Last updated: 17/03/2011 NHMRC TRANSLATING RESEARCH INTO PRACTICE (TRIP) FELLOWSHIP Advice and Instructions to Applicants For Funding in 2012 Applications Open: 1 February 2011 New closing date: 15 April 2011, 5:00pm AEDST (Closing date changed on 3 March – old closing date: 24 March 2011) Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted Applicants should read all instructions and other accompanying documentation, and consult with their own Research Administration Office or technical team before contacting the NHMRC Research Help Centre. The RHC can help with specific information regarding funding schemes, policies, filling out application forms, and feedback or suggestions, difficulties with logging into and using RGMS Research Help Centre Ph: 1800 500 983 Email: [email protected]

TRIP Fellowships Advice and Instructions to Applicants … · NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants For Funding Commencing in 2012 7 Other Research Funding

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Last updated: 17/03/2011



Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding in 2012

Applications Open: 1 February 2011

New closing date: 15 April 2011, 5:00pm AEDST (Closing date changed on 3 March – old closing date : 24 March 2011)

Late or incomplete applications will not be accepte d

Applicants should read all instructions and other accompanying documentation, and consult with their own Research Administration Office or technical team before contacting the NHMRC Research Help Centre. The RHC can help with

• specific information regarding funding schemes,

• policies, filling out application forms, and feedback or suggestions,

• difficulties with logging into and using RGMS

Research Help Centre Ph: 1800 500 983

Email: [email protected]

INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 5

Overview ............................................................................................................. 5

How to access RGMS ......................................................................................... 5

What does a TRIP application include? ........................................................... 6

Documents to be uploaded for a TRIP Fellowship Appl ication ..................... 7

Formatting of PDF Documents .......................................................................... 7

Naming Conventions for Documents to be submitted .................................... 8

RGMS Offline Forms .......................................................................................... 8

How can I view or print my application? .......................................................... 8

Referencing Publications .................................................................................. 9

Responsible Conduct of Research ................................................................... 9

Starting a New Application .............................................................................. 10

PART A – APPLICATION DETAILS ................................................................. 14

Part A: Application Information ...................................................................... 14

Part A – A-RT: Research Team and Commitment ......................................... 16

Proposed Workload ......................................................................................... 16

Part A – A-NF: Intended NHMRC Funding Requests ..................................... 17

Part A – A-OF: Intended Other Funding Requests ........................................ 17

Part A – A-A2: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islande r Research ................... 17

Part A – A-IAcc: Institution - Access .............................................................. 18

Part A – A-IAct: Institution – Actual ................................................................ 19

Part A – A-NHP: National Health Priorities ..................................................... 19

Part A – A-NRP: National Research Priorities ............................................... 19

Part A – A-RC: Research Classification ......................................................... 20

Part A – A-SEO: Socio-Economic Objectives ................................................ 21

Part A – A-BoD: Burden of Disease ................................................................ 21

Part A – A-CD: Community Details ................................................................. 21

Part A – A-EG: Ethics ....................................................................................... 22

PART B - APPLICATION DETAILS .................................................................. 23

Part B – B-AES: Application Executive Summary ........................................ 23

Part B – B-AITRIP: Application Information (TRIP) ....................................... 23

Part B – B-CtR: Intellectual Leadership .......................................................... 24

Part B – B-PR: Proposed Research ................................................................ 24

Part B – B-CWTRIP: Link between Clinical Work and R esearch .................. 25

Part B – B-PPRC: Publications, Papers, Reports and Contribution ............ 26

Part B – B-COL: Collaboration ........................................................................ 26

Part B – B-FPTRIP: Funding Partner (TRIP) ................................................... 27

Part B – B-NM: Nomination of Mentors .......................................................... 27

Part B – B-NPA: Nomination of Possible Assessors .................................... 28

Part B – B-NA: Non-Assessor Nomination ..................................................... 28

Part B – B-R: Referees ..................................................................................... 28

APPLICATION CERTIFICATION ...................................................................... 30

RAO CERTIFICATION ....................................................................................... 31

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS 5 Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


Overview The purpose of this document is to provide advice to applicants and Administering Institutions’ Research Offices for the completion and submission of applications for National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Translating Research Into Practice (TRIP) Fellowships. The NHMRC’s Research Grants Management System (RGMS) must be used to access/enter your CV and Profile, and submit funding applications to NHMRC. This document should be read in conjunction with the:

1. TRIP Fellowships Funding Policy for funding in 2012 (the ‘Funding Policy’), which provides information on the objectives and underlying principles of TRIP Fellowships. The Funding Policy can be found in the RGMS Library – Application Documentation in the TRIP Fellowship folder and is also located at:

http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/grants/apply/career/index.htm#c 2. RGMS Tutor, which is composed of training tutorials and can be accessed from the

NHMRC website at: http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/grants/rgms/index.htm#c: and in the RGMS Library within RGMS.

Applicants should read all instructions and other accompanying documentation, and consult with their own Research Administration Officers (RAOs) or technical teams before contacting the NHMRC Research Help Centre (RHC). However, if something remains unclear or a problem still persists, please contact the RHC via email at: [email protected] or by phone 1800 500 983 during business hours.

How to access RGMS All current NHMRC grant holders should use their existing login and password to access RGMS. The internet address for RGMS is: www.rgms.nhmrc.gov.au Applicants who are not yet registered on RGMS must register for an RGMS login. To obtain an account, applicants should go to the RGMS login page (http://www.rgms.nhmrc.gov.au) and click on the 'New User Request' link. If further assistance is required, please contact the Research Help Centre on 1800 500 983. To assist you in completing your RGMS application, the RGMS website provides information on the current status of RGMS as well as support documentation including ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ (FAQs) and a ‘How To’ information sheet. These documents are also available in the RGMS Library – Application Documentation in the All Sections folder.

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


What does a TRIP application include? A complete application consists of the following:

1. The relevant information in your RGMS CV/Profile

2. Completion of Parts A and B of the application form

3. Document uploads as listed below The Profile and CV will be used in the assessment of all TRIP Fellowship applications. It is essential that you keep your Profile up-to-date. NHMRC uses information from the Profile to contact you and to guide the assigning of grant applications for peer review. Applicants may enter their entire CV, however, for peer review, the minimum requirements are outlined below and also in the ‘Profile and CV Requirements for 2011 Schemes’ document, located in the RGMS Library, under Application Documentation and in the All Sections folder.

PROFILE/CV Requirements for TRIP Fellowships

Profile Section

�����Personal Details Required

�����Address Required

�Institution ���� Required

�����Fields of Research Required

�����Research Interests Required

CV Section Executive Summary Required

Qualifications, Awards and Prizes All

Employment History All

�Appointments All

�Career Disruption All

Professional Memberships All

Conference Participation Last 10 Years

Community Engagement Last 10 Years *

�Patents All

Translation into Policy/Practice Last 10 Years

Contribution to NHMRC Last 10 Years

Editorial Responsibilities Last 10 Years *

Supervision & Mentoring Not Required

�NHMRC Research Funding Last 10 Years

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


�Other Research Funding Last 10 Years

�Publications All �Workload Current Workload

Additional Information Optional

Track Record Not Required

* Please refer to page 8 - “How can I view or print my application?” for advice regarding the migration of information from the CV to the Assessor Snapshot Report for these sections.

Documents to be uploaded for a TRIP Fellowship Appl ication The following documents must be uploaded as part of a TRIP Fellowship application:

1. Publications Upload (uploaded to RGMS – CV) 2. Proposed Research pdf (uploaded to Part B: Proposed Research) 3. Employing Institution Statement of Support (uploaded to Part B – Application

Information (TRIP)) 4. Project Mentor Statement of Support (Uploaded to Part B – Nomination of

Mentors) 5. If applicable, the Funding Partner Supplementary Questions Form (uploaded to

Part B: Funding Partner (TRIP)). Applicants must upload a Supplementary Questions Form that addresses Funding Partner-specific questions. There must be a separate Funding Partner Supplementary Questions Form for each Funding Partner for which you wish to nominate.

Any scanned documents should be at low resolution.

Formatting of PDF Documents The following formatting requirements should be adhered to: Header: Applicant First Name, Middle Name, Surname and Application ID in at least 12 point, in top right hand corner. The type of attachment e.g. Proposed Research (no smaller than 12 point in top left-hand corner). The header is allowed outside the margin requirements but must be at least 1cm from the top of the page. Margins: All margins at least 2cm. Font: Must be Times New Roman and no smaller than 12 point. File Size: The PDF file MUST not exceed 2Mb in size. Applicants are advised to retain a copy of the PDF file they submit. Diagrams, Graphics and Images: Colour diagrams, graphics and images may be included. However, you should keep in mind that the electronic file may be printed and photocopied in black and white for distribution to the reviewing panel and there may be some loss of definition

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


and colour in the images. Scan all documents at low resolution to ensure that your PDF file meets the 2Mb size limit.

Labelling Graphs and Images: Labelling of axes of graphs and labelling of parts of images may be in a reduced font. However, the description and/or legends of all graphs and images must comply with the guidelines set out under this section. Tables: Tabulated information containing text is not considered to be an image or diagram and should therefore be in 12 point font. Line spacing: Must be set to single. Character spacing: Spacing must be set to normal. Scale must be set to 100%. You must NOT include links to additional information on any website in your application excluding references to published peer review journal articles that are only available online

Naming Conventions for Documents to be submitted All documents submitted are required to be named using the following convention: AppID#_Applicant’s Surname_Document Type/Name For example, your Proposed Research document should be named: APP123456_Smith_Proposed Research

RGMS Offline Forms Word templates (RGMS Offline Forms) for the application have been provided for your convenience. You can use these templates to fill out your application off line and then ‘copy’ and ‘paste’ your finalised draft text from the template into RGMS and click ‘save’. The RGMS Offline Forms can be found in the RGMS Library, and at: http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/grants/rgms/index.htm

Note: These Offline Forms are provided as an aid only. They cannot be completed and emailed to NHMRC. All applications must be submitted through RGMS.

How can I view or print my application? The ‘Snapshot Reports’ function provides three types of snapshots:

• a ‘Summary’ Snapshot (used for the assignment of applications to peer review panels and assessors, allocation of spokespersons and identification of conflicts of interest);

• an ‘Application Details’ Snapshot (Parts A and B of your application); and

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


• an ‘Assessor’ Snapshot (sections of Part A and all of Part B of your application and the relevant sections from your Profile and CV as listed above).

For instructions on how to run a Snapshot Report, applicants should refer to the ‘How To’ information sheet in the RGMS Library – Application Documentation in the All Sections folder. Snapshots are viewed in the ‘Snapshot Report’ tab at the top of the RGMS application screen. Uploaded documents, (Proposed Research upload, Employing Institution Statement of Support, Project Mentor Statement of Support, Funding Partner Supplementary Questions Form) will also be accessed via the ‘Snapshot Report’ tab. This will allow users to print or view a document version of their application (either in part or in full). Please note that the Assessor Snapshot Report will only migrate information for the specified period of time listed above in ‘PROFILE/CV Requirements for TRIP Fellowships.’ In entering dates for ‘Community Engagement’ and ‘Editorial Responsibilities’ in the CV, applicants need to provide a start date that is appropriate to the CV requirements for this scheme, otherwise the information will not appear in the ‘Assessor’ Snapshot.

Referencing Publications Each publication entered in your CV will be given a unique identification number by RGMS to assist applicants in referencing their publications. Applicants should use this number when referring to specific publications in their application, particularly in text boxes where characters are limited, as references are included in the character limit. Do not use the Sequence Number, as this will change upon the addition of new publications and/or publication uploads.

Responsible Conduct of Research Applicants are reminded that research funded by NHMRC must comply with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2007), which can be found at: http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/publications/synopses/r39syn.htm. Applicants must not directly contact Peer Review Panel (PRP) members or External Assessors in relation to their application, or the peer review process. If they do so, panel members/assessors must inform NHMRC, and NHMRC may exclude their application from further consideration. Similarly, PRP members and External Assessors must not contact applicants. All applicants are to direct any queries to their Administering Institution’s RAO in the first instance.

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


Starting a New Application To start a new application, please see steps in the screenshots below or alternatively refer to the ‘How To’ information sheet which can be found in the RGMS site links and Library – Application Documentation in the All Sections folder.

STEPS: 1. Click Applications from the Main Menu 2. Click the ‘New’ button.



NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


Create Application Screen

Initiative The Initiative to select is ‘TRIP Fellowship’.

Round The round to select for TRIP Fellowships is ‘2011_TRIP Fellowships_Funding Commencing 2012’.

Application Identification Number Each application will have its own unique RGMS ID which is system generated. Please use this ID number (e.g. APP######) to identify your application in any correspondence when referring to your application.

STEPS: 1. Complete the questions on screen. 2. Click the ‘Save’ button. This has created the ‘shell’ of your application and you can now complete all other remaining sections.

NOTE: If you click the ‘submit’ button, your application will be saved, however, you will be taken back one page – in this case to the main page.

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


Administering Institution While there may be instances where a proposal is carried out in more than one location, there can be only one administering institution for each grant. You must ensure that the institution you intend to choose as your administering institution is the correct one for your application. If in doubt, contact the RAO at your proposed administering institution to confirm its status as an NHMRC administering institution and ensure it has the facilities to administer your application.

Scientific Application Title The scientific title is not required for TRIP Fellowship applications. Applicants should enter ‘TRIP Fellowship’.

Simple Application Title The simple application title is not required for TRIP Fellowship applications. Applicants should enter ‘TRIP Fellowship’.

RAO Edit Access If you wish to allow your RAO to have edit rights to your application, you should select ‘Yes’ and save. The NHMRC provides this functionality to support researchers and RAOs in managing the application process. The NHMRC does not accept any responsibility for errors or omissions arising from the use of the RAO edit function and strongly recommends that the RAO, CIA and Administering Institution discuss the management of RAO edit access before selecting this function.

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


RGMS Application Detail Tab

The ‘Detail’ tab of the RGMS application is divided into two parts, ‘Part A’ and ‘Part B’ as listed in the table below.

Part A Part B (TRIP Fellowships)

1. Part A Home - Application Information

2. A-RT: Research Team and Commitment

3. A-NF: Intended NHMRC Funding Requests

4. A-OF: Intended Other Funding Requests

5. A-A2: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research

6. A-IACC: Institution – Access

7. A-IAct: Institutions – Actual

8. A-NHP: National Health Priorities

9. A-NRP: National Research Priorities

10. A-RC: Research Classification

11. A-SEO: Socio Economic Objectives

12. A-BoD: Burden of Disease

13. A-CD: Community Details

14. A-EG: Ethics – General (leads to Clinical Details, Human, Animal and Other)

1. B-AES: Application Executive Summary

2. B-AITRIP: Application Information (TRIP)

3. B-CtR: Intellectual Leadership and Contribution to the field of Research

4. B-PR: Proposed Research

5. B-CWTRIP: Link between Clinical Work and Research

6. B-PPRC: Publications, Papers, Reports and Contributions

7. B-COL: Collaborations

8. B-FPTRIP: Funding Partner (TRIP)

9. B-NM: Nomination of Mentors

10. B-NPA: Nomination of Possible Assessors

11. B-NA: Non-Assessor Nomination

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


PART A – APPLICATION DETAILS Part A of the RGMS application is generic to all NHMRC funding schemes. Click on the ‘Detail’ tab at the top of the screen to begin Part A.

Part A: Application Information

Media Summary Describe the research activity in terms suitable for release to the media. Avoid the use of highly technical terms. Be brief and describe the overall aims of the research and expected outcomes in a manner the general public will understand.

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


This information will be made available, if requested, to members of the public, journalists and other external parties and may be used for the purposes of reporting on grants to parliament. This information plays an important part in relaying research outcomes to the public and, as such, should be written in a manner appropriate for the intended audience.

(Maximum of 500 characters, including spaces and line breaks)

Synopsis The Synopsis should accurately, and briefly, summarize the research proposal as provided in the research plan.

The Synopsis is extracted into the Summary Snapshot, which is used to assign applications to review panels and assessors, spokesperson allocation and for the identification of Conflicts of Interest.

(Maximum of 2000 characters, including spaces and line breaks)

Application Consent Do you consent to this application and associated reports being referred to other funding agencies, including your own institution, for consideration?

If you choose ‘Yes’ to this question, you will be giving permission to the NHMRC to provide certain information, on request, to other funding agencies seeking information from NHMRC about high ranking but unfunded applications in areas of research that they may wish to fund. If you choose ‘No’, information will not be released.

This permission is essential because of the confidential nature of the grant application.

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


Part A – A-RT: Research Team and Commitment Although you may be part of a larger research team, do not enter details for other team members as this information is not required for People Support Initiatives. Your details will appear as CIA by default. Click on the ‘Properties’ icon to display ‘Proposed Workload’ in the sub-menu.

Qualifications and Skills information is not required for applicants to People Support Initiatives.

Proposed Salary

This information is not required for applicants to People Support Initiatives.

Proposed Workload

General Will the researcher be based in Australia for the duration of the grant?

Applicants for TRIP Fellowships do not have to be currently based in Australia to apply. However, if successful, they will need to be based in Australia.

For further information refer to the Funding Policy.

Details of any expected absences from the grant

Applicants for People Support Initiatives do not need to provide information here.

Refer to the Funding Policy for details on the circumstances in which leave from an award can be taken.

% NHMRC Research Time This Application %

In the case of TRIP Fellowships, where the grant funds the salary rather than the research, you should enter 'zero' percent for the proposed amount of your research time per week you will spend on your TRIP Fellowship i.e. 'This Application'. This will ensure that the percentage of time spent on research associated with your fellowship is not duplicated.

Other Applications %

Indicate the amount of your research time you would spend on other NHMRC grants (Other Applications %) in an average working week.

Workload Comments You may also provide a brief description detailing the proposed amount of time (hours/week) you would spend on this application if it were to be successful.

(You have a maximum of 1000 characters including spaces and line breaks to answer this question)

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


Part A – A-NF: Intended NHMRC Funding Requests Provide details of any other NHMRC funding you have requested (or plan to request) which have not yet been approved. If the precise details are not known, enter indicative details or the best information you have available. Failure to disclose full information may result in the application being removed from any further consideration by NHMRC.

Click ‘New’ then ‘Save’ to enter Intended NHMRC Funding details.

Part A – A-OF: Intended Other Funding Requests Provide details of any planned or actual requests for funding from sources other than NHMRC which have not yet been approved. Failure to disclose full information may result in the application being removed from any further consideration by NHMRC.

Click ‘New’ then ‘Save’ to enter Intended Other Funding details.

Part A – A-A2: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islande r Research As part of its commitment to advancing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research, NHMRC has established certain requirements and processes which are designed to ensure that research into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health is not only of the highest scientific merit but that it is beneficial and acceptable to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

NHMRC has committed to a target of at least 5% of its total research funding being allocated to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research. Your responses to the following two questions enable NHMRC to accurately monitor its performance relative to that target.

These questions enable applicants to identify research that is specifically motivated by a desire to investigate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health issues. They are also designed to enable NHMRC to identify those research proposals which will require assessment for their benefit and acceptability to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Research proposals that specifically relate to the health of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples must address The Criteria for Health and Medical Research of Indigenous Australians as part of their application. The statement addressing The Criteria for Health and Medical Research of Indigenous Australians is integral to the peer review process and will be assessed by an external assessor with expertise in Indigenous Health.

Applicants submitting proposals for research involving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples must refer to the following guidelines:

1. Criteria for Health and Medical Research of Indigenous Australians available at: http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/your_health/indigenous/index.htm

2. Values and Ethics - Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research available at:


3. The NHMRC Road Map II: A Strategic Framework for Improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health through Research available at: http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/publications/synopses/r47syn.htm

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


Does this research proposal include Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander health research and/or capacity building?

If you have answered ‘Yes’ to this question you are asked to identify how much of the overall research funding is budgeted for that component, and to describe what proportion of the research effort and/or capacity building activity will be directed to this component.

In preparing your application you must address all six elements of The Criteria which are:

• Community Engagement • Benefit • Sustainability and Transferability • Building Capacity • Priority • Significance

(Maximum of 2000 characters, including spaces and line breaks per criterion) This question also enables applicants to identify specific components of their proposal that relate to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples. In addition to your application being assessed against the selection criteria for this scheme, the information provided here will also assist in assessing it against ‘The Criteria for Health and Medical Research of Indigenous Australians’.

Part A – A-IAcc: Institution - Access Chief Investigator(s) Select ‘Yes’ if you are currently receiving, or applying for, support from an institution or centre which receives research funding directly or indirectly from the Australian Government for the same health and medical research.

Provide reasons why NHMRC should accept this funding application.

Provide justification why this proposal is not funded, or is not expected to be funded, through current Australian Government research initiatives. Failure to address this requirement can result in your application being excluded from further consideration.

(Maximum of 1000 characters, including spaces and line breaks)

Institution Access The NHMRC’s Enabling Grant Scheme1 is designed to underpin the NHMRC’s funding system by funding facilities, activities and/or resources that enhance and support health and medical research.

For the following questions select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ using the drop down boxes provided:

1 Starting in 2011, such facilities will be funded under the National Health Research Enabling Capabilities (NHREC) Scheme.

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


1. Will you require access to any of the facilities currently funded under the NHMRC Enabling Grants Scheme?

2. Do you have an agreement with the facility to use the required resource?

3. Will you require access to any major scientific facilities not funded under the NHMRC Enabling Grants Scheme? If you answer ‘Yes’ to this question, identify the name(s) of the facilities you intend to use. (Maximum of 200 characters, including spaces and line breaks)

The following is a link to currently funded NHMRC facilities: http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/grants/rounds/enableactiv.htm

Part A – A-IAct: Institution – Actual In some cases the institution that will administer your application may differ from the institution in which you will actually conduct the proposed research. For example, many universities administer research, which will be conducted in an affiliated teaching hospital.

To add an actual institution, click on the ‘New’ button.

Research Effort: Enter the percentage allocated to each Actual Institution and Department to reflect the sharing of the research effort amongst the institutions that you have listed. The percentages entered must total 100%.

Institution: Click on the ‘Browse’ ( ) button and select the Actual Institution from the pick list. If the Actual Institution does not appear in the list please email the institution name to [email protected]

Department: Enter the Department at which the research will be conducted within the nominated Actual Institution. (Maximum of 100 characters including spaces and line breaks

Part A – A-NHP: National Health Priorities Select the relevant National Health Priority (NHP) area(s) and enter a percentage for each to describe that portion of the research relevant to the selected priority sub-group. The total percentage should not exceed 100% but may be less.

Part A – A-NRP: National Research Priorities Select the relevant National Research Priority (NRP) area(s) and enter a percentage in each table to describe that portion of the research relevant to the selected priority sub-group. The total percentage should not exceed 100% but may be less.

Descriptions of the NRPs are available via the following weblink:

http://www.innovation.gov.au/AboutUs/KeyPublications/PortfolioFactSheets/Documents/NATIONAL -RESEARCH-PRIORITIES .pdf

NOTE: While the application is not required to address a NRP area, information regarding which priority area(s) this research proposal may address will assist NHMRC to capture

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


appropriate data for reporting purposes.

Part A – A-RC: Research Classification The Guide to Peer Review Area, Broad Research Area, Fields of Research and Research Keywords/Phrases may be used in the peer review process to assist with the selection of the appropriate Reer Review Panel (PRP) for your application. It may also be used for analyses of NHMRC’s funding Profile.

From the following drop down boxes you must make the selections that best describe your research proposal:

• Guide to Peer-Review Area – Choose at least one (up to three) selection/s from the list. NHMRC uses this information as a guide to allocating applications to the most relevant Peer Review Panels (PRP), however, TRIP Fellowship applications will be assessed by a separate PRP.

• Broad Research Area

• Field of Research (FoR)

• Field of Research Subcategory When completing this section, refer to the Australian Standard Research Classifications and NHMRC Keyword / Phrases at: http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/grants/policy/keywords.htm From the following browse boxes you must select a minimum of five and a maximum of ten keywords or key phrases:

• Research Keywords/Phrases – (selections should describe the research more specifically)

Additional information that best describes research interests

Please describe in more detail your research interests or areas of expertise. This could include areas of student supervision and areas in which you have published.

(Maximum of 2000 characters, including spaces and lines breaks)

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


Part A – A-SEO: Socio-Economic Objectives The Socio-Economic Objectives (SEO) of research allow it to be classified in line with your perceived purpose in undertaking the particular study. This is different to the nature of the research i.e. researcher fields.

From the drop down lists provided, select a minimum of one (1) and a maximum of three (3) SEO by category then subcategory.

NHMRC acknowledges that any particular piece of research may be relevant to and have more than one purpose. Allocate the percentage of research that is applicable to the specific objectives. The sum of the percentage (%) allocation must not exceed 100%.

Part A – A-BoD: Burden of Disease Using the ‘Browse’ ( ) button, select a Burden of Disease (BoD) that best describes the area of research of the application. You can select up to three BoD types and you must allocate a percentage of time against each. The sum of the percentage (%) allocation must not exceed 100%.

Part A – A-CD: Community Details Consumer and Community Participation Does this research involve consumer and/or community participation? If you answer ‘Yes’ to this question you must then:

1. Describe how you will ensure that research participants will have access to their own results, and how you will be accountable to participants for the overall results of the research.

(Maximum of 1000 characters, including spaces and line breaks)

2. Describe how you will ensure that consumers will be involved in the research, and how you will communicate the results of the research to participants and the community.

(Maximum of 1000 characters, including spaces and line breaks)

The Consumers Health Forum of Australia Inc (CHF) and the NHMRC, in partnership with consumers and researchers, developed the Statement on Consumer and Community Participation in Health and Medical Research. The Statement on Participation was developed in recognition of the contribution that consumers can make to research, as well as their right to participate in research.

Applicants should refer to the CHF and the NHMRC Statement on Consumer and Community Participation in Health and Medical Research available via the following web link: http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/publications/synopses/r22syn.htm

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


Part A – A-EG: Ethics This section does not have to be completed as part of a TRIP Fellowship application. This information is, however, relevant to any grant applications which fund the research activity.

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


PART B - APPLICATION DETAILS Click on the ‘Detail’ tab at the top of the RGMS screen and then click on ‘Part B’ . This will take you to ‘Part B Home’ of the application form where you can complete the rest of your application for a TRIP Fellowship.

Part B – B-AES: Application Executive Summary Provide a brief plain-language description of the gap between evidence and practice that you wish to address. Please include justification for the evidence-practice gap and an explanation of why it is important to address this gap. (Maximum of 4000 characters including spaces and line breaks)

Part B – B-AITRIP: Application Information (TRIP) Type of Award From the drop-down list, select the Level of Award you are applying for, i.e. TRIP Fellowship Level 1 or TRIP Fellowship Level 2.

Applicants must provide justification for the level of appointment sought. Applicants should consult the TRIP Fellowships Position Classification Statements and Performance Descriptors in the Funding Policy for more information (note that applicants for appointment at Level 2 may also be considered for Level 1 if they do not meet the requirements of the higher level). In this section, applicants should outline their case for appointment as a TRIP Fellow, NOT their research plan as this is to be addressed in ‘Proposed Research’. (Maximum of 2000 characters including spaces and line breaks)

Employing Institution

Applicants must provide a statement of support from their Employing Institution.

Note: In accordance with the Funding Policy applicants must be employed in healthcare agencies, appropriately accredited private healthcare practices, health research institutes, or universities and engaged in clinical practice, health service management or health research. TRIP Fellows are expected to spend 20 hours/week on the implementation research project, training and other components of the Fellowship. The Fellows Employing Institution must fund the balance of the Fellows time.

A statement of support from the Employing Institution in relation to provision of salary and time available for the Implementation Research Project and other components of the TRIP Fellowship must be attached to all TRIP Fellowship applications. NHMRC will not assess an application for a TRIP Fellowship without a statement of support.

The statement should be uploaded as a PDF file using the following naming convention:

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


APPID#_Applicant’s Surname_Employing Institution Statement of Support

Part B – B-CtR: Intellectual Leadership Intellectual Leadership and Contribution to the Field of Research Highlight your leadership in terms of your commitment and broader contributions to the discipline, including peer review activities and involvement in professional societies. (Maximum of 2000 characters, including spaces and line breaks)

Part B – B-PR: Proposed Research The applicant should provide an Implementation Research Proposal (maximum five pages, plus references). The proposal should address the following questions: Evidence Practice Gap Provide a description of the gap between evidence and practice that you wish to address (maximum 300 words) How do you know this evidence-practice gap exists and why is it important? (maximum 600 words) Summary of the best available evidence What is the best available evidence supporting the clinical practice you wish to address? What are the sources of this evidence? (maximum 500 words) Intervention to change clinical practice Describe what will be implemented (e.g. guideline, part of guideline, specific recommendations, specific best practice or technology, specific changes). (maximum 300 words) Describe how you propose to implement the intervention (based on the literature of what has or has not been shown to work in the past). (maximum 800 words) Target group/s Define the group/s whose behaviour the intervention seeks to change, and describe how the group/s will be engaged in the process. (maximum 200 words) Methodology Describe the methods you will use to research the effect your project is having on closing the nominated evidence-practice gap (e.g. time series analysis, qualitative methodology). (maximum 300 words)

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


Evaluation Describe how you will know whether the project has contributed to closing the nominated evidence-practice gap. (maximum 300 words) Data Collection Describe the methods you propose for data analysis and give justification for using these methods. (maximum 300 words) Dissemination Plan Describe how you plan to disseminate the results of your work. (maximum 300 words) Additional Resources The Fellowship provided a package to cover your salary costs but does not cover any costs associated with actually conducting the implementation research project. Please outline any additional resources you will need to secure and how you are going about obtaining these (e.g. from Administering Institution, Actual Institution, a larger project, other funding sources). Skills development What new knowledge and skills will this research project provide to enhance your potential for clinical leadership? (maximum 150 words) References Please include a list of references used in this application. This may be additional to the five page limit. The Proposed Research should be uploaded as a PDF file using the following naming convention: APPID#_Applicant’s Surname_Proposed Research

Part B – B-CWTRIP: Link between Clinical Work and Research

Clinical Work and Research Linkages Describe how your clinical work is linked to your research, and how your research may be transferred into policy and practice. (Maximum of 2000 characters including spaces and line breaks Dissemination and Implementation of Research Outcomes Describe how you plan to facilitate dissemination and implementation of research outcomes in the future. (Maximum of 2000 characters including spaces and line breaks)

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


Part B – B-PPRC: Publications, Papers, Reports and Contribution

Click on the ‘Properties’ icon to display the ‘Publications, Papers and Reports’ page.

Field 1 Most significant publications, papers, reports and other contributions in the last five years In the space provided, comment on up to four of your most significant publications, papers, reports and other contributions in the last five years that relate to this application. The reason for including these should be outlined. (Maximum of 2000 characters, including spaces and line breaks) Field 2 Most significant publications, papers, reports and other contributions over the course of your career In the space provided, comment on up to four of your most significant publications, papers, reports and other contributions over the course of your career that relate to this application. (Maximum of 2000 characters, including spaces and line breaks) Applicants can highlight the citations rate of their most significant publications in this section.

NHMRC no longer uses the impact factor of journals as a part of its assessment processes. Therefore, the impact factor of each publication should not be included. Further explanation of NHMRC’s decision to cease using impact factors of journals can be found at:


Part B – B-COL: Collaboration Collaborations – Past Provide details of past collaborations, including your role and any resulting outcomes (e.g. publications, patents, translation into policy or practice, primary health care). (Maximum of 2000 characters, including spaces and line breaks) Collaborations – Current Provide details of current collaborations, including your role and any resulting outcomes (e.g. publications, patents, translation into policy or practice, primary health care). (Maximum of 2000 characters, including spaces and line breaks)

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


Part B – B-FPTRIP: Funding Partner (TRIP) Funding Partner Details Partnership awards are offered through funding partnerships agreed between NHMRC and partner organisations. They offer additional opportunities to researchers whose work is particularly relevant to the concerns and research interests of the partner organisations. You may apply for more that one Partnership Award if your research is relevant to more than one Funding Partner. Select the Funding Partner/s for which you wish to nominate. Funding Partner Supplementary Form

A supplementary questions form must be completed and uploaded for each Partnership Award for which you apply. If you would like to apply for more than two Partnership Awards, please contact the NHMRC Research Help Centre. The Partnership Award Supplementary Form and further guidance on applying for a Partnership Award is available in the RGMS Library and on the NHMRC website at: http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/grants/apply/career/index.htm The Supplementary Questions Form should be uploaded as a PDF file using the following naming convention: APPID#_Applicant’s Surname_Name of Funding Partner_Supplementary Form.

Part B – B-NM: Nomination of Mentors Project Mentor Provide details of the Project Mentor who has agreed to oversee the Implementation Research Project

Project Mentor Statement of Support A statement of support from your nominated Project Mentor must be attached to all TRIP Fellowship applications. The Project Mentor must state that they have the necessary skills, experience and time to provide regular guidance, supervision and support to the Fellow on the Implementation Research Project. TRIP Mentor NICS will appoint an external TRIP Mentor in addition to the Project Mentor. You may suggest a person who you would like NICS to consider as your TRIP Mentor should you be successful in this application. The TRIP Mentor is a senior figure in Australian healthcare, generally not working in the same clinical area as you, who can work with you on the career development and

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


leadership aspects of your Fellowship. For practical reasons, it is preferable that the TRIP Mentor be in the same state as the applicant, however this is not essential. The TRIP Mentor cannot be the same person as your Project Mentor. This question is optional, and it will not harm your application if you do not suggest a potential TRIP Mentor. If you do choose to answer the question, you do not need to provide contact details for the nominated person, nor are you required to check with them first. The question asks for a suggestion of a potential TRIP mentor, and your response will be taken into account by NICS when selecting your TRIP Mentor.

Part B – B-NPA: Nomination of Possible Assessors Applicants should submit names, expertise and contact details of four (two national and two international ) available assessors appropriate to comment on their TRIP Fellowship application. The external assessment will be based on the selection criteria as outlined in the Funding Policy. Assessors are provided with the relevant documentation to complete the assessment by the NHMRC. The Peer Review Panel may also nominate additional external assessors. Assessors do not have to be Australian or Australian based. However, nominated assessors should have an understanding of your field of research. Nominated Assessors must not have a conflict of interest with any aspect of the application. For example, applicants may not nominate as an assessor anyone with whom they have collaborated within the last five years. All substantial matters and potentially adverse statements raised by external assessors may be discussed with the applicant at interview. The identity of the external assessors, who agree to assist the NHMRC on the basis of confidentiality, will not be disclosed to the applicant.

Part B – B-NA: Non-Assessor Nomination Applicants may nominate one assessor not to be approached to assess their application. This information will not be made available to Peer Review Panel members. If you wish to nominate a non-assessor, provide the name, institution and email address of the requested non-assessor in the space provided.

Part B – B-R: Referees Provide the name and contact details of two referees who have agreed to provide reports that will comment on your previous work, ability to undertake the proposed project and your leadership potential.

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure referee reports are submitted through RGMS by the nominated referees prior to submitting the application to their RAO for certification. This is part of the application process and is the applicant’s responsibility. Applicants can monitor the progress of submission of referee reports by checking the B-R: Referee page. Applicants will also receive an email notifying them that a referee report has been uploaded to RGMS; however applicants will not be able to view the content of the report.

The report template for referees and instructions for submission is available at:

http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/grants/apply/career/index.htm To Nominate a Referee Click on the ‘New’ button.

Referee with RGMS profile

If your referee has an RGMS profile, select them from the drop down list by clicking on the ‘Browse’ ( ) button. Please ensure that you have chosen the correct ‘Resource ID’ (RGMS username) for your referee. Click on the ‘Save’ button. An electronic alert will be sent to the referee notifying them that they have been nominated as a referee for your application. Referee without RGMS profile If your referee does not have an RGMS profile, enter the relevant information on the right hand side of the screen. Please ensure that the referee email address is correct. Click on the ‘Save’ button. An electronic alert will be sent to the referee notifying them that they have been nominated as a referee for your application. This screen will also allow you to track the referee process and enable you to see when a referee has submitted their report. To cancel a Nomination of a Referee Click on the name of the referee you wish to cancel. Click on the ‘Cancel nomination’ box and click ’Save’. Note: A nomination can only be cancelled if the referee has not already submitted their report. Once a nomination is cancelled in RGMS an electronic alert is sent to the referee notifying them of the cancellation. If you cancel a nomination you will need to nominate another referee to replace the cancelled nomination.

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012



Applicants must complete the ‘Application Certification’ screen prior to submitting the application to the RAO.

Applicants certify that all details provided in their Profile, CV and application are complete, current and correct. In providing this certification, they agree to carry out the research in strict accordance with the conditions governing NHMRC research grants at the time, and acknowledge that the research may be used for internal NHMRC quality evaluations/reviews.

Certification should only be requested when the application is complete, has been proof-read by your RAO and is ready to send to your RAO for certification.

NOTE: Certification will lock down the application and prevent further editing

NHMRC TRIP FELLOWSHIPS Advice and Instructions to Applicants

For Funding Commencing in 2012


RAO CERTIFICATION The RAO is required to complete the RAO Certification screen of the electronic application before the application is lodged. By answering ‘Yes’ to the questions, the RAO is verifying that the questions have been completed, the necessary approvals have been obtained and that the RAO holds the approval documents.