Greetings special people! I really hate dandelions! At the farm, they really aren’t a problem, but in the parsonage yard…well, it’s a different story. Our parsonage neighbors meticulously care for their yard, and when our dande- lions start blooming, I know they get irritated with us. Last week before worship, some of us were talking about these pesky plants, so I did some research. According to the Univer- sity of Maryland Medical Center website, dandeli- ons are a wonderful plant! Every part of the plant is edible, high in vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and often used in herbal medi- cine to treat a host of physical ailments. Just don’t try to eat any dande- lions that have been treated with herbicides! Wild animals and birds eat all parts of the plant, in- cluding the puffy seeds, and many species use the dandelion puffs to line their nests to keep their young warm and comfort- able. I am still not sold on dan- delions. But, apparently God thought, when they were created, about their benefits. Maybe, when God created us, he thought we were good for something too! I Corinthians 12: 14-26 says, “ 14 Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many. 15 If the foot would say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. 16 And if the ear would say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole body were hear- ing, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. 19 If all were a single member, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many members, yet one body. 21 The eye can- not say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” 22 On the contrary, the members of the body that seem to be weaker are in- dispensable, 23 and those members of the body that we think less honorable we clothe with greater honor, and our less re- spectable members are treated with greater re- spect; 24 whereas our more respectable members do not need this. But God has so arranged the body, giv- ing the greater honor to the inferior member, 25 that there may be no dis- sension within the body, but the members may have the same care for one an- other. 26 If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice to- gether with it.” God has created each of us for a purpose, may your actions for God’s work be blessed! Pastor Rosa From the Desk of Pastor Rosa: 2016 Trinity Times In this Issue Anniversaries & Birthdays Calendar Young At Heart National Day of Prayer Mission Projects Youth News Trinity United Methodist Church Rev. Rosa K. Slavik, Pastor

Trinity Times - Holston Conference · I Corinthians 12: 14-26 ... 6 - Bret Sharp 6 - Charles Whicker 10 - Kaitlyn Rasnick 10 - Tom Slavik 13 - Jacob Cobb 13 - Melanie Wright 14 -

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Greetings special people!

I really hate dandelions!

At the farm, they really

aren’t a problem, but in

the parsonage yard…well,

it’s a different story.

Our parsonage neighbors

meticulously care for their

yard, and when our dande-

lions start blooming, I

know they get irritated

with us.

Last week before worship,

some of us were talking

about these pesky plants,

so I did some research.

According to the Univer-

sity of Maryland Medical

Center website, dandeli-

ons are a wonderful plant!

Every part of the plant is

edible, high in vitamins,

minerals, nutrients, and

often used in herbal medi-

cine to treat a host of

physical ailments. Just

don’t try to eat any dande-

lions that have been

treated with herbicides!

Wild animals and birds eat

all parts of the plant, in-

cluding the puffy seeds,

and many species use the

dandelion puffs to line

their nests to keep their

young warm and comfort-


I am still not sold on dan-

delions. But, apparently

God thought, when they

were created, about their


Maybe, when God created

us, he thought we were

good for something too!

I Corinthians 12: 14-26

says, “14 Indeed, the body

does not consist of one

member but of many. 15 If

the foot would say,

“Because I am not a hand,

I do not belong to the

body,” that would not

make it any less a part of

the body. 16 And if the ear

would say, “Because I am

not an eye, I do not belong

to the body,” that would

not make it any less a part

of the body. 17 If the whole

body were an eye, where

would the hearing be? If

the whole body were hear-

ing, where would the

sense of smell be? 18 But

as it is, God arranged the

members in the body, each

one of them, as he chose. 19 If all were a single

member, where would the

body be? 20 As it is, there

are many members, yet

one body. 21 The eye can-

not say to the hand, “I

have no need of you,” nor

again the head to the feet,

“I have no need of you.” 22 On the contrary, the

members of the body that

seem to be weaker are in-

dispensable, 23 and those

members of the body that

we think less honorable

we clothe with greater

honor, and our less re-

spectable members are

treated with greater re-

spect; 24 whereas our more

respectable members do

not need this. But God has

so arranged the body, giv-

ing the greater honor to

the inferior member, 25 that there may be no dis-

sension within the body,

but the members may have

the same care for one an-

other. 26 If one member

suffers, all suffer together

with it; if one member is

honored, all rejoice to-

gether with it.”

God has created each of us

for a purpose, may your

actions for God’s work be


Pastor Rosa

From the Desk of Pastor Rosa:


Trinity Times

In this Issue

Anniversaries &



Young At Heart

National Day of Prayer

Mission Projects

Youth News

Trinity United Methodist Church Rev. Rosa K. Slavik, Pastor

else to shop for you,

the cost of a kit is $20.

We also need dona-

tions for shipping

costs, which is $5 per


Last year, we collected

22 kits--

Let's get 30 this year!

Deadline is



For Stonewall Jackson

Teachers & Staff—

We will be providing

prayers shawls for all

staff at Stonewall

Jackson Elementary

School. If you need the

crochet pattern, please

contact the church


HEALTH KITS for 2016 For Liberia

We will again be col-

lecting health kits for

Annual Conference this

year. If you need a list

of items, copies are in

the Narthex or you may

contact the church of-


If you prefer someone

Our Current Mission Projects

Page 2 Trinity Times

May 2016

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Covered Dish Lunch

12 Noon




Young At Heart Trip to Biltmore


National Day of Prayer




Mother’s Day



Mary Martha Circle 7pm






Health Kits Due
















Memorial Day Office Closed


Notes: June 1 Young At Heart to IHOP Restaurant, 9am June 5-8 Annual Conference at Lake Junaluska June 14 Administrative Council

Page 3 2016


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

8:00 AM Bus will leave Trinity United Methodist Church. We must leave on time in order to get there at our reserved time. We will stop at the North Carolina welcome center to use rest rooms. 10:00 AM Arrive at Biltmore office to check in and re-ceive our tickets. 10:45 AM Reserved admission at Biltmore House. We must be at the Front Door of Biltmore House at this time or we will not be admitted with our group. We are on our own for lunch. There are places to get food. 1:30 PM We will board bus for winery. 2:00 PM Winery tour. 3:30 PM Depart Winery 4:00 PM Arrive at "The Cove" After we leave "The Cove", we will stop for supper/dinner. In case of an emergency or questions, you may call Linda Mask at 423-571-2803.


The Youth will be having a

Yard Sale soon!

Details are being worked out

for a date & time.

They are still accepting your

donations for items for the sale. You

may drop these off at the church

during regular office hours.

Thank you for supporting our Youth!


Purchase your decal to show your support, and let others know of your

love for Trinity. Recommended donation of $5 or more per decal.

Thanks to Travis Cobb for recommending this!

The National Day of Prayer Service,

in Bristol, is Thursday, May 5, at 12 PM

in Cumberland Square Park.


Magie Bond, Ruth Hutton, Peggy Creed,

Claudice Combs, Dana Boggs, Joan Osborne,

Omah Lee Shaffer, Ceal Meade, Winnie Hill,

Regina Raxter, Boomer Daugherty, Debbie

Boggs, Jean Marie Curtis, Linda Mask, Linda

Miller, Doug Sauls, Iva Staubus, Dudley King,

Dorothy Tacket, Kathy Lopez, Linda Hall, Janet

& Ronald Ambrose, Tripp Fields, Mindy Fields,

Nick White, our Military, Doug Pritchard, Pat

Flanagan, Nancy Smith, Joyce Barnes, David

Sims, Madison King, John Ross, Tom Tolley,

Jim Larson, Jimmy Gentry, Ronnie Grubb, Jo

White, Coy Rosenbaum, Sallie Rowley, Kaitlyn

Rasnick, Pat Campbell, Shelia Whittaker

320 Carter St

Bristol, VA 24201

Trinity United Methodist Church

Phone: 276-669-1772

Fax: 276-669-2831

E-mail: [email protected]

We’re on the Web!



2 - Nancy Smith

6 - Bret Sharp

6 - Charles Whicker

10 - Kaitlyn Rasnick

10 - Tom Slavik

13 - Jacob Cobb

13 - Melanie Wright

14 - Jennifer Austin

14 - Julie Little

14 - Ellie Dennis

19 - Skyler Crusenberry

22 - Don Hunigan

22 - Steve Smith

24 - Ceal Meade

26 - Drew Griffin

28 - Carolyn Denton


8 - Bob & Sue Sharp

8 - Kelly & Travis Cobb

10 - Gary & Kerri Estep

25 - Mark & Mandi Dennis

31 - Drew & Morgan Griffin