TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard Esther Jansma a,b , Peter W. Brewer *,c , Ivo Zandhuis d a National Heritage Agency, Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE), Amersfoort, The Netherlands b Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands c The Malcolm and Carolyn Wiener Laboratory for Aegean and Near Eastern Dendrochronology, B-48 Goldwin Smith Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853-3201 USA d Ivo Zandhuis Research & Consultancy for digital access to cultural information, Haarlem, The Netherlands Abstract Tree-ring research and collaboration are currently being hampered by the lack of a suitable data-transfer standard for both data and metadata. This paper highlights the issues currently being faced and proposes a solution that, if adopted by the global dendro community, will open up the possibility of exciting new research collaborations. The solution consists of a data model for dendrochronological data and metadata, and an eXtensible Markup Language (XML) schema as a technical vehicle to exchange this data and metadata. The technology and structure of the standard enables future versions to be developed that will satisfy evolving requirements whilst remaining backwards compatible. 1. Introduction This article is intended as a starting point for the de- velopment of a universal data standard (Tree-Ring Data Standard or TRiDaS) that we hope will be adopted by the dendro community for exchanging dendrochronologi- cal data and metadata between applications and users. It is a summary of the discussions to date held by the Den- dro Data Standard Forum 1 and members of the Digital Collaboratory for Cultural-Historical Dendrochronology 2 (DCCD). The Dendro Data Standard Forum is an infor- mal open email forum created by Brewer in November 2007 in order to facilitate the discussion about dendrochrono- logical data formats. The DCCD project is directed at building a durable and sustainable data archive for cultural and natural dendrochronological data relevant to cultural- heritage studies in the Low Countries. By the end of 2010 the archive will be accessible on line for data providers, who can individually determine which data they share among each other, researchers from other fields and with members of the public. Some general descriptive meta- data such as laboratories and research locations will be publicly available through the DCCD. The development of a tree-ring data standard is part of the project. 1.1. The Challenges The file formats commonly used today for storing and sharing tree-ring data were established at a time when computing platforms placed considerable restrictions on the designers in terms of file size, naming and structure. * Corresponding author: [email protected] 1 The Dendro Data Standard Forum is open to all new partici- pants and can be joined by contacting the corresponding author. 2 See http://www.dendrochronology.eu for further details. These early file formats are typically focused on storing ring-width measurements and have only limited capabili- ties for storing associated metadata. The existing data formats used, whilst relatively simple to understand, have not been formally defined. This has led to a number of independent implementations resulting in some applications failing to read files that are reported to be of a compatible format as well as general problems regarding the interchangeability of data. The most widely used format is the Tucson format, developed at the Laboratory for Tree-Ring Research (Uni- versity of Arizona). This is a decadal plain-text format required by a wide variety of dendrochronological software and by the International Tree-Ring Data Bank (ITRDB) (Grissino-Mayer and Fritts, 1997). The Tucson format al- lows for three lines of metadata, such as coordinates, an- alyst and tree species. However, it does not allow the registration of sapwood numbers and missing rings to the bark (which is a requirement in cultural studies directed at establishing cutting dates of wood) and of annual growth anomalies. In addition it can not accommodate chronolo- gies older than 999bc because it uses a fixed number of dig- its for the identification of series (first column; six digits) and the year (second column; four digits). A final draw- back is that this format reckons with the non-existing year zero, meaning that in chronologically coherent datasets of measurement series that date bc as well as ad, either the bc or the ad intervals of series are shifted one year relative to their actual date. Another important legacy format is that created by the CATRAS software (Aniol, 1983) which runs in DOS- environments and is still used widely in Europe. It is a binary file format which means that, unlike plain text files, CATRAS files can not be accessed by simple text editors Preprint submitted to Elsevier November 30, 2009

TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard

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Page 1: TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard

TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard

Esther Jansmaa,b, Peter W. Brewer∗,c, Ivo Zandhuisd

aNational Heritage Agency, Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE), Amersfoort, The NetherlandsbFaculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

cThe Malcolm and Carolyn Wiener Laboratory for Aegean and Near Eastern Dendrochronology, B-48 Goldwin Smith Hall, CornellUniversity, Ithaca NY 14853-3201 USA

dIvo Zandhuis Research & Consultancy for digital access to cultural information, Haarlem, The Netherlands


Tree-ring research and collaboration are currently being hampered by the lack of a suitable data-transfer standard forboth data and metadata. This paper highlights the issues currently being faced and proposes a solution that, if adoptedby the global dendro community, will open up the possibility of exciting new research collaborations. The solution consistsof a data model for dendrochronological data and metadata, and an eXtensible Markup Language (XML) schema asa technical vehicle to exchange this data and metadata. The technology and structure of the standard enables futureversions to be developed that will satisfy evolving requirements whilst remaining backwards compatible.

1. Introduction

This article is intended as a starting point for the de-velopment of a universal data standard (Tree-Ring DataStandard or TRiDaS) that we hope will be adopted bythe dendro community for exchanging dendrochronologi-cal data and metadata between applications and users. Itis a summary of the discussions to date held by the Den-dro Data Standard Forum1 and members of the DigitalCollaboratory for Cultural-Historical Dendrochronology2

(DCCD). The Dendro Data Standard Forum is an infor-mal open email forum created by Brewer in November 2007in order to facilitate the discussion about dendrochrono-logical data formats. The DCCD project is directed atbuilding a durable and sustainable data archive for culturaland natural dendrochronological data relevant to cultural-heritage studies in the Low Countries. By the end of 2010the archive will be accessible on line for data providers,who can individually determine which data they shareamong each other, researchers from other fields and withmembers of the public. Some general descriptive meta-data such as laboratories and research locations will bepublicly available through the DCCD. The developmentof a tree-ring data standard is part of the project.

1.1. The ChallengesThe file formats commonly used today for storing and

sharing tree-ring data were established at a time whencomputing platforms placed considerable restrictions onthe designers in terms of file size, naming and structure.

∗Corresponding author: [email protected] Dendro Data Standard Forum is open to all new partici-

pants and can be joined by contacting the corresponding author.2See http://www.dendrochronology.eu for further details.

These early file formats are typically focused on storingring-width measurements and have only limited capabili-ties for storing associated metadata.

The existing data formats used, whilst relatively simpleto understand, have not been formally defined. This hasled to a number of independent implementations resultingin some applications failing to read files that are reportedto be of a compatible format as well as general problemsregarding the interchangeability of data.

The most widely used format is the Tucson format,developed at the Laboratory for Tree-Ring Research (Uni-versity of Arizona). This is a decadal plain-text formatrequired by a wide variety of dendrochronological softwareand by the International Tree-Ring Data Bank (ITRDB)(Grissino-Mayer and Fritts, 1997). The Tucson format al-lows for three lines of metadata, such as coordinates, an-alyst and tree species. However, it does not allow theregistration of sapwood numbers and missing rings to thebark (which is a requirement in cultural studies directed atestablishing cutting dates of wood) and of annual growthanomalies. In addition it can not accommodate chronolo-gies older than 999bc because it uses a fixed number of dig-its for the identification of series (first column; six digits)and the year (second column; four digits). A final draw-back is that this format reckons with the non-existing yearzero, meaning that in chronologically coherent datasets ofmeasurement series that date bc as well as ad, either thebc or the ad intervals of series are shifted one year relativeto their actual date.

Another important legacy format is that created bythe CATRAS software (Aniol, 1983) which runs in DOS-environments and is still used widely in Europe. It is abinary file format which means that, unlike plain text files,CATRAS files can not be accessed by simple text editors

Preprint submitted to Elsevier November 30, 2009

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and standard desktop applications. Using the CATRASsoftware, it is possible to convert these files to the Tucson-format; however, this introduces a number of issues. Withseries that date bc, the conversion process adds 8000 yearsto the date. The CATRAS format requires eight-digitidentifiers for series, which clashes with the six-digit iden-tifiers required by the Tucson format. Whilst it does allowfor registration of sapwood numbers and a very generalregistration of growth anomalies (problematic rings), thisinformation is lost when series are converted to the Tuc-son format. The facility to store descriptions of samples(context etc.) in CATRAS is restricted to one short line.

The use of some other older data formats is re-stricted to specific collaboration networks and/or researchprojects. One of these is the decadal plain-text Besançonformat(Lambert and Lavier, 1984), developed by BesançonUniversity and the French National Centre for ScientificResearch (CNRS) and currently used in France and east-ern Belgium.3 This format again is mostly directed atstoring time series (measurement series and chronologies)and hardly allows for metadata. Another is the V-format,a decadal plain-text format developed at Göttingen Uni-versity (DE) which was used as the prevailing format formeasurement series of oak in past EU projects regardingclimatic change during the past two to ten millennia.4 Interms of metadata this format has the same restrictions asthe Besançon format.

With the rapid development of computers the restric-tions regarding the storage of metadata and within-ringinformation have largely been removed, leading a numberof independent developers to create new formats to en-able a more comprehensive form of dendro-data storage.A good example is the decadal plain-text Heidelberg for-mat, created for the commercial software-package TSAP(Rinn, 2008). In this format individual measurement se-ries and their metadata are stored in keyword-value pairs.The number and type of metadata keywords is variable anddetermined by the author of the series. Another good ex-ample is the PAST format created for the PAST commer-cial software (Knibbe, 2008) which also allows for manytypes of metadata. These proprietary data formats, how-ever, mean that users are typically tied to specific software.Data sharing between computer programs and/or users ispossible only by exporting to one of the more primitive fileformats with a subsequent loss of information.

In summary, dendrochronologists are maintaining largeamounts of dendrochronological data and metadata in avariety of incompatible formats. Conversion between these

3See for example the Base de Données dendrochronologiquesof the Laboratoire de Chrono-Ecologie at Besançon (FR),at http://chrono-eco.univ-fcomte.fr/Public/DataBases/DendroTmp/DData/.

4EU projects “Temperature change over Northern Eurasia duringthe last 2500 years” (EU contract number CV5V-CT94-0050, 1994-1996) and “Analysis of dendrochronological variability and naturalclimates in Eurasia: the last 10,000 years” (ENV4-CT95-0127, 1996-1998).

formats often requires the renaming of series (changingidentifiers) and loss of metadata and chronological preci-sion. These formatting problems are time consuming andthe result is that dendrochronologists do not utilise theirdata to the greatest potential.

As a solution we propose an international registrationand archiving standard for dendrochronological data andmetadata that is suited for storing metadata regardlessof the research domain, complies with established digitaldata standards such as Dublin Core (see section 2.4), isself-explanatory and can be maintained and updated rel-atively easily without loss of existing information alreadystored in this standard. One of the challenges in designingthis standard is the wide variety of sub-disciplines withindendrochronology, each with its own requirements.5 Thestandard must therefore be flexible enough to deal with awide variety of data requirements.

1.2. AimsThe primary aim is to produce a specification for a new

standard data format that will:

1. facilitate exchange and therefore re-use of data;2. store metadata to determine the context, provenance

and quality of the data;3. store the wide variety of metadata required by all the

disciplines associated with the dendro community,including archaeology, forestry, ecology, art history,building history and palaeo-climatology.

The standard is a data-transfer standard and does notdefine mechanisms for data storage. Whilst files that con-form to the standard could be used for storing data, it isenvisaged that many users will choose to store their datain (relational) databases instead, using the standard solelyfor transferring data. The distinction between a data-transfer standard as opposed to a data-storage standardis minimal but worth emphasising. The proposed TRiDaSformat does not specifically include fields that are relevantonly to the author (e.g., administrative data such as con-tact details of the client who commissioned the research).Such information should be stored locally and should notform part of the data transferred to other users.

Many of the concepts described in this document willbe directly relevant to the design of a database manage-ment system for dendro data, but this is beyond the scopeof this document. We are strictly concerned with produc-ing a standard data format that can be used to transferdata between any combination of servers, clients, users andapplications.

5For example, the type of metadata stored by a researcher work-ing on modern forest dynamics is dramatically different from the typeof metadata recorded by an archaeologist dating hull planks from ashipwreck.


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Figure 1: TRiDaS data model showing the relationships betweendata entities.

2. Design

2.1. Naming conventionsBefore discussing the technologies to be used for a den-

drochronological data standard, it is necessary to definethe primary data entities that are used in the dendro com-munity and to give them consistent names. From discus-sions held on the Dendro Data Standard Forum it wasclear that there are currently no set definitions across thecommunity and that in some cases different labs are us-ing the same name for different concepts. For example,the word “measurement” is used by some to refer to themeasurement of a single ring width, whilst others use it torefer to the series of ring-width measurements of an entirepiece of wood.

Following discussion, a total of eight data entities andnames were decided upon: project, object, element, sam-

ple, radius, measurementSeries, derivedSeries and value.Detailed descriptions of each of these entities are givenbelow and their relationships are illustrated in figure 1.

A project is defined by a laboratory and encompassesdendrochronological research of a particular objector group of objects. Examples include: the dating ofa building; the research of forest dynamics in a standof living trees; the dating of all Rembrandt paintingsin a museum. What is considered a “project” is up tothe laboratory performing the research. It could bethe dating of a group of objects, but the laboratorycan also decide to define a separate project for eachobject. Therefore, a project can have one or moreobjects associated with it.

An object is the item to be investigated. Examples in-clude: violin; excavation site; painting on a woodenpanel; water well; church; carving; ship; forest. Anobject could also be more specific, for example: mastof a ship; roof of a church. Depending on the ob-ject type various descriptions are made possible. Anobject can have one or more elements and can alsorefer to another (sub) object. For instance a sin-gle file may contain three objects: an archaeologicalsite object, within which there is a building object,within which there is a beam object. The list of pos-sible object types is extensible and is thus flexibleenough to incorporate the diversity of data requiredby the dendro community. Only information that isessential for dendrochronological research is recordedhere. Other related data may be provided in the formof a link to an external database such as a museumcatalogue.

An element is a piece of wood originating from a singletree. Examples include: one plank of a water well; asingle wooden panel in a painting; the left-hand backplate of a violin; one beam in a roof; a tree trunkpreserved in the soil; a living tree. The element is aspecific part of exactly one object or sub object. Anobject will often consist of more than one element,e.g., when dealing with the staves (elements) of abarrel (object). One or more samples can be takenfrom an element and an element may be dated usingone or more derivedSeries.

A sample is a physical specimen or non-physical repre-sentation of an element. Examples include: corefrom a living tree; core from a rafter in a church roof;piece of charcoal from an archaeological trench; slicefrom a pile used in a pile foundation; wax imprintof the outer end of a plank; photo of a back plateof a string instrument. Note that a sample alwaysexists and that it can either be physical (e.g. a core)or representative (e.g. a picture). A sample is takenfrom exactly one element and can be represented byone or more radii.


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A radius is a line from pith to bark along which the mea-surements are taken. A radius is derived from ex-actly one sample. It can be measured more thanonce resulting in multiple measurementSeries.

A measurementSeries is a series of direct, raw mea-surements along a radius. A single measure-mentSeries can be standardised or a collection ofmeasurementSeries can be combined into a derived-Series. The measurements themselves are stored sep-arately as values.

A derivedSeries is a calculated series of values and isa minor modification of the “v-series” concept pro-posed by Brewer et al. (2009). Examples include:index; average of a collection of measurementSeriessuch as a chronology. A derivedSeries is derived fromone or more measurementSeries and has multiple val-ues associated with it.

A value is the result of a single ring measurement. Ex-amples include: total ring width; earlywood width;latewood width. The values are related to a measure-mentSeries or a derivedSeries. In case of a measure-mentSeries the variable and its measurement unit(e.g. microns, 1/100th mm etc) are recorded as well.

To place the TRiDaS data model in the context of den-drochronological research, table 1 shows three examplesand how they map to the data model. Each example isof a raw measurement series and, for simplicity’s sake, in-cludes just three data values each. In reality there wouldbe the same number of values for each example as therecorded number of tree rings.

2.2. Relationship RulesThe relationships between the TRiDaS data entities are

shown in figure 1. This is the complete data model design,but not all entities are utilised in all circumstances. WhilstTRiDaS is intended to be as flexible as possible, a numberof relationship rules have been defined to ensure that thedata remain useful to other users:

1. A minimal file should contain at least one “project,”which must include at least one “object.” It is there-fore not necessary to include actual dendro data ina file. This property allows the use of the standardfor storing only the metadata about objects, as wellas for storing data.

2. If a derivedSeries has been included in the file,then radius and measurementSeries also need to bepresent. In certain cases, details regarding radiiand/or measurementSeries are not known, in whichcase empty “placeholder” data entities need to be in-cluded. These are XML elements containing no at-tributes that go in place of the standard radius andmeasurementSeries sections.

3. If a measurementSeries has not been included in thefile, then the radius represented by the measure-mentSeries can not be included either.

2.3. Data AttributesThe data entities described thus far represent the build-

ing blocks of the data standard. The majority of the den-drochronological metadata will however be represented bya wealth of attributes associated with these entities. Fromthe examples in table 1, the beam element of example 1may include the type of joint the carpenter used; the treeelement of example 2 may have a diameter at breast height;and the plank element of example 3 may include details ofhow the plank was cut from the tree.

The type and value of attributes used in the standardwill undoubtedly expand over time. However, we wouldlike to define and standardise as many attributes as pos-sible from the outset, to ensure applications can be builtthat can make use of as much dendrochronological meta-data as possible. The current list of proposed attributesfor each data entity is shown in tables 2–9. Note the use ofmedial capitals or “camelCase” in all attribute and data-entity names.

2.4. Utilising Existing StandardsSome of the types of data that need to be stored in the

tree-ring data standard are part of already existing datastandards. Existing standards will be utilised whereverpossible in order to reduce the burden of designing, main-taining and implementing the tree-ring standard. Withregards dendrochronological terminology, the standard fol-lows the terms of Kaennel and Schweingruber (1995) wher-ever possible.

An important established data standard is Dublin Core(DCMI Usage Board, 2008). This standard for shar-ing metadata across domains is primarily used in the li-brary community. Although Dublin Core does not provideenough flexibility to store all TRiDaS metadata, it is thebasis behind the “object” portion of TRiDaS.

All geography data within TRiDaS conform to theOpen Geospatial Consortium6 (OGC) Geography MarkupLanguage (GML) specification (Cox et al., 2004). GMLis a well established and very extensive standard for de-scribing geographical features. Only a small portion ofthe comprehensive GML specification is required in Tri-DaS. Therefore TriDaS only uses specific GML-elements,in particular gml:Point and gml:Polygon.

Standardisation of the value of attributes is essentialif the potential of the data standard is to be fully re-alised. The vocabulary of the data attributes in TRiDaSshould use existing thesauri and databases where appro-priate. These include: the Art & Architecture Thesaurus(Getty Vocabulary Program, 2008) and published glos-saries of discipline-related terminology for the functionaldescription of objects and elements; Species 2000 and ITISCatalogue of Life for taxonomy (the naming of tree speciesand subspecies)(Bisby et al., 2008); national registrationsystems for the spatial identification of objects, such as the



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Table 1: Three examples of data that have been transformed to the TRiDaS data model. Note that in these examples a maximum of onesub-object has been shown, but the data model can accommodate any number required by the user. In addition, only three data values areshown for each example whereas in reality there would be the same number of values for each example as the recorded number of tree rings.

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

laboratory Cornell Tree-Ring Laboratory Laboratory of Tree-RingResearch, Arizona

The Netherlands Centre forDendrochronology RING

project Aegean Dendrochronology NSF PaleoclimatologyATM-0551986

Western Australian Museum

object White Tower, Thessaloniki Sheep Mountain VOC ship Batavia

(sub) object Fourth Floor - Hull

element Rafter 15S Tree SHP910 Plank

sample Section TWT-65 Core A BAT6068B

radius A 1 1

measurementSeries Ring widths in1/100mm units

Ring widths inmicron units

Ring widths in1/100mm units

values 1001 = 54 1001 = 354 1001 = 981002 = 111 1002 = 414 1002 = 981003 = 71 1003 = 284 1003 = 91. . . . . . . . .

Dutch systems ARCHIS (which identifies and geograph-ically records all archaeological research in the Nether-lands) and the “Objectendatabank” (which identifies anddescribes all national monuments (buildings)). For sub-ject areas where suitable multi-lingual glossaries do notcurrently exist, they will be developed further as part ofthe DCCD project (cultural terms) and released to thecommunity as part of TRiDaS.

2.5. Identification of Dendro Data InstancesIdentification codes within and between files will enable

a researcher to identify homologous data instances. For in-stance in table 1 example 1, a second file containing thedata for a second beam would include the identifying codefor the floor, allowing the researcher to keep track of thefact that the two files contain data from the same build-ing. To cope with the possibility that different labs mayuse the same identifier to represent different data entities,a domain or namespace attribute is used that uniquelyidentifies the laboratory that produced this data.

3. Implementing TRiDaS in an XML-file

The data standard needs to meet the requirements ofdendrochronology, as well as some more technical require-ments. TRiDaS should be:

1. adaptable, in order to accommodate future data-storage needs which at this point in time are notyet envisaged or required;

2. simple and open, to ensure that all users and devel-opers can access the data and produce tools capableof reading and manipulating the data;

3. capable of using any character sets, so that users canstore metadata in the language of their choosing;

4. accessible to computers running any operating sys-tem.

Discussions held in early 2008 soon led to the consensusthat eXtensible Markup Language (XML) was the logicalchoice for the new data standard. XML has been widelyadopted by both the research community and computingindustry as the most suitable language for data sharing. Itenables data to be stored in a highly structured way whilstat the same time remaining “human readable,” as it is justa specialised form of text file. As its name suggests it isextensible, allowing the community to update the spec-ification of the format whilst maintaining both forwardand backward compatibility with applications. Examplesof TRiDaS XML files are available in electronic form athttp://www.tridas.org.

An important issue when implementing a new file for-mat is how to ensure that files comply to the new stan-dard. Fortunately, this is a relatively simple task withXML files, thanks to XML schemas. Schemas are machine-processable specifications which define the structure andsyntax of metadata specifications in a formal schema lan-guage. Hence XML schemas are documents that program-matically describe the structure, attributes and rulesets ofthe format and can be used to automatically validate files.Such a schema includes the names of the data entities (asdescribed in section 2.1), the rules governing the relation-ships between these entities (as described in section 2.2and figure 1), the attributes that are mandatory (as listedin tables 2–9), and restrictions on the types of data storedin each attribute. The complete TRiDaS XML schema isshown in appendix B.


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3.1. Future development, flexibility and extensibilityWhilst we are confident that the standard fields out-

lined in the tables of appendix A will encompass the needsof many dendrochronologists, it is inevitable that addi-tional fields will be necessary. These may include fieldsnot identified by the authors as well as future requirementsthat have not yet been envisaged. Attempts have beenmade to include representatives from all sub disciplinesof dendrochronology in the design process, however, themajority of contributors (see section 5) are from an ar-chaeological and cultural dendrochronology background.This has resulted in this first version of TRiDaS beingmore complete for these sub disciplines than for others.It is hoped that over time, additional contributors willjoin this initiative and help develop the standard in theseunder-represented areas. The inherent extensibility ofXML makes this evolution of the standard possible, butrequires users to propose new fields, make agreements andwait for a new version of the schema to be published, aprocess that is likely to take some time.

Whilst users wait for new standard fields to be agreedupon, they can make use of the genericField tags that areprovided within the TRiDaS standard. These fields encodethe field name and type of data as attributes in the XMLtag which makes it easy for software to access the dataeven if the precise meaning of the data is not clear.

An additional purpose of the genericField tag is toguide the future development of the TRiDaS standard.Users are encouraged to submit their genericField defini-tions to the TRiDaS website. Generic fields that are usedby multiple members of the community will be promotedto full standardised fields periodically when updates tothe TRiDaS schema are released. Therefore, in most casesthese generic tags will be a temporary solution that canbe used until the schema is updated and the data can bestored in a standardised and more transparent form.

3.2. From TRiDaS 1.0 to TRiDaS 1.1The first test of TRiDaS’ flexibility was encountered

after submitting this article for review. Studying the com-ments of the reviewer gave us the opportunity to evaluatewhat was then called “TRiDaS 1.0”. It being an open stan-dard, TRiDaS was then altered, taking into account ideasfrom the Dendro Data Standard Forum and first experi-ences implementing the standard. We therefore presentversion 1.1 in this paper.

4. Conclusion

Dendrochronological research at present is hamperedby the existence of many different digital data formatsand the resulting need for data conversion when accessingspecific analytical software. In addition it is hampered bya lack of uniform registration of metadata as well as bythe non-sustainability of metadata during conversion.

The XML-based standard TRiDaS has been designedto fill this gap. It is an internationally approved registra-tion and archiving standard for dendrochronological dataand metadata that complies with established digital datastandards such as Dublin Core, is suited for storing meta-data regardless of the research domain, is self-explanatoryand can be maintained and upgraded without loss of dataand metadata already stored in this format. The presentedversion 1.1 is the first of what over time will develop intoa series of consecutive TRiDaS versions. Based on inputfrom the dendrochronological community TRiDaS will bedeveloped further. We invite all dendrochronologists toevaluate TRiDaS 1.1 through the Dendro Data StandardForum (see footnote 1) in the light of their specific researchand archiving practices.

The current version will be used both by the DCCDand its participating laboratories (see acknowledgements)and The Malcolm and Carolyn Wiener Laboratory forAegean and Near Eastern Dendrochronology at CornellUniversity. This ensures that in 2010, after completionof the DCCD, these US- and Europe-based data archivescan be linked and in theory (depending on the access re-strictions defined by the data owners) become searchablethrough the internet. We are confident that this will stim-ulate research collaborations across national borders andeven continents, will improve international funding of suchresearch and will stimulate the development of softwareapplications based on the new digital standard.

5. Acknowledgements

Whilst this document has been compiled by the namedauthors, a total of 75 dendrochronologists, users of den-drochronology and computing scientists from 13 countrieshave contributed to its design. During 2008 the contrib-utors have been: Andy Bunn (US), Bruce Bauer (US),Kimmie Beal (US), Franco Biondi (US), Remi Brageu(FR), Paul Copini (NL), Parveen Chhetri (NP), SarahCremer (BE), Sjoerd van Daalen (NL), Marta Dominguez(NL), Pascale Fraiture (BE), Jerry Greer (US), WayneHamilton (MX), Kristof Haneca (BE), Patrick Hoffsum-mer (BE), Eric Keeling (US), Menne Kosian (NL), Bern-hard Knibbe (AT), Peter Kuniholm (US), Georges Lam-bert (FR), Lars-Åke Larsson (SE), Catherine Lavier (FR),Lucas Madar (US), Sturt Manning (US), Tom Melvin(US), Martin Munro (US), Erhard Preßler (DE), MatthewSalzer (US), Ute Sass-Klaassen (NL), Jiangeng Shi (CN),Kit Sturgeon (US), Elaine Sutherland (US), Willy Tegel(DE), Ronald Visser (NL), Nancy Voorhis (US), YardeniVorst (NL), Dirk de Vries (NL), Milco Wansleeben (NL),Tomasz Wazny (PL), Ronald Wiemer (NL) and ConnieWoodhouse (US).

In the Netherlands and Belgium the first ideas aboutdendro data standards were formulated in 2007 duringworkshops attended by, as well as interviews and e-mailcontacts with, archaeologists, building historians, art his-torians and geoscientists including dendrochronologists.


Page 7: TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard

The work of 2008 has in part been based on the results.Contributors in 2007 who also contributed in 2008 arelisted above. Others who contributed ideas are: Nico Arts(NL), Reinier Baarsen (NL), Henk Berendsen (NL), OttoBrinkkemper (NL), Jan van Doesburg (NL), Paul van Duin(NL), Sébastien Durost (FR), Jerôme Eeckhout (BE),Harry Fokkens (NL), Michael Friedrich (DE), PatrickGassmann (CH), Bas van Geel (NL), Bert Groenewoudt(NL), Cathy Groves (GB), Elsemiek Hanraets (NL), WimHoek (NL), Luc Lourens (NL), Martijn Manders (NL), Al-ice Overmeer (NL), Hans Peeters (NL), Theo Spek (NL),Benno Ridderhof (NL), Pauline van Rijn (NL), Albert Re-instra (NL), Nico Roymans (NL), Burghart Schmidt (DE),Esther Stouthamer (NL), Tamara Vernimmen (NL), ArieWallert (NL), Henk Weerts (NL) and Ernst van de Weter-ing (NL).

The work on data standards could not have been donewithout financial support from the following institutions:

• The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Re-search (NWO) section Humanities finances theDutch DCCD project (2008-2010). In 2008 NWOfinanced three international meetings in Amersfoort(NL) dedicated to the development of dendro datastandards, as well as the work on these standards byIvo Zandhuis.

• The Malcolm and Carolyn Wiener Laboratory forAegean and Near Eastern Dendrochronology and theCollege of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University, arefunding the work by Peter Brewer, Lucas Madar, KitSturgeon and Tomasz Wazny on data standards.

• The Cultural Heritage Agency (NL) is funding thework by Esther Jansma and Ronald Wiemer on datastandards.

A variety of organisations sponsored the developmentof the data standards in 2008 in smaller ways, by allowingtheir dendrochronologists to attend the data-model work-shops sponsored by NWO. These are:

• The Netherlands Centre for DendrochronologyRING (Stichting RING; Amersfoort, NL)

• Research Bureau BAAC BV (OnderzoeksbureauBouwhistorie, Archeologie, Architectuur- en Cultu-urhistorie (BAAC; Deventer, NL))

• Wageningen University, Forest Ecology and ForestManagement Group (Wageningen, NL)

• University of Liège, Centre Européend’Archéométrie, Laboratoire de Dendrochronologie(Liège, BE)

• Vlaams Instituut voor het Onroerend Erfgoed(VIOE; Brussels, BE)

• The Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (IR-PAKIK; Brussels, BE)

• Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Museésde France (C2RMF; Paris, FR)

• Dendronet (Freiburg, DE)

• Preßler GmbH Planung und Bauforschung (Gersten-am-Ems, DE)

Finally we would like to thank an anonymous reviewerfor commenting on v1.0 of this standard and an earlierdraft of this article.


Aniol, R., 1983. Tree-ring analysis using CATRAS. Dendrochronolo-gia 1, 45–53.

Bisby, F., Roskov, Y., Orrell, T., Nicolson, D., Paglinawan, L., Bailly,N., Kirk, P., Bourgoin, T., van Hertum, J., 2008. Species 2000 andITIS Catalogue of Life: 2008 Annual Checklist CD-ROM. Species2000, Reading, UK.

Brewer, P., Sturgeon, K., Madar, L., Manning, S., 2009. Anew approach to dendrochronological data management. Den-drochronologia.

Cox, S., Daisey, P., Lake, R., Portelle, C., Whiteside, A., 2004.OpenGIS Geography Markup Language (GML) implementationspecification version 3.1. Open Geospatial Consortium.URL http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact\_id=4700

DCMI Usage Board, 2008. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI)metadata terms.URL http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/

Getty Vocabulary Program, 2008. Art & Architecture Thesaurus(AAT). J. Paul Getty Trust, Vocabulary Program 1988-, Los An-geles.URL http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/vocabularies/aat/

Grissino-Mayer, H., Fritts, H., 1997. The international tree-ring databank: an enhanced global database serving the global scientificcommunity. The Holocene 7 (2), 235–238.

Kaennel, M., Schweingruber, F. H., 1995. Multilingual Glossary ofDendrochronology: Terms and Definitions in English, German,French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Russian. Swiss FederalInstitute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Bermensdorf.Paul Haupt Publishers, Berne.

Knibbe, B., 2008. PAST4 - Personal Analysis System for TreeringResearch version 4.5. SCIEM.URL http://www.sciem.com/

Lambert, G., Lavier, C., 1984. Dendrochronologie. Les Nouvelles del’Archéologie 18, 44–47.

Rinn, F., 2008. TSAP-Win. Rinntech, Heidelberg.


Page 8: TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard

A. Data Attribute Dictionaries

Table 2: Details of the attributes available for projects.

Definition Mandatory Repeatable Usage Notes

title Name of the project Y NidentifierValue Laboratory project identification such as a re-

port numberY N Must be unique in combination

with laboratorycreatedTimestamp Date and time that this record was created N NlastModifiedTimestamp Date and time that this record was last modi-

fiedN N

type Examples include: dating, provenance, wood-technology, vegetation reconstruction, climatestudy

Y Y Ideally value should be takenfrom a controlled vocabulary.Examples are given in section2.4

description More information about purposes of the den-drochronological research


file Results of the project in digital files N Y Link to separate file(s)laboratory Name of the dendrochronological research lab-

oratoryY Y

category Former vegetation, archaeology, building his-tory, ship’s archaeology, art/furniture, actualvegetation

Y N Ideally value should be takenfrom a controlled vocabulary.Examples are given in section2.4

investigator Principal investigator Y N If unknown then value must bestated explicitly ‘unknown’

period When the dendrochronological project tookplace

Y N Could consist of a start- andend-date. If unknown it shouldbe estimated

requestDate Date of the request for dendrochronology N N If unknown it should be esti-mated.

commissioner Commissioner N N Person and/or institutereference Dendrochronological publications N Y Bibliographical description of

publicationresearchIdentifierDomain National or international system in which the

research project is registeredN Y Must be unique in combination

with research_idresearchIdentifierValue National or international registration of re-

search: registration numberN Y Must be unique in combination

with researchIdentifierDomain


Page 9: TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard

Table 3: Details of the attributes available for objects.

Definition Mandatory Repeatable Usage Notes

title Individual name (such as the name of a ship,building or painting)


identifier Inventory number. Equivalent to Dublin Coreelement “identifier”


identifierDomain Inventory system N NcreatedTimestamp Date and time that this record was created N NlastModifiedTimestamp Date and time that this record was last modi-

fiedN N

type Functional description: building (church,house etc.) water well, painting, musical in-strument (and type), ship (and type), type offorest

Y N Ideally value should be takenfrom a controlled vocabulary.Examples are given in section2.4

description More elaborate description of the object it-self; this could include important character-istics which are mainly domain specific. Forexample in building history “type of joints” ordimensions of the object


linkSeries Reference to a derivedSeries which is a combi-nation of measurements of this object


file Digital pictures; word-docs; excelsheets; maps;files with geo-measurements


creator Name, place of the workshop/wharf N Nowner Owner of object N NcoverageTemporal If the date is already known in more or less

detail: historical period (broad). Equivalentto Dublin Core term “temporal”

N N When an object can not bedated, a date can be estimatedusing for instance stylisticproperties or stratigraphycoverageTemporal-

FoundationDating support (e.g. archive sources, inscrip-tions, stratigraphic context, associated finds,typology, stylistic aspects, carpenter marks,radiocarbon, OSL, other methods)


locationGeometry Objects in situ: coordinates point or polygon.Equivalent to Dublin Core term “spatial”

N N Point or polygon ideally inWGS84.

locationType One of: Growth location; Location of use(static); Location of use (mobile); Current lo-cation; Manufacture location

N N For example, point taken fromcenter or corner of area, whichcorner

locationPrecision Stores potential difference; number of metersdifference, so 0 is exact.


locationComment Extra information N N For example, point taken fromcenter or corner of area, whichcorner


Page 10: TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard

Table 4: Details of the attributes available for element.

Definition Mandatory Repeatable Usage Notes

title Name of the element Y Nidentifier External registration-number, find number,

codeN N

identifierDomain Domain from which the identifierValue was is-sued


createdTimestamp Date and time that this record was created N NlastModifiedTimestamp Date and time that this record was last modi-

fiedN N

type Functional term of the part of the object N Ndescription Other information about the element N NlinkSeries Reference to a derivedSeries which is a combi-

nation of measurements of this elementN Y

file drawings or pictures of the element; positionin the object


taxon The most detailed taxonomic name known:species, genus, family etc

Y N Ideally the value should betaken from the Catalogue ofLife. See section 2.4

shape Shape of element - used primarily for beams N N Ideally value should be takenfrom a controlled vocabulary.Examples are given in section2.4

dimensions Dimensions of element. Depending on the typeof element this can include one or more of thefollowing: diameter; height; width; depth

N N When the element is a tree,this would likely contain heightand diameter but in most othercases it is likely to containheight, width and depth

unit SI-units used for the dimensions N Nauthenticity Original/repair/later addition N NlocationGeometry See table 3 N NlocationType See table 3 N NlocationPrecision See table 3 N NlocationComment See table 3 N Nprocessing Processing (carved, sawn etc.) rafting marks N Nmarks Carpenter marks, inscriptions N Naltitude Altitude in metres if this element is a live tree

in situN N

slopeAngle Angle of slope from horizontal in degrees N NslopeAzimuth Angle in degrees from north along which the

slope liesN N

soilDescription General description of soil type N NsoilDepth Depth of soil in centimetres N NbedrockDescription General description of the underlying bedrock N N

Table 5: Details of the attributes available for sample.

Definition Mandatory Repeatable Usage Notes

title Name of the sample Y Nidentifier Unique sample identifier N NidentifierDomain Domain from which the identifier-value was is-

suedN N

createdTimestamp Date and time that this record was created N NlastModifiedTimestamp Date and time that this record was last modi-

fiedN N

type Method that was used to take a sample fromthe element


description More information about the sampling N Nfile Digital photo or scanned image N YsamplingDate Year of dendrochronological sampling N NsamplingDateCertainty Certainty of the date of sampling N Nposition Position of sample in element N Nstate State of material (dry/wet/conserved/burned,

woodworm, rot, cracks) things that indicatethe quality of the measurements.


knots Presence of knots N N


Page 11: TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard

Table 6: Details of the attributes available for radius.

Definition Mandatory Repeatable Usage Notes

title Name of the radius Y Nidentifier Unique radius identifier N NidentifierDomain Domain from which the identifierValue was is-

suedN N

createdTimestamp Date and time that this record was created N NlastModifiedTimestamp Date and time that this record was last modi-

fiedN N

pith Whether pith is present or absent Y Nheartwood Whether present of absentmissingHeartwoodRings-ToPith

Estimated number of missing heartwood ringsto the pith



Description of the way the estimation wasmade and certainty


sapwood One of: n/a; absent; complete; incomplete Y NmissingSapwoodRings-ToBark

Estimated number of missing sapwood rings tothe bark



Description of the way the estimation wasmade and certainty


nrOfSapwoodRings Number of measured sapwood rings N NlastRingUnderBark Information about the last rings under the

barkN N If the last ring under the bark

is present, include informationabout the completeness of thisring and/or season of felling.

bark Bark present/absent Y Nazimuth Angle in degrees from north along which this

radius liesN N


Page 12: TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard

Table 7: Details of the attributes available for measurementSeries.

Definition Mandatory Repeatable Usage Notes

title Name of the measurementSeries Y Nidentifier Unique measurementSeries identifier N NidentifierDomain Domain from which the identifierValue was is-

suedN N

createdTimestamp Date and time that this record was created N NlastModifiedTimestamp Date and time that this record was last modi-

fiedN N

analyst Name of the analyst that made the series N Ndendrochronologist Name of the dendrochronologist that oversaw

the analystN N

measuringMethod What method was used to measure Y Ncomments More information about the series N Nusage How the series is used, for instance in which

chronologyN N

usageComments Comments by later users on quality of series N Yvariable Measured variable (ring-width, earlywood,

latewood etc)Y N

firstYear Year of the first measured ring. This is derivedfrom the chronology that was used to date thisseries

N N Not to be confused withsproutYear. A suffix of BC,AD or BP should be used.

datingReference Chronology used to interpret the measurement N NstatValue Statistical value used to support match with

chronologyN Y

statType Type of statistic used to support match withchronology


significanceLevel Significance of statistical match with thechronology


sproutYear Estimated year that the tree sprouted N N A suffix of BC, AD or BP maybe used otherwise value is as-sumed to be a signed integerrepresenting BC/AD year.

usedSoftware Software used to perform the statistical matchwith the chronology


deathYear Estimated year of death of the tree N N A suffix of BC, AD or BP maybe used otherwise value is as-sumed to be a signed integerrepresenting BC/AD year.

provenance Estimated provenance derived from the match-ing chronology



Page 13: TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard

Table 8: Details of the attributes available for derivedSeries.

Definition Mandatory Repeatable Usage Notes

title Name of the derivedSeries Y Nidentifier Unique derivedSeries identifier N NidentifierDomain Domain from which the identifierValue was is-

suedN N

createdTimestamp Date and time that this record was created N NlastModifiedTimestamp Date and time that this record was last modi-

fiedN N

type Type, e.g. chronology, object curve Y YlinkSeries Series from which this series was derived Y Yobjective The reason/rationale why this series was made N NstandardizingMethod Numerical method used to standardise the se-

riesN N

author Author N Nversion Version number N Ncomments See table 7 N Nusage See table 7 N NusageComments See table 7 N YfirstYear See table 7 N NdatingReference See table 7 N NstatValue See table 7 N YstatType See table 7 N YsignificanceLevel See table 7 N YsproutYear See table 7 N NusedSoftware See table 7 N YdeathYear See table 7 N Nprovenance See table 7 N NextentGeometry Geographical extent that the derivedSeries

coversN N

extentComment Comments on the geographical extent N N

Table 9: Details of the attributes available for value.

Definition Mandatory Repeatable Usage Notes

index Alphanumeric code to identify the sequentialposition of the value, e.g. nr1001, nr1002 etc.

Y N To avoid confusion with years,the index should have a prefixof “nr”

value The actual value being recorded Y Nremark Remark about this ring. A controlled vocabu-

lary can be used to standardise important re-marks such as ’fire damage’, ’frost damage’ etc


count Number of underlying values that contributeto this value

N N Only applicable to values asso-ciated with derivedSeries


Page 14: TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard

B. TRiDaS XML Schema

<?xml ve r s i on=" 1 .0 " encoding="UTF−8"?><!−−TRiDaS 1.1 : Tree−Ring Data Standard fo r dendrochronologySee h t t p : //www. t r i d a s . org/ f o r :− more informat ion− contac t in format ion− l a t e s t ve r s i on

Version da t e : 2009−03−17

This XML Schema i s a v a i l a b l e under LGPLv3more informat ion on h t t p : //www. gnu . org/ l i c e n s e s / l g p l . html

∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗−−><xs:schema xmlns=" h t tp : //www. t r i d a s . org /1 .1 " xmlns :xs=" h t tp : //www.w3 . org /2001/XMLSchema" xmlns :x l ink="

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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% GLOBAL TYPES%%%%%%%%%%%%%% −−>

<!−− contro l l edVoc −−><xs:complexType name=" cont ro l l edVoc ">

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</ x s : e x t en s i on></ xs : s impleContent>

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</ xs : s impleContent></xs:complexType><xs : e l ement name="createdTimestamp" type="dateTime"/><xs : e l ement name=" lastModif iedTimestamp" type="dateTime"/><xs:complexType name="date ">

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<x s : a t t r i b u t e name=" c e r t a i n t y " type=" c e r t a i n t y " use=" op t i ona l "/></ x s : e x t en s i on>

</ xs : s impleContent></xs:complexType>


Page 15: TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard

<xs:complexType name=" year "><xs : s impleContent>

<xs : e x t en s i on base=" x s : p o s i t i v e I n t e g e r "><x s : a t t r i b u t e name=" c e r t a i n t y " type=" c e r t a i n t y " use=" op t i ona l "/><x s : a t t r i b u t e name=" s u f f i x " use=" r equ i r ed ">

<xs:s impleType><x s : r e s t r i c t i o n base=" x s : s t r i n g ">

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</ x s : r e s t r i c t i o n></xs:s impleType>

</ x s : a t t r i b u t e></ x s : e x t en s i on>

</ xs : s impleContent></xs:complexType><!−− l i n k S e r i e s −−><xs : e l ement name=" l i n k S e r i e s ">

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</ x s : c h o i c e></xs:complexType>

</ xs : e l ement><!−− type −−><xs : e l ement name=" type" type=" cont ro l l edVoc "/><!−− de s c r i p t i on −−><xs : e l ement name=" d e s c r i p t i o n " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− t i t l e −−><xs : e l ement name=" t i t l e " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− i d e n t i f i e r −−><xs : e l ement name=" i d e n t i f i e r ">

<xs:complexType><xs : s impleContent>

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</ x s : e x t en s i on></ xs : s impleContent>

</xs:complexType></ xs : e l ement><!−− ex t en t −−><xs : e l ement name=" extent ">

<xs:complexType><xs : s equence>

<xs : e l ement r e f="extentGeometry"/><xs : e l ement r e f="extentComment" minOccurs="0"/>

</ xs : s equence></xs:complexType>

</ xs : e l ement><xs : e l ement name="extentGeometry">

<xs:complexType><xs : s equence>

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</xs:complexType></ xs : e l ement><xs : e l ement name="extentComment" type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− l o c a t i on −−><xs : e l ement name=" l o c a t i o n ">

<xs:complexType><xs : s equence>


Page 16: TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard

<xs : e l ement r e f=" locat ionGeometry "/><xs : e l ement r e f=" locat ionType " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" l o c a t i o nP r e c i s i o n " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" locationComment" minOccurs="0"/>

</ xs : s equence></xs:complexType>

</ xs : e l ement><xs : e l ement name=" locat ionGeometry ">

<xs:complexType><x s : c h o i c e>

<xs : e l ement r e f=" gml:Point "/><xs : e l ement r e f="gml:Polygon"/>

</ x s : c h o i c e></xs:complexType>

</ xs : e l ement><xs : e l ement name=" locat ionType " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><xs : e l ement name=" l o c a t i o nP r e c i s i o n " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><xs : e l ement name=" locationComment" type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− f i l e −−><xs : e l ement name=" f i l e ">

<xs:complexType><x s : a t t r i b u t e r e f=" x l i n k : h r e f " use=" r equ i r ed "/>

</xs:complexType></ xs : e l ement><!−− gener i c f i e l d −−><xs : e l ement name=" g en e r i cF i e l d ">

<xs:complexType><xs : s impleContent>

<xs : e x t en s i on base=" x s : s t r i n g "><x s : a t t r i b u t e name="name" use=" r equ i r ed "/><x s : a t t r i b u t e name=" type" use=" op t i ona l "/>

</ x s : e x t en s i on></ xs : s impleContent>

</xs:complexType></ xs : e l ement><!−−

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ROOT%%%%%%%%%%%%%% −−>

<xs : e l ement name=" t r i d a s "><xs:complexType>

<xs : s equence><xs : e l ement r e f=" p r o j e c t " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

</ xs : s equence></xs:complexType>

</ xs : e l ement><!−−

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PROJECT%%%%%%%%%%%%%% −−>

<xs : e l ement name=" p r o j e c t "><xs:complexType>

<xs : s equence><xs : e l ement r e f=" t i t l e "/><xs : e l ement r e f=" i d e n t i f i e r " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f="createdTimestamp" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" lastModif iedTimestamp" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" type" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" d e s c r i p t i o n " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" f i l e " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" l abo ra to ry " maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" category "/><xs : e l ement r e f=" i n v e s t i g a t o r "/><xs : e l ement r e f=" per iod "/><xs : e l ement r e f=" requestDate " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" commissioner " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" r e f e r e n c e " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" r e s ea r ch " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" g en e r i cF i e l d " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" ob j e c t " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" d e r i v e dS e r i e s " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


Page 17: TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard

</ xs : s equence></xs:complexType>

</ xs : e l ement><!−− PROJECT. t i t l e ( g l o b a l type )−−><!−− PROJECT. i d e n t i f i e r ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− PROJECT. createdTimestamp ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− PROJECT. lastModif iedTimestamp ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− PROJECT. l a bo ra t o ry −−><xs : e l ement name=" l abo ra to ry ">

<xs:complexType><xs : s equence>

<xs : e l ement r e f=" i d e n t i f i e r " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f="name"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" p lace "/><xs : e l ement r e f=" country "/>

</ xs : s equence></xs:complexType>

</ xs : e l ement><xs : e l ement name="name">

<xs:complexType><xs : s impleContent>

<xs : e x t en s i on base=" x s : s t r i n g "><x s : a t t r i b u t e name="acronym" use=" op t i ona l "/>

</ x s : e x t en s i on></ xs : s impleContent>

</xs:complexType></ xs : e l ement><xs : e l ement name=" p lace " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><xs : e l ement name=" country " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− PROJECT. type ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− PROJECT. category −−><xs : e l ement name=" category ">


<xs : e x t en s i on base=" cont ro l l edVoc "><x s : a t t r i b u t e name="normalTridas ">

<xs:s impleType><x s : r e s t r i c t i o n base=" x s : s t r i n g ">

<xs:enumerat ion value=""/></ x s : r e s t r i c t i o n>

</xs:s impleType></ x s : a t t r i b u t e>

</ x s : e x t en s i on></xs:complexContent>

</xs:complexType></ xs : e l ement><!−− PROJECT. i n v e s t i g a t o r −−><xs : e l ement name=" i n v e s t i g a t o r " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− PROJECT. per iod −−><xs : e l ement name=" per iod " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− PROJECT. de s c r i p t i on ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− PROJECT. reques tDate −−><xs : e l ement name=" requestDate " type="date "/><!−− PROJECT. commissioner −−><xs : e l ement name=" commissioner " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− PROJECT. re f e r ence −−><xs : e l ement name=" r e f e r e n c e " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− PROJECT. f i l e ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− PROJECT. research −−><xs : e l ement name=" r e s ea r ch ">

<xs:complexType><xs : s equence>

<xs : e l ement r e f=" i d e n t i f i e r "/><xs : e l ement r e f=" d e s c r i p t i o n "/>

</ xs : s equence></xs:complexType>

</ xs : e l ement><!−− PROJECT. gene r i cF i e l d ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−−

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% OBJECT


Page 18: TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%−−><xs : e l ement name=" ob j e c t ">

<xs:complexType><xs : s equence>

<xs : e l ement r e f=" t i t l e "/><xs : e l ement r e f=" i d e n t i f i e r " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f="createdTimestamp" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" lastModif iedTimestamp" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" type"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" d e s c r i p t i o n " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" l i n k S e r i e s " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" f i l e " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" c r e a t o r " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f="owner" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" coverage " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" l o c a t i o n " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" g en e r i cF i e l d " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" ob j e c t " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" element " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

</ xs : s equence></xs:complexType>

</ xs : e l ement><!−− OBJECT. t i t l e ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− OBJECT. i d e n t i f i e r ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− OBJECT. createdTimestamp ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− OBJECT. lastModif iedTimestamp ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− OBJECT. type ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− OBJECT. de s c r i p t i on ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− OBJECT. l i n k S e r i e s ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− OBJECT. f i l e ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− OBJECT. crea tor −−><xs : e l ement name=" c r e a t o r " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− OBJECT. owner −−><xs : e l ement name="owner" type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− OBJECT. coverage −−><xs : e l ement name=" coverage ">

<xs:complexType><xs : s equence>

<xs : e l ement r e f=" coverageTemporal "/><xs : e l ement r e f=" coverageTemporalFoundation"/>

</ xs : s equence></xs:complexType>

</ xs : e l ement><xs : e l ement name=" coverageTemporal " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><xs : e l ement name=" coverageTemporalFoundation" type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− OBJECT. l o c a t i on ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− OBJECT. gene r i cF i e l d ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−−

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ELEMENT%%%%%%%%%%%%%%−−>

<xs : e l ement name=" element "><xs:complexType>

<xs : s equence><xs : e l ement r e f=" t i t l e "/><xs : e l ement r e f=" i d e n t i f i e r " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f="createdTimestamp" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" lastModif iedTimestamp" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" type" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" d e s c r i p t i o n " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" l i n k S e r i e s " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" f i l e " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" taxon"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" shape" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" dimensions " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" au th en t i c i t y " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" l o c a t i o n " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" p ro c e s s i ng " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f="marks" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" a l t i t u d e " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" s l ope " minOccurs="0"/>


Page 19: TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard

<xs : e l ement r e f=" s o i l " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f="bedrock" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" g en e r i cF i e l d " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" sample" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

</ xs : s equence></xs:complexType>

</ xs : e l ement><!−− ELEMENT. t i t l e ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− ELEMENT. i d e n t i f i e r ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− ELEMENT. createdTimestamp ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− ELEMENT. lastModif iedTimestamp ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− ELEMENT. type ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− ELEMENT. l i n k S e r i e s ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− ELEMENT. f i l e ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− ELEMENT. taxon −−><xs : e l ement name=" taxon">


<xs : e x t en s i on base=" cont ro l l edVoc "><x s : a t t r i b u t e name="normalTridas ">

<xs:s impleType><x s : r e s t r i c t i o n base=" x s : s t r i n g ">

<xs:enumerat ion value=""/></ x s : r e s t r i c t i o n>

</xs:s impleType></ x s : a t t r i b u t e>

</ x s : e x t en s i on></xs:complexContent>

</xs:complexType></ xs : e l ement><!−− ELEMENT. shape −−><xs : e l ement name=" shape">


<xs : e x t en s i on base=" cont ro l l edVoc "><x s : a t t r i b u t e name="normalTridas ">

<xs:s impleType><x s : r e s t r i c t i o n base=" x s : s t r i n g ">

<xs:enumerat ion value=""/></ x s : r e s t r i c t i o n>

</xs:s impleType></ x s : a t t r i b u t e>

</ x s : e x t en s i on></xs:complexContent>

</xs:complexType></ xs : e l ement><!−− ELEMENT. dimensions −−><xs : e l ement name=" dimensions ">

<xs:complexType><xs : s equence>

<xs : e l ement r e f=" un i t "/><x s : c h o i c e>

<xs : s equence><xs : e l ement name="diameter " type=" xs :dec ima l "/><xs : e l ement name=" he ight " type=" xs :dec ima l "/>

</ xs : s equence><xs : s equence>

<xs : e l ement name=" he ight " type=" xs :dec ima l "/><xs : e l ement name="width" type=" xs :dec ima l "/><xs : e l ement name="depth" type=" xs :dec ima l "/>

</ xs : s equence></ x s : c h o i c e>

</ xs : s equence></xs:complexType>

</ xs : e l ement><!−− ELEMENT. a u t h en t i c i t y −−><xs : e l ement name=" au th en t i c i t y " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− ELEMENT. l o c a t i on ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− ELEMENT. d e s c r i p t i on ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− ELEMENT. p roces s ing −−><xs : e l ement name=" p ro c e s s i ng " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/>


Page 20: TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard

<!−− ELEMENT. marks −−><xs : e l ement name="marks" type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− ELEMENT. a l t i t u d e −−><xs : e l ement name=" a l t i t u d e " type=" xs :doub l e "/><!−− ELEMENT. s l ope −−><xs : e l ement name=" s l ope ">

<xs:complexType><xs : s equence>

<xs : e l ement name=" ang le " type=" x s : i n t e g e r " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement name="azimuth" type=" x s : i n t e g e r " minOccurs="0"/>

</ xs : s equence></xs:complexType>

</ xs : e l ement><!−− ELEMENT. s o i l −−><xs : e l ement name=" s o i l ">

<xs:complexType><xs : s equence>

<xs : e l ement name=" d e s c r i p t i o n " type=" x s : s t r i n g " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement name="depth" type=" xs :doub l e " minOccurs="0"/>

</ xs : s equence></xs:complexType>

</ xs : e l ement><!−− ELEMENT. bedrock −−><xs : e l ement name="bedrock">

<xs:complexType><xs : s equence>

<xs : e l ement name=" d e s c r i p t i o n " type=" x s : s t r i n g " minOccurs="0"/></ xs : s equence>

</xs:complexType></ xs : e l ement><!−− ELEMENT. g ene r i cF i e l d ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−−

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SAMPLE%%%%%%%%%%%%%%−−>

<xs : e l ement name=" sample"><xs:complexType>

<xs : s equence><xs : e l ement r e f=" t i t l e "/><xs : e l ement r e f=" i d e n t i f i e r " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f="createdTimestamp" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" lastModif iedTimestamp" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" type"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" d e s c r i p t i o n " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" f i l e " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" samplingDate" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" po s i t i o n " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" s t a t e " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" knots " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" g en e r i cF i e l d " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><x s : c h o i c e>

<xs : e l ement r e f=" rad iu s " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" rad iu sP la c eho lde r " minOccurs="0"/>

</ x s : c h o i c e></ xs : s equence>

</xs:complexType></ xs : e l ement><!−− SAMPLE. t i t l e ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− SAMPLE. i d e n t i f i e r ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− SAMPLE. createdTimestamp ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− SAMPLE. lastModif iedTimestamp ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− SAMPLE. type ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− SAMPLE. d e s c r i p t i on ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− SAMPLE. f i l e ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− SAMPLE. samplingDate −−><xs : e l ement name=" samplingDate" type="date "/><!−− SAMPLE. po s i t i on −−><xs : e l ement name=" po s i t i o n " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− SAMPLE. s t a t e −−><xs : e l ement name=" s t a t e " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− SAMPLE. knots −−>


Page 21: TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard

<xs : e l ement name=" knots " type=" xs :boo l ean "/><!−− SAMPLE. gene r i cF i e l d ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−−

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% RADIUS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%−−>

<xs : e l ement name=" rad iu s "><xs:complexType>

<xs : s equence><xs : e l ement r e f=" t i t l e "/><xs : e l ement r e f=" i d e n t i f i e r " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f="createdTimestamp" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" lastModif iedTimestamp" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" p i th "/><xs : e l ement r e f="heartwood"/><xs : e l ement r e f="sapwood"/><xs : e l ement r e f="bark"/><xs : e l ement r e f="azimuth" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" g en e r i cF i e l d " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xs : e l ement r e f="measurementSeries " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

</ xs : s equence></xs:complexType>

</ xs : e l ement><!−− RADIUS. t i t l e ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− RADIUS. i d e n t i f i e r ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− RADIUS. createdTimestamp ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− RADIUS. lastModif iedTimestamp ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− RADIUS. p i t h −−><xs : e l ement name=" p i th ">

<xs:complexType><x s : a t t r i b u t e name=" presence " use=" r equ i r ed ">

<xs:s impleType><x s : r e s t r i c t i o n base=" x s : s t r i n g ">

<xs:enumerat ion value=" pre sent "/><xs:enumerat ion value=" absent "/>

</ x s : r e s t r i c t i o n></xs:s impleType>

</ x s : a t t r i b u t e></xs:complexType>

</ xs : e l ement><!−− RADIUS. azimuth −−><xs : e l ement name="azimuth" type=" xs :dec ima l "/><!−− RADIUS. heartwood −−><xs : e l ement name="heartwood">

<xs:complexType><xs : s equence>

<xs : e l ement r e f="missingHeartwoodRingsToPith" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f="missingHeartwoodRingsToPithFoundation" minOccurs="0"/>

</ xs : s equence><x s : a t t r i b u t e name=" presence " use=" r equ i r ed "/>

</xs:complexType></ xs : e l ement><xs : e l ement name="missingHeartwoodRingsToPithFoundation" type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><xs : e l ement name="missingHeartwoodRingsToPith" type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− RADIUS. sapwood −−><xs : e l ement name="sapwood">

<xs:complexType><xs : s equence>

<xs : e l ement r e f="nrOfSapwoodRings" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" lastRingUnderBark" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f="missingSapwoodRingsToBark" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f="missingSapwoodRingsToBarkFoundation" minOccurs="0"/>

</ xs : s equence><x s : a t t r i b u t e name=" presence " use=" r equ i r ed ">

<xs:s impleType><x s : r e s t r i c t i o n base=" x s : s t r i n g ">

<xs:enumerat ion value="not app l i c ab l e "/><xs:enumerat ion value=" absent "/><xs:enumerat ion value=" complete "/><xs:enumerat ion value=" incomplete "/>

</ x s : r e s t r i c t i o n>


Page 22: TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard

</xs:s impleType></ x s : a t t r i b u t e>

</xs:complexType></ xs : e l ement><xs : e l ement name="nrOfSapwoodRings" type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><xs : e l ement name=" lastRingUnderBark" type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><xs : e l ement name="missingSapwoodRingsToBarkFoundation" type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><xs : e l ement name="missingSapwoodRingsToBark" type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− RADIUS. bark −−><xs : e l ement name="bark">

<xs:complexType><x s : a t t r i b u t e name=" presence " use=" r equ i r ed ">

<xs:s impleType><x s : r e s t r i c t i o n base=" x s : s t r i n g ">

<xs:enumerat ion value=" pre sent "/><xs:enumerat ion value=" absent "/>

</ x s : r e s t r i c t i o n></xs:s impleType>

</ x s : a t t r i b u t e></xs:complexType>

</ xs : e l ement><!−− RADIUS. g ene r i cF i e l d ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− RADIUS−PLACEHOLDER −−><xs : e l ement name=" rad iu sP la c eho lde r ">

<xs:complexType><xs : s equence>

<xs : e l ement r e f=" measurementSer iesPlaceho lder "/></ xs : s equence>

</xs:complexType></ xs : e l ement><!−−

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MEASUREMENTSERIES%%%%%%%%%%%%%%−−>

<xs : e l ement name="measurementSeries "><xs:complexType>

<xs : s equence maxOccurs="unbounded"><xs : e l ement r e f=" t i t l e "/><xs : e l ement r e f=" i d e n t i f i e r " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f="createdTimestamp" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" lastModif iedTimestamp" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" ana ly s t " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" dendrochrono log i s t " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f="measuringMethod"/><xs : e l ement r e f="comments" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f="usage " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f="usageComments" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><x s : c h o i c e minOccurs="0">

<xs : e l ement r e f=" i n t e r p r e t a t i o n "/><xs : e l ement r e f=" in t e rp r e ta t i onUnso lv ed "/>

</ x s : c h o i c e><xs : e l ement r e f=" g en e r i cF i e l d " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" va lue s " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

</ xs : s equence><x s : a t t r i b u t e name=" id " type=" xs : ID "/>

</xs:complexType></ xs : e l ement><!−− MEASUREMENTSERIES. t i t l e ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− MEASUREMENTSERIES. i d e n t i f i e r ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− MEASUREMENTSERIES. createdTimestamp ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− MEASUREMENTSERIES. lastModif iedTimestamp ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− MEASUREMENTSERIES. ana l y s t −−><xs : e l ement name=" ana ly s t " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− MEASUREMENTSERIES. dendrochrono log i s t −−><xs : e l ement name=" dendrochrono log i s t " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− MEASUREMENTSERIES. measuringMethod −−><xs : e l ement name="measuringMethod">


<xs : e x t en s i on base=" cont ro l l edVoc "><x s : a t t r i b u t e name="normalTridas ">


Page 23: TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard

<xs:s impleType><x s : r e s t r i c t i o n base=" x s : s t r i n g ">

<xs:enumerat ion value=""/></ x s : r e s t r i c t i o n>

</xs:s impleType></ x s : a t t r i b u t e>

</ x s : e x t en s i on></xs:complexContent>

</xs:complexType></ xs : e l ement><!−− MEASUREMENTSERIES. measuringDate −−><xs : e l ement name="measuringDate" type="date "/><!−− MEASUREMENTSERIES. comments −−><xs : e l ement name="comments" type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− MEASUREMENTSERIES. usage −−><xs : e l ement name="usage " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− MEASUREMENTSERIES. usageComments −−><xs : e l ement name="usageComments" type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− MEASUREMENTSERIES. g ene r i cF i e l d ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− MEASUREMENTSERIES. i n t e r p r e t a t i o n −−><xs : e l ement name=" i n t e r p r e t a t i o n ">

<xs:complexType><xs : s equence>

<xs : e l ement r e f=" f i r s tY e a r " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" dat ingRe fe rence " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" statFoundat ion " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" sproutYear " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" usedSoftware " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f="deathYear" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f="provenance " minOccurs="0"/>

</ xs : s equence></xs:complexType>

</ xs : e l ement><xs : e l ement name=" dat ingRe fe rence ">

<xs:complexType><xs : s equence>

<xs : e l ement r e f=" l i n k S e r i e s "/></ xs : s equence>

</xs:complexType></ xs : e l ement><xs : e l ement name=" f i r s tY e a r " type=" year "/><xs : e l ement name=" statFoundat ion ">

<xs:complexType><xs : s equence>

<xs : e l ement r e f=" statValue "/><xs : e l ement r e f=" type"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" s i g n i f i c a n c eL e v e l " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" usedSoftware "/>

</ xs : s equence></xs:complexType>

</ xs : e l ement><xs : e l ement name=" statValue " type=" xs :dec ima l "/><xs : e l ement name=" s i g n i f i c a n c eL e v e l " type=" xs :dec ima l "/><xs : e l ement name=" usedSoftware " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><xs : e l ement name=" sproutYear " type=" year "/><xs : e l ement name="deathYear" type=" year "/><xs : e l ement name="provenance " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− MEASUREMENTSERIES. in t e rp re t a t i onUnso l v ed −−><xs : e l ement name=" in t e rp r e ta t i onUnso lv ed " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− MEASUREMENTSSERIES−PLACEHOLDER −−><xs : e l ement name=" measurementSer iesPlaceho lder ">

<xs:complexType><x s : a t t r i b u t e name=" id " type=" xs : ID " use=" r equ i r ed "/>

</xs:complexType></ xs : e l ement><!−−

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DERIVEDSERIES%%%%%%%%%%%%%% −−>

<xs : e l ement name=" d e r i v e dS e r i e s "><xs:complexType>


Page 24: TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard

<xs : s equence><xs : e l ement r e f=" t i t l e "/><xs : e l ement r e f=" i d e n t i f i e r " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f="createdTimestamp" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" lastModif iedTimestamp" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" type"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" l i n k S e r i e s " maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" ob j e c t i v e " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" standardiz ingMethod " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" author " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" ve r s i on " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f="comments" minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f="usage " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f="usageComments" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><x s : c h o i c e minOccurs="0">

<xs : e l ement r e f=" i n t e r p r e t a t i o n "/><xs : e l ement r e f=" in t e rp r e ta t i onUnso lv ed "/>

</ x s : c h o i c e><xs : e l ement r e f=" extent " minOccurs="0"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" g en e r i cF i e l d " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xs : e l ement r e f=" va lue s " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

</ xs : s equence><x s : a t t r i b u t e name=" id " type=" xs : ID "/>

</xs:complexType></ xs : e l ement><!−− DERIVEDSERIES. t i t l e ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− DERIVEDSERIES. i d e n t i f i e r ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− DERIVEDSERIES. createdTimestamp ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− DERIVEDSERIES. lastModif iedTimestamp ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− DERIVEDSERIES. type ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− DERIVEDSERIES. o b j e c t i v e −−><xs : e l ement name=" ob j e c t i v e " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− DERIVEDSERIES. standardiz ingMethod −−><xs : e l ement name=" standardiz ingMethod " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− DERIVEDSERIES. author −−><xs : e l ement name=" author " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− DERIVEDSERIES. ve r s i on −−><xs : e l ement name=" ve r s i on " type=" x s : s t r i n g "/><!−− DERIVEDSERIES. l i n k S e r i e s ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− DERIVEDSERIES. der iva t ionDate −−><xs : e l ement name=" der ivat ionDate " type="date "/><!−− DERIVEDSERIES. usedSoftware ( de f ined at MEASUREMENTSERIES. i n t e r p r e t a t i o n ) −−><!−− DERIVEDSERIES. g ene r i cF i e l d ( g l o b a l type ) −−><!−− DERIVEDSERIES. i n t e r p r e t a t i o n ( de f ined at MEASUREMENTSERIES) −−><!−− DERIVEDSERIES. in t e rp r e t a t i onUnso l v ed ( de f ined at MEASUREMENTSERIES) −−><!−−%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% VALUES%%%%%%%%%%%%%% −−><xs : e l ement name=" va lue s ">

<xs:complexType><xs : s equence>

<x s : c h o i c e><xs : s equence>

<xs : e l ement r e f=" va r i ab l e "/><xs : e l ement r e f=" un i t "/>

</ xs : s equence><xs : e l ement r e f=" u n i t l e s s "/>

</ x s : c h o i c e><xs : e l ement r e f=" value " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

</ xs : s equence></xs:complexType>

</ xs : e l ement><!−− VALUES. v a r i a b l e −−><xs : e l ement name=" va r i ab l e ">


<xs : e x t en s i on base=" cont ro l l edVoc "><x s : a t t r i b u t e name="normalTridas ">

<xs:s impleType><x s : r e s t r i c t i o n base=" x s : s t r i n g ">


Page 25: TRiDaS 1.1: The tree-ring data standard

<xs:enumerat ion value="Ring width"/><xs:enumerat ion value="Earlywood width"/><xs:enumerat ion value="Latewood width"/><xs:enumerat ion value="Ring dens i ty "/><xs:enumerat ion value="Earlywood dens i ty "/><xs:enumerat ion value="Latewood dens i ty "/><xs:enumerat ion value="Maximum dens i ty "/><xs:enumerat ion value="Latewood percent "/>

</ x s : r e s t r i c t i o n></xs:s impleType>

</ x s : a t t r i b u t e></ x s : e x t en s i on>


</ xs : e l ement><!−− VALUES. un i t −−><xs : e l ement name=" un i t ">


<xs : e x t en s i on base=" cont ro l l edVoc "><x s : a t t r i b u t e name="normalTridas ">

<xs:s impleType><x s : r e s t r i c t i o n base=" x s : s t r i n g ">

<xs:enumerat ion value="micrometres "/><xs:enumerat ion value="1/100 th m i l l ime t r e s "/><xs:enumerat ion value="1/10 th m i l l ime t r e s "/><xs:enumerat ion value=" m i l l ime t r e s "/><xs:enumerat ion value=" cent imet r e s "/><xs:enumerat ion value="metres "/>

</ x s : r e s t r i c t i o n></xs:s impleType>

</ x s : a t t r i b u t e></ x s : e x t en s i on>


</ xs : e l ement><!−− VALUES. u n i t l e s s ( i s empty by d e f i n i t i o n ) −−><xs : e l ement name=" u n i t l e s s ">

<xs:complexType/></ xs : e l ement><!−− VALUES. va lue −−><xs : e l ement name=" value ">

<xs:complexType><xs : s equence>

<xs : e l ement r e f="remark" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/></ xs : s equence><x s : a t t r i b u t e name=" value " type=" x s : s t r i n g " use=" r equ i r ed "/><x s : a t t r i b u t e name=" index " type=" x s : s t r i n g " use=" r equ i r ed "/><x s : a t t r i b u t e name=" count" type=" x s : i n t e g e r " use=" op t i ona l "/>

</xs:complexType></ xs : e l ement><!−− VALUES. remark −−><xs : e l ement name="remark">


<xs : e x t en s i on base=" cont ro l l edVoc "><x s : a t t r i b u t e name="normalTridas ">

<xs:s impleType><x s : r e s t r i c t i o n base=" x s : s t r i n g ">

<xs:enumerat ion value=" Fi re damage"/><xs:enumerat ion value="Frost damage"/><xs:enumerat ion value="Crack"/><xs:enumerat ion value=" Fal se r ing ( s ) "/><xs:enumerat ion value="Compression wood"/><xs:enumerat ion value="Tension wood"/><xs:enumerat ion value="Traumatic ducts "/><xs:enumerat ion value=" Unspec i f i ed i n j u ry "/>

</ x s : r e s t r i c t i o n></xs:s impleType>

</ x s : a t t r i b u t e></ x s : e x t en s i on>


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</ xs : e l ement></xs:schema>