/ * \ H~- \~*>tr*itL i GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE No. 30 SECRET/32/Add,8 7 October 1955 CONTRACTING PARTIES SCHEDULE XXIX - NICARAGUA Results of Negotiations under Article XXVIII 1. The results of the bilateral negotiations of Nicaragua completed by 30 September 1955 - the time-limit laid down in the Declaration on the Continued Application of Schedules - have been distributed to contracting parties or are attached hereto, as indicated: Distributed previously Nicaragua - France (SECRET/32/Add.l) " - Czechoslovakia " " - Norway " " - Benelux " . " - I t a l y » " - United Kingdom " 11 - Chile " " /Add.2) " /Add.3) »' / A d d . 4 ) " /Add.5) " /Add.6) " /Add.7) Attached Nicaragua 1! - Canada - United States 2. The Government of Nicaragua has completed its negotiations under Article XXVIII. The final report of the Nicaraguan Government will be distributed as soon as received.

~*>tr*itL i - docs.wto.org · .14 G.K. with ceiling of .16 G.K. .16 G.K./lO# .07 G.K. with ceiling of .08 G.K. Bituminous paints Other prepared paints Fabrics of pure artificial silk,

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Page 1: ~*>tr*itL i - docs.wto.org · .14 G.K. with ceiling of .16 G.K. .16 G.K./lO# .07 G.K. with ceiling of .08 G.K. Bituminous paints Other prepared paints Fabrics of pure artificial silk,

/ * \ H~-

\~*>tr*itL i


TARIFFS AND TRADE No. 30 SECRET/32/Add,8 7 October 1955



Results of Negotiations under Art ic le XXVIII

1. The r e su l t s of the b i l a t e r a l negotiations of Nicaragua completed by 30 September 1955 - the t ime-limit l a id down in the Declaration on the Continued Application of Schedules - have been d is t r ibuted to contracting par t i es or are attached hereto, as indicated:

D i s t r i b u t e d p r e v i o u s l y

Nicaragua - France (SECRET/32/Add.l) " - Czechoslovakia " " - Norway " " - Benelux "

. " - I t a l y » " - United Kingdom " 11 - Chi le "

" /Add.2) " /Add.3) »' /Add.4) " /Add.5) " /Add.6) " /Add.7)


Nicaragua 1!

- Canada - United

S t a t e s

2. The Government of Nicaragua has completed i t s negot iat ions under Art ic le XXVIII. The f ina l report of the Nicaraguan Government w i l l be d is t r ibuted as soon as received.

Page 2: ~*>tr*itL i - docs.wto.org · .14 G.K. with ceiling of .16 G.K. .16 G.K./lO# .07 G.K. with ceiling of .08 G.K. Bituminous paints Other prepared paints Fabrics of pure artificial silk,


Results of Negotiations under Article XXVIII for the Modification or Withdrawal of Concession in the

Schedule of Nicaragua initially negotiated with Canada



Tariff Item


Description of


Rates of duty bound in Existing Schedules

Rates of Duty to be bound Specific

+ ad valorem

The following Item:


290 Red, yellow or white 100 G.K, copper wire, galva- 11.69 nized, tinned or not

shall read;

682-02-04 Wire of copper or alloys of copper, coated or not (except insulated electrical wire)»

.12 + 10$

The following Item:

290 (a) Copper wire covered with paper, cotton, rubber or any other insulating material other than silk or wool

N.K. 0.18

shall read:

721-13-00-2 Insulated cables and wires for electricity coated with another material and enamelled by anodization

.18 + 10$

She following Item:

ex 363 (g) Inorganic salts: cal- 100 G.K. cium carbide 1.38


Page 3: ~*>tr*itL i - docs.wto.org · .14 G.K. with ceiling of .16 G.K. .16 G.K./lO# .07 G.K. with ceiling of .08 G.K. Bituminous paints Other prepared paints Fabrics of pure artificial silk,


shall read:

511-09-10 Calcium carbide .01 + 10$

The following Item:

ex 366 Chemical products 34.38% but and elementary bo- not less than dies, sodium cyanide 0.14 per N.K. ad valorem

shall read:

511-09-26-5 Sodium Cyanide in any .14 + 10$ container

The following Item:

638 Newsprint 100 G.K. 0.25

shall read:

641-01-00 Newsprint paper Free + 10$

The following Items:

899 Sewing machines, 2.75 (*) fitted with pedals for pedal action .. each

(*) This duty can be increased to a maximum of 3.75

9C0 Cabinet sewing machines ..».. each 4.13 (*) (*) This duty can be increased to a maximum of 5.13

shall read:

716-11-01 Sewing machines Free + 10$

The following Item:

969 Malt of any kind 100 N.K. 4.13


Page 4: ~*>tr*itL i - docs.wto.org · .14 G.K. with ceiling of .16 G.K. .16 G.K./lO# .07 G.K. with ceiling of .08 G.K. Bituminous paints Other prepared paints Fabrics of pure artificial silk,


shall read: .os"

048-02-00 Malt of any kind &r*r + 10$

General Observations

The duties included in the present Schedules are expressed in U.S. dollars.


Page 5: ~*>tr*itL i - docs.wto.org · .14 G.K. with ceiling of .16 G.K. .16 G.K./lO# .07 G.K. with ceiling of .08 G.K. Bituminous paints Other prepared paints Fabrics of pure artificial silk,

Results of Negotiations under Article XXVIII for the Modification or Withdrawal of Concessions in the Schedule of Nicaragua "initially negotiates

with the United States of America

Changes in Schedule XXIX - Nicaragua

Part I - Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff

A. Concessions to be withdrawn

Tariff Item Number Description of Products

Present Rates of Duty bound in

Existing Schedules

613 B(c)

621 B(b)

Ex '906


939 (a)

939 (b)

Fabrics of nylon and any other sjmthetic fibres, puro or with ^ees than 20% of cotton threads; weighing more than 50 grams per square metre

Stockings and socks of nylon or other synthetic fibres, knit, with or without handwork

Projectors for motion picture films and motion picture sound reproducing equip­ment, and pares for the same; projec­tors for still films or pictures, and parts for the same Automobiles whoso principal is no greater than $1400 and parts for all kinds of automobiles, n.o,p„

Automobiles whose principal value is groater than $1400 but not greater than $2200

Automotive trucks fo:- the transport of •goods

2.81 N.K. or 56.25% *

5.16 N.K. or 56.25% *


Free with a ceiling of 14% *

Free with a ceiling of 25% *

Free with a ceiling of 10% *

* These concessions are granted u n t i l D^camber 31- 1950, inc lus ive . .

Page 6: ~*>tr*itL i - docs.wto.org · .14 G.K. with ceiling of .16 G.K. .16 G.K./lO# .07 G.K. with ceiling of .08 G.K. Bituminous paints Other prepared paints Fabrics of pure artificial silk,

- 2

Schedule XXIX - Nicaragua (cont'd)

B. Concessions to be modified

Tariff Item'Number . Old Number New Number

Description of Products Present Rates bound in Existing Schedules

Rates of Duty to be bound

103 Tumblers, cups, goblets, jugs, carafes, tableware, articles for bar service and for house­hold service in general, of glass 9.63 per

100 G.K.


366 (a)


Ex 665-02- Articles for the house and 00-1 other articles for domes­

tic use, for hotels and . restaurants, of pressed-ox blown glass not worked


699-29-20-3 liars echoes

Blended flavouring prepa­rations in fluid or dry-form without sweetening,:

with or without added colouring, to serve as a base for non-alcoholic beverage

Ex 551-02-00 Same nomenclature

Proprietary and patent medicines, r.::;.::t;cT or compounds :

(a) Vithout alcohol or containing not over 14$ of alcohol

(b) Containing mo?., b an 145o of alcohol: and

.10 G.K./lOfo

2.58 per 100 G.K.

.03 G.K./10#

.40 G.K./20£

essences oi .: auors

55f3 but not less than «,41 per N.K.

32,50$ but not less than ,83 per N.K.

Page 7: ~*>tr*itL i - docs.wto.org · .14 G.K. with ceiling of .16 G.K. .16 G.K./lO# .07 G.K. with ceiling of .08 G.K. Bituminous paints Other prepared paints Fabrics of pure artificial silk,

~ 3 -

.Schedule. XXIX Nicaragua, (cont'd)

: Tariff Item Number Old Number New Number Description .of Products

Present Rates bound in Existing Schodules

Rates of Duty to be bound




Ex 368




368 (b)


Médicaments prepared for parenteral use (injection-able) n,o.p. without the characteristics of. a speciality-Medicaments prepared for internal use, orally, n.o.p. without the charac­teristics of a speciality

Medicaments prepared for external use, r.,o,p. without the characteristics of a speciality (including speciality plasters and cataplasma)

Pharmaceutical products, medicinal preparations, plasters and poultices, n.o.p. 41.25%

Medicaments prepared for parenteral use (injectable), with the characteristics of a speciality

Medicaments prepared for internal use, orally, n.o.p., with the characteristics of a speciality

Medicaments prepared for external use, n.o.p,, with the characteristics of a speciality

Empty capsules

Empty capsules and wafers for containing medicine


Free / 20%

Free / 20%

Free /• 20%

Free / 25%

Free / 25%

Free / 25%

Free •/• 25%

Page 8: ~*>tr*itL i - docs.wto.org · .14 G.K. with ceiling of .16 G.K. .16 G.K./lO# .07 G.K. with ceiling of .08 G.K. Bituminous paints Other prepared paints Fabrics of pure artificial silk,

_ 4 -

Schedule XXIX - Nicaragua (cont'd)

Tariff, Item. Number Old,Number New Number Description of Products

Present Rates bound in Existing Schedules

Rates of Duty to be bound



392 (d)



613 A(c)



Varnishes, driers, and shellacs, prepared, of all kinds including stains for woodwork and other applica­tions, and enamel paint

Enamels, lacquers and varnishes,' prepared

All ready-mixed paints, pure or not, of whatever base not elsewhere specified

.14 G.K. with ceiling of .16 G.K.

.16 G.K./lO#

.07 G.K. with ceiling of .08 G.K.

Bituminous paints

Other prepared paints

Fabrics of pure artificial

silk, or of artificial silk with less than 20$ of cotton threads (with the exception of plush, velvet, corduroy or triple-looped cloth): which weigh more than 50 2.81 N.K. or grams per square metre 56.25$

Cloth, n.o.p. of rayon without mixture of other textile fibres: weighing more than 50 grams and not over 100 grams per square metre

.04 G.K./10$

.08 G.K./lO#

i n "W".an

grams poi- square metre end no* over 200 graui3 per square metre

3.00 G.K./l($ with ceiling of 4.00 G.K. /10#

2.50 G.K./1Q# with ceiling of 4.00 G.K. /10$

Page 9: ~*>tr*itL i - docs.wto.org · .14 G.K. with ceiling of .16 G.K. .16 G.K./lO# .07 G.K. with ceiling of .08 G.K. Bituminous paints Other prepared paints Fabrics of pure artificial silk,

-. 5 -

Schedule XKIX - Nicaragua (cont'd)

Tariff Item Number Old Number New Number Description of Products

Present Rates Rates of bound in Duty to Existing be bound Schedules


Sx 653-05-03-3

621 A(b)


Ex 890




896 (a)

Same, weighing mere than 200 grams per square metre

Cloth of rayon, n.o„pc, with more than 10$ and less than 50$ by weight of cotton

Stockings and socks of knit artificial silk with or with­out handwork

2.50 G.K./l0$ with ceiling of 4.00 G.K. /I0$

2.50 G.K./10$ with ceiling of 4.00 G.*.. /10$

5.16 N.Kj,,,or 56.25$

Stockings and socks of rayon (artificial silk) pure or mixed

Road-making machinery of all kinds, and parts and accessories for the'same

5.15 G.K./10$


Machinery, fixed or mova­ble for excavating, levelling, perforating, and moving earth (mechanical shovels, bulldozers, etc .)

Mechanically propelled rollers for roads

Other machinery, n.o.p., for the' construction of roads and for mining

Dynamos, generators, genera­ting sets, alternators, motors, and similar machinery, n.o.p., and separate parts for any ' ree with a of the foregoing ceiling of


Free / 10$

Free / 10$

Free / 10$

Page 10: ~*>tr*itL i - docs.wto.org · .14 G.K. with ceiling of .16 G.K. .16 G.K./lO# .07 G.K. with ceiling of .08 G.K. Bituminous paints Other prepared paints Fabrics of pure artificial silk,

Schedule XXIX - Nicaragua (cont'd)

Tariff Item Number Old-Number New Number Description of Products

Present Rates Rates of bound in Duty to Existing be bound Schedules

Free /

Free / 10$

Free / 10$

Ex 896 (a-1).

721-01-01 Generators or dynamos, with or without their own motor, except those for internal com­bustion or explosion motors

721-01-02 Electric motors

721-01-03 Alternators, rectifiers, con­verters and other similar appa­ratus for modifying electric current (including apparatus for charging batteries except those specially for radios, telegraphy and telephony and electric transformers

Dry and wet batteries, inclu­ding storage, wet cell, dry cell, radio, flashlight, and all other batteries and parts 13.75%

Batteries and electric batte­ries, primary, dry and wet

Electric storage batteries (except primary batteries) stationary or for vehicles

Plates and boxes for storage batteries

Transformers; sockets, outlets 13,75% with and parts: and electric light a ceiling of bulbs : 15,25%

721-01-04 Electric transformers except those specially for radio, telephony and telegraphy




.10 G.K./lO%

.15 G.K./l0%

.15 G.K,/10%

896 (a-2)

721-03-01 Bulbs for electric lighting

721-19-03 Insulators for electric installations of any kind

.25 G.K./10% with a ceilii] of Free /25% .1-5 G.K./10% with a ceilin of Free 25%

.08 G.K./10% with a ceilir of Free /25%

Page 11: ~*>tr*itL i - docs.wto.org · .14 G.K. with ceiling of .16 G.K. .16 G.K./lO# .07 G.K. with ceiling of .08 G.K. Bituminous paints Other prepared paints Fabrics of pure artificial silk,

_ 7 -

Schedule XXIX - Nicaragua (cont'd)

:.,"Tariff'Item Number Old Number j New Number Description of Products

Present Rates Rates of bound in ,. Duty to Existing be bound Schedules


Ex 896 (b)(1)



Ex 896 (b)(2)


Ex 896 (b)(3)



Ex 904



Sockets, plugs, interrup­ters or switches, fuses, connection boxes and other electric accessories, etc»

Electrical and elctro-tech-nical apparatus: X-ray equipments 15$

Roentgen equipment (x-ray)

X-ray film

Transmitting and receiving

tubes for radio 20.625$ '

Tubes for radio, for trans­mitting equipment and recei­vers

Small radio receiving sets, known as table radios, not combined with phonographs or television, and not having more than 6 tubes and parts for the same 25$

Same nomenclature

Condensers, filters and other accessories and parts n,o,p. for apparatus mentioned in sub-item 721-04-01 (except cabinets •which are classified accor­ding tc th-3 rratevial)

Typewriters anc. pr.rtf 13.75$

Typewriters and their parts

Adding m^cb'nes, ccmptgr^phs and other computing apparatus, and separate parts and accès- 20,625$ sories for the same, including ribbons, not elsewhere specified

.15 G.K./l0$ with a ceiling of Free / 25$

Free / 10$

Free / 10$

2.00 G.K./10$

2.30 G.K./20$

2.30 G.K./10$

1.00 G.K.A5$

Page 12: ~*>tr*itL i - docs.wto.org · .14 G.K. with ceiling of .16 G.K. .16 G.K./lO# .07 G.K. with ceiling of .08 G.K. Bituminous paints Other prepared paints Fabrics of pure artificial silk,

- 3 -

Schedule 22CDC - Nicaragua (cont'd)

Tariff Item, Number Old Number New Number Description of Products

Present Rates Rates of bound in Duty to Existing be bound Schedules

714-02-02 Machines for accounting or statistics, and type­writers provided with a mechanical calculator, electric or not, their parts and accessories 1.00 G.K./20%

714-02-03 Calculating or adding machines, electric or not 1.00 G.K./20fo


906 (a)

906 (b)

906 (c)

Ribbons for typewriters and srnilar, 'with or without reals

Ordinary motion picture film,-silent, even if imported only temporarily, up to 1009

1.00 G.K.-/l5fo

foet in length

Ordinary motion picture film, silent, more than 1000 feet in length

Ordinary motion picture film, speaking or sound

a7375 per reel

„6875 per 1000 feet or fraction thereof plus .05 per reel wfth a ceiling of 1.00 plus surtax of .10 per reel

.6875 per 1000 foet or fraction thereof plus ,05 per reel with a ceiling of 1„375 per 1000 feet or fraction thereof including the surtax

863-01-00-2 Motion picture films (other than oduevbionai and s ian+.-;f:*o) '.... developed or :iocc, silent or sound


,40 G,K,/lC$

Page 13: ~*>tr*itL i - docs.wto.org · .14 G.K. with ceiling of .16 G.K. .16 G.K./lO# .07 G.K. with ceiling of .08 G.K. Bituminous paints Other prepared paints Fabrics of pure artificial silk,

~ 9 -

Schedule XXIX - Nicaragua (cont'd)

Tariff Item Number Old dumber New Number Description of Products

Present Rates Rates of bound in Duty to Existing be bound

... Schedules

Ex 928 (a)

Ex 940


iix 981







Unexposed, sensitized photographic film of any kind

Sensitized film for photography (except those for motion pic­tures)

Airplanes and other flying machines for public service

Airplanes and heli­copters for public service

Sprré parts n.o.p. for heavier than air aircraft

Wheat flour

Wheat flour

Oat cereals prepared. as foodstuffs

Oats, toasted or cooked including rolled oats, oatmeal, etc.

Oatmeal, rolled oats, etc., not cooked

.69 N.K. with ceiling of .85 N.K.


2.8875 p e r 100 N.K.

.12 N.K.

.85 G.K./l0%

Free / 10$

Free / 10$

. 0 3 G.K./l0°/b

.12 G.K. /10#

.10 G-.K./105& with a coiling of .12 G.K./105&

Page 14: ~*>tr*itL i - docs.wto.org · .14 G.K. with ceiling of .16 G.K. .16 G.K./lO# .07 G.K. with ceiling of .08 G.K. Bituminous paints Other prepared paints Fabrics of pure artificial silk,

- 10

Schedule XXIX - Nicaragua (cont'd)

• Tariff ;Item Number Old Number- New Number Description of Products

Present Rates Rates of bound in Duty to Existing bo bound Schedules

Ex 1073 Condensed milk or cream ,17 N.K, Evaporated silk or cream .13 N.K, Dried whole milk or cream .17 N.K» Dried skimmed milk or cream .17 N.K,

Ex 022-01 Milk and cream, evaporated or condensed in liquid or semi-solid form:

Ex 022-01-01-1 Milk and cream, evaporated

Ex 022-01-01-2 Mill: snd cream, condensed

E* 022-02

Ex 022-02-01

1083 (c)


Milk and cream, dehydrated or dried, in solid form, such as blocks and powder:

Milk and croam

.13 G.K./l0% with a coiling of .20 G.K./lO'

.17 G.K./i0% with a coiling of .20 G.K./10'

.17 G.K,A0% with a coiling of .20 G.K./10

Fountain pens of plastic " ' materials or of vulcanized paste combined or not with soft rubber or another mate­rial, with pen or nib of gold or without any, and "' with ornaments or parts of mother-of-pearl, gold. silver or other fine metal 10,50 per doz.

Same wording With addition of "including1 ball-point pons': after ,:fotmtain pers"

4.00 G.K./20/c with a ceiling of A.00 G,K. /35°/o

Page 15: ~*>tr*itL i - docs.wto.org · .14 G.K. with ceiling of .16 G.K. .16 G.K./lO# .07 G.K. with ceiling of .08 G.K. Bituminous paints Other prepared paints Fabrics of pure artificial silk,

- 11 ~

Schedule XXIX - Nicaragua (cont'd)

Tariff Item Number Old Number New Number Description of Products

Present Rates Rates of bound in Duty to Existing be bound Schedules

1083 (d)


Ex 1120







Fountain pens of plastic materials or of vulcanized paste combined or not with soft rubber or another material, with pen or nib of. gold j and without orna­ments of any.kind

Same wording with addition of "including ball-point pens" after ;Tfountain pons "

Fiachinery used exclusively for agriculture, and parts and accessories' for the same, such as tractors, plowsr plowshares, harrows, seeders, cultivators, threshers, machines for irrigating, harvesters, machetes, axes, and other similar machinery Free




Sowing machines

Other machines and mecha­nical utensils for preparing and cultivating the soil, n.o,p.

Machines and mechanical uten­sils for harvesting agricul­tural products (mowing machi­nes, reapers, grain separa­tors and others, including prosses for baling hay, fodder, textile fibres, etc.)

5.25 per doz.

1.50 G.K./20%

Free / 10$

Free / 10$

Free / 10%

Free / 10%

Free / 10%

Free { 10%

Page 16: ~*>tr*itL i - docs.wto.org · .14 G.K. with ceiling of .16 G.K. .16 G.K./lO# .07 G.K. with ceiling of .08 G.K. Bituminous paints Other prepared paints Fabrics of pure artificial silk,

- 12

Schedule XXIX - Nicaragua (cont'd)

Tariff Item Number Old Number New Number Description of Products

Present Rates Rates of bound in Duty to Existing be bound

'" Schedules

712-02-02 Threshers and shellers (including cotton gins, machin .s for processing coffee, rice, etc., machines for extracting henequen and other textile fibres} etc,)

713-01-00 Tractors, agricultural

699-12-01 Hoes, shovels, picks, pitch­forks, rakes, scythes, axes, machetes and other hand tools used in agriculture, horti­culture or silviculture with or without handles

712-02-03 ' Agricultural machines for sort­ing or classifying grains, fruits, eggs, and other agricultural products

712-03-01 Milking machines

712-09-03 Other machines and mechanical utensils, n,o.p. for agricul­ture (cutt3rs and choppers for fodder, oane, etc, hand mills for crushing grain, fruits, etc, for agricultu-' ral use, etc.)

Free / 10$

Free / 10$

Free / 10%

Free / 10%

Free / 10%

Free / 10%

Page 17: ~*>tr*itL i - docs.wto.org · .14 G.K. with ceiling of .16 G.K. .16 G.K./lO# .07 G.K. with ceiling of .08 G.K. Bituminous paints Other prepared paints Fabrics of pure artificial silk,

- 13 -

Schedule 3GCIX - Nicaragua (cont'd)

C. Concessions on items not in existing schedules

Tariff Item Number Description of Products

Rates of Duty Rates of Duty at present to be bound in force

Ex 732-01-01

Ex 732-03-02

Automotive vehicles (jeeps and similar)

Trucks, pick-up trucks and panel trucks, tank trucks, and refrigerator trucks

,07 G.K./10% .04 G.K./10#

Free / 10$

Free / 10% with ceiling •of Free / 12#

As listed in the general tariff effective July 1, 1955