If Yes is selected, the Truck application is terminated and alltickets, new truckers and new companies that were entered since 7:00a.m. aresaved in the C:\Mdbus\Out directory.

Selecting the “Tickets” button brings up the Ticket form. From this form, thetickets issued within the last 7 days can be reviewed and printed if desired butcannot be modified.

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Selecting the “Sampling” Button brings up a data entry form for entering BS&W,Density, Temperature and flags for load checking and facility updating for eachfacility. Initially historical facility data is displayed when the Checker touches aRiser box which displays the current/last waybill that is unloading on that riser.Alternately, the Checker can enter a Waybill in the Waybill Number box to viewor change the data. By selecting a Waybill number, the load/facility data can bechanged at any time during the unloading and after a load is completed butmust be done prior to 7:00 a.m. at which time the tickets are assembled andsent to OPANS for processing. After they have been sent, the load data cannotbe modified. If new data is entered during the unloading sequence, it will bedisplayed on the printed ticket with an “A” (Actual) beside the value. If data isentered after the load has ended, historical data is printed on the ticket with a“H” (historical) beside the value but the new data is sent and used by OPANS.The density that is shown in the density box is sent to the PLC for use in theVolume Correction Factor calculation for the Gross to Net conversion wherepossible.

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Other data flags that can be modified which are associated with a facility are:“Check Next Load” – This sets a flag which if ON prevents the riser from goingto a “BUSY” state until the Checker enters a password or a Hold Releasecommand is issued from ECC. When set, a “Check next load Message” boxcomes up to allow the Checker to entered text such as “Laglace WET list” as areminder as to why the flag was last set. Also since all facility data istransmitted to all truck unloading computers at all stations, if a trucker fromLaglace tries to unload at Valleyview and he is on the Laglace Wet list, the truckchecker in Valleyview will know why the “Sample” flag was set.“Update Facility” – If this flag is ON the BS&W, Density and Temperatureentered in the data boxes are used to update the facility table which is sent toOPANS. When ON and data is changed, the appropriate fields on the ticket willshow “A” for actual data or “H” for historical data if no new data is entered. If theFlag is “OFF”, the changed data fields on the ticket will show “T” for “ticket”meaning that the current sample data should be only applied to the currentticket and not update the facility history data at the OPANS level.

Selecting the “Reset Lockout” Button sends an Alarm/Lockout Reset commandto the PLC. (Presently this has no function in the PLC.)

Selecting the “Get Update from OPANS” button sends a request to OPANS forthe latest database. When the button is touched, a process is started whichresults in new data from OPANS being received within 10 minutes. During this10 minute period after a request was initiated, the button is ‘greyed’ out. Acheck of the success of this request can be seen on the Checker Passwordform. It shows the time of the Last Successful Update from OPANS. If it wassuccessful, the update time text is white. If it is unsuccessful the time text isdisplayed in yellow.

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Selecting the “Add Message” button brings up a Form that allows the Checkerto input a general message for all Truck Drivers such as “Truck Unloading willbe shutdown next Wednesday form 8:00 am to 4:00 pm”. The message isdisplayed when a Trucker presses the “IDLE” button to begin a Load. Themessage is displayed for all risers.

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Selecting the “View Facility Table” button brings up a Form that allows theChecker to view the information for a Facility by LSD number. The Next/Prev.buttons allows the different Streams/Products for the same LSD to be viewed.

4.4 Ticket

The following is the minimum amount of data required on the Ticket.

- Date and Time- PC generated Ticket number- Trucker Name and Company- Facility and Stream if required- Product- Meter opening and closing readings (temperature corrected and factored readings)- Volume- BS&W- Density- Riser Number- Way Bill number

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4.5 System Input

Certain parameters that are system related are accessible via a form called“Init” which is used for configuration parameters particular to an Unloading Site.(See Appendix G for more information). The parameters on this Form shouldnot need changing often. This form is displayed by entering the correct keystroke sequence from the Main Form and then entering the “System Password”.Once the System password is entered the Init Form is displayed.

Site Name - The three characters which define a Site.

Ticket Number - A nine digit number which is incremented perUnload. This should reflect the last ticket numberunloaded at this site. A unique ticket numbers serieshave been assigned to each site. (LAG – 100,000,000, GDL –200,000,000, KWA – 300,000,000, VVW – 400,000,000, FOX – 500,000,000.)

Number of Risers - The Number of Risers a Site has for Unloading.The maximum number is 10. Changing this numberwill re-configure the Main Page automatically on thenext re-start of the TRUCK application. This shouldonly be used if the number of risers at a station ischanged.

System Password - The password which allows the Init Form to bedisplayed.

PLC Coil Address - The address of the first Coil from the PLC.

PLC Reg. Address - The address of the first Holding Register in thePLC.

Fault Meter Diff. - The maximum difference between meter readingsfrom the PLC from one scan to the next for a validitycheck.

First Time - When set to “Yes”, the “init.txt” file is read from thec:\mdbus directory when the application is started. Ifinit.txt does not exist, the Init Form appears andmanual data entry of correct data should begin.

Clear All Tables - When this pushbutton is pressed, all Databasetables are reset.

Rebuild Local Data - When this pushbutton is pressed, the Databasetables are reloaded using whatever tables are found

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in C:\Mdbus\Working directory. The ready.txt file isnot required in this instance for a valid load of Data.

Save Existing Data - When this pushbutton is pressed, all the newTrucker, Company, and Ticket entries are saved tofiles in C:\Mdbus\Out. This is the same procedurethat occurs automatically at 7:00 a.m. every day.

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Ticket Layout

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5.0 PC/OPANS Interface

The PC at each Truck unloading station (client) is equipped with a dial up modem. Itinitiates all conversations with the OPANS Host (Server) using a RAS (Remote AccessServer) connection. Files are written to and read from OPANS by the PC. These filesare in flat format and are used to populate tables in the PC and provide updatedinformation to OPANS. A comma separates each field in the files and a carriagereturn/line feed combination will terminate each record. Each Truck unloading site isconfigured to dial out to OPANS at unique times to avoid multiple sites connecting atthe same time. The RAS connection effectively allows the PC to handle files on theOPANS Host as if they are contained in a local directory.

The format of all the following tables can be viewed in Appendix A. Included is themaximum size of each field.

5.1 Writes to OPANS

The Truck application writes the new entries for three tables (Trucker,Company, and Tickets) to files at 7:00 a.m. each day to the directoryC:\Mdbus\Out. Another application sends these tables to OPANS. The filescreated by Truck are TRUCKER_XXX.TBL, COMPANY_XXX.TBL, andTCK_XXXY.TBL (where XXX is the facility, and Y is the day of the week). APushbutton on the System Form (“Save Existing Data”) can be used tomanually create these files at any time. If the application is stopped by the“Close Application” from the Checker menu the files are also saved.

5.2 Reads from OPANS

The application updates its internal tables from OPANS automatically each day.Another application obtains these tables from OPANS and deposits them intothe C:\Mdbus\Working directory for processing by Truck. In addition, there isalso a manual method of obtaining these tables. A button on the Checker Mainform called “Get Update from OPANS” is used for this purpose. Anotherapplication called tbfull.exe is invoked to obtain these files for Truck. Within 10minutes, this application obtains the new files. When the files are depositedinto the working directory for processing, a file called ready.txt is alsotransferred. This file is solely used to determine that a new update is present.Once this file is detected, it is deleted. The Checker Password form contains aline labeled “Last Successful Update:” followed by the date/time. If thedate/time is in White, the last update attempted was successful. If it is inYellow, the last update was unsuccessful.

5.3 Trucker_Table

This table is retrieved from OPANS each time a RAS connection is made. ThePC replaces its existing Access table information with this file’s data. Newentries in this table are sent from the PC to OPANS whenever the Checker

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makes Driver/Trucking Company changes. The table file downloaded fromOPANS is called trucker.tbl and the table file sent to OPANS is calledtrucker_xxx.tbl where xxx is the three character designation for a facility.

5.4 Trucking_Company_Table

This table is retrieved from OPANS each time a RAS connection is made. ThePC replaces its existing Access table information with this file’s data. Newentries in this table are sent from the PC to OPANS when the Checker adds anew Trucking Company. The table file obtained from OPANS is calledcompany.tbl and the table file sent to OPANS is called company_xxx.tbl wherexxx is the three-character designation for a facility.

5.5 Facility Table

This table is retrieved from OPANS each time a RAS connection is made. ThePC checks each record in the table and only new records are added to theexisting Access table. This table is never sent from the PC to OPANS. Eachtime a BS&W, density, and temperature is sampled, their values in this table areupdated by the PC. The table file downloaded from OPANS is called facility.tbl.

5.6 Meter Table

This table is retrieved from OPANS each time a RAS connection is made. ThePC checks each record in the table and only new records are added to theexisting Access table. This table is never sent from the PC to OPANS. Thepurpose of this table is to only provide information for the tickets. The table filedownloaded from OPANS is called meter.tbl.

5.7 History Record Table

This table is retrieved OPANS each time a RAS connect is made. The PCchecks each record of a table file and only new records are added to theexisting Access tables. The history table file is called dh_full.tbl.

5.8 Ticket Table

The PC sends this table to OPANS whenever a RAS connection is made. It isnever retrieved from OPANS. It contains all the new ticket information for thepreceding interval (24 hours). The table file name will be TCK_XXXd.TBL,where XXX is the facility 3-character designation and d is the day of the week (1to 7).

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5.9 Init Table

This table is internal to Access and configured by the Init Form. It is initializedat start-up at each unloading facility to provide the PC with the necessary datato begin operation for the first time. Such information as the Site Name,Starting Ticket Number, PLC Addressing, etc. is entered via the System Form.See Appendix G for more information.

5.A Mdbus_Riser

This table is internal to Access and is populated with Riser data that Mdbusretrieves from the PLC.

5.B Mdbus_System

This table is internal to Access and be populated with System data that Mdbusretrieves from the PLC.

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6.0 Other Information

6.1 Permissive Conditions from the PLC

- Arm command received from the PC- Meter fail alarm clear- Truck ground detection- Station ESD clear- Tank level permissive- Alarm acknowledge- Density permissive (future)- BSW permissive (future)

6.2 Riser Indicating Lights

Different colours of lights are used to signal different conditions. Not all thelights are available at all the truck unloading sites. The following are the typicalcolour representation:

RED: - DO NOT CONNECT to riser, riser is locked out, IMMEDIATELY STOP UNLOADING

GREEN (flashing): - connect to riserstart P.P.L. pump

GREEN (solid): - P.P.L. unloading pump running

YELLOW (flashing): - start vapour compressor

YELLOW(solid): - vapour compressor running

BLUE STROBE: - H2S warning (on building)

6.3 Truck Unloading Facility Information

Gordondale Truck Unloading 8-10-79-10-W6M- Eight risers, two for NGL, six for crude or condensate- P.P.L. operator on site during the day

La Glace Truck Unloading 9-7-73-8-W6M- Eight risers, two for NGL, six for crude or condensate- P.P.L. operator on site during the day

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Fox Creek Truck Unloading SE-36-62-20-W5M- Two risers for NGL only- P.P.L. operator on site 24 hours a day

Valleyview Truck Unloading 12-10-69-22-W5M- Five risers for crude or condensate

- P.P.L. operator on site during the day

Kakwa Truck Unloading 15-18-63-5-W6M- Three risers for crude only- P.P.L. operator on site part time only

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Appendix A – Table Definition


Fields Type Length Flat FileDriver_Last_Name Text 20 20Driver_First_Name Text 20 20Driver_Initials Text 5 5Trucking_Company Text 50 50


Fields Type Length Flat FileTrucking_Company Text 50 50


Field Type Length Flat FileFacility_Code Number 8 8LSD Text 14 14Historical_BSW Percent Create locally 6Historical_Density Number Create locally 10Historical_Temp Number Create locally 10Stream Text 10 10Operator_Code Text 10 10Operator_Over_Del Text (Y or N) 1 1Product_Code Text 3 3Check_Load Text (Y or N) 1 1Operator_Name Text 50 50Check_Message Text 45 45


Field Type Length Flat FileMeter_Code Text 10 10Riser_Number Text 2 2Product_Code Text 3 3Location_Code Text 5 5Meter_Description Text 50 50Site_Name Text 3 3


Field Type Length Flat FileDriver_Last_Name Text 20 20Driver_First_Name Text 20 20Driver_Initials Text 5 5Facility_Code Text 8 8Stream Text 10 10LSD Text 14 14Product_Code Text 3 3

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Field Type Length Flat FileTicket_Number Number 10 10Driver_Last_Name Text 20 20Driver_First_Name Text 20 20Driver_Initials Text 5 5Trucking Company Text 50 50Facility_Code Text 8 8Stream Text 10 10Product_Code Text 3 3BSW Percent 6BSW_Flag Text (H,A,T) 1 1Density Number 10Density_Flag Text (H,A,T) 1 1Way_Bill_Number Text 20 20Open_Reading Number 12Close_Reading Number 12Net_Volume Number 12Start_Reading_Time Date/Time 20Close_Reading_Time Date/time 20Meter_Code Text 10 10Location_Code Text 5 5LSD Text 14 14Temperature Number 10Temperature_Flag Text (H,A,T) 1 1Check_Load Text (Y or N) 1 1Check_Message Text 45 45

Time format – yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss


Field Type Length Flat FileSite_Name Text 3Ticket_Num_Prefix NumberNumber_Risers NumberPLC_Coil_Addr NumberPLC_Reg_Addr NumberChecker_Password TextFault_Meter_Diff NumberSystem_Password TextFirst_Time Text (Y,N)No_Copies Number

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Appendix B – PLC Register Definition

Pembina Automated Truck Unloading System (PATUNS -Pending)

PLC to PC Data Transfer Coils and Registers

RegistersStarting 41001 The starting registers are

unique in each station PLC.See the Init .txt file for actualvalues

Ending 41320Total 320 Description

41001 System Comm Counter Echo 0-9999 To PLC41002 System Spare To PLC41003 System Spare To PLC41004 System Spare To PLC41005 System Spare To PLC41006 System Spare To PLC41007 System Spare To PLC41008 System Spare To PLC41009 System Spare To PLC41010 System Spare To PLC41011 System Comm Counter 0-9999 Fr PLC41012 System Spare Fr PLC41013 System Spare Fr PLC41014 System Spare Fr PLC41015 System Spare Fr PLC41016 System Spare Fr PLC41017 System Spare Fr PLC41018 System Spare Fr PLC41019 System Spare Fr PLC41020 System Spare Fr PLC41021 Riser 1 Prod #1 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41022 Riser 1 Prod #1 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41023 Riser 1 Prod #2 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41024 Riser 1 Prod #2 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41025 Riser 1 Prod #3 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41026 Riser 1 Prod #3 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41027 Riser 1 Prod #4 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41028 Riser 1 Prod #4 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41029 Riser 1 Prod #5 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41030 Riser 1 Prod #5 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41031 Riser 1 Prod #6 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41032 Riser 1 Prod #6 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41033 Riser 1 Prod #7 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41034 Riser 1 Prod #7 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41035 Riser 1 Prod #8 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41036 Riser 1 Prod #8 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41037 Riser 1 Prod #9 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC

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41038 Riser 1 Prod #9 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41039 Riser 1 Prod #10 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41040 Riser 1 Prod #10 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41041 Riser 1 Prod # 9999 Fr PLC41042 Riser 1 Temperature Deg C 0-700=-20 to +50 Fr PLC41043 Riser 1 Pressure Scaled Fr PLC41044 Riser 1 Density Observed Kg/M3 0-9999=0-999.9 Fr PLC41045 Riser 1 Meter Factor 12345=1.2345 Fr PLC41046 Riser 1 Flow Scaled *100 Fr PLC41047 Riser 1 PLC Alarms See Appendix F Fr PLC41048 Riser 1 Spare Fr PLC41049 Riser 1 Spare Fr PLC41050 Riser 1 Density 999 To PLC41051 Riser 2 Prod #1 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41052 Riser 2 Prod #1 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41053 Riser 2 Prod #2 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41054 Riser 2 Prod #2 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41055 Riser 2 Prod #3 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41056 Riser 2 Prod #3 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41057 Riser 2 Prod #4 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41058 Riser 2 Prod #4 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41059 Riser 2 Prod #5 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41060 Riser 2 Prod #5 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41061 Riser 2 Prod #6 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41062 Riser 2 Prod #6 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41063 Riser 2 Prod #7 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41064 Riser 2 Prod #7 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41065 Riser 2 Prod #8 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41066 Riser 2 Prod #8 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41067 Riser 2 Prod #9 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41068 Riser 2 Prod #9 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41069 Riser 2 Prod #10 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41070 Riser 2 Prod #10 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41071 Riser 2 Prod ID # 9999 Fr PLC41072 Riser 2 Temperature 0-700=-20 to +50 Fr PLC41073 Riser 2 Pressure Scaled Fr PLC41074 Riser 2 Density Observed Scaled *10 Fr PLC41075 Riser 2 Meter Factor 12345=1.2345 Fr PLC41076 Riser 2 Flow Scaled *100 Fr PLC41077 Riser 2 PLC Alarms See appendix F Fr PLC41078 Riser 2 Spare Fr PLC41079 Riser 2 Spare Fr PLC41080 Riser 2 Density 999 To PLC41081 Riser 3 Prod #1 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41082 Riser 3 Prod #1 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41083 Riser 3 Prod #2 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41084 Riser 3 Prod #2 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41085 Riser 3 Prod #3 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41086 Riser 3 Prod #3 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41087 Riser 3 Prod #4 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41088 Riser 3 Prod #4 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC

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41089 Riser 3 Prod #5 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41090 Riser 3 Prod #5 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41091 Riser 3 Prod #6 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41092 Riser 3 Prod #6 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41093 Riser 3 Prod #7 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41094 Riser 3 Prod #7 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41095 Riser 3 Prod #8 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41096 Riser 3 Prod #8 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41097 Riser 3 Prod #9 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41098 Riser 3 Prod #9 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41099 Riser 3 Prod #10 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41100 Riser 3 Prod #10 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41101 Riser 3 Prod ID # 9999 Fr PLC41102 Riser 3 Temperature 0-700=-20 to +50 Fr PLC41103 Riser 3 Pressure Scaled Fr PLC41104 Riser 3 Density Observed Scaled *10 Fr PLC41105 Riser 3 Meter Factor 12345=1.2345 Fr PLC41106 Riser 3 Flow Scaled *100 Fr PLC41107 Riser 3 PLC Alarms See Appendix F Fr PLC41108 Riser 3 Spare Fr PLC41109 Riser 3 Spare Fr PLC41110 Riser 3 Density 999 To PLC41111 Riser 4 Prod #1 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41112 Riser 4 Prod #1 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41113 Riser 4 Prod #2 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41114 Riser 4 Prod #2 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41115 Riser 4 Prod #3 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41116 Riser 4 Prod #3 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41117 Riser 4 Prod #4 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41118 Riser 4 Prod #4 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41119 Riser 4 Prod #5 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41120 Riser 4 Prod #5 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41121 Riser 4 Prod #6 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41122 Riser 4 Prod #6 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41123 Riser 4 Prod #7 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41124 Riser 4 Prod #7 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41125 Riser 4 Prod #8 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41126 Riser 4 Prod #8 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41127 Riser 4 Prod #9 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41128 Riser 4 Prod #9 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41129 Riser 4 Prod #10 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41130 Riser 4 Prod #10 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41131 Riser 4 Prod ID # 9999 Fr PLC41132 Riser 4 Temperature 0-700=-20 to +50 Fr PLC41133 Riser 4 Pressure Scaled Fr PLC41134 Riser 4 Density Observed Scaled *10 Fr PLC41135 Riser 4 Meter Factor 12345=1.2345 Fr PLC41136 Riser 4 Flow Scaled *100 Fr PLC41137 Riser 4 PLC Alarms See Appendix F Fr PLC41138 Riser 4 Spare Fr PLC41139 Riser 4 Spare Fr PLC

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41140 Riser 4 Density 999 To PLC41141 Riser 5 Prod #1 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41142 Riser 5 Prod #1 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41143 Riser 5 Prod #2 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41144 Riser 5 Prod #2 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41145 Riser 5 Prod #3 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41146 Riser 5 Prod #3 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41147 Riser 5 Prod #4 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41148 Riser 5 Prod #4 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41149 Riser 5 Prod #5 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41150 Riser 5 Prod #5 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41151 Riser 5 Prod #6 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41152 Riser 5 Prod #6 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41153 Riser 5 Prod #7 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41154 Riser 5 Prod #7 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41155 Riser 5 Prod #8 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41156 Riser 5 Prod #8 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41157 Riser 5 Prod #9 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41158 Riser 5 Prod #9 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41159 Riser 5 Prod #10 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41160 Riser 5 Prod #10 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41161 Riser 5 Prod ID # 9999 Fr PLC41162 Riser 5 Temperature 0-700=-20 to +50 Fr PLC41163 Riser 5 Pressure Scaled Fr PLC41164 Riser 5 Density Observed Scaled *10 Fr PLC41165 Riser 5 Meter Factor 12345=1.2345 Fr PLC41166 Riser 5 Flow Scaled *100 Fr PLC41167 Riser 5 PLC Alarms See Appendix F Fr PLC41168 Riser 5 Spare Fr PLC41169 Riser 5 Spare Fr PLC41170 Riser 5 Density 999 To PLC41171 Riser 6 Prod #1 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41172 Riser 6 Prod #1 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41173 Riser 6 Prod #2 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41174 Riser 6 Prod #2 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41175 Riser 6 Prod #3 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41176 Riser 6 Prod #3 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41177 Riser 6 Prod #4 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41178 Riser 6 Prod #4 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41179 Riser 6 Prod #5 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41180 Riser 6 Prod #5 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41181 Riser 6 Prod #6 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41182 Riser 6 Prod #6 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41183 Riser 6 Prod #7 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41184 Riser 6 Prod #7 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41185 Riser 6 Prod #8 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41186 Riser 6 Prod #8 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41187 Riser 6 Prod #9 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41188 Riser 6 Prod #9 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41189 Riser 6 Prod #10 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41190 Riser 6 Prod #10 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC

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41191 Riser 6 Prod ID # 9999 Fr PLC41192 Riser 6 Temperature 0-700=-20 to +50 Fr PLC41193 Riser 6 Pressure Scaled Fr PLC41194 Riser 6 Density Observed Scaled *10 Fr PLC41195 Riser 6 Meter Factor 12345=1.2345 Fr PLC41196 Riser 6 Flow Scaled *100 Fr PLC41197 Riser 6 PLC Alarms See Appendix F Fr PLC41198 Riser 6 Spare Fr PLC41199 Riser 6 Spare Fr PLC41200 Riser 6 Density 999 To PLC41201 Riser 7 Prod #1 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41202 Riser 7 Prod #1 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41203 Riser 7 Prod #2 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41204 Riser 7 Prod #2 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41205 Riser 7 Prod #3 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41206 Riser 7 Prod #3 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41207 Riser 7 Prod #4 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41208 Riser 7 Prod #4 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41209 Riser 7 Prod #5 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41210 Riser 7 Prod #5 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41211 Riser 7 Prod #6 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41212 Riser 7 Prod #6 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41213 Riser 7 Prod #7 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41214 Riser 7 Prod #7 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41215 Riser 7 Prod #8 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41216 Riser 7 Prod #8 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41217 Riser 7 Prod #9 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41218 Riser 7 Prod #9 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41219 Riser 7 Prod #10 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41220 Riser 7 Prod #10 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41221 Riser 7 Prod ID # 9999 Fr PLC41222 Riser 7 Temperature 0-700=-20 to +50 Fr PLC41223 Riser 7 Pressure Scaled Fr PLC41224 Riser 7 Density Observed Scaled *10 Fr PLC41225 Riser 7 Meter Factor 12345=1.2345 Fr PLC41226 Riser 7 Flow Scaled *100 Fr PLC41227 Riser 7 PLC Alarms See Appendix F Fr PLC41228 Riser 7 Spare Fr PLC41229 Riser 7 Spare Fr PLC41230 Riser 7 Density 999 To PLC41231 Riser 8 Prod #1 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41232 Riser 8 Prod #1 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41233 Riser 8 Prod #2 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41234 Riser 8 Prod #2 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41235 Riser 8 Prod #3 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41236 Riser 8 Prod #3 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41237 Riser 8 Prod #4 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41238 Riser 8 Prod #4 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41239 Riser 8 Prod #5 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41240 Riser 8 Prod #5 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41241 Riser 8 Prod #6 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC

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41242 Riser 8 Prod #6 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41243 Riser 8 Prod #7 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41244 Riser 8 Prod #7 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41245 Riser 8 Prod #8 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41246 Riser 8 Prod #8 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41247 Riser 8 Prod #9 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41248 Riser 8 Prod #9 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41249 Riser 8 Prod #10 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41250 Riser 8 Prod #10 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41251 Riser 8 Prod ID # 9999 Fr PLC41252 Riser 8 Temperature 0-700=-20 to +50 Fr PLC41253 Riser 8 Pressure Scaled Fr PLC41254 Riser 8 Density Observed Scaled *10 Fr PLC41255 Riser 8 Meter Factor 12345=1.2345 Fr PLC41256 Riser 8 Flow Scaled *100 Fr PLC41257 Riser 8 PLC Alarms See Appendix F Fr PLC41258 Riser 8 Spare Fr PLC41259 Riser 8 Spare Fr PLC41260 Riser 8 Density 999 To PLC41261 Riser 9 Prod #1 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41262 Riser 9 Prod #1 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41263 Riser 9 Prod #2 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41264 Riser 9 Prod #2 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41265 Riser 9 Prod #3 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41266 Riser 9 Prod #3 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41267 Riser 9 Prod #4 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41268 Riser 9 Prod #4 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41269 Riser 9 Prod #5 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41270 Riser 9 Prod #5 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41271 Riser 9 Prod #6 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41272 Riser 9 Prod #6 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41273 Riser 9 Prod #7 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41274 Riser 9 Prod #7 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41275 Riser 9 Prod #8 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41276 Riser 9 Prod #8 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41277 Riser 9 Prod #9 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41278 Riser 9 Prod #9 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41279 Riser 9 Prod #10 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41280 Riser 9 Prod #10 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41281 Riser 9 Prod ID # 9999 Fr PLC41282 Riser 9 Temperature 0-700=-20 to +50 Fr PLC41283 Riser 9 Pressure Scaled Fr PLC41284 Riser 9 Density Observed Scaled *10 Fr PLC41285 Riser 9 Meter Factor 12345=1.2345 Fr PLC41286 Riser 9 Flow Scaled *100 Fr PLC41287 Riser 9 PLC Alarms See Appendix F Fr PLC41288 Riser 9 Spare Fr PLC41289 Riser 9 Spare Fr PLC41290 Riser 9 Density 999 To PLC41291 Riser 10 Prod #1 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41292 Riser 10 Prod #1 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC

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41293 Riser 10 Prod #2 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41294 Riser 10 Prod #2 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41295 Riser 10 Prod #3 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41296 Riser 10 Prod #3 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41297 Riser 10 Prod #4 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41298 Riser 10 Prod #4 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41299 Riser 10 Prod #5 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41300 Riser 10 Prod #5 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41301 Riser 10 Prod #6 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41302 Riser 10 Prod #6 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41303 Riser 10 Prod #7 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41304 Riser 10 Prod #7 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41305 Riser 10 Prod #8 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41306 Riser 10 Prod #8 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41307 Riser 10 Prod #9 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41308 Riser 10 Prod #9 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41309 Riser 10 Prod #10 Meter Acc Hi Reg 9999=9999 Fr PLC41310 Riser 10 Prod #10 Meter Acc Lo Reg 9999=99.99 Fr PLC41311 Riser 10 Prod ID # 9999 Fr PLC41312 Riser 10 Temperature 0-700=-20 to +50 Fr PLC41313 Riser 10 Pressure Scaled Fr PLC41314 Riser 10 Density Observed Scaled *10 Fr PLC41315 Riser 10 Meter Factor 12345=1.2345 Fr PLC41316 Riser 10 Flow Scaled *100 Fr PLC41317 Riser 10 PLC Alarms See Appendix F Fr PLC41318 Riser 10 Spare Fr PLC41319 Riser 10 Spare Fr PLC41320 Riser 10 Density 999 To PLC

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COILSStarting 01008Ending 01182Total 175 Description


01008 System Alarm/Lockout Reset Command To PLC01009 System Command01010 System Command01011 System Command01012 System Command01013 System Command01014 System Command01015 System Command01016 Riser 1 Riser ARM Command Command To PLC01017 Riser 1 Riser DISARM Command Command To PLC01018 Riser 1 Checker L/O Command To PLC01019 Riser 1 Checker L/O Reset Command To PLC01020 Riser 1 Spare Command To PLC01021 Riser 1 Spare Command To PLC01022 Riser 1 Spare Command To PLC01023 Riser 1 Spare Command To PLC01024 Riser 2 Riser ARM Command Command To PLC01025 Riser 2 Riser DISARM Command Command To PLC01026 Riser 2 Checker L/O Command To PLC01027 Riser 2 Checker L/O Reset Command To PLC01028 Riser 2 Spare Command To PLC01029 Riser 2 Spare Command To PLC01030 Riser 2 Spare Command To PLC01031 Riser 2 Spare Command To PLC01032 Riser 3 Riser ARM Command Command To PLC01033 Riser 3 Riser DISARM Command Command To PLC01034 Riser 3 Checker L/O Command To PLC01035 Riser 3 Checker L/O Reset Command To PLC01036 Riser 3 Spare Command To PLC01037 Riser 3 Spare Command To PLC01038 Riser 3 Spare Command To PLC01039 Riser 3 Spare Command To PLC01040 Riser 4 Riser ARM Command Command To PLC01041 Riser 4 Riser DISARM Command Command To PLC01042 Riser 4 Checker L/O Command To PLC01043 Riser 4 Checker L/O Reset Command To PLC01044 Riser 4 Spare Command To PLC01045 Riser 4 Spare Command To PLC01046 Riser 4 Spare Command To PLC01047 Riser 4 Spare Command To PLC01048 Riser 5 Riser ARM Command Command To PLC01049 Riser 5 Riser DISARM Command Command To PLC01050 Riser 5 Checker L/O Command To PLC

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01051 Riser 5 Checker L/O Reset Command To PLC01052 Riser 5 Spare Command To PLC01053 Riser 5 Spare Command To PLC01054 Riser 5 Spare Command To PLC01055 Riser 5 Spare Command To PLC01056 Riser 6 Riser ARM Command Command To PLC01057 Riser 6 Riser DISARM Command Command To PLC01058 Riser 6 Checker L/O Command To PLC01059 Riser 6 Checker L/O Reset Command To PLC01060 Riser 6 Spare Command To PLC01061 Riser 6 Spare Command To PLC01062 Riser 6 Spare Command To PLC01063 Riser 6 Spare Command To PLC01064 Riser 7 Riser ARM Command Command To PLC01065 Riser 7 Riser DISARM Command Command To PLC01066 Riser 7 Checker L/O Command To PLC01067 Riser 7 Checker L/O Reset Command To PLC01068 Riser 7 Spare Command To PLC01069 Riser 7 Spare Command To PLC01070 Riser 7 Spare Command To PLC01071 Riser 7 Spare Command To PLC01072 Riser 8 Riser ARM Command Command To PLC01073 Riser 8 Riser DISARM Command Command To PLC01074 Riser 8 Checker L/O Command To PLC01075 Riser 8 Checker L/O Reset Command To PLC01076 Riser 8 Spare Command To PLC01077 Riser 8 Spare Command To PLC01078 Riser 8 Spare Command To PLC01079 Riser 8 Spare Command To PLC01080 Riser 9 Riser ARM Command Command To PLC01081 Riser 9 Riser DISARM Command Command To PLC01082 Riser 9 Checker L/O Command To PLC01083 Riser 9 Checker L/O Reset Command To PLC01084 Riser 9 Spare Command To PLC01085 Riser 9 Spare Command To PLC01086 Riser 9 Spare Command To PLC01087 Riser 9 Spare Command To PLC01088 Riser 10 Riser ARM Command Command To PLC01089 Riser 10 Riser DISARM Command Command To PLC01090 Riser 10 Checker L/O Command To PLC01091 Riser 10 Checker L/O Reset Command To PLC01092 Riser 10 Spare Command To PLC01093 Riser 10 Spare Command To PLC01094 Riser 10 Spare Command To PLC01095 System Comm Status On=Fail Fr PLC01096 System Station Permissive On=Perm. Fr PLC01097 System Local/Remote On=Local Fr PLC01098 System Nomination Restriction On=Yes Fr PLC01099 System Fr PLC01100 System Fr PLC01101 System Fr PLC

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01102 System Fr PLC01103 Riser 1 Riser Permissive On=Perm Fr PLC01104 Riser 1 Riser Lockout On=Perm Fr PLC01105 Riser 1 Checker Lockout On=Perm Fr PLC01106 Riser 1 Riser Armed On=Armed Fr PLC01107 Riser 1 Meter Active On=Active Fr PLC01108 Riser 1 Hold/Release On=Hold Fr PLC01109 Riser 1 Spare Fr PLC01110 Riser 1 Spare Fr PLC01111 Riser 2 Riser Permissive On=Perm Fr PLC01112 Riser 2 Riser Lockout On=Perm Fr PLC01113 Riser 2 Checker Lockout On=Perm Fr PLC01114 Riser 2 Riser Armed On=Armed Fr PLC01115 Riser 2 Meter Active On=Active Fr PLC01116 Riser 2 Hold/Release On=Hold Fr PLC01117 Riser 2 Spare Fr PLC01118 Riser 2 Spare Fr PLC01119 Riser 3 Riser Permissive On=Perm Fr PLC01120 Riser 3 Riser Lockout On=Perm Fr PLC01121 Riser 3 Checker Lockout On=Perm Fr PLC01122 Riser 3 Riser Armed On=Armed Fr PLC01123 Riser 3 Meter Active On=Active Fr PLC01124 Riser 3 Hold/Release On=Hold Fr PLC01125 Riser 3 Spare Fr PLC01126 Riser 3 Spare Fr PLC01127 Riser 4 Riser Permissive On=Perm Fr PLC01128 Riser 4 Riser Lockout On=Perm Fr PLC01129 Riser 4 Checker Lockout On=Perm Fr PLC01130 Riser 4 Riser Armed On=Armed Fr PLC01131 Riser 4 Meter Active On=Active Fr PLC01132 Riser 4 Hold/Release On=Hold Fr PLC01133 Riser 4 Spare Fr PLC01134 Riser 4 Spare Fr PLC01135 Riser 5 Riser Permissive On=Perm Fr PLC01136 Riser 5 Riser Lockout On=Perm Fr PLC01137 Riser 5 Checker Lockout On=Perm Fr PLC01138 Riser 5 Riser Armed On=Armed Fr PLC01139 Riser 5 Meter Active On=Active Fr PLC01140 Riser 5 Hold/Release On=Hold Fr PLC01141 Riser 5 Spare Fr PLC01142 Riser 5 Spare Fr PLC01143 Riser 6 Riser Permissive On=Perm Fr PLC01144 Riser 6 Riser Lockout On=Perm Fr PLC01145 Riser 6 Checker Lockout On=Perm Fr PLC01146 Riser 6 Riser Armed On=Armed Fr PLC01147 Riser 6 Meter Active On=Active Fr PLC01148 Riser 6 Hold/Release On=Hold Fr PLC01149 Riser 6 Spare Fr PLC01150 Riser 6 Spare Fr PLC01151 Riser 7 Riser Permissive On=Perm Fr PLC01152 Riser 7 Riser Lockout On=Perm Fr PLC

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01153 Riser 7 Checker Lockout On=Perm Fr PLC01154 Riser 7 Riser Armed On=Armed Fr PLC01155 Riser 7 Meter Active On=Active Fr PLC01156 Riser 7 Hold/Release On=Hold Fr PLC01157 Riser 7 Spare Fr PLC01158 Riser 7 Spare Fr PLC01159 Riser 8 Riser Permissive On=Perm Fr PLC01160 Riser 8 Riser Lockout On=Perm Fr PLC01161 Riser 8 Checker Lockout On=Perm Fr PLC01162 Riser 8 Riser Armed On=Armed Fr PLC01163 Riser 8 Meter Active On=Active Fr PLC01164 Riser 8 Hold/Release On=Hold Fr PLC01165 Riser 8 Spare Fr PLC01166 Riser 8 Spare Fr PLC01167 Riser 9 Riser Permissive On=Perm Fr PLC01168 Riser 9 Riser Lockout On=Perm Fr PLC01169 Riser 9 Checker Lockout On=Perm Fr PLC01170 Riser 9 Riser Armed On=Armed Fr PLC01171 Riser 9 Meter Active On=Active Fr PLC01172 Riser 9 Hold/Release On=Hold Fr PLC01173 Riser 9 Spare Fr PLC01174 Riser 9 Spare Fr PLC01175 Riser 10 Riser Permissive On=Perm Fr PLC01176 Riser 10 Riser Lockout On=Perm Fr PLC01177 Riser 10 Checker Lockout On=Perm Fr PLC01178 Riser 10 Riser Armed On=Armed Fr PLC01179 Riser 10 Meter Active On=Active Fr PLC01180 Riser 10 Hold/Release On=Hold Fr PLC01181 Riser 10 Spare Fr PLC01182 Riser 10 Spare Fr PLC

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Appendix C – Product Code, Site Name Definitions


Site Name DescriptionGDL Gordondale Truck UnloadingLAG La Glace Truck UnloadingFOX Fox Creek Truck UnloadingKWA Kakwa Truck UnloadingVVW Valley View Truck Unloading

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Appendix D – Scheduled Transfer Times between OPANS and TRUCK

Data is transferred from OPANS to each TRUCK computer

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Appendix E – Field Software Upgrade Procedures

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Appendix F – Contents of Alarm.txt for Each Station

Alarm # Laglace Gordondale Valleyview FoxCreek Kakwa1 Station ESD Lockout Station lockout Truck Unloading L/O Station Lockout2 Maintenance mode Riser in maint Evacuate site Gas detected Ecc communication fail3 Booster fail Pump lockout Hi sump H2s detected Power fail4 Control Rm lockout Control rm L/O . No ground T/u esd5 Hi sump Hi sump Hi tank Hi hi tank s/d T/u maintenance6 No Perm from Edmonton Edmonton L/O Riser h2s Hi Tank - No Perm Rier in Maintenance7 Flash tank Hi level Vap comp L/O Ecc lockout Hi bullet pressure T/u sump hi level8 H2s alarm Low flow Sampler bldg h2s Meter fail Boostr sump hi level9 Hi tank Hi tank warn Booster lockout Flash tk high

10 HiHi Tank Hi Tank Trip Vapor Comp Lockout Ecc Lockout11 NGL valve fail Hi h2s Ecc lockout Riser h2s12 Vap Ret Vlv fail Spare Bstr pump in maint Crude tk hi level trip13 No ground No ground Crude tk hi level warning14 Spare Lo inst gas pres15 Spare Spare16 Spare Used by others

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Appendix G – Contents of INIT.txt for Each Station

Description Laglace Gordondale Kakwa Valleyview FoxCreekTicket Series 100000001 200000001 300000001 400000001 500000001# of Risers 8 8 3 5 2PLC Coil Address 5601 5601 1001 301 4401PLC Reg Address 48651 48651 41251 41251 41811Checker Password 7122 7122 7122 7122 7122Meter Difference 999999 999999 999999 999999 999999System Password 13524 13524 13524 13524 13524Tickets to Print 2 2 2 2 2