A Return to The Path of Providence by Connie Lightcap, JC Supply & Manufacturing Published by National Transportation Research Board Workforce Summit Washington DC, April 2012 Copyright TX 7-584-449 TRISOP:

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A Return to The Path of Providenceby Connie Lightcap, JC Supply & Manufacturing

Published by National Transportation Research Board Workforce Summit Washington DC, April 2012

Copyright TX 7-584-449


ABSTRACTS A eturn to the ath of rovidence

Heeding rovidence, inspired by a D A , and rooted in old time American values.

his new business enterprise draws on individualism, exceptionalism, and sacrifices forsa ing unjust enrichment, has led to a restoration of hope and a re indling of the American Dream.

C Supply anufacturing birthed by opportunity, tempered in adversity, sustained by passion and committed to ingenuity for the common good.

ith its essence of, espect, ntegrity, Synergy, and nthusiasm, we will S , optimi ing the benefits of capitalism, balanced by the scales of social

justice, which has led to a restoration of trust.

t has experienced miraculous growth and prosperity in spite of a shat-tered economy created by distribution of unmerited favor. nderstanding adversity is the doorway to the opportunity and returning to the values this country was built upon, with its innate ability to once again transform our communities and ultimately our nation.

he astounding success of the S business model demonstrates that with a renewed endeavor focusing on contributions by the individual, team, or community as the defining mission, nowing our ensuing prosperity is implicit.

he Disadvantage Business nterprise program continues to create the op-portunity to implement the S project which is then funded by the reinvestments of profits to its goals and ideals.

Here is what now to be true at the end of myself searched and heeding providence found direction. found leading at all levels

from inside the church, from some who question the church, from nature and from dreams and from that mysterious source that never sleeps, which creates my dreams, and often ma es me act in ways do not comprehend.

was led to ta e the name, C for our company, and the name in itself is all about individual choice, our life is all about our choices and the individual connections we ma e that share the load.

Being led by providence our wal started with a D A reali ed through opportunities encompassed in the Disadvantaged Business nterprise pro-gram. As we traveled down the road our D A grew. oday we Dream of a new unlimited business enterprise By the eople and or the eople, termed S .

e lived he S business model from through we experi-enced triple digit growth in sales, jobs creation and prosperity. e created new technologies and found ourselves ta ing the lead in production efficien-cies as well as raising the bar on all levels of quality and performance.

find no coincidence that our journey resulted in becoming a manufac-turer of a product called load transfer. oad transfer in itself connects all the pieces together to wor in unison to carry the strains and stresses that come against them. s there any simpler name for what C stands to do in our lives if we so choose ur company literally builds the component that holds our country s concrete infrastructure together, or in other words our foundation. s it possibly time for us to once again, as our fore fathers did long ago, choose as a nation the foundational values this country is to be built or rebuilt upon

he stories that shaped C are undeniable and phenomena possibly some may only accept explainable as something along the lines of the critical mass rule and or collective action.

he one thing thin we can all agree upon is that we as a country will have to thin outside of the box of anything we have ever nown business to be in order to restore good paying jobs and restore a healthy economy, and it is going to ta e the commitment to the greater good, hard wor and brilliance of many to achieve.

ur road was not easy and was fraught with struggle, without the support of financial institutions and fighting bureaucracy at every juncture. ut of necessity we eliminated entitlements and restored equality while re indling trust. e found hope in reali ing we only had the answer as a team wor -ing together pulling in the same direction. e found through our journey rewarding justly and eliminating entitlements created pride and a sense of purpose. e had to scratch and claw and fight to survive. t is definitely not a journey for the faint of heart and in comparison in a small way remi-niscent of our early days fighting for survival to become a free nation. t was only by way of a divine inspiration and leadership that we were able to overcome.

believe we have in part an answer, and although in its infancy, am con-fident the visionaries of our great country will provide the brilliance needed to perfect.

truly believe there is A ight Before s he oad to ollow. And the one thing now for sure is HA A D A


Having wor ed over two decades in the manufacturing sector, mar et consolidation resulted in a merger of the two industry leaders. Hav-

ing wor ed for both these companies and at the core of this combined busi-ness discovered that my nowledge and expertise was perceived as a threat to some and resulted in being ostraci ed as part of the team.

found myself thrust into a company environment that could not in good conscience believe in nor support.

Searching for direction through the frustration of these events started to dream and began exploring all my options including the idea of starting my own business.

n a riday night at the close of the wee by pursing the first foray of op-portunity and sharing in the excitement of the meeting set for the following wee , my husband interjected if an opportunity presents itself have the perfect name for the company, C .

y husband s name happens to be erry and my immediate thought and re-ply was ell how about C Supply y obvious thought being his intent of C was to imply erry Connie.

His response well C could stand for erry Connie or esus Christ , my quic reply was you win As new in my heart what my choice was. Several years earlier had come to the end of myself and learned through the process to understand the power of prayer, discern truth and recogni e providence leading.

wo days later at church, the astor began with a baby dedication the first words out of his mouth was C, now how can anyone loo at those initials and not thin of esus Christ ,

hat statement sure caught my attention and jotted C at slant in the upper left hand corner and continued ta ing notes throughout the service, as was usual.

A at home was excited to share my experience with my husband who was not in attendance as is normal. was inspired that possibly somehow an opportunity to start my own company would present itself.

t would be seven months later when the actual opportunity to step out in faith would present itself. or ing through the merging of two companies being the only one nowledgeable in the duplicity of product lines, my role was crucial, yet the frustration mounted.

ecogni ing my frustration my husband suggested ta e a day off to spend see ing guidance and shared he had prayed that would find the ord through this and now without a doubt was on H S proper path. o simpler prayer could have been lifted up and in my behalf and in itself was a miracle to me as my husband had never before shared his faith in such a manner. A persistent thought had led me to schedule a meeting just pre-ceding my arranged day off. And to my astonishment the associate had a preeminent nowing of why was calling and the meeting started off with his commitment to help me in anyway with office support and availability to his product line. ith no promise of a paychec and at ris of my career grasped at the opportunity.

he following day was the day arranged to see guidance, my place to re-flect the beach. hile getting ready to head out had spotted my favorite Bible under a stac of boo s in the closet that had been misplaced for many months, grabbed it and headed out.

pon reaching my destination said a quic prayer for H S leading and then opened my Bible miraculously to find the notes ta en seven months

earlier staring me in the face with the initials C jotted in the corner. At that moment new this step of faith was to be my path, and upon further investigation noticed the title of the sermon that day aith hat rows

p , wow, can the ord spea any clearer thought

As turned to the first reference of scripture in the notes three pictures hap-pened to fall from my Bible pic ed them up and noticed they were dated in the lower left hand corner and the date was exactly one year to the day as am sitting there on the beach see ing direction. ne year prior through another miracle, had been given the opportunity to go to srael and the pictures were of me being bapti ed in the ordan iver, one standing, one submerged and one after rising from the baptism. o me the pictures signi-fied a new life and a new road to travel, at this point there was no doubt in my mind of what needed to do.

hat same afternoon turned in my resignation, was excited as to my fu-ture, nowing without a doubt an answer to prayer and a guiding for a soul searching had been reali ed, and a new level of faith to be tested.

his was to be one of the many epiphanies that would shape our path and continue to build our faith in a miraculous journey that no one could ever begin to dream of. he incidences of miracles continued to bless our path. he volumes of happenings line the pages of my journals waiting their time

to be told.


ay th, , ational Day of rayer our official journey began standing on the steps of the local City Hall in prayer for my com-

munity, my leaders, and my country. At the close of the ceremonies headed to the local ban to open a business chec ing account C Supply. t was official, a new business started, birthed of the Disadvantage Business nterprise, a result of providences leading and a total commitment of faith

to the journey began.

nitially C s primary business platforms were distribution of paving ma-terials rebar splicing and building products for the precast segment of the concrete construction mar ets.

Due to business enterprise programs specifically DB SB DB B coupled with the mandate of products of domestic origin contract require-ment for infrastructure projects we were able to prosper in the transporta-tion sector.

n C received a major contract to supply load transfer dowels and assemblies for the A Airbus axiway. Due to contact provisions C was as ed for greater participation in order to fulfill the disadvantage business goals.

eali ing the opportunity C proposed their participation in the manu-facturing process in a joint venture and in agreement with their supplier a major manufacturer.

Six wee s prior to job start we were faced with supplying this high profile project on our own. n the crisis of the moment we did not cave into the deliberate efforts to eep us from being of more value to the job.

ith a financial wor ing line advance from the contract we began to build

equipment and secure raw materials which exceeded million pounds of steel. he project was completed on time and within budget. Although not in our plans we were now a competitor to our supplier in the airport seg-ment of the concrete paving mar et.

ith potentially of our mar et being in the highway sector we reali ed our future depended upon being self-sufficient in all segments of manufac-turing which required major financial investment and a major move to a facility able to support our manufacturing growth.

oday on . acres with , square feet of manufacturing under roof, our commitment to excellence drives everyone at C Supply anufactur-ing to deliver our best performance daily. ur manufacturing process is designed for ultimate quality and flexibility we continue to raise the bar as a certified epoxy coater by developing new processes such as micro encapsula-tion which has dramatically improved performance of load transfer devises.

e are driven by our dream vision for the consideration of a new unlim-ited business enterprise B H A D H as we literally participate in the building of the very foundation of this great country.

e believe there is a H B S and H AD -. Have A Dream...


nspired by a D A and an undeniable leading of something much big-ger than was even able to comprehend let alone understand yet validat-

ed only by the truth of nowing He uses the simple to confound the wise.

he vision of this dream company began to develop in , when disparity studies were underway to determine the effectiveness of the Disadvantage Business nterprise rogram. eali ing that these programs were created so all have an opportunity to prosper, my dream began to enlarge. found in some cases the DB rogram was a mandate that many learned how to manage the system and its participants, and limited growth of jobs were reali ed. believed at the heart of the DB program is the desire to spread economic opportunity for A , and that is where a new dream began a company By the eople and for the eople, a new business enterprise was born a S .

he basic formula to the S business enterprise is of profits to employees as equal as they choose to show up of profits to D, pavement design, technology and industry

promotion of profits to the shareholders of profits to the less fortunate







Product Design & ndustry Promotion





he S name was derived from S , the adopted due to its three equal components, with the major exception in structure being the pay out of profits and taxation being now not upon retirement encouraging utili ation now which is greatly needed to remedy our ailing economy.

he balanced reinvestment of profits in research and development, pave-ment design, new technology, and industry promotion are an effort to turn the tide on the business models that have been created through the last two decades where cash is ing and the focus on bottom line today without a long term commitment to investment. Additionally envisioning our custom-ers would come along side and help us to build jobs of mutual concern insuring we are always on the leading edge of changes to our mar etplace maintaining job security, and all while meeting their contract goals for Dis-advantage Business nterprises.

believe the proven successful S business model should be consid-ered as a tax free entity as is an S , encouraging investors to create the jobs that will have immediate impact on our economy, encourage long-term investment and promote equality on all levels from shareholder, to employ-ees to reinvestment in our country, a true win, win, win business model. Additionally the business model must commit to American goods and ser-vices without exception.

his business enterprise system provided us and our employees with the opportunity to live the dream. he initial dream impacted our wal , and then the dream grew and a new dream was born, and who can say just what impact a dream can have on our reality to ma e a difference


e lived he S business model from through we experienced triple digit growth in sales, jobs creation and profits.

e created new technologies and found ourselves ta ing the lead in pro-duction efficiencies as well as raising the bar on all levels of quality and performance.

proved challenging when ban s pulled their support, and as a means of survival we were forced to go bac to basics, eliminating all entitlements such as sic leave, vacation pay and holiday pay were all ta en of the table. Show up, wor hard, and by the grace of od somehow we made it through.

As we grew healthy we recogni ed people no longer missed wor due to sic ness, and then reali ed with abounding profits people would be able to provide for their own sic leave and vacation pay through their portion of earned profits. Show up wor hard and get paid, a novel idea. limination of entitlements through the S business model resulted in a balance








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Workers Employed

of the ris and reward for both employees and employer.

ur end goal is acceptance and creation of a new unlimited tax free busi-ness enterprise that yields the perfect blend of capitalism and social justice recogni ing equality in our individual strengths and the value associated to the team a fulfillment of H D A of economic opportunity for A

he only measure is the strength of character and showing up big with your abilities, whether you are blessed to be the best darn anitor or the resident, validating honor in all.

n our country s proven capitalistic history it is well nown industry drives salary and to get the good talent on the team competitive salaries are re-quired, but at the end of the day it is the team that will drive bottom line and that bottom line should be shared equally with all its parts as long as all are willing to show up equally with their unbridled talents and abilities.

ithin this formula we have reali ed success beyond conceivable measure, with all parties pulling in the same direction with opportunity for equal reward and an unwavering commitment to community. he stories that shaped us are undeniable and the results spea for themselves.


etting monies into the hands of people that will spend will be the first stage impact to our recovery, the bottom up approach wor s. nject-

ing monies into our economy earned with a sense of purpose and pride, not unmerited. n reali ing, no matter how much education, some people tend to spend every penny they get, which is in a sense good for our economy.

e do however need to protect these individuals from predatory lending practices, in that their base earnings should be the only consideration for

credit worthiness and further education to promote individual responsibility.

he second stage of the S business model is to have a provision for retirement, to ta e a leadership role as a company in providing for their future and with the ultimate end goal of a S being an S , ta ing the journey full circle all while promoting education, investing in research and development, impacting our communities and social responsibilities. his is the map of the future.


e ve learned that getting outside of the box is where our ingenuity comes from. Against all odds the attitude that carried us through

the challenges, opportunities and adversity was somehow someway

he faith that carried us down the path as we continued to build in spite of the shattered economy and the growth opportunity that resulted is sig-nificant in the parity we can draw on for the much needed investment of our infrastructure.

Critical to our success was contract provisions that mandate materials uti-li ed on infrastructure projects supported by our tax dollars must be made in America. A mandate of the S business model must be an unwav-ering commitment to made in America, as in the end the savings of today will only cost us down the road as we have witnessed, with loss of jobs, rising unemployment benefits, and deterioration of hope of achieving the American Dream.

ith a renewed commitment to the foundational values, elimination of un-merited entitlements and a continued investment in our roadways, highway,

shipyards, railways we will be prepared for the ensuing growth opportunity that will once again presents itself and we will have the infrastructure in place to move the goods and sei e the opportunities and restore America to its greatness. t is America s time to step out in faith and recommit to the ideals that shaped us as a nation and restore her to greatness.

reali e how unorthodox we appear by the worlds standards but also now if this vision were applied to the open mar ets A Americans would

buy in because it promotes business investment, promotes hard wor , shares the wealth across the board and will result in contractors coming along side of DB companies wor ing together to be a viable part of the economy.

am truly in awe of what this team has accomplished. he ord has blessed us with individuals of many colors, talents, peculiarities and demeanors that have come together under one banner.

truly believe our path has been blessed because of our continued com-mitment to the D A A company By the eople and or the eople.

here we show up with the best of the attributes we have been blessed with, and we share as equally as we show up in the results of the culmina-tion of our abilities.

one of us are perfect, yet each of us is striving to give our best leaving no one behind and moving forward together with a renewed commitment to our Core alues

espect ntegrity Synergy nthusiasm S e S to the opportunity together. he one thing now for sure is HA A D A

it s my mission.

he rest is up to A As Dr. artin uther ing r. said we have dif-ficult days ahead of us but get to the promise land.

n honor of all those that have gone before us, as myself Have iven y All nowing H gave H S all personally find these words haunting,

as reflect on a given minute, hour, day, wee or month and sincerely as myself the question, reali e have more to give.

hope each of us ta es the time to sit quietly and as yourself the same question Have iven y All, not only to efforts at wor but at home with your children, spouses, family, friends, community and to this great country.

he Challenge Continues here is a ight Before s the oad o ollow

t is our time to lead

"Connie's success as a business owner came by putting her employees and the community first. Her innovative business model has proven quite effective and serves as an example to others in her industry."

- Adalberto Quijada, SBA District Director

JC Supply & Manufacturing 1612 S Cucamonga Avenue, Ontario, CA 91761

(909) [email protected]