Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10 Trinity Catholic Primary School Ph: 02 6386 2111 Fax: 02 6386 3053 Website: www.trinitym.nsw.edu.au Email: [email protected] Date: 15th December, 2017 May your advent season continue to be one of faith, hope and love and may you all have a safe and Holy Christmas. It is hard to believe that another year is coming to an end. Trinity is such an exciting and energetic learning environment where a diversified curriculum is offered, catering for the needs of all our children and their individual learning styles. In the past week there have been many opportunities to celebrate the students of Trinity. The Year 6 children have been wonderful leaders for Trinity and we wish the graduating class of 2017 all the best at High School. We are so fortunate to have had wonderful staff who assisted with the organisation of the Graduation Mass and supper along with the Year 5 parents. A special thank you to Penny Lucas for the amazing graduation cake which she made and donated to Trinity. Tuesday night was an opportunity to celebrate the children and their achievements throughout this year, at the presentation night. It was lovely to see so many of our families enjoying a picnic in the school grounds. A special thank you to Charlie Lucas, Mark Sumich and Brendan McKay for cooking the barbecue dinner and Penny Lucas for providing her beautiful coleslaw. We also announced our leadership positions for 2018. Congratulations to the following students and we look forward to the wonderful leadership skills you will bring to your roles in 2018: Minister Positions for 2018 Canteen Minister- Hunter Minson Library Minister- Brody Schofield Celebrations Minister- Georgia Squire-Wilson IT Minister- Josie Davis-Chard and Oscar Phillis Sports Minister- Ty Leitner and Jonnie Barnes RE Minister- Kurtis Schoppema Prime Minister- Bella Cooper and Zarlie Quinn House Captains for 2018 RED Murray House- Oscar Phillis and Bella Cooper BLUE Hennessy House- Ty Leitner and Josie Davis-Chard GOLD Roberts House- Zarlie Quinn and Brody Schofield Yesterday we had our special Mass to say thank you to our many parents and grandparents who have volunteered their time throughout the year to support Trinity. This was followed by a beautiful morning tea. A special thank you to our staff and parents for providing the morning tea and for our parents and grandparents for their help on many occasions throughout the year and our wonderful class parent representatives: Amy Clark (K/1), Lauren Oakley (Year 1/2) and Tamara Starling (Year 3/4) and Mrs Amy Mergard for coordinating many of our school events. This year we have been focusing on quality teaching in every classroom and a commitment to professional learning. Improving Literacy and Numeracy outcomes for all students has been our major focus. We have been fortunate to

Trinity Catholic Primary School Trinitariantrinitym.nsw.edu.au/srcfiles/Newsletter-Term-4-week-10.pdf · Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10 ... energetic learning environment where a diversified

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Page 1: Trinity Catholic Primary School Trinitariantrinitym.nsw.edu.au/srcfiles/Newsletter-Term-4-week-10.pdf · Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10 ... energetic learning environment where a diversified

Kite colouring competition winners: First Prize: Angel L- Year 6

Second Prize: Brody Schofield-Year 4

Third Prize: Tilly Bowman-Year 2

Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10

Trinity Catholic Primary School Ph: 02 6386 2111 Fax: 02 6386 3053 Website: www.trinitym.nsw.edu.au Email: [email protected] Date: 15th December, 2017

May your advent season continue to be one of faith, hope and love and may you all have a safe and Holy Christmas. It is hard to believe that another year is coming to an end. Trinity is such an exciting and energetic learning environment where a diversified curriculum is offered, catering for the needs of all our children and their individual learning styles. In the past week there have been many opportunities to celebrate the students of Trinity. The Year 6 children have been wonderful leaders for Trinity and we wish the graduating class of 2017 all the best at High School. We are so fortunate to have had wonderful staff who assisted with the organisation of the Graduation Mass and supper along with the Year 5 parents. A special thank you to Penny Lucas for the amazing graduation cake which she made and donated to Trinity. Tuesday night was an opportunity to celebrate the children and their achievements throughout this year, at the presentation night. It was lovely to see so many of our families enjoying a picnic in the school grounds. A special thank you to Charlie Lucas, Mark Sumich and Brendan McKay for cooking the barbecue dinner and Penny Lucas for providing her beautiful coleslaw. We also announced our leadership positions for 2018. Congratulations to the following students and we look forward to the wonderful leadership skills you will bring to your roles in 2018:

Minister Positions for 2018

Canteen Minister- Hunter Minson

Library Minister- Brody Schofield

Celebrations Minister- Georgia Squire-Wilson

IT Minister- Josie Davis-Chard and Oscar Phillis

Sports Minister- Ty Leitner and Jonnie Barnes

RE Minister- Kurtis Schoppema

Prime Minister- Bella Cooper and Zarlie Quinn

House Captains for 2018

RED Murray House- Oscar Phillis and Bella Cooper

BLUE Hennessy House- Ty Leitner and Josie Davis-Chard

GOLD Roberts House- Zarlie Quinn and Brody Schofield

Yesterday we had our special Mass to say thank you to our many parents and grandparents who have volunteered

their time throughout the year to support Trinity. This was followed by a beautiful morning tea. A special thank you

to our staff and parents for providing the morning tea and for our parents and grandparents for their help on many

occasions throughout the year and our wonderful class parent representatives: Amy Clark (K/1), Lauren Oakley (Year

1/2) and Tamara Starling (Year 3/4) and Mrs Amy Mergard for coordinating many of our school events.

This year we have been focusing on quality teaching in every classroom and a commitment to professional learning. Improving Literacy and Numeracy outcomes for all students has been our major focus. We have been fortunate to

Page 2: Trinity Catholic Primary School Trinitariantrinitym.nsw.edu.au/srcfiles/Newsletter-Term-4-week-10.pdf · Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10 ... energetic learning environment where a diversified

Kite colouring competition winners: First Prize: Angel L- Year 6

Second Prize: Brody Schofield-Year 4

Third Prize: Tilly Bowman-Year 2

Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10

Trinity Catholic Primary School Ph: 02 6386 2111 Fax: 02 6386 3053 Website: www.trinitym.nsw.edu.au Email: [email protected] Date: 15th December, 2017

have extra classroom support and specialist consultants working closely with teachers and in classrooms with the students. We have seen incredible growth with our student performance in Literacy and Numeracy which has been awesome to witness. Instead of achieving one years’ growth in their learning, which was our goal, many of our students have achieved a year and a half. Trinity students are focused and engaged in their learning and the implementation of goal setting and daily feedback for each student, has had an incredible impact on their learning. Through collaborative planning and data analysis supported by learning support the teachers are able to provide tailored and strategic learning for every student. This focus will continue in 2018 along with the extra assistance provided this year. We will continue to provide Mighty Maths and Lustrous Literacy sessions before school commencing early in Term 1, as these sessions have been pivotal to improving student learning and this will be supported with enrichment programs to extend our students who are achieving above and beyond academically. We will continue to be supported by Professor Kaye Lowe with Literacy and Leonie Anstey with Numeracy. These consultants will continue to provide 1:1 professional development for all teachers and will work in classrooms with the students modelling best practice.

Our school would not be the schooI it is without the support of our amazing Community Council. We are very fortunate to have a Council who are so dedicated and willing to support initiatives and assist in many ways with the running of the school. Thank you: Brendan McKay-Council Chair, Sam Lenehan-Shadow Chair, Mark Sumich Secretary, Charlie Lucas-Treasurer, Amy Mergard-Events Organiser, Leanne Davis and Helene Boller as staff representative. I'd especially like to acknowledge Sam who has been on the Council for 6 years and has given so generously of his time. There have been many, many occasions when Sam has assisted at the school and has been a huge support to me. We thank Sam as he is stepping down from Council but will still be volunteering and doing things for our school as the need arises.

We are so blessed to have such a dedicated and committed Staff. I would like to thank Rebecca Cooper our Assistant Principal who works tirelessly behind the scenes as well as in class, Donna Wade who arrived in Semester 2 and has taken on the additional role of REC in 2018, Kaitlin Pieper, Helene Boller, Penny Lucas, Julie Doolan, Anne Glover and Carmel Babos. Alongside the teachers we are very fortunate to have such hard working and skilful Classroom Support Assistants- Ann Burns and Jo Birks and of course Leanne Davis our wonderful office Secretary supported by Bec McCorkindale.

This year we say farewell to Helene Boller who is retiring, Anne Glover and Bec McCorkindale who has been accepted into the Police Academy. We wish them all the best and thank them for their contribution to Trinity.

Finally, where would be without our children! We are so very blessed to have such beautiful children who are extremely capable, talented, well-mannered and always work hard to give their best. As mentioned previously, since moving into the new learning spaces and adopting the Inquiry approach to learning, we are seeing substantial growth in the academic progress of all of our students.

On behalf of the staff and students, I would like to wish everyone a very holy and happy Christmas and a safe and relaxing holiday. I look forward to seeing you all back here in 2018 and encourage you all to get involved and support our school.

God Bless

Marylou Gorham

Page 3: Trinity Catholic Primary School Trinitariantrinitym.nsw.edu.au/srcfiles/Newsletter-Term-4-week-10.pdf · Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10 ... energetic learning environment where a diversified

Kite colouring competition winners: First Prize: Angel L- Year 6

Second Prize: Brody Schofield-Year 4

Third Prize: Tilly Bowman-Year 2

Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10

Trinity Catholic Primary School Ph: 02 6386 2111 Fax: 02 6386 3053 Website: www.trinitym.nsw.edu.au Email: [email protected] Date: 15th December, 2017

Dear Parents and Carers

As another year draws to a close I would like to say a very big ‘thank you’ for the many ways you have assisted the

faith life of the school. Your donations to the Vinnies Christmas Appeal are testimony to the generosity of spirit

which is evident in so many ways, but is especially important at this time.

Thank you also to the families who have regularly come to Family Masses throughout the year. The celebration of

Mass is enriched

when the children are singing hymns and living their faith through the different ministries.

In the Kinder Nativity Play the children read about the Little Drummer Boy having no gift to bring to the new baby as

the Wise Men had done; ‘What could he give this special baby? Then he had an idea – he could give the gift of

himself –‘

This Sunday the third candle – the candle of joy is lit. Let us give something of ourselves and share this joy with all

peoples around the world.

This is Christmas: not the tinsel,

not the giving and receiving,

not even the carols,

but the humble heart that receives anew

the wondrous gift, the Christ.

~Frank McKibbon

I pray that each of you has a joy filled Christmas and a happy and successful 2018.


Page 4: Trinity Catholic Primary School Trinitariantrinitym.nsw.edu.au/srcfiles/Newsletter-Term-4-week-10.pdf · Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10 ... energetic learning environment where a diversified

Kite colouring competition winners: First Prize: Angel L- Year 6

Second Prize: Brody Schofield-Year 4

Third Prize: Tilly Bowman-Year 2

Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10

Trinity Catholic Primary School Ph: 02 6386 2111 Fax: 02 6386 3053 Website: www.trinitym.nsw.edu.au Email: [email protected] Date: 15th December, 2017

Presentation Night

Page 5: Trinity Catholic Primary School Trinitariantrinitym.nsw.edu.au/srcfiles/Newsletter-Term-4-week-10.pdf · Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10 ... energetic learning environment where a diversified

Kite colouring competition winners: First Prize: Angel L- Year 6

Second Prize: Brody Schofield-Year 4

Third Prize: Tilly Bowman-Year 2

Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10

Trinity Catholic Primary School Ph: 02 6386 2111 Fax: 02 6386 3053 Website: www.trinitym.nsw.edu.au Email: [email protected] Date: 15th December, 2017

Year 6 Graduation

Page 6: Trinity Catholic Primary School Trinitariantrinitym.nsw.edu.au/srcfiles/Newsletter-Term-4-week-10.pdf · Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10 ... energetic learning environment where a diversified

Kite colouring competition winners: First Prize: Angel L- Year 6

Second Prize: Brody Schofield-Year 4

Third Prize: Tilly Bowman-Year 2

Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10

Trinity Catholic Primary School Ph: 02 6386 2111 Fax: 02 6386 3053 Website: www.trinitym.nsw.edu.au Email: [email protected] Date: 15th December, 2017

Award Winners Week Nine

Congratulations to our award winners for last week.

Kinder/One Award Winners

Stevie-Rain Ford

Somer Oldfield

Hamish Summerfield

Year 1/2 Award Winners

Jaslyn Killick

Tahlia McKay

Year 3/4 Award Winners

Tylerr Leitner

Amber McKay

Year 5/6 Award Winners

Zarlie Quinn

Josie Davis-Chard

Page 7: Trinity Catholic Primary School Trinitariantrinitym.nsw.edu.au/srcfiles/Newsletter-Term-4-week-10.pdf · Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10 ... energetic learning environment where a diversified

Kite colouring competition winners: First Prize: Angel L- Year 6

Second Prize: Brody Schofield-Year 4

Third Prize: Tilly Bowman-Year 2

Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10

Trinity Catholic Primary School Ph: 02 6386 2111 Fax: 02 6386 3053 Website: www.trinitym.nsw.edu.au Email: [email protected] Date: 15th December, 2017

Award Winners Week Ten

Congratulations to our award winners for this week!

Kinder/One Award Winners

Sheridan-Lee Johnson-Tanson

Zoe Lenehan

Year 1/2 Award Winners

Billy Corkhill

Archie Quinn

Year 3/4 Award Winners

Molly Manwaring

Teneil Leitner

Year 5/6 Award Winners

Brody Schofield

Georgia Squire-Wilson

Page 8: Trinity Catholic Primary School Trinitariantrinitym.nsw.edu.au/srcfiles/Newsletter-Term-4-week-10.pdf · Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10 ... energetic learning environment where a diversified

Kite colouring competition winners: First Prize: Angel L- Year 6

Second Prize: Brody Schofield-Year 4

Third Prize: Tilly Bowman-Year 2

Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10

Trinity Catholic Primary School Ph: 02 6386 2111 Fax: 02 6386 3053 Website: www.trinitym.nsw.edu.au Email: [email protected] Date: 15th December, 2017

Page 9: Trinity Catholic Primary School Trinitariantrinitym.nsw.edu.au/srcfiles/Newsletter-Term-4-week-10.pdf · Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10 ... energetic learning environment where a diversified

Kite colouring competition winners: First Prize: Angel L- Year 6

Second Prize: Brody Schofield-Year 4

Third Prize: Tilly Bowman-Year 2

Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10

Trinity Catholic Primary School Ph: 02 6386 2111 Fax: 02 6386 3053 Website: www.trinitym.nsw.edu.au Email: [email protected] Date: 15th December, 2017

Page 10: Trinity Catholic Primary School Trinitariantrinitym.nsw.edu.au/srcfiles/Newsletter-Term-4-week-10.pdf · Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10 ... energetic learning environment where a diversified

Kite colouring competition winners: First Prize: Angel L- Year 6

Second Prize: Brody Schofield-Year 4

Third Prize: Tilly Bowman-Year 2

Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10

Trinity Catholic Primary School Ph: 02 6386 2111 Fax: 02 6386 3053 Website: www.trinitym.nsw.edu.au Email: [email protected] Date: 15th December, 2017

Page 11: Trinity Catholic Primary School Trinitariantrinitym.nsw.edu.au/srcfiles/Newsletter-Term-4-week-10.pdf · Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10 ... energetic learning environment where a diversified

Kite colouring competition winners: First Prize: Angel L- Year 6

Second Prize: Brody Schofield-Year 4

Third Prize: Tilly Bowman-Year 2

Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10

Trinity Catholic Primary School Ph: 02 6386 2111 Fax: 02 6386 3053 Website: www.trinitym.nsw.edu.au Email: [email protected] Date: 15th December, 2017

Children are invited to dress as angels and shepherds for Christmas Vigil Mass on Sunday

the 24th December at 7.00pm

Dates for the Calendar

Date Event Location/Requirements Start Time

Sunday 17th December Can Assist Christmas Choir 5pm – 6pm

Tuesday 30th January Students Return 2018 Trinity

Monday 5th February School Swimming Harden Pool 12pm – 1.30pm

Thursday 8th February School Swimming Carnival Harden Pool

Friday 9th February Trinity Playgroup Trinity 9.30am

Sunday 11th February Opening Mass St Anthony’s

Page 12: Trinity Catholic Primary School Trinitariantrinitym.nsw.edu.au/srcfiles/Newsletter-Term-4-week-10.pdf · Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10 ... energetic learning environment where a diversified

Kite colouring competition winners: First Prize: Angel L- Year 6

Second Prize: Brody Schofield-Year 4

Third Prize: Tilly Bowman-Year 2

Trinitarian Term 4 Week 10

Trinity Catholic Primary School Ph: 02 6386 2111 Fax: 02 6386 3053 Website: www.trinitym.nsw.edu.au Email: [email protected] Date: 15th December, 2017